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Estimated Time to complete Event: 10 minutes

Bosses: Masked Assailant

Cards: None
Items: 47 gil, Potion
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: None
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

After the credits and some gorgeous opening FMVs, you'll find yourself in a dark room controlling a boy with
a tail. He's holding a light, and you are supposed to light a lamp in the middle of the room. Before you do this,
open your menu with the triangle button and go to 'config'. Change your Movement to 'run' as opposed to
walk, so that you don't have to hold down the 'o' button to run. Move your battle speed and field message all
the way up to fast, and if you'd like, change your window color to Classic (it's a blue color).

Don't light the lamp just yet. Walk past the lamp to the back of the room and turn to the left to receive 47
gil, then move over to the right to get a Potion. Now you may light the lamp. Once you do this, you will have
to name your character. Throughout this walkthrough, I'll be calling him by his default name, Zidane. If you
do rename him, try not to get confused.

After this, your friends will arrive and you'll have your very first boss fight.


Items to Steal: Wrist, Potion, Mage Masher

It only comes natural for me to tell you this first, since I am both smart and greedy. Whenever there is a thief
in your party, the first thing you do in a boss battle is Steal. Bosses have rare items and sometimes you won't
be able to find them anywhere else for a long time, if at all. In this situation, you have four thieves. Lucky

When you're done robbing this guy of his goods, have everyone attack him and if necessary, have Cinna cure
with potions (I say this because he is sort of a weak attacker). If, Eidolons forbid, one of your characters die,
go into items and use a Phoenix Down on them.

Once you're finished with your battle, pay very close attention to what Baku and the rest of the group has to
say. After that, watch the rest of the credits with the pretty title and move on to the next section.

Estimated Time to complete event: 17 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: Fang x2, Lizard Man, Zombie, Sahagin, Goblin x2, Skeleton, Flan x2
Items: Potion x5, 9 gil, 33 gil, 27 gil, 38 gil, Tent, 3 gil, 29 gil, 63 gil, 92 gil, Eye Drops
Key Items: Ticket, King of Skipping Title
Monsters: None
Moogles: Kupo, Stilzkin
Notes: None
Side Quests: Jump Rope Mini-Game
Shops: Not open

You start off controlling the Black Mage, Vivi. Isn't he cute? Of course, you'll get to name him something else
if you'd like, but I will be calling him Vivi.

Enter the first house on the right and you'll see an old woman with a spindle. Run over to her bed and find
her savings of 9 gil. Then run over to the table in the right corner to get a potion. Climb up the ladder and
go straight forward to receive a Fang Card. After this, you may talk to the older woman. Her husband walks
in and you find out that she's making a dress for her grandchild, and apparently spoiling her. After the
conversation (or when you're done robbing her), you may leave.

Across from the house you just left, check the barrels on the left to find a Potion. Now that you're back on
the street, you may start walking. A Rat Kid will run into you, knock you over and tell you to watch where
you're going. Rats are so rude. Keep to the left side of the screen and you'll find a Potion in one of the carts.
Head back south and inspect the buildings around the palace entrance. You'll find a Lizard Man Card,
a Zombie Card, and a Sahagin Card.

Go back to the screen you started at, and from there head north. Have Vivi run towards you and you'll find 33
gil. Then run left towards the little fat hippo to receive a Goblin Card. Enter the Tavern and run to the bottom
right corner to find a potion, then run left to the storage closet to find 27 gil on the floor. Run around that
table and to the barrel to find a Flan Card. It's amazing what people leave laying around, isn't it?

Leave the tavern and run left to the next screen, then from there enter the Items Shop. You will find 38 gil on
the floor. Leave the Items Shop and head north to enter the Town Square, which ironically is quite circular.
Go into the Weapons Shop on the right and head to the far right to receive an Ether. From there, you can run
through either exit-the one nearest the counter will take you to the Armor Shop, which leads back out into
the Town Square, and the other just leads straight to the Town Square.
Go to the Ticket Booth from there, and you will find out the the ticket you have for the show is a fake. Since
Vivi is feeling a little down, the Ticket master will give you a Goblin Card, a Fang Card, and a Skeleton

You can play rope with the girls jumping rope and receive prizes at 20 jumps, 50 jumps, 100 jumps, 200
jumps, and 1000 jumps.

Once you're finished fooling around in the square, run into the alley and a sign maker will just be finishing up.
After he leaves, you'll meet the Rat Kid that ran into you on the first screen. He'll ask you to become his slave
and if you want the story to go any further, you have to agree. He'll then ask you to watch to see if anyone is
coming. Once the coast is clear, the Rat Kid will steal the sign maker's ladder and run off. Follow him, or if
you'd like to learn more about cards, wait for Alleyway Jack to come into the alley. Don't just stand there,
though. Either talk to him immediately or run away, because if you don't, he'll rob you (I know because he
robbed me -__-; ).

Follow Puck (the Rat Kid, which I am officially tired of calling him) into a building. He'll tell you to go up a
ladder but before you do that, check around the walls to receive a tent and a potion. When you're ready to
go up the ladder, head over there and a moogle will fall on top of you. Puck will laugh because he's ignorant
and doesn't care about your well-being (or so it seems). As for the Moogle, say hello to your permanent
method of saving your game. This Moogle's name is Kupo. Moogles keep your records in their diaries. Isn't
that so freakin cute?

A little later on, Stilzken will arrive. Whenever he sticks around, no matter how stupid the deal may
sound, always buy items from him. You wouldn't want him to be without gil in such a big world, would you?

Before continuing on, go back to the Item Shop and stock up on Potions. Try to have at least 20 in your
inventory. You'll need them for the journey ahead, especially if this is your first time playing a game in this
series. Again, make sure not to run into Alleyway Jack or else he'll steal you blind. Before going back into the
steeple, head into the house just before it and look around to find Eye Drops and 3 gil. The 3 gil is upstairs,
so you can only get it when the little girl, Ilia is out of the house. (She's the same little girl that spoke to you
in the beginning, and is also the grandchild of the older woman that you robbed. Have you no shame? ...I

From here, you can go back in the steeple and save your game again. Don't forget to ask Kupo about Mognet,
so that you can help Mognet Central and know what the Moogles' takes are on situations.

When you're finished, climb up the ladder and talk to Puck. He'll tell you that the show will start soon if you
don't hurry. You'll find out on the next screen that Vivi is afraid of heights, so this won't be too easy for him.
Of course, the controller's in your hand so he'll do it whether he wants to or not.

After he's walked to the first house, from there head left and across the second bridge, which will fall after
you cross it. Head left then down, and left again towards the bowl looking thing. Examine it to receive 29 gil.
Follow after Puck and he'll ask for your name. Once you give it to him, he'll tell you it sounds funny no matter
what you say. He'll tell you his name is Puck and from there you can continue. Before following him, go down
the set of steps ahead of you and across the bridge to get 63 gil. Head back up the steps, then north away
from Puck. All the way at the end of of the roof, you will receive 92 gil from the pot.

Head back now and right across the set of bridges, then north to meet Puck. He'll set the ladder down finally
so that you both can cross and sneak your way inside Alexandria Castle.

After this, you'll view an FMV and finally get to view Vivi and Puck up close. Isn't Vivi cute?...Isn't Puck not?
You'll also see the ugly, blue-green fat queen, that hot chick in you saw in the opening, and a knight that
needs to lay off the mascara. Who told Queen Brahne she could dance?


Estimated Time (to complete event): 32 minutes

Bosses: Zenero, Benero and King Leo; Steiner; Haagan, Weimar and Steiner; Steiner
Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: None
Notes: Items can be received from the crowd during the fight with Blank, but items vary depending on how
many nobles are impressed.
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

After the FMV, the scenes will switch to the hit play, 'I Want To Be Your Canary'. Watch the drama unfold, and
enjoy the plot line, wondering why you couldn't make money off of a play like this.


This really isn't much of a fight. Don't bother using the 'SFX' (Special Effects, really), since it doesn't work half
of the time, so it's pretty much a waste. Just attack Zenero and Benero once and they'll die (depending of
course, on who attacks). After about one or two rounds from each character, the battle will be over.

Blank and Zidane get into a fight (don't worry, it's part of the play) and you'll have to follow Blank's lead in
pressing buttons. Take your time, but don't wait too long to press each button. It's really all a matter of hand-
eye coordination. If you get it all right the first time, you should get at least 800 gil. If you're greedy like me,
you can do it again and get even more money, and maybe a couple of items too. I don't think you can impress
more than 87 nobles out of the 100, and Queen Brahne, but you're welcome to try it.

A couple of suggestions: during this scene, mute the music (even though it's awesome) so that it doesn't
distract you. Not a lot of people can dance in their seat and press buttons at the same time. Also, only look
at what Blank is saying to you, and not the actual action of what you're doing. Don't look down at the controller,
because this is time consuming too (unless you're a beginner when it comes to using the PSX controller).

You'll next find yourself inside the castle, where Blank and Zidane beat up two nameless Knights of Pluto,
robbing them of their dignity and their clothes. After listening to Blank's graphic description of his less than
clean outfit, Zidane will automatically head out of the door. Once in the main hallway, don't go left or right.
Guards will come out, forcing you to hide and this will just delay you, not to mention waste your time. Head
straight up the steps and you'll run into a girl. If you ask to examine her face, Zidane will flirt with her for a
moment, then Blank will come up the steps soon after and she'll run away. If you let her go, Zidane will stop
her anyway, so you'd might as well just examine her face from the get go.

The two will chase after her, and you'll see a cutscene of my favorite clowns, Zorn and Thorn (or Scorn and
Zorn, which I prefer). If you can't tell the difference between them, here it is. Zorn is in blue and Thorn is That's not manly. Nevertheless, they'll start talking about how much trouble they'll be in because
something terrible has happened. One repeats everything the other one has to say, only worded differently.
This leads me to believe that neither of them have a unique thought in their head at the same time, the poor

During the next cutscene, you'll find out that Steiner is jealous of Beatrix. Maybe it's her chest, her brains,
her sword, her whole outfit, or just the fact that she's cool and he's not. You'll get to name your knight. I'm
sticking with the default name, Steiner, for the walkthrough.

Once you have control of Steiner, head right and into the room that Blank and Zidane came out of. There is a
Moogle waiting there for you by the name of Mosh. He will save your game. When you're finished here you
may talk to the Pluto Knights if you'd like, then head back out of the room.

Once you're in the hallway again, head up the steps just as before and go into the entrance that isn't being
blocked by guards. Talk to Queen Brahne and she will give you a Silk Shirt, then instruct you to go find
Garnet. Leave and go back down the steps, then head towards the ugly painting you see on the wall (from
the steps, it's to the left). If you go into the room on the right, you'll see a Qu that looks amazingly like a
future character Quina. In the room to the right, you'll find another Pluto Knight that has something so
disinteresting to say, I don't even remember what it was. When you're finished fooling around, head down the
main steps. Go into the room to the left to find yet another Pluto Knight in the Library. He'll tell you that all
he ever wanted was to be a scholar, and will ask your permission to let him leave the military. No matter what
you say, Steiner will instruct him to find Princess Garnet and he'll run off crying. In the Library to the right,
you'll find out that Queen Brahne is up to something suspicious. There's nothing else to do, so come out into
the main hall and run outside.

You're now in the garden. There's no point heading right because there's nothing that way but a Knight of
Pluto that will tell you no one has come his way. So head to the left and you'll see more display of Steiner's
jealousy of Beatrix. Head into the doorway, down the hallway and up the long stairway. On the way, you'll
find yet another one of your knights, telling you that he can't reach the top of the steps because he's old.
Whiner. Once you finally do reach the top, Steiner will see Zidane chasing Garnet and this will lead to an FMV.

Aw aren't they so freakin cute? Chase the Princess into the room that Ruby is in, and watch the short cutscene.
Ruby lets Garnet escape, and you're forced to chase after her yet again. You'll find out that she actually wants
to be kidnapped, which is a little different than what we're all used to. But Zidane promises to do his best to
kidnap her, and so it begins.

Follow the path;-when Garnet stops, turn the engine wheel to the left and a box will fall on the level below.
Open it for a Phoenix Down. Now turn the engine wheel to the right and another box will fall behind the
engine. Open it for a Phoenix Pinion, which normally wouldn't be received until Disk 3! Go into the room
Cinna is standing by and you'll run into Steiner. It turns out that the Knight he was with is actually Blank, and
he's on your side.


Items to Steal: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt

This isn't an actual boss fight, because it doesn't have that cool background music..But what the hey. Start
off the battle by robbing Steiner of all his possessions, then attack like crazy. It should take about two to four
rounds from each character to finish him off. In the unlikely event that he actually wounds someone in your
party severely, don't sweat it. Just use a potion. Don't let anyone in your party get below 50 HP. At the end
of the battle, Steiner will use an attack on Blank and wind up releasing Oglops, which strangely resemble a
hybrid of roaches.

The play will continue, even though there have been some slight changes. Watch carefully, then prepare for
more battles as the story heats up-literally.


Items To Steal: None

You're not allowed to steal in this battle, so hit the knights of Pluto once each and they'll run away. Have Vivi
focus his magic for about three turns then hit Steiner with everything he's got-if Marcus and Zidane haven't
taken him out yet. You have a White Mage in the party right now, so if you need healing, have Garnet do it.
Press R1 if you want to heal all of the party members at once. Garnet doesn't have the ability to summon yet,
so if no one needs to be healed then just have her attack. And again, don't bother using the SFX.


Items to Steal: None

Since you can't attack the bomb, this boss fight is basically another fight with Steiner. Use the same strategy
that you did in the last fight, and you'll be done in a few minutes. After the FMV, you will have officially finished
Chapter One of Disk One.




Estimated Time to complete event: 133 minutes (2 hours and 13 minutes, depending on how many
levels are gained)
Suggested Level: Zidane: 11 Vivi: 6 Steiner: 6

Bosses: Prison Cage; Prison Cage; Baku; Plant Brain

Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Down, Bronze Gloves, Wrist, Ether x3, 116 gil, Rubber Helm, Leather Hat, Iron Helm, Eye
Key Items: Blank's Medicine, Continental Map, Moogle Flute
Monsters: Plant Spider, Goblin, Fang, Dendrobium (?)
Moogles: Mosco, Monty, Moguo
Notes: Moguo is your map moogle. He'll save your game any time you're on the world map, so don't try to
find him inside the Evil Forest. He's not there.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Cinna (after rescuing Vivi)

At the start, the moogle Mosco will introduce ATE to you, or Active Time Event. It allows you to see a situation
in another place that's going on at the same time. He won't leave you alone until you view it, so when you're
finished, head over to him and save. Afterwards, go over by the Cymbalist and pick up a Phoenix Down.

From here you have no where to go but down the tree trunk. But before you go down there, open your menu
and go into equipment. If you've successfully stolen the Mage Masher from Baku in your very first battle,
equip it. It has more power and you can now learn a new skill called Detect. Whenever you use this skill, you
can see what your enemy is carrying so you can know whether you want to steal it or not. And best of all, it
costs no magic points.

After you go into the tree trunk, hang around for a while until Zidane is on level 10 or 11. This means that
you'll have plenty of money to buy items like more potions, and Zidane will have learned all of his abilities
from his current equipment.

Make sure to save your game at least every time you gain a level. You should be at level 5 in about ten
minutes, depending on whether you're trying to steal from the monsters or not. By the time you get to level
8, you will be finished learning all of your abilities, and by level 9 or 10, you should have learned them all and
have close to 6000 gil. By level 11 you will have 500 HP, which is why it's the suggested level for Zidane. It
will take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to gain these levels, so if you don't have the time to do this
right now then come back to it later.

Also, take the time to heal yourself in battle as opposed to outside of it. Potions have less effect in the field,
so although it's supposed to give you 150 HP, you might only get back 100.

When you're finished gaining Zidane levels, head to the right and onto the next screen.


Items to Steal: None

I know, this isn't much of a boss fight either. I think I just like typing that. This won't be much of a fight if
you're on level 10 or anything higher. In all honesty, you can defeat this monster on level 1, but it's safer to
be higher.

Since there's nothing to steal, you can go straight into attacking him. With Zidane in Trance mode, you have
the advantage. Make sure not to use Tidal Flame or it'll hit Garnet too. After the battle, another Prison Cage
will come down and capture Vivi.


Items to Steal: Leather Wrist, Broadsword

This is counted as an actual boss battle because you get no Experience Points, only AP. In this battle, he will
cast Fire to help you out a little bit. Since you can't control Vivi casting Fire, you will have to steal the Leather
Wrist and Broadsword from this creature quickly. If Vivi is getting low on HP, have Steiner use a potion on
him while Zidane continues to steal. After a few rounds of fire and hits, the monster will die and release Vivi.
It then releases a poisonous gas, which Zidane jumps back to avoid, but Vivi and Steiner are knocked

Once you regain control of Zidane, head to the right and open the box next to Baku to receive Bronze
Gloves for Steiner. Head out of the south entrance and watch the ATEs if you wish. Afterwards, go down the
steps and to the left. Check the box for a Wrist then go back to the right and meet Blank. He'll say that Vivi
wants to thank you, so walk into the room that he just came out of.

When you first enter, check the box right next to you for an Ether, then head up the ladder on the bed for 116
gil. When you're finished collecting these items, talk to Vivi then walk out of the room for a cutscene. No
matter what option you pick, you'll have to go look for the Princess if you want the game to go any further. If
you want a laugh, choose not to look for her and Zidane will ultimately decide to go look for him on his own.

Walk back down the steps and talk to Blank, then enter the room to the left and walk to the south to receive
an Ether from the chest, then head down the steps that Marcus is standing in front of.

Once you're in the new room, head to the north to find a Rubber Helm for Steiner. You can also head south
out of the door and to the right for a Leather Hat, or you can wait a few minutes. But it would be wisest to
pick up this hat now then head outside to save your game. When you're finished, head back to the room where
you found the Rubber Helm and go into the door on the right. Talk to Baku and he'll tell you to follow him.
Before leaving the room, open the chest next to you for a Potion, then head into the cargo room.


Items to Steal: Iron Sword, Hi-Potion

Start out by stealing the mentioned items from Baku. After that, there's not much else to do but attack him.
He should be finished in about 3-7 hits depending on your levels and equipment.

After the battle, talk to Blank and he'll tell you that he unlocked storage so you can talk to Steiner. It's your
choice as to whether you want to talk to Vivi or Steiner first, but you can't leave until you have both of them
in your party. After recruiting Steiner, walk back into the room he was in and check the chest for an Ether.
Afterwards, head out and go recruit Vivi, even though he's a little reluctant to join.

Now that you have your party, you can go back out and start gaining levels. Just before you leave, Blank talks
to Zidane for a moment and tells him he's full of crap. He then gives you the same medicine he gave to Vivi,
and gives you tips on Abilities.
Save your game now that you're outside. You can also buy items from Cinna, so stock up before you leave.
The next shop is a long way away. Try to buy at least 10 Phoenix Downs and 99 potions if you have the funds
to do so. Also get some Eye Drops and Antidote since you'll need them both later.

Two screens away from the Prima Vista, you will see an ATE of the band playing music. Not just any music,
but none other than Junon's theme from Final Fantasy VII. Isn't that something? Now every time you head
back to the Prima Vista for anything, you will hear that music.

Anything after the first screen will give you more Experience Points since you'll be facing more than just one
monster at a time. Also, there's no point in having Vivi cast magic all the time or just sit there like a bump on
a log, so push him up to the front row to give his attacks more power. Make sure you also equip the new
weapons and armor on Steiner and Vivi.

Two screens away from where you found Vivi and Steiner is a spring that will restore your health, and a Moogle
that goes by the name of Monty. If you chose to engage in Mognet, hand him his mail so that you can read
it together. Before you can do this, there is a forced ATE of Baku giving Blank a map. When you're finished,
save your game and continue gaining levels.

At this point, you don't need to go back to Cinna to buy items unless you'd just like to stock up. When you're
all finished gaining levels, head past Monty and three screens up, then watch the cutscene.


Items to Steal: Iron Helm, Eye Drops

Have Zidane steal the Iron Helm from him and have Vivi Focus his magic. He'll more than likely cast Pollen,
which puts darkness on all characters. Have Steiner use Eye Drops on Zidane first, then Vivi, then himself. He
will probably also cast Thunder either on your whole party, or just one character. If the damage is severe, use
a potion to cure it.

As soon as Zidane has stolen the Iron Helm, have Steiner use Magic Sword on the Plant Brain, which should
do around 300 points of damage. Have Vivi use Fire. If you have been focusing his magic all this time, it
should do about 400 HP of damage. After you've done close to 800 HP of damage, Blank will arrive to help
you out. Have either him or Zidane cure the other party members while Steiner and Vivi continue to cast Fire
and Fire Sword. Blank hits around 160 each turn, so this battle should be over in no time.

When the battle is over, you'll have to run quickly so that you don't get caught by the forest creatures. You'll
get into at least one or two battles, but they'll be over quickly.

If you feel that you should turn off the game now because you've lost Blank, you're not alone. But don't worry,
because you'll find a way to cure him later. Monty will approach you later in a cutscene and give you a Flute
to call his buddy, Moguo, who will save your game for you anywhere on the world map. And now that you're
on the world map, press 'square' to save your game!


Estimated time to complete event: 32 minutes
Suggested level: Zidane: 12 Vivi: 10 Steiner: 10 Garnet: 10

Bosses: Black Waltz No. 1 and Sealion

Cards: None
Items: Eye Drops, Potion x3, Tent, Ether, Elixir, Mage Masher, Phoenix Down, Leather Wrist
Key Items: None
Monsters: Fang, Wyerd, Flan, Cave Imp
Moogles: Mois
Notes: It is likely that in this forest, you will run into Rag Timer. (Click his name for more information).
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

It would be best to hang out at the forest just east of the Ice Cavern, since this is where you get the most
experience for now. Even though Garnet is in on level 1 when she starts out, place her in the front row so that
her attacks will be meaningful. It should be no problem getting her from level 1 to 5.

Before going into the Ice Cavern, head north from the forest next to it and enter the North Gate. After the
cutscene, head into the gate on the right for some Eye Drops, then from there go north and check that box
to receive a Potion. Go to the gate, then choose to listen close, then call out to someone inside. After the
cutscene, the woman on the other side of the gate will sell you potions if you need them.

Upon entering the Ice Cavern, you'll see a cutscene, then as the characters walk into the Cavern, you'll see
another. When they're finished talking, move to the left and jump on the ledge to receive a Tent from the
chest. Jump down from the ledge and head up the path, then onto the next screen.

Once you're on the next screen, you'll start getting into battles. You can steal tents from the Wyerds since
you're in no position to buy them, and won't have the funds to do so for some time. As for the Flans, magic
are very effective against them, but Zidane and Steiner's attacks should work well also. If you run into a Cave
Imp, kill it immediately. Don't bother stealing from it, since it only has a potion and a Phoenix Down. It's not
worth half the trouble it'll give you. Head up the steps on the right and Vivi will burn the wall of ice down so
that you can get the Ether out of the chest.

When you're finished there, head back down the steps and then to the next set. Don't go up them, though.
Instead take the path to the right of the steps around so that you can collect a potion. Head back around the
path, up the steps and into the next room.

Wait until the smoke stops coming to cross the paths, otherwise you'll get into a battle. Head up the left path
first, then once you're at the ice wall Vivi will burn it down to reveal a chest containing an Elixir. Head down
the right path from here and up the ice pick to receive a potion from the chest in front of you. Run back down
the ice pick and stand in front of it. A question mark will pop above Zidane's head-when it does, press 'x' (or
whatever your select button is). Vivi will cast fire on it, causing it to fall. Run down it then open the chest for
another Mage Masher. This is Zidane's current weapon (if you don't have one equipped already, equip this
one). When you're all finished in this room, head all the way right and exit this area.

Head all the way right for a Phoenix Down, and make sure not to run into the mist. From here, take the left
path to the ice wall and burn it down. It will lead to another path. Follow this path and at the end, there is a
chest containing a Leather Wrist. Equip it on a party member (Steiner can't wear it), then head back the
way you came. Follow the path to the right and into the next area.

Take the path to the left first. There is a Moogle in here named Mois that will save your game. He'll curse at
you (literally) at first, but then he'll thank you. He has a letter that he would like you to deliver to his friend
Gumo. (You might want to use a tent before you save and move on).

A boss battle is coming up and if you haven't gained the suggested levels, you might die. In fact, if
you have gained the suggested levels, you might die. But you don't want to do all of this over again, do you?

Leave the room with the Mois in it and take the path to the right. After you regain control of Zidane, head into
the next area and prepare for a fight.


Items to Steal: Mythril Dagger (Sealion), Ether (Sealion), Silk Shirt (Black Waltz), Remedy (Black Waltz)
First off, rob these suckers blind. If you don't get anything else, make sure you at least steal the Mythril
Dagger from Sealion. Make sure to cure often. By the time you're done stealing, Zidane should be close to or
in Trance. With the Mage Masher equipped, use his Dyne attack, Tidal Flame. It should be enough to wipe out
Black Waltz. Then use the attack again (if you're still in trance mode) to wipe out the Sealion.

After the cutscene, head back to save if you'd like. Keep in mind that you can still get into battles. Head back
into the room that you came from with Zidane, then up the steps to the right. Follow the path all the way up
to the top, then watch the lovely cutscene. From now on, I'll refer to Princess Garnet as Dagger, since that's
the default name >.>; and it's just so fricken awesome. Oh, and don't worry. Her speech improves.


Estimated Time to complete event: 25 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 15, Steiner: 13, Vivi: 13, Garnet: 12

Bosses: Black Waltz No. 2; Black Waltz No. 3

Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Potion x4, 135 gil, Antidote, 156 gil, Hi-Potion, Eye Drops, Ether,
Leather Wrist, Iron Helm, 95 gil
Key Items: Aries Coin
Monsters: Carve Spider, Python, Ghost, Vice, Mu (land spirit)
Moogles: Gumo, Kumop
Notes: This covers all surrounding areas of Dali, including the Observatory Mountain.
Side Quests: Coffee Quest, Stellazio Quest
Shops: Part-Time Worker Mary's Medicine Shop, Eve's Item Shop, Tavern Medicine Shop

One of the first things you want to do once you leave the Ice Cavern (after saving of course) is equip Zidane's
new weapon, the Mythril Dagger. Also, before entering Dali, try and find the Land Spirit for this area. Also,
from the exit of the Ice Cavern, you can make a left around the corner and go into south gate. If you wait for
a couple of moments, a woman will show up that will sell you Potions, Eye Drops, Antidote, Phoenix
Downs, Tents; she'll even let you rest for 100 gil. Try and save at least 1,000 gil for upgrades in weapons
and such forths.

Before entering Dali, make sure you stop by the Observatory Mountain next to it. Once there, head to the
right and open the chest for a Hi-Potion, then all the way over to the fence on the right side for 135 gil.
From here, go inside the house and the older man there will talk about his coffee. Admire his Prima Vista
model for a moment and he'll tell you that you can have it if you can bring him Burman, Kirman and Moccha
Coffee. See the Side Quests section for more information.

After you're done in the Mountain, head outside and save your game, then from here, enter Dali. After the
cutscene, your party will enter the Inn. When they're finished talking, they'll go to sleep. After Zidane wakes
up, head to the right for an Antidote, then to the left for a Potion. When you're finished, you get to pick
which ATE you want to see first. They're all of what your party members are doing at the moment.

Walk out of the room and save your game at the Moogle, and give him his mail from Mois. He'll tell you he
doesn't like Gumo, but he'll read it anyway. When you're finished laughing at Mois' letter, head out of the
room and into the first door on the right, which is the shop. It sells all the weapons you should already have,
a little bit of armor, and a new hat. Make sure you buy all that you need before moving on.

If you go into the next door on the left, you'll meet the mayor and he'll tell you to leave. Talk to Vivi and after
Zidane leaves, he will be...o_O Black Mage-napped. If you head into the house to the right of where Vivi was
standing, you'll find the medicine shop which will sell you potions, etc.
Go back to the weapons shop and there you'll find Dagger. After she leaves, you can play Cards with the
Shopkeeper if you'd like. Head back into the Inn when you're finished and talk to Dagger. When you're finished,
you'll see a forced ATE.

From here, head out and save your game. If you'd like, you can go outside and gain levels with just Zidane
and Dagger.

When you're finished gaining more levels (if you chose to), head back into town and from here go to the spot
where you found Vivi. Enter the door left of here after the cutscene.

Once you're inside, go to the left of the door in front of you to receive the Aries Coin. Go back towards the
entrance and check the black top to find a secret entrance to an underground tunnel o_O They're not very
good at hiding these things, are they?

Climb down the ladder and jump on the semi-elevator. Open the chest in front of you for 156 gil, then head
down the hallway into the next area. After the cutscene, go back into the room that Vivi and the other two
men came out of for a Potion inside of the chest. Then come out of the room and over to the right for
some Eye Drops. You can't bother the chocobo (even though he's so fricken cute), so just continue into the
next room.

Check the barrel for a Moogle by the name of Kumop, and he'll ask you to deliver mail to Mogki. Accept then
save your game. Climb the boxes behind the moogle's barrel to receive an Ether, then go back down and kick
the wheel of the crane. The box that comes down contains a Potion. Head into the next room when you're

Head forward and open the box on the right for a Leather Wrist, then up the steps on the left and around
for an Iron Helm. When you're done, go forward and jump down the set of boxes in front of you, then into
the next area.

After you have Vivi back (bless his lil heart), run around to the other side of the box he was in and collect 95
gil from the chest. From here, go back and save your game at the moogle. Come back to the room where you
found Vivi, and open the door with the Mist coming out from under it. You'll fight a battle, then enter a new
room. There are three chests: One containing a Phoenix Down, onr, a Potion, and the other (hidden behind
the machine), a Phoenix Pinion. Also, you CAN get into battles in this room. When you're finished, head
back out and across the bridge to the right into the next room.

T_T Poor Chocobo. Keep heading straight and prepare to be disturbed. You'll be boxed, then the scene will
switch to Steiner. When you gain control of him, follow Morrid into his house. When you're done talking to
him, leave his house and head south. Steiner will scare the crap out of two poor peasants and send them
running away. He will then observe a barrel that conveniently has your other party members in it. Pick the
second option and they will push the barrel over themselves, knocking Steiner over as well.


Items to Steal: Leathered Plate, Steepled Hat

Don't do anything until you've stolen from this guy. Next, whatever you do, don't cast fire. Only cast Blizzard.
Black Waltz 2 has a mission, so he won't attack Garnet at all. Just have her heal, and if Steiner goes into
trance then use his Blizzard Sword Magic. All in all, this battle should only last a few minutes, if that long.
When you're finished, run back into town and stay at the Inn, then save your game at the Moogle.

Head back to where you fought Black Waltz and choose to board the airship. After talking to Dagger and Vivi,
they'll automatically board. Zidane will let Vivi and Dagger up first, only to feel on her butt (>D Pervert), then
claim that he didn't do it on purpose.

Once you have control of Zidane, head down the hall and up the ladder. When you're done talking to Steiner,
run into the control room and Zidane will turn the airship around for Lindblum.
When Zidane is done hanging around with Steiner, the Black Mages will defend Vivi from Black Waltz No. 3.


Items to Steal: Silver Gloves, Linen Cuirass, Steepled Hat

This is one cool mage. While Zidane steals, have Vivi focus his magic. If he's still in trance when you're done
stealing Black Waltz' items, use Vivi's double black magic in addition to Steiner's magic sword. Have Zidane
attack and heal when necessary.

Estimated Time to complete event: 65 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 20 Vivi: 15 Steiner: 15 Dagger: 15

Bosses: None
Cards: Mimic
Items: Glass Armlet, Ether, 163 gil, Silver Gloves, Echo Screen, Hi-Potion, Tent, Leather Wrist, Leather Plate,
Steepled Hat, Ore x2, 127 gil, 97 gil, 282 gil, 68 gil
Key Items: Kupo Nut, Moogle Suit, Autograph, Mini-Burmecia, Master of the Hunt
Monsters: Axe Beak, Carve Spider, Bomb
Moogles: Mogki, Moodon, Moonte
Notes: Just before the monocar station in the business area, there's an older man there named Locke (like
Locke from ff6). Talk about shameless plugs...
Side Quests: None
Shops: Alice's Item Shop, Dragoo's Weapon Shop, Torres' Synth Shop

Once you regain control of Zidane, head up the steps on the right. When you're in the next area, go downstairs
first and talk to a female pilot named Erin. She's important for later events. When you're done lifting her
spirits, head back up the steps and then up the second flight of steps. On the first floor, go all the way to the
right past the beds and open the chest for a Glass Armlet. Equip it on Zidane immediately, and any other
new equipment you might have for all party members (like the Steepled Hats, Linen Cuirass and Silver Gloves).
When you're done here, go to the top of the steps and get the Ether out of the chest then talk to the Moogle.
He is Mogki, so give him his mail. When you're done, go back into Mognet and select cancel instead. He'll ask
you to deliver a letter to Atla. Don't forget. When you're done, save your game. Everyone is at full health, so
you don't need to use a tent.

Head back into the room that you first started in (with the statue), but this time head straight. You'll wind up
on an elevator with Minister Artania. He'll explain to you how Lindblum works, then take you to the upper

Here you'll find out that the regent is actually an oglop!...And he'll tell you his name is Cid Fabool. Is that a
shameless Final Fantasy IV plug or what?

Zidane will walk out of the castle, saying the food there is too high for his tastes. He'll instead sit someplace
a lot cheaper, and flirt with a girl named Lilian. He'll then get busted out by one of his old friends, Freya,
who's in town for the Festival of Hunt. (She's your next character)

You'll find out during Cid and Dagger's conversation that he ordered Tantalus to kidnap her and bring her back
to Lindblum. When you're finished here, Zidane will wake up the next morning and talk to Vivi. You'll then see
a forced ATE about Synthesis Shops, which is one of the first things you want to check out. But you can start
by going next door and talk to the Moogle named Moodon, then go to Mognet. You'll have a letter waiting for
you there from Ruby back in Alexandria. When you're done, save your game.

Head downstairs and check the left pillar nearest the exit for 163 gil. Walk out from here and you'll see an
ATE of Steiner. Head into the building across the street and you'll see a forced ATE of Vivi and receive a Kupo
Leave the building you're in and head straight north and onto the next screen, then from there make a right,
then keep going north. Keep going on this screen, then go all the way to the left. Make sure that you have two
Mage Mashers in your inventory, since you're about to get a new weapon. If you don't, leave here and head
across the street into the weapon shop and buy them. Talk to the man at the item and synthesize all of the
items that you can. If you're missing an item that you need, just go buy it from the Weapons Shop. When
you're done, equip Zidane with the Butterfly Sword. Try to Synth at least two of each accessory, as your
party will be splitting up soon. Also get both the Butterfly Sword, and the Ogre, since the Butterfly Sword has
an ability that Zidane needs to learn. While you're in the weapons Shop, get at least one Headgear, since
there's an ability on there that he can learn as well. Before you leave, go behind the counter and check the
counter next to the old man for Silver Gloves.

If you go into the weapons shop and look at the sword on the wall, Zidane will talk about how he knew a guy
with spiky hair that had one like it. He's obviously referring to Cloud. How many shameless plugs can you
have in one chapter?

Believe it or not, you will be participating in the Festival of Hunt, so now would be a good time to go out and
gain some levels since you have new equipment and all. You can get anywhere from 100-250 experience
points a battle, so you'll have no problem gaining levels. Just make sure you cure and save often. (This would
also be a good time to test your new Dyne attack in trance mode called Shift Break.)

If you're below level 17 and/or don't have the Ogre equipped, don't go in the forest. The bombs there might
kill you, since it takes 600-800 to kill them. It would be best to stick around Lindblum;-if you run into two Axe
Beaks, they'll give you about 246 exp per battle and you'll reach my unreasonable quota in no time.

When you feel like you're ready, head into the forest outside Lindblum. Here you will get anywhere from 96
to 356 experience points per battle. The highest you can get is from fighting two bombs. Watch out for them,
though. If they explode they can kill Zidane instantly, so make sure you have most of your HP during the
whole battle.

When you're finished gaining levels, head back into Lindblum and rest at the Inn, then save your game at the
Moogle. From here, exit the Inn and head north again. From this screen, head forward and into the first house
on the right straight ahead of you. Check the chests in this room for an Echo Screen, and a Hi-Potion. Check
the man's bookcase for another shameless plug (Fabool Publications. You can also see one outside of this
house at the cart to the right, talking about Polom's Action Figures).

When you're done, leave this house and head to the left, then north into the next area. Head all the way
forward, then to the right under some trees for a Tent. Head into the church (in front of you), then up the
ladder for a Leather Plate. From here, leave the church, then the area.

Head back to where the Inn is, but instead of going inside, go into the first door on the right for the monocar.
Pick the second option and you'll wind up in the Industrial District. When you're out of the car, head up the
steps on the left and into the next area. Head around the steps and you'll find a Leather Wrist.

Go up the stairs to the right and into the house at the top of the screen. Go up the stairs for a Mimic Card and
another Steepled Hat. Head back to the Monocar and this time, go to the Theater District.

When you exit the Monocar station, you'll see an ATE of Steiner. When you're done, check the bottom right
corner next to the house for 127 gil. Go into the house next to you and get the Ore from the chest. Leave
this house and go down the stairs on the left.

Talk to the girl standing by the post and you'll find she's waiting for her friend. She'll run off from here-follow
her. You'll find out that she's part of the 'Lowell' fan club, and that they're waiting for him. He'll come out and
greet him, then run off in a Moogle suit. Follow him and talk to the people that saw him. Head back into the
house with the Ore in the chest, and there he'll be! Talk to him and he'll give you his Autograph for not
telling anyone. Go to the chair next to him and check around to receive a Moogle Suit. ^_^

From here, leave the house and go back down the steps. This time, go into the clock tower on the left. After
the ATE, some children will tell you that you should go see Dagger. Before you do this, collect the items in the
chests for 97 gil, 282 gil (in the bottom right corner of the room), and 68 gil. Climb the ladder and check
the first bed for a Mini-Burmecia. This will raise your collectors rate. Exit the clock tower to see an ATE of
Baku and his crew. When it's finished, head back to the Monocar and go into the Business District, then back
to the end to save. When you're done, go back to the monocar and head into Lindblum Castle.

Once there, go up the steps, around the corner and into the next area-the hallway. Go back to the left and
into the room where you saved your game. Zidane will talk to Steiner, then afterwards, leave the room. Go
back into the main hallway to the left, and try to go to the elevator. After this, head back into the room to the
right, then down the steps to where you found Erin. Zidane will trick the guard into following him, then jack
him and take his clothes. He's good at that. When you're finished, go back to the elevator and ride upstairs.

Zidane will change his clothes on the elevator, so just step right off. Head up the stairs on the left, then up
the second staircase. Here you'll find Dagger.

What a nice FMV. Afterwards, you'll have to find seven points on the map in the telescope. When Garnet starts
singing to Zidane again, you'll view what everyone else is doing, including Regent Cid. Zidane will then make
a deal with Dagger that if he gets first place in the Festival of Hunt, she'll go on a date with him.

After the cutscenes, SAVE YOUR GAME so that if you die, you can start over. When you're done, head out of
this room, to the left, then north, then down the stairs to the left. Once you're outside, go left to enter the
monocar and it will automatically take you to Zidane's starting point.

Here are some tips for the Festival of Hunt:

1: Going from section to section in the monocar takes 8 seconds.

2: Using a potion will take 2-5 seconds if you're quick.
3: Avoid getting into trances.
4: If it doesn't look like you're going to make it, go to the Business Area and help Freya defeat the monster
(or just do a soft reset which is R1, R2, L1, L2, Start Select).
5: If you need to stop for something, pause the game so that you don't run up time.

Here are the times and locations of the monsters.


1. The Mu around the old man

2. (11:10 on the clock) Stand at the steps and fight the bird
3. (10:30 on the clock) Go down the steps and wait around the clock for a bird
4. Head back to the Monocar and go to the Industrial Area


1. Head up the stairs and out of the monocar station

2. The Fang chasing the cat
3. Head up the stairs on the right for a Mu
4. Keep going up the steps then enter the bar; Zidane will walk back out and fight a Mu
5. (7:00 on the clock) Keep going up towards the house on the stop to fight another Mu
6. Go back to the Monocar and go to the Business Area


1. Exit and go towards the Inn where a bird is picking up a creature. Wait for the bird to come back. If it
doesn't after three seconds, move up some
2. Move to the right side of the screen and a Mu will pop out on the same screen
3. Head north towards the next area
4. The Fang eating on the left side of the screen
5. Move directly north towards the church
6. The Fang bothering the lady
7. the bird in front of the church
8. Run back to the previous screen and beat the fang chasing Vivi
9. Run to the right side where you synth your weapons and help Freya defeat the Zaghnol

When you're finished, if you have any time left, you have to wait for it to run out before the Festival ends.
You should have anywhere from 240-267 hunter points if you beat the last monster.

After the Festival, Freya, Vivi, and Zidane decide to go to Burmecia, but they must first wait for the Dragon
Gate to open.

After the cutscene, Freya will join your party. Go back to the Business District to buy anything you need before
moving on, such as weapons or accessories. If you haven't already, buy armor for Freya since she wears the
same type of armor that Steiner does. When you're done, head back to the castle and down to the base area.

When you're done fooling around in Lindblum, take the Monocar to the castle, then the elevator to the base
level. Take the left car to the Dragon Gate. When you get there, there will be a Moogle you can save your
game at. His name is Moonte. He has a letter from Stilzkin, who is in Burmecia right now. (You'll be seeing
him soon!). Save your game. The man close to the Moogle is a merchant, and he will sell you items. When
you're done, go outside.

Q U ' S M A R S H A N D C H O C O BO ' S F O R E S T
Estimated Time to complete event: 9 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 23 Freya: 23 Vivi: 20

Bosses: None
Blu Magic: Aqua Breath, Vanish, Might Guard, Pumpkin Head, Angel's Snack, Frog Drop
Cards: None
Items: None
Key Items: None
Monsters: Serpion, Ladybug, Ironite, Vice, Hedgehog Pie, Axolotl, Gigan Toad
Moogles: Mene
Notes: If you've got the time and money, you should start playing Chocobo Hot & Cold now, because you can
get some really great items while doing it.
Side Quests: Chocobo's Forest, Eating Frogs
Shops: None

Welcome back to the world map. If you ever need any items, you can go back through the Dragon Gate to
the merchant.

Note: Equip Freja with the Iron Helm asap, so that she can learn the Ability Level Up. Make sure you equip
the ability on her too.

From here, you might want to go across the bridge and get your Chocobo, raising it up a little bit. See the Side
Quests section for more information.

When you're finished with your sidequests and gaining levels, go directly north of Lindblum's Dragon Gate and
you will see a marshland. Enter in the center of the bushes. This is Qu's Marsh. You can get into battles here,
so be careful. In the next area, you'll see Moggy and Mogster, who teaches you things. From here, keep going
into the tall grass and hope nothing bites you.

Welcome to Qu's Marsh. Cross the bridge and keep in mind that you can get into battles here, but there's
nothing that really threatens your life.
On the next screen, you'll see Mogster and his little brother Moggy. Past by them and through the bushes into
the next area. Even though you can't see yourself, just keep running straight. On the next screen, you will
see a Qu that keeps talking about frogs. Go all the way over to the right and catch the frog there. Give it to
the Qu. Zidane will ask its name and you'll be prompted to give it one.

You can't move on (successfully anyway) without taking Quina with you, so opt to bring him along.

After he's joined your party, go back to the pond where you met Quina. There is a mini-game where he/she/it
can eat frogs to build up it's Frog Drop spell. Quina has a command called 'Eat' that he/she/it uses to eat
enemies. Try using it before you leave the Marsh on a Gigan Toad so Quina can learn Frog Drop. If he/she/it
eats something and says "Bad Taste" afterwards, he/she/it either already knows the Enemy Skill or the
monster didn't have one to learn. Note that Quina can only eat an enemy if its HP is lower than his...?

When you're done here, leave the Marsh and head north to the mountain then west to find Gizmaluke's Grotto.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 22 minutes
Suggested Levels: Zidane: 23 Freya: 23 Vivi: 20 Quina: 23

Bosses: Gizamaluke
Blu Magic: Lv3 Def-less, Vanish, Pumpkin Head
Cards: None
Items: Mythril Gloves, Magus Hat
Key Items: Gizamaluke Bell, Holy Bell
Monsters: Lamia, Hornet, Skeleton, Black Mage
Moogles: Moguta, Mogmi
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

Before entering, make sure you've equipped Quina. He doesn't come with anything but a Fork, his initial
weapon. Try to equip things on him that he can learn abilities from.

After the cutscene upon entering, walk in and make a right, then talk to the wounded soldier. He'll give you
the Gizamaluke Bell. Head left and forward to the door, and choose to ring the bell. After the door opens,
the bell in your hand will shatter. Head into the next room.

Here you'll see lots of Black Mages like you saw in Dali. Beat all of the Black Mages in the room until you find
the one that holds the second Gizamaluke Bell. Quina can't eat them, so you'll have to rely on the party's
strength. Once you've found it, use it on the door in the lower right corner.

Run into this room and while going up the steps, you'll find Mythril Gloves and Magus Hat under the bridge.

Keep going until you meet a moogle named Mogmi trying to save her husband. Give her the Kupo Nut that
you found in Lindblum, and they'll run off. After that, open the chest that was under the giant bell for the
third Gizamaluke Bell. Choose the door that's north of the bell (the darker door), and enter it.

This room is where the two moogles, Moguta and Mogmi, ran into. Talk to Mogmi, who got a letter from
Moodon back in Lindblum. There is no Mognet, so tent and save your game. When you're leaving, Moguta will
stop you and give you the Holy Bell. He tells you that you should give him more Kupo Nuts. He's kupo for
kupo nuts (XD those are his exact words). Now exit the room and take the door left of the big bell. Make sure
you've saved because you're about to fight a boss.

Items to Steal: Ice Staff, Magus Hat, Elixir

If you're on the suggested levels, this will be easy. Even so, Gizamaluke hits really hard. Make sure you steal
the Ice Staff for Vivi first, so he can have a new weapon. Have Vivi focus his magic while Zidane is stealing,
and have Quina cure anyone that needs it with potions and Hi-Potions. Once Zidane has stolen the Ice Staff
(it might take a while), have Vivi cast Thunder. It should hit around 300 if you've been focusing his magic. If
you're a little iffy, have someone cast a Tent on Gizamaluke until the Silence/Darkness/Poison snake appears.
It might make the battle easier, especially if you're below the suggested level. Make sure you do it at the
beginning of the battle, or it'll cure all the damage you've done to him.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 7 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Potion
Key Items: Gate Pass
Monsters: None
Moogles: Grimo
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Bohden Station Medicine Shop

Once inside the Gate, talk to everyone. Pick the first options for both the people in the way of the alley. When
they both leave, try to enter the alley and a guard will call you back. Pick up the pass after he leaves and
head into the alley.

After the cutscene, equip Dagger and Steiner. After this, buy any items that you need and check the chest by
the Moogle for a Potion. Talk to the moogle, who's name is Grimo. He wants you to deliver a letter to Nazna.
When you're done here, head up the steps and talk to the Conductor. Choose to board the Berkmea, and show
him your gate pass, then ask to depart immediately.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 31 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 23 Freya: 23 Vivi: 20 Quina: 23

Bosses: Beatrix
Cards: None
Items: Potion, Soft x2, Ether, Tent, Phoenix Down, Mythril Spear, Lightning Staff
Key Items: Cancer Coin, Protection Bell
Monsters: Magic Vice, Black Mage, Ironite, Mimic, Basilisk
Moogles: Atla, Stilzkin
Notes: None
Side Quests: Stellazio
Shops: Atla's Mogshop
Make sure to save before you enter if you didn't save with Dagger. Once inside, check the overturned cart
directly in front of you for the Cancer Coin. When you run into a Magic Vice, make sure you have Quina eat
one so he/she/it can learn Magic Hammer.

Head into the next area, and you'll fight some Black Mages. When you're done with the battle, go into the
door on the left. Inside, head to the left for a Potion, then to the right for a Soft. When you're done, exit and
go up the stairs to the right and into the door.

Go up the stairs here, and check the box for a Mimic. You can get a lot of experience off of him if he keeps
calling monsters, so sit here for as long as you'd like. When you're finished, go back downstairs and look under
the stairs for another Soft. Go back up the steps and into the door on the left (next to where you found the

Keep going straight, because you can't enter the door in front of you yet. WALK, do not run, across the bridge
and get the Germinas Boots. Try to head back and the platform will fall. Go back to where you fought the
Black Mages, and back into the room to the left. There you will see the bridge that fell. You can open the chest
if you want to fight another Mimic. When you're done, enter the door to the right. Keep going in this room,
then when prompted, go onto the balcony. Once in this room, check behind the round dresser for an Ether.
Go back towards the balcony and talk to the Burmecian Soldier, then go over to the furthest chair towards the
door and get the Protection Bell.

Now go back to the balcony and jump back over into the previous room, then back out of this room. Cross
the bridge and go back down the steps, then leave this room and go back up the steps on the right. Go back
up the stairs in this room and into the door (or the lack thereof) on the left. Here you'll see the door that you
couldn't open before, but now you can. So ring the bell, and move along.

Once inside, you'll see a cutscene. When it's over, head all the way up the steps and into the door straight in
front of you. You'll see another cutscene here. And in case you're wondering, you will see the soldier again

When you're out of the house, head up the staircase to the right and go all the way to the left. Enter the
doorway here and open the two chests for a Tent and a Phoenix Down. Follow this path around past the
door and open the chest if you want to fight another Mimic. If not, open the door and go inside.

Go into the door on the left first for a cutscene and a new weapon for Freya, the Mythril Spear. Equip it
immediately, then head out of here and go into the door on the right. Here you will find a moogle. Check the
chest behind him for a Lightning Staff for Vivi. Don't equip it unless he's learned the spells on his Ice Staff
first (if you stole it from Gizmaluke). Just as you take it, you'll see Stilskin walking in. Buy some items from
him so you can keep his noble journey going. XD

The moogle's name is Atla, and Atla has a Mogshop. This makes you and Atla very good friends. Buy whatever
you need, and make sure you buy enough for Dagger and Steiner as well. When you're done, save your game
and use Mognet. Atla will give you a Kupo Nut in exchange for the letter from Mogki, and will ask that you
deliver a letter to Monev. Don't forget. Don't forget to tent before you go, because there's a boss battle
coming up.

Before you leave, make sure everyone has the best equipment on that they can. When you're done, head out
of this room and up the steps in the center. You'll see a long cutscene, then you'll engage in a boss battle.


Items to Steal: Mythril Sword, Chain Plate, Phoenix Down

Start buy stealing all her items, especially the Chain Plate and Mythril Sword. These are important. If you take
too long, Beatrix will end the battle herself, which means you actually don't have to hit her. While Zidane is
stealing, have Freya cast Reis' Wind on the whole party. Have Vivi focus, and Quina heal anyone who needs
additional HP. Your objective in this battle is to stay alive, since she has to beat you for the game to progress.
If you're on the suggested level, then this will be a lot easier. It's not unlikely that one or more of your
characters will go into trance, which will make this battle a lot easier, especially if it's Zidane or Freya. You
might not be able to steal the Mythril Sword in time, so at least get the Chain Plate before the battle ends.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 25 minutes

Bosses: Black Waltz no. 3

Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Down, 1610 gil, Ether x3
Key Items: Scorpio Coin
Monsters: Ghost, Ghost (land spirit), Mandragora, Carve Spider, Trick Sparrow
Moogles: Nazna
Notes: The Quan's Dwelling Side Quest is included.
Side Quests: Quan's Dwelling, Stellazio Coin
Shops: Summit Station Shop, Vega Item Shop

After leaving the train, head to the right and into the rest area. In the lower left corner, there's a chest with
a Phoenix Down. Head left from there and talk to the Shopkeeper to the right of the Moogle, and buy
whatever items you need. Make sure to buy both the Air Racket and Mythril Rod for Dagger, because she
can learn abilities on each of them. If you stole the Mythril Sword from Beatrix, equip it on Steiner now. When
you're done, save your game with the Moogle Nazna and give her the letter from Grimo. Go back into Mognet
and select cancel when you're done, and she'll ask you to deliver a letter to Mochos. When you're finished,
talk to the attendant to the left behind the counter and you'll hear a familiar voice. Run out of the exit to the
left, and you'll find that the voices belong to your two good buddies from Tantalus, Marcus and Cinna. Run
back inside and talk to them, then talk to Steiner. Afterwards, the cable car to Alexandria will arrive. Run
outside and watch Cinna see Marcus off, then talk to Cinna. When you're done, get on the train and watch the
cutscene. When you regain control of Dagger, talk to Marcus again. Just then, the train will stop.


Items to Steal: Steepled Hat, Lightning Staff, Flame Staff

Everyone is at their same levels as before, so this might be a little tough. Have Marcus do your stealing while
Dagger heals and Steiner attacks. But don't have Steiner attack until you've robbed this wizard blind. He might
cast Freeze on a party member, but you don't have anything that can cure it right now other than a physical
attack from someone. Since Dagger is the weakest, have her attack the frozen character. There is a chance
that the impact of an attack will crush the character, so if you want to wait out the Freeze spell, that's fine
too. As usual, the Waltz won't attack Dagger, so she's in the clear. After you've stolen the Flame Staff, have
all party members attack him, including Dagger. Steiner will probably go into trance, which will make this
battle go by quicker.

After the battle, you'll see a cutscene on the train. Once you're off, you can buy items you need from part-
time worker Mary. When you're finished, exit to the north, then cross the bridge. Head down the steps below
you and open the chest for 1610 gil. You'll need it because there's a lot of shopping to do ahead. Exit to the
left and talk to the Guard. Try to leave and he'll tell you he has to raise the gate. Show him your gate pass
and then you can leave.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 4 minutes

When you first enter, run all the way around the path and head right. From here, go down the steps and get
the Ether in the chest. Head back up the steps and to the left. Slide down the rope and at the spring, you can
restore your health if necessary. Open the chest down here for another Ether, then check around the bottom
of the screen for another Stellazio Coin, Scorpio. When you're done, then climb back up the rope. Go forward
from here and in the next area, climb the ladder for yet another Ether. Check around the right side of the
table for some writing, then head out through the right. Out here you'll see that a clock stopped the week
before Dagger left Alexandria, and there's a strange foam on the surface of the ocean.

Come back here whenever you need to be healed for free-who could pass up a deal like that?

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 34 minutes
Suggested Level: Dagger: 15 Steiner: 15 Marcus: 14

Bosses: None
Cards: Tonberry, Yeti
Items: Power Belt, 1 gil, 2225 gil
Key Items: Gemini Coin, Taurus Coin
Monsters: Griffin
Moogles: Mogrich
Notes: None
Side Quests: Stellazio
Shops: Treno Weapon and Armor Shop, Treno Item Shop, Treno Synth Shop

Welcome back to the world map. Since you're here, you should spend this time gaining levels, and finding the
Land Spirit nearby. If you go to the left of Treno, you can enter a place called Quan's Dwelling. Here there is
a spring that will restore your health, so that you don't have to use your tents. However, beware. In the forest
is a creature called Mandragora and it's very dangerous. If you run into two of them and defeat them, you'll
get about 204 experience points, making it very easy to gain levels. If you're going to fight them, it would be
best to hang around Quan's Dwelling, or stock up on potions and tents from Mary's shop.

Note that you can also find the Ghost Land Spirit (see Side Quests Section) in this forest.

Welcome to Dark City Treno. When you regain control of Steiner after the cutscene, go over to the well and
throw in 120 gil for the Gemini Coin. Watch the ATE "Treno Tradition" when you're done, then head left.

Watch the first ATE (not "Ambition", the other know, the other one that's not Lisa?), then keep
heading all the way left past the children and across the bridge. Open the chest for a Mythril Dagger. Now
head back to the red entry roof where you saw the thief and Dagger run into. Watch the ATE Confusion, then
head around the bush where the thief was hiding, and into the door on the left. Talk to the thief before he
leaves and he'll give you the Power Belt he bought with Dagger's money and run off. Keep going down this
hallway and you'll reach a Synth shop. Try to buy at least one of each accessory you don't have.

Leave the Synth shop and continue north to the next screen. Go into the house there and you'll be able to
give your Stellazio Coins away to the Birdy Woman o_O In exchange she'll give you items.

Leave and go back to the area with the Synth Shop, but instead of going back the way you came, take the
bottom right exit. Watch another ATE of the Unexpected Visitor, then continue to the right. You'll pass the
Card house; if you'd like you can play cards with just about anyone in Treno. Head up the steps and into the
next area.

Watch the ATE "Ambition" if you haven't already, then you can go up the steps to the right and play cards
with the drunk if you'd like. If not, continue straight and go into the area on the right (where the old man is

Make sure to buy at least one Mythril Sword for Steiner. You can buy one for Marcus as well. If you didn't
steal a Flame, Ice, or Lightning Staff for Vivi, you can buy them all right here, right now. Also make sure to
buy more armor, not just for your current party, but for your other one as well. When you're finished breaking
yourself, ask about the monster below. Ask to fight it, and be prepared. Make sure that Steiner's equipment
is updated so this battle can run smoothly. At the beginning, use a tent on the monster so that it'll be bitten
by the Silence/Darkness/Poison snake. Use an elixir on yourself if your HP is down, then have Steiner attack
until either he kills him or the poision does. Your prize will be a Tonberry Card.

When you're finished, head north to the auction house. Before entering, check around the left side of the
house for 2225 gil. Now enter the auction house, and buy some things you think you might need. Specifically,
try and get the Fairy Earrings, and if you can afford it, try and get more than one pair.

Once you have the Fairy Earrings (make sure you also made one or two Cachushas from the Synth Shop), if
you're going out to gain levels, equip the Cachusha on Dagger and equip the ability "Ability Up". This will allow
her to learn abilities faster. Once she's mastered that, give her the Fairy Earrings so she can learn Level Up,
making her gain levels faster. Make sure to equip it as an ability. Once she's learned these two, gaining levels
and learning abilities will be easy.

Whenever you're finished with what you're doing, be it gaining levels, buying from the auction house, or just
playing some good old-fashioned cards, head back to the area with the old man. (Just outside of the shop
with the monster beneath it.) Remember the steps with the drunk old man at the top? Head up them and a
moogle will fly out. Chase him and talk to him. He'll save your game for you. Go to Mognet and he'll have a
letter from Stilzkin. When you're done saving, head back up the steps where the drunk is and pass him into
the next area.

Pass the children and head down the ladder on the right. Get a Yeti Card from the chest in front of you,
then 1 gil (how significant) from the chest on the right. You can buy items from the shop in front of you.
When you're finished, run around the back of the shop and check around the right side for the Taurus Coin.
Make sure you go turn it in to that Birdy Lady before you leave.

If you've turned the Scorpio Coin into the Birdy Lady, she'll give you a Blood Sword in exchange. Equip it
on Steiner before continuing.

From the ladder in front of the item shop, climb back up it and go into the house on the left (or from the Treno
entrance, just head left and into the first entrance on the left). Head down the steps and talk to Marcus. After
the cutscene, keep going straight and down the ladder and keep going until you see Baku. Steiner will follow
you...he's like the thing that wouldn't shut up. Talk to Baku and you'll see a cutscene of Baku, Marcus, Steiner
and Dagger talking, then another of the before-mentioned unsuspected guest.

Head out of the inn and south from there. This will place you back at the Treno entrance.From here, go left,
then on the next screen go all the way left. The door will be unlocked just as Tot promised. Run up the steps
and watch the cutscene, then talk to Doctor Tot again. After this cutscene, climb the ladders then talk to Tot
and go down the hole.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 9 minutes (depending on whether you choose to gain levels or not in
this area)
Suggested Level: Dagger: 20 Steiner: 20 Marcus: 19

Bosses: Ralvurahva
Cards: None
Items: Chain Plate, Phoenix Down
Key Items: None
Monsters: Dragonfly, Crawler
Moogles: Mochos
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

Talk to the Moogle, Mochos below you and give him his letter from Nazna. Moogles are dramatic, huh?

Head to the left from the Moogle and be advised that you can get into battles from this point on. Get the chest
to the left for a Chain Plate, then go left and open the chest next to the lever for a Phoenix Down. Pull the
lever then head back to the moogle. Save if you'd like, then go right.

You can stick around in this area for a little while to gain levels. They give excellent experience (sometimes
300 or more a battle) so gaining levels will be fairly easy, especially with Level Up equipped. You can head
back into Treno for any supplies you need, and come back down when you're ready.

From Mochos, go right and in the next area, make another right. Pull the triangle chain then follow Tot. After
speaking to him a second time, save your game. When you're finished, go back out to Tot and make a left.
Go to the lever that says 'Feed' and pull it.


Items to Steal: Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork

This snake has one ugly mug, and power to boot. Start by stealing the Bone Wrist and Mythril Fork. This
should be easy for Marcus if he's on the suggested level. Have Steiner attack once he's finished, and Dagger
heal the party when needed. Have Marcus attack when he's done stealing, and if you're on the suggested
levels or close to them, this battle will be over in no time.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 14 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 27 Freya: 27 Vivi: 25 Quina: 26

Bosses: None
Blu Magic: Matra Magic, White Wind, Auto-Life
Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Down, Ice Staff, Magician Shoes, Ether, Needle Fork, Tent, Flame Staff, Remedy, Mythril
Gloves, Mythril Vest, Desert Boots, Potion, Elixir, 900 gil, Gysahl Greens, Hi-Potion
Key Items: None
Monsters: Dragonfly, Sand Golem, Carrion Worm, Zuu
Moogles: Monev
Notes: Attack the Sand Golem's core as opposed to its body.
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

Now that you're back on the world map, you should save. Hopefully you've bought at least one or two pair
of Fairy Earrings from the Treno Auction House. (Kind of reminds you of the Jidoor Auction House in FF6,
doesn't it?) Start by equipping your party members with any new equipment you've received for them,
including a Cachusha on Freya so she can learn Ability Up. Give Quina a yellow scarf if he/she/it doesn't have
one already, so it can learn Millionare and make it easier for you to gain money. (I've determined that it can't
be a 'she' because it can't wear any items that only girls can wear.) Try to give one set of Fairy Earrings to
Vivi, since his levels are probably lower than everyone else's.

Cleyra is marked on your map, so when you're ready to go there, just follow the map (or if you're lost, just
go South of Burmecia, then west.) It's relatively easy to find considering it's a giant sandstorm.
The experience outside of Cleyra sucks, so if you'd like to go inside and hang around Cleyra's Trunk for a
while, it would work out better for you.

When you regain control of Zidane, run straight forward across the bridges. In the next area, go head up the
steps then up the steps on the right and pull the lever to open the door, then go through it.

Go right and get a Phoenix Down from the chest, then continue up into the next screen. Head north and
look around until you find the chest hidden by the tree branches containing an Ice Staff. Head south now all
the way below the tree and open the chest there for Magician Shoes. When you're done here, head out of
the exit to the right.

Note: When fighting the Sand Golem, you must attack its Core to defeat it. He will Counter each time, so have
Freya cast Reis' Wind.

Head up the trunk and you might run into a Zuu Bird. Weaken it as much as possible, but don't kill it. Have
Quina eat it so it can learn 'White Wind', which will heal your party when used. If he eats Quina and/or Zidane,
run away and try it again. The best way to do this would be to wait until everyone's ATB is up. Have Zidane
attack it, then Vivi, then select the Eat Command for Quina. Zuu will probably cast White Wind on itself. Then
wait until everyone's ATB is up again, and have Freya attack this time, then Quina eat it right after.

Keep heading up the trunk then make a left. In this area, grab the Ether from the chest. Go down a little and
put your hand in the hole. Run out and back down the trunk, then climb up the vines. Head directly left here
into the next area.

Head left and open the chest for a Needle Fork, then up the slope to the right and get the Tent from the
chest there. Head left to meet the moogle Monev. Give him his letter from Atla, then save your game. From
here, go right and up the slope on the left.

You'll see a fork in the road. Go left first and up for a Flame Staff, then to the right. Cross the bridge and in
the next area, head directly right. Check the chest for a Remedy, then continue up and loop around. You
should be in another area. If you're not, try it again. If you are in the next area, check the chest in front of
you for a pair of Mythril Gloves. Head forward into the next area and pull the lever, then head back out.
Head into the corridor on the left for a Mythril Vest, then check in the middle of the room for Desert Boots.
Head into the longer corridor on the left to exit.

Check the chest in front of you for a Potion, then go up the slope on the right. In this area, check the chest
for an Elixir, then head back out and to the exit to the north.

Walk, don't run, around the first whirlpool to the right and get a Hi-Potion from the chest. If you're extremely
careful, you can avoid them altogether, but only if you walk slowly. If you do get sucked in, mash the 'x'
button to get back out. (If you get pulled in completely, you'll have to battle Sand Scorpions. They give you
about 200 exp. so if you want to hang around here for a little while to gain levels, you can.) Check the second
chest on the left for 900 gil, then exit stage left.

Keep going down the hallway then when you get to the ladder, walk around it and check the chest for Gysahl
Greens. Once you climb up the ladder, you'll be in Cleyra.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 56 minutes
Suggested Level: Same

Bosses: Antlion; Beatrix

Cards: Nymph, Zuu
Items: 970 gil, Phoenix Pinion x3, Ore, Echo Screen, 1250 gil, Ether x2, Yellow Scarf, Remedy, Phoenix Down
Key Items: None
Monsters: Type B, Alexandrian Soldier
Moogles: Mopli, Stilzkin
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Burmecian Soldier Dan's Weapon & Armor Shop, Star Maidain Nina's Medicine Shop

Welcome to Cleyra Settlement. When Kildea offers to guide you around, pick yes. When you're done, head
past the guide and to the right. Check around where you entered for 970 gil. From this point, you can take
Zidane out by himself and gain some levels with him. If you go back a few rooms into the rooms with the
sandpits, and fight two Sand Scorpions, Zidane will get 800 exp per battle. Not bad at all.

When you're finished here, you can head up the steps in front of you. Before entering the next area, take a
right on the steps (by the steeple looking thing) for a Phoenix Pinion. Go right and up the steps for Ore,
then left and up those steps. You'll see Dan, the soldier you saved in Burmecia. He'll sell you weapons, so buy
what you need and don't forget about your other party members (Dagger and Steiner).

Go back down the steps and to the right, then view the ATE. Head back and up the stairs, then go into the
Inn behind the family. Check the upper left corner for an Echo Screen, then the lower right corner by the
stairs on the right for 1250 gil. Head up the stairs and talk to the Moogle, Mopli. You'll have a letter from
Ruby (I have to wonder how the Moogles get your mail). When you're finished, head back out.

Head up the stairs to the right, and view the ATEs. Head left now, and a little further for a Phoenix
Pinion right by the mushrooms. Talk to the little girl in pink and she'll sell you items. Make sure to buy some
Anointment. You can go back from here and talk to Dan, then walk into the inn and talk to Vivi, but they don't
have much to say. When you're done, come back to the little girl that sold you items and head up the stairs.

Go into the Cathedral and talk to the women there. They won't let you pass, so go back to the inn. After the
cutscene, make sure Zidane is equipped with his new stuff, and go into the inn and save your game. Then
from there, go back to the entrance of the Cleyra Settlement. Go right into the Antlion Pit.


Items to Steal: Gold Helm, Mythril Vest, Annoyntment

While for old time gamers, this is a little more than a flashback from FF4 (FF2 American Version), Antlion is
still nothing to joke about. Start by stealing all his items from him (I know, I'm a klepto.), but especially the
Gold Helm since you can buy those other two items. Have Vivi Focus while Freya casts Reis' Wind. The best
case scenario is that Freya and Vivi both go into Trance mode. (This happened to me, so the battle ended
pretty quick.) If this does happen, have Freya Jump and she won't come down until her trance is over. Have
Vivi cast Blizzara twice with his Double Black skill. This will be better if you've focused his magic once or twice.
If he casts Sandstorm, have Quina use White Wind.

After all the cutscenes, you'll gain control of Freya. Equip her with any new equipment you have for her. When
you're done, head back to the inn. Go upstairs and buy items from Stilzkin. Kneel by the bed to the right of
Mopli for an Ether. Go to Mognet and Monev will have sent a letter to Mopli. Save your game, then head back
to the entrance of the Settlement again. After this, head down the ladder.

From here, go back one room and you'll see some Alexandrian soldiers that you'll have to fight. Make sure
you equip your characters before you do this. Just keep going backwards like you're leaving. When you get to
the bridge, pick "Yeah I thought so, too", and Puck will pop out.

You'll have a lot of fighting to do, so after you finish off the first black mage, it would be a good idea to run to
the right where you fought Antlion and save your game with Mopli. After this, go to Mognet and he'll ask that
you deliver a letter to Serino. Accept and head back out to fight three more soldiers. After this you'll fight two
more mages.
After Zidane heads up the steps, pick the second option unless you want to double your enemies. Then pick
the second option again. You'll fight two mages. In the next area, when the children ask, pick the third option
and you'll fight two soldiers. Then on the next screen when the children ask are they safe, pick the second

After the cutscene, check around the left of the entrance for a Yellow Scarf. Talk to the maidens for
a Remedy and a Phoenix Down, then to the children for a Nymph Card and a Zuu Card. Now talk to the
Tree Oracles for an Ether and a Phoenix Pinion. What a deal, huh? Now before leaving, save your game
with Mopli.


Items to Steal: Ice Brand, Thunder Gloves, Phoenix Down

Start by of course, stealing from Beatrix. All you really need is the Ice Brand, so after Zidane's stolen it (which
should be around his second turn), have Freya jump and Vivi cast level 2 magic, preferably Fire, but Thunder
does nicely too. Have Zidane attack and Quina heal anyone that needs it with potions, or White Wind for the
whole party. After you do enough damage, Beatrix will end the battle with Stock Break.



Estimated time to Complete Event: 4 minutes

Although this part is short and pretty self-explanatory, I figured it should still have a small part in the
walkthrough. Follow Beatrix when prompted, then watch the cutscene. Follow Vivi and you'll see a moogle
behind you. Go back and talk to it. This is Serino. How she got here, I have no clue. Give her the mail from
Mopli, then agree to give her letter to Moodon. Save, then follow Vivi. Talk to him, then watch the cutscene.
Pick the first option, and you'll have officially completed this event. Not bad.

Estimated time to Complete Event: 49 minutes

Bosses: Zorn & Thorn; Beatrix; Ralvuimago

Cards: None
Items: Tent, Ice Brand
Key Items: None
Monsters: Alexandrian Soldier, Bandersnatch, Black Mage
Moogles: Mosh
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

Once you're out of the bars, equip Steiner with the Ice Brand if you've stolen it from Beatrix, and any other
new equipment you've bought for him. But don't leave Marcus out. Give him the Blood Sword now that you're
not using it anymore. Head around to the right and you'll have to fight the guards. You can't really run around
to avoid them (believe me, I've tried it XD). Since Alexandria knights cast Blizzara, it will heal Steiner if he's
equipped with the Ice Brand. And since Marcus has the Blood Sword, he'll regain HP each time he hits someone.
This makes you practically invincible ^^.
When you're finished fighting the guards, go all the way to the left and climb up the ladder.

After Marcus shuts up, you have 29:30 on the clock. Head down, to the left, then north (try to avoid the
guards) into the castle. Once you're inside head left up the stairs and into the entrance at the bottom of the
screen. Head left up the spiral staircase where you first met Dagger (the Moogle isn't into the room to the
right anymore, so don't bother going). Head left once up the stairs, or north (the room that Garnet was coming
out of when you first met her). Continue straight ahead. You'll now be inside Garnet's bedroom.

You should have a little more than 25 minutes left on the clock. Head over to the left of the fireplace and move
the candle there. Go inside, then use the Pendelum to get a Tent and another Ice Brand from the chests, if
you didn't have one already. Head down the stairs from here. Yes, all the way down.

When you reach the middle platform of the last room, head north.


Items to Steal: Thorn (red): Mythril Armlet, Mythril Armor; Zorn (blue): Stardust Rod, Partisan

You should have somewhere between 23 and 21 minutes left when you start this battle. Make sure to steal
both items from Thorn, and at least the Stardust Rod from Zorn. While this is happening, have Freya cast
Reis' Wind, and Vivi focus. Don't attack both of them, instead, attack them one at a time. They'll run away
after you've inflicted enough damage, they'll run away with they're bells between their legs.

Run to Dagger after the battle is finished and watch the cutscene. There's a forced ATE afterwards, then run
off the platform and save your game with Mosh. After this, return to Dagger's room.


Items to Steal: Survival Vest, Ice Brand, Phoenix Down

Start by having Freya cast Reis' Wind, and Vivi focusing. Have Zidane steal the Survival vest, then have him
attack. Have Steiner use Magic Sword with Vivi-any level 2 magic will do. This is much better if he's in Trance,
and with the way Beatrix hits, it's possible. Have Freya cure anyone with potions that needs it, and have Vivi
cast level 2 magic spells until Beatrix ends the battle with Climhazzard. (She has about 4000 HP, so it might
take a while if one of your characters isn't in Trance).

Freya and Beatrix will team up against a Bandersnatch (which I remember from a poem by Lewis Caroll...).
Just have Beatrix use Shock, and the battle will be over. (Isn't she gorgeous?)

Now that you're no longer on a time limit, you can take your time to equip Dagger and anyone else who needs
it. Have her use the Stardust Rod first, then the Multina Racket (assuming of course, that you bought the
Multina Racket from Cleyra and stole the Stardust Rod from Zorn). From here, jump on the Pendulum quickly
before the Bandersnatch behind you catches up. Run down the stairs.

You'll fight three Black Mages that were like Black Waltz 3, but not as powerful. After this, continue down the
steps and you'll fight a Bandersnatch. When you've beaten him, continue down the steps.

Steiner leaves you, which sucks. You'll have to fight another Bandersnatch, then the scene switches back to
Freya and Beatrix. Use the Climhazzard, since it will hit both of the monsters. Steiner will arrive to help, so
now you don't have to use Beatrix' magic anymore. Steiner and Beatrix both hit around 1400, so this battle
should be easy just using physical attacks.

The scene switches back to Zidane now. Head north into the room where you fought Zorn and Thorn. Be
mindful that you can get into battles now. You will probably run into Black Mages, but unfortunately you can't
silence them, so just finish them quickly.
Tent with Mosh and save, then use Mognet and he'll ask you to deliver a letter to Monty. When you're done,
head out and south to where Dagger and Steiner were originally captured.

"Bastards we may be, but clever are we." Don't you just love them? You think you're trapped, until Marcus
and Blank (that sexy beast) comes and kicks the crap out of Zorn and Thorn. It's pretty easy since they're


Items to Steal: Oak Staff, Adaman Vest, Phoenix Down

As usual, steal what you don't have. He might look like the same ugly mug you fought earlier, but he's
different. Have Dagger cure, and Vivi focus while Zidane steals. If this sucker chibifies a character, the only
thing you can do to cure it is use a Remedy (but you might be able to wait it out). Fira and all other level 2
Magic spells are effective. If he becomes compact, have everyone defend until he returns to normal.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 14 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: The Ogre, Peridot, Mythril Vest, Mythril Armlet
Key Items: None
Monsters: Sand Scorpion, Zaghnol, Seeker Bat
Moogles: Monty
Notes: This quest is optional. You'll get a Peridot later in the game and learn Ramuh whether you complete
this or not.
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

"I will hide 5 manifestations of myself in this forest. Each one will carry a piece of the 'Hero's Story'. Collect
all 5 pieces and tell me the story. If you put together the story to my satisfaction, I shall become your eidolon."

Now you know what your goal is in Pinnacle Rocks. Dagger will be leading in this event, since she did drag
you into this mess in the first place. Head down to the Moogle, Monty. Tent (since no one bothered to restore
your health for you), give him his mail from Mosh and save. Head down from here and get a Mythril Vest from
the chest. Enter the area behind you and head to the right for the first Ramuh.

"Historian's explanation: The fact that they didn't report Joseph's death to his daughter was indicative of their
guilt for failing to protect him. In the end, heroes are also human." -Human.

Now go to the left and into the next area. Go to the chest to the left for the second Ramuh.

"With Joseph's help, the troop defeated the adamantoise in the snow field cavern and acquired the Goddess
Bell they needed to enter the empire's castle." -Cooperation.

Now get The Ogre from the chest, and head right around the green root going up (go around it, not up it).
You'll be in the next area. Go forward and you'll find the third Ramuh.

"On their way home, they fell into a trap set by a traitor. Joseph gave his life to save the troop. The troop left
without telling Joseph's daughter, Nelly, about the tragedy." -Silence.
Now go to the previous area and go up the green root. Once up it, take the path to the left. Continue until
you find the fourth Ramuh.

"Once upon a time, 33 small countries fought together against an empire. One day, a rebel troop visited a
man named Joseph, who lived with his daughter. Owing a debt to the troop, he gladly accepted their plea for
help. They headed for a cavern in the snow field." -Beginning.

Now that you're here at the moogle, go straight across to the right and you'll be at the very first area you saw
of Pinnacle Rocks. This is where you'll find the last Ramuh, and the last piece of his story.

"Historian's explanation: Although Joseph's death was not reported to his daughter, the manner of his death
speaks for itself. This is the story of a true hero." -Hero.

From here, leave this area and save your game. Then go back up the root from here and to the left. You'll be
back in the area where before, you chose to go left. This time, go right and across the bridge, then down to
the exit. Now you must piece the story together. It goes as follows:

Beginning, Cooperation, Silence, ...

It doesn't matter which ending you choose for the story, but I chose human because it seems more realistic.
Choose to jump off later when prompted, and go back a little ways until a question mark appears over your
head. Jump to the box and open it for a Mythril Armlet. You should go back now to Monty and save, and
check with Mognet. He'll now have a letter from Stilzkin. then head back to this area and leave, then when
prompted, choose the first option to go to Lindblum.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 26 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: Lindblum
Items: 3000 gil, 993 gil, 340 gil, 262 gil, Ore, Ether, Phoenix Pinion
Key Items: World Map
Monsters: None
Moogles: Moodon, Moonte
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Dragoos' Weapon Shop, Alice's Medicine Shop, Torres' Synth Shop, Dragon's Gate Merchant

After two moving FMVs, you'll be in Lindblum. Head into the first door on the left which is the inn, and go
upstairs and save your game. Give Moodon his mail, and he'll also have a letter to you from Ruby. He'll also
ask that you deliver a letter to Moonte. Accept, then head back outside. Head north from here.

Head to the upper right side of this area and you'll see a long cutscene. Cid will give you 3000 gil and put
you back in the business area. The weapons shop will give you a major discount because you're not an
Alexandrian soldier. Make sure you go to the Synth Shop and buy anything you need. Before talking to the
man, head out of this area and check the rubble on the left for a Lindblum Card. You can also fly to the
Theatre District and go into the house to the south for Ore. Also, head south down the steps here and talk to
Lowell. (He's got blue hair.) Tell him Ruby is looking for actors and he states, (and I quote), "I'll share my
talent with those uncultured people." Is he full of it or what?

You can also go into Tantalus' hideout where they've got new items in the boxes. 993 gil, 340 gil, and 262
gil. it's really just a bunch of money, but...who's complaining?
The screen before the businesses in the business area, there is a tall building that kind of looks like a clock
tower. Enter it and check the chests for an Ether, and a Phoenix Pinion. Card Freak Gon lives here, and he's
the only person in town that will play cards with you.

When you're done, tell the man in the business area that you're ready to leave. After the cutscene, Cid will
give you the World Map. Save with Moonte and give him his mail, and the man near the exit will sell you
both weapons and items, because once you ride the trolley here you can't go back.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 54 minutes
Suggested Level: Zidane: 30 Vivi: 27 Dagger: 26 Quina: 27

Bosses: Lani
Blu Magic: Lv4 Holy, Aqua Breath, Mighty Guard, Pumpkin Head, Night, Angel's Snack, Frog Drop, White
Wind, Vanish
Cards: None
Items: Lamia's Tiara, Survival Vest, Ether
Key Items: None
Monsters: Serpion, Ladybug, Ironite, Vice, Hedgehog Pie, Gigan Toad, Armodullahan, Abomination, Griffin,
Seeker Bat, Feather Circle
Moogles: Mogki, Skiltzkin
Notes: Now would be a good time to get any and all Blu Magic that you missed earlier.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Mogki's Mogshop, Kuppo's Mogshop, Treasure Hunter's Weapon Shop

Before going anywhere, after you exit Lindblum's Dragon Gate, go to Qu's Marsh and pick up Quina. Make
sure you let him/it eat more frogs before you go. From here, go to Quale's house and talk to him. Then from
his house, go to the right.

From the gate, head inside and head down the steps on the right. Keep going through the hallway in this
corridor. You'll have to outrun a chariot that's chasing you, and you'll probably get caught more than once.
Just use Fira if you get caught, then continue.


Items to Steal: Coral Sword, Gladius, Ether

Steal the items if you'd like to, although it might take a while to get the Coral Sword. Have Vivi Focus; Lani
will only take Dagger. On occasion she'll use a spell that hits the whole party. Have Vivi cast level 2 magic,
and if it's focused (and he's in trance), it'll hit more than 2000 each turn. Have Dagger cast Shell and Protect
on herself, since Lani will mostly just be hitting her.

Continue forward after the battle. Head up the stairs to the left, then grab the flowers on the left then walk a
little ways and stand in the middle of the opening to ride the gargant. When you land, head north into the
next room and down the steps. Buy the items from Stiltzkin, then save your game with Mogki, then go to
Mognet. You can also buy items from him. I'm sure you'd like to find the Moogle, but we'll get to that in a
moment. For now, head north and grab a flower, then go to the edge of the ledge and call the gargant.

When you land, go right and flip the switch, then come back out. Grab a flower then stand in the small damp
spot to call the gargant. Go up the stairs to your left once you land and keep going north. Get the Ether from
the box. Go back out now and back down the steps then pass the place you landed and north into the next
area. Head around the bend and into the next room. You'll be just above the room with the Moogles. Hit the
lever, then go back and ride the gargant again.
You'll be back in a previous room. Go right again and hit the switch, then ride the gargant yet again. Head
back once you land and save your game. Now head to the right and ride the gargant from here.

You'll land next to a weapons dealer. Buy as many Remedy as possible if you can afford it. When you're done
go up the stairs right in front of you (they're kind of hard to see) and you'll see a lever. Don't pull it, just keep
going into the room on your right. Take a flower and catch a ride.

When you land, head south and right to the next room. From here, go right and climb the vines to the right
of the screen. In the next area, talk to the miner and give him a potion for the use of his pick. Check around
everywhere you can, since there's no time limit. I mostly found Ore, but I'm sure there are other things. When
you're done, check the far right wall on the top floor. Keep picking at it until the Moogle, Kuppo, pops out. Go
to Mognet and he'll ask that you deliver a letter to Kupo. He'll also sell you items and save your game. Give
the pick back to the miner when you're done and go into the room behind where he was standing.

Go south then all the way to the left and check the chest for a Survival Vest. Now head back and save your
game again if you'd like. From the miner, head back into the room you were in before with the vines, and go
back to the lever.

Hit the lever and go back out on the ledge, then ride the Gargant. In this area, go right and out to the ledge
above the miner and check the box for Lamia's Tiara. Now go back out and ride the gargant again.

Now hit the lever yet again and go back, ride the gargant, and when you land go back into the room with the
vines. Climb to the bottom then all the way up to the top and stay directly under the water statue at the very
top to reach the switch. Hit it, then go down under the water statue so that it'll push you to the bottom. Come
out of the water and go south then ride the gargant outside.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 6 minutes
Suggested Level: 33 for all characters

Bosses: None
Blu Magic: Goblin Punch, Matra Magic, 1,000 Needles, White Wind
Cards: None
Items: Phoenix Pinion
Key Items: None
Monsters: Cactuar, Griffin, Zaghnol, Goblin Mage
Moogles: Mogmatt
Notes: Try and get Matra Magic, because it's a very good spell. White Wind is also good.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Grocery Store Medicines, Goldpiler's Weapon Shop

Welcome to the Outer Continent, and back to the world map. Now that you're here, save. There's a forest in
front of you where you might be able to find Ragtime Mouse a few times. From the exit of Fossil Roo, head
past the forest to the right and all the way down to the beach, then to the right again. You'll see an area with
green patches, which is great for gaining levels and the like. There's also another Qu's Marsh here, so go in
and catch the frogs so that Quina's Frog Drop spell will be stronger. From Qu's Marsh, you'll see two or three
forests directly in front of you. Head towards them and up the plateau, then keep going until you reach your
new destination of Conde Petie.

The villagers here are supposedly dwarves with Scottish accents. Please don't ask, because I don't know.
(Note- Old school gamers will remember their phrase 'Rally-Ho' from the dwarves underground in Final Fantasy
IV.) When you regain control of Zidane, head right and into the item shop. Since the ATEs are optional, you
don't have to watch them. In any case, save your game with Mogmatt and he'll ask you to deliver a letter to
Suzuna. Buy what you need then check the lower right corner near the stairs for a Phoenix Pinion. Now go
up the steps and talk to Vivi, then follow him back down.

When you regain control of Zidane, go back to the Item Shop and head north. This leads to a Weapons Shop.
When you're finished here, leave Conde Petie. There's an Inn to the left after you first enter, so if you'd like
to gain some levels, you can do so now.

Your next destination is Black Mage Village. Once you're done gaining levels, head back to Qu's Marsh (directly
south then east of Conde Petie). If you've just left Conde Petie and you're in front of Qu's Marsh, Black Mage
Village will be to your right. Follow the green grass around the corner and you'll be at the foot of a very long
forest that you might have seen from the plateau Conde Petie is on. Head into it and into the circular-looking
forest at the end.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 16 minutes
Suggested Level: 35 for all characters

Bosses: None
Blu Magic: White Wind, Mighty Guard
Cards: None
Items: 2000 gil, 843 gil, Gysahl Greens, Ether, Elixir
Key Items: Virgo Coin
Monsters: Myconoid, Zemzelett
Moogles: Mogryo
Notes: The monsters and Blu Magic listed can only be found on the journey to Black Mage Village. There's
also a new land spirit that can be found outside Black Mage Village in the forest surrounding it. It's the
Side Quests: Stellazio Quest, Land Spirits
Shops: No. 163's Medicine Shop, No. 239's Weapon & Armor Shop, Black Cat Synth Shop

You'll have to complete a maze to get to Black Mage Village. Every time you go in the right direction, an owl
will fly off. Read the sign at the entrance each time to decide which way to go (always go where there are no
owls). After you get so far, a Black Mage will peak out and from then on, just follow the Black Mage.

You'll have ATEs to watch once you enter. Head left to find a weapons shop and buy what you need. Just next
to the Weapons Shop door, you'll find an Elixir. Make sure you have at least two Mythril Daggers. Now head
north east to save your game with Mogryo, and accept the request to deliver a letter to Mocchi. Head inside
and talk to Quina then look to your right for Gysahl Greens. Go back now and to the center circle and go
right, then check the ATE. Now head into the room on the left-this is the item shop. You may now buy Hi-
Potions here, so stock up on them since you can probably put them to more use as opposed to regular Potions.
Check near the exit on the left for an Ether. Buy anything else you need then leave the shop to the left.

Head into the door on your left and you'll see Dagger. After the cutscene, check to the north for 2,000 gil.
Now talk to the Black Mage nearest the exit and he'll tell you that it's the Black Cat Synthesis Shop. Buy what
you then go up the ladder to your left. Go up and right for 843 gil. Come back down and leave the Synth
shop. Head to the left and Vivi will run out. Go left and talk to the two Black Mages then leave and go in the
direction Vivi left to.

Stay on the center circle and go all the way right and into the inn, then talk to Vivi. After the cutscenes, leave
and go back to Conde Petie.
Estimated Time to Complete Event: 33 minutes
Suggested Level: 36 for all characters

Bosses: Hell Gigas

Cards: None
Items: 2700 gil, Remedy, Tent, Ether
Key Items: Blue Stone, Red Stone, Yellow Stone, Green Stone
Monsters: Gnoll, Ochu, Troll
Moogles: Mogmatt, Suzuna, Stiltzkin
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Grocery Store Medicine Shop, Goldpiler's Weapon Shop

When you're back in Conde Petie, go to the Weapons Shop and talk to the two people guarding the exit. Now
go back to the entrance of Conde Petie and look in the corner for 2700 gil. Now take the left in front of the
woman and talk to the man in the hallway.It doesn't matter which option you pick, because either way Vivi
and Quina will have to get married.

After the cutscene, don't go any further until you've unequipped Quina of everything but its main weapon.
Now run up into the Mountain Path.

When Quina runs off, Eiko will replace it. Although she's wearing equipment, you might want her to learn
Ability Up and Level Up first, so equip her accordingly. Go up the left once you regain control of your party,
and climb the root. Check the chest on the left for a Remedy. Continue to the right and take the blue stone
out of its resting place. Climb back down the vine and go down the path where you first started at. Continue
right and climb the vines up on the rock in front of you. Go left and get a Tent from the chest. Take out the
red stone on your way out, then go back and head north.

Talk to Stilzkin and buy items from him, then give Suzuna her mail and save your game. Now head left and
up the ladder. Cross the vines and keep going until you run into your next boss battle.


Items to Steal: Fairy Flute, Mythril Fork, Phoenix Down

This battle is pretty easy. Have Zidane attack, Dagger and Eiko heal, and Vivi cast Thundara after focusing for
a few turns. If you're on or above the suggested level, it'll be a lot easier. It's pretty hard to steal the Fairy
Flute, so you don't have to try for it if you're cramped for time. If you use one of Eiko's summons, you'll see
a mini cutscene.

After the battle, take the yellow stone from its resting place and head right. You'll reach a fork in the road and
from here, go right first. Take out the green stone, then the Ether from the chest. Now go back to the fork
and take the left. Continue forward until you're back on the world map.

Estimated time to Complete Event: 24 minutes
Suggested Level: 38 for all characters

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Tent, Ore, Phoenix Pinion
Key Items: Libra Coin, Kirman Coffee
Monsters: Blazer Beetle, Goblin Mage, Troll, Yeti, Yeti (land spirit)
Moogles: Morrison, Chimomo, Mocha, Mimoza, Momatose, Mog
Notes: None
Side Quests: Land Spirit, Coffee Quest
Shops: Morrison's Mogshop

From the exit of the Mountain path, head northwest to enter Maiden Sari by the shoreline. After you get control
of Zidane, watch the ATE then check to the left of Dagger for a Tent. Now check the fountain for Libra. Head
out to the upper right from here and talk to the moogle, then go back left. You'll then see a forced ATE. Have
Chimomo go fishing, and Mocha dig up the potatoes.

Continue left afterwards and talk to Vivi. Try and enter the doorway in front of you and the Moogle will tell
you that you must wait. Leave from here and watch the ATE. Make enough for 11 people; don't add the oglop.
Help Chimomo catch the big fish, and accept Quina's help when s/he offers. Now go to Dagger and talk to her.

After talking to Dagger, she'll rejoin your party. You can take her and Zidane out by themselves to gain levels,
and it'll be a lot easier since it's just the two of them. It's your decision.

Head back to the wall where you first saw Quina, and after the cutscene leave. Now go back to the kitchen
and after you eat, get the Ore from the chest, and the Phoenix Pinion on the other side and take the pot to
Eiko. (...That sounded wrong o_O what's a six-year-old doing with pot?)

Talk to Eiko then run over to the left around the oglop and suchs forths to receive the Kirman Coffee. Leave
and head past Dagger. When the moogle asks, sleep for the night.

After a disturbing scene, you'll be back on the world map. Save your game and go back inside Maiden Sari to
buy items if need be.

I I F A , T H E A NC I E N T T R E E O F L I F E
Estimated Time to Complete Event: 24 minutes
Suggested Level: 39 for all characters

Bosses: Soulcage
Cards: None
Items: Elixir, Phoenix Down, Ether, Hi-Potion, Lamia's Flute, Brigandine, Ruby
Key Items: None
Monsters: Nymph, Blazer Beetle, Troll, Goblin Mage, Yeti, Stroper, Myconid, Zombie, Dracozombie, Nymph
(land spirit)
Moogles: Mocchi
Notes: None
Side Quests: Land Spirit
Shops: None

The suggested level might seem a little harsh, but it would be better to gain a few levels now then the rest
when you're actually inside the Iifa Tree. When you're ready, go back to the Mountain Path and choose the
left as opposed to the right to reach the Iifa Tree.

After getting back to the world map, you'll once again be near Forests. You can find Quiz Master here and the
land spirit, Nymph, who will give you lots of AP for a small price. She'll also give you a new stone. When you're
ready, head inside the tree (it's marked on your map in case you don't know exactly where to go, but it's kind
of hard to miss). Make sure you save before entering.
When prompted, ask Eiko how to break the seal. She'll break it and you'll receive another new stone. Continue
down the roots when you're ready. You can only go one way, and when you think about it, the only way to go
is up.

You get a lot of good experience here, but keep an eye out for all of the monsters anyway. Make sure to equip
things like Loudmouth on your party, which protects against Silence.

After you get so far, you'll reach a moogle named Mocchi. Give him his mail if you have it, then tent and
save. You might want to spend some time here gaining levels before continuing.

When you're ready, head down the vine and onto the platform. Try standing on it, and when you go down,
continue down the vines. It will get darker as you go further down, but don't worry about it.

When you get into the room where you see a chest in the upper right corner, go down a bit and into a small
tunnel on the right. (just below the chest.) Push whatever is sticking out and the chest will fall. Go up and
open it for a Phoenix Down. Keep going and you'll reach another chest with a Hi-Potion in it. Keep going
down from here.

Continue down and check the chest a ways below you to the right in a small cave for an Ether, then down a
bit and left for a Lamia's Flute. Continue down into the next area.

You'll see a cutscene, then another as you're heading towards the bottom of the stalk. You'll then fight a
couple of battles, but it's nothing major. You won't be able to cure for a while unless it's in battle, but you'll
get a short opportunity to when you're prompted to run to Vivi and talk to him. Take this time to cure, use
Ethers, switch weapons, etc. After you speak with Vivi, there'll be another battle.

When you finally reach the bottom, Eiko will ask that you follow her. You can't get into any battles as of yet,
so check around for stuff. At the bottom of the second set of steps (the level Vivi and Eiko are on), you'll find
an Elixir, then check the left side of where Vivi and Eiko are standing for a Brigandine. Equip it on Zidane
immediately, because it teaches him Ability Up. Don't forget to equip that too. Now check the front of whatever
you're standing on, and Eiko will start to speak. Run back up the steps and get Dagger, and you'll face your
next boss.


Items to Steal: Brigandine, Magician Cloak, Oak Staff

Steal what you'd like from him, but since you should already have the Brigandine and Oak Staff, try focusing
on the Magician Cloak (but it never hurts to have two of any item). Have Vivi Focus and Eiko heal, and Dagger
cast Ramuh since it's the most powerful spell you have at this point. Have Zidane steal/attack and after a few
turns, have Vivi cast anything but Fira. Have Eiko cast Haste on Zidane to speed up the stealing, and you
should be done in no time.

After this, you'll see an FMV of the mist leaving (it's so gorgeous), and you'll be summoned back to Maidain
Sari. Accompany Eiko back there, and you'll find your next assignment and perhaps a little something more...


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 17 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Survival Vest, Phoenix Down, Exploda, Elixir
Key Items: Memory Earring
Monsters: Same; Scarlet Hair
Moogles: Same
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Morrison's Mogshop

Once back in the village, follow Eiko back to the kitchen. Talk to the moogles then head down the steps and
talk to Eiko. Check the small box on the counter for a Phoenix Down, then the box on the floor for a Survival
Vest. Now head to the Eidolon Wall.

The moogle near the entrance will heal you if need be, then let you look inside. Another one of the moogles
will give you the Exploda after you look inside, so equip it on Zidane immediately (unless you have the Rune
Tooth, then there's no need for it). You'll also recieve an Elixir. When you're ready, talk to Morrison at the
door and ask where Mog is. Now go in and save her.

You'll have to fight Red (isn't he hot?), which CAN be fairly easy if you do it right. Keep defending until he's
in the farthest right corner, then attack for double the damage. If you attack him any other time, you will
probably miss. Don't bother stealing from him, because it's really just a waste of time. Use Hi-Potions when
needed, and although it seems like it will last forever, it won't. If you're fairly close to trance, the end of this
battle is closer than you think.

"The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim."

Head back to the kitchen after the battle, and back into the room where you found Eiko. Talk to her. Head
outside the kitchen and out to the steps that lead back into the main part of the town. When an exclimation
point pops up, hit the action button. After a couple of cutscenes and another beautiful FMV, the red head will
join your party. Pick your party now, but the moogle at the door will let you switch characters if need be.
When you're all finished here, head back to the Iifa Tree. (Make sure to buy some pinwheels before you go.)

Before entering Iifa again, make sure your party is at full health and you have plenty of potions, etc (it would
help to put at least one white mage in your party). Enter when you're ready.

Estimated time to Complete Event: 21 minutes

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Aquamarine
Key Items: None
Monsters: Stroper, Myconid, Mistodon
Moogles: Mocchi
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

When prompted, choose to keep your current members (unless of course, you want to switch) then continue
into the tree. You can still get into battles, mind you, so be careful. Keep going up the vines the same way as
before and eventually you'll see a cutscene.

When you're finished organizing your party, choose the third option. You'll see another cutscene, a small FMV,
then fight creatures of mist. When you have to go after Dagger, turn back instead and head north until you
can't anymore. There you will find Mocchi, who will save your game (this is a bit of a secret, since not a lot of
people knows he's there). You can also go to Mognet and he'll have a letter from Stilzkin.
Now head down and follow after Dagger. You'll be chased by spawns of the mist, so you're bound to run into
at least two. Here's where your pinwheels will come in handy if you bought them. Have Amarant throw them
and your battles will end quicker. Continue down until you reach Dagger.

"Power, mobility...You are truly the best! You even hurt me...a little."

You'll see a series of cutscenes and FMVs after receiving the Aquamarine. When the last one falls, and when
it's all said and done, you'll have completed disk two.

"I kind of wanted to cry, too..."


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 36 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Bosses: None
Cards: Wyerd, Ironite, Goblin, Fang, Shiva, Ramuh
Items: 2680 gil, 3927 gil, Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Lapis Lazuli, 30,000 gil, Opal, Topaz, Amethyst
Key Items: Leo Coin, Athlete Queen, Burman Coffee, Mini-Brahne, Mayor's Key
Monsters: None
Moogles: Artemicion, Stiltzkin, Kupo, Mosh
Notes: None
Side Quests: Racing Hippaul, Stellazio
Shops: Doug's Item Shop, Alexandria Weapon Shop, Alchemist's Synth Shop

At the start of the disk, you'll see some cutscenes. Once you regain control of Vivi, head all the way left and
view the ATE. Now go talk to the hippo family towards the bottom of the screen and race Hippaul. It's not
much of a challenge, but for every ten levels Hippaul gains, his mother will give you a card. This gets very
difficult when he gets to level 50, but this is the only chance this mini-game will be available to you, so take
advantage of it. Now go back to the screen you came from and left to where Marcus and the others headed.
View the ATE (o_O;; Freaky people...) and continue onto the next screen. Now view the other ATEs (isn't
Artemicion adorable?). Now look around in the shops and buy what you need. There's a Synthisis connected
to a Weapons Shop, which works out pretty well.

When you're finished breaking yourself, go into the alley on the left. If you're ready, go to Blank and see
Ruby's play with him, but I recommend you keep going and go back into the steeple and talk to the moogles.
There you'll find Stilzkin, Artemicion, and Kupo. Give Kupo his mail, buy items from Stilzkin and talk to
Artemicion. Go back to Mognet and he'll have a letter from Mogrika that Artemicion delivered. You can also
climb the ladder behind the moogles and pull the rope for Hippaul's Ironite Card, Goblin Card, Fang
Card, Shiva Card and Ramuh Card. Now go back out to the alley, talk to Blank and enter the bar.

You'll see a series of cutscenes, then you'll have control of Eiko. Head back inside the room you left to save
your game with Mosh. Now head back out and north (or right) and watch more cutscenes.

"When the night sky wears the mood as its pendant, I shall await you at the dock."

When you regain control of Zidane, leave the bar and watch the ATE. Don't forget to equip him with anything
new you have for him. Go back to the bell tower and save. Stilzkin and Artemicion will be gone by now, but if
you go to Mognet you can read a letter from Stilzkin. Stick around and play some cards with the people in the
area if you'd like, but go into Ruby's mini-theatre before leaving. You'll find 2680 gil on the floor near Ruby.
Now go back to the shopping square and from there, head north. You'll run into Amarant and Freya.

After the cutscene, check by the steps on both sides before getting on the boat. You'll find a Phoenix
Pinion and 3927 gil. Now board the boat and watch another series of cutscenes. Once you're off the boat,
check around the dock for an Ether and another Phoenix Pinion. Check just behind the fountain in front of
you for a Lapis Lazuli. Equip your new party members with whatever they need, then head left into the left
tower. There's only one door you can enter, but check around the gate in front of you for a Phoenix Pinion,
then go into the door to the left. Upon entering, go straight north and get the Leo coin, because you'll be in
Treno before you know it. Now go back to the dock and head straight forward into the castle. Get ready to
see even more cutscenes. (That's what it is, and there's a lot of 'em.)

Welcome back to Treno. Watch the ATE of Eiko, then down the steps and watch the next ATE. Continue
watching the ATEs and leave Treno. If you want an extra cutscene, send Vivi home before you go.

Go back to Dali (it's not THAT far away) and go into the Village leader's home and take the Burman Coffee.
In case you've forgotten how to get to Dali, just leave Treno and go left until you reach South Gate. Go inside
and when you reach the fork, go right. Talk to the guard and he'll let you pass.

When you're back in Dali, go to the Mayor's office. Select the option that allows you to look around, then check
the desk for a Mini-Brahne. Check it again, then the shelf twice, then the heater for the Mayor's Key. Now
leave and go to the Chocobo's Shack. Open the door in the back using the Mayor's Key, and go behind the
chocobo and open the chest for 30000 gil (that's not an error, it actually is 30000 gil). Now check it again
for the Burman coffee. Now that you're 30,000 gil richer, you can head back to Treno.

If you've sent Vivi home, you can go back to Quan's Dwelling for full restoration of your health from the spring,
then go to the back of the cave to find Vivi. He'll tell you his story, then rejoin your party. Now you can take
him outside and gain levels with him or you can just head back to Treno.

Once you're back in Treno (or if you never left), you should play a lot of card games so that you can get better
cards (if you're into that sort of thing). Also stop by the Auction House and Synthesis Shops. Buy whatever
you need, and you can even fight a new monster in the weapon shop. If you win, you'll get another 15,000
gil. Happy spending. ^_^

Visit Mogrich (the moogle outside of the weapon shop) whenever you're ready, save your game and enter the
tournament. I can't really guide you through this, since card games are unpredictable.

When you get the chance, watch the ATE entitled City People. You'll get a Chimera Armlet in the end(that
guy is always giving you something new o_O). Buy some items from the Auction House, such as the Rat's
Tail, Une's Mirror, Griffin's Heart and Dark Matter. You can resell all of these but the Dark Matter for possibly
more than you paid for them. Just outside the Synth Shop is an adventurer who will buy the Griffin's Heart
from you at 10,000 gil (the second offer), then the Rat's Tail for 25,000 gil or so (second offer). So make sure
you don't pay more than this for these items. You can sell Une's Mirror to the fat Nobleman on the same
screen as the Adventurer for 15,000 gil (second offer).

When you're ready, go enter the Tournament and watch the ATEs as you advance.

"I'll tell you one thing... The truly might ones don't flaunt their power. How can I describe it to you? The sly
eagle hides its claws."

Whether you've won or not, Zidane will have a chat with the champion and the Regent, then Eiko will run in
with bad news.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 26 minutes
Suggested Level: None
Bosses: Tantarian
Cards: None
Items: Angel Earrings
Key Items: None
Monsters: Mistodon
Moogles: Mosh
Notes: None
Side Quests: None

"Peace is but a shadow of death,

Desperate to forget its painful past...
Though we hope for promising years
After shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears.
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue."

Man, is he floetic or what? After the FMV, Beatrix will run to Dagger and you'll have to choose which of the
Knights will do what. Have Weimar and Haagen protect the townspeople, Breirecht and Laudo contact
Lindblum, Blutzen and Kohel gather information, and Mullenkedheim and Dojebon fire the cannongs. You'll
get Angel Earrings if you give the orders the right way.

You'll soon face battles with Beatrix and Steiner. You'll gain levels quickly and you shouldn't have to do more
than attack once. If you fight more than one Mistodon, use Climhazzard. Steiner will trance in the last battle,
making things easier.

You'll gain control of Dagger and from here, go upstairs into her room and to the left. You'll know if you go
the wrong way, because you'll be stopped by a force. When you reach the top, you'll see a series of cutscenes
and FMVs.

When you regain control of Zidane, head left and to the bottom of the screen around where the scholar is
standing. At the edge of the bookcase, a question mark will appear above your head. Press 'x' and fight the


Items to Steal: Demon's Mail, SIlver Fork, Elixir, Ether

You have to attack until it's true form shows itself from within the book, but heal and steal; have Freya cast
Reis' Wind and Vivi focus. You'll get 30 AP and Running Shoes for defeating him, which teaches you auto-

From here, go back to where you found Mosh, save, and continue the way Dagger went. You'll see some
cutscenes and wind up back in Lindblum.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 24 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Egoist's Armlet, Elixir x2, Remedy, Lapis Lazuli, 4826 gil, 1273 gil, 970 gil
Key Items: Unusual Potion, Strange Potion, Beautiful Potion, Sagittarius Coin, Mini-Prima Vista
Monsters: None
Moogles: Mogki, Moodon
Notes: If you're into cards and you have the time, play cards with people around Lindblum. They have a lot
of nice rare cards for you to win. Also, don't worry about not being able to come back. You'll get transportation
soon enough.
Side Quests: Coffee Quest (end), Stellazio Quest
Shops: Dragoos' Weapon & Medicine Shop, Wayne's Synthesis Shop

You'll be in control of Zidane again. Go right and check the chest for a Egoist's Armlet. Now head up the
steps and check the box to the left for an Elixir, then save with Mogki and check Mognet. Agree to deliver
Mogki's letter, then go back downstairs. You'll run into Blank, ask where Dagger is.

View the ATE then head up to the telescope. If you've forgotten where it is, you have to take the elevator in
the main hall and go to the upper level. The elevator is to the left once you leave the guest room. Once you're
off the elevator, head up the stairs to the right and keep going until you reach Dagger. Talk to her, then after
the cutscene, watch the ATE.

Go back down the steps and Blank will talk to you. The royal chamber is right in front of you, so just head
forward, up the steps and talk to either of the guards then walk in.

You'll see some cutscenes, two forced ATEs, then you'll have control of Zidane again. Head back to the guest
room, then more cutscenes will ensue. You'll be told to find three potions. They are Unusual
Potion, Beautiful Potion, and Strange Potion.

You'll now be able to venture downtown since that's where all the potions will be found. But before you go
looking for them, make sure to buy things you need, visit the synth shop, and visit old friends. Go to the
Business District first. Go to the Inn and give Moodon his letter then head north into the next screen.

Check the patch of grass to your left for the Sagittarius Coin then go into Card Freak Gon's house for
an Elixir and a Remedy. By the pickle cart, there are two children who have very nice rare cards. You should
save before dueling either of them. You can get Gimmecat, Ragtimer, Troll, Cactuar, and Antlion from the girl,
and Fenrir, Iron Man, Gargoyle, and Hecteyes (though he might only play with them rarely) from the boy.
Saving after getting new cards would be wise, even if it's only one new card.

When you're done getting new cards, head northeast to the market place. If you've got the funds, buy anything
you need. Make sure you head to the Synth Shop as well. When you're all shopped out (aka broke) find Alice
outside the weapon shop and she will give you the Beautiful Potion.

Now head to the Theatre District. You'll see a cutscene and a forced ATE when you walk outside the monocar
area. After the next cutscene, go into Michael's house at the bottom right of the screen and talk to him, then
check the chest for a Lapis Lazuli. Now check the table on the left at the bottom of the steps for the Strange
Potion. When you're done here, head to Tantalus' hideout. Cinna will give you the Unusual Potion. Head
into Tantalus' hideout and if you've completed Morrid's coffee quest, you will find the Mini-Prima Vista on
the floor near the bed. You can also check the boxes for 4826 gil, 1273 gil, and 970 gil.

Since you're all done here, you can now head back to the castle. You might want to go into the guest room
and save with Mogki, then head to the upper level of the castle and into the royal chambers. After the scenes,
head to the base level. Ride to Serpent's Gate and check the chest at the back of the platform for a Chimera
Armlet board the Blue Narciss.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 10 minutes
Suggested Level: See below
Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Black Belt, Elixir
Key Items: None
Monsters: Griffin, Cactuar, Zaghnol, Goblin Mage, Zemzelett, Myconid, Ladybug (Land Spirit)
Moogles: Mogryo
Notes: -Be sure to visit the Qu's Marshes of the world since you've got the time now.
-Now you can raise your chocobo lots of levels so that it's a sea chocobo (giving it the ability to cross land,
reef, mountains and sea).
-Cactuars are more native to the Forgotten Continent, but you might run into them here.
-Relax, go nuts.
Side Quests: Optional (none in Black Mage Village)
Shops: None

Steiner, Freya and Quina should be in your party since they probably need to gain more levels than anyone
else. They're probably 10 or more levels behind everyone else, so make sure they all know Ability Up and
Level Up, and try getting them to at least 39 or 40.

When Vivi runs off after you enter the town, head right and into the item shop. Climb the ladder and kick the
chest at the top for a Black Belt. If you didn't get the Virgo Stellazio coin from the first visit to this visit, you
can still get it from the Inn. It's sitting by the ladder in the guest room.

Follow Vivi all the way to the left to the Black Mage Graveyard, then when he runs off again, head all the way
to the right, then head into the Chocobo shack.

After the cutscenes, check the crate by the shop on your left for an Elixir then return to your ship.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 14 minutes
Suggested Level: 45-50 for chosen characters

Blu Magic: Goblin Punch, Mighty Guard, Matra Magic, Night, White Wind, Vanish, Bad Breath (Qu's Marsh)
Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: None
Key Items: None
Monsters: Antlion, Goblin Mage, Griffin, Troll, Ogre, Grimlock
Moogles: None
Notes: There's a shore not to far from the desert where you can leave the Blue Narciss and take Choco from
there. Or if Choco is a Moutain Chocobo (or higher), you can summon him from the chocobo tracks just outside
of the forest surrounding Black Mage Village and cross the mountains, then get off just in the middle of the
four sandpools. You can see the tracks from Qu's Marsh.
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

No matter which method you choose to get to the desert, you should find yourself standing in the middle of
four sandpools. Look carefully at them and watch them for a moment (it would help if you shut off your map
so you can see a bit better). Whichever pool does not have little puffs of sand coming out of it is the one you
can enter.

You'll wake up in a circular room, and see some cutscenes. When prompted, no matter which option you
choose, you'll wind up doing Kuja's favor for him. When you gain control of Zidane, run straight forward across
the bridge. You'll now be in Kuja's room. He'll tell you what he wants and allow you to choose your party
members. You should leave behind Dagger, Vivi, and Steiner. Whether you take either Eiko or Quina is up to
you, but where you're going there is another Qu's Marsh, and Quina more than likely needs to gain levels
since he/she/it is a little behind.

When you get the first chance, equip your party. You can get into battles over here, so be careful. When you're
ready, head up the steps and keep going until you reach the Black Mage. There's only one road you can take,
so you really can't get lost. Talk to the mage then head up into the Airship.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 26 minutes
Suggested Level: 45-50 for all characters

Blu Magic: Limit Glove, Matra Magic, 1,000 Needles

Bosses: Ark
Cards: None
Items: Remedy, Rising Sun, Elixir, Diamond Sword, Shield Armor, Power Vest, Feather Boots, Gaia Gear
Key Items: Gulug Stone
Monsters: Armstong, Jabberwock, Catoblepas, Epitaph, Garuda
Moogles: Mimoza
Notes: If you've been raising your chocobo up prior to this part of the game, you should have just about all
of the chocographs you can get at this point. There are two Chocograph treasures right here on the Forgotten
Continent that you can access if Choco is a mountain chocobo by now. You can call him from the tracks not
too far from Qu's Marsh. Simply head towards the forest you see from Qu's Marsh, and the tracks are on the
west side of the longer forest. Happy findings.
Side Quests: Qu's Marsh
Shops: Thorn's Medicine Shop, Mimoza's Mogshop

Try to reboard the airship when you land. They will tell you that you have to head south, so now you know
where you're going. Thorn will offer to sell you any items you need. Get as many Vaccine as you can, because
you'll need them. When you're finished, equip the Clear Headed and Bright Eyes abilities on all party members.

If you have Quina in the party, turn around from where you're currently standing and you'll see a Marsh behind
you. You can head in and catch some frogs before continuing.

From where the ship lands, you'll see a path straight ahead of you. Take it, and when you reach the fork in
the road, go right. A little ways up, you'll see another fork in the road. In front of you and to the right, you'll
see green patches. This time, take a left and the sky will darken a bit as if the sun is setting. Now there's
another fork in front of you-you can either go right or straight. If you go straight, there are chocobo tracks up
ahead. If you don't feel like walking anymore, you can take thi path and come back and go right with your
chocobo. But if you didn't engage in the Chocobo sidequest, you don't have the greens to summon it or you
just feel like walking, go right.

When you can see the ocean again, go left around the mountains and continue aroudn the bend until you
reach Oelivert. It would be wiser to take a chocobo, since you might not feel like walking back once you've
gotten what you came for.

Upon entering, you'll meet Mimoza. She'll want you to deliver a letter to Mooel. She also runs a mogshop, so
buy what you need. You don't have to buy a Diamond Sword unless you just want to spend your money, since
you can find one inside of Oelivert. Make sure you buy softs and weapons for everyone, including those not in
your party. When you're done, save and head straight inside.

Once you're inside the doors, check on the right side of the stairs for a Remedy, then go up the stairs and
check the chest for a Rising Sun. Head left from here.
In this room, check the chest for an Elixir, then touch the globe and it'll turn red. Now leave the room, head
back down the stairs and go into the next room on the left. Check the boxes for the Diamond
Sword mentioned earlier and Shield Armor. You'll see a cutsene, then leave down the steps at the bottom

Check the chest in this room for a Power Vest, then check the base of all the lights. There's also Feather
Boots in the chest at the top of the steps. After you've check all the lights, a hologram will appear. Now check
each light again for the full story. Now go back up the stairs and into the room on the left.

Cross the long bridge and activate the silver orb for a cutscene. Now keep going. You've successfully made
four lefts. Now enter the door in front of you and watch the cutscene. Now exit and head back into the main
room to the right. You can leave now and buy more items if necessary. When you're done, re-enter the main
room and head to the right. Save with Mooel and give him his mail. Now head back towards the entrance and
go down, then check the center of the platform. Now go get the Gaia Gear from the chest and head into the
room on the right. Step on the platform, ride it down and in the next room head forward.


Items to Steal: Holy Lance, Power Vest, Elixir

You cannot eat Ark, so please don't try. It's been a while, hasn't it? Steal if you'd like to; this battle would go
by faster (or at least the stealing) if Zidane was equipped with Auto-Haste. If you've got the money and
enough tents, cast tents on Ark until it says its been bitten by the silence/darkness/poison snake. This will
help you out a litte. If Amarant is in your party and you have Wing Edges, have him throw them. With that
said, t his battle should be over in no time.

Take the Gulug Stone from it's place once the battle is over.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 42 minutes
Suggested Level: 45-50 for all characters

Blu Magic: Matra Magic, Night, Vanish, Lv. 4 Holy

Bosses: Valia Pira
Cards: Namingway
Items: Promist Ring, Anklet, Shield Armor, N-Kai Armlet, Black Hood
Key Items: Hourglass Key
Monsters: Drakan, Grimlock, Torama, Ogre
Moogles: Mojito, Mogsam
Notes: Make sure everyone in your party has the abilities Body Temp, Loudmouth, Locomotion, Clear Headed
and Antibody equipped before going ANYWHERE in the Desert Empress. Trust me when I say you'll need it.
It is imperative that you follow everything during this part TO THE LETTER. If you miss so much as the lighting
of one candelabra, you'll be stuck, screwed and unable to turn back. If you have doubts, save on two different
files with Mojito before continuing.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Mojito's Mogshop

You have control of Cid! Hop your way to the center of the platform then go right. You'll have to play a mini-
game which I for one absolutely hate because I wasn't all that good at it. Keep pressing the circle when the
monster isn't looking, and once you're at the center, put the clay, stone, and iron weights on the scale. To
know which ones are which, examine the weights first. (To do this, you should have at least two minutes left.)

I know it seems like this chapter is obscenely long, but it'll be over soon. Trust me when I tell you the worst
is yet to come.
After the cutscenes, make sure your new party has spiffy new equipment, because you are definitely going to
need it. Head to the right next, and you'll find Mojito who wants you to deliver a letter Mogsam. He'll also sell
you items and of course save your game. You should stock up on Rising Suns, since Amarant can throw them
and they cause a great amount of damage. Now leave and head to the left, then up the steps.

Light the candle by the left statue, then 'inspect the bloodstone' and you'll receive a Promist Ring. Now head
up the steps.

Examine all three statues, then attempt to head left. A new stairway of light will open up behind you. Follow
it all the way up and into the next area. Once here, light the candelabra and head back down the steps of
light. Now pass the three statues again and exit stage left.

You'll now be on a winding staircase. Head up naturally, and light all of the braziers at the top of the steps.
Now go into the pathway that has just opened up for you, and over to the right side of the room. Once here,
light the brazier at the bottom left to make the statues disappear, then go back to the other side of the room.
Head to the center of the room and examining the statue on the wall, then light the two braziers on either
side. This will make the other statues to the right disappear so that you don't have to run back and forth now.
Light the two braziers on the right that you didn't light before, and head down the center of the platform and
light the last brazier for this room. This will make the bloodstone appear-run towards it and inspect it for
an Anklet. Now head through the doorway on the right.

You should now be in a curving hallway with two statues. Light the candelabra in front of the second statue
and inspect this bloodstone for Shield Armor. Now continue around the path and head up the steps.

Light the candelabra at the top of the steps and the stained glass behind you will light up. Now continue along
the path and you'll be in the library. Light the candelabra to the left of the stairs and another staircase will
appear. Go up it and light the next candelabra on the far left for a door to appear. Go inside and inspect the
bloodstone for an N-Kai Armlet. Equip it on Vivi so that he can learn Water.

Head back down the steps and up the other set of steps. You should see a ! when you reach the top-check it,
then light the candelabra for a new door. Go through it and left up the steps. Light the first candelabra you
see, then continue to the top of the steps to light another one. Now go back to the library.

Note: If you are unable to move left from Mogsam into the next area, then you've done something wrong.
Reset the game and restart from your last save point. I felt it necessary that you see this note before actually
saving with Mogsam, just in case.

Light the candelabra towards the entrance where you walked in at for a new door. Go through this one as well
and light this candelabra. You'll hear the sound of a moogle. Sanctuary! You will now be able to pass through
the stained glass on the left of the room. Mogsam will be there waiting for you, so rest well, save and give the
moogle his mail. Now move on to the left.

Light the two candelabras, check the gargoyle and inspect the bloodstone for a Black Hood. Now go next
door, inspect the statue, light the two candles in front of the statue and inspect the bloodstone for a Venetia
Shield. Now light the third candle. Put out the candle left of the angel, and go back to the other side of the
room and put out the candle left of the demon. A staircase will appear. Go back and save, make sure Vivi
either knows Water or has on the N-Kai Armlet. Also make sure Dagger either knows Leviathan or is equipped
with the Aquamarine. She hasn't been too reliable as of late, but hopefully she won't let you down.

Go up the staircase and light the very last candle at the end of the steps.


There's nothing to steal from him, since you have no thief in the party. His weakness is water, which is why
Vivi and Dagger are very important in this battle. It's imperative that you get all the bloodstones, because if
they're still connected to the Palace in this battle, Valia Pira will be able to enhance its defense, evasion etc.
Have Quina cast Aqua Breath if she's in your party. If not then you have Eiko, which is even better. She can
heal when needed, while Vivi casts Water, Dagger summons Leviathan and Steiner use Water Sword. It's
likely that Dagger will fail due to concentration (or the lack thereof). This being the case, have Eiko cast
Haste on here so her turns will come around more often and you won't be forced to wait...a really long time.
This battle will literally be over before you know it, as long as you're careful.

When the battle's over, head back to the moogle, tent and save if you'd like, but when you return, you have
to re-light the candelabra and step into the glowing circle in the middle of the steps. Before you leave though,
un-equip Eiko.

You'll now have control of Zidane again. Go down the steps and back to the teleporter you first came from.
Follow Kuja's instructions and come inside his room. Make sure to equip your new party members, because
you can get into battles in Kuja's room. Check the books on the left for a Namingway Card, which is very
rare. Now leave Kuja's room and go back to the teleporter that you used to get here on the left-hand side.

Huh, looks like you missed your ride. Kick the lever to your right to let down the ladder, then follow it out and
you'll be back on the Blue Narciss.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 11 minutes
Suggested Level: 46-48 for all characters

Blu Magic: Lv5 Death, Lv4 Holy, Mighty Guard, Limit Glove, White Wind
Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Wing Edge
Key Items: None
Monsters: Vepal, Feather Circle, Feather Circle (friendly), Blazer Beetle, Whale Zombie, Gigan Octupus,
Moogles: Mogrika
Notes: There are chocobo tracks not to far from you. You can find a chocograph on this continent not too far
from here.
Also, you should equip Locomotion on all current party members, because the monsters cast Stop on your
characters during battle.
Side Quests: Choco, land spirit
Shops: Esto Gaza Shop

The first thing you should do is save. Those cheap users didn't even restore your health, so if you'd like to
tent before moving on you can. If Choco is a sea chocobo, you can engage in just about any side quests you
want to at this point before moving on. You can also find a land spirit on the chocobo tracks in front of you,
but you shouldn't try finding it unless you have a Moonstone.

To your left when you leave the Blue Narciss is a building, and your next destination. Head inside when you're
ready, and don't forget to stock up on items before entering.

After entering, head up the steps and into the building. Speak with the bishop, then head to the right. The
shopkeeper will sell you new weapons for everyone, and items as well. Make sure you buy something for all
party members. Even if some of the weapons raise them down a few points, they have abilities on them that
can only be learned on that particular weapon. (Such as the Octagon Rod, which teaches Vivi Firaga,
Thundaga, Blizzaga.)

Now head around the circle clockwise (from the point of entry) and check around the end for a Wing Edge.
Leave the shop area talk to the bishop to rest for 100 gil if you'd like, then continue up the steps.

Talk to Mogrika, and she'll have a letter from Artemicion. O_o Confusing, isn't it. She'll then ask you to deliver
a letter to Moolan. Head up the steps in front of you for a view of the Shimmering Island, then head back
down the steps and to the right. From this screen, follow the only road available to you, and you'll be in Mount

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 78 minutes
Suggested Level: 49-50 for all characters

Blu Magic: Twister, Mustard Bomb, Bad Breath, Frost

Bosses: Meltigemini
Cards: None
Items: 9693 gil, Ether, Red Hat, Wind Edge, Demon's Mail, Elixir, Garnet
Key Items: None
Monsters: Red Dragon, Red Vapal, Grenade, Wraith
Moogles: Moolan, Mogtaka, Mogki
Notes: You'll want to equip the Body Temp and Antibody abilities on all characters asap.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Mogtaka's Mogshop

Head left first and when you first walk in, check the lower right corner for 9693 gil. Now head up the ladder
and pick up the Ether by the rubble, then left out of this room. Now climb down the next ladder and check
around the light for a Red Hat. Go back and now head all the way to the right.

Instead of climbing down the rope in front of you, head to the right corner of the platform. Jump up to the
next platform, and continue into the next cave. Continue down the path until you find a Golden Hairpin in a
chest. From here you can go no further, so turn back and climb down the rope. Once at the end, head to the
right. You'll meet Moolan, who will save your game. Don't forget to give him his mail. Also get his mail to
Mogtaka. Now check the bottom right corner for a Wing Edge. Now head out to the right and north into the
next room. Keep going along the semi-broken bridge and up the set of steps on the right. Keep going until
you're up the second set of steps and in the next area.

Keep going until you can't go any further for Gaia Gear. Now head back. On your way back, you will have to
fight two Red Dragons. They give more then 11,000 experience, and should be no problem if your party is
around level 45 or so.

After the battle, head back to Moolan and save and rest. Now leave this room and head left past the well, and
keep going left until you're inside a house. In this new room, check the chest for Demon's Mail. Leave the
house and head north, inside of a cave. Go up the stairs and save with Mogtaka, and don't forget to give him
his mail. He also has a Mogshop, so stock up on anything you need. You can stick around here and gain levels
if you'd like. When you're finished, head up the steps.

Head into the house on the right, and you will be attacked by another Red Dragon. Where are these suckers
coming from? Hopefully you've tented with Mogtaka just before coming here. After the battle, check the chest
in front of you for an Elixir.

Go back to the well, and save and rest with Mogtaka if you feel it's necessary. It would be wise, considering
what's coming up. Once you're at the well, pull the lever on the left down three times. Slide down the rope
and wander around the room for a moment. You'll be attacked by yes, yet another Red Dragon. I hope this
isn't the beginning of a trend. There's two of them, so prepare for another 11,000 experience points. After the
battle, you'll actually have somewhere to go. You can climb back up the rope and save if you so desire, then
come back to the new found hole in the wall. If you do go back, it would be better to save with Moolan,
because he's closer than Mogtaka. And surely you haven't used so many items in so little time.

After you've walked through the hole, you'll see some cutscenes, then a boss battle will ensue.

Items to Steal: Vaccine, Demon's Vest, Golden Hairpin

This boss fight is pretty simple. Stealing is optional, but believe that it won't be easy. If Vivi was in your party,
he will be replaced by Eiko. Have her heal, Zidane steal/attack, Freya jump, and Amarant throw the new Wing
Edges you've acquired. Have Quina cast any useful Blu Magic, Dagger heal/attack when possible, and Steiner
attack. This battle will be over in no time, even if your characters are just over level 40.

After some cutscenes, you'll be back in Lindblum. The first thing you should do is head upstairs and save with
Mogki. He'll also ask that you deliver a letter to Kumool. Now head to the conference room per Lady Hilda's
request. After lots of cutscenes and an FMV, you'll fly off in your brand new Airship-The Hilda Garde 3.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 38 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: Optional, but should be close to completed

Bosses: None
Cards: Elixir Card
Items: Multina Racket, Elixir x3, 3206 gil, Tent x2, Hi-Potion, Running Shoes, Bistro Fork, Battle Boots
Key Items: None
Monsters: Amdusias
Moogles: Mosco, Mogliana, Mogreg, Mogriffin, Mosh, Moss, Artemicion, Moguta, Mogmi
Notes: Have fun
Side Quests: Mognet Central, Catching Frogs, Chocobo Hot & Cold
Shops: Really whichever ones you want...

I would first like to say that this section is completely optional. If you'd like to continue with the actual plot of
the game, you can scroll down and go to chapter three of disk three, which starts with Ipsen's Castle.

Let's start, shall we? Find Treno on your world map, and now find South gate which isn't to far from there. Fly
there and enter, since you still have your Gate Pass. Check the chest to your immediate left for a Multina
Racket. Now climb the ladder not to far from you for a very rare Elixir Card.

Now head down to the north entrance of South Gate in the valley below (the entrance is by the river). You
will find two Elixirs there, along with Mosco who is hiding, and 3206 gil.

Once you're all finished here, you can go to North Gate for a Tent and a Hi-Potion. Not much, but more than
you had before right?

Now that that's all settled, you can head back to Lindblum and play cards with a certain Card Freak in the
Theater District, if you're in to that sort of thing. If you go to Lindblum, make sure you dock your airship at
the Castle. That way, you can board through the bridge, and after speaking with Erin, check around the left
side of the ladder to find a Tent. Now climb up the ladder to receive an Elixir.

You can also engage in the lovable side quest that is Chocobo Hot & Cold. And now that you have your airship,
you can complete it. You can start from the beginning or you can continue where you left off. For a complete
list of Chocographs, their locations and their treasures, click here.

When you get the chance, go to Mognet Central, Kupo! There you will find many moogles, and see what the
problem is with the mail. You'll also get to meet Mogliana, Mogreg, Mogriffin, Mosh, Moss, and see Artemicion
If you're feeling bored, put the ship on auto-pilot for Gizmalike's Grotto. Now turn around and head for the
plateau above it. There you'll see two forests. The eastern-most forest is a secret entrance back into the
grotto, where you can give any kupo nuts that you have to Moguta, and talk to Mogmi who will still save your
game ^_^ (Aren't their kids cute? ...And freaky o-O;; )

You can also head over to Treno. There are new people at the Card Stadium to battle, and you can hang out
at the auction house. You can also turn in your stellazio coins, and if you've been through the whole Chocobo
quest then by now you have the sword Ragnorok. Equip it on Steiner, then put him in your party. Head into
the weapon shop and select him to fight the new monster, Amdusias. Have him cast Shock, and if you're
above level 33 or so, it'll hit 9999. Your prize will be Running Shoes.

Before completing this event, make sure to do two other things. One is run around in Forests and catch up
with Ragtime Mouse and answer his questions. The other is to take Quina around to the different Qu's Marshes
around the world to catch frogs. This won't take long, and you can get good items at certain points like
the Bistro Fork and Battle Boots. See the side quests section for more details.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 9 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: None
Cards: Alexandria Card
Items: Sapphire x2, Amethyst, Ether, Remedy, 2680 gil, Topaz, 4832 gil, Opal, Peridot
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: Kupo, Chestnut
Notes: You might want to buy some Lightning Rods while you're here, so you can forge more Coral Rings.
This will be further explained later.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Shopkeeper's Weapon Shop, Synthesist's Synth Shop

When you first enter, search the first house on the left for a Sapphire. Now continue north to the next area.
When the screen first loads, head to your immediate left for an Ether. Now continue forward.

Speak to the little girl who's running around, and she'll tell you she found a card. This card is Alexandria,
and extremely rare. It's pretty much only valuable if you're into Tetra Master, but just as well. The Shopkeeper
outside the inn no longer has his own space, so you can buy weapons from him right where he's standing.
Check the bottom left of the screen for a hidden Amethyst. Now head to the bottom right of the screen by
the green awning for a Remedy if you can still carry them.

The Synthesist wanders the alley to the left, so make sure to buy what you need (like Coral Rings...) Head
into Ruby's Mini-Theatre and talk to her. You'll get to see your old friend Lowell (XD), who is just as Ruby says
he is. Check the left side of the table he's standing next to for 2680 gil on the floor.

In the next area, you'll find a Tent next to the steeple, just before you cross the bridge to go inside. Go inside
the steeple, and you'll see the girls playing jump-rope (but not with the moogles). Don't despair, however.
XD If you have either Vivi or Eiko in the party, you can play and get good cards. >.> It must be a short people
game O_o;

Kupo's still hangin out down the street, doing the same old thing he did last week. With not a thing to do but
talk to you, he'll still save your game, but he doesn't have any mail to give you. His friend Chestnut will keep
track of your jump-rope records.
When you're all finished in town, you can go to the castle. At the dock, you'll find a Topaz and 4832 gil. Once
you've docked at the castle, check the bottom right corner for an Opal, and the upper right side of the rubble
above the steps for a Peridot. Now check the rubble to the north of the screen for a Sapphire.

That's all for here, unless you'd like to speak with the Knights of Pluto. In case you couldn't tell, they're to
your left and some of them are in other parts of the castle. Thou must move on to the next.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 24 minutes
Suggested Level: 55 for all characters

Blu Magic: Auto-Life

Bosses: None
Cards: Meteor, Flare
Items: Elixir x2
Key Items: Capricorn Stellazio
Monsters: Grand Dragon, Gimme Cat
Moogles: Noggy
Notes: Don't give Gimme Cats diamonds-they'll just take it and run away. They are not friendly monsters,
and really they're not even worth the trouble they cause you. They give you 1 exp and 3 ap, so feel free to
slay them whenever you come up against them.
Side Quests: Technically this is a side quest
Shops: Weaponsmith's Shop, Sales Clerk's Item Shop, Synthesis Expert's Shop

It's high time you went to Daguerreo Library, since it's just about the onliest thing left to do before going to
Ipsen's Castle. (Yes, I know 'onliest' is not a word.)

Daguerreo is located on the biggest island beneath the Forgotten Continent. You can see it from your world
map. Or if you've been through the chocobo side quest, just pilot to Chocobo's Lagoon and head northwest
from there. If not, you can get there from the Qu's Marsh that's just northwest of there. And if you haven't
found that, then auto-pilot to Oeilvert and head directly south from there. You can also take your chocobo
there as opposed to flying your airship, since there is a forest on this island. Whatever floats your boat or
finds your lost remote.

Whatever means of transportation you use, or what route you take, one thing is for sure. There are two
enemies immediately outside Daguerreo, and to be honest, the Gimme Cat isn't worth your time. The Grand
Dragon, however is worth honorable mention. For older gamers, we know that it's actually a remake of another
dragon in a previous game. Be that as it may, the same things still apply, but he's not as tough as the other
dragon. He is still however weak against ice. So it would be very nice to keep someone in your party that will
help with that.

Now about those Coral Rings. If no one in your party is equipped with an accessory that's teaching them
something, put a Coral Ring on them. This absorbs lightning attacks completely, making them all the more
safe around the grand dragon. Told you they'd come in handy.

But what's this? There's an actual event to complete? Why yes, there is. So let us continue and pick up where
we left off: Daguerreo, and not the fields surrounding it. Well don't just stand there, walk in.

Once you've entered, head to the right, then down towards the front of the screen for the Capricorn
Stellazio coin. Now head up and into the next room to the right. Here, get on the lift and ride it up, then save
with Noggy to the right. There is a synthesist behind the counter to your right, so make sure you buy what
you need and some things you don't-you never know what you can learn. But don't buy the Thief Gloves,
because you can get them for under 30,000 gil at Treno's Auction house. But if you want them not now but
right now, and/or you've just got money to burn, go right ahead and pay the 50,000 gil that the Master
Synthesist wants to make them.

You can talk to the four-armed man just around the corner, and he'll tell you your treasure rank. If it's high
enough, you'll get the S Rank Award, but if not, you can come back later. When you're finished, you can
play him or the scholar next to him for cards, but the scholar doesn't have much that you don't by now
(probably). You can win some pretty nice airship cards from the Four-Armed man, so if you're a collector then
go for it. It'd be a lot easier to just get them through Chocobo Hot & Cold, but he does have some additional
cards that can't be found in the mini-game.

When you're done here, continue to the left. Right when you walk in, you'll see a stack of books below you to
your right. Check them, then talk to the Engineer if you want to. Talk to the man and woman debating over
several ideas-agree with the woman and you'll get the Meteor Card and agree with the man and you'll get
the Flare Card. The young womans runs the Item Shop, so buy what you need.

Now go left and speak with the scholars. Talk to the Librarian behind the counter if you want to rest, then go
through the door behind you and talk to the Weaponsmith. You can play cards with him if you'd like (and
really just about everyone else in Daguerreo). Now go back up the steps and press the button to your right.
When you're done, talk to the scholar, who is looking for "The Eidolon and I." Tell him it's in the stack of books
that you just examined not too long ago, and he'll walk away. Go into the bookshelves where he was standing
and you'll see a ?. Press it and go down the steps (or ladder). To the left is a man who will be instantly inspired
to rename your characters for you if you have the Namingway Card. Keep going all the way left to find
an Elixir on the steps, then go all the way to the right for another Elixir on the other set of steps.

Go back to the main room (past Noggy, when you first enter Daguerreo) and examine the Dragon God in the
center of the room. You'll get one Aquamarine for every 5 ore you give it. This boosts Dagger's Leviathan
summon, and is completely optional. When you're done, go to the left. Talk to the Oracle in green, who is a
survivor of Cleyra. Now examine the bar, then play with the levers to the left. Select the left lever twice, then
examine the hole. Now pick up the bar and put it into the hole. Now go back to the levers and select the right
lever twice. Now go over to the right platform; it should be level to the ground. Ride it up and talk to the
Weaponsmith. He will thank you and sell you weapons. You're all done here, unless you want to stick around
and play cards with people. You can return later, which will be further discussed at Disk 4.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 31 minutes
Suggested Level: 55 minimum for all characters

Blu Magic: Mighty Guard, Doom, Auto-Life

Bosses: Taharka
Cards: None
Items: Dagger, Cat's Claws, Javelin, Broadsword, Rod, Barette, Maiden's Prayer, Golem's Flute, Ancient
Aroma, Air Racket, Fork, Mage Staff
Key Items: Aquarius Stellazio, Kupo Nut, Fire Mirror, Water Mirror, Earth Mirror, Wind Mirror
Monsters: Gargoyle, Agares, Cerberus, Veteran, Tonberry
Moogles: Kumool
Notes: Make sure to equip Body Heat, Jelly and Antibody abilities on all party members.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Kumool's Mogshop

Ipsen's Castle is marked on your map, and can be reached by your airship. You can fly there yourself, or
choose auto-pilot. Choose the party that you want-but not Amarant, in fact, unequip him-and enter.
Whether you let Amarant go or not, he'll leave you anyway. Pick your party and before you take one more
step, equip the weakest weapons and equipment you have-it'll work just as well as the best weapons and
equipment in this castle. Since it technically is upside-down, all the weakest weapons you have will be the
best for now. This doesn't effect magic, so feel free to take a mage with you.

Head up the long stairway and into the castle. Check the box hidden on the left side for a Dagger and equip
it on Zidane if you don't have one, then check the right side of the room for the Aquarius stellazio. Now head
up the steps in front of you, but not into the next room. First, head to the left and check the !. Now go through
the doorway. In this room, head to the top left corner and get the Cat's Claws from the chest. Now head
down to the moogle Kumool. Save your game and buy any weapons you might need in case you don't have
everyone's first weapon. Give Kumool his mail and he'll give you a Kupo Nut in exchange, if you don't already
have one in your inventory.

Go right from the moogle and slide down the poll near the center of the room. Climb up the ladder to your
left, then go left. Now go south (running towards the screen) and go left. Go up now and slightly right into
the next area then climb up the ladder. Jump off to the left, then keep going until you get to the chest with
a Javelin. Equip it on Freya if she's in your party, since it's her first weapon. Now go back to the ladder and
this time hop off to the right. Keep going and get the Broadsword out of the chest, then go back to the ladder
and go all the way down. Run up the stairs to your right and get on the next ladder. Keep going around to the
right for a Rod and equip it on Dagger if she's not already wearing it. Now head back and go up either of the
ladders, then go through the door. Now go up and you'll be elevated to the next area. Take the mirrors and
try to leave, then their guardian will attack you.


Items to Steal: Orichalcon, Mythril Claws, Elixir

Taharka is weak against Flare, so if you have Vivi in your party, have him Focus for a few rounds and cast
Flare. This is even greater if he's in Trance-you won't need to focus at all. Have Zidane steal what you think
you need-Orichalcon is his weapon, so if you want it now you'd better take it. Hopefully you have a healer in
the party;-have them alternate between their strongest summon and Curaga. Have Steiner attack or use Flare
Sword, Quina attack/heal and Freya cast Reis' Wind and Jump or attack. When the boss curls up, don't use
physical attacks. In fact, if you haven't already, take this time to heal, steal or defend.

Take the elevator down and examine the wall that's to the immediate right of the screen. Examine it, push it,
pound it, think, push it again, try something drastic, then rest. After leaning against it, it will finally open. Go
to the right for a Barette. Now go back into the previous room and go all the way down the ladder to return
to the room with Kumool in it.

Step on the floor trap that's parallel to Kumool (it's right across from the chest where you got the Cat Claws)
and open the chest once you fall down for a Maiden Prayer. Now hop off of the chandelier and climb back
up the pole. Now go back to the room where you found Aquarius. There's a new doorway opened to the left
of the one you entered in. Head in and keep going (you can only go one way) until you reach an elevator.
Climb on and you'll see a large sword after you land. Check the box for a Golem's Flute. Rotate the vases
that you see counter-clockwise twice. After the sword transfers electricity to them, pick up the one on the
right for Ancient Aroma. Ride the elevator back down and look in the top left corner of the room for a chest
containing a Air Racket. Now go back to the room Kumool is in, and make sure you save and rest if you need

Climb up the pole until Zidane automatically jumps onto the chandelier. In the boxes you'll find a Fork and
a Mage Staff. Now go back down the pole and leave the castle. Zidane will go back in to look for Amarant...All
alone T_T;; Go back into the room with Kumool and slide down the poll. Walk the narrow blue-ish path to
your right where the shining light is coming from to find Amarant. After your talk, make sure he's equipped
with the weakest you have. Make your way out of the castle. (You'll notice that after the cutscene when battles
end, Amarant will sit on the ground in a meditating pose. Interesting, hm?)
Estimated Time to Complete Event: 14 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: Earth Guardian
Cards: None
Items: None
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: None
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

The first thing you need to do is equip your party members accordingly; since you're back in the real world
where nothing is topsy-turvy, equip the max that everyone can have. Next, make sure you land somewhere
and save. Now head directly south (look at the map to make sure you're going south) of Ipsen's Castle and
enter the Water Shrine. Go to the Lost Continent;-the Fire Shrine is just north of the Chocobo tracks. Next is
the Wind Shrine. The Wind Shrine is on the Southwest corner of the Forgotten Continent, or more specifically,
northeast of Daguerreo.

You're all alone with Quina. Poor you. Check your equipment again to make sure both of you are wearing the
best of the best of the best (sir!...With honors. XD). You should equip abilities like Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen,
Auto-Float and Auto-Life. Auto-Float and Auto-Life if nothing else; you can bear without the other two. Also
High Tide and Counter would be useful. Make sure you're wearing something that absorbs earth damage like
Gaia Gear.

The Earth Shrine is southeast of Kuja's Palace on the Outer Continent. After you enter, head down the steps.
To avoid the traps, hit x when you see the '!' pop up. Each party will have to fight a boss, but fortunately for
you, you'll only have to fight Zidane and Quina's battle.


Items to Steal: Rubber Suit, Avenger

Have Quina cast Mighty Guard immediately, then have Zidane steal. Have Quina cast 1,000 needles or Bad
Breath, and White Wind when needed. When Zidane is done stealing, have him attack. If he goes into trance,
cast Grand Lethal. This fight isn't really hard, which is why it shouldn't be hard.

If you want to break from the walkthrough, now would be a good time. Unlike FF4, you can't travel between
worlds in this game;-once you're in Terra, you're in Terra and you have no choice but to follow the storyline
if you want to get back to Gaia. So any levels you need to gain should be gained now, in addition to sidequests
like revisiting Qu's Marshes and trading in Stellazio coins.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 14 minutes
Suggested Level: 60 for all characters

Blu Magic: Roulette, Magic Hammer, Bad Breath

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Coronet, Dragon Wrist, Elixir, Remedy, Mythril Racket, Demon's Vest
Key Items: None
Monsters: Movers, Hecteyes, Ring Leader
Moogles: None
Notes: Beware of Hecteyes' "Roulette". When the Movers form a triangle, don't attack them or they'll use
Delta Attack and possibly wipe out your whole party. As for the Ring Leaders, don't forget that if they use the
Venom attack on you and it works, that party member won't receive experience points.
Side Quests: None
Shops: None

The Shimmering Island is marked on your map, so you can select it while on your airship and the autopilot
will take over. Before you enter, you might want to save on Quelmiera Shores which is just east of Esto Gaza
on the Forgotten Continent. From here, you can go directly south to reach the Shimmering Island. Once over
it, press 'O' to enter.

Welcome to Terra. After speaking with...The Old Man, you'll have a chance to pick a new party if you so desire.
When you're done, equip them. From here, you obviously can't go up, so go down and exit to the right.

You'll see a blonde girl run off on the next screen; before following her, head down the steps on your life and
jump across the platforms for a Coronet. Keep going north and into the next area and check the chest for
a Dragon Wrist. Now go back to the previous room and follow after the blonde girl. You'll run into her again
on the next screen but before continuing, check the chest on your left for an Elixir. Now follow the girl into
the next area.

Continue across the bridge and follow after the girl. In the next area, climb down the glowing web on the
right. Climb down the next web and open the chest for a Remedy. Now go back up and around the left and
hop over the next web. They'll be a chest to your right-open it for a Mythril Racket. Now go back to the web
you just jumped over and climb down.

Get the Demon's Vest from the chest on your left, then talk to the girl. Follow after her and keep going
straight. In this next area, head into the corner on the left and make your way down to the chest to
receive Minerva's Plate. Head back up and take the stairs to the north.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 17 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: Elixir
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: Moorock, Stilzkin
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: Moorock's Mogshop

After the FMVs and cutscenes, head to your left and enter the first house there on your left. When you regain
control, go back into the house and check the chest next to Rusty for an Elixir. Now leave and exit to the
right. In the next area, head into the only house on the right side of the screen and open the chest for a Wing
Edge. Talk with the moogle Moorock, save and go to Mognet. Buy anything you need from him since he has
a Mogshop. Leave the room and enter the room to the north of the screen.
Head down the stairs on your right and talk to Mikoto, then follow her back up the steps.

You'll have control of Eiko after a couple of cutscenes. Watch the ATE if you'd like, then talk to Freya if you'd
like to restore your health. Equip Eiko with anything new you have for her, then walk outside. Watch the next
ATE, then head to the right and watch the next ATE, then into the room with Moorock. Stilzkin will be there,
so buy from him if you'd like. (How did he get here anyway...?)

Go out and talk to Vivi so that he'll join your party then leave in the bottom left exit. Watch the ATE then talk
to Amarant so he'll join you as well. Go back to the room with the crystal and talk to Quina, so that you'll now
have a full party. Go save with Moorock, then go back to the area where you found Amarant and head into
the green light. On the other side, talk to Mikoto.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 46 minutes
Suggested Level: 63 at least for all characters

Blu Magic: Bad Breath, Lv4 Holy, Twister, Earth Shake

Bosses: White Dragon, Garland, Kuja
Cards: None
Items: Holy Miter, 20,007 gil, Elixir, Carabini Mail, Battle Boots
Key Items: None
Monsters: Abadon, Shell Dragon, Mover, Malboro
Moogles: Moorock, Mozme
Notes: This is long and frustrating, so try to start out relaxed.
Side Quests: None
Shops: Moorock's Mogshop

You'll now have control of Zidane. Make sure he's equipped properly before continuing. Now head into the
next area and talk to Garland then follow him. After some cutscenes, you'll fight a few battles.

The first battle isn't that hard if you're on the suggested level or higher. Freya will join you after the first or
second round, and Amarant after the third.

The second battle is with Steiner and Quina. Have Quina cast Mighty Guard and White Wind while Steiner
attacks with Shock as often as possible. Zidane will join after a few rounds, which will make this a lot easier.

The third battle is kind of hard, but hang in there. When the Dragon uses Smash, it reduces your HP to 1, but
Dagger will come in and heal you. Have her summon and heal while Zidane attacks. Have her also cast float

After a moment, you'll have control of Zidane. Quina, Dagger and Steiner will be in your party, so make sure
you equip them and cure Zidane before continuing. Head back and you'll find your other party members.

If you'd like to gain levels, the moment is now. The moogle will allow you to switch party members, so don't
worry about only certain characters gaining levels. And it's alright to be above the suggested level. You can
also go back to the chair Zidane woke up in for a Holy Miter.

From Moorock, head three screens left. In this room, hit the switch to your immediate left and avoid the lights
while exiting to the bottom left. Don't touch the lights or be near one or a battle will ensue and you'll have to
start over from the beginning of the room. You also have to have enough time left to make it across the bridge
in the next area.
Once across the bridge, check the globe in the center of the room but don't adjust anything just yet. Head left
and go up a little bit then jump on the platform and ride it up. Go left then up again, and take the first
teleporter. It didn't work, so go all the way back down into the room with the spheres. Adjust the standard
heading to 3, then ride the platform back up and get the chest there with 20,007 gil. Now go back to the
room with the spheres and try a few random combinations of standard headings. You'll come back to the
sphere room after the second or third time of getting nowhere fast to find that the members who are not in
your party are waiting for you. They'll now manage the controls while you ride up the elevator.

Head left, back into the room with the elevator then view the ATE. Have them set the Current Heading to 4.
Go all the way up on the elevator to where you found the 20,007 gil and take the path to the left to reach the
next floor. If this doesn't work, then have them set the heading to 4 again.

In this new room, go right and take the teleporter. You'll now be in a room with three other teleporters
surrounding you. The one to the right leads to an Elixir, and the one to the left leads to Carabini Mail. Now
take the one to the north and ride the teleporter there back to the previous floor. Head back to the center of
the room, then down, then left and take the teleporter. The lower-right teleporter will take you to Battle
Boots;-now take the upper right one to save with Mozme, and give her her mail. She will also let you switch
party members if you'd like.

Up ahead are three boss battles. Make sure all characters are wearing the best equipment and armor they
can. Equip all party members with Insomniac if Quina knows Night. If Eiko is in your party, make sure she
knows Madeen and has Maiden Prayer equipped as an add-on. If Dagger is in your party, make sure she knows
Bahamut. Steiner should have Ragnarok equipped from Chocobo Hot & Cold. For this battle, I like Zidane,
Freya, Amarant and Eiko because Eiko has better magic, even though Dagger has more/better Eidolons.

Make sure everyone has status guard abilities like Locomotion. Make sure Freya has Dragon Killer equipped,
and other characters who have it have Bird Killer equipped as an ability. Also, Auto-Life, Auto-Haste and Auto-
Regen will be helpful. When you're ready, exit to the right of Mozme.


Items to Steal: Kaiser Knuckles, Dragon Mail, Elixir, Ether

If Quina is in your party, have Quina cast Night just after everyone else in your party attacks. This will put the
Silver Dragon to sleep so it can't attack. If Amarant is in your party, have him cast Aura on all party members
and attack or use No Mercy. Make sure Eiko is equipped with the Maiden Prayer and have her summon Madeen
or Fenrir in between healing. Have Zidane attack and steal. Have Vivi cast Blizzaga or Flare, and Steiner cast
Blizzaga Sword, Flare Sword, or attack. Have Freya cast Reis's Wind and Dragon Crest and have Dagger heal
and summon Shiva or Bahamut. If you're on or above the suggested level, this should be over within five
rounds, depending on whether you choose to steal or not.


Items to Steal: Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Battle Boots

Have Eiko summon Carbuncle since Garland relies heavily on magic. This will mean you have to cure your
party manually or wait until the spell wears off, but you won't need to heal as often if you have cast it. It
would also be beneficial to have Freya cast Reis's Wind and Dragon's Crest. If she's around level 65 or 66 and
has Dragon Killer equipped, it'll do 9999 damage. Follow the basic strategy of attacking, casting magic and
healing, since Garland isn't weak against anything in particular. Make sure Zidane robs Garland blind before
you kill him.


Items to Steal: Light Robe, Carabini Mail, Ether

Have Eiko summon Carbuncle again, because Kuja relies on magic too. Stealing from him is optional, since
you more than likely already have the things he's carrying. But two is never too much. Unless it's bullets.
Follow the same strategy you did with Garland, but have Quina cast Big Guard and White Wind. Steiner's
Shock helps also.

After the battles, cutscenes and FMV, you'll have control of Zidane. Run across the bridges then up to Dagger
when prompted. Run back to Bran Bal and watch the cutscenes and FMVs. After enduring probably the longest
disk in the game, you'll be done with disk three.



Estimated Time to Complete Event: 8 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: None
Key Items: Pisces Stellazio
Monsters: None
Moogles: Mogryo
Notes: None
Side Quests: None
Shops: No. 163's Medicine Shop, Black Cat Synthesis Shop, No. 239's Equipment Shop

At the beginning of Disk 4, you'll be in Black Mage Village. Watch the cutscenes then choose your party. Since
you're in Invincible now, press the triangle button to go to the deck and get the Pisces Stellazio.

If you'd like, you can go back into Black Mage Village. They have nice new weapons that might come in handy
later on. You can also play cards with just about everyone in the village-including the Genomes.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 46 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: None
Cards: ??
Items: Circlet, Protect Ring, Excalibur
Key Items: Superslick, Magical Fingertip, 12 Stellazio coins, Ophiuchus Stellazio coin
Monsters: Behemoth (Treno Weapon Shop)
Moogles: Mogliana, Mogreg, Mogriffin, Mosh, Moss, Artemicion, Moguta, Mogmi, Kupo, Chestnut, Stilzkin,
Atla, Mogryo, Kumool, Mogrich
Notes: As of now, all of the events in this walkthrough leading up to Memoria are completely optional. If you
feel that they are a waste of time, just skip this chapter and go to the next one, or click here
Side Quests: ...Yes (XD) Mognet Central, End of Stellazio Quest
Shops: Treno Weapon and Armor Shop, Treno Item Shop, Treno Synth Shop, Weaponsmith's Shop, Sales
Clerk's Item Shop, Synthesis Expert's Shop

This is a collective of places to visit and things to do before going to the last events. No, it's not malingering
^^ Just enjoying the last bits of the game.
Let's start off by going back to Mognet Central. Remember, you need a golden chocobo to get there. If you
don't remember how to get there, it's just northeast of Madain Sari on a small island. You'll need a dead
pepper to gain access to it.

When you get inside, speak to all the moogles and they'll tell you that they need an item, but they won't tell
you what it is. Leave now and go to Alexandria. It would be best if you stayed on your chocobo since it's faster
than your ship and you won't have to keep switching transportation.

Before entering Alexandria, make sure you don't have a Kupo Nut in your inventory. If you do, go and give it
to the moogles in Gizmaluke's Grotto (you can enter through a forest just above the grotto). You will receive
Kupo Nuts like crazy in the next few events, so make sure you give them all to Moguta for Aloha T-Shirts.

Once inside Alexandria, go to the steeple and visit Kupo. He'll have a letter for Atla in Burmecia. Prepare to
be ran around.

Go to Burmecia and find Atla. She's just before the palace, but it shouldn't be to hard to get to her considering
your levels. Atla will give you a Kupo Nut and a letter to Mogryo in Black Mage Village. Make sure to drop off
the Kupo Nut to Moguta then go to Black Mage Village. He'll give you another Kupo Nut and a letter for Kumool.
Unfortunately, Kumool is in Ipsen's Castle, but he's not too far from the entrance so head on back. He'll have
a letter for Mois, who was in the Ice Cavern. But now the Ice Cavern is closed, so Mois has relocated. To find
him, put Quina in your party and go to the Mist Continent's Qu's Marsh. From Mogster, go right and continue
all the way right and into the grass on the farthest right side. You'll find him there in front of the Fossil Roo
entrance. He has a letter for Noggy in Daguerreo, and Noggy has the final letter which goes back to Kupo. Go
back to Alexandria and Kupo knows what the problem is (XD) but won't tell. So leave and go to Ruby's mini-
theatre, and she'll give you the Superslick. Take it back to Mognet Central and the happy moogles will give
you the Protect Ring. But this means your mailman days are over...

Now head back to Daguerreo. If you haven't gotten the S-Rank Medal yet, you should be able to get it now.
After you get it, make sure you have at least 60,000 gil on hand. Talk to the old man in the library at the top,
over by where you rest at. He'll tell you he wants a Magical Fingertip O_o;...Uh...huh. To get it, you must
go to none other than the imfamous Treno Auction house. To save money, don't bid immediately, or even for
a little while. Wait until everyone else has placed their bid and the auctioneer says "(last bid) gil! Any More?"
then wait a few seconds and buy it. He'll sell it to you immediately and you'll have saved at least 18,000 gil.

Go back to Daguerreo and give the old man the Magical Fingertip, and if you're an old FF gamer, you'll
appreciate the shameless plug in his conversation before he gives you the Excalibur.

Don't forget to turn in your last Stellazio coins. Tell the Queen after you've turned in the 12th coin that there's
something missing. She'll then give you all 12 back so that you can find the 13th coin.

To get the 13th coin, you have to go back to Quan's Dwelling which is quite literally around the corner from
Treno. Slide down the rope and search around the hot springs to find it. After you've gotten it, take it back to
Queen Stella and give her all 13 coins. You'll have completed both the story and the sidequest, which goes
like this:

Aries: The story of 12 Zodiacs. The 11 Zodiacs pondered. How best to catch Virgo's heart? Aries headed east.
Taurus: Taurus had an idea. He would give Virgo a gift. Through the forest and over the mountain, he found
a star.
Gemini: Gemini thought by the river: 'I will sing her a song.' He didn't know where she was, but he hoped
his song would reach her.
Cancer: Cancer headed to the cape where Virgo waited. The sun was setting into the ocean. Would he finally
see her?
Leo: Leo was waiting for the sun to set into the ocean. Then Cancer showed up, and they began to fight. Into
the ocean they fell.
Virgo: Watching the sunset from the cap, Virgo whispered, "My only wish is to be with you now..."
Libra: Libra was a perverse fellow. He would always walk in the opposite direction of the sun. Would he ever
seen Virgo?
Scorpio: Scorpio was very timid. He always looked at his shadow, until one day, he decided to look away. He
walked up a hill.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius dashed through the night, defying the chilly norther wind that was stinging his right
Capricorn: Impatient Capricorn ran up a hill toward the sun and fell asleep from exhaustion.
Aquarius: Aquarius arrived late. He asked everyone, "Who kissed Virgo?"
Pisces: Pisces said to Aquarius, "Virgo made her choice. Go see him and he'll tell you the rest."
Ophiuchus: "Their future was uncertain, but Scorpio and Virgo kissed in the light of dusk. That moment
meant everything."

Don't forget also, before leaving Treno that there's a new monster in the weapon shop to fight.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: 7 minutes
Suggested Level: None

Blu Magic: None

Bosses: None
Cards: None
Items: None
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: Morrison, Moco, Momatose, Chimomo, Mocha
Notes: This is only if you'd like to find out Dagger's real name; again, completely optional.
Side Quests: ...It is a side quest o_O
Shops: Morrison's Mogshop

Once again, you might want to finish any other sidequests you've started, like finding Ragtimer. The following
events are just a few things you can do before continuing onto more serious matters.

Go to Madain Sari and make sure Dagger is in your party. Go to Eiko's place and run up to Lani, but she'll run
away. Now leave and make sure that Dagger or Amarant isn't in your party. Walk back to Lani and talk to
her twice. She'll tell you to check the room behind you. It has an inscription that reads as follows:

"Time moves forward once

Time moves backward once
Nine is the last number
It is also the first."

Go to the Eidolon wall and examine the '!' icon you see, then walk back out and put Dagger back in your party.
Now go back to the Eidolon wall and walk to the right-or clockwise-and walk all the way around until you pass
the '!' icon and hear a chime. Now go back left-counterclockwise-and walk until you pass the '!' icon again (by
the door) and hear another chime. Now go back clockwise and do it again, and continue to repeat this process
until you hear a chime that sounds like you have used an item, and you see a screen that says "HP amd MP
restored! Status effects removed!". Now read the inscriptions on the wall. Go back to the depiction of Ifrit on
the wall when you're done and re-read it for a special note from Dagger's real father.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: Varies
Suggested Level: 63-65, possibly close to 70 if you're going to fight Ozma
Blu Magic: None
Bosses: Quale, Ozma
Cards: Ozma
Items: None
Key Items: None
Monsters: None
Moogles: None
Notes: Ozma is the hardest boss in the game; he'll frustrate you to your wits end. If you'd like to go ahead
and just beat the game, now would be a great time to do it.
Side Quests: These are sidequests :P
Shops: None Any side quests you haven't completed, such as Chocobo Hot & Cold should be completed now;-
once you go on to Memoria, there is no turning back.

Revisit all of the Qu's Marshes of the world so that you can get Quina's saigo weapon. But before you do this,
you'll have to fight Quale. He won't challenge you until you catch 99 frogs.


Items to Steal: Elixir, Ninja Gear, Glutton's Robe, Robe of Lords

Stealing is purely optional, since you probably already have everything he's carrying. He's weak against
Thunder, so having Vivi or Dagger in your party would be wise, but not entirely necessary. If they are, have
Vivi case Thundaga and Dagger summon Ramuh and heal. Have Freya cast Reis's wind and Dragon Crest,
Amarant cast No Mercy and Quina cast White Wind, Big Guard and attack. Have Zidane follow the basic
attack/steal or use Thievery; have Steiner use Thundaga if Vivi is with you;-if not, Shock and Thunder Slash
will do- and have Eiko heal and summon.

After fighting Quale, there's just one more thing you need to do. There is another boss to fight, and he is
supposedly the most powerful boss in the game.

To fight Ozma with physical characters, you'll need to complete the Land Spirit quest. You should have at least
one healer with you. I recommend Zidane, Dagger, Freya and Eiko. I'm kind of partial to Freya over Steiner.
Or you could take Amarant in place of one of the healers.

Equip abilities like Antibody, Auto-Haste, Clear-Headed, Auto-Life and Auto-Regen. If nothing else, have the
first three. Have Hide Tide on Zidane if you can, and make sure also that he has Bandit and Master Thief on.
HP and MP 20% and 10% work also. Equip one healer with a Pumice Piece, and the other one give to Freya.
Have Zidane put on the Ninja Gear, and Steiner should wear the Demon's Mail if you have him. Have anyone
else put on Egoist's Armlet, which reduces Shadow attacks by 100%. Have Freya equip a Dragon Wrist since
she can't wear Egoist's Armlet. If you've been leveling up against Grand Dragons, Freya will be great in this
battle. Her Dragon Crest will do 9999 damage each time you cast it.

When you're ready, go to Chocobo Air Garden (you must have a flying Chocobo for this). You can find it on
your map, and if you don't know where it is then try checking the Chocograph Pieces in your Key Items menu.
Go to the left side of the air garden and check the Eidolon Cave. You'll be asked if you want to back down,
and they'll even let you open your menu to properly equip your characters and select different party members.
Before heading forward, make sure your characters aren't on a level ending in 0, 4, 5, or 8. If they are, raise
them to another level, preferably 3 or 7. Take Level Up off since bosses don't give experience points; if your
characters aren't learning anything, take Ability Up off too. Every point counts.


Items to Steal: Pumice Piece, Elixir, Robe of Lords, Dark Matter

This truly is the most powerful boss in the game. If you beat him, you'll have no problem with the last boss
of the game. Stealing really wastes valuable time, but it's up to you whether you want to try it or not. Have
you healers cast Curaga every turn, unless you feel it isn't necessary. In which case, have Dagger cure and
Eiko cast Madeen. Have Freya cast Reis's Wind and Dragon's Crest. Have Zidane steal and cast Thievery if it's
strong enough; otherwise, just attack. Have Steiner use Shock and anything else useful, and Vivi case level 3
spells and Flare.

If you win this battle, you'll get a Dark Matter if you didn't get one from Treno, a Pumice, Ozma's card and a
Strategy Guide for card games.


Estimated Time to Complete Event: 45-60 minutes or more
Suggested Level: 68-75

Bosses: Nova Dragon, Maliris, Tiamat, Kraken, Lich

Items: Kain's Lance, The Tower, Angel Flute
Monsters: Iron Man, Chimera, Veteran, Stilva
Moogles: None; only save spheres
Notes: These are the final battles. Are you ready yet?
Shops: Hades' Master Synthesis Shop

Save before doing another thing, preferably close to the Iifa tree. When you're all prepared, head to the Iifa
tree in your airship and enter the glowing sphere on top of it. After the cutscenes and FMVs, you'll face a boss.


Items to Steal: Grand Armor, Dragon Wrist, Remedy

I'm sure this is like fighting a Fang compared to Ozma, but bare with. Start by casting a Tent so the
Silence/Poison/Darkness snake will bite. If it doesn't, then cast tents on it until it does. Have Steiner use
Shock, Freya use Dragon Crest, and Amarant use Aura although it probably won't be necessary, and No Mercy.
Best case scenario: All of your characters Trance at the same time (Yesss it happened to me...Too bad it didn't
happen when I battled Ozma -_-; ). Use the same basic strategy used in all boss battles, and it'll be over in
no time.

After the cutscene, choose your party carefully and when you're finished, head forward.

You'll see a '?' above your forehead. Much like Final Fantasy VI on the Floating Continent, from here you can
return to your ship. Go up the steps and save at the glowing ball, where you can also tent and change your
characters. Search the wall on the right for a small niche with Kain's Lance hidden inside. Continue forward
to the Stairs of Time. To your left is a Card Master. When you see the '!', press x, then square to challenge
him. There are some cards in the deck that you can only win from him.

Continue across the bridge and up the stairs. Now go up the next set of steps in front of you, then another to
the right and another to the left. Search the platform that's sticking out toward the bottom of the screen
for The Tower. Now continue to the left up the steps. Make sure Body Heat is equipped on your characters,
and continue running forward to face the first of the Four Fiends (or Chaos Guardians to the new generation).


Items to Steal: Masamune, Ultima Weapon, Genji Armor

You definately want to steal from him. The Ultima weapon is the strongest weapon Zidane can get so far;-
even if you have it already, try to steal this one so you can throw it at the final boss XD He's weak against
Water and Ice, so if VIvi and Steiner are in your party, you know what to do. Have everyone else follow the
basic attack/heal strategy and make sure your White Mages keep your HP up since Maliris has a pretty cool-
yet pretty deadly-final attack.

After the battle, continue forward to enter the Past. Keep going and you'll see a cutscene. Now check the left
side of the platform in front of the fallen city for an Angel Flute, and the right side for a hidden save point.
You can also change your party members if you want. Continue to the right into Oblivion and up the steps into
Recollection. There's another Card Master just left of the top of the steps. Make sure everyone has on Clear-
Headed now, and Eiko is not equipped with the Maiden Prayer. Continue into the next room, then search the
left for Rune Claws and continue up the next set of steps for the second of the Four Fiends (Fiends, Guardians,


Items to Steal: Blood Sword, Feather Boots, Grand Helm

I recommend stealing the Blood Sword to throw and the Grand Helm if you don't have one. Eiko should cast
Fenrir, Vivi cast Flare or Meteor, Dagger heal and summon Bahamut while everyone else does what they do
best. Have Steiner cast Flare Sword if him and Vivi are with you.

Continue into the eye after the battle and you'll be in the Ruins. Keep going until you reach Lost Memory, the
next room ahead. There's a Card Master in the lower right corner. Continue into the next room, which is
Familiar Past. Head up the winding stairway on the left. Continue to walk the winding staircase until you reach
a save sphere. There is an optional boss up ahead. If you choose to fight him, equip Clear-Headed, Anti Body,
Bright Eyes, Body Temp, Auto Regen and Auto-Life. Equip Demon or Bird Killer also. Anything that absorbs
Shadow damage as far as armor and such goes will help greatly. Equip Auto-Haste and Half MP if you have
enough ability stones left over.

When you're ready to fight him, walk through the waterfall and into the group of corals on the right. Poke
around with X and someone will try to warn you off. Choose not to leave and you'll fight Hades.


Items to Steal: Robe of Lords, Battle Boots, Running Shoes, Reflect Ring

Remember, you got yourself into this. If you have Eiko in your pary, have her cast Holy of Summon Madeen.
Have Vivi use Reflectx2 and cast Flare. Have Steiner you Shock and Amarant cast No Mercy. Have Dagger
heal and Freya use Dragon Crest. Zidane should steal and attack. Don't play around with Hades; he's no joke.

So why beat up Hades? He's so cool. Hades opens the most powerful Synthesis Shop in the game. He can
even Synth the Robe of Lords and Beatrix' Sword, Save the Queen. *_* In all honesty, he's not really that
hard to beat either :P Make sure you forge the Pumice before leaving as well.

Continue up the steps and into the next area and you'll be attacked by another boss.


Items to Steal: Glutton's Robe, Wizard Rod, Genji Helmet

I am personally offended by how weak Kraken is. I mean, its legend is so awesome and it kicked in the
previous FFs o_O; Just make sure you take out it's tentacles so he can't do any seemingly real damage, and
use Fire and physical attacks.

After the disappointing fight, continue up the steps and into Time Warp. (So FF1.) Check the right of the stairs
for a hidden save point, then continue up the steps. To the right at the top of the steps is another Card Master.
Go through the door and on the other site, watch the cutscene then climb the ladder. Before climbing up the
next ladder, check the upper left corner of the platform for a Mace of Zeus, then equip Locomotion and
Antibody on all characters, and also anything that will absorb or reduce Earth damage such as Feather Boots
and Gaia Gear. Climb up the ladder when you're ready.


Items to Steal: Black Robe, Siren's Flute, Genji Gloves

This isn't like the previous Lich in other FFs;-you could just cast Life on him and poof he goes. No, you have
to actually fight this time. Make sure you either have Eiko, Amarant or Dagger (I chose Amarant, Eiko and
Freya) so that someone can resurrect your fallen characters. Lich casts Doom and Death a lot, so Eiko is better
to have around since she has Full-Life. Hopefully you've equipped Locomotion, because he casts stop also.
Holy works good against him since Lich is not very much alive. Use your strongest skills per usual and steal if
you so desire.

After the fight, walk left and check around for a hidden save sphere. Go through the arch and press up to
move faster. You are now in the Crystal World. You'll fight weaker versions of the Four Fiends you just fought,
and at the end is the last save sphere of Memoria-and the last save point of the game. It will give you the
option of leaving Memoria. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE, MISTER SMEE. XD If you have anything to do, you'd
best do it now. There are three battles ahead and no turning back. If you do go back now, you'll have to start
from the beginning of Memoria to get back here. After saving at the save sphere, head through the portal in
front of you.

Estimated Time to Complete Event: With or without the game ending?
Suggested Level: 68-75 or higher

Bosses: Kuja, Necron

Make sure you've equipped abilities like MP and HP raising abilities, as well as Auto-Life, Auto-Regen and Auto-
Haste. They're all that's really needed. Since you won't be gaining and AP or EXP, take off Ability Up and Level
Up. The 'killer' abilities aren't necessary either. Replace them with things such as Boost, Hide Tide and Half-


Items to Steal: Duel Claws, Black Belt, Elixir

Stick to the basic attack/heal strategy. You want this guy gone as soon as possible, so give it all you've got.
After the battle, you'll be offered the chance to go back and save your game. Please take it, then come back
and face the second battle against Kuja.


Items to Steal: Rebirth Ring, White Robe, Ether

It'd be wise to have Eiko in your party, since she has Carbuncle. Kuja casts spells every round, so Carbuncle
would reflect all except one-Flare Star. But that's better than nothing. Can't have it all, right? Have Steiner
cast Shock, Amarant use No Mercy, and Eiko use Madeen while Carbuncle is in effect. Have Dagger cast Ark
and Bahamut, Vivi cast Flare (or Meteor, but sometimes it doesn't work), Quina use White Wind (but honestly,
who would take you, Quina? Nobody likes you.)

Items to Steal: Elixir

Go all out for this battle, since it is quite literally your last. Have Amarant throw any weapons you've
accumulated over the four disks, starting with the strongest. Also have him cast No Mercy. Have Dagger
summon Ark and Bahamut, and Eiko cast Madeen and Holy. Have Steiner use Shock and Climhazzard, and
Quina use White Wind and any power magic skills. Have Vivi cast Flare, and what he normally
does. Have Freya cast Dragon's Crest and this battle will be over in no time. Sit back and watch the ending

Anda mungkin juga menyukai