Anda di halaman 1dari 1

1. jaringan yang matrixnya homogen, yaitu jaringan hialin.

5. while examining a tissue, you noticed a vessel of moderate size, lumennya oval, trus ada internal dan external
elastic membrane.. itu vessel apa? gw jawabnya muscular gatau bener apa kaga -_________-

10. histologi soalnya, lupa gw tapi hehe sorry

14. pasien bayi, jaundice, common bile duct blocked / absent. nama congenital defect nya apa? *gue jawab :
extrahepatic biliary atresia*

21. heart basically developed from mesoderm, however there are several cell lineage from mesoderm involved in the
development of heart. conduction system of the heart is very important controlling heart beat and it is developed from
cardiac myocyte. which cell lineage gives rise to cardiac myocyte?
a. axial mesoderm
b. paraxial mesoderm
c. cardiac mesoderm
d. cardiac neural crest
e. proepicardium

24.. pasiennya bukan bayi kl g slah, dgn oksigen yg msk ke lambung. RR = 24, blood pressure 110/lupa. kelainan yang
terjadi apa? gw jawab tracheospagheal fistula.. gtw bener ato salah.. ga yakin

25. a baby was born with a congenital defecthis abdominal contents herniated through the umbilical ring and persists
outside the body, covered by variably by a translucent peritoneal membrane sac protruding from the base of the
umbilical cord. what is the most likely diagnosis?
a. gastrochisis
b. hernia inguinalis
c. omphalochele
d. beckwith-wiedeman syndrome
e. meckel's diverticulum

28.Yang berasal dari intermediet mesoderm jawabannya kidney dan gonad

29. wrist itu tipe sendiny ap.. gw lupa soalny yg lengkap..

30. sendir yang ad di hip, ampiarthrosis

34 : arteri femoris robek, artery apa yang rendah atau kekurangan? gw sih poplitea

35. epigastrica inferior luka. yg harus d beri pressure adlh arteri ? A.femoralis
*gw nim 35, anw, gw jwb femoralis.

42. Letak gall bladder,jawabanny right hypochondriac

45: a.femoralis robek, gerakan apa yg trganggu?

51, wrist drop - radial nerve

52. epigastrica inferior supplies which of the following? gw jawabnya rectus abdominis

69. small intestine is supported by..... (gw jawab omentum tp ga tw bener atau ga)

70: a patient who sustained severe blunt injury to the left upper part of the abdomen requiring emergency surgery will
most likely have injury to the following organ: a. appendix b.gall bladder c.spleen d. urinary tract e. pancreas

81. factors affecting Ca2+ transport between the cytosol and sarcoplasmic reticulum

84. soalnya karakteristik spesial dari otot jantung yang membedakannya dengan otot ... (antara polos dan rangka) sorry

90. (klo gak salah) yang ibu2 yang dimarahin terus berkali-kali, kemudian tiba2 di menderita sakit di regio epigastrica.
due to autonomic nervous system *gw jawaba: gaster

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