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Dear Conan Rich,

First of all, the SABV community would like to welcome you in this family.
Conan is one of our new interns who in his first few stay here is already excelling in some
aspects. This is because of his passion to learn new things like in dancing, acting, and
also singing like the worship song “Who Am I” which shows your being prayerful.
Even though you are sometimes scolded by the brothers because of certain
reasons, your respect to them never change and this is a good trait. We hope that you’ll
continue to do your best in everything and continue to mature. Also continue to be a
model for your batch mates and help each other lessen the noise. Stay humble and be
the better version of you as you stay here. We are happy for you in your birthday even
though you are not with your biological family. Again, Happy birthday!
Sincerely Yours,
The whole SABV Community

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