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Iowa Teaching Standards

Standard #1 - Demonstrates ability

to enhance academic performance
and support for implementation of Artifact Source
the school district student
achievement goals.

Math portfolio + enrichment plan – In my elementary math enrichment groups, students compile a portfolio of their work
a. Provides evidence of student
throughout the quarter to be shared with their classroom teacher and parents at conferences. Additionally, I develop
learning to students, families and Teacher
individualized enrichment plans to communicate the ways each student’s needs are being met to their parents and classroom

Writing lesson plan – Written language instruction is a big focus of the team at Adel Elementary. One goal is for students to draw
b. Implements strategies supporting
on mentor texts to influence their own writing. This lesson allowed students to explore a variety of texts on a theme (Halloween) Teacher
student, building, and district goals.
and find mentor authors and mentor texts to draw inspiration from.

GATE committee data – As part of the GATE committee, I worked to compile 3rd grade student data for review. The data points
c. Uses student performance data as a
used were based on performance on the CogAT assessment, as well as observations from the Kingore lessons. This data was used Teacher
guide for decision making.
as part of the GATE identification process.

d. Accepts and demonstrates

Alternative activities - Students arrive to my classroom with unique needs, just as in any general education classroom. I am
responsibility for creating a classroom
working with one particular student who has difficulty with group work. During a group project, I provided him with an alternative Teacher
culture that supports the learning of
activity that was more personally motivating for him and allowed him to be more successful.
every student.

e. Creates an environment of mutual Love & Logic poster – Love & Logic sign is posted in the classroom and states the expectations for behavior. Love and Logic Administrator/
respect, rapport, and fairness. language is used to maintain positive and respectful classroom environment. Teacher

f. Participates in and contributes to a Email with colleague – This email with a colleague was a prelude to a meeting to discuss enrichment options for a gifted math
school culture that focuses on student. Open communication with classroom teachers is essential to ensuring success for students who need and deserve a
improved student learning. challenge.

g. Communicates with students,

families, colleagues, and communities Email with parents + note home – When students participate in the enrichment program, parents are contacted and routinely
effectively and accurately. updated about their student’s needs and achievements.

Standard #2 - Demonstrates
competence in content knowledge Artifact Source
appropriate to the teaching position.

Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District

Iowa Teaching Standards

a. Understands and uses key concepts,

underlying themes, relationships, and 2nd grade math lesson plan – This lesson plan addresses key concepts from the 2nd grade math common core curriculum. Teacher
different perspectives related to the
content area.
b. Uses knowledge of student 5th Grade math project (see 4e) – This motivating math project was created to provide an example for students of when they
development to make learning would need to multiply decimals in a “real world” scenario. Students developed a personal budget based on an imagined salary
experiences in the content area and determined responsible ways to spend their money. Teacher
meaningful and accessible for every
4th grade math lesson plan + materials – This 4th grade activity related math concepts across grade-levels as well as social studies
c. Relates ideas and information within
concepts, and social concepts such as empathy. Teacher
and across content areas.
d. Understands and uses instructional Formal observation notes – As observed during my first formal observation, the instructional strategies I use are appropriate for
strategies that are appropriate to the gifted math students, particularly questioning techniques to support deeper student thinking. Administrator
content area.

Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District

Iowa Teaching Standards

Standard #3 - Demonstrates competence in

Artifact Source
planning and preparing for instruction.
Math pre-test – Classroom teachers share unit pre-tests with me to aid in my planning. Using
a. Uses student achievement data, local standards, the pre-test data from students who qualify for enrichment, I am better able to address the
and the district curriculum in planning for skills and concepts that students have yet to master and can extend those they have Student
instruction. developed grade-level mastery of.

First day of math presentation – When my enrichment groups began, I communicated my

b. Sets and communicates high expectations for
expectations with students and how they related to building-wide expectations. Using the Teacher/
social, behavioral, and academic success of all
PBIS framework of ROAR, students helped brainstorm examples of appropriate behavior. Students
Learning Styles essay – As part of a GATE project, students took two quizzes to determine
their learning styles. Based on their results, they developed a “dream classroom” suited to
their unique needs. Students created a visual representation of this classroom as well as a
c. Uses student developmental needs, background,
written essay. Student
and interests in planning for instruction.

Math stations – Student choice in rotating stations during math enrichment allows for high
d. Selects strategies to engage all students in Teacher/
levels of engagement and differentiation.
learning. Student
QR Code Treasure Hunt – 4th Grade students participated in a riddle-based treasure hunt
e. Uses available resources, including technologies, created using QR codes. Students decoded the riddles and used iPads to uncover the next Teacher/
in the development and sequencing of instruction. riddle. Student

Standard #4 - Uses strategies to deliver

instruction that meet the multiple learning needs Artifact Source
of students.
Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District
Iowa Teaching Standards

2nd Grade Math Lesson Plan – This math lesson plan uses standards from the Common Core,
a. Aligns classroom instruction with local standards
which directly tie to the Iowa Core. Teacher
and district curriculum.
Informal observation notes – The prompts and questioning I use with students are intended to
improve student independence and allow for deeper thinking. Research supports the use of
b. Uses research-based instructional strategies that
open ended prompts such as “What strategy did you try?” and “Walk me through how you Administrator
address the full range of cognitive levels.
solved that.”

Informal observation notes – Being responsive in variable task completion times allows for
c. Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in student engagement at all times. Providing alternative activities for students who are ready to
adjusting instruction to meet student needs. move on allows for differentiation.

Informal observation notes + student teamwork challenge - Creating experiences that address
d. Engages students in varied experiences that
academic needs in addition to social needs is, in my opinion, a critical piece of educating gifted
meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, Administrator
children. My GATE classroom participates in team challenges in which students address an
and academic growth.
open ended performance task and must work together to achieve a common goal.
5th Grade Math project – This math project was created in part to engage student’s interest by
e. Connects students' prior knowledge, life creating a “real world” scenario for them to play out. Students were able to demonstrate
experiences, and interests in the instructional choices in buying a home and vehicle, and use prior knowledge of budgets and taxes to Teacher
process. engage with the task.

Formal observation notes + photo - As documented in the notes from my formal evaluation, I
f. Uses available resources, including technologies, use technology (PowerPoint, projector) to post questions or activities for my students. This Administrator/
in the delivery of instruction. makes the question or task accessible to all students. Teacher

Standard #5 - Uses a variety of methods to

Artifact Source
monitor student learning.
Math pre-test (see 3a) – I use student pre-tests to inform participation and instruction in my
a. Aligns classroom assessment with instruction. math enrichment groups. Because I do not give my own classroom assessments, I focus more Student
on how I can use pre-test data to shape my instructional decisions.
Learning Styles project rubric – During the Learning Styles unit, students used this rubric to
b. Communicates assessment criteria and guide their decisions as they worked to create a visual representation of their “dream Teacher
standards to all students and parents. classroom” and write their accompanying essay. /Student

c. Understands and uses the results of multiple Parent/teacher observation form – This formed was developed this year to guide teachers in
assessments to guide planning and instruction. providing feedback for the GATE committee. Completed forms were shared with the
Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District
Iowa Teaching Standards

committee to aid in GATE placement decisions.

GATE Reflection + Informal observation notes – This GATE reflection form was created this
d. Guides students in goal setting and assessing year as a part of the 5th grade student-led conferences. This allowed students to reflect on the Teacher/
their own learning. school year so far and set both an academic and social goal. Administrator

Informal observation notes (see 4c) – Providing verbal feedback to students in the moment
e. Provides substantive, timely, and constructive
helps shape their thinking and allows them to grow. Administrator
feedback to students and parents.
Comprehensive evaluation form - I frequently collaborate with classroom teachers and grade-
level teams in order to determine ways to best meet the needs of gifted students. During PLC
f. Works with other staff and building and district
meetings, team planning time, and frequent informal communication I work with my Administrator
leadership in analysis of student progress.
colleagues to meet the unique needs of my students.

Standard #6 - Demonstrates competence in

Artifact Source
classroom management.
2ndgrade math seating chart – This seating chart is used at the elementary level with my math
enrichment group. At the intermediate level, I use expo markers to label desks for flexible
a. Creates a learning community that encourages seating charts. This allows me to change groups daily based on how I wish to group students –
positive social interaction, active engagement, and based on behavior, ability, cooperation challenges, etc. Students are sometimes allowed to Teacher
self-regulation for every student. choose their own seating when appropriate, so long as they maintain focus and respect for the
task at hand.

Kindergarten behavior mini-lesson (photo) – When we returned from winter break, my

kindergarten students and I collaborated to create a list of expectations for how we should
b. Establishes, communicates, models, and Teacher/
travel through the hallway to get to math and how we should act once we are in math class.
maintains standards of responsible student behavior. students
Students showed examples of this behavior and we practiced entering and exiting the
classroom responsibly.
c. Develops and implements classroom procedures I Can Statements – I Can Statements are posted to communicate high expectations for
and routines that support high expectations for student learning, and read aloud by students to increase ownership over one’s own learning.
Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District
Iowa Teaching Standards

Brain warm-up (see 4f) – Because my time with students is limited, I begin each math group
with a “brain warm up”. This establishes student focus, and is especially useful with my 2nd –
d. Uses instructional time effectively to maximize
5th grade groups, as students show up at slightly variable times. This allows me to wait to open Teacher
student achievement.
class until all students have arrived, while still engaging students in a task from the moment
they enter my classroom.
ROARing examples – At the beginning of the year and occasionally as my groups change, I
work with students to find examples of “ROARing” behavior in my classroom. These
e. Creates a safe and purposeful learning Teacher/
conversations keep students on-track with PBIS expectations and ensure safety in my
environment. student

Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District

Iowa Teaching Standards

Standard #7 - Engages in professional growth. Artifact Source

Growth Mindset article – The Iowa Talented and Gifted conference has been a very important
component of my professional development since I began working as a gifted educator. This year, I
a. Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous
attended a session on fostering a growth mindset in gifted students and I developed a unit on this ITAG Conference
inquiry and learning.
concept that I used with my 3rd grade GATE students.

Email with colleague - Collaborating with my colleagues is an essential piece of meeting the needs of
gifted students. This year, I have been working to establish relationships with grade-level teachers in
b. Works collaboratively to improve professional able to open lines of communication about student success. Working with classroom teachers to Teacher/
practice and student learning. develop an enrichment plan that meets the unique needs of their students is a critical step in colleague
ensuring they are challenged both in the enrichment group setting and in their general education
Writing Partners article - Through the Achieving Success Today conference, I was fortunate to learn
c. Applies research, knowledge, and skills from about the many benefits of writing partners. This experience, in addition to the district written
Cathy Hsu/
professional development opportunities to improve language professional development, has directly influenced my writing enrichment groups. My
practice. understanding of the art of teaching writing has improved significantly, and I have implemented
ideas from the PD and have begun pairing students with writing partners.
IPDP - The Individual Professional Development Plan I developed this year focuses on creating whole
d. Establishes and implements professional
grade math assessments to assist in identifying students for math enrichment groups at the
development plans based upon the teacher needs
elementary level. I feel this work is critical in establishing a standard identification process and will Teacher
aligned to the Iowa Teaching Standards and
be beneficial not only immediately, but as the district continues to grow in the future. This work
district/building student achievement goals.
directly addresses the goals of the district’s GATE program.
Analysis of whole-grade math assessment – After creating and administering whole grade tests, I
Provides an analysis of student learning and growth
worked to analyze the data. This helped me in making decisions about how to improve the Teacher
based on teacher created tests and authentic
assessment for next year, and gave me diagnostic insights in to the math abilities of this year’s /colleague
measures as well as any standardized and district-
wide tests.

Standard #8 - Fulfills professional responsibilities

Artifact Source
established by the school district.

a. Adheres to board policies, district procedures, Comprehensive evaluation form – As observed by my administrators, I uphold my contractual
and contractual obligations. obligations as a member of the staff at both DeSoto Intermediate and Adel Elementary.

b. Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct Teacher

Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District
Iowa Teaching Standards

as defined by state law and individual district AEA online training forms – I conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner routinely, and
policy. have completed the mandatory trainings as required by Iowa law and district policy.

c. Contributes to efforts to achieve district and Email from administrator – Flexibility in scheduling and location have been an important component Administrator/
building goals. in my position. In order to achieve district goals, it is essential to view the building as one big team. Teacher

Strengths Finder form - Working with the 4th grade team on Strengths Finder has deepened my
d. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect
understanding of my colleagues. While I have always had a professional level of respect for all of my Teacher
for all learners and staff
colleagues, this professional development opportunity has improved my relationships with my
colleagues and helped me think of all learners from a different perspective.

5th Grade PLC Feedback Sheet – I routinely collaborate with grade-level teams in order to ensure
e. Collaborates with students, families, colleagues,
success for all students. Discussions with the 5th grade team about math enrichment have helped us Colleagues
and communities to enhance student learning.
meet the needs of all 5th grade learners.

Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District

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