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USP/Your Name​: Charles Dunning USP/Your ID #: 006041669

Candidate Name​: Kelly Leonardo Candidate ID # 023434198: Observation Date​: 4-16-18

Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students Score: Applying
TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction
Kelly aligned the lesson on effective conversations by having the students express in writing their prior knowledge of five
factors they perceive to be important. She modeled good body language prior to having students stand, face each other and
share their five factors that they determined to be effective communication. SUGGESTIONS: When opening a lesson
establish a focus set that requires the students to complete a required task within a designated time period. An example for
this lesson could be to direct the students to write a scenario that they perceive to be a positive communication experience,
share it with a partner, discuss samples with the class then assign the five factors to be written.

Domain B: Assessing Student Learning Score: Integrating

TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments
Kelly systematically checked for student understanding by circulating the classroom and posing thought provoking questions
that challenged their responses. She effectively enhanced students' interactions by re-directing and/or supporting their

Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning Score: Applying

TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
TPE 5: Student Engagement
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
TPE 7: Teaching English Learners
When students were interacting, she appropriately interjected with why questions to help them justify their statements. She
purposefully presented a 3 minute video to inform students that personal experiences can positively or adversely affect one's
mental health. SUGGESTION: Interject the 3 minute video at key points that allows students sufficient time to interpret
meaning with class discussions and collaborations and require written responses on designated topics. You could have a
response sheet for note taking.

Domain D: Planning Instruction and Deigning Learning Experiences for Students Score: Integrating
TPE 8: Learning About Students
TPE 9: Instructional Planning
When students were interacting, she appropriately interjected with why questions to help them justify their statements. She
purposefully presented a 3 minute video to inform students that personal experiences can positively or adversely affect one's
mental health. SUGGESTION: Interject the 3 minute video at key points that allows students sufficient time to interpret
meaning with class discussions and collaborations and require written responses on designated topics. You could have a
response sheet for note taking.

Domain E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning Score: Integrating
TPE 10: Instructional Time
TPE 11: Social Environment

Kelly's consistent, feedback produced positive traits including students' smiles, friendly handshakes. positive eye contact,
congeniality and animated enthusiasm. She routinely re-directed students' conversations that deterred from the lesson's
format. She asked leading questions that led the students to self-reflect and become more topic-focused when interacting with
each other

Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator Score:

TPE 12: Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations
TPE 13: Professional Growth

Kelly eagerly seeks new ideas and effectively interprets them for implementation in her instructional program. All observations support her standing as
an excellent role model for the students. Her after school coaching year round has positively transferred to the high level of respect that
she has gained from the student body. At all times she has expressed her enthusiasm and dedication to the teaching profession. Most
importantly she has excellent interpersonal relationships with the students and staff and is a person of high moral character.
Summary Statement
Formal Observation--Kelly's lesson presented a consistent pattern of active student engagement with activities that
clearly connected with their true life experiences. The lesson demonstrated a high level of student enthusiasm as
evidenced by their positive interactions and smiling faces. She modeled social and formal communications that
effectively connected students to the designated scenarios that she established for them.

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