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Science Quiz (True or False)

1. True or false? Electrons are larger than molecules.

2. True or false? The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.
3. True or false? The chemical make up food often changes when you cook it.
4. True or false? Sharks are mammals.
5. True or false? The human body has four lungs.
6. True or false? Atoms are most stable when their outer shells are full.
7. True or false? Filtration separates mixtures based upon their particle size.
8. True or false? Venus is the closest planet to the Sun.
9. True or false? Conductors have low resistance.
10. True or false? Molecules can have atoms from more than one chemical element.
11. True or false? Water is an example of a chemical element.
12. True or false? The study of plants is known as botany.
13. True or false? Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in the world.
14. True or false? Floatation separates mixtures based on density.
15. True or false? Herbivores eat meat.
16. True or false? Atomic bombs work by atomic fission.
17. True or false? Molecules are chemically bonded.
18. True or false? Spiders have six legs.
19. True or false? Kelvin is a measure of temperature.
20. True or false? The human skeleton is made up of less than 100 bones.

True or False Quiz Answers

1. False 2. False - Pacific Ocean 3. True 4. False - Fish
5. False - 2 6. True 7. True 8. False - Mercury
9. True 10. True 11. False 12. True
13. False - Mount Everest 14. True 15. False 16. True
17. True 18. False - 8 19. True 20. False - 206

Geography Quiz
Name _______________________________________ Date ____________________________

1. What is the name of the biggest ocean on Earth?____________________________________

2. By area, what is the biggest state in the USA?______________________________________

3. What is the capital city of Australia?_______________________________________________

4. Stratus, cumulus, cirrus and nimbus are types of what? _______________________________

5. What is the name of a person who studies earthquakes?_______________________________

6. In which country would you find the Leaning Tower of Pisa? ____________________________

7. What is the name of the highest mountain on Earth? _________________________________

8. Helsinki is the capital city of which country? ________________________________________

9. True or false? The Yangtze is the longest river in the world. ____________________________

10. The terms 'breeze' and 'gale' help describe the speed of what? _________________________

Score: ________ / 10

Geography Quiz Answers (not on printable version)

1. The Pacific Ocean

2. Alaska

3. Canberra
4. Clouds

5. A seismologist

6. Italy

7. Mt Everest

8. Finland

9. False

10. Wind

Quizz : 3 (SCIENCE)

Name ________________ Date ________________

1. What is the name of the closest star to Earth?

2. What does your heart pump?


3. Which is heavier, gold or silver?


4. True or false? Sound is faster than

light. ____________________________________________

5. Arachnophobia is the fear of what?


6. What is the second element on the periodic table of

elements? _________________________

7. True or false? Nitrogen is the main element found in the air we

breathe. ___________________

8. What is the chemical symbol of

silicon? ____________________________________________

9. True or false? Ice sinks in

water. ____________________________________________

10. What is the name of a person who studies

weather? _________________________________

Score: ________ / 10
Science Quiz Answers (not on printable version)
1. The Sun

2. Blood

3. Gold

4. False

5. Spiders

6. Helium

7. True

8. Si

9. False

10. A meteorologist
Countries Quiz
Finish the sentences by matching countries with the correct answers.

1. Koalas and kangaroos are found in ____________________________

2. The Sphinx is found in ______________________________________

3. The Statue of Liberty is found in ______________________________

4. The Eiffel Tower is found in __________________________________

5. The city of Tokyo is found in _________________________________

6. The Parthenon is found in ___________________________________

7. Kiwi birds are found in ______________________________________

8. Stonehenge is found in _____________________________________

9. The city of Moscow is found in _______________________________

10. The Taj Mahal is found in ___________________________________

Countries Quiz Answers (not on printable version)
1. Koalas and kangaroos are found in Australia.

2. The Sphinx is found in Egypt.

3. The Statue of Liberty is found in USA.

4. The Eiffel Tower is found in France.

5. The city of Tokyo is found in Japan.

6. The Parthenon is found in Greece.

7. Kiwi birds are found in New Zealand.

8. Stonehenge is found in England.

9. The city of Moscow is found in Russia.

10. The Taj Mahal is found in India.

1 Apakah nama bunga kebangsaan?
Bunga Raya

2 Bunga kebangsaan mempunyai berapa kelopak?

5 kelopak

3 Bendera negeri Pahang mempunyai berapa warna dan nyatakan warna

bendera tersebut?
2 – Putih dan Hitam

4 Lagu kebangsaan Negara kita ialah lagu ?


5 Bilakah Malaysia Merdeka?

31 OGOS 1957

6 Bilakah tarikh Hari Malaysia di sambut?


7 Berapakah Jalur yang terdapat pada Bendera Malaysia?


8 Lengkapkan lirik lagu ini.(Lagu Jalur Gemilang)

Merah mu bara semangat waja,

Putihmu bersih budi pekerti,
Kuning berdaulat payung Negara,
Biru ……………………

Biru perpaduan kami semua.

9 Lengkapkan lirik lagu ini.(Lagu Jalur Gemilang)

Empat belas melintang jalurnya

Semua negeri dalam Malaysia
Satu suara satu semangat

Itu sumpah warga berdaulat

10 Dalam bendera Malaysia, ada berapa bucu yang ada pada bintang?


1 Namakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama?
TUNKU Abdul Rahman Putra Al-haj

2 Apakah nama bendera Malaysia?

Jalur Gemilang

3 Nyatakan Ibu negeri bagi Sarawak?


4 Nyatakan gelaran bagi negeri Kelantan ?

Kelantan Darul Naim

5 Warna kuning yang ada pada Jalur Gemilang melambangkan……

Warna diraja

6 Nyatakan maksud anak bulan dan bintang dalam bendera Malaysia?

Agama Islam agama rasmi Negara

7 Saya mempunyai 3 jalur, yang bewarna putih, kuning dan hitam.

Siapakah saya?

8 Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak adalah Perdana Menteri Malaysia
yang ke?

9 Apakah Tema hari kemerdekaan yang ke 54?

Transformasi berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera

10 __A__ dibina untuk memperingati pejuang-pejuang yang gugur semasa

mempertahankan negara kita. Apakah A?
Tugu negara

11 Siapakah Angkasawan Malaysia yang pertama ?

Dr. Sheikh Muzafar

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