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Mathematical Hard Problem in


Sandeep Kumar
Application No. – 2003610
Roll No. - 3702362
Cryptography : Basic Setting
Alice Insecure Channel Bob
c = Encryption(m) m = Decryption(c)
Goals of Cryptography:

 Confidentiality: Adversary can not learn anything about message.

 Integrity: Adversary can not modify the content of the message.

 Authenticity : Receiver (Bob) should be ascertain about the sender (Alice).

 Accountability: Sender (Alice) can not deny about a message that he has sent.
Discrete Log Problem(Hard Problem):

Let G = <g> be a cyclic group of large order. Given h = ga, it is hard to find a.

Diffee Hellman Key Exchange

Public Parameters:
Alice A cyclic group G = (Zp)*= <g> Bob
Where p is a large prime.

Alice send ga
Choose secret a ga
Bob Send gb
gb Choose secret b

From ga and gb , Adversary

Alice calculates (gb)a = gab

can not calcualte gab Bob calculates (ga)b = gab
Prime Factorization Problem(Hard Problem):
Given n = p.q (p and q are large primes), it is difficult to get p and q.

RSA Cryptosystem
Choose two large primes p and q and set n = p.q
Choose e, such that gcd(e, ϕ(n)) = 1.
Alice Choose d, such that d.e ≡ 1 mod (ϕ(n)).
Public Key: (e, n)
Private key (d, p, q)

On receiving c, Alice calculates: c = me mod(n) Bob

cd mod(n) = med mod(n) = m

Message m
Code Based Cryptography (Post Quantum Secure):
Binary Linear Block Code:
A linear block code C, of length n and dimension k, is a k dimensional subspace of .
Equivalently C can be defined through a generator matrix {G}k*n, as:
C = {m.G| m ϵ }

Parity Check matrix: The matrix {H}(n-k)*n ,such that G.HT = 0.

Syndrome: The syndrome of e ϵ , is given by s = e.HT.

Decoding Problem (Hard Problem):

Given s, H and w (small integer), it is hard to find e of weight w, such that

s = e.HT
McEleice Cryptosystem (1978):

Public Key: Generator Matrix : {G}k*n
t, error correcting capacity
Private key: A trapdoor, generally a parity check matrix H

On receiving c, c = m.G + e
Alice apply the decoding algorithm
weight of e is t
using trapdoor, to recover m
Message m

Thank You

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