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as stubborn as a mule 像骡子一样固执

2. turned a deaf ear to her advice 当做耳旁风
3. squatted down 蹲下
4. was indulged in 沉迷于
5. spoilt 损坏了
6. regretted for 后悔
7. from that day onwards 从此
8. regular customers 常客
9. fire brigade 消防队
10. passer-by / passers-by 路人
11. control the blaze 控制烈火
12. discovered that 发现
13. ditch 沟渠
14. apologised for his carelessness 为他的大意而道歉
15. rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
16. was shivering with cold 颤抖(冷)
17. lightning was flashing and the thunder was rolling 雷电交加
18. sensed that 意识到
19. lodge a report to the authority concerned 向有关当局举报
20. old folks’ home 老人院
21. bid farewell 告别
22. pulled over 向路边停靠
23. kidnap 绑架
24. organised by 被…举办
25. a big shady tree 一颗又大又阴凉的树
26. incident 事件
27. bandaged 包扎
28. felt ashamed 感到羞愧
29. witnessed 目睹
30. seriously injured 严重的受伤
31. set off for 出发
32. approached 接近
33. snatched 抢了
34. fled off 逃之夭夭
35. ran forward 向前跑
36. applied some ointment on the wound 在伤口上涂抹药膏
37. suffered bruises 淤青
38. The string of the kite snapped and it flew away. 风筝的线断了然后飞走
39. insisted his decision 坚决他的决定
40. took him to the nearby hospital to seek treatment 带他去附近的医院,并获得治疗
41. accompanied by 由…陪同
42. scoutmaster 童子军长
43. jotted interesting findings 记录下有趣的发现
44. enjoyed the breathtaking view there 享受令人叹为观止的风景
45. proud of 感到自豪
46. successfully conquered the hill 成功征服高山
47. identical twins 孪生子
48. look alike 长得相似
49. never quarrel with each other 从来都没有互相争执过
50. many kinds of local delicacies 各种各样的本地食物
51. kind-hearted 善良
52. reasonable prices 合理的价钱
53. Due to this, 因为如此,
54. assist 协助
55. unfortunate 不幸的人
56. social worker 义工
57. cleaned the compound of the orphanage 清理孤儿院的场地
58. keen 热心的
59. a born artist 一个天生的艺术家
60. talented 有才华
61. aspire 有志(成为)
62. enrol 注册(学习课程)
63. determined 立志
64. admires 欣赏
65. useful advice and guidance 有用的劝告与指导
66. He charges his customers reasonably. 他为他的顾客们定下合理的价格。
67. recruit 聘请
68. hire 聘请
69. widow 寡妇
70. Her husband passed away in a fatal road accident a few years ago. 几年前,她的丈夫
71. seamstress 女裁缝师
72. understanding and considerate 善解人意
73. household chores 家务
74. They lead a happy life although they are not rich.
75. She listened attentively to her teacher in school. 她在学校专心的听她老师的话。
76. attended tuition classes 上补习班
77. She managed to pass with flying colours in the UPSR exam.
78. Her hard work finally paid off. 她的努力终于得到回报。
79. Her outstanding achievement made her parents felt very proud of her.
80. documentary 纪录片
81. Ricky ignored his parents’ advice. 立奇丘不听他父母的话。
82. She walked up the stage slowly and steadily.他慢慢地和镇定的走上舞台。
83. Her voice was sweet and melodious. 她的歌声悦耳动听。
84. The judges were impressed by her performance. 评审们被她的表演给打动了。
85. Siew Lee had a shock when she was announced the champion.
86. It is a famous tourist attraction with a long stretched beautiful beach.
87. sorted them out according to their qualities 根据品质来分类
88. They looked forward to visiting the orchard again. 他们很期待下次再拜访果园。
89. The fair was crowded with visitors. 展览人山人海。
90. The booths were selling a wide range of electronic products.
91. His father bought a branded laptop with a very good discount after bargaining with the
dealer. 与交易商讨价还价后,他的爸爸以低价买了一台名牌电脑而且得到
92. She realised that she had forgotten to finish her homework.
93. When Mr Wong entered the classroom, he approached her. He told her the mistake she
had offended. She apologised for her wrongdoing.
94. Surprisingly, her teacher did not condemn her. Instead, she told her to be more careful
in future.
95. Jian Sung and his friends took some photographs for remembrance.
96. The plants beared many huge fresh red strawberries.
97. She nursed the puppy until it was well again. 她照料那只小狗直到它康复。
98. fond of 热爱于

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