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edi t or i a l

A New Era for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia?

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D.

The potassium concentration within human cells binding therapy is not needed. However, such
is approximately 70 mmol per liter, yet extracel- strategies are often unsuccessful. Medications
lular potassium concentration is normally 3.5 to that lower potassium levels, as opposed to shift-
5.0 mmol per liter.1,2 Hyperkalemia is defined as ing potassium into cells, have been limited to
a plasma potassium level of greater than 5.0 mmol sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate),2 which
per liter. Mild hyperkalemia (>5.0 to 5.9 mmol exchanges potassium for sodium, or the similar
per liter) requires monitoring and the avoidance drug, calcium polystyrene sulfonate,4 which ex-
of a high intake of potassium and, often, chang- changes potassium for calcium. Neither is an ap-
ing therapies that may be increasing potassium pealing option. Kayexalate, which was developed
levels. Greater degrees of hyperkalemia — po- in the mid-20th century, requires administration
tassium levels of 6.0 to 7.0 mmol per liter (mod- with water, most often with sorbitol added. The
erate hyperkalemia) and more than 7.0 mmol per preparation, which is taken by mouth, has a nox-
liter (marked hyperkalemia) — may lead to car- ious taste and may cause diarrhea. When admin-
diac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest, with fatal istered as an enema, it is also unpleasant. On rare
outcomes. occasions, necrosis of the colon may occur with
Hyperkalemia is particularly common in pa- its administration, a complication that has result-
tients with chronic kidney disease and those with ed in a black-box warning. Loop diuretics, such as
heart failure.2 Ironically, protective therapy for furosemide, may not work well in patients with
these conditions often includes medications that chronic kidney disease. Therefore, new medica-
interrupt the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone sys- tions would be welcome.
tem (RAAS) and by doing so may lead to increas- Weir et al.5 and Packham et al.6 now report
es in plasma potassium.3 in the Journal the results of clinical trials of two
Reasons for elevated potassium levels in pa- different oral medications that lower plasma po-
tients with chronic kidney disease4 include in- tassium levels. One trial5 assessed patiromer (for-
creased potassium intake, altered potassium merly called RLY5016) in patients with chronic
handling by the kidneys, aldosterone resistance kidney disease and hyperkalemia who were re-
(leading to decreased potassium excretion in the ceiving RAAS inhibitors, and the other6 studied
distal tubule), acidosis, and lack of insulin. Med- sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (ZS-9) in patients
ications such as RAAS inhibitors, spironolactone with a variety of diagnoses associated with hy-
or eplerenone, and potassium supplements, all of perkalemia.
which may increase potassium levels, compound The two new agents, neither of which has
the problem. been approved by the Food and Drug Adminis-
Control of hyperkalemia in patients with tration, have different mechanisms of action.
chronic kidney disease and in those with heart According to the manufacturer, patiromer FOS
failure has proved to be difficult. Dietary limita- (for oral suspension) is a dry powder, primarily
tion, vigorous use of diuretic therapy, provision a spherical bead that is not absorbed and that
of bicarbonate, and limiting the use or lowering binds potassium when mixed in small amounts
the dose of drugs that increase potassium levels of water. However, it does so mainly in the co-
may control potassium so that specific potassium- lon; it does not appear to bind potassium in the

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

small intestine. It exchanges potassium for cal- per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area), 60% had diabe-
cium, which would be of considerable concern if tes, and 40% had heart failure; in addition, 65%
the drug were absorbed. It appears, however, that were receiving RAAS-inhibitor therapy, which was
the drug is not absorbed and that the amount of continued unchanged during the study. Baseline
calcium absorbed is small. ZS-9 is a compound characteristics at the start of the acute phase of
with a crystalline lattice structure that traps the study were well matched, except for potassi-
potassium preferentially; in vitro, it traps about um levels, with more patients in the placebo
10 times as much potassium as Kayexalate does. group and in the group receiving 10 g of ZS-9
It is insoluble and remains in the intestine dur- having mild baseline elevations. As in the study
ing transit. by Weir et al., the potassium levels decreased in
In the study of patiromer, Weir and colleagues patients receiving the active drug. The mean se-
studied patients with chronic kidney disease who rum potassium decreased from 5.3 mmol per
were taking RAAS inhibitors and whose serum liter at baseline to 4.9 mmol per liter, 4.8 mmol
potassium levels were 5.1 to less than 6.5 mmol per liter, and 4.6 mmol per liter at 48 hours in
per liter. All entered a single-blind treatment the groups that received 2.5 g, 5 g, and 10 g of
phase and received patiromer (initially 4.2 g or the drug, respectively (P<0.001 for all compari-
8.4 g twice a week) for 4 weeks. A total of 76% sons), as compared with a rate of 5.1 mmol per
of the patients had normal potassium levels at liter at 48 hours in the group that received pla-
the end of this phase; 107 of these patients en- cebo and in the group that received 1.25 g of
tered an 8-week placebo-controlled, random- the drug. In the second phase of the study, the
ized, withdrawal phase, in which the primary patients who received 5 g and 10 g maintained
outcome was the median change in potassium serum potassium at levels at 4.7 mmol per liter
level after 4 weeks. Hyperkalemia recurred in and 4.5 mmol per liter, respectively, during days
60% of the patients who were switched to place- 3 to 15, as compared with a level of more than
bo, as compared with 15% of those who contin- 5.0 mmol per liter in the placebo group (P<0.01
ued patiromer. The most common adverse event for all comparisons). The patients in the study
was constipation (in 11% of the patients), and of ZS-9 had few adverse events, but the study
hypokalemia occurred in 3% of the patients. was short. A 28-day study with zirconium sili-
Whether constipation would be more trouble- cate has shown similar results but is also not
some with longer-term treatment is unclear. Al- truly a long-term study.7
though the adverse effects appear to have been The two relatively short-term studies by Weir
mild, even the patients who received the drug et al. and Packham et al. excluded patients with
during the withdrawal phase received it for no serum potassium levels greater than 6.5 mmol
longer than 12 weeks. Thus, caution is required, per liter or electrocardiographic changes, hospi-
since many patients are likely to take this agent talized patients, and patients undergoing dialy-
for a much longer time. In addition, the de- sis. Thus, the durability and side-effect profile
crease in potassium with patiromer therapy ap- of these agents over time remain unclear. Cer-
pears to be gradual, so how well this agent tainly, whether either or both of these agents
would perform in the acute situation is unclear. will permit long-term administration of reno-
In the two-phase, double-blind, phase 3 trial protective and cardioprotective agents that block
of ZS-9 by Packham et al., 753 participants with the RAAS will require more investigation. In ad-
hyperkalemia were randomly assigned to receive dition, neither study included cases of markedly
the drug (at a dose of 1.25 g, 2.5 g, 5 g, or 10 g) elevated levels of potassium (>6.5 mmol per liter).
or placebo three times daily for 48 hours. Pa- However, both agents appear to offer some
tients whose potassium levels normalized (3.5 to promise for the treatment of hyperkalemia in pa-
4.9 mmol per liter) at 48 hours were randomly tients with chronic kidney and cardiac disease.
assigned to receive the drug or placebo once daily
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
on days 3 to 14. The primary outcome was the full text of this article at
exponential rate of change in mean serum po-
tassium levels at 48 hours. A total of 75% of the This article was published on November 21, 2014, at

participants had reduced renal function (estimat- 1. Burnell JM, Scribner BH, Uyeno BT, Villamil MF. The effect
ed glomerular filtration rate <60 ml per minute in humans of extracellular pH change on the relationship be-

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Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

tween serum potassium concentration and intracellular potas- 6. Packham DK, Rasmussen HS, Lavin PT, et al. Sodium zirco-
sium. J Clin Invest 1956;35:935-9. nium cyclosilicate in hyperkalemia. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/
2. Kovesdy CP. Management of hyperkalaemia in chronic kid- NEJMoa1411487.
ney disease. Nat Rev Nephrol 2014;10:653-62. 7. Kosiborod M, Rasmussen HS, Lavin P, et al. Effect of sodium
3. Persson F, Rossing P. Sequential RAAS blockade: is it worth zirconium cyclosilicate on potassium lowering for 28 days among
the risk? Adv Chronic Kidney Dis 2014;21:159-65. outpatients with hyperkalemia: the HARMONIZE randomized
4. Arroyo D, Panizo N, García de Vinuesa S, Goicoechea M, clinical trial. JAMA 2014 November 17 (Epub ahead of print).
Verdalles U, Luño J. Hypercalcemia as a side effect of potassium
binding agents. Nefrologia 2012;32:655-8. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe1414112
5. Weir MR, Bakris GL, Bushinsky DA, et al. Patiromer in pa- Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.
tients with kidney disease and hyperkalemia receiving RAAS
inhibitors. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1410853.

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