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Bridge Surface Elements: Pavement, Expansion Joint, Accessories, Approaches, Other

Superstructure: Deck Slab, Bridge Bearing (Reinforced Concrete Slab)
Superstructure: Main Beam, Bridge Bearing (PSC – PRE)


These elements describe the component that is transferring load from the vehicle to the bridge.
This Section does not include secondary deck elements such as joints, deck/slab protection
systems, or wearing surfaces.
Deck elements transmit the loads into superstructure elements. Slab elements transmit the load
into the substructure elements.
Structures that include slab elements typically do not have superstructure elements. These elements
transmit traffic loads directly into the substructure. (RC SLAB BRIDGES)
All deck or slab elements can be supplemented with one or more associated protection systems or
wearing surface elements.
Deck, Slab and Top Flange Elements
If both top and bottom surfaces are not visible, the condition shall be assessed based on destructive
and nondestructive testing or indicators in the materials covering the surfaces.
The crack defect description definitions describe generalized distress, but the inspector should
consider width, spacing, location, orientation and structural or nonstructural nature of the cracking.
The inspector should consider exposure and environment when evaluating crack width. In general,
reinforced concrete cracks
- Less than 0.012 inches can be considered insignificant and a defect is not warranted.
- Cracks ranging from 0.012 to 0.05 inches can be considered moderate, and
- Cracks greater than 0.05 inches can be considered wide.
Main Concrete Bridge types to be evaluated in this study.
Structure types
In the following subsections, the general characteristics of the common types of concrete bridge
structures are given for reference in preliminary studies.
1. Slab type (Pre stressed or Non Pre stressed)
Slab Type concrete bridges consist of solid or voided slabs which span between abutments and
intermediate piers. The use of slab bridges should be considered for spans up to 80 ft (25 m). The
main longitudinal reinforcement may be prestressed or non prestressed. Transverse prestressing
can be used for transverse reinforcement in both cast-in-place slabs and those composed of
longitudinal segments.

2. Stringer type
The main structural elements of this type of concrete bridge consist of a series of parallel beams
or stringers which may or may not be connected with diaphragms. The stringers support a
reinforced concrete roadway slab which is generally constructed to act as the top flange of the
stringer. Use of stringer bridges should be considered for spans ranging from about 20 to 120 ft (6
to 36 m). Stringers generally are spaced from 6 to 9 ft (1.8 to 2.7 m) on centers. Main reinforcement
or prestressing is located in the stringers. When the stringers are prestressed, the concrete roadway
slab may be reinforced or prestressed in two directions.

Prestresssed concrete girder bridges

A variation of this type:
1. Inverted T beams (M beams) placed side by side.

(Balanced Cantilever)

In general, continuous structures with as few joints as possible should be selected. Transverse
joints should be avoided if at all possible. Joints usually lead to higher initial costs and are the
source of problems and higher maintenance costs in bridges. Decreasing the number of joints also
helps to provide a smoother ride. In longer bridges, expansion joints are unavoidable. The spacing
of joints depends on climatic conditions, as well as the type of structure. In milder climates, spacing
of joints as large as 300 ft (90 have been used successfully. Expansion joints should be placed at
points of discontinuity, usually on top of bents.
When the main load-carrying elements are cast in place,the deck slab is also cast in place.
If the main elements are precast, the deck slab may consist of precast deck planks with a cast-in-
place topping (Infiller). In this case, the planks and topping are generally designed and built for
composite action between the precast and cast-in-place portions.
Precast butted boxes, double tees, and decked bulb tees (integral deck) may not need a cast-in-
place concrete deck, in particular, when laterally post-tensioned.
Literature review on Bridge design criteria, loading conditions and structural aspects.
As it was claimed by Madanat et. al., 1995, ‘the coefficient for climatic region is as expected:
bridge decks in the northern region deteriorate at a faster rate than bridge decks in the southern
region. This is due to the corroding effect of deicing salts, which are used more frequently in the
Facility age influences the rate of deterioration: as expected, bridge decks on older bridges have a
higher rate of deterioration than bridge decks on new bridges; this clearly illustrates the
nonstationarity of the deterioration process, at least for the facilities in this sample.
The incremental average daily traffic (ADT) affects the deterioration rate of bridge decks; on
secondary highway, the deterioration rate of bridge decks increases with traffic. This may be due
to the fact that bridges on secondary highways are designed to carry smaller volumes of traffic.
The number of spans affects the deterioration rate; on interstate and primary highways, the
deterioration rate of bridge decks increases with the number of spans; this correlates with earlier
findings (Busa 1985).
The structural types also influence the rate of deterioration; simple concrete bridge decks
deteriorate at a faster rate than other types of bridge deck structures.
Wearing surface types 1 and 2 are wearing surfaces without any protective system. The coefficients
for both types of wearing surfaces are as expected: on interstate or primary highway, bridge decks
without protective systems have higher rates of deterioration than bridge decks that have some
type of protective system.
The coefficients for interstate and primary dummy variables are as expected; bridge decks on
interstate and primary highways deteriorate slower than bridge decks on secondary highway. Also
the deterioration rate of bridge decks on interstate highways is relatively slower than the
deterioration rate of bridge decks on primary highways. This may be due to the fact that design
standards are more stringent for bridge decks on interstate highways (Madanat et. al., 1995).
Importance of providing drainage facilities to the bridge structure (ACI-ASCE Committee,
Water flowing downgrade in a gutter section of approach roadway should be intercepted and not
permitted to run onto the bridge. Short continuous span bridges, particularly overpasses, may be
built without drain inlets and the water from the bridge surface carried off the bridge and
downslope by open or closed chutes near the end of the bridge structure.
Special attention should be given to insure that water coming off the end of the bridge is directed
away from the structure to avoid eroding the approach embankments. Such erosion has been a
source of significant maintenance costs.
Longitudinal drainage on long bridges is accomplished by providing a longitudinal slope of the
gutter (minimum of 0.5 percent preferred) and draining to scuppers or inlets which should be of a
size and number to drain the gutters adequately. The positions of the scuppers may be determined
by considering a spread of water of about one-half a lane width into the travel lane as recommended
in “Drainage of Highway Pavements”.
1. Functional considerations
1.1 Highway bridges
1.1.1 Highway classification
Highway are classified by types for their planning, design, and administration. The classification
in each jurisdiction is made in accordance with the importance of the highway, the traffic volume,
the design speed, and other pertinent aspects. The following functional considerations are
dependent upon the highway classifications.
1. Width - The roadway width (curb-to-curb, to-rail, or parapet-to-parapet distance).
2. Clearances
2. Bridge types
Bridges may be categorized by the relative location of the main structural elements to the surface
on which the users travel, by the continuity or no continuity of the main elements and by the type
of the main elements.
RC/PSC Bridge types commonly available in Sri Lanka.
2.1 Deck, half-through, and through types
2.2 Simple, cantilever, and continuous span types
2.3 Slab, stringer, and girder types.
2.3.1 Slab type
2.3.2 Stringer type
2.3.3. Girder type
Condition State Assessment Criteria for Concrete Bridges
Deck and Slab Elements
Proposed Non-destructive testing
1. Shumidt Rebound Hammer Testing.

1. Reinforced Concrete/PSC Deck 2. Superstructure 3. Substructure

Distress condition 1
Delamination/Spall/Patched Area
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge None
1 Good Small chip or popouts
2 Fair Delaminated. Spall 25 mm or less deep or 150 mm or less
in diameter. Patched area that is sound.
3 Poor (Xmax) Spall greater than 25 mm deep or greater than 150 mm
diameter. Patched area that is unsound or showing distress.
Does not warrant structural review.
4 Severe The condition warrants a structural review to determine the
effect on strength or serviceability of the element or bridge.

Distress condition 2
Exposed Rebar/Prestressing wire and Rebar Corrosion
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge None
1 Good Dotted stains on the concrete surface
2 Fair Present without measurable section loss.
3 Poor (Xmax) Present with measurable section loss. Major rust stain
along rebar with heavy rusting and localized pitting.
4 Severe Loss of bar section, 10% to 20%.
Loss of section > 20 %

Distress condition 3
Efflorescence/Rust Staining
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge Good original surface, Hard material
1 Good Damp patches
2 Fair Surface white without build-up or leaching without rust
3 Poor (Xmax) Heavy build-up with rust staining
4 Severe Shrinkage cracks along centre of flat slab may be heavy
with excessive moisture penetration and heavy staining
around the crack.

Distress condition 4
Cracking (RC and PSC)
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge No crack present
1 Good Insignificant cracks or moderate-width cracks that have
been sealed. Hairline cracks up to 0.1 mm
2 Fair Unsealed moderate width cracks or unsealed moderate
pattern (map) cracking. Fine cracking (>0.1 & ≤0.3 mm).
There may be fine (and dry) longitudinal cracks and spalls.
3 Poor (Xmax) - Wide cracks or heavy pattern (map) cracking. Medium
cracking (>0.3 & ≤0.7 mm).
- Cracking is evident in the fully prestressed component.
- Block cracking (see left for definition) may be present
with fine cracking (>0.1 & ≤0.3 mm) in a grid.
- A pattern of tension cracks may be present with fine
cracking (>0.1 & ≤0.3 mm).
4 Severe - Heavy cracking (>0.7 mm) with fretting and
spalling may be present.
- Shrinkage cracks along centre of flat slab may be heavy
with excessive moisture penetration and heavy staining
around the crack.
- Deck may have extensive longitudinal cracking with
differential movement between sections of the deck.
- Advanced block cracking (see left for definition) may be
present with medium cracking (>0.3 & ≤0.7 mm) in a
grid of approximately 0.3 m spacing.
- A pattern of tension cracks may be present with
medium cracking (>0.3 & ≤0.7 mm).
Distress condition 5
Abrasion/Wear (PSC/RC)
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge Good original surface, Hard material
1 Good No abrasion or wearing.
2 Fair Abrasion or wearing has exposed coarse
aggregate but the aggregate remains secure in the concrete.
3 Poor (Xmax) Coarse aggregate is loose or has popped
out of the concrete matrix due to abrasion or wear.
4 Severe The condition warrants a structural review to determine the
effect on strength or serviceability of the element or bridge.

Wear, Tear, Abrassion

Concrete components can be subjected to mechanical stresses at their surface in the course of their
normal use that can result in “wear and tear”. The main cause of this progressive loss of concrete
mass from the surface is abrasion. However, other processes such as erosion and cavitation can
also cause similar damage.
Abrasion damage is caused by movement of solids over the surface wearing it away by rolling,
rubbing and friction. The damage manifests itself in the form of a rough friable surface with
grooving, pot holing or spalling, especially on the edges. Typical causes of abrasion are traffic
movements on unsealed concrete decks and impact or friction caused by falling or moving objects.
The extent of wear and resistance to skidding should be checked for unsealed surfaces.
Deterioration of the deck can lead to reflection cracking but it may be difficult to distinguish
between this type of failure and the failure in the surface material itself.
Distress condition 6
Design Compressive Strength loss: Schmidt hammer test for concrete compression strength
Condition Status Description Rebound Hammer Tick
States Tested Strength Designed S. X
0 New Bridge Pd ≤ Pt
1 Good 0.9 Pd ≤ Pt < Pd
2 Fair 0.85 Pd ≤ Pt < 0.9 Pd
3 Poor (Xmax) 0.75 Pd ≤ Pt < 0.85 Pd
4 Severe Pt < 0.75 Pd
(Pd and Pt are the design and test results of the concrete compression strength)
Distress condition 7
Concrete Protective Coating: Effectiveness (Concrete Protective Coatings)
Description: Concrete elements that have a protective coating applied to them. These coatings
include silane/siloxane water proofers, crack sealers such as High Molecular Weight Methacrylate
(HMWM), or any top coat barrier that protects concrete from deterioration and reinforcing steel
from corrosion.
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge Good original surface, Hard material
1 Good Fully effective
2 Fair Substantially effective
Underlying concrete not exposed; coating showing wear
from UV exposure; friction course missing.
3 Poor (Xmax) The protective system has failed or is no longer effective.
Limited effectiveness.

4 Severe The condition warrants a structural review to determine the

effect on strength or serviceability of the element or bridge.
Element Commentary
The deck evaluation is three-dimensional in nature with the defects observed on the top surface,
bottom surface, edges, or all; and being captured using the defined condition states.
Deck top or bottom surfaces that are not visible for inspection shall be assessed based on the
available visible surface.
If both top and bottom surfaces are not visible, the condition shall be assessed based on destructive
and nondestructive testing or indicators in the materials covering the surfaces.
The inspector should use judgment when utilizing the condition state defect definitions, especially
for concrete cracking. The crack defect description definitions describe generalized distress, but
the inspector should consider width, spacing, location, orientation and structural or nonstructural
nature of the cracking. The inspector should consider exposure and environment when evaluating
crack width. In general, reinforced concrete cracks less than 0.012 inches can be considered
insignificant and a defect is not warranted. Cracks ranging from 0.012 to 0.05 inches can be
considered moderate, and cracks greater than 0.05 inches can be considered wide.

2. Superstructure Elements
Superstructure elements described in this Article transmit load from decks into the substructure.
These elements include girders, trusses, arches, and floor systems. The floor systems include floor
beams and stringers. Additional elements in this group include cables, gusset plates, transverse
girders, vertical cross frames and pin or pin and hanger assemblies. Other covered elements are a
curved girder diaphragm and post tensioning anchors. These elements do not include bracing
members such as diaphragms in straight or skewed bridges or cross bracing.
Superstructure Components:
Reinforced Concrete Open Girder/Beam; Reinforced Concrete Stringer; Reinforced
Concrete Floor Beam (transversal beams resting on girders)
1. Reinforced Concrete Open Girder/Beam (longitudinal)
Description: Mild steel reinforced concrete open web girders regardless of protective system
2. Reinforced Concrete/PSC Stringer (long.)
Description: Mild steel reinforced concrete members that support the deck in a stringer floor
beam system regardless of protective system.
3. Reinforced Concrete/PSC Floor Beam (tansverse)
Description: Mild steel reinforced concrete floor beams that typically support stringers regardless
of protective system.
4. Prestressed Concrete Open Girder/Beam (long.)
Description: All pretensioned or post-tensioned concrete open web girders or regardless of
protective system.
The inspector should use judgement when utilizing the condition state defect definitions,
especially for concrete cracking. The crack defect description definitions describe generalized
distress, but the inspector should consider width, spacing, location, orientation and structural
or nonstructural nature of the cracking. The inspector should consider exposure and
environment when evaluating crack width. In general, prestressed concrete cracks less than 0.1
mm can be considered insignificant and a defect is not warranted. Cracks ranging from 0.1
mm to 0.2 mm can be considered moderate, and cracks greater than 0.2 mm can be
considered wide.
5. Prestressed Concrete Transverse Girder
Description: All pretensioned or post-tensioned concrete girders that are not concrete caps and are
mounted transversely on columns and support longitudinal girders, regardless of protective system.
3. Substructure Elements
Substructure elements described in the Article transmit the load from the superstructure into the
ground. These elements include columns, piles, pile caps/footings, pile extensions, pier/bent caps,
pier walls, and abutments both above and below the water surface. This section also includes
bearings. These substructures include elements of steel, concrete, timber, masonry, and other
Reinforced Concrete
This Article covers Reinforced Concrete substructure elements including columns, piles,
abutments, pier walls, pile caps and submerged elements.
Substructure components:
1. Reinforced concrete columns
2. Reinforced Concrete Pier Wall
3. Reinforced Concrete Abutment
Description: Reinforced concrete abutments, including the material retaining the embankment and
monolithic wingwalls and abutment extensions. For all reinforced concrete abutments regardless
of protective systems.
Element commentary
Monolithic wingwalls, up to the first construction joint (cold joint, water stop, etc.) shall be
considered in the quantity and assessment of the abutment element. Wingwalls that are not
monolithic with the abutment shall not be included in the quality or assessment of the abutment
4. Reinforced Concrete/PSC Pile Cap/Footing
Description: Reinforced concrete pile caps/footings that are visible for inspection, including pile
caps/footings exposed from erosion or scour. Those pile caps/footings visible during an underwater
inspection will be evaluated using Element 269, Submerged Pile Cap/Footing. The exposure may
be intentional or caused by erosion or scour.
5. Reinforced Concrete/PSC Pier Cap (Capping Beam)
Description: Those reinforced concrete pier caps that support girders and transfer load into piles
or columns. For all reinforced concrete pier caps regardless of protective system.

This Article covers fixed, movable and specialty bearings.
Bridges usually require bearings that are more elaborate than those required for building columns,
girders and trusses. Bridge bearings require greater consideration in minimizing forces caused by
temperature change, friction and restraint against elastic deformations. A more detailed analysis
in bridge bearing design considers the following:
 Bridges are usually supported by reinforced concrete substructure units, and the magnitude of
the horizontal thrust determines the size of the substructure units. The coefficient of friction on
bridge bearings should be as low as possible.
 Bridge bearings must be capable of withstanding and transferring dynamic forces and the
resulting vibrations without causing eventual wear and destruction of the substructure units.
 Most bridges are exposed to the elements of nature. Bridge bearings are subjected to more
frequent and greater total expansion and contraction movement due to changes in temperature
than those required by buildings. Since bridge bearings are exposed to the weather, they are
designed as maintenance-free as possible.
Distress condition 8: Substructure component: Bridge Bearings (Elastomeric)
Corrosion and connection
Condition Status Description Tick
States X
0 New Bridge Original conditions
1 Good Zero corrosion with connection is in place and functioning
as intended
2 Fair Freckled rust. Corrosion of the steel has initiated.
3 Poor (Xmax) Section loss is evident or pack rust is present but does not
warrant structural review. Lack of bearing function such as
4 Severe The condition warrants a structural review to determine the
effect on strength or serviceability of the element or bridge.
1. On- Site Memo for Recording Damages: Concrete Deck, Slab and Top Flange Elements. Applicable for RC and Prestressed
concrete elements.
Component 1. Delamination 2. Exposed 3. Efflorescence/Rust 4. Cracking (RC and Other)
Spall/Patched Rebar/Prestressing wire Staining
Area and Rebar Corrosion
Type Area % of CS Type Area CS Typ Area % of CS No of Type Max CS
total e total cracks Width
area area (mm)

Component 5. Abrasion/Wear 6. Compressive strength 7. Damage

(PSC/RC) Expansion Joint

Type Area % of CS Tested Design % CS D.L % of 100

Area Total L -%
Top Flanges
The elements in this Article are concrete girder top flanges where traffic rides directly on the
structural element regardless of the wearing surface or protection systems used. These elements
are for reinforced and prestressed concrete girders that require traffic to ride on the top flange.
Wearing Surfaces, Protective Coatings, and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Protective Systems
The elements in this Article are wearing surfaces, steel and concrete protective coatings, and
concrete reinforcing steel protection systems such as cathodic protection. These systems will
influence the deterioration and condition of the underlying structural element
2. On- Site Memo for Recording Damages: Reinforced Concrete Open Girder/Beam; Reinforced Concrete Stringer; Reinforced
Concrete Floor Beam (transversal beams resting on girders) SUPERSTRUCTURE COMPONENTS
Component 1. Delamination 2. Exposed 3. Efflorescence/Rust 4. Cracking (RC and Other)
Spall/Patched Rebar/Prestressing wire Staining
Area and Rebar Corrosion
Type Area % of CS Type Area CS Typ Area % of CS No of Type Max CS
total e total cracks Width
area area (mm)

Component 5. Abrasion/Wear 6. Compressive strength 7. Damage

(PSC/RC) Expansion Joint

Type Area % of CS Tested Design % CS D.L % of 100

Area Total L -%
2. On- Site Memo for Recording Damages: RC/PSC columns, RC Pier wall, RC Abutment, RC/PSC Pile Cap/Footing, RC/PSC
Pier Cap (Capping Beam), Bridge Bearing SUBSTRUCTURE COMPONENTS
Component 1. Delamination 2. Exposed 3. Efflorescence/Rust 4. Cracking (RC and Other)
Spall/Patched Rebar/Prestressing wire Staining
Area and Rebar Corrosion
Type Area % of CS Type Area CS Type Area % of CS No of Type Max CS
total total cracks (Rust Width
area area Stain) (mm)

Component 5. Abrasion/Wear 6. Compressive strength 7. Damage 8. Corrosion and connection

(PSC/RC) Expansion Joint (Bridge Bearing)

Type Area % of CS Tested Design % CS D.L % of 100 % of total in no. of Damag CS

Area Total L -% damaged bearings e Type

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