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Abstract : In homoeopathy there are many acid remedies. The purpose of this article is to know
its common theme, then we can easily understand the constitution of the patient while narrating
his history as acid remedy and we can easily individualize the acid from his symptoms.


Acid remedies in homoeopathy are Acet-acid, Benz-acid, Carb-acid, Cit-acid, Fl-acid, Gall-acid,
Hydr-acid, Mur-acid, nit-acid, ox-acid, Phos-acid, Pic-acid, & Sulph-acid.

Acids are the paradigm of destruction& self-destruction.

Different remedies can be destructive to themselves such as Tarent, Hepar-sul, & Belladonna,
but with these acid remedies the destructiveness is also acted out with a strong attitude of
destroying things around them. This kind of behavior can destroy relationships too.

Acids develop an attitude and pathology that is mainly directed onto themselves. The destruction
of the acids is directed mainly on themselves.


One of the compensations of the acids is to over work, mainly to do something for their families.
You can see how much they do, but how little they have to do with what they want to do with
their life.

Many acids can’t give much information regarding their childhood as 99% say their childhood
was fine.
Acids are malnourished from early in life. They are unable to take in any nourishment, which
results in problems with digestion, diarrhea, & constipation.

Often this severe problem with their digestive system is a representation that they can’t be
properly fed in life. Food is a source of energy and they can’t incorporate it.

This inability to “take in” is not just on a physical level either. It seems that acids live in this
negative state because they were unable to integrate any nourishment from their early family

Can’t escape

They can lose weight, which can be a loss of form of structure, they can lose their back that helps
them stay on their feet, or lose their joy, but what is interesting and characteristic is that they are
not able to escape.

This is a very peculiar kind of destructiveness in the acids. Acids can live in and survive the
worst possible situations and how much they are able to survive in them.

Acids feel that can’t be helped. A core feeling of an acid is that they are unable to be helped or
that they will remain in this situation forever.

They feel that their life will be as it is forever and always.

Acids are people that are bound in their situation and cannot escape from it.

Mortification is important for many acids…

One often finds sacrifice, vexation, mortification in many acids.

Concepts of mortify is when you destroy a tissue. It means to really kill a part of you. It is as if
the other people don’t consider you as anything. This is really a moment of decompensation in
the acids because whatever they do is useless. Mortification: (falling in the mud) shows they are

Aggression is difficult for many acids.

One will see how much the aggressive side has to be hidden or be reverted. Allowing themselves
to be aggressive is an issue for many of the acids. They are not able to have a healthy aggression.
However Nit.-acid, Benzoic-acid can express with anger.

Suddenness in acids…

They complain about how things came about all of a sudden. In some spiders like Theridion the
suddenness is clear. In some snakes like Bothrops or Cencheris you will see they report a fear of

Acids don’t usually die from sudden diseases…

They usually complain about something possibly sudden but you don’t see them dying from
sudden diseases. They are known more for cancer, rheumatism or severe long lasting problems.

They are known to develop chronic, painful, consuming diseases where they remain in contact
with this horrible pain for a long time.

Slow destruction…

This destructiveness of the acids is not sudden; it goes on day by day, as if they are losing one
piece of themselves after another.
Pain is their identity…

It is interesting to observe their security is their pain. It is more difficult for them to live without
the pain because then they would have to face their problems.

Their pain is really a strategy for compensation. It can give you an understanding to their

Explosive pains common for some acids.

The idea of something congestive, exploding and falling into pieces is very common. When they
have a congestive pain they will describe it as an explosive pain.

Idea of being broken into many pieces.

From the psychosomatically point of view the idea of falling into pieces can give an idea how
little amount of cohesiveness there is in their structure. They feel broken in many pieces, which a
different from feeling double, like the Lacs or the snakes.

Burning pain common to all acids…

The acid burning feeling on the inside is very common.


The sense of loss is really important to the acids. It is not a loss of affection; it is a loss in their
body (blood, urine, diarrhea, weight etc.) It is common for all acids to report to you all the losses
in their life.

Even their symptoms are spoken of as a loss.

It is important how they describe their symptoms because in the case of acids they perceive even
their physical symptoms as a loss.
Inability to repair is much more important than the loss.

When an acid comes in contact with any biological system there is corrosion that is hard to
repair. There is a scar. The sense of losing for an acid is important but the inability to repair it is
much more important. The loss leaves a scar for them.

It is common to consider acid remedies when a patient has a difficult experience with a loss.
When you see ailments after the death or loss, one should think of not just Phos-ac but any acid.

Every remedy copes differently with a loss…

If one compares Pulsatilla, Lachesis, the Lacs, or the Drugs regarding loss one will see they all
can have serious problems after a loss. But one must consider what is missing. In acids they are
not worried about losing a support but about them losing another piece of themselves. The loss
represents another piece of them that is leaving and going away.

It is hard for every person to elaborate a loss but for an acid it is about losing part of them. For
acids the loss represents the object of their investment that is leaving. Their main compensation
is to over consume by working for the others and a loss is a way of cutting off a part of them.

The worse the situation the less the energy we have and then our compensations begin not to
work anymore. That is what is called the beginning of decompensation.

Acids decompensate after a series of losses…

Acids will usually, will not come to you after the first loss it is after a history of losses. After a
few losses there is already not much left in them and the situation becomes much worse from this
point on.

Comparison for loss for Calc & Nat-Mur…

For Calc & Nat-Mur even one loss is devastating. Calc is losing a big part of their safe
environment and for Nat-Mur to lose one of the few people who finally would understand them,
is a disaster.

Serving family duty…

The idea of duty and needing to serve are absolutely true for the acids, but try to really listen to
the words what they mean…

The energy towards their duty is really in their mind but always has very bad results. They know
the result of their duty is so little and does not work.

Over consuming in the sense of duty but very inefficient & with a poor outcome…

The Rosaceae family and the Alchemic metals like Aurum also have the idea of duty, but in the
acids whatever they give out does not work. In the end it is just an over consuming attitude that
is not only fruitless but very inefficient.

The duty for an acid is a very self-destructive behavior for them.

Duty-Never for themselves…

Comparing this with the Alchemical metals, they are building their own kingdom but in the acids
you don’t see this at all. The acids are acting more like a servant, as they are not pleasing

Service, Sacrifice, or Duty…

Often they look so diverted in doing something for their family an acid is someone who is not
able to say; “This is me and this is what I want”, and if their strategy is to please you, then they
have to do whatever to please you.

They are not allowed to say what they need. It is as if they are trying to find out what you need,
so in this regard they can look like servant.
Family is the identification of who they are and gives them their structure. Family is also a
representation of their efforts, so if they die it is a sign they failed in their efforts.

All acids speak of responsibility and what to do with the masculine part of their duty, but
whatever has to be done with their female approach to life is empty, a vacuum or a disaster.

Self-sacrifice with no pleasure…

Acids are difficult to treat because if you investigate one will see there is no pleasure anywhere
in their life. It feels like there is not even one place you can begin to build to build on.

The idea of sacrifice comes from Latin and means to give something, in order to make it holy,
but what they are doing, is really not a sacrifice as they are destroying themselves for nothing.
The idea of constantly giving out is comparable to a kind of burning destruction.

We can see this consuming attitude in many other remedies, but an acid must sacrifice for
someone else and it is done with no sense of pleasure or satisfaction.

Socially very capable…

From the social point of view they can do a lot and even something pretty difficult, but what is
characteristic is that is always without pleasure.

Acids need to be recognized but they behave in a way that shows they do not deserve anything.
(Nitric acid especially needs to be recognized).

Intolerance of food symbolically means pleasure is not allowed…

Poor & weak digestive track. We can see how little pleasure they allow themselves. They feel
guilty with pleasure and that they must cut off anything that would please them. This is the same
with sex, food, music, & work; it seems to be a general pathology of acids.
No personal identity/structure…

The structure of an acid is like a house that has no walls. Acids do not have a strong opinion
because they feel, they can only count on themselves and also they have so little energy to do
anything. They fight but with no results and with no pleasure.

Family is their identity…

Similar to Formica-rufa & Formica-acidum one will see discrepancy in acid patients. They are
trying to build a good environment but in the process they are destroying their identity
completely. They consider their family nicest people, but outside of their family they have no
relation with the rest of the world. It is a strategy to cut off their identity completely.

Feeling of not deserving – no self respect…

How can one be self respectful when you have no idea what the self is?

They are stressing themselves just to please others. They tell you always how much they have to
do for others and in the end there is no room for themselves.

Serving is destructive and they can’t recognize who they are first…

They wanted to give others the best out of their work but, it leads to disaster as they are not able
to do this, because they are not able to recognize who they are first.

The acids feel they are not allowed to have an identity…

It is as if they are so poor and so empty that they do not deserve a special position. They live in
such a shit, and they think it is the only place to live, because they can’t imagine something
better than this.
Their family gives them a strategy that can make them feel useful. Often the family is the best
support to offer them a somewhat successful strategy. They make them feel useful and without
them they feel like they are of no use. It is like you are a musician without an instrument. Their
own inner desire is missing.


Emptiness is related to the idea of death and depression to the acids reminds them of this
death/emptiness. This is why they do what they can to stay away from their depression.

Weak after nursing.

When someone says that their child was better when they started artificial milk after nursing, it is
a very good chance it is an acid. It is as if they feel they are not able to give out something good.

Loss of memory…

Loss of memory is very important issue of acids. Loss of everything including memory is
important. They describe their attitude of losing everything as if they are not able to retain their


It is as if they have nothing to invest for pleasure. Depression = no pleasure. One of the main
reasons why they have this depressive attitude is because whatever they do is without any real
meaning or pleasure. In decompensate states of an acid there is a severe depression.

Depression = feeling things will never change. Feeling unable to be helped or that they will
remain in this situation forever is a core part of the case. They feel that their life will be like this
always. It is a big reason for their depression.

Self destructive – corrosive…

When an acid as a substance is in contact with any biological system there is corrosion and it is
hard to repair. There is a scar.

The most important idea is how difficult it is for them to repair any of their injuries. They are not
able to avoid, escape or imagine another strategy for survival. It is as if they are saying “injure
me and I will survive it and this is just another piece of me that is gone”. They are losing their
body one piece at a time not all at once.

All or nothing…

There is this extreme attitude of: “Everything or nothing!” They just keep cutting off in order to
end any possibility of needing more energy to try and change or repair things.

Cut off in order to escape…

An acid solves problems by cutting them off, as it is a way for them to escape and not face their
problems. The problem is so overwhelming and it is easier to just cut it off.

Destructive family history…

Suicide is often seen in their family history. They come from an environment where they were
very poorly fed, supported and therefore are not able to give anything out.


Burning pains are common but the burning of acids is a chronic burning and it is not as hot as
much as it is corrosive.

The burning feeling is much more like Arsenicum and Magnesium, where they complain of
burning yet are chilly and have no energy. It is corroding their system.


1. Algundgi S.V., Seminar on Mineral Kingdom

2. Sankaran R., Soul of remedies
3. Sankaran R., Substance of homoeopathy
4. Scholten J., Homoeopathy and Minerals

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