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Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Mechanical Engineering Pre-Test

1. Which of the following is an example of force? (Choose all that apply)
 Pushing a bike uphill
 Watching TV
 Pulling on rope
 Reading a good book
2. ________ is when an object travels over a certain amount of time.
a. Motion
b. Gravity
c. Force
d. Acceleration
3. Sailor Moon is flying at 25 mph but to catch the evil queen she must go faster. So, she
increases her speed to 70 mph. This is an example of _________.
a. Displacement
b. Acceleration
c. Electrical Energy
d. Speed
4. What is the energy of motion?
a. Potential energy
b. Sailor Moon Energy
c. Kinetic Energy
d. Chemical Energy
5. The acceleration of gravity is…
a. An upward rate of a falling object on Mars
b. A downward rate of a falling object on the moon
c. A downward rate of a falling object on Earth
d. A floating object in space
6. Which of the following exists in the whole universe?
a. Water
b. Cats
c. Air
d. Gravity
7. The law of conservation states:
a. Energy can be created and destroyed
b. Energy can not be created nor destroyed
c. Energy can only be created
d. Energy can only be destroyed

8. _________ Energy is an object’s stored energy.

a. Battery
b. Potential
c. Kinetic
d. Mechanical
9. Select the true statement:
a. Your weight is constant anywhere in the universe
b. Your velocity is constant everywhere you go
c. Your mass is constant anywhere in the universe
d. Your eye color is NOT constant anywhere in the universe
10. You are holding a ball on top of a building. When you let it go, what will happen to the
a. The ball will fall towards Earth by the force of air resistance
b. The ball will fall towards Earth by the force of gravity
c. The ball will fall towards the sky by the force of gravity
d. The ball will head towards you by the force of rotation
11. Newton has _________ laws of motion.
a. 2
b. 5
c. 3
d. 10
12. Which one of the following is a measurement that has direction? (Choose all that apply)
 Velocity
 Speed
 Weight
 Acceleration
 Distance
13. Reference the image of a rocket on the last page. The start position of the rocket has
zero Kinetic Energy.
 True
 False
14. Which is an example of acceleration?
10 m/s 10 m/s 10 m/s

5 m/s 10 m/s 15 m/s


Complete the following by matching the correct term to the question by using the key table

Friction Speed Acceleration Motion Weight

1. When an object speeds up or slows down, this is called __________

2. This is a force that works against motion __________

3. This is the change of an object’s position over some amount of time __________

4. The ________ of an object is determined by mass and gravity __________

5. The distance moved per time, independent from direction is called __________

Velocity = 5 miles/s

Height = 62 miles

Velocity = 0

Height = 0

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