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I n t r a v a s c u l a r Ul t r a s o u n d

Studie s of Plaque
P ro g re s s i o n an d R e g re s s i o n
Impact of Lipid-Modifying Therapies
Daisuke Shishikura, MD, Satoshi Honda, MD,
Jordan Andrews, BS, Stephen J. Nicholls, MBBS, PhD*

 Atherosclerosis  Lipids  Clinical trials  Intravascular ultrasound

 Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) trials are performed in patients who have presented for a clinical
indicated coronary angiogram.
 Serial IVUS imaging has provided important insights into the factors that are associated with
progression of coronary atherosclerosis.
 When integrated into clinical trials, serial vascular imaging has permitted the assessment of the ef-
fect of medical therapies on disease progression.

INTRODUCTION clinical trials, serial vascular imaging has permitted

the assessment of the effect of medical therapies
Over the course of the last 25 years, clinical trials on disease progression.
have consistently demonstrated that lowering levels
of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) re-
duces cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.1–3
This has led to widespread use of statins and Coronary angiography generates a 2-D silhouette
increasing prescription of additional lipid-lowering of the artery lumen, with the ability to quantify
agents in patients who are unable to achieve treat- the extent of obstructive disease. This technique
ment targets.4,5 There remains, however, a consid- is widely used in clinical practice, with early evi-
erable residual risk of clinical events, suggesting dence that the severity of angiographic disease
the need to identify more effective strategies to associates with adverse clinical outcomes.8,9 Early
achieve greater reductions in cardiovascular risk.6 studies using serial quantitative coronary angiog-
In parallel to these studies, technological advances raphy demonstrated a favorable impact of statin
in arterial wall imaging have enabled study of the fac- therapy on progression of obstructive disease,
tors associated with the natural history of progres- with evidence of a direct relationship between
sion of atherosclerosis.7 When integrated into the degree of lipid lowering and degree of

Disclosure: Nicholls disclosures are research support from AstraZeneca, Amgen, Anthera, Eli Lilly, Esperion,
Novartis, Cerenis, The Medicines Company, Resverlogix, InfraReDx, Roche, Sanofi-Regeneron and LipoScience
and a consultant for AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Anthera, Omthera, Merck, Takeda, Resverlogix, Sanofi-Regeneron,
CSL Behring, Esperion, Boehringer Ingelheim. Other authors have no disclosures.
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Adelaide, PO Box 11060, Adelaide, SA
5001, Australia
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Cardiol Clin 36 (2018) 329–334
0733-8651/18/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
330 Shishikura et al

angiographic benefit.10–12 Extending beyond Several clinical trials have demonstrated important
these benefits of LDL-C lowering, other studies insights into the role of medical therapies
have demonstrated that administration of fenofi- modifying plasma lipoproteins and their impact
brate in patients with diabetes can slow progres- on atherosclerotic plaque within the coronary
sion of obstructive disease13 and that addition of vasculature.
niacin to background statin therapy produces
regression of angiographic disease.14 These later STATIN ADMINISTRATION
findings suggested that potentially targeting addi-
tional lipid parameters, beyond LDL-C, may pro- An early study using serial IVUS imaging demon-
vide further benefit for high-risk patients. A strated no impact of intensive statin therapy on
fundamental limitation of angiography is its plaque progression yet reported a favorable
inability to directly image the vessel wall.15 impact on plaque characteristics, suggesting a
Accordingly, it is unable to provide a comprehen- potentially beneficial effect on plaque composi-
sive evaluation of the impact of medical therapies tion.30 Subsequent studies, however, have consis-
on the full burden of atherosclerotic disease. tently demonstrated that intensive statin therapy
Noninvasive B-mode ultrasound imaging of the exerts a protective effect on disease progres-
carotid artery permits measurement of carotid sion.25–27 The Reversal of Atherosclerosis with
intima-medial thickness (cIMT), representing an Aggressive Lipid Lowering (REVERSAL) study
early change within the artery wall that correlates compared the effects of atorvastatin (80 mg) and
with cardiovascular risk factors, atherosclerotic pravastatin (40 mg) on progression of coronary
disease burden and adverse cardiovascular out- atherosclerosis in 502 patients. Greater lowering
comes.16 Clinical trials have demonstrated a direct of LDL-C (79 mg/dL vs 110 mg/dL) with intensive
relationship between the degree of LDL-C atorvastatin was associated with halting of plaque
lowering with statins and slowing of cIMT progres- progression.25 Subsequent analyses reported a
sion.17 Later studies observed cIMT regression direct relationship between slowing of disease
with use of high-intensity statin agents.18,19 These progression with both lowering of LDL-C and the
findings provided insights into the impact of statin inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein (CRP).31
therapy on early changes in the artery wall. The finding of an independent relationship be-
tween CRP lowering and slowing disease progres-
INTRAVASCULAR ULTRASOUND sion supported claims that statins may exert
anti-inflammatory effects in vivo.
The ability to place high-frequency ultrasound A Study to evaluate the Effect of Rosuvastatin
transducers within the coronary artery lumen per- On Intravascular Ultrasound-Derived Coronary
mits intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to generate Atheroma Burden (ASTEROID) subsequently
high-resolution imaging of the full thickness of evaluated the impact of high-dose rosuvastatin
the artery wall.20 This enables visualization of the for 24 months on coronary plaque burden.26
full burden of atherosclerotic plaque within the Lowering LDL-C to 60 mg/dL and raising
vessel wall, with quantitative techniques able to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) by
measure the area of plaque within each cross- approximately 15% with rosuvastatin was associ-
sectional image. Continuous imaging during ated with plaque regression. Although this study
catheter withdrawal produces a series of cross- reinforced the direct relationship between LDL-C
sectional images throughout a length of artery lowering and changes in plaque burden, further
extending the quantitation of plaque burden to a analyses also reported a direct relationship be-
volumetric measure. Comparison of imaging in tween HDL-C raising and slowing disease pro-
anatomically matched segments, defined by the gression with statins.32 The change in the ratio
presence of proximal and distal side branches, of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I, reflecting
permits measurement of changes in plaque vol- the proportion of atherogenic to protective lipo-
ume over time.21 This provides a unique opportu- proteins, emerged as the strongest predictor
nity to characterize the factors associated with of disease progression in the setting of statin
plaque progression and to determine whether therapy.
medical therapies can slow disease progression These findings provided the impetus to perform
or promote regression of atherosclerotic pla- the largest serial IVUS study of plaque progres-
que.22–27 Subsequent studies have demonstrated sion. The Study of Coronary Atheroma by
that the burden and progression of coronary inTravascular Ultrasound: Effect of Rosuvastatin
atherosclerosis are associated with the subse- versus AtorvastatiN (SATURN) directly compared
quent incidence of cardiovascular death, myocar- the impact of the 2 most intensive statins
dial infarction, or coronary revascularization.28,29 (atorvastatin 80 mg and rosuvastatin 40 mg) for
Impact of Lipid-Modifying Therapies 331

24 months.27 Achieving low levels of LDL-C combination of evolocumab and statin therapy,
(70 mg/dL with atorvastatin and 61 mg/dL with suggesting potentially greater modifiability of their
rosuvastatin) and higher HDL-C levels (greater atherosclerotic plaque.
than 48 mg/dL) was associated with marked pla-
que regression with both agents, although no dif- ADDITIONAL ATHEROGENIC LIPID TARGETS
ference was observed between the groups.
These findings contributed to the consistent rela- As increasingly intensive lipid-lowering strategies
tionship between LDL-C lowering and favorable are used in clinical practice, there has been a
effects on disease progression, with the observa- renewal of interest in targeting other atherogenic
tion that achieving an LDL-C below LDL-C was lipid parameters. In statin-treated patients, elevated
typically associated with plaque regression. achieved levels of non–HDL-C, triglycerides, or
Approximately one-third of patients achieving an remnant cholesterol, each reflecting a broader pop-
LDL-C less than 70 mg/dL, however, continue to ulation of atherogenic lipoproteins, is associated
demonstrate plaque progression. Associated with greater plaque progression rates at all LDL-C
with an ongoing propensity of progression, despite levels. This suggests that targeting triglyceride-
achieving low LDL-C levels, are the presence of rich lipoproteins may produce incremental benefit
additional risk factors and increases in levels of in statin-treated patients. In patients with type 2 dia-
apolipoprotein B. The latter observation highlights betes mellitus, favorable modification of the
the potential to continue targeting atherogenic triglyceride/HDL-C ratio was the strongest predic-
lipoproteins, even when a patient’s LDL-C is at tor of slowing disease progression, underscoring
target levels.33 the potential benefit of the peroxisome proliferator
activated receptor gamma agonist, pioglitazone,
LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN LOWERING in serial imaging studies.36 In a similar fashion, lipo-
BEYOND STATINS protein (a) (Lp[a]) is an independent predictor of car-
diovascular risk, but has not been well investigated
Several subsequent trials have investigated the in serial IVUS trials. In statin-treated patients, Lp(a)
impact of adding alternative LDL-C–lowering has not to date been demonstrated to be associ-
agents to statin therapy on coronary atheroscle- ated with disease progression, although the preva-
rosis.34,35 In the Plaque Regression With Choles- lence of elevated Lp(a) levels has been relatively
terol Absorption Inhibitor or Synthesis Inhibitor small in these studies.37 An alternative approach
Evaluated by Intravascular Ultrasound (PRE- to targeting atherogenic lipoproteins in patients
CISE-IVUS) trial, patients were treated with a with coronary artery disease has been to
combination of atorvastatin and the cholesterol inhibit cholesterol esterification within the artery
absorption inhibitor, ezetimibe, or atorvastatin wall. Although preclinical studies of acyl-
monotherapy for 12 months.34 Achieving a lower CoA:cholesterol actyltransferase inhibitors demon-
LDL-C with combination therapy (63 mg/dL vs strated reduction in foam cell formation and antia-
73 mg/dL) was associated with incremental therosclerotic effects in animal models,38 they did
regression of atherosclerotic plaque. The Global not prove favorable in humans. Administration of
Assessment of Plaque Regression With a pactimibe was reported to potentially accelerate
PCSK9 Antibody as Measured by Intravascular plaque progression, which may reflect a proapo-
Ultrasound (GLAGOV) trial evaluated the impact ptotic effect of increasing free cholesterol levels
of use of the proprotein convertase subtilisin within the artery wall.39
kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitor, evolocumab,
versus placebo in patients treated with back- HIGH-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN AS A
ground statin therapy for at least 4 weeks. THERAPEUTIC TARGET
After 18 months of treatment, achieving a lower
LDL-C with the combination of evolocumab and Epidemiology and preclinical studies have sug-
statin (37 mg/dL vs 92 mg/dL) was associated gested that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) exerts
with regression of coronary atherosclerosis and a protective effect on cardiovascular risk.40,41
a greater proportion of individual patients demon- In statin-treated patients, modest increases in
strating any degree of plaque regression.35 A HDL-C independently were associated with slow-
direct relationship was observed between ing of disease progression, supporting a potential
achieved LDL-C levels and disease progression, therapeutic role for targeting HDL functionality in
with no evidence of lack of incremental benefit patients with coronary disease. The studies to
at very low LDL-C levels. In patients already at date, however, have been generally disappointing.
target LDL-C goal (<70 mg/dL) at baseline, Although an early study demonstrated that short-
greater regression was observed with the term intravenous infusions of an HDL mimetic
332 Shishikura et al

containing apolipoprotein A-IMilano produced rapid Beyond evaluating the impact of medical thera-
regression of coronary atherosclerosis in patients pies on disease progression, there is considerable
after an acute coronary syndrome,42 more recent interest in determining their effects on plaque
trials have failed to report benefit using either composition. Gray-scale IVUS imaging is limited
a similar mimetic or those containing wild-type by its ability to distinguish individual plaque com-
apolipoprotein A-I. Whether this reflects chal- ponents. Spectral analysis of its radiofrequency
lenges in administering HDL in addition to inten- backscatter, however, has been reported to distin-
sive statin therapy in the modern era or variability guish fibrotic, fibrofatty, necrotic, and calcific pla-
of response in the proinflammatory state after an que components. Substudies of IVUS trials have
acute coronary syndrome remains to be deter- demonstrated that plaque regression observed
mined. Apabetalone is a selective bromodomain with both high-intensity statins and evolocumab
and extraterminal (BET) protein inhibitor, initially are associated with a reduction in fibrofatty and
developed due to its ability to up-regulate endog- increase in plaque calcium.46 Whether other
enous synthesis of apolipoprotein A-I and enhance emerging imaging modalities, such as optical
systemic cholesterol efflux capacity. A proof-of- coherence tomography, near-infrared spectros-
concept study, however, demonstrated that copy, CT coronary angiography, and radioisotope
modest raising of HDL-C did not produce incre- molecular imaging, will provide incremental infor-
mental plaque regression compared with back- mation remains to be determined.
ground medical therapy.43 The complex role of Given the need for invasive coronary imaging,
BET proteins in regulation of inflammatory and IVUS trials are performed in patients who have
calcifying pathways implicated in cardiovascular presented for a clinical indicated coronary angio-
disease has supported its ongoing clinical devel- gram. It is unknown whether the findings of these
opment. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) studies apply to asymptomatic patients at an
inhibitors were originally developed on the basis earlier stage of the disease process. The ongoing
of their ability to substantially raise HDL-C levels. evolution of noninvasive imaging may permit these
A serial IVUS study of torcetrapib demonstrated studies.
an inability to slow disease progression.44 Subse-
quent analyses reported plaque regression in the SUMMARY
torcetrapib-treated patients achieving the highest
HDL-C levels, suggesting no adverse effects Serial IVUS imaging has provided important in-
on HDL functionality.45 Such reports supported sights into the factors that are associated with
ongoing development of other CETP inhibitors in progression of coronary atherosclerosis. In partic-
clinical trials. ular, they have reported that intensive LDL-C
lowering with high-intensity statins administered
IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE STEPS as monotherapy or in combination with other
lipid-lowering agents produces disease regres-
The ultimate impact of the finding of these studies is sion. These findings have provided important in-
determined by their ability for their results to be sights, giving a biological rationale for the
associated with cardiovascular outcomes. Pooled effects of these therapeutic approaches in high-
analyses of serial IVUS trials has demonstrated cardiovascular-risk patients.
that both the burden and degree of progression of
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