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Marco Donà

Multi Linear Elastic and Plastic Link in SAP2000

1 General principles
Link object connects two joints, 𝑖 and 𝑗, separated by length 𝐿, such that specialized structural behaviour may
be modelled. Linear, nonlinear, and frequency-dependent properties may be assigned to each of the six
deformational degrees-of-freedom (DOF) which are internal to a link, including axial, shear, torsion, and pure
bending. Internal deformation is then calculated from joint 𝑗 displacement relative to joint 𝑖, where 𝑖 may be
grounded to simulate a support point.
There are two types of Links:
- Two-joint links
- Single-joint links which are those grounded at support points.
Six independent internal deformations are defined for the Link/Support element. These are calculated from the
relative displacements of joint 𝑗 with respect to:
- Joint 𝑖 for a two-joint element
- The ground for a single-joint element
For two-joint Link/Support elements the internal deformations are defined as:
 Axial (U1): 𝑑𝑢1 = 𝑢1𝑗 − 𝑢1𝑖
 Shear in the 1-2 plane (U2): 𝑑𝑢2 = 𝑢2𝑗 − 𝑢2𝑖 − 𝑑𝑗2 𝑟3𝑗 − (𝐿 − 𝑑𝑗2 ) 𝑟3𝑖
 Shear in the 1-3 plane (U3): 𝑑𝑢3 = 𝑢3𝑗 − 𝑢3𝑖 − 𝑑𝑗3 𝑟2𝑗 − (𝐿 − 𝑑𝑗3 ) 𝑟2𝑖
 Torsion (R1): 𝑑𝑟1 = 𝑟1𝑗 − 𝑟1𝑖
 Pure bending in the 1-3 plane (R2): 𝑑𝑟2 = 𝑟2𝑗 − 𝑟2𝑗
 Pure bending in the 1-2 plane (R3): 𝑑𝑟3 = 𝑟3𝑗 − 𝑟3𝑖

Where 𝑢𝑘𝑖 and 𝑟𝑘𝑖 are the translations and rotations at joint 𝑖 while 𝑑𝑗𝑛 is the distance you specify from joint 𝑗
to the location where the shear deformation 𝑑𝑢𝑛 is measured (the default is zero, meaning at joint 𝑗. Three of
these internal deformations are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Internal Deformations for a two-Joint Link Element.

For one-joint grounded-spring elements the internal deformations are the same as above, except that the
translations and rotations at joint 𝑖 are taken to be zero.
2 Link/Support Properties
A Link/Support Property is a set of structural properties that can be used to define the behaviour of one or more
Link or Support elements. Each Link/Support Property specifies the force-deformation relationships for the six
internal deformations. Mass and weight properties may also be specified.
Each Link/Support Property is assumed to be composed of six internal “springs” or “Hinges”, one for each of six
internal detonations. Each “spring” may actually consist of several components, including springs and dashpots.
The force-deformation relationships of these springs may be coupled (available only for linear links) or
independent of each other.

Figure 2: Three of the Six Independent Spring Hinges in a Link/Support Element

Figure 2 shows the springs for three of the deformations: axial, shear in the 1-2 plane, and pure-bending in the
1-2 plane. It is important to note that the shear spring is located a distance 𝑑𝑗2 from joint 𝑗. All shear deformation
is assumed to occur in this spring; the links connecting this spring to the joints (or ground) are rigid in shear.
Deformation of the shear spring can be caused by rotations as well as translations at the joints. The force in this
spring will produce a linearly-varying moment along the length. This moment is taken to be zero at the shear
spring, which acts as a moment hinge. The moment due to shear is independent of, and additive to, the constant
moment in the element due to the pure-bending spring [1].

3 Types of Linear/Nonlinear Properties

The primary Linear/Nonlinear Link/Support Properties may be of the following types:
 Coupled Linear
 Damper
 Gap
 Hook
 Multi-linear Elastic
 Multi-linear Plastic
 Plastic (Wen)
 Hysteretic (Rubber) Isolator
 Friction-Pendulum Isolator
 Tension/Compression Friction Pendulum Isolator

The Coupled Linear may have fully coupled linear stiffness and damping coefficients. All other property types
are considered nonlinear. However, for each nonlinear property type you also specify a set of uncoupled linear
stiffness and damping coefficients that are used instead of the nonlinear properties for linear analyses. These
substitute linear properties are called “linear effective stiffness” and “linear effective damping” properties.

4 Links to replace beam elements
Links can be used to replace frame elements or part of them. The equivalent axial, shear, bending stiffness and
torsional stiffness (𝑘𝐴 , 𝑘𝑆 , 𝑘𝐵 and 𝑘 𝑇 respectively) to include into the link properties can be obtained using the
following relations:
𝑘𝐴 = ; 𝑘𝑆 = + 12 ; 𝑘𝐵 = , 𝑘𝑇 = ,
𝐿 𝐿 𝐿3 𝐿 𝐿

where 𝐸 is the Young modulus of the material, G is the shear modulus, 𝐴 and 𝐼 are the area and second moment
of inertia of the cross section; 𝐼𝑇 is the torsional constant and 𝐴𝑠 is the Shear area. The shear spring, 𝑘𝑆 , is located
at 𝑑𝑗𝑛 = 𝐿/2.

The nonlinear behaviour of beam elements can also be included but it is recommended to use a short link, as
long as the plastic hinge L=h. Because, in this small portion of the beam, the stress parameters are almost
constant and then the link can still represent the behaviour of the hinge. For example if the link is short, the
bending moment at mid span is a good approximation of the bending moment along the whole link.
Only the relative displacement, or rotation, between the two nodes is considered in the calculation. Is then
suggested to replace the beam element only in the portion where the plastic hinge is supposed to develop. As
example in Figure 3 a clamped-simply supported beam has hinges at the clamp and at mid-span only.

Figure 3: Clamped-pinned beam with links at the expected plastic hinge locations only

Important! Beam elements replaced by the links have to be removed from the model

4.1 Limitations
Nonlinear plastic links moment cannot take into the interaction between axial force and bending moment,
typical of a plastic hinge. Only single moment-rotation diagram corresponding to a specific axial force can be
introduced in the link properties.

Figure 4: N-M interaction diagram for an I steel section

5 Multi Linear Plastic link
There are six force-deformation relationships that govern the behaviour of the element, one for each of the
internal springs (Axial, Shear, Torsional and pure bending). Each of these relationships may be zero, linear only,
or linear/nonlinear for a given Link/Support Property.
Figure 5 shows the SAP2000 window to setup the link properties for the Multi Linear Plastic Link, available at
Define  Section Properties  Link/Support Properties.

Mass and Weight of the beam

replaced by the Link

Nonlinear: To be selected in
order to apply the nonlinear
Fixed Link: If selected a relatively behaviour
large stiffness will be assigned.
Their deformation is zero.

Directional properties:
U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3


Figure 5: Link Property Data - SAP2000

In order to introduce the nonlinear Link properties for example of U1:

- Tick the box next to U1
- Tick the “Nonlinear” box
- Enter the link properties by clicking on Modify/Show for U1
 A new window “Link/Support Directional Properties” will pop up (See Figure 6).

Elastic Stiffness
as defined in
Section 4

Figure 6: Nonlinear Plastic Link Directional Properties - SAP2000

- The “Multi-Linear Force Deformation Definition” has to be defined in accordance with the plastic hinge
properties of the beam.
Important! When a link is used to replace a beam element in a 3D frame all the directional properties have to
be activated otherwise the inactive stiffness will be lost.
Important! In a first analysis it is suggested to use only nonlinear plastic hinges for bending moment (R2, R3)
which are the most likely to occur. Only later, if strictly required, the user can introduce the Axial and Shear
If the “Nonlinear” box is unchecked, the link behaves as linear and the following window, for the link properties,
will pop-up:

Shear spring location

at L_link/2

Figure 7: Linear Link Directional Properties - SAP2000

Important! The Shear directions require the definition of the “Shear Deformation Location” which has to be set
as half the length of the link (in order to match with the beam element deformations).

6 Example of application of Multi-Linear Elastic link

A 2D three-story frame model is studied in this example as practical application of the Multi linear Plastic Links.
The frame has story height of 3m and bay width of 6m. Columns and beams are IPE270 (S355). The frame is
clamped at the ground level. Two model configuration are studied: (i) beam element only; (ii) beam element
and 2 links at the two ends of the columns at the ground floor (Figure 8). For the model with links the columns
have been split at 0.2m from the node and replaced by the link.

Link (L_link=0.2m)

Link (L_link=0.2m)

Figure 8: 2D view of the frames: (left) without links; (right) with 4 links at ground floor

Figure 9 and Figure 10 shows the section properties of the IPE270.

Figure 9: IPE270 - Section dimensions

Figure 10: IPE270 – Property Data

In this example the length of the link (L_link) is assumed to be 0.2m (It usually should be taken equal to the
length of the plastic hinge). The Link properties data are first evaluated in the following table and the introduced
into the model (Figure 11, Figure 12)
IPE 270 Units [kN, m]
E= 210 GPa Mass = 0.00721 T
v= 0.3 Weight = 0.07068 kN
G= 80.769231 GPa
gm = 7.849 T/m3 EA = 9.64E+05 KNm
EI = 1.22E+04 KNm^2
A= 4590 mm2
I= 57900000 mm4 ka 4.8195000E+06 kN/m
As = 1782 mm2 Ks 1.8958154E+07 kN/m
Kb 6.0795000E+04 kN m/m
L_link = 0.2 m

Figure 11: IPE270Link – Property Data

(U1) (U2) (R3)

Figure 12: IPE270Link – Directional properties

6.1 Loads
Loads applied are the self weight dead load and a lateral unit point loads at each floor level (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Lateral unit loads

Figure 14: Load Case definition

6.2 Output
The outputs show exactly the same results for bending moment, shear force and reactions.

Figure 15: Lateral unit loads

Figure 16: Lateral unit loads

Figure 17: Lateral unit loads

7 Summary
Linear links can be used to exactly replace beam elements. This is not the same for nonlinear plastic link, where
the internal stresses are evaluated at the shear spring location. A good approximation can still be achieved if
short links are considered. Further detail for the nonlinear properties definition of the plastic link will be provided
with the report on Plastic Hinges.

8 Reference
[1] CSi SAP, Analysis Reference Manual, Computers and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, California, 2013

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