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MFG Implementation task (SOP)

 Open a new window in IE.

 Go to the Point
 Copy and Paste the below link to open Implementation ECR Homepage with your login credentials.


 Click on Milestone Date to sort date-wise ECR tasks from past dates to future dates.

 Click on ECR Number

 New Dialogue box will open. You can see the tasks in your name/ECM_MFG_ANALYST
 Click on Other Function to open ECR Summary report.
 Click Accept to change the task name to you. Then only Complete button will get enable.

 ECR Summary Report will open. Analyze the changes from Reason for Change & Proposed Solution
 Copy & Paste ECR Category & Effectivity Strategy into your comment in Notes. – Explanation required
 Analyze the BOM Changes based on the ECR scenario’s.
 If the change is only RR/RWK or RR/UAI or DS parts, then we will get only demand task.
 If any part going OB, then we will get EO Reassessment & Inventory task along with demand.
 To check the demand, need to open PCM2020 & PCM2028 for the particular ECR.

PCM2020 :
 Go to Attachments in ECR Summary Report.
 Click on the PCM2020 file to download.
 Save it in local drive and open the file.
PCM2028 :

 Go to The Point from the below link

The Point

 Click on SAP
 Once the SAP Home page opened, Click on

 Click on PCM-2028 ECR Verification Tool

 Open the file by checking it out & enter SAP credentials.
 Enter the ECR # in Column B (green highlighted cell)
 Click on View Cont. Sheets to get the ECR Details.
 Check for those materials which has “disposition” other than “UAI” to check the demands for those parts.
 Check the part type whether it is PN/MN/X part
 If it is PN part which is getting OB, we can directly check the demand detail using “pegging” transition
“zrmrppegging” in SAP.
 If the part is MN/X, then need to check its child PN part to find the demand.
 To get the child part details, click on View BOM tab in PCM2028.
 To check the child part details, copy the MN/X part from the Con. Sheet (Materials column) and go to
View BOM tab and paste in Materials cells.

 Then change the date to today’s date and click on View BOM.
 Once the child parts generated, copy the PN part and Login to SAP with user ID and password and again
check the demand detail using “pegging” transition “zrmrppegging” in SAP.
 Click on the tick mark (green colour) to execute the search.
 Enter the part number in Material and Plant code as 1000 to 1020
 Click on the clock symbol red highlighted below to run

 If the demand exists for the part, it will show the demand details else it will be blank.

 Mention the demand as Yes with the respective part number in the comment.
Stock/Inventory Analysis

 Open SAP with your login credentials

 Check the stock/inventory for the OB parts only from SAP with T code as “mb52”

 Enter the part numbers in materials & Plant from 1000 to 2000
 Click on Non-Zero stock line & Execute the search
 If the Inventory is available, it will show plant-wise stock along with its storage location (SLoc).
 Note: If inventory found in plant 1000/1020 with SLoc as 080/29X those are at engineering location, No
action for MFG PCA.
 Other than these SLoc, if inventory is found in plant 1000/1020, MFG PCA need to notify to respective
action owner (Example: MRP Controller, Production Planner & Production Controller)
 Action owner will take actions on OB parts inventory according to disposition of parts.
 If OB Parts inventory is found in plant 1900, Notify to Materials Analyst to act on excess OB inventory as
per disposition.
 If OB Parts inventory is found in plant 2000, check whether it is belonging to MFG or Spare in PCM 2028
under “Ver - OB_OS Inventory” Tab.
 If OB Parts inventory belongs to spares, then No action for MFG PCA. Spares PCA will take action.
 If OB Parts inventory belongs to MFG, to take action on excess OB inventory as per disposition.

NOTE: All notifications will be via Email.

Open PO’s

 Open PO’s to check only for OB parts during the EO & Inventory task.
 Open SAP with your login credentials
 Check PO with T code as “zpart_profile” or “MD04”

 Enter the part number in the box, if it has multiple parts, then click on and paste multiple parts in it.
 Execute the search button.
 We can find total number of Open PO’s for individual parts along with On Hand Inventory excluding block

 Prepare the Comments for the ECR Summary. (example given as below)

(06262018 SA) Design Correction; At Lead Time; OB/SCR PN; OB Date: 9/10/2018 Commented [AS1]: Review date with reviewer Initial
- RR/RWK for MN; No Demand; No Action for PCA
Commented [AS2]: ECR Category
- No Inventory & no Open PO for the OB Parts
- No Action for MFG PCA Commented [AS3]: Effectivity Strategy
Commented [AS4]: BOM Changes based on disposition in
Or PCM2028

(06262018 SA) BOM Correction; Immediate; OB/SCR PN; OB Date: 8/31/2018

- RR/RWK for NHA; Demand for OB Parts; Intimate to CE
- OB/SCR PN 853-238005-001; OH=1 (P1900); QPO=1; DMD=3
- Intimate to Materials

 Click on Notes to update the comment. New dialogue box will pop-up.
 Input the latest comment in it and click ok.
 Once everything is good to go, we can close the task by clicking Complete button on specific milestone date.
 If want to assign the task to your buddy, then click Forward button and input buddy’s username and click ok

OB Date Change Request

If in case demand is valid and target ship date is after the OB date, in that case we need to push the OB date.
Below are the steps to follow for OB push out
 Confirm demand again in the system
 Check target ship date
 Check OB effectivity date (if eff. Date is before target ship date, we need to push out the OB date)
 New OB date will be target ship date + 2 weeks
 Find out ECPM for the ECR
 Create a topic in ECR Forum to OB Effectivity Date Change request
 Put comment to the topic (OB request)
 Subscribe to the topic
 Mention “From” date & “To” date with Part number details & Click Ok
 You will receive auto-generated email
 Forward that email to LAM CHANGE CONTROL & ECPM
 Put Materials, Spares & CE in mail “cc”
 Check for dependencies & dependent part are active or not
 Check all child parts of X/MN parts are active or not via “z080”
 If found any dependencies, then even for depend ECR, we need to push out eff. Date.
 If demand is found for the elsewhere NHA’s & we need to update OB pushout date for NHA’s in current ECR as
well as in elsewhere NHA’s OB date

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