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The four available flu medications include Flumadine, Symmetrel, Relenza, and Tamilflu.

There are four medications available today for the treatment of the flu. All must be taken within 48 hours of the
onset of flu symptoms. But how do they rank in their ability to treat or prevent flu symptoms?

Flumadine and Symmetrel are only effective against subtypes of influenza A, but there are two other subtypes, B
and C. These two flu medications have no effect on the remaining subtypes. Symmetrel is available to patients as
young as one year of age. Flumadine is recommended as a treatment and prophylaxis in adults, but prophylaxis
only for children. Resistant strains of influenza have developed to both of these medications.

1999 saw the introduction of the two newest asthma medications, Relenza and Tamiflu. These two flu treatments
work on influenza subtypes A and B, an advantage over Flumadine and Symmetrel. Relenza is an inhaled
powder, while Tamiflu is an oral medication.

Relenza, due to it's route of administration, has been associated with problems in patients with underlying
pulmonary diseases such as asthma and COPD. One side effect of Relenza is bronchospasm and decrease lung
function. Asthmatics taking Relenza should use a short acting bronchodilator prior to taking this medication.

Tamiflu, since it is administered orally, doesn't have the same problems as Relenza when it comes to side effects.
The side effects associated with Tamiflu are more gastric in nature. These can be minimized if this medication is
taken with food.

Generally speaking, all of these medications reduce the duration of flu symptoms to the same degree, an average
of about 1.5 days. There is some evidence that these medications can prevent flu in some cases, so may be useful
in at risk populations, such as nursing home patients and the elderly.

Bottem line, these medications need to be started within 48 hours of onset of flu symptoms to be effective. The
ability of patients to get to their physician and have access to the medication is of extreme importance. Flu
symptoms appearing on Friday night can't wait till Monday morning for treatment.

Related Articles:
Flu Season Comes on Strong
Widespread outbreaks have been reported in at least 13 states -- mostly in the West -- but federal health officials
say this year's flu season has not yet peaked -- and vaccine supplies are running low.


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