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If you want to build good

defenses against
discrimination, it should Building What is
start with yourself.
Deciding, and realizing that
Defenses Discrimination? Discrimination
everybody in this world, no
matter what their color,
Against Discrimination is treatment
or consideration of, or
gender, or belief, has a Discrimination making a distinction in favor
purpose and can bring of or against, a person
something good to the based on the group, class,
community. or category to which the
person is perceived to
belong rather than on
2. In order not to be individual attributes. This
affected by discrimination, includes treatment of an
one must bear in mind that individual or group, based
everyone is created equal. on their actual or perceived
No one is superior and no membership in a certain
group or social category, "in
one is inferior. Everyone
a way that is worse than the
has the given enough
way people are usually
ability to nourish his/her
treated". It involves the
skills and talents besides group's initial reaction or
no one gets discriminated interaction going on to
if no one accepts and influence the individual's
acknowledges actual behaviour towards
discrimination. the group leader or the
Discrimination is a group, restricting members
subjective matter, one can of one group from
always choose to get opportunities or privileges
discriminated or stand with that are available to another
heads high and shrug it all group, leading to
off. the exclusion of the
individual or entities based
on logical or irrational
decision making.

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