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A. Basic Ideas in Developmental Reading Stages of Reading Development

Stage 1: Emergent Literacy
Theoretical Models in Reading  Birth to 5 years
 Bottom Up: In this model, the input of some graphic  Direct sensory contact and physical manipulation
signals or stimulus) is emphasized. It makes use of  Perception based conclusions
word recognition and/or sound cues first to  Scribbles, letter-like forms, invented spelling
understand the text. Stage 2: Early Reading
 Top Down: In this model, the cognitive processes  Kinder-First Grade
occurring in the reader’s mind is emphasized.  Mental manipulation of objects and ideas
Instead of looking at understanding the text from a  Logical reasoning
linguistic level, meaning is already made and  Alphabet
assumed. Grammar and syntax structures have Stage 3: Growing independence
already been understood by the reader.  Grades 2 to 3
 Interactive: constructing meaning through the  Evolving fluency
dynamic interaction among reader’s existing  Fiction vs Nonfiction
knowledge  Appreciative of stories
 Affective reading
Reading is a… Stage Four: Reading to Learn
 Sensory process: reading enables letter and sound  Grades 4 to Six
recognition by understanding connections between  Word-attack and comprehension skills
phonemes on the auditory level, and the visual  Informational texts
stimuli of letters  Vocabulary and conceptual load improves
 Perceptual-cognitive process: reading enables Stage Five: Abstract Reading
the association of meaning with print symbols, as  Grades 7 and up
letters come together to form words  Elaborate in evaluating readings
 Language communicative process: reading  Reflective
enables meaning to pass from the writer to the
apprehension faculties of the reader Factors that Help Emergent Literacy Learner’s Reading
 Memory process: reading enables the register of Development
visual features of texts to storage in the long-term  Background of experiences
memory for learning acquisition  Language facility
 Interest in reading
Major comprehension strategies  Social and emotional development
1. Preparational strategies: used to facilitate a  Physical development
better and contextualized meaning of the text  Intelligence
(previewing, activating prior knowledge, setting
purpose and goals, predicting) Balanced Reading Instruction in Practice
2. Organizational strategies: used to make sense of 1. Start with whole text
a text’s structure and its relationship to meaning 2. Focus on knowledge about the parts of language
(comprehending the main idea, determining the that maybe useful for reading and writing
important details, organizing details, sequencing, 3. Return to whole texts for application and practice
following directions, summarizing)
3. Elaboration strategies: used to apprehend Four Pronged Approach
significant ideas and their manner of discussion in a 1. Literature-based to develop genuine love for reading
text (making inference, imaging, generating 2. Critical thinking skills (details, making
questions, evaluating) interpretations, making judgments, and valuing)
4. Metacognitive strategies: used to improve one’s 3. Grammar and oral language development
own reading skills (regulating, checking, repairing) 4. Transfer stage
Ways to help improve comprehension
 Assess prior knowledge and help them relate it to
new ideas in texts
 Teach words in the texts that label schemata
important to the writer’s message
 Help students sharpen cognitive skills
 Show the way writers organize printed texts to help
them read “blueprints”.

B. Comprehension Strategies

Before Reading
 Overview
 Vocabulary Preview
 Structural organizer
 Student-centered study strategies
 Teacher-Directed Lesson Frameworks

While/During Reading
 Question-Answer
 Inserted Questions
 Immediate oral feedback
 Time lines and charts
 Listing main ideas
 Outlining
 Paraphrasing
 Summarizing

After Reading
 Follow-up on pre/during reading activities
 Have students talk/write about what they read
 Have students respond “creatively” to their texts

Other Strategies in Reading in the Content Areas

 Click and Clunk
 Circle-Seat-Center
 Jigsaw
 Partner Prediction
 Reciprocal Teaching
 Think-Pair-Share

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