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Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati Telp.(024) 7499375 Semarang 50229


Tugas Mandiri

NAMA : Reno Yuriansyah

NIM : 4411415020

MATA KULIAH : Mikrobiologi Lingkungan

Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 6 Juni 2018

1. Pada Lingkungan tanah, kebanyakan mikrobia terasosiasi di bagian

permukaan. BENAR atau SALAH. Berikan penjelasan
 BENAR, karena mikroba membutuhkan nutrient untuk menjalankan hidupnya,
sedangkan nutrient yang dibutuhkan oleh mikroba itu lebih banyak berada di
permukaan tanah dibandingkan di dalam tanah serta kadar air pada permukaan
tanah biasanya lebih banyak karena langsung terkena air hujan dan lebih dekat
dengan udara yang banyajk mengandung mikro dan makro nutrient yang sangat
dibutuhkan oleh mikroorganisme.

2. Jelaskan mengapa akar tumbuhan , insekta, Nematoda, merupakan bagian

tanah yang penting.
 terdapat simbiosis mutulasme antara akar tumbuhan, insekta, nematoda dengan
tanah. sebagai contoh seperti kelompok cacing nematoda yaitu cacing tanah,
cacing ini dapat menyburkan tanah serta menggemborkan dan memberikan
suatu zat untuk meningkatkan kesuburan dari tanah, lalu akar tumbuhan dapat
berasosiasi dengan mikroba untuk memperkaya nutrient seperti Nitrogen yang
didapat dari udara dan insekta merupakan bagian yang penting karena kelompok
hewan ini mempunyai peran sebagai aerasi tanah, contohnya jangkrik.
3. What is one of the first principles of soil microbiology ?

 seluruh mikroba yang hidup dan tinggal ditanah serta bersimbiosis dengan

seluruh makhluk hidup yang ada ditanah dan dengan lingkungan abiotiknya.

4. Write a short, working definition of soil microbiology

 mikrobiologi tanah merupakan disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang

mikroorganisme tanah serta peranannya dengan lingkungan baik dari segi
manfaatnya maupun kerugiannya.
5. What are two approach to studying soil microbiology ? Which one do you
prefer ?
 ada dua pendekatan mengenai mikrobiologi tanah, yaitu secara ekologi serta
metabolismenya. menurut saya lebih dekat ke pendekatan secara ekologi karena
dalam ilmu mikroboiologi tanah lebih dipelajari mengenai pemanfaatan dari
mikrobiologinya terhadap lingkungan.
6. Why is Serge Winogradsky called the Father of Soil Microbiology ?

 karena Serge Winogradsky merupakan penemu pertama mikrobiologi tanah

yang bersimbiosis dengan akar kelompok tumbuhan kacang-kacangan.

7. What are some topics that soil microbiologists study ?

 topik mengenai cara identifikasi mikrobiologi tanah beserta manfaatnya untuk

bioremediasi, degradasi dan terfocus pada pembersihan lingkungan

menggunakan kelompok mikrobiologi tanah. dan beberapa topik lagi yaitu cara

identifikasi menggunakan beberapa metode, seperti contoh metode DGGE,

yaitu degradasi Gradien gell elektroforesis.

8. Calculated the population of fungi in the rhizosphere of a corn root from

which a 10 g dry soil sample yield 200 colonies after plating 0.1 ml of

1/100.000 dilution.

 in calculating colonies using formula :

population number = population X 1

dilution factor 01
= 200 X 1
1x105 01
= 200.000.000
= 2 x 108 colonies/1 ml dilution solution

9. Tepatkah metode penghitungan pada no.9 di atas? Jelaskan jawabanmu

 TEPAT, kevalidan jumlah koloni dihitung harus memnuhi syarat yaitu sekitar

30-300 bakteri dalam setiap perhitungan dan itu nampak pada perhitungan di

soal no 8 yang memenuhi syarat

10. Why is an acidic or alkaline pH bad for many soil microorganism?

 cause many soil organism not tolerant with extreme pH mostly soil

microorganism can life on normal pH except like sulphure that can life on

extreme enviroment

A. Soal Essay

1. Soil bacteria such as Streptomyces produce the bulk of known antibiotics.

Lookup the competitors for Streptomyces, the types of antibiotics these bacteria

produce, and how the compounds are effective against competitors (what are the

physiological targets?). Would you expect aquatic/marine bacteria to be major

producers of antibiotics? Why or why not?

 soil bacteria such as produsce the bulk antibiotic Streptomcin the competitor

for streptomycys is unhealth environment clearly further nutrient input need to

be prevented,over tim,many of the nutrients polluting the waters will be lost

naturally.the process can be enhanced by killing alga blooms of course with

cooper sulfate,precepting and removing iron and encourging denitrification ,

Streptomycin is an antibiotic produced by the soil actinomycete Streptomyces

griseus. It acts by inhibiting the initiation and elongation processes during

protein synthesis. Streptomycin is an Aminoglycoside Antibacterial and

Antimycobacterial. The chemical classification of streptomycin is

Aminoglycosides. Streptomycin is a broad spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic

typically used for treatment of active tuberculosis, always in combination with

other antituberculosis agents. Streptomycin is usually used in combination with

agents that are known to be hepatotoxic and the role of streptomycin in liver

injury has been difficult to assess, but most information suggests

that streptomycin is not hepatotoxic. yes cause marine contain so many

compund to support life microbe taht can produce antibiotics

2. Tropical soils throughout the world are under intense pressure in terms of

agricultural development. What land use and microbial approaches might be

employed to better maintain this valuable resource?

 ecology and ecosystem science. The rapid accumulation of molecular data is

uncovering vast diversity, abundant uncultivated microbial groups and novel

microbial functions. This accumulation of data requires the application of

theory to provide organization, structure, mechanistic insight and, ultimately,

predictive power that is of practical value, but the application of theory in

microbial ecology is currently very limited. Here we argue that the full potential

of the ongoing revolution will not be realized if research is not directed and

driven by theory, and that the generality of established ecological theory must

be tested using microbial systems so.

3. Water is usually tested for safety by using fecal coliforms (primarily

Escherichia coli) as an indicator of fecal contamination. The validity of this

approach has recently been questioned. Do you know why?

 with biochemist approach in case caliform to identificated on milk,in USA The

presence of coliforms has long been thought to indicate fecal contamination,

however, recent discoveries regarding this diverse group of bacteria indicates

that only a fraction are fecal in origin, while the majority are environmental

contaminants. In the US dairy industry in particular, testing for coliforms as

indicators of unsanitary conditions and post-processing contamination is

widespread. While coliforms are easily and rapidly detected, and are not found

in pasteurized dairy products that have not been exposed to post-processing

contamination, advances in knowledge of bacterial populations most commonly

associated with post-processing contamination in dairy foods has led to

questions regarding the utility of coliforms as indicators of unsanitary

conditions for dairy products. For example, Pseudomonas spp. frequently

contaminate dairy products after pasteurization, yet they are not detected by

coliform tests. This review will address the role that coliforms play in raw and

finished dairy products, their sources and the future of this diverse group as

indicator organisms in dairy products.

4. With so much advertising for various antibacterial products,many people

have gotten the impression that all bacteria are harmful and that maybe the Earth
would be better off if all bacteria were eliminated. What would life be like in a
bacteria-free world?

 its likely joke, we can life on bubble,In order to promote discussion about the
value of microbial services supporting life on this planet, explore the
opportunities and challenges of a microbe-free existence. talk about
considering life without the human gut microbiome, follows with a hypothetical
scenario of a world without Bacteria and Archaea, and concludes with the
implications of a world without all microbes, including microbial eukaryotes
and viruses. do not include the organelles, such as mitochondria and
chloroplasts, as microbes in our discussion, simply because most eukaryotic life
would cease instantly in their absence.argue that despite myriad fundamental
roles that microorganisms contribute to human and environmental function, it
would be false to claim that macroscopic life cannot exist without microbes.
However, although life would persist in the absence of microbes, both the
quantity and quality of life would be reduced drastically.

5. Some microscopic organisms have the ability to remove harmful pollutants

from wastewater. Discover how they can ac- complish this at the web site

 Organic and inorganic substances which were released into the environment as

a result of domestic, agricultural and industrial water activities lead to organic

and inorganic pollution. The normal primary and secondary treatment processes

of these wastewaters have been introduced in a growing number of places, in

order to eliminate the easily settled materials and to oxidize the organic material

present in wastewater. The final result is a clear, apparently clean effluent which

is discharged into natural water bodies. This secondary effluent is, however,

loaded with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and causes eutrophication and

more long-term problems because of refractory organics and heavy metals that

are discharged. Microalgae culture offers an interesting step for wastewater

treatments, because they provide a tertiary biotreatment coupled with the

production of potentially valuable biomass, which can be used for several

purposes. Microalgae cultures offer an elegant solution to tertiary and quandary

treatments due to the ability of microalgae to use inorganic nitrogen and

phosphorus for their growth. And also, for their capacity to remove heavy

metals, as well as some toxic organic compounds, therefore, it does not lead to

secondary pollution. In the current review


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