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Lecture Notes in

Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann


V. S. Varadarajan

Harmonic Analysis
on Real Reductive Groups

Berlin. Heidelberg-New York 1977
V. S. Varadarajan
Department of Mathematics
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, C A 9 0 0 2 4 / U S A

Library of Congress Cataloging ila Publication Data

Varadarajan, V S
Harmonic analysis on real reductive groups.

(Lecture notes in mathematics ; 576)

Includes bibliographical references.
1. Lie groups. 2. Lie algebras. 3. Harmonic
analysis. I. Title. II. Title : Real reductive
oups. III. series: Lecture notes in mathematics
~Berlin) ; 576.
0A3.L28 no. 576 [QA387] 510'.8s [53-2'.55] 77-22]-6

AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 22 E30, 2,.r ) E45

ISBN 3-540-08135-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin- Heidelberg. New York

ISBN 0-387-08135-6 Springer-Verlag New York • Heidelberg • Berlin

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The contents of these notes are essentially the same as those of a Seminar
on semisimple groups that I conducted during 1969-1975 at the University of
California at Los Angeles. I am very grateful to Professors Gangolli and Eckmann
for suggesting that this material appear in the Springer Lecture Notes Series and
encouraging me to prepare them for publication.

My aim here has been to give a more or less self-contained exposition of

Harish-Chandra's work on harmonic analysis on real reductive groups, leading to
the complete determination of the discrete series. I have kept quite close to
his view of the subject although the informed reader may perceive departures in
detail here and there.

These notes are in two parts. Part one deals with the problems of invariant
analysis on a real reductive Lie algebra. It contains a full treatment of regular
orbital integrals and their Fourier transforms; it presents a detailed proof of
the theorem that invariant eigendistributions are locally integrable functions;
and concludes with the proof of the theorem that an analytic invariant differ-
ential operator that kills all invariant C~ functions, kills all invariant
distributions. Part two treats the theory on the group, with descent to Lie al-
gebra playing a key role in many proofs. Here I have proved that invariant
eigendistributions on real reductive groups are locally integrable functions~
given the explicit construction of the characters of the discrete series~ and
treated all the aspects of Schwartz space and tempered distributions that are
needed to reach the goals I set out with.

Due to obvious limitations I have not made any attempt to discuss other con-
tributions to this subjeet~ such as orbital integrals of nilpotents~ invmri~nt
analysis over local fields, to mention a f e ~ The subject is in a very active
phase of development and many recent contributions suggest a real possibility of
a significantly different way of treating some of these questions. However~ I
feel that an exposition that attempts to maintain the original and pioneering
perspective of Harish-Chandra deserves a place in the literature.

I wish to thank all my friends with whom I ha~e discussed this subject over
the past several years. In addition, I would like to thank Peter Trombi, King
Lai~ Mohsen Pazirandeh and Thomas Er~right for encouraging me to continue the
seminar during the period it was being run, and for help in checking the manu-
script. Without this help these notes would not have appeared. I am above all
deeply grateful to Harish-Chandra for giving me his time and ideas so generously
durir~ my various visits to Princeton and for helping me to understand his view
of the subject.

Chaa~lotte Johnson typed these notes with great skill, patience~ and speed.
I am very grateful to her for putting up with all my demands and carrying out
the many and often confusing changes I wanted. Alice Hume typed an early draft
of a section of these notes and Elaine Barth helped me in preparing these notes
at all stages. To both of them my gratitude.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Various institutions and

Foundations that supported me during the many stages of the preparation: to the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; to the National Science Foundation for the grant
that has supported me over the past several years; to the I.H.E.S. at Bures/
Yvette, the Mathematics Institute of the Rijks University of Utrecht and the
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton for their hospitality during 1975;
and, to the lively and diversified group of young men and women at the Huize
Fatimah in Zeist, Holland for providing me with a most unusual working atmos-
phere during the Fall of 1975 when I wrote these notes in their present form.

Pacific Palisades, 1976 V.S. Varadarajan



Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
0. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
i. Orbit structure of the adjoint r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Transfer of d i s t r i b u t i o n s and d i f f e r e n t i a l operators f r o m ~ to ~. . . 23
3. ~le i n v a r i a n t integral on ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4. Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on 9:
behaviour around r e g u l a r and s e m i r e g u l a r points . . . . . . . . . . 58
5. Local structure of i n v a r i a n t e i g e n d i s t r i b u t i o n s on ~:
the f u n d a m e n t a l theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6. Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on ~:
the b e h a v i o u r of the f u n c t i o n F around singular p o i n t s . . . . . . . 96
7. Tempered invariant eigendistributions o n a reductive Lie algebra. . . |05
8. The limit f o r m u l a f(0)= ~(8(~b)~f,b)(0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9. Invariant differential operators that annihilate all i n v a r i a n t
distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
i0. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Index of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 76
0. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
i. Groups of class ]~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
2. Orbit structure in G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
3. Descent from G to Z and ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
4. Local structure of invariant 8 - f i n i t e distributions . . . . . . . . . 233
5. The d i s t r i b u t i o n s %, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
6. Parabolic subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
7. Some r e p r e s e n t a t i o n theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
8. The functions ~ and ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
9- Schwartz space and t e m p e r e d distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
10. The invariant integral on C~(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
e- -

]1. A fundamental estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

12. The invariant integral on C(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
13. Tempered invariant eigendistributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
14. Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
15. The discrete series for G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
16. The space of cusp forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
17. Determination of c(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
18. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
19. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508

Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510

Index of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518


0. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
i. Orbit structure of the adjoint r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Transfer of distributions and differential operators f r o m 9 to ~ . . . . . . 21
3. The invariant integral on ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4. Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on ~:
behaviour around regular and semiregular points . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5- Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on ~:
the fundamental theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6. Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on Z:
the behaviour of the function F around singular points . . . . . . . . . . 92
7. Tempered invariant eigendistributions on a reductive Lie algebra . . . . . . i01
8. The limit formula f ( O ) = E(~(~b)gf,b)(O ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll8
9- Invariant differential operators that annihilate all invariant
distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
i0. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Index of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
0. Summary

In this part we shall be concerned with questions of invariant analysis on a

real reductive Lie algebra 9. Let G be its adjoint group and I the algebra of
G-invariant elements of the symmetric aAgebra over ~c ~ the complexification of 9.
Then our main objects of study are the G-invariant distributions and their Fourier
transforms on ~ especially those that are eigendistributions for each of the diff-
erential operators ~(u) (u c I). The entire theory is due to Harish-Chandra (cf.
the references cited at the end) and is th~ foundation on which the harmonic analysis
of real reductive groups will be erected later on in Part Two.

Basic to all the considerations here is the study of the geometry of the action
of G on 9. This is carried out in Section i. The main results are Theorem 1.20
and its corollaries. This theorem gives a detailed description of the invariant open
neighborhoods of an arbitrary semisimple (s.s.) point X e 9. Let X be such a point;
~ its centralizer in ~ and Z its centralizer in G. Then~ for sufficiently
small Z-invariant open neighborhoods U of X in ~ G • U= V is a G-invariant
open neighborhood of X in 9 which is a fiber-bundle over the orbit G" X of X
in 9 with fiber U; moreover, the neighborhoods V form a basis for the family of
G-invariant neighborhoods of X. If X is regular and ~ is the unique Cartan sub-
algebra (CSA) containing X, then ~= ~ and Z is the Cartan subgroup (CSG) L
corresponding to 9; in this case the fiber bundles V become trivial, V:(G/L) ×U.
This theorem permits one to transfer many problems of invariant analysis from 9 to
~, especially local questions involving the structure of invariant distributions.
This is the so-called method of descent ; it is one of our main tools.

In order to be able to use systematically the method of descent it is necessary

to have a detailed knowledge of the transfer of distributions and differential equa-
tions from ~ to ~. These details are worked out in Section 2. For invariant dis-
tributions Theorem 2.3 does this, while Theorem 2.14 handles invariant differential
operators. In particular, if X is a s.s. point of ~ and U, V are as above~ we
have maps A (D ~ (D)) and ~ ( T ~ ~T) with the following properties: T~ T
is the canonical transfer map that carries the vector space of G-invariant distribu-
tions on V injectively into the space of Z-invariant distributions on U, while
D ~ A (D) is a map that carries the space of G-invariant analytic differential
operators D on V into the space of Z-invariant analytic differential operators on
U; A (D) is called a radial component of D in view of the fact that for all G-
invariant C = functions f on V and all D, Dflu=A (D) .flu; and for any G-
invariant distribution T on V and any G-invariant analytic differentia& operator
D on V, ~DT =A (D)o T. If X is regular and we write ~ for ~, there is only
one radial component A~(D) corresponding to any G-invariant analytic differential
operator D; and A~ (D !--A~(D)) is a homomorphism. If X is not regular (but

still s.s), As(D ) is in general not unique although canonical choices can be made;
however, A (D) is uniquely determined as an endomorphism of the space of Z-invar-
iant distributions on U. Theorems 2.15, 2.21 and 2.22 give the determination of
the endomorphisms defined by the & (~(p)) when p ¢ i.

In Section 3 we make a detailed study of the invariant integral on ~; namely,

for any CSA 9 we examine the map f ~ ~f,9 that associates with a continuous func-
tion f on ~ the function ~f,9 on 9' of the (suitably normalized) mean values
of f on the orbits of the points of 9'. Since these orbits are unbounded in
general there are convergence problems which force one to restrict f to be in the
Schwartz space S(~) of ~. Here it is useful to keep in mind the analogy with the
classical theory of spherical and hyperbolic means on ~3, the spherical means being
the mean values over the spheres having the origin as center, while the hyperbolic
means refer to the hyperboloids having the origin as center and their principal axes
along the coordinate axes. It is easy to see that ~f,9 is well-defined and C~
on ~' whenever f is compactly supported. Using some estimates (cf. Section i0,
the appendix) reminiscent of the Sobolev estimates we prove that @f,9 is well
defined for all f e S(~) and ~f,9 is an element of the Schwartz space of ~', and
further that for any u e I, ~ ( u ) f , 9 = ~ ( u g ) ~ f , ~ ~ u 9 being the '~rojection" of u
on S(9)(Theorem 3-9)-
In general, ~f,~ does not extend continuously to all of 9; this is already
the case when G is the adjoint group of SL(2,~) . However, ~f,~ and its de-
rivatives have only discontinuities of the first kind, i.e., for any H 0 e 9, any
differential operator D on 9 with polynomial coefficients, and any connected
component P of ~' in whose closure lies HO, the limits

lim (D~f,~)(H)
F~H~H 0

exist for all f e S(~). Now this limit will depend on the choice of F (and of
course on f), and for our applications it is necessary to make a detailed study of
the nature of this dependence on F. The main results are contained in Theorems
3.23, 3.26 and 3.30. They show that %f~9 has a C~ extension in the neighborhood
of any point HOe 9 at which no singular imaginary root vanishes; that if the set
S(Ho) of singular imaginary roots vanishing at H0 is nonempty~ then~ D~f,~ ex-
tends continuously around H0 for all differential operators D e Diff(~c) that are
skew symmetric with respect to all the Weyl reflexions sB, 8 e S(Ho) ; and finally
that~ in the case of a semiregular H0 when there are only two connected components
F~ of ~' containing H0 in their closure, the 'jump'

(D~f,9)+(~O) - (D~f,9)-(~0)
is, up to a nonzero multiplying constant, (DV~f,~)(HO) where ~ is a CSA through
HO not conjugate to 9 and D~ is the differential operator on ae that is the
image of D under a canonical isomorphism.

At this stage we begin the study of G-invariant distributions T such that

~(!)T is a finite dimensional space - the invariant l-finite distributions. The
basic theorem is Theorem 5.28, which asserts that such distributions are locally in-
tegrable functions which are analytic at regular points. The proof of this theorem
is quite long~ and is carried out in Sections 4 and 5; it depends in an indispensable
manner on the results of Sections i through ~. We shall now describe the proof of
this theorem in outline, confining our attention to a distribution T defined on
all of ~, invariant and I-finite.

If X c~ is a regular point and ~ is the CSA that contains X, the method of

descent developed in Section 2 shows that ~OT is an exponential polynomial in a
neighborhood of X in ~; here 7~ is the product of the roots of (9,~) that
belong to some positive system. In particular, T coincides with an analytic func-
tion in a neighborhood of X in ~. In this way we obtain an invariant analytic
function FT on @' such that T=F T on @', Z' being the open dense set of
regular points of Z. Although FT may become infinite when we approach the singu-
lar points of ~, it can be proved that FT is locally integrable on all of
(The o r e m 4.17). It therefore defines an invariant distribution T' on ~. The
main theorem is of course the assertion that T = T'. The next step, and this is the
most difficult, is to show that T' is 1-finite. This comes to proving that
~(p)T'= (~(p)T)' for all p ~I and a technical argument reduces this to the case
when p = ~, the Casimir element. In Section 5 we study the distribution ~(w)T' -
(~(~)T)' very closely and prove that it is a G-invariant distribution with singular
support and having a very special structure (Lemma 5.5). We then prove ( T h e o r e m
5.16) that such a distribution on ~ is zero as soon as it is so in the neighborhood
of each s.s. semiregular point of ~. Applying the method of descent to a s.s.
semiregular point X, and noting that in this case [~,~]~u(2, C) or ~ ~I(2,]R),
the proof that ~(~)T' - (~(~)T)' is zero around X is reduced to the proof of the
corresponding assertion in the three dimensional simple Lie algebra ~. This can be
done by an elementary explicit computation (Section 4.5). We thus obtain the l-
finiteness of T' (Theorem 5.17 and its corollary). The last step now consists in
proving that T - T ' = 0. More generally we prove that if S is any invariant dis-
tribution with singular support and if S is 1-finite, then S= 0 (Theorem 5.27).
By the method of descent coupled with an induction on dim(B), one sees at once
that the support of S must be contained in the set • of nilpotents of ~. Now~
the differenti~l operators ~(~), ~ (= multiplication by ~, The Casimir polynomial~
and the Euler vector vector field E, span a three dimensional Lie algebra m
isomorphic to ~](2,C), and the space of invariant distributions with supports c
is an m-module. A detailed study of this m-module shows that it cannot have any
~(~)-finite element (Section 5, Theorem 5.26). Thus S=O. This proves T = T',
completing the proof of the main theorem.
Once we have established that T coincides with the distribution defined on
by the locally integrable function FT, the question arises as to how FT behaves
in the neighborhood of the singular points of ~. For any CSA ~ we write }~ =
~ • (FTI~,) and Y~= ~('~)~, where ~ is the product of the roots ~ in a pos-
itive system of roots of (Zc,~c)~ mud ~f~ is the element Z~H of the symmetric
algebra of ~c' the product being over all ~ in the positive system that defines
~ and H~ being the canonical image of ~ in ~c" In Section 6 we investigate
the behaviour of }~ in the neighborhood of an arbitrary point of ~ as well as
the relations between @~ for different ~. We find (Theorems 6.3, 6.5) that

(i) if ~'(R) is the subset of ~ where no real root of (~,~) vanishes,

them, for each connected component F of ~'(R) there is an exponential polynomial
~F on ~ such that @~ =~F on F O ~'; in particular, @~ extends to an analytic
function on ~'(R), and if ~= b is of compact type, i.e., all roots of (~,b) are
imaginary, then there is a sir~le exponential polynomial ~ on ~ such that ~=
on b'

(ii) if H0 c ~ is such that the set RHo of real roots vanishing at H 0 is

nonempty, then for any differential operator D e Diff(~c) which is skew symmetric
with respect to all the Weyl reflexions s 8 (~ c RH0 ) . D¢~ extends continuously
to a neighborhood of H0; in particular, ~ = ~(Zg)@~ extends to a continuous func-
tion (also denoted by Y~) on a&l of ~, and this continuous function does not de-
pend on the choice of the positive system defining ~.

(iii) if ~i,~2 are any 2 CSA's, ~ I - Y ~ 2 - - on 91 N ~2"

Note that these properties can be verified as soon as one knows FT . If we are
given an invariant distribution T on ~ that is l-finite on ~', these conditions
are necessary for T to be 1-finite on ~. We prove that if T is an eigen dis-
tribution on ~' with regular eigenvaAues, then these conditions are also sufficient
to ensure that T is an eigendistribution on ~ (Theorem 6.9).

In Section 7 we combine the results of Sections 4-6 with the theory of Fourier
transforms to study the behaviour of invariant eigendistributions on ~ which are
also tempered. For regular eigenvalues these turn out to be linear combinations of
the Fourier transforms of the invariant measures that live on the regular orbits of
(these measures are tempered in view of the results of Section 3). A special case,
of very great importance for the construction of the discrete series of representa-
tions of G, arises when ~ has a CSA b of compact type and the eigenvalues are
defined by the orbits of regular points of b' We prove that a tempered invariant
distribution T corresponding to such an eigenvalue is completely determined by its
restriction to the regular elliptic set (= (b')G), and that on b', 7b" (FTIb,) is
a linear combination of exponentials (TheoremS 7.13 and 7.15). Apart f~om the
theorem that invariant 1-finite distributions are locally integrable functions,
these are among the most important results in this Part. The fundamental existence
and uniqueness theorems of the discrete series ultimately depend on these theorems.

In describing the results of Sections 4- 7 we have assumed that our distributions

are defined on all of ~. Actually it is necessary to work with distributions de-
fined only on open subsets of ~, and this is what is done in the appropriate places.

In Section 8 we obtain a formula which gives an expression for the Dirac measure
on ~ located at 0 in terms of the invariant integral on ~. More precisely~ let
admit a CSA of compact type, say b, and let q=½ dim(~/~) where ~ is a
maximal subalgebra of ~ of compact type (q is an integer). Then there exists a
constant e > O such that

f(O) = (-1)qc (~(~b)¢f,b)(O)

for all f e S(~); we have to remember here that as B(fgb) is skew symmetric with
respect to all the Weyl reflexions~ B(~b)¢f,b extends to a continuous function on
all of b, by virtue of the results of Section 3. Using the exponential map, this
relation can be carried over to the group G; it then constitutes one of the princ-
ipal steps in proving the Plancherel formula for G (cf. Harish-Chandra [ 4 ] [12]~
Gel'fand and Graev [ i]).

The main reason for doing all of this work on ~ is that one hopes to carry
most of these results over to G by means of the exponential map. Section 9 is de-
voted to the formulation and proof of a crucial theorem which allows us to accomplish
this lifting from g to G. In order to explain what is done we require some nota-
tion. Let ~ be the algebra of biinvariant differential operators on G. Let U
be a sufficiently small invariant neighborhood of 0 in ~ on which exp : U "
exp(U) = V is an analytic diffeomorphism, and let v be the positive invariant
analytic function on U such that v2 is the functional determinant (Jacobian) of
the map exp. To any invariant distribution t on V we associate the distribu-
tion ~ obtained by transporting t via exp; to any analytic invariant diff-
erential operator E on V we associate the analytic invariant differential oper-
ator E by transporting E via exp. Then one may hope to study the properties of
the irreducible characters t on G, which are invariant eigendistributions for
on G, by looking at the distributions ~. However, as G is noncommutative~ the
differential operators ~(z) on ~ in general do not have constant coefficients
and so the theory developed so far cannot be applied to it. But it turns out that
there is a canonical isomorphism 2(z - ~(z)) of ~ onto I such that one has,
for all invariant C functions f on U~

~(z'-~)f = (v -I o ~(~(z)) o v)f

(this formula is essentially formal and is substantially equivalent to the Wey!

character formula). In other words, if we write, for any invariant distribution t
on V, tO = v - ~ , then
(~(z)t) ° : ~(~(~))t ° (~ ~ 8)

at least when t is a C~ function. If one could establish this for all invariant
distributions t~ then it follows that t is ~-finite if and only if to is l-
finite~ so that we can apply all of our theory on ~ to the study of t. The main
result of Section 9 allows us to do this (Theorem 9.23). It asserts that if D is
an analytic invaris~t differential operator on a completely invariant open subset
of ~ (in particular one can take ~= U above) such that Df= 0 for all in-
variant f in C~(~), then DT= 0 for all invariant distributions T on ~.
This theorem is however difficult to prove and most of Section 9 is devoted to ob-
taining the estimates necessary for proving it. The proof is by induction on dim(~
and the method of descent. By arguments similar to the ones used earlier one comes
down to the case when supp(DT) is contained in the nilpotent set ~. If we know
that T is te~pered~ then one can use Fourier transforms and combine it with the
fundamental theorem of Section 5 to conclude that D T = 0. However~ in general T
is not tempered and so a method has to be devised by means of which one can reduce
the proof to the tempered case. Theorem 9.12 does this. It shows that every in-
variant distribution~ defined on an invariant neighborhood of the origin in 9, is
necessarily tempered on some (possibly) smaller invariant neighborhood of the origin
in 9.
Finally, in Section i0 which is an appendix, we collect together for convenience
a few results that are used in various places of the exposition.
i. Orbit structure of the ad~oint representation

i. Preliminaries

~]uroughout what follows ~ is a real reductive algebra and ~c(~ ~) is

its eomplexification. G (resp. Gc) is the (connected) adjoint group of ~ (resp.
~c), and for XeGc, X e ~c' we write Ad(x)(X) = X x = x -X. ¢ is the center of
~. S(~c) is the symmetric algebra over ~e and P(~c) is the algebra of poly-
nomials on ~c; Is(~c) = IS (resp. Ip(~c ) = Ip) is the subalgebra of S(~c)
(resp. P(~c) ) of all elements invariant under G c. Let m = dimc(~e)• ~= rk(~e) • rk
denoting rank. We use without comment the standard terminology of semisimple Lie algebre~
and Lie groups.
For any indeterminate T and X 6 ~e' let det(T • i - ad X) = Z0<imm(-l) m-i qi(X)Ti.
The qie ~ , qm=l, qs=0 for 0 < s < ~ and q~ # 0. Let
(i) q~ = ~.

X is called regular if ~(X) # 0. ~c is the set of regular points of ~c; for

any subset a c ~c' we write ~' = ~ N ~ . If ~ is a Cartan subalgebra (CSA) of
~c and A is the set of roots of (~c,~) ,


Let X e ~c; X is called semis imple (s.s .) (resp. nilpotent) if ad X is a

semisimple, i.e., diagonalizable (resp. X c $~c = [~c'~c ] and ad X is nilpotent)
endomorphism of ~c" Any X e ~c can be written uniquely as X s +X n where
X s •Xn c ~c' Xs is s.s.• Xn is nilpotent, and IX s,X n] = 0 (Jordan decom@osition
of X); Xs (resp. Xn) is called the s.s. (resp. nilpotent) component of X; if
X e ~, then Xs and Xn are in 9. If X is s.s. (resp. nilpotent), so is
Xx V x ~G . The following lemma is standard.

LEMMA !. Let Xe~. ~l~en X is s.s. if and only if X belongs to some CSA.
In this ease the centralizer ~ of X in ~ is reductive in ~ and rk(~) =
rk(~) ; moreover, ~ is its own normalizer in ~. If X is regular• then X is
s.s. and ~ is the unique CSA containing X.

LEMMA 2. Let Xe ~ be nilpotent. Then 3 H,Ye$~ = [~,~] such that

[H,X] = 2X, [H,Y] = - 2 Y , [X,Y] = H.

~lnis is the Jaeobson-Morozov theorem. {H,X,Y} is called a standard triple.

LEMMA 3" Let 7< be a finite dimensional semisimple representation of ~.

Then for a~Lv X e ~, ~(X) is semisimple (resp. nilpotent) if X is semisimple
(resp. nilpotent). If X is nilpotent and H, Y are as in Lemma 2, then Y is
nilpotent, H is s.s., and 7(H) has only integral eigenvalues. If ~ c 9 is a
subeZgebra reductive in 2, then for any X • ~, X s and Xn e ~ and X=X s +X n is
the Jordan decomposition of X relative to ~; in particular, X is s.s. (resp.
nilpotent) relative to ~ if and only if it is so relative to 9.

Everything except the last assertion is standard. Let X e ~ and X = X' + X'
s n
be the Jordan decomposition of X relative to ~. Then ad X' is s.s., adX'
s n
is nilpotent, X~e~ m ~9, and [X~,X~] = 0; so X's = Xs' X'n = Xn.

LEMMA 4. Let Xe~. Then X s e CI(G .X) (CI = closure), and p(X)=P(Xs) V
p e!p. X is nilpotent ~ c X e G ' X for some c { i; in this case, cXeG "X~
c > 0 and 0 e CI(xG). If ~ is a G-invariant open subset of ~ containing all
s.s. points of ~, then 9 = 9.

Let ~ be the centralizer of X in 9. Then Xe ~ and so X=X +X is

s s n
the Jordan decomposition of X in ~. By Lemma 2 ] H,Y e 8 such that {H,Xn,Y] is
a standard triple. Then (exp tH) • X = X s + e 2 t X n - X s as t --~ If X is nil-
potent, e2tXeG "XVt e~; conversely, if cXeG .X for some c # i, then
X e~ and ad X and cad X have the same eigenvalues which must all be zero. If
X s e~, then g •Xe ~ for some geG~ so X e ~.

2. Orbits in Zc"

Let N (resp. Nc) be the set of nilpotents of 9 (resp. 9c ).

Proposition >. 9~c is the set of common zeros of ~, the set of all p e
with p(0) = 0. ~c is Gc-stable and splits into finitely many orbits.

The first assertion is standard. The second one is due to Kostant [i]. We
shall need it in the real case also and prove it in Theorem 15. As the result for
9c follows by applying Theorem 15 to the real Lie algebra underlying 9c, we omit
the proof at this time.

Let PI'"" "'P£ be algebraically independent homogeneous polynomials such that

Ip = C[Pl,...,p Z] (Varadarajan [i], p. 335). Let

(3) ~(x) : (pl(x), ....p~(x)), ~ : ~-z(<2(x)) (x~ 90)

<2 is constant on the Gc-orbits and each MX is Gc-Stable.

LEMMA 6. Let ~ be any CSA of 9c , and let <P~ = <21~. Then <2 : ~ C ~ is
surjeetive and proper, i.e., <2if(C) is compact for any compact C c ~.

If £ is the set of roots of (9c~) , then for any He ~ the numbers ~(H)
(~sh) are roots of the equation (in z) zm + Z 0 < i < m _ l ( - l ) m - i qi(H)z i = 0.
Hence I~(H)I < i + E 0 < i < m _ i l q i ( H ) [ (de £, H e ~). If A c C ~' is compact, each

Pi is bounded on ~l-~ (A), so that each p c~ is bounded on <p[l(A). Taking for
p the Ge-invariant linear forms on ~ we see that the projection ~]of ~ I ( A ) on
the center of [c is bounded. Taking P = qi (0 < i < m - i ) we find that all the
roots ~ are bounded on ~[l(A)-~ so that the projection of 9If(A) on ~c is
bounded. So q0il(A) is bounded. This implies that qo~[~] is~) closed in C ~. On
the other hand, ~ is a polynomial map, and the algebraic independence of
PI''''~P£ implies that the differential (d~)H is a linear bijection at some
H e ~. Hence by a well-known result (cf. Jacobson [i] p. 269), ~[~] contains a
Zariski open subset of CZ; in particular it is dense in C ~. So ~[~] = C Z.

For any orbit V' let c#,y = q)(X) (X c ~/).

Proposition 7" The s .s. orbits in ~c are precisely the closed ones, and the
map ~ ~ is a bijection of the set of all s.s. orbits onto C Z. If ~ is a
CSA of 9c and ~ is the Weyl group of (@c,~), the correspondence ~/ ~ ~/ N ~ is
a bijection of the set of all s .s. orbits onto the set of all ~-orbits in ~. Let
X ~ Zc" Then MX is a finite union of orbits, exactly one of which is closed, and
this one consists of all the s .s. elements of MX; and X ' c MX if and only if
X' c G "X . Moreover we cam write M X = 01 O • U 0 where the O. are disjoint
s c s "" s )_
orbits, 0 i U ... U 0 s is closed and contains 0i as an open subset for
i = l,...,s. Finally, if X is regular, G c • X = M X.

If H,H'c~ and H'CGc .H , then p(H)=p(H')Vp=~; this implies that

f(H) = f(H') V ~ - i n v a r i a n t polynomials f on ~. As • is a finite group,
H' c ~ • H. This gives the bijection ~/ ~ y n ~ of the set of s.s. orbits with the
set of ~O-orbits in ~; by Lemma 6, we get the first assertion except for the closed-
mess of s.s. orbits. By Lepta 4, if X is s.s., G "X is the set of s.s. points
of Mx Suppose x~c. Then Xs ~ M x byTe~ma4, and for ~ y X', X ' ~ M x if and
only if X' ~ G • X. Let ~ be the centralizer of X in ~, and Z the a~alytic
s c s
subgroup of G c defined by ~. By Proposition 5 ~ nilpotents NI,...,N r in
such that any nilpotent of ~ is conjugate via Z, to some N i. If X' [ ~X'
xsG c such that x . X ' = X s; then x • X' is a nilpotent of ~, proving that
s n

MX = [Jl<i<r Gc " (Xs + Ni)" By the Baire Category theorem MX contains an open
orbit 01, MX\01 contains an open orbit 02, and so on. So we can write MX =
01 U ... U 0 s where for i = 1,2,...,s~ 0 i U ... U 0 s is closed and contains 0i
as am open subset. In particular 0 is closed. Lemma 4 shows that only s.s.
orbits ca~ be closed while all s.s. elements in MX form one orbit. So we may
conclude that 0s is the unique closed orbit in MX and consists of the s.s. points
of M X. If X is regular and X' ~Mx, then X' { G .X, showing X' to be regu-
s c s
far; then X'n = 0~ i.e., X'=X's { G c • X. Thus M X = Gc .X.

Proposition 8. Let X ~ ~c" Then Gc " X is open in its closure in ~c and is

a regularly imbedded submanifold of ~c" Furthermore, if Zc is the centralizer of
X in Gc, xZ c ~ x .X is an analytic diffeomorphism if Gc/Z c onto Gc • X.

The above proof shows that each O. is open in its closure. So G • X is

z c
open in its closure, hence locally compact second countable. But then xZ ~ x • X
is a homeomorphism of Gc/Z c with G c • X (Varadarajan [i], p. 75). The rest foll-
ow from standard results of Lie theory (cf. Varadarajan [i], Chapter 2, Section 9).

LEMMA 9- Let ~ a ~c be a CSA. For B a 9, let (B) be the set of all

X c ~c such that X s c G c • B. Then (B) is open (resp. closed) in ~c if B is open
(resp. closed) in 9.

(B> = ~ - l ( ~ ( B ) ) . AS 9~ is proper, B closed ~ ( B ) closed ~ <B> is closed

in ~c" Suppose B is open, C = U s~ ~ s • B, and C' = ~\C. Then C is open,
(C) = (B) and Zc\(C) = (C'); (C') being closed, (C) is open in ~c"

LEMMA i0. Let ~ be a CSA of [c and ~ a ~ any subset. Let ~e be the

centralizer of ~ in [c ~ and Zc, the analytic subgroup of Gc defined by ~c"
Then Z is the centralizer of a in
G . In particular, the centralizer of
e c
in Gc is connected and coincides with exp(~).

The second assertion is the connectedness of Cartan subgroups in complex semi-

simple groups and is well-known. For the first, let x [G centraAize ~. Since
x • ~ c ~c' ~ t c Zc such that tx • ~ = 9. Write s = Ad(tx)l ~. Then s is in the
Wey! group of ([c,~), and as s .X = X V X e ~, s lies in the Weyl group of
(~c,~). So 3 u e Ze such that utxl~ = identity. But then utxeexp(~)mZc, i.e.,
x~ Z .

COROLLARY ii. Let Xc [ be s.s.; Z~ the centralizer of X in G; ~, the

centralizer of X in Z. Let ~ = center(~). Then det(Ad(y) Is) : i V Ye Z and
y •Y = Y for all Ye~ and y e Z.

3. Invariant open sets in [c" The sets Uw,V w.

In this nQ X e ~c is a fixed s.s. element; ~c = centralizer of X in ~c;

Z is the centralizer of X in G . Define
e c

(4) "8c = [Y: Y~ 8c' det(adY)[c/~ c }/ O]

(here (ad Y)~c/~c is the endomorphism of 9c/~ c induced by ad Y). Then

Xe'~c, while "~c is Ze-stable , dense and open in ~c" If Y e ~c' it is clear

that Y e " ~c <:=> Ys ~" de" Let @ be the map (y3Y) ~ Y of Gc × " ~c into ~e"

With the usual identificstions of the tangent spaces to Ge,


~c and ~c' we find t h a t V y £ G c ~ Y•'~c' (d~)(y,y)(X',Y')= [X',Y]Y+Y 'y

(X'• ~c, Y'• ~e ). As (ady) ~c/~c is surjective, ~c+ramge(adY)=~c ; so

(d~)(y,y) is surjeetive. Thus ~ is submersive and so, for any open subset U
of Sc' Gc "U is open in ~c" Let ~c be a CSA of ~c; it is a CSA of ~c and
X•~c. Let m (resp. ~X) be the Weyl group of (~c,~c) (resp. (~c,~c)). For
any subset ~c_~ c let

(5) U = {Y: Ye ~c' s.s. component of Y lies in Zc "~], v =~ c "u.

As ~X is the centralizer of X in m we can find an open subset ~0 of ~c con-
raining X such that

(~) x~%ff'~e'%:% (~%)' ~Sn%:~/

o (~ro\~ x) "

It is clear from these definitions that if Y e U , then Y s e U ~ consequently, if

Y e Vco' Ys V also. We also observe that Ye V ~ M y C \ ~ . To prove this we may
assume~ since M y = M Y s , that Y is s.s. and further, that YeU . Let Y' eMy.
Then x • Y s' = Y for some x• G c . Let N : x • Y'n' Y" = Y + N . Since Ye ~e ~ the
centralizer ~y of Y in ~c is c ~c" So Ne ~c' giving Y"• ~c" But then Y: Y"s and
so Y " e U ~ i.e.; Y' e V . Finally~ since ~ 0 C ' ~ c , U~0C'~c.

L~4MA 12. Let M,N be analytic manifolds~ 7. : M ~ N a submersive analytic map

of M onto N. Then~ given any compact F~_N, ~ a compact E c M with 7F(E)= F.

This is clear since submersive maps are coordinate projections in local

eoordinate s.

Proposition i~. For any w open in w0, U w is open in " ~c' while V is open in
~e" U W is invariant under Z and contains~ along with any element, its s.s. com-
ponent. If h is the class of all open subsets of c00, we have the following, valid
kv'W,Wl,~ 2 • h:

(7) Y•ac, (y.U)nU /0~ y e Z e ; C l ( % ) S ~ l ~ C l ( V ~ 2 ) f f V ~ l"

U is open by Lemma 9; since UwC-" ~c' V~ is open in Bc" Let y e Gc,

~eh, y-U ~Uw/~. Then ~ s.s. Y w i t h Y,YYeu . The centralizers By, ~yy of Y,
YY in gc are c ~c; moreover, rk(~y) = rk(~c) so that CSA's of ~y are
also CSA's of ~c' showing that ~y~c/~. So ~ Zne ~y~] De' tending to Y;
ZYne ~yyA Be c " ~e and so that Zn,Z • U if n is large. We may thus
assume Y to be regular. Then 3 xl,x 2• Zc with H=Xl I •Y and x2Yx I 'H
both regular and in ~. If z=x2YXl, then ~Z:~c, and s=Ad(z)l~ce~; so by (6)
Se~x, i.e., y - X = X . Lemma i0 ~ y e Z . For the second result in (7) let ~i'~2 6 h

with Cl(m2)C-Wl' Y n e U w 2 ' Y n e G c ' Y n ' Y n ~ Y c ~c" We may assume Yn regular V


n. So ~ H n { ~ 2 , tn ~ Zc with Y : t • H . Since P(Hn) ~ p(Y) for all p c~,

n n n
we may assume in view of Lemma 6 that lim H : H exists. Then H ~ ~ and
n- ~ n i
YCMH, so that Y ~ V I.

COROLLARY 14. If m c~ is such that CI(~) ~ ~0' and [Xn] , Ixn} are
sequences in U and Gc respectively, such that [x • X ] is bounded in Zc ~
n n
Ixn • X] is bounded in ~c'

We may assume x "X ~ Y as n ~ ~. Then Y~V by (7) and so ~ a compact

n n ~0
set F ~ V containing Xn "Yn for all n. By Lemma 12, ~ compact sets A ~U ,
0 0
B ~ Gc with F ~ B "A. So Xn "Xn = Yn "Yn' Yn {A' Yn [B" By (7) xn{ynZc ; so,
for all n, x •X lies in the compact set B • X.

4. Orbits in ~.

is the set of nilpotents of ~. We begin by proving Kostant's theorem [i].

~0~M 15. splits into finitely many orbits under the action of G. More-
over, we can write = 01 U ... U 0 s where the 0i are disjoint orbits and for
i < i < s~ Oi U .. • U 0 s is a closed set containing 0 i as an open subsel; 0 s = [0].

We may assume to be semisimple. Since g has only finitely many mutually

nonconjugate CSA 's, the finiteness of ~,/G will follow if one proves: (i) with X ~
fixed and H, X, Y as in Lemma 2, there are only finitely many possibilities for H
in a preassigned CSA ~ of ~, and (ii) for fixed H, the set of possible X
splits into finitely many orbits under the stabilizer of H. For (i), let ~0 be
the set of points of ~c where all roots of (gc,~c) take real values; by Lemma 3,
H c ~0 and ~(H)~2Z xv/ roots ~ of (gc,~c) so that 3 a chamber ~0 with
HcCI(~O). Let ~i ..... ~£ be the corresponding simple roots; ~ ..... HZ} , the
dual basis of ~0~g~, the root spaces. Then H = ~ < i < ~ aiHi where the ai are all
integers _> 0. Also X~Z cQ g~ where Q is the set of positive roots ~ with
~(H) = 2. But if a i = ~i(H) > 0, representation theory of ~I (2,C) shows that
[X,g_~. ] ~ 0 , ~ 3 ~ = ml~ I + ... + mz~ £ c Q with m i > 0 and so, as 2 = (~(H) =
mjaj~ we find a i = 1 or 2. For (ii), let gp be the set of all Y ~ g with
[H~Y] = p Y (p c Z~), and GO, the analytic subgroup of G corresponding to gO"
Let 'g2 be the set of all X ' ~ g2 such that [ X " g 0 ] = g2" If ~ is any repre-
sentation of C "H + C .X + C • Y in a vector space W and W is the subspaee of
eigenveetors of ~(H) for the eigenvalue r, ~(X)(W0) = W 2. This implies that
X ~ 'g2" 'g2 is thus nonempty. Furthermore, g2\'~2 is an algebraic set. Hence
by a theorem of Whitney [i], 'g2 has finitely many connected components. On the
other hand, [ g 0 , B ] c ~p ~v'p and so GO leaves ~2' as well as 'g2' invariant;
if X' ~ 'g2~ the differential of the map x ~ x .X' of GO into '~2 is the map


Y m [Y;X'] of ~0 into ~2 which is surjective. Hence the previous map is a sub-

mersion, showing that G O • X' is open in '~2 v X ' c '92" This implies at once that
each connected component of '92 is an orbit under GO and hence that there are
only finitely many Go-orbits in 'Z2' proving (ii). Using the Baire category theorem
we complete the proof as in Proposition 7. The closed orbit is {0] by Lemma 4.

THEOREM 16. Let X e g. Then G" X is closed if and only if X is s.s. In

this case (G c • X) n ~ has finitely many connected components; each component is a
closed G-orbit; and G •X is the component containing X.

We use notation and results of n°3. Let X be s.s. and ~ the centralizer
of X in g. Let ~e~ and define U = U n 8, v = G • U. Then V is open in ~.
We assert that V n (G c .X) = G .X. For, if Y = x .X = y . X ' e V for some X'eU,
xeG , yeG, then (7) ~ y - l x -X = X~Y = x .X = y - X e G .X. So G.X is open in
(G c .X) N ~. Since this argument can be used V x' e (G c .X) N B, we conclude that
each G-orbit in (G c "X) N B is open in (G c -X) N ~, showing that they are pre-
cisely the connected components of (G c "X) N ~, and that they are all closed also.
They are finite in number since (G c • X) n ~ is finite for any CSA ~ c ~. That
G'X can be closed only when X is s.s. is immediate from Lemma 4.

THEOREM 17. Let X 0 e B and let Z be the centralizer of X 0 in G. Then

G . X 0 is open in its closure in B, is a regularly imbedded analytic submanifold of
B, and xZ ~ x .X 0 is an analytic diffeomorphism of G/Z onto G " X O.

As in Proposition 8 this reduces to proving that G -~ is locally compact

second countable in its relative topology. Using the same category argument as in
the discussion of the complex case it is enough to construct a set E c ~ such that
(i) E is G-stable and locally compact in the relative topology (ii) E splits
into finitely many G-orbits one of which is G "~. Let ~ be the centralizer of
(XO)s, n the set of nilpotents of 8, X ~ ( ~ ) s , and E = G " (X + u). E is G-
stable and G • X 0 c E while Theorem 15 ~ E splits into finitely many G-orbits. So
it remains only to show that E is locally compact. We select ~ e h, write U = Um
n 8, v = G • U. We claim that G • (X + n ) = M X A V ; this will imply that E is open in
M x N ~ which is closed in ~ and hence that E is locally compact. Certainly
G. (X + n ) c M x n V . Suppose x-YeM X where xeG, YeU. Then ( x - Y ) s = X "Ys e G c
X and so x .Ys = x ~ .X for some x ' e G c . By (7), x -Ix' .X =X so that x " X = x "Ys'
i.e.~ X = Y s . In other words~ YeX +n~ showing that x • YeE.

5. Invariaat neighborhoods of a s.s. point of ~.

LEMMA 18. Let I be a s.s. Lie algebra over 19 of rank ~ with adjoint
group L and Ul~ ...,u~ homogeneous generators of the algebra of all invariant
polynomials on !c" Further let Vl,...,v p (p = dim I) be the polynomials such


that ~ e t ( ~ - ~ - a d X ) = @ - v l ( X ) @ -l+---+(-1)p%(x). ;orany t>O let

I(t) = [Y : Y e l~ I~I < t for any eigenvalue k of ad Y]~ I(Vl;...;v :t) =
{Y:Yel, lvj(Y)[ <t for l_< j _ < p ] , I(u I ..... u z : t ) : {Y:Y~I, luj(Y)l < t for
i <_ j _< ~]. Then these are connected L-stable open sets, and each of [l (t)]t>0,
[I(v I ..... Vp :t)}t>0, [I(Ul,...,u~ :t)]t> 0 is a basis for the family of invariant
open neighborhoods of 0 in I.

Let le(t), ~c(Vl ..... Vp : t) and Ic(U 1 ..... u~ : t) be the subsets of le de-
fined analogously. ]]men l(t) = I n le(t), I(Vl,..., % :t) = Ic(V 1 ..... Vp :t) Q I
l(Ul,...,u~ : t) = I [~ Ic(Ul,...,u~ : t). Let ~ c Ic be a CSA; ~, the map
x ~ (uI(X),...,u£(X)) of Ic onto C A, ~I = ,If, and ~t = [ H : H e ~ , I¢~(H)I < t
~roots ~ of (Ic,~)]. Then Z6lc(t) if and only if Zs is conjugate to some
element of ~t' so that Ic(t ) is open in Ie by Lemma 9. I(t), I(v 1 ..... Vp :t)
and I (Ul~ ...:u Z : t) are open in I. They are clearly L-invarismt. Suppose ~ is
an open L-invariant neighborhood of 0 in I. Let Sl '''''ar be a complete set of
mutually nonconjugate CSA's of I. If the I (Ul~...,u Z : t) do not form a basis, we
can find Xn{~ such that ui(Xn) - 0 as n ~ ~, i < i < Z. By Lemma 4, (Xn) s {
and ui(Xn) = ui((Xn)s) , so that we may assume that Xn is s.s. for all n. Pass-
ing to a subsequence if necessary we may assume that X = x •Y where x { L~
n n n n
Yn a..0 Then Y n { ~ ~ n while ui(Yn) - O, i < i < £. By Lemma 6 ~ a sub-
sequence [Ynk] such that Ynk - Y for some Y6 a..O Since ui(Y ) = 0 ~ i , Y = 0.

But then Y ~~ for large enough k, a contradiction. The arguments for the

others are similar; we note that X ~ (Vl(X),...,Vp(X)) from s.0 into Cp is pro-
per~ a fact established while proving Lemma 6. The connectivity is clear since
XeU, 0<e<l implies cX{U, U denoting one of these open sets.

Fix a s.s. X e 9- 8 is the centralizer of X in 9; Z, the centralizer of

X in G and Z0 is the component of identity of Z; c, the center of 8. Let

(8) ~8(Y)=det(adY)~c/Se (Ye 8c), '8: [Y:Yc 8, ~]8(Y)9/0], '~= '80(7.

Clearly X c '~, and for any X ' c '~, 8 is the centraJLizer of X' in ~; 8, ~8'
c~ '~ 'c remain unaltered as X' varies in '~.

LEMMA 19 . Let N(8 ) be the normalizer of 8 in O. Then N(8)/Z 0 is

finite. ~8 and 8 are invariant under N(8). If y e G, then y e N(8) if and
o ~ y if y.('~) ~'~ ¢¢~ in this case, y.('~) ='~. ~e map y~Ad(y)l~ of N(~)
into GI(~) is a homomorphism with kernel Z and its range r0(o) is a finite sub-
group of GL(~) that acts freely on '<~.

is its own normalizer in 9- So N(8) 0 = Z 0. N(8), as an algebraic subset

of GL(~), ~has only finitely many connected componets by Whitney's theorem [i]. So


N(~)/Z 0 is finite. For ycN(~), y. ~ = ~ and so ('~)Y ='8, cY = c, (~)Y ='~.

If ycZ~ y.X' = X'VX'ec by Corollary ii. Suppose ycG and for some X ' c ~
y .X' e 'q. Then ycN(~). If y .X' = X', then Corolla~y ii (with X' in
place of X) shows that y fixes q elementwise, proving the last assertion.

We are now ready to formulate and prove the main result of this section~ which
asserts that one can find around any s.s. point X cg a family of invariant open
neighborhoods of X that are generated in a natural manner from Z-invariant open
neighborhoods of X in ~. As we shall see later, this will enable one to study
problems of invariant analysis by a method of descent from ~ to ~. In order to
motivate our results we begin with some general remarks.

Let M be an analytic manifold and A a Lie group acting on M~ via an action

: (a,m) I- a ' m that is anaZytic from A xM into M. Let m0cM and let A0 be
the stabilizer of m0 in A. We shall say that m0 is an admissible point if the
following conditions are satisfied : (i) the orbit B= A .m 0 is a regularly imbedded
submanifold of M (ii) ~ a connected regular submanifold U c M such that
(a) m 0 c U, dim(U) + dim(B) = dim(M), U is A0-stable, and U and B are transversal
a r m 0 (the tangent spaces Tm0(U ) and ~(B) are linearly independent), (b) if
xeA, u~ u' c U and x "u = u', then x c A 0. U is then called a slice at m0; iris
called an admissible slice if in add~Sion (c) ~ is a submersion of AX U into M.
From (a) we see that uTm^(M) is the direct sum of Tm0(B ) and Tm0(U ) so that on

writing y = ~IAxU, (dY)(l,m0) is surjective. It is then immediate that

(d[)(a,m0) is surjective V acA. If U is a slice, ~ an open neighborhood UI

of m0 in U such that UI is an admissible slice. To prove this we note first

that we can find an open neighborhood U' of m0 in U such that (d~)(l,m) is
surjective V meU' and hence (d~)(a,m) is surjective V (a,m) e A x U ' . As
intertwines q0 and ty where ~(a,u) = (yay -I, y " u), ty(m) = y . m and yeA 0 is
fixed, we see that if (d~)(l,u) is surjective, then so is (dY)(l,y. u)" So, if
U" = A 0 • U', U" is an A0-stable open neighborhood of m0 in U such that V is
submersive on AXU"; we now take UI = U"; it is conneeted if U' is so.

Suppose now that U is an admissible slice. For any A0-stable open neighbor-
hood U' of m0 in U, let V' = A . U', V = A - U . Then V' is an open neighbor-
hood of m0 in M, invariant under A; we csdl it an admissible neighborhood. If
W is any A-stable open neighborhood of m0 in M, A - (W r] U) is an admissible
neighborhood c W, so that the admissible neighborhoods of m0 in M form a basis
for the invariant neighborhoods of m0 in M.

It follows from (b) of (ii) above that the map ~ : a • u ~ a " m 0 is well-defined
from V = A • U onto B, U being an admissible slice; since ~o ~ is the analytic sub-

mersion (a,u) ~ a .m 0 of A X U onto B, and since ~ is submersive, 7 is analytic and


submersive. V thus becomes a fiber space over B; the fiber ~-l(b) above
b = x •m0 is x • U; and the fibration is covariant in the obvious sense. Finally
we have local triviality. To see this, write a = a'm 0 (a£A) and select a
regularly imbedded submanifold N c A containing I such that N = N •m0 is an
open neighborhood of m0 in B, and a ~ ~ is an analytic diffeomorphism of N
onto ~. It follows from (a)-(c) of (ii) that the map q~ : (~,u) ~ a • u, (a c N,
U C U) is analytic, one-one, and maps ~x U onto ir-l(~)m.0 Moreover, if ~ = NA O,
the map ~ from ~XU into M is the composition 9no o ~/ where ~: ~xU - ~×U

is the map (a,u) ~ (a~u), from which we see that <pmO is a submersion. It is

thus an analytic diffeomorphism; as <pro0 maps [a] x U onto 7T-l(a), the local

triviality of V over B is established at m 0. For an arbitrary point of B, we

use covariance with respect to the group A.

We now resume our discussion of the action of G on 9. Let X ~ ~ be s.s.

and let notation be as before. For any open connected neighborhood 7 of X in
~, and any t > 0 let (cf. Lemma 18)

(9) U7, t = 7 + ~ ( t ) , VT, t = G • U7, t .

If X c center ~, U7, t = VT, t is G-invariant and open in ~, and as 7 and t vary,

the UT, t form a basis for the family of G-invariant open neighborhoods of X in ~.
If X is arbitrary, the UT, t are~ by Lemma 18, connected and
form a basis for the family of Z0-invariant open neighborhoods of X in ~. In
particular, UT, t c_ '~ for some ~/ and t; for such 7 and t, V7, t is open and
connected in G and the natural map of G × U7, t onto V ,t is a submersion.

THEOREM 20. Let X cG be s.s. Then X is an admissible point and ~ an open

neighborhood 7 of X in c and a number 4 > 0 with the following properties :
(i) U7, T c '8 and is an admissible slice through X. (ii) If C c U is Z 0-
stable and closed in ~, G • C is closed in ~. (iii) If 0 < T 2 < 41 < T, and
71, 72 are open neighborhoods of X in 7 with Ci(72)c~/i, then Cl(VTs2) c 1'T1
(iv) If g eC~(L,T ) and Z-invariant, 3 unique f cC~(VT,T) such that f is G-
invariant and flu 7,T = g; if g is analytic, so is f.

We use the notation and results of n°5, especially Proposition 15. We may
assume X{center(~). Choose a CSA ~cDX of ~c and open neighborhoods ~' ~0
of X in ~c such that ~0 satisfies (6) and CI(~) c_ ~0" ~ an open neighborhood
7 of X in ~ and some T > 0 with U c U . By (7) we have: y ~ G , y • U N
7,T -- ~0 ;T
L , ~ ~ ~ ~ y e Z. The assertion (i) follows at once from this. To prove (ii) note
that Z . C = Ul<i< r Yi " c where Yl = i, y2,...,yr is a complete system of
representatives for Z/ZO. So we may assume that C is Z-stable. Let Y c C,


YneG and Yn " Yn " Y c ~. In view of Corollary 14 we may assume that

limn~ Yn'X = X' exists; then X' = Xx for some x. As there are local sec-
tions G/Z - G, we can find a sequence [zn} in G converging to i and a se-

quence [tn} in Z such that x -i_In = Zntn for all n. Let Y'n = t n -Y n . Then
-i -i -i
Y'en C. As Y'n = Zn x (Yn'Yn) ~ x " Y~ we must have x • Y c C, and so
Ycx" C. For (iii), take C : CI(U ) in (ii); then G" C is closed in ~ and
SO CI(V 72,~2) c_ G . C . But C _~ UTI,T I and so G • C c_ VTI,T I. This proves (iii).

Finally, for proving (iv), let f be defined by f(y. Y) = g(Y) ( Y o U T,YCG).

The fact that UT, T is a slice shows that f is well-defined on VT,T~ that it is
G-invariant, and that f[UT, T = g; it is obviously the only function on V
7~ T
with these properties. The function f °9 on Gx U is then given by
co 7, T COO
(f o ~ ) ( y , Y ) = g(Y). So, if g is C (resp. analytic), f o# is (resp.
analytic). As 9 is a submersion, f is C~ (resp. analytic).

COROLLARY 2_I. The map ~ :y- Y ~ y-X (yeG, YeU ) is well-defined, is a

,T 1

submersion of V onto B = G.X, and commutes with the action of G; further,

7-1(y.X) = y.U~i; (ycG). Suppose N is a regularly imbedded analytic submani-
fold of G containing i such that N •X is an open neighborhood of X in B,
and y ~ y .X is an analytic diffeomorphism of N onto N.X. Fix zcG. Then the
map ~z : (y "X,Y) ~ zy • Y (y e N, Y e U7,~) is an analytic diffeomorphism of
(~.x) ×_~,~ onto - i ( ~ . X ) which maps ~y.X~ ×__\,~ onto - l ( ~ y . X ) for
each yeN. The open sets VT, ~ , with 7' c 7 and 0 < ~' ~ • form a basis for
the G-invariant open neighborhoods of X.

COROLLARY 22. Let n be the set of nilpotents of ~. Then (i) G • (X + n)

is closed in ~ and

(i0) G • (X + n) = ~ V7',T'

where 7, T are as in Theorem 1.20 and the intersection above is taken over open
neighborhoods 7' of X in 7 and T' with 0 < ~' < • (ii) for any compact
set ~ c '~, G • (~ + n) is closed in ~, (iii) let ~ c ,~ be closed in '~; then,
if X ' c CI(G" (~ +m))~ dim(~x~)>_dim(~); and G . (C + n ) consists precisely of all
the X' in this closure for which dim(Sx~ ) = dim(d ) .

Let 7,~ be as in the theorem above and let 5 be a compact subset of '~
such that 5 c 7" Then 5 + n is closed in ~, c U 7,~, and is Z-invariant. So
G. (5 + n) is closed in ~. Now any point of '~ can serve instead of X in the
above argument. Henee~ given any X'~ '~ we can find a neighborhood 7' of X'
in '~ such that for any compact set 5' c 7', G • (5' + n) is closed in ~.


Applying this to each point of a compact set ~ c '~ we conclude that G • (¢ + n)

is closed in ~. This proves (ii). In particular, G " (X + n) is closed in ~.

We take up next the assertion (i). Clearly X + n c U7',T' for all ~',T' as
in (i) and hence G ° (X + m) is contained in the intersection on the right side of
uppose for all as a ove. As 3 and
z~G such that Y = y " Yll as Y[ V , ,, ~ Y~sUT, T, and y'~G, with
Y' "YI' = Y" As y YI : y " Y i; y y e z an~ so YI ~T'
for all ~' , T', i.e., YI ~ X + ~ . It remains to prove (iii) . Let { m '~ be
relatively closed in '~. Suppose X'{CI(G" ({ + ~)). Then ~ Yn ~ {' Nn{ ~ ' Y n S G
Yn { G such that Yn" (Yn + Nn) ~ X'. Then for any p s I p ( ~ e ) ; P ( Y n + N n ) - p ( X ' ) as
n ~. As Yn is the s.s. component of Y n + % , p(Yn)=p(%+Nn), showing p ( Y n ) - P ( X ' )
as n ~ . As we can find a CSA of ~ (hence of ~) eontsining &, we conclude from Lemma
1.6 that the Y remain within a compact subset of ~. We may assume that Y ~ Y as
n n
n - ~ for some Y ~ . As p ( Y ) = p ( X ' ) for all p ~ Ip(~e)~ Y and X's are conjugate under
G c. In particular, dim(~x~ ) = dim(~y) ~dim(~), as ~ y m ~. If we now assume that
dim(~x~ )= dim(~), then ~y= ~ so that Y e '~. But now there is a compact set 6 ~ con-
taining Y and all the Yn' and so X ' e CI(G • (8 + m ) C G ( ~ + n), by (ii). Of course if
X' = X ' " ( Y ' + N ' ) ( Y ' e { , N ' e ,,x'eG), then X $ = x ' " Y' and s o d i m ( ~ X ~ ) = d i m ( ~ y , ) =

COROLLARY 2~. Let m(~) be as in Lemma 19. If 0 < T I ~ T and 71 is any open
neighborhood of 0 in 7, ~ h , ~ l O a = U s s m ( a ) s "~i' the union being disjoint.

Let YeUTI,TI, y£G and y • Y c a . As Y s '~ and y • Y e a , we have ~ C ~ . y = y • ~,

so that ~ = y • ~. So y ' ~ = ~ , and y . Y s ~ N '~= 'a. If s = A d ( y ) l a , then Y = s-l(y • Y)
UTI,T I n 'a=71. Thus we are through but for the disjointness. If s . ~ i ~ i ~
for some s ~(~), and s=Ad(y)lm for some ycN(~), we h a v e y .U~I,TlOUT1,T1 {
~, so that y "X=X. Thus s -X=X, and as m(~) acts freely on ~, s must be
the identity.

COROLLARY 24. Suppose X c ~' Then ~ is the CSA containing X, Z acts

trivially on ~, and the map (yZ~Y) ~ y • Y is an analytic diffeomorphism of
(G/~X %,T onto VT, ~. Moreover, for any compact subset ~ of ~' = ~ n ~,, G .
is closed in ~.

LEMMA 25. Let L c ~ be a compact set. Then 3 a compact set M c ~ such

that G • (Y + n) n L = ~ V Yc~\M, ~ being the set of nilpotents of ~. If
X is regular, ~= ~ and m=0, so that G- (~\M) does not meet L.

For, let q0 be as in (3), and M=~ 0 qt-l((p(L)), and use Lemma 6.


6. Localization.

LEMMA 26. Let I be a s.s. Lie algebra over IR, ~ an invariant open set~ and
0 c ~. Then ~ f e C~(1) such that (i) f is invariant under all automorphisms of
I (ii) 0 < f < i and f = i in an open neighborhood of 0 (iii) supp f ~ ~.

Let p = dim ]~ v. and let be as in Lemma 18. The

v. are real on I, in-
variant under all automorphisms of I and if Q(s) = [X :X £ I, [Vs(X) l < s for
i < s < p] (a > 0), then Lemma 18 shows that 3 s > 0 such that ~(s) ~ ~.
Let I~ be the open cube in ~P given by I~ : {(X 1 .... ~ p ) : X ie ~, IXi[ < a,
l < i < p]. Let g eC~(~P) with 0 _< g £ i~ g = i on I~/2~supp g c_ IP~5~/~/I.; take
f(x) = g(vl(x ) ..... ~ ( x ) ) (x ~ I).

THEOREM 27 . Let X e~ be s.s., ~ an invarismt open neighborhood of X.

Then ~ f in C=(~) with (i) f is G-invariant (ii) 0 < f < i~ f = i around
X (iii) supp f ~ Q.

If X e center(~); the result is immediate from Lemma 26. So let X ~ eenter(~).

Let 7,T be as in Theorem 20. Choose 7',T' with %',T' c_ ~ n % ~ T . Let
gl ¢ C~(°) with 0 j gl < i , gl = i in a neighborhood of X in ~, and
supp gl ~ ~'; let g2 e C ($8) with (i) 0 J g2 ~ i, g2 = 1 in an open neighbor-
hood of 0 in $8 and supp g2 ~ $~(T') (ii) g2 is invariant under Z (Lemma
26). Define geC~(~) by g(Y + Z) = gl(Y)g2(Z) (Yco, Z¢$~). From (iv) of
Theorem 20 it follows that ~ f s C~(V
,,T,)~ such that (i) f is G-invariant (ii)
f l ~u , _ _ = g I ,U ,. _T Let C = supp g. Then C is closed in ~, Z-invariant~ and
c_ U 7'~T,. So~ by (ii) of Theorem 20, O "C is closed in ~. Extend f to ~ by
defining it to be 0 outside G • C; f has the required properties.

Following Harish-Chandra, we shall call an open subset Q of ~ com~letely

invariant if (i) ~ is invariant under G (ii) if K is a compact set ~ ~,
Cl(~.~) ~ ~.

THEOREM 28. The following statements on an invariant open set ~ c 9 are

equivaient: (i) ~ is completely invariant • (ii) If Y e Q, then Ys ~ . (iii)
If Ye~, 3 f eC~(g) such that (a) f is G-invariant (b) 0 < f < 1, f = 1 in em
open neighborhood of Y (c) supp f ~ Q.

(i) ~ ( i i ) by Lemma 4, and (ii) ~ (iii) by Theorem 27. Assume (iii) and let
K ~ ~ be a compact set. Then 3 f e C~(~) with (a) f is G-invariant (b) C =
supp f c n (e) f ~ 1 in an open neighborhood of K in g. Then CI(G • K ) ~ C ~ .

COROLLARY 29 . Let U = U be as in (9). If U c '~, then V=G'U is a

7~ T
completely invariant open set.

As U c '8~ V is open. Moreover V satisfies (ii) of Theorem 28.


COROLLARY ~0. Let ~ c ~ be a completely invariant open set and ~i an open

invariant subset of ~ containing all s.s. points of ~. Then ~ = ~.

Let Xc~. Then Xs c C I ( G ' X ) by Lemma 4. So Xs~ , ~XsC~l ~g .Xc~ I

for some g~G. But then X~I. So ~i = g~"
There are many papers dealing with slices and their properties for transforma-
tion groups; see for instance R. S. Palais, Annals of Mathematics 73 (1961) 295-323.

2. Transfer of distributions and differential operators from ~ to ~.

The main technique of invariant analysis on Z is the method of descent. In

this section we shall examine the question of transferring distributions and differ-
ential equations from ~ to ~.

i. Transfer of distributions. The map T ~ a T.

Let M be a C~ manifold . For any r with 0 < r < ~, we denote by C ~r)( M)

the vector space of complex valued functions on M which have derivatives of order
< r and have compact supports; we write Cc(M ) instead of c(O)(M). These
-- C

spaces are topologized in the usual manner (cf. Schwartz [i ]). A distribution on
M is a continuous linear function T : C~(M) ~ £; it is of order r if it extends
(necessarily uniquely) to a continuous linearC-
- function T' :c~r)(M)- ~ £. If
dim(M) = m and ~ is an m-form on M that vanishes nowhere, ~ gives rise to a
positive Borel measure ~ in a natural manner; given ~, it is customary to
identify any locally integrable function F on M with the distribution

TF : ~ fM F ~ d ~ (~ e Cc(M )); thus we often write T = F instead of T = TF.

Furthermore, associated with w, ] a unique involutive antiautomorphism D ~ D
of the algebra of C~ differential operators on M such that SM ~(DB)d~ =
SM (D ~)d~ (~,$ e Cc(M)) ; D is the adjoint of D. If T is a distribution
and D a C~ differential operator, DT : ~ ~ T(D*~) is also a distribution, and
if F e C=(M), DT F = TDF. Of course, all these are relative to ~.

We now consider the following set up: M, N are analytic manifolds of dimen-
sions m, n respectively, (m > n); ¢ : M - N an analytic submersion of M onto
N; w M (resp. raN) an analytic m-form (resp. n-form) on M (resp. on N). We assume
~M # 0 (resp. w N # O) everywhere on M (resp. N). Let ~M (resp. ~N ) be the
positive Betel measure on M (resp. N) defined by ~M (resp. WN).

If V, W are real vector spaces of dimensions m,n respectively, L, a

linear map of V onto W, U = ker L, and ~V (resp. WW) an element of Am(v * )
(resp. An(w*)) with 0AV ~,, O, ~oW ~ 0, then, it follows from a simple calculation
that 3 unique ~ 6 AP(u~), (p = m - n ) , written as WV/~W, such that for any
basis Ul,...,u m of V with Ul,...,u p spanning U~ ~0(Ul,...,Up) =
~v(ul~...,Um)/~w(LUp+l,...,LUm). We apply this remark to the case where V is the
tangent space %(M), W is T¢(x)(N ) and L = (d~)x. We then have
~x e A P ( % ( S x ) * ) defined by oJx = OJM,x/OJN,~(x) (Sx = @-l[@(x)}). Then
= ~M/~0N : x ~ w x i s an analytic p-form on M and for each y e N, the restric-
tion of ~ to ~- (y) is a nowhere zero p-form, say By. Let by be the posi-
tive Borel measure defined by ~y on @-l(y). We define

(J-) %(Y) : -l(y) ~d% (~ 6 Cc(M))


LEMMA i. For c Cc(M), f is the unique element of Cc(N ) such that

(~) 4 ~(F o ¢)d~M =~ f Fd~]i~ ~ / F ~ Cc(N)).

In this case~ for any locally integrable function F on N, F °~ is locally in-

tegrable on M, and (2) is true for F. Moreover, supp(f )_C~(supp(~)), and ~ f
is a nonnegativity preserving continuous linear surjection of c(r)(M) onto C r)(N)
(0<r<~). If A is a Lie group acting analytically on M and N such that ~M and w N
are invariant and @ commutes with the actions~ then ~ f commutes with the actions
of A.
We consider first the case M = < , N = I n , @: (xl, . .,Xm)~(x
. . I .... x ), Isa being
the ctlbe [(xI .....Xs) : Ixil <a~v:i]. Then ~M=WMdXl "'" dxm, WN=WNaX 1 "'" dx n, where
wM ¢ C~(M), WN~ C~(N) and are > 0. A simple calculation gives

f~(xl ..... Xn) = wN(Xl .....Xn) J l pa ~(Xl' .• .,Xm)WM(X
. . I. .,Xm)dXn+l~
. ..~dxm.

If g c c~r)(N), we choose h c Cc(IP ) such that :iphdXn+l ..... dXm = la and

put ~(x I .....Xm) = g(xl, ....Xn)WN(X I .....Xn)h(Xn+I .....Xm)/WM(X I .....Xm) ; then
~ c c~r)~M) and f = g. ~he assertions of the lemma now follow in an elementary
manner. Let M and N be arbitrary. If Kc~,: is compact ~ open }~ic~i, N i = ~(Mi),
and 7iCCc(Mi) (l<_i<_q) such that (a) KC~Ji~<i, (b) ~i>_0, 71 +...+ ~/q = i
on K (c) for some m Ni = Ina
a > 0, M i = la, and ~ is the map (tl,...,tm):_~i~
(tI ..... tn) in suitable local coordinates. Now f = ~<i<q f~Ti ( ( ~ C f ( K ) ) ~
and hence the validity of the lemma for (Mi~Ni,~) implie~ ~hat f "e c(r --)(N), that
~ f is continuous, nonnegativity preserving, linear, and if F is locally inte-
grable on N, Fo 9 is so on M, and satisfies (2). Finally, to prove sur-
jectivity, let L c N be compact, g c c(r)(L); choose a compact K c M such
that 9(K) = L and let Mi etc. be as above; let 5i c Cc(Ni) be such that
6 1 + ...+Sq = i on L. If ~i e c~r)(Mi) and f~. = g6i' then f ~ = g if ~=E.m ~'m "
The assertion about supports is clear from (I). The~ last assertion is obvious.

Let D (resp. E) be an analytic differential operator on M (resp. N). We

say that D and E are ~-related if D(f o@) = ( E f ) o ¢ ~ f e Cc(N ).

THEOREM 2. Let notation be as ~bove. For any distribution T on N let

~T(~) = T(f ) (~ c Cc(M)). Then ~T is a distribution on M, supp(~T)C~ (suppT),
and T~ T is a linear injection. If order(T)<r~ then order(~T)<_r ; if T is a
positive Borel measure, so is B T. If D and E are ~-related analytic differential op-
erators on M and N respectively, then DB T= BET. If F is a locally integrable

function on M, ~F = F o ~. If A is as in Lemma i and T is A-invariant, so is ~T"

If D and E are @-related, it is immediate from (2) that fD*~ = E * f ~ V

~ Cc(M ). Lemma i now leads easily to the assertions of the theorem.

We now consider the special case in which a unimodular Lie group A acts
analytically on N, U is a regular analytic submanifold of N, M = A x U~ and
is the natural map (x,u) ~ x • u. We further assume that ~N is A-invariant.
Let ~A be a left invariant k-form (k = dim A) defining a Haar measure on A and
~U any anayltic s-form on U (s = dim U), vanishing nowhere. We let A act on
A × U by (y,(x,u)) ~ (yx,u). ~M is the form ~A~ U. We assume that ~ ( A x U ) = N .

THEOREM ). Let assumptions and notation be as above. If T is any A-invar-

iant distribution on N, ~ a unique distribution ~T on U with ~ T = I @ ~ T ; supp(~T)
_c supp(T)nU, T~ T is a linear injection that does not increase order and maps pos-
itive Borel measures to positive Borel measures. If F is a A-invariant locally in-
tegrable function N, FIU is locally integrable on U, and o F = F I U . If A 0 is a Lie
subgroup of A such that U is stable under A o and ~0U is A0-invariant , then ~T is
invariant under A 0 .
If g e Cc(U), h ~ B T ( h ® g ) is a distribution on A invariant under all
left translations; it is therefore a constant, say ~T(g ) . It is easy to see that
~T is a distribution on U. As 8T = I ® ~ T on C (A)®Cc(U), we get the first
assertion. Since s u p p ( B ~ = A x supp(~T) , ~(A x supp(~T) ) c_ supp(T), so that
s~pp(~T) c_ A " supp(T) = supp(T), proving the second assertion. The remaining
assertions are obvious except for the last. Let A0 act on A X U by a 0 • (a,u)=
(aa01,a0.u), and act trivially on N. As ~ commutes with these actions of A0
and as ~M and ~N are invariant under A0, B T is Ao-invariant. Hence ~T is
A 0 - invar i ant.

2. Radial components on a Lie al~ebra.

We now study the problem of transferring differentia& operators. Let notations

and assumptions be as in Theorem 3. Let ~ be the Lie algebra of A~ and ~! the
universal enveloping algebra of the complexification % of Q; N(r) is the sub-
space of elements of ~ of order _< r; ~+ = ~ ~. If D is an A-invariant
analytic differential operator on N of order < r, we wish to construct an
analytic differential operator A(D) on U of order < r such that VA-
invariant C~ functions f, (Df) IU = f~(D)(fIu ). Z~(D) will then be culled a
radial component of D. In general we can construct Z~(D) only locally, i.e., on
small open submanifolds of U, and further, A(D) is in general not unique, even
locally, giving rise to some very difficult technical problems. In what follows
we follow Varadarajan [ i ] for definitions and results concerning differential
operators on manifolds and Lie groups. See also Harish-Chandra [i], [6], [7].

Let u 0 e U. Since $ :A X U ~ N is submersive, it follows from the local

structure of submersive maps that there is an analytic differential operator E of
order < r, defined on an open neighborhood M' of (l,Uo) such that E and
DI~(M' ) are ~-related. ~his means that we can find an analytic assignment


U ~ D'u c TI~ I u) (A × U) defined on a n o p e n n e i g h b o r h o o d U0 of u0 in U such

that Since we are interested onlyin a ocal c o n -

struction~ we assume U = U. Further~ as we have a canonical isomorphism

T ~±~u)
.) , ( A x U ) ~-- N ® Tu U)~ we may identify these two spaces and so obtain an
analytic assignment u ~ D'C u ~(r) ® T(r)(U)u (u c U)~ s~ch that (d~)l~lu)(D~) =
D (u c U). Suppose now D is invariant under A and let ~ be the analytic
differential operator on A× U determined by the assignment D(x,u ) = D'
((x,u) c A × U). Then ~ is invariant under the action of A on A × U, and
and D are C-related. Now one can write ~ = Z I ~ i ~ q ~i ® E.m where the ~i ~ ~
and the Ei are analytic differential operators on U. On the other hand~ N is
the direct sum of ~+ and £ .i. If ~+
~i is the projection of ~i on N+

mod C "i~ ~ an analytic differential operator h(D) on U such that

(3) ~ = l®a(D) + F -+

Suppose f c C~(N) and is A-invariant. Then (f o ~)(x,u) depends only on u and


SO (~ ® Ei)(f ° 4) = 0 ~/i. This implies that L(D) is a radial component of D,i.e.,

(RC) (~)(u) = (~(f o ¢))(1,u) = ((1 ~ a(D))(f o ~))(1,u) = (a(D)f)(~).

Note that this construction is possible as soon as the mssi~nmentu ~ D ' is defined on U.

Suppose T is a distribution on N invariant under A. Then the same is

true of DT and, as ~ and D are ~-related, [~T = ~DT" On the other hand,
(oi ® Ei)(l ® S) = 0 V i, S being any distribution on U. Hence

(4) ~D~ = a(D)~T"

Let DI,D 2 be two analytic differential operators on N invariant under A; then

under these conditions we can construct A(Dj), h(D2) and h(DID2). In view of
the non-uniqueness of the choice of the map u ~ D ' we cannot be sure that
h(DiD2) = h(Dl)h(D2). However, it is immediate from (4) that V A - i n v a r i a n t dis-
tributions T on N,

(~) a(DID2)~ ¢ : a(DI)a(D2)~ T

Finally, there is one situation in which A(D) is uniquely determined by D. Let
I be the algebra of all A-invariant f ~ C~(N), I U = [ f I U : f e I], and suppose
that given any point of U we can find a coordinate system on an open neighborhood
of it composed of functions from IU. A differential operator on U is then deter-
mined by its action on IU. So A(D) is determined by (RC) uniquely. The uniqueness
leads to
(6) a(DiD2) = a(D1)A(D2) (D1,D 2 invariant).


We now consider the case when A acts on a through its adjoint representa-
tion, and ~ is the map (a,Y) ~ a • Y of AX ~ into a. Let S be the symmetric
algebra over a Then T (~) (A X a) and --T~y
~) (~) can be canonically identi-
c" (a,¥)
fled with 9] ® S and S respectively. So (dt)}K'y] is a linear map from %1 ® S
into S. Given X £ ac, we denote by 8(X) the derivation of S that extends
the endomorphism ad X of ~ . For a ~ S let L b = ab (b ¢ S). Obviously
C a
(d*)~x,x)=Ad(x) ~(d*)(_],X)(xeA,X~ a). Put F=(d¢)(!,X). For u ~ S and f ~ C (a), we
o f t e n w r i t e f(X;u) or f ( X ; a ( u ) ) f o r (~@)f)(X)(X~ ~). A ~outme oaom~tion the~ give~

LEMMA 4. Fix X ~ ac and let °-x(Y) = L[y,x] + 0(Y) (Y ~ %) Then Y~aX(Y)

is a representation of ~c in S, and extends to a representation ~X of 9/ in S.

THEOPd94 5. Let X { a, a¢9], u c S , yeA, tct]®S. Then

(d*)(l,X)(a®a) = P x ( a ® u ) = (~x(a) • tb Fy.x(tY) = Px(t) y

For any f s C ~ ( a ) let }~(y : Y) ( y e A , Y s a). It is then clear that for u e S , yeA,
~(y : Y;U)= f(y. Y;uY). Suppose now that for some a c ~I, and all u ¢ S, r x ( a ® u ) =
~x(a) • u. Then, for all f ~ C~(o), X ~ s,
~(exp tX';a : X;U) = f(exp tX' • X;~x(a) exp
Now take derivatives at t = O. We get

}(l~X,~ : x~u) = f(x; [×',x It(a)) + f(x~ ~(x')@x(a))

This gives F x ( X ' a ® u )=~X(X')(~X(a) . u ) = C x ( X ' a ) .u and we are done by induction

on deg(a) .
Let Z be the symmetrizer map of S onto ~]. For any subspace V c a let
~(V) = ~(S(V)), ~+(V) = ~(S+(V)) where S+(V) : VS(V). For any d _> 0 S(V)d is
the ho~togeneotts component of S(V) of degree d, and ~(V)d = ~(S(V)d ) .

Let X c o. Let U, V be subspaces of o such that a = U + Ix;a] = 8 + V~

where both sums are direct and ~ is the centralizer of X in ~. Since [X~ a] =
IX,V] is the tangent space of X to the orbit A . X~ it follows that the a~fine
subspace X+U is transversal to A .X at X. Let U' be the set of all Z in
X+U with the property that U + [Z~V] = ~. Write A " U' = a'.

LEMMA 6 . U' is a Zar~ski open subset of X + U containing X, ~' is open

in a, and 9 : (a,Z) ~ a" Z is a submersion of A × U' onto a'. For any
Z e U',F Z is a linear bijection of ® ( V ) ® S ( U ) onto S. If BZ : S ~ ~(V)®S(U)
denotes its inverse, then for each p s S(U), Z ~ Bz(p) is a rationsl map of U'
into a finite dimensional subspace of ®(V) ® S(U).

Note that dim U + dim V = dim a. Let XI,...~Xp be a basis for U and let
YI,...~Yq be a basis for V. Then, for Z c X + U~ U + [Z,V] = a if and only if
X I A ... A % A [YI,Z] A ... A [Yq,Z] ~ 0, and then S = U + [Z,a]. So ~ is


submersive at (a,Z) V a c A, Z s U', U' is Zariski open in X + U and contains

X. This shows that A.U' is open in ~.

Fix Z ~ U' and write Z i = [Yi,Z], i < i < q. Then the monomials in
X I , . . . , X , ZI,...,Zq of degree d span S(a)d for all d _> 0. From the defini-
tion of aZ it is clear that

rz(~(Yil . . . Y i r ) ® X . . . . Xjs)---Z . . . . Z. X . . . . X. (mod ~ Se)

01 Ii ir 31 $s e < r+s-i
Consequently~ F Z maps E d + e < r e ( V ) d @ S ( U ) e onto : { 0 < s < r S ( ~ ) s for r=0~l~2~...~ and
henee~ by dimensionalit¥; F-~ a bijeetion. Let [~r~Z)~e the polynomial which is the
determinant of the restriction of F Z to Zd+e< r ~V)d®S(U)e ; 8r is nonzero on U'.
The rational character of BZ is then obviouS.

We choose wQ to be any n-form (n = dim(,~)) giving a Lebesgue measure on ~,

while ~U is similarly chosen as a p-form (p : dim(U)) giving a Lebesgue measure
on U. A leaves ~ invariant, as we have assumed it to be unimodular.

Let D be any analytic A-invariant differential operator on ~'= A • U'. For each
Y c a we write Dy for the local expression of D at Y. By Lemma 6,
D' : Z ~ Bz(Dz) is an analytic map of U' into ~(V) @ S(U) such that Fz(D~) =
DZ (Z ~ U'). In view of our general discussion on radial components, if we define
A(D)z as the unique element of S(U) such tha~

(7) Sz(~ z) - i ~ A(D) z ~ ~+(v) ® s(u),

then Lh(D) is an analytic differential operator on U' which is a radial compon-

ent of D. The relations (4) and (5) are ~lso valid now. If D has polyno~ri~l
coefficients it follows from our discussion above that 5r(-) o /h(D) is a differ-
ential operator on X+ U with polynomial coefficients. Now the entire work above
can be carried out in ~e instead of Q; if Q is a polynomial such that Q ( Z ) { 0
<::>Z ~ U'c then Q(Z) ~ 0 ~ 5 r ( Z ) ~ 0 (Z c X + Uc). By Hilbert's nallstellensatz
5 divides a power of Q. We thus have

THEOREM 7. Let U" be an open subset of U' and a" = A • U". For any
analytic A-invariant differential operator D on a"; fh(D) is a~ analytic differ-
ential operator on U" and is a radial component of D. If D has polynomial
eoeffieients~ then for some integer k _> 0; QkA(D) has polynomial coefficients.
Let T ~ aT be the map defined in Theorem ] t~{ing A-invari~nt distributions on
a" into distributions on U". Then ~DT : A(D)aT and supp(aT) c_ supp(T) n U";
moreover; h(DiD2)¢ T = /i(D1)A(D2)~ T. If F is A-invarian% and locally integrable
on A"~ then FIU" is locally integrable on U"~ and FIU" = a F.

COROLLARY 8. Suppose X ~ a is such that ad X is semisimple. Then we can take

U = ~, V = [X~ a]. ~ is its own normalizer in ~. If A 0 is tile normalizer in A of ~
then A 0 contains the centralizer of X as an open subgroup; U and V are stable under

A0, ~ is a subalgebra, and [~,V] c V . Let q(Z) : det(adZlVc) (Z • ~c ). Then

q is a polynomial on ~c invariant under AO~ ~ = X + U, and U' is the A 0-
stable subset '~ of ~ where q does not vanish. The operators A(D) as well
as the distributions ~ are then A0-invariant ; moreover~ if D has polynomial eo-
efficients~ ~ an integer k_>0 such that ~kA(D) has polynomial coefficients also.

That ~ is a subalgebra, [ ~ , V ] c V and that ~ is its own normalizer in a are ob-

vious. We have fa.z(ta)=Fz(t) a for t • ~ ( V ) ® S ( U ) , a•A0, Z• ~. As Da. Z =
(DZ)a, this gives D'a.Z= (D{)a ~ a6A0, Z• '~. As ~+(V)®S(U) is stable under
A0, (7) ~A(D)a.z=(A(D)z )a for a•A0, Z• '~. Thus A(D) is A0-invariant. The
rest is obvious from Theorem 3, since we can take Q : ~.

~. The case when s : ~ A = G, and X is s.s.

We now apply the results of n°2 to the case when a = ~ and A = G, and
X e @ is s.s. We fix a nonsingular symmetric bilinear from (.,.) on ~c × ~c'
real on Z × ~ which coincides with the Killing form on $~c × $~c" We write
u ~ [ for the isomorphism of S(~c) onto P(tc) (= algebra of all polynomial
functions on ~c ) induced by <.,.). Let ~ (resp. Z) be the centralizer of X
in ~ (resp. G). (., .) is nonsingular also on Zc × ~c' and we write v ~
also for the corresponding isomorphism of S(~c) onto P(~c). Is(~c ) (resp.
IS(~e)) is the algebra of G-invariant elements of S(~c) (resp. Z0-invariant
elements of S(~c) ) . For any q e S(~c) we write q~ for the unique element of
S(~c) such that± ~ = ~I ~c; then q~ is the unique element of S(~c) such that
q-q% e S(~c)~c. It is obvious that q e Is(tc ) ~ q~ ~ Is(~c ). We denote by
the Casimir element of Is(~c), i.e., the element such that ~(X) = (X;X)
X e ~c" Let ~(Y) = q~(Y) = det(adY)~c/~c (Y • ~c), fix s CSA~ with ~ c ~ . Let

'~= {~:~• ~, ~(~){o].

LEMMA ~. The map q ~ q~ is an algebra injection of Is(~c) into Is(~c).

If R denotes the image of Is(~c) under it, IS(~c) is a free module over R
of degree equal to the index [m :~X] , m being the Weyl group of (~c,~c), and
mX~ the stabilizer of X in m.

We have q~ = (q~)~; q ~ q~ is an isomorphism of Is(~c ) onto the algebra of

~-invariants of S(~c) , and is an isomorphism of Is(~c) onto the algebra of ~X-
invaria~its of S(~c). The lemma now follows from standard results on finite reflec-
tion groups (see Section 4, n°l, especially Corollary 4.10).

LEMMA i0. 3 a Z-invariant polynomial ~ on ~c such that ~2 = q- In

particulam, 3 locally constant functions s on '~ and £i on ~' with s =
~l4 = 1 such that ~ = ~I~II/2 on '~ and ~ : ~l(TT/Tr~) on ~,, ~ being the
product of roots of a positive system for (~c,~c), and ~ the subproduct over roots
of (~c,~c)"

Let P be a positive system of roots of (~c,~c) and P , the subset of all

c P which are roots of (~c,~c). Define the polynomials 7r, ~ on ~c by
= %ep~, ~ = [] cp ~. If ~ ~ P and s is the corresponding Weyl reflect~n,

s • % =-~, s • 7~ = - I [ . So ~ / ~ is ~x-invariant. Hence ~ a polynomial ~ on

~c' invariant under the adjoint group of ~c' such that ~I~ c = v/v . On the

other hand, ~l~c : (-l)r(~/Ir) 2 where r = IP\P~I. If ~ ~4(-i)r/2~, then

~2 : ~. { is Z-invariant by Lemma i.i0. As ~ is real on ~, ~ = (lql-2)4 on '~, and

(~I~ ')~: (~I~)~, we ~

have ~=sI~l ~ on '~ and = ~(~I~) on ~',s,s I being as above.

Let q be the orthogonal complement of ~ in ~. Then @ = ~ + q is a

direct sum. On the other hand [X,~ ] c q and so q = [X,~ ]. The conditions of
Theorem 7 and Corollary 8 are satisfied, with A = G, A 0 = N(~), V = q, N(~) being
the normalizer of ~ in G. We then obtain

THEOREM ii. For any Y c '~, Fy is a linear bijection of ~(qc) ® S(Sc) onto
S(~e). Let Bs,y : S(~c) - ~ q c ) (9 S(~c) be its inverse. Let Uc '~ be open and
Z-stable and V = G • U. For any analytic invariant differential operator D on V
and Y c U let A(D)y e S(~c) be such that B y(Dy)- (i ® A(D)y ~ ®+(qc) ®
S(~c ). Then A(D) : Y ~ A(D)y is an analytic differentis2L operator on U, invar-
iant under N(~), and is a radial component of D. If D has polynomial co-
efficients, ] an integer k > 0 such that ~kA(D) also has polynomial coeffi-
cients. If T is any invariant distribution on V, ~T is a N(~)-invariant dis-
tribution on U with supp(GT) _~ U ~ supp(T), and ~DT = A(D)~T" Moreover
A(DID2)~ T = ~(DI)A(D2)~ T. If F is G-invariant and locally integrable on V, FIU
is N( ~)-invariant, locally integrable, and coincides with ~F"

We now wish to calculate A(~(p)) for p c Is(~c ) . We need a lemma.

LEMMA 12. Let V be an n-dimensional real vector space, (-,-) a nonsingular

symmetric bilinear form on V × V, and p ~ ~ the corresponding isomorphism of
S(Vc) onto P(Vc). For any p c S(Vc) let M(~) be the operator of multiplica-
tion by ~. Let []= ~(q~) be the Laplacian. <pc S(Vc) being such that ~(v) = (v,v) (v c V);
and p the derivation Of the algebra of differential operators on Vc with
polynomial coefficients, given by ~(D) = ½[[],D]. ~hen, for any p c S(Vc) which
is homogeneous of degree d, ~d(M(~)) = d'.~(p).

For v e Vc~ b(M(v)) = 3(v), as an easy calculation shows. We claim that

for V 1 .... ,V d C Ve, bd(M(Vl ... ~d) ) : d:~(v I ... Vd). The case d = i was the
one above. If we assume this for some d; we get from Leibniz's formula~

%))M(%+1) +
the other terms being zero since bs+l(M(~d+l )) : bs($(Vd) ) = 0 for s > 1. Since


~d+l(M(~ I ...~d))=dl~(6(~ 1 ...~d))=O, and we are through by induction.

Let 9 c 2 be a CSA. For any X e 9', Theorem ii applies with ~=9, '~= 9' Here
9' is the set of regular points of 9- Write A~(D) for A(D).

L~F94A 13. Let U C g ' be open and N(~)-stable and let V= G • U. Then, for any
invariant analytic differential operator D on V, Ag(D ) is the unique analytic diff-
erential operator on 9' s~ch that Df I U = Ag(D)(fl U ) ~ i n v a r i a n t fe C~(V). The map
A 9 : D ~ A g ( D ) is a homomorphism.

The uniqueness would follow if we show that given He ~', ~ fl~...,f~eC~(2),

invariant under G~ such that ~i ..... ~Z form a coordinate system around H, ~i being
fi I ~ (cf. remarks preceding (6)). This is obvious from Corollary 1.24.

Let P, ~ be as in the proof of Lemma i0. We often write q for M(q).

THEORI~4 14. Let 9 be a CSA of 2 and notation as above. Then, V p e Is(2c),

We first prove this for p = ~, the Casimir element. We use Theorem ii with
X=He 9', ~c = ~c; qc is the sum of root spaces 2~,~e+ P. Select X e 2~ such that
(X , X _ ~ ) = I V ~ . Then IX ,X ]=H is the image of ~ in ~c" Now

rH(l ® q) : q (q ~ S(~e)) rH(~(XX-~) ®i) : -~(~)~ X_~ + ~(~)~

~= ~ 2
H.+2~ XX
1 (Y -(~
i<i<~ ~eP
where ~ ..... H~ is an orthonormal basis for ~e" Thus FH(B~,H(W))=~0 where
i ®~)-2~ i

Since ~9 = ~ H 2 we find
~p ~(~)"
We now c a l c u l a t e 7 [ - l o A5(5(~ ) o F f r o m t h i s formula. Using the fact ( s e e S e c t i o n 4)
"J -1
that 5(~9)7f= 0 we g e t f o r F o ~ ( ~ ) o ~ the expression

~(~9) + 2~-iri (~(Hi)~)~(Hi) ~ ~(~9)+ 2 ~ i ~eP

~ ~(Hi)~-l~(Hi)
= ~(~9)+2 ~ ~-l~(H).
So we are through for p = ~. Let C (resp. C9) be the algebra of all analytic diff-
erential operators on 2' (resp. 9') and let ~' (resp. ~6) be the derivation a
[½~(~),a] (resp. a~ [~(~9),a]) of ~ (resp. ~9). Since ~ is a homomorphi= from
into ~ and since Ag(8(~))=F-Io ~(~) o ~, we find that ~ r > l ~ and all D e ~ ,
~9(~r(~)): -io ~(~. ~9(~) .-i) o
SO, ~ p els(~c ) of degree d,
Ag(~(p)) = (d :)-i~(d(~(y)) = (d')-l~-i o ~ ~ (M(~9)) o ~ = ~ -1 o ~(p~)o ~.
This proves the theorem.


We now consider X e B, X s.s. but not necessarily regular. The operators

A(D)~ defined by Theorem ii are now denoted by A (D). ~ is as in Theorem ii.

THEOPJg4 15 . Let ~ be the Casimir element of Z. Then, on '~,

(8) £ (~(~)) = I~I-i12o ~(~ )o II ~/n.
Let 'U be any open subset of '8, and 'V:G" 'U. Then~ for axly invariant dis-
tribtltion T on 'V and any p e IS(Ze)~

(9) A~(~(P))~T = (I q-ll2 o ~(p~) o I~Ii12)%.

Let "~= '~@ ~'. As "~ is dense in '~, we need verify (8) on "~ only.
Fix He "8 and let ~ be its centralizer in ~. Then ~ is a CSAz He ~_c~.
Let P be the subset of P vanishing at X~ Hi~ X (~ e P) as in Theorem 14. Then

u= E, H.2+2Exx =~ +2 r xx
l<i <~ l @eP @ -~ ~ c~eP\P @ -@
As before~ if we write
i @ _ i
o~eP\ P a,eP\ P o~(H)2
we find FH(B H(~))=~. For the local expression (A (~(~)) i this gives

(~(~(~)))~ = ~ + 2 E ~(H)-~H
We calculate Inl-~/~o5(u )o Iql 1/2. P~t ~= Inll/% '~=~/h Then for
q0 o ~(~ ) o 9 we get the formttla

$(e )+2qo -i F (~(Hi)qo)~(Hi)+2~-i E [(B(X )@)~(X )+ (~(X_~)~))%(X)]+ -i(~u)9)

i ~eP

Since ~ is Z-invariant and q0I ~'= e • '~ for a locally constant function c,
Theorem l4 (with ~ in place of ~) gives ~-l(~(u )~)I ~'=0. If ~eP ,
X+ =_+~(H)-I[H,X+~] are ta10gent to the Z-orbit of H in ~ and so, as is
Z---invariant, (P(~;$(X+~)) = 0. Fin~lly,

~(i)-1 2 (~(~i)~)(~)~(ii) = 'Hi) -1 r 'HH~(Hi))~(Hi)

i i

E ~(i)-i~(Hi)~(ii)
i ~eP\ P

~cP \ P


These remarks lead to (8). The formula ~) is deduced from (8) using the same formal
argument based on Lemma 12 as the corresponding deduction in Theorem 14. Now, un-
like there, £ is no longer a homoromphism; but the relations (5) imply that if we
write, for any analytic G-invariant differential operator D on 'V, L(D) for the
endomorphism of the vector space of all distributions on 'U of the form OT (T any
G-invariant distribution on 'V), then L i__~sa homomorphism. This leads to (9).

Let Diff(Gc) (resp. Diff(~e) ) be the algebra of differential operators on %

(resp. ~c ) with polynomial coefficients, ~ being a CSA of ~. Then Harish-
Chandra [ 7 ] has proved that if D c Diff(Gc) is invariant under G, ~ o £~(D) o -i
is in Diff(~c). We shall not prove this theorem as we do not use it. For an al-
ternative approach to Theorem 14 and the just mentioned result of Harish-Chandra,
see Pazirandeh [i].
4. A closer study of the correspondence T~ ~T

We continue with the set up of n%. Let U = UT,~ V = VT~ T = G • UT, ~ where
7,T are as in ~heorem 1.20.

Proposition 16. Let F be a locally integrable G-invariant function on V.

Then F U = FIU is Z-invariant and locally integrable on U, and ~F = FU" If FI
is a Z-invariant locally integrable function on U, ~ a unique G-invariamt locally
integrable function F on V such that F U = FI; F is analytic if FI is.

This is clear from the work of n °I.

LEMMA 17. ~ a normalization of the Haar measure on Z such that

V~ ~ Cc(GXU), Y~U, ycG,

(10) f~(Y" Y) = In(Y)l-I ~z ~(yu-l' u Y)au

We calculate f using 6). In what follows m G , ~ Z , ~ U . ~ are forms of the highest

degree on G,Z etc. which define oorrespondhng Haar or Lebesgue measures. Cle~rly it is
enough to prove (i0) with y=l. Let YoU. Then -l(y) = [(u,u-i .y) : u { Z ] _~
G X U. We shall calculate u = (~GXU/~) on it. Since 9 intertwines the trivial
action of u cZ on V with its action (v,Y') ~ (vu-l,u. y,) on G X U, ~ will
be invariant under this action of Z. If we transfer ~ from 9-1(y) to Z by
the map u~ (u,u -I "Y) we get a form, say ~, on Z, which will be a certain
multiple e(Y)u Z. The relation (i0) will be proved if we show that Ic(Y)I =
cI~(Y)I -I, c being a constant >0 and independent of Y.

Let ZI,...,Z r be a basis of ~ and ~'''"Qs a basis of q. ~hen, for

X'c2, Y ' ~ ~, (dg)(l,y)(X',Y') = [X',Y] + Y' : 0 if and only if X ' c ~ and [Y,X']=
Y'. Thus ker((d~)(l,y))= { ( X ' , [ Y , X ' ] ) : X ' e ~]. Using the basis
(zl,[Y,Zl]) ....,(%,0) ....,(0,Zl),... for ~ × ~ we find


~(I,y)((ZI,[Y,ZI] ) .... ,(Zr,[Y,Zr])) : Cl~(Y) -I where cI is a constant # 0 in-

dependent of Y. Further, if w is the map u ~ (u,u-I.Y) of Z into G × U,
(dV)l(Y') = (Y',[Y,Y']). Hence (@y)l(Z1 . . . . . Zr) : el~(Y) -1. Since
(~z)(zl, . . . . Zr) is a oonstant c 2 ! 0, (eY)l : e ~(Y)-l(~z) l, c being a constant
0. Hence ey = c q(Y)-I~z, as we wished to prove.

Let ~: V - B = G'X be as in Corollary 1.21. We identify G/Z with B.

LEMMA 18. Let S be any Z-invariant distribution on U. For any ~ £ Cc(V )

and x c G, let 9x(Y) = @(x • Y). Then q0x c Cc(U ) and S(Px) depends only on
x=x "X. If we write gs,q0(x)= S(q0x) , then gs, c Cc(B ) and ~ ~ [BgS,~(x)dx is
a G-invariant distribution on V, dx being an invariant measure on B.

The only points that need checking are that gs, c Cc(G/Z ) and that
~ ]B gs,q0(x)dx is a distribution. It is sufficient to work with @c Cc(W ) for
sufficiently small open W c V. Further it makes no difference if we replace W
by x "W for some xcG. We may thus assume that W = 7r-l([) where ~ is a
sufficiently small open neighborhood of X in B. Let N be a regular submani-
fold of G containing i such that xl-x • X is an analytic diffeomorphism of N
onto ~. gs/p clearly vanishes outside ~. Furthermore, as (~,Y)~a' Y is an
analytic diffeomorphism of ~XU onto W, the function V : ( a , Y ) ~ @ ( a 'Y) lies
in C c ( N x U). Now gs,~(a) = S(~(a, .)) and so, by elementary distribution theory,
gs, ~c~(~) and ~gs,~ is a continuous map of C~(W) into C~([).

(ll) s°(~) ~ ~Bgs,~(x)d~ (~ ~ c~(v).

~hen SO is a O-invariant distribution on V by Lemma 1 8 .

LEMMA 19 . Let M, N be C~ manifolds; SM (resp. SN) a distribution on M,

(resp. N). Let S : SM ® S N. For ~c C~(M×N) let SM(~ (',y)) = aM(y),
sN(~(x,.)) = aN(x). Then ~Hc C~(N), ~ c C~(M) and S(~) : S~(~M) : SM(~).
This is a standard result of distribution theory ; see Schwartz [i ].

THEOREM 20. Let h be any Z-invariant distribution on U. Then

~:~T~ where T ~ : (I~l~) °, supp(T~) = G " supp(~)

In particular, Tm~T is a bijection of the space of G-invariant distributions on

V onto the space of Z-invariant distributions on U.

Let du be the Haar measure on Z for which Lemma 17 is valid; dx, the
Haar measure on G and d~, the invariant measure on B = G •X such that ~ dx =
d~du. The distributions corresponding to dx, du, d~ will be denoted by i G, i Z
and iB respectively. Let now ~eCc(G×U) and let ~e C (BXU) be defined by


~(~,Y)=~I Z ~(xu,Y)du (x c G, YsU). Write S= I~1~, ~= f • Then, by (10),

gs,~(~) = x ( F ( x , - ) ) (~ ~ a)
where, for all YoU

~(x,Y) : ]Z ~(x,u,Y)du, ~(x,u,Y) = ~(xu,u-Iy)

Using Lemma 19 we get
x(~(x,.)) : (lz®X)(~(~,., • )) ~ Jz X(4x,u, -))du
I~t as ~ is Z-invariant, ~(~(x,u,-)) is ~(7) where 7 ( Y ) = ~ ( x , u , u "Y) (for
YeU). Hence

x(~(~,-)) = Jz X(4~u,.))du = X(~(x,.))

This gives
(Inlx)°(f~) ~ ~s X(~(F,-))dF = (1S®X)(~) = X( ~a ~(x'')dx) = (Z®X)(~)

.In other words, ~Th=h. If ~sC~(V) and supp(~)n (S • s u p p ( ~ ) ) : ~ , then

gs,~=0' so that Th(~)=0. Thus supp(Th) C G " supp(h). We are done since
G • supp(h)Csupp(Th) by Theorem 3.

THEOR/94 21. Let notation be as in Theorem 15. Then, for any p ~ Is(~c),

(m~) n(~(p))s = (Inl o~(p~)olnlW)s

for all Z-invariant distributions S on U, U being as in Theorem 20.

This follows from Theorems 15 and 20.
It is easily seem from Theorem 15 that
I i
n (~(p))f = (I ~1-~o ~(p~) o I ~l~)f

for all Z°-invariant f c C~('8). If we are now willing to use Theorem 9.23 supra
we can obtain the following.

THEOREM 22. Let UI c ,~ be a completely invariant (under Z °) open set.

Then for any p c Is(~c),

(~3) n (a(p))S : (I ~1 -~o ~(p~) o 1~1½) s

for all Z°-invariant distributions S on UI.

For the theory of radial components and transfer of distributions on a Lie

algebra see Harish-Chandra [i], [6], [7]-


5. The invariant integral on 9

i. Preliminaries.

9, G are as usual. Fix a CSA b ~ q- A root ~ is real (resp. imaginary)

if ~ is real (resp. pure imaginary)
is neither real valued on b; if ~
nor imaginary, it is complex. There is a natural conjugation in bc ; is a
conj c o n ~ ). =
root, and ~ is real (resp. imaginary) <==> ~ = ~ (~ : - ~c bc +
gq + ~_~ is a subalgebra of @c that is reductive in qc and has be for a
CSA. ~ is noncomplex if and only if ~, the null space of ~ in b, is of

codimension i in b; in this case conj = ~c : C • ~ where ~ = 8e N 9; more-

over, 3 X e ~ such that ~ is the centralizer of X in 9" ~ is compact if it
is noncomplex and if ~ defined above has compact adjoint group; in this case, the
adjoint group of ~ is ~PSU(2,C), and ~is imaginary; it is obvious that ~ is
compact if and only if ~ a reductive subalgebra I c ~ with compact adjoint group
such that b c I and ~ is a root of (Ic,bc). ~ is singular if it is non-
complex and noncompact. Real roots are singular. Let P be a positive system of
roots, R, the set of real roots in P, S, the set of singular imaginary roots.
b' = b n Z'. For Q c P, ~'(Q) is the subset of b where no root of Q van-
ishes. We put ~b : 7r = t i p ~, J7~;R = ~B = % ~ R ~' ~ b = "~ = []~cP H ; here H
is the image of ~ in be. SR(H ) = sgn ~R(H), (H e b'(R)). Let L be the cen-
tralizer of b in G; G~ G/L; z ~ x ~, the canonical map of G onto G ; dx ~,
an invariant measure on G . For H ~ % and x c G, we write x ~ • H = x • H. ]]
is the normaJ_izer of b in G. Ben the map x ~ s(x) = Ad(x) [ b(x c Z) is a
homomorphism of ~ onto a subgroup W = W(%) of the Weyl group of (tc,bc),
with kernel L. For x c G, X c ~, we put 9(x,X) = x • X. dX and dH are
Lebesgue measures on 9 and ~ respectively.

For any y c ~, t(y) : xL ~ xyL is a well-defined analytic diffeomorphism of

G onto itself} t(y) = identity <=:> y ~ L, t(y) has no fixed points for y~\ L
and t(y) commutes with the action of G on G . We thus have an action (from the
right) ( s , x * ) ~ x * • s of W X G * on G * if we write x * " s = t(y)x* where y s ~ is
such that s(y) = s; this action commutes with that of G and is free. Since
det(s) = + i ~s e W, it is clear that the measure dx* is invariant under W.

* 9+
LE~AI. Be map ¢*:(x , H ) ~ x - H , (x c G, H c b') of a × b' onto
G . b' is proper, has bijeetive differential everywhere, stud ~ (x ,H) = @ (xl,H1)
<==> ~ s ¢ W with xI = x • s, ~ = s • H. is a covering map.

Corollary 1.24 shows that ~* has a bijective differential. If ¢ (x ,H) =

(xl,~) , then y . H = HI where y = xllx; so y e ~ and if s = s(y) -I, then
* * -I ¢,
x I = x • s, ~ = s • H. ~he converse is obvious. To prove that is proper,


we take x n ~ G, H n c ~' with x n • H n ~ Y c G • ~' and prove that the xn belong

to a compact subset of G ~. By Lemma 1.6 we may assume that H ~ X as n ~
for some X c ~. Since p(Y) = p(X) V p { Ip(Zc ), X is regular (Proposition
1.7). So X ~ ~' By Corollary 1.24, if 7' ~ 7 is a compact neighborhood of X
in ~ G • 7' is closed in 9" Consequenf~ly, Y = x • H for some x [ G, H ~ 7'.
But ~* is a homeomorphism of G* X 7 onto G • 7- So x n* - x * ~ H n ~ H. The last
assertion now follows in a standard way.

LEMMA 2. Let f be a measurable function on G • ~'. ~hen Ifl is integrable

on G . ~' with respect to dX if and o n l y i f (x • ,H). I (H)I 2If(x • ~)1 is
integrable on G X ~' with respect to dx dH; and ~ a constant c > 0 such that
for all such f~

G-~' ~' O

This is proved essentially as Lemma 4.13 .6 of Varada~ajan [i ].

2. Definition of @f and its elementary properties.

= $~ is the space of all continuous functions f on ~ such that

IG ~ I f ( x * "H) ldx* < ~ for eaeh H c ~'. For any f ¢ ~ we p u t

(2) ~f(i) = ~fl,~(H) = ~ E ( H ) ~ ( H ) f , f(x*" H)dx* (H c ~')


LEMMA 3" We have Cc(g ) c ~. If c > 0 is as in Lemma 2,

(3) ~ f(x)dx = e ~ %(M)~(K)c°nJ~f(~)dK (f s Ce(~))

G.~' ~,
As G " H is closed for H e ~'~ x * ~ f ( x * - H) is in Cc(O*); now use Lemma 2.

LH~4MA 4. 3 a homomorphism s O : W ~ [+i] such that (SRT) s = E0(s)~ (s c W). More-

over, ~vi f c Ce(~),

9F(SH) : S 0 ( s ) ¢ f ( H ) (He ~ ' )

We have s = (det s)~. F~rther, s takes real roots into real r o o t s so t h a t
s "~:+-~R" Hence (ER~)s:%(s)~R~ ~here %(s):_+l. The r e s e t folZows from (2)
and the invariance of dx* under s.

L~&A 5" Let H 0 e U C ~' where U is open in ~. Then 3 G-invariant u e C = ( ~ ) such

that u = l around H 0 and s u p p ( u ) C G "U. Fix such a u, and let U' be an open neighbor-
hood of H 0 in U such that u l U ' : I . Then u f e c ( r ) ( G "U) for f 6 c(r)(~) and
e c

tf(~) = bur(H) (i ~ U')


Such u exist by Theorem i .27. The rest of the lemma is obvious.

LEMMA 6. If f s c(r)c (0), ~rf ~ C (r) (~,). Yoreover~ given a co~pact set
E c ~ we ca~ find a compact set F c % such that ~ f { Cc(9) with supp(f) c E,
Cf = 0 on ~'\~. ~in~ly, if f ~ c~r)(o.~'), then ~f ~ c~r)(~9 (0_<r_<=).
Let H 0 ¢ U c 9' where U is open in ~ and 4" : G* X U - , G . U is an
~a~tie diffeomon~hism. ~en, for ~ ~ c~r)(~ " ~), ~ o ~ e C~r)(O* × ~) an~
hence the function H ~ 4* g(x*. H)dx* (H e U) lies in c(r)(U)'e If
f ~ c(r)(0), we can take g = uf with u as in Lemma 5, and conclude that ¢f is
of class C r around H 0. This proves the first assertion. The second assertion
follows from Lemma 1.25. The last assertion is obvious as f o 9" ~ c ~r)(G* x ~ ' ) .

L~NMA 7. Let p~p~ (p e IS(~c)) be the Chevalley injection of IS(~c) into

S(~e) and Zet q~q~ (q ~ Ip(00)) be the restriotion injection of Ip(0c ) into
P(~e)" ~en,~/p~ IS(Sc), qeIp(~c), f~ C~(0),

(4) %(p)(qf) = ~(p~)(%~f).

Since ~qg=q~g we may take q=l. Fix H 0 ~ ~'. Let UgH 0 be an open set
in ~ such that for each g e C~(U), ] invariant ~ e C~(0) such that g l ~ = g. To
prove (4) on U we may (Lemma 5) assume that f~C G "U). Also let v~v be the
satomorphism of S(0c) such that X = -XVX s ~. Then

JG-U f(~(p*)~)dX = JG.U(8(p)f)~dX : c ~U sR ~c°nj*~(P)fgdH

Now (p*)~ = (p~)* c o n j =!~, and so by Theorem 2.14, on U, e o n j $(p*)~ =

~(p~)(~c°nSg). Hence

~ f(~(P*)~)dX = c ~U SR*fS(P;)(~c°njg)dH = c < ER ~c°nj(8(p~)*f)gdH

This gives (4) because the two relations above imply that%Cg c C~(U)

~U $R cOnjg *$(p)fdH = .IU S R ~e°njg(8(p~)~f)dH.

3. The first main theorem.

Lemma 6 tells nothing about the behaviour of Cf(H) when H approaches a

singular point of 9- Bxt (i) and (4) imply that at least

So it is a question of estimating Sf(H) in terms of the above integrals (cf.

the Appendix).


L~M}4A 8. Let V be a reafL Euclidean space of finite dimension; $(V), the

Schwartz space of V; II"11 the norm V, ~ a set of positive Borel measures on V.
Then the following are equivalent:
(i) 3 a continuous seminorm v on ~(V) such t h a t V f e C c ( V ) , me~,
I f dml _< fff)
(ii) 3 an integer r>_O and a constant C > 0 such that ~ m e g ~
+ IIx 112)-r d m < C
(iii) ] constants C>O, q~O such that V i n c i , t > 0 ,

m(Bt) <C(I + t) q (s t = ~ x - x ~ v, lixil <_t])

If these conditions are satisfied, t h e i n t e g r a l s in (ii) converge u n i f o r m l y i n
Select ~eC:(V) with ~0, s u p p ( ~ ) C B 1, and j'q) dv=l, dv being a Lebesgue
measure on V. Put f t = i B t * ~ , * being convolution. Suppose (i) is satisfied.
Then, ~ an integer s > 0 and ~i e S(Vc) such that V m 697, f c Ce(V),

I J fdml <_ ~ sup(l+llxll2) s If(x;a(%))l

V l<i<N xeV

Put f = ft+l; as 8(~i)ft+l = 0 on V\ Bt+2, we have, by (iii) of Lemma 2 of the

m(Bt) < Jr ft+l d m < ( i + ( t + 2 ) 2 ) s ~ ll~(~i)~II
V l<i<N
This gives (iii) with q = 2 s and a suitable C. Assume--(~i). Then, if r > q + l ,

(l+IIxII2)-rdm <_C ~ (l+(n-1)2)-r(l+n2)q:C'< ~.

V n>l
So we have (ii); at the same time if N > 0 is arbitrary, and r > q + l ~

[.. (l+llxll2)-rdm<C_ E (l+(n-1)2)-r(l+n2) q

JIIxll >~ n>~+l
so that the left side tends to 0 uniformly in m e ~ . This gives the ~niform converg-
ence of the integrals in (ii). Finally, if (ii) is true and
~(f)= c SUPx~v(l+llxll2)rlf(~)l, ~(V), we g e t ( i ) .

s i x a norm II "11 on S.

THEOP~94 9" There are constants C > 0 , r_>0 such that'7/ Hc ~'
(~ + IIx*- xIl2)-r dx _< c

the integrals converging uniformly when H varies over compact subsets of ~'
For f{$(~), 9f is well defined on ~', lies in $(9'), and f ~ f is continuous from
s(~)to s(~). Finally,~fc~(~), pC1s(gc), qCIp(~e), seW
¢~=s0(s)¢ f, %(p)(qf) = ~(p~)(q~¢f).


For H e ~'~ G "H is closed in ~ and x * ~ x -H is an analytic diffeomorphism

co co

of G with G .H, so that if f C C c ( ~ ) , x*~f(x*-H) is in Cc(G ). Thus, if

oH(f ) = ~G,f(x* • H)dx*, ~H is a positive Borel measure on ~ and


for all feCc(S) , qeIp(Sc), PCls(~c), by (1) and (4). So

(5) ]"9,l~(p~)(%~f)l I~ld~ G c -1 ~"
j°.~, I~(p)(qf)ldX.
By Proposition i0 of the appendix and the relations (5) we find that ~f 6 ~(~')

V f eC:([) and that f ~ f is continuous from Cc(~) into $(~') where C:(~) is
equipped with the topology inherited from $(g). So ~ a continuous seminorm v on
~(~) such that

Imf(~)l : I~(.)1 10 fdo~l <fro (~e ~,, f~c~(~)).

From Lemma 8 we then find that for some integer r > 0 ,

(ii) limt. + J~(H)I fllxll >t (1 + I l x l l 2 ) r ~ ~H ( x ) = o unifor~y in He ~'

These relations lead to the first two conclusions of Theorem 9. It is now
obvious that the °H (Hs 9') are tempered and that Cf is defined on 9' ~ f e $ ( ~ ) .
The remaining assertions follow from continuity since C:(~) is dense in ~(~).

COROLLARY i0. The invariant measures on regular s.s. orbits of G in ~ are

tempered distributions on ~.

We shail presently deduce from Theorem 9 that for any fixed H 0 e ~, the limits
lim~, 9 H'H~ ~f(H;5(~)) will exist for all ~ £ S(~e) , f e ~(~) and will be unique,
provided t~e approach to H0 is from within a single connected component of ~'.
However these limits will depend on the connected component used, and there are some
subtle linear relations between the limits associated with the various components.
Our main concern in the rest of this section is to elucidate this fine structure of
the behaviour of ~f in the neighborhood of an arbitrary point of 9; this will be
carried out in two stages.

In the first stage we fix an H O e ~ which is semire~ular, i.e., H 0 is such that

there is exactly one root ~ e P with ~(H0) = 0. In this case ~ is noneomplex. If
is the centralizer of H 0 in ~, then ~= [~,~] ~ ~ ( 2 ~ 9 ) or ~u(2,C) according as
is singular or compact. The study of ~f around H 0 is then reduced, using a descent
argument~ to the study of the corresponding problem for 8; this latter problem can
be done by direct calculation. Once this is done, the behaviour of ~f around the
"higher" singularities is determined in the second stage by elementary general


4. Reduction to ~.

We shall fix a semisimple element X of ~. Let U = U%~ V = G •U where 7,T

are as in ~ e o r e m 1.20 with ~ in addition assumed star-like at X (a subset A
of a vector space W over ]R is said to be star-like at some point a a A if
b c A ~ta + (i - t)h e A for 0 < t < i). Let ~ be a CSA containing X, and
L the centralizer of ~ in G (as well in Z). Let ~ = G/Z, G* = G/L and
= Z/L; let x ~ x (resp. x ~ x * , z ~ z) be the natural map G ~ ~ (resp.
G ~ G*~ Z ~ ~). dx~ dz and dh are Hear measures on G~ Z and L respectively;
dx~ dx and dz are the invariant measures on ~ G and ~ such that dx =
dxdz~ dx = dx* dh, dz = dz dh. Let Z 0 be the identity component of Z and (Lemma
i'19) ~i e Z (l_<i<r) representatives for Z/Z O. Then
Z'Y=<~<i< r Z 0 " (~i "Y) (Yea).

This shows that if Y is s.s.~ Z. Y is a closed regular submanifold of ~. For z ~ Z,

He~', we put ~ . H = z .H.

LEMMA !i. Let ~ ~ e Cc(G ~). men, for any x c G, ~z ~ ~((xz) ~) is well-
defined and lies in C:(~). Moreover~ if

then ~ is well defined; lies in C:(~)~ and

~G* ~*dx* = ~ ~ d x

This is clear since 3 ~ e C:(G) such that ~*(x*) = ~L ~(xh)dh (x a G).

Lemma ii leads at once to

LEMMA 12. Let f e C c ( V ). For x e O let fx(Y)=f(x- Y) (YeU); then fxeC:(U).

For argf H e ~'nU, the function x ~ f : fx(:" H)d~ is well-defined, lies in C:(:), and

(6) ~a* f(/" :)dx* : ~:(,I~fx(:" :)d:)dx"

Let P~ be the roots of (~c,~c) in P. Let R be the set of real roots in P.
:= H~, :~= H ~, :S/~=:/v~, dR= H~, H ,
~eP ~eP ~eR ~'R= c~I~P

s~,~(i×) = sgn :~,~(i×) (i×e ~, :~,~(i×) # 0)

LEF~4A i~. ~U is connected~ and there is a constant a=+_l such that
s R:aa Ron~'nu.
Being star-like at X, ~ N U is connected. The restriction M of 7rR/rr~,
R to it be-
ing real and nowhere zero keeps the same sign.

~or geC:(~), let


(7) ~(~) : ~,~(~)~(~)~ ~(;'-~)~ (~ ~ 9, ~(~) Y o).

Lemmas 12 and 13 lead to the next lemma and its corollary.

-- 9Z
LEMMA 14. Let f s C (V). Then ~ H ~ 9' n U, the function x w fx(H) is
a well-defined element of Cc(~), and, with a as in Lemma 13,

COROLLARY 15. Let notation be as in Corollary 1.21. Let ~ = IT : y c N]. Fix

z c G , g c Co(U), h e C c ( N ) and let f be the function on V which is 0 outside T-I(zN.X)
• -1
and which is given on ~ (zN-X) by
f(~y Y) : h(~)g(Y) (y ~ N, Y~ ~)
Then fc C~(V) and for all HE ~' U,
~f(~)= a (~h d~)~/~(~)*z(~).
Lemma 14 and Corollary 15 reduce the study of #f to that of ~g. Note that Z in
general is not connected. If ~ = z I ~, Z= [z : z E Z}, and if Z0 is the adjoint group
of ~, then it is obvious that

ZoCZ, [Z : ZO] < ~, Z closed in GL(~) .

In (7) we can replace Z by Z. In fact, if ~. is the image of L in Z,

then L is the centralizer of ~ in Z and L is the preimage of L in Z, so
that Z/L ~ ~./L. Thus, if ~ = Z/L and u ~ is the natural map ~ ~ Z,

(9) ~z(~): ~z,~(~)= ~ , ~ ( ~ ) ~ ( H ) # z g(~.~)d~ (~ ~ 9, T~(~) 9 0).

LEMMA 16. Suppose Z0 is compact. Then Z is compact. All CSA's of

that contain X are conjugate under Z0. Let ~ be the CSA of ~ considered
above and for g c C~(~) let 0Z(H) = /~ g(u-H)du (H c ~), du being a Haar
measure on Z. ~lien @
z ~
c Cc(~)
g and ~ a constant b > 0 such that

~,z (H) = bT~(H)~ z

(~) (H ~ ~', g ~ Cc(~))
In particular, ¢g extends to an element of Cc(~ ).

Since (u,Y)~g(u "Y) is an element of Cc(Zx ~), it is immediate that 0ZE

g Cc(~).
Now ~ and L are both compact and so ] a constant b > 0 such that

~g(~.H)d~=b ~ g(u .H)du, (g~Cc(~), H E ~ , T~(H)~0 ).

Moreover, as all roots of (~e,~e) are imaginary, s ,R=I. This gives the lemma.


5. In which $8 ~ {I(2,~).

We assume in this n° that X is semiregular (dim(S8) = 3) and that

$8 ~ {I(2,1~. We select a basis [H',X'5' ] for $~ such that [H',X'] = 2X',
[H',Y'] = -2Y', [X',Y'] = H'. ~ is the center of 8. We put a = [ + • .H' ,
= ~ + ~ • (X'-Y'). Note that ~ ~ b = ~. Let ~ (resp. ~) be the linear
function on ac (resp. be) such that it vanishes on ~ and ~(H') = 2 (resp.
~(X'-Y') = 2i where i 2 = -i). It is obvious that ~ and b are CSA's of
and that ~ ~ (resp. _ ~) are the roots of (Se,ac) (resp. (Sc,bc)). An easy
calculation shows that any CSA of 8 is conjugate under Z0 to either ~ or b;
since ~ is real and P is imaginary, there is no automorphism of 8 that will
take a into b. Note that ~ is singular. We choose ~ and ~ to be positive
roots. Let v : exp[-i ~ ( X ' + Y ' ) } . Then
v • be= Sc~ v • ( X ' - Y ' ) = ill', ~ = ~ o v
and we have an isomorphism D~D v of Diff(bc) onto Diff(~c) , Diff(~c) being the
algebra of differential operators on ~c = bc~ac with polynomial
coefficients. If ZI is the group of automorphisms of 8 which are trivial on
~, it is quite straightforward to show that ZI = Z 0 D T Z 0 where T is the auto-
morphism of 8 such that T I ~ = identity, T • H' = H'~ T .X, = -X', T .y, = -y,
Since Z 0 c Z m ZI, [Z : Z 0] is either i or 2. Now, as 8 is reductive, we can
define the invariant integral map g )- 9g,~
8 = 98g in the same way as for (2,~):

(io) ~(~) ~8,~(~)~8(~)/'Z o/Lo g ( u * " H)du* (H c ~,~8, a(H) ¢ 0);

here L0 i s the c e n t r a l i z e r of ~ in Z0 and u ~ u i s the n a t u r a l map

Z 0 ~ Z0/L 0. SO, when [Z : Z 0] : i, we have Z0 = Z and hence

(li) Z 8 (g s C~(8), ~ = Z0 )

where b = b(X,~) > 0 is a constant independent of g. On the other hand, if

[Z: Z 0] = 2, then Z = Z I. Assume first ~ = a. Let L0, a (resp. Ll,a) be the
centralizer of a in Z0 (resp. ZI). Then Z I = ZoLI, ~ and hence, as L0, a =
LI, ~ n Z0, Z0/L0, Q ~ ZI/LI, ~. Therefore

(12) ~zg,~ : bl ~g,~8 (g ~ C~(~),~ : zI)

where b I = bl(X,a ) > 0 is a constant independent of g. If ~ = b~ then L0, b

is the centralizer of b in Z0; as well as in Z I. Hence, as T . (X'-Y') =
-(X'-Y'), we have ~-8, b o ~ = - 7 8 , b , and so


where b 2=b2(X,b ) ~ 0 is a constant independent of g and H.

Let the Z-invariant element ~' of S(~c) be defined by

~ ' : H ' 2 + 4 X ' Y ' : H '2+(X'+Y')2- (X'-y')2

and we get, from (7), (ll), (12), (13), for geCc(~), t,BE]RX:

Z (C+tH') = d 2 Z (C+tH')
¢~(~')g,a dt2 Cg,a
z d2 z (c+0(x'-Y'))
( c + ~ ( x z,))=---~g,b
~(w,)g,b de2
If K= { e ~ e ( x ' - Y') :e E IR], K is compact and (k,s,t) mk exp sX'exp tH'
is an analytic diffeomorphism of Kx]Rx]R onto Z0, and the Haar measure on Z0
corresponds to dkdsdt, dk being the Haar measure on K such that ~Kdk=l. If
A = exp(]R • H') then L0, Q/A is finite, and hence we can normalize the invariant
measure dx on Z0 = Z0/L0, a such that

J'Z~(P(x*)dx*-~IK> <]IR(D((kexp sX')*)dkds (q06 Cc(Zo) )

For geCe(~) , define [6Cc(~) by

[(Y) = JK
~ g(k • Y)dk (Y~ ~)

Then, as expsX' - H ' = H ' - 2IX', we get, for H=C+IH' (tIiR X)


(I) 9g,(~ (C+tH') : ~-~ g(C+tH' +uX')du

Since (C,t,u)~g(C+tH'+uX') is in C c (~XIgX]R), #g,S

~ is the restriction to ~'
of an element of Cc(Q ), also denoted by ~ . By Lemma 4, t~¢~,~(C+tH')
Cg, is even
in %; so, its derivatives of odd order vanish at t= 0. On the other hand, (14)
and (l a)enable one to calculate the derivatives of even order. So ~' C e ~,
g 6 Cc(~), we get

0 (m odd)
d-~ t:O ~ B(~')rg(c+~X')du (m=~)

We assume Z= Z0; the case Z = Z 1 is deduced ~sing (l~). L is now com-

pact. So we can normalize dx and dx so that

J=; <)d 96 : Jz° ( ~ C°(Z~)).

It is known that for some constant ~> 0


(16) ]z° h(x)dx= ~ So J~ h%( expt~)k2) (e~ - e-~)dkl%dt

This being so, let gECc(~). Then, for Ce~, 8e]R ×,

(Ib) ¢~'b(c+8(x'-~'))=i~ ]0 ~(c+ 8(eUX'-e-UY'))(eU-e-U)du"

L~MMA 17. Let @e Cc(IR2). Then z as 840; we have the limit formulae:
(i) if 6>0, ~0 ~(Set'Se-t)e-6t dt'l ~(o,o)

(ii) 8'f0 ~(Set'Oe-t)dt~0

(iii) 8 ~0 <P(Set~Se-t)etdt " q~(u,0)d~ for 8 -0-

The first of these is obvious. For the second; let T > 0 be s~eh that 9(a~b)=
0 ur~ess lal + Ibl <T. Then; for 0< I~I <T;
~og(T/l 8 l)~(Set,ee_t)dt
8 J~O ~(Set'Se-t)dt = 18 ]0 <(supIgl)IS,log(T/I8I)

which tends to 0 as 8~0. For (iii)~ let 0 < 8 < T . Then~ as 8~0+;

@ ~ (p(Set,~e-t)etdt = f ~(~,82u-l)du ~ f ~(u,0)du = ~ q0(u,0)du.

0 (9 0 0
For 8 ~ 0 - , we r e p l a c e ~ b y ~ where ~ ( a , b ) : ~ ( - a , - b ) , and use t h e p r e v i o u s r e s u l t .

I~ Lem~a 17 t ~ e ~(a,b)=[(C+~X'-bY') (g ~ C~(~), C~o). The= by (16), V

(1%) ~i~ ~,6c+0(x,-~,))=i~]~ ~ ~(o+~,)du.

,~ "~0+ 0
Using (14) we get
d2r +
(17r) lim ~
8-0+ ~,~(c+ 8(~' ~')) (-1)q~ [- ~(~')rg(c+uX')du
- =

-- ~0

~urther, for am, • ~ C~(m) ~ write ~(~ ; u) : ~(seU,Se-U). Then


de ¢ (c+8(x,-~,))=i~ (~(8 : ~ ) + ~ %(~ u)+~ ~(~:~))(eU-e-~)~u

where q01(a,b) = (a,b),(~2(a,b)= ~b-~(a,b). The integrand is easily shown to be

- -
v : U) ) + 28e-U(e L~-e-t~)~2(@ : U)- 2e-U~P (8 : U)
d ((eU - e -u )q)(8
From Lemma 17 we get

(180) ±dO~,~(C+8(X'-Y')) -- 2i'~g(C) (~ ~ 0+)

If we use (14) we get, for any integer r>0, and Ce~,
(18r) d82r+l #g~ b(C+ 6(X' - Y')) ~- 2iT(-l)r(8(~')rg)(C) (8 ~ 0+_)



~-+= {c+s(x,-~'):e<>°] .
THEOIK!IM 18. We can normalise the invariant integrals in
such ~ manner that for all g e C~( ~)
z ~ Z
~g,~ = ~g,~' ~g,b = ~g,b

if Z = Z0 and

9Z 8 Z ~ Z
g,a= ~,~' ~g,b = ¢g,b-(~g,b)

if Z= ZI, T being the involutive automorphism of ~ that is trivial on

and carries H'~X',Y' to H',-X',-Y' respectively. Suppose further that 9g,a
and 9g,b are defined by (Ic) and (Ib). We then have the following

(~) For a n y g c C ( ~ ) , *g,a e x t e n d s t o an e l e m e n t o f ¢ c ( a ) , denoted

again by ~Z
g~G" I t i s s~ - i n v a r i a n t . I f E ~ Diff(ac)_ and s • E= -E,

~zg~a ] ~ o .
(b) Let b': b+U b-. Then, for g ~ C~(~), 9g,be C~(b'). If DeDiff(bc) ,
the restrictions of Dt~,b to b~ extend to continuous functions (Dt~,b)± on
CI(b~) . If Dv is the element of Diff(~c) that corresponds to D under the
isomorphism of Diff(bc) with Diff(ac) , and ~ is the constant > 0 defined
by (16), then, V C ~ a ,

(19) (D,~,b)+(c)-(D~Z p-(C) = i~[~: z o ]-D ~ Z

In partic~lar~ if s~ .D=-D, D~g,b extends to an element of Cc(b ).

(a) has been essentially proved already. Note that if s - E = -E, then
E~,a_ is skew symmetric under s and so must vanish on

For (b) we note first that b+ are convex. The derivatives of ~g, b are
all bounded on bounded subsets of 5' Consequently these derivatives a~e uni-
formly continuous on bounded open subsets of b' The continuous extendability
of D~ gZ,b to Cl(b +) is now immediate. It remains
~ s~to prove
~ (19);
s~ the last
assertion would then follow from (a) because ( D ) =-D if J = -D.


Moreover we need only prove that


Coo. For, if this were done, we are already through when Z=Z ° Suppose
[~. : Z 0 ] = 2. Then

and hence, from (!9~) we get

On the other hand; it is easily seen that (DT)V= (Dv) ~. Hence using G) we

We shall now prove (19~). It is clearly enough to do this when D = 5(u) for
U ~ S(bc). As (19~) is trivial for U c S(~e) , we may restrict ourselves to
u = (X'-y')m where m _> 0 is an integer. Then ~(u) v = i m H 'm. If m is
odd, (18) and (a) imply that both sides of (19~) are zero; if m = 2r is
even, then (17r) and (15) imply that both sides of (19~) are equal to

(-i)r i~ %~ ~(~,)rg (C+~X')du

6. Behaviour of @f around singular points.

Let F be a vector space over 19 of dimension d (i < d < ~) and let

be a finite set of affine subspaces of F of dimension < d-l. Let ~' (resp.
~") be the subset of all M6 ~ with dim(M) = d - 1 (resp. dim(M) < d - l ) . For
any open set W c F and any finite set Y of affine subspaees of F of dimen-
sion <_ d - i W(Y) is the open set W\~yM; W(Y) is dense in W. For x ~ y e F
we denote by A(x~y) the "line segment" joining x and y. Fix a positive
definite scalar product on F and let {Vl~...,Vd] be an orthonormal basis of
F. Let If-If be the norm on F.


LEMMA 19 . Let W be a nonempty convex open subset of F; x,ycW(¢"), x ~ y.

~aen we can find a sequence [yn] such that (i) Yn { W(¢) V n and Yn ~ y as
n - ~ (ii) for any n and M c @, A(x,Yn) does not meet M if M ~ @" and
meets M in at most one point if M c @'.

Write ¢' = ILl + ai :i < i < p], ~" = [Mj + bj :i <_ j < q] where Li~ M i are
linear subspaces, ai, bj m F, dim(Li) = d - l ~ dim(Mj) < d - l . Let F' = [ v : v m V,
v ~ U i Li U Uj (M.j + 19. (x-bj))]. Then F'n(w(@)-x) is dense in W. So

Vn F' such that vn - y - x and v n + x { W(@) ~ n ; let Yn = v n + x.

LEMMA 20. Let U ~ F be open, x,y e U and A(x;y) c U. Let f be a func-

tion defined and continuous in a neighborhood of A(x,y) and of class ~ around
each point of A(x,y)\T where T is finite;i and let SUpzcA(x,y)\TI($(vi)f)(z)l < A
for i <i < d. Then If(y)-f(x)l <AdNllx-¥11.

Let z(t) = x + t ( y - x ) ; 0 < t < 1 and T = [z(ti) "i < i < r] where
0 <_ tI < t 2 < ... < t r < i. Write t 0 = O; tr+ 1 = l; and let ~(t) = f(z(t)).
~hen If(y)-f(x)I : I~(1)-~(0)I _< ~ 0 i j _ < r l ~ ( t j + l ) - ~ ( t j ) [ . The result follows on
applying the mean value theorem of differential calculus.

LEMMA 21. Let notation be as above. Let f c C~(W(%)) and assume that V
u c S(Fc) , ~(u)f is bounded around each point of W. ~hen for each u c S(Fc) and
each connected component F of W(@)~ ~(u)f extends continuously to Cl(r) n w.
Let 0 < r < % and assume that given w c W(~"), ~ an open neighborhood Nw of w
in W(@") and a function ~w of class Cr on Nw such that f = ~w on
Nw n w(~). Then ~ a function g of class cr on w such that f = g on W(@),
and g is unique.

Let u c S(Fc) and g = ~(u)f. For the first assertion it is enough to prove
that given any compact set C c W, ~ a constant A = A(C,f) > 0 such that
(0 Ig( x ) - g ( y ) l _< AIIx-YH (x,ycCO O
Select an open convex set D tha~ satisfies CmDmW and is
such that Ci(9) c W and is compact; let A' be an upper bound of the numbers
SUpz~nw(®)l(~(vi)g)(z)] (i < i < d). Suppose x,y ~ C n r. ~ T e~a 19, we c a n
find Yn ~ W(@) such that Yn " y and A(X,Yn) does not meet any M ~ ¢" for all
n. We may clearly assume Yn c F n D V n . If M c @', F lies to one side of M
and so A(X,Yn) n M = ~. So A(x,Yn) c W(%)~ ~ A(X,Yn) c F for all n. By Lemma 20
[g(x)-g(yn) I < A'd211X-Ynl I. Letting n ~ ~ we get (t). For the second assertion
we observe first that if Wl,W 2 c W(@") and Nwl N N 2 ~ ~, then Nwl n Nw2 N W(¢)


is dense in NWl n Nw2 , so that ~Wl = ~w2 on Nwl ~ Nw2. In other words,

s cr(w($")) such that f = ~ on W(~). We now claim that if u ¢ S(Fc) and

deg(u) j r, then for each compact set CcW, ~ a constant A=A(C,u)>0 with
(tt) I(~(u)~)(x)-(~(u)~)(y)I EAIIx-yll (x,y ~ c n w ( ® D ) .
Choose D as before, let A' be an upper bound for sup~snnw(~)l(a(vi)~(u)f)(z)l
(I£i£d)~ and let x,yc cnw(~"). Choose X n j Y n E W ( } ) such that x n - x~ Yn " y as
n -~, and for each n, A(xn,Yn) meets M e $ in at most one point if M c ¢'
or not at all if M c $". We may assume that Xn,Y n E D V n so that A(Xn,Yn) c
D n w(®")Vn. Le=a 20 now gives l(~(u)~)(x n)- (~(ub)(yn)I SA'd½11x n-ynII"
Letting n ~ % we get (it). It follows from (tt) that ~ a continuous function
gu on W that extends ~(u)~ provided deg(u) j r . For u = i, let us write g
for gl" We assert that g e cr(w) and that for u e S(Fc) with deg(u) ~ r,
$(u)g = gu" Suppose this has been proved for s instead of r, with 0 J s < r.
Let u = vw where v e F, w e S(Fc) and deg(w) = s. Let x e W, T ~ 0
sufficiently small. ~hen ~ Xn,Y n E W(}") such that x n - x, Yn " x + Tv as
n - ~, and A(Xn,Yn) c W ( $ " ) ~ n . Now we have

(8(w)g)(Yn)-(B(w)g)(Xn)= (8((Yn-Xn)W)9)(Xn + S n ( y n - x n ) ) (0 < Bn < i).

This implies that for some 8~ 0 < 8 < i~
(~(w)g)(x + Tv) - (~(w)g)(x) = Tgu(X + 8~v)
So (a(v)~(@)g(~) exists and equals gu(X). ~e induction goes forward.

LEMMA 22. Let H0 c ~ be semiregular and ~ the unique root in P such that
~(H0) = 0. If ~ is not singular imaginary, then for any f s ~(~), ~f extends
to a C~ function in a neighborhood of H 0.
In view of ~heorem 9 it is enough to prove this for f e Cc(~). If H 0 ~ ¢ =
center(~), then dim($~) = 3 and the lemma follows from n ° 5. Let H 0 ~ ¢. We
use the notation and results of n°4 with H 0 = X. In view of Lemma 5 we may
assume f c Cc(V ). We now use Corollary 1.21 and its notation. That corollary
shows that we can write f = E i z i "gi with zi { G and gi ~ C~ (TF-I(N" X)).
BUt then ~f : % 9gi and so it is enough to work with f { Cc(vF-I(N" X)); as

Ce(N. X) (9 Ce(U ) is dense in Ce(N.X×U), we may assume that

f(y • Y) -- h(y • X)g(Y) (y ~ N, x ~ U)

with g e Cc(U), h s C c ( N ' X ). In view of Corollary 15, Lemma 22 would be proved if

we show that Cg extends to a C function around H 0. Now, as ~ is not singu-
lar imaginary, G is compact or is real. If ~ is compact, Lemma 16 applies and
9g e Cc(% ). If ~ is real, ~!(2,]R) while 9 is conjugate to the CSA a of
n°5. So Theorem 18 applies and Z
~g,~ is of class C ~ on 9. The proof is com-


THEOREM 2~. Let S be the set of singular imaginary roots of ~ belonging

P and ~'(S) the subset of ~ where no member of S vanishes. Then, for any
f c $(g), ~f,~ extends uniquely to a C~ function on ~'(S) that belongs to
$(~'(S)). Moreover~ if P is any connected component of b'(S), D c Diff(~c) ,
and f c g(~), D @f,b extends continuously to CI(P).

In view of ~heorem 9 it is enough to prove that for any f c $(~), ~f = ~f,~

extends to a function of class C~ on ~'(S). We may assume f c C~(~). Fix
such an f. Let ~ ~ ~'(S) and let W be a sufficiently small convex open neigh-
borhood of [ such that no root from S vanishes anywhere on W. Let ~l,...,~p
be all the roots in P which are either real or compact and let ~l,...,~r be
the remaining roots in P \ S. Let Li (resp. Nj) be the null space of ~'z (resp.
~j). Let ~,...,Mq be all the subspaces of ~ which are an N'3 or either an
intersection of two or more of the L i. Then dim(Li) = ~- i and dim(Mj) ~ ~- 2
where ~ = dim(b ) . Put % = [L1 ..... % ; % ..... Mq] and apply Lemma 2_i. If H e W,
then H e W(}") if and only if either H is regular or ~i(H) = 0 for exactly
one i. By Lemma 22, ~f extends to a C ~ function around H. Lemma 21 ~ f has
a C~ extension to W and that D~f extends continuously to CI(E)

COROLLARY 24. Let H 0 c CI(F), D 6 Diff(bc), and write

TD,F,H0 (f) = lim E t H ~ H 0 ( D C f ) ( H ) (f { ~(9)).

Then TD~F,H0 is a well-defined tempered invariant distribution on ~.

LEMMA 2~. Let H0 e ~ be semiregular and 8 the root in P vanishing at

H 0 • Suppose 8 is singular imaginary. If f e $(Z), then for any D c Diff(~e)

with s~ • D = -D, D 9f,~ extends to a continuous function in a neighborhood of H 0.

We argue as in Lemma 22, using Theorem 18 and Corollary 15.

THEOREM 26. Let H0 e ~ and let S(H0) be the set of all ~ e S for which
[(H0) = 0. Suppose D c Diff(bc) is such that s~ • D = -D~/B c S(H0). ~hen,
for any f e $(~), DCf,b extends to a continuous function around H 0.

We may assume f c Cc(~). Let W be a sufficiently small convex open neigh-

borhood of H0 with the property that no 8 ~ S\ S(H0) vanishes anywhere on W.
Let S(H0) = [71, .... 7s ] and P \ S = [~I .... '~p~ ~i ..... ~r] where ~i' Bj are as
in Lemma 22. Let L'm be the null space of ~i' Li' N.3 those of ~i' 8j, and let
~,...,Mq be all the subspaces of ~ which are either an Nj or the intersection
of two or more from ILl'..... Ls;LI;...,Lp]; put @' = [L{ .... ,Ls, ~ ..... Lp],
¢" = [~,...,Mq]. We have dim(L~) = dim(Li) : ~ - i and dim(Mj) < ~ - 2 , ~ being
dim(b ) . Lemma 21 is now applicable. If H e W~ then H e W(¢") if and only if


H is semiregular; in this case by Theorem 23 and Lemma 25; D ~f extends continuous-

ly around H. Lemma 21 ~ D~f extends continuously to W.

COROLLARY 27. Let ~--~P=%eP H . Then, f o r any feb(i), ~(¢~)9f,~ extends

to a continuous function on ~. It does not depend on the choice of P.

COROLLARY 28. Let H O e ~, let DeDiff(~e) and suppose that s8 - D = - D for

every ~eS for which ~(Ho)= O. Then

TD,H0(f) = l i m b 'gH ~H0 (D~f)(H)

e x i s t s V f e 8(2) and TD~H0 i s a tempered i n v a r i a n t d i s t r i b u t i o n on ~. In par-

ticular , f ~ l i m ~ ,~H~H0(~('a0~f)(H ) (f e S(~))

is a well-defined tempered invariant distribution on ~.
We shall now assume that X is semiregular. All the notations are as in
n°4 and n°5. We note that although ~, Z, ~ etc. have been defined for a fixed
X~ they do not change if one replaces X by any other element of '~. S (resp.
Sh) is the set of singular imaginary roots of (~c~ac) (resp. ~c~bc)).

LEMMA 29 . We have '~ c a'(S ). In particular, if ('~)+ is a connected

component of '~, 3 a unique connected component F of a'(S ) such that
('~)+ c F . Moreover, ] uniquely determined connected components F +b and fb
of b'(Sb) such that for any C e ('~)+~ C + 8 ( X ' - Y ' ) ~ F+
b (~esp. r]) if e is
sufficiently small and > 0 (resp. < 0); ('~)+ c CI(f~) r] Cl(fb), and F~ are
the only connected components of b'(Sb) whose closures meet ('~)+.

If c ~ ,~ then ~(C) = 0 while ~C) ! 0 for V~Pa\[~] ~ C ~ ~'(S~,

proving the first assertion. We now come to b. Fix ('~)+ and let ~ e ('~)+.
Then, if 101 is sufficiently small, say l el < a, no root in P b \ [~} will
vanish at ~ + 0(X'-Y'), so that ~ + ~(X'-Y') will even be regular if
o< lel < a ~et r +b (resp. Fb) be the component of b'(Sb) containing
+ e(X'-Y') for 0 < e < a (resp. -a < e < 0). Elementary arguments now show
that Fb are independent of ~ and have the required properties.

In view of the lemma, if D e Diff(bc) , then the limits

(20) (~ t,f,~) (c) = lim (~ ~f,~)(c+e(x'-Y'))

e --, o+
exist for a l l f e $(.q)., C e 'd; arid (Dt~f,b)- are continuous on ( ' o ) +.

THEOREM ~0. ~ a nowhere zero locally constant function ~ on '~ such that
for any n < m~'f(~e), f ~ 8(~), c ~ '~,

(DCf,~)+(c) - (Dt~,,~)-(C) : ~:(C)(:O ~ t~f,~)(C)

where Dv is the element of Diff(~c) that corresponds to D under the iso-

morphism v of 5c with ac. In particular, if ~f,a=0, D~f,b extends to a

continuous function around each point of 'q, V D.

Let 7,T be as in Theorem 1.20, 7 in addition being star-like at X;

write as usual U = UT,T, V= G • U. From the definition of UT, T we see that

~n~=v+!tH,:Itl<~}, bnu=v+[~(x'-Y'):lgl<7}
T .T

We may assume that the positive systems Pa and Pb correspond under v. By

Lemma 13, ~ constants a(a), a ( 5 ) = + l such that

¢a, 8,R=a(a)Sa,R on a'0U, ab,~,R=l=a(D)sb, R on 5'~U.

Let N be as in Corollary 1.21 and f as in the proof of Lemma 22; f e Cc(~-I(N • X)).
By Corollary 15, with ~= ~ h(x)dx, C c 7,
Cf,~(H)= ~(~)~0,~/~(~)¢g,~(H) (H:C+tX' ~ ~,nu)
Cf,b(Hl) = ~a(b)~b,B/8(Hl)~, b(Hl) (HI = C + 0(X'-Y') ~ b'nU)

Let DcDiff(bc) and write D I = D O vb, ~/~; then D IV = D V ° rra,~/8 and

v Z
(DV~f, ~)(H) = Ha( ~)(Dl~g, ~)(i) (H= C + tH' ~ a'0U,C ~ V)
(~f,~)(H~) = ~(~)(~¢Z,~)(~) ( m = C + ~(X'-~') ~ ~ ,nu,c ~ v)

By Theorem 18, ~ a nonzero constant k such that for all F~ Diff(bc), u ~ Cc(~),
Z + Z v Z
(FCu,b) C()-(F~u,b)-(C) = X(F ~f,a)(C)
(D+f,b)+(c)- (++f,b)-(c) = ~ ~ (D+Cf,¢)(C) (C ~ 7)-
We may then take the function m of Theorem 30 to be k(a(b)/a(a)) on 7.
We thus get the theorem for f c Cc(g) ; the passage to S(~) is, as usual, by
Theorem 9. The last assertion is trivia/ since Dv~f, ~= 0 V D when ~f, a = 0.

COROLLARY ~i. Suppose the CSA~ is of the lawasawa type. Then (~c,~c) has
no singular imaginary roots and so, for any f c S(g), ~f,~ is the restriction to
9' of an e l e m e n t @f,~ of ~(~), and f~f,~ is a continuous map from ~(9) into
S(~) that maps Cc(~) into Cc(~). This is the case in particular if ~ is the
underlying real Lie algebra of a complex reductive Lie algebra, or more generally,
if the CSA's of ~ form a single conjugacy class.

By Proposition 19 of the Appendix, no root of (~c,~c) is singular imaginary.

For the invariant integral and its properties, see Harish-Chandra [2], [3], [8 ].


7. Another reduction formula.

With later applications in mind we now proceed to derive another reduction

formula for @f,~. We fix a Cartan involution 8 on ~ that is the identity on
center(~); let ~= ! + ~ be the corresponding Cartan decomposition. Since any CSA
of ~ is conjugate via G to a e-stable one we may assume (and we do) that ~ is
G-stable. Let ~=~ n ~. Then ~ (resp. ~ n ~) is the subspace of all H~n$~
(resp. H ~ ~) such that ~(H) is real (resp. pure imaginary) for all roots ~ of
(~c,~c). Let A be the set of roots of ($c,~c). We denote by ~ the centralizer
of ~ and by A~ the set of roots of (~c,~c); these are all pure imaginary on ~.

Let ~x be the dense open subset of ~ where no root of A\A vanishes. Let
÷ x 4-
a be one of the (finitely many) connected components of ~ ; ~ is a convex cone.
Let P+ be the set of all ~ A\ A~ such that ~(H) > 0 ~ H ~ ~+. It is then
easy t o p r o v e the following: (i) ~ U P+, ~ ~ P+, ~ + ~ S ~ + ~ p + (ii)
~ep+ conj~p+ (iii) If P is a positive system in A , then P=P U P+ is
a positive system in A , stable under complex conjugation. Set

(~) ~ = ~ n F ~
~cp +

It is then easy to see from (i)-(iii) above that n is a subalgebra c @~, that
mc = Z cp+ ~ , and that p= ~ + n is a subalgebra of ~ containing n as an ide~l.
In particular [~,~] ~ n. If we choose P as in (iii) we find that nc ~ Z cP g~;
this shows that n is a nilsabalgebra, i.e., all elements of n are nilpotent.
We have the following obvious relations:

(22) = D n 6(~), ~ = ~ + n + ~(n) (direct sum).

Let K be the maximal compact subgroup of G corresponding to K. We denote

by dk the normalized Haar measure on K, i.e., fKdk =i. For f c 8(~) we write
= fK fkdk so that f ~ f is the projection map from $(~) onto its subspaee of
K-invariants. We now define, for any v c ~(g), g v = gv,~ by

(23) gv (H) =jr v(H+X)d~(X) (H ~ ~)


where dR is a Lebesgue measure on n. It is obvious from (23) that gv c $(~),

that v ~ gv maps $(9) (resp. Ce(~) ) linearly and continuously onto $(~)
(resp. Cc(~) ). Furthermore, if b~S(~c) ~ then differentiating (23) we get,

(24) ~(b)gv = g~(b)v

Our aim is now to establish the following reduction theorem:


THEOREM ~2. Let P~ be a positive system of roots of S~ and let P =P U P+.

Denote by f ~ Cf (resp. u ~ ~) the invariant integral associated with $, ~, P
(resp. ~, ~, P~). Then there is a constant c>0 such that

(25) ~f(H) = ° ~ (H) (f~S(~), H~') .

The proof requires some preparation. We fix P and P~ as above. Clearly it

is enough to prove (25) ~ f c Cc(g ). We begin with a lemma that relates the
lwasawa decompositions of ~ and ~. Let a0 be a maximal abelian subspace of
that contains a- Then ~0 ~ ~ G ~ and is maximal abelian in ~ ~ ~ also. We
write ~I = ~ ~ ~ " Observe that ~ is 8-stable.

LEMMA ~ . Suppose 8 = II + ~0 + nl is an lwasawa decomposition of 8. If n0 =

n+nl, then ~ = I + Q0+n0 is an lwasawa decomposition of ~.

It is enough to prove that (a) nO is a nil subalgebra of ~ normalized by ad s0

and (b) Z = ~ + s0 + n0 " To p r o r e (a) we have obviously ~0 c £~ and [s0,n0]
c nO . Now we can select a positive system Q~ in A such that C • nlCZ cQ ~ .
If Q = Q8 U P+, then C " nO c £ ~ c Q ~ ' proving that nO is a nil subalgebra ~. To
prove (b) l e t [=~+cl0+rl 0 . E:hen [ = 8 + n + T . If Xcrl, e(x)=(x+e(x))-x~+n.
So £(n) c ~ +n, ~+n+e(n)=~.

Let ~N,... be the analytic subgroups of G defined by ad(Tl);ad(n); . . . .

is eo~paet while G= KN O A 0 and Z = K INIA 0 are the lwasawa decompositions of
G and Z. Using the fact that exp is a bijeetion from nO onto NO we see
easily that NO = N N I and that the map (n;nl) ~ nn I is an analytic diffeomorphism
of N×N I with N 0, Let kl,n,n I .... etc. be points of KI,N,N I ... etc.

LEMMA 34. The map ~: (k,n,z) ~ knz of K×N×Z into G is surjective and
proper. Moreover there exist normalizations of Haar measures on G~ N and Z such
that Vf ~Cc(G),

(26) ~ G f(x)dx =~K><K~XZ (f oq0)(k,n,z)dkdndz .

I f we know t h a t ~ is proper, f oqO~Cc(K×N×Z ) . We have G=KNoA0 = K~N~A0

= KNKINIA 0 (since KI normalizes N) = KNZ. So q~ is surjective. To prove that
it is proper, let C a G be a compact set. Then there are compact sets R ~ N~
a Nt, S c A0 such t h a t k n n l a 0 ~C ~ n ~ R , n 1 C R 1 , a 0 ~ S. I f now knz c C , t h e n

writing z = k l l n l a 0 , we have knz=k

k-~2i nla0CC ' so that n
kl eR, n l e ~ , a0eS ,

i.e.,n~R~,n I ~ , % ~ s . So ~-i(C)~×~5 × ( ~ s ) . ~etno~ f~Co(G).

From the theory of the Iwasawa decomposition we know that the Haar measures on


G~N0,NI,Z can be normalized such that dx = dk dn a0; dz = dk I dn I d a 0. So

' f(x)dx = J f(kkinniao)dk dk I d n d n i d a 0

where we are normalizing the Haar measure dn on N so that dn 0 = dn dn I. Now

K1 norzalizes N and k I ~ Ad(kl)In is a real representation of the compact
eo~eoted {roup %. So det(Ad(ki) l= = i ~ ~i~% and we fin~

= f(=n==!a0)d=dn%% % = f

COROLLARY ]5. Let ~ = G/A (resp. Z = Z/A) and let x ~ x (resp. z ~ z) be

the natural map from G to G (resp. Z to Z). Then the map ~ : (k~n;Z) ~ knz
from K× N× ~ into ~ is surjective and proper. Moreover the Haar measures in-
volved can be normalized so that ~f ~ Cc(G);

(27) /f(~)d~= / ' (f oY)(k,n,W)dkdndT.

G K><N×Z

This is immediate from the lemma.

Let ~(M) = det(adM !nc) (Me Ic ) . ~hen ~ is a polynomial on Ic invariant

under the complex adjoint group of Ic since the latter normalizes nc . Obviously
I(H) = % ~ p + Q(H) for H ~ ~c" Since the complex roots in P+ occur in mutually
conjugate pairs and since the noncomplex roots in P+ are the real roots in P,

(28) ]~(~)I : ~R(~)~(H) (~ ~ 2')

%(~) = =gn ~ p , ~ real ~(~) for ~ ~'
LEMMA 36. Fix M~ ~ such that G(M) ~ O. Then N. M = M + I . The map
n ~ n •M- M is an analytic diffeomorphism of N onto n, and there are suitable
normalizations of dn and dn such that V UCCc(n),

n N

We begin with the proof that N- M = M + n . Select H 0 ~ I+ and let 0 < t I < ...
< tr be an enumeration of the set I(~(Ho) . c ~ p + ] . Let n i = IX : X ~ n,[Ho,X]= ~iX],
ni = Z j > i ~..j Since ~ is the centralizer of H0 in ~, we have [~,ni] c n.~ V i.
Clearly n is the direct sum of the ni and [n,~i] c ni+l for all i (nr+I =
nr+l = 0). In partieular~ the n. are ideals in n. Let ~. be the analytic sub-
I 1
group of N defined by ~°. We shall now prove by downward induction on i that

~i " M = M + n i ; for i=l~ this will give N" M : M + n . Suppose i=r. Then nr m
center(n) and so for X c nr' (expX) . M = M + [X~M]. Since ~(M) ~ 0, adM defines
an invertible endomorphism of Jr= mr. So, if Y~ nr- , we can choose X e n r such that
[X,M]=Y; then M+Y[~r • M. Suppose i _> i and ~i+l " M = M + [ i + I . Clearly
-M c M+n..
Let Yc ~..
As adM is invertible on hi, we can choose X ~ n.

such that [X~M] ~- Y(mod ~i+l). Then (expX) • ( M + Y ) ~ M (mod ~i+l). So (expX)
( M + Y ) cNi+l " M~ i.e.~ M+Ye~. • M. This carries the induction forward. N
acts transitively on M+ n and as dim(N) = dim(M+ ~); the stability subgroup of
N at M is discrete and so n~n "M is a covering map. Since M+ n is
simply connected; n ~ n •M - M will have to be an analytic diffeomorphism. Fin-
ally~ let ~(n) = n • M- M. A simple calculation shows that (d~)n = - ad M for all
n ~ N. The integral formula (29) is then immediate.

We can now prove Theorem 32. Let L (resp. LI) be the centralizer of ~ in
G (resp. Z). Clearly L/A and LI/A are compact. So there are constants c >0,
co ,m
el>0 such that VHc~', fCCc(9) , UCCc(8) ~

where x • H=~. H=x •H etc. But, by Corollary 35

~/' f(~.H)dx = / ~ f(knz "H)dkdndz : /~ ~(nz.H ) d n d ~ .

Further ~(H) : h(z. H) ~ 0 and so, in view of Lemma 36 and (28),

/ ~ f(~" H)d~ = SR(H)~(H)-I/~ ,~(~,ft+X)dn(X)d~

G nxZ

= ~(~)~(~)-l/~ g_(~.H)d~.

Multiplying both sides by 7(H)= % c P ~(H) and noting that ~-i= i] cP (~ we

obtain (25).

We shall conclude with another result which will be useful later on, namely~
that the map v ~ gv of $(~) onto S(~) commutes with Fourier transforms. Let
(', .) be a real, symmetric nonsingular G-invariant bilinear form on ~x ~. Then
n+ 8(n) is the orthogonal complement of ~, and (-,.) restricted to ~× ~, is
Z-invariant and nonsingular. We note that on any simple component of ~, (.,-) is
a multiple of the Caftan-Killing form, and so (X,X) = 0 for any nilpotent X. In
particular, (n,n)= (8(n),0(n))=0, and hence (.,.) is nonsingular on nx0(n).
Thus n and 8(n) are in duality via (-,-). We use (',') to define the Fourier


transforms $(~)- $(~) and $(~)" ~(~) and normalize d~ and d~ to be self-
dual, i.e., for f[~(~), ueg(8), Xe~, Ms 8,

f(X) = ~Z f(y)ei(X'Y)d[(Y)' f(X) = ~ f(Y)e-i(X'Y)d~(Y)

Moreover~ we normalize the Lebesgue measures dn and d[ on n and [= 8(n) in
such a way that they are dual to each other under the Fourier transform mappings
g(n) - ~ ( n ) , ~(~)~ 8(n), i.e., for h~(n), ×~,~, X~n,

h(~) = ~ n h(Y)ei(~'Y)dn(Y)' h(X) =o~_ h(~)e-i(X'~)d[(~) .

It is easily seen that under the identification of ~ with ~Xm×[~ d~dsdnd~.
We now have

LEMMA ~7- Let dg, dn, d~ and d~ be normalized as above. Then,

Suppose u c C~(8), v ECe(rl), w~Ce(n ). Then, for f = ~ ® v ®w, we have

For M c ~,

if(M) : ~(M) ]' vd~w(0)


: e~(M).

An elemen%a2y contint~ity argument now completes the proof.

For these r e s u l t s , see ttarish-Chandra [2], [3 ].

4. Local structure of invariant eigendistributions on ~ :

behaviour around regular and semire~ular points

Let q and G be as usual. We write I = Is(~c ) and begin the proof of the
fundamental theorem of Harish-Chandra which asserts that such distributions are
locally integrable functions. The proof is however quite involved and will be com-
pleted only in the next section.

i. Preliminaries.

Let F be a real vector space of dimension d (i ~ d < =). By an exponential

polynomial on F we mean a function on F of the form ~< j < r pje J where the
Pj are polynomials on Fc and kj• e F for all j.

LEMMA i. Let pj be nonzero polynomials on F c and hj distinct elements

* ~ hr
of F c (i J j ! r). Then the functions pl e ,...,pr e are linearly independent
on any nonempty open subset of F.

The proof is completely elementary and is omitted.

LEMMA 2. Let qj be a monic polynomial in an indeterminate X(I ! j ~ d).

let vj (i ! j ! d) be a basis of F and let J(ql ..... qd ) be the ideal of S(Fc)
generated by ql(Vl),...,qd(Vd). Then J(ql,...,qd) is of finite codimension in
S(Fc). Every ideal of S(Fc) of finite codimension contains an ideal of the form

J(ql ..... qd )"

rI rd
If mj = deg(qj), the elements v I ... v d (0 i rj < m j k ~ j ) span S(Fe)
modulo J(ql'''"qd )" Suppose J is an ideal of S(Fc) of finite codimension.
For any j, ] an integer m. > 0 such that v.0 is linearly dependent on
m.-i J 0
i, vj,..o~vj J modulo J. So ~ monic qj c C[X] such that qj(vj) e J; this
implies that J ~ J(ql~...~qd).

Proposition 3. Let U c F be a nonempty connected open set and let T be a

distribution on U. Then T is S(Fc)-finite if and only if T coincides on U
with an exponential polynomial. If J is an ideal of S(Fc) of finite codimen-
sien, the vector space of all distributions T on U such that 5(J)T = 0 is
finite dimensional.

Let v. (i ~ j ~ d) be a basis of F, t. the corresponding coordinates on

F. Then


- bj fr,~ (i _< j _< d, 0 < rj < mj)

r r bltl+ m
where f : t i ... t d "''+~dtd If we write qj(X) = ( X - ~ j ) J, then
r,~ i d e
then ~(~(ql ..... qd))fr,~ = 0. So any exponential polynomial is S(Fc)-finite.
For the converse, let T be a distribution on U and J an ideal of S(Fc) of
finite codimension such that 5(J)T = 0. By Lemma 2 ~ monic ql' "" "'qd e C[X]

such that J o J ( q l ' ' ' " q d )" If 2

p = v 2 + ... + Vd, then 3 el, ...,c m e C such

that u : pm + clP m-i + ... + Cm e J. As ~(u) is elliptic and 5(u)T = 0, T is

an analytic function on U. Select open intervals A. c]R such that U0 =
~<_j<_d A.0 c U. If R.0 is the set of roots of qj and mj(h) is the multi-
plicity of the root }~ e Rj, then it is classical that the fr, u with p,j m Rj,

0 <_ rj < mj(bj) for 1 < j < d span the vector space of all analytic functions
%0 on U0 such that qj(~/~tj)m = 0, i < j < d; as U is connected, the same
conclusion is valid for U. The second assertion follows at once from this.

Let A be a Lie subgroup of GL(F). We denote by I(A) = I ( A : F ) the

algebra of all A-invariant elements of S(Fc).

THEOREM 4. Suppose A is compact. Let U be an arbitrary open subset of

F and T any l(A)-finite distribution on U. Then T is an analytic function
on U.

Let J be an ideal of I(A) of finite codimension such that ~(J)T = 0.

Since A is compac% ~ a positive definite scalar product for F invariamt
under 2 A. Let v. (i < j < d) be an orthonormal basis for P. Then
2J -- -- m clpm-1
p = v I + --. + v d e I(A). If Cl,...~c m e C are such that u = p + + ---+
c c J, then ?(u) is elliptic and ? ( u ) T = O. T i s t h u s an ana]_ytic f u n c t i o n
on U.

LEMMA 3" Let A be a Lie subgroup of GL(F). Suppose F = FI + F 2 is a

direct sum such that the Fi are A-stable and A acts trivially on F I. Then
I'A : F) goes over to S(FIc ) (9 I(A : F2) under the canonical isomorphism
S('Fc), ~ S(FIc ) ® S(F2c), while I(A : F) = S(FIc)I(A : F2). Suppose n.l is an
open subset of F.l such that 21 is connected and 22 is A-stable, and
2 = ~i + 22" If ~j are exponential polynomials on F1 and T.j are A-invariant
I(A : F2)-finite distributions on C 2 (i < j < r), then

(2) T = toI (9 TI -I.... + <Pr (9 T r


is an A-invariant I(A : F)-finite distribution on ~. Conversely, any A-invsriamt

I(A : F)-finite distribution T on ~ can be written in the form (2) for suitable
~j, Tj as above; the ~j can be chosen to be linearly independent~ and if so, the
T. are uniquely determined by T.
The first assertion is immediate from the ~riviality of the action of A on
F I. Let T be as in (2). Then T is A-invariant and if Jl (resp. J2) is an
ideal of S(FIc ) (resp. S(F2c)) of finite codimension such that ~(Jl)tj = 0
(resp. 5(J2)Tj = 0) ~j, then ~(J)T = 0 where J is the ideal of S(Fc)
generated by Jl U J2; J is obviously of finite codimension. Conversely~ let T
be an A-invariant I(A : F)-finite distribution on 9, and J the ideal c S(Fc)
such that ~(J)T = 0; let Ji = J N S(Fic ). If ~j (i ~ j ! r) are exponential
polynomials on FI~ forming a basis for the vector space of all distributions T'
on ~i satisfying b(Jl)T' = 0, then we can use the relation b(Jl)T = 0 together
with a standard argument of distribution theory to conclude that

(3) ~ : F o. e T.
l~j~r J J

where the Tj are uniquely determined distributions on ~2" The uniqueness of the
Tj implies their A-invariance; the linear independence of the 9j mad the relation
~(J2)~ = 0 i~ly ~(J2)Tj = 0 ~ / j . The mj are thus I(A :F2)-finite.

2. Differential equations invariant with respect to a finite reflexion ~roup.

By a reflexion in F we mean an element ~ c ~L<F) such that ~ = i and
dim[x :x ~ F, ~x = x] = d - l . In this n° we denote by W a finite reflexion
group, i . e . ~ a finite subgroup of GL(F) g e n e r a t e d by r e f l e x i o n s . W a c t s on FC
and by duality on F . We write P for the algebra of polynomials on F and S
for the symmetric algebra S(Fe). Let Ip(W) = Ip (resp. Is(W ) = Is) be the
a l g e b r a o f W-inva,ria,nt e l e m e n t s of P (resp. S). Ip+ denotes the ideal in Ip of
all p e Ip such that p(0) = 0. We shall regard S in a natural fashion as the
algebra P(F~) of polynomials on F*c. This identification respects the actions of
W and we have correspondingly the ideal I S m I S . An element p c P is said to be
harmonic if

(4) ~(u)p : 0 V u e Is

If necessary we refer to p as W-harmonic. Let ~ = %(W) be the vector space

of all harmonic p. % is stable under W and respects the grading of P. Since
S ~ P(F;) we can similarly speak of the space H S = HS(W ) of harmonic elements

of S.


There exist homogeneous pl,...,p d e Ip which are algebraically independent
and generate Ip; they are not uniquely determined, but their degrees are. If
v i = deg(pi) , we have

Vl "'" Vd = W = JW[ (order of W)

(v i - i ) = m = number of reflexions in W

Further dim(P/PIp) = w. If E is a W-stable graded subspace of P complementary

to PIp (such exist), and E. is the homogeneous component of E of degree j,
we have the following expression for P(E :X) = Z j > 0 dim(Ej)XJ:

(6) P(~ : X) = n (1 + x + x 2 + ... + x ~ )

In particular, writing P. for the homogeneous component of P of degree j,


(7) E c ~ Pj' Pr < PIp (r > m), E 0 : C .i, dim(Em) : i

Moreover, the map (p,e) ~ pe (p c Ip, e e E) extends to an isomorphism of
Ip ® E with P, so that P = BE. P, as an Ip-module, is free and of rank w;
and one can choose a module basis of homogeneous elements (cf. Varadarajan [ i ],
Chapter 4, Section 15).

For x e Fc let W(x) be the stabilizer of x in W. W(x) is a finite

reflexion group and x is called regular if W(x) = [i]. We write Xx(P) = p(x)
(p c IF). Xx : I p ~ C is a homomorphism, all homomorphisms of Ip into C are of
this form, and for x, x' c Fc, X x = Xx, <:=> x' c W . x (cf. Helgason [i], p. 420,
p. 433 ) . Similar
definitions and remarks are valid for the action of W on F .
~ e
For ~ c Fc we write
X~ for the homomorphism u ~ u(Z) of I S into C. In this
n° we shall study, for each ~ c Fc, the system of differential equations for the
distribution T:

(8) ~(u)T : u(~)T (u c I s)

For a more detailed treatment, see Steinberg [ i ].

Let ~ e W be a reflexion and F = Ix :x e F, ~ x = x }. We can find

e F such that k is real on F and F is precisely the set of zeros in Faf
C ~
. Let ~W be the element of P defined by

(9) 7rw = n ~
a reflexion in W

LEMMA 6. We have P = PIp + ~ p , S = SI S + HS, both sums being direct.

is a graded complementary subspaee to PIp and dim(~) = dim(Hs) = w.

It is easily verified that S and P

are in duality if we put (p~q) =
(b(q)p)(0) for p e P, q e S. Now p e Hp ~ ( u ) p = 0 Vu e IS ~ (~v)3(u~XO) = 0
~ / v e S~ u ~ I S . So Hp is the orthogonal complement of SI + in P. This implies
easily that d i m ( % ) : w. We now show that PI~ n % : 0. Comple~ oonjugation of F
with respect to F gives rise in a canonical manner to conjugations of P and S.
For any subspace M of P (or S) stable under this conjugation let M]R denote
the ]R-linear subspace of all elements of M fixed by this conjugation. Now PIp
and % are both stable under it and so it is enough to show that n
(Hp)]R = 0. We shall do this by constructing a positive definite scalar product
(., .) for P]R under which P]R(Ip)~ and (~)m are orthogonal. ~t (', .)
be a W-invariant positive definite scalar product for v. (i _< j _< d) be F. Let
an orthonormal basis for F and let t. be the corresponding coordinates. As in
J +
the complex case ~ ; ] R is the orthogonal complement of S]R(I S)]R and is the set
of all p 6 P]R such that $(u)p = 0 ~ u e IS~]R with u(O) = O. Since (. ~ .) is
nonsiD~u_lar; we have a natural isomorphism p ~ pO of P]R onto SIR. We put~
for p,q e PI9; (p~q) = (p,qO). Then (- ~ .) is bilinear and W-invariant; and
rI rd sI sd . ,
(tI .'' t d , tI .-. t d ) = 5rlSl .. 5 r : -..r d. . This shows that (. .)
rds d 1
is positive definite. On the other hand~ +
(P]R(Ip)]R) 0 : S ~ Is)19
+ and so the
orthogonal complement of P]R(I p)]R in P]R with respect to (- ,- ) is precisely
~,]R. So ~]R(~)~ ~ ~,]R : 0.

Let (. ; .) be the W-invariant positive definite scalar product on F x F

introduced in the above proof. For each reflexion ~ e W let ~ be as defined
earlier and v the element of F such that v = ~0. Put

(10) ~ = n v
a a reflexion in W
COROLLARY 7- w =~w and B(ZfW)FW is a constant > 0.

That ZfW= F~ is obvious. As ~fW and FW are homogeneous of the same degree
m, c = 8(~W)~W is a constant and e : (8(~W)~W)(0) = (~W,~W> = (~W,~W) > 0, as
~W e PIE •

As usual we put s(s) = det(s) (s e W). Then s : W - [£1] is a homomorphism.

An element of u of P or S is said to be skew if us = s ( s ) u V s e W.

LEMMA 8 . ~W and ZfW a r e s k e w . If p e P (resp. S), then p is skew i f

and o ~ y i f ~ q ~ Ip (resp. IS) s~eh t ~ a t p = %~q (~esp. p =~Wq), mrt~er-
more ww e ~ ; b(S)wW : ~ , and for u e S, ~(u)ww : 0 if stud only if u e SIS;
if g e ~ is homogeneous; then either g is a constant multiple of ~W or


deg(g) < deg(~w). Finally ~ W e H S.

Let W' be the set of reflexions in W. Fix ~ e W'. Since ~(v ) = - v ~ we

have ~'~ = - ~. Suppose T e W', T ~ ~. We have ~(vTv _i ) = v v -i
~T~ aT~
(if ~ ¢ ~ ) and ~(v):v (if ~ = ~ ) so o ( n ~ ) : ~ .
ThUS ~ • WW : -~W = E(~)~W" ~W is thus skew since W' generates W. If p e P
is skew~ ~ • p = -p for ~ e W' and so p = 0 on F . Thus ~ divides p
in P. This shows that ~W divides p in P, i.e.~ p : ~W q for some q e P.
Since both ~W and p are skew~ q e Ip. The converse assertion is obvious. If
u ~ IS~ then ~(~)ZW is skew and has lower degree than ZW~ and so cannot be of
the form ZW q for some q e P unless it is zero. So %W e % . Since
~(S)~ c ~, we have b(S)~ W < ~ . Let N = [u :u e S, ~(u)% W = 0]. Then
+ +
S I s c N. We shall prove that S I S : N; this will already show by dimensionality
that ~ : ~(S)~ W. Let u e S and b(u)~ w = 0. We shall prove that u e S I S by
downward induction on deg(u). Since WW is homogeneous, ~(uj)z W = 0 ~ j , uj
being the homogeneous component of u of degree j. So we may assume u to be
homogeneous. It is clear from (7) that u e S IS if deg(u) > m. Assume the
assertion for elements of degree > deg(~). Since ~(v u)~ W = 0 for ~ e W ~,
you W e S I ~ by the induction hypothesis. So v u = E l < i < i qiui ' with u i e IS;
qi e S. Applying ~ to both sides, -v u = Z i qiui . B~t for any x e S; x - x
is divisible by v in S. So we can find qi' e S such that u + u =
% q ~ mu . i c S I +S • In other words, u ~ ~ s(c)u (mod S I ). Since W' generates W,
this gives us u s ~ s(s)u (mod SI~) ~s e W. Put u' : w -I E s s(s)u s. Then u'
is skew and u' ~ u (mod S I~). We may assume deg(u)=deg(u')im=deg(~w). We have
5(u')~W=0. If deg(u') < deg(~w) ~ u ' = 0 ~ so that u e SI~; if deg(u') = deg(~w)
then u'= a~ W for some constant a and if a / 0, ~(u ')~W cannot be zero by
Corollary 7. So a=0; i.e., u'=0; th~s in all cases u e SI~. The remaining
assertions are clear.

LEMMA 9. For any x e Fc let Ip(X) be the kernel of the homomorphism

X x : p ~ p(x) of Ip into C. Then P Ip(X) is an ideal of P of codimension
w, PIp(X) = Ip(X)~, and P = PIp(X) + ~ is a direct sum. Moreover, if
P(W -x) is the ideal in P of all p e P such that plW.x = 0, then
P(W.x) DPIp(X) , and P(W.x) = PIp(X) if and only if x is regular.

Since Ip ® Hp Z P, P = I p ( X ) ~ + ~ is a direct sum; and Ip(x)Hp =

I/X)Ip~ : PIp(X). so dim(P/PIp(x)) = w. Obviously PIp(x)cP(W.x). As
dim(P/P(W, x)) = [W. x I we have equality if and only if W(x) is trivial.

COROLLARY i0. The representations of W in P/~Ip as well as ~ are
equivalent to the regular representation of W. If WI c W is a subgroup of
and Ip(Wl) is the subalgebra of P of all Wl-invariant elements in it,


then Ip(Wl) is a free Ip-module rank : [W: W 1 ], and one can choose a module
basis consisting of homogeneous elements.

Select x c Fc regular. Then the representation of W in ~ is equivalent

to the representation of W in P/P(W. x)
which is equivalent to the regular
representation. So the representations on W in P/P Ip and ~ are equivalent
to the regular representation. Since P - Ip ® ~ it is immediate that Ip(Wl)
corresponds to Ip ® ~ ander this isomorphism~ ~ being the space of W l-
invariant elements of ~. This leads easily to the assertions concerning Ip(Wl),
th e relation dim(~) = [W : W I ] following from Frobenius reciprocity.

THEOREM ii. Let ~ c Fc and let g(Z) be the vector space of all exponential
polynomials ~ on F such that ~(u)~ = u ( ~ ) ~ V u c IS . Then dim g(Z) = w. If
sI = i, s2,...,s r is a complete system of representatives for W/W(~) and pj
(i _< j _< w(~) = Iw(l) I = w/r) is a basis for the space ~(W(I)) of polynomials
harmonic with respect to the finite reflexion group W(h), then the w functions
sk Sk~
pj e (i < k < r, i < j < w(~)) form a basis for g(h). Suppose U c F is a
connected open set that is nonempty. If T is a distribution on U such that the
differential equations (8) are satisfied on U, then T coincides with an expon-
ential polynomial on U, and the map ~ ~IU is a linear bijection of g(~) onto
the space of all such T.
sk Sk~
Let ~jk = Pj e By Lemma i the ~jk are linearly independent. Now; for
u e IS let uh c S be such that uz(b) = u(b + ~ ) V b e Fc; u~ e Is(W(Z)).

Obviously $(u)(ehpj) = eh(~(uh)pj). As ux(0) = u(Z) and pj e ~ ( W ( Z ) ) ~ we have

$(ul)pj = u(Z)pj so that ~(u)(e~j) = u(h)e~pj. So <0jk e g(l) and it is now

enough to prove that dim(g(Z)) _< w. Fix x 0 e F c. Let qj (i _< j < w) be a
ba~s for ~s(W) and fo~ f ~ ~(~) let ~ : ((~(ql)f)(~0) ..... (~(%)f)(~0)) ~ Cw.
By Lemma 9, S is the direct sum of SIs(~ ) and Hs(W ) where IS(Z ) is the
kernel of X l (u,~ u(h)). So if f s g,(h) and ~ = 0, then (~(u)f)(x0) = 0 V
u [ S, ~ f = 0. ~he map f ~ ~ is thus injective, giving dim(g(Z)) < w. The
remaining assertions are now obvious.

Proposition 12. Let J c IS be an ideal such that i < r = dim(Is/J ) < ~.

~hen dim(S/SJ) = rw, and the exponential polynomials ~ on F with D(SJ)~ = 0
form a vector space of dimension < rw. Moreover~ for any nonempty connected open
subset U of F, the map ~ <pIU is a linear bijection of this space onto the
vector space of distributions T on U such that ~(SJ)T = 0.

Let C be a subspace of dimension r such that IS = J + C is a direct sum.

As S _~ I S ® HS, we have SJ = IsHsJ = 074S and so dim(S/SJ) = dim(CHs) = rw. Let
qi (i < i < rw) be a basis for CH S. As above we find that <0 ~ ((~(ql)~0)(x0), ....
(~(q~)~)(x0)) is an injection.

3. Behaviour on the regular set.

We shall now examine the behaviour of invariant I-finite distributions on

in the neighborhoods of regular points. For any CSA ~ c ~ we denote by W(~c)
the Weyl group of (~c,qc) and by W(9 ) the subgroup of W(qc) coming from G.
Is(~c ) is the algebra of all elements of S(~c) invariant under W(qc). We write
p ~ p~ for the (Chevalley)isomorphism of I with Is(qc ).

Proposition i~. Let ~ be an invariant open subset of ~ and ~' = ~ O ~'

Let T be an invariant l-finite distribution on ~. Then T coincides on ~'
with an analytic function FT . FT is uniquely determined by T and is invariant.
Suppose 9 is a CSA of ~ such that ~ n ~ ~ ~ and ~ = H ~ eP ~ where P is
a positive system of roots of (~c,qc). Then FTI~' n 9 = ~ T , 9 / ~ where CT, 9
has the following properties: (i) @T, 9 = ~ ( S ) @ T , ~ s e W(~); (ii) on each
connected component of ~' O 9, @T, 9 coincides with an exponential polynomial;
more precisely if J is the ideal in I such that ~(J)T = 0 and J9 its image
in Is(qc)' %T,~ coincides on each connected component of ~' N ~ with a solution
of ~(s(9o)~)~ : 0.
Let X ~ ~' and ~ the CSA of g containing X. Put U = ~' N 9~
V = G "U. Then V is open, invariant, c ~', and the natural map of G × U onto
V is submersive. From the work of Section 2, we can associate to T the dis-
tribution qT on U such that, on U, ~ p s I, ~$(p)T = ~il~(Pq)(v9 q T )' i.e.,

(ll) ~(pg)(~OT ) : ~9~(p)T (p ~ ~).

From (ii) we see that ~9~T satisfies the differential equations 8(q)(~9OT) = 0
(q c S(~c)J~). So by Proposition 12 ~qaT coincides on each connected component
of ~' O 9 with an exponential polynomial ~ satisfying 8(S(qc)Jq)~ = 0. ~T is
thus an analytic function on ~' n 9. if u, is a sufficiently small open neigh-
borhood of X in Z' N ~ and V' = G • U'~ there is sm invariant analytic func-
tion T' on V' such that T'IU' = OTIU' (cf. Theorem 1.20); Proposition 2.16
implies ~T' = qT IU' and hence T' = TIV'. The uniqueness and invariance of FT
are obvious and ~m = F~I~' n 9. Clearly oT is w(9)-invaria~t and hence, as v~
is W(~c)-Skew , we get (i~. The remaining assertions are clear.

We now have the obvious

Proposition 14. Let 2, 2' be as above. Let ~i (i < i < r) be a complete

system of mutually nonconjugate CSA's of ~ that meet 2, and for each i let
7F~i = ~ e P i ~ where P.z is a positive system of roots of (~c,qic). For any i,

let ~i be a function on 2' n 9i such that (i) s = ¢(s)~i V s c W(qi) (ii)

on each connected component of £~' N ~i ~ Mi coincides with an exponential poly-
nomial. Then there exists exactly one invariant function F on 2' such that

FIt' N ~i = ~i/TT~i for i < i < r. F is analytic and I-finite on Fz'.

We shall now prove that F is locally integrable on ~ itself.


ProDosition 15. With { as in (i.i), I{I -N is locally integrable on 9.

Since there exist f c C~(~) such that 0 < f < l and f>l on a given compact
c- -

set C c ~, it suffices to prove that [C_.~J-~'dX<=for any CSA ~ and ~-/f e Cc(Z)
such that f _> 0. By Lemma ~.2 and (1.2), this reduces to proving
f~,lTr~(H)I(fG, f(xa-.H)dx~)dH < ~, i.e., f~,I~f,)(H)IdH < ~, which is clear by
Theorem 5-9.

LEMMA 16. Let F be a real finite dimensional vector space and U c F a non-
empty convex open set. If ~,...,M m are linear subspaces of F of codimension i,
U\ U I <i < m Mi has finitely many connected components Uk (i < k < ~), each being
convex and open. If NI,...,N n are linear subspaces of F of codimension > 2,
the sets ~UJ = aU~\ U l < j < n _ N.8 are open, connected and are the connected com-
ponents of u\(Ul<i_<m Mi U~I_<j<_nNj).

~his follows in an elementary fashion from Lemma 3.19.

THEOREM 17 . Let f~, g~' be as in Proposition 13 with ~ completely in-

variant, and F an invariant 1-finite analytic function on ~'.
Then, for sr~ coa-
pact set C c ~, ~ a constant A = A(C) > 0 such that IF(X')I < A I~(X')I -~
(X' c C n ~'). F is locally integrable on ~ and f ~ ~, F fdX (f e Cc(9)) is
an invariant distribution on ~.

It is enough to prove the estimate for F in a neighborhood of each point of

~. Now, the set of all X c ~ with this property is an invariant open subset of
~, and hence, by Corollary 1.30, we may fix a s.s. X e ~ and prove the estimate
for F in a neighborhood of X. We use Theorem 1.20 and its notation. Select a
bounded convex open subset W of ~ containing X and a T > 0 such that
U = --U,T c ~, V = V%T c ~. Let 91'''"~r be a complete system of mutually non-
conjugate CSA's of ~ (under Z). Then, vn~, is the union of G. (U~',
Tn~')r -
(i < i < r). Now U n~i=7+E where E is the set of all He,ins ~ where
of (~c,~ic). By Lemma 16 (~/+E) A~j has finitely many
connected components Pij (l<j<-ni)' and each of these is bounded. So

VN~' = l<i<rU l < j d < n i G " P..13 (Pij bounded in ~i)

As Pijc~' N ~i are cor~%ected and bounded, Proposition 13 implies that for


some constant Aij>0, IF(H)I < A i j l m ~ i ( H ) I - I = A i j I ~ ( H ) I - 2 V H ~ Pij" As F is


invariant, IF(X')I _<AI{(X')I -~ V X'cVN~' where A = maxi, j Aij.


At this stage the following questions suggest themselves naturally: (i) To

what extent does FT determine T? (ii) Let F, ~, ~' be as in Theorem 17, T
as in Proposition 13, and let ~ be the distribution f ~ f~, FfdX (f e C~(~)) on ~. When
is ~ l-finite on ~? It turns out that ~ in (ii) is I-finite on ~ if and
if it is so around each semiregular point of ~ ; and then we have T = ~. ~he
proofs depend on explicit calculation when ~ = ~I(2,~), and on the method of
descent. In n°4 we take up the descent and in n°5 the calculations in ~I(2,~).

4. Descent to g.

Let X be s • s; U = UT, T, V = V = G • %, T are as in Theorem 1.20.

LEMMA 18. Suppose T is an invaria~t distribution on V. Then I~81N a T is
Z-invariant; it is Is(Sc)-finite on U if and only if T is 1-finite on V.

Let J be the ideal of I such that ~(J)T = 0. Let I and J be the

images of I and J under the injection p ~ pg defined in Section 2, n" 3. By
Lena 2.9, if
J' = I~(, )J , then dim(l~(~ ) / J ' < ~ if and only if dim(1/J)<~.
e ~ i ~ c
Moreover, by Theorem 2.15, B(pg)(Iq~l ~ ~ T ) = 0 ~ p e J. Hence
~(a')(I n~l ~ % ) = ° .
Lemma 5 is now applicable and leads to the following result.

Proposition 19 . Let T be an invariant 1-finite distribution on V. ~hen we

can find linearly independent exponential polynomials m. on ~ and Z-invariant
Is($~c)-finite distributions Tj• on $~(T) (i <
_ j _< r) such that on

I ~ I 2 ~ T = ~i ® TI + "'" + ~r ® Tr (U= T + £~(T))

Moreover, if J is the idea~l of i such that ~(J)T= 0 and J ' = IS(~e)J~, then
~(q)cpj=o (q~a' n s(%)), ~(q)~j=o (q~a, nis(~c) ).
COROLLARY 20. Suppose X is such that ~ has compact adjoint group. Then T
coincides with an invariant analytic function on V.

By Theorem 4 the T. are analytic functions on ~ ( T ) . Hence ~ a Z-invariant

J i , , 1
analytic function f' on U such that In,l~ ~T = e' on U. Write f = lqSI-~f '
Then f is Z-invariant and analytic on U and CT = f on U. Let (Theorem 1.20,
(iv)) F be the G-invariant analytic function on V such that F I U = f. Then, by
Proposition 2.16, ~F = f = ~T" So T = F on V.

5. The case g = 5i(2,~).

Throughout this n° = ; we put H

X= 0 I001 Let u,v,w be the linea oordinates on

\0 0. ' = ~ .0 '
spect to the basis {H,X+Y,X-Y]. We have ~ ( @ e ) : C[~], Is(~qc) = C[0~], where


= u 2 + v 2 - w 2 , ~ = H 2 + ( X + Y ) 2 - ( X - y ) 2 = H 2 + 4XY. X' is regular <==>~(~)~0,

and the set of singular elements is the set n of nilpotent ones. We put
= ~ -H, b = ~ • ~-Y). Then, X' e ~' is conjugate to a nonzero element of
(resp. b) if and only if ~(X') > 0 (resp. ~(X') < 0); X' is then called
hyperbolic (resp. elliptic); ~h (resp. ~e ) is the set of hyperbolic (resp.
elliptic) elements of ~. If X' ~ % , w ( X ' ) 2 ~ - ~(X') > 0; so, as G is
connected, sgn(w) is constant on each orbit G .X', X' ~ ~e" Thus 9e splits as
the disjoint union of invariant open sets 9~ where

~+ = ~e ~ ~-'
+ ~± = ~X ' : x' ~ ~, w(X') <> o] .

The set n splits as the disjoint union of ~ orbits, n = n+ U n" ~ {0] where
r~+ = ~ ~ ~ . Further s • H = -H for s = (0
-i l)
0 " of is con te
to either a or ~ while a and b are not conjugate under any automorphism of
. Let ~ (resp. ~) ~ a*c (resp. ~ bc) be such that ~(H) = 2 (resp. B(X- Y ) = 2 ~ .
~hen ~ ~ (resp. ± 8) are the roots of (~c,ac) (resp. (~c,bc)) and we assume
that ~ and 8 are positive. Let v = e~p~i~/4)(X + Y)). Then v - ~ c = ~e'
v(X- Y) = iH. Define A = ~(~). Then ~ = H 2, ~h = - ( X - y ) 2 , and so from Theorem
2.14, we see that t -Io d 2 / dt 2 o t and _8-1zd 2 / d82 o 8 are the radial com-
ponents of 8(~) on a' and ~' respectively, t and 8 being the coordinates
on a and D with respect to H and X - Y. Let ~f,a and ~f,b be the invar-
iant integrals associated with CSA's a and ~. Write

(m) (tH) = d--T-m dm

f,a dt m ~f,a(tH), ~m~(8(X-Y)) = --d8
m ~f,b(8(X-Y))

for m _> 0; for ~ =a,b we also write T'f,~ for ,(i) ,f,~
~f,~, ,, I(2)
for ~f,~ etc.
~en, by Lemma 3.7J V f ¢ C ~c(~),

Let K be the compact group [exp 8(X- Y) : 8 c m]. For f e Cc(~) , let
T ~ c~(~) be defined by T(X') = /K f(k'X')dk where /K dk = 1. ~t ~Q (resp.
Lb) be the centralizer of a (resp. b) in G. From Section 3, n° 5, especially
Theorem 3.18 and relations (3.15)-(3.19), we get the following result.

LEMMA 21. The invariant measures on G/L a and G/L b can be normalized so
that the following results are valid. For any f c C~(~), ~/~ extends to an
,~ ± ~ a (2r+l) ' ~s t
s-invariant element of Cc(a) (denoted also by ~f~ a) an d ~f b ex~ena o
an element of Cc(b ) ~/ r > O. Moreover, let ¢ ( 2 ~ ) ( 0 + ) = limm_~j~(2~)(8(X - Y)).
Then :


(2r+l) (0) = 2i(-l)r+l(Arf)(0),

¢f,b [--+~Ar--~ (uX)du
9f(2~)(0_+)= i(-l) r J0

9~m~(0+)-tf(m~(0-)=im+l ~i(m) (0) (m>_0)

Tf~ G

From now on we shall suppose that ~f',a and 9f,b are ~ormalized in such a
wa,y that these results hold. Let dZ be a Lebesgue measure on ~.

LEMMA 22. ~ a constant e = e(g) > 0 such that V f c Cc(g),


t,f,a(tH)dt - i 8*f,b(8(X-Y))d8

By L e = a 3.3 ~ constants e!,c 2 > 0 such that ~ f c Ce(~)
co co

~ f(Z)dZ = Cl f _~ 't'*f,a(tH)dt- ic2 f _~ 8~f,b(8(X-Y))d8

= 2Ci< t,f,a(tH)dt - ic 2 7 _~ 8*f,b(@(X-Y))d8 "

Replace f by Af; observing ~ Af dZ : 0, using ~2), and integrating by

parts, we find, on using Lemma 21, that (2c I _
c2) ~_ ~ ~(uX)du = 0. Hence c 2= 2c I.

From now on we shall write c for the above constant. For any a > 0~ let
be the completely invariant open set defined by

= ~(2a) = {Z : Z e ~, IXI < 2a for all eigenv~lues 7~of ad Z].

Then ~%\~'= n, while ~' = G • [tH:0 < t < a] U G" {8(X-Y) :0 < 181 < a]. Let
F denote an invariant analytic function on ~' and let

®(t) = tF(tH) (o < Itl < a), %(S) = ieF(~,(X- Z)) (0 < ISl < a).

We suppose that l i m t . o _+ ¢~m)(t) and liras. O+ @~m)(8) exist Vintegers m_> O.

@km) is an odd or even function of t according as m is even or odd. So


*(m)(o +) = ¢~m)(0 -) for odd m; we write @(m)(0)a to denote this common value.
From Theorem 2.14 we see that for a suitable constant C r > 0~

I(ArF)(tH)l < Crt-i (0 < t < 2) , I(ArF)(8(X-Y))I _< CrI@I "I 0 < 181 < 3

and hence, with ~ as in (i.i), ArF is majorized by a multiple of l~1-½ on

~(a) n ~'. ArF is thus locally integrable on ~ and the invariant

distributions T : f ~ [~ (ArF)f dZ (f E Ce(~)) are well defined on ~%.

L~4MA 2~.
c -I ~ ( f ) ( a T F ) ( f )] = =+¢f,b(o+) + ~-¢f,b(o-) + ~,},~(o)
where ~+=i@~(0)- %{(0+), ~ - = - i ¢ ~ ( 0 ) - ~ ( 0 - ) , 8 =¢b(0 +)- ¢b(0-).
This follows from Lemmas 21 and 22, and partial integration; we should remem-
ber that since F is invariant, t ( i F ) ( t H ) = }~(t) and e(aF)(e(x-Y))= i¢"(e) .

We define the invariant distributions w~+ and 6 by setting ~/f e Cc(~),

(l~) ~+(f) = 7 i,~,~(0_+) : _+ - F(uX)du , ~(f) ~ 7i ,~,~(0) = ~(o)

Lemma 21 showing that the s e are well defined. It is obvious that v--
are positive invariant Borel measures on g, respectively living on the (locally
compact) sets r~
+ ~ [0]. We assert that ~++ ({0]) = 0. Indeed, let fn -> 0 be a
sequence of elements of Cc(~) such that fn i i[0] where i[0] is the function

which is 1 at 0 and 0 elsewhere. Then {n i[0] also, and so +([0]) =

limn.~ v~+ (fn) = 0. Moreover, Lemma 29 becomes the following distribution
relation; valid on ~:

(zQ -ic-l{~- ~TF} : ri®~(o) - ®{(o + )b++ ri®'(o) - ®{(o-)b'- 2r®b(ot-®b(o-)]6.

Let U be the vector space of all invariant distributions on ~ with supports

c n. The measures v-, 5 c ~; T c ~AT c ~, ~T e ~. Let E be the Euler vector
field on ~; E is invariant under GL(~), and if [ZI,Z2,Z 3] is any basis for
and [Zl,Z2,Z3} are the corresponding linear coordinates, E = Ezj 5/Szj. It is
easy to verify these commutation rules among E, h and the operator of multiplica-
tion by ~ (denoted by ~ again):

[E + ~2, -7l ~ ] = - ~~, [s + ~2 , ~1a ] = - A , [ - ~ ,1 ^ 1~ a ] = s + 2

In other words~ the linear span ~% of E + ~2 ~ - i7 ~^ and ~

iA is a Lie algebra

.~I(2,c), and {~+ ~2 , - ~ ,i ^ i A] is a standard triple in I%. ~ is a ~-module~

and the theory ~(2~C)-modules may be used to determine the structure of ~.

LEMMA 24. Let m be a Lie algebra over C ~ ~|(2,C), and [~,~,~] a stand-
ard triple of m. Let 2Z + be the set of all integers _> 0 and let k s C\ ~ + .
Let M~ be a vector space over C with basis [Vr]r>0, and H, X, Y the end-
morphisms of M defined by

2.v r = (~-2r)Vr, ~v r = V r + z , 2 . v o = o, 2"vr+ l = (~-r)(r +l)v r


(r _> 0). Then M~ becomes an irreducible m-module, and no nonzero v e ~ sat-

isfies a relation of the form e0v + C l ~ - v + --" + Cram . v = 0 with constants

c 3• e C not all zero. Conversely~ suppose M is an m-module and v0 a nonzero

vector of M such that X - v 0 = 0, H ' v 0 = h v 0 where Z e C\ Z~+ • Let Vr =
~.v 0, M : ~ r > 0 CV. Then the r
v are linearly independent and ~ is a sub-
module of M ~hat is isomorphic to Mh via the map that carries L to VrVr.

If NcM~ is a nonzero submodule~ then H.NcN~v e N for some r >0;

if r > 0 and v r e N~ Vr_ I = [(k-r+l)r] -I ~ ' v r e N, and so v 0 ~ N. Thus
N = Y~, proving irreducibility. If v = a0v 0 + .-. + amy m where a m ~ 0, and
c0v + C l ~ ' V + "'- + c ~ • v = 0, where c ~ 0, then 0 = c a v + +
r r rmmr
Zi < m + r aivi' a contradiction. The converse assertions are well known We shall
call [C~r}r > 0 a standard basis for ~.

We now come back to ~. Define, for any m > 0,

v+ = A~r~+, 0 = A~. Let ~+ (resp. ~-, ~ ) be the linear span of the v+
m m m
- 0
(resp. Vm, Vm); ~+, gOc ~.
~m~A 2> 0 (~ + -
• ~v-: , 2)v-: ~ , .
Since v- and 5 are measures that live on ~, they vanish for any
^ (~ +
f e Co(g) vanishing on n. So, as m = 0 on n~ ~ f) = 0~ for ~ = v-, 5.
In terms of linear coordinates Zl,Z2~Z 3 on ~, E = ~ z i ~/~z i and so
E = - Z (8/~zi) oz i = - (E + 3), E* being the adjoint of E; this shows already
that (m~)(f) = - ~(~ + ~)f) = - ~ ( f ) , i.e., ~ = -~. ~urther ~ = E? ana on
writing g(u)= F(uX), we find quite easily that (EF)(uX)= ng'(u).
Hence v+(Ef) = -~+(f). Therefore Ev + = -2v +. Simul~riy Ev- = -2v-.

LEMMA 26. 3 + , 3- and 30 are linearly independent submodules of 3. 3+

(resp. ~-, g0) is isomorphie to M i/2 (resp. M I/2,M 3/2) and v+,m = 0,I ....
(resp. Vm,vO ) form a standard basis of ~+ (resp. ~-, ~0). In particular, there
are nonzero constants Cm,d m such that ~mv~ = c v -+, ~m 0 = d 5 V m.
m m m m

Given Lemmas 24, 25, only the linear independence of ~, ~0 is not immediate.
If 3 + n 3- ~ 0~ then by irreducibility 3 + = $-, ~ C" v + = C "v- which is absurd
+ - ~+
as v and v live disjointly. If ~0 n (~+ + ~-) ~ 0, then ~0 c + ~- by
irreducibility~ and so, as ~ 5 = 0 ~ 5 c C • v + + C • ~ ~ a contradiction.

THEOREM 27. J = 3 + + ~- +30; no nonzero element of U is Is(~c)-finite.

Let T e ~. Let U = {X + tY : t e JR} , N + = G • U and let ~ be the map

(x,X') ~ x .X' of G × U onto N +. Write X t = X + tY. Then [Xt, ~] + IR "Y = ~
~/ t eIR. So ~/ is submer sire, and N+=Z\(~e U n- U {0}). Let
T' = TIN + . Then supp(T') C n +. So, by Theorem 2.7, supp(~T,)cUNn + = IX].


Using t as a coordinate on U, we find that ~T' is a distribution on ~ with

support c [0], so that for some integer m ~ 0, tm~T , = 0. On the other hand,
~(Xt) = t while obviously o~rT, = ~r ~T'" So ~mT,=0. We now prove by

induction on m that T' is a linear combination of the ~ I N+, i ~ m - 1.

Suppose m = 1 and let v +, = v + I N +. ~hen ~^v +, = 0 ~ t o +, : 0 ~ a e cx

such that ~ +, = a$ 0 where ~0 is the Dirae measure on ~ at t = 0. On the

other hand ~T' = 0 ~ & T ' = b~0 for some b e C, ~ & T ' = (b/a)o +, ~ T ' = ~/a)v +'

If m > i, by the above, ~ b e C such that ~m-iT' = b~ +' , while b y Lemma 26,
- +~
Vm_l) = b~ +~ , so that ~m-l(T~ - bCm~ I ~m_l)
+' = 0; by induction,
T' e Z i < m _ l C- ~i "

Thus ~ T+ ~+ such that T = T+ on N +. Similarly ~ T - e ~- such that

N- ~ @ \ (9~ U n + U [0]). So T - (T + + T-) has support ~ [0] and hence
T - (T + + T') = $(u)~ for some u e S(~c) ; u e Is(~c ) by G-invariance, and so
T - (T + + T-) e ~ •
This proves that T e ~+ + Z- + ~ 0 Lemmas 24-26 finish the
rest of the proof.
+ - 0
Define Am= C " v m + C " V m + C. Vm"

LEMMA 28. Suppose T e Z and (A - ~)T e A 0 for some Z e C. Then T = 0.

Let T = T O + ... + Tr, Ts e As V s, Tr ~ 0. As A : Am ~ Am+l is bi-

jective, (h- Z)T has a nonzero component in At+l, a contradiction.

THEOREM 29. Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of 9; T an in-

variant Is(~c)-finite distribution on ~; F the analytic function on ~' with
T = F on ~'; and TF the distribution defined on ~ by F. Then T = TF on
~, and for any u e IS(@e), ~(u)F is locally integrable on ~ and ~(u)T =

T~(u)F ~ ~(u)~F.
If X' e ~ is regular, T = TF in an open neighborhood of X'. We are left
with the case X' = 0 e ~. We may assume that N = @(2a). Let p be a monic poly-
nomial of degree d~l such that p ( A ) T = 0 . If d = I, AT = ~T on ~ (Z e C)
while ~:~ on ~' By(l~), (~-~)T F ~ A0. Hence (A-~)(T-T;) ~ % . As
s u p p ( T - T F) = n, T - T F e [; by Lemma 28 T = T F. If d>l, we use induction on d.
~]uen p(z) = (z - l)q(z) for some h e C and some monie q of degree d - 1. Then
A T - ZT = ThF_} ~ b z the induction hypothesis. On the other hand (h- I)(T-TF) =
-(AT F - T£F ) e ~ by (14) again. As before; T : TF by Lemma 28. The last asser-
tion is obvious since ~(~)T is invarian%, Is(@e)-finite and coincides with b~)% on ~'.

THEOREM 90. Let ~ = g(2a) (a > 0) and T an invariant Is(~c)-finite

distribution on ~. Define ~ and ¢b as above, lhen: (i) ~b extends to an
analytic function on (-a,a), (ii) the derivatives ¢(2r+i) extend continuously


across t = 0 (r = 0,i .... ), (iii) ¢~2r+l)(o) = (-l)ri}(a2r+l)(o), ( r = O , l , 2 .... ).

Conversely, let F be an analytic function on ~'~ invariant and Is(%)-finite ~
and let TF be the distribution on ~ defined by F. If ¢s and @b satisfy
the conditions (i) - (iii) above, then TF is the unique invariant Is(Sc)-finite
distribution on ~ with TF = F on ~'.

Suppose first that T is invariant and Is(Zc)-finite. By ~heorem 29,

TLF = &TF. So, by (14) ¢~(0-) = ¢~(0+) = i ¢ ~ ( 0 ) , ¢b(0+) = ¢ b ( 0 - ) ; replacing T by
ArT, we get (-1)r@~ 2r+l) (0-) = ( - l ) r ~ 2 r + l ) ( o + ) = i @(2r+l)(O)'~ ~(2r)(o+)
~b :

¢~2r)(0-). ]]%US ¢~m) extends c o n t i n u o u s l y a c r o s s 8 = OVm = 0,t .... As Cb

c o i n c i d e s w i t h an e x p o n e n t i a l p o l y n o m i a l on each of (O,a) and ( - a , O ) , Cb is
analytic across 8 = O~ proving (i) - (iii). For the converse, assume that
and ~b satisfy (i) - (iii) above. Then by (14) we have AT F = Tg F. Replacing
F by £rF, £rT F = T . Hence if p is monic and p(A)F = 0 on ~', then
£r F
p(A)T F = 0. So TF is invariant and Is(gc)-finite. Suppose T is also such a
distribution coinciding with F on ~'. Then T-T F e Z and T-T F is IS(Zc )-
finite. By Theorem 27, T : T F.

Since the conditions (i) - (iii) involve only behaviour around t = 0 and
8 = 0~ and since exponential polynomials are defined everywhere, we get

COROLLARY ~i. Let T be an invariant Is(%)-finite distribution on ~.

Denote by J the ideal of IS(%) such that ~(J)T = 0. Then ~ an invariant
Is(~e)-finite distribution ~ on ~ such that ~ = T on ~; such a distribution
is unique and satisfies 5(J)~ = 0.

We can use these results to determine, for any h e C~ the vector space Sk
of all invariant distributions T on ~ such that AT = h2T.

Case i: ~ ~ 0. For T e ~, ~ bl,b2,al,a 2 e C such that bI - b 2 =

(aI - a2) and i0 FT(8(X-Y)) = bleil0 + b2 ~il@ (8 e]R×), t FT(tH ) = tFT(-tH ) =

~t -~t
ale + a2e (t > 0); in particular, dim(~) = 3-

Case 2: ~ = 0. In this case, for T c S0, ~ bl,b2~al,a2 c C such that

b 2 = ia 2 and i8 FT(0(X-Y)) = b I + b28 (@ e m × ) , tFT(tH ) = tF(-tH) = a I + a2t
(t > o ) ; ngain, dim(~0) : ~.

6. Behaviour around semire~ular points (arbitrary ~)

We resume the general case. Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of

~; T, an invariant 1-finite distribution on a; F, the analytic function on ~'
= T on ~'; TF, the distribution f ~ f~, FfdX on ~ (feCc(~)).


Proposition )2. Let X e ~ be s.s. and semiregular. Then ~ an invariant

open set ~i with X e aI c a such that T = TF on a I.

This is immediate from Proposition i~ Corollary 20, and Theorem 29 .

LEMMA ~ . Let E be a finite dimensional vector space over £ and Dill(E)

the algebra of differential operators on E with polynomial coefficients. For
u e S(E) let ~u be the derivation D ~ [$(u),D] of Diff(E). Then, ~u is
nilpotent, i.e., for each D e Diff(E), ~ k : k(D) k i such that c~(D) : 0.

In view of the Leibniz formula, it is enough to prove this for a set of D's
generating Dill(E). ~rther, for u', u" e S(E), ~U' and ~U" commute; so, if
~U" ~U" are nilpotent, so is ~u for u = u' + u". Therefore, if for any poly-
nomial p, we denote by M(p) the operator of multiplication by p, then it
suffices to prove the assertion for all D e M(E*) U ~(E) and for all u of the
form u =.u I ..- u s where the ui e E and s ~ i. Certainly ~u(~(S(E)) = 0.
~f ~ ~ ~ , the~ %(~(~)) = ~(Ul)~(u ~ ---Us) + ~(u~)~(UlU ) --- Us) + ... +
~(~s)~(Ul "'" Us l) ~ ~(S(~)), so that ~(~<~)) = 0

Proposition ~4. Let ~, T be as above and D an invariant element of

Diff(~c). Then DT is invariant and 1-finite; DT = DF on ~' and DF is
locally integrable on ~; moreover, TDF-D~ = 0 in some invariant neighborhood
of each regular or semiregular point of ~. If M •I ~ C is a homomorphism and if
T has the property that for each p e I, (~(p)- X(p))mT = 0 for sufficiently
large m, DT also has the same property, with the same X.

Let p e I and suppose that (~(p) - X(p))mT = 0 for m > re(p). Now,

(~(p)-×(p))~ = ~ (r
~) ~(p)(D)(~(p)-×(p))m-r
by Lemma 3 ~ 3 k(p)>i such that ~r ~(D)= 0 for r >k(p). Hence if
-- ~ ~ P ~ +
m >k(p) + re(p), then ($(p)-X(p)~tDT = 0. Let Pl ..... p% e I be such that
I = C[Pl,...,p~] ; then, writing qi = P i - X ( P i )' we have I = C[ql,...,q Z] and
for each i, ~ ki such that $(qk)DT = 0 if k _> k i. If J is the ideal in I

k1 k~
generated by ql ' ' ' " q ~ ' then dim(I/J) < k I -.. k f < ~ while ~(J)(DT) = 0.
DT is thus I-finite. Now assume only that T is 1-finite, write ~ = ~(I)T;
then from standard spectral theory we have homomorphisms X i : I - £ and subspaces
g. c ~ such that ~ = 81 + "'" + ~ is a direct sun, and for each i, T' e ~.
l r !
and p e I, 3 m : m(p,T',i) such that ($(p)-Xi(P)) k T ' = 0 ~ / k _> m. Then
by the preceding result, DT is I-finite. The remaining assertions are obvious.

Proposition ~5- Let ~j T be as above; ~ c ~, a CSA; P~ a positive

system of roots of (~qc,~c) ; ~ = I]~eP ~; Ps' the set of singular roots in P


and ~'(Ps) the set of H c ~ such that ~(H) ~ 0 V H e Ps" If we put @~(H) =
7[~(H)F(H), (H c ~' N ~), then ¢~ extends to an analytic function on ~'(Ps) n
that coincides~ on each connected component of ~'(Ps) q ~, with an exponential

Let X 0 e ~'(Ps) n ~ and let U be a convex open subset of ~ such that

X0 e Uc ~'(Ps) n ~. Let Ps = {~i ..... ~p}' P \ P s = {~i ..... ~t } where B1 ..... ~r
are the compact roots and Br+l'''"~t the complex roots in P. Let L i (resp. N.~
be the null space of ~i in ~ (I < i < r) (resp. 8j in ~ r + 1 _< j _< t) and
let I~, ...,Mq be all the subspaces of ~ which are either equal to an N. or to
an intersection of two or more of the L i• . If X' e "U = U \ ~ _ < i _ < q M i, then
either X' is regular or it is semiregular and ] i, i < i < r such that ~i is
the only root in P vanishing at X'; in the latter case, the centralizer of X'
in ~ has compact adjoint group. So (Proposition 13 and Corollary 20) T coin-
cides with an analytic function in a neighborhood of X' in ~. This ~ ¢~ extends
to an analytic function in a neighborhood of X' in U. Now, dim(Mi) _< Z - 2 V i;
moreover, by Lemma 16, U ~ ~' has only finitely many connected components on each
of which @~ is an exponential polynomial, so that the derivatives of ¢~ are
bounded in some neighborhood of every point of U. So Lemma 3.21 ~ ~ r9 s C~(U)
such that ~ = ¢~ on U n ~' But then, ~ is ~(S(~c))-finite and so is analytic
on U. This proves the proposition.

Let Pk be the set of positive compact roots and let Wk be the subgroup of
W(~c) generated by the Weyl reflexions s , ~ ~ Pk"

LEMMA ~6. Let Ps be empty. Then ~ is conjugate via G to a CSA of the

lwasawa type. Wk c W(~) and Wk acts simply transitively on the connected com-
ponents of ~'(Pk) which are all convex open subsets of ~. If Pk is also
empty, i.e., if all roots of (~c,~c) are complex, ~' is connected and in fact
F N ~' is connected for every convex open subset F of ~; and 7~ is invariant
under W(~); this is in particular the case if ~ is the underlying real Lie
algebra of a complex reductive Lie algebra.

We may assume ~ semisimple and ~ to be stable under a Cartan involution @.

Let 9 = T + ~ be the Cartan decomposition. Put a = ~ n p. Let ~ be the
centralizer of a in ~. Then ~ : (~ N ~) + (~ N ~). Write m = ~ N ~. If
is a root of (%,~c), then ~ is real on Q and pure imaginary on ~ M ~, and
is a root of (~c,~c) <==>~ I ~ = 0 <==~ is pure imaginary <==~ is compact.
Let ~ be such a root. We assert that the root spmces ~i~ ~c . Suppose this is
not so. As @~= ~ =-~c°nj , ~ + ~_~ is stable under @ as well as the conjuga-
tion of % with respect to ~ and so ] Z ~ 0 belonging (~ + ~_~) n D. As
z e ~, all eigenvalues of ad Z are real; on the other hand, as ~ is compact,


I = (9 c + g~ + q_u) n ~ has compact adjoint group and hence ad zII has only pure
imaginary eigenvalues. So ad Z[I = 0, ~ Z c ~, a contradiction. Thus

~c a Ic + ac, ~ ~ is maximal abelian in p. 9 is thus of lwasawa type, and

= m + a. If M is the adjoint group of ~ then M is obviously compact and
so each element of Wk comes from M. Thus W k c W(~), and Wk is simply trans-
itive on the chambers of 9 considered as a CSA of ~. Suppose now Pk is also
empty. Then ~' = ~ \ U j Mj where the M.3 ~ e subspaces of eodimension _> 2 and
so ~' is connected by Lemma 16. To prove that s175 = 7T5 for s e W!9 ) in this
case~ first note that for any ~ the four roots ~ _~ - cona _ eono are
distinct and so IP[ is even. Since v~(H) 2 = (-l)IPldet(ad H)q/~, v~(H) 2 is
real for H e ~, ~ 4 = I ~ 14 on ~ and so, as ~ does not vanish anywhere on
9', IT~ = £ ] ~ I on 9', where s is locally constant and £ 4 = i. As 9' is
connected, s is constant. This implies v~ = slv~l on ~ and so, as any element
of W(~) leaves ~ stable, s .v~ = v ~ V s e W(~). The last assertion is
immediate from the structure theory of a complex reductive Lie algebra (el.
Helgason [i], pp. 237-239 ).

Suppose now that ~ c ~ is a CSA such that Ps = ~ and T is an invariant

I-finite distribution on ~. Let F be a connected component of 9' Then ~ an
exponential polynomial ~ such that ¢9 = cO on F. If s e Wk, then ~ = g(s)~
on s • F. Thus ~ determines ¢~ completely. If further Pk U P s = ~' then ~'
is itself connected and ¢~ coincides with a single W(~)-invariant exponential
polynomial on all of ~'.

Let X :I ~ C be a homomorphism. Let 9 be a CSA of ~. Then we can find

e ~c such that X(p) = p~(~), (p ¢ I), i.e., in the notation of n ° 2, X = X~;
is not uniquely determined by X but the orbit W(~c) • h is. Note also that
the CSA ~ serves only to label the homomorphisms X; any CSA would serve the
same purpose. Suppose now D is a completely invariant open subset of q and T
an invariant distribution on ~ such that ~(p)T = p~(~)T, (p c I). Let F be
the analytic function on D' determined by T. Let W~(~c ) be the stabilizer of
in W(tc) and let s I = l,s2,...,s r be a complete system of representatives
for W(~c)/Wh(tc ). Then, given any connected component F of 9'(Ps) ~ D, we can
find polynomials pi~ (i < i < r), harmonic with respect to the finite reflexion
group W~(tc), such that (el. Theorem ii)

F (s~1 • ~)e~(S~ 1 H)
(15) F(H) = F Pi /~(H) (H ~ f n ~,).
In the special ease when Z is regular; the Pi become constants; in this case
we can find complex valued functions es( • ) (s {W(tc)), defined and locall~
eonstan~ on % '(Ps) Q ~; such that


(z6) F(H) = ~ e(S)Cs(H)e(Sh)(H)/v~(H) (x c ~ n ~ ' ) .

Finally, if we assume that ~ is regular, that all roots (%,~c) are complex,
and that ~ = ~ or at least that ~ n ~ is convex, then complex constants
Cs (S c W(~c) ) such that

(17) F(~) = F Oses~(~)/~(~), (x~on~,)

with the constants c satisfying

c t = Cst (t ~ w(~c), s ~ wk).


5. Local structure of invariant ei~endistributions on 9:

the fundamental theorem

In this section we shall prove the theorem of Harish-Chandra that an invariant

eigendistribution on 9 is a locally integrable function on 9. We begin with an
outline of the proof.

i. Outline of the proof.

Let ~ c ~ be a completely invariant open subset of ~, T an invariant l-

finite distribution 9~ F the analytic function = T on ~' Let TE be the dis-
tribution defined by F an ~. The proof that T = TF involves two steps.

Step i: Here one shows that TF is 1-finite.

Step 2: One shows that there are no nonzero invariant I-finite distributions
with supports c ~ \ ~'. In particular, this would imply T = ~.

For the first step, it is enough to prove that

(1) ~(p)T F : TB(p) F on ~ / p 6 I.

In fact, if J c I is the ideal such that $(J)T : 0; then 8(J)~ : 0 on ~',

~5(J)T F = 0 by (1). Let ~] be the set of all invariant D [ Diff(te) such that
for any invariant 1-finite distribution T' on ~, DTF, = TDF,, F' being the
analytic function = T' on ~'. ~ is easily verified to be a subal~ebra of
Diff(tc). Clearly, for any p e ~(~c), M(p) e ~. So, if ~ is as in Section 2,
n°3, it is enough to prove that ~(w) c ~ in view of Lemma 2.12. For this,wefirst derive

an expression for 5(~)T F - TS(~) F that generalizes (4.14) and shows that it belongs
to a class of invariant distributions on 9 having singular supports and constructed
in a very specific manner. If S is any distribution in this class, it will emerge
that S = 0 ¢=> that S = 0 around each semiregular point; as the latter has been
shown for 5(~)T F - T$(w) F in Sectinn 4, one has 5(~) e 91.

For the second step we use the descent method and reduce the proof to showirgthat
no nonzero invariant I-finite distributions with supports c ~; this is done
pretty much as in Section 4, n ° 5, using the theory of ~[(2,C)-modules.

2. An expression for 8(~)T F - T~(~) F-

We fix a G-invariant symmetric nonsingular bilinear form (.,.) on 9c × 9c

that is real on 9 × ~ coincides with the Cartan-Killing form on ~gc × ~te' and
with respect to which, ~c and center (gc) are mutually orthogonal. ~his form

gives rise to an isomorphism v ~ ~ of S(tc) onto P(tc) that commutes with the


actions of G on these two a!gebras; so that, in particular, v e I = Is(~c)

~ ~([c); we d e f i n e m ~ I by ~(X) = (X,X) (X { gc ) .

Let 2 c ~ be completely invariant, open~ and T an invariant distribution on

~, having the following properties: (i) T is I-finite on ~'. (ii) If X' ~
is semisimple and semiregular, ~ an invariant open neighbourhood ~, of X' in
such that TI~ , is i-finite. Let F and TF be as usual. We fix a s.s.
point X 0 e ~, and select U0 = % , T , V 0 = VT, T as in ~heorem 1.20 where 7 is a
bounded convex open subset of ~ containing X0, X 0 e U0~ and V 0 c ~. We choose
an invariant 9 e C=(~) such that (i) 9 = i on a completely invariant open set
~ with x0 { ~ c ~ (ii) supp(~)=v 0. ~en ¥:~-T(~) (f ~ Cc(~)) is an
invariant distribution on all of ~ and ~ = T on ~i" We write ~ for t~e function ~F
on g'; ~ is invariant, s C~(~'), and = 0 on 9'\supp(q0).

LEMMA i. For any p c I, $(p)~ is locally integrable on ~.

We need only prove this around each s .s. point. Let X e ~ be s.s. If
X / supp @, there is nothing to prove. Suppose X s V 0. It is clear from the
proof of T h e o r e m 4.17 that V 0 Q ~' = ~ l < t < m G .F t where, for each t; Ft
is a bounded open connected subset of a CSA ~t and Ftc~. Fix t and let mt =
% s P t ~' Pt being a positive system of roots of (~c,~tc); write Ct =

~t(Fl~' n ~t), ~t = ~t (~l~t)' Pt : P~t" ~hen, by Theorem 2.14, ~ H c Ft

(~(p)~)(H) = Irt(H)-l(~(pt)~t)(H ) = 7[t(H)-l(~0@t)(H;~(pt)).

But, as Pt is bounded, all derivatives of ~}t are bounded on it~ and so ~ a

constant Ct > 0 such that b(p)~ is majorized by CtI~t I-I on rt. ~hus, for
some C > O, ~(p)~ is majorized by Cl{l -I/2 on V 0 n ~', { being as in

(1.i). mis prove~ the 1emma, as I{1-1/2 is locally integrahle.

LEMMA 2. Let ~ c ~ be a CSA; 7[~ = ~ c P ~ (P' a positive system of roots

of (~c'~c)); Y~ = 7r~(~I~'); Ps' the set of singular roots in P, ~'(Ps) the
subset of ~ where none of them vanish. ~hen ~ extends to a C function on
~'(Ps)' and ~ u ~ S(~o), ~(~)¥~ is hounded on ~'(Ps)"
For the first assertion we srgue as in Lemma I, using Proposition 4-35. For the
second, it suffices to prove that for each u c S(~c) , ~ ( u ) ~ is bounded on ~ ' ~ V 0. If
F t is the finite subset of all x e G such that x - ~t = 9, then (in the notation of
Lemma i),

~'nv0: U ~t.rt
The result is clear now since the Ft are bounded and ¢%t is an e x p o r ~ r £ i a l ~ o n ~.
Let d~ be a Lebesgue measure on ~. Let T~and, for any p ~ I ~ TS(p)~ denote the
invariant distributions on Z defined by the functions ~ and ~(p)F. Let


(2) g = ~(~)m._- T
F ~(~)~

Then ~ is an invaria~t distribution on g which is = ~(w)T F - T~(~) F on ~i'

and supp(~) c g\ g' Let ~i (i < i < r) be a complete system of mutually
noneonjugate CSA's of g. Let Pi be a positive system of roots of (gc,~ic);
~i : % e P i ~; for f e Cc(g)' 9f,i = Cf'~i; si = aR'~i (i < i < r). If n.l is
the number of imaginary roots in Pi' ~conjm = (-i) m ~..m Let d~i be a Lebesgue
measure on ~i' Yi = ~'['mm (~i = ~l~i)' (~i = ~ i " Then, using Theorem 2.14
and Lemma ~.9, we find that ~ constants ci > 0 such that V f m Cc(g ),

(3) ~(f) = < ~i < r ( - ~ ) ~ c i ~ h{®i~(~i)~f,i " ~f,i ~(h)$i]dh "

In order to further simplify (3), we consider the following situation. Let

E be a real vector space of dimension d (i < d < ~); ~,...,;kq nonzero elements
of Ec that are real on E; Mi the hyperplane in E where )ki vanishes. We
assume that the Mi are distinct and put E' = E\[JiM i M:l = Mi\[Jj~i Mj. We
denote by B(E') the set of all h ~ C~(E ') such that for each ~ c S(Ec) , $(u)h
is bounded on bounded subsets of E'; ~(E') is the set of all h c B(E') such
that h = 0 outside a bounded subset Eb of E'. By Lemma 3.21, the derivatives
of any h ~ B(E') extend continuously to the closure of each component of E'.
Fix i, i < i < q~ and let M0 be a connected component of M'. Let MT
i> l l
be the half spaces of E where ~. < 0. An elementary argument shows that there
are exactly two connected :L
components of E' whose closures meet M 0l" We
denote these by T+ (~i~); clearly D~(MOi) c M +. If h e B(E') and
u c S(Ec) ~ we define the functions (~(u)h) + on M':L by setting, on any arbitrary
connected component M0 of M~, (~(u)h)+(x)= lim (~(u)h)(x')
x '-x,x' sr+(M~)
(x C M0). It is easy to verify that h + c B(M~), that (~(u)h) + = ~(u)h + for
u ~ S(Mie), ~d t~at h-+ ~ ~(M~) for h ~ ~(Z'). Finally, let
[h]-+= h+ - h-.

LEMMA ~. Let dE be a Lebesgue measure on E. ~hen ~ uniquely determined

Lebesgue measures dM i on M. (i < i < q) such that if hl,h 2 c B(E') and one
of them ~ ~(E'), then, V u c Ec

~, hi ~(u)h 2 d E = - 4 ' h2 ~(u)hld~' ~ ~.(u) /P [hlh2] + aMi •

l<i<q ~- JM;m
This just am elementary version of Stokes' theorem. We omit the easy proof.

COROLLARY 4. If hl,h 2 c B(E') with one of them e Bb(E'), thenVu,v s Ec,


' l<i<q .

+ r ~i(v)7~ [hs~(u)h~]+aHi
. _

We now return to (3). Let P. be the set of singular roots in P.. For
l,S 1
g Pi~s' let ~ : ~ for ~ real~ :- i~ for ~ imaginary; then ~* is real
on ~i" Let H. be the null space of ~* on ~i' and let M: =
Mi,c~ \ U s £ P i , s , 8 ~ o ~ Hi, 8 . By Lemma 2, si~"i c B ( ~ i ( P i , s ) ) , while
%,i ~ S h ( ~ ' ( S i , s ) ) W f ~ Cc(~). S e l e c t now an o r t h o n o ~ m a l h a s i s mi, 1 ..... Hi, ~]
for %ic • Then c0i = Hi,
2 I + "'" + H2~,~, and we get from Corollary 4 the following:

for suitable Lebesgue measures dMi, ~ on Mi, ~ and ~f e C c(~)

= ,

n. p
~(f) : F (-1) ~ D F ~*(Hi, j) j ' [?f,i~(Hi, j) (SiYi)
l<i<r l<j_<~ asP. M:
- - - - l,S I,Cf

- (si}i)B(Hi, j) ~f,i i+ dMi, ~
Now, given any CSA ~ c 9, there is a linear isomorphism ~ ~ HZ of ~c onto
~c such t~at Z(H) = (HZ'H>~H s ~e" Zf ~ is a root or (~c,%c), we have
E I < j < _ ~ ~(H.~,o.)H.~,3. : H . If we define H~ to he H~ or iH~ according as

is real or imaginary, then ~ (Ha) > 0 and for given i,~, the haZf-spaces M+

are those that contain + ~; if g c B(~i(Pi,s)), g[,~(H) : lim~.~0 + g(H + ~H~)

(H ~ M~,p.

LEKMA ~. Let Si be the set of singular imaginary roots in P.. Then

Lebesgue measures dMi, ff on Mi~ ff and ±
gi,~' h$z,ff c B(M~,~) such that W f ~ C c ( 9 )

~(f) ~ r 7M •T [ + gi,~(~(~)~f,i
I, )+ +gi,~(~(~)*f,i)
- -+hi,~*f,i+hi,~*f,i}dMi~;
+ + - -
It is clear from the preceding discussion that ~ Lebesgue measures dM. and
C c°
- -

c B(M~,ce) such t h a t ',~f c c(g), we have the r e l a t i o n (*):

+ + + +
~(f) : E / {ai,~(~(~)%,i ) +a[,~(~(~)%,i)-+bi,~¢f,i+~- < .]aM. .
l<i<r~ M., l~ I~i l~
~ePijs l,~
Fix i, and let ~ ~ P. be re~]_. Let ~ be the centralizer of Hi . Then
I,S ,C~
$~ ~ ~I(2,]R) and results of Section 3, n°5 apply. ~ has a CSA ~c 8 and not
conjugate to ~i via any automorphism of ~; moreover~ ~ x in the adjoint group of


~c and a locally constant function Z on M7 such that (cf. Theorem 3.30) (i)
"~c = h e (i~) 7 : ~ o~ is a s~ngular i~aginary root of (~e,Yc) (iii) if
D e Diff(~c)
-- , then Vf { Cc(~
)~ and H ~ Mi,~,
~ (Dx~~rf,i)+ (H) = (DX~f,i)-(H) =
~(H)[(DCf,~)+(H)-(D~f,y)-(H)] where (D~f~)~(H) : l i m T ~ 0 ~ (D~f,y)(H+iT%).

Choose j and y' e G such that y' .~_~ ~j; put ~ = ~ , y-1 Y = y,x-1. ~qen
y • M[~,~ = M[0,~, the function 7 = ~ o y is locally constant on M~,B, and for
some nonzero constant c we have ~ H ~ M~ f ~ C~ ( q ) , with H' y • H,
1,~ ~ C

(~(~)~f,~)-(~) : c~,){(~(~)¢f,~)+(~,)-(~(~)~f,~)-(~')]

~?,i(~) c7(~' + '

~hus, the termS in (*) involving real roots can be transformed into termS involving
singular imaginary roots of a different CSA. Lemma 5 now follows easily.

3. A closer study of Z.

Consider one of the CSA's, say _~i, and fix a root ~ in S..m It is
then clear from the results of Section 3 that for fixed H c M7 and
D { Diff(~i,c) ~ f ~ (D~f,i)~(H) is an invariant distribution on ~, and that if
w is any locally integrable function on Mi~

J M' I ,~

are well-defined invariant distributions on ~ (cf. Lemma 3.6 and Theorem 3.9).

We shall be interested in a special class of distributions of the above form.

Given H c M'~ ~, u e S ( ¢ . H) , ~ and g c B(M~~ ) ~ we define the invariant distribu-
+ '~_
tions ~,u' g,u by setting, • f c Co(g),

(4) ~'~(f)
+ : (~(u)*f'i)-(~)'
+ ~'u(f)
+ :~M:
[ g(H)®~,u(f)d~i,~(~)

These distributions depend also on i and ~ but we do not display this for brevity
of notation. Let the linear span of all the 6~g~u be Z(%i,~ ) . Lemma 5 now gives

L~MMA 6. 3 hi, [X(~i,~) such that b : % < i < r %eSi ~i,~"

For any i;~ let ~i,~ be the centralizer of Mi, ~ in ~. It is clear that Mi, =
center (~i,~). Let hi, ~ be the set of nilpotents of ~i,~" We denote by 'M.m,~ the
subset of all X c M i , ~ such that ~ i ~ is also the centralizer of X. 'M.m~ is the set
of semiregUlar points of M i ,~, 'Mi~ ~Mi,~, and Mi~\ 'M.
l,~ is of measure zero.
From Corollary i .22 we get


LEHHA 7" For say H e 'Hi~, G" (H + hi,@) is closed in 9" G .'M.l,@ consists
of all the points in CI(G • ~Mi, @ + hi,@) ) which are semisimple and semiregular.

LEMHA 8. Let D e Diff(%ic), g e B(~i,@) , H £ 'H.l,@. ~hen the distributions

f ~ (D~f,i)-(~), f ~ ~'H +

have supports contained respectively in+ G. (H + n i ~ ) and CI(G.('Mi, ~ + ~i,~) ).

In particular, if u e S(C • H )~ supp(®H,u) c G • (H + ni,~) while, for any
@ e Z(~i,~), supp(e) c CI(G - (~4i,~ + ni,~) ) sad G "~i,~ contains all the points
in supp(®) that are semisimple and semiregular.

Fix H c ~. and select a T > 0, and an open neighborhood 7 of H in

'M.l,~ such that U = 7 + ~i,~(T) and V = G •U have the properties described in
~heorem 1.20 (with H in place of X). If ~' denotes an arbitrary open neighbor-
hood of H in 7 and T' an arbitrary number with 0 < T' < T, then we can
select an invariant h ~ C~(~) such that h = i on an invariant neighborhood VI
of H +in 9 while supp(h) c V ,,T ,. If f e C c ( Z ) , it is clear that (Dtf,i)+(H)=
(D@hf, i)-(H ). It follows easily from this that the support of f ~ (DCf,i)+(H) is
c supp(h) c VT,,T , . The first assertion now follows from Corollary 1.22. If
f e Cc(~) and supp(f) is disjoint from CI(G.('H. + ni,~)), ~en~bythe above, for
+ !,C~
H' c ~i,@' (D@f,i)-~H') = 0. This shows that the support of the distribution
f ~ ~'H . g(D~f~i)--dHi, @ is contained in CI(G • ~Hi, @ + ni,~) ). In particular,
s u p p ( T , U ) C CI(G" (SMi,~ + ni,~)), implying the inclusion concerning supp(®) for

® ~ Z(~i,~). If for such a ®, X' is a s.s. semiregular point in supp(®),

g, u and e = + such that X' { supp(®g,u); but then X' £ CI(G" ('Mi,~ + ni,~) ),
and Lemma 7 ~ X ' ~ G " Mi, ~-

Let Z. be the centralizer of M. in G (= the centralizer in G of any

i,~ I,C~
point of 'M i,~) ~• N(~i,~) is the normalizer of ~i,~ in G.

LEMMA 9. Suppose ~ ~ Si, ~ e Sj~ x e G are such that (x .'Hi,~ @ Mj,~ ~ ~.

Then i = j, x £ N(~i,@) ; moreover, ~ s = ~i i sad z in the adjoint group of
~i,~ such that zx normalizes %i and maps ~ into s~.

Let Y e'M~,@ and x .Y ~ Mj,@. Then x • 8i,@ m ~j,~, and so by dimension-

ality, x il~i,~ = ~j,~; in particular x • Y e 'Mj,@. So x . ~i is a CSA of ~j,~
and ~ o x is a singular imaginary root. But then ~ z in the adjoint group of
~j,~ such that z • (x • ~i ) = ~j, showing that ~i and ~j are conjugate. Thus
i = j, sad for y = zx we have Y . H i ~ ~ = Hi,8, showing that y takes ~ into

Write ~ ~ if 3 s e W(~i) with s~ = + ~ (~,~ e Si).


LEMMA i0. Suppose ~,~ c S.m and ~ ~ ~. Then ~(~i,~) = ~(~i,#). Let
{ Si, 8 c Sj, ® c ~(~i,~), ®' c U(gj,~) be such that supp(@) n supp(@') con-
tains a s e m i s i m p l e s e m i r e g u l a r element. Then i = j and ~ ~ ~.

The second assertion is clear from Lemmas 8 and 9. Let ~,~ e S. and ~ . Let
x~G be such that x • ~i : ~i and x .'M.m,~ ='M.m,~. L e t Fff be a c o n n e c t e d
+ +
component of MJ and F = x •F • I f F~ (resp. FT) a r e t h e two c o n n e c t e d
components of -zh] whose closures meet F (resp. FS],. then either x • F = F
or x . ~ = rS +. mf s = ia(x)I%i and s o = S0(s ) (cf. Lemma ~.4), then for
u c S(C • H ) , H e F, we have ~Hx, ux = S O ~ u o r _ s O®gH,u~. _ c ° n s e q u e n t l y ' for any

g e B(MI,~) that vanishes outside F , ~x x : C~g,u on C®+g,u for a nonzero

g ,u
constant e, showing g(~i,~) = ~(~i,~).

COROLLARY ii. Let $7 be a complete set of representatives in S. for ~.

i i

Then %<i<r % e S i ~(~i '~) = % < i < r %ESI ~(~i,~). If ®.i,~ c J(~i,~) and
@ = --~<i<r Z~cS7 ® i ~ ~ then for any s.s. semiregular Y, ® = 0 around Y<=:>®i~ =0
around-Y~i andlV ~ c S.'.

Let $7 be a complete set of representatives with respect to ~. By Lemma

i0 we can write ® = r~ Z G , with G. s ~(hi,~]..~, If Y is s.s.
i<i<r ~cS! i~ z~
semiregular and Y [ ) (~ c S~, 8 c S ) then Lemma l0 ~
i = j and B ~ and hence i = j, 8 : ~. This leads to the corollary.

4. A class of invariant distributions with singular supports.

We now study a class of invariant distributions that resemble closely the ~6~+u.
Let A be a C~ manifold and B c A a closed regularly imbedded submanifold. A
distribution Z on A is said to live on B if ~(f) : 0 V f c C~(A) with
f I B = 0; then supp(Z) c B. If ~' is a distribution on B, then ~ : f~Z'(fIB)
is a distribution on A that lives on B. Conversely~ we have

LEMMA 12. Let A~ B be as above. Then the restriction map f~f IB from
Cc(A ) to Cc(B ) is surjective. If h is a distribution on A that lives on B,
a unique distribution ~' on B such that h(f) = ~'(f I B) V f e Cc(A ). If ~
is a diffeomorphism of A such that ~(B)= B, snd ~B = eplB, then, the ~-invariance of X
implies the ~B-invariance of X'.

n B= IPa X [ O n -p] where I aq is the

This is easy to prove in the case when A = Ia,
cube [(x I ..... Xq) : x i c ] R , Ixil < a V i ] and On_ p is the origin of IRn-P; we omit the
proof. The uniqueness of X' is immediate from the surjectivity of the restriction
map Cc(A ) ~ Cc(B ). The general case follows from an elementary partition of unity
argument. The last assertion follows from the uniqueness.


We now consider a reductive subalgebra ~ c ~ with rk(~) = rk(~) such that ~ is

the centralizer in ~ of its center c. Then ~ X e ~ such that ~ is ~Iso the central-
izer of X in ~. We are then in exactly the same situation as that considered in
Section i, n°5. Let n c ~ 8 be the set of nilpotents of ~. d~ is a Lebesgue measure
on ~. N(~) is the normalizer of ~ in G.

Let X c '~ and let @ be an invariant distribution on ~ with s u p p ( ® ) C G • ( X + n).

If ~,~ are as in Theorem 1.20 and 8 =®I V then we can associate with ® a
Z-invariant distribution 8 on U , via the map T ~ T considered in Section 2.
7,T ~,T
By Theorem 2.3, s u p p ( 8 7 , ~ ) c U T Q G • ( X + m ) c X + n . Since X + n is closed in ~, ~ a
unique distribution 8' on ~ such that @' = 0 on ~\ (X + n) and coincides with
7,T 7,T
@7, ~ on U . @' is Z-invariant and supp(@~, ) c X + n. It is easy to see that
~,T does not depend on (7,7) " We denote it by @ 8md write @ = ~X(®) •

Now N(~) normalizes ~ and '~, and the map y ~ y l o is a homomorphism of N(~)
onto a finite subgroup w(o) of GL(c) that acts freely on '~ (Lemm~ 1.19). In par-
ticularj for any X e '~, G" ( X + ~ ) = G . (sX+m)~se~(c), and in the above construc-
tion we could equally well have worked with sX instead of X to obtain a distribu-
tion @s on ~ supported by sX + n. If y e N(~) induces s, it follows easily that @s
is the image of ~ under y; note that since 8 is invariant under Z, the image of 8
under any element z e N(~) depends only on the element t = zig of ~(~), so that we
may write %t instead of @z. Thus, if @ and @ are as in the earlier discussion, we
have 6 = 8 s - l ~ s ~ m ( ~ ) .

Let us now introduce the notion of a field of distributions. Let (R,r) be a

measure space where R is a second countable locally compact Hausdorff space and r
a Borel measure . Let M be a C ~ manifold. A map x ~ t is said to be a field of M-
distributions if the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) t x is defined for almost all x, is a distribution on M, and for each

feCc(M), X ~ t x ( f ) is a measurable function.
(ii) given compact sets M l C M , ~ C R ~ we can find a continuous seminorm v =
VMI,RI on C~(M) such that for almost all x e R.,

Itx(f)l ~ v(f) (feC~(M), supp(f)CMl)

(iii) given a compact set N l C M , there is a compact set ~ C R such that for aJL-
most ~ i x c R\~,s~p p ( t x ) does not meet ~ Under these conditions it is clear
that for each f e C c ( M ) ,

t(f) = ~R tx(f)dr(x)

is well defined and t ( f ~ t ( f ) ) is a distribution on M. We write

t = ~R tx dr(x).

We obviously have s~p~(t) C Cl(U x supp(t)).


LI~4}4A i~. For each X ~ 'a let 0)( be a distribution on ~ such that ®X is in-
variant, supp(@x)CG. (X+n), and the assignment X ~ ® X satisfies conditions (i)
and (ii) above. Then X ~ 8 X is a field of ~-distributions. If 8= ~,(yGxda(X), then
supp(e) c c1(a • ( ' ~ + n))
Finally~ let ~= '<~+$~, @X:~X(~PX) ~X: 8XI~; then X ~ X is a field of
distributions and supp(Sx ) m X + n V x c '~.

The fact that X ~ ® X satisfies the requirement (iii) for it to be a field is

immediate from Lemma 1.25 and the inclusion supp(Sx) C G • (X+n). The assertion
involving supp(8) is obvious. So we are left only the last assertion. Since
s~pp(ex)CX+~, it follows that if M I is a compact subset of ~ and CI is its pro-
jection on a nod ~8, then supp(Sx) does not meet M I whenever X ~ . We shall now
prove that (i) and (ii) are also satisfied by the assignment X ~ e X. Fix X s '~,
and s e l e c t Z/,T s u f f i c i e n t l y small; write U=U ,z, V: % , ~ , ®~=SxIV , 9~= 6xIU.
We now r e c a l l the map o t ~ f of Cc(GXU ) onto Cc(V) such t h a t ( l ® a T ) ( C ~ ) = T ( f ) for
every invariant distribution on V. Select 8 ~ Cc(G) such that .IG~ dx = i and for
g ¢Cc(U), write g = fB@g" Then, with S(~) denoting supp(B), we have

supp(~)~ s(~) • (s~pp(g)) ~½(g) = 8~(~) (Ysv)

Since g ~ g is continuous, it is now clear that Y ~ 8 ~ is a field of U-distributions
on 7. To go over to the whole of '~ we first fix X,W,T and select Tj,yj (j=l,2)
such that X ¢ 7 1 , Ci(~i)c72, CI(72) c7, 0 < T I < T 2 < T , and a Z-invariant h~C=(~)
such that h = i on U72,T 2 and supp(h)cU . Clearly,

~y(g) = ~(~) ( ~ v~, g ~ c~(~))

Since hg ¢ Cc(UT,~) , this proves the measurability of Y~Py(g) on 71. Suppose
M l m ~ is compact. We may assume that CI(7 ) is compact. If g ¢ Cc(~) and supp(g) m
MI, then supp(hg)mM2= ~ ~ supp(h) is compact and so we can find a continuous
seminorm v' on Cc(U ,T) such that 19y(hg)l <v'(hg) for all g as above, Y e T l " So
a continuous seminorm w on Cc(]) such that l~y(g)l <v(g) for Y S Tl , g ~ Cc(~)
with supp(g)~M I. From these observations it is easy to conclude that X ' ~ X .

(X' ¢ 'a) is a field of ~-distributions.

Let us consider a field X ~ 8 X as in Lemma i~. If 0){= 0 for almost all X, then
8=0. The converse to this assertion is important for us. Since supp(Sx)CG • (X+m)
for X ¢ '~ and since the various (closed) sets G • (X+n) are disjoint, it might
appear that from the vanishing of .~, 8xda(X ) one should be able to conclude the
vanishing of 8X for almost all X. This is however not always possible. For ex-
smple~ the distributions 8t' ( - ~ < t < ~, 8t' is the derivative of the Dirac delta
located at t) are all nonzero~ have disjoint supports, and yet ~_~ 6 ~ d t = 0 . The
next proposition gives a sufficient condition under which the converse we are
seeking would be valid.


Proposition 14. Let X ~ ® X (X e '~) be a field of g-distributions satisfying

the conditions of Lemma 13. S~ppose that for almost all X 6 '~ the distribution
8X lives on X + ~ . Fix X c 'J and suppose that the distribution ®= f'~®x'd~(X')
vanishes in a neighborhood of X. Then we can find a neighborhood 3/ of X in '~
such that for almost all X' c 7,

esX , = 0 •
Fix X c 'a and select 7,T as in Theorem 1.20 and such that ® = 0 on VT, T. We
shall prove that Z G vanishes on V for almost all X'c 7" Since supp ®sX' c
s sX ' 7~T
VT, ~ for X' c3/, s eYe(o), this will prove that Zs @sX, vanishes on ~ itself.

The idea behind the proof is very simple. We apply the transfer operator
(T~T) to the relation ..y
~ ® x , d ~ ( X ' ) = 0 to conclude that .I^,~x,d~(X')=0 where ~X'
is the sum of the SEX'' But now the distributions ~ , not only have disjoint
supports but live dijsointly, since ~X' lives on X ' + ~ . So we are able to conclude
that the ~X' vanish.

Let us now proceed to give the details. As V is completely invariant, for

a~ f~ c~(v,¢,__ Cl(~ - (supp(f))~v,~_ so that, by Lena 1.4, for a ~ x,~ ,~,
a .(x'+~) cannot meet s u p p ( O ~nless X ' ~ V . So ~ x , ( f ) = O for X'~ 'o~V . On
the other hand~ by Corollary 1.23~ '~NV is the disjoint union of the sets s "7
(s ~ ( O ) . Hence
(~) ]" r Osx,(f)a~(x, ) = o (f~ c~(v ,~)).
7 S

Let ..~Y' be the restriction to VT, T of Zs®sX'' It is then clear that the
distribution ~X' is given by
"-(s-l) (X' ~ 7)
"~X,= ~X,(~X,) = ~ OsX'
Defining ~ and the correspondence g ~ g as in the proof of Lemma 13 and arguing as
in that lemma we than have

(*) f ex,(g)do(X') = o (g~c~(u7,¢).

Now ( s X ' + $ ~ ) ( s - l ) = x ' + $ ~ . Consequently we see that for almost all X'e3/,
the distribution ~X' lives on X' +$~. For any such X', Lemma 12 gives a unique
distribution ~X' on $~ such that ~x,(g ) = ~x,(g X,) V g c Cc(~) where gx' is the
element of C~($~) given by gx,(X")=g(X'+X") (X"e$~). So from (*), we g e t V
co e co
gl ~ Cc(7)' g2 c Ce(~(O)'
f gl(X');x,(g2)do-(X') = 0
~nu s ~ f o r each g2 e Cc($~('r)) , ~x,(g2) = 0 for almost all X' ~ 7 - The n u l l set de-
pends on g2 of course, ttat we now r e c a l l t h e w e l l known a n d e a s i l y proved fact
that one can choose a countable subset E ~ C ~ ( ~ ( ~ ) ) such that if X is any distri-
bution on $~(~), X = 0 as soon as XIZ=0. So we may choose the n~ll set independent


of g2" Thus S X , = 0 on $~(T) for almost all X'~3,. T h i s ~ x ,= = 0 for almost all
X'¢ 7 since supp(~x,)Cn. So ~x,=O for almost all X'~ T. Since ~x,=O~x,,~x,=O
for almost all X' ~7.

THEORIt~ 15. Let X ~ e X (X~ '~) be a field of ~-distributions as in Proposition

14. Let F m g be an invariant open set. If ®= ~,q ®xdC~(X) vanishes in some neigh-
borhood of each point of 'qOCI(F), then ® = 0 on F. If F is completely invariant
and (9 vanishes in some neighborhood of each point of 'oD F, then ®= 0 on F.

Ass~ne that @ = 0 around each point of 'qOcI(F). Fix f ~Cc(f ). If X'[ 'q\
Cl(r), G • (X'+ n) does not meet Cl(P) and so ®x,(f)= 0. As '~\ CI(P) is ~(cy)-
stable, we have Es @sX'(f)= 0. On the other hand, let X'¢ 'ffn Cl(r) . By Proposi-
tion 14, there is a neighborhood 3' of X' in '~ such that Es@sX,,=0 for almost all
X" in 3'. So ~s@sX,,=0 for almost all X"¢ 'oNCI(P). In other words,

~sx.(f) = o
for almost all X'¢ '~. Integrating this over X' we find @(f)= 0. This proves the
first assertion. For the second, note that if X' ~ '~\ F, G • (X+ m) does not meet
supp(f) for any f[Cc(F ) so that Es®sX '(f) =0 for such X'¢ '~ and such f. The
rest of the argUment needs no change.

5. Application to ~. Proof that T F is I-finite

Let notation be as in n°3. For H c 'M.
uc S(C "H ), we have the distribu-
tions ~ , u defined by (4). Let
+ +
%,u : c~(~,u)
+ +
We shall+ now show that H ~ , u are fields of ~-distributions and that 8H,u =
{ H ( ~ , U ) lives on H + $ ~ i , ~ for each H c 'M.m,~. For convenience of notation we
write (i,~ are fixed, l < i < --
r, ~ c S i ) ~=~i' ~= ~i,~' Z=Zi,~' n=ni,~' o = M i ,Od'
t(y = VM. •

For any ~{ '~, u~S(C .~), f~Co(~), f~Cc(~),


From the work of Section 3 it is clear that if ~ c ,~ is a connected compact set
and a = a ( w ) > 0 is chosen so that H + s H . is regular for H ~ 0 , 0 < Isl <a, there is
co co
a continuous seminorm v on Cc(~) such that V f e Cc(~) ,

](~(u).f,~)(~+ ~ . ) [ _<,~(f) (~®, o< I~l <a)

This makes it clear that H ~ , u satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of the defini-
tion of a field of ~-distrihutions; condition (iii) is also satisfied in view of
+ +
Lemma 13 since s u p p ( ~ , u ) C G • (H+ n). It remains to show that 8H, u lives on
H+$~. We may clearly restrict ourselves to the case u = < (re>l). Then


+ d_~
~'u(f) : d ~ (,f,~)(H+s%~) s:0
Fix H c '~, select 7,T so small that Theorem 1.20 is satisfied. Let U = UT,T,
V=V and let ~ f be the ~ap of C c ( G X U ) onto Cc(V ) such that ( l ® a T ) ( ~ ) = T ( f )
~/invariant distributions T on V. Select ~ C C c ( G ) with ~dx=l, and for g ~ C U)
write ~=fB®g. Then qT(G)=T(~). Choose a > 0 such that H + s H .eU for Isl < a
and regular for 0<Isl <a; let s vary only in (-a,a) in what follows. If T s is
the distribution f ~ f , ~ ( H + s H ~), T s is a complex Borel measure. Consequently
aTa is also a Borel measure (Theorem 2.3). Moreover, as supp(Ts) is the orbit
G" ( H + s H .), supp(aTc)CZ" ( H + s H . ) C H + ~ ~. But, if a complex Borel measure is
supported by H + ~ , it must necessaril~ live on it. Hence

~(g) : o (gsc~(~), g J~+~:o)

ThUS, as T ( g ) : a T E ( g ) , we h a v e , f o r 0 ~ Isl < a ,
,~,~(H+~%~) : o (g ~c~(~), g l H + ~ O )
Differentiate with respect to a m times and let s~0+. Then
÷ + v oo
s~,~(g) : e~,u(g) : 0 (g ~ Cc(U), g I H + ~ 0).

THEOIK~M 16. Let ® be a distribution belonging to Xl_<i_~r~ S i ~(~i '~)" Let

Fm~ be an invariant open set. Then, in order that ® = 0 on F, it is sufficient
that ®= 0 around every s.s. semiregular point of the noncompact type belonging to
cI(F). If F is completely invariant, ®= 0 on F as soon as 9= 0 around every s.s.
semiregular point of noncompact type belonging to F.

In view of Corollary ii we may assume that ®~ J(~i,~) for some fixed i,~.
Theorem 15 now leads to Theorem 16.

If we recall the distribution ~ on ~ defined by (2)~ Lemma 6 shows that

gs ~ i ~ ( ~ i , ~ ) . Let notation be as in n°2. By Propositions 4.32 and 4.34 , ~(~)T F-
T~(~)F= 0 around each s.s. semiregular point of ~i" Hence ~= 0 around each s.s.
semiregular point of ~i" By Theorem 16, ~ = 0 on ~i" As X 0 ~ was s.s. and arbit-
rary, 8(~)T F - T ~ ( ~ ) F = 0 around each s.s. point of ~. By Corollary 1.30, 8(~)T F-
T3(~) F = 0 on ~.

The only conditions imposed on T so far were that T is invariant, I-finite on

~', and I-finite around each semisimple semiregular point of ft. Let ~ be the set
of all such T; T s~)~, D s Diff(~c) , D invariant ~ DT e~, by Proposition 4.~4. Let
be the algebra (cf. n°l) of all invariant DsDiff(9c) such that ~ T s ~ , DTF=TDF.
Since ~(~) s 9if,M(q) s N ~ q s Ip(gc), Lemma 2.12 implies ~(I) raN. Thus ~(p)T F-
T3(p)F=0 (Ts~1, p ~ I ) . We have therefore proved

THEORIff~ 17 . Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of 9; T an invariant

distribution on fl, I-finite on ~' in some neighborhood of each s.s. semiregular


point of ~. Let F be tne analytic function on ~' such that T = F on ~' and let
T F be the distribution f ~ 9 , F f d { ( f C C c ( ~ ) ) on ~. Then T F is 1-finite on ~.

COROLLARY 18. Suppose T is 1-finite on ~ itself. Then T - T F is inva~iant,

1-finite on ~, and s u p p ( T - T F ) C ~ \ ~'.

6. Distributions with nil~otent supports.

We now commence the second step of the proof of the fundamental theorem, des-
cribed in n°l; the method of proof is one of descent. In this n ° we shall study
invariant distributions with nilpotent supports. ~ is the set of nilpotents of ~.

By Theorem 1.15, [~=OiU . . . U O s (disjoint union) where each Oj is a G-orbit,

O.U ...UO is closed and contains O. as an open subset of it ( l < j < s ) . Let ~ . =
J s j - -- j
O.Uj ...UOs. Since 0 c C l ( O j ) for any j by Lemma 1.4, [ 0 ] = O s is the only closed
orbit. We denote by g. the vector space of all invariant distributions T on
such that supp(T)C~j; let g = g l " Then g = g l o . . . D ~ s m ~ 0 ] .
Consider a finite dimensional vector space F over ~R of dimension m, l < m < ~ .
By the Euler vector field on F we mean the vector field E which assigns to each
v c F the tangent vector v (here, for any y c F we identify the tangent space to F
at y with F itself in the usual manner). If {Vl .... ,Vm} is a basis of F and
Yl ..... Ym are the corresponding linear coordinates, then E = ~<i~nYi~/~yi . Clearly
E is invariant under GL(F). Suppose (., .) is a symmetric nons~-ngular bilinear form
on F X F . Then (., .) extends in a natural manner to a symmetric nonsingular complex
bilinear form on F c × F e and gives rise to an isomorphism q ~ of S(Fe) onto P(Fc).
Let Q~ S(Fc) be defined by ~(v)= (v,v) (v~ Fc). If we choose the basis ~vi} above
for F in s~ch a way that (V.,V.)=8.5.., 8. = +i then ~Q= 2 ~f2
1 O ~- 1 a • - alYl + " ' " + Sm"m' 8(Q) =
~l~2/~y~ + . . . + ~ m ~ / ~ y ~ . ~sing these we get the following c o = u t a t i o n rules be-
tween E, 5(Q), and the multiplication operator defined by Q (which is again denoted
by ~)-
(6) [E+ m7, - ~ ] = - ~ , [~ + ~,~~ ~(~)] = -~(~), [- ½~,½~(~)]= ~ + } .
~n other words, S~= C. ( ~ + ~ ) + C. ( - ~ ) + C-(~(q)) is a oomp~ex me algebra
~I(2,C), and [ E + 2 , - ~ , ½a(Q)] is a standard triple.

S~ppose m is a complex Lie algebra ~ ~I(2,C) and {~,~,~} a standard triple in

m. Consider an m-module M. If % £ C, we shall say that M is of t ~ e % if (i) M
is spanned by eigenvectors for ~. (ii) The eigenvalues of ~ are of the form % - r
where r belongs to a discrete set of real numbers > 0.

LI~MMA 19 . S~ppose M is an m-module of type %. If % is not a real num-

ber > 0, then no nonzero vector v c M is V-finite, i.e., satisfies a relation of the
form ( C o ~ k + C l ~ - l + ...+Ck ) . v=O with c. ~ C not all zero.
For any ~ C let M be the eigensubspaee of H corresponding to the
eigenvalue ~ of ~. Then M = M % _ r l + H % _ r 2 + ... where 0 _< rI < r 2 < ..


the sum being direct. Suppose ~ v e M, v ~ O, such that ~ .v + Cl~k-i .v +... +

c~v:0 (cj ec, k>~) Write v=v l+v~+ . + % , v !O,v~_r ~ as~%:
cZ ~
p e j_>l~rj < r p j as p -r-
P also, this

implies ~k .v p = O. If m is the integer > 0

-- such that ~.v p ~ 0 but

~+i "Vp = O~ and if v0 = ~-vp, then v 0 ~ M~_ r for some q _> O, v 0 ~ O, and

"v 0 = O. As -i
X • v0 = 0 for large % ~q an integer t _> 0 such that
Kt. v0 ~ 0 but Kt+l . v 0 = O. A standard argument from the theory of representa-
tions of ~(2,C) shows that vO,~.v O,...,~t.v 0 span an irreducible submodule
whose highest weight is the eigenvalue of ~ to which ~t. v 0 belongs. In par-
ticular, k- r s is an integer > 0 for some integer s _> O; but then ~ = (~- rs)
+ rs is real and > O, contradicting our assumption.

LEMMA 20. Let F be a vector space of dimension m over IR (i _< m < ~);
[yi ] a basis of F and [yi ]
the corresponding linear coordinates. For any
~i am
= (~i ..... ~m) (~j integers _> O) let D~ = ($/~yl) ... (~/~ym) . Let ~F be
the vector space of distributions v on F with supp(v) c [0]. If $ is the
l)irac measure at O~ the distributions D~8 form a basis of ~F" Let ~i
(i < i < m) be constants. Then %<i<m ()~i+ l ) y i ~/~Yi " D ~ =

-(%<i<m ( ~ i + l ) ( ~ i +I)) D ~ B V ~ " In particular, if E is the Euler vector field,

E-D~$ = - (m + I~I)D~$. Let (.,-) be a nonsingular symmetric bilinear form on

F X F and let gF be as defined earlier. Then ~F is an gF-mOdule of t y p e - ½m.

Straightforward calculation.

Let w be the Casimir element of ~ and w the corresponding polynomial on

(cf. n°2). Let E be the Euler vector field of ~. If n = dim(~) and,
= £. (E + 2) + C - ( - i~)
+ C. (i ~(~)) then $ is a Lie subalgebra of Diff(~,
IW~ 1
isomorphic to ~I (2,C); [E + 2' - ~ ~' ~ ~ (m)) is a standard triple in $. The
members of $ are invariant a~d so tJ. c J. (i i j < s), i.e., each J. is a
t-module. Js is the space of all invariant distributions on ~ with supports
LEMMA 21. Let ~ be the Dirac measure of O. Then p ~ ~(p)$ (p ~ I) is a
linear bijection of I with ~ . ~ is a t-module of type -Nn.

The first assertion is obvious while by Lemma 20~ ~ is a submodule of a $-

module of type - ½n , hence also of the same type.

Set, for i < j < s, ~j = ~j/~j+l" We shall now prove that ~j is a ~-

module of type - jir for a suitable integer r _> i. To this end, we fix j~
X c 0.. By the Jacobson-Morozov theorem we can find H,Y ~ ~ such that [H,X] =
2X, [H,Y] = -2Y, [X,Y] = H. Put | = ]R -H + IR • X + IR • Y. I acts on ~ through

the adjoint representation. ~ is thus ~n I-module, and as such, splits into a

direct sum of irreducible submodules of dimensions (h i + I), i < i < r. Clearly
%<i<r(~i + I) = n = dim(~). Let U be the centralizer of Y in ~, and
V - [~ ]. It follows from the theory of [-modules that ~ is the direct sum of
U and V, that dim(U) = r, that U is stable under ad H, and finally that one
can select a basis [YI,...,Yr] for U such that [H,Y i] = -liYi , i < i < r.

is the tangent space at X to the orbit O . = G "X; as 9 = U + V is a dir-
ect sum, X + U is transversal to O. at X. Therefore the map @ :G X U ~
given by ¢(x,Y') = x • (X + Y') is submersive at (i,0), hence submersive at all
(I,Y') where Y~ lies in some open neighborhood UI of 0 in U. A simple ar-
gument shows that ~ is submersive on ~ × U1 and ~l : a ' ( X + UI) is an invar-
iant open subset of ~ containing 0..

LEMMA 22. ~ an open neighborhood U0 of 0 in U with the following

properties : (i) ~ is submersive everywhere on G × UO, (ii) ~0 = G. (X + UO)
is an invariant open subset of ~ and "QO N ~j : Oj, (iii) Oj = G • X meets
X + U0 only at X.

We shall show first that for a suitable open neighborhood U2 of 0 in U,

Oj meets X + U2 only at X. Let GO be the centralizer of X in G; G :
G/Go; x ~ x the canonical map of G onto G . Then ~: (y~,Y') ~ y . X + Y' is
analytic from G x U into ~ and has bijective differential at (I ,0). So we
can find open neighborhoods NI of I in G , and U2 of 0 in U, such that
M I = (P(NI × U~) is open in ~ and ~: N I x U~ - ~ is a homeomorphism. Since
y* ~ y • X is a homeomorphism of G* with G •X (cf. Theorem 1.17), ~ ( N I × [0]) is
relatively open in G "X and so we can find an open neighborhood M2 of X in
such that M 2 c MI and M 2 n (G. X) = ~(N I × [0}). Select open neighborhoods N2
of i in NI and U2 of 0 in U~ such that ~(N 2 X U 2 ) c M 2. We claim that
(G.X) 0 (X + U2) = IX]. Indeed, let X + Y2 = y ' X for some y c G, Y2 c U 2.
~hen y.X c M2 n (G'X) = q0(NI x [0}) and so (p(l ,Y2) = y . X = ~(Yl,O) for some
yl c NI ; as (p is one-one on NI × U~, we must have Y2 = O. We already saw
that for a suitable open neighborhood UI of 0 in U, ,$ is submersive every-
where on ~×~i. Replacing UI by ~= ~i0~2' we may assume that ,~ is sub-
mersive on G X U~ and IX] = (G. X) ~ (X + U~). Since O.$ is open in ~j, ~ an
open subset B of @ such that B g] ~ = O ; then ~ : G •B is invariant, open
in ~, and ~3 ~ ~'J = 0..8 If we take U 0 = {Y' : Y' ~ U~, X + Y' ~ ~ ] , then it
is easily verified that U0 has the required properties.

Let T I- ~T and D ~h(D) be as in Lem~a 2.6 and Theorem 2. 7 .


LEMMA 25. For each T e J. let TO : TI~ 0. Then TO = 0 if and only if

T { ~j+~. For any T { ~j, supp(~T0 ) < [0].

S~nce ~0n~j:0~' we have ~0n~+l=¢' ~\~0 ~+l' givi~the

first assertion. For the second, X + supp(~T0 ) c supp(T0) Q (X + U0) (Theorem

2.7), so that X + supp(oT0 ) c ( % ~ S0) Q (X + U0) : 0j ~ (X + U0) = [X].

LEMMA 24. Let E be the Euler vector field on ~. Let Yi (i < i < r) be
the linear coordinates on U with respect to the basis [Yi ] of U where
[H,Y i] = -hiYi , i < i < r. Then, on U0, for E l < i < r YiYi {U0'


As E is of the first order, we can determine A(E) be a simple calculation.

Indeed, as l~(x,YlY + ... + YrYr ) = x • (X + YiYl + ... + YrYr ), we get ~vIX ' c ~,
Y" c U, Y' c U0, (d~)(l,y,)(X',Y") = [X',X + Y'] + Y". let X' = ½ H ,
Y' = Yl"Yl + "'" + Y"Yrr" Then (d9 )(I,y,)(~H,Y " : x + % < i < r (Yi" ½ ~iYi)h "
ThUS (d@)(1,y,)(~ H, % < i < r (~ hi + 1)YiYi) = X + % < i < 7 YlYi ' i.e.,
(d~)(l~y,)(~ H~ % < i < r ~ ~i + l)YiYi) = E X + y " from ~hie--h we obtain, in the
notation of Section 2,

rx+y,(~ ~l + 1 ® ~ (½ ~i + 1)qYi) : ~x+Y,"


The definition of h(E) then leads to the required formula for it.

LEMMA 2~. ~j/~j+l = 7. is a ~-module of type _ r

j 2 "
Let JU be the space of all distributions on U with supports c [0]. For
any T c ~. let ~ be its image in ~j, T 0 = T I ~ 0. By Lemma 23, ~ a unique distribu-
tion ~U in ~U that coincides with ~T0 on U 0 and depends on T only through

3, and T ~ TU (~ ~ ~j) is a linear injection of ~j into JU" On the other

hand, taking D = E + (n/2) we find from Lemma 24 that the above injection carries
the action of E + (n/2) on
~. into the action of f~(E) + (n/2) on ~U" But, as
r _ ~2)D~6 where
E(~ i +i) = n, Lemma 20 implies that (A(E) +2) • D~6 = ( - 7_
~ = E ~i(hi + 2) is an integer > 0.
This implies that ~.j is a ~-module of type

THEOREM 26. Let T be an invariant distribution on ~ such that (i)

supp(T) c 9~, (ii) ~ k > i and constants c0,cl,...,c k c C, not all zero, such
that (c0$(~)k + Cl~(~)k-i + ... + Ck)T = 0. Then T = 0.

Suppose T ~ 0. By Lemmas 21 and 19, T J Us . So ~ j, with i _< j < s, such

that T c J.j but J ~j+l" Let ~ be the image of T in ~j = ~j/Jj+l" Then


(c0~(~)k + ... + Ck) - ~ = 0. But this is a contradiction to Lemmas 19 and 25.

7. Completion of the proof of the fundamental theorem.

THEOREM 27 . Let a be a completely invariant open subset of G and T an

invariant 1-finite distribution on ~, with supp(T) c ~ \ ~'. Then T = 0.

We go by induction on dim(~).

Case i: c = center(B) ~ 0. Let X c ~ be s.s. Write X 0 = X I * X 2 where X l S c,

X2 e ~ and let ~i (resp. ~2) be an open neighborhood of X I (resp. X2) in c
(resp. $~) such that ~i + ~2 ~ ~" Replacing ~2 by G • ~2 we may assume that ~2 is
invariant; and even completely invariant.~ Let fl ~ Cc(~l) and let Tfl be
the distribution g ~ T(f I ® g) (g ~ Cc(~2) ) on ~2" Then Tfl is invariant and
Is($~e)-finite. Since a point YI + Y2 ~ ~ (YI s c, Y2 ~ $~) is regular in
if and only if Y2 is regular in $~, supp(g) c ($~) ' ~ supp(f I ® g) c ~'
Tfl(g ) = 0. So supp(Tfl) ~ ~2 \ ~'2 ~ TfI = 0 by the induction hypothesis. Thus

T(f I ® g) = 0 ~v~fI ~ CC(~I), g [ Cc(~2) , ~ T = O on O~l + ~2' a neighborhood of XO.

Case 2: ~ semisimple. We shall prove first that if X c ~ is s.s. and

X # 0, then T = 0 around X. For any such X, if ~ is the centralizer of X
in g, dim(d) < dim(~). By the work of Section 4, n°5, and with notation as in
Lemma 4.18, ~ 7 and T sufficiently small that ] ~ II/2 OT is an Is(~c)-finite
Z-invariant distribution on U. Now ~ is never zero anywhere on U; further, a
point of U is regular is G if and only if it is regular as an element of ~.
So, s i n c e supp(~_) c supp(T) ~ U by Theorem 2.7 (or Theorem 2.11), we find
1/2 T --
supp(I~l CT) = supp(~T) is contained in U \ U n ~, = the set of points of U
singular in ~. By the induction hypothesis, l'q~II/2 ~T = 0 on U. So ~T = 0
on U, =>T = 0 on V.

Suppose now X ~ ~, X ~ ~. Let X = Xs + Xn be the Jordan decomposition of

X. Then X s c ~ (Theorem 1.28), and by what has been proved above, T = 0 on an
open subset ~i containing X s. Since CI(G-X) contains Xs (Lemma 1.4), for
some g c G, g .X s ~i" So T = 0 around g -X, ~ T = 0 around X. At this
stage we know supp(T) c ~ N ~. If ~ n ~ = ~, we already have T = 0. If
contains a nilpotent element, then 0 c ~ as ~ is completely invariant; as
CI(G • X) contains 0 for any nilpotent X c ~, it follows that g •X ~ ~ for
some g e G from which we see that ~c ~; as ~ is closed in ~, there is a
unique distribution T' on ~ which coincides with T on ~ and is 0 on
~ \ 9]. T' is obviously invariant, I-finite, and supp(T') c ~. By Theorem 26,
T' = 0. So T = 0.

We have thus proved Harish-Chandra's fundamental theorem:


THEOREM 28. Let g~ be a completely invariant open subset of ~ and T an

invariant I-finite distribution on ~. Let E be the analytic function that
coincides with T on ~' = ~ N ~'. ~hen T = F on ~, i.e.,

T(f) = fFd~ (f c Cc(a)).

We also observe that lheorem 17, which proved that TF was l-finite~ used only
the 1-finiteness of T around regular and semiregular points. So we get

THEOREM 29 . Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of ~ and T an

invariant distribution on ~, 1-finite on ~' and in some n e i g h b o r h o o d of
each s.s. semiregular point of ~. Let F the analytic function defined by T on
~', and TF the distribution f ~ f~, F f d~ (f c C~(~)) defined on ~ by F.
~hen ~ exactly one invariant 1-finite distribution on ~ that coincides with T
on ~'; and TF is that distribution.

6. local structure of invariant ei~endistributions on ~:

the behaviour of the function F around sir~ular points

In this section we work with an invariant 1-finite distribution T defined on

a completely invariant open subset ~ of ~. F denotes the analytic function that
coincides with T on ~'= ~n ~,

Let 9 c ~ be a CSA and P a positive system of roots of (~c,9c). We write

~P = % e P ~' ~ P = % e P H ; more generally, if ~ is a reductive algebra with
9 c ~ ~ ~, the set P of roots of (~c,~c)inPis a positive system for the latter,
and we write ~p,~ = 1~ p ~p,~/~ I~ep\p "~p,~ %ep
If ~eP , s "Zgp,~/~ = ~p,~/ . ThUs, ~,~/~, and similarly ~p,~/~, are invariant
under the Weyl group of (~c,9C) .
Now we define

(i) ¢9,p(H) = Fp(H)F(H), Y~(H) = (~(~p)®9,p)(H) (H~ ~ n 9').

Then ¢9~ P and ~ are analytic on ~ N 9' and it is obvious that Y~ does not
depend on the choice of P. Our aim in this section is the determination of the
behaviour of #~,p and the relation between ~,p for different 9.

i. Expressions for #~,p and Y~.

Let Xe~ be s.s. We select 7,~ as in Theorem 1.20 and such that 7 is
convex; let U _ = U~ V = V be ca. Let ~ be as in Section 2~ n°3. Then
by Lemma'4.18 lq@l ~T is a Z-invariant Is(~c)-finite distribution on U. So,
for amy ~e Is(~c), 5(~)(I~II/2~T) is also Z-invariant and IS( @c)-finite •

LEMMA i. Let c ~ be a CSA containing X. Then ~ a constant s = g(9,P)

(-l) r
such that g4 = I and ~p,~/~ = Ihl ~/2 on ~ n ~; 2 = where
r = ~ dim(~/~), and 3 ~ e Is(~c ) such that s ~ = Zfp,Q/~ for all 9, P as

Let r = ½dim(~/~) (r is an integer). By Latona 2.]0 we can find a Z-invar-

iant polynomial q on de such that q : ~ . As U is connected and as ~
vanishes nowhere on it, 3 a constant £0 = s0(~) = + i such that s0q= I~l I/2 on
U. Further q9 = (_l)r (~p,g/~)2 on U N ~ and neither of these vanishes anywhere
on U n ~ while U n ~, being starlike at X, is connected. Hence we can find a
constant g I = ~l(~,P ) such that gl = (-l)r and q9 = sl~P,g/~ on U n ~. Tske

£ = a0g I. Then s4 = i and S~p,~/~ = i ~ i i / 2 on U N ~. Further _v 21=

g 2 =sOs 2 ( - ir)
is independent of 9 and P. Now we have a natural isomorphism of ~(~c) with
Is(de ) (cf. Section 2, n°3). Let ~Cls(~c ) correspond to (-l)re0q under it.
Then g~9 = % , g / ~ "


Let ~ be as above. Then by Lemma 4.5 we can write, on U,

(2) l%ll/%T = 2 gi~ti , ~(0(1%I1/%T) = 2 g~®t i

l<i<r l<i<r

where the gi' gi are exponential polynomials on ~, and the ti, t'~ are Z-
invariant IS(~c)-finite distributions on $~(T). Note that if $~(T)' = ~'~$~(T)
where ~' is the set of regular points of the reductive Lie algebra ~, then
U n ~ , = y + $~(T), = u 0 ~,. Let fi (resp. fl) be the analytic function on
$~(T)' such that t i = f. (resp. t' = f~') on $~(~)' Then, writing
1 i
F U = F IU n g, and E (resp. Eta) for the projection ~ ~ ~ (resp. ~ ~ $~)
(corresponding to the direct sum ~ = o + $~) we obtain from (2) the following
formulae, valid on U n ~':

(5) I~II/2Fu = ~ (gioE)(fioE$~), 3(~)(I~SII/2Fu)= ~ (gioEq)(f~'oE$s)

l<i<r l<i<r

In deducing these from (2) we must remember that qT = FU on U @ ~'

LEMMA 2. Define, ~£H'e % ~ S~(T)', 1 < i < r, ~i,~(H') : mp,~(H')fi(H'),

~£,~(H') = ~p,~(H')f~(H'), ~,~(H') : (~(1~p,~)~,~)(H'). Then, V H ~ U @ ~' with
s = a(~,P) as in Lemma i,

S~,p(H) l<i<r ~i(E°H)~i'~(E~H)' ~(H) ~<i< r

The first of these is immediate from (3) and Lemma i. To prove the second, as
~Is(~c)~ we find from Theorem 2.14 that for any g e C ~ ( U @ ~') and invariant
unde~ the adjoint group of ~, (~(0g)(H) : ~p,~(~i)-l~(~)(~p A)(N) (H~ U n ~,)
where g~ = glU n ~'; for g : I~]~II/2Fu this gives (~(~)(I~II/2Fu))(H) =

%,~(H) -~ ~(~,~/p(~,p(H). Thus, on ~ n ~', ~(~p,~/~)®~,p :

~<i<r(g~'oEq)(mp, oE$~)(fioE~). We now apply ~(~fp,~)(it commutes with multipLica-
tion by C~ functions on U n ~' that depend on H only through E H) to obtain
the second of the relations of the lemma.

2. Analyticity of @~,p and the continuity of Y~

THEOREM ~. Let ~ c ~ be a CSA, P a positive system of roots of (~c,~c);

R the set of real roots of P, and ~'(R) the subset of ~ where no member of
R vanishes. ~en ~,p extends to an analytic function on ~'(R) n ~. Let
HOe ~ 0 ~ and RHn the set of ~eR with ~ ( H 0 ) = 0. Let DeDiff(~c) be such
that s~ • D = - D ~ ~ e RHo. Then D@~,p extends continuously in a neiohborhood~ of
H0 in ~ n ~. In particular, Y~ extends to a continuous function on ~ n ~.


If X is semiregular in Lemma 2, $~ then has a compact adjoint group or

else ~ ~I(2,]R) . In the former situation, the f. are analytic functions on
N~('C) by Theorem 4 . 4 , so t h a t ©~,p and D~),p extend t o analytic functions
on U N ~. Suppose $~ ~ ~I (2,1R). Let ~ ~P be the unique root vanishing at X.
If ~ is s i n g u l a r i m a g i n a r y , t h e ~. extend t o a n a l y t i c f u n c t i o n s on ~ ~ Ng(~c)
by Theorem 4.30 , so that ~p and D~,p extend to analytic functions on U q ~.
Suppose ~ is real. Let D e D i f f ( _.~c) with s • D = -D. Then we can write
D = ~_<j_~m D'.] ® D'Jj where D', cDiff(~c)
8 and D'~±ff(~an(~)c) is of the form
r. s.
~O o~(H) g (rj,Sj integers >0 and r.+s. isodd). Henceon un~',
- g 8

r. S, S.
~(E$ H) J(~(H ) J~i)(E~ H); if sj is odd, ~(H ) J%_ extends continuously
across 0 by Theorem 4.30; if s. is even, then
r. > i so that (D'j~i )( E~ H )
8 J --
approaches 0 when E$ H tends to 0 from either side. Thus in either case,
(Dj~i)(E$ H ) extends continuously across 0. So D~,p extends continuously to
Let H 0 c ~ N ~. First assume H 0 c ~'(R). Let F be a bounded convex open
neighborhood of H0 in ~ N ~'(R). Then only imaginary or complex roots from
P can vanish somewhere in F; let 81,...,8p be the imaginary and 71 ,.--,Tq,
the complex roots with that property. Let Lj be the null space of Bj in [j and
~,...,Mq be all the subspaces of ~ which are e q u a l either to the null space
of some 7i or to the intersection of two or more of the Lj. If H e F\~<_j<qMj,
then H is either regular~ or semiregular with the property that the only positive root
vanishing at H is imaginary, so that @~,p extends to an analytic function in a
neighborhood of any such H. By Lemma 3.21 0~,p extends to a C~ function on
F, which, being $(S(~c))-finite, must be analytic.

Suppose next that H0 s ~ n ~ and RH0 { ~. Let RH0 : {~i .... '~r ]" We assume
that F is bounded, open, convex, c ~ N ~ and that the ~i are the only real
roots which can vanish anywhere in F. Let DcDiff(~c ) with s~ • D = - D ~ / ~ c RH0.

Let Ni be the null space of ~i and ~I~...,M t the subspaces of ~ which are
e qu al either to the null space of some 7i or to the intersection of two or
more from {NI,...,Nr,LI,...,Lp}. As before D¢~,p extends to a continuous
function in some neighborhood of every point of F\Ulij_<t M..8 Lemma 3.21 now
implies Theorem 3.

COROLLARY 4. Suppose ~ is a fundamental CSA (so that there are no real roots
and ~'(R) = ~). ~hen }~,p extends to an analytic function on g~ n ~.


3- The rel&tion between the Y~ for different ~.

THEOREM==~=~5. Let ~i' ~2 be two CSA's of B. Then Y~I = Y~2 on ~ Q ~i q

~2" If ~ c 9 is a CSA and xcG, Yx-~ = ~ on ~ Q x -~.

The second assertion is obvious. We shall prove the first by induction on

dim(9 ). Case i: ! = ~ I N ~ 2 ~0. We may assume that ~ n ~ l Q ~ 2 ~ and prove that
Y~I =
Y~2 on (~Q ~i P ~2 )\[0]; the equality at the origin follows by continuity. We

shall fix X e ~ q ~ i n ~ 2 , x~o and prove that ~ i Y~2 in a neighborhood of X in

n ~i N ~2" By Lemma 2, for Ce7, Hj e ~j N $~(~) (j = 1,2), Y~j(C + Hj) =

~<i<r gi(C)¢i,~(Hj)" As X ~ 0, dim($~) < dim(~) and so, by the induction

hypothesis, @i,~ I on ~i N ~2 n $~(~), i < i < r. Hence on

~i N ~2 n u. Case 2: ~i n ~2 = o. We may assume 0 e ~. 9 is now semisimple.

For any CSA ~, let c(~) = ~ ( 0 ) ; c(~) = c(~ x) (xeG); moreover, by Case i

We must prove that c(~) is independent of ~. Suppose first that rk(Z) = i. If

has compact adjoint group, then all CSA's of 9 are conjugate and so c(Z) is
independent of ~. If ~ ~ {|(2,m), Theorem 4.~0 shows that c(~) = c(b). We may
therefore assume rk(~) > i. Let 8 be a Cartan involution of ~, let ~= T+
the corresponding Cartan decomposition, and let b be a 8-stable fundamental CSA
of ~ ; let ~ c 9. Let s(~) be the signature of the restriction of the Casimir
polynomial of Z to ~. We shall prove by induction on s(~) that c(~) = c(b).
Now s(b) = min~ s(~) and s(~) = s(b) <==> ~ and b are conjugate. So s(~) =
s(b) ~ c ( ~ ) = c(b). If s(~) > s(b), ~ a real root ~ for (~c ~c )" Let
be the null space of ~ in ~, and 8~, the centralizer of q in 9. Then
$8~ ~ ( 2 , ~ ) and we can find a standard basis (H,X,Y} for $~ such that
= q + • • H. ~ = q + • • (X-Y) is then a CSA of ~ if r is the signature
of the restriction of the Casimir polynomial to c , we have s(~) = r - i,
s(~) = r + i. Thus s(~) < s(~) and hence c(~) = c(b) by the induction hypo-
thesis. On the other hand, as rk(~) > i, q ~ 0, and so dim(~N~)=dim(c ) >0,
which implies that c(~) = c(~). Thus e(~) : c(b).

4. The differential operator V and the function Y.

We shall now reformulate Theorem 5 in a more elegant manner.

LEMMA 6. ~ a unique analytic invariant differential operator V on ~' s~ch

that if X ~ ~' and ~ is the CSA of ~ containing X, then for any f c C~(A)
where X~A A
and is open in ~, (T f)(X') = (~(~p)(~pf~))(X') ( X ' ~ A N ~);
here f~ = f l A n ~.


For any CSA 9c of ~c let E9 = ~(~'p) ~ Vp where P is a positive system

of roots of (9c,9c); obviously this is independent of P and is invariant under
the Weyl group of (~c,tc); its degree is < t = IP!. For any HI 9c , if
(Etc)He S(~c) is the local expression of Etc at H, then the map H~(Ete)H is

holomorphie from 9c into the subspace F of S(tc) of elements of degree < t.

The invarianee of Etc under the Weyl group implies that (Etc)X-H = x- (Etc)H

(H{ 9c , x c G c with x • ~c = 9c ). We now define a map ~ of ~c into F by

setting~ for X ~ ~c'
~X : (Et) x where 9c is the unique CSA containing X.

Then ~x-X = x "~X (XCGc; X{~c)" We assert that h is holomorphic. Fix a

CSA 9c. It is enough to prove that the map ?~' : (x,H) ~ ~x.H is holomorphic. B~t
this is just the map (x;H) ~ x • (Etc)H and its analyticity is obvious. The re-

striction of ~ to ~' is thus analytic and ~x.X = x • ~ x V x e G ' X e ~' We

therefore obtain the sought for analytic differential operator V on Z', of
degree <_ t, by defining its local expression at X e Z' to be ~X; its unique-
ness is obvious.

It can be shown that is the restriction to ~' of an element of


LEMMA 7" Let 9 c Z be a completely invariant open subset of @, ~'= ~ n ~,~

and f an invariant continuous function on ~'. Suppose for each CSA 9 c ~,
a continuous function f9 on A N 9 such that f9 = fI~' n 9 and ftl = f92 on

n 91 n 92 whenever 91 , 92 are CSA's of ~. Then ~ a unique continuous func-

tion [ on ~ such that ~ = f on ~'; ~ is invariant.

We must prove that if Y c ~, Yn c ~' (n --

> i), and liran - ~ Y n = Y, then
limn~ f(Yn) exists. Let X be the s.s. component of Y. ~en X c ~. We now
select ~T as in Theorem 1.20. As Y c V ,~ Yn ~ VT~T for all sufficiently large
n. We may therefore assume that Yn c V ~ for all n. Let 91,...,9r be a com-
plate system of mutually nonconjugate CSA's of ~. Each of these contains X an~
Yn = Yn" Hn where H n e 9~(n ) N U 7 ~ , Yn ~ G7 i(n) c {i ..... r]. We shall prove now~
that lira H = X, i < i < r. Suppose this were done. Then limn, ~ f(Yn) =
n~ n
i(n):i i(n):i
limn, ~ f(Hn) = fti(X) exists. As ftl(X) . . . . . f~r(X); limn, f(Yn) itself
exists. To prove that limb, ~ Hn = X observe that if p is any invariant
polmomial on %, P(~n): P(Yn)"P(Y) as n - ~. So for ~y i, the Hn with
i(n) : i are all contained in some bounded subset of 9i. Let H be a limit
point of the set H n. Let ~'~T' be such that 0 < T' < Tj and CI(9,') c 7"


Then CI(Vq/,
T,)~ c V
and Y e ;IT/ for all sufficiently large n But then
~T n ',T'
H n e L , ,_T for all sufficiently large n and hence H e C I ( L ), ,.T ,_ Since ~',
T' were arbitrary this implies that H = X + N' where N' is a nilpoten% of ~.
Since H is semisimple, N' = 0; i.e.~ H = X.

THEOREM 8. Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of 9 and T an

invariant l-finite distribution on ~. Let F be the analytic function on
~' = £ Q 9' such that T = F on ~'. Then for any invariant D c Diff(gc) ~
~ o D)F extends to an invariant continuous function on ~. In particular, T9 F
extends to an invariant continuous function Y on ~, and Y is the unique con-
tinous function on ~ that equals Y~ on ~ n ~ for each CSA ~ ~ ~.

Replacing DT by T we come down to the case D = i. If ~ is any CSA of

~, then VgF = Y~ on ~ n ~,, and the result follows from Lemma 7 and Theorem 5.

5. Ei~endistributions with regular ei6envalue.

Let X :l ~ C be a homomorphism. If ~c c ~c is a CSA, and P ~ P~c

is the (Chevalley) isomorphism, then ~ h e be such that X(p) = p~ (h) (p e I); X

is called regular if h is regular. We shall now prove the foll~wing converse to
Theorems 3 and 8.

THEOREM 9" Let 2 be a completely invariant open subset of 9 and F an

invariant analytic function on 2' = £ O ~' such that 8(p)F = X(p)F V p e I
where X :I ~ C is a regular homomorphism. Let TF be the invariant distribution
on £ given by TF(f ) = / 2 , F f d g ( f £ C c ( 2 ) ) . Suppose that (i) for any CSA
c 9, ~ p F ~ extends to an analytic function on ~ n ~,(R); here F~ = FI~' n
(ii) v F extends to a continuous function on 2. Then TF is 1-finite on
and ~(p)T F = X(p)TF~/p e I.

In view of Theorem 5.29 it is enough to prove that TF is I-finite around

each s .s. semiregular point of ~. ~efore starting the proof we obtain the follow-
ing lemma.

LEMMA i0. Let ~c c gc be a CSA; ~, a root of (£c,~c); and ~, a regular

element of *
~c" If m i s t h e Weyl g r o u p o f (gc,~c) and cs (s e t0) are con-
stants, then Esc m cseS~ vanishes on the null space of ~ if and only if
c +c =0 V sen.
s s s
The 'if' p a r t is obvious. For the 'only if' part, we n o t e f i r s t that for
s, s' e m with s ~ s', sk = s'Z on the null space of ~ <==>s' = s s. In fact,
s' = s s ~ s '~ = s~ - 2(s%,~)/(~,~) -I = sV~ on the null space of ~; conversely,
if s'?~ = sh on the null space of ~, then s'h = sh- c~ for some c e C. So


(~,~) = (S'k,S'~) = (S~,S~) - 2 e ( s k , ~ ) + c2(~,~) = ()~,k) - 2 c ( s ~ , ~ ) + c2(~,~). If

e = 0, s'~ = s~, ~ s = s' as ~ is regular. So c = 2(s%,~)/(~,~), showing
s'Z = s~s2b or s' = s~s. If Sl~...,s r is a complete system of representatives
for [l,s }/~, then the restrictions bi of sih to the n~i]: space of ~ are
distinct and the restriction of E cseSX is Ej(Cs. + es s .)e ~. The lemma
follows at once. O o~ 0

We now come to the proof of Theorem 9. We fix a s.s. semiregular Xe S and

use the notation of Theorem 1.20, choosing 9', T as therein; let U = U ,T'
V = V = G • U, and suppose further that ~ is convex and V c G. By Proposi-
tion 2.16, F U = F IU N g' is locally integrable on U, and if tU is the dis-
tribution on U defined by FU, then t U = ~TF. In view of Lemma 4.18, if

J~jl/2t u is Zs(~c)-finite on u, ~ would be Z - f i n i t e on ~. Case l " ~ has

compact ad,joint ~roup. Let ~ be a CSA of ~, P a positive system of roots of
(~c,~c), stud m, the Weyl group of (~c,~c). Then P = [B), 8 is imaginary
and ~ n ~ = IR • iH~. Write F- = %, + { i t H ~ : 0 < + t < T~(H~)-I]. Then
U n ~' = F + U F-, U r] ~ = F + U F- U %,. As U N ~ c ~T(H), ~pF~ extends to an
analytic function on U N ~. On the other hand, as ~(p~)(TpF~) = p~()~)~pF~ (p e I)
on U n ~', ~pF~ is a linear combination of the exponentials e s~ on each
connected component of U n ~' So 3 constants c (s e m) such that 7pF =
s~ s
E s ~ s(S)Cse on F + U F-. Since sB comes from G, F(sBH ) = F(H) and so

E s(S)Cs es~ is skew symmetric with respect to s~. This implies that c = c
(se~). Let bs = s ~ l o " Sinee ( s ~ , ~ ) ~ 0, s~[(~ n ~) = as81 where
~l = ~l(~ n ~) and as is a constant { 0. Hence we o b t a i n f r o m Le~ma 1, the
following formula, valid ~/ H e F + U F- with H = C + H', Ce%,, H' e ~' N ~ ( T ) :

S b s (C) e asS(H') e-as~(H')

= ~ ~ E(S)ese 8(H')
s em

On the other hand, as (e z - e-Z)/2z is an entire function of z2~ 3 an entire

function fs on ~8c invariant under the adjoint group of ~8c that coincides

with (e s - e s )/aas~ on be 0 ~ e . Therefore, with e s = ~( )%%, we

have (I~II/2~)(H) = ~e~ e~e~S(C)fs(~')" In other words,

= c'e
Zs ® f on U n ~,. As both sides of this equation are in-
variant under the adjoint group of ~ this must be true on U n 8'. So FU ex-
tends to an ana~ff~ic function on U. But then F extends anmlytically to
V = G • U. The extension is therefore I-finite on V.

Case 2: ~ ~ ~I(2,1R). We select a standard basis [H';X',Y'] for ~. Let

e, b be the CSA's defined as usual, and let y be an element of the adjoint


group of ~c that maps bc onto % and takes X ' ~I '-- into i H'; y fixes
elementwise. Let Ps be a positive system of roots of (~c,~c) and let P b = P oy.
We write ~ for the unique root in Pa vanishing at X. Then ~ is real,
= ~ oy is imaginary and is the unique root in Pb vanishing at X. We write
F~ = ~Pa' 7[b = 7[Pb' ~ =~Pa and z~ =%b. Let t0a (resp. ~D) be the Weyl

group of (~c,ac) (resp. (~c,bc)). Choose regular he ac such that 8(p)F =

p~(Z)F on V ~ B' ~v/ P e I.
+ +
NOW, i f we w r i t e r~ = ~/ + [ t H ' : 0 < + t < 2 } , then U ~ a' = r~ u r] ~d
the Weyl reflexion s sends r+ to r-. As s comes from the adjoint group
of 8, we can conclude that for suitable constants Cs(a ) ( s e m ), and ~ H e F+

(4) (~)(H) = -(~)(%H) = D a(S)Cs(~)e s~(H).


The situation is different for b. The linear function y o~ now labels the
eigenhomomorphism of I. On the other hand, U ~ b c b'(R). So, if we write
r~ : ~ + [it(x'-Y') :0 < Itl <~}, then U ~ b' = F{ and there are constants
Cs(~) ( s ~ ) such that ~/ H~r~,

(~) (~brb)(H) = ~ ~(~)cs(b)e(S~°Y)(H)

s e~D

We now relate (4) and (5) by the r e q u i r e m e n t t h a t the continuous e x t e n s i o n s

of 5('~fa)(F-Fa)--
- u - and 5(~f~)(TrbFb)~_
- to U Q ~ and U ~] b respectively coincide on
9~ = U n ~ ~ b. Zhis means that ~ (Z) ~se~ Cs (a)esz ='~f~(Zoy) Z s e ~ Cs(b)e sT~ on T .

But ~(h) = ~b(}~ o y) ~ 0 and 7 is a connected open subset of q. Hence we

must have Eseto~ Cs (a)esTk = ~ s e ~ es (b)esh on ~. Lemma i0 now gives Cs(a) +

% s(~)=cs(~) +°s ~(~) ( s ~ )

By Senna l, In~II/2 = aa(~a/~) on u ~ a 8/ld UN b,
where we write s = e(a,P) etc. We note that s = a b. In fact, if ~ is as in
Lemma i, SQ~Q = ~ Y a / H and Sb~ b =~Yb/H~; on the other hand, ~Y = ~ while y
transforms ~b/H into ~JH , so that sa = a b. We write s = aa = sb" Also,
~' =2(~,~) - 1 H Band y • (X'-Y') = ill' so that as = s~(~') ~o and
( s h ° y ) ( X '-Y') = ia s. On taking into account these remarks, we then obtain from
(4) and (5) the following formulae; in these, CeT, 0 < t < T/2, 0 < lel < T/2,
and ~s is the restriction of sh to o:

(l~ ~ 1 1 / 2 % ) ( C + t~') = ( 1 ~ 11/2%)(C - t " ' ) = 7s r , s ( s ) e ~ s ( C ) f s,a

(6) ss~a

(lhl I/2 %)(0+ ~(x, -Y,)) = ~ s,~ ~(~)e~s(e) fs,b(e),



ta -ta i6a
s s
where 2t fs,~(t ) = Cs(a)e s - CS s(~) e and 2ie f S~ b(8) = es(b)c
-i 8a
Cs s(b)e s On the other hand, there is a unique analytic function fs on

~(T)' invariant under the adjoint group of aS and such that fs(tH') =
fs(-tH') = fs,a(t), (0 < t < 7), fs(O(X'-Y')) = fs,b(O) (0 < }01 < 7 ) . We then
conclude from (6) that ]q~ Im/2FU = is Zs~r~ s(s)emS® fs on U ~ ~'. Now the
expressions for fs on each of U n a' and U Q b' show that it is IS(~)-
finite on ~ ( T ) ', thus locally integrable on ~(T). Let tfs denote the dis-
tribution on ~(T) defined by fs' and gs the distribution on C defined by
2 S(s)ebS " m e n Ihl m/2 ~TF = %~m gs ~ tf . It is clear from this that for

proving the Is(~c)-finiteness of ~TF it is sufficient to prove the

Is(~c)-finiteness of the tfs. With the usual notatiDn, $~2r+l)(0) =

2r+l <~(2r+l) (0_+) 2r+l, ,
(i%) (Os(b) + e s s(b)) while ~ = as <Cs<~ ) + e s ~ ~)),so
" that

we obtain i2r+l$(2r+l)(0~ +) = i2r+l~(2r+l)(0a ") = ~ 2r+l)(0)" So the tf are

Is(~c)-finite. Theorem 9 is completely proved.

The fundamental theoremS on invariant I-finite distributions on ~ are

established in Harish-Cmandra [8 ], [9 ].


7. Tempered invariant eizendistributions on a reductive Lie algebra

In this section we combine the theory developed so far with the theory of
Fourier transforms to study the behaviour of tempered invariant eigendistributions
on 9. When the eigenvalues are regular, we shall find that they are linear com-
binations of the Fourier transforms of the invariant measures on the regalar orbits
in ~. The case of elliptic orbits is particularly important for us. In this case
the distributions are determined by their restrictions to the regular elliptic set,
and are given thereon by simple formulae which are reminiscent of the Weyl charac-
ter formula and are in fact infinitesimal versions of it.

i. Fourier transforms of (regular) Qrbital measur#s

Let 9, G be as usual. ~(9) is the Schwartz space of ~. <., .) is a G c-

invariant symmetric nonsingular bilinear form on ~c × Gc that is real on ~ × G.
We write u ~ u for the isomorphism of S(~c) onto P(£c) induced by (.,-). We
normalize the Lebesgue measure dY on q such that for any f e ~(~),

f(x) = ~ ~(y)e-i<X'Y>dZ, ~(X) = ~ f(y)ei<X'Y>dY (X~ ~)

Here f is the Fourier transform of f.
For any tempered distribution T, its Fourier
transform T is defined as usual:

In particular T is inv2miant if and only if T is so. Moreover

(1) ~(u)~ : (~ ~ i)T, (~ o (-i))~ = ~(u)~ (u ~ S(~c))
where ]o i and u o (-i) are the polynomials X ~ ~(iX) and X ~ ~(-iX) on Zc"
We also need the notion of a distribution being tempered even when it is not de-
fined on all of ~. If ~ ~ £ is an open set and T is a distribution on ~ T
is said to be tempered on G if ~ a tempered distribution T' on £ such that
T = T'I~ , i.e., (Hahn-Banaeh Theorem) if and only if ~ E.I e Diff(qc) such that
I~(f)l --i
< <ri < r supl%fl v f~c~(~)
Let X e g' and Z' the invariant measure on the orbit G -X. Then, as G -X is
closed~ b' defines an invariant Bore! measure b on ~ which is tempered (of. Section
3). We have
(p-p(X))b = 0 (pc I p )
Taking Fourier transforms and using (1) we get the differential equations
$(U)b = ~(iX)b (U e IS)
We aim to show that all tempered solutions to these equations are obtained thus.
LEMMA i. Let ~ = rk(~) and let ql~...~qi be homogeneous generators of ~ .
If ~ c ~ is a CSA and ~j = ~1~, then d q- l A . . . A d q-~ = c ~ where ~ is the
product of roots of (Gc,~e) in a positive system, c # 0 is a constant, and ~ is


an ~-form on ~c that gives rise to a Lebesgue measure on ~. In particular,

dqlA ...Adqj ~ 0 on ~' Moreover ~ a choice of the qi' say qi = Pi' such
that pi ]9 is real for all i.

Since the qj are algebraically independent, dql A... A dq~ { 0 and so

d ~ i A ...Adds = f ~ where f is a nonzero polynomial. As dqlA...Adq # is
symmetric~ and ~ is skew under the Weyl group of (~c,~c), f is skew. Further
deg(f) = ZI ( d e g ( q j ) - l ) = deg(TT~) (cf. (4.5)). Hence f = C TT~ for some c o n s t a n t
c ~ 0. The second assertion is obvious. For the last assertion write qj = qjl +
iqj 2 where qjlqj2 e Ip and are real on 9. Then for a suitable choice of the
aje {1,2}, d q l a l A . . . A d q # a # ~ 0. Let pj = qjaj" Then deg(pj) = deg(qj) = dj

(say), and the pj are algebraically independent. If R = C[pl,...,p#] and Rd

(resp. ~ d ) is the subspace of E (resp. Ip) spanned by elements homogeneous of
degree d~ then R = Zd> 0 Ed, R d c Ipd (d > 0), and
-- d
dim(Rd)td = ~ dim(Ipd)td = [I (l-t j)-i (t indeterminate)
d_>O d_>O i < j~ Z
So R d = I P d V d > O , i.e., R = I p .
Let X e ~c and let T be a tempered invariant distribution on ~ such that
~(u)T = u(iX)T V u e IS . If v is the tempered distribution on ~ such that

T = v, then, by (i), (p-p(X))v = 0 V p c Ip. Let "~ be as in (i.~). Then

supp(v) C M X n 9. Therefore~ v = 0 unless .f~ meets 9. Since MX = G c • X by
Proposition 1.7, we see that T = 0 unless G •X meets ~.

THEOREM 2. Let X e 9' and let J(X) be the space of all tempered invariant
distributions T on ~ such that $(u)T = ~(iX)T V u e IS . Then dim J(X) = m(X)
where re(X) is the (finite) number of G-orbits in Go -X n ~; if 0j ( l < j < m ( x ) )
are these orbits and ~j is a nonzero invariant measure on Oj~ then the ~j
form a basis of ~(X).

m(X) is finite by Theorem 1.16. The ~j are in U(X); and they^ are linear-
ly independent since the ~j are so. Let T e U(X) and write T = v. Choose the
pj e Ip as in Lemma i, write cj for the constant value of pj on MX~ and de-
fine M = M X O ~. Then (pj-cj)v = 0 ~/ j and so supp(v) c M. We claim that
3 a unique distribution w' on the manifold M such that v(f) = v'(flM ) V
f e Cc(g ). To prove this we begin with the following elementary remark: if N is
the cube Ina in IRn, NO the submanifold of N where xI ..... x£ = 0, and
if T is a distribution on N such that XlT . . . . . xZT = 0, then ~ a unique
distribution T0 on NO such that T(g)= T0(g]N0) V g eCc(N) (cf. Schwartz
[i ], Theorem XXXVI). Using this remark and the facts that (a) dPl A... A dpz ~ 0
on M and (b) M is the set of common zeros of Pl-CI~''"P~-Cz' we may
conclude that for any Z e M~ ~ an open neighborhood UZ of Z in ~ and a


unique distribution v~, on UZ n M such that v(g) = v~(glU Z n M ) ~ g e Cc(Uz).

The uniqueness of the vZ implies that V'Z1 = V'Z2 on UZI N UZ2 for ZI;Z2eM~

and leads to a distribution v' on M such that v'IU Z N M = V z' ~ Z e M . A simple

partition of unity argument shows that v(f) = v'(flM ) ~ f e Cc(~). v' is clearly
unique and its uniqueness implies its invariance under G. Each O. is an open
orbit in M and so~ by a well known result~ v'^ = cj~j on O.j for some constant
cj. But then w' = Z. cj~j~ i.e., T = E.c. ~..
An element X e~ is el.liptic if it is s .s. and all eigenvalues of ad X
are purely imaginary. If 8 is a Cartan involution of ~ that is the identity
on center (@) and Z = ~ + ~ is the associated Cartan decomposition, then for any
8-stable CSA ~, ~ n ~ is the set of elliptic elements of ~. Taking ~ to be
fundamental we see that g has regular elliptic elements. Since ~ ~ ~ is then a
CSA of ! it follows that for any fundamental CSA b, the elliptic elements of
are those that are conjugate to some elliptic element of b. A CSA b is said to
be of compact type if all roots of (~c~bc) are imaginary, b is then fundamental,
all its elements are elliptie~ and the elliptic elements of ~ are precisely those
in G.b.

COROLLARY 3" Suppose b c ~ is a CSA of compact type. Let W(bc) be the

Weyl group of (2c,bc) and W(b) the subgroup of it coming from G. Then,
dim ~(X) = ~(bc) :W(b)] (X regular elliptic, c ~).

We may assume Xeb' Let M = MX N ~, m = ~(be) :W(b)], and let Oj

(l<j<m(X)) be the G-orbits in M. Since all elements of M are elliptic, each
Oj meets b and so 0j O.J O b is a bijection of [Ol,...,Om(x) } with the set
of W(b)-orbits in M nb. Now W(be) acts simply transitively on ~ n bc,
while on the other hand, b is left invariant by W(bc). So M X n bc = M N b,
showing that there are exactly m W(b)-orbits in M nb. Thus m = re(X).

The invariant eigendistributions ~ (X e 2') are locally summable functions

on ~ that are analytic on 9' We shall now study these functions somewhat more
closely. Let notation be as in Section 3. Fix CSA's ~i,~ 2 c ~, a positive sys-
tem Pi of roots of (~c,~ic) , and let ~i = % e P . ~" Let mi be the Weyl group
of (qc,~ic) , g i = £ R , ~ i , ~f,i=¢f,Si (fcS(~)). We normalize the ~H by:

~f,l(H) : ~l(~)Vl(~)~(O (f ~ ~(~), ~ ~ ~)

~(~ :.), is the inv~riant analytic function on ~' that e q u ~ ~ there (H~ ~). ~us
~,l(~) = ~l(H)~(~) [ ~(~: .)fd~.
~,~ ^

Finally, choose y c G c with y • ~ic= ~2c" Since $(u)~ H = ~ ( i y "H)~/H~ ~]',uc IS, we
get (el. (~.16))
i<sy ~,H2>

(2) ~1(~)~2(~2)~(~ : ~) = ~ Cs(~: ~)e (~i ~ ~" i=l,~)

s e~ 2


where, for each ~ c ~i' C s ( ~ : ") is a locs/ly constant function on ~ and in

fact Cs( ~ :~2) depenas o ~ y on the co~ected co~onent of ~(~) that contains
H 2. We shall therefore consider C s ( ~ : H2) as defined for ~ e~ H2e ~(R).

THEOREM 4. The functions cs are locally constant on ~I' x ~(R).

Let (~H~) e ~i x ~ and let U1 × U 2 be a connected open neighborhood of

it in ~]' X ~2"
We choose U2 sufficiently small so that it has the following
property: if L2 is the centralizer of ~2 in G~ the natural map of G/L2x U2
onto G • U2 is an analytic diffeomorphism. It is then obvious that for any
~Cc(U2) 3 f ~ c (a.u2) such that ~ = *f,2 on U2; we shall use this fact in
~hat follows ~thout co=ant. Clearly 3 Cs(~) ~ C such that Cs(~ : H2) = Cs(H9
%vi ( ~ H 2 ) e U1 X U2. We shall prove that the Cs(") are constant on U1.

We prove first that Os(") e C~(UI ) . Since *f,l ¢ C~(~]') %J f e Co(G- U2) ,

is in C~(UI ) for ve S(~2c)~ ~ oCt(U2). Let
~(~) : ~ i<~,~2>
jU 2 B(H2)e d~92 (He [92c)
Then it is clear that for any polynomial q on ~2c' the function

HI - r Cs(H1)q(isy • H1)~(sy • ~ )
se~ 2
is C~ on U I. Note that ~ is a holomorphic function on ~2c for all B e Co(U2). We now
use Lemma 4.9. Let gut : t e ~23 be a basis for the space of m2-harmonic polynomials
on ~2c" Then the matrix (ut(isy • ~))s,te~ 2 is nonsingular for each ~ ¢ ~i by that
Lemma. S~bstit~ting g = u t (t era2) it follows that for each s e~02, Hl~Cs(Hl) •
5(v){)(sY'Hl) is in C~(UI ). If % e U 1 and ~#0, the holomorphicity of ~ implies
that for some v, (~(v)~)(sy'Hl)#0. So the Cs(. ) are in C~(U1 ).
~,et i<sy-~,~>
u(H1 : H2) = ~, Cs(Hl)e (HleU1, H eeU2)
se~ 2
Then w e C~(U1 XU2) and ~ a constant c ~0 such that

t,~,:~(%) = o "[u ~ ( ~ : ~)~,f,~(:~)d~ (% e ~_, f e C~(~" ~))

Bat, by Lemma 3.7 and (i),

(u e Is)



/~(~;~(U~l):H2)~f,2(H2)d~ 2 = / ~(~ :H2)%(iH2)~f,2(H2)d~2 •

U2 U2
As f was arbitrary and ~(iH2) =~(iy -I .H2) , we obtain

V(~;~(U~I) :H2)=~(iy -I " H 2 ) w ( ~ :H2) (Hi6Ui~ U S I s )

So we can find homogeneous elements vj,vj' 6 S(~lc ) with 0 <deg(vj),deg(v; ) <

deg(u) such that

[($(U~l)cs)(%) + ~ ( 8 ( v ~ ) C s ) ( % ) vi j ( i ys' l sy - l' H%2 ) ]' eH 2 > ~ = 0 •

se~ 2 j

For fixed ~, the expressions within [...] are polynomials in H2 and so must
all vanish by Lemma 4.1. For any s e ~2' the constant term of the corresponding
expression within (...] is (~(U~l)cs)(~). Hence S(u~I)O s = 0 on Ui. By

Theorem 4.11, each cs is a ~l-harmonic polynomial on UI. But, for fixed H 2 s U2,
the differential equations for w imply that for suitable constants c~(~ ~ ml) ,
i<sy'~,H2> i<sy.~m2>
es(Hl)e : ~ e ( % cU1)
ss~ 2 sc~2 c;-is-ly

As the c s are polynomials, Lemma 4.1 ~ cs is the constant c' (se~2).


2. Behaviour of tempered invariant ei~endistributions on CSA's.

Let T be an invariant eigendistribution defined on a completely invariant

open subset of q. Our aim is to make a closer study of the function defined by T
in the special case when T is tempered.

LEMMA 5. Let ~ be an invariant open set c ~' and F an invariant locally

integrable function on £. Let ~ be a CSA, ~ = ~ n ~', F~ = F ! ~ . Let ~ be
the product of roots of (~c,~e) belonging to a positive system. If F defines a
tempered distribution on ~, then for some integer m ~ 0, vmF~ defines a
tempered distribution on ~.

We may assume that ~ = G •~. Note that F~ is locally integrable on ~

by Proposition 2.16 and that ~conj = cv for some constant c = + i. By the
assumption on F 3 a finite set £ c Diff(gc) such that V f c C~(~),

(3) I~ F~ 2 f d~ ] ~ ~ sup'Ef,

Here d~ is a Lebesgue measure on ~ and ~ f s C ~ ( ~ ) is defined by


If W is the normalizer of ~ in G~ then ~f is W-invariant. We now choose

e Cc(G )~ invariant under the action of W on G*; such that = i.
If ~eCc(~)C!~)~ = 'w,-l~seW ~s ~ then it is clear from Len~la 3.1 that ~
a unique f~ e such that f~(x • H) = 7*(x*)~(H) V x e G, He 2~; and so
f or some constant c ~ 0, ~f~ = c~ V 8 eCc(2~).

We now estimate sup lEf~l for E e £. Let C a G be a compact set whose

image in G• contains supp 7 * and let 7 be the function x ~ T*( x ~ ) on O.
-i -i
(~) supl~%l ~ ~up I%(~'~;~)I = sup I~ (~;f)I •
xeC,He2~ xcC,He2%

F~rther~ E is contained in a finite dimensional G-stable subspace of Diff(~c).

So (4) leads to the following: a finite set £' c Diff(~c) such that V
e Cc(a~),
(5) r supl~%l ~ s sup If~ (~;~')1
Ee£ E'e£' xeC,He~
We shall use the work of Section 2 to estimate the derivatives fB (~;E'). Let
FH (He ~') be the linear map of @ ® S(~c) into S(~e) defined in Theorem 2.5.
Then ] an integer q~0 and a i eP(~c) , u ie S(~c) , vie S ( % ) such that

rH{~(H)-q~ai(H)h®ui] = ~ (He ~,)

EH' being the local expression of E' at H. So
f~ (H;E')=F(H)-q i~ai(H)7(x;vi)~(H;ui).
Using this in (5) we find integer q ~ O and Pie P(~c) , w i e S(~c) (lfii!t) such
that V 8 e C:(~),

D supl~%l ~ ~ sup I~(H)l-qlpi(~)l I~(~;wi)l

Ee£ l<i<t Hefl~

Combining this with (3) we obtain, V B e Cc(2~) ,

f : f sup

On the other hand, it is obvious that if q' > 0 is a sufficiently large integer~
D i = V -q ~(wi) ov q' eDiff(~c) V i . So with m = q'+2,

sup Ipi%~l (B e c~(a~))

So ~mF~ defines a tempered distribution on 2~.
LEMMA 6. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over ~, and V=VI+
V2 a direct sum decomposition of it. Let U = UI+ U 2 where Ui is an open sub-
set of V i. Let pj be polynomials on V and X.j complex valued ]R-linear

function~.on V such that the pj are nonzero and the ?~j are distinct. SUppose
T = Zjpje J defines a tempered distribution on U. Then

t~CUlVt _~ i ~ R e ~ j ( u ) ! 0 Vj, u~

If ~e C, b > O and if e~t is tempered on (b,~), then Re(~)<_O; in fact,

if Re(w) >0, eet is not tempered on (-~,~), but, as it is bounded on (-~,2b)
is tempered there, and hence tempered on (-~,2b) U (b,~), a contradiction.
SUppose a>0, b>0 are constants,

In-ia = [(xi ..... Xn-l) : Ixil < a V i }

and exp(~ix I + ... +(~nXn ) defines a tempered distribution on In-IX(b,~).

a Then
it follows easily from our remark that Re(~n)<_0.
Shppose first that we are in the special case T= e • (}ke Vc). Let A. e V.
O 3c
be such that 7~(Vl+V2)=k(Vl)+h2(v2)(v6vj). If T is tempered on U, then
~/~T(~{®~) is tempered on U1 V ~ e C c ( U 2 ) . So e is tempered on U I.
Fix u 6 U I. We may assume Re k ( u ) ~ 0. We choose a basis [eI ..... en] for V1
so that U=en, R e ~ vanishes on the linear span of the e. (j<n), and identify
V1 with IRn using this basis; as t%cU 1 for t>_l, U l ~ I n - l × ( b , ~ ) for
suitable a,b>0, R e ( ~ n ) = R e ~ ( u ) , and so, by the previous remark, R e k ( u ) < 0.

We now consider the general case. Let T be as in the lemma. Let g£ be

the vector space of a/_l exponential polynomials on Vc. Then, for any ~e Vc,
p ~ P(%) and any u e S(Vc) , there is some m>_0 such that

(~(u) - u(~))m(pe ~) : 0

Since the space of all ~(u)T (u e S(V )) is of finite dimension, by spectral

k. c %.
theory ~ ujeS(Vc ) such that pje J=~(uj)T. Hence pje O is tempered on U
~/j. Choose ujeS(Vc) such that 8(uj)pj=l and let u~eS(Vc) be defined by

u~(Z+Zj)=uj(Z)VZeV c. Then B(uj)(pjehJ)=($(uj)pj)e =e . Hence e

is tempered on U. By the special case proved earlier, Re Zj(w) < 0 V w e U1.

We return to the distributions ~X"

THEOREM 7" Let ~l,~2cg be CSA's, and let ~(.:.), c s be as in Theorem

4. Let P1 (resp. F2) be a connected component of ~ (resp. ~(R)) and let
CS(F I : f 2 ) = C s ( ~ :H2) (HieTi). Fix sere 2. Then

Cs(r i : re) ~ o ~ Im<sy • ~l,He> > 0 V ~ ~ fl' H2 e F 2

In particular, if ~2 is fundamental, f2 = ~2 ~ and if we write Cs(fl)=Cs(fl:~2),

Cs(r l) W o ~ sy • ~ ~ ~2"


Lemmas 5 and 6 imply the first assertion. If 92 is f~ndament~, 92= 9~(~),

and ~m<sy -H1,H2> ~ 0VH2 ~ 92~sY .H~ ~2.

COROLLARY 8. Let bC ~ be a fundamental CSA and Xe ~'. Then ~ vanishes

on G • b' unless G • X meets b. In particular, if b is of compact type and
X e ~' is not elliptic~ then ~X = 0 on the regular elliptic set.

Proposition 9. Let ~ e Ip be as in (i.I). Then 3 a constant C>0 such

i 1
I~(x: Y)l ~ el ~(x)l-~l ~(Y)l -~ (x,Y~ ~,)
where ~(X: ") is the a n e m i c function defined on ~' by ~X" ~et nc~ be an

invariant open set and T an invariant distribution on it defined by an invariant

locally integrable function F. For T to be tempered it is sufficient that for
any CSA ~ of ~ and any norm II'II on it, there should exist constants C>0,
r> 0 such that

I~(~)IIF(H)I ~ c(1 + ilHII) r ( ~ nn ~,)

If ~= ~, and T is Is-finite, these conditions are also necessary.

By Theorem 7, we have the estimate

i<sy'~,~2> I
ICs(H1 : H2)e ~ Ics(F1 : F2)I
valid for sc~2, ~ c F 1 , H2eF 2. As l[(Hi)12= Iffi(Hi)l ½, we easily get the
first estimate. SUppose that ~= ~ and that T is invariant, Is-finite , and
tempered on ~. If F is a connected component of ~', and F~=FI~', FgF is

an exponential polynomial Zpje J on r. As tF=F for all t ~l, Lemmas 5

and 6 imply that Re hi(u) ~ 0 V u c F. This gives the last assertion. For arbitrary
~, let F be an invariant locally integrable function satisfying the estimates
described. Let ~i (i ~ i ~r) be a complete system of mutually nonconjugate CSA's.
Write Fi = ~9 i' ~f,i = ~f'~i' Fi = Flgl A ~. Then 3 constants e i ~ 0 such that

The temperedness of T is now immediate from Theorem 3.9.

IK~V~ARK. Let ~= ~ and let F satisfy the above condition on each CSA.
The argument above shows that the function IF1 also defines a tempered distribu-
tion. So, by Lemma 3.8, ~ an integer m> 0 such that

( I + H .11)-m IFId~ < ~.

In particUlar
T(f) = J Ffd~ (f ~ ~(~))


3. The class ~ of invariant open sets

From now on for the remainder of the section we shall assume that ~ has a
CSA b of compact type. We shall study tempered invariant distributions T such
that ~(u)T = ~(iX)T (ue IS) , X being elliptic and c g' In order to motivate
our results we look at the case ~= 61(2,]R). With notation as in Section 4, n°5,
let T be tempered, invariant and 5 ( ~ ) T = k 2 T where A / 0 is real and F, the f~nc-
tion on g' defined by T. Then

iSF( A(X - Y)) = bleik£ - b2e-i}~ ( ~ e l~X), tF(tH) = alert - a2e-~t (t > 0)

b I + b 2 = aI + a 2
Since T is tempered, Lemmz 5 implies that for ~xne m > 0 tm(aleht-a2e-~t ) is tempered on
(0,~). So, by Lemma 6, al=0 (resp. a2=0 ) if h>0 (resp.~<0),i.e., Fib' determines T.

Note that the same argument goes through even if T is defined on an invariant open
set ~ as long as 2 ~ ]R "H, which means that for some a>0~ ~ contains all
Zeg for which ~(Z) >-a. Furthermore, for fixed 7~, the dimension of the space
of such T is 2; and as the Fourier transforms of invariant measures on the two
elliptic orbits that correspond to h already span a two-dimensional space, we
see that there are no distributions on 2 such as T other than these Fourier
transforms. Our purpose is to show that this type of argument carries over
virtually unchanged to the general case. We begin by introducing a class of in-
variant open sets similar to the one eonsideredabove in gI(2,1q).

Given any finitedimensiona& vector space V over the field k (= • or C)

and any semisimple endomorphism L of V~ it is easily seen that we can write
L = LR+ LI where (i) LR,L I are semisimple endomorphisms of V (ii) [LR,L I ] = 0
and LR (resp. LI) has only real (resp. pure imaginary) eigenvalues; it is
also easy to see that such a decomposition is unique and that LR and LI are
polynomials in L with coefficients in k. We refer to this as the Cartan
decomposition of L; and we call L I (resp. LR) the elliptic (resp. hyperbolic)
part of L.

Suppose ~ c ~ is a CSA. Assume first that it is stable uhder a Caftan in-

volution £ which is the identity on center(g). If g= ~ + ~ is the Cartan
decomposition with respect to 8~ ~ = (~ n ~) + (~ N p) is a direct sum; ~ N
(resp. ~ O p) is the subspaee of ~ (resp. ~ O ~g) where all roots of (gc,~c)
take pure imaginary (resp. real) values. Since any CSA is conjugate to a
@-stable one it follows that any arbitrary CSA ~ is the direct sum
~I + ~R where ~I (resp. ~R ) is the subspace of ~ (resp. ~ N ~g) where all
roots of (gc,~c) take pure imaginary (resp. real) values. Note that center(g)
c ~I and that ~I and ~R are mutually orthogonal under (-,->. Also, if
is a real .(resp. pure imaginary) root of (~c,~e),H e ~R (resp. c ( - l ) ~ i O ~ ) . If


Xc ~ is s.s., we can select a CSA b containing X and s o w r i t e X=X I+X R

where XI c bi , XE¢ bE. Obviously [XI,XR] = 0 and adX I = (adX)! , adXR= (adX)R.
Hence XI and XR do not depend on b and are uniquely determined by the foil-
owing requirements: X=X I+XR, [XI,XR] = 0, adX I (resp. adXR) is s.s.; has only
pure imaginary (resp. real) eigemvalues, and X R ~ $~. This is called the Cartan
decomposition of ~ and XI (resp. XR) is called the elliptic (resp.
hyperbolic) part of X.

LEMMA I0. Let 9 c 9 be a CSA and ] the centralizer of bi in ~. Then

b I = center(V) and 9R is a CSA of $7; moreover 9R is the real linea~ spa~n
of the H , ~ being a real root of (~c,tc). If ~ is a subalgebra of ~ re-
ductive in ~ and containing bj and b is a CSA of ~, then bi and bE are
the same with respect to ~ as well as ~. In particular, if X ~ ~ is s.s.,
then the Cartan decompositions of X with respect to ~ and ~ are the same.

For the first assertion we may assume that 9 is 0-stable where O,l,9 are
as above. If ~ is a 0-stable CSA conjugate to b, b c I and is a CSA of I.
By moving [ if necessary by elements of the adjoint group of ! we may assume
that 9 1 = 9 n T c ~. Clearly bl c center(~). On the other hand, as b c ~, b
and Y are both CSA's of ], and so center(i) c b n ~ c 9 N I = hi.

Before proving the second assertion we make the following remark: if m is

a s.s. Lie algebra over C and Xcm is such that X is s.s. and ad X has
only real (resp. pure imaginary) eigenvalues, then for any finite dimensional
representation ~ of m, 7(Z) has only real (resp. pure imaginary) eigen-
values. In fact, if l is a CSA of m containing X, it is obvious that X is
a real (resp. pure imaginary) linear combination of the images H in I of the
roots ~ of (m,[), and so, for any weight h of ~, h(X) is real (resp. pure
imaginary). This said, let bl(8), 9R(~ ) be the associated subspaces of b rela-
tive to ~. By the remark above (with m = $8c), 9R(~) c bE , bl(~ ) N $~ c ~I" On
the other hand, if ~ = center(~), ~ c b and so ~ c bl also, whence
o + (bl(~) n $~) = 91(~) c 91 • By dimensionality, 91 = bl(~), bE = bR(~ ).

We now define g - ~(~) to be the class of open sets ~c 9 such that

(i) ~ is completely invariant
(ii) if X ~ and is s.s., then Y ~ for srg~ s.s.Y with same ellip~iccempor~ntasX.
In this case, if X ~ is s.s. and Z = X I + X ' where X ' ~ $ 9 , [ X ' , X I ] = 0 , and adX' has
only real eigenvalues, then Z ~ ~; for Z s = X I + Xs' { ~ by (ii) (Theorem 1.28).

For any reductive Lie algebra m over ~ or C and any a>0 we write
m[a] for the set of all X {m such that 11mhl < a for all eigenvalues ~ of
ad X. Given any open subset C of center(~ ) and any a>0, we put

(6) ~[c,~] = c + ~ [ a ] .


It is easily verified that ~[C,a] sg. If 0 e C~ then ~[C,a] is a neighborhood

of 0 in ~. Conversely, if Oe ~ s g , ~ C,a (0 eC,a > 0) such that ~[C,a]
c ~. To prove this we may assume ~ to be semisimple. If there is no a > 0
such that ~[a] c ~, ~ X I~X 2 .... such that ~ e ~[i/k] \ ~ k . Replacing ~ by
(Xk) s and passing to a subsequence if necessary we may assume that all the ~k
s~re in a CSA ~. Then a((~)l) ~ 0 for all roots ~ of (gc,~c) so that
(Xk) I ~ O. As Xk ~ ~, (Xk) I ~ ~ for any k, contradicting the fact that they
tend to 0.

LEMMA ii. Let ~c ~ be a subalgebra reductive in ~ and containing b.

Let C c center(~) be open and a >0. Then ~ ~ ~[C,a]eg(~).

If X e ~, its Jordan and Cartan decompositions with respect to ~ and

are the same. Lemma ii follows at once from this.

4. The uniqueness theorem.

For any CSA ~ c ~ we define the index ind(~) of ~ as the integer

dim(~R)- dim()i). Clearly -~_< ind(~)_< ~ (~ = rk(~)), and ind(~) = - £ if
stud only if ~ is conjugate to b. If ~ ch&nges~ ind(~) chan4~es its vaAue by
am even integer.

Fix ~ with ind(~) >-Z. Then the set AR of reaA roots of (£c,~e) is
nonempty. Let '~R be the subset of )R where all the roots in A R are non-
zero; ~'(R) = ~i + '~R" If +~R is a connected component of '~R' ~I + ~R =
+~(R) is a connected component of ~'(R) and +~R ~ +)(R) is a bijection.
Since AR is the set of roots of (Te,~c) where 7 is the centralizer of ~I
in 6, the connected components of ~'(I~) are the chsmbers in ~ corresponding
to the simple systems E R c A R. If WH(~) is the subgroup of the Weyl group
W(~c) of (gc,~c) generated by the reflexions s (acER) , then WR(9) c W ( ~ )
the latter of course being the subgroup of W(~e) coming from G; and WH(~ )
acts simply transitively on the connected components of ~'(R).

Fix ER and let ~I + +~R be the corresponding chamber. Let a e ~R and

let ~a ~I + ~R,~ (~R,a c ~R ) be the null space of a in ~. If ~a is the

centralizer of ~a in Z, we can find vectors X , X_de ~ such that

~,X ,X_a] is a standard basis of ~ . Then ~l = ~ + I~. ( X - X _ a ) is a
CSA of ~a not conjugate to 9 under any automorphism of ~a" Let y be in the
complex adjoint group of ~ac such that y o ~c = ~ic; Y fixes ca elementwise
and takes i~ to _+(X - X ); we may assume y(i~)= X -X_ . Let ~=~oy ;
then ~ is a singular imuginary root of (qc'~ic) and i_~=X~-X_q. If ~i is
a root of (~c'~ic)' ~i °y is ~ root of (~c,~c), and ~i °YI~I = ~lI~l '
Tl oYI~R~ ~ = TII~R,~, TI(i~B) = (71 oy)(i~). Hence ~I + ~ " ( i ~ ) c ~i,I'


~R,~ c ~I,R' and so, by dimensions~ity, ~i,I = ~I + ~ " (i~), ~I,R : ~R,~; more-
over 71 is real if and only if 71 o y is real and orthogonal to q. Clearly
ind(~l) = i~d(~) - 2 . ~et + 9R,~ be the set of all H c 9R,~ such that ~'(H) > 0
V~' s~\ [~], and let +~ : ~I + + ~ , Obviously % = ~i(R), and so 3 a
unique connected component +~I(R) of ~(R) that meets contains ~ ,. clearly

Suppose now that ~c8 and that S contains 0 and is star-like there~ i.e.~
X ~ tXcS for 0<t<l. ~ N £ is thus connected for any linear subspace £
of ~. If Xc S n ~ and X=X I+X H is the Cartan decomposition of X; XI + ~ R cS.
Hence ~ n ~ = ~ n ~i + ~R' ~ ~ ~'(R) = ~ n ~i + '~R' showing that the connected
components of ~ n ~,(R) are of the form S n ~i + s(+~R)' s cwR(~), if +~I(R) is
as a b o ~ e , ~ d >0 suc~ that ~n +~l(~) coat,ins (~n ~z) + { ~ : I~1 < d] + + ~ .

LEMMA !2. Let X~' and let ~ be a CSA. Then the set of all ~ ~c such
that H~ (= the canonical image of ~ in ~c ) lies in G c "(iX) is a single
W(~e)-orbit ; ~(iX) = u~(~); and X is elliptic if and only if the members of this
orbit are pure imaginary on ~I + i~R' i.e., their canonical images are in i~l + ~ .

That the ~'s in question form a single orbit as well as the relation ~(iX) =
u~(~) are obvious. Let A be this orbit. Let c = center(~) and X= X0 + X I
(X0 ~ ¢, X I ~ g ) . If X~A, then H h = i(X 0 + g .XI) for some g { G c. Clearly
g " XI [ ~c R $~c' and if X is elliptic all eigenvalues of ad(g • ~ ) are pure
imaginary; so we have g " X l { i ~ H + ~I R ~ " Thus H~£ i~l + ~R' i.e., ~ is pure
imaginary on ~I + i~R" Conversely let ~ A and %~ i~l + ~H" Write H~= i(X0 +H'),
where X 0{ c~ H'{ (~! q ~9 + i~R. Let he G c be such that h • H x = i X ' e be"
Then X' = X 0 + h • H' showing that all eigenvalues of ad X' are pure imaginary.
As X C G c "X', X must be elliptic.

THEOIK~M i~. (Uniqueness Theorem). Let ~ c g, 0 e ~ and let ~ be star-like at 0.

Let T be an invariant Is-finite distribution on ~ such that
(i) T is tempered
(ii) ~ regular elliptic Xj e ~ (i ~ j ~ m ) such that if Xj is the homomorphism
u~(iXj) of I S into C and J= .ker (Xj), then ~(J)T=0.
Let F be the analytic function on ~D 9' defined by T. Then

F I ~N b ' = 0 ~ T = 0

Let ~ and T be as above. Let F be the set of all ~ b such that

H~G c " (iXj) for some j. Then Ycib*, P is W(bc)-stable, and all elements
of F are r e g u l a r . Fix a p o s i t i v e system Pb of r o o t s of (ge,be) and l e t

7fb_ = __~ePb~" Since b : 5'(R), ~ q b'(R) : ~ n b is connected and so we can find
constants c;k ('~ e F ) such that

(7) 7Fb(H) F ( H ) = 2 c z e ~(H) ( H { g @ b') .


Let 9 b e a CSA o f @ not conjugate to b under G. Choose z e G such that

z • be = bc and set m% = 7Tb oz. With earlier notation, let 91 + +9 R = +~(R) be
a connected component of ~'(R); then ~ constants ch(+~(R)) such that

(8) 7F~(H) F (H) = 2 c~(+~(R))e (~°z)(H) (He ~' 0 ((QO 91 ) ++tR)).


Theorem i~ would follow at once if we prove

LEMMA 14. Let L be the additive subgroup of C generated by the c}~ (~ e F).
Then ck(+9(R))eL V h e F , 9, +9 H.

We shall first reduce the proof to the case of eigendistributions. Let ~ be

the ideal of all u e IS such that 8(u)T = 0. Then ~(Is)T , considered as an I S-
module, is isomorphic to a quotient module of IS/J which is isomorphic to
%<j_<r(Is/ker(Xj)). This latter being semisimple it follows that 5(Is)T is
isomorphic to a submodule of it. Hence we can write T = TI + .-. + Tr where
8(u)Tj = Zj(u)Tj V ueI S and for suitable u$.{ IS, Tj = 5(uj)T. It is enough to
prove the lemma for T = Tj, i < j < r. In other words we shall assume that
D(u)T = ~(iX)T (~{ IS) , X e ~' being elliptic. The set F is then a single
W(bc)-orbi% F =W(bc) "~ , say.

We shall prove Lemma 14 by induction on the index ind(~) of ~. We assume

the lemma for CSA's of lower index. Fix ~,+~(R) as above. Then we rewrite (8)
in the following way: there are constants ct (t eW(~e) ) such that, with ~= b o z,

(9) 7[~(H) F(H) = ~ s(t)c t e tv(H) (He ~'~ ((~@ ~i )++~R)).

Let E R c ~R be the simple system corresponding to +~(R) and let ~ e E R. Let
91 be the CSA of index = ind(9)- 2 constructed earlier and let notation be as in
that discussion. Write zI = z oy Then Zl " ~ic = b . Let ~ = ~b °zl" Let
c +~i
+91(R ) be the connected component of ~]'(R) that contains ~I + 9R,~" Observing
that y ~c)y-l= W(~ic ) we see that for suitable constants c~ (t eW(tc) )

(io) %1(~)F (H)= t~W(E~c) ~(t)c~e(t~°Y-I) (H c ~l, n ((°n ~l'P + + ~'P)"

By the induction hypothesis, c~eL V teW(~c). We wish to prove that cteL V
t c W(~c) also.


We shall now use the theory developed in Sections 4-6. Let Y be the contin-
uous f~nction on 9 that coincides with ~ F on ~ n ~' Write ~ t = % e p 6 % ,
~ = %eP%%~ ~ l = |~SP~l% where P~ : Pb ~ z, P~I = P~ o zl" Then we conclude

from (9) and (10) that

%(v)ZtctetV(H) (HeC£((~N di )++dR))

The two expressions for

Y(H) =


must coincide on the intersection of the two regions and

(He C£((QN ~l,i ) + +~R,~))

so on @ ~ ~I + +~R;~" By analyticity we must have,

(12) ~ t etetV = ~ t et etv (on ~= ~R,~ )

We note that if t,t'eW(~c) , t~t', and tv=t'v on then t= s t' and

conversely. If t=s t', then tv:t'w on ~ obviously. Suppose tv=t'v on
q . Then tv=t'v+c~ for some ce C; c~0 since t~t' and v is regular.
Hence (v,v)= (tv,tv}= <v,v>+2(t,v,~}+c=<~,~} so that c=-2(t'v,ol>/<~,~), i.e.,
iv= s t'v; as v is regular, t= sat'. Thus (12) leads to the fundamental
relations :

(iO °t + es t = c~ + c's t (t ~W(~e) )

On the other hand, T is tempered. Lemmas 5 and 6 are now applicable. So~ for
some integral m >--0 , Et s(t)ct~etV is tempered on (I}n~i)++ %R" If UCO@di is
open in dl such that no nonreaA ,~oot of (~c~%c) vanishes anywhere on U~

u++dRc(on ~i) ++ + +
Hence by Lemma 6 we have

(14) c t ~ 0 ~Re(tv)(H) < 0 ~/ H e + } R •

Suppose now that not all the ct are in L. If c t / L , then (13) shows that
Cs t ~ L also. But the root ~e ZR was arbitrary. Hence ct / L implies Cst~L
V~seWH(~). Choose t0eW(~c) such that ct0/L. Then Cst0 ~ 0 V SCWR(~).

By (14) Re(t0v)(H ) _< 0 V He%cWR(~)s "+~B = '~R" Hence Re(t0v)(H ) _< 0 for

all H ¢ ~R" But by Lemma 12 t0v is real valued on ~R" Hence (t0v)(H) < 0 V
He~R, ~ t 0 v = 0 on ~R" If ~ ¢ A R , then H e~R and so (t0v,~} = ( t 0 v ) ( H ) = 0 ,
a contradiction to the regularity of t0v. Lemma 14 and thence Theorem 13 are thus

If J c IS is an ideal containing ~l_<j<_r ker(Xj) where the Xj are homo-

morphisms of IS into C of the form u ~ ub(~j)__ for some regular ~. £ ib ~, we
refer to J as being of the elliptic type.

5. The distributions TX

Let 3 = ib* and 3' the subset of regular elements in it. Let J c IS be
an ideal of the elliptic type and A(J) the set of all Xe 3 such that the homo-
morphism u ~ u~(X) (u ~ IS), vanishes on J; A(J) c ~' and is W(bc)-stable. Let
A(J) be the space of all functions ~ on b such that (i) ~ is a linear com-
bination of the eX (XeA(J)) (ii) s = ~(s)% seW(b). Note that if Uc b is
an open connected set~ the C~ functions ~ on U such that 5(J)~ = 0 are pre-
cisely the linear combinations of the eI with XeA(J). J(J) is the space of
tempered invariant distributions T on ~ such that 8(J)T = 0. For any 2e8 we
write J(J : D) for the space of tempered invariant distributions T defined on
such that ~(J)T = 0, and A(J : 2) for the space of restrictions to ~ ~ b of the
elements of A(J) • Let ~5 = ~] p5 ~' Pb being a positive system of roots of

THEOREM 15. Let notation be as above and let £~8 contain 0 and be star-
like there. The restriction map T ~ T I~ is then a linear bijeetion of ~(J) onto
~(J : ~). Let T ~ ~(J : ~) and let FT be the analytic function defined by T on
A ~' Then 3 a unique element q~TC A( J: ~) such that 7TbFT = q~T on ~ n b',
and the map T ~ ~T is a linear bijection of [[(J : ~) with A(J : ~) o In particular,
if p is the number of W(b)-orbits in A(J), dim ~ ( J : ~ ) =dimT(J)=p.

Given T~ ~(J : ~) the existence and uniqueness of ~T are immediate since

N b = ~ ~ b'(R) and ~bFT is W(b)-skew on ~ A b'. Theorem 13 gives the in-
jectivity of the map T~ (PT" If we define for any Xc~'

(15) (~X = ~ ~(s)eS>~

and if ~ .... sXp is a complete system of representatives for A(J)/W(b), then
~,...,q0 l form a basis for A(J), so that p = dim A(J) = dim A(J: ~). Thus
dim U ( J : 2 ) < p . If TcJ(J) and T]~ = 0, then ~T = 0 on 2 n b, ~ T = 0,
T = 0. Hence T ~ TI~ is injeetive, showing dim ~(J) < dim ~(J: ~) _< p. On the
other hand let ~ .... ,Aq be the W(be)-orbits on A(J), let Xj be the homomorph-
ism of IS into t defined by Aj and let ~. be the space of tempered invariant
distributions T on ~ with 8 ( u ) T = x j ( u ) T ~ / u e
I S . As J c ~ ( j ) and dim J. =
[W(bc) :W(b)] (Theorem 2, Corollary 3), dim U(J)~q[W~bc) :W(b)]= p.

Taking J to be the kernel of the homomorphism u~ub(k ) we get at once

THEOREM 16. If k e 3', 3 a unique distribution T k = TX~ on g such that

(i) TI is tempered and invariant
(ii) 8(u)Tx = Ub(k)Tk (U ~ IS)
(iii) if F k is the analytic function on ~' defined by Tk~ then


-l F E(s)e s~ on b'
rl : ~b sew(b)
LEMMA 17. Let ~ be a reductive subalgebra of ~ such that b c ~ m Z and
let u ~ u~ be the canonical injection of IS into Is(~c ). If Xe$', then the
ideal of Is(~c ) generated by the elements u- ub(X ) (u e IS) is of the elliptic
type; and the homomorphisms of IS(~c ) vanishing on this ideal are precisely those of
the form v ~ v(sX) with s eW(bc).

Let us write m and ~' for the Weyl groups of ~c and ~c with respect to
bc" Let I (resp. I') be the algebra of r0-invariant (resp. m'-invariant) elements
of S(be). Let JX be the ideal of I spanned by u-u(X) (ue I) and let Ji =
l'J X. Since X is regular, it follows from Lemma 4. 9 that any element v in S(b~
that vanishes on ,9. X is of the form Eu.h where u c: JX and the h. are ~-
0 J J O
harmonic. If v is in addition from I'~ we can average over ~' and conclude
that v e Ji. Thus Ji is precisely the ideal in I' of all v £ I' such that
vl~ " >~ = O. The lemma now follows from the fact that u ~ ub is an isomorphism of
IS with I and of Is(~c ) with I'.

THEOREM 18. Let ~ be a subaigebra of ~ containing b and reductive in ~,

and let Z denote its adjoint group. Let a > 0 and let C be an open neighbor-
hood of 0 in center(N), starlike at 0. Write ~ = ~[C,a]n ~ (cf. (6)), ~ , b =
~ where the product is over the roots of (~c,bc) in Pb" Fix he~'. If T is
a tempered Z-invariant distribution on ~8 such that 5(u~)T = ub(h)T V u c Is,
then T has a unique such extension to all of ~. If WZ(b ) is the subgroup of the
Weyl group of (~c,5c) that comes from Z, the space of distributions T defined
above is of dimension [W(bc) : Wz(b)]. If o s (s ~ W(bc) ) are constants such that
Cts = Cs kJs e W(5c) , t c WZ(b), ~ s unique distribution T on ~ such that
(i) T is tempered and Z-invariant
(ii) ~(u~)~=ub(~) (u~I s)
(iii) if F is the analytic function defined by T on the regular set ~ of ~,

-i ~ ~(s)e e s~
F=~,b seW(be ) s on bA ~ .

Since ~8 e ~(~) by Lemma ii, the first two assertions follow from Lemma 17 and
Theorem 15. For the last assertion, let sI = I , s2,...,s m be a complete set of repre-
sentatives for Wz(b)\W(bc). Then

(16) ~ = 7 TM T~
l~j~m E(sj)Csj sjk

has the required property. It is the only such distribution by Theorem 13 .

COROLLARY 19 . Let T be an automorphism of ~ leaving b invariant ~nd let

~ ,-Ib Z s S ~ b c ) £(S)cseS~ be invariant under ~. Then T is invariant under ~.


Let the function ~(. : .) be as in Section i. We take ~i = b and determine

~(-:.) on b'×b' Then by Theorem 4 we can find locally constant functions bs(. )
on 3' such that

(17) ~%(:~)~%(~)~(-i~ : H) = ~ ~(S)bs(~)eS:~(H) (H ~ b', ;~ ~ ;~').

s cw( ~c )
Let S l = l , s2,...,s r be a complete system of representatives for W(b)\W(be). It is
then clear from (17) that ~.(9~)~ .~. = ~ ~ .< e(s .)bs (~)Ts. A. Replacing 9~ by Skh
-in h ± ~ j r j j
in (17) and noting that ~_iSkH~ ( l < k < r [ a ~ d TsjT~ ( l < j < r ) span the same space,
we obtain the following:

THEOFJ~4 20. ~ an invertible matrix (ajk( " ) ) l < j , k < r of locally constant
functions on 3' with inverse (aJk(.))l<_j,k<_ r such that V X c ~ ' ,

= aj ( )Ts Z' =

TKEOK~M 21. Let T~ and FT~ be as in Theorem 16 (XE~'). Let ~ c B be a CSA,

let Y C G c be such that y • ~c = be' and let ~ = ~ b o y. Then 3 locally constant in-
teger vs~lued functions bs (':") on 3'×~'(R) (scW(~c) ) such that V 7~e3',

(19) 7T~(FzI~') = ~ ~(S)bs(Z:.)e s(z°y) on ~'

If ~ is as in (i.i), 3 a constant C > 0 such that

(20) l;~(x)l _< el ~(x)l (~e~,, x~ ~,)
The function 7[b(Fkl5') is a linear combination of the e th (t e W(bc) ) with + i
coefficients. This shows that the bs(h: .) are integers in view of Lemma 14. That
the bs(h : H) are locally constant in h follows from Theorems 20 and 4. For the
last assertion we argue as in Proposition 9.

Fix a connected component 3+ of ~' and write bs(~+)=bs(h ') ~+).

Define, for h e CI(~+), the invariant function F7%

3+ on B' by
(21) = ~(S)bs(~+)eS(X°Y)
on ~'

That this is valid and leads to a G-invariant locally integrable function is clear
from (19) , (20), and the limit relation
(22) F~ (x) = li~ ~,(x) (xe~')
3 + 9l' ~X

Proposition 9 together with the remark following it imply that the distribution
~+ 5+

is well defined and tempered. Moreover, by (22), we see that


3+ 3+
~(u)T~ : ub(~)T ~ (u c Is)

(24) 3+
F~ = ~b
-i ~~ ~(s]e
s~ on b' "
The estimate (20) and the limit formula (22) then give the following: a constant
C> 0 such that
+ i
(2~) IF~ (X)I ! Ct{(X)I -~ (X~ ~', ~ Cl(~+))
3+ 3+
We must remember that T~ depends on in addition to ~. For instance~
let ~ = ~I(2,]R). Then S' has two connected components ~ and 0 is the only
element of 3 that can belong to the closure of both of them. T -+ be the Let
distributions defined above and F+ the corresponding analytic functions. Then

(26) i0 ~ ( e ( X - Y)) = 1 (0~]R X) t~(tH) = +1 (t>0)

The formt~lae (26) also reveal that the uniqueness theorem no longer holds
for singUlar h, i.e., if h is singular, T h is no longer determined by the
restriction of F h to b'.

The results of this section are due to Harish-Chandra. For the Fourier
transform theory in n°s i and 2 see his papers [2], [3]; for the theory developed
in n°s 5-5, see [ii].


8. The limit formula f(O)=~($(~b)gf,b)(O)

Let G and G be as usual. The main result of this section is a formula that
enables one to calculate, for any element f e $(G), the value f(0) in terms of the
inVariant integrals Cf~.. Using the exponential map one can carry over this result
to the group. As we shall see later~ the formula thus obtained on the group will
serve as the starting point for the proof of the Planeherel formula for G.

i. The distribution J~

Let ~ c ~ be a CSA; P, a positive system of roots of (~c,~e); ~ = ~ , p =

~]~eP ~; ~Y~=If~,P=1]~ep H ; ~=W(~c) , the Weyl group of (~c,~c). We use the nota-
tion of Sections ~ and 7. For f e ~(~), Cf,~ is as in (3.2). From Theorems 5.23,
3.26 and their corollaries we then have the following: if D c Diff(~c) and F is a
a connected component of ~'(S), then for any H 0 ~ CZ(F),

(1) ~D,r,i0:f ~ tim (D,f,~)(~) (f ~ ~(~))

F ~ H~H0

is a well-defined tempered invariant distribution on B; if further Ds~=-D for

all singular imaginary roots B, then D~f,~ extends continuously to the whole of
~; denoting this extension by D~f,~ again, the distributions f ~ (DCf,~)(H)
(f ~ s(B)) are well-defined~ tempered and invariant for each H c ~. In particular3
if we put

(2) J~(f) = (~(~)¢f,~)(0) (f ~ ~(~))

then J~ is a well-defined tempered invariant distribution on ~.

L~MMA i. The distributions TD,F, Ho are l-finite. In particular, J~ is


If E ~ Diff(~c) and E0 is its local expression at H0, we have

TE,F,H 0 = TE0~F,H 0

Let ue I s and E = D o (~o i). If Eu, 0 6 S(~c) is the local expression of Eu at

H0 ,
^ ^

(3) 5(u)TD' r'Ho = Tsu,0' P'HO

On the other hand, EU, 0 is also the local expression of D O o (To i) where
D0c S(~c)iS the l o c a l expression of D at H 0. So ~ if
is the algebra of all ~0-invariant polynomials on ~c' and, for any b e S(~c),
if L b = {q : q ~ I~, (8(b) o q)0 = 0} where the suffix indicates the local expression


at H 0, it is sufficient to prove that dim(l~/Lb) < ~ for every b. Fix b

and let d = deg(b). A simple calculation shows at once that for any q c I~,

5(b) o(q-q(H0))d+l c (q- q(H0)) .Diff(gc).

Thus, Lb contains (q-q(H0))d+l for any q e I~. Since 19 is finitely generated~

it is clear now that dim(Ig/~) < =.

LEMMA 2. If 9 is not fundamental, J~ = 0.

If 9 is not fundamental~sthere is at least one real root, sa~v ~. Write

g = 5('6~9)~f,9. We claim that g ~ = -g; this implies at once that g(0) = 0. To
prove the claim~ we observe that s comes from the group G and so~ in view of
Lemma 3.4 and the relation Z E ~ = - ~ , we need to show that (eRF~) ~ = SR~9, i.e.,
that £R~ = -ER" If PR is the set of real roots of P~ then PR is a positive
system of roots of (8e,9c) where 8 is the centralizer of 91~ 91 being as in Section

7, n°3. So FR~=-FR where FR=~BcpR B. But then gR~ = (~R/IFRI) ~ = - ¢ R .

LEMMA ~. Let 9 be fundamental. Then there exists a real constant ¢ such

that J9 = ~5 ~ 5 being the Dirac measure of [ located at the origin~ i.e.~
(~(~'9)~f,~)(O) = ~(0) for all f~g(~).

It is enough^ to prove that g~ is a multiple of the Lebesgue measure on ~.

By Lemma i J~ is invariant and 1-finite and so it coincides with a locally inte-
grable invariant function F on B that is analytic on ~'. We must prove that
F is constant on g'

First we show that F is locsdly constant on B' Let ~ c @ be a CSA and

let ~ (resp. F) be a connected component of ~' (resp. 9'). Fix y e Gc such
that y ' ~ c =9c , and write ~ = ~9 °Y' ~ = p o y. As ~ conj = a ~ for some con-
stant a # O, there is a constant c / 0 such that for all g e C c ( G .~),

~G.P g(X)dX = c~_ F[(~)¢g,[(~)d~ .

If ~(H: .) (H c F) is the locally integrable function on ~ that is analytic on
B' and coincides with ~H there, we can choose, by virtue of Theorem 7.4, constants
a s (s e~) such that, for all (H,~) e F × 7,

i <sH,y.~>
s e~D s

So ~ if


s E~

where we write s for the constant value of SR on r. This shows at once that

where a' = a i d ~ s ~ ( S ) a s and d=deg(~i). In other words, F=a' on G.F. So F

is locally constant on ~'.

The next step is to show that the constant values of F on the various connect-
ed components of ~' are the same. Clearly it is enough to prove that F extends
continuously to ~. If I ~ ~ is any CSA and Q is a positive system of roots of

(~c' e )' we know from Corollary 4.7 that 7= ~(T~I,Q)(T~ I ,Q) is a constant > 0.
Obviously this constant depends neither on ~ nor on Q. Now~ J~ being invariant
and 1-finite, there is a continuous function ~ on g such that ~ = 7-1V F on 6'
(cf. Section 6). We claim that ~=F on ~'. In fact, if ~,~ are as before and
F=a' on ~, then ~=~/-18(~)(a'TT~)~ = a' on ~. Thus F extends continuously
to ~, proving that F is constant on ~'

At this stage we know that J~ = ~8 for some constant m. We need to check

that ~ is real. ,First we note that ~(~) °7 h is a real differential operator on
~. If we write P for the positive system pC6nj and ~f~ = ~ ~,p-X-, F~* = 7T~,p-X-,
t en Therefore, is r e a l ,
(~({~)°~)¢f,~ i s r e a l on ~', proving that J~ is real. Thus ~{~

Our aim now i s t o p r o v e t h a t ~ i s nonzero and t o d e t e r m i n e i t s sign. This

will be done i n two s t a g e s . We c o n s i d e r f i r s t t h e case when I~ i s o f compact t y p e .
The g e n e r a l case i s reduced t o t h i s b y a d e s c e n t argument based on S e c t i o n 3, n°7 •

2. Proof that (-l)½dim(z/i) ~ > 0 when rk(z) : rk(~).

We assume that ~ has CSA's of compact type. Let 6 be a C~rtan involution

on ~ that is the identity on c = center(g) and let ~= i + ~ be the corresponding
Cartan decomposition. Then rk(~)=rk(1) and if b c ! is a CSA of T, it is
one for g also. All roots of (Be,be) are imaginary. P is a positive system
of roots of (~e,be) and we define ~b,~b as usual. Let c > 0 be the constant
such that for all gcCe(~) , with t = IPI,

(4) lo-b, dX)dX = (-z)tc lb %(~)¢g, b(H)dE "

If ~ is a root of (go,be), then the corresponding root subspaee g~ is either

c fc or c ~c. Let Pk (resp. Pn) be the set of all ~eP for which the first


(rasp. second) alternative holds. Put

(5) q =~dim(g/~), m=~dim(I/b), ~ = dim(b).

Then q = IPnl amd m : IPkl are integers ~ O. Moreover dim(~) is even while
dim(~) amd dim(s ) are both ~ dim(b) mod 2. From the definition of q it is
obvious that q = ½dim(%) where {@ is the subspame of ~ on which a Cartan
involution ~ of ~ equals identity.

We shall prove in Lemma 8 that (-l)q~ is > 0. Before doing that we wish to
show (Lemma 4) that the results of Section 7 already imply that ~ ~ 0. The argu-
ment used for this is however not delicate enough to determine the sign of ~. The
proof of Lemma 8 does not depend on Lemma 4, and is self-contained.

L~A 4. g is nonzero.
Suppose K = 0. By Theorem 7.20, ~ locally constant functions ak on b' such that,
if ~H is the linear f~/nction H ' ~ i ( H , H ' } on b,

TXH: %(H) 1<k<r~ %(H)£skH (He b')

So, ~/f e S(S),
TRH(f) : l < k < r ak(H)~f,b(SkH) (He b ' )

With c as in (4) we get, by Theorem 7.16,

2%(~)*~,b(sk.H) = (-z) t c 2 ~(s)j' i<sH,H'}. ,. ,,,.
e ?f,btn )am'
seW(b) b'
for f e C : ( G " b'). If now ~ = 0, we find

o = it(-1)tc 2~
%(m)*f'b(H')dH' = itlw(QI ~ •
which is & contradiction since f was arbitrary.

We shall now follow Ha~ish-Chandra in proving that (-i) q ~ > O. The proof
depends on the p r o p e r t i e s of certain tempered fundamental solutions of the
operators 8(N) where N is an integer > 1 and 0J is the Casimir element.
Before introducing t h e s e results we need some preparation.

We recall that the form (-,) has not been restricted in any manner on CX c.
We now assume that it is negative definite on cx c and that c and $~ are
orthogonal under it. Thus it is negative definite on !x ~ and positive definite
on ~Xg. The element ~eS(~c) is defined by ~(X)= (X,X} (XCgc). Let

(6) [] = ~ ( ~ ) , ~b = ~(%)"
Suppose {X i : l < i < n } is a basis for ~ such that ~ (rasp. 8) is spanned by
the Xi with l<i<k (rasp. k<i<n) and (Xi,Xj} = siSij where 8i=-i or +i
according as i<k or i>k. Suppose {~,...,H£} is a basis of b such that
<Hi,Hi> = -6ij. Then


(7) ~=-5(X1 )2 . . . . . B(~k )2+b(~k+l )2+ " ' ' + ~ ( X n ) 2 , Db=-5(H1)2 . . . . . ~(H£) 2-
In view of (5) we have k= £+2m, n = k + 2 q . I f x i (resp. h i ) are the linear coord-
inates on g (resp. b) with respect to {Xi] (resp. {Hi]), then
2 2
2 I + . . - + X n2,
~ = -X~ . . . . . X~ +Xk+ ~I b = _hi . . . . . hl

We now use the results of the Appendix; n°4, especis~Lly Proposition 10.12. Here,
for x e]R, Ix ] is the largest integer < x. Proposition 10.12 then gives

LE~dA 5. Let ~ be the function defined on as follows :


(k odd) ~(X)= { (-l)q (-<x,x>)-~ if Xe g and (X,X) < 0

0 otherwise

(k even) ~(X)= I( ~ )q-ll°gl (X'X)I if Xe g and <x,x> ~ o


Then <p is locally integrable on G and there exists an integer s>l such that

I<x)lU.+llxll) -s dX <

In particular, the distribution 0 defined by ~ is tempered and

D In/2]®= a( ~)8

for some constant a(~)>O, 8g being the Dirac measure on ~ at O. Further, if 9 b

is the restriction of 9 to b, ~b is locally integrable and of at most polynomial
growth on b; and the distribution Cb defined on 5 by ~b is tempered and

rj~/2 ]% = (-i)%( b)8 b

where a(b)>O is a constant and 8 b is the Dirac measure on b at O.

L~MMA 6. Let geCc(~) be such that supp(g)CG, b' and ~ g(X)dX=l, and let
f=g. Then f has the following properties:
(i) f~g(g), f ( 0 ) = l
(ii) if ~ c ~ is a CSA that is not of compact type, then ~f,~=0
(iii) Sf,b is the restriction to b' of an element of S(b).

(i) is obvious. For (ii), by Corollary 7.8, ~ = 0 on G. b'. Hence )f,~(H)=0.

For proving (iii), note that 9f,bC3(b ') by Theorem 3.9, and so it suffices to
prove that ~f,b extends to a C= function on b. We use the results of Section
3, n°6. Let H 0e b be semiregular and let ~ be the root in P vanishing at H 0.
If ~ is not singular, then H 0 c b'(S) and ~f,b extends to a C~ function in a
neighborhood of H0 by Theorem ~.23 . Suppose ¢~ is singular. Then H0 belongs
to a second CSA a that is not conjugate to b and Theorem 3-30 is applicable.
Since ~f,a= 0, we conclude from that theorem that for any D c Diff(bc) , D~f,b
extends to a continuous function in a neighborhood of H 0. So %f,b extends to a


co oo
C function in a neighborhood of H 0. The fact that 9f,D extends to a C func-
tion in a neighborhood of any point of b now follows from Lemma ~.21; the method
is the same as that used in Theorems O~.2~o and 3.26 and is omitted

LEMMA 7. Let p be an integer ~ 0. Then there exists a unique DpC Diff(bc)

such that ~b °Dbq+m+p = ~b o Dp . The local expression of Dp at 0 is

(-I )q+m 2q+m( q + m)' {q+m+p-l~

"\ q+m /~(~b)"
Dp~ if it exists at all, is obviously unique. To prove its existence, let ~=
mff(b°) and let b be the derivation A , - ~ ( % A - A % ) of ~ (ef. L e n a 2.12). Let R
(resp. L) be the endomorphism A ~ A D b (resp. A ~ O b A ) of ~. Then 2 ~ = L - R and so, if
v is the operator of multiplication by mb,V D~+m+P= (L - 2~)q+m+P(v). Now deg(vb) =
q + m and so ~q+m(v)= (q+m)! ~(~b) by Lemma 2.12. Hence ~s(v)=0 if s > q + m and
v O ~ +m+p = D ~ D p where, with t = q + m ,

(t:P)Lt-s (-2~)s(v) = ~ r {t+P ~(t ~ s 1(2~)iRt-s-i(-2B)s(v)

Dp=o<s<t O<s<t O < i < t - s \ s /\ ~
We take local expressions of both sides at O~ denoting it by the suffix O. Now it is
clear that ~J(v) is skew with respect to W(@c~be) ; on the other hand; it follows from
an easy induction that ~J(~) is o~ the fo~ Zpi~(%) where Pi { P(~c)' qi { S(~c)' and
deg(qi)!j. Hence ~J(v)0 is skew and of degree ~ j~ showing that it must be 0 for
j<t. Hence, for i < t - s,
((2~)%t-s-i(-2~)s(J)O = (-l)s2i+s(~i+s(v))o~t-s-ib = 0

SO~ as ~t(v)=t~ ~(%)~ (Dp) 0 must be c ~(~b) where

c= (_l)t tt t÷p-l
0<s<t \ t /
the last relation following from the fact that c is the coefficient of X t in
2tt~ ( l - X ) t+p - ( X - X ) -1 = 2tt~ ( l - X ) t+~-l.
LEMMA 8. Let notation be as above. Then (-l)q< > 0 where q =~Adim(G/K), K
being a maximal compact subgroup of G.

Let f be as in Lemma 6 and ~ as in Lemma 5. Then, with c > 0 as in (4),

I = f(0) = a(~)-l/~ m(x) ([]q+m+E~/2]f)(x)dx

= (-l)tca(~)-lj] %(H)~b(H)(c~+m+[Z/2]~f,b)(H)dH

: (-1)rea(~)-Z~b ~b(H)([]~/2%~,b)(~)dH

where D is the element D c Diff(bc) constructed in Lemma 7 for p = [~/2]. So

as the local expression of D at 0 is of the form (-l)q+mb ~(~b) where b is
a constant > 0, we see that


1 = (-1)tc a(~)-l(-1)qa(b)(-1)q+mb(~(t~5)~f,b)(O).
Since t=q+m, we see that i = (-l)qbca(£) -la(b)~. So (-l)q~ > 0.

As observed earlier~ Lemma 4 was not used in the above proof.

3. The 5eneral case

We shall now treat the general case when the fundamental CSA's of G are not
necessarily of compact type. We fix a fundamental CSA ~. Let ~ be a Cartan in-
volution of B which is equal to the identity on c = center(~) and such that
~(~) = ~. Let ~= ~+ ~ be the corresponding Caftan decomposition and let ~I = ~ n ~,
~R= ~ n ~ . We denote by ~ the centralizer of ~R in ~. Then ~ is a CSA of
of compact type.

We use the method of descent from ~ to ~ discussed in Section 3, n°7 • Let

notation be as in that n ° . We put

(8) ~=~= n %, ,~ = n ~, ,~ =
~P ~ ~cP ~/~ ~/~
cle~ly ~/~ is i n v a r i ~ t ~nder the Weyl group of (~o'~c)" So 3 a unique
~ ZS(~e) such t h a t ~ = ~ / . We observe t h a t s i n c e ~ i s fund~ment~, a l l
roots in P\ P are complex and they split into pairs of the form { ~ conj}. In
particular, IP\P I = dim(n) is even and rIBcl~p B(H ) > 0 for Hc~'.

LEM~i& 9" Let Z be the adjoint group of ~. Write Q for the polynomial
(oi. Then (-i) ~
im(n)q > 0 on Z. ~' Let q~ be the integer defined by
q~ =½dim(Z/Kz) where KZ is a maximal compact subgroup of Z. Then the integer q2
defined by q~ = q~ + ½ dim(n) is given by

(9) q8 = ½{dim(G/K G) - rk(G) + rk(KG)}

where KG is a maximal compact subgroup of G.

For He~' and zeZ, Q ( z . H ) = 7(ill) = idim(n) ~i~l~p ~(H) so that

(-l)2Adim(n)Q(z • H) > 0. For the second assertion let T0 (resp. ~0) be the
centralizer of ~R in t (resp. 6), and let II (resp. ~i) be the orthegonal
complement of I0 (resp. ~0) in ~ (resp. ~). Then ~ = ~0 + ~0 and ~i + ~i =
n+~(n). We now claim that (a) d i m ( ~ l ) = d i m ( 6 1 ) = dim(n) and (b) ~0 (= ~n~)
is the orthogonal direct sum of ~R and $~ n ~. Assuming these two results for
the moment we shall prove (9). In fact, by (b), q = 2Adim($~ n ~) = ½(dim(~0) -
dim(%R)); so by (a) q +½dim(n) = ½{dim(~o)-dim(~R)+dim(~l)] = ½{dim({)-dim(~]
=½{dim(~/~)-r~(~)+r~(~)} since r~(~)=dim(~) and r~(~)=dim(~z) (the seeond
because; ~ being fundamental, ~I is a CSA of ~). It therefore remains to prove


(a) and (b). To prove (a) note that <-,.> is nonsingular on (rt+8(n))x(n+O(n))
and nxe(~) while <m,n)= (@(n),8(n)) = 0. So the quadratic form X ~ <X,X) has
signature 0 on m + £(m). On the other hand, as it is positive definite on ~i
and negative definite on ~i' its signature is dim(el)-dim(~l). Hence we get
(a). To prove (b), let ~=center(~). Then ~8 and ~ are e-stable, mutually
orthogonal and ~ is their direct sam. So ~0 = ~ n ~ is the orthogonal direct
sum of ~ n ~ and ~ D 6. Now ~R ~ ~ ~ ¢ obviously. On the other hand, as
is a CSA of &, c ~ ~ and so ~ n ~ c ~ R ¢ = ~R' showing G R 6 = ~. We thus
get (b). This proves the lem~a.

T.ENLMA i0. Let ~ c ~ be a CSA. If I is conjugate to ~ under G, then

l is conjugate to ~ under Z.

For proving this there is clearly no loss of generality in assuming that ~ is

semisimple and ~ is £-stable. Let xcG be such that x • I =~. Since ~ D ~ is
(resp.) n 6) is the subspace of 811 Hc I (resp. H c ~) such that all roots of
(~c,[c) (resp. £c,~c)) take real values at H, we must have x - (I n ~)= ~ 0 ~ =
~R" But ~H c center(~) n ~ c I n ~, so that, by dimensionality, I n ~ = ~R
and x • ~R = ~R" So x • ~ = ~. But then ~ ~ # ox is a bijection of the set of
roots or (~c,~c) with the set or roots of (~c,lc) and we see at once that all
roots of (~c,~c) are imaginary. So T and ~ are both CSA's of ~ of compact
type, showing that they are conjugate under Z.

We are now in a position to extend Learn& 8 to the present set up. First we ob-
serve that as there are no real roots, the term g R drops out of ~f,~ and so ~(~f~f,~__
remains unchanged if we change the positive system used in the choice of ~b and ~ "
So we work with the positive system P used in Section 3, n°7 • We have ~f(O) =
(~(~')¢f)(O) V f e ~ ( ~ ) (here we write ~f for ~f,~). We wish to prove that ( - l ) q ~ >0.
Since ~ is a CSA of ~ or compact type we have

~ being the invariant integral on ~. Let f ~ S(,~). Then ~ f = c ~g~ where c > 0 is a
constant and g~ = g- . So

and hence
• f(0)=c~ (b(~)g~)(0).
We now take f = £ where h is a K-invaz, i a n t element of C:(9) such t h a t h > 0 , supp(h) c-
• ~', and O~oh(X)dX=l. Then f ( 0 ) = ~ and f = ~ . mrther

(~(¢)gf)(o) = g~(¢)f(o) = g~(O) = g~(O) : ~ g~(~)d~

if we remember that q = ~ o i and recall the work of Section 3, n°7 • Hence

(10) (-1)½dim(n)(b(¢)gf)(0) = ~j (-1){~im(Oa(M)h(M + Y)dM dY.


We assert that the integrand on the right is >_ 0 on ( ~ ~')Xn. In fact, suppose
Mc ~', Yen and h ( M + Y ) ~ 0 . Then h ( M + Y ) ~ O and hence M + Y c G " ~' But N . M =
M+n and hence M e G • ~' Consequently the centralizer of M in ~ is a CSA of
that is conjugate to ~ under G, hence under Z by Lemma i0. Thus M e Z • ~'; but
then (_l)~im(n)Q(M)l~ > 0 by Lemma 9, proving our claim. So

(-i)q ~=(-l)q~f(o)= (_l)q~ ~ • (-i)~d~m(")

i . (~(~)gf)(o) > o.
ThUs we have extended Lemma 8 to the general case. We also observe that if C c c
there is a corresponding formula for (~(~)¢f)(C); it is obtained at once from
the preceding on replacing f by fc where fc(X) = f(X+C). We have thus proved
the following theorem.

TH]~OB]94 ii. Let ~c~ be a CSA and for any Ce c (the center of ~) let

J~,c(f) = (~('~'~)¢f,~)(c).
Then J~,C is a tempered invariant distribution on ~. If ~ is not fundamental,
J~,C = 0. Suppose ~ is fundamental. Then J~,C depends only on the normaliza-
tion of the invariant integral used in the definition of 9f,~ and not on the
positive systems involved in ~ and m~, and there is a real nonzero constant
such that

J%,c : ~5~,C
where $~,C is the Dirac measure on ~ located at C. Then
(-i) ~ > 0
where q~ is the integer defined by

q@ = ½[dim(G/K) - rk(G) +rk(K)]

K being any maximal compact subgroup of G.

For Theorem Ii see Harish-Chandra [8 ].

9. Invariant differential operators that annihilate all invariant distributions

i. Formulation of the problem

The results proved so far are essentially what we need for studying invariant
analysis on a real reductive group, with one important exception: we have still to
develop the technique for carrying over the results from ~ to G. The problem of
going from ~ to G is a highly nontrivial one because G is noncommutative while
~, regarded as a vector group, is commutative. However one s e e s from the study
of examples that the theory of invariant distributions on G can often be reduced to
Fourier analytical questions on the Cartan subgroups of G which sme abelian and
are homomorphic images of the Cartan subalgebras of ~ under the exponential map.
It is therefore quite reasonable to expect that there is a close relation between
invariant analysis on G and that on ~, and that this relation can be studied
through the exponential map.

To illustrate what is involved, let O be an invariant distribution on G that

is an eigendistribution for all the operators in the algebra ~ of biinvariant diff-
erential operators on G. We use the exponential map to pull back ® to an invar-
iant distribution T defined on some invariant open neighborhood f~ of 0. T is
an eigen distribution for all elements of the algebra ~ of differential operators
on ~ that are suitably normalized puilbacks of the elements of 3. S i nee
the elements of 8 do not have constant coefficients, the theory that we have de-
veloped on ~ cannot be applied to the study of T immediately. However, T coin-
cides with an invariant analytic function on ~ ' = ~ n B', and this function is of
the form f/~ on each connected component of ~ ~ ~' where ~ is a CSA of
and f is an exponential polynomial. Consequently we can attach to each element
D of 8~ an element D of ~(Is) such that DT=DT on ~ n B' D is in fact
canonically determined by D as the unique element of ~(Is) such that D@=Dq0
for all invariant ~ e C~(~); and D ~ D is an isomorphism. If we know that D
and D have the same action on all invariant distributions on ~, then D T = DT on
~, T would become an eigen distribution for $(Is) , and so can be studied with
the help of the preceding theory. The main theorem of this section is Theorem 2 3
which asserts that this is so. We shall now proceed to outline the main steps of
the proof of this theorem.

Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of ~ and D an analytic invar-

iant differentiaA operator on ~ such that D~= 0 for all invariant <p~ C~(~).
Let T be an invariant distribution on ~. To prove that DT= 0 we use induction
on dim(~). With the help of the method of descent and the induction hypothesis we
can conclude that if Xc ~ is s.s. and does not lie in the center of ~ then
X ~ s u p p DT. This enables us to assume that ~ is semisimple and supp DT c92~ the
set of nilpotents of ~. Since D is analytic, its coefficients have power series


expansions, and these can be used to reduce the problem to the case when D has
polynomial coefficients. If T were tempered we can use Fourier analysis and the
theory of Sections 4 through 6 to conclude that D T = 0. In fact if T is tempered
and D is the Fourier transform of D, then D T = DT; and D has the same property
as D. so s u p p D T C m . But ~ is Is~finite since s u p p O T ~ m and hence ~
is a locally summable function. Thus DT, and hence D% must be 0. However T
is not given to be tempered and so~ before this argument can be used~ we would have
to devise a method for reducing the problem to the tempered ease. Since supp D T c ~ ,
only the behaviour of T on invariant open neighborhoods of the origin are involved
and it would be sufficient to prove that there is an invariant open set ~i con-
raining 0, such that TI~I is tempered. This is accomplished in Theorems ii and

The construction of ~i is however highly nontrivial. It is first of all ob-

vious that if ~ is a sufficiently small bounded open neighborhood of 0~ then
TIw is tempered. So, as T is invariant, TI~x is tempered for any x e G. The
estimates for TI~ x will in general depend on x and a careful study (Proposition
2 and Lemma 9) reveals that this dependence is at most of polynomial growth in the
coefficients of x. T is thus tempered when restricted to d x. The n°s 2-6
are devoted to the proof of Theorems ii and 12. The remainder of the section is

2. The sets ~a and G(t)

is reductive with c=center(g), and G is its adjoint group. <.,.) is a non-
singular symmetric bilinear form on $c × $c which is real on Z × ~ coincides with the
Killing form on ~ c × ~ c ~ is negative definite on c × % and has the property that c
and ~ are orthogonal under it. 8 is a Caftan involution of g that is the identity
on c and we write @ also for the corresponding involution of G. ~= !+ ~ is
the corresponding Cartan decomposition of ~, and K is the maximal compact sub-
group of G defined by ~. ~ = ~ + a+ n is an Iwasawa decomposition of G; P, the
positive system of roots of (~,a) corresponding to n; and S = [~i,...,~£] c P,
the set of simple roots in P. A = exp a and log : A ~ a inverst exp. The root
subspaces of q relative to a are denoted by Q~. A + ~ exp a+ where ~+ is the closed
positive chamger of ~:
H e a+ if and only if ~ i ( H ) ~ 0 for l < i < ~ .
We know that G = K A + K . ~0 is the centralizer of a in q.

For X~Yeg~ we put

(1) (X,n =- <X,Sn, Ilxll 2 = (X,X) = - (X, SX> .

Then becomes a r e a l Hilbert space with respect to (.~ . ) . We e x t e n d t h i s
Hilbertian structure to ~c in the obvious way. If X c~ then (adX) t=-ad 8X
where ¢ denotes adjoint. So adH is s e l f a d j o i n t V H c a. Thus t h e q)X a r e m u t u -
ally orthogonal. Eh is the orthogonal projection q ~ 9h"


For two endomorphisms L,M of ~c we write

(L,M)=Tr(~t), llLII 2= ( T , ~ ) = T r ( ~ t ) .
Then End(~qc ) is a Hilbert space under (., .), and

II~II _< l[ql I~11 (L,~End(~e)), IIxH = Iladx[[ ( x ~ )

Since GCEnd(gc) we have thus the function x~llxll on G:

lixll2= T r ( = t) = Tr(xtx) .

From the decompositions G = K A K = K e x p ~ the following properties are clear:

e(~) = ex e -1 = ( x - l ) t, lle(x)ll = ;Ixll = IIx-lll (x ~ a)

The elements of K are ~ l u n i t a r y and II II is K i n ~ r i a n t

We now define, for any a > 0,

(2) ~a =(x:x~,llxll<4, ~a =a a

a is open, invariant~ starlike at 0. For any t >0 let

(3) G ( t ) = Ix : x e G , l[xll<t), A+(t)=G(t)~A + .

G(t) is compact since A+(t) is so and G(t)= ~+(t)K, and

G ( t ) = G ( t ) -I=KG(t)K, G(t)G(t')CG(tt').

Proposition i. If 0 < b < a , then ~ a is completely invariant and CI(~)c~ a.

The second assertion implies the first. In fact if L c ~ is compact, then

L c U0<c< a ~ so that L c % for some b e (0,a); then CI(G. L) c C I ( % ) c
c a"
We now prove the second assertion. For any c > 0 let ~ denote the closed ball
of radius c around 0. It is enough to show that if [Xn} , {xn] are sequences
such that Xn e ~b' x n e G and X n ~ X e ~b' x n .X n ~ Y e ~, then Y e 2 a" Since
G = KA+K and ll'II is K-invariant, we may assume that x e A+ V n. Passing to a
subsequence if necessary we maY_lassume that for each i limn~ ~ i (l°g Xn) = eKists
(could be infinite). Let hn = x xn where xeA + is such that ~i(Ipgx) = c.l for
all i for which ci is finite; then c::liml n - ~ i ( l o g hn) exists and is either
0 or = for i<i<£. Let F c [l~...,i] be the set of all i such that c'=0.
We denote by P(F) the subset of Y of all l that depend linearly on the ~.
-i 1
with i e F. We have hn "Xn x • Y = Y' say. It is enough to prove that Y' e a"

We have Xn = ~ExX n and ET~(hn • Xn) - Eh(Y' ) for all h. Now

(log hn) -X(log h )

hn'Xn=EoXn + ~ e ExX n + ~ e E_XX n-
keP ~eP

If AeP\P(F), A(log hn) --*+ oo and I/~_~XnH < lIXnll _<b. So E_>Y' = O.
Select He Q such that ~i(H)=0 for ieF and ~i(H) > 0 for i e [i,...,£]\ F.


Write h t=exp(-tH) (t > 0). Then E%(h t " Y') " 0 as t -+~ for %cP\P(F)
while E%(h t • Y')=E%(Y') for ~eP(F) O-P(F). So h t • Y' ~ EFY' where EF is
the orthogonal projection B " ~0 +~'%c~P(F) ~h" B~t if l ~ iP(F) , %(log hn) - 0
and so E%(h n • Xn) tends to the same limit as E%(Xn) , i.e., E%Y'= E%X. Hence
EFY'=EFX and so, for t~+~, llht .m'll-lIErxll S [Ixll< a. So, for t large
enoch, llht • Y' [[ < a, i .e., Y' ~ ~a"

3. A key estimate

Proposition 2. Let a>0. Then there exist m > l , b>_a, c > l with m inde-
pendent of a, and b, c dependent on a such that for Xea a
, 3 xeG with

(4) xll _< h, II H _< ÷ llx11)m

For proving this we may assume B to be semisimple; the genera& case reduces
easily to this. Proposition 2 will follow from the following lemma.

L~IMMA ~. Let ~ be semisimple, I'l a norm on q, and a > 0 . Then ~ b l > a , Cl>_l
depending on a such that given any X c ~ with IXl < a and any h ~ A +, one can find
h 0 e A + with
(i) h01h e A+
(ii) lholh "X I < b I
(iii) m ~ x l < i i % e x p ~i(logho) < ¢(i+ lh " X ] ) .

We show first that Lemma 3 ~ Proposition 2. Let X c ~a" Since G = KA+K, we can
write k - X = h .X' where IIx,ll<a, k c K , h e A +. Choose h 0 as in Le~la 3 satisfying
(i)-(iii) with X' instead of X. Let x = k - l h 0. Now, ~ Cl_>l, m_>l such that

IIYll_< cI max c~i(logy) m (y e A +)

So we obtain

li~-l • xll _<hl, II~ll = llholl _< clem(l + IIXII)m-

Proof of Lemma 3 is by induction on dim(a). Let [HI,...,H~} be the basis of

a dual to [~i' "'"~£]' and PZ the subset of all ~ e P such that h(H~) > 0.
Then the centralizer 8 of HZ in ~ is reductive and is spanned by G0 and the
2+}x ( h e P \ P ~ ) ; note that P\P~ consists of all hop that are linear combina-
t{ons of ~i,...,~_i. 8 is 8-stable and hence so are ~ and center(g); more-
over ~3 and center (8) are orthogonal under <',') and hence aAso under (.,.).
We write gZ = ~ " lhen ~Z is semisimple and 81~ Z is a Cartan involution of it.

LEMMA 4. We have ] R . H z = center(8) ~ ~. Let aZ be the orthogonal complement

of H£ in a. Then ~ is a maximal abelian subspace of ~ n ~, and if ~ ~ ~'
is the natural restriction map of a* onto s~*, [~]'.....&~_l } is a simple system


of roots of ( ~ , a ~ ) . If [ ~ . . . . . H~_I} i s the basis of aZ du~ to {~ .... ~_l },

then H i = H:! (mod]19.H~) for l<i<Z-l.

Obvi o u s.

Write for t l,...,t Ze]R,

(5) h(t I ..... t Z) = e x p ( t l % + ... +tzHz).

We now assume that Lemma 3 is true for all semisimple Lie algebras of real
rank <Z.

L~IMMA 5" Assume the induction hypothesis. Let a > 0 . Then there exist b2_~a ,
c2>i, both depending on a, with the following property: suppose t. > 0 ( l < i <~-l)
Ye ~ and IYI <a" then we can find T. ( l < i < Z - 1 ) such that
(i) ° < ~ i < t- 1 (l_<i<z-1)
(6) (ii) if Y0=h(tl-Tl ..... t£_3]-T~_l,0 ) " Y, then IY01 < b 2
(iii) m a x l < i < £ _ 1 e <--e2(l+ I h ( t 1 . . . . . tZ_l,O) " Y I )
This is immediate from the induction hypothesis on applying Lemma 5 to ~£
whose real rank is (Z-l).

We shalZ now prove ~e=a 3- We work with H "lJ instead of J. I This is per-
missible because all norms are equivalent on a finite dimensional vector space.

We note first that it is sufficient to work with X e n. In fact, suppose we

have found bl>_a, c > l , depending on a
but not on X,h such that (i)-(iii) of the
lemma are true for all X e n, h c A +. Let b I,_
- ( b 2 + a 2 )2,
A c'=e. We claim that Lemma
3 is valid for arbitrary X e ~, h e A + (but llxii<a) with b1',c' in place of bl,c. To
see t h i s , l e t X e ~ , Ilxll<_a, h~A +. Write

X=X++X X+cn, X e~O+ ~ ~-h

- ~,eP
Since }lxjl<_}lxll<_a, we can find h 0 £ A such that ( i ) - ( i i i ) of Lemma 3 are satisfied
for X+. B~t, if u e A +, e -A(l°gu) _<I for h e P and so we conclude from the relation
u "X + + u "X that
Ilu. x+ii<_llu. xll, Ilu. x_ll <_ IIx_ll <_llxll < a .
Taking a = h01h we find that

Jlh0 h IPholh<H +l holh •

x _ b 2 •

Since h 0 remained unchanged and IIh" x+ll <_ IIh • xl/, we also have ( i i i ) .
SO we assume that X e n , Ilxll<_a. Write
Y = ~ X~ X~ = E~ X
heP\ PZ

Since h e A + we can find unique tl,...,tz>0 such that h=h(tl,...,t~). Clearly


Y is the orthogonsl projection of X on ~q~. So IIYll<a and Lemma 5 is applicable to

Y. Let T i ( l < i < Z - 1 ) be as in that lemma. Two cases arise.

Case i: X ~ = 0 for 811 h e P ~ . In this case we define T ~ = 0 and take

h0 = h(~z ..... ~ - l ' 0 )

Then h 0 and h01h are both in A +. Since X = Y e 8, we have

hoZh. z = h(t z - ~l ..... t~-Z - ~ - Z ' 0 ) •Y

so that by (ii) of (6)
llh01h Xll _<b2
Moreover, ~ ( l o g h 0 ) = 0 so that exp ~z(logh 0 ) = I while, for l<_i < ~ - I , we have,
by (iii) of (6)
max exp ~i(log h0) < c2(1 + llh(tI . . . . . t~_ 1,0) YII) = %(1 + l l h xll)
We are through with h2~c 2 in place of bl~C I.

Case 2: IIx}~II>0for some ~¢P~. Let Y,T1 ..... T~_ I be as before. Then
e l<__c2(1 +llh. YII) ( l < i < ~ - I ) ~ llh(tI - T1 ..... t~_ I - T~_I~0) " YII <_b2

Now e2(l+llh. YII)<_c2(I +IIh "xll) and so~ for each i = i ~ 2 ..... ~-i~ we have a well
defined number T. given by the following: T. is the largest real number r such
i 1
Ti<_r<_t i , er<_c2(l+]I h x11)
Note that
• ti
q:ti if+6 e <c2(l+Ilh'Xll)
Ti• < t . z and e =c2(l+llh-Xll ) i f etm>c2(l+Hh "Xll )
F~rtherj as Ti<_~i<_ti , we still have

IIh(tl - ~l .....h-1 - L - 1 '°) " YII _< b 2

We consider next the continuous function of the real variable ~>_0 given by
/ ~(H~) g
U(~) = max " e IIx~ll
It is clear that U is nondecreasing, O<u(O)<_a, and u ( ~ ) ~ + ~ as ~ + ~ . Hence
we can find a unique number c > O such that

~(~)=a+l, u({)<a+l for o<__~<~.

We define

Tz=max(0,t~-o), h0=h(TI,...,~_I,T~)

It is obvious that O<_T <t~. So h0 and holh are both in A +.


We claim that e <l+llh xll. If o>t~ this is obvious because T. is

then 0. Suppose 0<~<tz. Let bcPz be such that e°~(H~)ll~ll=a+l.Z Then
lih. xll > e~(l°g h) llX~l[ > e~(H~)t~llx~ll (a + l)e~(H~)~£
and we ~re done. Since e ~_<e2(l+IIh'XIl) for l<i<_~-l, we have pro~ed that
~i(Zo~ h 0)
e <_ c2(Z + IIh ' xll) (l !i ! ~)
It remains to esti~te IIXoII where Xo=holh'x. Let [=holh. Then

XO _- [- y + m el(logh) xh
heP Z

Since *
~" Y=h(t l-Tl,...~t£_ I - T * _l , 0 ) " Y, we have }F.YII < b 2. Hence

]IX0112 _< b 22 + s e 2h(l°~ m) Ilxhll 2

We now fix he P~ and estimate e 2h(l°g~) ttXhll2. For brevity write h i = h(Hi)
for 1 < i < ~. Then

e h(l°~ ~) )IxhlI = exp(h(t I - ~l) + ... + h~_l(t~_ l - <~_l) + h£(t~ ~))llXhll.

We consider two possibilities:

I: Zl(t l-T1)+ ...+hZ_l(t~_ 1-T~_I)=0 (this includes the case ~ = i).


eX(Zog [) ilXhll = eh~(h-L ) Ilxhl I _< e Ilxhll < 4(°) = a + l

II: h ( t l - T l ) + ...+h~.l(t~_ I-T£_I) > 0. As h i and t i-T.l are both

> 0, there must be i such that both of these must be >0; Let il,...;i v be
a l l such indices i. For amy i = i v , J~ = c2(1 + IIh "XII ) • So

e h(log ~) ilxhlt = e~(hiz(til_ LZ* ) + ... +~.

~ (t. ~ -T.*~ )+?\z(tz-T£))IIXht I
.(~ +.
(%(i + llh"xIl)) --~ "'+%¢e~(~t l+...h~tpIlx~il
_< (l + llh" XlI)-l e h(l°~ h) IIxhll

_< (l + Ilh. xll)-l Ilh"xll _<

So combining both cases,

e h(l°g [) qlXhlI _<a + 1 (h c P~)



fix011 + IP41(a+ )
So we have proved Lemma ~ with bloc given by
c=c , bl= ½
4. Conse~Qences of a theorem of Borel
We shall now obtain some consequences of the theorem of Borel [i ] asserting
that there is a discrete subgroup F of G with G/F compact. Fix such a F and
choose a compact neighborhood U of i with U = U -I and G=~U.

L~A 6. Let b be a Haar measure on G and M=dim(n)+l. Then ~ a con-

stant C>I such that
b(G(t)) ~C t M (t~l)

Let A+(t)= G(t)N A +. Then G(t) =KA+(t)K and so 3 a constant CI > 0 such
that, with ~+(t)=log A+(t) and t El,

#(G(t)) = C1 ~ n (eZ(H) - e-~(H)) m(~) dH

a+(t) ~P
where dH is a Lebesg~e ~eas~re on a and m(~) = dim(~)° But

m(~) e2~(H) ~ lle~ HI/2 ~ t2 (He ~+(t))

so t h a t e ~(H) ~ t and 0!Gi(H)~Zogt. Thus

b(G(t)) 4 CI tdim(n)( l°g t) 4 (t ~ i)

L ~ M A 7" ~ a constant CI E 1 with the following property: for any t El,

one can find a finite set FtC£ such that~ with M as in Lemma 6,
(i) G(t)CFtU
(ii) IFtl S CI tM
(iii) I}~II~ CI t for mULl T ~ F t .

Write Ft = G(t)UN £. Then G(t)cFtU. Select tI > 0 such that UCG(tl).

Then FtCG(ttl)N£. So I I T I I ~ t l t V W { F t. It remains only to estimate IFtl.
Take a compact neighborhood V of i such that VcU and VV-I ~ £ = {i]. Then
the sets ~V are disjoint and~G(ttl)UCG(tt~) (w~Ft). So

#(v)lFtl m b(G(tt~)) ~ c t l 2M t M.

L~MMA 8. For t>l_ let ~a(t) be the set of mull X e ~ a with IIXIl < t.
Let b ~ a , m~_l be as in Proposition 2 and M as in Lemma 6. Then 3 a constant
C~_I depending on a with the following property: for each t~_l, there exists
a finite subset £tc£ such that


(i) ~a(t)~rt. (u.%)

(ii) Irtl _< ct
(iii) IIII _< c tm
For t>_l write t ' = c ( l + t ) m, c being as in Proposition 2. Then, by
that result and Lemma 7,

~a(t) c G(t') .~ b c Ft, " U ' ~ b

Tske Ft = Ft, and use Lemma 7.

5. Estimates for an invariant distribution on the sets ~a(t).

Fix a > 0 and let ~a(t) be as in Lemma 8. Let T be an invariant dis-

tribution on ~. Since ~a(t) has compact closure T is tempered on it. B~t
the estimates for T thus obtained will vary with t. We now show that they
depend polyuomially on t. In what follows we shall use the symbols B,s with
or without indices to denote constants > 1 which may depend on T~a but are
independent of t ~ 1 and f s Cc(~a). We shall also need the following easily
proved fact: if v is a finite dimensional representation of G, then there is
an integer r(~) ~ 1 such that for any matrix coefficient f of ~ we can
choose a constant c(~,f) for which

(7) If(x)l S c(~,f) Itxllr(~) (xsG).

L~MMA 9" Let T be an invariant distribution on ~. Fix a > 0 and let

the sets ~a(t) be as in Lemma 8. Then we can find constants B ~ i, s ~ i and
elements ql,...,q r e S(~c) such that for all t ~ i and all f e C~(~a(t)) ,

(8) IT<OI supl (%)fl.


Let Ft (t ~ 1), c be as in Lemma 8. Since U "~b has compact closure we

can find a bI ~ b such that Cl(U "~b) c ~ b . Select ~ e C ~ ( ~ b ) such that
0 <~ < 1 and ~ = 1 on U ' ~ b. For T e P write ~T(X ) = ~ ( 7 @ l . X ) (Xe ~).
Put ~t=~eFt ~T Then ~t e c(~) J and ~t > 0. Since ~a(t)cPt (U.~b), it

is clear that ~t ~ l on ~a(t). Write ~T,t=~7/Bt , f T ~ t z f ~ T , t (TePt) ~ on

~a(t), f being arbitrary in C~(~a(t)). Clearly fT~ t e Cc(~a(t)) and

(9) supp(ft) c supp(f) n supp(~).


Moreover Z T e p ~ , t = i on 2a(t). So, using the invariance of T,

(i0) T(f) = D ) (f e C~(~a(t)) ).
TcptT((fT, t )T

We sha3_l use (i0) to estimate T(f).

Since ~bl has compact closure in ~, we have the following estimate for
Tl~bl. There exists an integer w ~ i such that if ql,...,qr are homogeneous
elements of S(~e) forming a basis for the space of elements of S(~c) of
degree ~ w, then

(11) IT(g)l _< ~ supl~(~j)gl (g~e~(~bl)).

Since supp(~T) ~ T ' ~ b l (TePt) , it follows from (9)that supp(fTT~l) C~bl.
So using (i0) and (ii) we get

In what follows T and j (with or without suffixes) will vary respectively
over Pt and {i .....r]. We have 8(qj)hy-I = (8(qY)h)y-I for any h e Cc(~)
Y-Zj, aj,j(y)qj,
and yeG; and qYj may be expressed as qj- where, for aj,j(y),_
we have by (7),
laj,j(Y)l <_ BIIIYllsl (y ~ G).
So V t _> i, f c Cc(~a(t)) (using (iii) of Lemma 8)
(13) IT(f)l <_ B2t ~ ~ supl~(qj)fT,tl.
We shall
. . estimate
. . 8(q.)f
a T, t on ~a(t). Now f7,t = f~7~t I. If we Ft,
~(qj ,)~T = (~(q~, I)G)T so that by (7) we have the estimate
, s4
supl~(qj,)~T I < B4t (t_>l, ~' c rt, l_<j'<r)
This gives also the estimate

suplS(qj,)Btl ! B5ts5 (t>l, l < j ' < r )

But 8t ~ i on 2a(t). Hence

supna(t) la(qj,)(s~l)l ~ B6 t s6 (t >_z, z<j'2r)


We thus obtain the following: 3 B7,s7_>l such that ~f6Cc(~a(t)) , (t_>l, y6 Pt'
(14) sup I~(qj)f t[ _< B7 t7 ~ sup I~(qj,)fl
~a(t) j' ~a(t)
Substituting (14) in (13) leads to (8).

6. Theorems ii and 12

L~4MA i0. 3 q~neCc(~) (n=0,1,2 .... ) such that

(i) supp(gn) = {X:Xe9, (n-l) < IIXII2 < (n+l)]

(ii) ~ > 0 %=1

(iii) Given q¢ S(Zc), 3 constants B(q), s(q) _> 1 such that for all n>O,
supl~(q)%l <_ B(O(n+l) s(q)
We start with a gcCc(]R ) such that supp(g)m(-l,l)~ 0_<g_<l~ and g=l on
[-3/4~/4]. Let gm(X)=g(x-m)(me2Z~x{]R) and u = % g m. Then ucC=~R) and
u_>l. If r is an integer _>0~ g(r)(x)=0 if Iml >l+Ixl. Hence lu(r)(x)l_<
Cr(l+Ixl) ~/xEIR, o >l being a constant independent of x. Let h =g /u. The
oo r-- m m
hm are C , % h m = l ; moreover~ it follows from the estimates for u (r) and the
inequality u>l_ that given any integer r>O,_ 3 constants Br~ Sr_>! such that
supIh(r) I _<Br(l+n) sr ~ m e ~z. Define the functions % by ~n(X)=hn(I;X[l2) (X6 ~).
Then the ~n are in Ce(~) ~ and ~n=O for n<O. The estimates derived above
for the derivatives of hn easily imply (iii) while (i) and (ii) are obvious.

THEOREM ii. Let T be an invariant distribution defined on all of ~.

Then, for any a>0~ T is tempered on ~a .

Fix a>0 and let ~n(n_>0) be as in Lemma i0. Choose an integer w_>l, and
a basis qj ( l < j J r ) for the space spanned by the elements of S(~o) of degree
_<w, such that (8) is satisfied for all t>l and feC~(~a(t)).~ Now, for any

fCCc(~a) and n>0, f~nCC~(~a(n+l))_ and so 3 Bl,Sl_>l such that for ~Ii such
f and n>0,

IT(f~n) l < Bl(l+n ) ~ supl~(qj)(fCPn)l •
l<j<r X

Now, if X~supp(5(qj)(fq~)),.. ]IXI[2>n-I. Hence for any integer d>l, ~ a con-

stant B2(d ) >i such that V f c Cc(~a) and n>0~

2 Sl+d
(15) IT(fq0n) 1 <B2(d)(l+n) -d 2 sup((l+llxI[ ) I~(qj)(f~n))~)I) .
l<j<r X

On the other handj it is clear from the estimates of Lemma i0 for the derivatives of
the ~n that the following is valid: ~ B3,s3>l such that V n > 0 , feCc(~a),
X~ ~, l_<j'_<r


15(qJ ')(f%°n)(X) I _< B3(I + n)S3 i_<Ej_< r '"-"1~(qj~=~(xj~ •

Substituting in (15) we find B4=B4(d ) > i such t h a t ~ f e C c ( ~ a ) , n_>0,

JT(fmn) l _< B 4 ( l + n )
-d+s 3
~ ~p l +
( iiXii2)Sl+dI(~%)(f))~)l )

l_< j_<r
Taking d:s3+2 and noting, as f=~f~n' that Iw(f) l_<ZlT(f%)l, we see that
for suitable constants B5, s5_>l and all f e Cc(~a) ,

IT(f) I _< % ~ sup(1 + Ilxlj%S5~(qj)f)(x)l) •

l<j_<r X \

This shows that T is tempered on ~a"

T H E O R ~ 12. Let ? be reduetive and let ~ be an invariant open neighborhood

of 0. Then 3 an invariant g e Cc(~) with the following properties:

(i) O<g<l, supp g C ~ , and g=l in an invariant open neighborhood of 0

(ii) if T is an invariant distribution on ~, gT is an invariant tempered

distribution on ~ that coincides with T on an invariant open neighborhood of

If h e C~(~) is invariant and supphC~, then hT is invariant and defined

on all of 9; if moreover h=l on an invariant open neighborhood ~ of 0, then
hT=T on ~i. This said, select a>0 such that m a c ~; then ~a c ~. By Lemma
i of Section 7 we can find homogeneous generators PI' "'"P~ of ~(~c) that are
real on g; and by Lemma 18 of Section i we can find a >0 such that
[X:Xe~,IPi(X) I<£ for l<i<Z}_
_ c ~a. Take ueCc(IR ~) such that 0<u<l, u=l
on the cube 13/2 and supp u c I£. Define h = u(Pl,...,p~) • Then h is invariant,
C , 0<h<l, s u p p h C ~a' and h=l on an invariant open neighborhood of 0. It is
clear that the derivatives of h are of at most polynomial growth, i.e., for each
qe S(~c), ~ constants B(q),s(q)>l such that I~(q)~X)I<_B(q)(I+IIXII2) s(q) (Xe ~).
Suppose T is an invariant distribution on ~. Then hT is invariant and defined
on all of ~. So hT is tempered on ~a . Thus ~ s >i such t h a t V f C C c ( ~ a ) ,

(~6) I~)(f)/_< ~ s~p((1 + 11x112)s I~(qj)~x)I);

Here the qj are in S(~c) , forming a basis for the space of elements of degree
<w for some w>l. If fcC (~), hfCCe(~a) ; so using (16) with hf in place of
f and remembering that the derivatives of h have at most polynomial growth, we
obtain easily the result that h2T is tempered on Z. Thus, to get the theorem, it
suffices to take g = h 2.


7. The Fourier transform of a differential operator

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over i% V c (DV) its complexifiea-

tion, and Diff(Vc) the algebra of differential operators on Vc with polynomial co-
efficients. We fix a symmetric nonsingu_lar bilinear form (., .> : V X V - C such that

its restriction to V x V is real. We write u ~ for the isomorphism of the symmet-

ric algebra S(Vc) onto the polynomial algebra P(Vc) induced by (., .>. Let s(V) be
the Schwartz space of V. The lebesgue measure dv on V is normalized so that the
Fourier transform map f ~ f satisfies

f(v)ei(U'V>dv, f(u) = ~V f(v)e-i<u'V>dv (f6 ~(V))

~(u) = Jv
For any tempered distribution T on V, its Fourier transform T is, as usual, the
tempered distribution f~T(f) (fe S(V)); and we have (cf. (7.1))

(17) a(u)T = (~o i)T, (~o (-i))} = ~(u)T (u e S(~)).

If GCGL(V) leaves (', ") invariant, then for any tempered invariant T, T is also

For D e Diff( Vc) we write D % for its adjoint; D ~ D t is an involutive antiauto-

morphism of Diff(Vc), D #= -D if D e ~(V) and D T = D if D e P(Vc) (here we identify
p e P(Vc) with the multiplication operator Mp).

Proposition i~. There is a unique automorphism D ~ D of Diff(Vc) such that

~(u) : ~ o (-i), ~o i : ~(u) V u c S(Vc).
It is of period 4 and D ~ = D ° is the antomorphism of Diff(Vc) induced by the in-
volution v m - v of V . Given D e hiff(Vc) , D is the unique element of Diff(Vc) such
that D T = D T f o r all tempered distributions T on V. If GCGL(Vc) leaves ('~') in-
variant, then D ~ D commutes with the action of G on Diff(Vc). In particular~ for
any G-invariant D, D is also G-invariant.

For D e ~(S(Vc))UP(Vc) we define D by the given formulae. If D = Zjq~(t~)

(qjsP(Vc), ujsS(Vc)), we put D=Zjqj~!Uj). It is clear from (17) that D T = D T f o r
all tempered distributions T on V. So D is uniquely determined by D and does not
~ ^
depend on the choice of qj,uj. It is also clear from the property D T = D T (T tem-
pered) that D ~ D is a homomorphism. As $(S(Vc))UP(Vc) generates Diff(Vc) and is
left stable by this homomorphism, its uniqueness and surjectivity are immediate.
Let D ~ D ° be the antomorphism of Diff(Vc) induced by the involution v ~ - v of Vc. On
~(s(v))uP(V), ~ : D ° as a quick calc~ation shows. So D°VD. This proves that
D~D is an automorphism of period 4. The last assertion follows from transport of

L~]~MA 14. Let D c D9ff(Vc) and let D O e S(Vc) be the local expression of D at 0.
Then the following are equivalent :
(i) DO = 0
(ii) Dt 1 = 0


(iii) DT5 0 = 0 ($0 is the Dirac measure on V located at the origin).

(i) and (iii) are equivalent by definition, (iii)~(ii) since 5 0 = i ; (ii)~

(iii) since ~ = 5 0 and (D~)°50=D~50.

Proposition i~. Suppose GCGL(V) is a subgroup which is completely reducible.

Let J be the space of all G-invariant D c Diff(V£) with Dp = 0 V G-invariant p ~ P(V~.
Then D ~ J ~ D T~ J. If G is compact, then D~ J @ D ~ J.
Let P = P(Vc). Then the action of G on each homogeneous component of P is
completely reducible. For any irreducible finite dimensional representation of G
we write P for the linear span of all G-stable subspaces L c P that carry the
. pG
representation ~; if ~ is trivial we write pG for P Each P is a
module and P is the direct sum of the P ; moreover, if D ~ Diff(Vc) and D is
G-invariant, DP c P for each ~. If L c P and L is G-stable and irreduc-
Yr Tr
ible, the map f ~ f(0) is a G-module homomorphism of L into the trivial G-module
C. Hence it must be 0 if ~ is nontrivial. Suppose D c J. Then (Dp)(0) = 0 if
p e p G, while (Dp)(0)=0 if peP for nontrivial ~ by the above ~ument.
So D0 = 0 where DO is the local expression of D at 0. By Lemma 14 D T .i=0.
Replacing D by $(q)D where qcS(Vc) and G-invariant, we see that ( D t O M p ) l = 0 ~
p e p G, i.e.~ Dt~ J.

Suppose now that G is compact. We write g ~ g for the projection of C~(V)

onto its subalgebra C~(V) G of all G-invariant elements that is obtained by averag-
ing g over G. Let D c J. We shall prove first that D f = 0 ~ f c C ~ ( V ) G. Let
f ~ C~(V) G and let Pn be a sequence in P such that for each u ~ S(Vc), 8(u)p n "
~(u)f as n - % uniformly on compact subsets of V. Then DPn - Df uniformly on
compacts of V. Since DPn~Df--Df and D P n = D P n = 0 , we have D f = 0 . If now fSCc(V),
then ~
D f d v = ~vD'~dv= ~ D ~ d v = 0 .
Hence fvf" (D T. 1)dr= 0. As f was arbitrary, D T" 1 = 0. Replacing D by MpD where
P e P G we find DTM "l=D ~ "p=0~pepG. Hence D Te J. But then D e J by the previous

8. The ideal /A(.Q)

Let ~ be our ust~al reductive Lie algebra over lq and G its adjoint ~ group;
C=center(g), ( ) is the nonsingttlar real symmetric bilinear form on ~×~
as before; it ~s the Carta~-Killing form on $~ X $~ while c and ~ are
orthogonal under it. We extend (',') to a complex bilinear form on ~c × ~c" The
results of n°7 are applicable in this context and we write D ~ D for the auto-
morphism of Diff(~c) thus obtained.

For any invariant open set ~ c ~ we denote by /A(~) the space of all analytic
invariant differential operators D on ~ such that Df = 0 for all invariant
f ~ C~(~). IA(~) is a two-sided ideal in the algebra of all analytic invariant


differential operators on ~. If g~= ~ we denote IA(~) by /A. We write / ~ =/A n

Diff(~c). Finally, if it is necessary to emphasize ~, we write /A(~: ~) for /A(~).

Proposition 16. Let ~ be a nonempty invariant open subset of 9. Then

De/A(a) <=>Dp= 0 on ~ / p e l p (= Ip([c)).
If this is satisfied, then for any CSA~ with ~ n a ~ , the radial component ~ ( D ) = 0
on ~'n2. In particular, if ~ 2 is an invariant open subset
D~/A(~)~ DI~l~/A(~l)
If ~ is in addition connected, D~/A(~) if and only if 3 a CSA~ and a point X c ~'N
such that A~(D) = 0 in a neighborhood of X in ~' N ~.

Suppose D p = 0 on ~ p eIp. Let ~ be a CSA such that ~ n ~ { ~ . Let (Lemma i,

Section 7) Pl ..... PZ be homogeneous generators of ~ that are real on 9" If ~i =
pil~ , then Pl ..... ~ form a local coordinate system on ~' O ~ around each of its points
(by the same lemma), and Z~(D)~=0 for all ~e C[pl ..... pz]. Hence Z ~ ( D ) = 0 on ~ ' ~ .
In particular, if geC~(~) and g is invariant~ D g = 0 on ~'N~. So D g = 0 on ~ 9',
hence Dg = 0 on ~. For the last assertion, if for each p e Ip, Dp = 0 in a neighborhood
of X in ~'O~, then it is so in a neighborhood of X in ~ by invariance; hence D p = 0
on ~ by analyticity, as ~ is connected.

For the next proposition, consider a s.s. element X c~ sad assume that X/
center(9). Let ~ be the centralizer of X in 9 and use notation of Theorem 1.2&
In particular, let 7,~ be sufficiently smsZl so that U= U c f~. Then V= G.U
c ~ also. For any analytic invariant differential operator D on ~ we denote by
zh ~(D) the radial component of D on U defined as in Theorem 2.11. A (D) is
analytic and is invariant with respect to Z, the centralizer of X in G.

Proposition 17. Let notation be as above. Suppose D e/A(~ : ~). Then Zh~(D) e
,~(u : ~ ) .

Suppose f is a polynomial on ~c invariant with respect to the adjoint group

Zc of ~e" By Lemma i.i0, f is Z-invariant. So by Theorem 1.20, ~ a G-invar-
iant gcC~(V) such that gl U = f I U. Since D1VcIA(v), Dg=0 and so Zh~(D)f=0
on u. Thus n(D)~z~(u:~).

Proposition 18. Suppose D UA . Then D c/A also.

By Proposition 13, D depend s only on ~c and not on the real form
B. Let ~ be the real form given by ~ = center(~)+ u where u is a compact form
of $~c" The adjoint group of ~ is compact while by Proposition 16, for DeDiff(tc) ,

The present result is now clear from Proposition 15.

Since the coefficients of an analytic differential operator have power series

expealsions, it is clear that any analytic differential operator can be expended in a


series of elements of Diff(~c). We shall now examine some of the elementary aspects
of such expansions. Let ~ be an open neighborhood of 0 and D an analytic diff-
erential operator on ~ of order w. Let u i (i ~ i ~ r ) be homogeneous elements of
S(~c) forming a basis for the space spanned by elements of S(£c) of degree ~ w.
Then we can write D=%<i <rfi ~(ui) where the fi are analytic functions on ~.
We select linear coordinates Xl~...~x n on ~ and a sufficiently smsAl cube
~ = [IXll <a~...~IXll <a] such that CI(~) c ~ and the power series expansion of fi
converge to f. on ~. Let f. be the homogeneous component of degree m of f.
l l~m 1
(me~; we define fi~m to be 0 is m < 0 ) . Let d i=deg(ui). We define

(18) Dm = ~ fi,m+d. $(ui) (me =)

l<i<w l

Then D m e Diff(~c) for all m and

D = 0 for m < -w. If p e P(~c) is homogeneous
of degree d~ Dp has a convergent power series expansion on ~ and

(18a) (DP)m+d = Drop (me ~)

This shows that the D depend orgy on D and not on the choices involved in the

above definition. Moreover D m is characterized by (18a). In particular, if ~ is in-

variant and D is also invariant, the D m are invariant also. Since for any u e S(~c)
the series Eq ~(u)fi, q converges uniformly on compact subsets of ~ to )(u)fi, it
is clear that for argf f e C~(~) and v e S(~c) , % ~ ( v ) D ~ f = 5(v)D+f, the series con-
verging ~niformly on compacts of ~. Hence for any distribution T on ~,

(19) DT = ~ D T
m m

the series converging elementwise on C~(~).

c- "

Proposition 19 . Suppose n is invariant and D ¢/A(~). Then D m C/Ap V m e 2Z.

Let p e Ip be homogeneous of degree d. Then DmP= (DP)m+d=0 for ~ me~Z.

L~4MA 20. Suppose c=eenter(q) and D c/Ap. Then we can write

l<i< m l z

where the E i e Dill(Co) are l~nearly independent and D i e~%p(~%~).

Write D=%<i< m Ei ® D i where EicDiff(cc) ~ D i e D i f f ( ~ c ) , and the E i are

line~rly independent. Let p e ~(~c ) ~ q e P(Ce) and f = q ® p. Then Df = 0 gives
~<i<m(Dip )(x)~iq=0 on cc f o r ~ l X~c. Let FX=Zi(DiP)(X)~i~Diff(ce).
If F f ~ 0~ there is q 6 P(Co) so that Fxq ~ 0. So we must have F X = 0. By the
linear independence of the Ei we have (DiP)(X) = 0 ~ i. So DiP = 0 ~ i. The
invariance of the D. is clear.

9. The main theorem on A(2)

Except for one preparatory result we have all we need for proving our main
theorem in this section. We begin with this. ~ is as in n°8.


Proposition 21. Let ~ be reductive and let ~ be the set of nilpotents of ~.

Let T be an invariant distribution on Z such that supp T c ~. Let J be the
ideal of all f in ~ such that f T = 0. Then dim(~/J) < ~.

It is enough to prove that if f c~ has no constant term~ then fmT= 0 for

some integer m~0. It is even enough to prove that for some neighborhood U of 0,
fmT= 0 on U for some integer m~0. For~ suppose this is done. Then fmT= 0 on
x "U for all xeG. As ~ c Uxe G x • u and supp T c ~, we have fmT=0. The
existence of U and m is an immediate consequence of the following lemma.

LEMMA 22. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over ~; W c V an open

subset; T a distribution on W. Let g c C~(W) be such that supp T is contained
in the set N of zeros of g. Then given x 0 eW, ~ an integer k~0 such that
gkT= 0 in an open neighborhood of x 0.

We may assume that x0 e N since the lemma is trivial otherwise. Since the re-
sult is local we may also assume that V=IRn~ x 0 = 0~ and W is the cube Ina =
[ I x l l < a ..... Ixnl<a], the xi being the coordinates. Select b, 0 < b < a such
that g and its derivatives are bounded on W I = Ib . Since CI(WI) c W, T I W I has
finite order and so~ we can find an integer d >i and a constant B>I such that

(20) l~(f)l < B ~ supla~fl (f~c~(wl))

- l~l_<d

where ~ = (c~1 .... ;~n) 3 Ic~[=~l+ ...+~n; ~ = (~/$Xl) ... (~/~Xn) n

First assume g to be real. Let u e Ce(Wl) be fixed. Consider now the linesm
map Su : q0~ T(U • ( 9 o g ) ) of C~(~) into C. Since g and its derivatives are
botznded on Wl~ it follows from (20) that we have an estimate of the following type:
a constant B(u)>l such that ~ ~gCc(]R ) (t being the coordinate on JR)

(~) 1su(~)l _< ~(u) ~ sup .


This shows that Su is a distribution on IR. If ~= 0 in a neighborhood of 0, say

q0=O on (-s,a), then u. (~og)=O on U s = { ( x I ..... X n ) ~ W l , Ig(x I ..... X n ) [ < a ]
which is a neighborhood of N~WI; as supp(T) c N~ T(u • (q0og))=0. So Supp(Su)
c [0] while S has order < d by (21). Therefore S is a linear combination of
u (~) - u
the derivatives $ (O<s_<d) where ~ is the Dirac measure on ]R located at O.
This shows that Su(q0) = 0 if q0(t) = t d+l in a neighborhood of O. Choose e >0
such that g ( h ) c (-o~e) and select (pc Cc(l~ ) such that ~(t)= t d+l for
-c<t<c. Then u" ( 9 o g ) = g u. Hence (gd+iT)(u)=0. Since u was arbitrary,
d+l T
g = 0 on WI .

If g were complex, write g = gl + ig2 with gl~g 2 real. Then there is an


kI kI
integer kI such that gl T = 0 , g2 T = 0 on W I. If k=2kl, then gkT=0 on W I.

We now come to the main result of this Section.

THEOREM 2~. Let g be reductive and let 2 be a completely invariant open

subset of 9. Suppose D e~(2). Then, for every invariant distribution T defined
on 2; DT=0 on 2.

We shall prove this by induction on dim(9). Accordingly assume the theorem

for reductive Lie algebras of dimension < dim(g). This assumption will be in force
from now on. Of course DT is invariant for any invariant distribution on 2.

It is enough to prove that if X e2 is s.s., then X ~ supp DT. Suppose first

that X ~center(9). We use Proposition 19 and the notation therein. Let ~T be the
transfer of T to U (cf. Section 2). As A (D)~A(U: ~), and as dim(~) < dim(g),
A~(D)GT=0 , i.e., ~DT=0. So DT=0 on V, i.e., X~supp(DT).

Assume now t h a t X e c e n t e r ( g ) n ft. T r a n s l a t i o n b y -X does n o t change t h e p r o b -

lem and so we may assume X = 0. We wish to prove that DT= 0 in a neighborhood of
0. We define Dm (m ~ ) as in n°8 and choose a sufficiently small open neigh-
borhood ~ of 0 in ~ such that

(22) DS =EDmS
for every distribution S on ~, the series converging elementwise on C~(~). We
consider two cases.

Case i: c= center(.q)~0. In this case choose sufficiently sma2~l open neighbor-

hoods C, of 0 in c and w I, of 0 in ~9, such that C + e I c ~. We can also
choose a completely invariant open neighborhood 21 of 0 in $9 such that 21 c
G . e 1. Then C+21 c ~ also. Fix m ~ Z~. Then by Lemma 20 we can write Dm as
®D where E e Diff(¢c) and Dm,iC~(~%g) for all i. For
~<i<r Em,i m,i m,i
feCc(C), 9£Cc(al ) write Tf(~)=T(f®~) and let f i = E m,l
t .f. Then ( ~ T ) ( f ® 9 ) =
Ei(Dm~iTfi)(~ ) . The Tfi are invariant distributions on D1 while the Din,i e/Ap(~9) ;

moreover dim(S9) < dim(g). Hence Dm~ i Tfi

_ =0Vi. So DmT=0 on C+21~ in
particular on C + ~ 1. Hence,by (22), D T = 0 on C + ~ 1.

Case 2: ,~ is semisi~ole. Let 9~ be the set of nilpotents of 9- Then, by the

initial argument we know that if ~ is any completely invariant open subset of
9, ~ e ~ ( ~ ) , and ~ any invariant distribution on ~, then s u p p ( ~ ) c 9~. We now
use Theorem 12 to construct a tempered invariant distribution T' defined on
such that T'= T in an invariant open neighborhood of 0. By the above remark,
supp(DT) and supp(DT') are both C Sq so, as 9~ is contained in every invariant openr~gh-
borhood of 0, we have DT = DT' Fix now m c Z~ and consider the opera+xr D . Then the


above remark applied to ~ = T'; ~ = ~, ~ = D m gives us supp (DmT 9 c ~. On the other

hand, we can use Fourier transforms since T' is tempered and Dme/~ (Proposition
18). So using the above remark again with ~ = ~/~'T,~ = ~' ~ = Dm' we get supp D^ ~7,Tc~.
S T'; as supp D T' c ~j Proposition 21 applies and shows that ~T' is
m m m m
an invariant distribution on ~ that is Is-finite. So it is a locally summable
function on ~. But its support is contained in the set ~ which has measure zero.
So Dm T ' = 0 ; this gives DmT'=0. Since m was arbitrary, (22) gives D T ' = 0 on ~
So DT=0 on w.

This completes the induction step. The theorem is proved.

For this theorem we refer the reader to Harish-Chandra [9].


In this appendix we discuss some resalts that have been used in Sections 1-9. Our
first concern is with the following problem: to estimate the values of a function in
terms of the LP-norms of its derivatives. The estimates that we obtain are v~ria-
tions on the classical Sobolev estimates and are applicable in many global situations.
We shall also describe without proofs some of the results concerning the fundamental
solutions of the u l t r a ~ r b o l i c w a v e operator. The last n°contains some remarks on CSA~.

i. The elementary solutions k r.

Throughout this section we work with a real Hilbert space V of finite dimension
d; with norm ll'll and scalar product (','); if t I ..... t d are the linear coordin-
ates on V with respect to an orthonormaA basis ~,...,H d of V, we put

(l) ~2 = II.II2 = t12+ .. . +t d,

2 dv = (2~)'d/2dtm ..... dt d

S is the symmetric algebra over the complexification Vof V and P is the poly-
nomial algebra over V c. ~he bilinear form (',.) induces an isomorphism ~ ~ Y of
S onto P; in particular~ for v ~ V~ ~ is the linear function on V such that
~(u) = (ujv), u ~V. We define the differential operator D by

(2) D

It is obvious that ~ and D are invariant under the orthogonal group of V and
do not depend on the choice of the orthonormal basis of V that was made. In this
n° we shall use the theory of Fourier transforms on V to construct the tempered
fundamental solutions of the operators Dr (r>l) and obtain some of their proper-
ties. We recall that if 60 is the Dirae measure on V located at the origin 0
and ~ c S, any distribution T on V such that ~(~)T = 80 is said to be a funda-
mental solution for ~(~).

Let r_>O. The Fourier transform of Dr is the polynomial function (i+ II "I12)r"
The function (i + II.II%-r is bounded on V and therefore defines a tempered distri-
bution. This distribution will be the Fourier transform of a unique tempered dis-
tribution on V, denoted by k • It is clear from our construction that

(3) Drk r = 6 0

and that k is the unique tempered fundamental solution of Dr . If 2r >d~

( l + II-H2)-r ris in LI(v), an~ so k r is the bounded continuous function on V given

(4) kr(X ) = fv e-i(x'v)(1 + llvll2)-rdv (= s V,r >d7)"



DSkr = k r-s (0 < s < r) k0 = 60

a~d ~ ~ C~(V),
(~) ~(~) = /VZ(~-y)¢(y;sr)dy (r >~, x~v).
We no~ have

LEMMA i. For r >i, k is a tempered distribution on V invariant under the

-- r

orthogonal group of V. It is an analytic function on V \ {0]. If r >~

k r ~c(2r-d-l)(v). Let r > ~ , {c S, and %=deg([). Suppose is homogeneous. Then
3 a constant Cr, ~ > 0 such that for all x c V\ [0],

i f ~ moreover ~ 2r-d-l]
sup(1 + 11~112)s I k r ( ~ ; ~ ( ~ ) ) l <~
f o r any s~O. In particular, if Z~2r-d-1, $(~)k r c LP(v) for all p~l.

On V\ [0], Drk =0. As Dr is elliptic, it is immediate from the regularity

theorem for elliptic operators that k is an analytic function on V\ [0]. Since
kr = (i+ II"I~r, its invacriance under the orthogonal group is clear. Let r >~, [[ S
and % = dog(E). Suppose first that Z ~ 2r-d-l. The formal differentiation of (4)
with respect to 8(~) leads to an integral whose integrand is O(Ivll-(2r-%)) as
Ilvll~ , uniformly in x . We may conclude that k r c c(2r-d-l)(v) and

kr(X;~(~)) = ~ eIi(X'V)~(-iv) (1 + llvH2)-rdv (x c v).

Now, each derivative of the~Vfunction kr : v ~ y(-iv)(l + llvl12)-r is 0(Ilvll-(2r-%))
as IIvll~ ; hence belongs to LI(v). So DNXr ~ LI(v) for all N ~ I , showing that
(l+ll • I12) ~ ( ~ ) k r is a bounded continuous f u n c t i o n on V for ~l N~l.

We s h a l l now estimate ~(~)k r on V \ [0] f o r a l l homogeneous elements ~ with

deg(~) = ~. So let ~ be arbitrary. Let 2 be the unit sphere of V and dw the sur-
face measure on 2 so normalized that dv= td-ldt dw (t >0, v = t~). From (4) we get,
for u>0, ~[2~
kr(U{) = u ~r-d /0 td-l(u2 + t2)-r 8(t{)dt

where 8(x) = j2e -i(x,~)~d~. The integral for 8(x) converges even for x c V c and repro-
sents an entire function invariant under the orthogonal group of V. It follows from
this easily that 8(x)=~ ( l l x l l ~ ~ ~) for some entire function ~ on C. So
kr=hr(p2 ) on V\ [0] where,
~ r - ( d / 2 ) ~ ~ td-l(s + t2)-r~(t2)dt (s > 0)
(~) hr(S) = ° Jo

An easy induction on ~ shows that on V\ [0], ~(~)k r is of the form

~O~hr(J)(P2~j where Qj is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2j-Z. Further


19(tf)l S ] ~ d ~ and the derivatives of hr can be estimated from (7). An easy

calculation gives

lh~a)(s)I ~ const s-a (s > 0).

The estimate for ~([)k r on V \ [0] now follows at once.

L~MMA 2. Let A be a measurable subset of V and iA its indicator function.

Let f = u * l A where u e C c ( V ) , u>_O, 7udv=l. Then:
(i) f~c~(v), o<~<1
(ii) f ( ~ ) = l for ~-supp(u)CA and f(x)=0 for (~-supp(u))nA=~
( i i i ) if ¢eS, If(~;~(¢))i<ll~({)umlim V x~V, II'lll denoting the Ll-norm.


2. A basic estimate
In this n° we fix p, l < p < ~ ; U c V is a nonempty open set; weC~(U) and
w(x)>0 VxeU. For any xeV and r>0, B(x,r) is the open ball with center x
and radius r. We assume that we are given a function a = sU on U such that

o <~(x)<_l ~ x~u and Cl~(~,~(x))EU ~ x~U.

For any xeU~ let

(8) "~(x) = inf w(y).

y~Cl B(x,a(x))
Then T(x)>0 VxeU. SO is a subalgebra of S containing i such that S is a
finite module over S0. For q e SO we denote by ~q the seminorm f~(f) where

~q(f) =7~ I~(q)flPwdx (f~e~(u).

Let Z= ~ ( U , W , S o ) be t h e v e c t o r space of all f e C~(U) such that #q(f)<~

V ~ ] e SO • Let h be t h e s e t o f finite sums o f t h e #q, q e S 0. We c o n s i d e r
as a topological vector space under the topology induced by h.

LEMMA 3" We can find an integer b>0 with the following property: given
any ~ e S, there exists a seminorm v~e~ such that for all f e ~, x c U ~

(9) If(~;~(~))l _<~(~)-b (x)-l/p~(f).

We shall first prove (9) with the constant b dependir~ on ~. Fix ~ e S
and let Z=deg(~). Choose an integer s>l such that 2s_>~+d+l. Since S is
a finite module over SO we can find an integer m_>l and ql'" " ' ~ m e SO such


(Ds)m = ~]] ~DS) m-3

i_< j < m
Now,by (6), we have g(o) = ~ms(~ g) for all g~Cc(V). Hence~ for such g~

g(o) = ~ ~v km~(-Y)(Ds(m-J~J)~(Y)dY"
l_< j_<m
On the other hand, kms e c(2ms-d-l)(v), and our choice of s is such that
2ms-d-l>2(m-l)s. Hence, remembering (5),

g(o) Z; ,~. -y)( ~(q;)g)(y)dy.

l<j<m~v kj~(
Replacing g by the f u n c t i o n 9(x+y) we get, ~v/~ e Cc(V), x s V,

1 < j <m~ ~js(~-y)(~(~j)¢)(y)dy"

Now, kjs is of class 2js-d-l~ ~ on V. Hence we can differentiate this rela-

tion with respect to x to get, V t c Cc(V), x { V ,

(i0) ~(x;$(~)) = I S j ~ m / V kjs(X-Y; ~(~))¢(y;~(qj))dy.

We shall now modify (i0) ~ ~hat it is valid for all f e C~(U). This is done by
the usual technique of "localizing." To this end we introduce the localizing
functions ~x (x ~ U) constructed in the following manner. We being with the func-
tion u on V such that

u(~) = t c e ~ ( - ( 1 - I[xH2) -z) (H~ll<l)

where C is a constant chosen so that ~V u(x)dx = i; we write, for any a>O,
ua(x ) = a-du(~x) (x ~ V). The functions 9x are then defined by

(Zl) ~: = lc,e s(x,-~s(x)) * ul (X E U),

iA being as usual the indicator function of A. By Lemma 2z q0x has the follow-
ing p r o p e r t i e s : ( i ) ?xcCc(U), 0 < ? x _ ~ l ( i i ) 9 x = l on B(x,~[x)/4) and
supp(~x) c B(x,3s(x)/4) (iii) i f ~ e S is a homogeneous element of degree r,
there is a constant c~ > 0 such that

(12) ] qox(y~(O) I _< c~s(~:) -r (x c u, y ~ v).

If we now replace ~ by f~x in (i0) we then obtain, ~/f e C~(U) and x e U,

(~3) f(x;~(~)) = l~ /-' ~js(X-y;~(O)(f~x) (y; ~(~j))dy.

z_<j_<m~ s ( ~ , s ( ~ ) )

Let t=maxl<j< m deg(qj) and let ~i,...,~ M be a basis of the subspace of

elements of S of degree _< t-l. Then we can select elements ~j,qC S (l<j_<m,
l_<q_<M) such that (a) deg(~j,q)<t and ~j,q has vanishing constant term (b)
for any g ¢C~(V), 8(qj) og = g o 8(qj) + ~ < q < M (~(~j,q)g)8(~q) as differential
operators (!_<j_<m). Applying this in (13)-wCth g=~x we get, for all feC~(U)
and x e U:

f(x;~(~)) = D F k. (x-y;?(g))~(y)f(Y;?(qj))dY
l<_j_'<m US(~,~(~)) js
+ C C ~0 k~s(X-Y; ~(O)~x(Y~ ~(~J'q))f(Y;~C q))dY
1<'<re_j_ Z_<q_<M <H~-yll<~) ~
~t A~=m~l_<j_<~ll~(~)kjsll p, where J['llp, is the norm in LP'(v) and

p'>l is defined b~ p-l+p'-l=l. Then the first sum on the right side of (14)
is majorized by

(15) Ag~(x) -1/p ~

I S j S m ~qj(f)

where ~(x) is as in (8). For estimating the second sum in (14) write Fj,q,x(y )=
kjs(X-y;~(~))~x(y~(Gj~q) ). Then Fj~q± x is C~ on B(x~g(x))\ {x], s~nd as Cj,q
has no constant term, supp(Fj,q,x) c {y:~a(x))< llx-ytt<~s(x)) = K(x), say.
Hence, the second sum on the right side of (14) becomes

~ /K Fj,q,x(y;~(~)f(y)dy,
l<j<m l_<q<M (x)

denoting adjoint. The derivatives of F. can now be estimated using Lemma

i and the inequalities (12). The result is the following: there exists a constant
B~ >0 such that

IFj,q,x(y;~(~))l _< B~ s(x)-(2t+~)

~/x eU, l_<j_<m, l<q_<M, yc K(x). The second sum on the right side of (14) is
thus majorized by

(16) ~cl/~' Be(x)- ( 2t+O~(x)-l/P ~ (f)

where c is the volume of the unit ball in V. The majorants (15) and (16), when
substituted in (14), yield the estimate (9), but with b depending on ~.

To prove (9) with b independent of (, write S= ~ < i<aS0~i ' Then ~ a

seminorm w~R and an integer b_>0 such that ~/fe#, l<i<a,

if(~;~(~i))l _< ~(x)-~ ~(~)-l/p ~(f) (x ~ ) .

Let ~S. Then ~=~<i<a ~i~i where ~ i e S o . Then, as ~(Gi)~$c ~ for
l<i<a, we have



_< a(~)-b ~(~)-l/p ~ ~(~(~i)f).


If we set v{(f)= Z l < i < a v ( ~ ( ~ i )f)' then v< e h and we get (9); the integer
b ~0 defined above is clearly independent of {.

This lemma is substantially the same as Theorem 3 of Harish-Chandra [i0 ].

COROLLARY 4. zP(u,w,S0) is a Frechet space.

For x ~ U let 8(x) be the distance of x from V\U and let £(x) be
½min(l,5(x)). If KcU is compact, infxe K s(x)>0. Lemma 3 now implies that
{6 S, f~suPKlf(x;5 ({))I is a continuous seminorm on Z. A straightforward
argument now shows that M is complete.

3. Some consequences of Lemma~.

We shall obtain some consequences of Lemma j%. We need

LEMMA 5. Let ~e C~((0,1]). Suppose ~ an integer q~0 and constants L

(m~ 0) such that g \
I~km)(t)l ~ Lmt-q (0 < t < i, m = 0,i .... )
Then, for 0 < t ~ l and m = 0,i,...
19km)(t)l" ~ 2q(L m + Lm+1 + "'" + Lm+q+l].'
We prove this by induction on q. For q= 0 there is nothing to prove.
Suppose q=l. Then for 0<t<l~ m=0~l,...~

I~(m)(t)l ~ I~(m+l)(u)ldu + I~(m)(1)l ~ Lm+ll°g [ + Lm.

So, substituting this estimate back in the integral, for t,m as above

I~(m)(t)l ± I~(m)(m)l + < I (Lm+l+Lm+2 log~)du ~ Lm +Lm+l+Lm+2 •

Suppose now q>l and that the 3emma is true for q-l. Then

lq0(m)(t)l _< L m + L m + I < u-qdu _< (Lm+Lm+l)t-(q-l)

for 0<t_<l, m=0,1, .... By the induction hypothesis, we get, for t~m as abov~

ealcmJ(t)] _< 2q_1 O < i~< q (Lm+i +Lm+i+l ) < 2q

Lm+ i •


LEMMA 6. Let W c V be an open set and let x0 eW be such that x+tx 0 eW

for any xeW, 0_<t_<l. Let 7 be a function on W such that (i) 7(x)>0 for
xeW (ii) if xeW and 0<t<l, then <(x+tx0)>tT(X0). Suppose now that
feC=(W) and that for some integer b>0, 7°5(~)f is bounded on W for each
e S. Then $({)i' is bounded on W for each { e S.

Tet A(O=suPxcw~(x)blf(x~(O)l. For xcW, ~cS define ~=~{,x on

[0,i] by 9(t)=f(x+tx0;~({)) , 0 < t < l . We can apply Lemma 5 to ~ with q=b
and Lm= A(<Xo)~(Xo)-b since ~(m)(t) = f(x + tXo;~(xm~)),u, and since ~(x + txo)b _>

tb~/(Xo )b. We then obtain

If(~;~(~)t _<_2b~(x0)-b D ~J
0_< j_<h+i
Let Z~(U) be the vector space of all f e C~(U) s.t. ~(~)f e L= U( ) for each
e S• ~(U) is a Frechet space with respect to the seminorms f~SUPxeulf(x;~([)) I.

Proposition 7. Let ~,. • .,Zq be nonzero elements in e

V* and aI,. . .,aq >0.
~= n I~jt aj, v,={x:xcv, ~(x)~o]
S~ppose w e C ~ ( V ') is such that for some constant c > 0 and integer r>0,

(17) w(x) _> c ( l + l / m i n Ikj(x)l) -r (x~V')•


Then ~D(v',S0~w ) c ~(V') and the natural inclusion is continuous. This is in

particular the case when w = m.

It is trivia& that w=7 satisfies (17) for suitable c>0, r>0. In view
of the closed graph theorem it is enough to prove that zP(v',S0,w ) _~ ~(V') set
theoretically. Let ~ ' •''~N be an enumeration of the distinct nonzero members
of the set [Rek~jImk_,.•.,Rek ,Imk ]~ V" the subset of V where none of the ~j
- m q q
vanish •
Then w(x) >e(l + i/raini _< j~..J
- - _~ ~ ~j(x) I)-r V x e V". So we may as sume that
the k. are real and I]xjH=I ( l J j J q ) . It is enough to prove that if
f e ~(~',S0,w), B(~)f is bounded on each of the (finitely many) connected compon-
ents of V' • Let f e ~P(v',S0,w ) and V+ a connected component. By changing
some of the k to -k we may assume that each k is >0 on V +. Since the
set where all the %. are >0 is a convex hence connected subset of V', we have
+ J
V = Ix :kj(x)>0, l < j < q } . We apply Lemma 3 with U = V + and
S(x)=~mn(1,kl(x ) ..... %q(X)) (xeU);
l . -- --
since kj(y) _> kj(x) - IIx-yll,
ClB(x,s(=)) c u ~¢x~u, and i n f a c t ~j(y)_>s(=) for ycClB(x,~(=)). This
gives ~(=)_>e(i+l/~(=)) -r for x~U and so ~(x)_>c.~-r(=)~ ~x~U. Th~s,
integers b > 0 such that SUPxeu g(x)blf(x;~)l < ~ for every ~e S. Now U and s
satisfy the considitons imposed on W and ~/ in Lemma 6 if we take x0


arbitrarily in U. This proves that ~(g)f is bounded on U for each ~ e S.

The argument just outlined also proves

Proposition 8. Let Bl,...,b N be nonzero real linear functions on V and

V+ the set of points where all of them take positive values. Let w ~ C~(V +) be
such that for some constant c >0 and integer r~O,

W(x) ~ c(1 + 1/min bj(x)) -r (x6V+).


Then ~P(v+,So,W)~ ~(V+), the natural inclusion being continuous. This is the
case for example when
W = [I (i - e ).

We now examine the behaviour at infinity. For any open set W c V we write
g(W) for the Schwartz space of W, i.e., the space of all f ~ C~(W) such that
sup W l(Ef)(x)I < ~ for every EeDiff(Vc) ; the seminorms f ~ SUPw [(Ef)(x)l
convert g(W) into a Frechet space.

Let P0 c P be a subalgebra containing i such that P is a finite module

over P0 "

LEMMA 9" ~ an integer m>l with the following property: given q £ P, we

can find ql''''~qm cP0 such that

(18) lq(x)l i l + I % ( 0 1 + ' ' ' + lqm(X)l (x ~ Vc)"

kl~...~km~P such that P= El<j<m P0kj. If qeP, 3 aij~P 0 such

that qkj = El_<i_< m aijk i. Let T be an indeterminate and let f(T) =

d e t ( T 6 . . - a . . ) = T m + q ~ T m - l + "''+qm where the q i e P 0 . Clearly f(q) = 0, i.e.

mO m3 ±
qm + qlqm-i + ... + qm = O. If x c V c and lq(x)[>l, then we have
q(~) = -%(~) - q2(~)q(~)-l ..... qm(~)q(x)-(m-1)
which implies (18).

Proposition i0. Let notation be as in Proposition 7. Fix f e C~(V'). Then

feg(V') if and only if ~([)(qf)eLP(v)v[eS0, q e P 0. Moreover, the topology
of g(V') is already induced by the seminormS f ,~ 11~O(qf)Hp (< c s0, q e PO).
Suppose f~C=(V')and ~8(~)(qf)eLP(v')V~CSo, q~Po" Taking w=w p in
Proposition 7 we find that qf c Z~(V ') V q ~ PO" We shall now prove by induction on
deg(~) that q B ( ~ ) f e L * ( V ') ~ S, q~Po. If deg(~)=O this is clear since we
saw above that qfeM=(V')VqcP O. Let ~=deg(~)>l and let qS(~')fcL=(V ')
~/~'eS with deg(~')_<~-i and V q ~ p 0. Lemma 9 implies that q~(~')feL~(V ')


VqcP, ~'cs with deg(~')<Z-1. Now, for q~P0' { c S with deg(~.) = Z,

q o~(~)=~(~) o q + E l < i < r qiB(~i) where qieP, deg(~i)<~-i for i = l .... ,r.

As qf ~ T(v'), ~(~)(qf) ~ =~(v') while qi~(~i)f ~ Tf(V') by above. So

q ~( <)f e L~(V'), proving our claim. Once again, Lemma 9 implies that
q~( ~,)fcL~(V ') V q c P , ~ S, i.e., f~g(V'). Let ~ be the topological vector
space of all f eC~(V ') such that ~5({)(qf) cLP(v) V ~ c So, qeP0, the topology
being the one induced by the seminorms f ~ ll~({)(qf)llp ({c SO, qcP0). Then
$=$(V') as sets. Moreover the natural inclusion g(V') ~ $ is continuous while
both are Freehet spaces (for $, the proof that it is Frechet is carried out as in
Corollary 4). Hence $=g(V') as Freehet spaces. This proves the proposition.

We shall also indicate a local version of these results. Let U c V be an

open set and U' c U a dense open subset of U. We denote by ~'IoC(u,u')
the topological vector space of all f ~ C~(U ') such that for each compact subset
K C U and each { ¢ S, II~([)fllm K = SUPxeK~U'lf(x;~([))] <m, the t o p o l o g y being
' ~ co
given by the seminorms f ~ ~- Let w { c (U') be >0 on U', let
' ,loc ,
SO c S be as in Lemma 3, and let ~ (U,U ,w,S0) be the topological vec-
tor space of all f [C~(U ') such that for each compact K ~ U and ~e S0,

~ , K (f) = ( / If(x;~(~))'Pw(x)dx) I/p < ~,

K~U '
the topology being given by the seminorms ~ K" These spaces are Frechet ( o ~ o u s
for ~,loe(~,~,) and proved for ~p,loc (U,U I ,w,S0) as in Corollary 4).

Proposition ii. Let },i,ai,~ and V' be as in Proposition 7- Let U be

any open set c V and let U ' = U ~ V'. Let w e C = ( U ') be such that for some
constants c>0, r>0,

(19) w(x) ~ e(l+i/mn l~j(x)l)-r (~U').

~P'I°e(U,U',w,So) = ~'l°C(u,u') (as Freehet spaces)

We write Up and Mm for these spaces. In view of the inclusion Z ~ c Up

with the natural map being continuous~ and the closed graph theorem; it suffices
to establish the (set theoretic) inclusion ~ c ~. Let f e Z p. As in Proposi-
tion 7 we come down to the case when the Zj are real and llhjll= i for all j.
We shall prove that if ~cS, K c U is compact, and V+ is a connected component
of V', then B([)f is bounded on K N V +. Again as in Proposition 7 we me4r
assume that V += Ix : x c V , hj(x) >0 for l~j~q]. It is obviously enough to
prove that 8(@)f is bounded in the neighborhood of each point of K n CI(V+).


Fix Y0 e K n Cl(V+)~ let 0<a<l be such that CiB(Y0,a) c U, and let 0 < a ' < a .
We shall show that ~(~)f is bounded on N'=B(Y0,a' ) n v +. Let N=B(Y0,a ) N V +
and let x 0 e N' be fixed. Clearly N' and N are convex. So~ if z e N',
zt=(l-t)z+tx0eN' for 0<t<l. Let ~(t)=f(zt;~(~)). Then ~eC~([0,1]) and

M(m)(t) = f(zt;~(~(x0-z)m)).

If q~l~...,q, M form a basis for the subspace of S of all elements of degree

! deg(~)+m, then, for any ve V, (x0 - v ) m ~ can be expressed as

(2o) (x°-v)m~ = l<k<m

~ Cm,k(V) q , k (re V);

here em,k(V ) e C and the Cm~k(. ) are polynomials.

We now use Lemma 3 with N in place of U and s given by

~(v) : 71 mn(a - IIV-yoi!,Xl(v), .... Zq(v)) (v ~ ~).

Then 0 < s ( v ) _ <2 i, C 1 B ( v , a ( v ) ) c NkT/veN, and i f xeC1 B ( v , s ( v ) ) , hj(x)_>s(v) for
l_<j_<q, y e N ; in particular, if z is given by (8), we obtain from (191 the
e stimate

• (v) _> e(l + E(v)-l)-r_> c 2-r~(v) r (v~ N)

Lemma 3 now implies that 3 an integer b >0 with the following property: for
each q e S, we can find a constant A(D) >0 such that

If(v;~(q))1 ! A(~)~(v) -b (yeN, qeS)

B~t then,

l~(m)(t)1 ! ]Cm,k(z)l ]f(zt;S(~m,k))l ! ema(Zt )-b


cm = ( max sup ICm,k(y) l) ~ A(~n,k )

l<k<M yen l<k<M

On the other hand, [Izt-Y011<a' and so, if we put

: 71 min(a-a " % ( % ) ' " ..,~(x0)),

then s(zt) ~ t 7 for 0<t<l. So~

IM(m)(t)l j CmT-bt -b (0 < t ! i, m = 0,i,...).

By Lemma 5 we have now

If(z;~(O)l _< 2b C ci~'b

0 < i <b+l


As z c N' was arbitrary, we see that 3(~)f is bounded on N'. The proposition
is proved.

4. Fundamental solutions of h~u~erbolic and u l t r a h ~ e r b o l i c operators.

We shall devote this n° to a description (without proofs) of certain well
known results concerning fundamental solutions of the generalized wave operators.
For a detailed treatment the reader is referred to De Rham [ i ] or Gel'fand and
Shilov [ i ].

We work in ]Rn where n>2. Let p,q be nonnegative integers such that
p+q=n. Define

u = 2] x 2 ~ x .2
i J
i l<i<p p<j_<n

l<i<p p<j_<n J

where Xl~...~x n are the usual coordinates on ]Rn. The positive constants a >0,
b >0 are defined by
(22) an = 2 n - l v ( n - l ) / 2 C((-~)), b n = an+I

Further, let Y be the Heaviside function

iO t<O
(23) Y(t)
If" t > o
Finally~ let [x] denote the largest integer <x. Then we are concerned with
fundamental solutions of 0 In/2] that are invariant under the subgroup of GL(n, IR)
that leaves u fixed. The results are given in the following proposition.

Proposition 12. let the function ~ on IRn be defined as follows:

(-i) (P -i )/q-Iy(u) I u I -i/2 if p is odd, q is even


(-=)P/2a~iy(-u)lu 1-1/2 if p is even~ q is odd

(24) =
-(-l)P/2bni iog lu I if p and q are both even

(-i)(p-l)/2b-IY(~) if p and q are both odd


Then @ is locally integrable on ]Rn, and satisfies the differential equation

(25) [][n/2]qo = 60
where 60 is the Dirac measure on ]Rn located at the origin. Moreover ~ is a
tempered distribution on ]Rn invariant under the subgroup of Gl(n, ]E) that leaves
u invariaat.


5. Some remarks on CSA's

In this n ° we shall discuss some properties of Caftan subalgebras (CSA's) of
real reduetive Lie algebras which have been used repeatedly in Sections i through 9.
is as ~sual a reduotive Lie algebra over 3~ and G its adjoint group; c =
eenter(~)~ ~e (~ ~) is the complexification of ~ and $~ = ~i is the derived
algebra of ~. By a Caftan involution of ~ we mean an involutive automorphism of
that induces on the semisimple Lie algebra ~i a Cartan involution in the usual

Given a CSA ~ c ~ and a root ~ of i~c,~c) , we s a y ~ is real (resp. pure

imaginary) if ~(~) c ~ (resp. ~(~) c ( - i ) ~ ) ; if ~ is neither real nor pure
imaginary~ it is said to be complex. For any root ~ let ~a= ~ O (~c + ~ + ~-~)~
~ and ~_~ being the root spaces of ~c corresponding to ~ ~. If ~ is real
or pure imaginary~ ~& will be a real form of ~o + ~ + ~-~; in this case ~ will
be reductive~ and $~& will be three dimensional. Furthermore~ for ~ real~
will be called singular and~ $~& ~ ~ I ( 2 ~ ) ; while for & pure imaginary~ $~&
~I(2~]R) or ~ ~u(2~C)~ ~ being called singular imaginary or compact in the two
cases. Thus~ for ~ noneomplex~ ~ is noncompaet if and only if $~ ~ ~|(2~).
It is immediate from the formula for the Weyl reflexion s (ef. Varadarajan [i ]~
p. 554~ 356) that if ~ is real or eompact~ the reflexion s comes from G it-
self~ i.e.~ from the normalizer of ~ in G.

Proposition 13 . Let @ be a Cartan involution of ~ and ~ c ~ a CSA. Then

y6G such that y •~ is stable under 8.

We may clearly assume that ~ is semisimple. Let q be the conjugation of

~c with respect to Z. Then by a result due to Mostow [i] we can find a compact
real form u of ~c such that (i) q(u) = u and (ii) ~c N u is a CSA of u.
If T and ~ are the eigenspaees in u corresponding to the eigenvalues +i and
-i respectively of q, then u is the direct sum of T and ~ while T and
are mutually orthogonal under the Killing form. Clearly ~ is identity on T and
and ~i = iV and so T and ~i are mutually orthogonal subspaces of ~; as the
Killing form is negative definite on u, it is negative definite on T and positive
definite on ~i" Hence T O ~i = O, showing that £ = T + ~i is a direct sum. Now
~lu is an involutive automorphism of u and so extends to an automorphism of the
complex Lie algebra ~c which is involutive. This automorphism is identity on T
and - identity on ~i" In particular it leaves ~ invariant~ and if we write
for its restriction to ~, then it is clear that ~ is a Cartan involution of
and that ~ = T + ~I is the Cartan decomposition of ~ associated with % It is
now enough to prove that ~(~) = ~. Indeed, if this were done, then we can use the
fact that ~ and G are conjugate under G to conclude that some conjugate of
under G is stable under 8. Let y = ~c O u. Now, ql~=l and so q(~e)= Be,


showing that q(~) = ~. So ~ is the direct sum of ~ n ~ and ~ n ~, the two

subspaees of ~ being mutually orthogonal. But then ~ n ~ and i(~ N ~) are
mutually orthogonal subspaces of ~ whose direct sum is ~, ~nd it Js obvious that
~I~ n T = identity while <Pii(~ n ~)= -identity. So 9(~) = ~, as we wa~ted to show.

Let ~ be a CSA of ~. Let 8 be a Cart8/% involution of ~ such that @ =

identity on 0. Assume first that @(~) = ~. Then, writing 9= [+ ~ for the Cartan
decomposition of @ with respect to @~ we have the direct sum ~ = (~ n ~)+ (~ Q ~).
Obviously ~ n ~ (resp. ~ n {) is the space of all He ~ (resp, H 6 ~ n $ ~ ) such that
~(H) is pure imaginary (resp. real) for all roots ~ of (Zc;~e) • If ~ is not @-stabl%
there is some y e G such that y • ~ is @-stable. So if we define ~I (resp. ~R ) %o be
the subspace of all H 6 ~ (resp. H 6 ~ n $~) such that ~(H) is pure imaginary (resp.
real) for all roots ~ of (~e~c); then ~ = ~ i + ~R is a direct sum.
Proposition 14. Let ~ be a CSA, Q the Casimir polynomial of $~, 91 = ~ n$~. Then
(26) dim(~R) - dim(~i) ~ ind(q I~l) - dim(c)
where ind(Ql~l) is the index of the quadratic form on ~i obtained by restricting
Q to ~l"
We recall that if V is any finite dimensional vector space over ]R and f is
any quadratic form on V~ there is a basis of V such that in terms of the corre-
sponding linear coordinates Xl~ ...,Xn~ f can be represented as

f = El x 2 + •.. + SnX n2 (q = +1)

~he index .of f, ind(f); is then defined as the integer El<i< n £i" It is inde-
pendent of the choice of the basis used in its definition. Yhis said; we come to
the proof ,of Proposition 14. We may assume that 8(~) = ~ where @ is a Cartan
involution of ~ that fixes c elementwise. Then ~I is the direct sum
c + ~ 1 O T, while QI~ 1 O ~ is negative definite and QI~I O ~ is positive definit%
= ~+ ~ being the Caftan decomposition associated with 8. Since ind(Q I~i ) is
clearly dim(~ I O ~)- dim(~ I O ~), we have (26).

We now define the index of ~ ind(~)~ by

(27) ind(~) = dim(~R) - dim(~i)-

If 4:dim(~), then - ~ _!< i n d ( ~ ) _< ~. We say t h a t ~ is fundamental (resp.
Iwasawa) if ind(~) is minimum (resp. maximum). Finally, we say that ~ is of
compact t$~e if ~= ~I' i.e., a~l roots of (~c,~e) are pure imaginary.

Pro?ositionl>. Let 8 be a Caftan involution of 9, ~ = ~+ ~ the corre-

sponding C~rtan decomposition, and ~ a @-stable CSA. Then the following are
equivalent :

(i) ~ is fundamental

(ii) ~ N ~ is a CSA of T
(iii) (~c,~c) has no r e a l r o o t s .

All fundamental CSA's of ~ form a single conjugaey class. If K is the analytic

subgroup of G corresponding to ~, then the e-stable fundamental CSA's form a
single conjugacy class under K.

For proving this we may without losing any generality assume that ~ is semi-
simple. If ~ is a @-stable CSA, ind(~)=dim(~)-2 dim(~ n I) while dim(~N~)<
rk(~) since ~ N ~ is an abelian subalgebra of ~. So (ii) ~ (i). Suppose
(~c,~c) has no real roots. Then no root of (~c,~c) is identically zero on ~N ~.
Hence we can find He ~ N ~ such that Hc ~' i.e., H is regular in ~. So
is the centralizer of H in ~, implying that ~ N ~ is its centralizer in T.
But, in a reductive algebra~ the centralizer of a semisimple point is abelian if
and only if the point in question is regular, and then its centralizer will be a
CSA. So ~ N ~ is a CSA of ~, proving that (iii) ~ (ii). Suppose now that
is fundamental but that (~c,~c) has a real root, say ~. Let ~ be the null
space of ~ in ~ and ~ the centralizer of o in ~. Then ~ ~ ~I(2, IR) and
we can select basis H', X', Y' of ~ such that ~H',X',Y'} is a standard basis~
6(H')=-H', 8(X')=-Y' . Write ~i=~ +IR.(X'-Y'). It is then easy to see (cf.
Section 3, n°5) that ~=(~ N t)+(~ n ~) and ~IN T = ( ~ A T)+]R.(X'-Y'). Hence
ind(~l) = ind(~)-2, contradicting the assumption that ~ is fundamental. Hence
(i) ~ (iii). Suppose finally that ~i and ~2 are two fundamental CSA's, both
~-stable. Since ~i n ~ and ~2 n ~ are CSA's of ~, we can find keK such
k • (~i n !)= ~2 n ~. Since we already saw that ~2 N ! contains regular points of
g, we see that k • ~i and ~2 are two CSA's of ~ with a common regular point;
hence they must coincide, i.e., k • ~i = ~2"

COROLLARY 16. Let ~ be a e-stable fundamental CSA of ~. Then ~ N ! con-

tains regular points of ~ and is a CSA of t; moreover, its centralizer in
is precisely ~. Conversely, if ~ is any CSA of I, ~t contains regular points
of ~, and its centralizer in @ is a fundamental CSA of @.

COROLLARY 17 . If ~ admits CSA's of compact type, then they are fundamental

and all fundamental CSA's will be of compact type. In particular, the CSA's of
compact type (if they exist) form a single eonjugacy class.

COROLLARY I8. If ~i and ~2 are two CSA's, ind(~l)-ind(~2) is an even


Let ~0 be a fundamental 8-stable CSA and ~ a 8-stable CSA. It is enough

to prove that ind(~)- ind(~0) is an even integer. We shall do this by induction
on ind(~). If % is fundamental this is trivial; for then the difference is 0.


If 9 is not fundamental, (~c,9c) will have real roots and so we can construct
91 as before with ind(91) = ind(~)- 2. The result now follows by applying the in-
duction hypothesis to 91.

The theory of the lwasawa CSA's is 8ms&ogous. We have merely to replace ~ by

in the above arguments. We then obtain the following proposition whose proof we
omit, as it needs only a few minor changes in the proof of Proposition 15.

PROPOSITION 19. let ~ be a Cartan involution of g, 8= ! + 6 the corre-

sponding Cartan decomposition~ and 9, a @-stable CSA. Then the following are
equivalent :
(i) 9 is Iwasawa.
(ii) ~ N ~ is a maximal abelian subspaee of 0.
(iii) (~c,~c) has no singular imaginary roots.


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of a differential operator on a manifold, 21

(= Caftan subalgebra), 7
of compact type, 103, 157
fundamental, 124, 157
of lwasawa type, 49, 157
characterizations of, fundamental type, 158
characterizations of, lwasawa type, 159
conjugacy of, fundamental type, 158
index of, ill

Caftan decomposition
of real reductive Lie algebra~ 156
of endomorphism of vector space, 109
of semisimple element of reductive Lie algebra, ii0

Cartan involution
of real reductive Lie algebra, 156

Casimir element
of the symmetric algebra over a complex reductive Lie algebra, 27

Completely invariant
open set, 19
characterizations of, 19

method of, i
for invariant integral, 39, 51
for invariant Is-finite distributions, 64

of the action of the adjoint group, 25

Differential equations
invariant with respect to a finite reflection group, 57

Differential operators
~-relatedness of, 22
Fourier Transforms of, 136
Power series expansions of~ 141
that are invariant and annihilate all invariaz~ distributions, 139, 143

for differential operators invariant under a finite reflexion group, 61
for I S with regular eigen homomorphism~ 97


element of a re~l reductive Lie algebra, 103
part of an endomorphism of a vector space, 109
part of a semisimple element of a real reductive Lie algebra, ii0
ideal (of IS), 114

for tempered fundamental solutions, 146
for supnorms in terms of global LP-norms, 147-155
for invariant distributions on increasing open sets, 134

EAller vector field

on a vector space, 86

Exponential polynomials on a vector space, 55

criterion for temperedness, 107

Field of distributions
on a manifold, 82
criterion for vanishing, 84-85

Finite reflexion ~roup

on a real vector space, 57
invariants of, 58
differential equations invariant under, 57

Fourier Transforms
on a real reductive Lie algebra, i01
of invariant measures on regular orbits, 101-105
of regular orbital measures as functions of the orbit~ 104
of differential operators, 136

Fundamental CSA, 157

Fundamental solution
for constant coefficient differential operator, 145
estimates for tempered~ 146
for generalized wave operators, 155
for powers of the Casimir operator, 122

Harish-Chandra's theorem
on local integrability of invariant Is-finite distributions, 75,91

Harmonic elements
with respect to a finite reflexion group, 57
in polynomial algebra, 57
in symmetric algebra, 57
construction of~ through differentiation, 59
structure of, as a module for the reflexion group, 60

Hyperbolic part
of an endomorphism of a vector space, 109
of a semisimple element of a real reductive Lie algebra, ii0

invariant distributions, 3

of a CSA~ ill

Integration formula
on a real reductive Lie algebra, 35

Invariant distributions
temperedness of, on the open sets ~a, 136
temperedness in neighborhoods of origin, 137

Invariant distributions with nilpotent supports

on ~I(2,~), 68
on a general real reductive Lie algebra, 86-90
vanishing of, under the assumption of ~,(~)-finiteness, 89

Invariant I-finite distributions, 3

behaviour of~ on regular set, 62
structure of, on ~', 62
analyticity of, around semisimple elements with compact centralizers, 64
behaviour of, around semiregular points, 71
local integrability of (Harish-Chandra's theorem), on ~I(2,1R), 69
local integrability of, on a general real reductive Lie algebra, 75,91
criterion for (1-finiteness), on ~I(2,]{), 69-70
criterion for (l-finiteness)~ on a general real reductive Lie algebra~ 91
vanishing of, when supported by the singular set, 90
behaviour of, around singular points, 92-97
hehaviour of ( ~ , p and y~ p), on a CSA, 92-93
behavmour of (analytmcmty of {b,p) on a fundamental CSA, 94
comparison of behaviour on different CSA's, 95,97
criterion to be an invariant eigendistribution with regular eigenhomomorphism, 97
criterion for temperedness, 108

Invariant integral on a real reductive Lie algebra

definition and elementary properties of, 35
differential equations satisfied by, 36
first main theorem of, 37
reduction from ~ to ~ of, 39
in the case whe}~ derived algebra is three-dimensional, 41-44
behaviour of, around singular semisimple points, 44-49
smoothness of, at points where no singular imaginary root vanishes, 47
continuity of skew symmetric derivatives of, 47
continuity of derivative of~ by 3(~)~ 48
limit relations of, connecting different CSA's, 48
on lwasawa CSA, 49
on complex Lie algebras~ 49
reduction of, to a reductive subalgebra via integrals on nilradicals of
parabolic subalgebras, 50

Invariant measures on regular orbits, 38

temperedness of, 38
characterizations of (through differential equations of their Fourier
transforms), 101-102
Fourier transforms of, i01
dimension of space of~ when supported by a complex elliptic orbit, 103

Invariant neighborhoods of a semisimple element, 13

a basis of~ 16
of the form U~,t,V~/,t , 16


Jacobson-Morozov theorem~ 7

Jordan decomposition
of element of real reductive Lie algebrap 7

Kostant's theorem
on finiteness of nilpotent orbits, 12

Limit formula
on a real reductive Lie algebra~ 118
for CSA of compact type, 119-124
for fundamental CSA, 124-126
sign of constant appearing in~ for CSA of compact type, 123
sign of constant appearing in, for CSA of fundamental type, 126

Local inte~rability
of invariant I-finite functions~ 63

of type ~ for ~I(2,C), 86

element of a real reductive Lie algebra~ 7
component of an element of a real reductive Lie algebra, 7

in complex reductive Lie algebra~ 8
in real reductive Lie algebra, 12
structure of, as a submanifold, 13
closed and semisimple, 13

Radial component
of invariant differential operator on a real Lie algebra, 26
of elements of 5(Is) on a CSA, 29
of Casimir operator, on the centralizer of a semisJmple element, 30
of elements of 8(Is), on the centralizer of a semisimple element, 30

in a real vector space, 57
group generated by~ 57

Re,~ular element
of a real reductive Lie algebra, 7
of a vector space with respect to a finite reflexion group~ 58

Root s

real, 34
imaginary, 34
complex, 34
compact, 34
singular, 34


Semire~ular element
of a real reductive Lie algebra, 38

element of a real reductive Lie algebra~ 7
component of an element of a real reductive Lie algebra, 7

for a group acting on a manifold, 15
admissible~ 15
construction of, through a semisimple element~ for the adjoint group action~ 16

Standard triple, 7

,Tempered distribution
on an open subset of ~ i01
criterion when an invariant locally integrable function is tempered~ 105-106
theorem that any invariant distribution is tempered, around the origin, 143

Tempered invariant I-finite distributions

behaviour of, on a CSA, 108
uniqueness theorem for~ when defined on open sets in class £ and when the
annihilating ideal is elliptic~ 112

Transfer of invariant distributions

the maps T ~ ~T~ T ~ ~T
on a manifold with group action, 21-23
on a real Lie algebra, 26
on a real reductive Lie algebra, 28
explicit formulae for, on real reductive Lie algebras~ 32




7 ~;, ~', e', Xs, Xn, S(~c) , P(qc) , Is(qc), (=IS) , Ip(~e), (=Ip),
8 91e' 91
i0 ~c' " ~c' Zc
ii %,v
14 8, "~, z, z °, ~<~), o, w(o), ~ , I(t)
16 UT~t' VT,t
21 (the map) (z H fcz
22 ~T (for an invariant distribution T)

a3 GT (for an invariant distribution T)

~5 the representations GX (X e ~c )

a7 qj the maps q I- q~, qF~ q~ (q e Is(~c))

29 a~(D)
~o a (D)
~4 ~' ~' ~ , R ' CR' W(~), H , ~'(q) (for any set q of positive roots)
35 ~,
4o Z
~Z Z
4m g~a' ~g,b
47 the distributions TD.~F,H0
5o the map v ~ gv,
+ +
57 Ip(W), Is(W), Ip, IS, H~(W), Hs(W )
58 ~w
62 W(~c), Zs(~c)
79 the distributions of the form ~K~u~ ~j~; the space ~(~i~@)

92 ~,p, ~
95 the differentia& operator V



ll~ %(+~(R))
i15 the distributions T ~ = T~k, F]k

5+ +

118 the distribution J~

ll9 K

124 q~
126 the distribution J~,C

129 &

133 ha(t)

139 the ideals /A(~]) (=~(~ • [)), /Ap

145 the fundamental solution k


147 ~P(~,w,So)
15l ~=(v)






0. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

i. Groups of class ]4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2. Orbit structure in G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. Descent from G to Z and ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4. Local structure of invariant 8-finite distributions ......... 57
5. The distributions Gb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6. Parabolic subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7. Some representation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
8. The f~nctions E and ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
9. Schwartz space and tempered distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
i0. The invariant integral on C~(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
ii. A fundamental estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
12. The invariant integral on C(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
13. Tempered invariant eigendistributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
14. Asymptotic behavio~r of eigenfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
15. The discrete series for G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
16. The space of CLasp forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
17. Determination of c(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
18. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
19. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Index of ss~mbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

O. ~mmary

Our goal in this part is the explicit determination of the characters and
formal degrees of the discrete series of representations of a connected real semi-
simple Lie group with finite center. For technical reasons we shall find it con-
venient to work with a larger class of groups. Before oUr goal can be reached
however, it will be necessary to discuss systematically many aspects of analysis
on such groups. The development presented here adheres rather closely to Harish-
Chandra's original treatment, and divides itself naturally into three themes.
This division is of course not too strict and there are some occasional, perhaps
even crucial, overlaps.

The first theme is the study of the local structure of invariant eigendis-
tributions, leading to a construction of the distributions that will eventually
turn out to be the characters of the discrete series of representations. This is
carried out in Sections i through 5.

Section i defines the groups of class ~ and studies the structure of the
conjugacy classes of such groups. These groups were first introduced by Harish-
Chandra in his Princeton lectures in 1968. To a large extent, the results of
Sections i and 2 are the group analogues of corresponding results on the Lie al-
gebr~ obtained in Section i of Part I. There are two main theorems here. The
first one (Theorem 2.18) proves that for a group G of class M and a semisimple
element x ¢ G, one can construct slices through x for the action of the group
on itself (via inner automorphisms). As a result, any sufficiently small invar-
iant open neighborhood of x can be regarded as a homogeneous G-bundle with base
as the orbit G[x ] of x and typical fiber as an invariant open neighborhood of
x in an open subgroup Z of the centralizer of x in G. Exactly as in the Lie
algebra situation, this theorem allows us to set up the machinery of descent from
G to its reductive subgroups of class ~ (such as Z). The second main theorem
(Theorem 2.32 ) is concerned with the case when x is in addition assumed to be
elliptic. In this case we show that there exist slices through x (and contained
in Z) which are much larger than in the previous case, leading to the construc-
tion of a family ~(G) of invariant open subsets of G through x which are
homogeneous G-bundles with these '~large'~ slices as their typical fibers. The
family ~(G) is closed under arbitrary unions and finite intersections; its real
significance for us lies in the fact that it may be defined through intrinsic pro-
perties and its members serve as uniqueness domains for the distributions that are
characters of the discrete series.

In Section 3 we set up the machinery of descent. More precisely, let G be
a group of class #; x ~ G, a semisi~Kole point; Z, the subgroup of G of class
containing x and open in the centralizer of x in G, that is canonically
attached to x. We denote by 8 (resp. ~i ) the algebra of biinvariant differ-
ential operators on G (resp. Z). Suppose ~ (resp. ~i) is a sufficiently small
completely invariant open subset of G (resp. Z) with ~ICZN ~. Then, using
the techniques of Section 2 of Part I we obtain a canonical map T ~ ~T~ taking
G-invariant distributions T on ~ to Z-invariant distributions ~T on 21~
which is linear and injective. Furthermore, using the same techniques, we can
also construct a linear map D ~ &(D) that takes any analytic G-invariant diff-
erential operator D on ~ to an analytic Z-invariant differentia& operator
A(D) on 21 , called its radial component. We have the relations

The first major question that arises is the determination of A(z) for all z c 8.
This is quite easy to do when x is regular. In this case Z is the CSG con-
taining x, A(.) is a homomorphism, and there is an analytic function vZ = v on
z (with ~ ( ~ ) / o ) such that
1 1
;(~) = I~1-~o ~(~)o I~17 (z~8)
where # is the canonical injection 8 ~ ; indeed, this result ((3.14)) is
substantially equivalent to H. Weyl's character formula. But the situation be-
comes more complicated when x is singular. We still have the injection
#(8 ~ ~) and the analytic function v; however, it seems no longer to be true
i i
that A(-) is a homomorphism or that A(z) is equal to Ivl -~o ~(z)o Ivl ~ for
all z e 8. What is true still is that
i I

for arbitrary Z-invariant distributions S on ~i" This is one of the central

results of this Section (Theorem 3.12). It is proved by first establishing it
when S is a Z-invariant C function and then using the principle that if an
analytic Z-invariant differential operator on ~i annihilates all Z-invariant
C~ functions on ~i' then it annihilates all Z-invariant distributions on 21 . It
should be noted that this principle is a group theoretic analogue of Theorem 9.23
of Part I, and is a not too difficult consequence of it (Theorem 3.7).

The second major question studied in Section 3 is concerned with the descent
from G to ~, the Lie algebra of Z. Let IS(~c ) be the algebra of all ele-
ments of the symmetric algebra S(~c ) that are invariant under the adjoint group
of ~c" We select a completely invariant open neighborhood ~ of 0 in ~ such
that x exp ~ c 2 1 and Y ~ x exp Y (ye w) is an analytic diffeomorphism. Exactly
as in the case of descent from G to Z we now have (i) a natural map T ~ ~T that is
a linear injection of the space of G-invariant distributions on 2 into the space

of Z-invariant distributions on ~ and (ii) s map D .~ A'(D) that assigns to each
G-invariant analytic differential operator D on G, s Z-invariant analytic differ-
ential operator A'(D) on w, its radial component. We have the relations

~;T = A'(D)~}, ~'(DZD2)S : A'(DI)(A'(D2)S)

(S being an arbitrary Z-invariant distribution on w). The problem that arises
naturally is the determination of ~'(z) for z e ~. As before, we have a natural
injection k(~ C ~ I s ( ~ c ) ) and one has (Theorems 3.14, 3.16)
i i
~,(z)S = (1~,1-~o ~(z)o I~,l~)s
for all Z-invariant distributions S on w; here v' is a Z-invariant analytic
function with v'(0) ~ 0 .

The descent theory is then used in Section 4 to prove the main theorems on
invariant 8-finite distributions on G. We use it in essentially two distinct
ways. In the first, x is not in the centralizer of 9 so that dim(Z) < d i m ( G )
and an induction on dim(G) is possible; in the second, we go over to ~ (even
when x centralizes ~) and use the theory on the Lie algebra developed in Part
I. The success of these descent arguments is of course due to the fact that %
(resp. IS(8c)) is a (free) finitely generated module over ~(8) (resp. k(8)).

The possibility of such a natural descent from the group to the Lie algebra
is one of the most remarkable aspects of Harish-Chandra's theory. For, it allows
us to reduce the questions of noncommutative harmonic analysis on G to questions
of commutative harmonic analysis on ~; and these can be handled through the
Fourier Transform. To see this illustrated in a decisive way, we need only look
at how the distributions %, are constructed in Section 5.

We now describe the main theorems in Section 4. To begin with, let ~ be a

completely invariant open subset of G, and T an invariant distribution on
which is 8-finite (i.e., dim(~T) < =); then there is an invariant locally inte-
grable function FT on 2, which is analytic on the subset 2' of regular
points of 2, such that T = FT~ i.e.,

FT~ dx (~ s C~(~),dx a Haar measure)

T is of course completely determined by FT (Theorem 4 . 5 ) . Conversely, l e t F

be an invariant measurable function on which is analytic on ~' and is 8-
finite there. Then F is locally integrable on ~, and so defines a distribution
T=T F on ~. However, in general, T is not t-finite unless F satisfies addi-
tional conditions. It is certainly sufficient to require that T be t-finite in
some neighborhood of each semiregular point of ~ (Theorem 4.8). This last con-
dition is not in terms of F and its significance may be better appreciated if
one reformulates i% in terms of F. We shall now do this to get necessary

conditions. Let ACG be a CSG; a, the corresponding CSA: P~ a positive
system of roots of (~c,ac); ~+~ (~eP), the corresponding global roots. Let
A'(R) be the subset of A where no ~ with real ~ takes the value i. Put

'®p(~)='~p(a)~(a) (aeSOP') '/~= n (1-~_~)

We then have the following whenever T is ~-finite:

i. '@p is locally an exponential polynomial on A D 2'; if ~0 is the

ideal in ~ of all z e8 such that zT=0, and if ~/a is the canonical in-
jection of ~ into the subalgebra N of the universal evenloping algebra of
generated by (l,a), then

(e-6Po ~/a(z)o e ~P) ('®p) = o (z ~ 8)

~here, as usual, 6p =½Zsp~ (~eore~ 4.12).
2. '~p extends analytically to A'(R) N 2.

3. Suppose xeAD2 and let R be the set of all real roots ~eP such
X S~
that ~(x)=l. Let ue~I be such that u =-u for all ~ e R x. Then the de-

(e -8 o uo e ~)'~P
extends continuously to a neighborhood of x in An~ (Theorem 4.13). In par-
ticalar~ if

'~p= n ~ (~c is the canonical image of ~)


(e -8 o,~po2)'~p

extends continuously to all of AD~ (Corollary 4.14).

4. Suppose G is connected and acceptable. We then define

IAp = ~Sp ' % , ~p = ~Sp '¢p

Then ¢p extends analytically to A'(R) N2; if xeA~2 and ueN is such that
u =-u for all u e Rx, then the derivative u ~p extends continuously to a
neighborhood of x in A N 2; and in particular,

extends continuously to all of A N 2. This extension is independent of the choice
of P; denoting it by YA' we have in addition the compatibility criteria

YA = YB on AABN2

for any two CSG's A, B of G (Theorem 4.18).

It is not difficult to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions that an
invariant ~-finite analytic function F on ~' should satisfy in order that the
distribution TF (defined earlier) on ~ is 8-finite. However, for our pUr-
poses, the most convenient tool for the explicit construction of invariant 8-
finite distributions is the method of descent to the Lie algebra. Let ~'~l'co'
be as in the earlier discussion. We define

v(y) = det((l-Ad(y-l))B/Z) (ye Z)

ad bY

.Let 9 be a locally integrable function on co, invariant under the centralizer

of x in G (which normalizes g) and a n a l y t i c on t h e o p e n s u b s e t of points of
co that are regular in ~; let

~0 = G[xexpco]

Suppose that v does not vanish on x exp w and that x exp co is a slice through
x. Then there exists a unique G-invariant function ®e on % such that
i 1
@8(X exp Y) = I v(x exp Y) I -~ I J ~(Y)I -~ e(Y) (Y ~ co);

®e i s l o c a l l y i n t e g r a b l e on gO' and i s ~ - f i n i t e i f and o n l y i f e i s Is(8c )-

finite; moreover, i n t h i s case, i f k i s the n a t u r a l i n j e c t i o n ~ c_~ iS(8c) , then

ze e = eX(z) e (zcS)
(Propositions 4.3~ 4.6).

These results are used in Section 5 for the construction of the distributions
*" We assume that G has a compact CSG. Let B a K be one such, with corre-
sponding CSAb. P is a positive system of roots of (~c,bc); 8 = ~ E ep~ ;
W(G,B) is B/B where B is the normalizer of B in G. Let B* be the set
of irreducible characters of B (B need not be abelian I. We have a natural
map b*~ log b* that maps B* onto a lattice in (-l)~b*; b* is said to be
regular if log b + 8 is regular in the usual sense. Then, for each regular
b*e B*, there exists exactly one invariant eigendistribution %. on G such
(~) I%.(x)l < eonst. ID(x)l -~ (~a')
D being the discriminat of G.

(ii) For all beB'=B~G',

'a(b)eb.(b) =

(iiO supp%, c c~ ° where C=ke~(Ad)
This is our fundamemtal existence theorem (Theorem 5.1).
The distribution %* is first constructed locally around each point b e B;
and then the local data are pieced together. Given b e B, one constructs an in-
variant open set ~(b) c CG °, containing b and belonging to the family Z(G),
and then an invariant eigendistribution ---®~) on ~(b) that satisfies (i)-(iii)
above. The piecing together is done by means of the following uniqueness theorem
(Theorem 5.2): Suppose ~ e Z(G), ~ c C G °, and e is an invariant eigendistribu-
tion on £ such thst

(i) le(x)l ~ const. ID(x)1-½ (xe~')

(ii) O(b) = 0 (b ~ Bn ~')
(iii) ~ a regular b* e B* such that

z® = ~/u(z)(aog b*+ 6) (z~8)

then # = O.

The construction of %* is thus reduced to that of @b(b). This is done by

descent to the centralizer 8 of b in ~, constructing a suitable distribu-
tion 8)~' - on 8, and setting (in our earlier notation)

The distributions 8~ ) are constructed using the theory of Fourier Transforms

on 8, more specifically, using the results of Section 7 of Part I. Indeed,
~ = % [b)"
" is determined as the unique tempered distribution on 8 which is
satisfying the following conditions:

a) 8 (b) is Is(Sc)-finite and in fact 8(u)8(b)=ub(v)8(b) (uels(@c))

where v = 8 +log b*
b) 8(b) is invariant under the adjoint group of 8

c) %(H)e(b)(H) =%~seW(G,B)~(s)(sb*)(b)gs6_~(b)eSV(H)
for afL$ H e b regular in 8; here 7b is a constant / 0 and suitably chosen;
~b is the product n~, the product being over all ~ in P with ~(b) = i
(i.e., roots of (Sc,bc)).
The major aim from now on is to prove that, up to a sign, the %. are pre-
cisely all the discrete series characters. The proof of this is quite long
(Sections 9 through 15) but may be divided into two more or less distinct parts.
In the first part it is proved that the Fourier coefficients %.,# (with respect

to K) of the distributions %* are K-finite rapidly decreasing ft~nctions on
G and belong to the Schwartz space C(G); and furthermore, that the K-finite
matrix coefficients of the discrete series representations are also in C(G).
The space C(G) was introduced for the first time by Harish-Chandra as an anal-
ogUe of the usual Schwartz space of ]An for the purpose of doing harmonic anal-
ysis in L2(G). In the second part we prove first that the elements of C(G)
have convergent integrals over the regular conjugacy classes of G. This is then
used to obtain the central results concerning the discrete series, by an adapta-
tion of Hermann Weyl's classical method of integration over conjugacy classes to
reduce harmonic analysis on C(G) to harmonic analysis on a compact CSG.

We now proceed to a more detailed discussion of these results. The Schwartz

space is introduced in Section 9- Its definition is quite analogous to the
classical case, with two modifications however. If P0=MoAoN0 is a minimal
psgrp and G= KC~ (Ao)K the associated polar decomposition of G, it turns out

= J(h) dk l d h d k 2 (x=k lhk2)

J(h) = e2PO(l°g h) • (1 - e-2C~(log h)) m(~)
the product being over the p o s i t i v e roots of the symmetric space with m(~) as
the multiplicity of the root ~. Consequently, the natural definition for a
function f to be rapidly decreasing is to require that for every s_>0, h e A +,

sup If(klhk2) l = O(e -p°(l°gh) (1 +lJlog~l]) -s)

k I ,k2eK

Using the spherical functions ~ and ~ this can be rewritten as

If(x)l = O(~(x)(l+~(x))-s) (xeG)

~rther, for a C~ function f to be in C(G), we require both its left and

right derivatives to possess this decay rate at infinity on G. C(G) becomes
a Frechet space in a natural manner.

Section 9 contains the proofs of the basic properties of the Schwartz space
and its dual, the space of tempered distributions: the natural imbedding
Cc(G) c~ C(G) and the density of Cc(G ) in C(G) (Theorem 9.2); the Sobolev-
like result that C(G) is precisely the space of all functions f on G for
which the L2-norms ll(l+~)r(afb)ll2 are all finite (r>0,a,b arbitrary elements
of ~) (Theorem 9°9); the criterion for a positive Borel measure to be tempered~
i .e., the theorem that a positive Borel measure ~ on G is tempered if and
only if it is slowly growing in the sense that

E(l+o)-r d~ < ~

for some r>0 (Theorem 9.11); the important result that a 8-finite K-finite
function f defines a tempered distribution on G if and only if it satisfies
what we call, following Harish-Chandra, the weak inequality: namely,

If(x)l ~ const. ~(x)(l+q(x)) r (x eG)

for some r~ 0 (Theorem 9.13)~ and finally~ that C(G) is closed under convolu-
tion under which it is a topological algebra (Theorem 9.18). We note that both
in the case of the weak inequality as well the rapid decrease described earlier~
the function ~ appears in the first power, and that the difference lies only in
the exponents of (i +~). At this stage we know that the K-finite matrix coeffi-
cients of an irreducible unitary representation whose character is tempered~ sat-
isfy the weak inequality. Since the characters of the discrete series representa-
tions are easily proved to be tempered, this proves that the corresponding matrix
coefficients satisfy the weak inequality (Theorem 9.15).

Given a psgrp Q of G~ let Q=MAN be its Langlands decomposition; let

M I =MA. Then there is a rather close connexion between harmonic analysis on G
and that on M I. This connexion is a leitmotif that runs through all of harmonic
analysis and dominates it completely. For example, for any f e Cc(G) let
f(Q) [ C~(MI)_ be defined by
#Q(lOg a ) <
f(Q)(ma) = e f(man)dn (meH, aeA)

Then f ,~ f(Q) is a continuous map of C (G) into Cc(Ml). If we write T i~ T(Q)

for the dual map taking distributions • on HI to distributions T(Q) on G,
then T(Q) is invariant (resp. S-finite) whenever m is invariant (resp. 8(ml>
finite) mI being the Lie algebra of Hl (Proposition 6.31 ) . 9]Irthermore, it
turns out that there is an integer q~ 0 with the following property: for any
r>0~ one can find a constant C >0 sueh that ~ / m { H , a£A
-- r

ePQ(log e) fN ~(man)(1 + q(man))-(q+r)dn ~ C r ~l(m)(l +~(m))-r(1 + a(a)) -r

(Theorem 9.23). So the map f I~ f(Q) above can be defined at the level of the
respective Schwartz spaces and is continuous; the dual map T ~ T(Q) then maps
tempered distributions on MI to tempered ones on G (Theorems 9~24, 9.25).

Sections i0 through 12 study the invariant integral on G. To begin with

this is done on Cc(G ). In analogy with the corresponding theory on the Lie
algebra we proceed to define, for each CSG L of G, a map

f ~ 'F ( f ~ C~(G))
f,L U - -

(ef. (i0.4)). Its elementary properties (Propositions 10.2 through 10.4) such as
continuity; symmetry~ behaviour under differential operators from 8 resemble
those of the invariant integral g I~ 9g on B. Furthermore, if Q=MAN is a
psgrp where A = LR, then, ~ a constant c~ 0 such that

'F~,L(h) = o'F~, ?(a),L

(h) (h~L')
V f eC~(G) (Proposition 10.6). As LI is a compact CSG of M this reduces
the study of the invariant integral to the case of a compact CSG.

However, it is not sufficient to work with C~(G) only; the invariant in-
tegr~l has to be extended to C(G). It is certainly sufficient to consider the
case when L= BCK is a compact CSG of G and prove that for some integer

(*) sup 1'I~(b)1 [ "(xbx-1)(l+~(xbx-l))-q dx <

bsB' ~G
Once this is done, 'F can be defined by

'Ff,~(b) = '/A(b)]~ f(xbx-l)dx (b e B')

co v
for siLl f e B ' ;'F will be in {{ ( B ) ; a~id f ~ 'F will be a continuous
f,B f,B
map (Theorem 12.2). The technique of reduction to the Levi component MA of a
psgrp Q=MAN with A=L R then enables Us to extend these results to an arbit-
rary CSG. Thus, let L be a e-stable CSG; G = G/LR; x ~ x the natural
map of G onto G . Then 3 an integer q>0 with the following property: for
any r>_0, we can find a constant C >0 such that for all haL'
I '/~:/h)/Z~+(h) I .
~-(h x ) ( l + ~ ( h

x ))
. -(q+r)
_< C r ( l + ~ ( h ) ) -r

(Theorem 12.3). This allows us to define 'F whenever f e C(G); 'F will
f,L f~L
be in (the Schwartz space) C(L')~ 'F and f ~
will be a continuous map
(Theorem 12.61 . Of course; in the previous ease, when L = B ~ C(B')=8~(B'). In
partieular, the invariant meast~res on the regular eonjugacy classes will be tem-
pered (Corollary 12.7)~ and the properties of the invariant integral extend to
the Schwartz space by continuity (Theorem 12.8).

It is thus seen that the estimate (*) is basic to this chain of conclusions.
Now, using the differential properties of 'F (f s Cc(G)) and the estimates
from classical analysis obtained in the Appendix to Part I~ it can be shown that
f ~ 'Ff,B is a continuous map of C (G) into ~ (B')~ C G) being equipped
with the topology coming from the seminorms

(**) f ~ [ l~fldx (z ~8)



(Proposition i0 .i0). So it is a question of proving that the seminorms (*~) are

continuous with respect to the topology that Cc(G ) inherits from C(G). This
however is a deep result and proving it is the object of Section ii, where it is
deduced from the following estimate: there exists a constant c> 0 such that

,j'K 1B0m)dk _< e ~(x)

for almost all xcG, IB being the characteristic function of G[B'] (Theorem
11.2). The continuity of the seminorms (**) in the topology of C(G) is now an
immediate consequence (Theorem 11.5). The proof of Theorem ii .2 is technically
quite subtle and makes use of the distributions %* constructed in Section 5-
We refer to Section ii, n°2, where the idea of the proof is explained in detail
and illustrated with the example G = SL(2,]R).

To complete the theory of the invariant integral it remains to study the be-
haviour of 'Ff~L(h ) in the neighborhood of an arbitrary point h 0 e L. Let
Sl(h0) be the set of singula¢" imaginary roots ~ of (~c,lc) (! is the CSA of
L) with ~(h0)=l. If Sl(h0) is empty, 'F is of class C ~ around h0;
f,L s~
if Si(h0) is nonempty, this is no longer true; but if u c ~ and u = - u for
all ~ c Sl(h0) , then
-61 61)
(e o uo e 'Ff, L

extends to a continuous function around h0 (Theorem 12.9). In particular,

(e oqNo e 8!) 'Ff,L

extends continuously to all of L (Theorem 12.10). In view of the density of

C (G) in e(G) we need only consider f s Ce(G ). The results of Section 2 reduce
the consideration to f with supp(f) contained in an arbitrarily small invar-
iant neighborhood of h0; we then go over to the centralizer of h0 in
(formula (12.30)) and appeal to the theory of Section 3 of Part I.

If the differential operator u above is not skew with respect to the re-
flexions s (~ s Sl(h0)), then

-8 eSl
(e Io UO ),Ff~L

will no longer extend to a continuous function around h0; there will be jumps
across the kernels of the ~ (~e Sl(h0) ). When h0 is semiregular, one can
take a very close look at these jumps because the reduction method brings this
down to the case of the invariant integral on ~I (2,1~). More precisely~ let
h 0 = b e B be semiregular, and let the positive root ~ for which ~ ( b ) = i be
singular. We can then find a noncompact 8-stable CSGL containing b; L and
B are the only e-stable CSC's of G containing b. Then we can find a


sufficiently small open neighborhood F of b in LDB with the following

property: for any'F f c C(G),
extends to a Coo function in an open neigh-
borhood of F in L, and the jumps of 'F and its derivatives across the
points of F are, up to a nonzero multiplicative factor, equal to the values of
(the extension of) 'F
C ~° at the same points (Theorem 12.11) In particular,
if G has a compact C S G B C K , and 'F =0 for all noncompaet CSG'sL
(f e C(G)) then 'F lies in C°°(B) (Theorem 12.12).
' f,B
Suppose BCK is a CSG of G and P a positive system of roots with
respect to the corresponding CSG; let ~ p = % ~ p H be as usual. Then we have
the following limit formula~ proved by reduction to the Lie algebra: ~ a con-
stant c(G) >0, independent of P, such that V f c C(G)

f(1) = (-1)%(G)('~p 'Ff,B)(1)

where ~=e o~o e6P and q i s the i n t e g e r ½dim(G/K) (Theorem 12.13).
This i s one of the most fundamental r e s u l t s of harmonic a n a l y s i s on G. Since
f(x) = (r(x)f)(1), r(x) being right translation by x, it gives a very explicit
method of recovering f from the invariant integrals 'Fr(x)f, B.

If we compare the theory of the invariant integral for G with the corre-
sponding theory for a compact group, the possibility of that 'F may develop
jumps across the singular points of B is the most striking difference between
the two. We saw above that if the integrals 'F are all = 0 for noncompact
L, then this does not happen. A function f c C(G) is called a cusp form if for
any psgrp Q=MAN~G

~N f(xn)dn : 0 (x ~ a)

G being assumed to have a compact CSG. The cusp forms form a closed subspace
°C(G) of C(G), stable under all translations (Proposition 12.14). If f is
a cusp form, 'F = 0 for all noncompact CSG's; 'F lies in C~(B); more-
f~L f,B
over, if f is in C(G) and is 8-finite, it is a cusp form, while groups not
having a compact CSG do not possess any nonzero 8-finite functions in C(G)
(Theorem 12.15).

The theory of the invariant integral of elements of C(G) is then applied

in Section 13 to study when an invariant distribution is tempered. There is an
integer r> 0 such that

ID(~)I -~ ~-(xl(l+~(x)) -r dx <

(Theorem 13.2), and the main result in this Section 13 is Theorem 13.1 which
asserts that if G is an invariant locally integrable function on G, it de-
fines a tempered distribution if and only if for some constants C>0, s>_0,


le(x)l _< CID(~)t -~ (l+~(x)) -s (~')
If we know in addition that ® is an invariant eigendistribution whose eigen-
homomorphism is regular, then ® is tempered if and only if it is majorized by
eonst. IDI -~- on G' (Theorem 13.11). At this stage we know that the distribu-
tions %. constructed in Section 5 are tempered; and their Fourier coefficients
%*,8 satisfy the weak inequa&iby (Theorem 13.4).

With the conclusion of Section 13 we have a rather complete picture of the

behaviour at infinity of the most important invariant distributions associated
with the group G. Section 14 complements these results with a detailed study of
the asymptotics of a very different type of object, namely, the matrix coefficients
of the simple tempered representations of G. More generally, the goal in Section
14 is to obtain a detailed picture of the possibly oscillatory behaviour at in-
finity of a ~-finite K-finite function on G satisfying the weak inequality.

It is technically convenient to work with functions f on G which take

values in a finite dimensional complex vector space U that underlies a bi-
module for K, and which are spherical in the sense that

f ( k l X k 2 ) = k I .f(x) .k 2 (xsG,kl,k 2oK),

If we write, for keK, ucU

"~l(k)u:k -~, ~'~2(k) =~ .k, "~= (T1,'~ 2)

and if G(G :U :T) is the vector space of all C maps f of O into U that
are spherical, ~-finite, and satisfy the weak inequality, the results of Section
14 tell how the members of G(G : U : T) behave at infinity of G.

The entire theory in Section 14 is dominated by Harish-0handra's notion of

the constant term of an element of G(G : U : T) along a psgrp. Let Q=MAN be a
psgrp; TMA=~IKNMA. Then, given feG(G:U:T), ~ a unique fQeG(MA:U:TMA),
called the constant term of f along Q~ such that

lim Idq(ma)f(ma)- = 0

for all mcMA; here, a~ ~ means c*(loga)~+ °° for each root ~ of (Q~A)~
and for some constant g>0, ~ ( l o g a ) _ > ~ ( a ) (Theorem 14.1). The spectrum of
fq is very closely related to that of f; indeed,

(zf)Q = ~Q(z)fQ (z e 8)
(Theorem 14.3). The process that takes f to fQ is transitive in the following
sense: if Q CQ is another psgrp so that ~=*QN where *QCF~& is a psgrp of
the group MA (Proposition 6.20), then


f% = (fq).q
(Theorems 14.4, 14.6). Finally~ one can obtain rather precise estimates for the
difference dQf - fQ. To formulate these, we fix a minimsl psgrp Q0 =MoAoN0 and
consider only psgrps containing Q0" These are then the standard ones and are in
one-one inclusion preserving correspondence with the subsets F of the set E of
simple roots of (Q0,A0) (Theorem 6.9). Let QDQ 0 be a psgrp and FeE the
corresponding set of simple roots. Write

~Q(lOg h) : rain ~(logh) (h e A0)

Then there are constants C>0, r>0, ~>0 such that

(t) IdQ(h)f(h) - fQ(h) l _< C ~(h)(1 + ~(h))re -~Bq(z°g h)

for all h e C4(A +) (Theorem 14.2). If we assume now that G has no split com-
portent, i.e., IEl =dim(A0) , then the estimate (t) can be rewritten in the
following manner: for any ~ e E~ t > 0 let Ft,~ be the "sectorial" subset of
C~(Ao) of all h in CZ(Ao) stlch that [Q ( l o g h ) > t pQ0(logh), Q~ being the
standard psgrp attached to E\ [~], then there are constants C>0~ ~>0 such

(tt) If(h)-dq (h)-ifq (h)l _< C~(h) l+~t

for all h e Ft, ~ (Theorem 14.8). Since C%(Ao) can be covered by the
(~ eE) for some t>0 ((14.19)), (tt) gives decisive information on how f(h)
behaves when he C~(A~) goes to i ~ i n i t y . Since G=KC~ (A~)K, this is enough
for obtr purposes.

In the remainder of Section 14 these results are applied to the study of

square integrable eigenfunctions. Let us assume; for brevity of exposition~ that
G has no @ l i t component. From (it) it follows that f lies in L2(G)®U if
and only if the constant terms fQ are 0 for all psgrps Q/G (of course
fQ= f for Q = G); and this is entirely equivalent to saying that f e C(G)®U;
moreover, such f are cusp forms (Theorem 14.9). If G admits a nonzero such
f, then G must have a compact CSC~ and there exists a ~ >0 such that for
each a,b e@~ we can find C>0 with

l(afb)(x)l < C ~-(x)l+~ (xeO)

(Theorem 14.9).

If f eG(G : U : T) is not square integrable, then some constant term of f

must be nonzero. Let ~(f) be the (nonempty) set of psgrps Q of G with
fQ~0 and let Q=MAN be a minimal element of ~(f) (with respect to inclu-
sion). Then, for each a e A, the function f given by


f__ (m) = f_ (ma) (mc~)

Q,a q

is in G(M :U : ~ ) and is indeed even a cusp form; there are aeA for which
f~,~ ~ 0; and so, in particular, ~ is necessarily euspidal~ i.e., there exists
a e-stable CSG~ such that LR= A (Theorem 14.10). If we assume in the above
that G has a compact CSG, and that f is an eigenfunction whose eigenhomo-
morphism is defined by a regular element of (-l)2b * (b is the CSA corre-
sponding to the CSGBCK)~ then the above theorem leads easily to the conclusion
that f is in L2(G) ® U (Theorem 14.12). In particular, the Fourier coeffi-
cients ®b*,# of the distributions ®b* are in L2(G) and are in fact cusp
forms (Theorem 14.15). This~ as we had mentioned earlier, is a major stage in
Harish-Chandra's construction of the discrete series.

At this stage, everything needed for the determination of the discrete series
is available. Section 15 does this by essentially following H. Weyl's classical
procedure. The asymptotic theory of Section 14 already shows that G has a
discrete series if and only if it admits a compact CSG (Theorem 15.7). Suppose
G has a compact CSG B C K , and let ~2(G) be the discrete series of G. Then,
for any b eB ~ the distribution

(-1) q ~(b )%~ (~(b*) = sgn~. (logb* +6))

is the character of a class w(b*) e ~2(G); the map
b* ~ ~(b*)
from B to 82(G ) is surjeetive; and

~(bl) = ~(b2) ~ b2 = Sbl ~s~-~

f o r some s e W(G~B) (Theorem 15.8). Finally~ i f dx i s a Haar measure chosen
once f o r a l l , and d(w) (~e62(G)) are the associated formal degrees~ then there
is a constant c(G)>0 such that for all b eB

d(~(h*)) = e(a)l w(o,~)l d(b*)l ~ (log b* +~))1

(d(b*) is the degree of the irreducible character b*). This is Theorem 15.9.

The constant e(G) appearing in the above expression for the formal degrees
of the classes ~(b*) depends of course on the normalization of the Haar measure
of G. Shppose we choose the Hair measure to he the so-called standard Haar
measure of G. Then we have~ for all b eB

d ( ~ ( b * ) ) = (2~) -q2 - ( q - ~ ) (w/~°)d(b*)([~(X(b*)) I/~ (Sk))

where X(h*)=logb*+6, w=IW(G,B)I, w°=lw(s°,B°)t (Theorem 17.7).

In Section 16 we study the space of cusp forms in greater detail. Let G
be such that ~ 2 ( G ) ~ and let °L2(G) be the discrete part of L2(G) relative
to the regular representation. We then have the orthogonal projection


oF:S2(G) ~ %2(a )

Then the main theorem (Theorem 26.11) of this section asserts that °C(G) =
°L2(G) N C(G) and that °E is a projection of C(G) onto °C(G) that is con-
tinuous with respect to the Schwartz space topology. Moreover, °C(G) is a
nuclear Frechet algebra (Theorem 16.21), and its topology is the one given by
the Hilbertian norms

f ~ I1~m~ ~il2
where LI'II2 denotes ~2-norm and ~ is a suitable K - i n w i ~ t el2iptic operator
(from @) of second degree (Theorem 16.20). The analogy here with the convolu-
tion algebra of C~ functions on a compact Lie group is quite striking This
theorem follows from the following' remarkable property of the discrete series
representations: given an irreducible representation of K, there are at most
finitely many classes of g2(G) containing it; we also note that no class of
g2(G) contains the trivial representation of K (Theorem 16.15).

There are two appendices (Sections 18 and 19). Section 18 contains certain
estimates of solutions of some ordinary differential equations. Section 19 con-
tains a study of certain representations of polynomial algebras associated with
finite reflexion groups.

i. Groups of class

Our first aim now is to carry over to a connected semisimple Lie group with
finite center a substantial part of the results on invariant analysis on reductive
Lie algebras. One of the basic tools will be induction on dimension, and in order to
use this smoothly it is necessary to work with groups that are neither semisimple
nor connected in general. These groups form a class somewhat larger than the class
of connected s.s. Lie groups with finite center. We shall introduce this class in
this section and discuss some of its properties. This was first done by
Harish-Chandra in his Princeton Lectures on Schwartz space (el. [Ii]).

i. Definition of Z

Let G be a real Lie group with Lie algebra ~; G is not necessarily connected,
and as usual we write G° for the component of identity of G. We shall always
assume that B is reductive and write ~i = [ ~ , ~ ] = $ B , c=center(~). GICG ° is the
analytic subgroup of G defined by ~i" If we write, for a,b e G, [a,b ] = aba-lb -I,
then from the general theory of Lie groups it follows that GI is the group gener-
ated by all elements of the form [a,b],a,be@ °, i.e., G I = [G°,G°], the commutator sub-
group of G° . G operates on ~ by the adjoint representation Ad; for X c ~xeG,
we often write x "X or Xx for Ad(x)(X). C is the kernel of Ad. C and C ° are
closed in G, and c O = exp c; moreover C° is the analytic subgroup of G defined
by c. Finally Gc denotes the connected complex ad0oint group of ~c"

The class ~ is now defined as follows. A group G is said to belong to

the class ~ (Ge ~) if

(i) G is a real Lie group and its Lie algebra ~ is reductive

(i) (ii) [G :G °] is finite
(iii) Ad(a) ~ Gc
(iv) center(G1) is finite
We note that if G is a connected real s.s. Lie group, Gc~ if and only if it has
finite center. From (iii) we see that

(2) Ad(x) l c = id (x ~ G)

Proposition 1: (i) G(i)[N (liiin)~G(1)X ...XO(n) cz; if Gc]J and A is

any abelian Lie group with [A :A °] finite~ GxAc ~ (ii) G c ~ H ~ ~ for any
subgroup H with G°CHCG (iii) if G s ~, H a closed normal subgroup of G
and Ad(H)Canalytic subgroup of G c defined by be ( ~ = L i e algebra of H), then
G/Hc~ (iv) G ~ A d ( G ) ~ ; and if H is the normaliser of ~ in Gc, then
H£ M and H ° = A d ( G ° ) = A d ( G ) °.

Elementary; the finiteness of [H : H ° ] in (iv) follows from the fact that H

is an algebraic set in GL(z ) (el. Whitney [i]).

Proposition 2: Let ~ c GL(n,C) be a complex algebraic group, connected

in the Zariski topology. Let ~ be its Lie algebra, and let ~ be a real form of
~. Suppose G is a subgroup of ~ closed in the usual topology such that [G : G ° ]
is finite and ~ is the Lie algebra of G (when G is considered as a real Lie
group). If ~ is reductive, then G is of class ~. In particular, if ~ is de-
fined over ~, and if G ~ = ~ n GL(nj ~), then G~ is of class ~.

Using (det) -I as an additional coordinate and changing n to n +i, we may

assume that ~ c SL(n,C). Let Gc be the connected complex adjoint group of ~. The
Zariski-connectednes~ of ~ implies its oormectedness in the usual topology, so that
A d ( ~ ) c G c. Let ~i (resp. GI) be the analytic subgroup of ~ (resp. G) defined
by [~,~] (resp. [%~]). ~i is a complex s.s. matrix group and so has finite
center. So, since center(Gl) Ccenter(~l) , we see that center(Gl) is finite. So
G ~ ~. Suppose now that ~ is defined over ~. If ~ is complex conjugation in the
matrix algebra Mn(C), then ~ is stable under ~; and as G~= ~Mn(~), G~ is
the set of points of ~ fixed by ~. ~ operates on ~ and if ~ is the ~-Lie
algebra c ~ defined by G ~ it is clear that ~ is the set of fixed points for
and so is a real form of ~. As [G~ :G~] is finite by Whitney's theorem, we are

2. The exponential map

In this n° we make a few elementary remarks on the exponential map. The

proofs follow from the results of Chapter 2, Varadarajan [i ]; as the details in-
volved in these arguments are elementary, we omit them.

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over II or C; for brevity we put

m = ~l (V), M = GL(V), and write exp(m~M) for the usual matrix exponential. An
elementary argument using the characteristic polynomials of matrices shows that if E
is any closed (resp. open) subset of C, the set of all X ~m such that all eigen-
values of X lie in E is closed (resp. open) in m. For any a>0, we write

(3) m[a] = {x =xcm, lm~l < a Veigenvalues ~ of X].

By the above remark, m[a] is open in m. As it is starlike at O, it is connected.

Proposition 5: Let M[a]=exp m[a]. Then M[a] is connected in M and is open

in M for O<a<~; exp is an analytic diffeomorphism of m[~] onto M[~], and
for any closed set Bcm[b] with O<b<~, expB is a closed subset of M. In
particular~ if 0<b<a<~j C~(M[b])~M[a].

Proposition 4: Let notation be as above. Then for any Xcm[~], expX is

semisimple (resp. unipotent) if and only if X is semisimple (re sp. nilpotent). For

any X c m[v]~ the invariant subspaces of X and expX are the same; and for any
h c C, the eigensubspace of X
for the eigenvalue h is the same as the e~gensub-
space of expX for the eigenvalue e .

Propositions 3 and 4 lead at once to

Proposition 5: Let B be a Lie group over ~ or C; b~ its Lie algebra;

exp(b ~B), the exponential map. For any a >0~ let

(4) b[a]= {X : X e b, llmh I < a V e i g e n v a l u e s h of adX], B[a]=exp b[a].

Then~ for 0 < a~, B[a] is a connected open subset of B~ invariant under all the
inner automorphisms of B, and containing i; exp(b[a] - B[a]) is analytic and has
bijective differential; if a= center(b) and F is the discrete subgroup of a on
which exp is the identity~ then b[a]= a+b[a], exp(b[a]~B[a]) is a covering
map~ and for any X , X ' c b[a]~ expX=expX'4~X-X'eF.

COROLLARY 6: Suppose b is reductive. For any open neighborhood ~ of 0

in ~ and any a>0~ let

(5) b[~,a] = ~ + (~b)[a], B[~,a] = exp b[~,a].

Then, for a~ and sufficiently small ~ exp( b[~,a ] ~ B[~,a ]) is an analytic

diffeomorphism. If further B c Z, then for sufficiently small and O<a<~,
exp E is closed in B for any E closed in b[~,a].

COROLLARY 7: Suppose b is semisimple, X c b[~]. Then X is s.s. (resp.

nilpotent) if and only if Ad(exp X) is s.s. (resp. unipotent). The exponential
map b - B is one-one on the set of all nilpotents of b; and more generally, on
b[~]; if S is a closed regular analytic submanifold of b[m], exp S is a closed
regul~r analytic submanifold of B, and exp(S ~ exp S) is an analytic diffeo-

5. Maximal compact subgroups

Let G c ~. By a Cartan involution of G we mean an involutive automorphism

of G whose set of fixed points is a maximal compact subgroup of G; it induces
an involutive automorphism of G which we denote by the same letter; if @ is
the involution, we have Ad 8(x) = 9 ° Ad(x) ° 8-1 (x c G). Furthermore, we have the
direct sum ~ = T + D where T (resp. p) is the subspace of all X e ~ such that
@(X)=X (resp. e(X)=-X); it is called the Caftan decomposition of ~ associated
with e. We shall now extend to the groups of class ~ the well known theory of
Caftan involutions and maximal compact subgroups of connected semisimple gr.oups
having finite centers. First we show


Pro2osition 8. Let GcZ. Then GI is closed in G. If C=ker(Ad),

[C :C 0] is finite and C N G ° = center(Gl) • C °.

We may assume that G = G° in this proof; C is then the center of G° • Since

~=~i+¢, we have G=GIC°. As center(Gl) is finite, the natural map G I X C ° ~ G
is a surjective morphism with finite kernel~ hence maps closed sets onto closed
sets • So GI, as the image of G I X [ I ] ~ is closed in G. C = (C n GI) • C ° =
center(Gl) • C ° , showing that [C : C ° ] is finite.

Next, we consider the case when C = [i], i.e., G~G and c=O.
Proposition 9- Let G ~ G c , c=O. Then any compact subgroup of G is contained in
a maximal one, and all maximal ones are conjugate. For any maximal compact subgroup
K of G, K°=KNG°~ and K° is a maximal compact subgroup of GO; the corre-
spondence K~K ° is a bijection. The correspondence which assigns to any Cartan
involution the maximal compact subgroup consisting of its fixed points is also a bi-
jection. Let 8 be a Caftan involution of G and ~ = ! + P the associated Cartan
decomposition; let u = T + (-I)2D and U = exp u. Then U is a compact form of G ¢
and K= uN G is the maximal compact group coming from e. Finally~ the map
(u,Y) ~ u exp Y (u e K,Y e D) is an analytic diffeomorphism of KX ~ onto G.

Here we have c = O. We start with a Cartan involution M of G°

and define
= ~+ D to be the corresponding Cartan decomposition. Let u = ~ + (-i)2~, U = exp u.
Then U
is well known to be a maxima& compact subgroup of G c and is in fact a
compact form of G c. If q= (-l)2u, then ~c = u + q is the associated Caftan de-
composition of ~c' the Cartan involution being q0c ( X + Y ~ X-Y (XeU,Yc q) on
~c' and u e x p ~ u e ~ ( - Y ) ( u ~ U , Y ~ q ) on ae). Define K=una. K is c Z e ~ l y
compact and K° = KA G° is the analytic subgroup defined by ~. Suppose x eG and
x=uexpY (ucU,Y~q). As ~ is q)c-stable and and as Admc(X)=
(Pc o A d x o <p:l A d ~ c ( x ) normalizes ~. Hence exp2Y= ~0c(x'l)Mc(X ) nor~lizes ~.
Since all eigenvsAues of adY are real, adY normalizes [ (Proposition 4), so
that Y [ [; thus showing Y c 9 and u c K. We may now eonclttde that (u,Y) ~ u exp Y
is an analytic diffeomrophism of KX 9 onto O. This implies as Usual that K is
a maximal compact subgroQp of G; if M : £0ciG (ge obviously leaves G invamia~t);
then <p(uexpY)=uexp(-Y) (u[K,Y{ D)~ and M is a Cartan involution of G that
gives rise to K. As G/K~G°/K°~ the same fixed point argument on the symmetric
space G°/K ° as is used in the connected ease now shows that any compact subgroup
of G is conjugate to a subgroup of K~ and even to K if it is maximal to start
with. To complete the proof, we need only verify that K is the unique maximal
compact subgroup of G containing K °. Suppose L is a compact subgroup of G
containing K °. For dimension reasons~ L°= K° and so L normalizes [ and ~
hence u. BUt the decomposition G = U exp q shows (via Proposition 4) easily
that U is the normaAizer of u in Oe. So LmU, i.e., LmK.


We now proceed to extend these results to an arbitrary group from #. We need

a lemma.

LEMMA i0. Let H be a Lie group and V a closed vector group (= Lie group
isomorphic to the additive group of a real finite dimensional vector space) lying in
the center of H. If H/V is compact, then H has a (unique) r~rmal compact subgroup L
that contains every compact subgroup, and H ~ L x V.

~his is well known and is proved by an elementary cohomology argument. Let

~ = H/V and x~ the natural map from H to ~. From the existence of local sec-
tions for ~ we deduce the existence of a Borel measurable map ~(~-H) with ~(~) =
i inverting the canonical projection x~, such that 7(~) is contained in a com-
pact subset of H. Put Cl(~,~ ) = 7 ( x ) y ( y ) 7 ( x y ) -1 and c(~,~) =log Cl(~,~ ) where
log is an isomorphism of V with the additive group of a real finite dimensional
vector space, c is a 2-cecycle and if we write a(~) = f~ c(~,~)d~, then the rela-
tion c ( ~ , ~ ) +c(~,[) = c ( ~ , [) +c(~,~) gives, on integrating with respect to ~,
c(~,~)=a(~)+a(~)-a(~); here d~ is the Haar measure with ~ d~=l. If
a l ( ~ ) c V is such that log a l ( ~ ) : a(~), and i f #(~) = T ( ~ ) a l ( ~ i , then # also
inverts the map x~ ~ and is in addition a homomorphism. Being measurable, it is
continuous by general theorems, and so L = #(~) is a compact subgroup such that
LnV= [i], H = L V . As V is central, H~LXV. If M is a compact subgroup of H~
the image of M in H / L ~ V is trivial and so MCL.

We now define~ for any Lie group A over ~, X(A) to be the multiplicative
group of all continuous hemomorphisms of A into ~x; for [ s X(A); write
I ~ l ( x ) = I~(x)l ( x ~ A ) . Put

(6) °A= A ker(/~l).

Let now G e ~. We select a maximal compact subgroup L of Ad(G) and write 8
for the corresponding Cartam involution of Ad(G). Put H=Ad-l(L). If C=ker(Ad),
o o
L~H/C. As C/C O is finite, H/C ° is compact. Furthermore C°~CIXC2 where CI
is a compact torus and C2 is a vector group. So H/C is compact. By Lemma i0
H has a unique maxims& compact subgroup K and H~KxC o
2. Clearly Co
2 is a maxi-
ms& closed vector group lying in C and it can be a~y such in the above reasoning.
If E is a compact subgroup of G, ~ y cG such that Ad(y)Ad(E)Ad(y -I) C L . So
yEy-!CH, ~ y B y - I c K ; if E contains K, Ad(E) DL, ~ A d ( E ) = L , ~ECH~E=K. So
any compact subgroup of G is contained in a maximal one, s3_1 maximal ones are con-
jugate, and K is maxims&.

Proposition ]i. ° G = KG I. If V is any maximal closed vector group lying in

C~ G~°Gx V.


Since GI is normal in G, KG I is a subgroup, and it is closed as GI is closed.

Obviou sly KG 1 C °G. Let e1 be the Cartan involution of Ad(G) corresponding
to Ad(K) and ~i = ~i + ~ the corresponding Caftan decomposition. Then Ad(G) =
Ad(K)Ad(exp pl ) so that G = H exp (~i). Let V be as in the Proposition and ~ its
Lie algebra. Then VCH and H~KxV so that G=Kexp(~l)V. As K ~ G l i S compact and
~, the maximal compact subgroup of G I corresponding to II,G=KGIV, Kexp ~i = KGI"
Now KG I N V= [i]. In fact, if Ycb, X c ~I' k c K and k e x p X = e x p Y ,
Ad(k)Ad(expX) =i, which gives, in view of the topological isomorphism Ad(G)
Ad(K)xexp(pl) , X=0, so that k=expY; as H ~KxV, and as exp(~-V) is an
isomorphism, we have k = i, Y = 0. So G ~ (KGI)x V. This gives easily the conclu-
sion ° G = K G I.

Maximal closed vector subgroups of C are called s~lit components of G.

It follows from the above that G = K exp p where D= ~ + ~. The same argument
as in the classical connected semisimple case now shows that the map (u,Y)~uexp Y
of K× ~ onto G has everywhere a bijective differential; that it is one-one follc~
from Proposition 9 and Lemma i0. Moreover, the same propositions show that K is
the unique maximal compact subgroup of G containing Kl=exp(11) , that KI=K~GI;
and further that once D is fixed, the Caftan involution fixing K and equaling
-id on b is also unique, being the one that sends uexp Y to uexp(-Y), u c K,
Y c p. ~hese conclusions may be grouped in the following theorems.

THEOREM 12. Let G c ~. Then every compact subgroup of G is contained in a

maximal one. THe maximal ones are all conjugate. Given a maximal compact subgroup
K of G, K n GI is a maximal compact subgroup of GI, and K~KnG I is a bi-

THEOR}~4 i~. If V is any split component of G, G~°GxV. Let K be a max-

imal compact subgroup and ~ the Lie algebra of V. Then there is a unique Cartan
involution ~ such that K is the set of fixed points of ~ on G and e=-id
on ~. For the corresponding decomposition of ~, we have ~= ! + p with p= ~ i + ~ ,
I= ~ l + ( ¢ n ~), c = ( c n ~)+b, all sums being direct; here ~i= ~l+Pl is the Caftan
decomposition coming from the maximal compact subgroup K n GI of GI.

Let K, p be as above.

THEOREM 14. ° G = KG I. In particular K meets all connected components of G.

Moreover, (u,Y)~uexpY (u~K, Y ~ p) is an analytic diffeomorphism of K×~ onto G.

As a consequence of these theorems we get

Proposition 15 . G = °G if and o~ly if G° has a compact center. In this case,

the natural correspondence: Cartan involution ~ maximalccmpact subgroup: is bijective.
For an arbitrary G c Z, °G { Z, and °(°G) = °G.


If 21= TI + Pl is a Cartan decomposition of 91 , the Killing form is G-

invariant, negative definite on Ii' and positive definite on PI" Moreover, Ii
and ~ are orthogonal under it. From this, on noting that G acts trivially on
c; we get

THEOREM 16. Let G c ~. Fix a Cartan involution e of G and denote by K

the corresponding maximal compact subgroup. Let ~= ~+ ~ be the Caftan decomposi-
tion induced by e. Then 3 a G-invariant bilinear form ]B : 9 × ~ ~ IR which is
symmetric and nondegenerate and has the following properties : (i) ! and D are
orthogonal (ii) $~ and c are orthogonaJL (iii) the quadratic form of ]B is
negative definite on I and positive definite on ~. In particular, if

(7) 11XI12 ~ - ~(X, eX), (X,Y) = - ~(X,eY) (X,Yc 9)

then (., .) is a positive definite scalar product for 9 X ~.

The above Hilbert space structure extends to one on 9c. We often refer to it
as the Hilbertian structure corresponding to ~ and IB.

4. Re6u_lar elements. Cartan subgroups.

Let G~. By Propositions ~ and 4, if X c ~c[Tr] is regular, then Ad(exp X)

is semisimple and its centralizer is the same as the centralizer of X, namely, a
CSA. So, if t is an indeterminate, n=dim(9), ~=rank(~), then

d e t ( l - y - l + t ) : c 0 ( Y ) + c l ( Y ) t + -.. + Cn(Y)tn (yc Gc)

where the cj are holomorphic functions~ cj(expX):0 (j < ~) and c~(expX){0.

So c.=0 on G for j < ~ and c~/O. It follows from this that there is an
j c
analytic function DG= D on G with the following properties: (i) D is not
identically zero on G° (ii) D is invariant under all amtomorphisms of G (iii)
for all xeG,

(8) det(Z - Ad(x -l) +t) = t~D(x) + -.-

D is called the discriminant of G, and ~, the rank of G (rk(G)). x eG is

called regular if D(x) ~ 0; G' denotes the set of aJLl regular points of G. It is
an open subset of G invariant under all the automorphisms of G; if x e G,
DG(X) = D%(Ad(x)).
By a Cartan subgroup (CSG) of G we mean the centralizer in G of a CSA of
9- Let ~c~ be a CSA and H the corresponding CSG. Let A be the set of
roots of (gc,~e) and ~ ((zeA) the root spaces. Then the ~c~ are stable under
Ad(H) and so there are continuous homomorphisms ~ (H ~ cX), the so-called global
roots~ such that


(9) h. x= ¢~(h)X (hcH, (~A, X~)


(i0) ~ +p ~i= ~'-O~ (O~ ~ A)

These remarks show that for h c H; Ad(h) is semisimple and h is regular if and
only if ~(z(h)~l for every ~eA~ i.e.~ if and only if is the centralizer of
h; moreover

(ll) DG(h) = ~o(h -1) = n (1 - t ~ , ( h ) ) (h ~ H)

We shall see in the next section that if x cG is regular, then x lies in a CSG
and that G' is dense in G. Hence

(12) a' = (G') -1, DG(X)=:%(x -1) (x~a)

Although the CSG's of G are not in general conjugate, we shall see tha~ the corn-
compact ones are (if these exist). Since a split component lies in every CSG, it is
is clear that unless G = °G, there will not exist any compact CSG.

Let K be a maximal compact subgroup of G; 8, the corresponding Cartan involu-

tion of G; and Z = I + ~ the Cartan decomposition. If G=°G, we have C C K , col,
and ~i = ~i + p (~I = I ~ Zi ) is the Cartan decomposition of ~I corresponding to

eI = el%.
Suppose G has a compact CSG. As it can be embedded in a maximal compact sub-
group, it is conjugate to a C S G C K , i.e.~ r e ( ~ ) = r k ( T ) . Conversely, let rk(~) =
rk(1) and b c l a CSA. Let BeG be the corresponding CSG. If x c B and x = u e x p Y
with u e K , Y e p, then 8(x-!)xeB, ~ e x # 2Y centralizes b ~ [ Y , b ] = 0 = ~ Y c b . So
Y=0, i.e., x c K . We assert further that Ad(B) is a maximal torus of Ad(K) °. To
see this we ma~ work with Ad(G) instead of G. So we shall assume that G C G c, c= 0.
Let u = ! + (-l)Np and U the analytic subgroup of G c defined by u. Then U is com-
pact, eomnected~ semisimple; moreover, b is a CSA of u, so that the C S G T of U
corresponding to b is connected. Hence T = exp b C K °, hence T c B . On the other
hand, as K c U , BeT. So B = T. Finally, if G is connected, so is K, so that B is
a maximal torUs of K. We thus get

THEOP~ 17. Let G e # and G = ° G . Then G has a compact CSG if and only if
rk(~)=rk(~); in this case, all compact CSG's are conjugate and there are such
CK, these being the ones with C S A ' s C !. ~arther, if B C K is a CSG, Ad(B) is
connected and is a maximal torus of Ad(K) °. In particular B = CB °. Finally, if G
is connected, the CSG's of G contained in K are the maximal tori of K and are all


For the conjugacy of compact CSG's we use I, Corollary 10.17. See also
Harish-Chandra [ ii ], Mostow [ i ].

Let B C K CG, B being a CSG of G. We denote by B the normaliser of B

in G; it is also the normaliser of b in G. We denote by W(G,B) the quotient
group B/B. If xcB and if we write x=uexpX with u e K , Xc p, then e x p 2 X =
0(x-l)x normalises b, from which we conclude as usual that [X,b]cb. This gives
X = 0. So BCK and W(G,B) is finite. We can identify W(G,B) in a natural
manner with a subgroup of the complex Weyl group W(bc).

Proposition 18. We have G =BG °. If ~ = G°C where C = ker(Ad), then we

have the canonical identification G/G2W(G,B)/W(G°,B°). In particular, if Yi
(i ~ i ~r) are a complete set of representatives for G/~ and all Yi c B, then
the images of the Yi in W(G,B) form a complete set of representatives for
w(a, B)/W(a°, B°).

We have G = K G °. If ycK, then by is also a CSA of ~, and so 3

zeK c such that bY= bz. So z-lycB, proving G = B G °. For any ycB let
w(y) be its image in W(G,B). If xeG and x=yx where xeG, ye~, it is
easily seen that w(y)W(G°,B °) depends only on x~; the map x ~ w ( y ) W ( G ° , B °)
gives the required isomorphism G/~W(C,B)/W(G°,B°).

We remark finally that in general K is itself not of class G. The follow-

ing proposition describes what is needed for our purposes (cf. Section 2.5, supra):

Proposition 19 . Let BCK cG be a CSG. Then BcCG ° and KnCG ° is the

largest subgroup of K of class M having T for its Lie algebra. Moreover

(l~) K n ca ° =f°[B]= K[~], (CG°)ell : G[~]= G°[B]

where (CG°)ell is the set of elliptic points of CG °, i.e., (CG°)ell = (CG°)


Let K0 be the set of all kcK such that Ad(k)IT lies in the complex ad-
joint group Kc of !c" It is then clear that K0 is the largest subgroup of K of
class ~ having ~ for its Lie algebra. Since K ° C K 0 and Ad(B) is contained in
Ad(K°), we see that B C K 0. Hence K ° [ B ] C K 0. If u c K 0, Ad(u)l! lies in K c.
Hence its centralizer in ! contains a CSA bI of ~ which is conjugate to b via K°.
So u e K°[B]. So K0= K°[B]. Since any element of K ° is conjugate to one in B,
we see that

(14) K = f ° [ B ] = B K ° = C K °.
Certainly K o C ( C G ° ) n K . Since G ° ~ K ° × e x p ~ it is clear that ( C G ° ) A K = C K °
Hence we have the first relation in (13). Since CG ° is a normal subgroup of G, we


see that both G[B] and G°[B] are in (CG°)ell • If x e (CG°)ell , Ad(x) c
(Ad(O°))ell so that Ad(x) is conjugate via Ad(G °) to an element of Ad(BC).
Thus xcG°[B].

2. Orbit structure in G

G will denote a fixed group of class ~; ~ its Lie algebra; ~c(~ ~), the com-
plexification of ~; G c, the connected complex adjoint group of ~c; ¢, the center of
~. For a,b~G, we write b [ a ] = b a b -I, and on occasion write ab for b[a]-, for sub-
sets A , B C G , we write B[A] or A B for the set of all elements b[a] with a c A , boB.
The aim of this section is to study some of the geometric aspects of the action
(b,a) ~ b [ a ] of G on itself. Our discussion will be quite elementary; for systemat-
ic results, in an algebraic geometric setting, see Steinberg [i], Borel et al. [i].
By the invariance of some object (function, distribution, set, etc.) naturally
associated with G we mean invariance under this action. The main results are
Theorems 18, 32, 33, and their corollaries. As in the case of the Lie algebra these
enable us to use the method of descent in a systematic manner. In n°5 we shall
make a closer study of the invariant neighborhoods of an elliptic point of G, and
prove the existence of slices (for the action of G) through such a point that are
substantially larger than those through an arbitrary s .s. point; this result
(Theorem 32) will be of crucial importance in the theory of the discrete series.

i. Jordan d e c o ~ o s i t i o n
Let x e G; x is called semisimple (s.s.) if Ad(x) is a semisimple endomorphism
of ~, and unipotent if x = e x p X for a nilpotent X e ~ (i.e., X ~ [~,~] and a d X is nil~
potent); X is then uniquely determined by x (Corollary 1.7), and we write X = log x.
The following proposition is immediate.

Proposition i. The map X ~ e x p X is a homeomorphism of the set of nilpotents of

onto the set of unipotents of G; it commutes with the actions of G. In particular,
y e G commutes with a unipotent x c G if and only if y (i.e., Ad(y)) centralizes
log x. The unipotent elements of G, G ° , and G I = [G°,G ° ] are all identical.

Proposition 2. Given x e G we can write X = X s X n where (i) X s e G is s.s. and

x u e G is unipotent (ii) x s and x u commute. Such a decomposition of x is unique, x s
fixes log Xu, and x s and x u commute with every element of G that commutes with x.
This depends on

LEMMA 2" Let A be any finite dimensional algebra, not necessarily associative,
over a field of characteristic 0, and let ~ be an automorphism of A. Then the s.s.
and unipotent components ~s and ~u of ~ (considered as an automorphism of the vector-
space ~ that underlies A) are themselves automorphisms of A; and log ~u is a nil-
potent derivation of A.
This is well known and we merely sketch the argument. The multiplication A × A
~ of A can be canonically identified with an element ~ e B = ~ ® ~ ®~ (~ is the
dual of ~); if we write~ for any 8/itomorphism (resp. endomorphism) h (resp. L)


of ~, ~ (resp. L °) for the restriction to B of the automorphism (resp. deriv-

ation) of the tensor algebra over ~ induced by ~ (resp. L), then Z is an auto-
morphism of A (resp. L is a derivation of A) if and only if ~(b) = b (resp.
L°(~) = 0). As ~(b)= b implies ~s(b)= ~ and ~ u ( b ) = ~, the first assertion is
clear. Let L= log~u so that ~u = e x p L (L is of course nilpotent). Then ~u =
exp L ° and so ~u(b) = b implies L°(~) = 0, proving that L is a derivation of A.

To prove Proposition 2 we apply the above lemma with A= ~ and ~ = Ad(x).

Then ~ u = exp L where L is a nilpotent derivation of ~. Since ~ e Gc, ~ = id on
center(~), and so ~u=id there, giving L=0 on center(~). Hence L=adX for
a nilpotent X e [~,~]. , But then ~s e Ad(G) so that ~s = Ad(y) for some y e G.
This gives x = y7 e x p X for some 7 e ker(Ad), and we can take x s = yT, x u = expX.
The uniqueness of ad X follows from the uniqueness of Jordan decomposition in
GL(~), and leads to the uniqueness of X, since X e [~,~]. This in turn gives the
uniqueness of x and then x . The last assertion is an immediate consequence of
the uniqueness.

x = x s expX is called the Jordan decomposition of x; xs (resp. x u = expX)

is called the semisimple (resp. umipotent) component of x.

2. Connected complex semisimple groups

In this n L is a connected complex s.s. Lie group and L' is the set of
regular points of L. I is the Lie algebra of L.

Proposition 4. Let ~ be a CSA of I and H the corresponding CSG.

Then H is connected, = exp ~ and is abelian. More generally, if a is any sub-
set of ~, the centralizer of ~ in L is connected and is the (complex) analytic
subgroup of L defined by the centralizer of a in I.

This is just I~ Lemma i.i0.

Proposition 5- All CSG's of L are conjugate. For any CSGH, let H ' = L ' N
H. Then L ' = L [ H ' ] , H' and L' are connected, and all regular elements of L are s.s.

This is well known. The crucial fact is the relation L' = L[H'] and we
sketch its proof very briefly. Let ~ be the CSA defined by H and n
the nilpotent subalgebra of I spanned by the root vectors in some positive system
of roots of (I ,~). Let ~lq be the lq-linear subspace of ~ where all roots take
real values, Hlq=exp ~IR' and N = exp n. Then there is a maximal compact subgroup
K of L such that T=exp(-l) ~]R is a maximal torus of K, H=THIq , and
L = KNHIq is an !wasawa decomposition of L. We now have the following lemma.

LEMMA 6. If heH', then N[h]=hN=Nh. In particular, N[H']=H'N=

(~) n L'.


Assuming the lemma for the moment we shall prove the proposition• We have,
L[H']= ( ~ H m ) [ H ' ] = (~)[H']=K[(~) n L']. Since T. ~ K × N × H m topologically,
and H N = TH3RN= TNHI9 , HN is closed in L. So (HN) n L' is closed in L', prov-
ing, as K is compact, that L[H'] is closed in L'. On the other hand, consider
the map 9(b,h --b[h]) of LxH into L. Its differential is given by

(d¢)b,h(X,Y) = (Ad(b) o ~)(X,Y) (Xc I, Y~ 9)

where ~ is the linear map (X,Y) ~ ( ~ - I - x ) + Y of |×9 into I. So d~ is
surjective on L×H', proving that L[H' ] is open in L'. Now the discriminant
DL of L is a complex analytic function on the connected complex manifold L~ and
so the set where DL does not vanish is connected. L' is thus connected, and as
L[H'] is open and closed in it, L[H']=L' ~he assertions of Proposition 5 follow
easily from this.

It remains to prove the lemma. The argument is essentially the same as that
in I, Lemma 3.36. Fix heN'. Write n o = n , . . . , n r = [n,nr_l],... and choose m
such that nm+ I = 0. Put N r = exp n r. We shall prove by downward induction on r
that Nr[h]=hNr=Nrh Vr > 0; for r = 0 , this gives the lemma. Note that Ad(h)
normalizes ~ and (hence) all the mr, and Ad(h)-i is invertible on ~r for all
r. Since n [ h ] = h •h-l[n] . n - l e h N r , if neNr, we need only prove that hNr c
Nr[h]. For r=m+l, Nm+l= [i}, and the assertion is trivial. Assume now that
Ns[h]=hN s for s>r. We remark that if X I ..... X p , ~ , . • .,X'
P c nr and if Ej.Xj.--
T. X: (nod nr+l) , then

exp X j, ]] exp X'., exp F X j , exp ~ X '

J J J j J J
have the same image in Nr/Nr+ I (the products being taken in any order)i this is
immediate from the commutativity of Nr/Nr+ I and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formu-
la. This said, let X s nr . Then~ for Y c nr'

(1) (exp Y)eh expX] : h e x p ( ~ -1) exp(X) exp(-Y).

We now choose Y cn such that ~ - l _ Y = _ X and so~ by the remark made just now,
the right side of (i) lies i~ h ~ + I which i, < Nr+lEh]. H ~ c e he~X lies in
(exp(-y))[Nr+l[h] ] c N[h].

Proposition 7. Let x ~ L. Then x lies in a CSG if and only if x is s.s;

in this case, the centralizer of x in [ is reductive in ! and has the same
rank as I. If the CSG containing x is to be unique~ it is necessary and suffi-
cient that x be regular. Let x ~ L be s.s.; m, the centralizer of x in I; and
M the corresponding analytic subgroup of L; then M is closed and x c M.

The root space decomposition of I with respect to a CSG shows that all

elements of a CSG are s.s. Let x£L be s.s~ and m, the centralizer of x


in I. We claim that m contains a CSA of 1. To see this, let M be the ana-

lytic subgroup of L defined by m, and let ~ be the map (b,m) ,~ b[xm] of
L×M into L. Then (d$)b, m = A d ( b ) °~m where ~m is the linear map of I ×m

into I given by ~m(X,Y)=X(xm) " I - X + Y . Write q for the range of Ad(x - I ) - I . As

Ad(x) is semisimple, I is the direct sum of m and q, and so Ad(x -I) - i leaves
q stable and is invertible on it. This proves that (d~)l,l is surjective and
hence that for sufficiently small open neighborhoods A,B of i in L and M re-
spectively, A[xB] is an open neighborhood of x in L. Now, for any m e M, Ad(x~
leaves m and q stable since it commutes with Ad(x), and so, making B suffi-
ciently small, we may assume that Ad(xm) -I - i is invertible on q for all m e B.
Since A[xB] is open in L, it meets L'. 8o xB meets L' and so xm c L' for
some m e B. As Ad(xm) does not fix any nonzero vector in q, its centralizer must
be C m . So m contains a CSA~ of I, and x belongs to the corresponding CSG
H. As ~Cm, m has the same rank as I. If ~ is the set of roots of (I,~), and
Ax is the subset of all ~ c A with ~ ( x ) = l, then Ax has the following proper-
ties: (i) m is the direct sum of ~ and the root spaces I (~c gx) (ii)

~,~ Ax, ~ + ~ e A ~ ~+~c Ax (iii) A x = - A x . It is standard that these relations im-

ply that m is reductive. As c e n t e r ( m ) C ~ , ad Y is semisimple for Y c center(m).
Thus the adjoint representation of I, restricted to m, is completely reduc-
ible, i.e., m is reductive in I. Unless A is empty, i.e., x is regular, m
will contain more than one CSA, and x will lie in more than one CSG. Let x be
s.s. and H a CSG with CSA~ and xcH. As ~Cm and H is connected,
H~M. As M is the component of identity of the centraliser of x in L, M is
closed. This proves the last assertion.

COROLLARY 8. Let x e L. Then x e CZ(L[x]). If f is any continuous function

on L and f is invariant, f(x) = f(Xs).

Let x = x s expX be the Jordan decomposition of x, and m the centralizer of

x in I. Then X e m; moreover~ as m is reductive in I, the nilpotence of ad X
implies X c [m,m], i.e., X is a nilpotent of m. So, by Jacobson-Morozov, ~ a sequence
a in the analytic subgroup of L defined by m such that X a~ ~ 0 (n ~ ~). But
n an
then a n [ X ] = X s exp(X ) ~ x s. The second assertion is now trivial.

Proposition 9" Let ~L) be the set of characters of the irreducible complex
analytic representations of L. For x ¢ L, let

(2) v(x) = {y : y ~ , {(y)= {(x) V ~ ( z ) ] .

Then V(x) = V(Xs) and V(x) splits as a union of finitely many L-orbits. Of these,
L[x s ] is the unique closed one and consists of all the semisimple elements in V(x);
and V(x) is the set of all yeL such that Ys is conjugate to x s.


By Corollary 8, ~(x)=E(Xs)V~c~(L). So V(x)= V(Xs). Fix x and let H

be a CSG containing x . Write F for the linear span of the set of all complex
analytic homomorphisms of H into Cx, W for the Weyl group of (L,H), and FW
for the subspace of W-invariant elements of F. We know from representation theory
that FW is precisely the set of all restrictions to H of the elements of ~(L).
Suppose now y is a semisimple element in V(x), and y' an element of H con-
jugate to y. Then f(y')=f(Xs) for all f c F W. An elementary(
~ argument based on
the fact that H is complex analytically isomorphic to Cx ~ j (~= rank of l) shows
now that y'cW.x s. Hence y ' ~ L [ X s ]' proving that L[Xs] consists of all the
semisimple elements of V(x). Moreover, if z ~ L,

(3) z ~ v(x) <=¢~(~s) = ~(x s) V z ~ ~(z) ¢ = ~ s c V(Xs) <==> z s ~ L [ X s ] .

If m is the centralizer of xs in [ and YI,...,Yr is a complete system of re-

presentatives of the nilpotent orbits of m under its adjoint group~ it is immediate
from (3) that every element of V(x) is conjugate to some x s exp(Yj). So V(x)/L
is finite. By Corollary 8, a nonsemisimple orbit cannot be closed. To complete
the proof, it is enough to prove that V(x) always contains a closed orbit. In
fact, by a Baire category argument, as V(x)/L is finite, V(x) contains an orbit open
in it; replacing V(x) by the complement in V(x) of this orbit, we argue in
succession to get a decomposition V(x) : 0I U . - - U O m where the 0i are orbits,
0i D O i + I U .-.NO m is closed and contains 0i as an open s u b s e % for l<i<m. In
particular~ 0 is closed.

COROLLARY i0. All semisimple orbits are closed. There are no other closed
orbits. If x ~L and LX is the centralizer of x in L, L[x ] is a regular
locally closed analytic submanifold of L, and the natural map of L/L x onto L[x]
is an analytic diffeomorphism.

This is clear once we establish that L[x] is locally closed. If L[x]= Oi,
then it is open in 0iUOi+ IN ---UO m which is closed.

Fix now a s.s x ~ L, and a CSG H containing x. Let ~ be the correspond-

ing CSA, and W, the Weyl group of (L,H). Let m be the centralizer of x in
[ and M, the analytic subgroup of L defined by m; let ~ = center(m). M is
closed and x c HCM (Proposition 7). In particularj M centralizes q, and we

(4) Ad(m)l~ = id (meM), Ad(x)l~ = id.

For ~]R with 0<T<~ and any open neighborhood 7 of 0 in ~ we write

(of. I, Le~mna 1.18)


i m3,,T= 3' + (~)(T), ~3,,~ = ~3 n m, T

I H 3,,T = xexp ~{,T' M 3,,T = X exp my, T, 7,T
= L[M y,T ]

Finally, let Lx be the centralizer of x in L~ and Wx, the centralizer of

in W.

Since complex semisimple groups are affine algebraic, Lx/M is finite. Now Lx
operates on ~ m and ~; the (~m) (T) are obviously stable under Lx. On the
other hand, M acts trivially on ~ by (4) and s % by the finiteness of Lx/M,
there are Lx-Stable % and in fact such y form a basis of neighborhoods of 0 in
~. If 3, is Lx-Stable , m is L -stable and hence so is M . Note that m
~,T x 3,,T 3,,T
is open in m and M is open in M. We also remark that for y e M, the Jordan
decompositions of y with respect to M and L coincide; indeed, if Y = Ys expX
is the Jordan decomposition of y in L, then Ys e M~ X e m, and X is forced to
be in ~ m (cf. the argument in Corollary 8). Finally, as W is a finite group
Operating on H, we can choose 3, and T so small that the following is satisfie~

(6) Hy,T is W-stable

; x fEW, (t • Hy,T) n H % T { ~ ~ t E Wx "

On the other hand, let q be the range of Ad(x -I)-I. As x is s.s., I is

the direct sum of m and q, Ad(x -I) -i leaves q stable and is invertible there,
and for any m e M, Ad(m) leaves m and q stable. Let

(7) "M = { m ; M e M , det((Ad(m-l)-l[q) ~ 0].

Then "M is an L -stable open subset of M containing x. In particular~ the set

of all Yem for which xexp Y e ' M is an L -stable open set in m containing 0
and so, by I; Lemma 1.18, it will contain m provided y and y are sufficient-
ly small.

Suppose that 7 and T satisfy

(8) m c I(7), M C'M.


By Corollary 1.7 this means that exp is o n e - o n e on mq/,T. Also, as I(~) 0 m is

an invariant open neighborhood of 0 in m, (8) is satisfied if y and w are
sufficiently small. We now claim that

I For ycM; yeM eM

T,T <==~Ys y,T <=~Ys e M[H~,T ]
I For ycL, yeL {=~YseL

In fact, let ycM, y=YseXpX its Jordan decomposition~ so that YsEM, Xe~m,


and xYS=x. Suppose YsCM[H T]. Then Ys=XexpY ' where Y'cmT, T. Since u =
expX commutes with Ys and x, it does so with expY' , and hence expY' =
expY 'u. As y, y,U c (8) ~ y,=y,U As X is nilpotent, this gives [X,Y']:
' mT;T~
0, so that y = x exp(Y'+ X) and Y'+ X e mT, T, proving y e MT, T. If y e MT, T,
write y = x e x p Y, Y s m and let Y= Y + Y be the Jordan decomposition of Y in
T,T S n
m (or I). It is obvious that Ys = x e x p Ys' and as YsCM[~T,T] , Y s C M [ H ,T]. This
proves the first relation in (9). For the second relation, ~follows from the
first. To prove <----,let Us assume, as we may, that y cL and Ys e M . If
Y=YseXpX is the Jordan decomposition of y, Xy s = X , ~ X c m since Ys s'M
yeM, ~ycMT, T, by the first relation.

Let us now fix T,r such that (i) T is L -stable (ii) H satisfies (6),
x T,T
(iii) M C "M (iv) m satisfies (8). ~ arbitrarily small T,T with these
T, T 7, T

Proposition ii. Let T and T be fixed as above. Then we have the following.
(i) The natural map L×M ~ L is a submersion; L is open in L; for
any open M I C MT, T, L [ ~ ] is open in L.
(ii) If yeL and y[MT, T] n MT, T { ~, then y e L x-
(iii) If TI > 0 and TI is an open neighborhood of 0 in T such that T I < T
and C~(TI ) C T, then for an ~ MTI,~I, b n e L such that [bn[an] ] is a bounded

sequence in L (i.e., one whose members lie in some fixed compact set), [bn[X]] is
bounded in L.

The usual differential calculation gives (i) because L×'M is precisely the
set where the natural map L×M ~ L is submersive.

Let us now prove (ii). For brevity, write ~=MT,T, ~=LT,~, ~ = H T , T" Let
Zl,Z 2 C M , y c L be such that y[Zl]= z 2. In view of (9) we may assume that zI and z 2
are s.s. If mj is the CentrsAizer of zj in I~ mj is the direct sum of m j ~ m and m j ~ q
since z.0 leaves m and q invariant; and as zj ~ M , mjn q=0 (j=1,2). Thus ml,m2Cm,
and y[m l ] = m 2. Let ~ be a CSG of L containing Zl, and write H 2=y[Nl], so that H 2
is a CSG containing z 2. As m j C m , we must have H j C M . If zi is regular in L and is
an element of ~ arbitrarily close to Zl, then zlc~; for the same reason, z~=y[z~] e ~
also. Replacing zj by zj if necessary, we may (and do) assume that zI and z 2 are
regular. So, using (9), we can find ml,m 2~ M such that xl = m l [ z l ] s ~ , x2 =
mf[z 2] s ~. Let m = m2Ym~l. Then m[xl]= x2, and so, as xI and x2 are regular
elements in the CSGH, m leaves the CSA ~ invariant. Thus m[H] = H and so m
induces on H an element w of the Weyl group W. But w • H n H ~ ~. Hence, by
(6), w o w x. This means that m[x]=x. As mI and m2 are in M, mj[x]=x and
so y[x]=x, thus proving (ii).

It remains to prove (iii). We need a lemma.


LEMMA 12. Let A be a subset of H. Suppose each member of ~(L) is bounded

on A. Then CZ(A) is compact.

We use the notation of Proposition 9 and its proof. By our assumption, ~ is

bounded on A V<c~(L). So f is bounded on A for all f e F W. Now F and FW
are algebras and F is integral over F W. If g eF and fl,...,fNe F W are such
that gN+flgN-l+ ... + f N : 0 ' then, for any h c H , Ig(h) l ~ i + Ifl(h) l + ...+ IfN(h) l.
So g is bounded on A for each g e F. All complex characters of H are thus bounded
on A and this implies easily that A has compact closure in H.

This done, we return to the proof of (iii). Approximating an arbitrarily

closely by elements regular in M we may assume that the an are s.s. So by (9),
we have a n = z n [ h n] where h eH , z cM. It is enough to prove (iii) assuming
n 7 ,T_ n
that bn[a n] ~ c for some c £L. iSo± ~(hn) ~ ~(c) V < 6 ~ ( L ) and so, by Lemma 12,
the h are in a fixed compact subset of H. We may clearly assume that h ~ h
n n
for some h c H ; h ~ C~(H, T I ) T I c HT, T" As ~(h)=[(c)~/[ 6~(L), Proposition 9 shows

that the s.s. component cs of c is conjugate to h (in L), say h = t [ c s] for

some t ~L. If c=c sexpX is the Jordan decomposition of c and X ' = X t, we have
X 'h=X' and so, as hc H c "M, we must have X'cm; by (9), hexpX'eM and
T,r T, T
so ccL . As b [a ] ~ c ~ L there is a compact subset E of L contain-
T,T n n T,T' T~
ing all the bn[a n ]; as the natural map L × M + L is submersive, we can (I,
T,r T,~
Lemma 1.12) find compact sets E1 c L and E2 c M such that E c El[E2]. Hence
~ b'CEl'n a'~E2n such that b ' [ a~~ ] = b n [ a n ] V n . n By (ii), we must have bn=b'Cn n for
some cn e L x V n . But then b n [ X ] = b ~,[ x ] C E_ l [ X ] V n and as El[X] is a compact
set, we are done.

3- Orbits in G: preliminaries

We return to G. Proposition 7 leads at once to

Proposition i~. The centralizer in G of a s.s. element of G is reductive

in ~, has the same rank as ~, and is its own normalizer in G. An element of G
is s.s. if and only if it belongs to some CSG, and it belongs to a unique CSG if
and only if it is regular. Regular elements are semisimple.

Proposition 14. Let x e G. ~hen x s e C£(G[x]). If f is any invariant con-

tinuous function on G, f(x) = f(Xs).

Same proof as Corollary 8.

From now on till the conclusion of the following n° we fix a s.s. element
x ~G and use the following notation. ~ is the centralizer of x in 9, Gx the
centralizer of x in G; j = center(8 ). Z is the subgroup of G defined by

(10) Z = ~y;y~, Ad(Y) l~ = id].


Note that G normalizes $~ and ~ so that Z is well-defined. It is clear

that G ° = Z ° = the analytic subgroup of G defined by ~ (which is thus closed in
G). Since x centralizes all of ~, x e Z. Moreover, we h a v e ,

Proposition 15 . Z belongs to ~; x lies in Z.

We shall verify that Z satisfies the conditions defining ~.

[Z : Z ° ] < ~ : We shall actually prove that [Gx : Z °] itself is <~. Write C

for ker(Ad). Then, as Ad(Z ° ) = ( A d ( G x ) ) ° , we h a v e

(ll) [~ : z° ] : [Ad(ax) : (Ad(G))°][C n ~ : c n z°].

If A is the group of all automorphisms of ~ that are trivial on center(~) and

commute with Ad(x), A is algebraic and so [A :A ° ] < ~. Since Ad(Gx)CA and
(Ad(Gx))°=A°, Ad(Gx)/(Ad(Gx)) ° is finite. Further, cOccnz ° so that
[C~Gx:C~Z °] ! [C :C ° ] < ~ by Proposition 1.8.

Adz(Z ) c Zc: Let Z c c GL(Sc) be the connected complex adjoint group of 8c ;

it is the restriction to ~c of the analytic subgroup U of Gc defined by
ad(Sc). For zc Z, we have Adz(Z ) =Ad(z)] . By definition of Z, Ad(Z) is con-
tained in the centralizer of ~ in Gc, which, being connected by Proposition 4~
is contained in U. So Adz(Z ) c UI8 c c Z . c

[center(Z!) : 1 ] < ~: Let ZI be the analytic subgroup of G defined by

[~,8], and let C(ZI) be its center. Ad(ZI) is a connected s.s. linear group
and so has finite center. Thus Ad(C(ZI) ) is finite. On the other hand, C(ZI) n
ker(Ad) = C(ZI) A C is also finite, because

c(zl) n c c z I n c o o I n c : C(al)

where GI is the ana&ytic subgroup defined by [~,~], and C(GI) is its center.

Let q be the range of Ad(x -I) -i; it is also the range of Ad(x)- i. 8 and
q are stable under G • Put

(12) ~x(z) = det(~- Ad(z -i) lq) (z c Z).

As Adz(Z ) c Zc, det(Ad(z) l~)=l for z eZ, while det(Ad(z))=l also. So

det(Ad(z) lq) = i for z ~ Z. As dim(B/d) is even, we have

(13) ~(z) =~x(z -I) :~(y~y-l) (y~,~ ~ z).


(14) "z = ~z : zc z,~x(z) # 0].

Clearly "Z is open,
G -stable, and contains x. qhe usual differential calcula-
tion shows that the natur~l map of G X Z into G is submersive precisely on G x ' Z .

ThUS, G['Z] is open in G and G[Z] is also open in G whenever ~ is an open

subset of "Z. As usual DZ and DG denote the discriminants of Z and G.

It is obvious that for y c Z, the Jordan decompositions of y with respect to

G and Z are the same. Furthermore, for zcZ and any indeterminate T~

det(1 - Ad(z -1)+T) : det(l - Ad(z -I) +T) l~)det(l - Ad(z -I) +T)[q).


(15) DGIZ = Dz " ~x

It is clear from (15) that for ze'Z~

(16) z is regular in G ¢=~z is regular in Z.

We also have

Proposition 16: G' is dense in G.

Fix a connected component F of G. It is clearly sufficient to prove that

G' n F is nonempty. If yeF and y=YseXpX is its Jordan decomposition, y s C F
also. We use the preceding discussion, taking Ys = x. By (16), any element of
F sufficiently close to x is regular in G provided it is regular in Z. As Z
is of class ~, if dim(Z)<dim(G), an induction on dim(G) will give the result.
Suppose dim(Z)=dim(G). Then ~= g and so xcker(Ad). But then, for gcG ° , g
is regular in G° if and only if xg is regular, while G ° ~] G' is nonempty be-
cause DG ~ 0 on G° . So FNG' is nonempty in this case also.

THEOREM 17 . Let yeG. Then G[y] is closed if and only if y is s.s.

By Proposition 14, G[y] closed ~y s.s. Suppose y is s.s. Since G/G °

is finite, it suffices to prove that G°[y] is closed. Now GO= GI C° where GI =
[G°,G ° ] and C=ker(Ad). As C° centralizes all of G, G°[y]=GI[Y]. For any
zcG, write z=Ad(z). Note that ~I=G--O=~ °.

We shall prove first that Gl[Y] is closed assuming that ~i[~] = ~o[~] is
closed in ~. Let R be the centralizer of ~ in ~o, and Gl,y the centralizer
of y in G I. Although G--l,y may not coincide with R, G~,y= R° since both Gl,y
and R° define the same subalgebra of ad(~), namely, ad of the centralizer of y
(or equally ~) in ~. Let ~ be the preimage of R in GI. As JR: R°] < '= and
center(Gl) is finite, [~ : Gl,y]
° is also finite. Suppose now gn c GI and gn[y]
c as n ~ ~. Then gn[y] ~ ~ and so, by our assumption, c=g[~] for some g c G I.
Let ~ = g-lgn. Then ~n[y] "~y'. Now, as G--l[~]~ is closed in ~, the natural
map of %/R onto ~[~] is a homeomorphism. So the image of %
in R/R converges to the i~%ge of the identity. Using the


fact ths.t ~ / R admits local cross-sections, we can write h n = t n r n where t n e G I,

r c~, and ~ ~[ as n - ~. We can certainly write t =t'f where t ' a G l ,
n n n n n n
tn' ~ i as n ~ % and fnCCenter(Gl); moreover, if F is a finite subset of
such that FG ~ y = ~ , then r n =f'r'
n n where f'n c F and r'n e G l,y
o . Replacing gn by
a suitable subsequence, we may therefore assume that fn = f s e e n t e r ( G l ) , f ' = f ' c F
Vn, and h n = S t n r n ~ / n , where 8ccenter(Gl). So h n =St'ff'r
n n and h n [y]= &tnff'[y],
and as hn[Y] ~g-l[c], t'n ~ i , we have c=g8 ff'[y].

It remains to prove that ~i[~] is closed in ~. Now ~ is a s.s. element of

Ge and so we can apply Proposition ii with L, x~ replaced by Gc,Y. Let
us write A for M and B for L . Put AIR= A n ~, Blq=~l lAIR]" We claim
I/,T q/,'r

Let gCGc, Ze~l, aeA N be such that g[~]=z[a]. Then -ig[~]=a and so, by
( i i L of Proposition i i , z-lg[~]=y. Hence g [ ~ ] = z [ ~ ] C ~ l [ y ] . Thus Gc[ ~] n B c
~l[y]. As the reverse inclusion is trivial, we have (17). Now, by (i) of Proposition
ii, the natural map of G ×A into G is submersive. Restriction to the real sub-
manifolds gives the conclusion that the natural map of ~i × A N into ~ is sub-
mersive. So B~ is open in ~. But then, by (17), ~i[~] is open in Go[F] n ~.
As this argument applies to each point of Gc[~] n ~, we see that Gc[~] n ~ splits
into disjoint open subsets each of which is a ~l-orbit. Hence these orbits are all
closed. In particular, ~i[~] is closed in Gc[~] N ~, i.e., closed in ~ as
Gel ~] is closed in G c.

4. Invariant neighborhoods of and slices through a s.s. ?oint

We continue with the notation of n°3. The proof of Proposition 15 shows that
[Gx :Z] is finite. As Z acts trivially on ~, we have an action of Gx/Z on ~. It
follows from the finiteness of G / Z that the open neighborhoods of 0 in ~ that are
stable under Gx/Z form a basis for its topology at 0. In what follows 7 (with or
without suffixes) will denote such an open neighborhood of 0 in ~ and T (with or
without suffixes) will denote a real number > 0. For any s.s. Lie algebra ! we
write (ef. I, Lemma 1.18) I(T) for the set of all Y e ! such that IX1 < T for all
eigenvalues of ad Y. Let

(18) ~7 .r=7+ (~)(-r), Z y,~_=xexp ~7. r, aT, T= a[zT,.r].

ZT, T is Gx-stable. For small 7,T, ZT, T c "Z and Y ~ x exp Y is a diffeo-
morphism of ~,T onto Z ,T; the natural map of G×Z ,T into G is sub-
mersive. So, G ,T will be open in G, and for any open ZI c Z/,T, G[Z I]
will be open in G.


THEOREM 18. For all sufficiently small ~,T we have the following:
(i) Z is an open subset of "Z, and Y~x expY is an analytic diffeo-
morphism of ~7,T onto Z
(ii) If yeG and y[Z7, ~] n Z7, r ~ ¢, then YeGx; in this case, y[Z , ] =
(iii) If ZI c Z is G -invariant and closed in Z, G[Z 1 ] is closed in G.
~T X

We need to show that (ii) and (iii) are true once we take 7 and T suffi-
ciently small. We need a lemma.

LE~MA 19 . Let x be as above. Let A be the set of all elements t cC ° such

that for some y (depending possibly on t), yxy =xt. Then A is a finite

A is obviously a subgroup of C ° . Passing to G/ceater(Gl) (which is of class

Z) it suffices to prove that the corresponding subgroup there is finite. In other
words, we shall assume that center(Gl) = [i] and prove that A is finite. Suppose
that t~l is some element of A. As G ° = G I C° and G I n C ° = [i], we have
G°~GI X C° (as Lie groups). Let us consider a one-dimensional representation ~ of
G° such that ~ is trivial on GI and ~(t) ~i. Let ~' be the representation of
G obtained by inducing from the representation Z. Since t commutes with each
element of G, a simple calculation shows that Z'(t) = Z(t) • id. So det(Z'(t)) =
k(t) N where N=deg(k')= [G:G°]. But as yxy-l=xt we have det Z'(yxy -I) =
det k'(x)det Z'(t) or det(h'(t)):l. Thus Z(t)N:I. If tN~l, we could have
chosen }~ such that Z(t N) ~i. Hence tN= i. As C° is the product of a vector
group and a compact torus, its elements of order N form a finite subgroup.

~qis done, we come to the proof of ~heorem 18. For z e G, write z=Ad(z).
First we use Proposition ii (with Gc instead of L, the Lie algebra of Gc being
~. ~ c ) to find an open neighborhood a of 0 in ~c n $~c' invariant under the
centralizer (Gc) x of x in Go such that (a) if z c Gc and z[x exp a] n
(x exp ~ ) ~ , then ze (Gc) ~ (b) if ZnCGc, an~Xexp a are such that [Zn[an]]
is a bounded sequence in Gc, then {Zn[X] ] is a bounded sequence in Gc also. We
now take 7 and T so small that in addition to (i) we have the following: (a') 7 =
7 n (c n $~) + 7 ~ c (note that c = (~ n ~ ) + c, the sum being direct, and Gx leaves
the two spaces stable, a c t i ~ trivially on c) (b') exp(~ ~ G) is one-one on 7 N c;
if C l : e ~ ( ~ n O, Cl~ 1 n A: {l] (c') ~,~ n ~% c a. Suppose now y~a, Y1,Y2~
~T,T_ are such that y[xexPYl]=xexpY 2. Let Y.=Y'+Y'~j
3 J (Yje$~,Yje ¢). Passing
to G, we see that ~[x] = x . So y[x]=xt for some t cG and t exPYl=eXPY2;
in particular t c CICI I c C° . As teA where A is as in Lemma 19, we must have
t=l by (b'). Hence y[x]=x. But then y[Z ,T] = Z ,T obviously.

It remains to prove (iii) • Suppose b n c Z I, gn c G are such that gn[bn]

ceO. Then gn[bn]-~. Hence {gn[~]] is bounded in ~; as ~[x] is closed,


there is a compact set B c G[x] such that gn[x]eBVn. As the natural map
G ~ G/(G)~ is a submersion we can find (I, Lemma 1.12) a compact set BI c G
such that the image of BI is B. Hence ~ gnT C Bl such that ~'[~]~ -- On~[ ~ ] V n .
Passing to a subsequence we may assume that gn' ~ g ' e G . Now ~C' -
~ ~n~n 7~x V n
and so, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 17, we may pass to a suitable subse-
quence ~nd ensure that g~-ig n : f h n where f is fixed and hneGx for all n.
Hence gn = g ~ f h n , with g~ ~ g ' , h n 6 % . SO g [b ]=g'f[b'] where b':
in n n n n
hn[b n] c Z 1 also. D/t b~=f-±g~-±[gn[bn]] ~ f- g'-l[c]=b' say~ and hence
b' c ~ . We then get c=g'f[b']£G[Zl].

COROLLARY 20. 3 sufficiently small %m with the following property: if

~l~Tl are such that C~(71) c ~ and 0 < 71 < 7, then C2(%I~TI ) C G T.

Choose ~,T sufficiently small so that in addition to the properties of

Theorem 18, exp E is closed in Z whenever E is closed in ~ and c 6 % T . (Coro-
llary 1.6). Then G[x e x p C Z ( 8]% ,~T l ) is closed in G by (iii) of Theorem 18.

As this is contained in G7, T and contains G the corollary is clear.

COROLLARY 21. ~ ~0,T0 such that the collection [G } is a

7 , T T C y O ,T < T 0
basis for the invariant open neighborhoods of x.


COROLLARY 22. Let 7~T be such that the properties of Theorem 18 are sat-
isfied. Then, given any function f on Zy,~, invariant under Gx, ~ a unique
function F on GT~T, invariant under G, such that F IZ%, T = f. If f is C~
(resp. analytic), so is F; if f is locally integrable, so is F.


COROLLARY 2~. Let 7,T be as in Theorem 18. Then the map

(19) 7 : g[z] ~ g [ x ] (geG, zeZ%T )

is well defined, analytic from G onto X= G[xb and is submersive. It

commutes with the actions of G. If N c G is a regular analytic submanifold of
G such that the map n ~ nix] is an analytic diffeomorphism of N onto an open
neighborhood of x in X, the map

(20) (n,z) ~ n[z] ( z c Z y, T, n e N )

is an analytic diffeomorphism of NX Z onto m-l(N[x]) t h at s end s

[n} X Z % T to ~-l(n[x]) (noN), i.e., (G%T,X,7) is s, G-bundle with fibres
Z and structure group G .
~T x


COROLLARY 24. If x is regular, Z is the CSG containing x, and the Z

7, T
are none other than sufficiently small G -stable open neighborhoods of x in Z.
If McZOG' is compact, G[M] is closed in G. If E C G is compact,
compact LcZ such that G [ Z \ L] ~ E = ~.

The first assertion is obvious. For the second one, the argument is the
same as in I, Corollary 1.24. For the third we may go over to Ad(G) and use
Lemma 12.

Exactly as in the case of the Lie algebra, we can use these results to
characterize completely invariant open sets. An open invariant set ~ c G is
called completely invariant if for any compact set B c ~, C£(G[B]) c ~ also.
We now have the following results. The proofs are omitted since they depend on
Theorem 18 in the same way as the corresponding results on 9 depended on
Theorem 1.1.20.

THEOREM 2~. Let x eG be s.s. as above and O an invariant open set

containing x. Then 3 an invariant f ~ C~(G) such that f =i in an invar-
iant open neighborhood of x and supp(f) ~ ~.

THEOREM 26. Let Q be an invariant open subset of G. ~hen the follow-

ing are equivalent: (i) O is completely invariant (ii) if y ~ O, then Ys c
(iii) if y ~ O, 3 an invariant f c C~(G) such that f=i in an invariant open
neighborhood of y and supp(f) c O. In particular, if x ~G is s.s. as above,
the sets G are completely invariant for sufficiently small T,T. If O is
a completely invariant open subset of G and ~ c ~ is an open invariant sub-
set containing all the semisimple points of ~, then ~ = ~.

Finally we have

THEOREM 27. Let y c G. ~hen G[y] is a locally closed regul~r analytic

submanifold of G, and the natural map G/Gy ~ G[y] is an analytic diffeo-
morphism, G being the centralizer of y in G. Moreover C£(G[y]) splits
into finitely many G-orbits.

It is enough to prove the second statement. For~ once this is done, by a

Baire category argument C~(G[y]) is of the form 01 U ... @ 0 m where the
0i are orbits, 0 i U 0i+ I U ... D 0 m is closed and contains 0i as an open sub-
set, for l<i(m. Since G[y]=0.
for some i, it is locally closed. The
remaining statements are proved then routinely.
To prove the finiteness of CZ(G[y])/G, let x = y s. We use the earlier
notation and results. Since x e C~(G[y]), it is clear that y~G ,T for ~{,T
sufficiently small so that we may apply Theorem 18 and its corollaries.


Let n be the set of nilpotents of ~ and B=xexp n. Then BcZ T, is G x-

stable, and closed in Z. Hence G[B] is closed in G. Obviously y { G[B] so
that C~(G[y]) c G[B]. It is clearly enough to prove that G[B]/G is finite.
But this is obvious since B/Gx is finite.

5. Invariant neighborhoods of and slices through an elliptic point

Throu6hout this n° we assume that G = °G. Then C = ker(Ad) is compact
and contained in all maximal compact subgroups of G. We shall fix a Cartan in-
volution e on G, denote the corresponding maximal compact subgroup of G by
K, and write ~ = ~+ P for the associated Cartan decomposition of ~. Note that
pc~, mnd that ~ is the Lie algebra of K.

Let x c G. x is said to be elliptic if it is s.s. and all eigenvalues of

Ad(x) are of absolute value i. Since Ad(K) is a subgroup of the unitary
group of the Hilbert space structure defined by 8 on ~c' it is clear that all
elements of G[K] are elliptic. If x and y are elliptic, and Ad(x) and
Ad(y) commute, then xy is also elliptic.

Proposition 28. Let H c G be a CSG; ~, the corresponding CSA; ~ = ~I +

~R the Caftan decomposition of ~ relative to ~ (cf. I, Section 7). Let
H R = exp ~R and let HI be the set of all elliptic elements of H. Then (i)
exp : ~R ~ H R is an analytic diffeomorphism (ii) HI is the unique m~ximal com-
pact subgroup of H and has ~I as its Lie algebra (iii) H ~ H I X H R. If
(or equivalently, H) is e-stable, then ~R = ~ O D and H I= K N H.

Assume first that ~ is b-stable. Let x eH and write x= kexpX with

k c K, X e D" ~hen @(x-l)x = exp 2X lies in H and so exp(2 ad X) centralizes
~. As all eigenvalues of ad X are real, this means that (adX)(~) = 0, so
that X e ~. This shows that X s bE and hence that kc KOH. We thus have H~
(KO H) x H R. If x=k expX above is to be elliptic, we must have expX elliptic
which is not possible except when adX= 0, i.e., X=0. So KNH=H I. Replacing
G by Ad(G) we obtain the splitting A d ( H ) ~ A d ( H I ) xAd(HR). Since Ad(H) is
abelian and locally compact, the elementary properties of such imply that
Ad(HI) is the unique maximal compact subgroup of Ad(H). As H I= KO H contains
ker(Ad), HI is the full preimage of Ad(HI) in H. The compactness of HI
then implies that it is the unique maximal compact subgroup of H because, if
MCH is a compact subgroup, Ad(M)CAd(HI). If H is not b-stable, we simply
choose y cG such that y[H] is 8-stable; the results proved above are valid
for y[H] and they lead to the required results for H.

COROLLARY 29 . G[K] is precisely the set of elliptic points of G.


Let xcG be elliptic; ~, a CSG containing x; ycG such that y [ ~ ] = H

is 8-stable. Then y[x]eKNHCK. So xcG[K].

If V is a vector space of finite dimension over C and L is a semisimple

automorphism of V, then the usual polar decomposition (in C) of the eigen-
values of L shows that we can write L=Le& where (i) Se and & are semi-
simple automorphisms of V commuting with each other and (ii) all eigenvalues
of Le (resp. Lh) are of absolute value i (resp. real and > 0); moreover,
their actual construction also shows that L e and L h commute with any endomorph-
ism of V commuting with L. This property implies that (i) and (ii) above
determine Le and ~ uniquely. Le is called the elliptic co~conent of L.
We can also write Lh = e x p M h where ~ is a semisimple endomorphism with only
real eigenvalues, and Mh is uniquely determined by L h. If V is defined only
over JR, we go over to Vc, the complexification of V, and use the uniqueness
mentioned above to conclude that ~,L e and Mh are defined over JR. So all
the above considerations are valid for rea& vectorspaces also. We write Mh =
log ~ .

Suppose xcG is s.s. We claim that we can write X=XeX h where (i)
Xe,X h e G and commute (ii) x e is elliptic (iii) 3 s.s. X h c ~g such that all
eigenvalues of ad ~ are real and xh = exp ~ . If such a decomposition exists,
Ad(x) = Ad(xe)eXp(ad ~ ) and it is clear that Ad(Xe) = (Ad(X))e, ad X h = log((~(x)~);
this leads to the uniqueness of Xh, hence to the uniqueness of the decomposition.
For the existence, let H be a CSG containing x, and ~, the CSA of H.
Write ~ = ~I + ~ R and use Proposition 28 to write x=yz where ycH Z and
z = exp Y for some Y e ~R; we may obviously take y = Xe, X h = Y. Note that
e= ~. Xe is called the elliptic com&0onent of x.

We recall (cf. (1.5)) the definition of the G-invariant neighborhoods g[~,e]

of O in g, corresponding to any open neighborhood 8 of O in c = center(g),
and any s > O. We shall also consider the sets ~,s= ~ + ($~)(s) (I, Lemma
1.18) which are G-invariant open neighborhoods of 0 in ~. Obviously ~B,s c
g[8,s]; if X c 918,£] and all eigenvalues of adX are purely imaginary, then
X ~ ~8,s" However, in general, ~[8,S] is much larger than g~,s"

Fix an elliptic element x c G. Let ~,Z,'Z be as in n ° 4; 8,s as above.


(~) ~[~,s] =~n ~[~,s], z[~,s]=xexP~[~,s]' Q(x)[t~,s]= sEz[~,s]]"

T.EM~L& ~0. Let B,S be as above. Let Y e ~[8,~] and y=xexpY. Then
Ys e ~[B,s]' Ys = x e x p Ys' and l°gYu=Yn e ~" In particular, y is s.s. if
and only if Y is s.s. Let Y be s.s. and Y=YI +YR its Caftan


decomposition relative to g. Then YI'YR c ~; YI c ~[~,s]; and Ye = x e x p YI'

Yh= exp YR" Moreover, YI e ~ N ~,g.

The Jordan decompositions of Ye ~ relative to ~ and ~ are the same.

So, if Ye ~ and y=xexpY, Ys = x e x p Ys' l o g y u = Y " Since a d Y and a d Y
n s
have the same eigenvaZues, Ys £ ~[$,s] whenever Ye ~[~,a]" Suppose Ye ~ is
s.s. Since we can determine YI and YR using any CSA of ~, and since
contains one such CSA, YI;YR are in ~. Obviously Ye = x exp YI' Yh= exp YR"
The assertions that for Ye ~[8,s]' YI ~ ~[~,a] and even e ~ ~ , s are obvious.

L~MA ~i. The sets ~Q ~ , a (when ~ and £ vary) form a basis for the
Z-invariant open neighborhoods of 0 in ~.

The argument is similar to the ones given in I, Lemma 1.18. We omit the

THEOR~IM ~2. For all sufficiently small 8,a we have the following:

(i) Z[B,s ] is open in Z and m'Z

(ii) If yeG and y[Z[~,s]] n Z[~,a] ~ ~, then yet.

In particular, GI~)a ] is open in G; and for any open subset ZI c Z[B,S],

G[Z I ] is open in G. Moreover, the map

is a well-defined analytic submersion of G!x)s]L~, onto X=G[x], commutes with

the action of G, and (G$~)],X,~) is a G-bundle with fibre ~ Z [ % ~ ] ~ ~[$,E]"

Clearly (it) is the slice property. Since the conditions definin~ ~[~,s]
involve only the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of adY (Ye ~), the slices
obtained are in general much larger than the Z constructed in Theorem 18.

All eigenvalues of Ad(x) have absolute value i and if ~ denotes one of

those oecuring in q (= range of Ad(x -I) -i), then ~ ~ i. Since there are
only finitely many of these, it is obvious that we can find an £! > 0 such that

~,~m, I~I <~l ~ l~e~+i~-ll >0 ~ C as above.

This shows at once that if Ye ~ and lira a I < sI for all eigenvalues a of
ad Y, Ad(x exp Y) (which leaves q and ~ invariant) does not have i as an
eigenveAue on q~ so that xexp Ye "Z. In other words, xexp ~r~ = i m "Z.
Furthermore, for sufficiently small ~,~, exp has bijective differential on
~[8,a], has hence bijective differential on ~[8,s]' showing that Z[B,E] is
open in Z We thus have (i). To prove the slice property (ii), let y be as
in (ii) . Consider first z = x exp Y with Y e ~[8, s ]. Lemma 30 shows that


Ys c 8[~,s] and hence that z s = x e x p Y s ~ Z[8,s], and further that (Zs) e~ Z[8,s ].
So ~ Y'0 c ~[~,a] with all ei~envalues of ad Y.~ purely ima~inary~ such that,
y[z I ] = z 2 where zj = x exp Y.. Select now T,T such that Theorem 18 is valid,
and ~,s so small that ~ ~ ~,s ~ ~,~ (Lemma 31). As Y.0 ~ ~ ~,s (Lemma 30),
Zl,Z 2 e ZT, T; Tneorem 18 now implies y c Gx.

In analogy with the Lie algebra (cf. I, Section 7) we now introduce the class
g(G) of invariant open subsets of G. An invariant open subset G of G is
said to be in the class 8(G) if (i) ~ is completely invariant (ii) if y
is s.s. and e ~, then Ye e ~ and G contains all s.s. elements whose
elliptic component is Ye" It is clear that C(G) is closed under arbitrary
unions and finite intersections.

THEOIK~M 33" t~Let ~,s be such that Z[B,a ] is an open subset of "Z and
O<s<~. Then G~:~]~g(G). If ~cg(G) and xc~, ~ ~!,Sl such that
a (x) c ~
[~l,Sl ]
By Lemma 30, Y~ Z [ ~ , s ] ~ Ys c Z [ % s ] and i f y is s.s., then Ye ~ Z [ ~ , S ] "
Suppose zcG is s.s. and has Ye for its elliptic oomponent. Then z = Ye exp Y
where Y c ~, all eigenvalues of ad X are real, and Y e = y. Since
Ye c'Z, Y must be in ~. Write Ye=XexpX' Xc ~[B,s]" By Lemma 30, X is
s.s. and all eigenvalues of ad X are pure imaginary. Further exp(ad X) cen-
tralizes Y. AS 11m ~[ < ~ for a l l eigenvalues ~ of adX, (adX)(Y) = 0.
Hence z = x exp(X+Y) with X+Y obviouslyf~in ~[8,s]' i.e., ze Z[B,s]. These
conclusions then e te d i=ediately to and pro e that latter is in
L~ ,s]
Suppose ~ s g(G) and x s ~. Then we can select ~,s such that
x exp(~OgB,s ) ~ ~. If Y~ ~[B,s] , Lemma 3 0 ~ Ys ~ ~[8,~]' (Ys)IC 8 n ~ , s "
Hence x exp(Ys) I ~ O. As G ~ g(G) and x(exp Ys) ! is the elliptic component of
x exp Ys' we have x exp Ys ~ ~" Hence, xexp Y ~ G . Thus ~ o Z[8,s ]. This
gives ~ m GI~IS ].
As a corollary we get

Proposition ~4" Let rk(G) = rk(K) and let BCK be a CSG. S~ppose
cg(G) and for each b e B , let Bb be an open neighborhood of 0 in c and
Cb > 0, such that G (b) c~ Then
[Bb,¢b] "

(23) U a (b) = an (ca °)

beB [~b'~b ]

Moreover, 3 a finite subset F of B such that ~ (CG°) is the union of

G (b) with b ~ F.
[~b,~b ]


For each (b) = ic D~ ( B Go) = R n (CG).

Gr~ bsB, o Obviously we may replace
L~b'~h ~ (b~
'¢b by corresponding smaller objects and assume that O'[~, ~ Cb ]e 8(G). By
compactness of B we can select a finite set FeB such tha~

s c U a (b)
b~ [~b'% ]
Let ~i be the union on the right side of this relation. Since each G (b)
[~b,~b ]
i s in g(G), so is ~1' while ~ l C n n (CG°). Suppose y s ~ n (CG°) and y is
s . s . Then Yee~ and as YeeYG°' YeSfln(CG °) a l s o . So Ye = z [ b ] f o r some
b ~B, ~ e ~ . ~t then, as b ~ l , Ye ~ ~l also Hence, as ~(~), y~. ~l
thus contains aJLl s.s. elements of R D (CG°), proving that RI = ~n (CG°).

Let B be the normalizer of B in G. Let ~ be an open neighborhood of

o in c and ~ >0, both sufficiently small. Define ~ = ~[~,¢], ~= (b exp-) O,
Z= b exp-. Let k be the subgroup of B centralizing b.

Proposition ~5" Fix beB and let 8,¢ be as above, sufficiently small.
Let 'b be the set of points of b regular in ~. Then:

(i) B' n Z=bexp ('bn~), BnZ:bexp ( b ~ )

(ii) B'nz and B~Z are stable under ~; if ueB and
(24) (Bnz)UOBnz~¢, then u ~ \
(iii) snn= Uuc~(~n z)U, B, nn= Uuc~(s'nz)U

As 8 and ¢ are sufficiently small~ y=bexp Y is regular in G for

some Ye~<==>Y is regular in ~. So (i) will be proved if we verify that
bexpYcB~Z~Ye b~w. ~t, as B and ¢ are sufficiently small, expadY
centralizes b~adY centralizes b ~ Y e b. Property (ii) is just the slice pro-
perty for Z. To prove (iii), in view of (i) it is enough to prove the first re-
lation. As BO ~ obviously contains the union on the right we should prove only
the reversed inclusion. Let b I = (bexp y)t e B for some Ye0~, t eG. Then expY
is elliptic, and so all eigenvalues of ad Y are pure im~inary. This shows that
Y=X u for some Xe b and u in the analytic subgroup of G defined by ~. We
then obtain b I = (bexpX) x with x=t~. Write b 2=bexpX. As x ta/ces b 2 to
bl, it takes ~2 to ~i ~ ~j being the centralizer of bj in ~. As bj.eB, we
have b C ~j and so 3 x' in the analytic subgroup defined by ~i such that
bX 'X X 'X
= b. Clearly bl=b 2 also. Then u = x ' x e B and b l = b 2 where
b2eBDZ=bex p (bOw).

3. Descent from G ~o Z and

In this section we develop the method of descent from G to Z and 8, the

latter two being the group of class M and its Lie algebra associated with a s.s.
element x as in Section 2. The theory is however much deeper than in the Lie
algebra, mainly because the radial components are much more difficult to calculate
and one is able to determine only the corresponding endomorphisms of the space of
invariant distributions induced by them; even this (which fortunately is quite
adequate for invariant analysis) depends in a fundamental manner on I, Theorem

1. The differential of the conjugacy map of a real Lie group

In this n we work with an arbitrary real Lie group A, not necessarily

connected; a is its Lie algebra, ac the complexification of a (a c ac), and
~, the universal enveloping algebra of ac (a c c ~). The elements of ~ act
as differential operators on the smooth functions (on A)~ both from left and
right~ the actions being denoted by f ~ af and f ~ fa (f eC~(A), a ~ ] ) ; the
values of af and fa at x ¢A are denoted respectively by f(x;a) and f(a;x);
for a = X 1 .--X r (Xje a)

(1) f(x;a) = (srf(x-tl . . . . . tr)/St I ... 8r)0,f(a;x ) = (srf(t I ..... tr:X)/St I ... 8tr) 0

where f(x-t I ..... t r ) = f ( x e x p t l X I ... eXptrXr) , f(tl, .... tr-X ) = f ( e x p t l X I ...

exp trXrX)~ and the suffix 0 indicates that the derivatives are taken at
tI . . . . . t r = 0. If ~CA is an open set and E is an analytic differential
operator of order < r on ~, then, for any x ¢~ the local expression of E
at x is the unique element Ex ¢ ~ such that f(x;Ex) = (Ef)(x) V f ~ C~(A);
x ~E x is an analytic map of ~ into the subspace of N of elements of order
( r, and the correspondence that sends E to this map x ~ E is a bijeetion.
-- X

We often write f(x;E) for (Ef)(x). If ~ is invariant (as usual, invarianee

refers to the action a~b ~ a[b ] = aba -1 of A on itself), then E is invariant
if and only if y[Ex]=%[x] (xcn,ycA); here, we write u ~y[u]=uY=Ad(y)(u)
for the automorphism of ~ induced by Ad(y) (y ¢ A).

AxA is a Lie group whose Lie algebra is ~ QX a~ with complexification

acX ac, and Universal enveloping algebra ~ ® ~, all i s o m o ~ h i s m s being can-
onical. Suppose now ~(A×A ~ A) is any analytic map. Then for any (x,y) e
A×A, we have the differential (d~)(x,y) defined as the linear map of '~®~
into ~ such that V f e CT(A),


(fo ~)((x,y);~)= f(~(~,y);(d~)(x,y)(~) ) (u ~ ~ ® ~)

Let us now consider the map ~((a,b) ~ a[b]) of A×A into A. For any x~A,
the diagram

A×A @ >A
(2) xxL ;i Xx((a,b))= (xa,h)
ix(h ) =~bx-1
A × A -------~.~ A

i s o b v i o u s l y c o m m u t a t i v e , so t h a t

(3) (d~)(x,y) : Ad(~)ory, ry = (d~)(l,y)

We wish to determine F . We often also write, for g ~ C~(AXA), u,v ~ ~

g(a;u,b;v) for g((a,b);u ® v). Note that since @ O ( i x , i x ) = i x O @ where (ix,i ~
is the antomorphism (a,b) ,- (xax-l,xbx-l), we have

(4) Fx[y] o (Ad(x) ® Ad(x)) = Ad(x) oFy.

Proposition i. Fix y sA. For any u e~ let L(u) (resp. R(U)) be the
endomorphism v~uv (resp. v~vu) of ~I. For any X ¢ as' let ~y(X) he
the endomorphism L(y-I.x-x) + ad X of ~. Then ay(X~Cy(X)) is a representa-
tion of ~ in ~. Let q denote also the extension of this to a representa-
c y
tion of N in ~. Then

(5) ry(u ® v) = ~y(U)(v) (u,v ~ ~).

That X ,~ ay(X) (X ~ ac) is a representation is elementary verification.
We need only prove (5), and we shaAl do it by induction on deg(u). For f e C (A),
write ~ = f • ~. If u = i, we are differentiating f(x,y') = f(xy'x -I) at x = i,
y'=y, so that (dm)(l,y)(l ® v ) = V = a y ( 1 ) ( v ) . So we may assume deg(u)=r~l
and prove (5). It is enough to do it for u=Xw where X e a, d e g ( w ) ~ r - l . Let
e(t) = exptX, ~ = Fy(w ® v). Then, by (3) and the induction hypothesis,

~(exptX;w,y;v) = f(~(t)[y]; a(t)[~]).

Differentiating with respect to t at t=0 we get, on noting that ~(t) [y ] =

y e ~ (ty -I • X)exp(-tX),

~(l;u,y;v) = f(y;(y-i .X-X)~) + f(y;(adX) (~))

which gives (5), bec~se ~y(U)(V) = ~y(X)(~) = (y-i. X-X)~ + (ad X)(~) .


2. Radial components on "Z. dmslruction and elementary ~roiPer~ie~. We re-

turn to our group Ge~. We take G=A in n°l. Let~, F be as before; @
is the universal enveloping algebra of ~c" x is a s.s. point of G. Let nota-
tion be as in Section 2, n°s 3 and 4; in particular q= range(Ad(x -I) - i). For
any subspace m of ~, we write ~(m) for the image of S(mc) (the symmetric
algebra over mc regarded as c S(~c) ) in ~ under the canonical symmetrizer
map S(~c) ~ @, and ~r(m) (r ~ 0) for the images of the homogeneous compon-
ents Sr(mc). Let ~+(m) = ~ r > 0 % ( m ) . ~hen ~(m)=~+(m) + C ' I is a direct
sum. If m is a subalgebra, ~(m) is the subalgebra generated by (l,m).

Proposition 2. Let m be any integer > 0. Then, for any y c "Z, the re-
striction r (m) of r to ~ ~ ~(q) ®~(~) is a linear bijection onto
y , ~y K+Z--~I K -'Z ,
~<m ~r (g)" If "B <m) denotes th; inverse of
then "B (m)
depends analyt-
ic~lly on y.

Proof is by induction on m. Let ~,-..,X_~ be a basis for q, YI,...,Yt

a basis for ~. Fix ye "Z and write X [ = y i . X . - X . . Then the X ! also form
J 8 J J
a basis of q since det((Ad(y -I) - 1) lq) ~0. Now, if X e ~, v e @, deg(v) Er,
ry(X®v)~ ~,y -1 - X - X ) v ( m o d t e r m s of d e g r e e ~ r ) , and h e n c e , i f k+~=m, then

Fy(Xil . . Xik®YJl
. . . . YJ~) mXjll - - . XJlkYJl " ' " Y'3~ (mod terms of degree < m).

This implies easily (since ~= q+ ~) that the range of F (m) is all of ~(~)
(rood ~ r ~ m C~r(~))" So, by the induction hypothesis, F (m) Yis surjective. By
dimensionality, F (m) is a bijection. Since F (m) depends analytically on y,
so does "B (m). Y Y

Proposition ~. For each y 6 "Z, the restriction of r to (~(q)®(~(~) is

a bijectiononto@ ; its inverse "B maps any u e @ of degree < m into
~ _ + l < ~ C~k(q) ® ~-~(~), and y ,~ "BY - ( u )" i s a n a l y t i c on "Z. "B depends on y
_ Y
only through Ad(y). If gl=[g,g]~ then qCgl, and "By maps ~(gl) onto
~(q)®~(~n~l). Finally, if zeG x, u ~ ,

(6) (Ad(z)®Ad(~))('By(u)) = "B[y ](~[~ ]).

Only the last two statements are not immediately obvious. If z e Gx, Ad(z)
leaves ~ and q invariant; hence Ad(z)®Ad(z) leaves ~(q)®~(~) invar-
iant, and (6) follows from (4), Since G centralizes eenter(~)~ it is clear
that qc~l. As ~l is the direct sum of d0 ~l and q~ the argument of Pro-
position 2 shows equally that FY(m) is a linear bijection of
~+~%(~)®%(~0%) onto r ~ % ( % ) , so "By maps ~(%) onto
~(q)%~(~ n %).


We are now in a position to introduce the radial components. We have ob-

served that ~(q) is the direct sum of £ •i and ~+(q). So ~ a unique linear
map By(@ ~ ~(~)) for each ye'Z~ such t h a t ~ u £~,

(7) "By.(u) ~ 1 ® ~ ( u ) (~od ~+(~) ® S(~)).

It is clear that deg(~(u)) ~ deg(u), ~d that for fixed u, ~(u) depends

analytically on y. Moreover~ it is obvious from Proposition 5 that ~.(U) de-
pends on y through Ad(y) and that

(s) By(u) ~ ~(~ n ~l) (u { ~(~l))"

Furthermore~ since Ad(Gx) leaves C" i and ~+(q) stable, (6) gives

(9) z[By(u)] = B[z](z[u]) (z ~ ox~ u~o).

Suppose now that 2 is a G-invariant open subset of G and E an invariant

analytic differential operator on ~. Then ~ a unique analytic differential op-
erator on ~ n "Z whose local expression at y e 2 N "Z is By(Ey). We denote
it by 5x(E) and call it the radial component of E:

(10) (~x(E))y = By(B) (y ~ ~ n "z).

It follows from (9) and the invarianee of E that 8x(E ) is Gx-invariant.

Suppose now ~i is an open subset of Z contained in ~ N "Z. Then the

map 9 induces a submersion of G × ~i onto G[~ 1 ], the latter being open in G.
With E as above~ we write "E for the analytic differential operator on G X21
whose local expression at (x,y) is "By(Ey). Since Fy maps "%(Ey) onto Ey,
we find, on using (3) and the invamiance of E~ that "E and E are ~-related~
i.e., Vf eO~(G[~l]), ('E(f ~)) = (ET) o ¢. If now f i s invariant, f o~ is a
function on GX21 depending only on the second coordinate; it is therefore killed
by all differential operators of the form u®v where u c~+(~). We thus obtain

Proposition 4. Let notation be as above. ~hen for any analytic invariant

differential operator E on ~, 5x(E ) is an analytic Gx-invariant differential
operator on ~ N "Z. Moreover~

(ll) ( ~ ) I % = ~x(~)(f 1%)

for a~ open s ~ b s e t ~l of ~ n "Z and any O - i n v ~ i a n t f ~ C~(Q[~Z]).

This justifies oar c~lling 5x(E ) the radial component of E.

We shall now extend this result to include the actions of the differential
operators on distributions also. Let wG (resp. ~0Z) be the biinvariant


exterior differential form on G (resp. Z) that induces a given Haar measure

on G (resp. Z) and let WG× Z be the form that induces the product measure
on G × Z. Using these forms we can define the formal adjoints on the corre-
sponding algebras of differential operators. This allows us to let the differ-
ential operators act on the distributions, and further, to identify locally
summable functions with the distributions defined by them. In particular~ iG
(resp. IZ, I G × Z ) can be regarded as the Haar measure on G (resp. Z, G x Z ) .
Suppose now ~i is an open subset of ~ n "Z. We can then apply the results of
I, Section 2 to the map @ : G×~I ~ G[~I]" We thus have an injective map T ~ a T
from the space of G-invariant distributions on G[~ I ] into the space of dis-
tributions on ~i such that 8T = IG ® ~T is the distribution on G×~I corre-
sponding to T via the correspondence set up in I, Theorem 2.2. From the re-
sults of i, Section 2 we get

THEOREM 5. For any Gx-invariant open subset ~i of ~ O "Z, the map

T ~ aT is an injective linear transformation of the space of G-invariant dis-
tributions on G[~ 1] into the space of Gx-invariant distributions on ~l" If
E~E1,E 2 are G-invariant analytic differential operators on ~,

(12) ~x(E)°T = %T ~x(E1E2)% = ~x(E1)(~x(~'2)%)"

Proposition 6. Suppose x is regular so that ~ is a CSA and Z is

the corresponding CSG. Then the relations (ii) determine 5x(E) uniquely as
a differential operator on ~ n "Z. Moreover, E ~ 5x(E) is a homomorphism
from the algebra of G-invariant analytic differential operators on ~ into the
~Igebra of analytic differential operators on ~ n "Z.

If ~i c ~ n "Z is an open subset of "Z and F is any analytic differ-

ential operator on DI such that F(g I ~i)= 0 V invariant g c Ca(G), we shall
show that F = 0. This will be sufficient to prove that 5x(E) is uniquely
determined by (ii); the unique determination of 5x(E) gives at once the pro-
perty 5x(EIE2 ) = 5x(El)Sx(E2) for any invariant analytic differential operators
EI,E 2. To prove the assertion concerning F, fix t e~I" If N is a suffi-
ciently small open s~bset of DI containing t and stable under Gt (the cen-
tralizer of t in G), it follows from Corollary 2.22 and Theorem 2.25 that
Fh = 0 on N V Gt-invariant h c C~(N); we must remember here that t is regu-
lar in the CSGZ so that Gt N Z is open in both Z and G t. Going over to
the CSA ~ via the map Y ~ t exp Y, we obtain a Gt-stable open neighborhood n
of 0 in ~ and an analytic differential operator F' on n such that
F'h'=0VGt-invariant h'c~C~(n); we must prove that F'=0 on n. But Ad(Gt)
maps onto some subgroup of the Weyl group of (~c,~c) and so, certainly F ' p = 0 V


polynomials on ~c invariant under the Weyl group. Since around each regular
point of n we can find ~ such polynomials (Z= d i m ( ~ pl ~...,p~ forming a
local system of coordinates on ~, the fact that F' annihilates ail monomials
aI a~
Pl ...pz implies F ' = 0 on n O ~' Hence F ' = 0 . This proves that F = 0 .

5. Action of radial components on distributions

For any invariant open subset ~ of G we define /A(~) = AG(~ ) to be the
set of all analytic invariant differential operators E on ~ such that Ef = 0
invariant f ~ C~(~). /A(~) is clearly a two-sided ideal in the algebra of all
invarian% analytic differential operators on ~. We shall now prove the following
analogue in G to I, Theorem 9.2 3 .

THEOREM 7" Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of G and Eel,(2).

~hen E T = 0 V invariant distributions T on ~.

Since ~ \ supp(ET) is an invariant open subset of ~ it is enough~ in view

of ~heorem 2.26~ to prove that supp(ET) does not contain any s.s. element of ~.
Let x e~ be s.s. We shall use the results and notation of Section 2~ n°s 3~4.
In partieular~ ~/~T have the same meaning as therein and are sufficiently small
so that the results following Theorem 2.18 are valid. It is enough to prove that
ET = 0 on G

L~MMA 8. Suppose 5 is a Z°-invariant analytic differential operator on

~,~ such that 5h = 0 V Gx-invariant h ~ C~(~a/,~). Then 5k = 0 for all distri-
butions k on ~,~ that are invariant under Z °.

We use I, Theorem 9.2~. It is clearly sufficient to prove that if ~c~ is

any CSA, the radial component ~(~) = 0 on ~' Q ~1,,~ (of. I, Proposition 9.1@.
If p is any polynomial on ~e invariant with respect to Gc, P I ~c is G x-
invariant. Hence ~(5)h= 0 Vpolynomials h on ~e invariant under the Weyl
group of (~c,~e). As in the proof of Proposition 6 this gives ~(5)= 0 on

~' N ~7,.
We can now prove Theorem 7. Let T'= T I G . It is clearly enough to prove
that ~ET' = 0 on Z/,T. Let $ be the analytic Gx-invariant differential oper-
ator on ~T that corresponds to 5x(E ) on Z via the map Y ~ x exp Y
(Ye ~ T ). Using (ll), Theorem 2.25, and Corollary 2.22, we have 5x(E)~=0 V
Gx-invariant ~ ~ C~(Z T). By Lemma 8 5k =0 for all distributions k on 87~T
invariant under Z°. We now transfer this result to Z via the map Y ~ x exp Y.
Now~ this map will not~ in general~ take the Lebesgue measure dY on ~/,~ to the
Hear measure dz on Z . However~ it is clear that dY will go to a measure
of the form q0dz where ~ is a real analytic function >0~ invariant under G .
A simple calculation shows that for any analytic differential operator L and any


distribution b on Zy, T, Ldz " b = ( - i L ~ ) ~ d z "b' where the suffixes indicate

the respective differential forms with respect to which the actions of the differ-
ential operators on distributions are ca&culated. If #= -I~T,, ~ is Z°-
invariant and so, for L = $x(E), we get tx(E)~T, = 0. Thus, by (12), ~ET' = 0.

L~V~dA 9. Let ~i c 'Z be a co~0etely invariant (under Z) open subset of Z

and y c91 a s.s. element. Then we can choose a completely invariant (under Z)
open subset 92 of % with the following properties: (i) y c ~ 2 c 9 ! (ii) if
g c C~(~I) and is Z-invariant, ~ h e C~(G) and G-invariant, such that
gl92 = hl~2
y is clearly s.s. in G also. Let ~i be the centralizer of y in ~.
Then ~ic~. We now perform the constructions of Section 2, n°4, with y re-
placing x, to get a slice W l = y e x p (~l,~l,Tl)C~ I for the G action around y.
But then, for 71,TI sufficiently small, this will also be a slice for the Z-
action around y. Shrinking 71 and ~i we get s slice W2= yexp (~1,72,T2) and an
e C~(G) such that ~ is G-invariant, ~ = i on W 2, and supp(~)~G[Wl]. Take ~2 =
Z[W2]. If g ~C~(~I ) and Z-invariant, and g l = g I WI, the slice property gives an
hl~ C~(G[WI ]) which is G-invariant and eqQals gl on W1; if h : ~ h l, h is G-invar-
iant, ~ C~(G), and h=g on W 2. So h=g on 92 .

Using Theorem 7 we can now obtain a significant sharpening of Theorem 5.

Notation remains unchanged.

THEOP~N i0. Let ~ be a completely invaz-iant open subset of G, and ~ i c

~ 'Z a completely invariant open subset of Z.

(i) Suppose E is an analytic Z-invariant differential operator on ~i

such that S(hl%)=0 for all a-invariant h~C~(a). Then ~ = 0 on % for
all Z-invariant distributions ~ on £i"

(ii) Suppose EI,E 2 are G-invariant analytic differential operators on

G[%]. Then, for any Z-invariant distribution ~ on El,

For proving (i) it is elea~ly sufficient to consider o~ly Z-invariant

Re C~(~I ). For, if this were done, then Theorem 7 applied to Z, ~i and E (in
place of G, ~ and E) gives the desired conclusion, namely E X = 0 , for a&l
Z-invariant distributions ~ on ~i"

&tppose ~s C~(~l) and Z-invariant. To prove E ~ = 0 on ~i it is enough

to prove that E X= 0 at all regUlar points of ~i" Let Y ~ ~i be regular. Then
y is s.s. and Lemma 9 applies. So we can find ~2 with the properties described
in the lemma. There exists h c C~(G) and G-invariant such that ?J ~2 = hl~2"


Hence E ~1~2= o.

The proof of (ii) is i~mlediate now. Take

~= ~(~z~) - ~(~l)~(~)
In view of (i) it is enough to prove that E(hI~l) = 0 ~ G - i n v a r i a n t h ~ C~(O).
But this is clear from Proposition 4.

4. The homomorphisms ~/~,Z B

Our aim now is to calculate 8x(E ) when E is a biinvariant differential

operator on G. ~he results are analogous to those of I, Section 2, and are ex-
pressed in terms of certain natural homomorphisms from the center of @ into the
center of ~). Furthermore, as we did in the proof of ~heorem 7, it is often
necessary to go over from ZT, ~ to ~T,. The o ~ i 0 g t c a n ~ e r of differential op-
erators can be expressed in terms of a certain natural isomosphism of the center
of ~(8) with Is(Sc ). We shall now define these maps

Let 8 be the center of ~. Since Ad(G) CGc, 8 is also the centralizer

of G in ~. Suppose ~cCBe is a CSA; P, a positive system of roots of
(Gc,~c); and ~, the left ideal of @ generated by the positive root spaces;
let 6p = ~ ~ ep~. Then, for each z e 8, 3 a unique element B(z) e ~(bC)
such that z m 8(z) (mod ~). Define the element 7(z) e ~(bc) by the require-
ment that B(z)(h-Sp)=y(z)(h ) ~ h c 9:;
here we are identifying ®(be) can-
onically with the polynomial algebra over ~c" ~hen T(z) does not depend on
the choice of P, is invariant under the Weyl group of (Be,be), and 7(z~T(z))
is an isomorphism of 8 with the subalgebra of elements of ~(bc) invariant
under the Weyl group. We write 7= ~B /~ " If bc is the complexification of
a CSA ~cB, we write ~S/~ instead ~f c ~Bc/bc" It is clear that if x c Ge,

~e/~c(Z~: ~e/~e x (~) (of. Varadarajan [1D.

Suppose mC B is a subalgebra such that rk(m) = rk(~) and m is reductive
in B" Let 4 be the center of ~(m). Select a CSA b c C m c and let m (resp.
~) be the Weyl group of (Bo'~e) (resp (~e,~c)). Since ~ m ~ , it is eZear
that there is a unique algebra injection, denoted by ~g/m' of 8 into ~m'

such that bBc/tc =bmc/bc o bB/m. Obviously b~/m does not depend on the choice
ef bc. From I, Corollary 4.10 we get,

Proposition ii. 8(m) is a free b~/m(8)-module of rank [~ :mm ].

We now define ZB" Let ~c be a CSA of Be. We may identify ~(bc)

with S(~c) in an obvious fashion. By Chevalley's theorem, given z E 8, ~ a
unique {E IS(Be ) such that bBc/~: (z) = {~c" We write {= Zg(z). It is clear

that Z is an isomorphism o~" 8 with Is(gc ) that does not depend on the


choice of be. If m~ is a subalgebra satisfying the conditions described

above, it is obvious that ~or ~ y z ~ 8, ~ ( z ) = ~m(#~/m(~)), ~--~ (v s ZS(~c))
being the natural restriction map of iS(£c ) into Is(mc).

5. Determination of 6x(Z ) for ze

Fix a s.s. point x and use the notation of Section 2, n°s 3,4.

THEOREM 12. Let 2 be a completely invariant open subset of G and 21c

2N 'Z a completely invariant open subset of Z. Let z e ~. Then, for any Z-
invariant distribution ~ on 21'

(13) 6 (z)~=(t~t-t/2o #~/~(z)o I~y1/2)~ (on ~1)

In particular~ these formula~ are valid for ~i = Zq/,T (for ~,m sufficiently
small) and for 21=Z[B,c ] (B,~ sufficiently small when G = ° G and x is elliptic).
If x is regular, then Z is the CSA containing x, 'Z is the subset of regular
points of Z, ~ is the CSA corresponding to Z, Vx=DIZ ~ and one has the more pre-
cise formula

(14) 6 (z)= Iv I-1/2o %/8(z)o Iv I1/2

We shall show first that (13) follows from (14). Assume therefore that we
have the formula (14) for radial components on the regular subset of any CSG. In
view of Theorem 9 it is enough to prove (13) V Z-invariant ~ e C~(~I ) which are of
the form q0=~lflI where ~ e C~(G[~I ]) and is G-invariant. Further we need only
prove (13) (for such q0) at all regular points t e ill" Fix such a t also, let H be
the CSG of G containing t, and let ~ be the corresponding CSA. As ~ , we have

DG(Y) = Dz(y)v/y ) (y s H n Z)

Finally, we put ~H = ~IHA ~i and indicate by the suffix G or Z the group

with respect to which the function vt is calculated.

Now, by Proposition 4, ~(t;6x(Z))=~(t;z)=q0H(t;St(z)). We now use (14) to

calculate 6t(z), as t is regular. We get

~(t;6x(z)) IVt,G(t) I-i/2 1/2)

S e t us now d e n o t e b y ~' the differential operator 1~1-1/2o ~o~(~). I~l 1/2 on

"Z. We apply (14) to (Z, #£/~(z)) instead of (G,z).
i~oting that
bt~IVxl1/~%@ is Z-
inwri~nt ~ d ~/~(~/~(=)) = ~/~(=), ~ get

®(t;6 ,) = 1Vx(t)I-1/21Vt,z(t)l-1/2 ~l(t;p£/D(z) o I Vx,HI1/21Vt,ZI1/2)

= lvt,S(t)1-1/2 ~}~(t;#~/~(s) o ivt.olm/2).
We now take up the proof of (14); in this case Z is a CSG~ ~_ its CSA,


and •Z is the set of regular points of Z. It is obvious that v =D. We

reduce the proof to the case when ~ is s.s. To this end, let ~ = c e n t e r of
@ (BI) , ~=~(c), c being as usual center (~). Then 8 = ~ i ~, and so, as both
sides of (14) define homomorphisms of 8 into the algebra ef analytic differen-
tial operators on •Z, it is enough to prove (14) V z in 81U ~. Suppose first
that z~. As ~c~(~)~ 6x(z)=z; on the other hand, as D is invariant under
translations by elements of C and ~/~(z) = z, the right side of (14) also re-
duces to z. Suppose now that z~. Then ~/~(z) c ~ n ~ l ) , and it follows
from Proposition 3 that both sides of (14) ame differential operators of the form
~ j (~j oAd)~j where v'c~(~l)0 and ~j is analytic on Ad('Z). Consequently,
it is enough to show that both sides of (14) act alike on all functions g ° Ad
where g c C~(Ad(Z)). But it is clear from the con@ruction of 6x(Z ) that it is
unchanged when we replace G by Ad(G) (for z s ~). So we may assume without
loss of generality that G ~ G e. Now, Gc m~y not be simply connected. Let <
be a simply connected covering group of G, and ~ (resp. Z) the preimage in
of G (resp. Z). It is easily seen that the formula for (G,Z) will follow
from the corresponding one for (~,~) (~ is obviously in Z.) Select x~
above x and define D as the function obtained on Z by lifting D.
Select a positive system P of roots of (~c,8c) and let ~=~ p~ .
Let /A=~_ I] c p ( ~ - l ) where the ~ and ~P are complex analytic homomorph-
isms of the CSG ~ corresponding to ~ ; ~ is well defined because ~ is
c - c ~ , c
simply connected. Then /&(y)4: (det(Ad(y_l)_l)~ /~ )2 as ~(y):
c c 4 ~124
det(Ad(y -l)-l)~ /. is real for y e Z, we see that /A = ([D I / ) on Z. So
a locally constant function c on the regular subset of Z such that
a = eI~l ~/~ there. Therefore, (14) w m l be proved for (~,~) if we can construct
an algebra B of invariant C~ functions on ~ such that (i) around each regu-
lar point of ~, ~ 2(=rk(~)) functions from B whose restrictions to ~ form a local
coordinate system on ~, and (ii) for all b ~ ~, ~/~(z)(n~b~) :n~ • (~b)~, the
suffix ~ denoting restriction to ~. Let B be the set of restrictions to ~ of the
linear span of the irreducible complex analytic characters of ~ . Then B is an
algebra, satisfies (i) and we need only show that if ~ is any such irreducible
character, we have on ~c~

(l~) ~l~(~)(a ~Zo) = a. ( ~ ) ~

the suffix Z denoting restriction to Z . Let X be the linear function on
c c
which is the highest weight of the representation corresponding to ~ (with
respect to the positive system P). It is then known that zv= B(z)(X)v, v be-
ing the highest weight vector (Varadarajan [i], Chapter 4). So ~(z)(k) is the
scalar into which z is mapped by the representation. This shows that z{ =
~(z)(k). On bhe other hand, by the Weyl character formula,


la. ~ : ~ ~(S)~s(X+p)

(~=Weyl group of (ge,~e)) , so that, as ~9/~(z)(l+p)=8(z)(l), we have, using

the ~-invarianoe of ~/~(~), ~/~(z)(JA- ~o)= ~(X)(la- {~o). This ~roves (15).
The theorem is proved.

6. Determination of ~ for ze

We now study the transfer from G to ~ through the exponential map. Let
x c center(G), and ~ c 9 a completely invariant (under G) open set containing 0
and starlike at 0 such that Y ~ xexp Y is an analytic diffeomorphism of w onto
S=xexpw. For any analytic differential operator E on GT, T, let ~ be its
pullback to 97,T. If E is invariant, so is ~. We wish to calculate ~ for z ~ ~.

(16) j(X) = det ( 1 - e -adX)
~x (x~ 9).
Then j is invariant, analytic, and > 0 on w; ljlI/2 is analytic on ~.

LEMMA i~. Let ~ c 9 be a CSA; P, a positive system of roots of (9c,~c);

~ = [I ep~. Then, ~ a constant e=c(~,P)#0 such that,

(17) IJ(X) I 1/2 Tr(X) = e I D(x exp X) I 1/2 (X c ~ R w).

For Xc~, ~(X)4=(det(adX),.)2. Hence, as j is real on 9,
(I j(x)lZ/ 2 ~(x))4= j(x)a(det(~x)~/~)2
~/~ which is just D(~expX)2=
(ID(~e~x)ll/2f. ~is gi~es (Zn, as ~n~ is connected.
TKEOPd~4 14. Let ~ be the isomorphism ~ ~ Is(gc ) introduced in n°4.
Assume 7,T to be sufficiently small. Let z e ~. Then, for any G-invariant
distribution ~ on ~,

It is clearly obvious that we need only prove (18) N/G-invariant ~ e C~(9).

Fix such a ~. Let ~ be a CSA and Xe ~ ' ~ . Let ~ be the function
x e x p Y ~ ~(Y) on ~. If xexp Y is regular in the CSGH corresponding to ~,
we get from (14) the relations

(i~) (T~) (x)=~(~exp x;z): b(~ e~ X) I-~/~(I~I~/~) (~ e~ X;~9/~(~)).

The funotion X' -- (l~ll/~) (~e~X')(X'~ ~') is, by ~e~ma l~, the funotio~
e-llj~l I/2 ~ ' ~ , with J~=Jl~, ~ = ~ I ~ . So the right side of (19) becomes

I~(x) I-~/~(x)-~ (I ~1 z/2~ ) ( x ; % / 6 ~ ) o ~)


which is precisely la(x)1-1/2 ~(x~x(=)o IJl 1/2) by z, Theorem 2~4, since ~(z)
is the element of IS(gc) such that k (z)~= ~/~(z). Since ~ is arbitrary
and the set of all X as above is dense in ~ , we get (18).

COROLLARY i~. The formula (18) is valid for ~ = ~7,T' ~[~,E]' where 7
and ~ are sufficiently smaJL! open neighborhoods of 0 in c starlike at 0,
and O<T, ¢~.

Let notation be as in Theorem 14. For any distribution 6 on ~, let

be its pullback on ~.

THEORNM 16. For any G-invariant distribution 9 on ~, let T e =

ljI-i/2~. Then, for all z c8, TB,z~ =% (z)T ,~; 9 is locally integrable on
if and only if T 6 is so on ~; and, in this case, if e=fdG, then
T e=gdB where, for almost all Yc ~,

(20) g(Y)= lj(xexpY)l I/2 f ( x e ~ Y ) .

dG (rasp. d~) being a Haar measure (rasp. Lebesgue measure) on G (resp. ~).

The main point is that dG corresponds, not to d~, but to ljld~, under
the map Y,~ x expY. A simple calculation shows that if E is any analytic
differential operator on ~, and ~ any distribution on ~, then

the suffixes indicating the respective differential forms with respect to which
the actions of the differential operators on distributions are calculated. Since

T~,ze=(lJlm/2oTo]jl-m/e)d . T , e
= X~(z)T~,e (Theorem 14).

For the questions treated here, see Harish-Chandra [7].

4. Local structure of invariant 8-finite distributions

Let G be as usual a group of class ~, and let notation be as in Section

3. In particular @ is the universal enveloping algebra of ~c and 8 is the
center of @. Let ~CG be an open set and T a distribution on 2; the diff-
erential operators on 2 act on T by the duality defined by some exterior differ-
ential form on G that is nonzero, biinvariant~ and of maximal degree. If N o @ is
a subalgebra containing i, we say that T is ~/-finite if the vector space of dis-
tributions aT (act[) is finite dimensional; if 21c2 is an open subset and
T I ~i is 9/-finite, we say that T is N-finite o__nn 21"

i. The fundamental theorem of Harish-Chandra

Let ~ be a completely invariant open subset of G. Let x c~ be a s.s.

element and let notation be as in Section 3, n°s 3-5. We select a pair of open
sets w I and ~i' with 0~I (resp. % ) open in 8 (resp. Z), having the following
properties: (i) ~ I c ' Z N ~ and is completely invariant under Gx; e I is com-
pletely invariant under Gx; O l = x e x p w I (ii) O e ~ 1 and e I is star-like at 0
(iii) the map Y ~ x exp Y is an analytic diffeomorphism of e I with ~l" We then
have the injective map T ~ ~T described in Theorem 3.5 and

CrzT = 8x(Z)~ T on ~l (z c 8)

So, by (3.13), we have, V z 68, and ar~ G-invariant distribution T on ~,

(i) zT=0 on G[f~1] <=@~g/8(z)(IVxl2¢T)=0 on ~i"

Now 8(8) (= center of -~(8)) is a free finite module over ~g/8(8 ) and so any
finite codimensional ideal of ~/8(8) generates a finite codimensionaJL idea2~ of
8(~). Hence (and using I; Proposition 2.16)
P r o p o s i t i o n 1. T is 8-finite on G[~l]<~>lWx]2~ T i s 8 ( 8 ) - f i n i t e on ~1" T
is a locally integrable function on G[~ I ] if and only if IVx]2~T is so on ~i;
and if F~f Z denote the corresponding functions~ then for almost all Y e ~i'
F(y) = IVx(y) I-2fz(y)
We shall now transfer this result to 8. Let j be the function

(2) is(Y) = det 1-e V8 (Y c 8).

Then J8 is Gx-invariant andlnonzero on ~i; as eI is connected and js(0)=l~
J8 is > O on eI and lj~l2 is analytic on e 1. For any distribt~tion k (resp.
differential operator E) on ~i' let ~ (resp. ~) be its pullback to e1
via the map Y ~ xexpY. We define


If ~ is Gx-invariant , so is T ,~.

Proposition 2. Let ¢ ~ 8(8). Then, for any G-invariant distribution

on ~, • ~= ~ (~)T ,~. 2\ is a locally integrable function on ©~ if and only
if ~ , ~ i is s~ch on ml; in this case, if ~= fzdZ, then ~ ~= f dY where f (Y)=
Ij~(Y) I~fz(=e=~Y) for almost all Y.

This is immediate from Theorem ~.16.

Proposition ~. Let T be as before an invariant distribution on ~. Write

tz: IVxl2OT, t = T tz. Then, if zcS,

(4) zT=0 on G[¢ll_] <==~k (B~/~(z))t =0 on w 1 .

particular, T is 8-finite on G[GI ] if and only if t is Is(Se)-finite

This is clear. So is the next proposition, if we ~se the ~SI~its of Section 2.

Proposition 4. If 7,7 are sufficiently small, the sets ~i = ~7,T and

~i = Z7,~ have the properties required above. If G= °G and x is elliptic,
then, for sufficiently small B , s , the sets Wl= ~[B,s] and ~i =Z[~,S] have
the required properties.

We are now in a position to obtain the fundamental theorem of Harish-Chandra.

~ E O R E M 5. Let @ c G be a completely invariant open set and T a 8-

finite invariant distribution on ~. Then there is a locally integrable invari-
ant function F on ~, analytic on ~ S G', such that T= F, i.e., T(~) =
S F~dx V ~ c C~(~). T determines F almost everywhere on ~ and in fact every-
where on ~ R G'.

It is enough to prove this theorem in the neighborhood of each s.s. point

of @. Let x e~ be s.s. and let notation be as above. Then t is G -invar-
iant and IS(~c)-finite , and so, by I, Theorem 5.28, coincides with the distribu-
tion defined by a Gx-invariant locally integrable function f on ~i that is
analytic on the regular subset of w I. The result for T now follows immediately.

Let x ~~ be s.s., ~i,~i as above; T, an invariant 8-finite distribution

on ~. We denote by F, fz and f the corresponding locally integrab!e func-
tions invariant under the appropriate groups and analytic on the appropriate reg-
ular sets. The following proposition is then immediate.


Proposition 6. For almost all Y e ~i' we have

i i i
(5) F(xexp Y)= IVx(XexpY)l-Zfz(XexpY): IVx(Xexp Y)l-21j~(Y)I-2f (Y) .

We shall now give three more illustrations of the method of descent. First
we prove
Proposition 7" Let D be the discriminant of G. Then IDI -Z is locally
summable on G.
It is enough to prove that IDI -Z is integrable around each s.s. point
of G. Let x ~G be s.s. We denote by ~ the polynomial on ~c (invariant
tlnder the adjoint group of ~c ) defined by I, (1.2); with ~ instead of 9. A
simple calculation gives, for the diseriminants DG and DZ, the formulae

(6) Da(y) = ~ (y)~z(y), Dz(= e~p Y) = j ~(Y)~ ~(~) (Y ~ ~,y ~ z).

Our method of going from GT, ~ to ~7,T (7,~ beinglsufficiently small) then
reducesl the question of local integrability of IDG I-~ on GT, ~ to that of
I~I -~ on ~%,,T; the latter has already been established in I, Proposition 4.15.

Let us call am element x cG semire~ular if it is s.s. and if ~8 is 3-

dimensional, ~ being as usual the centralizer of x in ~. As our second
illustration of the method of descent we prove

THEOREM 8. Let ~ c G be a completely inva~iant open set and F an in-

variant analytic function on ~ ~ G'. Suppose F is ~-finite. Then F is
locally integrable on ~. Let T be the distribution ~,~.,~F~dx -
Then T is invariant; and for T to be 8-finite, it is necessary and sufficient
that it be so in a neighborhood of each semiregular point of ~. In this case,
T is the only invariant 8-finite distribution that coincides with F on 9'.

The uniqueness will follow from Theorem 5 once we show that T is well-defined
and 8-finite. Let 80 be the ideal of all z in ~ such that zF=0. Let x c ~ be s.s.
We use the notation of Section 2, n°~,4 and select 7,T sufficiently small so that
G c Q and the properties established in those n s are true. If f is the func-
7,T i i
tion Y~ I~(~ ex~ Y)1~f j~(Y) lTP(~ e~p Y) definad on the regular subset of ~,~, it is
clear from the hypothesis that f is Gx-invariant and Is(~c)-finite on the regular
set. Hence it is locally integrable on ~7,T by I~ Proposition 4.17; this ~ F is
locally integrable on G%,, . T is thus well-defined and invariant on GT, T. If
Y e ~%,,T is a semiregular element of 8, then the fact that %* and T are sufficiently
small implies that x exp Y is semireguiar in G (as well as Z). But T is
~-finite around x exp Y. So t will be I s(~c)-finite around Y. By I, Theorem
5.29 we infer that % is Is(~c)-finite on ~7,~ and hence that T is 8-


finite on GT, ~. If z e ~0' then zT is ~-finite on GT,T, invariant, and is

0 on GT, T n G' As x was arbitrary, we have ~0 T = 0 on ~NG'. Theorem 5
implies now that ~0 T = 0 on ~.

As a complex s.s. group has no semiregular points, we get

COROLLARY ~. Suppose G is connected, complex, and s.s. If F is a G-

invariant analytic ~-finite function on ~ n G', then the corresponding distri-
bution T is 8-finite and is the unique invariant ~-finite extension of F.

Let T,F,~ be as in Theorem 5. F is actually analytic on a set slightly

larger than D N G' An element ye G is called quasiregulam if it is s.s.
and its centralizer in ~ has compact adjoint group.

Proposition i0. The quasiregula~ elements of G form an invariant open

set; and F is analytic on the intersection of this set with Q.

Let x cG be s.s. We use the usual notation but assume in addition that
x is quasiregular. If ye'Z, Ad(y) is s.s. because Ad(Z) is compact; and
its centralizer in ~, being contained in ~, has compact adjoint group. So
all points of "Z are quasiregular, and hence so are the points of G['Z]. As
G['Z] is open in G, we have the first assertion. If now xeQ, and ~,T are
small as usual, t extends analytically to the whole of ~,~ by I, Theorem
4.4. So F extends analytically to G

2. Behaviour on a CSG

Let D,T be as in Theorem 5- Let a c ~ be a CSA and A the corre-

sponding CSG. We denote by F the invariant locally summable function on
that is analytic on ~ n G' and defines T on ~. We choose a positive system
P of roots of (g,Q) and define R to be the subset of P of all real roots.
For ~ e+P let ~ denote the corresponding global root of A. Put, in anal-
ogy with the theory on ~,

(7) A'(R) = [a:a~A, ~(a) ~l "~ ~ R ] .

Then A'=A N G' a A ' ( R ) and A'(R) is a dense open subset of A. The study
of the behaviour of F on A encounters a technical complication because of
the fact that g6p (~p= ½ _~ffep~ ) may not he defined on A. We circumvent
this difficulty by working with

(s) ",%: n (1-~_~).

Now, as a is abeliam, we can regard ~(a) as the algebra of translation-in-

variant differential operators on ~. if ~ is any element of *
ac, it follows


that for any ue®(a), e - ~ o u oe ~ is also in ®(a); and u ~ e -~ o u o e ~ is

an automorphism of ~(a). Clearly it is the unique automorphism that sends
X e ~ to X + ~(X)I. Fina/_ly, note that ~28p and [t6p-Sp are defined always,

t being in the ~ y l group of (~c,ac), since 28p and t a p - 6p are sums of


L~MA ii. Let xcG be s.s., and let a be a CSA c ~. Let ~i,~i be
as described in n°l. Then there exists a constant c(x,a,P)~0 such that
c : ~4~p(X) and k ~ H e a O ® l ,

(9) ~(~)lj~(~)l ½ l~x(Xexp~)l ½ = c(x,o,Ple ~P(~) " %(xexpH)

where Px is the set of all roots ~P with ~(x)=l~ and ~Px ~Px

All the functions of H that appear in (9) are analytic on a n ~i" Cal-
culating the fourth powers and remembering that Vx and j~ are real valued, we
find after a simple calculation,

1 ! 4 46p(H)
(~(~)IJ~(H)I ~ I~=(=exp~)l ~) = g4~(x)e ('~(xe~)) a
~H e a ~ ~i" Since a~ ~i~ being star-like at 0, is connected, we are through.

We begin with a description of F on A' D ~. We need a definition. Let

AI cA be an open set and let g be a complex valued function on A I. We say
that g is a local exponential polynomial on AI if it has the following pro-
perty: given a I 6 AI, there exists an open neighborhood u of 0 in a such
that al e x p u c~, and g(alexpH )=f(H)~He u, f being an exponential po!y-
nomial on c. We write

(lo) "~p(a) : "~ p(a)F(a) (a ~A' n n).

THEOREM 12. Let ~ and T be as in Theorem 5 and let notation be as

above. Let 80 be the ideal of all zc 8 such that zT=0 on G[A'ND]. Then
• ~p is a local exponential polynomial on A' n ~ and z s ~0 if and only if on
A'nD we have (on A'O~)

(ll) (e -~P o ~/,,(z) o e 8p)(. ~p) = o

We consider the natural map

G×(A'nn) -~G[A'n~]
which is a submersion and the injective linear map T~ T that takes a G-invar-
iant distribution T on G [ A ' n ~ ] to the distribution qT on A ' D ~ . By Theorem
3.12, for z c


zT:O ~ ~/~(~)(l~x 1~ ~)=o
We now use (9) with x any element of A'~. Then j =i~ V P x = l . So~ writing
F for the function defined by T on Q and denoting by FA its restriction to
-Sp 5p
(12) zT = 0 <==> (e o ~/a(z) o e )( '/~p FA) = 0

THEOREM i$. Let notation be as in Theorem 12. Then

(i) " ¢p extends to an analytic function on A '(R) D ~.

(ii) Let xeA ~ Q and let R be the set of all roots eR with {~(x)
= i. Let ue®(ac) be such that s. u=-u for all ~eRx, s being the
Weyl reflection corresponding to ~. Then

(e-6p 6p
oU oe )'~p

extends to a continuous function in a neighborhood of x in A nd.

We fix x e A A Q~ and select 7~T as usual to be sufficiently small. First

assume that xeA'(R) N ~. Then (~a) has no real roots~ i.e.~ a is a funda-
mental CSA of ~. Hence TFpxf a extends to an analytic function on a0 ~ T
(I~ Corollary 6.4). The folnnula (12) then gives (i). Suppose xeAnO\A'(R)~
i.e.~ Rx ~ . Let ue~(s) be such that s ~ = -u ~ / = e R x. Then u is skew
with respect to all real roots of (8~a). Hence 8(U)(TF f ) extends to a con-
PX ~ G
tinuous function on ~ 0 ~T,~ (I, Theorem 6.3). We then get (ii) from (12).

COROLLARY 14. Let ue~(a) be such that s •u=-u V~eP. Then

(e-spoU o e 8p)'@p extends continuously to A N ~. In particular~ (e -SPo~oeSp).p

extends continuously to A Q Q.

COROLLARY i~. Suppose a is fundamental. Then "@p extends to an analytic

function on A ~ ~, denoted again by • Cp; and (e -sP o~/o(z) oe 8p )'®p=0 ~/

z e ~0" In particular, let T be an invariant ~-finite distribution defined on
all G. Write A ~ AIXA R where AT is compact and AR is a vector group.
Then we can r e p r e s e n t "¢p as


where ~i are irreducible characters of AI and the gi are exponential poly-

nomials on A R.

From (ii) we see that "¢p is ~(~)-finite and analytic on A. An elementary

argument then shows that if ai (l<i<m) are a complete system of representatives


for AI/AI, then

• ¢p(aibc) = ~ qij(b)hij(c) (b e AI,C e AR,l_<i~m )
where the ~]ij are characters Of the compact abelian group AI and t h e hij are
exponential polynomials on A R. Elementary harmonic analysis on AI then y i e l d s
the form (13). We omit the details.

3. Acceptable groups

To formulate the properties of F analogous to I, Theorem 6.5 requires a

little more care. We shall not do this in general but restrict ourselves to a
special case. We begin with some definitions. Let }4 be a connected complex Lie
group with reductive Lie algebra rn. We shall say that M is acceptable if there
exists a CSA I c m and a positive system Q of roots of (m,I) such that the
linear function 6Q exponentiates to a character of the CSG of M correspond-
ing to I; we denote this character by ~6Q,M" If t is any element of the
Weyl group of (m,|), then 8tQ- 6 Q = t 6 Q - 6Q is a sum of roots and so ~Q
also has the same property. As the CSA's of m are conjugate to one another,
it is clear that acceptability is a property of M and not of I or Q. Supp-
ose G is a group in Z. We shall say that G is acceptable if (i) G is
connected (ii) there exists an acceptable connected complex Lie group with
Lie aJLgebra ~c and an analytic (for the real analytic structure) homomorphism
w(G - M ) such that dw is the injection ~ ~ @e" If G is acceptable and a
is a CSA of 9, then for any positive system P of roots of (~c' ac) we de-
fine ~6 = ~6_,M ° v. Now, if ~ and ~ are the respective universal covering
groups oH G Fand M, we have an analytic (for the real structures) homomorphism
7 ( ~ ~ M) such that d~ = dv and the diagram

G >M

commutes. It is then obvious that gSp can also be obtained by taking ggp,~ °
and factoring through the covering map G ~ G. Consequently~ {6p depends only
on P and not on M (as long as M is acceptable). A similar argument based
on (14) also shows that if G is connected and is in ~, then we can find a
connected group in Z which is acceptable and is a finite covering of G. We
shall assume; for the remainder of this n °, that G is acceptable.

Let ~;T,F be as in Theorem 5. Given a,A,P as before, we put, with



: n (1 - ~_~), ®p = ~ F A .

If M is an acceptable connected complex s.s. group and v(G ~ M) the homo-

morphism occurring in the definition of acceptability, it is obvious that (with
a self-explanatory notation)

(z6) j~, : %,Mo ~ .

As tap M is skew under the Weyl group of ( ~ 9 c ~ c R ~ c ), it follows from (16)

' s
that t~ = s(s)/Ap for all s ~ W(G,A), this being the subgroup of the complex
Weyl group coming from G (~ the normalizer of A° in G module the centraliz-
er). In particular~ we have

(17) ®~ : ~(s)® F, J~ = ~(s) ~p (s ~w(a,A)).

LEMMA 16. Let G,M,v be as above and let g be the character of an irre-
ducible complex analytic representation of M. Put Xg= g ° v, Xg,A = Xg I A,~g,A=
~p(~p Xg,A ). Then ~g,A is independent of the choice of P. If B is another
CSG, Xg~A = Xg,B on A N B. If xcA~ we can choose g such that Xg,A(X)~0.

We may clearly work with M and its CSG's, or~ what comes to the same
thing, assume that G is ccmplex~ s.s., acceptable, and regard ~ as holo-
m~rphic differential operatcrs. Given A~ the transitivity of the Weyl group
of (9,~) on the set of positive systems shows that ~ A depends only on A
and not on P. If u £ G , B I = A u, then ~ g , ~ = (~g,A) . If now B is another
CSG and y~A n B, we can find u £ G suchZhat u fixes y and B = A u. Then
~g,B(y)=~g,A(y )=¢g,A(y). Suppose xcA. We assert that for some integer
n >_ i, (the sum below is over the Weyl group)

(18) ~s ~SSP (x)n 7 o.

Otherwise, if c s =~s6p (x), then ~ s c ns= O for all n > i and none of the num-
bers es is 0; this is clearly impossible. Select n ~ i satisfying (18) and
let ~ = (n-l)6p. Then ~ s {s(X+6p) (x) ~0. Now take for g the character of the
irreducible representation with highest weight X. Then ~p(glA) is the al-
ternating sum ~ s g(S)~s(X+Sp) from which we get

~p(~p (g r A)))(x) = ,'~p(~ + ~p) Z:s ~s(~+sP )(~) ~ o.

L ~ X A 17 . Let x eG be s.s. and let notation be as in Lemma ii. Then

there exists a constant b(x,¢,P)~0 such that ~Hc a r] wI,


I i
(l~) ~-~ (H)[ ~ ~(~)1~1 ~x(X exp H)I ~ = ~(x, ,,~) a ( ~ e ~ ~0 •

The argument is the same as in Lemma ii.

THEOREM 18. Let G be acceptable and let notation be as above. Then

~£({p) extends to a continuous function on A n Q that does n~depend on the
choice of P. Let YA denote this function. Then~ if B is another CSG~

Let M be the acceptable complex s.s. group and v(O ~ M) the real ana-
lytic homomorphism. The eonjugacy (under the complex Weyl group) of the positive
systems shows that the holomorphic differentia& operator ~ , M °/~,M does not
depend on the choice of P. Hence ~fpOl~ does not depend on P either. The
continuous extendability of '~p(¢p) is clear from Corollary 14. We now take up
the proof that YA = Y B on ANBNQ. Let xeAABNQ. Then, by Lemma 17, with
notation as in that lemma, ~/H c QN w I regular in 8,

(2o) ®p(x e ~ H ) = b(x,%P) -1 ~p ( H ) f ( ~ ) .

We now apply ~ p to both sides and calculate the derivatives at H = 0. As
~P/~x is invariant Lmder the Weyl group of (~c,ac), there exists ~(x,a,P)
e Is(~c ) which "restricts" to ~p~ . Let G be the distribution
b(x,~,P) -I ~(~(x,a,P))t on ~z" x
Clearly ~ is invariant and Is(~c)-finite and so V ~ extends continu-
ously to w I. Using I~ Theorem 2.14 to calculate the derivatives~ we find

(V88)(0 ) = b(x,a,P) -1 f ,a(O; 8(Wp) OWp ) •

"i~u s

(2l) ~A(~) = ( r e ) ( 0 ) .

If we knew that £8 is independent of ~c ~ and P, (21) would show that YA(X)

does not depend on a and P and hence we would obtain YA(X) = YB(X). From
the definition of 8 we see that it is a question of proving that
b(x,~,P) -I ~(x,Q,P) ~does not depend on a and P. Now ~(x,a,p)2 restricts
to ~ / ~ so ~(~,%p)2 does ~ot ebange when ~ and P ~ e changed. So
the one dimensions& span of ~(x~%P) is independent of a and P. Let v be
a nonzero element of this span. Then b(x,a,P) -I ~(x,~,P)=b'(x,a,P)v where
b'(x,e,P) ~0, and

(22) YA(X) = b ' ( x , a , P ) (q~ 8(v)t )(0) .


Although we have not explicitly written it, the distributions involved in (22)
depend on T while b'(x,%P) does not. We now use L e n a 16 to construct a
distribution for which the corresponding YA(X) is the same for all CSG's that
contain x and is nonzero. The relation (22) then gives the independence of
b'(x~%P) from ~ and P. This finishes the proof.

Let us write ~(x) for the element b(x,a,P) -I ~(x,a,P) introduced above.
Then, from (20) we get, ~ H e s n t~I that are regular in ~,

(23) ~A(xe~m~) = (~ ~(¢(x))t)(~).

On the other hand, we know from I~ Theorem 6.8 that V ~(~(x))t extends con-
tinuously to the whole of wI . Elementary arguments then lead to the following
theorem. We omit the verification.

THEOREM 19. Let G be acceptable. Then there exists a unique analytic

differential operator VG such that if x c G'~ the local expression of V G at
x is the same as that of U p o~p at x where A is the unique CSG contain-
ing x and ~p, 6p are defined as above. VG is invariant. If $]cG is open,
completely invariant and T is an invariant 3-finite distribution on Q, then
the function VGF extends continuously to Q, F being the analytic function
on Q n G' that coincides with T thereon.

We remark that Theorem 5 and Proposition 6 give, for arbitrary G in ~4, a

complete reduction from G to ~. For our purposes in the next section, this is
enough. The more delicate formulations to an arbitrary G of class ~ of
Theorem 19 are not necessary. However, if G is acceptable, the formal aspects
of the functions ~ and y become very much more elegant than in the general

For the results of this section, see Harish-Chandra [7].

5. The distributions Gb.

Throughout this section we shall work with a group G of class ~ having a

compact CSGB. We shall assume B ~ K c G where K is a maximal compact sub-
group of G; b is the CSA of B; C = ker(Ad). Following Ha~.ish-Chandra,
we construct, for each regular irreducible character b* of B, an invariant
eigendistribution %. on G, defined uniquely by certain natural properties.
The importance of these distributions lies of course in the fact that they are, up
to a sign, the characters of the discrete series of representations of G. How-
ever, this will emerge only much later. P will denote a positive system of roots
of (~c'bc)' chosen once for all, and 6 = ½~sp ~"

I. Preliminaries and statement of the main theorem

We denote by B* the set of irreducible characters of B and by Bah the

subset of abelian (= one dimensional) characters; for b * ~ B* dim(b*)=b~(1) is
the dimension of the corresponding representation. £ is the lattice of all linear
functions ~ on b such that exp H ~ e ~(H) (H c b) is a well-defined character
of B°; we denote this character by ~ . Clearly £C(-l)~b *. As B centralizes
B o , given b * c B , ~ a unique # s t such that b* IB° = d i m ( b * ) ~ ; we write
~=logb and define the element k(b*) of (-l)~b * by ~(b*)=logb +8. We
shall call b regular if ~(b *) is regular in the msual sense, i.e., if
~f(~(b*))~0 where ~=ij~s P H . B*' is the set of regular elements of B*.

Let £0 be the additive subgroup of £ generated by the roots of ($c,bc).

For each root ~, the global root corresponding to is an element of B* ~ and
is denoted as usual by ~ . It is obvious that the map ~ ~ ~ extends uniquely
to an injective homomorphism ~ ~ ~ of £0 into Bab. We define ~=~ep(l-~_~).
Since the ~ (#c £0) are one-dimensional characters, each of them gives rise to
a bijection b*~b*~# of B* onto itself. As usual W(G,B)=B/B, where B is
the normaliser of B in G~ and is identified with a subgroup of the Weyl group
W(bc) of (~c,be). W(G,B) operates on B* naturally; however, for our pur-
poses~ it is necessary to introduce a slightly different action of W(G,B) on B* .
For b*c B* and s ~ W(G~B), the transform s[b*] will be defined by

(i) s[b*] = sb*~s6_8

where sb* is the natural transform of b* by s defined by (sb*)(b)=b*(s-lb)

(b s B); of course~ as s6 - 6 c £0' ~s6-8 is well-defined. A simple calculation

(2) ~(s[b*]) = s~(b*).


The main theorem of this section is then the following.

THEOREM i. Let G be a group of class ~ such that rk(G) = rk(K), and

let notation be as above. Let b * c B~ be regular. Then there exists exactly one
invariant eigendistribution %. on G such that:
(i) %* = 0 outside CG °

(ii) for some constant C > O,


(iii) for all bcB'~

(3) '~(b)%.(b) = ~ ~(s)(s[b* ])(b).

Moreover~ the distribution %. satisfies the differential equations

(z ~8).

Here D and ~/b are as in Section 3, n°5 • cg° is open and closed in G
and (i) is equivalent to saying supp(Gb{ ) c C G °. We recall that Xv is the
homomorphism z ~ ~/b(Z)(V) of S into C, v beim6 an arbitrary element
of bc .
There are two parts to this theorem~ existence and uniqueness. The uniqueness
is somewhat simpler and is moreover needed in the existence proof. We therefore
take up the uniqueness first.

2. Uniqueness

It is actually necessary to formulate and prove the uniqueness in a sharper

form than needed for the proof of Theorem i. We proceed in complete analogy with
Theorem 13 of I~ Section 7, n°4. If v e b~×
c we call the homomorphism Xw of 8

into C elliptic if v ~ (-l)Nb * and is regular; in this case sv is regular and

lies in (-l)~b* for all s ~ W(bc), so that ellipticity is really a property of
the homomorphism. An ideal 80 of 8 is said to be of the elliptic t ~ e if
elliptic homomorphisms ~ ..... % of 8 into C such that ~ ] l < j < r ker(Xj) c

80; in this ease we can find a subset F of {Y~,..__.,~]__ such that 8 0 = % c ~ e)r (.k _
We shall now prove the following theorem. Here E(G) is the class of invariant
open subsets of G introduced in Section 2, n 5-

THEOREM 2. Let ~ e g(G) and let ®. be invariant distributions on


(i=1,2). Suppose 8i ( i = 1 , 2 ) is an ideal of 8 of elliptic type such that

_-Si®i=0- Suppose further that ®.m=0 out side ~NCG ° for i=1,2 and that



(5) ®1=®2 on ~Ol(b) = ®2(b) Vb~' n ~.

Let e l ( b ) =Q2(b) V b ~ B' n ~. i t is enough to pro~e that e l = ®2 on ~ C ~ ° .

Write ®=e l- ®2' 8o =~n82" Then 80 is an ideal of 8 of elliptic type,
80®= O, ~ b ) = 0 for all b ~ B' n 9, and ® is majorized by 2ClDI -~ on u n G,
To prove that ®= 0 on ~D CG ° in view of Proposition 2.34 it is sufficient to
show that for any b [ B O D, there is an a >0 and an open neighborhood 8b of
0 in c (= eenter(~)) such that G (b)[~b~b]b ~ ~ and ®= 0 on G (b)[~b,~b]. Fix

b{BO2 and choose 8=8b and ~= Cb so small that Propositions 4.~ and 4.4 are
valid with ~i= ~[~,¢] and ~i =Z[~,~], ~ of course being the centralizer of b
in 9. Using the descent theory of Section 4, n°l we now obtain a distribution
8 on ~! which is i~variant under the adjoint group of ~. It satisfies the
differential equations

(6) ~(~ (.B/~(z)))e = 0 (z ~ 80)

by (4.k). If 80
is the intersection of the kernels of Xvl' "" "'Xvr where
Vl,...,vr are regular elements lying in (-l)2b , and J0 is the ideal of Is(Sc)
generated by ~ (~ /~(80)) , it follows now from I, Le~ma 7.17 that J0 is the
ideal of IS(~c) which is the intersection of the kernels of the homomorphisms
u~u(svj) of !S(~e ) into C (scW(5c), l<_j<_r ). In particular, J0 is of
the elliptic type. Now, $(J0)8= 0 on ~i' by (6); moreover, as @= 0 on
B'n9, we conclude from (4-5) that 8=0 on b'n~l. On the other hand,
~i c8(~) by I, Lemma 7.11. So, we can use I, Theorem 7.1~ to conclude that 8 = 0
on ~i' provided we verify that e is tempered. But this is immediate; for,
using (4.5) and (4.6), we have, for all Ycc01~9' ,
i i
I~(Y)l~le(Y)l = ID(be~ Y)l~le(be~ Y)I _< 2C
which l e a d s t o t h e t e m p e r e d n e s s o f 8 on ~1 i n view of I , t ~ P r o p o s i t i o n 7 . 9 .
Thus 8=0 on ~'i" This implies that ®:0 on G[~I]:G~, ].

Before proceeding to the construction of the %* we shall show how

Theorem 2 gives the uniqueness in Theorem i. In fact this follows at once from
the following lemma.

LEMMA ~ . Suppose b*e B* is regular. Then the homomorphism ~(b*) is

elliptic. If U is an invariant open subset of G such that U N B' is nonempty,


and if T is an invariant eigendistribution on U with eigenhomomorphism X

such that

(7) '~(b)T(b) = ~3 ~(s)(s[b~])(b) (%/b eU @ B')

then X=~(b. ).

It is enough to prove that on v=a[unB'] we h a ~ e zT:~(b.I(z)T (zeS).

In view of Theorem 4.12 this reduces to proving, for the function '¢ defined on
UnB' by '¢(b)= '~(b)T(b), the differential equations

(s) (e-~o %/b(z)° e6)'®:~(bD(Z)'®

This follows from (7) and the following easily verified fact: if u e ~(b)~ then
for any c* e B* we have the differential equation uc* = u(log c*)c*.

3. Existence

We now proceed to the construction of %.. Fix a regular h~eB* and write
~ J

LEMMA 4. Suppose for each beB there is an N(b) e 8(G) containing b~ and
an invariant distribution ®(b) on 2(b) such that

(a) ®(b) is an invariant eigendistribution on n(b) and suppe(b)cn (b) rico °

(b) sup ID(~)IN ®(b)(~)l <
(c) '~(a)®(b)(a) = 18 ~(s)(s[b~D(a)
Then there exists exactly one distribution ® on G such that supp ® c C G °, and
®=®(b) on g~(b) for each b e B. Moreover, ®= % . .
By Lemma 3, ®(b) is an invariant eigendistribution for the eigenhomomorphism
X v. Theorem 2 guarantees that ®(b)= ®(b') on 2 ( b ) n 2 (b'). Existence of ® is
now clear. Further C G ° = k°~ c F 2_( b ) n c G for a suitable finite subset F of B by Pro-
position 2.34. So ® satisfies the estimate (ii) of Theorem i. ByTheorem2, ®=®b..

Our problem is thus reduced to the construction of 2 (b) and ®(b) for each
beB. Fix beB. Let ~ be the centralizer of b in g. We take an ~>0 and
an open neighborhood B of 0 in ¢ (= center(~)), both so small that the descent
theory of Section 4, n°l is valid if we take for ~i the set ~[8,¢]. We write

(9) ~(b) = ~[B,¢]' 2(b) = G(b)



and proceed to construct ®(b) on ~(b). Let Gb be the centralizer of b in

G. We denote by Wb(G,B ) (resp. W(G~,B)) the image in W(G,B) of B n Gb
(resp. ~ n G~), ~ being the normaliser of B in G. Clearly W(G~,B)cWb(G,B ).

Let Pb be the set of all roots of (~c,bc) that belong to P. We write

%=n~pb~. We write ~b for the nonzero constant c(b,b,P) of Lemma 4.11; thus,

(10) ~b(H)Ij~(H)I½1% (be~ H)I { = %eS(H),,~(b e~ H) (He ~n~(b)),

Let us define, for

(ll) a(s) = ~s6_6(b), c(s) = (s[b*])(b)%.

S~A ~. We have (i) e(ts)= a(t)e(s) for all t~Wb(G,B) and s~W(G,B)
( i i ) a ( t ) = 1 for t~W(Gb,B ) ( i i i ) '/As = ~(s){6_sS'/A for aJL1 seW(G,B)
(iv) ~bt = ~(t)a(t)~b for all t ~ Wb(G,B), and a(t) = _+ i for all such t.

Let t,s be as in (i). Then, as t lies in Wb(G,B), we have e(ts) = [Yb "
(tsb*)(h) ]~tsS_8(b) = (sb*)(b)~t(s~_8)(b)~tS_6(b)% = a(t)o(s); we must note i~
such calculations that W(G,B) acts on class functions on B and that for any such
function f, ( t O ( h ) = f ( b ) for t~Wb(G,B). This proves (i). If tcW(a~,B), t8-5
is an integral linear combination of the roots o~ Pb' and as ~(b) =I for
such ~, we get (ii). For proving (iii) we may go over to Ad(G) and hence to
a simply connected covering group of the complex adjoint group of 9c ; it then
follows from standard results. We now come to (iv). Now if y cG normalizes Gb,
then bY= ~ and j~(~)=j~(X), Vb(xY)=vb(X ) for X e ~, x cG b. Let t be in
O O -L
Wb(G,B ). Then ft(bexpH)=f(bexpHt ) for any class function f on B (Heb)
and so, ~e get from (i0) and (iii) above

4(H) = ~(t)e t6(H)-8(H)~8_tS(bexpH)~b(H )

for all Hc bn~(b) such that H is regular in £ and bexpH regular in G.

This gives the first assertion of (iv) with a(t) -I in place of a(t). Further,
a(t):+_l. Fo~, a(t)2:~t(2~)_28(b)=~t(26)(b)~28(h)-i (since 28 c £0.') =i , as

~t(28)(b) = ~28(b )-

LEMMA 6. Let notation be as above. Then there exists a unique tempered

Gb-znvariant distribution e (b)= e ) on 8 such that

(a) ~(u~)0(b)=ub(V)£(b) for ~Ii UCls(~e )

(b) for all He b regular in ~ (i.e., ~b(H)/0),


(12) %(H)e(b)(~) = % F ~(s)(s[b~])(b)e s~(H)


The distribution 8 (b) has moreover the additional properties:

(e) e (b) is Gb-invariant

(d) s~p I~(Y)1½1~(b)(Y)l < ~o

(e) if Sl~S2,...,s m is a complete set of representatives for
W(Gb,B) \ W(G,B), then

(13) e (b) = % ~ ~(sj[b*])(b)Ts~.~

lSjim j

Here we must recall the definition of the distributions T~, for any
i *
y' e (-1)2b such that I] epb v'(H )~0; namely, it is the unique tempered Gb-
invariant distribution on ~ such that ~(v)Tv~,=vb(v')Tv~, for all Ve!s(~e),

and Tv~, coincides pointwise on 50 b' with - i t seW(Gb ,B)E(s)eSV'

Trb (I, Theorem
7.16). Also ~8 is defined by I, (i.i) and (1.2) with ~ replacing ~.

(i) and (ii) of T emma 5 we have c(ts) = e(s) for ~ l s ~ W(G,B),

t e W(Gb,B ). So the existence of a e (b) satisfying (a), (b), as well as its
uniqueness, follows from I, Theorem 7.18. The representation (13) is a consequence
of the representation (7.16) of I. The estimate (d) for ~(b) follows from an
application of I, Theorem 7.21 to the distributions T~ • It remains to prove
the Gb-invariance of 9(b). Now any element of Gb mo#es b to a CSA of
O "~ O
that is clearly conjugate to b under Gb; consequently Gb= (B~ Gb)G b and so
it is enough to prove that 8 (b) is invariant under any element of Gb which
normalizes b. Let ~ be such an element and let t denote the element of
Wb(G,B ) defined by it. in view of I~ Corollary 7.19, this reduces to verifying
that the restriction of e(b) to b~ ~' is invariant under t. This is a
straightforward consequence of (12), and (i) and (iv) of Lemma 5.

We may regamd e (b) as a function on all of ~ by putting it zero on ~\ ~'.

LEMMA 7. Let ®(b) be the G-invamiant function on ~(b) such that for
(14) ®(b)(h exp Y) = IVb(be~ Y) I-~Ij~(Y)1-½8(b )(Y) •

Then ®(b) is locally integrable on O (b). If we denote the distribution defined

by this function by ®(b) ~gain, then ®(b) satisfies the conditions (a)-(c) of
Lena 4 °


As ~(b) C CG °, we check (b),(c). From (d) of Lemma 6 and (4.6)

we see that for some constant C~ 0, l®(b)(y)[ is majorized by C]D(y)[ -}
for y in b exp (~(b) O ~'), hence, by G-invariance, for y in ~(b) n G'. We
thus have (b). To prove (c) we must prove that

(15) ®(b)(a) = 'a(a)-I ~ e(s)(s[b*])(a)

for all ae B' 0 n (b) . It follows from (14), (12), and (i0) that (15) is true for
all a e b exp( 'b~ w(b)), 'b being the set of points o f b regular in ~. As
both sides of (15) are W(G,B)-invariant functions of a, (cf. (iii) of Lemma
5), the validity of (15) for all a c B' N £(b) is now clear in view of (iii)
of (2.24). This proves the lemma.

This completes the construction of ®b*" Theorem i is thus proved.

Two special cases are of importance. Consider first the case when G is
connected and acceptable. B is then a torus, B = Bab, and for b* B* one has
b* = ~log b*" Further we can define J~ by

(16) ~ = ~6 ,a

Theorem i now takes the following form.

THEOREM 8. Let G be connected, acceptable, of class ~ and let rk(O) = rk(K).

Then, for each regular b cB there exists exactly one invariant eigendistribu-
tion ®b ~ on G s~ch that
(a) sup I D ( x ) l ~ l % ~ ( x ) l <
(17) xcG'

(b) ~(b)eb.(b) : ~(S)~sX(b.)(b) (b c ~') .

We consider next the case when G is connected but not necessarily acceptable.
h is still a torus~ B j Bab~ and b* = ~logb* for b*c B* . The map b~X(b*)
is now a bijection of B with £ + 8. Clearly £+ 6 does not depend on the choice
of P. Let

(18) Z(H) = n (j(H)/2. e-~(H)/2) (~cb).


Note that expH eB' if and only i£ ~(H)~ 0. From Theorem 1 we easily get the


THEOREM ?. Let G be a connected group of class ~ such that rk(G) = rk(K),

and let notation be as above. Then~ for each regular v e £ + 8, there exists
exactly one invariant eigendistribution ® on G such that
(a) sup ID(x)l~]%(~)l <
(h) ~ ( H ) % ( e ~ ) = ~ ~(s)e s~(H) (He b~ e x p H e B ' ) .

Moreover, if b* e B* is the element such that ~(b*) = ~, then ®v =Gb*"

4. Some properties of Qb*

We shall now derive some properties of the distributions ~b . . These are

quite elementary and follow easily from their uniqueness and the method of their
construction. G is as in Theorem i.

Proposition i0. There exists a constant C >0 such that

(20) I%~(x)l ~ Cdim(b~)lD(x)l -¢

for all xeG' and b cB

The new fact here is that the majoration (20) is uniform with respect to b *.
But I, Theorem 7.21 gives a uniform majorization for the distributions T~,. If
we now fix b cB and substitute this estimate in (13) we obtain the following:
there is a constant Cb > 0 such that

I~)(Y)l ~ cb dim(b )I~(Y)t

for all Y e 8'~ b eB From this we get the required uniform estimate (20)
using (14), (4.6)~ since CG ° is covered by finitely many 2 (b) (Proposition
Let G be the group of all automorphisms ~ of G such that a B = B. We
put ~ = ~ p %, and for ~e demne ~(~) by J = ~(~)~. ~ operates
naturally on B*~ the action being denoted by ~,b ~ ~ b ~. In addition we shall
define an action G,b ~ ~[b*] analogous to (i) by setting

(21) ~[b*] = ~b*~8_8.

It is easily seen that

(22) X(a[b-X]) = dX (b*).

In partic~lar~ ~[B*'] = B*'. Each element of G induces an auto-
morphism of W(G,B) in a natural fashion: if acG, s cW(G,B), and xcB in-
duces s, then a(x) ind~.ees s~. Also,


(23) ('{)~ = c(~){~_~6m .

To prove (23) we may replace G by Ad(G). Moreover, by Theorem 1.17, Ad(B) is

connected and is a maximsi ictus of Ad(K) °, so that we may replace Ad(G) by
Ad(G°). In other words, there is no loss of generality in assuming that G is
connected, semisimple, and B is a torus. But then B = exp5 and (23) is equiv-
alent to the relation (~)~ = E(c)~ on 5, ~ being defined by (18). If we
eZ/2 _ e-Z/2
(24) ~ = ( n g(~))~ g(~) -
~eP z

and observe that %eP g(~) is invariant under &, the required relation is
an immediate consequence of the defining relation ~= ~(~)~.

Proposition ii. Let ~e ~ and b* e B Then

If ~ is induced by an element of G~ we have in particular

(2~) eb. = <o-)®0%. ].

(%,) ~ is an invariant eigendistribution on G with support in CO ° and

majorized pointwiseonG' by const. [DI "~. Hence, in view of the uniqueness, it is
enough to verify (25a) pointwise on B' This is a routine calculation based on
(23). We omit the details.

Proposition 12. Let b eB 8md v= k(b*). Let us write ev for the in-
variant eigendistribution defined on G° by Theorem 9- Then:
(~) supp Oh. = ca °
(b) Let [=CG ° and let Yl ( l < i < r ) be a complete set of representatives
for G/~; then, for all ceC, xeG°nG ',

(26) eb.(o~) = ~ b*(cYi)%Si).


This proposition tells us how, once the ®v are constructed, %* can be

obtained directly from the e .
Let @w be the eigendistribution on G° defined by Theorem 9- Let
F=COG ° . Then F is the center of G° and in fact F = C O B °. A simple cal-
culation shows that for any c e F, x ~ ®v(cx) (x e G° n G') defines an invariant


eigendistribution on G° that coincideslwith ~log b *(c) ®v on G'Q B °, and is

majorized by a constant multiple of IDI -~. By the uniqueness theorem it must
coincide with ~logb* (c)®v on G° . It follows from this that the function
cx ,~ b*(c)®w(x ) (c ¢ C, x e G ° N G') is well defined and defines a distribution ®'
on ~. Clearly ®' is an invariant eigendistribution on ~, is majorized by a
constant multiple of IDI -Z, and is given on B' by the formUla (3) modified so
that the sum is over W(G°,B°). Extend ®' to a distribution (denoted again by
®') on G by setting it zero on G\ ~. ®' is certainly ~-invariant. Let us
define ~ = ~ i < i < r ®'yi . It is then clear that ~ is an invariant eigendistribu-
tion on G and that it does not depend on the choice of the representatives Yi"
We now use Proposition 1.18 and choose the Yi to be in ~ so that the corre-
sponding elements s. of W(G;B) form a complete system of representatives for
W(G,B)/W(G°~B°). A simple calculation shows that ~ coincides on B' with
'~-l~seW(G,B)E(s)s[b*]. The usual uniqueness argument now gives ~=~,. It is
clear from the construction that for c{C and x c G °n G', Z(cx) is given by the
right side of (26).

5. Construction of the distributions % * for singular b*

So far the character b* has been assumed to be regular. We shall now drop
this assumption and proceed to associate to an arbitrary b e B~ a distribution
b*; for regular b ~ ~. will of course be the distribution constructed earlier.
Although the distributions ®b* corresponding to singular b* are not needed
for determining the discrete series of G~ their consideration seems in-
dispensable for a definitive Fourier transform theory of functions and distribu-
tions on G.

We shall construct the distributions Gb. for singular b* by a limiting

process. At first sight this appears impossible since B is a discrete set.
However we recall that the distributions ~. for regular b were first con-
structed locally~ and for any b e B, ~ (b)_~(b)
- - was defined on ~(b) by (14)
and (131 . But as the distributions T~ are defined even whent k / £ as long as
e (-l)2b * and is regular, we can define the distributions ®~b) for such k
and pass to the limit as ~ ~ k(b*). These limiting distribution% O (b) are
compatible for different b (lemma 22) and define an invariant eigendistribu-
tion on G. The latter however will depend~ not only on b*, but also on the
connected component along which X approaches X(b ); averaging over the possible
connected components will lead finally to the distribution ®b*"
Our notation will be as in n 3; G will be as in Theorem i. We write
for (-1 , i.e. ~ the vector space o v e r ]R of all elements of be that take
o n l y p u r e i m a g i n a r y v a l u e s on b; ~' denotes the subset of regular elements of 5.


Of course £ c 5. C(~') denotes the set of connected components of ~'; it is

a finite set. For any k e 5, C(X) denotes the subset of C(~') of all connect-
ed components of 5' whose closures contain k.

For taking limits of various families of distributions we shall restrict

ourselves to the following situation. Let M be a C manifold, oriented by a
nowhere vanishing smooth exterior form of degree dim(M); let dm be the
corresponding Borel measure. Suppose ft is a locally integrable function on M
for all t e T, T being some metrizable topological space, satisfying the follow-
ing conditions: (i) for any t eT, there is an open neighborhood N of t O
in T and a locally integrable function g = gt0 on M such that for each t c N,
Ift(m)l<g(m) for almost all m (ii) as tn - t o , ftn(m ) ~ fto(m ) for almost
all m. Then it is clear that for any u c Cc(M), ~M ftu dm ~ ~M ft0u dm wherever
t ~ t O . We shall describe this by writing "ft ~ ft0 for t ~ t 0''.

Let m c g be a subalgebra reductive in g such that b c m. Let 3' be

the subset of ~ of all v that are regular with respect to m, i.e., such that
v(H ) ~ 0 for all roots ~ of (mc,Sc). Let Fm be any connected component of
3'.m Then for any v c CZ(Fm) we have defined the distributions Tm'Fm.v We refer
to I, Section 7, especially the remarks following Theorem 7.21, for the definition
m,~ m
and properties of these distributions; most notably, the convergence T m , ~ T v
whenever v' ~ F converges to v. These remarks and notations will be applied
to the case when m = 8 is the centralizer of some element b c B. Let F be a
connected component of 3'. Then there is a unique connected component F of
3' such that F c F . If vcC~(P)~ then veC~(F ) and so we have the dis-
tribution T v~,P~o; we~ shall write T v~'f instead of ~T v~'r~.
We shall now fix b cB and use the notation of n 3. In particular a=a b
is the +_ i valued function on W(G,B) given by (ii). We denote by IFb the
vector space of all functions f : W(G,B) ~ C such that f(ts) = ~b(t)f(s) for
t~wb(a,B) and ~W(G,B) For f~F b we write llfll for SUPs~W(a,B)If(s)l.
L~MMA !~. For any w e ~' and f c]Fb there is a unique tempered Gb-
invariant distribution e (b) = @(b)(v,f) on ~ such that

(a) ~(u)e(b)=%(v)e (b) for all U~IS(~ c)

(b) ~b(~)e(b)(~) = ~br,s~W(~,B)~(s)f(s)eS~(~) (~ b n ~')
The distribution 0 (b) has the additional properties:

(c) e(h) is %-invariant

(d) there exists a constant Cb>0 such that


le(b)(y)l <_ Cbllfll l~(Y)l -~

for all Ye 8' ~ f =]Fb, ve~'

(e) if Sl,...,s m is a complete set of representatives for W(Gb,B)\W(G,B),


(27) e(h) = 'Yb I: ,(sj)f(sj)T~.~

l_<j<_m j
The proof is exactly the ssme as Lemma 6. For the uniform m&joration in (d)
we use the uniform majoration of Ts~jv (I, Theorem 7.21).

We may as usual regard 6 (b) as a function defined on all of ~ by putting

it zero on ~\ 8 " Proceeding as in Lemma 7 we get the following.

L ~ 4 A 14. Let ®(b)= G(b)(v,f) be the unique G-invariant fhnction on ~(b)

such that for all y e ~(b)

(28) ®(b)(be~Y) = l~h ( b e ~ Y ) l-½1j~(Y)l-½e(b)(Y)-

Then ®(b) is locally integrable on ~(b). The corresponding distribution (de-

noted by the same symbol) on ~(b) has the following properties :

(a) z®(b) = ×(z)® (b) (z~8)

(b) if Cb is the constant defined in (d) of Lemma 15, then

I®(b)<x)l _< ChlIfllID<x)1-½

for all xeG' N n (b), f e]Fb, v e 5'

(c) for all Heb N ~ (b) for which bexpHeB',

(28) ®(b)(hexp H) = '~(bexp H) -I r ¢(s)f(s)e sv(H)-~(H)


Moreover, ®(b) is theunique invariant eigendistribution on ~(b) satisfying

(c) and majorized pointwise on ~(b) N G' by a constant m[tltiple of ID1-½.

For the last assertion we note that if ® is an invariant eigendistribution

on ~(b) ~iven ( b o ~ ( b ) ) o B , by the right side of (28), then it
equals ®(h~ on b exp
on B' N ~(b) by (iii) of (2.24); as the eigenhomomorphism to which
® belongs must necessarily be kw, we can apply Theorem 2.

The next lemma studies the behaviour of ®(b)(v,f) under the action of G.
Fix ~ e~. Then 8 is the centralizer of ob and it is clear that ~[8~,E] =
(8[B,¢]) . The descent theory of Section 4 is applicable to ~b, ~ if we t~ke


for ~i the set (~(b))o we put ~(ob) : (~(b))o ~(ob) = (G(b))o. By transport
of structure, ~ moves ®(b)(v,f) to a distribution ®(b)(v,f)o on ~(ob). Now
o induces an antomorphism s ~ s° of W(G,B) and hence s operates on functions
on W(G,B); for any function g on W(G,B) we write gO for its transform by
o, so that g°(s°)= g(s). We note the following:

(~b)° = ~ob "

Indeed, Wob(G,B)=Wb(G,B)° and so, if f e IFb, we find that f°(t~s)=

~t~_~(b)f°(s) for all t ~Wb(O,~) and s ~W(G,~). mt ~t~_~(b)=~ot~_~(~b) a~d

= ~ ~ (~b)~ (~b)~6_o~(~b)
t~8-8 t~(G6-8)

since tc fixes ~b. Hence ~tS_8(b) = ~tcS_8(ob). This proves that f c e ]Fob.

LEMMA i>. Let ocG, f ~]Fb, v ~ ' Then, on ~(~b) we have

(29) (e(b)(~,f))°= ~(o)~8_o_16(b)~(°b)(~°,f°) i

If o is induced by an element of G, then D(ob) = ~(b), and on it we have

(30) ~(b)(~,f) = ~(o)~6_o_l8(h)®(oh)(ofo) .

In view of the uniqueness proved in Lemma 14 it is enough to prove (29')

pointwise on (B' N Q(b))o. Using (iii) of (2.24) it is even sufficient to do
this on (bexp ('b R ~(b)))o. This is however a routine calculation based on
(28) and the analogous formula on (bexp ('b n ~(b)))o for ®(°b)(vo~f°). The
second assertion follows from the invariance of ®(b)(v,f) and ~(b) ~nder G.

So far v has been assumed regular. We now fix a connected component

F c 5, and a veCZ(F). We define
(3~) e(b'r)(~'f) = ~b E ~(sj)f(sj)Ts~
l<_J<_ m 0

where Sl,...,s m is a complete set of representatives for W(Gb,B)\W(G,B), and

f as usual lies in IFb. If v'cF and v' ~ w~ we have

(32) e(b)(v',f) ~ e(b'r)(~,f) •

It follows from the relation (32) that e(b'F)(~,f) does not depend on the choice
of sl~...~s m. When no confusion can arise we write e (bJF) instead of


¢~b'Fj(w,f).f~ The following lemma is then clear from (32).

LETN~ 16. The distribution e(b,F) is Gb-invariant, tempered and has the
following properties:

(a) ~(u~)9 (h'r) = ub(v)e(b'r) for all u e IS(~c)

(b) for all H o b N ~'

~b (H)e(b'F)(H) = ~b r £(s)f(s)e sw(H)


Moreover, there exists a constant Cb > 0 such that

(33) le(b'r)(Y)l Cbllfll

~or all Y~ ~" ~ ~ b ' ~ ~ c~(r), and r~c(~').
As usual we regard the 8(b,F) as functions defined on all of 8 by de-
fining them to be zero on ~\ ~'. We easily get now

LEMMA i 7. Let ®(b,F) = ®(b,F)(v,f) be the unique G-invariant fanetion on

~(b) suoh t~at for ~ l y~ ~(b)

(3~) ~(b'r)(b~Y) = I~b(be~Y) l-½1J~(Y)l-½e(b'O(Y) •

Then ®(b,F) is locally integrable on ~(b). The corresponding distribution

(denoted by the same symbol) has the following properties:

(~) zQ(b'r) = ×v(z) ®(b'r) (z e.8)

(b) if Cb>0 is the constant satisfying (33), then

(35) Is(b'r)( )l Cbllfll ID( )I

for ~ l ~(b) na', f ~]Fb, ~ c ~ ( r ) , r~ c(~,).

(c) for all He b n ~(b) for which b e x p H e B',

(36) S(b'r)(b e ~ ~) = 'a(bexp H) -I Y ~(s)~(s)e s~(~)-8(H)

We must beware that (36) does not determine ®(b,F) even under the addi-
tional restriction that a constant multiple of IDI -~ is a pointwise majorant.
This is because w is no longer regular. There are examples, even for
G = SL(2, JR), of invariant eigendistributions, corresponding to an eigenhomomorph-
ism X such that v e £, which are majorized pointwise on G' by a constant
v i
multiple of IDI -~ and which are zero on B'.


L~4MA 18. Suppose u' c F and v' ~ v. Then

(37) ®(b)(v',f) ~®(b'F)(v,f) (on a(b)).

More generally~ let fu' e IPb for each v'~ and suppose fv' ~ f pointwise on
W(G,B) as v' ~ v. Then

(38) ®(b)(v"fv ' ) ==> ®(b'r)(v'f) (on ~(b)).

Since dim(~b)<= a~a e(b)(~,g) d~pends ~inearly on g~ ~b' (~8)

follows from (37). The convergence relation (37) is an immediate consequence of
the convergence relation (32) on ~.

From Lemmas 18 and 15 we obtain

LEMMA 19 . Suppose ~ cQ, f c ]Fb, v c C~(F), F being a connected component of

~'. Then on ~(~b) = (~(b)q we have

(~9) (®(b,O(~,f))o
= ~(~)~6 ~-l~ (h)®(~b'~r)(~'f~)"

If ~ is induced by an element of G, then o(ob) = ~(b) and on it we have

(~0) ®(b,r)(~,f) : ~(~)~8__ls(b)Q(~b,~r)(j,f~ )

The crucial problem now is to determine when these distributions are compat-
ible as b varies. Lemma 22 which follows is adequate for our needs. In order
to formulate this lemma we need some notation. We fix ~ c bO ~(b) and write
[ = b exp'. Let ] be the centralizer of [ in G. Clearly ] m ~. Since
lIma (~)I < ab for all roots ~ of (gc,bc), we can find an ~ > 0 such that
+ IIm=(~)l < % for all = as above. ~rt~r we can select an open neighbor-
hood ~ of 0 in c such that ~(c)+B c 8 where ~(c) is the projection of
on c (mod [~,g]). Finally, by shrinking B and taking a smaller ~ if
necessary we may assume that the descent theory of Section 4 is applicable for
b, ~ if we take for wI the set ~([)=][[,~]. We put ~([)= ([exp~(~)) G. An
element of ~ is centralized by [ if and only if it is centralized by H. It
follows from all of these remarks that

+ ~(F) ~ ( b ) [e~(F) < b e ~ ( b ) ~(~) ~ ~(b)

L~4MA 20. Let x c G. Then x centralizes ~ if and only if it centralizes

b and ~. In particular, W~(G,B) is the intersection of Wb(G,B ) with the
centralizer of ~ in WIG,B ) . Suppose f £IFb, be $ and w c W(G,B). Then the
function s ~ f(sw)e sw~(H)-6(~) lies in ~$.


If x centraf[izes ~, then x c Gb by the slice property. Hence x fixes

exp ~, giving e x p ' = expx~. As 8 and ~ are sufficiently small, this leads
to xH= H. The second assertion is an immediate consequence. For the last
assertion, let g(s)=f(sw)e sw~(~)-6(~),"
" " " t ~W~(G,B). Then, as t fixes ~ and
lies i~ Wh(a,B),
g(ts) = f(tsw)e tsw~(g)-6(2) = gt6_5(~)g(s) = gt~_~(~)g(s)

since ~t~_~(e~ ~) = e (t~-~)(~) = 1. So g ~ m

L}~ 2-1. Let v~c#(r)~ f elFb, w£W(G,~) and let notation be as above.
Suppose that

(41) ?(s) = f(sw)e swv(~)-6(~) (s ~ W(G,B)) •

Then T~; ~nd on ~(~) we have

(42) ®(b,r)(~,f)I~(~) = ~(~)®(~,~r)(~w,T) .

We know from Lemma 20 that ~ ~F-. Let us select v' cr converging to w.


f,(s) = f(~)e s~'(~)-6(~) (, ~ W(G,B)) .

Then fv' elF_ and fv' ~ ~ pointwise on W(G,B) as v' ~ v. By (38),

®(~)(~,~ f V t J~ ~®(~,~r)(~,~) on
while by (37)

®(b)(v,,f)~O(b'r)(~,f) o~ Jh).
So in order to prove (42) it is enough to verify that for each w,~r

(43) ®(b)(v',f)la(~) = ~(~)e(b)(~'~,f ,).

Now v' is regular and so to prove (43) it is enough to verify it pointwise on

B' N ~(~). Once again, using (iii) of (2.24), this comes down to proving (43)
on B' n ~ e x p ( b n ~ ( ~ ) ) . Let ~ , c b n ~ ) and let H=~+~' Write
for brevity ®= ®(b)(v',f) and ®'= ®(~)(v'w,f v,). We wish to prove that

e(h e ~ ~) = ~(~) e'(~ exp ~').

~ t , by (28),


® ( b e x p H ) = ' & ( b e x p H ) -1 ~] a ( s ) f ( s ) e s v ' ( H ) - 6 ( H )


: '6(gexpH') -I C E(s)f(s)e sw-lv'w(g)-6(g)+sw-lv'w(H')-6(H')


: '~(gexpH')-l£(w) E ¢(s)f(sw)e swv'(g)-6(g)+sww'(H')-6(H')


= 'a([exp H')-16(w) E ~(s)f v,(s)e sv'w(H')-6(H')


= c(w)®'([expH') .

This proves the lemma.

L~F~4A 22. Let b eB and let v = k(b*). Let F be a connected component

of ~' such that w e C%(F). For each b eB let

(44) fb(s) = (sKb*])(b) (s ~ W(~,B)) .

Thus fb e lFb for all beB. If bl,b 2eB, then

(45) ®(bl'r)(v,fbl ) = ®(b2'r)(v,fb2 ) (on a (bl)na (b2)) .

To prove that fb ~ F b we u~e the same eale~atio~ as in (i) of S e ~ a 5.

We now prove (45). Write ®.z = ® (hi'F) (v,fbi) and ~= n (bl) N n (b2). Then
~(~) and so, to prove that %=®2 on ~, it is enough, in ~ e ~ of Pro-
position 2.34, to show that for each b 0 e £D B, there is an ~0 e ~(G) such that
b 0 e G O C £ and ~=®2 on ~0" We shall in fact prove that for some £0 as
above, and for i =1,2,

(46) ®. = ~ (b0'r)
(~,fbo) (on ~0) .
It is enough to do this for i=l; the argument for i=2 is the same. Write
%= ® (v,fb0) . To prove (46) for a({u~table ~0 we begin by choosing a
w e W(G,B) such that ~= b~ e bI exp(b N ~ i}); this is clearly possible in view

of (iii) of (2.24). Let us write ~=b lexp% with ~£ h a w (bl) . Using (40),

we are reduced to proving that for a suitable ~s Z(G) such that ~e~ c ~ (bl),

e(bl ,r)
(~,fbl) = ~(w)~8_w_16(bo)®(b'wr)(~w,~0)
on ~. We shall use Lemma 21 to do this. Let us write now f= fbl,
g = ~6_w_16(b0)f~ . Then the above relation will have been proved if we show that


(47) g(s) = f(sw)e

~w~(~Z)-~(Hl) (s ~W(G,B)) .
Ths right side of (47) is

On the other hand~

g(~) = -1 (b0)(w-lswb*)(b0)~ (b0)

6-w 6 w-lsw6- 6

= ~w6_8(~)(swb*)(~)~swS_w6(F)

= ~sw6_~(F)(~wb*)(bl)e(SWlOgb*)(~)

= ~sw6_~(bl)(~wb*)(b~)e(swS-8)(~)+(sw(~-~))(~)

= ~sw6_8(bz)(swb*)(bl)e sw~(Kz)-8(~)

which proves (47).

THEORI~M 23 . Let b • B , v= l(b*), and £ a connected component of 5'

with we C~(F). Then there is a unique distribution %~F) on G such that
(i) su~p %~O = caO
(ii) for each b e B, 3 ~b • g(G) such that b •~ and

(48) %£F)= ®(b'£)(v,fb) on

Moreover we have

(a) ®b ~F) is invariant and Zeb~P)= X~(b.)(z)%~F) (z• 8)

(b) 'a(b)%~O(b) = D ~(s)(s[b*D(b) (b• B')

(c) 3 a constant C>0 such that for all xeG', b*eB*, £eC(~')

(49) i%F)(x) I < Cdim(b*)ln(x)f -~

(d) for any o•G


If ~ is induced by an element of G~


b ~[b ]

The existence of ~) is immediate from Lemma 22; its uniqueness follows

from Proposition 2.34. Properties (a) and (b) follow from (a) and (c) of Lemma
17; (c) follows from (b) of the sanle lemma and the fact that CO ° can be covered
with finitely many of the o(b) To prove (50) we use (39) and deduce that
({[))~ coincides on ~(ob) with

where v = X(b*) and f(s) = s[b*](b); a simple calculation shows that

~8__16(b)fa(s) = (sb[b*]])(~b)
while wa= X(o[b*]). Hence (®~{))~ coincides on ~(ob) with s(o)®([F) ]. By

the uniqueness we get (50); (51) follows from (50) since ®(~) is invariant
under ~ when o comes from G.

Given b * e B* let C(b*) be the set of all connected components of Z'

whose closures contain l(b*); i.e.;

(52) C(b*) = IF : F e C ( ~ ' ) , X(b*) e C%(F)] .

As Usual~ for any finite set L~ ILl denotes its cardinality. Put

(53) ® = iC(b*)l-1 ~ ®(r)

b* Fee(b*) b*
We then have the following theorem.

THEOPd~M 24. Let b* e B*, v = X(b*). Then@h. is the unique invariant distri-
bution on G with support contsined in CG ° suchthstforeach b e B, ~ O~e g(G) contain-
ing b on which i t coincides with IC(b*)l-l~r~C(b*)e(b'r)(~'fh)' fb being as
in (44). The % . have moreover the following properties:

(a) z%. = (z eS)

(b) 'a(h)%.(b) =~seW(G,B)~(s)(s[b*])(b) (b~B')
(c) there is a constant C > 0 such that

(54) ~ C d i m ( b * ) l D ( x ) l -~
for all xeG'~ b * e B *

(d) if ~eG,

(55) (%*# ~(°)%[h*]=


in particular, if c is induced by an element of G,

%* = ~(°)%[b*] "

We shall conclude this n with aproposition which extends Proposition 12

to singular b .

Proposition 2~. Let b* e B*, v = k(b*). As usual let C = ker(Ad) and

write ~ for CG °. Denote by ® the invariant eigen distribution on G° de-
fined by Theorem 24 corresponding to the character ~logb* of B e . Then:

(b) Let Yi ( l < - i < - r ) be a complete set of representatives f o r G/~. Then,

for c eC and x e G °NG',

* Yi Yi
(~7) ~.(c~)= ~ b (c )Q(~ ).

The proof of (57) is carried out in two stages. First, let %* be

the invariant eigen distribution associated to b* on the group ~ (note
that B c ~); we shall prove

(58) o .1~ = C (~ .)Yi

b l<i<r b

Clearly it is enough to prove (58) with some suitably chosen complete system of
representatives Yi" We shall therefore assume that BYi= B. Let wi be the
element of W(G,B) defined by Yi" Suppose now b e B, f e ]Fb, and let fi
be the function s ~ f(swi) (s¢ W(~,B)~W(G°,B°)). Then~ looking at the values
on B' we find that for any w'e ~',

--b w.
e(b)(~',f) = D ~(wi)®( )(~' ~'fi) (on a (b))

~(b)( ", •) being the distributions corresponding to ~. Passing to the limit,

we get, for any FeC(~'), ve~ with reCk(F)

(b,w~ F) w~
(~9) o(b'r)(~,f) : 2 ~(wi)~ ~ (~ ~,fi ) .

For f we now take fb given by fb(s)= (s[b*])(b) (ssW(G,B)). A simple

calculation shows that for any s e W(~B)~


(60) fi(S) = (7[b$])(b) (hi =wi[b ])

From the relations (59) and (60) we get, on ~(b)

(by (5o))
l<i<r l l<i<r

since ~(b) is G-stable. Averaging over r yields (58). To get (57) from (58)
it is clearly permissible to assume that G= ~ and prove that for c e C~x e G ° N G',

(61) ~.(cx) = b*(c)~%x) .

Since G=~, W(G,B)TW(G°.B°). Fix c ~ C, b ~ B° . Then a(ob) = c,(b) and

~ c b =IF b" Comparing values on B and letting the suffix 0 to denote distri-
butions associated with G° , we find that ~c : x ~ c x takes ®~b)(v,f) to
~(cb,r)(~,f) for ~ r ~ C(~'), ~ ~ C~(r), f ~ . T~k~ f(s)= (s[b*])(b). Then
we see at once that Zc takes O~ ) to b*(c)~[~.. Averaging over F we get
(61). This proves (57).

6. Behaviour on noncompact CSG's

In this n ° we make a few elementary remarks concerning the restrictions of

@b* to the noncompact CSG's of G.

We begin by considering a subalgebra m of ~ such that m is reductive

in ~ and b c m. Let S' be the subset of S(= ( - l ) 2 b ) of all elements
regular with respect to m (cf. n ° 5 ) . Then, for any connected component
c S' and any ~ e CZ(Fm) , we have the tempered distributions Tm'Im on m.
Fm m

If F is a connected component of S' and be CA(F), we write T m'F for

T where F is the unique connected component of ~' Let ; c m be an-
other CSA of m. Denote by 7F~ the product of the roots of some positive
system for (mc,|c) and let W(mc,|c) be as usual the complex Weyl group of
(mc,|c)" Then we know from I, Theorem 7.21 that there are integers
cm(w : F : E)~ defined for w e W(mc,lc) , F e C(~'), and connected component E
of | '(R), such that

(61) ~(~)~'r(H) = r ~(w)c(w : r : E ) e (w(~°m-z))(~)

for a3_l H e E~ ~ e CA(F); here, m is an element of the complex adjoint group
of mc that sends bc to ;c" The constants cm depend on the choice of ;
and m in an obvious fashion. Moreover,


(6~) %(w : r : s) ~ o ~ S e ( w ( ~ o m-1)(H)) ff 0 (S~ S) .

We now go back to G and let b e B. Write 8 for the centralizer of b

in ~ and let notation be as before. Let Ic 8 be another CSA and let y
be an element of the complex analytic subgroup of Gc defined by 8c such that
y • 5e = Ic. Then PI = P °Y-I is a positive system for (~c,[c), and we put

(63) '/AI = H ( 1 - ~ _ c e ) , 7~I = H o<, 7vI = H oe .

~ePl otep I ,b ~eP!, ~ ( b ) = l

By Lemma 4.11 there exists a constant Tl ,b ~ 0 such that

(64) h,~(~)l~8(~)[el~h(be~ ~)I~I = ~ ,be6 (H) '~(b exp ~) ( sc ln~ (b)) .

LEmm 26. ~l,b = Yb"

We note that '£ and tAI are well defined on the respective complex
CSG's of G defined by bc and ]c" An elementary calculation shows that
the limits
'al(b exp H")
lira 'A(h exp H ') lira
b'C ~ ' - o ~b (H') ' Ie ~ ' ~ 0 ~I,b (~'')
exist. Furthermore, as y transforms '£ into 'hi and mb into w|, b and
as Ad(y) commutes with Ad(b), the two limits above must be the same. On the
other hand, we can calculate these limits using(10) and (64). We find that they
are respectively equal to

~lt~b(b)1½ ' -i
71,b I%(b)1½
This proves the lemma.

Consider now a connected component F c ~,, v e CZ(F) and f e~b" Let

®=~ b ,'F ) (~v , f ) ®(b,F) be t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n on ~(b) defined earlier, by (31) and
(34]. Using the above lepta and the relations (61)-(64) we then obtain the

,~Al (b e ~ Ios(b'r)(b e ~ }0
r ~(s)f(s) E ~(~)s~(w:sr:S)e (~(s~°y-a))®
scW(a~,~°)\w(~,B) wcW(Sc,Ic)
where H c [ ' n ~(b) and E is the connected eot~oonent containing H of the open
sRbset of I where no real root of (Se,fc) vanishes. If we now take b eB
and choose f to be the function s ~ (s[b ])(b); we obtain the following:
for all H e l ' N w (b),


'fh~(b exp H ) )% f~ n (b exp H)

= D ~(s)(s[b*])(b) E ~(w)c ~(w :st :E)~(w(s~oy-~H~(6~y-~(~
ssw(~, ~o )\w(~,B) w~W(~e ,~

where H~, ~=~(b *)~c~(r). hrther

(67) e (w :st :E) { 0 ~ Re(w(sv oy-l))(H) _< 0 (H~E) .

The formula (66) is the basic one from which the main results of this n ° are
derived. For the sake of simplicity of formulation we shall assume during the
remainder of this n ° that G is connected and acceptable. Let a c Z be a CSA
and A m G the corresponding CSG. We shall assume that a and A are stable
under the Cantan involution 8 corresponding to K. Then, by Proposition 2.28,
we have the splitting A = A ~ R ~ where A I= A ~ K is the set of elliptic elements
of A and AR= exp aR' ~R being a~ D. The connected components of A I are A~ i)
(l<i<p). Those of A'(R) are then determined according to the following lemma.

LEMMA 22 . Let notation be as above. (i) For amy fixed i, we can find
ucK such that (AIUA~i))uCB; (ii) For any i, let ~(i) be the centralizer
of A~i); then ,~= aA ~ is the center of ~(i) aR is a CSA of ~98(i), and
all roots of (~c
~), ac) are real and vanish on ~I; (iii) If a(j) (l_<j_
<n.~) are
the connected components of the open subset of aR where no root of (~(i),~c)
vanishes~ then the sets

A~ i) e~ ~(~J) (1 _< i _< p, 1 _< j _< n i)

are precisely all the connected components of A'(R); (iv) If Z (i) is the
analytic subgroup of G defined by ~(i) then each element of W(~i) ac ) is
induced by an element of Z (i) •

To prove (i); let a{A~i); it is enough to find some ~eK such that
aU~ B, aIu~ b. Now K is connected and hence the centralizer ~a of a in
has the same rank as T. Therefore ~ a cSA bI of ~ such that alCblC[a.
Clearly we can find u~K such that blu= b. Then l ~ C b c ~ a u' so that au c B .

For proving (ii)we may assume that ~cb, A~i)cB. It is clear that ~li) is
spanned by bc and the root spaces of ~c corresponding to the roots ~ of
(te,bc) for which {~IAii)=l. ~(i) is thus reduetive in ~ and has the same

rank as g. If {~IA~i)=l, then ~I~=0, so that ~ is real. Thus all roots

of (~i), ac ) are real and vanish on aI. The argument for proving that aI is

the center of 8(i) and aR is a CSA of &~(i) is the same as in I, Lemma 7.10.


To get (iii), note that if ~ is a real root of (~c'%)' ~ is real valued on

A, and so is +i valued on AI; conversely, if {~ is +i valued on A (i)
-- -- . I

for some i~ then ~ must be real, and {~ ( a e x p H ) = l for some a e A ~ l ) , H e aR

if and only if {~(a) = i and ~(H) = 0. From these observations it is immediate

that A~ i) exp ~(J) are precisely all the connected components of A'(R). For
proving (iv), it is enough to prove that if ~ is a root of (~i),~c), the
corresponding Weyl reflexion s comes from Z (i) This is standard, as ~ is real

Fix i and assume

(68) A~ i) C B, h c b .
Then 5c and Q are CSA's of ~(i). Hence there exists y in the complex
C C~.
analytic subgroup of Gc defined by ~ i) such that y • bc= Qc" We have

(69) y- bc= ac, Ad(y)Ad(x)Ad(y)-l=Ad(x), x e A ~ U A ~ i)

Finally let b e A~ i) be such that for any root ~ of (~e~bc) which is not a

root of (~i),bc), {~(b) #l. Suck b exist; and for any such, the centralizer
of b in ~ is precisely ~(i). If we write p =p oy-1 then P is a posi-
tive system for (~c' ac )" Put

(70) &~={ -1 '&a : ~ N (l - ~ ~) .

6 oy 6 oy-i ~cP a -

Let now F be a connected component of N' and let b • e B* be such that

v = X(b*) = log b* + 8 e CZ(P). Using (66) but taking into account the acceptability
of G we now have the following formula: for all He a ' ~ w (b),


= s~w(z(~)s)\w(G,~)
. r ~(S)~s~(b)wew(~
~i )%) ~(w)c (i)(~ : s~ :~)~ ~(s~'y-I))(H)

where E is the unique set of the form a + 6(J) that contains H. On the
other hand, there are unique constants c~ i,j) (t e W(~c,~c) ) such that for all

H e ~I + ~ J ) for which bexpH is regular in G,

(72) ~(be~)Q(~)(be~) = F ~(t)e~i'J)e (t(~°y-1))(H)

b teW(~c,ac)


We compare (71) and (72) and conclude that the expression (71) is valid for all

H e aI + c~J) for which bexpH is regular. Further, writing H = H I + H R (H Ie al,

H Re a~J)) and noting that w and y fix HI, we get

~s%b)e (w(s~°y-1))(H) : ~s~(b e~)e
We have thus obtained the following result concerning @b ~ ; to obtain correspond-
ing results for ®., we simply average over £.

THEOREM 28. Let G be connected and acceptable. Fix a 6-stable CSGA with
+ ~u
CSA a and let AI be a connected component of A I such that ATCB:_ elCb. Let
~+; and let ~=W(Z+,B), W(~+,a)=W(~c,Sc )" Suppose £ is a connected component
of ~' and b*eB* such that v=log b*+6~C-g(F). Then, for all regular
a e A I exp aR

(73) (w(svoy"l))(log aR)

= ~ ~ ~(w)c +(w:sr:E)~s%al)e
+ ~)
se~W(Q,B) weW( 8,
here a=~a R is the decompoisiton of a so that alCAl' aReexp ~R; E is the
unique connected component containing log a R of the subset of a of elements
regular in ~+ ; and c ~+(w : sF : E) are the integers determined by (61). Moreover,

(74) o +(w:sr:E)~0~(w(s~oy-l))(H)<_0 for HcEna R

For the relation (74) we note that sv ° y-i is pure imaginary on a! and
real on ~_ so that for h=HI+HR6 e with Hie al, HR6 aR, Re(w(sv oy-l))(H)
= w(sv oy-~)(HR) ; (74) then follows from (62).

7. The distributions ® ~,~g

For later applications it is important to consider along with the %* cer-

tain other distributions which are suitable linear combinations of these but are

somewhat less singUlar. Our aim in this n is to introduce these and prove a
crucial boundedness property for them.

We begin by recalling the action s,b*~s[b*] of W(G~B) on B*. As

sX(b*)=k(s[b*]) and as W(~c~5c) acts freely on ~', B*' is stable under
W(G,B) and W(G,B) acts freely on it. Since [h : B° ] is finite, it is clear
from Frobenius reciprocity that for any veS there are at most finitely many b*
for which X(b*)= v. For any v e $, X v is the homomorphism z ~ ~@/b(z)(v) of
8. ~t



s*(~)Wg~t~;+6 for some t~W(~c,%) .

Ft~rthermore~ B*(#) is finite and stable under W(G,B), while

B*(t~) = ~*(~) (t ~ W(~c,~c)) .


(76) ~(b*) = sgn~(~(b*)) (b* e B*') .

Suppose now ths~ #c~' is such that B*(~) i s nonempty. Then B*(#) C B*'
Let g : B*(~) ~ C be a function such that

(77) g(s[b*]) = g(b*) (b* ~ B*(~),s ~ W(O,B)).

We then define

(78) ®],g = r s(b*)g(h*)~..

The sum is well defined since for any s eW(O,B), s ( b * ) % . = S(s[b*])®s[b. ] by
(25]o). As W(G,B) acts freely on B*(#), we aZLso have, V t e (~c,bc)

(79) ®*~,g = ®t~,g

* = Jw(a,~)1-1 ~ ~(h*)g(b * )~..

We shaZl be especially interested in the case when # is inte~ral~ i.e., when the
restriction of ~ to bcn [g,~] is integral in the usual sense. If # is inte-
gral and lies in £+8, then t# has the same properties for all t~W(£c,bc).

Consider now a CSGL C G with corresponding CSA[. Let A(ge,lc) be the

set of all roots of (~c,lc), and Al(£c,]c) the subset of g(~c,lc) consisting
of all the imaginary roots. We have A(£c,bc) = ~(Sc,bc). We write

(8o) ~L(a) = n (1 - ~ ~(a)) (a ~ L') .

DL is a nonzero analytic function on L'. If x eG is such that (L')X~ L' / ~,

then x normalizes L and the induced permutation of A(gc,lc) leaves ~(~c,~
stable. Consequently DL(ax ) = DL(a ). If we now observe that the natural map
G × L ' ~(L') G is analytic and submersive, we may conclude that DL extends to a
nowhere zero invariant analytic function on (L') G uniquely. We write DL also
for this extension. By convention DB=I. If xcG and M = L x, then D M = D L.
If D is the diseriminant of G, we have

(81) D(a) = DL(a ) H (i - ~_~(a)) (a~L') .

~CaT(~c,I c)


As I{_~(a) l =1 for ~c ~ ( ~ e , [ c ) , we have

(82) ID(all m 2 la~l IDL(a)I (a~L').

-½ -½
This shows that IDLI is somewhat less singular than I DI The main theorem
of this n is then the following.

THEOREM 29 . Suppose ~ c ~' is integral and lies in £ + 6. Then B*(~) is

nonempty. Let g : B*(~) ~C be a function satisfying (77) and such that

(8~) g(b*~t~_~) = g(b ~)

for all b* c B with X(b*)= ~ and all t cW(~e,~c). Let L be any CSG.
Then a constant C >0 such that

(841 I®~,g(a)l ~ ClDL(~ll -~ (~ ~ L'I-

Regarding (83) observe that the integrality of ~ implies that t~-~ is
an integral linear combination of roots and hence that ~t~-~ is well defined.
Moreover, the correspondence

b ~- b * ~t~-p

is a bijection of the set of all b with X(b*) = ~ onto the set of all b
with X(b*)= t~, both of the sets being of course contained in B*(~).

COROLLARY 30. We have

(851 sup le,,g(b/l~ <


COROLLARY 31. Let ~= 6 and let g be a function B*(8) ~ C satisfying

(771 and (83) (with 8 instead of p). Then

(86) ®~,g(b) : 1 < ~i <N g(bi)bi(b) (b c ~')

where bl,...,b N are the characters of the (distinct) irreducible constituents

of the representation of B induced by the trivial representation of B °. In
particular, there exists a suitable choice of g for which ®6 (b)=l for all


This needs a little calculation. For any t s W(~c,bc) let Bt(8 ) be the
subset of B*(8) of all b~ such that X(b*)=t6. These ~re mutually disjoint
and B*(6) is their union. Further, b cBt(8 ) if and only if b* bi~tS_6 for
some i=l,...,N; and in this ease, 8(b*)=s(t). Hence, for boB',


' ~ 'a(b) ~ ~(b*)g(b~)~(b)

a(b)es'g(b) = B*(6)/W(~,B)

: ~(b*)g(b~)b*(b)

r g(b~)b~(b) ~ ~(t)~t~_~(b) .
i < i <N t~W(~c, ~c)

On the other hand,

(87) '~ = F ~(t)~t6_~ .

t~w(~ c ,be )

Hence we get (86). Since the trivial character mast be one of the b., we choose
notation so that bI is the trivial character of B. Define g by setting, for
all t ~ W(~c,bc),

g(~tS_8 ) = 1 g(bi~tS_8 ) = 0 (i > i) .

Then g satisfies the required conditions, and (86) reduces to the relation
®6 ,g (b):l for boB'.
We shall prove Theorem 29 by reduction to Lie algebra. This is natural since
the ®b* have been constructed through such a procedure.

We recall the definition of the distributions T = T~ for ~ ~ S'. Let us

define, for ~S',

T : s(t)Tt~ .
w(c °,B °)\w(~c,bc)

It is then clear that T is the unique distribution on ~ having the following

properties: (i) it is gempered, G°-invariant, and satisfies the differential
equations $(u)T = u~(~)To for all u c Is(gc) (ii) its restriction to b' is
7r-I ~teW(Zc,bc)~S(t)et~, ~ where, as usual, 7T is the product of the roots of the

positive system P . Note that W(~c,bc) itself operates on b, b' is stable

under it, and the restriction of T~ to b' is invariant under this action.
Suppose now that T is a distribution on ~ such that (a) T is tempered, G °-
invariant, and for some ideal JCls(~c ) of the elliptic type, ~(J)T=0 (b) the
restriction of T to b' is invariant under W(gc,bc). If UCls(gc), it is
obvious that 3(u)T has property (a), while the radial component formula estab-
lished in I, Theorem 2.14 shows that ~(u)T has property (h) also. From element-
ary spectral theory we conclude that T can be written as TI + . .. + T r where T i
is a distribution not only possessing properties (a) and (b) but in addition sat-
isfying the differential equations ~(u)T i =ub(~i)T i for all u c Is(~c ) and a


suitable ~i e ~' (cf. argument at the beginning of I, Lemma 7.14). From (b) we
see that T i=ciTHi on b' for some constant ci e C . Hence T i=ciT~i by I,
Theorem 7.13. In other words, T is a linear combination of the T*~i. The
following is the result on which the proof of Theorem 29 is based.

Recall, for any CSA6 cg, the Caftan decomposition 6= 61 + 6R defined in

I, Section 7, n°3.

T H E O P ~ 32. Let T be a distribution on ~ such that (a) it is tempered,

G°-invariant, and for some ideal J~Is(£c ) of the elliptic type, b(J)T = 0
(b) the restriction of T to b' is invariaut under W(£c,bc). Let 6 be a
CSA and l e t 6= 6 i + 6 R be i t s Cartan d e c o m p o s i t i o n . Let Wi(~c,~c) be t h e
subgroup of W(~c,6c) generated by the Weyl reflexions s corresponding to the
imaginary roots ~. Then

(i) Wi(gc,6c) leaves 61 and 6R invariant, and fixes each element of oR

(ii) the restriction of T to 6' is invariant under Wi(~c,ae) .

The invariance under Wi(~c,6c) asserted in (ii) is quite a delicate matter

since it does not come from any global invariance properties; rather, it is a
consequence of the invariance of Tlb' under W(@c,bc) in conjunction with the
process by which T is continued from b' to all of ~' Also (i) is obvious,
so we need only prove (ii).

In view of the remarks made before stating this theorem there is no loss of
generality in assuming that T=T~ for some #e~'. This we shall do. Select
yeG c such that Y " bc = 0c . Let P o = p o y - i ' ~a = R ~ e p J ' ~ a = % eP a H ~" Write

~(H)=TTa(H)T(H ) (He a'). Let Y denote the continuous function on G that

restricts to V T on G', so that Y(H)= (b(~a)~)(H) (He a') (cf. I, Theorem
6.8). If m is the centralizer of aI in G, we know that aI = center(m), aR
is a CSA of t m = In,m], and that the roots of (mc,ac) are precisely the real
roots of (Gc,ac). Let WR(Gc , oc) be the subgroup of W(£c, ac) generated by the
Weyl reflexions s corresponding to the real roots ~ of (~c,ac). Then
WR(~c,6c) acts simply transitively on the set of connected components of 6'(R),
+ +
and these components are of the form 61 + 6R where 6R is a connected com-
ponent of the open subset of oR where no real root of (~c~ Oc) vanishes. We
fix one of these, say +
E= oI + 6R. Let S+ denote the corresponding simple system
of roots of (mc,Oc).

There are uniquely determined constants ct e C such that

~(H) = ~ s(t)ctetV(H) (He 0'OE, v=#°y-l).

tew(~c, %)


This implies

Y(H) =~a(v) ~ ctetV(H) (H~ ~'QE).

t~W(~c,~ c)

Now Wl(~c,ec) leaves E stable and the invmriance of TIe'G E under it is

equivalent to the conditions

(89) c t = Cst (teW(Bc,ac) , seWi(gc,ac) )

whicn in turn are equivalent to

(9o) ~(H s) : ~(~) (H~ ~'0E, S~Wl(~ c,~c) ) .

We shall prove (89) by downward induction on dim(~l). For ~: b, (89) is pre-

cisely the W(~e,bc)-invariance of Tlb' So we may assume dim(aR) > 0, so that
S+ is nonempty. Pick ~ c S+ and denote by ~ (resp. aR,~) the null space of
in a (resp. ~R). Clearly a : ~I + ~R,~ and aR,~ is one of the walls of
the chamber ~R" Let ~ be the centralizer of ~ in ~. Then ~ is reductive
and ~ l (2, JR); ~oreover, ~ has a CSA ~ that is not conjugate to ~ under
any automorphism of ~. In fact, we choose a standard basis H'TX',Y' for ~
with H' s ] R - H and X' (resp. Y') in the root space corresponding to
(resp. -~); then ~R= aR,~ +JR. H' and we define ~ by ~= a~ +JR. (X'-Y').
i~ ~ = e ~ - ~ ( ~ X ~ + a d Y ' ) } , then z ~c:~c, sit lies in the ~joint group
of ~c; z .~c= ~c, z . Y = Y (Ye ~ ), z • (X'-Y')=iH'. The map 7~'=~oZ
is a bijection of the set of roots of (tc;~c) with the set of roots of (Zc,~;
as ~/ is pure imaginary on aI and real on aR, ~/' is pure imaginary on ai+IR. (X'-Y')
and re~l on ~R,~" Hence
(91) ~I: ~I +~{" (X'-Y'), ~R: QR,~"
Further, if 7 is pure imaginary, yla : 0, ~ 7 ' I ( ~ R +JR. (X'-Y'))=0, ~ 7 '
_i R
is pure imaginary. The map s~s' =z sz is an isomorphism of W(~c,~c) with
W(~e,~c); and for any root 7 of (gc,ac), ( s ) ' = s ,. If 7 is pure imaginary,
then sT, ~WI(~c,~c), s7, leaves a~ stable, and s ,=s~ on ~.

It is clear from (91 ) that dim(~l) > dim(~l). Hence the induction hypothesis
is applicable to ~I~ and gives us the Wl(~c,~c)-invariance of YI~- In par-
ticular, Y1 ~ is invariant under s7, for all pure imaginary 7. Thus YI
is invariant under Wl(~c,ac). We now observe that ~ is the hyperplane bound-
ing E= ~I + ~R and that for t, t' {W(~c,~c), tv = t'v on ~ if and only if
t,: s t (cf. remarks fol~o~i~ ~, (7.1~)). The Wi(~c,%)-invar~anoe o~ ~1%
then implies that ~ t ctetV and ~'t CstetV coincide on ~ for each
S { Wl(gc, aC), i.e.,

ct + Cs t : Cst + Css t (t ~W(~c'~c)' s~wI(~c'~c)) "


But s commutes with each element of Wl(~c,~c). Hence~ writing

(92) dt, s = Ct - Cst

we obtain the relations

(93) dt, s + dst, s = o (t c w(~ c, %),s ~ wi(~c,%) ).

To push the induction forward we must prove that dr, s = 0 for all t,s as
above. Suppose for some t o C W ( ~ c , ~ e ) , SoC~(~c,~c), dt0,s0~0. From (93) we see
that ds~t0,s 0 ~ 0. Bat the root ~ c S+ has been completely arbitrary in the above
argument, especially in the derivation of (93). So we can use (93) repeatedly
to conclude that dwt0,s0 ~ 0 for all w e WR(ge,Sc).

We now remark that as T is tempered, the coefficients ct have the follow-

ing property:

But as tv is pure imaginary on ~I and real on aR~ this becomes

°t¢°~(t~(H)~° V H~o~.
Using (92) we see that if dt0,s 0 / 0 ~ then either tv or s0tv is ~ 0 on ~.
But t v = s0tv on aR. Hence we get:

dr,s0 ~ 0 ~ ( t v ) ( H ) ~ 0 WHo ~ .

As dwt0,s0 ~ 0 for all w c WR(~c,~c), we see that (t0v)(H) ~ 0 for all H in

U w w a+R. Since this union is precisely the set of points of aR where no real
r o o t of (gc,ec) vanishes, i t i s dense i n eR' Hence % v i s ~ 0 on ~R"
This gives %~=0 on ~. In p a r t i c ~ a r , (tO~)(%)=O, ~ S+, i.e.,
<~,t$1~>=O for ~cS + contradicting the regularity of v. This concludes the

We now have the following lemma on finite reflexion groups.

L ~ ~. Let F be a real finite dimensional vector space amd WCGL(F) a

finite reflexion group. For each reflecting hyperplane in F select a linear
function on F which vanishes precisely there and let ~W be the product of
these linear functions. Let f be any linear function on F. Write s(w) = det(w)
(woW). Then

Y : ~ ~(w)eWf/~ w

extends to an entire function on F .



Fix a reflecting hyperplane and let w0 be the corresponding reflexion.

Let ~
be a linear function which vanishes precisely on this hyperplane. Then,
* _ eW0 h
for any h ~ Fc, (eh )/~ is entire on F c. It follows from this that if
u cF is such that it lies on exactly one reflecting hyperplane, ~ extends to
a holomorphic function around u. So if 'F is the subset of all ucF such
that u lies on at most one reflecting hyperplane, ~ extends holomorphically
to 'Fc. But Fc\'F c is a union of a finite number of linear subspaces of co-
dimension > 2. Hence standard results from the theory of functions of several
complex variables imply that ~ extends holomorphically to all of F .

Proposition ~4. Let notation and assumptions be as in Theorem 32. Let ~ % 1

be the product of all the pure imaginary roots ~ in P and let 7T~= ~ a/~ a,l"
If MCa I is a compact set, there exists a constant CM > 0 such that

(9~) IT(H)1 ! CMI~(H)I -I (He a' n (M+ QR)).

As in the proof of Theorem ~2 we fix a chamber a~ in mR. It is clearly

sufficient to prove (941 for H ~ a' N (M + a~). For the mnction ~= ~a" (T]a')
we have the formula

~(H) = ~ s(t)cte(tV)(H) (H~ a'0 (aI + a~)).

t~W(~c,~ c)

By Theorem 32 , TIe' is Wi(gc , ec)-invariant. Hence~ taking into account the

tempered nature of T we have

et = Cst (t ~ w(~ c, ac), s { wi(~ c, ~c ))

ct ¢ 0~(tv)(H) ~ 0 V H~e R

For any H c e let % and HR be its projections on aI and aR respectively.

For (95) and the fact that Wl(gc,ac) leaves aI stable and mR elementwise
fixed, we can rewrite % in the following manner: let tj (i <_ 3 "<m
_ ) be a com-
plete set of representatives for Wl(~c,~c)\W(~c,ac) and let fj=t.v 1
then, for all Hs a'~ (ai + mR) ,

}(H) = ~ s(tj)c t e (tjv)(HR) ~ s(s)e (sfj)(HI)

l<_j<m 3 SSWz(Zc,e e)

By (95), ct.~0 implies le(tjw)(HR)l <i, while Lemma 33 is applicable to the

inner sum inJthe above expression for %. Let C' > 0 be an upper bound for

S .

-i E ~(s)e J
~%1 SCWl(gc, ac )


on the compact set M C a I. Then~ for Hs e'D (M+ +


I~(H)I _<C'[~%z(H)I ~ Ict I

l<j<m j

This leads to (94 ) at once.

We fix #,g as in Theorem 29 and carry over these estimates to the distribu-
tions ®~,g. We need two lemmas; write ®*=®~,g.__

Let b ~B be fixed and let notation be as in n°3. Let 8" be the distribu-
tion defined on ~ by

* = C ~(b*)g(b*) C s(s)(s[b*])(b)T~x(b. ) •
(96) e % B*(~)/W(~,~) W(~,B)\W(®,B)
Then we know that for all Y e ~(b)

(97) ®*(bexpY) : IVb(bexpY)1-½ I~(Y)1-½ £*(Y) •

We now apply Theorem 32 and Proposition 34 to the distribution e* (with ~ in
the place of ~). In order to do this we must verify that 8~Ib ' is invariant
under W(~c,bc). If Heb is regu/L&r in 8, a simple calculation shows that

%(H)~*(H) =% F ~(b*)g(b*)b*(b)e ~(b*)(H)

For any t c W(£c,bc) let Bt(# ) be the set of all b in B*(#) such that
X(b*)=t~. Then b*~b*~t~_~ is a bijection of ~(~) with B~(~)~ moreover,
B*(#) is the disjoint union of the Bt(# ). Hence, using (83), we get

(98) %(H)e*(H) = cF ~(t)~t~_~(b)e(t~)(H)

t~W(~c,b c)

c = % sgn ~ ( ~ ) ~ g(b*)b*(b) .
Writing at = ~t#_#(b) we see from (98) that in order to prove the W(~c,bc)-
invariant of e~ on the subset of points of b regular in ~ it suffices to
check that a~t= at for all t c W(£c,bc) , q c W(~e,bc). But, fixing t and q,
we find that

a~t = ~o(t~)-t~ (b)% = %

the reason for this is that as t# is integral and ~ W ( ~ c , b c ) , ~(t#)-t# is
an integral linear combination of the roots of (~c,bc), and EB(b)=I for all
such roots, so that ~q(t#)_t#(b) = i.


The estimates of Proposition ~4 &re now applicable to 8 . We may clearly

assume that the open neighborhood ~ of 0 in c (= center(D)) involved in the
definition of ~(h) is bounded. Let a be a CSAC~. Then the Carton decompo-
sitions of a with respect to ~ and ~ are the same and s~(b)= Sl ~ ( b ) + aR"
Moreover, ~in~(b)=~+(~Zn~9)n~(b), and for Xe ( ~ i n ~ z ) n ~ (b), I~(x)l < sb
f o r aA1 r o o t s ~ of (~a,ec). Hence eln®(b) i s ~ounded. ~ o m ~ro#osition ~u
we get the following estimate: ~ a constant Cb, a > 0 such that for all
H e a ~ ~(b) regular with respect to ~,

LEMMA ~5. Let 8 be bounded. Then there is an sb > 0 with the following
property. Fix a CSA a c ~ and let A be the corresponding CSG of G. Then
there exists a constant Cb, A > 0 such that for all He ~ ~(b) with b e x p H e A '

(lOO) Id(be:~)l ~ Cb, ~ t~(b e~)l -~
We can choose Sb > 0 so small that for some constant a > 0 we have
ll-e-Tl ~ aft I for ITI ~ Sb and ll- ~e-TI ~ a for all eigenvalues of
Ad(b) in ~/~. BY (97) and (99), for H ~ n®(h) with bex~<A'

_n I~(H)I) -~ I{~(H)I -~ Ivb(bexp~)1-½

I®*(bexp ~)1 _< Cb, ~ ( ~cn\ZZ

where A=£(8c,~c) etc. Now

I{JH)I = n_ I(z- e-~(g))/~(H)l H_ I(1- e-~(~))/~(~)l

~eA I ~eA\A I

-> a ~ n i(I-e-°'(H))/=(H)I .

Further, writing £= A(~c,~c) etc. we have

I%(be~H)l = n _ I1- {_~(b)e-~(H) I n ll - h~(b)e-~(H)l

~ \ (~u~I)

> a I] Ii- { ~(b)e-~(H) I

Substituting these in the estimate for IQ(bexpH) I we get (i00) with

Cb ~A = a Cb, a"


Note that if ale ~ is another CSA with CSGA I such that ~L is conju-
gate to a under Gb~
e (i00) is valid for ~ with Cb,AI = Cb, A

LEMMA ~6. There exists a constant Cb>0 with the following property: if
L is any CSG, then

(101) IJ(a) l ~ cblDT,(a) l -~ (a~T,'n~(b)).

Select CSA's ~l,...,~rC8 such that any CSAC~ is conjugate to one of
these by some element of o
G b. Let A I~ ..~Ar be the corresponding CSG's of G
and let Cb= m a x l < i < r Cb,A . We shall prove that (i01) is true with this
- 2
choice of Cb. It is clearly enough to consider CSG's L such that L' meets
Suppose L is a CSG such that L' meets fl(b) and a e L' N ~(b). Choose
xeG and aI e~(b) such that al = a x. Write A = L x. Then A is a CSG and
the corresponding CSA, say a, is the centralizer of aI in ~. As aI e~ (b),
ac~. Moreover~ al=bexpH where H e w (b) is regular, and as the centralizer
of aI in ~ is precisely that of H in ~ this centralizer must be a.
Hence by (i00),

Ig(be~H)l ! Cb,A IDA(be~H)I -~

But ~(be~H)=®*(a) and Cb,AiC b while DA(be~H)=D~(a) This gives

Theorem 29 is immediate from Lemma 36 since there are finitely many ~(b)
which cover CG °, and supp(®*) c CG °.

As a special case of Theorem 29 let us consider the situation when G is a

re~l analytic subgroup of a complex analytic group ~c such that the following
conditions are satisfied: (i) ~c has the Lie algebra ~e' and the injection
~ ~c is the differential of the injection G ~ Gc (ii) Gc is acceptable.
Then G is connected~ acceptable, and of class ~; B = B°; and t~e £ for all
teW(~c,bc). For b eB ~ k(b*):t~ if and only if b ~t~-6 Hence B ~)
is the set of all ~-6 (tsW(~c'Bc))" The conditions (77) and (83) on g re-
duce to the requirement that g(~t~_8 ) is independent of t. ®*~,g is therefore
a constant multiple of the distribution

(i02) ®* = D s(t)®t~ ,
®t~ being as in Theorem 9. We can characterize ®* as the unique distribution
on G satisfying the following conditions:


(i) it is invariant and is an eigendistribution for

(ii) it is majorized on G' by a constant multiple of I I-7
(iii) its restriction to B' is the function

/~ - I Z: ~(t)~t~.
For the theory developed in this section see Harish-Chandra [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [II

6. Parabolic sub~rou~s

From now on our goal is to prove that the distributions %* constructed in

Section 5 are precisely the characters of the discrete series of G. A major part
of our efforts will go towards proving that the Fourier components of ~. with
respect to the action of K on G are in L2(G). The proofs of these theorems
are quite involved and are carried out in several stages. The first of these is
to introduce what Harish-Chandra calls the Schwartz space of G~ and study the
properties of this space and its dual, the space of tempered distributions on G.
Sections 6-8 contain the necessary preparation for this. In this section we dis-
cuss the theory of parabolic subgroups.

1. Iwasawa decomposition.

G is a group of class M with Lie algebra 6; c=center(~), gl = [~,~]. 0

is a Caftan involution of G as well as ~, and K, the corresponding maximal
compact subgroup. T is the Lie algebra of K, and ~= !+ D the Cartan decom-
position defined by 0. ]B is a real symmetric nonsingular bilinear form on ~ ×
such that

(i) ]B is invariant under Ad(G)

(ii) X ~ IIXII2=-]B(X,@X) (X[ 9) is a positive definite quadratic form
(iii) ~ and ~ are orthogonal with respect to lB.

We begin by reviewing the elementary facts concerning the Iwasawa decompositions

of G and ~. The facts are all well known when G is connected and has finite
center, and the modifications needed in the present case are minor. So we do not
give any proofs.

The maximal abelian subspaees of ~ are conjugate under Ad(K°). Let a c

be one such, and let ~I be the centralizer of a in 9- Then m1 is reductive
in ~, rk(ml)=rk(~), and if m=mlA~ , then ml=m+s. Let MI (resp. M i) be
the centralizer (resp. normalizer) of ~ in G. Put

M = M I N K, M = ~i N K, A = exp a .

Then ~ is the normalizer of mI in G, ~ =~A, ~ = MA. The exponential map

is an analytic diffeomorphism of a onto A.

Extend a to a O-stable CSA~ of ~ and write ~I = ~ N t " Then ~ n ~= a

and ~ = ~I + ~" The roots of (~c,~c) are real valued on (-I)2 ~I + a. For any
k e a* let


~= [X:Xc~, [H,X]:~(H)X for all H c ~].

Let A denote the set of roots of (@,Q), i.e., the set of all I~0 for which
~{0. Of course g0=ml. Clearly A is the set of restrictions to ~ of the
nonim~ginary roots of (~c,~c). Since ]B is nonsingular on ~X a, we have an
isomorphism of ~ with a*, using which we can transfer ]B to a scalar product
(.,.> on ~*× ~*. For any bL~ a ~ \ [ 0 ] we have the reflexion s :~- (R,~)~.
A is a root system in the sense that shA=A for all ~cA.

Let ~ be the group generated by the s~ (}x{h). ~ is finite and is called

the Weyl group of (~,~). Let a' be the subset of ~ where no root vanishes.
The connected components of a' are the so-called chambers of a~ and m acts
simply transitively on the set of chambers. If a+ is a chamber and A+ is the
set of roots which take only positive values on G+ , then A+ is a positive
system of roots; a+~A + is a bijection of the set of chambers on the set of
positive systems. For each ssm, there is a ks~MOK° such that s=Ad(ks)la;
the map k~Ad(k)la=s(k ) induces an isomorphism of M/M onto ~. Finally: if
H~H' c a, then H and H' are conjugate under G if and only if they are con-
jugate under any one of the three groups m, ~ n K °, W(~c,~c ).

Let h+ be a positive system of roots and let n=Z~A+~h. We have nCgl.

Let N = exp n. Then N is a closed subgroup of G and exp is an analytic
diffeomorphism of n onto N. Further, 2 = ! + ~+ n is a direct sum (lwasawa
decomposition of ~), and Zhe map (k,a,n)~kan is an analytic diffeomorphism of
K×AxN onto G; thus G=KAN (lwasawa decomposition of G).

If X~M and s=Ad(k)I~, then ~ depends only on s and so we e a n w r i t e

k s
n :~. Clearly mlnus:o , [ml,uS]cns , and dim(nS):dim(n). Conversely, if
n' is a subalgebra of ~ having these properties, ~'= n s for some s em.

If beG and X'~O is in ~h' 3 a real a~O such that X=aX', Y=-SX,
H = IX,Y] span an ~I(2,1R) and H e ~. It follows from this that if
Ze ~, Z' 6 ~ ~, both nonzero, [Z~Z']~0, and that [~h'~h ']= ~h+h' if ~,~'
and ~ + h' cA.

2. Parabolic subal~ebras and their Lan~lands decompositions.

We begin by considering a complex reductive Lie algebra I. By a Borel sub-

algebra of I we mean a maximal solvable subalgebra of I. These are all conju-
gate under the adjoint group of I. Let ~cl be a CSA and P a positive
system of roots of (I ,~); and let I denote as usual the root spaces. Then
+~cpl is a Borel subalgebra, we write R = P U (-P) for the set of roots
and SOP for the set of simple roots. For any subset T~S we write ~=
R ~ Z ~ .T. We now define~ for any TcS,


(!) IT = ~ + ~' Io~' ~T = ~ I , qT = IT + ~T '

Finally we denote by (',') a symmetric nonsingular bilinear form on I ×I that

is invariant under the adjoint group of I; the corresponding operation of ortho-
complementation is denoted by ~. The following lemma is an elementary oomsequence
of the theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras; we omit its proof.

L~MMA i. The map T ~ qT is a bijection of the collection of all subsets of

S with the collection of all subalgebras of I containing ~ +~eP |~; and
TOT'<==> q T c q T ,. For any fixed TcS~ nT is the nil radical of qT n [l,I ], all
elements of nT are nilpoten% and qT = n T. IT is reductive in I and has the
ssme rank as I; qT is the normalizer of nT in I; IT ~ nT = 0 . Finally, there
exists an element H in ~ such that IT is the centralizer of H in I.

We resume our discussion of ~. A subalgebra of g is said to be parabolic

if its complexification in ~c contains a Borel subalgebra of ~c" Our aim in
this n ° is to obtain the basic structure theory of parabolic subalgebras (psalge-
bras) of ~. We begin with a technical lemma.

LEMMA 2. Let m be a Lie algebra (over ]R or C) and let qCm be a

nilpotent subalgebra. Let H sm be such that (i) ad H leaves q invariant
(ii) ad H I q is invertible. Let Q be the subgroup of the adjoint group of m
defined by q. Then HQ=H+q.

It is obvious that Q=exp(adq) and HQcH+q. Let q=q0DqlD...~qr be

the central series for q, so that qr = (center(q) emd qi = [X :X e q, [X,q]Cqi+ I]
(0<i<r). We have [H, q i ] C q i for all i. If X e qr' we can find Ye qr such

that [Y,H]=X; then HexPY=H+X, showing that H+qrcHQ. Assume that for
some i>0, H+qi+iCH Q. Let X e qi' and choose Y e qi such that [H,Y]=X.
The n

(H+X)expY=H+X+ [Y,H]+ [Y,X]+ ~7,(adY) 2(H+X)+ (adY) 3 (H+X)+ . . .

Since [Y'H+X]e qi~ (ady)k(H+X)e qi+l for k>2; moreover~ [Y~X]¢ qi+l. ^
Hence (H+X) expYeH + qi+lCH Q. This shows that H+xeHQ; thus H+qiCH~
and the proof is completed by induction.

Proposition ~. Let q be a psalgebra of g and let n be the nilradical

of qD~l" Then ~ = q and q is the normalizer of n in ~. Let mI =
qN @(q). Then m! has the following properties:


(i) m1 is reductive in 9 and rk(ml) =rk(9 ).

(ii) q=ml+n, ~=ml+n+8(n), both sums being direct. Moreover,

m I = (n + e(n)) ±, and if ~ is a e-stable subspace of q such
that q=~+n, then m--l=mI.

(iii) ~ a semisimple element of mI such that ml is the centralizer

of it in 9; in particular, mI is the centralizer in ~ of
(iv) q is its own normalizer in 9.

It is immediate from Lemma i that qc = n±c and that qc is the normalizer

of no in 9c. The corresponding assertions for q and n as well as (iv) are
now clear. Since any e-stable subalgebra of 9 is reductive in 9, m I has this
property, mI ~ n is an ideal in mI consisting entirely of nilpotent elements
and is therefore 0 since mI is reductive in 9. Now ~=q~+e(q±)=n+~(n)
and so ~nq=(~+9(O)nq:~+e(~ne(q)). ~ t ~ne(q)cnnqne(q):nn~:o.
So ~ q = n, which gives, on taking orthocomplements, m I + n = q. Further, tak-
ing the orthocomplement of the relation n n 0(q)= 0 we get q + ~(n)= 9. This
implies all the assertions in (ii). For proving (iii) it is enough to show that
mI is the centralizer in ~ of its center~ and clearly it suffices to show that
mlc has this property. By Lemma i, ~ a semisimple element X ~ qe such that
qc = ~X + nc is a direct sum, ~X being the centralizer of X in 9c. Let
X=H-Y, H e n % , Y ~ n . Since a d X leaves n invariant and a d X [ n is invert-
IC ~ ~ ~C C C
ible, H = X - Y e X • This shows first that qc = ~ H + n c is a direct sum. Second,
ad H is semisimple and invertible on nc, so that ~HCmlc , implying 8H=mlc
by dimensionality. Finally mlc~qe/n e so that rk(mle)=rk(gc) by Lemma i.
This gives rk(ml) = rk(9 ).

With n o t a t i o n as i n P r o p o s i t i o n 3, by a r e d u c t i v e component o f q we mean a

subalgebra m of q such t h a t q=m+n is a direct sL~m ( o f v e c t o r s p a c e s ) .
Since m~ q/~ it is reductive. Actually m is even reductive in ~. In fact
we have

Proposition 4. Let notation be as in Proposition 3. Then mI is the un-

ique e-stable reductive component of q. If m is any reductive component of
q, 3 n ~ e x p n such that ~=~.

Choose a semisi~ple Xcm I such that ml= ~. Then X=H+Y with Hems
Y c n, and as in the previous proof, H= Xn for some n c expn. As before,
=~, so t h a t ~=4.
We call mI the reductive component of q.


Select an lwasawa decomposition ~ = ! + ~0 + n0' Let A be the set of roots

of (~,SO) ; A +, the positive system; ZcZl +, the set of simple roots. For any
FeZ we write A F = A A 2 Z • F. Define

(2) mlF = mo + aO + X~AFBX

~ ' nF = h~a+~F~ ~'a PF = mlF + r~F

where, as in n°l, m0 is the centralizer of o0 in I. If F= ~ is the empty

set, we have n~= ~0' D~ =m0 + °0 +n0" If ~ is a @-stable CSA containing %
and if P
is the positive system of roots of (~c,~c) with respect to an order-
ing in the dual of (-1)2 ~I + ~0 that is compatible with the one on s0' it is
clear that PFc contains ~c + % e P ~c~" Hence the DF are parabolic. They are
called standard psalgebras. It is immediate that mlF is the centralizer in
of any element H ~ o0 with the property that H s CZ(~) and F is precisely the
set of all 8sZ with ~(H)=O. Let

(~) a F : { H : H c (~0' 8 ( H ) : O ~ v ' 8 ~ F ] "

Then mlF is the centralizer of ~F in ~. Moreover it is easily checked that

(4) oF = c e n t e r ( m l F ) n p.

It is clear that nF is the nilradical of PF N ~i and that mlF is the reduc-

rive component of ~F" Note that @(nF) = Z X e ~ + ~ F ~_~.

Proposition >. The map F ~ DF is a bijection of the collection of all sub-

sets of Z with the collection of all subalgebras of ~ that contain p~; and
F a F ' ( C Z) ~ pF cpF,.

It is obvious that F ~ ~F is one-one and that F ~ F ' if and only if DFCPF ,•

Suppose q ~ p ~ is a subalgebra. It is clearly parabolic, and so, by Proposition
3, q = ~. Since too+ ~oCq, we have q = m o + a O + Z X e ~ + ~ X + Z X c A + q X where
q_x= qn ~-x" Since n is ad ao-stable , , is also the sum of nN (m0 + ~0) , and
the mN ~+X. The conditions q±= n m q imply nn (mO + ~0 ) ±toO + a0 and c m O + aO,
~nn(mo+-ao)~m 0 and ± m O, ~ t h a t nN (toO+ 00)=0 as ]B is negative definite
on m O. We claim that for ?x~ A+, either q-x= 0 or = q_h. For, otherwise, let
0 ~ q-k ~ ~-h for some kcf~+. The orthoeomplement b of q_x in ~7~ is then
~0~ and as b±q, we must have ben. If X'c q_X, X"c b, both ~0, [X',X"]
is nonzero and lies in n. As it is in m 0 + 00, we have a contradiction. Let F
be the set of all ~eZ such that ~_ Cq. If there are ~cA+\A F s~ch that
~_ c q, choose a minimal such. ~Z obviously, and so ~ ~ eZ such that
~- B e A +. As [~B,@_~]Cq, we have ~_(~_~)cq which means B/F as otherwise
~ - ~ eA+\f~F; but then [~_~,~ ~ ] C q , a contradiction. It is also clear that
for ~ ~ f~+f]~F' ~ - ~ q"


Proposition 6. Let m be the Weyl group of (9, ~). Suppose q is a

psalgebra of ~ containing s0. Then 3 s ~ ~0 and FeE such that q= (~F)s.

Note that if x cG centralizes c0, x leaves invariant the ~Z" Hence if

s e m, and k eG is such that k normalizes a0 and induces s on it, PF de-
pends only on s and not on k. So the notation (~F)s is justified.

We have q = ( q N m o ) + ~ 0 + ~ - A e A q~ where q~= qO~X. As beforej nO(toO+ aO)C

(q~m0) and ± q~m0~ n n ( m 0 + a0):0 and m0Cq, and for h c A , either qh=~h,
q_h= ~_?\ or one of qh, q_ h is the whole root space and the other is zero. Write
L for the set of X for which BhU ~q_hcq and L' for the set of h for which
~hCq and ~_hn q=0. if m I = qNs(q), it is clear that L is the set of roots
of (ml, ~0). Choose a positive system L+ in L. It is then easy to see that
Q=L +UL' is a positive system in A. So ~ s e n such that Q= sA+. I~t then
qS is a psa&gebra containing D~ and is hence of the form DF for some F e Z .

THEOR}94 7" Let notation be as above. Then ~ is a minimal psalgebra of

@. All minima& psalgebras of ~ are conjugate under K °. If q is a psa&gebra
of ~, 3 a unique FeZ such that q is conjugate to DF under G; and the
conjugating element can be chosen from K °.

We begin with two remarks, i. If b is a subalgebra such that b + n 0 = D~,

then 3 n o N 0 = e x p nO such that m 0 + a0cb n. 2. nO consists of all the nil-
potents in ~. For the first, select He a0 such that m 0 + s0 is precisely
the centralizer of H in @, and write H = H' +Y with H' { b, Y e no; by Lemma
2, H = H 'n for some n o N 0. This gives m 0 + a0c bn" For the second, let Zc D~
be nilpotent and write Z=H+Y, with H e m 0 + s0, Ye n0. Using a basis for
composed of bases for m 0 + s0 and the ,~7~' we find that ad Z and ad H have
the same characteristic polynomial. So ad H is nilpotent, which implies easily
that H=0~ as HC~l. This said, let q be a psalgebrs of g.
We claim that (qN p ~ ) + n 0 = ~¢. I t is enough to prove the relation ( n + n 0 ) A ~¢
= nO obtained by taking orthocomplements. Now, ( n + n 0)n ~¢= n0 ~ ¢ + n 0= nO
since nO D ~ c n 0 by the second remark above. Hence by the first remark, n o + s0
c qn for some nc N O . By Proposition 6 3 k e K ° such that q is standard.
Suppose qX= PF for some x e G °, FC>J. Write x-l=k-lan where neN0, asA0=
%, ° Then = = (since c ~F ) Suppose F,F'CT and
xeG is st~ch that p~= ~ , . Writing x=k~n with ksK, aeAo, h e n 0, we have
pk= ~ ' " Then akCpF,08(pF,)=mlF , and so we can find u in the analytic sub-
grotlp of G defined by u%F,0 ] such that s0uk= a0. Clearly pFUk= ~ , still.
Let s=Ad(uk)1%. As ~F=mlF ,, it is clear that s.F is a simple system of
roots for (mlF,,a0). Consequently we can modify u so that s.F=F'. ~ut then,


as nuk
F = nF, , we must have s • A + = A+. Hence s=l, giving us ~= ~,, i.e.,
F = F'. For dimension reasons it is now clear that p~ is minimal and that all
minimal psalgebras are conjugate.

From the structure of the ~ and the conjugacy theorem proved above we ob-
tain immediately the following:

Proposition 8: Let q be a psalgebra of 9, m l = qO ~(q). a= pOcenter(ml).

Then mI must be the centralizer of a in ~. Let m be the orthogonal comple-
ment of a in m I. Then

(5) ml = m + % q = m + ct + n

both sums being direct, n being as usual the nilradicag of qng I •

is called the split component of q; q = m + a+n is called the Lan~lands

decomposition of q.

3. Parabolic subgroups and their Lan61ands decompositions.

By a parabolic subgroup (psgrp) of G we mean the normaliser in G of a

psalgebra of 9. If q is a psalgebra and Q its normalizer in G, it follows
at once from (iv) of Proposition 3 that q is the Lie algebra of Q. Thus q ~ Q
is an one-one correspondence We say Q corresponds to q. We write PF for the
psgrp corresponding to ~; these are called standard psgrps.

THEOREMs. P~ is a minimal psgrp. Any minimal psgrp is conjugate to P~

under K °. If Q is a psgrp, ~ a unique FcZ such that Q is conjugate to
PF; and the conjugating element can be chosen from K°.

This is immediate from Theorem 7.

THEORI~M i0. Let q be a psalgebra of 9 and Q the corresponding psgrp.

Let ml=qn@(q), MI=QOS(Q), and let u be as usual the nilradical of q O g I.
Denote by a the split component of q. Then ~ is the normalizer of mI in
Q and is also the centralizer of a in G. If N = exp n~ then Q= ~N, and the
map m,n l~ mn of ~ × N onto Q is an analytic diffeomorphism. Moreover MI
normalizes N.

If x ~ G, then x e Ml~x normalizes q and 8(q)~x e Q and x normalizes

m I. If x eQ and normalizes ml, we shall show that x centralizes a. For
this we may assume Q=PF for some F c Z. Write x=uexpX where ueK, X e ~.
Then, as 8(ml)=ml, 8(x-l)x=exp2_X normalizes ml ~ a d X normalizes ml ~ X e m I.
So ueQ and normalizes m I. As a0 c ml, we can find as in the proof of Theorem


7 an element v in the analytic subgroup of G defined by mI n ! such that

Q~U: ClO and s=Ad(vu)ta o maps F into i t s e l f . ~t theft, as n ~ t = nF, s . A + = A +,
implying s= i. So u~ and hence x, centralizes a. We now prove that if y eG
centralizes a; y e M l, We may assume q= pF ~ m l=mlF, a= % ; ~ = % . If we write
E for the set of restrictions to ~ of A+\A~ then E c s*\ {0], n = Z sES(~)~
8(n)=Zke_E~ (#) where ~(b) is the set of all Xe Z such that [H~Y]=#(H)X
H e s. The ~(b) are stable under y~ showing that y normalizes ~ and
8(s). So y 6 Q~ 8(Q). This proves the characterizations of M I. An elementary
calculation shows that the map m,n ~ mn of M1 x N into Q has bijective diff-
erential everywhere. So we need only check that it is one-one and onto. If
xe%~N~ then writing x=expX for Xe ~ we see that X centralizes
6 ~ X e ~ Q ~ = 0. S&ppose y e Q. Then y normalises ~ and ~i is a reductive
component of q. So, by Proposition 4~ 3 neN such that mlnY= m 1 . This
implies that nyeQ and normalizes m I, i.e.~ nyeM 1 or YeMlN.

We shall call M1 the reductive component of Q. For Fc~ we write %F

for the reductive component of PF and NF for exp "F"


PFCPF , ~#FCPF , ~FCF '. Suppose F C F '. Then ~,CSF~ ~%FC~F ,. Also
nFCPF , so t h a t NFCPF,. Thus P F = ~ F N F C P F ,.

COROLLARY 1 2 . Let M0 be t h e c e n t r a l i s e r of a0 i n K. Then P~ = MoAoN0.

As M0A 0 is the centraliser of a0 in G, M0A 0 =MI~.

THEOREM i~. Let Q be a psgrp of G and let notation be as in Theorem i0.

Then ~ is a reductive group of class Z and A = exp a is its split component.
Write 81 for el~ (as wellas el~)~ m,_ =]BlmlXm I. Then 81 is a C a r t a n
involution of M1 (as well as ml) , and the corresponding maximal compact sub-
group of ~ ~s Kn~\=K~ If M=°MI, then m is the Lie algebra of M,
K~MI=KNM and (Mi,KnMl,81,~l) inherit the properties of (G,K,8,]B).

Since ~ is the centraliser of a in G, Ad(~]C~c , the centralizer of

in G c. We know that ~c is connected. Hence Ad (M) is contained in the
complex adjoint group of talc. If x=kexpX with k~'~K, l e p, then x cen-
tralizes a ~k centralizes a and [X, ~] = 0. It follows from this that
Ml=(KFl~)xe~(~nml), the corresponding map of (Kn%)x(pnh) onto
being an ~almmio diffeomorphdsm. This proves that r~ . ~ ] = [(~n~) : (KnM1)°]
< ~. Let m2= [ml~m1 ] and let M2 be the analytic subgroup of % defined by
m 2. Let p be the ajjoint representation of GI~ the analytic subgrottp of G


defined by ~i" Then P(M2) is a connected semisimple linear group and so has
finite center. I~t ker(p) is finite. So center P(M2) is finite, which implies,
as we have seen in Section i, that M2 is closed. Thus MI is of class Z. It
follows from Nl_~(KnMl)×exp(p,qml) that 81= 8[MI is a Cartan involution and
KAM I is the corresponding maximal compact subgroup. If L is the 81-stable
split component of MI with Lie algebra I, it is clear that I c ~, so that I c
eenter(ml)~] ~= Q. So L=A. Let m' be the Lie algebra of M. Since KDM I
and M2 are both CM, we see that (~ O r a l ) + m 2 = m C m ' . By dimensionality,
m=m'. Since the only compact subgroup of N is [i], K O Q C K O M I, h e n c e = K D M I.

We th~s have the decompositions

(6) Q = MAN, H1 : MA.

The first of these is called the Lan61ands decomposition of Q; A is called the

split component of Q; and dim(A) is called the parabolic rank of Q (prk(Q)).
We shall generally abbreviate (6) by saying that Q=MAN is a psgrp; it is then
to be understood that we are referring to the Langlands decomposition of Q. We
shall also write KM for KNM I=KOM.

THEOREM !4. Let Q = MAN be a psgrp of G and q the corresponding psal-

gebra. Then ~ = T + q, G = KQ= KMAN, and the natural map of KxMXA XN onto G
is proper and submersive. If M p = exp(mn p), then G = KMDAN, and the natural
map of KxMp×AxN onto G is an analytic diffeomorphism.

Since ~=q+e(n), we have X=Y+@(Z) for any Xe~, with Yc q, Z e n ;

then X=(Y-Z)+(Z+8(Z)), proving that $=l+q. So the natural map of K×Q
into G is submersive. In particular, KQ is open in G. As it is closed,
o o
K Q ~ G , ~ K Q D K G = G. The fact that the map is proper is trivial. The fact that
KM=KOQ implies that if x = k m a n = k ' m ' a ' n ' are two decompositions of an x in
G, then k'=ku, m'=u m, a = a ' ~ n = n ' for a suitable u c K M. In particular,
if m,m' e Mp, then m=m'. The corresponding infinitesimal statement is that
= ! +(ran p)+ a + n is a direct sum. The decomposition G ~- K X M xAxN is now

For any xeG~ we have the decomposition x = k m a n , where aeA, neN are
uniquely determined. We put

(7) a = aq(x), n = n(~), iq(x) : log aQ(x)

where log : A ~ a is the inverse of exp : a~A. Further the cosets kKM and KMm
are uniquely determined by x. If we require m c MD, both k and m are unique-
ly determined; we then write


For H e a we put
%(~) = ½ tr(adHl~)-
We also write
(lO) dQ(m) = Idet(Ad(m)In)l ~ (meMl).

Then dQ is a continuous homomorphism of MI into the positive reals and

(ii) dQ(me) : e oQ(l°gs) (meM, aeA).

If Q = PF is a standard psgrp~ we w r i t e
(ii F) KF =KMF~ ~F = DpF, dF = dPF~ ~F = ~PF ~ aF = ap F •

4, Weyl grouDs. Associated psgrps.

Let ~'a2 ~ p be abelian subspaces and let A. = exp ~.. Let ~( ~21 ~i ) :
m(A21A I ) be the set of all linear maps of into ~2 that are induced by elements
of a . If ~l=~2=. and A=expo, ~(~J~)=~(AIA) is asubgrou~of aT(~) and
is canonically isomorphic to Normalizer of a in G/centralizer of ~ in G. An
abelian subspace ac D is called special if it is the split component of a psal-
gebra of ~; we then call A = exp a special also. If Q is special and A = exp ~
and if Q is a psgrp with A as split component, we refer to ~(AIA ) as the
Weyl group of Q. Note that it depends only on A and not on the choice of Q •
We denote by ~(A) the set of all psgrps of G with A as split component; if
is the centralizer of a in G, then MI is of class ~ and the psgrps
in P(A) are precisely those with Langlands decompositions of the form MAN where
M = °IV]

Proposition 15. Let ~ ' ~ 2 be two abelian subspaces of D. Then ~(a2]~l) is a

finite set and all its elements come from K °.
Let s0 be a maximal abelian subspace of p. Since ~ k.m e K ° such that a.1I c s0'
we may assume that ~ , a 2 c s 0 . Then the proposition follows at once from

L~MMA 16. Let b c a 0 be a linear subspace and x e G c such that b x c a 0. Let

be the Weyl group of (~,a 0). Then ~ s e a such that Hx = s H V H c b.

Choose an element H 0 e b such that if h is a root of (~,a0), A(H0): 0<=~>~Ib=0.

Let M c be the centralizer of H 0 in G c. M c is connected and so is the centralizer
of b in Oe a so Since s0, 3 aeh that 0= Choose normalizi
~0 and inducing s. Then y-lxeMc, so that for H e b, H x = H y = sH.

Proposition 17 . m(a21 h ) is finite V abelian subspaces ~ , a 2 c p.

Let s o p be a special linear space and A = exp ~. By a root of (~, a) we

mean a linear function W e s*\[0} such that for some nonzero X in ~, [H,X] =
~ ( H ) X ~ / H e ~; the linear span of these X is denoted by ~a,~" Let A a be the


set of all roots of (~,a). Denote by s' the subset of s where the elements of A
are all nonzero, and by F s the (finite) set of connected components of s'. We re-
fer to the members of F s as the chambers of s. For any chamber s+ we denote by
As(e +) the subset of A s of those roots which are >0 on a+. Let

(12) n( s+) = ~ s ( s+)~ ",~ N( s+) = e ~ n( s+)

Let M I (resp. ml) be the centralizer of ~ in G (resp. 9); H = °MI; and m,

the Lie algebra of M. n( s+) is a suhalgebra of nilpotents. Put

(13) P( a+) = raN(s+), ~( s+ ) = m + ~ + .(s+).

THEOPJ~4 18. P(a+)e~(A), ~(a+) its psalgebra, P( s+) = MAN( a+) its Langlands
decomposition; a+ ~ P(a +) is a bijeetion of T s onto ~(A). In particular, ~(A) is
finite If s, t.en i) and P<s )are conjugate if and o yif
t{~o(Sl" ) such that t" < = a2. ~(Sl~ ) acts simply on F s.

We may assume s c s O where QO is our fixed maximal abelian subspaee of 9. Sinee

a psalgebra whose split eomponent is ~ and hence whose reductive component is ml~
s= center(ml)N p. Hence s has the following property: if H e sO and b ( H ) = O for all
roots b of (~;SO) for which b] s= O~ then HI a. Let A be the set of roots of (~sO)
and h + the union of % and R2; where ~ is a positive system of roots of (ml,aO)
and R 2 the set of all b c h such that ~I s+eAs(s+) • It is easily seen that h + is a
positive system in f~. Let Z be the set of simple roots in h + and F the subset of
Z of simple roots vanishing on s. It is then clear that b e A + vanishes on s if and
only if b is a combination Zo~Fm ~(m e 2Z; m >_0). So s= SF~ p(s+)= DF; n(s +)= nF.
So we have the assertions concerning P(~+) and ~(s+). If x e G normalises ~ and
t=Ad(x)[ a, it is obvious that t •< = s2 ~ P( < ) x = p(Q2). Conversely, if
P(<) and P(s2) are eonjugate~ and k c K ° sends P(Sl) to P(Q~); then k = s. Let
t=Ad(k)l S. Since n( < )k: n(S2) ; it is clear that t • { = s÷
2. ,eta÷ eFs; and let
t em(s Is) be such that t • ~+= s+. We use the previous notation. Choose k e K ° such
that k = s and Ad(k)Is=t. Since a k c h ~ D, we can modify k so that Qk= s and
sO= sO . Tf s=Ad(k)laO> we can modify k still further so that s" % : % ~ % being
+k +
the positive system of roots of (ml~aO) defined previously. As ,(a ) = ~(a );
s . A + = A +. So s = l , ~ t : l . Finally; let Q ~ ( A ) > q; the corresponding psalgebra;
and n as usual the nil radical of q~ ~i" Since q is conjugate to a standard psal-
gebra under K °, it is clear that for a subset E of A S such that E U (-E)=hs, E~
(-E)=~, one has n = Z eE~s,~, and further that E has the following property: if S
is the subset of E of all elements which cannot be written as ~ + ~ with ~,~e E,
then the members of S are linearly independent, IsI = dim(a)- prk(G), and every
element of E has a unique representation of the form Z £sm b . ~ ( m eZ~,,> 0). In
particular, 3 H e s such that b ( H ) > 0 for all ~ c E . This implies at once that
E = A s ( s +) for some a + e E . But then Q = P ( s +). This completes the proof


Note that m(Qla ) in general does not act transitively on F a.

Suppose that Q is a psgrp with Q=MAN~ q=m+ ~+n as the Langlands de-
compositions of Q and its Lie algebra q. Then, in the notation of the above

(14) ~=m+~+ ~ ~= ~ ~ U ( - E ) = A a, ~o(-~) = ¢.

The elements of E are called roots of Q. ~ cE is said to be simple if it

cannot be written as B +7 with ~,7c E. As we saw above~ the members of S are
linearly independent~ ISI =dim(~)-prk(G), and every element of E can be
written uniquely as Z cS m "b where the m are integers ~ 0. For any sub-
set TcS let h =h N~ "T and define
~T a

(15) rafT=m+ ~+ ~ Zs,~, nT: ~ 9s,b, qT=mlT+nT •

~c,T bcEkAa,T


(16) ~r={i.ica, ~(H):0~ScT]

then mlT is the centralizer of ~T in 9. qT is obviously a psalgebra with
Langlands decomposition m T + aT + nT, where mT is the orthocomplement of ~T in
mlT. Let ~ be the corresponding psgrp and ~=M~TN T its Langlands decompo-
sition. Then

(17) Q c % , ~ToM, AT=A, NTCN

It is easily seen on taking Q to be a standard psgrp PF that every psgrp con-
raining Q is of the above form ~ and that T ~ is a bijective correspond-
ence. From (17) or from the conjugacy of a psgrp with a standard one we get

Proposition 19. Let Q= MAN and Q= M A N be psgrps of G. Suppose

Q c ~. Then


Proposition 20. Let Q=MAN be a psgrp. If Q=MAN is a psgrp CQ,

then *Q=QN~ is a psgrp of ~. The correspondence Q ~ *Q is a bijection of
the set of all psgrps of GCQ and the set of all psgrps of ~. If *Q= *M*A*N
is the Langlands decomposition of *Q, then

(19) *M=M, A=*AA, N= *N ~, *A : ~ FI A, *N = ~ N N.


Let q=m+ s+n be the psa&gebra of Q. For dimension reasons it is clear

that if b is a Borel subalgebra of mc, b + ac + nc is a Borel subalgebra of ~e"
Conversely, if b is a Borel subalgebra of ~c contained in ~c' then bD%
from which, for dimension reasons once ~ain, we conclude that bn(<+<) is a
Borel subsigehra of m e + ac; thus b= ( b N m c ) + ] c and bnm c is a Borel sub-
algebra of <. It follows from this that if qC~ is a psalgebra, then q N m = * q
is a psalgebra of m~ that q= q+ a+ n, and that every psalgebra of m arises
in this manner. Suppose now QCQ is a psgrp with ps~igebra q and Langlands
decompositions Q=MAN, q=m+a+n. By (18), Q m ~ , and hence Q = * Q ~ N , where
qX = * * --
•Q = M N Q . If XeM, then xe Q<==> q; as q= q+ ~ + u where q=qNm,
• Q = * .
x e <==> (*q)x q. Thus Q is a psgrp of M with psa&gebra *q. Conversely,
let ~ be a psgrp of ~ with psalgebra q. Let q= q+ a+ n and let Q be
the psgrp of G corresponding to q. Then, by the earlier reasoning, QNM is
the psgrp of ~ defined by * q; hence * Q= * ~ . Let *Q= *M *A * N and * q= *m +
s+ u be its Langlands decompositions. Since ~ normalises N and centralizes
~, we have Q= M" AA • NN and it is clear that AA is the closed vector
subgroup exp(*s+]) of G~ while *M commutes with *A~. Now QA 8(Q) is a subgroup
of i n 8 ( 5 ) = Z I and it contains ;. So it is of the form ~ where ~ is a 8-stable
closed stlbgroup of ~. Ft~rther QN 8 ( Q ) c ~ [ O Q C * Q ~ so that B C * Q , : ~ B C * Q O 8(*Q)=
•M*A. As Q O 8(Q) contains * M ~ , we must have QN 8(Q)= *}4. *A~. It is now ob-
• % --
vious that M = }4, A = AA. Going over to a standard form for q (hence for ~ also)
%n * --
w e see that n = + ~ and that ~ is an ideal in n. So N= NN from standard theory
of nilpotent algebras.
The following propositions are immediate from the conjugacy of an arbitrary
psgrp to a standard one.

Proposition 21. Suppose PI,P2,Q are three psgrps of G such that PI o P2 ~

Q. If PI and P2 are conjugate under G, then PI = P2"

Proposition 22. Let Q = MAN be a psgrp of G. Then the following are


(i) Q is a minima& psgrp

(ii) M = K
(iii) prk(Q)=rk(G/K).
A psgrp Q= MAN is said to be cuspidal if ~ a 8-stable CSA ~ such that
N p= a, a being the Lie algebra of A.

Proposition 22 . ~ p is special for any %-stable CSA~ i.e., ~n p is the

split component of some psalgehra of ~. If Q=I¢~N is a psgrp of G, Q is
cuspidal if and only if M has a compact CSG.


For the first assertion we may assume ~ n p e a 0. Let ~ n D= a. Denote by

mI the centralizer of a in 9. Then, as c e n t e r ( m l ) C ~ , we have center(ml)N
p c ~, hence = c. So a has the following property: if H e s0 and ~(H) = 0 ~
roots ~ of (~,a0) which are identically zero on a, then H ~ a. We may then
argue as in the proof of Theorem 18 and conclude that p(~+) is a psalgebra of
with split component s. For the second assertion, let a= ~ N p be as above and
q=m+ a+n be a ps~Igebra of q. Since ~Nm is a CSA of m which is con-
tained in ! N m, the corresponding CSG of M is compact (cf. Theorem 1.17).
Conversely let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G such that M has a compact CSG. If
q=m+ a+n is the Langlands decomposition of q and bCmN ~ is the CSA of
m defined by a compact CSG of M, then ~= b + a is a CSA of m+ a for rank
reasons. Hence ~ is a CSA of ~ which is %-stable and ~ N D= a.

Two psgrps of G are said to be associated if they have the same split com-
ponent. If Q is a psgrp of G, the set of all psgrps associated to Q is
called the class of Q.

5. Integral formulae

For many problems involving explicit computations it is convenient to work

with standardized Haar measures. Let

(20) IrXll 2 = - • ( X , e × ) (X ~ ~ ) .

Then I1"1[ d e f i n e s a Himbert spa e s t r u c t u r e on structure gives r i s e t o

a well-defined Lebesgue measure on each affine subspace of ~; if |c ~ is a
linesur subspace and E=X+ |~ then d E = d t I ... dts where tl~.. ~t s are the
linear coordinates on ! relative to some orthonormal basis of !. Suppose
LCG is a closed subgroup of G with Lie algebra ! and let us write d~ also
for the exterior differential form on ! that gives rise to the measure d!
(after | has been oriented). Then 3 a unique left invariant exterior differen-
tial form on L that corresponds to d! at the identity under the exponential
map ! ~ L; this form and the corresponding Haar measure are denoted by dL. If
L is compact~

is positive and finite; v(L)-ldL is cslled the normalized Haar measure of L;

v(L) itself is called the volume of L. These are the normliazations introduced
by Harish-Chandra [ i0 ][ ii ].


Proposition 24. Let Q=MAN be a minimal psgrp of G. Let dk be the

normalized Haar measure on K; da= dA, dn= dN. Then
(22) dx =
e 2pQ(l°g dk da dn x = ken)

is a Haar measure on G. It is independent of the choice of Q.

The fact that dx is a Haar measure is standard (cf. Varadarajan [ ]).

The uniqueness follows from the conjugacy of the minimal psgrps under K.

The above measure is called the standard Hear measure on G.

Proposition 25. Let Q= MAN be a psgrp; dx and dm the standard Hear

measures on Q and M respectively; dk, the normalized Haar measure on K;
da=dA, dn=dN. ~hen,.for any r 0<r<~, and fcc(r)(G), the function
(k,m,a,n) ~ e2PQ~log a) f(kman) ' c
lies in c ( r ) ( K x M x A x N ) ; and
e2PQ(lOg a)
(23) [ f(x)dx = [ f ( k m a n ) d k dm da dn .
oa D4v~x~

Since (k,m,a,n) ~ kman is a proper map, the function (k,m,a,n)

2pQ(log a)
e f(kman) lies in c(r)(KxMxAxN) whenever f~c(r)(G). For proving
e o
(23) we use Proposition 20. Let Q0 = MoAoN0 be a minimal psgrp c Q. Write
*Q=MNQ0, *M=M0, A=MNA0, N = M n . N 0. Then A0= ~., NO= NN. Moreover, since
m I (a+n), it follows that d A 0 = d AdA and dN0=d NdN, while at the same
time, Proposition 22 implies that *Q is a minimal psgrp of M. Hence, with
m=k*a*n, a0=*aa , where *ac A~ a ~ A , nc N, k ~ K M,

dm = e 2p*Q(l°g *a) dk_d. a d. n, p%¢og a0) = O.q(log *a) + OQ(log a) .

The relation (23) now follows in an obvious manner.

Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G. Let

(24) KM = K n M, 7 = KIKM, ~ = kK M (kcX).

Since KM=KNQ, and since G=KQ, it is clear that the map ~ ~*kq is a well-
defined analytic diffeomorphism of ~ with G/Q. The action of G on G/Q may
therefore be transferred to an action on ~. We write, for y ~ G, k c K, y[~]
for the image of ~ under y. In the notation of (8),

(2~) y[ff] = ,~(yk) .

Although the measure induced on ~ by dk, written d~, is not invariant under
this action of G, it is quasi-invariant; and the next proposition determines
explicitly the Radon-Nikodym derivatives.


For ycG, k~K, it is clear from (7) that H(yk) depends on k only
through ~, Let

(26) H(y :~) = H(yk) .

Then H(':.) is an analytic map of GX~ into a.

Proposition 26. We have ~_ d~= i. Moreover, for amy continuous function

on ~, and all y~G,

(27) ~ ~(~)d~= ~ ~(y[~]-2pQ(H(y :~)) d~ .

Let ~ ~Cc(Q ) be such that ~(uq)= ¢(q) for U~KM, q c Q and farther such
j" ~(man)e 2pQ(l°g d m d a d n = i,

the Haar measures being as in Proposition 25. Let f(kq) = ~(q )re(F), for k ¢ K~
q c Q. Then f is well defined and lies in Cc(G ) . So, for y~G,

~ (~)d~ = ~ ~(~)~(man)e2OQ(lOg a) dkdmdadn


= ]a f(~)d~ (of. (23))

= ~a f(r~)d~

= ~ (cf. (23))
f(ykman)e2PQ(lOg a) dk dmda dn
= j I" q~(Y[~])~(#(yk)a(yk)n(yk)man)e2PQ(lOg a) dk dm da dn
= j q0(y[~]),(man)e2PQ(lOg a)-2pQ(lOg a(yk))
dk dm da dn
_ -2pn(H(Y : k'))
= ~K
I_ m(yKk])e ~ dF d

COROLLARY 27. For any continuous function f on K,


(28) ~K f(k)dk = ~K f(K(Yk))e-2pQ(H(yk)) dk .

6. The homomorphisms SQ

Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G corresponding to the psalgebra q = m + a+ n.

Write ml= m + a. Let @ be the universal enveloping algebra of gc and ~l
(resp. ~,~) the subalgebra generated by i and mlc (resp. mc,~c). Denote by
(resp. 8(ml),8(m)) the center of ~ (resp. ~,~). Note that

(29) S(~) = 8(m)~ ~ 8(m) ~ ~.

We have the canonical injection

%/ml : 8 Q ~(~)

defined in Section 3, n °4. We put

(30) : •

Note that ~Q depends only on a (or A) and is the same for all psgrps Q
in P(A). If necessary we write ~G/Q instead of ~Q. If ~CQ is a psgrp
of G and ~ =M lo ~ then, using Proposition 20 we get

(%) ~/% : ~/*%° ~GIQ

L~MMA 28. Let ~ be a continuous homomorphism of M I = MA into the multi-
plicative group of positive reals. Then ~ a unique real linear form ~ on
m1 such that

(~2) ~(ma) : e ~(i°g a) (m ~ M, a ~ A), ~ Im : 0 •

Further ~ a unique algebra antomorphism b ~ b (D) of ~i such that

(33) x(~) : x - ~(x)l (x~) .

We have

(~) 8(h)(~) : 8(h), u (~) : 0o uo - i (u ~ )

where, in the second formula above, U is regarded as a left invariant differ-

ential operator on NI, and as a multiplication operator. In particular,
u (~) = u ~ ' u ~ .


The proof is completely elementary and is omitted.

Proposition 2~. Let notation be as above. Then:

(i) Given ze~, 3 a unique zI cD[ such that z=-zl(mOd @n); z! lies
in 8(ml) and z-=zl(mOd e(n)~n); moreover, we have Zl:d~lo~Q(Z)od Q
(ii) Let u~u t be the antiautomorphism of @ such that X t = -X ~v~X c ~.
Then 8t : 8 and pQ(zt)=~Q(z) t V z ~8.

Since ~N®n=O, the uniqueness of zI is clear. For proving (i) let

he a ~-st~ble CSA containing ~. Let E be the set of roots of Q. We select
an ordering in a* such that all the elements of E are > 0 in this ordering,
and then choose an ordering in ((-i)2(~ ~ ) + (~ ~ D))* compatible with the one
chosen on a*. We denote by P = {~i .... 'st] the set of all roots of (~c,~e)
that are > 0 in this ordering~ and assume that the notation is so chosen that
(~i~ "'"~r are precisely the J's that vanish identically on a. Let ~ be the
subalgebra of @ generated by i and ~c" Let X be a nonzero vector in the
root space gc~"

Given z e8 we can then write

z = h0 + ~ X~ . ql xPl Pt
(p),(q) t " ' X ~ l h(p),(q) ~i "'" X~t

where (P)=(Pl .....Pt )' (q)=(ql ..... qt )' the pi,qj are integers > 0 , h0,
h(p),(q)e~, and the sum is over all (p),(q) such that ( p l - q l ~ l + ...+
(pt-qt)C~t=0. If j > r , CZjl a ~ 0 and so ~.I a must be >0 in a*. So n
3 c
is spanned by the X~j (j>r). Similarly e(n)c is spanned by the X_~j with

j >r. Let us now write

' ql Pl Pt
zI = h 0 + ~ X~ ... X ~ 1 h(p),(q) X~l ...X~t
(p),(q) t

where the prime indicates that the sum is over all (p),(q) satisfying the addi-
tional restriction Pr+l . . . . . Pt =0" As the
~. I a are > 0 in a* for j>r~
we must also have qr+l . . . . . qt =0 for all terms in Z'. In other words~ zI
is the unique element of ~ such that z ~ zl(mOd @n)~ and we have the stronger
z =-zl(mOd e(n)@n). Since n is stable under adml, the same is ture of @n.
~enoe zi ~ 8(~z)"
It remains to compute zI. Let 6=i((Zl+ ...+St), 8i=½((~i+ ...+~r).
From the properties of the homomorphisms ~/~ and Smi/~ we have


-8 6 "61 61
h0 = e o ~/~(z)o e = e o~/~(Zl)O e


~-6! -(~-~l)
~l~/~(z) = e o b~/~(Zl) oe

Consider the linear function 8-81 on ~. By definition we have (8-61)(H) =

½tr(adHIn) for H~. So 6-6l=0 Q on ~ ~d=0 o~ ~nK~k, hI (since n
is stable under ad ml) ; in particular, 6-81 = 0 on (too p) ~ ~. On the other
hand, if j > r , 6. and c~c°nj. both coincide on ~0 p and so both are > 0 ,
= ~ . J on ~
~. So 6-5l = O on ~ ~. In other words, if ~ is
the linear form on m1 which is 0 on m and QQ on ~, 6 - % = q l 9. Conse-

%/~(z) = (~.h/~( z z,j~'(~) = #~z/~ '~(~)~

~1 ~ •

Th, s i.e., d lo (z)odQ. This proves ( i ) .

For ~roving (ii) we need to cheek that h/~(z t) = %/~(z) t and ~%/~(z~)=
~/~(z2)t for ~ ~8, ~2 ~s(~)" Tt suffices to prove the first one. We have,

~=-ho(mod ~ x..~c~x~).
Hence, for a n y ke~c , ~/~(z)(X+8). = h0(h ). On the other hand, applying the
antiautomorphism in question to the above congruence and recalling that ~/~
does not depend on the positive system used in its definition, we see that
%/~(zt)(k -8) = ht0(Z) = h0(-Z ) = % / ~ ( z ) ( - ( Z - 6 ) ) . This gives what we want.

7. The maps (z • cz(Q) and ~ ,~ •(Q)

Let Q=MAN be a p s g r p o f G and q = m + ~ + n t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g algebra. One o f

the most striking facts of the theory is Harish-Chandra's discovery that there
exists a rather close connexion between Fourier analysis on G and on MI. This
connexion is established through a map of C~(G) into C~(Yq)
<;- j-
which we shall
t %

denote by ~ ~ ~[Q). The dual of this map takes invariant distributions on Ml

to invariant distributions on G, and we shall denote it by T ~ T(Q). It will
t~rn out that if • is ~(nll)-finite, ~(o~ will be ~-finite. Later we follow
Harish-Chandra and extend the map ~kW~Jto'~ the Schwartz space s.
Thus extended, it will play an important role in the determination of the dis-
crete series for G. On the space of C functions with compact support the
above mentioned map is substantially the same as the horispherical map of
Gel'land and Graev [ ! ].


As usual let M I =MA and let dQ be defined by (ii). For any fanction
on G for which the integrals 7NI~(xn) I dn are finite for all xcG we

(35) ~Q(x) = ZN~(Xn)dn •

We define the function ~(Q) on MI by

(36) ~(Q)(ma) = e ~Q(lOga) Q(ma) = dQ(ma>~Q(ma) .

Let O~r~ and ~ ~ c~r)(G). It is then clear that ~Q is defined for a21
x s G, is of class C (r), and that its derivatives can be calculated by differen-
tiation under the integral sign.

For any ue we write (cf. Lemma 28)

(37) u" = dQlo uo dQ "u = dQO uo dQ -1

Proposition 30. Let O < r <~o. Then ~ ~ ~(Q) is a continuous map of

into Let U,Ve%, z s s. 'I'llen, V~cC~(G),

(3s) u~(Q)v= ('u~v')(Q), (~)(Q)= ~Q(~(Q)

We have, for ~ec(r)(G),

(39) ~(Q)(m l) = dQ(m l) ZN~(mln)dn = dQl(ml ) JN ~(nml)dn "

Since (ml,n) -- m,n is an analytic diffeomorphism of M1 x N onto MIN , the

assertion regarding ~ ~ ~(Q) is clear. The first formula in (38) is immediate
on differentiating (39) under the integral sign. Suppose z e 8. Then by Pro-
position 29, Z~Q(Z) (mod @n). On the other hand, as

N~(Snml)dn = ZN ~(nml)dn (n 1 ~)
it follows that for any v ~ @n, (~v) (Q) = 0. Hence, using (38), we have,

(z~) (Q) = (~z) (Q) = (O~Q(Z)') (Q)

For any ~ e C~(G) let

(4o) ~(x) = ~K~(~-i)dk (x c G)


dk being the normalized Haar measure on K. ~ e C~(G) and ~ is a con-

tinuous map. Given any distribution T on MI we then define

(~l) ~(Q)(~) : ~(a (Q)) ( ~ C~(G)) .

From Proposition 30 we see that T(Q) is a distribution on G.

Proposition ~i. The map T~ T(Q) has the following properties:

(i) If T is ~-invariant, T(Q) is G-invariant

(ii) For ~ y z ~8, z~(Q): (~Q(~b)(Q) for ~ distributions • on

(iii) If T is a 8(ml)-finite distribution on MI, T(Q) is a 8-finite

distribution on G.

It is enoUgh to prove (i) and (ii) since (ii) ~(iii). Further (ii) follows
immediately from (38) and (ii) of Proposition 29. To prove (i) we begin by
-mr-(Q) -i
establishing a formula for o~x where ~x (y) = ~ y x - l ) . We have~ for
~a and ~ ~ C~(G), and ~ % ~ %,

( o ~ ) (~) = ]' ~(~h~-t=-i)~ dn

= j ~(~ (xk)~(xk) a(xk)n(xk)~nn(xk)-la(xk)-l~(xk)-l~ (xk)-l)dk dn

' '~ l -2pQ(H(~))

So, if T is ~-invariant, so is dQT, and we obtain T(Q)(~ x ) = (dC)(~)
where is the function of mI defined by the last integral. If we write
for ~(~(xk]m_n~(xk]'l]exp(-2o~(H(x_k]]] we see that


jr (dQ'r) (Bk,n)dk dn

= (dQT)( ~ ~k,ndkdn) -


~t, by (2s),

dQ ~ ~,ndk dn : $(Q)
Hence T(Q)(J ) = T(Q)(~ ). This proves (i).

8. The Bruhat decomposition

For the sske of completeness we give a brief discussion of the Bruhat de-
composition of G. We essentially follow Harish-Chandra [ 5 ].

Let Q0 =MOAON 0 be a minimal psgrp of G, and q0 = m 0 + a0 + n O the corre-

sponding psalgebra, e0 is then a maximal abelian subspace of D. We write A+
for the set of positive roots of (9, ~0 ) corresponding to Q. ~ is the Weyl
group of (~a0); and M0~ the m~rmaliser of ~0 in K.

LEMMA 52. Let @(X ~ X ~) be an antomorphism of ~ leaving ]B invariant.

Then (q~N ~ ) + n o = qo"

It is enough to prove the orthocomplement of this relation. Since IB~ = ]B,

we have (q0) = (q0) = nO . Hence we must show that (n + n0)0 q0 = no" B~t
and si ee is the set of nilpotents
of q0 (cf. Remark 2 in the Proof of Theorem 7).

THEOREM 33. For each sew let XsEM 0 be such that Ad(Xs) I a0=s. Then
the sets N0XsQ0 (s cm) are mutually d i s j o i n t , and

(42) a = U ~0Xsq0 •

Select H c aO such that no root of (~,a0) vanishes at H. Let x ~ G.

Since (q~ O q ) + n 0 = q0 by Lemma 32, we can write H = Y + Z where Y ~ ~0-1N q0
and Z~ no . By Lemma 2, 3 n~N 0 such that H n = y , i.e., ~ X ~ q0 such that
HY=X where y=xn. All eigenvalues of ad X are therefore real from which it
follows that Xc a0+n0+(cn ~) (c=center(~)). Since HYcgI+(CN p), we even
have Xc ~0+n0 , i.e., X=H'+Y' where H' e a0, Y' ~ nO . The eigenvalues of
AdH are thus the same as those of adH', from which we conclude that all roots
of (~',~0) are nonzero,_lat H'. So, again by Lemma 2, 3 n' e N O such that
H Y = H 'n , i.e., Hn Y=H. This implies that n'-ly normalizes m0+a 0 and
hence m0 and a0 separately, as the eigenvalues of ad L are re~l for L c a0
and imaginary for L c m 0. So 3 s c D such that Ad(n'-lY) I a0=s, i.e.,
n,-ly=xsm for some m e M o A 0. This gives x = n ' x s m n - l e N 0 X s Q 0.


To prove the disjointness of (42), suppose nlXs ql = n2Xs q2 where n. ~ N~,

s~ s~l 2 j u
-~ ± n
qjcQ0, s j e ~ . If n = n 2 nl, we see that (n O ) = n 0 . Now ~ is the direct
sum of the ~k and so we have the projections ETa: ~ ~ 97~ (~ a root or = 0).
Then~ for any h, it is easily seen that

Zn - Z c ~ ~ (Ze~).
~ _ ~ + .A+

~is shows that Eh(Z n) = Z for all h and all Zc ~h. Using this in the
sI n s2
relation (n0 ) = n O we see that S l h + = s 2A +. Hence sl = s 2.

A simple argument now leads to

THEOREM 94. Let x ~ x be the natural map of G onto G/Q 0. Then G/Q 0
is the disjoint Union of the N0-orbits N O .x s (setS). Each of these is a
regular analytic submanifold of G/Q0, open in its closure. The stabilizer in
NO of xs is ~ 0 N N O . If so c m is the element such that so . A + = - A +, then
N O "Xs0 is open in G/Q0, has dimension precisely equal to dim(N0), and

n ~ n • Xs0 is an analytic diffeomorphism. If s ~ so, dim(N 0 • Xs) < dim(N0).

For the material discussed in this section see H~rish-Chandra [i0 ][ii ].
See also Borel-Tits [ i ], Warner [ i ].

7- Some representation theory

In this section we shall discuss briefly some elementary aspects of the re-
presentation theory of groups of class ~. All of these results are well known
and so oUr treatment will be sketchy. For more details see Borel [ i ], Warner
[ i ], and also the p a p e r s of Harish-Chandra [ i ][ 2 ][ 9 ] •

!. Preliminaries.

We begin with a separable locally compact unimodular group H whose biin-

variant Haar measure is denoted by dx. Let V be a complete locally convex
space (Hausdorff topological vector space). A representation ~ of H in V is
a map x I~ ~(x) of H into the group of linear automorphisms of V such that

(i) Tr(1) = 1 and ~ ( x y ) = ~(x)Tr(y) (x,ycH)

(ii) the map (x,v) ~ ~(x : v) = ~(x)v of HX V to V is continuous.

is irreducible if 0 and V are the only closed linear subspaces of V that

are i-stable, i.e., invariant under all Tr(x) (x e H).

Suppose Tr is a representation of H in V. For f e Ce(H ) the operator

(1) ~(f) = ~H f(x)~(x)dx

is defined by

(2) ~(f)(v) = ~, f(x)~(x)v dx iv ~ v).

7F(f) is a continuous endomorphism of V. For f , g e C c ( H ), ~(f*g)=~(f)Tr(g), *
denoting as usual the convolution over H.

We shall now assume that H is a Lie group and introduce the notion of diff-
erentiable and analytic vectors. In order to do this we recall the concept of
differentiable and analytic fi/nctions with values in V. Let M be a C mani-
fold. A map f :M ~ V is said to he weakly C= if for each ~ e V* (= topolog-
ical dual of V), ho f .M ~ C is a C= function on M; if M is an analytic
manifold, f is said to be weakly analytic if ~o f is analytic V ~ V . f
is said to be C~ if all its derivatives exist and are continuous, f is analytic
(when M is an analytic manifold) if to each xeM we can associate a neighbor-
hood U of x and analytic coordinates tl,...,t m on U such that, for suitable
vectors c ¢V (rl,...,r m integers > 0),
rI, •.. , r m

rI r
f(y) = r tl(Y ) ... tm(Y ) m c (yeU)
r I, •..,rm rl~ •..,rm


the series converging absolutely; here and elsewhere~ a series ZT~I cT of vec-
tors in V is said to converge absolutely if for each continuous seminorm I'I
on V, ~Ic I is a convergent series; absolute convergence of course implies con-
vergence " We write C=(M : V) (resp. C c (M : V)) for the space of Cco maps f
(resp. C = maps with compact support) of M to V.
o~ co
It is well known that if f :M ~ V is weakly C , then it is C . We sketch
briefly the proof of the following result which appears less well known: if V
is a Banach space and f :M~V is weakl~ analytic I then f is analytic. Proof
(due to M• S. Narasimhan): We may assume that M = !Rm and prove analyticity at
the origin. Let tl,...,t m be the usual coordinates and let (as f e CCO(M:V))

= (Srl+"'+rm/Bt~ 1 ..- 5tlm f)(0)
(rI •'r2 ., ... rm!)Crl . . . . ,rm

Then for each ~ V* ~ an integer N(Z)_>I such that

.+r +l
iZ(erl ..... rm)i ~ N(z)rl +'" m (rl,...,r m integers~0)

Fix an integer N > i and let

%* = {~: ~c v*,lk(Crl ' .... rm)l <~ rl+" "'+rm+l V rI, ...,rm_>0}

Each VN is a closed subset of V and V* = U._ V N. So by the B~ire category

. N~_I
theorem ~ a > 0 , N_>I and ~ VN such that VN contains the closed ball of radius
a and center ~. A simple argument gives the estimate

r +... +rm+l
Ic I < 2a'l~ 1
rl, •.. ~rm --

where I'I is the norm on V.

We return to the Lie group H~ the complete locally convex space V, and a
representation ~ of H in V. Let ~ be the Lie algebra of H and ~ the
universal enveloping algebra of the complexification ~c of ~. A vector vcV
is said to be differentiable (for ~) if the map x~(x : v) = Tr(x)v is in
Cco(H: V). The set of all differentiable vectors (for Tr) is a linear subspaee of
co co
V denoted by V . Let v~V , acS. Then the derivative of the function ~(" :v)
from the left by a is well defined~ lies in C~(H : V)~ and if w = ~(1;a : v),
then 7r(x;a:v)=Tr(x)w (x~H). So w c V ~, and v(a) : v ~ v ( l ; a : v ) is an endo-
morphism of V ~. It is easy to show that a~Tr(a) is a representation of ~ in
V . We shall denote this by ~ once again.


L~MA 1 ( G ~ r d i r ~ ) . For any f c C~(H), ~ ( f ) [ V ] C V ~. In p a r t i c u l a r , V~ is

a dense subspace of V. More precisely, let [fn]n>l be a sequence of elements
in C~(H) such that (i) fn~OJ 7H f n d x = l (n~lT~ (ii) ~ a decreasing sequence

[Un}n>l of compact neighborhoods of i such that ~ n Un = [i] and

supp(fn)CUnVn. Then, for each vc V, ~(fn)V~V as n ~.

This is well known.

Let ~0 be the center of ~. ~ is said to have an infinitesimal character if

for each Ue~O, 7(u) is a scalar on V~. In this case 3 a homomorphism X T : ~ o ~ C
such that

G) ~(u)v= x(u)v (~ ~ ~o' v~V~)

X is called the infinitesimal character of 7. is said to be simple if it is
irreducible and has an infinitesimal character. Finally, ~ is said to be a
differentiable representation if V= V~ and if for each ae ~, m(a) is a con-
tinuous endomorphism of V.

2. Differential operators in polar coordinates

From now on we work with a group G of class ~ and employ our usual nota-
tion. In this n ° we fix an lwasawa decomposition ~= ~ + aO + n O. Let A O = e x p aO,
N O = exp nO~ so that G= KAoN 0 is the corresponding global lwasawa decomposition.
A is the set of roots of (~,aO) ; A +, the subset of positive roots corresponding
to n0; ~ is the Weyl group of (~,a 0). As usual log :A O ~ a0 inverts
exp : a0 ~ A O. Let ~0 be the positive chamber of aO and A+
0 = exp aO, so that,
for aeAo, aeA 0 if and only if h(loga)>O ~ h c / ~ +. 2~ are the root spaces.
C~(SO) is a fundamental domain for the action of ~ on aO. From the polar de-
composition G = K exp p and the relations

u % : u (c,e(%)) s
keK se~
we get

(5) a = K C~(A~)K

Our main tool in the study of matrix coefficients of simple representations

of G is the behaviour of the differential equations satisfied by these. It is
therefore necessary to obtain the expressions for elements of @ as differential
operators on KXAoXK.

Let II (resp. ~2) be the orthogonal complement of m0 (resp. aO) in T

(resp. ~). Then I i + 1 2 = (m0+a0) =n0+e(n0). Since n0~l=n0~ ~=0 , the


projections of nO and O(nO) on ~ and D are injective, and map onto 11

and I2" Hence

(6) dim(If) = dim(12) = dim(n0) = dim(0(n0) )


(7) A~ = {h:h~A0, ~(logh)¢0 V Z c A ]

Note that A O-
'- Us~~s.A~, ~ acting on A 0 in the obvious fashion.

LEMMA 2. Let ZsA+~ Xc gZ, Y=-OX, and let X~O. Define the functions
f~ and g~ on A'O by setting for all hSAo,'

(8) fT,(h)= _(eh(log h) _e-h(log h) )-i gh(h) = -e -h(l°g h) fh(h)

Then X - Y e Ii, X + Y e 12, and

(9) Y = f~(h)(X-Y) (h-l) + g~(h)(X-Y)

This is a straightforward calculation.

.Proposition I- For any h s AS, ~ = I + a0 + I~ the sum being direct.

By (9), ~ = I + a0+6(n0) c I + a0+I~ h-l). The sum is direct for dimension

reasons since dim(l~h-l))=dim(0(n0) ) by (6).

Proposition 4. Let a+= ~ K = ~o K. Then the map , - (kl,h,k 2 ) - k l ~ 2 of

KxA6xK into G is submersive; in p~rticula~ G+ is open in G and ~/ is an
open map. Let ~'~0 be respectively the subalgebras of @ generated by (i,t)
and (i, aO). Then the complete differential (d~)= of ~ is given by
(~2) -1 (k~l)

(zo) (d*)(kl,h,k2)(~l®~®~2) = ~l a ~2

V k l,k 2sK~ heA~, where ~i ~ 2 ¢ ~ and a¢9]0. (hk2)-I

For kl',k~s K, h'~ A0, we have the identity klklhh'k2k ~ =klhk 2 "k l'
• h' • k2~
' from which the formula (i0) is immediate.
For any h ¢ A 0' we write Dh= ( d ~ ) ( 1 , h , 1 ) . ThUS Dh i s a linear map o f
~®~0®~ into @ and


-(h-1)a , ~,
(lZ) Dh(~l ®a® ~2 ) = ~l ~2 (~ ~2 ~ a ~ ~0)

Let ~0 be the subaAgebra of ® generated by (l,u0). Since ~ = ~ + a0 + ~(n0)

is a direct sum, the map

A: 6 ® a ® { ~ ~a (~ e e(mo),a c ~o,~ e ~)

extends to a linear bijection of 8(~0)®N0®R onto @. This implies that

(z2) o = O(no)¢ + ~o ~ (direct sum)

Given ge~ we write v(g) for the unique element of N0~ and t(g) for the
unique element of N0 ® ~ such that

(l~) g - v ( g ) e e(nO)@, A(l®t(g))=v(g)

We have deg(v(g))Zdeg(g), ~s i s e a s i l y seen.

Proposition ~. Let ~ be the algebra (not including i) generated by all

the functions fk,g k (ks A +) defined by (8). Let g e@ be of degree <r. Then
we can find s>l, q 0 i ~ , ~ i , ~ e ~ , ai~9] 0 (l<i<s) such that

(i) deg({i)+deg(ai)+deg(~)<r, deg(ai)<r-I for l<i<s

(ii) Dh(t(g : h ) ) = g for all hcA8 where t(g :h) is the element of
~®~/0®~ given by

t(g : h ) = l ® t ( g ) + ~ ~i(h)~i ®ai ® ~


We use induction on r. Lemma 2 gives the result for r=l. Let r>l. It
suffices to consider g e 8(n0)@ since for elements of ~0~{ one can take <Pi= 0.
Since we can write g as a sum Zj@(Xj)gj where X.e n^ and deg(gj)<r-l, we
$ +u
may assume that g=-8(X)g with X~£X for some k e g , and deg(g)<_r-l. By
the induction hypothesis we can find I/j c~, qj,qj e R, b. ¢ ~ such that deg(bj)<
r - 2 , deg(qj)+deg(bj)+deg(qj)<_r-1, and Dh(T(h))=g~/h~A~ where

T(h) = l®t(g) + ~ ~j(h)qj®bj® q~


Define, with notation as in Lemma 2,

T '(h) = fz(h)(X - Y) ®t(~) + g~(h)(l®t(~))(X - Y)

+ ~ ~(h){f~(h)(X- Y)~j ~bO ® ~ + g~(h)~j ®bj ® ~(X- Y)]


• ,(.) is of the required form and

Dh(m'(h))=f~(h)(X-y)(h )~+g~(h)g(X_Y)=g+g~(h)[g,X_y]

Since [g~X-Y] is of degree < r - l ~ the induction hypothesis is applicable to

it. The existence of t(g : .) with the required properties is clear.

Let ~+= ~T = T~. Then ~ is the direct sum of C .! and ~+. Hence ~0 ~
is the direct sum of 9/0 and 9/0~+. So in view of (13), given g ¢@, we can
find a unique element 'w(g) ~9/0 such that

(l~) g - ,~(g) ~ 9/0~+ + e(%)~

L~4MA 6. The map 'w :g~'w(g) is linear, maps @ onto 9/0' and has the
following properties :

(i) deg('w(g)) _< deg(g)

(i~) '~(~g) : u'~(~)

( u ~ O, g ~ ® )
The relation (i) is obvious. For (ii) note that 9/0e(n0) t- e(rl0)~0"

THEORI~4 7" Let ~=~+g .i. Shppose g e@ is of degree <r. Then we can
find re>l, ¢ i e ~ , hi,~' e ~, b i e ~ 0 (i<_i<__m) such that

(i) deg(hi)+deg(bi)+deg(~)<__l, deg(bi)<--r-1 for l<i<m

(ii) g= '~(g)+r~<i<mh(h)~h- ) bi~ ~' Vh~A~

This is immediate from Proposition 5.

As an example, let G = SL(2, JR) and let {H,X,Y] be the standard basis of
9, so that a0=IR. H, ~ =JR • (X- Y), n®=jR .X and 8(n0)=l~ .Y. If at =
exp tH, A 0'= [at : t ~0}. In this case Dat = (d¢)(l,at,l)
~ is a linear bijeetion

of ~®9/0®~ onto @ and hence can be inverted. Let

(16) 'v(~) = (H + Z) 2

A simple c~Zc~Zation gives, w~th f ( t ) = - ( e 2t - e-2t) -I and g(t) = - e - 2 t ~ ( t ) ,

ID-l(~) = l ® ( ~ + Z ) 2 ~ Z + ~g(t)Z®H~Z
(17) I at + 4f(t)2[(X_ y ) 2 ® l ® i +i ® i ® (X _ y)2]
+ 4f(t)(l + 2g(t))(X - Y) @ i ® (X - Y)


It is clear that Theorem 7 gives a description of the differential operator

g in terms of differential operators on K x A ~ X K.

3. Bounds for the dimensions of spaces of eisenfunctions

We shall now deduce from the results above certain upper bounds for spaces of
eigenfunctions on G. These bounds will lead to the basic finiteness theorems of
representation theory.

Let U be a finite dimensional vector space over C. By a double representa-

tion of K in U we mean a representation of K×~ where K is the group
opposite to K, i.e., a pair m--(Tl,m2) where ml is a representation of K in
U, T2 is a representation of K in U, and ml(kl) commutes with m2(k2) for
all kl,k 2 ¢ K. It will be convenient to allow the ml(kl) to act from the left
on elements of U, and the m2(k2) to act from the right :

(is) ~(kl,k2)u = ~(kz)~ m2(k2) ( u e U , kl,k 2 e K )

m is said to be unitary if U is a HAlbert space and both the m. are unitary.

A function f : G~U is said to be T-spherical if

(19) f(klXk2) = ml(kl)f(x)T2(k2) (xeG, kl,k 2eK)

C°~(G : U : T) denotes the v e c t o r space o f a l l T-spherical C° maps o f G to U.

S~ppose % is a finite dimensional r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f 8. We d e f i n e

(20) ~ ( × : T) = {f : f ~ C ~ ( O :U : m), z f = O W z ~ker(X)}

In particular~ if X is a homomorphism~ ]F(X :m) is the space of alDL f in
CC°(G : U : m) such that z f = X ( z ) f ~ v / z eS. The main theorem in this n ° is then
the following.

THEOREM 8. Let U be a finite dimensional vector space over C and m a

double representation of K in U Let X be a finite dimensional representation
of 8 and let ]F(X:T) be defined by (20). Then all elements of ]F(X:T) are
analytic. Moreover, if w denotes the order of the Weyl group of ~c (with re-
spect to any of its CSA'~, then

(~) d i m ~ ( X : T) ~ w dim(X)dim(U)

We need a lemma.

LEMMA 9" For any g ¢ @ let 'v(g) c ~[0 be defined by (14). Then the restriction
of 'v to 8 is a homomorphism of 8 onto a subalgebra J of NO , and NO is
a finite J-module. More precisely, let w be the order of the Weyl group of ~c


with respect to any of its CSA's; then we can find elements bl=l,b2,...,b w e ~ 0
with the following property: if b e~0 and deg(b)!r~ 3 Zl,...,zw ¢ ~ such that

(i) deg(bj)+deg(zj)~r for l~j~ w

(i~) b:~!j!~ b~'~(~j)

Let ml= m 0 + a0. Select a e-stable CSA ~ containing aO so that
~= ( t n m 0 ) + % . We choose an ordering in (-1)l/2(~nm0)+ ~0~ compatible with
the ordering in ~0 corresponding to A+ and let P be the set of positive
roots of (gc,~c) defined by this ordering. Let PI be the subset of P of all roots
in P vanishing on a0" If X8 are root vectors, X~ e m0c for 8 e PI and

~o = Z; c.x~, e(n0e ) = 2] c.x_~

So, if 6 = ~ %~p ~, then, f o r a~cf z c ~ the congruence

(22) ~e -6 o~/~(z)oe 6
(mod Z: X ¢X~)
leads to the congruence

(23) z e -6 o ~/t(~)o e6 (mod ~ ~X~+ e(%)@)

where, ~ is as ~s~al the subalgebra of @ generated by (l,ml). Let ~ be the
subalgebra of @ generated by (1,9) and let 7 : D~M0 be the projection map
corresponding to the direct sum decomposition 9= ~(~ D m0) +~0" It is then clear
from (22) and (23) that

~ ~(e-6o ~/~(z)o e 6) (mod~im 0 + e(n0)@)

In other words~

(24) ' v ( z ) = T(e -6o t~ / ~ ( z ) o e6) (z c 8 )

This makes it clear that 'v restricted to 8 is a homomorphism.

It is now easy %o prove (i) and (ii) for a suitable choice of the b .~s. We
know that ~ homogeneous elements cI = i,c2,...,cw in D such that

(25) ~ = 2] ~B/~(8)cj/ (direct sum)

1 !J ! w
It is also known~ and quite easy to prove using elementary arguments involving
the symmetrizer map of the symmetric algebra S(~c) onto @ (el. Varadarajan
[ 1 ] pp.339-341), that the injection ~/~ of 8 into ~ preserves degrees:
deg(z)=deg(~/~(z))~z c8. Let us now define


(26) b. = T(e-~O c o e 6) (lSj~w)


S~ppose bO e ~ 0 and deg(bo)=r. Then deg(e 6o b0~ e -6)=r and we can find
unique elements ~j c ~g/~(8) such that e5 o b0 o e = Zj ~j cj.. The uniqueness of
the ~j and the homogeneity of the e.o implies at once that deg(Bj) +deg(cj) = r~
i ~ j <w._ Let zj. e ~ be such that S~/~(zj) = ~j. Then by the remark made above~
deg(zj)+deg(cj)=r, 1 5 j ~ w . So

b0 = Z (e-~o ~/~(zj)o e~)(e-~o e.o e ~)

Z5 j ~
Applying 7 to beth sides we get b0 = ~ 5 j Z w'v(zj)bj" Clearly deg(zj)+
deg(bj) is Z r for I Z j _ <w"

Proof of Theorem 8. We shall prove first that all elements of ]F(X : T) are
analytic. Fix f ¢]F(X : m). We assert that

(27) dim(8~f) <

Since f(xk)=f(x)m2(k ) for xeG, k~K, we have ({f)(x)=f(x)m2(~) for x ~ G ,

e ~. So ~f is a finite dimensional subspace of C~(G : U). If g c ~f, we have
zg = 0 for all z c ker(X) and so it is enough to verify that dim(~g)< ~ for
each such g. But this is immediate since ker(X) is finite codimensiona~. We
thus have (27). Now s e l e c t a basis ~ ..... X for ~ such t h a t X1 . . . . . X span
r 2
",, Xr+ 1 . . . . X span ~, and - ~ ( X i , 0 X j ) = 6ij ( l -<- j <- n ) . Then ~ = - ~ - ...-X r +

+ Xr+l + "
.+~2 lies in 8 and
O=~+ • .. + Xn2 = 2 ( ~ + . . . + X ~ ) + ~ S " . In

view of (27), we can find an integer s > l and constants Cl,...,c s such that

(O s + c l []s-l+ ... + C s ) f = 0

Since O s + ClOs-I + ... + Cs_lO+ c s is an elliptic operator, the regularity theorem

for ~uch operators implies that f is analytic.

We shall now take up the proof of (21). Fix V l = l , v2,...,VrC8 such that
8 = k e r ( X ) + Z . C'v.. Let bl,~..,b eg~0 be as in Lemma 9. Let V = U × . . . X U
J 0
( m = r w factors). Fix h 0 e A~ and for any f e]F(X : ~) we associate the element
of V whose components are (in some fixed order) the numbers f(h~;b.v.)
u ~ j
(l<i<w l<j<r). To prove (21), it is enough to prove that f ~ f is an
injective map. Suppose ~ = 0. Since f is analytic, f l GO will be zero as
soon as f(h0;g ) = 0 ~vJg ¢ @; and the T-spherical property of f will then imply
f=0 since G = K G 0. So we need to show that f(h0;g ) = 0 ~ g c @ . We shall do
this by induction on deg(g). For g=l, this is immediate since bl=Vl=l and
so f(h0)=0. S~ppose r=deg(g)>l and f(h0;g')=0 for all g' c @ of degree
< r.


Let u e@ be any element of degree < r . By Theorem 7 we can write

u = ,~(u) + ~. ,a(h)n I h-1 )%qj (h cA~)


where the ~j are analytic functions on A~ qj,~j' ¢ ~, ~j ¢ ~O~ with deg(~j) S

r-1 and deg(nj)+deg(~j)+deg(~j)Zr~j. By the inductionh~othesis
f(h0;~j) = 0. But, as

we see that f(ho;~h-l) o ~ j ~ j' )_- 0 V j . Hence

(28) f(h0;u ) = f(h0;'v(U)) (U ~0, deg(U)ir)

Applying (28) we are thus reduced to showing that f(h0; 'v(g))= 0. Now
deg('v(g)) < r and so, by Lemma 9, we can find Zl, •. ,zw a 8 such that deg(zj) +
+ deg(bj)<r~j and 'v(g)=Zjbj 'v(zj). So it is enough to prove that
f(h0;bj'v(zj))=0~ j. Now, if z¢8 and X(z)=0, zf=0, so that f(h0;bjz)=0 ;
if z=v i for some i, f(h0;bjz)=0. Hence f(h0;bjz)=0~ j and~ze8. In
particular, f(h0;bjzj)=0. As deg(bjzj)<r, we use (28) to infer that
f(h0;'v(bjzj))=0. By Len~na 6, we have f(h0;b j'v(zj))=0, as we desired. This
proves Theorem 8.

4. Analytic vectors and finite multiplicity theorems

Let ~ be a representation of G in a complete locally convex space V.

We write 8(K) for the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations
of K. For ~¢ 8(K) let ~ be the character of ~ and let (~(k)=
dim(~9)~@(k -1) (keK). We write __rrg=rr I K. Since Cz@gC~(K), 7TK(C~9) is a con-

tinuous endomorphism of V. Let

(29) % = =K(%) ve = re[v]

Then g~ is idempotent, E~E~, = 0 for ~ ~'; and V~ is a closed linear sub-
space of V.

A vector v¢ V is said to be K-finite if the ~(k)v (k cK) span a finite

dimensional space. It is easily seen that E@~g(K ) V (algebraic sum) is the set
of all K-finite vectors. We denote by ~ the subspace of all differentiable K-
finite vectors. If we write v~= E@v~ then it is clear that v ~ V~ ~ v ~ ¢ V~ ~.

(30) e = 2 v~ n v e


LEZ94A i0. ¢ is invariant under g(K) and ~(@). Moreover ~ is dense

in g and V@=C~(V~n VO)~/~¢e(K).
This is elementary.

A vector v ¢V is said to be analytic (resp. weakly analytic) (for ~) if

the function x ~(x : v) = ~(x)v is analytic (resp. weakly analytic).

THEOREM ii. Let ~ be a representation of G in a complete locally convex

space V.

(i) Suppose v ¢V is weakly analytic. Then C~(~(K)m(@)v) is the smallest

closed linear subspaee of V containing v and invariant under ~(G).

(it) Let ~K be the centralizer of K in ~. Suppose v e V~ is such that

dim(~(~SK)V ) < ~. Then v is weakly analytic.

For (i) let h e V* (= topological dual of V) be such that h= 0 on ~(K)~(@)v.

Let f(y)=~(~(y)v) (ycG). Then f i s a n a l y t i c and f(k;a)=0~a¢@, k eK.
Hence f= 0 on KG 0 = G. By Hahn-Banach theorem this means that
~(x)v¢ C£(~(K)~(@)V) N~/x cG. (i) is now clear.

For p r o v i n g ( i i ) , let > c V* and f ( y ) = Z(m(y)v). If [] i s as i n t h e p r o o f

of Theorem 8, [] ¢ ~ K as is easy to see~ and exactly as in that proof, we find
that ~(a)v=0 for some as® of the form D s+clDs-l+ ...+Cs~ i.e., af=0.
As a is elliptic, f is analytic.

The next theorem is the fundamental finite multiplicity theorem of Harish-


THEOP~ 12. Let v,V be as above. Let v 0 c V~ be such that (i) v0 is

K-finite (it) dim(7(~)v0) < ~ (iii) V is the smallest closed linear subspace
of V containing all the ~(x)v (x s G). Then, V@cV ~ for all ~ e g(K), the
V@ are all finite dimensional, and ] a constant C > 0 such that

(31) dim(V@) ! C dim(~) 2 (~¢g(K))

Let T be the l i n e a r span o f a l l t h e v ( z ) ~ ( k ) v 0 , z e S , k ¢ K. By Theorem 11

v0 is weakly analytic. Hence the same is true of all vectors of T. It is clear
that dim(T) < = and T c VO. Fix @¢g(K) and let

f ( x : u) = Eo ~ ( x ) u (xeG, ucT)

Then for each ~ e T, f(" :u) is a weakly analytic map of G into V@. We select
bl' '" "'bw ¢ 9/0 as in L e n a 9. Choose and fix h 0 ~ A~ arbitrarily. Finally, let
L be the linear span of all vectors of the form 7r(k)f(h0;b j : u) (u ~ T, k ¢ K.
l<_j<w). Since f(h0;b j :u)=E~Tr(h0)Tr(bj)u, it is clear that L is a finite


dimensional (hence closed) subspace of V~O V~ and is stable under 7(K) and
m(~). It is now easy to see that the f(- : u) have the following properties:
(a) f(-:u) is weakly analyt~c ~ u~ (b) if z~8, f(ho;bjz:u) ~ ~'

usT, l <_~_
'<w (e) f(ho;~ (%-±)b~ ')= ~(~)f(ho;b : ~(~')u) for ~,~'~, b ~ 0. We
now argue exactly as in the proof of Theorem 8 by induction on degree that
f(ho;g :u) eL ~ u s T , g ¢@. By weak analyticity, if heV* and k vanishes on
L, ho f vanishes on all of KG0 = G. We now conclude from the Hahn-Banach
theorem that f(x :u) s L % / x s G , usT. In particular, E~ ~(x)v 0 ~ L ~ x 6G. By
condition (iii) in the theorem this implies that L is dense in V~. So L = V @ C
V~. From the definition of L it is clear that dim(L) ~ w dim(T) • dim(@) 2.

A vector v s V is said to be a-finite if v s V~ and dim(~(~)v)< ~.

COROLLARY i~. Let v be a simple representation of G in a complete locally

convex space V. Then all the V~ are finite dimensional, c V ~ and ~ a con-
stant C >0 such that dim(V@) < C dim(@)2Vte g(K).

The next theorem establishes a very close connexion between representations

of G and those of ®.

THEOREM 14. Let ~ be a representation of G in a complete locally convex

space V. Suppose dim(V~) < ~ V @e 8(K). Then all elements of E@V@ are 8-
finite, wea/CLy analytic (in particular differentiable), and ~ = Z@ V@ (algebraic
sum). If L is a linear subspace of ~ invariant under ~(K) U~(~), then
CZ(L) is invariant under ~(G); and

(32) L = C~(L) n

Moreover, the correspondence L ~ C~(L) is an order preserving bijeetion of the

set of all linear subspaees of ~ that are stable under if(K)U ~(@) onto the
set of all closed linear subspaces of V that are stable under 7(G). In particu-
lar, Tr is simple if and only if ~ is irreducible under Tr(K)U~r(@) (in the
algebraic sense).

Since V~nV~ is dense in V@, we mnst have v~nv@=v~ when dim(V@)<~.

F~rther 7T(8) leaves eeeh V~ i n v a r i a n t , and so a l l vectors of V@ are a - f i n i t e .
The first group of assertions is now obvious. Let £0 (resp. £) be the partially
ordered set of all linear (resp. closed linear) subspaees of ~ (resp. V), stable
under fr(K)U 7r(¢~) (resp. Tr(G)). Suppose L ~ £0, and v e L. By Theorem ii,
TF(X)V ¢ CZ(L) ~ x e G. It follows from this that C£(L) ¢ £. The correspondence
L ~ C~(L) of £0 into £ is well-defined now and is obviously order preserving.
Suppose Meg. Then MO=MN ~ ¢£0 and M=C£(MO). If Le£O and CZ(L)=M
also~ we assert that L : M O. In fact, LcMOcM and so L~c(MO)@cM~ ~/ 9;


moreover L£ is dense in M~. But dim(M~)<~. Hence L~= (M0)~=M@

for all £, so that, taking algebraic sums, L = M 0. 7[ is thus irreducible
<=~ V 0 is irreducible under 7[(K)U 7[(®). Further, since ~ one dimensional sub-
spaces of V@ stable under 7[(8), 7[ must be simple as soon as it is irreducible.
The assertions of Theorem 14 are thus proved.

COROLLARY 15. Let 7[ be a representation of G in a complete locally con-

vex space V. Suppose there exists a nonzero 8-finite vector in V~. Then
closed linear subspaees V(1),V (2) of V, both invariant under 7[(G), such that
V ( 1 ) c V (2), V (I) ~ V (2), and V (I) is maximal in the set of closed linear sub-
spaces of V (2) that are invariant under ~(G).

Clearly we can find a nonzero vector v e~ which is 8-finite. Replacing V

by the closed linear span of all 7[(x)v (x c G)~ we may assume that dim(V@) <
V @e g(K) (Theorem 12). Let L (!) = 7[(K)~(®)v. Then L e£ 0 and by Zorn's
lemma we can find L (2) e£0 such that L(2)CL (1), L ( 2 ) ~ L (1), and L (2) is
maximal in the set of subspaces belonging to £0 and contained in L (I). Take
v (i)= cd~(i)). ~ Theorem 14, V (1) ~ d V (2) have the desired properties.

5- Simple representations. Infinitesimal equivalence.

We discuss the simple representations of G. For brevity, we put @ =

Cc(G ). $ is an algebra under convolution. For ~ 8(K) ~ has the same sig-
nifieance as in n ° 4. Let ~=~$K~' K being convolution over K. More
generally, for any finite subset FeB(K), we put SF=~_FK_K*~%*~F where ~F =
7.~eF ~@. It is obvious that ~F is a subalgebra of $ and is the subalgebra of
all f ¢~ such that ~ F ~ f K ~ F = f" In particular ~F is closed. If 7r is a
representation of G in a complete locally convex space V, we define E@; V~
as in n°4 and write EF=Z~F E@, VF=EF[V]. Clearly EF2=EF ' EFEF,=0 if F
and F' are disjoint. The VF are thus closed linear subspaces of V. For
f~ we have ~(%~f~F)=~.FT[(f)~. So, f o r a~ f~F' 7[(f) leaves VF
invariant~ and the assignment

(33) ~r " f " 7 [ / 0 = ~(f) I v~ (f ~ ~F)

is a representation of the algebra ~F in VF (in the usual algebraic sense; no

continuity properties are ascribed to it).

Proposition 16. Let ~ be a simple representation of G in a complete locally

convex space V. Let FOg(K) be finite. Then ~F is an irreducible representa-
tion of ~F in VF; in particular, 7[F($F) is the algebra of all endomorphisms of
vF .


We have dim(VF) < m. We first show that if v ~ VF is nonzero, ~F($F)V=

V F. But ~F(~F)V=EF~(~)v is dense in VF~ because~ as ~ is irredueible~ ~($)v
is dense in V. 7 F is thus irreducible. The last assertion is Burnside's theorem.

For later use we prove the following variant of the above.

Proposition 17 . Let ~ be a representation of G in a complete locally

convex space V and let v e V~ be a K-finite ~-finite vector. Suppose U is a
neighborhood of I in G such that uk=uVk c K. Then ~ f£ C~(U) such that
~=~'k~K and ~(f)v=v.

Replacing V by the closed linear span of all the ~(x)v (x c G) we may

assume that dim(V@)<*~#e g(K) (Theorem 12). Let G be the algebra of all
f ~ c~(~) such t h a t ~ = f V k ~ K. Seleet a finite set F~e(K) such t h a t v ~ V p .
Now it is easily seen that ~ a sequence [fn}n>! of elements of G satisfying
the conditions of Lemma i. BY Lemma i 7(fn)V-~ v as n - ~. But m(g) commutes
with EFVg eQ. So m(8)v is a subspace of VF containing v in its closure.
As dim(VF) <=, v must lie in m(8)v.

Let ~. be a simple representation of G in a complete locally convex space

Vj (j = 1,2). Let ~.= Z_ V , (algebraic sum). We shall say that 71 and ~2
are infinitesimally equivalent if ~ a linear bijection L of onto such that

Since vj(K) O mj(@) acts irreducibly on ~j, it is clear that L above is de-
termined uniquely up to a multiplicative constant.

The next theorem is well known for connected G and is due essentially to
Harish,Chandra. We state it here in the context of groups of class ~. We do not
prove it here as we do not make much use of it later.

THEOR/N~ 18. Suppose vj (j= 1,2) are simple representations of G in com-

plete locally convex spaces V.. Let @c g(K) be such that VI, @ and V2, ~ are
both ~ O. Then 7TI and v2 are infinitesimally equivalent if and only if the
representations ~i,@ and 7.2,~ of $~ are equivalent.


A representation ~ of G in a complete locally convex space V is said

~o be strongly sim~le if it is simple and if for each ~ g(K), ~ ( ~ ) is the
algebra of all endomorphisms of V~.

THEOP~M i~. Let ~ be a strongly simple representation of G in a com-

plete locally convex space V. Denote by m the order of the Weyl group of
9c with respect to any of its CSA's. Then

(~5) dim(V~) ! ~½ dim(~) ~ ( ~ g(K))

Fix @eg(K) such that V@i0 and write dim(@)=d. Then dim(V@)=md.
Let U be the algebra of all endomorphisms of V~9. We define the double re-
presentation T= (TI,T2) of K in U by writing~ for any u e U~ k e K,
• l(k)u = ~9(k)u, uT2(k ) = av@(k). Let (Z C U be the space of all endomorphisms
of V~ that eo~ute with all ~(k) (keK), and let Ai ( l < i ~ m 2) be a
basis for ~.

Let 7@(x) be the endomorphism of V@ obtained by restricting E@~(x)E@

to V@.

Write fij(x)=Ai~@(x)A j (x6G, l<_i,<j_m2). Since ~@($@) is easily

seen to be the linear span of all the ~@(x) (x e G), the strong simplicity of
implies that the ~9(x) span U. This shows that the fij are linearly
independent. On the other hand, if X is the infinitesimal character of m,
the f.. e IF (X : T). So, taking into account Theorem 8, we get
m4<di (×:T) <mdim(U) =~m2d 2. Thus m 2 < ~ 2 , or m<m2-d.

COROLLARY 20. Let ~ be an irreducible unitary representation of G in

a Hilbert space D. Then ~ is strongly simple and dim(D@) ~ m~dim(@) 2 for
all ~c e(K).
The first statement is well known and implies the second.

6. Estimates on compact Lie group~.

We describe some estimates on compact Lie groups. These are quite ele-
mentary and we do not give the proofs in any detaii.


Let L be a compact Lie group with Lie algebra I. Let ~ be the universal
enveloping algebra of | • (.,.) is a positive definite L-invariant scalar pro~
duct on I. The element ~ eS is defined by


where ~,...,X n is an orthonormal basis of I. It is obvious that ~ does not

depend on the choice of the orthonormal basis and that ~k= ~ k e L. Let g(L)
be the set of all equivalence classes of irreducible representations of L. If
3 e g(L), the representations of 0 map ~ into a scalar, which we denote by
c(3). It is obvious that e(~) is real and ~ I ~ / 3 ~ ( L ) .

LI~MA 21. ~ C>O, r, s > O such that

(37) dim(3) _< Co(3) r (3~e(Z,)), E c(,5,) "s < co

If L is a torus this is obvious. If L is connected and semisimple~ then
we can choose a lattice DCib where bcl is a CSA such that the elements
of ~(L) are parsmetrized by a subset of D, a polynomial function p on b ,
and a Hilbertian norm II"II on ib*, such that

dim(3) = p(~,), 0(3) >__1 + ll~H 2 (v 3~ s(r,))

if beD parametrizes 3. The relations (37) are then immediate. If F c L is

a finite central subgroup and Lemma 21 is true for L, then it is true for L/F
since 8(L/F)Cg(L). SUppose L is arbitrary. Then the above show that the
lemma is true for L O. If 3eg(L), @Oeg(LO) and 30 occurs in 31 L, thenby
Frobenius reciprocity, dim(3) < [L :LO]dim(30), while c(@)=c(30). Moreover,
there are [L :L O] such ~0 at most while each t90 can occur in at most
[L : L O] such 3, again by Frobenius reciprocity. The lemma for L now follows
from that for L O.

L~4MA 22. Let aeB be of degree m. Then 3 a constant Ca > 0 with the
following property. Suppose 3 ~ g(L), ~/~ 3 a unitary representation acting in
the Hilbert space H , and iI'll the operator norm in H . Then

(3s) II,y(a)ll < c c(3) m/2


If ~ . . . . ,X n i s an o r t h o n o r m a l b a s i s f o r I, and II'H and (.,.) are the

norm and s c ~ a r product, on % , then, V v~%,

II~(xi)vll2=-(~,(xi)2v,v) < (,~(.)v,v) = c(3)llvll 2.

so ll~(xi)ll
< c ( 3 ) 2. The lemma follows by an obvious induction on m.


From these lemmas~ using elementary Fourier analysis on L, we can deduce

the familiar result that on C~(L), the topology can be obtained by the L2-semi -
norms f ~ [~rfl 2" Let us now formulate this result. Let V be a complete local-
ly convex space and ~ the set of continuous seminorms on V. We write C~(L : V)
for the vector space of C* maps of L to V equipped with the seminorms

f ;~ s u p I(~)(x)l : lafl~ ~ (~¢m, a C z )

xeL v

where [']v (v c ~) are the seminorms in ~, C~(L : V) is complete and locally

convex. The seminorms

(v ¢ U, a ¢ £)

are clearly continuous on C~(L : V).

Proposition 2~. The seminorms f,~ I~rfl2,v (~m, r=o,m,2 .... ) ~re~y
induce the topology of C~(L : V).

Let V,N be as above. Let ~ be a representation of L in V. We define

~@~E@,V@ as before. Since only representations of L are involved~ V @ c V ~.
For ue V we write u#=E9 u (~cS(L)).

Proposition 24. Let u e V~. Then u = ~@u@, the series converging absolute-
ly. For any v c V , v lies in V~ if and only if E gc(@)Slvgl~ < ~ for each s>0
and each ve~.

We have, for each vc~, a constant Cv>0 such that lu@lw<Cwdim(@)21ulv

~/ucV). If ucV ~ we can replace u by 7r(2)ru, r>_0 being any integer,
in this estimate. So as (Tr(~)ru)~=c(@)ru@, we get

lUJv _< C u dim(@)2c<o)-rI~(~)rulv (u ~ v~)

The first assertion follows from Len~na 21. We also get the convergence of
Z~ o ( ~ ) S l v ~ I v ~ v c V ~, s~0, v~, by the same argument. The converse half of
the second assertion follows from Proposition 23 .

7. The principal series of representations.

Let G=KAoN 0 and ~= I + so + n0 be iwasawa decompositions. We write Q0 =

MoAoN 0 where M0 is, as u s ~ l ~ the centralizer of a0 in K. For brevity of
notation we write p for PQo and % for HQ0 (of. (6.7) and (6.9)). We know
that Q0 is a m i n i : ~ p s g r p 6 f G.


Let g(M0) be the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations

of M 0. Fix 6 e g(M0) and let q be a unitary representation from 6. We denote
by V the space on which q acts and l'I for the norm in V. We then define
9 = L 2 ( K : V) to be the Hilbert space of all functions f : K~V such that llfll
2 =
~K [f(k)I2dk<~ and ~8 to be the (closed) subspace of all fc~ such that for
each m c M0~ f(km) = q(m)'if(k) for almost all k. If he a0c we can then define
a representation ~6,h of G in D as follows:

(40) (%,~(x)f)(k) = e-(~+@(H)(x-lk))f(~(x-lk)) (k e K)

for x c G , fc 98; here N0 and ~ have the same meaning as in Section 6, so that
for any y e G, N0(y) and H0(Y ) are the Unique elements of K and Q0 such that
y ~ ~0(Y)exp(~(y)) "N O . If ~c i~0, ~6,~ is unitary. The family of representations
[~8,h] is the so-called Principal series of representations of G.

Let Z be the left regular representation of K in 9. Then ~ leaves 9 6

stable and we write Z6 for the corresponding subrepresentation. Then ~8 is
the representation of K induced by the representation q0 of M0; moreover,
7~8,hI K = £ 6 V h ~ a0c. So# by Frobenius reciprocity,

(41) (~-5,~ : '~) = ('~: 8) (,~ S(K))

where (~8,X " #) is the multiplicity of # in ~8,X and (# • 8) is the multi-

plicity of 6 in @I M 0.

If we take 8 to be ~, the trivial class of M 0, then 9 ~L2(K/M0 ) and

the representations ~,h are of class i, (i.e., contain a nonzero vector invar-
iant under all ~ 7~(k) (k c K). The space of K-invariant vectors is in fact one
dimensional for it is just the space of the constant functions in 9 •

It is known that the representations ~6~h all have infinitesimal characters.

In particular, the K-finite vectors are weakly anaAytic and hence analytic.

8. The functions ~ and

This section is devoted to a study of two spherical f~nctions~ E and ~

on G. The results form a preparation for the work in the next section which will
deal with the Schwartz space and tempered distributions on G. In n°l we obtain
the basic results concerning ~; in n°s 2-4 we work out the standard facts of
the theory of elementary spherical functions; n°s 5-9 are devoted to the properties
of E, in particular, to a determination of its behaviour at infinity on G.

!. The function

Let X=K\G and x~ the natural map of G onto X. If 3 = !+ P is the

Cartan decomposition of 3, we can naturally identify p with the tangent space
to X at [. Through this identification, Y~IIY[12=~(Y,Y) (Y£ p) can be re-
garded as a positive definite K-invariant quadratic form on the tangent space to
X at [. On transporting this to all points of X by elements of G we obtain
a G-invariant Riemannian metric on X. If c = center(3), then X is obviously
the product of the Euclidean space cA P and the Riemannian symmetric space ~=
KI\ GI where ~= K ~ GI and G! is the analytic subgroup corresponding to 31 =
[3,~]. From the theory of these spaces (cf. Helgason [ ]) it follows that if
x:kexpY (k~ Y, Y~ ~), then lIY11 is the geodesic distance between ~ and ~.
We put

(1) ~(~) : d ( 1 , [ )

d being the distance function on X induced by the Riemannian metric. Thus

(2) o-(ke:~ Y) = ;IYJl (k~K, Y~ p)

Proposition i. (i) c is continuous, spherical, ~(i)=0, ~ ( x ) > 0 for xJK,

and ~(x)-= as x ~ (ii) ~ ( x ) = ~ ( x -I) ( x e G ) (iii) if x , y c G , j(xy)<~(x)+
(iii) follows from the G-invarianee and the triangle property for d. The
rest is obvious.
From (iii) above follows

(~) (i + o-(x))(1 + o-(y)) >_ 1 + o-(xy) (x,y~a)

2. The elementary spherical functions (PX

We now fix lwasawa decompositions G = K A o N 0, 3= ~ + a0 + n o • We write Q0=

MoAoN 0 for the corresponding minimal psgrp of G and q0 = m0 + a0 + nO for the
associated psalgebra. Other notation is as in Section 6. For brevity


we write PO and H 0 instead of PQo and HQo.

A function f defined on G is said to be s~herical if f(klXk2) = f(x)

kl,k 2 ~ K , x s G . For any integer r>O or we denote by l(r)(G) (resp.

l~r)(G))- the vector space of complex valued spherical functions of class Cr

(resp. with compact s~pports). We denote by ~ the centralizer of K in ~.

By an elementary spherical function we mean an element f ~ I~(G) such that f(1) = 1
and f is an eigenfunction of every member of ~; in this case, ~ a well defined
homomorphism X:~C such that qf=X(q)f~q~, and f is said to belon~ to
X. For any homomorphism ~< : ~ C we denote by IFX the vector space of all
f~I~(G) such that qf=×(q)f~q~a.

Proposition 2. (i) Let t be a distribution on G such that dim(~)<~.

Then t is an analytic function. (ii) Let X :~- C be a homomorphism. Then
the members of IFX are analytic and dim(~x)<l; if dim(]Fx) =i, then
×(q)=0 fo~ q~an(~+:~),

The argument for proving (i) is the same as in the proof of Theorem 7.8 since
the element [] defined there is in ~. If X :~C is a homomorphism, (i)
the analytieity of the members of ]F~ Let fe]F X and f(1)=O. Then f(l;q)=O
~qc~. Furthermore, if keK, f(l;a~-a)=O~a~@ since f is spherical. On
the other hand, from a well known property of semisimple representations, we have
the result that @ is the direct sum of ~ and the linear span of all elements
of the form ak-a (ae®, k c K ) . So f(l;a)=O~ac®. Thus f=O on GO ,
hence on G = K G O. If fe]F X and f(1)~O, then X(q)=O for qc ( @ ~ + ~ @ ) ~ ,
since f(l;a)=O for a c @ T + ~@.

Proposition ~. I~r)(G) is a commutative ~Igebra under convolution.

For (~Ic(O), write G0(x)=(~(x-I), GS(x)=(~(xg) (xeG); Then (~0,(~%eIc(G).

If ~ , ~ e I c ( G ), SO does (~*~, and (~.~)0=~0.(~0. But since ~(k 2 =
and ~ ( h ) = h -I (klk2SK, heAo), ~ 0=~9. So ( ( ~ . ~ ) ~ = ~ . 9 = ( ~ . 5 ) ~hk
) ,ie'. -,~(h)

There is a straightforward connexion between elementary spherical functions

and simple class i representations of G. Let V be a complete locally convex
space and ~ a simple class i representation of G in V. We write ~ for the
trivial class in 8(K) Then E = SK ~(k)dk. By Proposition 7 !~(G) (=
• D co c

in the notation of Section 7) acts irreducibly on V . Hence, as Ic(G ) is

abelian, dim(V ) = l . We choose a nonzero vector v~ V and define the function

(~) s # ( x ) v = %(x)v (x ~ ~).


Note that all of this is meaningful under the sole assumption that dim(V ) =i.

Proposition 4. Let ~ be a class i representation on V such that dim(V )

= i (in p~rticular, if ~ is simple). Then: (i) % is an elementary spherical
function (ii) the map ~ f G ~ d x (~ ~ Ic(G)) is a homomorphism of Ic(G ) into
C (iii) for all x,yeG,

(5) ]K %(~y)d~ : %(=)%(y)

Since 7(~) leaves V stable, (i) is immediate. Since Ic(G ) leaves

V stable, (ii) is clear. For proving (5), let ~,~ e ic(G ) Then

. jj (by (ii)).

Hence, as the function (X,y) ~ ~K •(xky)dk is spherical on GxG, we get (5).

Consider now the principal series representations ~,k of class i defined

in Section 7, n°7. We recall that ~,l (~ ~ C0c ) acts on the subspace of L2(K)
of all elements invariant under right translations by elements of M 0. If i de-
notes the function identically i, it is fixed by all the m ,i(k) (k e K). Hence,
the function defined by ((-,') is the scalar product in L2(K))

(6) ~(x) : ~(~ : x) : (%,~(x)l,1) (x c G)

is an elementary spherical function.

Proposition ~. Let k ~ ~ and let be the element of ~ such that
0c 0c
Xc°nJ(H)=X(H)c°nj~vIHe ~0" Then:

(i) ~(x: x) = J~K e-(X+~0)(R(~-l~))d~ : "['K e(X-%)~(~))dk (~ ~ ~)

(ii) Cp(k : x) = q0(-k : X -1) = q0(kc°nj : x) c°nj (x c G).

The first relation in (i) follows from (7.40) and (6). To prove the second
relation in (i), let ~ c Ic(G ). Then, using the standard Haar measure dx,

= ]'a c~(y-1) e- ( X+P0)(H(y ) ) dy

: ]~A0x~° c~(a-ln-1)e-(~+P0Xlo~ a) dadn


where we are using the obvious relations

8(kan)e2P0(log a) dk da dn = ] [~(kna)dk dn da

H(kna) = log a


]'G~ = .I C~ (an)e(i+P0)(l°g a ) dadn

= [' ~(x)e(~-~9(H(X))d~

This proves (i). (ii) follows at once from (i).

In the remainder of this n ° we shall establish the well known functional

equation for the ~k" We begin with the following global analogue of Lemma 6 2.
It is useful on other occasions as well.

LE~MA 6. Let B be a Lie group with Lie algebra b, over JR; I c b a nil-
potent subalgebra; L = e x p I. We assume that L is closed in B and simply con-
nected. Let yc B be such that IY= I and Ad(y) -i is invertible on I . Then
y L = yL, and the map q ~yqy-lq-i is an analytic diffeomorphism of L onto it-
self; moreover, if dq is a Haar measure on L,

y y-lCl)d = IdetC d y)-l)l : 1-1

Since y normalises L, yLcyL. Let 10= I D I I ~ . . . ~ I be the central
series for I, so that I =center(1), and for i < r , X¢ I. if and only if
[X,I ]eli+l; write Li=expl.. The L. are closed simply connected normal sub-
l l
groups of L. Moreover, IY= I. for 0 < i < r . Let X'~ | and choose X e |
! l -- -- -1 r r
such that x y - I - x = x '. Then (yexpX') expX = y e x p (Xy )exp(X')exp(-X) =
yexp (Xy -X+X')=N. YLrCyL. So
Suppose i < r and Y L i + i c y L, Let X' e I.
-1 l
and choose X e I. such that Xy -X=-X' As before ( y e x p x ' ) e x p X =
-i l -i
yexp (Xy )exp(X')exp(-X). 9/t Li/Li+ 1 is abelian and X y -X+X'=0 so that
""c y L . We thus have y L C y L
exp(X y )exp(X')exp(-X)cLi+ I, Hence y e x p X ' e Lyl.i+l) " ~

by induction. If ~ is the centralizer of y in L, ~ is discrete, and L/L-_~

y =yL. Hence, as L is simply connected, ~ must be trivial, showing that
q~yqy-lq-i is an analytic diffeomorphism of L onto itself. The formula (8)
follcws from the easily calculated resttlt that at the point qo ¢ L, the above


mentioned map has for differential the map Ad(q0)((Ad(y ) - i) I |) of I onto it-

Let A~ be the subset of all h c A0 such that i(logh) ~0 for all roots
k of (~, a0). Write G*= G/A 0
xHx* and
for the natural map of G onto G*.
Let dx be the invariant measure on G * . Fix h ~ AS, write hx* = xhx -i ; h x
is certainly well-defined and x * ~ h x * is an analytic map of G . onto h G which
is a closed regular analytic submanifold of G (recall that h is semisimple).
Also, hG~G/~oAo as M0A 0 is the centralizer of h i~ G. Hence, as MoCK
is compact, it follows that for any ~ e Cc(G), x * , ~ ( h x ) lies in Cc(G* ) and
that ~G* ~(hX * )dx* is the invariant integral of ~ on h G" Write

(9) U~(h) = [ ~(h x )dx* (h c Ag) .

Observe now that the Weyl group of (9, d0), m, acts in the obvious fashion on
G , and its action leaves unchanged the measure dx*. Since h G= (hS) G (s c ~),
we conclude at once that u is m-invariant. Thus:

(i0) u J h s) = u J h ) (h~A~, s ~ ) .

Let us now define, for any f ~ Ic(G),

%(log h)
(ii) fAo (h) F f(i)dn (h ~ AO)
= e ~N 0

In view of (6.36),

(12) = f( % ) I A ° .

Proposition 7. For f ~ Ic(G), fAo c Cc(Ao) , and is invariant under m.

Let 8(h)=det((Ad(h)-l) I nO) (heA0). If m(k)=dim(~k) for any positive

root X, it is clear that V h c A 0

P0(log h) -k(logh)/2)m(k)
(13) 8(h) = e kfA+ (e k(l°gh)/2 -e

F~om standard theory one knows that 16(-)I is m-invariant. Suppose now that
fc Ic(G ). Then, using Lemma 6, we have, for any h~A~,

(14) qo(h) = 16(h)l ~0 f(hn)dn "


Now~ in the decomposition G= KNoAo, dx = dk dn da (of. (7)). Hence using the

analytic diffeomorphism (k,n)~(kn)* of K×N 0 with G*=G/A0, we get

. G(x*)dx * = J ~ n ) * ) d k dn (~ ~ C~(G*)) ,

So, for f c Ic(G),

uf(h) = [ f(knh n-lk-l)dk dn = '[0"N f(hn)dn.


In other words~ using (14); we get

(l~) fA0(h) = 16(h)luf(h) (h~A6) .

The ~-invariance of fAo is clear from (i0) now.

For any f e Ic(G ) we define its spherical~transform by

(16) 9(~) = J~G f(=)~(~ : x)d~ (~ ~ ~oc) •

Proposition 8. For any f c Ic(G), f is the Fourier transform ~ of

The map f~fA0 is a homomorphism of convolution algebras, and th~ map
f~f is a homomorphism of the convolution algebra Ic(G ) into the mulitplication
algebra of entire functions on aOc.

From (6) it is clear that ~,x(f)l=f(k)iVfclc(G ). So f~f is a homo-

morphism in the described sense. Proposition 8 now follows at once.

THEOR~ 9" For any f c Ic(G), f is ~-invariant. In particular,

(17) ~(~ :~) = ~(s~ :~) (sc~, ~ ) .

^ ^

Since fA0 is m-invariant, so i s f=

fA o . The r e l a t i o n f(X)=f(sX) for

all f 6 Ic(G ) gives (17).

3. The homomorphism v 0.

Let ~= T + D be the Cartan decomposition of G. We write S(~c) (resp.

S(Pc) ) for the symmetric algebra over ~c (resp. Dc ) and assume S(~c)CS(~e).
Let XI: S(~c)~@ be the canonical symmetrizer map. Write ~ =~(S(Dc) ).

THEOREM i0. Given amy gc@~ 3 a unique agCg] 0 such that g-a e l@+@n0;
. g
moreover, deg(ag)<_deg(g). If k~ %c'


(18) q~x = ~q(X - ~)~x ( q ~ n) ,

For any q e ~D, let

(19) %(q) = e%o % 0 e -~°

Then v0 is a homomorphism of £ into N0; its kernel is n0 !@=n~@!, and

its range is the subalgebra J= ~0 of all ro-invariant elements of %" Moreover,
v0 is a linear bijection of ~N ~ onto J.

By the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem, ® = ! ~ 0 +N0 +q~n0 is a direct sum;

and if g~ag is the projection of @ onto N0 so defined, deg(ag)<deg(g).
Since !@= ! ~ 0 + ! ( ~ n 0 ~ 0 + @ n 0 ~ the first assertion follows. For proving (18),

let F(y)= e (X-p)(H(y)), y e G. Then, using the integral representation of ~ we

get, since q = q ~ k e K , q~£,

(20) ~x(~;q) = JK F ( ~ ; q)dk (~ ~ G) .

Since F(kyn) = F(y) for k e K, n e NO, it is immediate that ~K F ( x k ; g ) d k = 0 for

g c ! @ + ® n 0. On the other hand, F(yh)=F(y)e(k-P~ (l°gh) for h e A 0. Hence

F(y;b)=b(X-O0)F(y ) for b e ~ 0. From (20) these remarks give (18). Now

(~) q% : % ( q ) ( x ) % (x c %o, qc n) .

From (2_I) we see that q~0(q)(k) is a homomorphism of n for each k. So

v0 :n-N 0 is a homomorphism. Since q0k=MskVSem , it is clear that v0(q)(k)=
v0(q)(sk ) V s c ~. So v0(q) e J. Proposition 2 implies that v0 I D N@! = 0.

To prove that v0(£ ) = J we make use of a well-known theorem of Chevalley.

Let ~ be the orthogonal complement of a0 in #, and I, The subalgebra of all
elements of S(#c ) that are K-invariant. Given u eI we write u% for the
element of ~0~S(a0c ) such that u-uQ0 is an isomorphism of I onto J. Now,
the map X~*X- 8X is a linear bijection of n0 onto I and so, if Ze I, we can
find X e nO such that Z= 2X- (X+ 0X). Standard arguments involving ~, now show
that if ue I is homogeneous of degree r, and if q=~ (u), then qenN$, and
v0(q ) = u % +elements of ~0 of degree <r; an easy induction now proves that
v0(nD ~)= J. Since u~ua0 is injective, it follows from the above that v0 is
injective on nN~. But C~ is the direct sum of @T and } so that ~ is the
direct sum of £r]@I and ~D~. As v 0 I n O @ ! =0, k e r ( v 0 ) = n O @ ! . Since £ is
also the direct s u m o f T~O£ and hAS, ker(v0)=~D!@ also.


T H E O I ~ ii. Every elementary spherical function is of the form ~k for some

Xe ~*' For k~k' e s*
0c" 0c ~ q~k=qok, ¢=~ k ' e ~ . k .

If M is an elementary spherical function belonging to the homomorphism X,

then, as X 1 Z ~ N @ ] = 0 , Theorem l0 implies that X(q)=~(v0(q) ) (qef~) for some
homomorphism ~ :J~C. So X(q)=v0(q)(~)~/qeZ~ for a suitable ke ~Oc" But
then (p and ~ both belong to X~ showing (p= ~ . If (PX= ~°X'~ then b(k) =
b(k')Vbe J, ~ k ' e ~ . k .

Proposition 12. The spherical transform is injective on Ie(G); the map

f~fA0 is injective on Ic(G ).

Since fA0 = {~ it is enough to prove the first assertion. S~ppose f c Ic(G )

and f = 0. Then~ by Theorem ll, fG f ~ d x = 0 for all irreducible unitary repre-
sentations ~ of class 1. This implies at once that w(f) = 0 for such ~, and
as ~(f)=0 trivially if ~ is not of class l, we see that ~(f)=0 for all
irreducible unitary F. Hence f = 0.

4. The mappings vF.

Let Q=MAN be a standard psgrp of G, KM=KNM~ and ~ml) the central-

izer of ~ in % ~ where~ as usual, q=m+ s+n and ml = m + a. We shall now
define certain mappings VQ : ~ Z ~ m l ) which are the analogues to ~ of the maps
~Q :8~8(mi). We write V0 : v /a0.

Let us therefore write Q= PF for some Fc Z (in ~he notation of Section

6). Let mF be the Weyl group of (mlF ,a0) and JF =~0 ' the algebra of m F-
invariant elements of ~0" Write KF=KMF, IF= ! N mF, and denote by ~F the
centralizer of KF in %F" Since JCJF, given q e~, we can find q' e ~
such that v / a (q)= w /a (q'); q' is even unique if we require it to be in
n ~F 0
Z~n ~ and in ~ny case~ unlque mod % F IF" We define vF= v by

(22) wm.j.F/ao(VF(q) ) = Yo(q),VF(q) e~F n ~ (q e a) •

The following proposition is now clear.

Proposition 13. Let notation be as above. Then ker(vF) = ~N@l. Moreover~

vF(qlq2) -= wF(ql)vF(q2) -= vF(q2)wF(ql ) (rood 991FTF) V q l ' q 2 ~ ~"

Let dF=dPF be as usua/ (cf. (6.11F)),


Proposition 14. Let qe Q. Then

~mod(¢~ + e(~)~)
As q= ~ +m~n ~+~, ~ q,~ ~(S(mz~n ~)) such t~t q~d~ ~o q'o dp mod(~+~F).
As K~ normalizes nF, q' ~ ~ R ~. Applyimg vmlF/~0 to d;lo q'od F

we see at once that Vo(q)= VmlF/aO(q' ). Hence q'= vF(q). The second congruence

is established similarly, starting from

(24) q-=e o v O(q)o e pO (mod(OT + e(%)o)) .
Let us prove (24). Let g~g
t be the anitautomorphism of @ such that xt= -X
V X e g. Then, as ~k = ~-k by Proposition 5 (f°(x) = f(x-l)) we have V q ~ Q,
a* o t t k t t
ke 0e' v(q)(-X)= ~_k(1;q)=9{(1;q)= ~k(1;q ) = ~ ( q )( ) i . e . , v(q) = v ( q ). SO
qt ~ e-O0ov(q)t o e p0 mod(l@+®n^). Now, l e t k c K be an element such t h a t
k +u +
a^ = Q^ and Ad(k) 1 % sends A to -~ . Applying Ad(k) to the congruence
j~st ~roved we get q~ ~ e~o ~(q)to f 0 mod(,@+@e(n0))" Finally applying the
antiautomorphism g~g
t we get q~ e
o v(q) o e
mod(@i + O(n0)@ ). This is just
(24) .
For any k c ~0e we can associate an elementary spherical function on MIF;
we denote it by ~F(X : .). If xeG, we can write x=kman where k eK, mCMF,
aCAF, n e N F. We write ~F(X :x)=~F(k :m). This is clearly a valid definition,
and ~0F(X: x ) = ~ F ( k : ~ ( x ) ) . So ~F(k : -) is of class C=. Also $F(X : k x ) =
~F(X : x ) for x e G , k e K .

Proposition 15. For all X e a0e we have

(25) ~(k :X) = e ~F(X :xk)dk (xeO) .

Let ~(x) denote the integral. Then = is C~, spheric~l, and ~(i) = i.
So, to prove that ~=~k we need only show that q~ = v0(q)(k)~V q e ~. Let
f(y)=e ~F(X :y), ye G. Then, for x eG, qCn,

~(x;q) = ~K f(~;q)dk

= dpdk (by (23))

(by (22)) .
= ~52/%(~;(q))(x)=(~)= ~0(q)(x)=(~)


5. The function E.
We define E=EG as ~0" Thus

(~6) ~(x)=~G(~) = ~K (x e G)

Proposition 16. The function E is analytic and has the following proper-
(i) 0<~(~) = ~(x-1)il (x c G).
(ii) If G = °GV where V is the split component of G~ then
~(°xv) = ~ ( ° x ) = ~ (°x) (°x c °O,v c v).

(iii) SK ~(~y)dk=Z(xl~(y) (x,y ~ G).

(iv) Let FeE, let E F=~IF, and let ~F be extended to all of G by

setting EF(kman)=EF(m ) (k £ K, mCMF, aCAF, n6 NF). Then

E(X) = ~K e

(V) Let ECG be a compact set. Then 3 c = c(E) > i such that

c-l~(x)~E(YlXY2 ) ~ c E(x) (x e G,Yl,y 2 e E).

(vi) Let a,be®. Then 3 C=C(a,b)>0 such that

(vii) ~(x) depends on x only through Ad(x).

Let us write V for the unitary representation ~ of the principal ser-

ies; it acts in the Hilbert space $ of all that are right invariant
f c L2(K) s'°
under elements of M 0. Let (-,.) and ll'II be the scalar product and norm in
~. We write i for the function on K identically equal to unity. Then

(27) ~(x) : (v(x)1,z) (x c G).

(i): We know that i is an analytic vector. So ~ is analytic. E(x) >0

by (26) while ~(x)=E(x -I) by Proposition 5- By (27), ~(x)~IIT(x)iII=l.

(ii): This is immediate from (26) since 001 (c 0 D) = 0.

(iii): This follows from (~).

(iv): This is clear from (25).


(v): Since E(x) = E(x-l), it is enough to prove that for some constant
c>0, E(xy)~cE(x)VxcG, ycE. Let g ( y ; k ) = (T(y)l)(k) (kcK), so

that g(y : k ) = g D 0 (H(y-lk)). If c=SUpycE,kcKlg(y :k)l~ then

I (d~)~)(k)l -%(~(~%)) e-%(~(~-~k))

so that I(~(~)i,i)l !c~(~).
(vi): Let a,b ~ ~. Write f = 7(a)l, g = ~(bf)l where ? is obtained by
composing the antiautomorphism u~u of @ with the complex conjugation defined
by ~. Then f,gs C=(K) and

~(b~a)= (~(~)f,g): ~ e-%(~(~-lk))f(%(~-lk))g(k)c°nJdk.

So I~(b;~a)l ~c ~(x) where e is a bound for the values of If(k)llg(k')l
(k,k'£ K).
(vii): This is clear from (26) since P0(H(~x))=%(H(x)) for x c G , ~ ~ker(Ad).

6. A lower bound for E.

In this n ° we shall prove

Proposition 17 . ~(h) ~ e (h ~ CI(%)).

In view of (ii) of Proposition 16 there is nothing lost in assuming that

G = °G. We shall assume this for the rest of this n° . Let (.~.) be the Cartan-
Killing form on 91c X ~ic" Set

= 4-
(28) +~0 {H:H~ a0, ( H , H ' ) > 0 V H ' c a0}.

LEMMA 18. We have Cl(n0) c +a0.

We may assume that ~ is semisimple. Let ~ be a C-stable CSA of ~ ex-

tending a0 . Select an ordering in ((-i)~(~ D !) + a0) compatible with the one
on a*0 and let P be the set of roots of (~e,~c) that are positive. Let DO
be the ]R-linear subspaee of ~c where all the members of P are real, and ~0 the
(closed) chamber in ~0 where all members of P are _> 0. Then ~++0c ~~0" Now we
must show that (H,H'>>0 V H , H ' ~ aO" So it suffices to show that (H,H') > 0 V
H,H'c ~0" But this is a standard fact.

Let s0 £ ~ be such that so .Zk+=-~+. For Hc a0 write H*=-s0H, (expH)*=

-x 4-- * G4-
e~H . Clearly (~0) = O"


L~b4A i~. For all heC!(Ao) , k e K, we have

(29) l°<h-~o(~) ~ +%' l~h*+~0(~) ~+°0"

Since ker(Ad)CK we may replace G by Ad(G). Hence we may assume that

is s.s. and G C G c, Let ~, P be as in the proof of Lemma 18. Let A be the
set of all linear functions on ~c that are dominant and integral (relative to
P), and for ~e A let Tr~ be the corresponding representation of the simply
connected covering group of G c. Clearly ~ an integer r>l such that if
~c rA, 7r~ is a representation of G c. Fix ~e rA and regard Tr as a repre-
sentation of Gc. We may ass[Ime that 7r acts in a Hilbert space $~, ~(k) is
unitary V k e K, and Try(X) is Hermitian ~ X ¢ p. Let ~ be a unit vector of
weight ~. By the compatibility of the orderings in ~0 and ((-i)2(~ ~ ~) + ~0)* ,
n0C~ep ~cc~. Hence 7T~t(n)t~= * for nCN 0 . So e~(~(%(~)))=lf~(~)*ll for
h~A0,~K, illl being the norm in ~. If heCl(Ao) , the highest eigenvalue
of 7T (h) is e ~(IOgh) while all eigenvalues are _> 0. Hence ll~(h)I; =

e u(l°gh), givi~ II~u(h~),ll<e ~(logh) for heCl(Ao), keK. Thus

~(logh-H(hk))_>0. In other words,

(30) ~(logh-~ (~))>0 (~A, h~Cl(A0), ~K).

From (30) we deduce the f i r s t relation i n (29) as f o l l o w s . Let N l , . . . , ~
be t h e fundamental dominant i n t e g r a l elements i n A. Then d e f i n i n g ~0 as i n the
p r o o f o f Lemma 18~ we see t h a t ~0 i s t h e set o f e l ! clHNl + . . . + c~Hp~ where

the cj are > 0 and H~. is the canonical image of ~j in ~c" So (30) gives
<Zo~h-%(~),~,> >0 VH' ~J~O~ in p~tic~r
- - ~'~ ~+
0" To prove the second rela-
tion in (29) ~ select ueK such that uh-lu-l=h~heA0. Then H0(h*k) =
H0~-lu-lk)~/ksK. I)/t ~o~'lu-lk)=-H0 (by) for some veX. Hence from (30) we
get the following which in turn proves the second relation in (ix)):

GI) ~(Zog h+H0(~*k))>0 (~A, h~ ~(AO), ~).

comT.mR~ 20. I p0(%(~))l ! %(log h) (h ~ Cl(Ao), k ~ ~).

For, P 0 ( H * ) = P 0 ( H ) V H c a0. So we use (30) and (31) with ki=p0.

COROLLARY 21. ~ c >0 such that

[%(~)11 <_clllog hll (h ~ Cl(Ao), k ~ ~).

We have, by (29), V h ~ Cl(*O), k ~ K, H' ~ el(%),

- <log h , H' > _< <~0(~),~' > _< <log h, ~' > .


from which the lemma follows at once.

Proof of Proposition 17 . By Corollary 20,

-%(Xo(~)) -%(logh)
e _> e (he CI(Ao) , k 6 K).

Integrating~ we get the required result.

7- The representation rF of D F.

YDWe fix FeZ and write mF for the Weyl group of (rufF,a0). J = ~ 0 and
JF=9/OF are as in n°4. Then we know that JFDJ and JF is a free J-module of
rank r= [~ :~F ]. In this section we shall define a representation FF of ~F
associated with the actions of ~ and ~F in 9/0. We recall the resUlts of I,
Section 4 on finite reflexion groups.

The form ]B(.,.) gives rise to an isomorphism a~ of 9/0 onto the alge-
bra of polynomial functions on ~0c" If we write, for u,v~ 9/0' (u,v)= (~(U)~)(0),
then (',.) is a nonsingular symmetric bilinear form; if 9/0,1R is the JR-sub-
algebra of 9/0 generated by a0, (.~.) is positive definite on 9/0~IR" We
write I~[ for the space of harmonic elements of 9/0• We can then select a basis

(32) uI = i , u 2 ..... uw (w= I~ol)

for ]{ such that (i) each uj is homogeneous (ii) (ui,uj)=6ij ( l < i , j < w )
(iii) Ul,...,u r form a basis for ] ~ N JF" It follows from (iii) that

(33) JF = JUl + "'" + JUr (direct sum).

Let J+ be the ideal in J of all elements without a constant term. We

then have a representation of 9/0 in 9/0/)/0J . Since
9 + 9/0 = 9]0J++ l~ is a direct
sum, this representation can be realized in ]~I . We shall write 70 for it. If
ue910, then 3 unique Pu : ij e J such that

(34) uuj = E Pu u (l<j<w).

l<i< w : ij i -- --


(35) 70 (u)= (Pu : ij(0))l<_i,j<w "

Similarly the representation of JF/JFJ+ can be realized in ~I n JF since JF=

JFJ++(~INJF ) is a direct sum. This representation will be denoted by YF"
Obviously, for U e JF' ~F (u) is the principal r ×r submatrix of ~0(U):


(36) 7F (u) = (Pu : ij(O))l~i,j~r (Pu : ij ~ JF )

For each hyperplane in ~0 which is the null space of some element of A +,

select a unit vector in a0 orthogonal to it. Let ~ be the product of all
these elements. For any FeZ let WF be the product of all the vectors corre-
spondi~ to the roots of (%F,%). % (resp. % ) is skew under m (resp. mF).
Let m0 (resp. mF) be the degree of ~ (resp.%).

LI~@4A 22. The kernel of ~F is JFJ+=~0J+NJF=~i~rJ+Ui . If ue JF

is homogeneous and of degree > m 0 - mF~ then ~F(~) = 0. In partieular~ if u e JF
has zero constant term~ ~F(U) n = 0 for n > m 0 - mF~ so that TF(H) n = 0 for
n>m0-mFVHe ~. Finally~ deg(~i)~m0-m F for l<i<r.

By definition of ~F ~ ker(~F)= JFJ+=~I <i <r J+~i" Now ~ 0 ~ J ® } K so that

~0 J+ ~ J + ®~K. Since the elements of J+ are ~F-invariant~
- ~0 J+ N J F ~ J ÷ ® (lqTn JF)
so that ~0 J+NJF= Z1 <i <r J+ui" For the remainder it suffices to show that
deg(ui)_<m 0 - m F for l_<i_<r~ since this ~ JF J+ contains all elements which are
homogeneous and degree > m0-m F. Suppose deg(ui) >m0-m F. Then deg(1~FUi)> m 0
and so ~FUi e ~0 J+. Again~ as ~0J+~ J+®}K~'~FU i can be written as Z j vjwj~
vj e J+, wj e}K, wj being DF-skew. So wj 6~Fg]0~v/j~ ~ u i6~0J+, a contradiction.

Consider now % and the homomorphism ~mlF/S0 of % onto JF" Since

~mlF/~0 is a linear bijection of ~ ~ onto JF~ we can find unique vi £ % n

such that

(37) ~mZF/%(v i) : ui
(i < i <r).

Let (t denoting transpose)

(38) rF(v ) : ~/~m~/%(v)) t (v ~%)

Then it is obvious that FF is an abelian representation of % of degree r.

We shall now determine all the spherical functions on ~ F that transform

according to the representation FF. More precisely, let ~F denote the vector
space of all C~ maps f : MIF~ Cr such that f is spherical on MIF and

(39) vf = r / v ) f (v~%)

Let us define p and H for the group YlF analogous to P0 and %. Thus,
if we put *n= nONmlF, then *p(H')=½ tr(adH'), n (H'~ dO) ; if m~MIF and
m=*k*a*n where ~ k c K F, *acA 0, *n~ N=exp n, then *H(m)=log(*a). We now

define, for I~j~D

(40) fj(m) = JKF ~j(*H(m:h~))e -*0(*H(m*k)) d*k (melVllF)

where d*k is~ as usuafL, the normalized Haar measure on ~.

Proposition 25. The functions f. (i~ j~r) form a basis for the vector
space of all complex valued C~ spherical functions g on ~ F such that
WF(q)g= w0(q)(0)g~ q e~. Let hF denote this vector space, and for any ~ehF,
let ~= (VlT ..... Vr~ ) where the vi are elements of % n ~ defined by (37)
(Vl=l). Then ~eg F and ~$ is an isomorphism of h F with gF" In particu-
lar, dim(gF)=r.
Let v eDF, u= VmlF/%(v ). Then as in the proof of Proposition 15 we find

(41) fj(m;v) = j ~ (5(u)~j)(*H(m*k))e -*p(*H(m*k)) d*k (meMiF) .

Since the ~j are harmonic polynomials, ~(u)~j = u(0)~j provided U c J. So

fj c hF, i ~ j ~r. Yllrther, fj(l;vi) = 6ij. So the fj are linearly independent,
and dim(hF) ~r. Everything will be proved if we show that dim(SF) ~r and ~
is an injective linear map of ~F into SF" By (39), if fe %F,f(1)=0~f(l;q)=0V
q e ~ , while by sphericality, f(1;am- a)= 0 ~ a c ~ F , me~. So f(1) = 0 ~
f(l;a)=0Vae~F, ~f=0. Thus dim(gF)~r. It remains to prove that ~¢D~
~e$ F since the injectivity is obvious becazlse vl@= cp. Let reeF, ~ e D ~ Write
U=VmlF/a0(v ) and choose qv : i j e ~ such that ~0(q~ :ij )=pu :ij (of. (34)).
Then v-cjm e i Vi~F(qv : ij ) mod ~ F while vF(qv : ij )~= Pu : ij (0)% so that
w j ~ = Z iFF(V)jivi ~.

8. Study of the differential equations for ~-

We shall assume that G=°G, i.e., a0C~l. We fix FeZ, F~Z. We put

(42) ~F(~)= ~n ~(H) (~ %), %(F)= rE:H~ %, ~F(H)>0}

~eE\ F

Let v e ~ F. Then, as we saw above, ~ qv:ijeQ such that

(43) wj l < i~< r ViVF(qv• ij ) (nod ~F1F ) (l<_i,j<_r).

Let q 'v : i j = d FI° vF(qv: ij)°dF-qv : ij " Then q 'v:ij e@I+0(nF)@ by (23).
We now define ~ and ¢ as the r X l column vectors of analytic functions on
~lr whose components ¢(-)j, Cv(.)j (l<j_<r) are given by setting, for n e f F ,


(44) ¢(m)j=~(m;vj o dF) , @v(m)J = l < i2< r E(m;Vio dFO q'v:ij ) .

Proposition 24. For all me~r, v e~, we have

¢(m;v) = rF(v)~(m ) + Cv(m).

We start with the differential equations qE = v0(q)(0)E for qe ~. Then

qv: ij~ = FF(V)ji E" The rest is a simple computation.

Let us now define, for me,F, CF(m) to be the norm of the endomorphism
~d(m)le(~;), mus

(4~) ,~(m) = ll~(m)l~(~)II (m e ~).

Here the norm is taken in the Hilbert space structure of induced by the norm
llxll2=-~(X,eX). Since the eigenv~ues of (adH)le(nF) are _~- BF(H ) for
H e a~(F), we have

(47) ~F(mexp H) ! e cF(m) (m e MIF,H e ao(F)).

L~IMMA 2~. Let be®4 +8(nr)@. Then ~ Cb > 0 such that

l=(me~ ~b)l _< Cb~F(m)e-~F(~)~(me~ ~) (m~M1~,~ ~O(;)).

Let X.l (l<i<--P)- be an orthonormal basis of e(nF). Then, for m' eMIF,
I~(~ m';a)l <_'/m');.l~(Xi~m';a)l.

a~, I~(m';Xja)l = We take m'=mexpH, use

(47) and (vi) of Proposition 16.

L~v~4A 26. Let 0eS]5.F, r e % . Then ~ constants C(0)>0 and C(0,v)>0

such that v m~ M1F, H ~ ~0(F), ~ith I" I denoting the norm in Cr,

l@(mexp H;n)l _< C(~)H(mexp H)dF(mexpH)

] Cv(m exp H; 0)I <_ C( 0,v)E(m exp H)dF(m exp H) ~F(m)e

For the first estimate, note that 0o vjo d F = d Fo (dFIo 0vjo dF) ed Eo~IF
and use (vi) of Proposition 16. For the second, since [mlF~@(nF)]C@(nF), we
have 0o v io dFO q !v : ijedp o
~IF(%(nF)@+@~)CdF o (@(nF)@+@~). So we can use
Lemma 25.

Let p=dim(a0). Let Z= ~ i , ....%], F=(~d+ 1 .....~p] and let ~ .....%

be the basis of ~0 ~uoh that ~i(~j)= ~ij" Then ~ ....'~d form ~ basis for


SF =center(mlF ) Q p, and tl%+ ... +tdH d e s~(F) whenever tI > 0 ..... td>O. Let

h(~) = exp(tl~+ . . . +tdHd) (~= (tI ..... td)).

We define, for meMiF, t elRd, l<_j<d

F(m:t) = exp[-(tlFF(~)+ ,..+tdFF(Hd))]@(mh(t))

Gj(m : t)= exp{-(tlrF(Hl) + ... +tdFF(Hd))]¢H.(mh(t)) •
Here we should remember that for l<_j<__d~ I-lje~(mlF)C%.

LEMMA 27. We have, V m e M I F , t c IRd,

(5o ) ~t F(m :t) = Gj(m :t) (~/j<_d).


Moreover, ~ constants C>0, a>0~ and an integer s>0 such that

a(t l + ...+t d)
IF(m • t) l _< c d~(m)e
Ioj(m :t)l <_c mF(m)(l+ Itl)s e-min(t)iF( m : t)l

VmeMIF, telq d with rain(t)>0, l_<j<d.

Here [~I =+(tl2+ . . . + ~ d÷2~½

j , rain(t)
~ = minl <j<_
_ d(tj).
The equations (50) follow at once from (45). For the estimates (51) we
first observe that the FF(Hj) are commuting nilpotent matrices in view of
Lemma 22. So the entries of expT. tjFF(Hj) are polynomials in 9 I, ...,td.
The estimates (51) now follow from (48). In this deduction we should remember
that ~(x)<l, and that ~(mexpH)dF(mexpH)<_l@(mexpH)l.
Let ~= [telR d : min(t)>O].

L~4MA 28. The limit

(52) Jim F(m : t t ) = e(m)

exists V meMIF, t e ~, and is independent of t. Moreover, the function @ is


spherical on MIF~ of class C , and has the following properties:

I e(m;v) = FF(V)®(m ) (m ~ MiF,V c nf)

O(mh(t)) = exp(tlFF(~) + ... + tdFF(Hd))~(m) (meMIF,te IRd) .


In view of the differential equations (50) and the estimates (51), we c a n

use Proposition 8 of Section 18 (A p p e n d i x). The existence of e(m) and its
lack of dependence on t e~ are now immediate. From the estimate (36) of the
Appendix we then obtain the following result: let 0 < ~ < ~ i be fixed and Q the
open subset of ~ where min(t~)>~(tl+ ...+td) ; then 3 constants C ~ > 0 , a~>_0
such that

a -½(t I + ... +t d)
(54) IF(m:t)-G(m)l <_C~CF(m) ~" dF(m)e

~/meMiF , teQ~. From (54) we see that the convergence of F(m :it) to e(m) as
t-+ ~ is uniform in m as long as m varies in compact subsets of NIF. So
® is continuous, and obviously spherical. From the differential equations (45)
we get, for v e DF, as AFacenter(MiF),

F(m;v : tt) = FF(V)F(m : it) + exp[-(tlFF(~) + ... + tdFF(Hd))]¢v(mh(tt)) •

The norm of the matrix exponential is of at most polynomial growth. Furthermore,

by (~S), sinc~ ~(~')dF(m') _< I~(m')l,

I¢v(mh(tt~))I _< C(I ,v) ~F(m)e-t min(t~ ~(mh(tt) )I

_< C(l,V)¢F(m)e-t rain(t) Iexp(tiFF(~) + ... + tdFF(Hd))F(m : tt)I

which tends to 0 as t ~ + =, as F(m : tt)~@(m); once again, with uniform

convergence when m varies over compacta. Hence F(m;v:tt)~FF(V)®(m) uni-
formly over compact sets when t ~+~. It follows from this that ve= FF(V)® in
the sense of distributions. The usual argument (involving the elliptic operator
OF which is the analogue of [] for the group MIF ) shows that e is a C~
function and that the equation v®= FF(V)@ holds in the usual sense. F~rther-
more, the following resttlt follows from (54): J constants C m > 0 , am_>O such

(55) I®(m~(D) - e~(tlrF(~) + ..-+ tdrF(Hd))S(m) I

a~ -~(t I + . . . + t d)
_< C cF(m) dF(m)e
VmeMiF,tsQ ~. From (55) we obtain easily the second relation of (53).

We shall now rewrite (55) in a form suitable for the purposes we have in
mind. To this end, given any compact set E~CI( a0)
+ , we define the "sectorial"
region corresponding to E by

(56) S[E]= [exptH' :t> 0, H'e E]

The main result of this n ° can be formulated as follows :


Proposition 2~. Let H0eC£(a0) , H0#0 , and let F ~ Z be the set of
simple roots of (g,a0) that vanish at H 0. Define h F as in Proposition 23 .
Then ~ C, 6>0, a compact neighborhood E(H0) of H 0 in C~(a~), and an ele-
lent ~ h F , such that, V h ~ S[E(H0)] ,

(~7) J~(h)dF(h) - ~(h)J _< Ce -~ljloghIl-*~(l°gh)

Fix a, with 0<a <~d ' such that a < 8F(H0)/PF(H0 )" We use the estimate
(55) with m = h ¢ C~(A~). Then, a(h) ~i, and we get the following result (here
we should recall (53)): ] C>0 such that
- ¼(ti+ ..+td)
(58) J¢(hexp H) - e(hexp H)I < c dF(h)e

VhcC£(Ao), H = t l ~ + ...+tdH d with min(t)>a(tl+ ...+td). Now H 0 = C l ~ + ...~

CdHd, where the c.j are all >0; as pF(H0)>Cl + ...+Cd, it is immediate
t h a t c e O X. We shall construct E(H0) and choose in (58) h = e x p t ( H ' - ~ H 0 ) ,
H=t~H0, with H ' c E(HO) , and ~ also chosen and fixed s u i t a b l y . F i r s t , we
select ~, with 0<~<i, so close to I that (i- ~)PF(H0)<8~ ~F(Ho). Now,
if HT[~ C~(~0) and H H 0, 0F(H")- [PF(H0)+*D(H")~(1- [)PF(H0). So, i f H"
is close enough to H0, ~ ( H " ) - ~(H0)+*D(H")<_8~ ~F(H0). We now define E(H0)
to be the set of a l l H ' ~ C ~ ( % ) such t h a t ( i ) ~ ( H ' ) _ > ~ ( ~ 0 ) V ~ + (ii)
IIH'JJz211H011 (iii) ~F(H')- 6PF(H0)+*p(H')<_i ~F(H0). Then E(H0) is a compact
neighborhood of H 0 in C~(a~) and h=expt(H'- {H0) c C%(A0)~'t>0. Sub-
stituting in (58) with H=t~H0, we get, V H ' eE(H0), t>0,

t~(H')-t~QF(H0)-~(c I+ ...+Cd)
i~(exptH')-e(exptH')l _< C e

C exp[-t(¼(Cl+ ...+Cd) + *p(H')-~ 6F(H0) )}

But BF(H0)=min(~ ) so that ~(c!+ ...+Cd)- ~ ~ F ( H 0 ) ~ ~F(H0)~2~ ~ .

IIH'- ~H0)1 since JJH'- ~HoIJ~31JH0Jj V H ' eE(H0). If we now t~ke
8= --~--, we have the following r e s u l t : ~ C >0, 6 >0, such t h a t

(59) l¢(h)-e(h)l ~ C e -~Hl°ghH -*p(logh) ~hs S[E(H0)] ).

But Ed F is the first eo~K0onent of the vector ¢ while, by Proposition 23, the
first component ~ of @ lies in h F. Proposition 29 is now clear.

9- The fundamental estimate for

We can now prove the main theorem of this Section. The proof given by
Harish-Chandra in [ 6 ] is different, for the Upper bound. The present proof is


of interest because the same method is used for the study of the ssymptotic be-
haviour of general eigenfunctions on G. G is now am arbitrary group of M.

THEOREM "~o. Let m0 be as in Lemma 22. Then 3 C > 0 such that

-%(logh) -%(logh) mo
(60) e ~ ~(h) ~ C e (l+ Itloghll) ~h~ CZ(A~)).
We must establish the upper bound. We use induction on dim(G). If G has
a split component, the result is immediate since dim(°G) <dim(G). Let °G= G.
Fix ~0~c~(%),HoW°' and use Proposition 29 ~ Proposition 23,

(61) ~(h) = ~jKF~(*H(h~))e-%(*H(h*k))d*k (h cA0)

where u is a ~F-invariant element of }K (notation as in n°7). So by Lemma 22,

deg(~) ~ m 0 - m F. Consequently, by Corollary 21, 3 CI > 0 such that

l<h)l ! Cl(l+llloghlI)m°-% Z~ e-*p(*~(h*k))d*k (haCZ(A$)

The integral on the right is %F (h) and so the induction hypothesis is applic-
able. So 3 C2 > 0 such that

l<h)l _<%(1 + II~-og

hII)~e-~(l°g h) (h ~ O~(A~)

Combining this with Proposition 29 we get the following result: 3 c3=03(Ho)>o

and a compact neighborhood E(H0) of H0 in CZ(a~) such that

(62) ~(h) !c3(1 + IlloghH) d° e -~(l°g h) ('~/h c S[E(Ho) ])

On the other hand, it follows from the compactness of the unit sphere of a0 that
3points H~ i) (l<_i<b) in C~(aO)\ [0} such that

(63)~ c~(Ao) = u s[~.(~i))]


Combining (62) and (63) we get the upper bound in (60).

i0. Complements

We begin with the following integration formula which is well known: V

f ~ Cc(G)
(64) ~a f(x)dx = ~ f(kl~2)J(h)dkldk2dh


(65) J(h) = n +(e x(l°gh) - e -x(l°g h)) (h e A0)

Here m(~)=dim(~). Since

(66) 0 < J(L~) < e (heAo)

the estimate of Theorem 30 gives at once the following result.

Proposition ~i. ~ an integer r0 ~0 such that

(67) ~a ~(~)2(1 + ~@))-r° d~ <

From the estimates for E it is clear that log(i/~~) has the same order of
magnitude as ~ on °G. Define ~ by

(6s) ~ ( ~ ) = 1 + (log ~)(y) + (1 + !]log vii2) ½ (y ~ % , v e ;)

L being the split component of G. The following proposition is then straight-

forward, if we use Proposition 16.

Proposition 32. The function ~ has the following properties: (i) ~ is

analytic, spherical, and ~(x)=~(x-l) V x e G (ii) <P=2+log I on °0. (iii)
constants ci,c2>0 such that

(69) el(l+~@)) < ~(~) <_ %(i+o(~)) (x e G)

(iv) if a,be@ and at least one of them is in @~(= ~), aq~ is bounded on G.

From Proposition 16 and the above proposition we get :

Proposition ~ . Let ~,~ e]R, u , v s ® . ~ ui,v i e @ (l<_i<_q) and analytic

functions gi on G such that (i) gi and all its derivatives of the form ~gi b
(a,b e @) are bounded on G (ii) for any f e C=(G),

(7o) u(~¢f)v = ~ ~ Cgi u~.fv.


This is done by induction on deg(u) + deg(v) and uses the following fact
which is an easy consequence of Propositions 16 and 32: all functions of
the form u'(a~-b/E)v'~ u'(a~b/<p)v' are bounded on G j u'~v' being arbitrary in ~.

For this material see Harish-Chandra [ 6 ] [ 9 ].

9. Schwartz space and tempered distributions

The purpose of this section is to introduce the Schwartz space of G and

its dual, the space of tempered distributions, and to study their elementary

i. Definitions.

It is immediate from the integration formulae (8.64) and (8.65) that if f

is a measurable function on G such that for some sufficiently large r>_0, and
some constant c > 0,

If<km~2)l <_oe-~°0(~°gh) (1 + Ijloghll) -r ( k l , k 2 ~ K,h c AO)

then f e LI(G). This suggests the usefulness of the following definitions.

Let V be a complete locally convex space and ~(V) the set of all contin-
uous seminorms on V. A function f, defined on an open subset U of G such
that KUK= U and having values in V, is said to satisfy the weak inequality if
for each s c~(V), ~ C>0, r_>0, possibly depending on s, such that

If ( k l ~ 2 ) Is < c ~-~Po~ °g h) (1 + llJ-og hll )r (k 1,k 2 ~ ~:,h ~ U n C~(AO) )

We sha~l say that f satisfies the stron~ inequalit~ if for each s ~ ~(V) and
each r>_0, 3 C =C(r,s)>0 such that

I f(km~2) I s _<c e-~0 (~°~ b)(1. lllog hll )-r (kl,k 2 ~ K,h ~ Un C~(AO) )

By C(U : V) we mean the vector space of all f c C~(U : V) such that for each
a , b e @, the derivative afb satisfies the strong inequality. When V= C, we
write C(U) instead of C(U : £ ) , and r e f e r to it as the Schwartz space of U.
Note that if G is a vector group, this reduces to the USUal definition of the
Schwartz space. In view of the estimates for the f~nction " furnished by Theorem
8.30, the above definition can be recast in the following form. If f e C~(U : V),
then f lies in C(U:V) if and only if for each r>_O, a,be@, se~(V),

(z) ~s:a,b.r(f) = sup(~_-l(1 + ~)rr~bl ~) <

If V = C, we write, for f cC(U),

(2) %,b:r (f) = sup(-~-l(1 + °)rl~bl )



It is then immediate that the bs:a,b:r are seminorms on C(U : V) and that they
convert it into a complete locally convex space. If V is Frechet, so is C(U : V).
It is clear from Proposition 8.31 that for each a,bc@, r > 0 , sob(V), f eC(U : V),

(~) (1 + ~)rl~bls ~ T?(~)

and that the L -seminorms

(4) f~ lla~Ils's'r:{]u ((i + G)rIafb]s)2dx}½

are continuous on C(U : V).

These L2 properties suggest the naturalness of considering the analogous

spaces of Lp type. Fix p>0 (usually, i <_p <~). By cP(u : V) we denote the
vector space of all f ~ C~(U : V) such that

(5) ~s:a,b.P"r(f) = sup(Z-2/P(1u + cor]afbls) < ~

Vsch(V), a,bc@, r>0._ As before we write cP(u) and ~a,bP.'r(f) when V=C.
The bsP :a,b :r are seminorms on ~ ( U : V) and convert it into a complete locally
convex space; when V is Frechet, so is cP(u : V). For p=2 we obtain C(U : V).
If l<_p<~ and fecP(u:v), then

(6) (i + G)r la~Ois ~ LP(u) (a,bc®, r > O , sc~(V))

and the LP-seminorms

(7) f ~ Ll(m+~)r[a~b[sHp = HafbHp=s, r

are continuous on C~(U : v).

From the inequalities discussed in Section 8 which estimate i + G(xy) and
~(xy) in terms of l+G(x) and -:(x), it follows that the space cP(G:V) is
stable under left and right translations by elements of G; and that if we set,
for f~cP(a : v),

(8) (r(y)f)(x) = f(xy), (~(y)f)(x) = f(y-lx) (x,ycG)

then r and Z are representations of G in cP(G : V).

2. Density of C:(G : V) i__n ~P(G : V)

We shall prove now that C:(G : V) is dense in CP(G • V) and that the nat-
ural inclusion of C:(G : V) into cP(G : V) is continuous. The second assertion
is obvious and so we need only establish the first.


LEMMA i. For any t>0 let Bt be the set Ix : x 6 G , q(x)~t]. Fix a

number h>0. Then Bt is compact for all t>0 and we can find functions
gt s I~(a) such that

(i) 0 <_g~-
._ Vt>0 xcG

(ii) gt=l on Bt and supp(gt)CBt+ h (t>0)

(iii) if a,bc@, ~ Ca,b>O such that I(agtb)(x)l<Ca, b Vt>O, xcG.

Let It be the characteristic function of the set ht+½h . Let g be an

element Of I~(G) such that g(x) = g(x-l)~0 V x c G, s u p p ( g ) C ~ / 4 , and
Gg dx = i. Let gt = g*It*g" Of course Bt is compact becaUse x = k!ak 2
(k. ,k 2 ~ K,as CZ(A+)) is in Bt < : > ~ ( a ) ! t . (ii) f o l l o w s from the f a c t t h a t Bt=
B~~ and Bt~t,c~t+t, (t,t'> 0); (iii) is immediate from the relation agtb =
(gb) * 1t ~ (~) (a,b ~ ~).

THEOREM 2. Let V be a complete locally convex space. Then, for any p>O~
C~(G: V) is dense in CP(G: V), and the natural inclusion of C~(G: V) in

cP(G : V) is continuous.

Let f s cP(G : V) and let ft = gt f' gt being as in the above lemma. Then
ft c c~(a: v)~ and if a,b c~, 3 ai,bi,aj,b i s~ such that for all t

(9) aftb =~(ajgtbj)(aifb i)


Since ft = f on the open subset of G where ~ < t~ it follows that for any
sc~(v), r >o

bPs:a,b:r(ft-f) _< sup E(x)-2/P<l+(~(x)) r l(a(ft-f)b)<x)I

< (i +t)-l[~P :a,b:r+l(ft) +~s:a,b :r+l(f)]

which tends to 0 as t ~+~ since P

~s:a,b:r+l(ft) is bounded in t by (9)
and (iii) of Lemma i.

It follows from Theorem 2 that if T is a distribution on G, i% admits at

most one extension to a continuous linear functional on cP(G). If such an exten-
sion exists we denote it by T and refer to T as a distribution of type p; if
p = 2, we shall call T a tempered distribution. If UCG is an open set and T
is a distribution on U, T is said %o be of type p on U if 3 a distribution
T' of type p on G such that T=T'IU; if p=2, T is said to be tempered
on U.


3- Reduction to one-sided derivatives

We shall now examine to what extent the two-sided derivatives are necessary
for the topology of cP(G : V). We use the notation or Section 7, n°6; in par-
ticular, the element n of X, the scalar c(~) (@~ g(K)), and g(K), have
the same meaning as in that number. For any @e g(K) we write ~* for the con-
tra~redient class to ~. Given feC~(G)~ ~l,~2~g(K)~ we put

L~2~MA ~. Let a,b 6®. Then ~ integers n ~ 0 , q~l, constant C>0, and
elements cI, •..,eq ~ @, such that the following estimate is valid for all
f ~ c (~), ~1,~ s(~), x ~ G:

15%2(b~kjk2~a)l~ C C(~l)nc(~2 )n i < r~< q kl,k2cK
sup If(klXk2;c~) I

Choose ar ( l --
< r <--
p) in @ such that a k = z r ~r(k)ar ' bk = Zr ~r(k)ar V
k e K, ~r and ~r being continuous functions on K; let
Cl= SUPr,r,,k,k,I~r(k)ll?r,(k')I. Let G=~0% be an lwasawa decomposition and
let notation be as in Section 6. Select a basis Vs for 910~0 such that each
7s is an eigenvector of Ad(A0) ; then ~s =~s(h)Ts where ~s :Ao~IR~ is a
homomorphism and l~s(h-l)l ~ i for all s and all hc CZ(A~). We can write
ar=~<s<m qrs~s where Drs £ X' and choose Cl,...,c q c ® such that (Tsar,) k =
~<~<q ~sr,(k)c where the ~Zsr' are continuous functions on K, V k s K ,
l~s~m. Finally, by Lemma 7.22, given ~cX~ ~ C(~)>0,m(<)>0 such that ~/~£8(K)
and all matrix coefficients u of @, lu~l~!c(~)c(~)m(~)lul2, I'1~ and I'1~
being respectively the norms in L~(K) and L2(K).

To get Lemma 3, let ~i,~2 ~ Z(K) and ui (resp. vj) be the matrix co-
efficients of a unitary representation in @~ (resp. @2)" For f e C~(G), let
f i j =dim(@l)dim(@2)" Ui~ f K v j " Then, f o r kl,k 2e K, he C~(A~),

Ifi~(b~k[Z~;a)l iC 1 ~ ~ Ifi, j,(%;h~ar,)l

r,r' i',j'

_<Cz Z 2 ~Ifi, j,(~rs~s;h;ar,)l

r,r' i'~j' s

Since ~91f@2 =
Zi,j f'l,j we get
15f%(b;kfl~2;a)l _< eI dim(%12dim(e2) 2 2 Ifij(~rs;h;~hs-la r,)l
r,r', i,j,s

_< cz aim(%)~dim(~2) 2 I fij(~rs ;h ;~{sar ,)l



B~t 7sar,fijhrs=dim(@l)dim(@2)(Ui~rs)~((~sar,)(f~vj)). Writing

C3=maXr, s C(hrs), C2=maX~,s,r,i~Zs r,l~, m=maXr,sm(hrs), we get

[ fi j ( ~r s ;h ;Tsar , )l ~ C2C3c( Ol )mdim( ~1)dim( ~2 ) sup If(gz~c~)l

l<~<q k l,k2¢K

Lemma 3 follows now from these and Lemma 7.21.

THEOREM 4. Let V be a complete locally convex space. Fix p > 0. Then,

for any f e C~(G: V), f lies in CP(G: V) if and only if

~P if) = sup(~-2/P(l+~)rl~ml ) < ~

s:a~m;r G s
V a c @, s c h(V), and integers m>O. Moreover~ the seminorms ~P already
induce the topology of cP(G : V). s:a'~m:r

In Lemma 3~ replacing f by ~mf~m we get

sup I~zf~2(b;kl~2;~)l ~ C[c(Oz)e(O2)] n-m ~ sup If(a=;kzxk2;e~m)l

k l~k2cK l < Z < q k l,k2cK

If f takes values in V, it is clear that this inequality is valid for each

s ¢ h(V) with l-ls replacing the usual absolute value. Now take m large
enough so that Z# c(~) n-m<~. Then, summing over ~i,~2 c 8(K), we get

sup If(h~kl~2~a)l s _< c I ~ sup If(~kl~2~o~m)l s

kl~k2cK I<Z <q kl,k2¢K

where Cl=CZ~l,@2[e(@l)C(@2)]n-m. Theorem 4 is now clear.

From this we get at onc~

THEOREM 5. For a finite subset F C 8(K), let

(lz) ~(a:v)= ~ ~ *cP(a:v)

~¢F OK

Then F~P(G : V) is a closed subspace of cP(G : V); the topology on it is

already induced by the seminorms

f - sup(~-2/P(1 + ~)rl aft s) (r>0, a c e )

4. E~uivalenee of definition b~ LP-seminorms
The aim of this n ° is to prove that the spaces CP(G : V) ean be defined
entirely in terms of the LP-seminorms (7).


Throughout this n° we shall fix p such that l!p<~. SP(G) (resp.s~(a))

will denote the vector space of all complex valued C functions f on G such
that afbeLP(G) (resp. afb eL~(G)), %/ a,b e@. ~(G) is obviously a Frechet
space with respect to the semi norms f -lla~IL. Now, it follows from the class-
ica2L Sobolev inequalities that if u e LP'l°c(~ n) is such that all the derivatives
of u in the sense of distributions are also in LP'l°c(~n), then u e C=(~n).
It is clear from this that GP(G) is also a Frechet space with respect to the
seminorms f . lla~llp.
Define J by ( 8 . 6 5 ) . For any Borel f u n c t i o n g on G let llgllA, p denote
0 +
the LP-norm of the restriction glA~ with respect to the measure Jdh on A 0.

L ~ M A 6. Let a,b e@. Then ~ C=Ca, b > 0 and m=ma, b~0 such that V

II~bllA~,p _<C[C(~l)e(~ 2) ]m Ila~llp

The argument goes as in Lemma 3- Let notation be as in that lemma. Then
IMIi~,p!zi,jllfijIIi~,p, f being any element of ~P(G) D~IC~(G)~ 2. Let us write
¢ for the matrix (fij). Then tr(¢t¢) is a continuous spherical function on
G so that

p _<II[tr(J~)]~llA~,p= II[tr(¢t~) ]~lp
Bat [tr(¢f@)]½_<Zi, j , Ifi,,j,I so that IlfijllA~,p<Ei, j, [Ifi,,j,%. Since

llfi,j,llp _< dim(~l)2dim(~2)211#llp we get the estimate

(z2) llflIAo,
p _<dim(~l)~dim(~p~ ilfllp

This proves the lemma for a=b=l. For general a,b, let T denote the ad-
joint representation of KxK in the subspaee @(n)®@(n) where @(n) is the
subspaee of elements of degree < n=max(deg(a),deg(b)) in ®. Let F be the
set of all (@]',@~)eg(K)xg(K) (~ g(KXK)) occurring in the tensor product
(£1X~2)®T, and q= IF I . Then q<_dim(7) - d i m ( ~ l ) d i m ( ~ 2 ) , and


From (12) we get

ll~bll%,p _< [dim(T)" dim(~l)dim(92)] 8 ll~bllp

Lemma 6 now follows from Lemma 7.P1.


L~vL& 7- 3 C>0, m>_0, ~l,...,~qe@ with the following property: for

If(~)l _< c[o(%)c(~)]~(x) ~/p 1< r~<~ Ilhfilp

We make use of the estimates obtained in the Appendix to I. Let

w(h) = n (i - e-2k(l°gh)) m(k)

(h ~ A o)

Then, from I, Proposition 10.8, we get the following result: ~ ~l'''"h c 910 such

(13) h<A0sup+
I~(h)l _<z<_j<_=~ ( ~Ao IuJ~IP wdh)l/P
Let f e ~P(G) r]% C~(G)~92. (2/p)p
By Lemma
0 6, II~fl~,p
-(2/p)~ is certainly finite V h c 9/0 .
As j=e2P0w and as h i~ e o hoe is an automorphism of 9/0, the
(2/p)P0 (log h)
fanction ~: h ~ e f(h) has the property that f A T i ~ I P w d h < = V

Nell0" ,
Hence, ~/hmA0, by (13), setting hj=e -(2/P)P°o ~o e(~/P)~0

If(h)l _< e-(2/P) p(1Ogh) ~_ II~]flla+

l<j< r O ~0,~

From Lemma 6 and the estimate e-P0(iogh)_< E(h) (heAo) we then obtain the
following: ~ C I > 0 , ml>_0 such t h a t ~ l ~ 2 ~ g ( K ) , fesP(G)~l c~(~)~2, h~ A+

If(h)l _<cl[e(h)o(~)]h~-(h)~/P~ II~jfllp


Replacing f by Z(kl)r(k2)f (kl,k 2 £ K) we easily get Lemma 7.

~o~ 8. For a ~ f ~sP(Q), ~-2/p f ~ ( G ) . Moreover, the ~ap

f ~ E-2/Pf is continuous.

Replacing f by £ (2 f
n~ )@ in Lemma 7 we get the following: ~ C>0,
m>_0, {!.....{q~¢ sue{lthat ~/%1,~2c~(~), f~P(a), ~a,

I~lf~2(x)l ~ C[c(~!)c(@2)] m-n E(x) 2/p ~ 11~£2nf2nllp

l! ~!q

TAke n large enough so that C I = C ~l,~[c(%)c(~92)]m-n<~. Then

(14) l f ( x ) l < C1 ~(x) 2/p ~ II~z.enfonll



~/fe~P(G), xcG. Theorem 8 f o l l o w s on u s i n g ( 1 4 ) w i t h afb in place of f~/

a,b s @.

THEOREM 9" Let V be a complete locally convex space. If f c C~(G : V),

then fccP(G:V) if and only if (l+c)rJafbJs~LP(G)~r>0, a,b~, s~(V).
Moreover, the seminorms

f - II(I +~)rJ~blsll p
already induce the t o p o l o g y of ~ ( G : V).

It is enough to consider the case V= C; the case of arbitrary V follows

from the estimates in the scalar case by replacing the vector-v~lued function f
with ko f where kcV . Let ~ be the function on G with the properties
described in Proposition 8.32. Then ~rafbcLP(G) V r , a , b , so that, by Proposi-
tion 8.33, we may conclude that a(~rf)b c LP(G) V r ~0, a,b e ~. Theorem 8 now
shows that suPG(~ -2/p ~rjfl)<~. Replacing f by afb and $ by i+~ we
conclude that f ~cP(G). So, if c'P(G) is the (Frechet) space of all f ~ C~(G) such
that (l+~)r(afb) ~LP(G) V r ~ 0 , a,b~®, then c'P(G)=CP(G) as sets. The
identity map CP(G) ~ ~'P(G) is certainly continuous. On the other hand, c'P(G)
is certainly a Freehet space (use classical Sobolev inequalities to get complete-
ness), while ~(G) is also Frechet. Hence by the closed graph theorem, c'P(G)=
cP(G) as topological vector spaces.

5. Distributions of t~oe p
-I + p ' - l = l ; then l<p'~*.
We fix p, l ~ p ~ , and define p' by p

From the definition of distributions of type p we have the following. Let

T be a distribution on G Then T is of type p if and only if 3 r~0,
ai,b i c @ (i _< i _q),
< . such that

(~5) I~(f)l ~ I < ir < q _~i'bi:r(f) (f ~ c~(o))

Proposition i0. Let ~ be a measurable function on G such that for suit-

able constants C>0, r>0,

l~(x)l < C E(x)2/P'(l+~(x)) r (x c G)

Then (~ is locally integrable and the corresponding distribution, denoted by T~,

is of type p. Moreover, writing T~ again for its extension to CP(G),

(16) %(0 = J ~(x)f(x)dx (f~CP(G)).



the integral converging absolutely. In particular, if M satisfies the weak

inequality, T~ is tempered and its extension to C(G) is given by (16).

Let r0 be as in Proposition 8.31. Proposition i0 is clear since

IM(x)f(x)l ~ c ~(x)2(l+~(x)) -r0 • sup(~-2/P(l+~)r+r01f I) 0 ~ f ~ P ( G ) )


A similar argument shows that if ~ is a complex Borel measure such that

z2/P(I+q) -r lies in Ll(dlMl) for some r Z O , then M is of type p. In general, the
converse results are false. Indeed, this is the case even classically when G is
a vector group. However, in the presence of suitable auxiliary conditions, con-
verses can be established. We shall now examine two such sets of conditions. The
classical analogue of the first is the result thattempered ~ositive measures are
slowly increasing, while the second corresponds to the classical result that an
exponential polynomial defines & tempered distribution if and only if it is of at
most polynomial growth.

6. Positive measures

Let L be the split component of G so that G=°GL~°GxL. For xcG

let °x and xL be the components of x in °G and L respectively. For
t!,t 2>0, we put

(17) Btl ,t 2 = {x :x~G, ~(°x) > e , G(XL) < t2]}

The Btl,t 2 are compact, sphericaJk, and G is their union; the compactness is

immediate from the limit relation

(is) lim ~(y) = o


which follows easily from Theorem 8.30.

THEOREM ii. Let ~ be a set of nonnegative Borel measures on S. ~hen

the following statements are equivalent.

i) ~ a continuous seminorm v on cP(G) such that

ii) 3 C>0, r ~ 0 such that V t l , t 2>0, ~ c £ ,

~(Btl,t 2) 2 C e(2/p)tl(l+tl)r(l+t2 )r

17 4

(iii) ~ an integer q>O such that

sup ~ ~2/P(z + o-) -q dc~ <

c~ef£ G

If these conditions are satisfied, we can choose q_>O such that the integrals

,[ ~2/P(z + o-) -q dc~


converge uniformly for £~c ~.

(i) ~ (ii). Note that the estimate in (i) is required to be true only for
spherical f in Cc(G ). Let ItlJt 2 be the characteristic function of Btl,t 2.
Choose 9eIc(G ) with 9(x)=,(x-l)>0~v/xcG and ~G ,dx=l. Write gtl,t2=
9~Itl,t2* 9. Furthermore, in view of (8.69), we can find ci,c2>0 such that

(19) %(i+~(o )) _<l - log ~(o ) _< c2(l+~(o )) (x e G)

By (i), 3 r>_0, ai,bic@ (lii<q) such that

(2o) I[fd l < r p ( f)

~G l<i<q ~a i , b i -r

Now, by Proposition 8.16~ we can find a> 0 such that

(~) e-%(~) <_-~(yl~y2)<_e%(x), ~(y~)<-2 (x c a,y,yl,y2 ~ supp(¢))

SO, we find that gtl,t 2 6 Ic(G), O<gtl,t2<_l , gtl,t2=l on Btl_a,t2_a, and

supp(gtl,t2)CBtl+a,t2+a, V t l , t 2 > o . Therefore, if c~e~, tl,t2>O ,

~(Bt!,t2) _<]] gh+a,t2+ad~ _<l < ir< q ~,b

_< ~ sup (~-2/P(i + ~)r I~bi * Itl+a,t2+a * ai~ I)
l<i<q G
s c3 sup ~-2/p(l+ ~)r
Btl+2a ~t2+2a

with e3= ~l<i<qll~biIllNai~Ill, since the convolutions are certainly zero out-
side Btl+2a,t2+2 a. If x ~ Btl+2a,t2+2a~


~(X)-2/P(I + ~(X)) r --<e2/p(tl+2a)(1 + J(°x))r(1 + ~(XL))r

_< e 2/p(tl+2a) [cll(1 + tI + 2a)(l + t 2 + 2a) ]r

by (19). So we get (ii) with C = C3clre(4/P)a(l + 2a) 2r.

(ii) ~ (iii). For integers m~n>0, let

(22) Era,n = {x : e -(re+l) < E(°x) _< e -m, n<G(XL) < n+l}

Then ~m,n~½+1,n+1 ~rther, by (19),

(i + ~(x)) 2 _> c~1(l - log ~-(°x))(1 + ~(XL)) (x e G)

So, if q>O,

sup ~2/p (1 + ~)-q < c2q/2 [(i + m)(1 + n) i-q/2 e- (2/p)m


whence, ~vi~£~, q>0,

E2/P(I + ~)-qd(~ _< ~(Bm+l,n+l)c2q/2e-(2/p)m[ (i + m)(l + n)i-q/2

< c4[(i +m)(1 + n) ]-(q/2)+r

where c 4= cc2q/222re2/P. Choose q= 2(r + 2) and write c 5= c4~,m,n[(l+m)(l+n ) ]-2.

Then, for such a choice of q~ we get, V(~eg,

~G ~2/P(1 + ~)-qd~ = ~ ~E E2/P(1 + ~)-qd(Z < e 5


This proves (iii). At the same time, if ~>0, we can find a finite set F of
(m,n) such that c42(m,n)%F[(l+m)(l+n)]-2<¢. Write B= U(m,n)e F Em, n.
Then C~(B) is a compact set and V ~

G\ B m,n

proving the last assertion.

(iii) ~(i). Let C=sup(~e a ..I H2/P(l+j)-qd(~. Then, ~ felc(G),


C01~)LLARY 12. Suppose °G is not compact. Then dx is of type i and not

of type p for any p>l.

By Proposition 8.31, dx is certainly of type i if we use (iii) above.

Suppose p>l and dx is of type p. Then for some q>0, E2/P(I+~)-qeLI(G).
Now E ( h ) > e p0(LOgh) X~/hcA O while J(h)=e2P0~°gh)w(h) where w is as in the
proof of Lemma 7. Since P 0 ~ 0 , and 2-2/p>0, we can write (2- 2/p)p 0 as
Cl~ I + . . . + e ~ Z where the c i are > 0 and Z = {~I'''"~£] is the set of simple
+ +
roots. So if A0(¢ ) is the subset of A 0 where ~ i ( i o g h ) > ¢ for l < i < Z , we
find that (i + llloghll)-q exp(cl~ I +...+ c£~£)(logh) is integrable over AO(¢), which
is impossible.

7. ~-finite K-finite functions

We shall now examine when a 8-finite, K-finite, distribution is of type p.

We recall that if T is a distribution on G, it is said to be 8-finite if
dim(~T)<~, and K-finite if the translates Z(kl)r(k2)T (kl,k2cK) span a
finite dimensional space. Suppose T is 8-finite and K-finite. Then each ele-
ment of ~T is K-finite and so dim(~T)<~. In particular, as the element []
considered in the proof of Theorem 7.8 lies in ~ we argue as in that theorem
to conclude that T is an analytic function.

T~REM 13. Let T be a 8-finite K-finite distribution on G. Then T is

an analytic function. Moreover, T is of type p if and only if ~ C>0, r>0
such that
(2~) IT(x)l <__C~(x) 2/p'(1 +o(x))r (x s G)
In particular, T is tempered if and only if it satisfies the weak inequality. If
is a simple representation of G in a Hilbert space ~ and if its character is a
distribution of type p (resp. tempered), the K-finite matrix coefficients of ~ sat-
isfy an estimate of the form (23) (resp. satisfy the weak inequality).

We have already noted that T is an anafLytic function. We shall now derive

(23) assuming T to be of type p; the last statement is clear, for, when p = 2,
p'= 2, and (23) becomes the weak inequality. We need an auxiliary result.

Proposition 14. Let V be a complete locally convex space. Let f e C~(G : V).
Assume that f is ~-finite and that the translates r(k)f (k e K) span a finite
dimensional space. Then, given any neighborhood U of i such that ~ =U V
keK, we can find ~e Cc(U ) such that ~k= @ V k eK and f*%=f. If we assume


that f is K-finite, we can further find #'eC~(U) such that 9,k=~,~kcK

and %'*f*%=f.

It is enough to prove the first result since the second follows on replacing
r by ~. Let h be C~(G : V) and r the right regular representation of G
in h. Proposition 7.17 is now applicable and leads to a g e C~(U) such that
r(g)f=f and gk=g~ke K. Since r(g)f=f*g°, we are done.

Proof of Theoreml~. Since T is of type p, ] r>0, ai,bi¢@ (l_<i<q),

such that ~ f £ Cc(G )

(24) . [ T(~)f(x)dx = I~(f)l _< r

"G l<i<q ~i,bi :r (f)

By Proposition 14 we can choose ~,@'cCc(G ) such that ~ * T * ~'=T. On the

other hand, ~(f) = (¢* T ~ ~')(f) = T(¢ ° ~ f ~ ¢ ' ° ) ~ence replacing f by
9°*f'9'° in (24) we get, WfCCc(G),

(25) IT(f) I _< D sap(~-2/P(1 + a)r t ~°bi * f * ai~ '°J )

l<_i<_q a

(26) ~r(f) = sup(E-2/P(l+a)rlfl) (f c c~(a))

If ~ i = ? b i, ~i=ai*'°, then

(%. f ~ ) ( ~ ) =
~ ~i(Yl-1 ) f ( y l ~ Y 2 ) ~ ( y, 2 -z )dyldY 2
so that

, 2/p -r
I(%~f<~X )(x)l<-Ithlllllhllmmr(f) o sup - (~(Y~Y2) (l+~(Yl~2)) )
yzcs~pp(~ ),~2~s~pp(~ '~)
Hence~ by Proposition 8.16 and properties of a, we find the following result:
c>0 such t h a t ~ x e G , l<i<q,_ fcCc(G),

J(%*f*~)(x)J _< e ~(x)~/P(l+~(x)) -r ~r(f)

Substituting in (25) we get, with C= cq,

(~) T(x)f(x)d~ _< C ~r(f)

If ~ is as in Proposition 8.32 , it follows from (27) that for some constant



(28) ~G T(~)f(~)d~ -< c, sup(~-2/P¢lfl)


~{f e C~(G). Since f~Z-2/Pgf is a linear automorphism of C~(G), it follows

from (28) that

(29) ~ (T~2/P~-~g)dx ~ C' suplgla

~g ~ C~(G). Elementary measUre theory now implies that

(30) fGITl~2/p@-rdx ~ C' <

We now replace T by aTb, a,b c @. aTb is still ~-finite and K-finite but
we must replace (24) by the inequality that results on changing T to aTb.
Since (aTb)(f) = T(atfbt), the new inequality is obtained from (24) by the sub-
stitution a i~aiatf, b i ~ b t b i, r ~ r . As the vaAue of r is unchanged, we

Gz) ]G laTbl~2/%-rd~<
Since (31) is v a l i d ~ a , b ~ ®, we can now use the properties of ~ and ~ under
differentiation (Propositions 8.16, 8.32 and 8.33) to deduce from (31) that

(32) L. la(T~2/p~-r)b dx <

V a , b ~ @, i.e., that T~2/P9 -r { 81(G) (~I(G) as in Theorem 8). So, by Theorem 8

TE(2/p)-2~ -r e 8=(G). So, it is bounded on G. Replacing ~ by 1 + c get (23). For
the last assertion~ let e be the character of ~. Using elementary representation
theory we find that if g is a K-finite matrix coefficient of v, then the distribu-
% o
tion Tg : ~ g ~ d x (~ c Cc(G)) is a linear combination of distributions of the form
~ e ( u £ ~ v ) (~ c~(a)), u,~ being elements of C~(K). Since ~ u ~ v are
continuous endomorphisms of CP(G), we find that T is of type p. As it is ~-
finite and K-finite~ we are done.

8. Characters and invariant distributions

We now look at invariant distributions on G. We postpone to a later

section their deeper properties and discuss here only their elementary aspects.

THEOREM 15- Let ~ be an irreducible unitary representation of G. Then

its character ® is of type i. If the matrix coefficients of ~ are in L2(G),
then ® is tempered; in particular, the K-finite matrix coefficients of ~ satisfy
the weak inequality.


Let ~ be the Hilbert space on which ~ acts. We have the orthogonal de-
composition ~=0~ (K) ~8 where ~.(K) is the subset of ~(K) of all 8
such that (~ : 8) > 0 [ We know that dim(~8)~C dim(8) 2 for some constant C>O
and all 8e g(K). Choose an orthonormal basis [en}n> I for ~ such that for
e~ch 8, there is a subset N(~) of integers ~ i ~or which {en : n e N(@)}
spanni~ %. If ~C~(a), t~en, ~or a~ ~0

%((~) = E (TT((~)en,en) = ~ c(8) -q ~ (7(~)en,7[(nq)en)

n >_l ~e(K) n e N(8)

= ~ c(8) -q ~ (TT(~q~)en,en)
8 e e T(K) n e N(8)

We choose q large enough so that CI = E8 e g ( K ) dim(8)2c(@)-q<~ (cf. Lemma

7.21). Further,

l(~(~q~)en,en)l= ] (~)(x)(Tg(X)en,en)dX ! II~ll I


(33) I%(~)1 ~ Clil~%l[1

which proves that e is of type i. If ~ has square integrable matrix co-
efficients, one knows that

al(v(X)en,en)ledx = d ( v ) -1 (nZl)

d(~)>O being the so-called formal degree of ~. In this case~

I(~-(~C~)en,en)l = I~ (~qc~)(x)(w-(X)en'en)dX ~ d(~)-1/211~[t2


1%(~)t _<Cld(~)-l/2Jl~%Jt2
showing that ® is tempered. The last assertion follows from Theorem 13.
The one-sided nature of the derivatives in (33) and (34) is not accidental.
We have

Proposition 16. Let T be a distribution on G such that Tk = T ~ k c K.

Suppose T is continuous on cP(G). Then T is a&ready continuous with re-
spect to the topology induced by the seminorms f ~ suPG(F~-2/P(1 +~)rlafl)
(r_> 0, ac~).


By Theorem 4, we can select integers mi_>0, elements a.le@ (l<i<q),_

and an integer r >0 such that
IT(~')l _<
up ,~ :r(f) ¢~ f ~ Co(G))
Let G@ (@eg(K)) be as in Section 7. Since Tk=T~keK, we have T(g~(Z@)=
T(O~@~[g)V g { Ce(G). Hence, ~v~f¢ Cc(G)

IT(f)l _<r

<~ pP m- (c~ *f*c~

a.~ l:r ~K K @
,~ l < i < q
=~ C(~) mi
~Pi,1:r(~ f ~ )

So, if m=max(m 1 . . . . . ink) and n>O any integer, we have, V f e Cc(G),

[T(OI-< Ec('~)m-n~ l<i<qE ~Ph~n,l'r(~'~ f ~)

Select n such that E @ c(~) m-n dim(~)4=Cl<~. Further, let c. c@ (lii<_s)
be such that for suitable continuous fanctions ~i on K, (aif)n)~= E i ~ i ( k ) e i
VkeK. If C2:ma~ i suPki$i(k)I, it is easy to see that

~P.on,l:r (G@~f~G@) _< C 2 dim(@) 4 l < is<~ ~i,l:r(f)

Hence, with C= CIC2q;

rT(Ol _<C l < i~< s ~i,l:r(O ¢~fcC~(G))

9• Convolutions

Let r 0 >_0 be an integer such that

e0 = ~G ~2(i + ~) -r0dx <

For any sc]R let

(3~) ~s(~) = ~(~)(1 +~(x)) -s (x e G)

L ~ M A i 7. Let Sl,S2e]R and let Sl>IS21 +r 0. Then, VxcG,


(36) (~Sl~S2)(x) = ~ ~sl(Y)~s2(y-l~)dy = ~ ~Sl(~Y-1)~s2(Y)dy

exist~ the integrals converging uniformly when x varies over compact subsets
of G. Moreover

(37) (~Sl*~S2)(x) ~ co ~s2(X ) (x~G)


(38) l:L+ : ~ ) _<z- + ~(-ly) _<(1 + ~(y))(~-+o(:O)

it follows that for any compact set E C G , 3 c(E) > 0 such that V x ~ E

~Sl(Y)~s2(y-l~) = ~Sl(Y)~s2(~-ly) ~ c(E)~(Y)2(I +~(y)) -(sl+s2)

The existence and uniform convergence of the convolutions are now clear. More-

(~sl* ~s2)(x) = ~Sl(Y)~s2(x'lky)dk dy

~ ~Sl(Y)~(~-lky)(l+~(y))ls21(l+~(~)) -S 2dkdy (by(38))
co %2(x)

THEOREM 18. The Schwartz space C(G) is closed under convolution. More-
over~ the map (f,g)~f* g of C(G) ×C(G) into C(G) is continuous.

From Lemma 17 it follows that for f,g c C(G), f * g is well defined on all
of G and that the integrals

If(~-l)llg(Y)ldy = ~ If(y)llg(y-lx)ldy
are uniformly convergent when x varies over compact subsets of G. So the de-
rivatives of f* g can be calculated by differentiating under the integral sign
and we get, for a,bc@,

(39) a(~'*g)b = fb*

So, for any r~0, we get from (37)

(40) ~a,b.r(f*g) _< co %,l.r(g)~Z,b;r+ro+!(f)


Let V. (i=1,2,3) be three complete locally convex spaces and suppose that

(41) (Vl,V2) ~ v 1 .v 2 = v 3 v.1 ~ v.1

is a bilinesm map of VlXV 2 into V3 which is continuous. Given fi c C(G :V i)

(i =i~2), we define their convolution by

(42) (q'f2) (=) = < f l ( Y ) " f2(y-lx) dy = ]G f!(xy-1)'f2(Y)dY

From Lemma 17 we get the following proceeding essentially as in Theorem 18.

THEOIK~N 19. The integrals defining fl* f2 exist for all x c G. More-
over, fl* f2 c C(G : % ) , and the map (fl'f2) ~ fl * f2 is continuous from
C(G: V1)×C(G:V2) into C(G:%).

i0. Estimates involvi~ N. The map f-f(Q)on Schwartz space

Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G and q=m+ a+n the corresponding psalge-

bra. We use the notation of Section 6. We then have the map G~G(Q) of C~(G)
into C~(~) (where, as us~aZ[, % = M A ) , discussed in Section 6, n°7. However,
in order to effectively use this map in Harmonic Analysis it is necessary to ex-
tend it to the Schwartz spaces of G and M 1 . In this n ° we shall obtain the
estimates that are needed to carry out such an extension.

Proposition 20. ~ a constant c >0 such that

(43) 1 + ~(hn) >_ c(l + ~(h)) (~ ~ Ml'n ~ ~)

There is no loss of generality in assuming that Q is standard and that

is s.s. Henceu2ACA0, N o N 0. Now ml = u l a u 2 where Ul,U 2 e ~ c K , aeA 0 and
so~ mln=ulan u2; thus (43) reduces to proving that for some c>0,
l+~(azl)_>c(l+~(a))~a£A0, n o n 0. We have then come down to the minimsul
psgrp~ We extend a0 to a @-stable CSA ~ ~ choose an order in
( ( - i ) 5 ( ~ ~)+ a0)* compatible with the one existing on a0~ and denote by P
the set of positive roots of (~c~c) in this order. Let A be the set of all
integral linear forms on Be dominant with respect to P; for ~/e A, let 7[~
be the corresponding representation of the simply connected covering group of G c •
We choose an integer r_>l such that if ~erA, 71~ is already a representation
of G c • We may assume that IF~ acts in a Hilbert space; IF~(k) is u n i t a r y ~
k eK and Try(X) is Hermitian ~ X [ ~. Fix U erA, write IF= IF . Then 3 aiF,b
> 0 such that for the character ¢IF of IF we have the estimate
b ~(~)
I~ (x)l _< a e ~ (~G)


Let h e A0 ~d suppose that no root of (g,aO) vanishes at logh. Then by

Lemma 8.6 h 0 = hN 0 so that ~ ( h ) = ~(hn), n e N O . BY continuity, this rela-
tion h o l d s ~ h e A 0 , n e N O . Hence

ISv(h)l _< a~e (heA0,ncN0)

As ~ is positive on A0 and is the sum of the exponentials of the weights of

~, we have

(44) e ~(l°ghs) < a eb~(hn) (s e~,h e A0~n e NO)


Let s0 c ~ be such that sO • A+ = - A +. Changing h to (h-l) s0 and putting

s=s o in (44), we get

(45) e -~(l°gh) < a ebTro((h-l)s0n)

(h c A0~n c NO)

We now claim that if ueK is such that u induces sO on a0, n ~ 0(n

u)'" is
a bijection of N onto itself and

1 s
(46) ~((h- ) °0(nu)) = o(hn)

In fact, if hn=klh'k 2 where kl,k2¢ K, h' eA0~ hS0nu=u-klh'k2 u-I and so

(h -1) 00(nU) = Uklh'-ik2u-i , by applying 0; (46) is then clear. From (45)
and (46) we get

b ~(hn)
(47) e -~(l°gh) < a e ~ (heA0,neN0)
-- 7F

From (47) and (44) (s=l) we see t h a t II~(logh)] _< Ilog(%)1+b ( )VhcA 0,
neNO. Since BcrA is arbitrary, we obtain that for some el>O, llloghll_<
Cl(l+a(hn))VheA O, n o n O. Proposition 20 is proved.

Proposition 2_I. For each (~ e Cc(G ) let G (q) e Cc(MI) be defined by

(6.39). Then, if (z c Ie(G),

(48) ~G ~-G~dX = ~M I ~ i (~(Q)dml ((~Ic(G))

where dx and dm I are standard Haar measures.

Since Q is conjugate under K to some standard psgrp, we deduce from

(iv) of Proposition 8.16 the following relation:


(49) ZG(X) = ~K ~MI (xk)e-pQ(HQ(xk))dk (X E G)

where ~M is the function kmln ~ ~Ml(ml) on G (kEK, ml c M 1 , n ~ N ) . So,

if is spherical and in Ce(G),

= < ~I(Y)e-%(HQ(Y))~(Y)
= J ~Ll(ml_)C~0mmn)dQ(ml)dmI dn

.2, I ~-ro
Proposition 22. Let r0 > 0 be an integer such that c 0= JG~G ~ +~) dx<co.

[, -r 0
(50) j --G(mln)(1 + q(mln)) ~l(ml)dQ(ml)dml dn = Co

Let T be the function on G defined by ~(khn)=%l(h)d~1(h) (k ~ K,

m1 c % , n { N ) . Then (49) asserts that

(51) ~G(X) = JK ~(xk)dk (x ~ G)

Now the left side of (50) is obviously

]" EG(kmln) (i + ~(kmln ) )-rot (kmln)d#(m I )dkdmldn

=j --G(x)(i+~(x))
~(x)d~ (by (6.23))
-r 0
= ~ ~a(=)(l+~(~)) T(~)dx d~
= c o

T~O~ 2~. an integer q>0 such that, ~ x c G,



The convergence is uniform when x varies over compact subsets of G. More-

over, given any integer r>0,_ ~ a constant Cr>0 such that ~V~mleMl~

(5~) dQ(ml)~N ~G(mln)(l+~(m!n))-(r+q)dn -< Cr ~ l (mi)(l+°(ml))-r


For any U e ,~l define u' and 'u in ~ by (6.37). T h e n ~ e C c ( G ) ,

U(~(Q)v= ('U(ZV')(Q) V U , v 6 % by (6.38). We now have

~(%)l(~(Q)v)(%)Id~ = #HZ ~Z(~)l('~v')(Q)(%)Id~

--<~'U,V' :r0(~) ~ ~(ml)~G(mln)(l + ~(mln))-r0dQ(ml)dmldn

(G) (by (50))

= CO~,u~ v, :r0

On the other hand, if we use Proposition 8 .33 for MI in place of G, we find

that given a,bc%, 3 ai,bic% (l<i<s) st~chthat for all ~£0~(~),

Therefore, using the previous estimate, we get, ~(~ e Cc(G)

(54) ~ la(~l~(Q))b Idml -< e0 l<_i<_s

r ~,ai,bZ:r0(~) = v(~) (say)

We now use Theorem 8. By that theorem, the map g ~ M -2g is continuous from
~I(MI) into ~ (MI), and so the semlnorms g~llu(m g) ~ (u,v~) can be esti-
mated in te~ms of the seminorms g~llulg hllZ (uz,vz~ ) . Using this in (54) we
get the following: given a,b e ~ , ~ a continuous seminorm v' on C(G) such
that lia(~ 1~(Q))bII~<Va,b(~) V ~ e C ~(G). Using Proposition 8.33
once again we
finally obtain the following: given a,b e ~ , 3 a continuous seminorm on
C(G), say Va,b, such that

We take a = b = l in (55) and write V=Vl, I. For m!e ~ let ~ml be

the nonnegative Borel measure on G defined by

(56) ~(f) = ~(~)-ldQ(mz) ~ f(mln)dn o

(f ~ C (a))


Then I~m~(~)l ! ~(~)W~e C~(G). T h e o r e m 11 is applicable and e n a b l e s us to

conclude the existence of a constant C> 0 and an integer q~ 0 such that

Sa ~a(I+~)-q d~h- < C ~ m l e ~. Since G = K M IN~ we get the first assertion.


(57) dQ(mi) ~N ZG(min)(l + ~(mln))-qdn!C ~Mi(mi)

~/mlc MI, with the integral moreover converging uniformly when mI varies
over compact subsets of M I. If r ~0 and c is as in Proposition 20, we get
(53) with Cr = c c - r .

THEOREM 24. Let V be a complete locally convex space. Then, for any
f c C(a : v),

(58) fQ(x) = ~N f(xn)dn (xsG)

e x i s t s ~ x e G, the integral converging ~niformly when x varies over compact

subsets of G. Let

(59) f(Q)(~) = dq(h)fq(~) (~ ~ ~/)

Then f(Q) c C(MI :V), and f~f(Q) is a continuous linear map of C(G : V)
into C(M1 : V). Moreover, we have

ur(Q)v = (,ufv,)(Q) (u,v~, r ~c(a : v))

(zf) (a) =~a(~)f(a) (zcS, f ~ C(G : v))

This is immediate from Theorem 23 and Proposition 6.30.

Let us now recall the map T ~ T(Q) which takes distributions T on MI

into distributions T(Q) on G (ef. (6.41)):

(61) ~(Q)(~) = ~(~(Q)) (~ c c~(G))

Theorem 24 leads at once to

THEOREM 2>. If T is tempered~ so is T(Q); and

(62) T(Q)(f) = T(?(Q)) (f c C(a))

For most of the results of this section the main references are to Harish-
Chandra [ 9 ]. For the case of G=SL(2,~), see Ehrenpreis-Mantner [ i ].

i0. The invariant inte6ral on C~(G)

We shall now take up the study of the invariant integral~ i.e., the integral
of functions on G taken over its conjugaey classes. In order that this theory
be effective in Harmonic Analysis it is absolutely essential to work with fUnc-
tions in C(G). We shall do this in Section 12 after developing the estimates
that are needed in Section ll. For the present we shall content ourselves with
studying the integrals of functions from Cc(G ).

i. Definition of 'Ff

Throughout the entire section we shall fix a complete locally convex space
in which our functions will take their values.

Let L be a e-stable CSG, smd I the corresponding CSA. We put LI =

LNK, L R = e x p TR where JR= ! O ~. Then L = L I L R ~ L I × L R. Let ~= ~(LR) be the
centralizer of LR (or IR) in ~. Define

(i) /A+(h) = Idet(l - Ad(h 1))~/al i

~ (h ~ L)

Then (cf. (5.80))

i 1
(2) ~%(h) = I n (1 - ~..~(h))l ~ = ID~(~)I ~ (h~ ~)

where the product is over the nonimaginary roots of

t (gc,~c)
Select a positive system of roots PI for (~c'!c) and put

<3) ~ z = '~z = n (l-~)

~eP I

In (2) and (3) the ~(~ denote as usual the global roots.

We now denote by G* the homogeneous space G/L R and by x the image of

x(eG) in G*. Let dx* be an invariant measure on G*. For heL, xeG, let
h x = xhx -I =h x " We then define, for any continuous function on G with values
in V for which the functions x i~ f(h x ) are integrable for all heL',

(~) 'Ff(h) = 'a.r(h)a + (h) ~ . f(hX*)dx * (hc~')

In addition to G and L, 'Ff depends on the choice of PI and dx . We
, G
write 'Ff~L or Ff,L when we want to display the dependence on L and G.
If 'Ff is defined for some f and u is a complex valued invariant continuous
function on G, then 'F is defined and is equal to (u I L') • 'Ff.


If LR is the split component of G, then G*~°G and ~= 9. So PI is

now a positive system of roots of (Gc,[c) and /A+=I. We shall write P for
PI and '/A= '~ for '/Ap Then
P I"

(5) 'Ff(h) = 'a (h) ~(~h~-~)d= (h ~ ~ ')

dx being a Haar measure on" °G. This is the case for instance when G= °G and
L is compact.

2. Elementary properties

We fix L= 8(L) and use above notation.

Proposition i. ~ positive systems P of roots of (gc,~c) such that

P~PI and Pk PI is stable under complex conjugation. Fix such a P and let

~eP = 5PI (~ePI = - 5PI

Then ~p=O on ;I (= IOn) and for h=hlh R (hieL I, hReLR),

~(lo{ h~)
(7) 'ai(h)a + (h) = ~(h)e ' ~ (h) (h ~ L')

(8) '/A~ = H (1-~.<X), SR(h)=sgn n (1-~_~(h)) (hcL')

(~ e P ~ e P,(Z real

In particular

(9) 'F~(h) = ~R(h)e ~]l°ghR) ',~(h) °Ja* f(h x

We ohoo~e a b~sis ~ .....~ o~ (-l)~II suoh that i~ ~ is ~ root o~ (~o'~c)'
(Z~PI if and only if (~]II is pos[ti~ in the lexicographic order induced by the basis.
Choose a basis ~''"Hs ' of |R and define P to bel the set of roots of
(gc,le) positive in the lexicographic order on ((-1)211 + IR)* induced by the
basis { .... :~s'
% .....Hr" P has the required properties. If ~ ~ P and
nonreal, ~conj=_~ on II' while ~=0 on ~I for real (~. So Op=0 on ~I"
Now, for heL'

,~+(h)2= n l(1-~(h))(1-~(h))I= n I~(h)ll(~-~(h))l 2

~eP\ PI JeP\ PI
~(1og hR)
But I{(~(h)I =e and if ~P\P! is not real, ~,(~conj are distinct
and (i-~ ~(h))(l- ~ conj(h))= I(l- {~(h))I2= I(l-{~(h))II(l-{_~eonj(h))l.


(i0) /A+(h) = SR(h)e qP(l°ghR) I] (1 - ~..~(h)) (hcL')

This finishes the proof.

Proposition 2. For any f ~ Cc(G : V), 'Ff is well-defined on L'. If f

is of class Cr, so is 'Ff (0 ~r ~ ) . If E is a compact subset of G, there
is a compact subset ~ of L such that for f c Cc(G : V) with supp(f)cE,
'F (h)= 0 h ~L' n ~ . Finally, f ~ 'Ff is a continuous map of
C!~)(G[L,] for
: V) into c~r)(L' : V).

Fix h~L' and let ah be the centralizer of h in G. Then G ho = L o and

Gh= (KNGh) " L R ~ ( K O G h ) × L R. This shows that the natural map G/LR~G/G h is
proper and so, for any g ~ Cc(G/G,n : V), the lifted function on G/L R lies in
Cc(G/LR: V). Now, the orbit h is closed and so the function XGhl~f(hX ) lies
in Cc(G/Gh: V) for any f~ Cc(G : V), showing that x*~f(h x*) lies in
Cc(G* : V). F~rther, it follows from the work of Section 2 that we can select a
Gh-stable open neighborhood U of h in L' n Gh, and an invariant function u
in C~(G), with the following properties: (i) the natural map of (G/L °) × U
onto G[U] is proper and is a covering map (ii) G[U] is open in G, u=l in
a neighborhood of h, and supp(u)CG[U]. Replacing f by uf does not cha~ge
'Ff near h. So we may assume that f c c(r)(G[U] : V). Write ~= G/L ° and
x~ for the natural map G~. Then ~f : (~,t)1~f(xtx -I) lies in
c(r)(~×U : V) so that, if d~ is an invariant measure on ~, t ~ [~ ~f(~,t)d~
l~es in c~r)(u: V). On the other hand~ as L o /L R is compact, ~ 'Ga constant

c>0 suchthat ~g(tX)d~=c ~G.g(tX )dx*VgCCc(G:V), t~L'. Hence

(ii) ~ ~f(~,t)d~ = c ~G* f(tx )dx* (tcU,fcc~r)(G[U] : V))

The formUla (ii) leads to the conclusion that 'Ff is of class Cr on U and
hence on L'. If instead of the above we consider the natural map

(12) ~ : (G/L ° ) x n' ~ a [ L ' ]

again, as before, ~ is proper and is a covering map. So, 3 a constant c>0

such that

(13) (~o f)(x,t)dx = c ~G* f(tx )dx* (teL',feC r)(G[L']:V))

From (13) we see at once that f w 'Ff maps c~r)(G[L ']: V) into c~r)(L': V)
continuously. Finally, if E is a compact subset of G, ~ a compact set
ELCL such that h e L \ E L ~ G[h]nE=~ (Corollary l.24); then 'Ff(h)=0 if
h~L'\~ and supp(f)CE.


Let ~ be an automorphism of G such that ~(L) = L. Then ~ leaves II

and IR invariant. In particular, ~(PI) is a positive system of roots of
(Sc,lc). If ~ is the centralizer of IR in G, M1 is of class ~, and 3
a unique element T of W(~c,lc) such that ~(PI)=~(PI). ~T is a homo-
morphism and if we write

(14a) ei({) : det(T)

we have

(14b) '/Zl~ = ~i(~)~8i_~51 '/ZhI

Note that el(~)=l as soon as ~(PI)=PI. In particular, this is the case if

is the inner a[~tomorphism of G coming from some element of L itself.

Proposition ~. We have, ~ f c Cc(G : V), and ~ as above,

(15) 'Ff~(h) = s I ( { ) { S i _{St(h )'Ff(h) (heL')

In particular, 'Ff is a class function on L'.

Since ID~ 12--2~ is invariant under ~, it is a question of proving that
b +
h ~ fG* f(hX )dx* is invariant. This comes down to showing that Idet /I(QI :m.
But the image in Aut(~l) of the group of all such ~ is finite and so this is

Let us write ~ for the sub~lgebra of @ generated by (l~I) szqd let us

recall the injection ~/| of 8 into ~, 8 being the center of @. Write

-61 5I
(16) ' ~ / i (z) : e o ~/x(z) o e (z eS)

It is clear that '~/I is an injection of 8 into ~.

Proposition 4. For all f e C c ( G : V), z c8, we have

(i7) 'Fzf = ,~/~(z),Ff (o~ L')

It is convenient to study first Ff where

(ms) F~(h) = ID(h)l ½ ~. f(/)dx ~ (h~ ~ ')

D as usual being the discriminant of G. ~f is of course in C~(L ' : V).

Let P be a positive system for (ge,lc) as in Proposition i. Select a

finite set EeL I such that EL ° = L. Then~ for any b c E,3 locally constant
functions Cl,C 2 on b L ° n L ' whose values are square roots of_4{25(b), such that


(~) I~(be~ ~)1½= c~(b e~ ~)e~z(~)( '~Z%)(b e~ H) = %(b e~ ~)e%(~) 'n(he~ ~)

for all H c! for which b exp H ~ L';
this is proved in the usual way by showing
45 (H) .
that (iD(bexpH)l~)4=(~25(b))2yZ~(bex
p ' ' 4e P ~)
= ~2~(b) 2 ( ~+)(b e~p H)
• e45I(H)(He I). From the formulae for radial components (see Theorem 3.12,
especially (3.14)) we now conclude that if UCL' is an open subset of L and
is an invariant C~ function on G[U], then, for any zeS, teU,

(20) ~(t;z) = q~j(t ; IDu1-½o #~/I (z) o IDu[½ ) = m u ( t ; ( ' Z ~ + ) -1 o '#~/I (z) o ( ~ + ) )

the suffix U denoting restriction to U.

This said, we fix h~L' and prove (17) in an open neighborhood of h in

L. We select the open Gh-Stable neighborhood U of h in L' as in the proof
of Proposition 2 and having the additional property that the restriction map
~0 ~U is an isomorphism of the algebra of G-invariant C ~ functions defined on
G[U] onto the algebra of Gh-inva~iant C~ functions defined on U. We first
prove (17) on U Vf£Cc(G[U]:V ). Then ~ a constant c~0 s~ch that

G[u] u

¢ and inva~iant ~sc~(a[u]). Using (2O) and the relation
P~/I (z~)= #~/I (z)t we then obtain, as in I, Lemma 3.7, that

g ~ l%I ~ ~ d~ = (~/~(z)~) I%1 ~ ~ d~

AS ~z~ and ~ are invariant under Gh, we have, on U

(~) ~ = ~/~(~)~ (~ ~ c~(~[~] : v),~ ~8)

But then, using (19)~ we get 'Fz~= '#g/i(s)'Fc~ ~ ~ and z as above. Taking
(~= uf where u is as in the proof of Proposition 2 and f ~ Cc(G : V), we get
(17) on a neighborhood of h in U.

COROLLARY 5. Suppose LR is a split component of G. Then 3 a constant

c>O such that N/fsCc(O:V), ze8, ssh(V)

(22) ~L'I'~I I'#~/l(z)'Ffls dL _< e ~ Izfl s dx

alL' ]


In this ease, all roots of (Bc,Ic) are imaginary. So l~sp(h)I = l ~ / h e L

and by (19) , tD(h)l = I'/A(h)l 2 (heL). Hence, for any geCc(G: V), heL',

G[L ' ] ' G*

c >0 being a constant independent of g. So, taking g = zf, and noting that

l'~g(h)ls ~ I'a(h)l ~G* Ig(~X* )l s d~* (he~')

we get, in view of Proposition 4,

, l'all'~/1(z)'Fflsd~ ,l'~(h)12JG*lg( hx)lsdx*=c ~ Izflsd~


3. Reduction to M1

We now consider a psgrp Q=MAN of G where A=LR, i.e., LR is the

split component of Q. We have already indicated the close connexion that
exists between Harmonic Analysis on M1 and on G. In particular we have the
map ~T(Q) from distributions on M1 to distributions on G which preserves
temperedness, invariance, and takes 8(ml)-finite distributions to 8-finite ones.
We shall now prove that if T is the invariant measure on the Ml-orbit of h c L',
• (Q) is, to within a constant, the invariant measure on the G-orbit of h. More
precisely, we have:

Proposition 6. ~ a constant c >0 such that ~/ f e Cc(G : V),

(23) 'F~,L(h) = ° 'FT(Q),L(h) (Vh~L')
It is enough to do this when V = C. By Proposition 6.25 we can find a
constant c >0 such that V g e Cc(G),

~Gg(X)dx=c ~ g(kman)e2PQ(l°ga)dkdmdadn=c ~ g(k~na)dkdmdadn


Defining the measure dx* by d x = dx*da this implies that ~/ g* e Cc(G ),

(24) J G* =c C((km )*)dkdmdn

Set f eCc(a ) and g*(x*) = f(h x*) (~*e G * ), h being fixed in L ' Then
by (2~), ~ i t i n g ~(x)= ~K f(kxk-1)dk'


~G* f(hX*)dx* =c ,.~ ~(mnhn-lm-1)dndm

We now use Lemma 8.6. As h is regular, Ad(h -I) -i~ which leaves n stable,
is invertible there. So, ~/6 ~ Cc(N),

~N ~(h-lnhn-1)dn = Idet(1-Ad(h-1))nl-1 ~N ~(n)dn

which gives

~G* f(h=*)dx* =c Idet(1-Ad(h-1))~1-1 ~ ~(mhnm'l)dmd~

On the other hand,

(25) Idet(1 - A d ( h - 1 ) ) . l ='~+(h)dQ(h) -~

I f we assume this for the moment we get, since Idet(Ad(=)l~)l =lV=~M,

(26) /~+(h) ~o~ f(h~*)d~ ~ =c ~M #Q)(~-l)

from which (23) follows at once.

It remains to prove (25). We have

(27) dQ(h)21det(1 -Ad(h-1))nj2 = jdet(1 -Ad(h'l))nt Idet(1 -Ad(h))n[

Now we can clearly find a basis for [R such that the roots of Q are the posi-
tive ones in the lexicographic order induced by this basis; we then enlarge this
to a basis of (-i)2|i+I R and denote by P the set of positive roots of (~c,[~.
If P+ is the set of ~P such that ~I IR ~ 0 , then the restrictions ~I |R
(~eP+) are precisely all the roots of Q. So nc=E~e P Gc~ and so, by (27),

dQ(h)21det(1-Ad(h-1))~12 = ] n (1- ~_G(h))(1- ~G(h)) I =a+(h) 2

Proposition 6 is very important because it reduces the further study of the
invariant integral 'FG•~L to that of 'FMI i.e., to the case of a group of
class ~ and a CSGL such that LR is the split component of the ambient
group. This case does not materially differ from the case of a compact CSG.
Before taking it up we discuss certain estimates for f~nctions on a compact

19 4

4. On the equivalence of certain topglo~ies on 8~(H ' : V)

In this n ° , H is a compact Lie group. We assume that H° is abelian.

Let ~ be the Lie algebra of H, and ~S(~c), the univers~l enveloping al-
gebra of ~c" ~0 C'~ is a subalgebra such that ~ is a finite $0-module. We
fix a continuous function w on H such that (i) w > 0 (ii) the set H' where
w is > 0 is dense in H, H\H' is of measure zero, and w is analytic on H'.
We shall fix p such that i <p < ~ dH is a Haar measure on H.

Let GP(g)0,w,H' : V) denote the Iveetor space of all f e C*(H ' : V) such that
I }i/p
VS ~(V), UC 9 0 • The vP:u are seminorms on this space and we r e g a r d it as a
locally convex space with respect to these seminorms. When V= C we write
8P(~)_,w,H') and vp. Further, we denote by B~(H' :V) the vector space of all
f c C (H : V) such that ~ / u~

(29) Xs:u(f) = sup lull s <


8~(H' : V) is a complete locally convex space when equipped with the topology
coming from the k (which are obviously seminorms).
We now introduce a class of w's satisfying a suitable condition in the
neighborhoods of points where they vanish. More precisely, we shall say that w
is admissible if the following condition is satisfied: for each b e H, we can
find a finite subset ~ of ~c \ [0}, constants Cb >0, ~b > 0 ' and an open
neighborhood nb of 0 in ~ such that

(i) U b = b e x p n b is open in H and X ~ b e x p X is an analytic diffeo-

i morphism of

(ii) w(be~ X) ~ Cb(n~% I~(X)I) %

~b onto Ub

(X~ %)

LEMMA 7" Let Z be a finite set of one dimensional characters of H and


(3i) Wz= n J×-il


Suppose H' is, as above, the set where w>O, and assume that H' is dense in H.
Then wZ is admissible.

wZ is certainly analytic on H', while H\H', being the union of a finite

number of analytic sets, each of which is a proper subset of some connected


component of H, is of measure zero. Fix b c H. If Wz(b ) >0, we take ~ to

be empty and ub to be any sufficiently small neighborhood of 0. Suppose
wz(b ) = 0 and ~ is the subset of Z of a l l X with X ( b ) = l . For X c ~ we
write ~X for the element of ~ such that × ( b e ~ Y ) = e x ~ i~X(~) (Y~ ~). We
can choose ub t o be a n o p e n n e i g h b o r h o o d of 0 such that (i) of (30) is sat-
isfied and s u c h t h a t

lexp(i%(Y) - l l ~ ½1~(Y)l, IX'(bexpY) - zl ~ ~l×'(b) - l l

V Xe %, X' C Z \ ~ . I t is enough tO take %= [~X: X e ~ } , ~b=l and

%=2-r~,eZ\Zbl X ' ( b ) - i t where r = JZI .

The main result of this n° is then the following.

Proposition 8. Let ~0,w be as at the beginning of this n ° . Suppose

is admissible. Then ~ P ( % , w , H ' : V) is complete, and

(32) sP(%,w,H' : v) = ~(H' : v)

as topological vector spaces. In particular, if wZ is as in Lemma 7,

(~3) ~P(%,Wz,~' : v) = ~ ( ~ ' : v)

as topological vector spaces.

It is obvious that 8~(H' : V)c~P(~0,w,H' : V) and that the natural inclu-

sion is continuous. We must therefore go the other way. It is a question of
estimating the k -norm in terms of the vp -norms. Since H is compact, it
is enough to prove the following lemma.

LEMMA 9" Fix b c H. Then 3 an open neighborhood U of b in H with the

following property: given u e ~, sub(V), 3 uje ~0 (i_<3 _ "<
q) such that,
f ~ ~P(%,w,H, : v),

(34) suplufr s -<l z j ~Fq

un~, ~ s:uj. ( f )

It is clearly enough to consider the case V = £. For, if this were done,

we get (34) by using the estimates for the scalar functions ~of where ~ runs
thrcagh all elements of V continuous with respect to I-Is.

Choose nb as in (30) and write U b = b expu b. We use the results of the

Appendix to I, especially I, Proposition i0.ii. Write

~(x) = n I~(x) l b (x ~ ~)


It is then obvious that ~ satisfies the condition I, (10.19). Hence, in the

notation of that proposition, ~'l°C(Ub,U{,~,$0)= T'l°C(Ub,U{) as Frechet
spaces, ~ being the subset of ~ where none of the q0's vanish. Let
U = b exp u where u is an open neighborhood of 0 in ~ such that C~(u) is
compact and contained in ub . Interpreting the equality of the topological
vector spaces asserted just now in terms of seminorms we get the following re-
Su_It: if gcC~(u~) and S~luglP~d ~ < ~ xv/ U C ~ 0 and all compact sets DCUb,
then supbn ~ lugl < ~ N/ U c ~, compact sets b Cnb; moreover, given u c .~.,

uj{9 0 (l <_ j <_q ) and compact sets Djc~ b such % h a t V g c ~ ' l ° C ( U b , ~ , ~ , ~ O ) ,

sup I~I _< ~ (] lujgI~d~)I/p

UOn~ iZj< q Dj

For any f~P($0,w,H'), the function g :X~f(bexpX) lies in

~'l°c(~,~,w,$0). So all derivatives of f are bounded on U O H ' = b e x p ( n ~ n ~ )
sup lull < r ~(f)
U~H' I <_ J <_q $

This proves the lemma, and hence Proposition 8 also.

5. In which L is compact

We shall suppose now that G=°G and that L is compact. By Corollary 5,

for any f ~ Cc(G : V), 'Ff is an element of C~(L ' : V) such that the integrals

• 1
I"AIIu'FfldL <

for all u~ ' ~ / I ( 8 ) " i write 90 = m ~ / i ( 8 ) . Then 9 is a f i n i t e module o v e r

90, and hence ' F f c ~ (90,1 '/h I , L ' : V). On the other hand, L ' is dense in L,
L\ L' has measure zero, and I 'IAI is admissible by Lemma 7- Hence Proposition
8 ~ ' F f { ~ ( L ' : V). Furthermore, since the seminorms f~O[L,]Izflsdx are con-
tinuous on Cc(G : V), Corollary 5 implies that f ~ 'Ff maps Cc(G : V) contin-
uously into ~i(9 0,1 '•I, L' : V)=8~(L' : V). Thus

Proposition i0. Suppose L is compact. Then, for any f e Cc(G : V),

'Ff c ~ ( L ' : V). Moreover, f ~ 'Ff maps Cc(G : V) continuously into ~ ( L ' : V),
and is even continuous in the topology induced on Cc(G : V) by the seminorms

6. The ~eneral case

We shall now treat the case of arbitrary but still @-stable CSG's L.
We shall use Proposition 6 to reduce this to the case of the compact CSG treated


in the preceding n° . First we note that any function 8 ¢ Cc(M I : V) gives rise
to the fanction 6 in Cc(M: Cc(LR: V)) by the rule

(35) ~(m)(h R) = 6(mh R) (msM, hRSLR)

It is straightforward to verify that ~ is a continuous linear map. Propo-

sition 6 now asserts that for some constant c>0,

(36) ,FG L(hihR ) = ,pM (hl)(hR) (h I s LI, h R e LR)

Since M is of class M and LI is a compact CSG, Proposition l0 is applic-
able. Let 'LI be the set of points of LI %hat are regular in M~ and let
L'(PI) be 'L~R; L'(PI) is the set of points of L where %~i for each
imaginary root B of (gc,lc). By Proposition i0, 'Ff actually extends to an
element of C~(L'(PI ) : V) (denoted again by 'Ff), which lies in
~ ( 'LI : Cc(L R : V)) (with proper identifications); and that the map f ~ 'Ff is
continuous. We have thus proved the following theorem.

THEOREM if[. Let L be a 8-stable CSG and let V be a complete locally

convex space. Denote by 'LI the set of points of LI regular in M and by
L'(PI) the set 'LILR which is also the subset of L where '/~0. Then for
any f s Cc(G: V), 'Ff is the restriction to L' of an element, denoted again
by 'Ff, of C~(L'(PI ) : V). With the obvious identification
' F _ c ~ ( ' L _ : C~(L~ : V)), and the map f ~ 'Ff is continuous from Cc(G" V ) into
co~" col C
8 ( 'LI : Cc(L R : V)). We have moreover the following properties :

(i) For a~y usa and a~y compact set EL~L, sup~L~,lu'Ffls<~ for
every s s ~I(V).

(ii) Given any compact set ECG we can find a compact set ELCL such
that 'Ff= 0 on L'\ ~ whenever supp(f)CE; and, for any u s fi~
ss ~I(V), the seminorms f~suPEL~L,lU'Ffl s are continuous on Cc(E : V).

Finally, we have the differential equations (cf. (16))

(37) , ; z f : ' % / I (z) 'Ff (z ~ S, f ~ C~°(G : V))

For the results of this Section see Harish-Chandra [ 4 ][ 9 ]. Proposition

8 is quite similar to Theorem 3 of [ 7 ]-

ii. A fundamental estimate

Our problem now is to extend the theory of the invariant integral to the
Schwartz space C(G : V). This clearly requires some estimates to be made at in-
finity on G. The present section is devoted to the derivation of these estimates.
We introduce certain important invariant measures on G and prove that these are
tempered. The main difficulty in proving these results lies in the fact that one
operates with the polar decomposition G = K C Z (A~)K in dealing with the Schwartz
space, ~ d so it becomes difficult to study invariance properties of distributions
and measures.

To each CSG L of G we associate an invariant nonnegative Borel measure

vL on G which lives on G[L']. The main theorem of this section asserts that
the spherical function vL,0, which is the constant term of the Fourier expansion
of vL with respect to K~ satisfies the weak inequality, and hence is tempered.
This implies that the vL are tempered. Once this is done, arguments of a very
general nature and the results of Section 9 can be used to extend the invariant
integral to C(G : V). To prove the weak inequality for the VL, 0 is therefore
the main problem.

i. Formulation of the main theorem

Let L be a 8-stable CSG of G with CSAI. Define I,II,IR, L i and L R

as in Section i0. Let ~= ~(LR) be the centralizer of LR (or |R) in ~. Let

(i) DL(h) = det(1 - Ad(h i))~/~ = n (i- ~_~(h)) (h~ T,)

not imaginary

where the product is over all nonimaginary roots of (~c,lc). If L is compact,

or more generally, if LR is the split component of G, DL(h ) = i. It is ob-
vious that DL is invariant under the normalizer of L in G. Hence ~ a
unique invariant function on G which is zero outside G[L'] and coincides with
I D L I - J o n L'; we denote this function by v L. Since I~(h)l = i for any
imaginary root (~, we see that

(2) v~(=) < 2 JD(x)J -½ (x~a,)

So vL is locally integrable on G~ and defines a positive Borel measure on G,

denoted again by VL:

(3) v~(f) = ,~ VL(x)f(x)dx (f eCe(G))



It is clesrly a well defined invariant measure on G, vanishing outside G[L'].

If L = B is compact, G[B '] is the set of regular elliptic points of CG°; and

(4) DB(x) = 1B(x) = ~i x is regular elliptic and lies in CG O

<o otherwise

In this case, ~ f c C c ( G ) ,

(5) ~(f) = (L= B is compact)

ab'] a

By Fubini theorem it follows that the function

(6) v~'°(~) = ~K vL(~k~k

is well-defined and > 0 for almost all x in G, and that it is also locally
integrable on G. Since vL is invariant, VL, 0 is spherical. Clearly, if
f ~ Cc(G ) and is invariant under right translations by elements of K,

If L=B is compact, vB~ 0 is well defined for all x; and

(8) VB'o(X) = J'K 1B(Xk)dk (L= B is compact)

is the K-measure of the set of points k ~K for which xk is elliptic and lies
in G ' O C G °. Note that

(9) 0 < vB,o(X ) < ! (xcG, L=B is compact)

The main theorems of this section are then as follows.

THEOREM i. Let L be a 8-stable CSG. Then VL, 0 satisfies the weak

inequality. More precisely, ~ a constant c = cL > 0 such that

(lO) ~K ~L(~k)dk-< cT' ~(~)

for almost all x ~ G.

If we specialise to the case when L= B is compact we get

THEOREM 2. Suppose BCK is a CSG of G. Let iB be the character-

istic function of the set G[B']. Then 3 a constant c>0 such that


(ll) JK iB(xk)dk -< e ~(~)

for almost all x e G.

2. An example and outline of proof

These theorems are quite delicate. To see what is involved we consider the
special case G = SL(2~R). There are two CSG's, B and A where

I =( A = +at=+ t
(12) B = u6 k-sin ~ cos 9 - -- e

Let x c G' and let A and k-i be the (distinct) eigenvalues of x. Then

(13) b(~)1-½ = I(~ - (~+<z)2)l-½ = I(~ - tr(~)2)1-½

If Ge~ ~ is the set of regular elliptic points and G h y p = G ' \ Ge2~, then for
xcG'~ x e GeZ ~ or Ghy p according as Itr(x)l < 2 or >2. We have

(14) DB = le~ DA = lhypD

where i is the characteristic function of G

o°° o,°

A simple calculation shows that up to a constant multiplying factor~

vA is th e character of the class i principal series representation ~,o"
Therefore a constant c~ 0 such that

(l~) VA,o(X ) : c ~(x)

for almost all x c G. For vB, 0 the argument is slightly more involved. We
have, for t > 0,

VB,o(%) = j~ le~(atk)a~ = j ae
Now tr(atUe)= 2 cosh% "cos e. Hence, if we write e(t) for the number in (0,~)
suoh that oos(~- e(t))= (cosht) -l, then

vB,o(at) = 4e(t).

Since for small 8, ~ > ½ and since 8(t)~0 as t~+~, we see at once that
for all t sufficiently large

(16) VB,O(at) ~ 16 e -t ~ 16 ~(at)


Since G = K C~(A~)K, (16) leads to the estimate

(x c G)

where c >0 is a constant.

Harish-Chandra's proof of Theorems i and 2 proceeds as follows. One uses

induction on dim(G). A simple argument based on Proposition 10.6 reduces the
validity of Theorem i from the pair (G,L) to the pair (M,LI) , and thus to
Theorem 2 for (M,LI). So by the induction hypothesis one is reduced to the
case where G = °G, L = B is compact, and in addition, one knows the validity
of Theorem i for the noneompaet CSG's of G. An argument similar to the one
used above for SL(2,]R) proves that VB,o(X)40 as x~. To get sharper
estimates, we then use, not the characters of the finite dimensional representa-
tions of G, but the invarismt eigendistributions @6 (constructed in Section
5) which have a mood behaviour on every CSG of G. Using Theorem 5.29 one
then concludes that the constant term of the Fourier expansion of ®6,g tends
to zero at infinity on G. By an application of the maximum principle this
proves that this Fourier coefficient is zero, and allows Us to majorize VB, 0 by
the VL, O for npneompaet CSG's L. The theorem then follows from the induction

3. The relation lim VB,o(X ) = 0

In this n ° we assume that G = °G and that BCK is a compact CSG of G.

We shall prove

Proposition ~. Let VB, 0 be defined by (8). Then

(18) l i m VB,o(~) = o
X ~,oo

More p r e c i s e l y , given any s>0, ~ a compact set EsCG such t h a t f o r

all x e G\ Es, VB,o(X ) < s .

We note that C=ker(Ad)~K and that iB(cx ) = iB(x ) ~xeG, xeC.

Hence vB,o(CX)=VB,o(XC)=VB,o(X ) and hence we may, replacing G by Ad(G),
assume that GCG . In particular there is no loss of generality is assuming
to be semisimple. We observe further that there is no loss of generality in
assuming that G, and hence K, is connected. For, by Theorem 1.17, as G is
now c Gc, B is connected. Consequently G'[B]CG°~ from which we see that
iB = 0 outside G° . Suppose we had shown that

lira j iB(xk)dk = 0
G° 9 x ~ Ko


Since G = K G °, it is enough to show that vB, o(UX)~O as x~ in G ° , for

each fixed ueK. But as VB, 0 is spherical, we have, for x~G °,

vB~ o(tlx)

since, for k ~ K °, x k ~ G °, and the last integral tends to 0 by assumption as

x~~ in G° .

So let G be s.s. and connected and fix lwasawa decompositions q= ! + ~0 + nO

G = K A o N O. A+ (resp. Z) is the set of positive (resp. simple) roots of (~,aO).
Let 9 be a 8-stable CSA containing aO" We select an ordering in
% %
((-i)2(~ ~ ~) + aO) compatible with the one in a0 and denote by P the set of
positive roots of (Zc,~c). A denotes the set of integral linear functions on
~c that are dominant with respect to P, and for b ¢ A, mb denotes the corre-
sponding representation of the simply connected covering group of G • Let r>i
be an integer such that b erA, m~ is already a representation of Gc; for such
we may assume that ~Z acts in a Hilbert space, that ~ (k) is unitary ~/
k s K, and that mb(X) is se!fadjoint ~ X £ ~.

LEF~4A 4. Fix F ~ E. Then 2 b e rA with the following properties:

(i) ~I a 0 = ~ ~ e a ~ e ~ where all c~ are >_ 0 and ~ c Z \ F c~ > 0

(ii) if b' is a weight of ?~ distinct from ~,

(~-b') I a 0 = D ~ e z e4 ~ where all c~ are ~ 0 and ~ e Z \ F e;>0

Let H0 / 0 be an element in C4(aO) such that F is precisely the subset
of Z vanishing at H 0. Then~ if d~ (~cZ) are numbers ~ 0, ~ Z \ F d~ is
> 0 if and only if ( Z ~ e Z d~ ~) (H0) >0. Let S be the set of simple roots in
P~S= [~i,...,~i]. We shall assume that the notation is so chosen that ~l,...~q
are precisely all the members of S vanishing at H0; since ~(H0) ~ 0 ~ ~ e P~
~j(Ho)>O for q < j~Z. Clearly we can find ~crA~ ~0~ such that (b,~j)=O
for i _< o "<
_q and (b,~j ) > 0 for q<j<£. We claim that Fb has the properties
(i) and (ii) of the lemraa. Let 71~...~7t be all the roots in P and let the
enumeration be such that 71~...;7 s are precisely the roots which are combina-
tions of ~l ..... ~q. For each j let Xj (resp. Yj) be a nonzero root vector
for the root 7j (resp. -Tj)" Then the representation space of ~ is spanned
by the vectors of the form


where $ is a nonzero vector in the weight space of weight ~ and the n. are
integers > 0.
_ Since (~,~.)=0
J for i <_ j "<q.
_ • it is clear that ~ ( Y j ) ~ = 0,
"< s. So it is enough to take in (19) those choices of the n. with
nI . . . . . n s = 0 . This means that if ~' is a weight of ~ distinct from ~,
-~' can be written as dl~ I + . . . + d ~ where the dj• are all > 0 and
Zq<j<£ d j >0. On the other hand, one knows that ~ can be written as
Clef+ ...+cz~ Z where the cj are all > 0; if cj=0 for q<j<i,_ then
the relations (~,~j > = 0 (i <_ j < q) imply (~,~> = 0, a contradiction. So
T q< j<_.e c j >0. In order to prove (i) and (ii), it is therefore enough to prove
the following assertion: if v = al~1 + . . . + az~ Z where the aj• are all > 0
and Z q < j < _~ aj>0, then v I a0 =~8 c Z bs~ where the b~ are all > 0
-- and
~ e ~ \ F+b~ >0. B/t, by the choice of the orderings, each ~'0 I a0 is either 0
or in A . Hence v=Z~6T b~B where the b~ are _> 0. and ~q<j<_~>0
v(H0)>0 ~ Z B C ~ \ F bs>0"

Proof of Proposition ). Since VB, 0 is spherical and G = K CZ(Ao)K, it

is enough to prove that VB,o(h)~0 as h ~, h being in CZ(Ao). S~ppose
this is false. Then we can find a constant c>0 and a sequence [hn} in
C~(Ao) such that

(20) h n ~ ~, VB,o(hn) -->c > 0 ~ n>l_

Passing to a suitable subsequence we may further assume the following : 3 a

subset F ? Z such that

(21) ~F~(loghn) is bounded, B~Z\F=:> ~(loghn)~+~°

Choose p crA such that properties (i) and (ii) of Lemma 4 are satisfied. We
select an orthonormal basis Vl,...,v N for the space of ~p such that each v.
is a weight vector, of weight pj (say), and that ~i = p. Then pj ~ p for
2 ~ j ~N. Let aij be the matrix coefficients of ~p with respect to this

Let now

(22) K = [k :k oK, h k is elliptic and regttlar}

n n

Then vB,o(hn ) = fK dk and so, by (20),


(23) ]" dk>c>O



On the other hand, if k C Kn, all eigenvalues of ~b(hnk) are of absolute

value i since h k c G[B' ]. Hence Itr(~(hnk)) { i N for s~ch k. In other

k~K n~l T ajj(hnk)l_<N 0¢ n>i)


ebj(l°ghn )
But ajj(hnk )= ajj(k). Hence, V n~l

-(#-~j)(l°ghn) I < Ne-P(i°ghn )

k ~ Kn ~ Is~i(k)j_ + ~ ajj(k)e_

-re(Log hn) - ( ~-~j ) (log ~n)

B = Ne + ~ e

Then, from Le~mta 4 and (21) we see that s ~0.

Further, as lajj(k)l _<z, we

see that, ~/ n>_l, k c Kn ~ lall(k)l < gn" Hence

(2~-) Kn ~ ~'k .-k~ K, I%z(k)l _< ~n ]

Now all is an analytic function on K. Moreover, as all(l) = i, it is not

identically zero. Hence the set where all vanishes has measure zero in K
(recall that K is connected). So a simple measure theoretic argument shows

j" dk ~ 0 n ~ ~)

[k • l a l l ( k ) l _ ~ n ]

This implies, by (24), that ~K dk ~ 0, contradicting (23). This finishes the

proof, n

4. Proofs of Theorems i and 2.

We shall now prove Theorem i by induction on dim(G). We start the induc-

tion with compact G where there is nothing to prove. So we shall assume that
Theorem i; and hence Theorem 2~ is vaAid for all groups of class Z whose dimen-
sions are < dim(G). This assumption will be in force throughout this n ° . In
view of (7), the estimate (!0) is equivalent to

(25) ," vL(~)f(=)d ~ ! cL [~ ~a(~)f(x)d~



V spherical f e Cc(G ) such that f~0, cL being a constant > 0 as in ( i 0 ) .

We denote by I~(G) the set or spherical nonnegative elements of Cc(G ) •

We note first of all that the induction assumption in force already proves
Theorem i, except when G= °G and L is compact. Consider first the case when
G has a nonzero split component U. Then G=°GU~°GxU, L=°LU~LxU where
°L=Ln°G, and KC°G. For any xcG, let ox and xU be the projections of
x in °G and U respectively. If we write °DoL for the function correspond-

ing to DL associated with (°G,°L), it is obvious that DL(X ) = °DoL(°X ). Hence

vs,0(~ )= ov (o), and as %(~)=.~OG (x),
o we are through. Let us now assume
that G= °G but that L is not compact (still C-stable). Then LR~0 and hence,
with the usual notation (cf. Section i0, n°3), dim(Ml) <dim(G). Theorems I and 2
are valid for (~,L). By the standard integration formula 3 a constant cI >0
such that V f~ Cc(G),

v L f dx = c z ID(h) lvL(h) . f(h ~ )d~ *


On the other hand, by (i0.26), since IA+(h) = ID~(h)l~, 3 %>0 such that v
f£Cc(G), heL',

Q being a psgrp of G having LR as its split component. Since, for heL',

ID(h)llD~(h)l -l= ID~(h) l where DM1 is the d i s c r i m i n a n t of the group ~, we

JG VL f dx = e ~L' I D E ( h ) I j' 7(Q)(~m-1)dm

We c Cc(G), c being the constant elc 2> 0. In other words,

(26) °a[ v~ fdx = c ~MZZHZ[~']Y(Q)d5

where 1MI[L,] is the characteristic function of MILL']. By the induction

assumption, a constant c3 > 0 such that

(27) [ i~
~M [L '
]gdm < c 3 ~M
~M I g
Noting that for f e I~(G), ~(Q) = f(Q) e I~(~), we then obtain,
with cL = eel,


(28) ~a ~L f d~ ~ c~ i ~ = % "
JG ~G f dx

(cf. (9.48)), which is (25). Thus Theorem i is valid for (G,L).

We mast thus assume that G = °G and that L= B is compact. Proposition 3

already tells us that vB,o(X ) ~ 0 as x-~. But to get more, we replace the
finite dimensional characters used in that proof with invariant eigendistribu-
tions which behave nicely on each CSG of G. More precisely, let P be a
positive system of roots of (~c,bc), b being the CSA of B; and let
= ½ ~eP ~" Then, by Theorem 5.29 and Corollary 5.31, ~ an invariant eigen-
distribution ® on G with the following properties:

(i) @*(b)=1 '~ b e B '

(if) If L is a @-stable CSG of G~ 3 a constant CL > 0 such that

le*(h)l i%lD~(h)l -~ V h~ n '
( i i i ) zS = ~/b(z)(~)~ (~ ~ 8 )

We denote by ®0 the distribution

(30) eO = JK r(k)®*dk

where r(k) is right translation by k e K. Obviously ®~ is an eigendistribu-

tion for 8, and in fact satisfies the same differential equations as e .
Further it is right invariant with respect to K, and hence, because of the in-
variance of ® , also left invariant with respect to K. ®0 is thus spherical
and we see at once that

(31) xo~ = o (x ~ ~)
From (31) we obtain

(32) dim(8~) i z

Since 8 ~ contains elliptic elements, (32) implies in the usual manner that @0
i s an a n a l y t i c s p h e r i c a l f u n c t i o n . F i n a l l y , as ® is a locally integrable func-
t i o n on G, the same is true of 00 , and

(3~) Co(X) = @*(xk) ~

* J'K

for almost m]_l x; here, and in what follows, we also write GO for the aridly-
tic function that coincides with the distribution (30).


Let L I = B, L2,...~L r be a complete system of mutually nonconjagate 8-

stable CSG's of G. Then it follows from (29) that

(34) 8* _ 1 B = 0 on G[B' ]

and that for some constant C>l,

(3~) I~(x) - z~ (~)1 ! c ~ vs(x) (= ~ ~ ' )


From (34) and (35) we see at once that for a~most all

(36) ISo(~)- Vs,o(X) ! _< c VLi,o(X)


Since x~(~) -~o as x~, Proposition 3 and the induction assumption in force

(37) lim e0(x ) = o

X ~

LEBi~A 5" Let ~,...~X n be an orthonormal basis for B with respect to

the scaJL~r product X , Y ~ -]B (X,@Y) such that XI,...,X s span ~ and Xs+I,..o,X n
span D. Let

...÷ .-- +
2 2 X2

~en, wG e ~ and does not depend on the choice of the Xj. Moreover,

v v v
(39) ~ / b ( % )(~) = ~(~VH~ ) - ~(~&'~&) (~ ~ bc)
% v v
where, for a ~ h¢bc, Hh is the element of bc such that ~(H,Hh)=h(H ) V
H~ bc. In p~tie~l~, ~/b(%)(8)=0 and

(~o) usa = o, ~o = o

have ~ ( X i , X j ) = g i 6 i j where gi = - i for i~s and +1 for i>s.

Since ~ is Ad(G)-invaria~, stand~d c ~ c ~ a t i o n s show that wG e ~ and is in-
dependent of the choice of the basis Xj. To c~culate ~2/b(WG) we choose a
convenient basis of ~c" Select a basis ~,...,H~ of bc such that ~(Hi,Hj)=
6ij ; for each root ~ of (Bc,bc), select a root vector ~ such that
~(x,x_~)=i. ~en, as ~ ( ~ , x ) = 0 , ~(x +_x_~,~±x_~)=±2, so that

(4i) % = F H.2 + (XXo~+ X _ X )

l<_i_<~ o~P

where, of course, P is the positive system of roots of (~c,be) fixed earlier.


From this we see that WG~%<i <~ +Z p H'~ (mod Z pCX ) where, for each
root ~, IX ~ _ ] = H ' . ~ One finds easily that ]B(H,H~)=~(H) for H e bc, so
that H' = H . On the other hand, as the H. are orthonormal, we have, for
~ c' z i ~(~i)~i, so that ~(~,~)=z i ~(~i )2 So

~/b(%)(~) : E (~- ~)(~i )2 + 2(~,- 8)(~6)

which leads easily to (39). Thus ~G® = 0. This ~ WG® 0 = 0 and so, by (31),
:~eo = o.
is an elliptic operator of second order without a constant term. Using
the maximum principle for such opera1~ors and the relation (37), we conclude at
once that ®0 :-0. But then, by ( 3 6 )

V~,o(X) _< (,, ~ Vl~ ,o (x)

2<i<r i

for ~imost all x. So the induction hypothesis applies and proves that Theorem
1 is true for (G,B). This completes the proof.

5. Continuity on C(G) of the Ll-norms on the elliptic set

Theorems 1 and 2 have several i[[portant consequences.

THEOB]94 >. Suppose G = °G and that G has a compact CSG. Let B m K

be such ~ CSG. Then ~ an integer r0 ~0 such that

-r 0
(42) ] ~oll+~) dx <

In particular, the measure vB is tempered. Moreover, if V is any complete

locally convex space and s c h(V), the seminorm

(b) f. [ I~blsax (f~c~(a:v))

is continuous on <(G : V) with respect to the topology that (G : V) inherits
from C(G: V).

Choose r0 ~ 0 such that c o = 7G "2(1 + c~)-r0 dx < ~. Then

~G(1 + (7)-r0 dx = J~G l e l 1 ZG(Z + cT)-ro dx
P£ -r 0
= j J lell(Xk) EG(X)(I+~(x)) dxdk
- < c ~ Fa %(x)2(1 +o(x)) -r0 dx <oo


in view of Theorem 2. This already implies that vB is tempered. Moreover,

if a,b~, f~c~(o:v), s~(v)

] la~JsdX-< s :a,b :r0(f)


where c1 = ~G[B'] HG(1 +~)-r0 dx. The last assertion is now clear.

THEOREM 6. Let G be an arbitrary group of class Z and L a 8-stable

CSG of G. Then vL is a tempered measure.

Let us write v2 instead of v L. Then it follows from (26) that if Q

is a psgrp of G with LR as split component and Q=MLRN as its Langlands
decomposition, then V f ~ C~(G),

(44) v~(f) = e(vszM ® d~)(T(Q))

where c >O is a constant independent of f, and dL R is of course a

Lebesgue measure on L R. Since f ~ T (Q) is continuous from C(G) into c(Ml)
(~=MLR) , and since vLIM is tempered by Theorem 5, we are done.

For the results of this Section see Harish-Chandra [ 8 ].

12. The invariant integral on C(G)

We are now in a position to extend the theory of the invariant integral to

C(G). Throughout this section we fix a complete locally convex space V in which
the functions considered will take values. We note that if G. are groups of
class ~ (i=1,2), and U. CG. is an open set, the obvious isomorphism of
C ~ ( U I × U 2 : V) with C~(UI :C (U 2 : V)) induces an isomorphism of C(U l × U 2 : V)
with C(U I : C(U 2 : V)) as topological vector spaces. We leave the elementary
proof to the reader.

i. The case of a compact CSG

We assume in this n ° that G=°G and that L=B is a compact CSG of

contained in K. Let b be the CSA corresponding to B. We fix a positive
system of roots P for (~c~be), and define 'IA and 'Ff as before
(feCc(G: V)).
THEORE~ i. There exists an integer q ~0 such that

(i) ~G E(bX)(l+d(bX))'qdx < ~ for all b eB'~ the integrals converging

uniformly when b varies over compact subsets of B'.

(ii) sup I'a(b)l SG ~(bX)(l+d(bx))-qd~ < ~

By Proposition i0.i0, for any feCe(G), 'Ff,B= 'Ff lies on ~(B'), and
the map f~'Ff of C:(G) into ~(B') is continuous when C:(G) is equipped
with the topology coming from the seminorms

f~ ~ Izfldx

But, by Theorem ii-5, these seminorms are continuous in the topology that c~(G)
inherits from C(G). So, ~ a continuous seminorm v on C(G) such that
f ~ Cc(G),

(1) ~up f'a(b)~ f(xbx-1)dx ~ ~(f)

beB' G

For each beB' we denote by ~b the positive Borel measure

(2) %(0 = I 'a(b)l ~a f(xbx-1)dx (f ~ Ce(G))

Theorem 9.11 is applicable and shows that the ~b are all tempered and in fact
that for a suitable integer q~O,


(3) sup ~ Z(l+d) -q dBb < ~ ,


the integrals involved in (3) being uniformly convergent. Since infbcEI '~(b)I > 0
for each compact ECB', (i) and (ii) of Theorem i follow from (3) and the uni-
form convergence mentioned above.

It is clear from Theorem i that the invariant measures on the regular ellip-
tic conjugacy classes are tempered.

THEOREM 2. For any f c C(G : V), the integral

~G f(xbx-1)dx

exists for all beB'. In particular, 'Ff is well-defined. Moreover, 'Ff

lies in 8~(B' : V), and f ~ 'Ff is a continuous map of C(G : V) into ~ ( B ' : V).

If q is an integer ~ 0 satisfying (ii), it is immediate that for any

continuous function f : G-V such that

(5) sup(~-l(z +o)qlfl s) <


for all s eh(V), the integral (4) exists V b sB'. This proves the first
assertion and shows that 'Ff is well defined on B' for all f e C(G : V). Let
us write ¢ for the map f ~ 'Ff from C~(G : V) into ~=(B' : V). Then, by
Proposition i0.i0 and Theorem 11.5, ¢ is continuous when C~(G : V) is given
the topology as a subspace of C(G : V). By the density theorem 9.2 and the com-
pleteness of ~(B' : V) it follows that ~ can be extended uniquely to a con-
tinuous linear map of C(G : V) into 8~(B' : V). Let us also denote this exten-
sion by ¢. Fix f eC(G : V), b £B', and choose fneC (G : V) such that fn
in the topology of C(G : V). If q~0 is such that SG ~ ( i + o ) -q dB b < = , where
8b is as in (2), the fact that~ V s eh(V)j

sup(~-z( 1 +~)qrfn- fls) " o (n - ~)


implies that V s e h(V)

This shows that

'Ff(b) : Zim ®f (b) = mr(b) (b ~ B')

n~ n
Theorem 2 follows immediately.


2. In which L is arbitrary

We now treat the general case. G is an arbitrary group of class Z and L

is an arbitrary 8-stable CSG. We define PI and dx* as in Section i0, n°l.
The invariant integral 'Ff is then well-defined for each f e C~(G : V). From
(10.19) we have the following relation which is noted for future use:

(6) ID(h)l ½ = I 'Ai(h)h + (h) l (hcL')

THEOREM ~.. Let notation be as above. Then, ~ an integer q~0 such that

(i) S~* E(hx )(i +g(h x ))-q dx < ~ V h c L', the integrals converging
uniformly when h varies over compact subsets of L'

(ii) hSUp~
~' I 'a I ( h ) < (h)l fG. ~(h = ) ( l + o ( h = ))-n d=* < ~

Moreover, for each r>0~ ~ a constant C >0 such that, V h~L',

- r

(7) ]'~I (hyA+(h) I ~ m(hx )(l+~(h X ))-(q+r)dx* ~ Cr(l+~(h)) -r •


We use Proposition i0.6. Select a psgrp Q of G with LR as its split

component. For any f ~ C(G), F (Q) c C(MI) ; we write f-<Q) for the element of
C(M : C(LR) ) with which it can be identified, so that

(8) F(a)(m)(a) : ~a)(ma) (mcM~ a C L R )

For any f e C~(G),~ let 'Ff be the element of ~ ( ' L I : C(LR) ) defined by (cf.
Theorem i0.ii)

(9) ,Ff(hi)(a ) = , r f ( h i a ) (h I c '~I' a ~ LR)

From P r o p o s i t i o n 10.6 and Theorem 2 we conclude t h a t the map f ~ 'Ff from C~(G)

into ~ ( ' L I : C(LR) ) is continuous when C~(G) is given its topology as a sub-
space of C(G). On the other hand, L is a group of class Z and one has the
obvious identification

(10) ~ ( u = C(nR)) ~ C ( u × ~ )

for any open subset U of L I. So the map f ~ 'Ff is continuous from C~(G)
into C('L I ×LR)~ the former space being given its topology as a subspace of
C(G). In particular~ 3 a continuous seminorm v on C(G) such that


(ii) sup I '/Al(h)a+(h)I f f(hX*)dx * ! v(f)

heL' G*

for all f e C~(G). The assertions (i) and (ii) now follow as in Theorem i. The
relation (7) is a consequence of the following result.

Proposition 4. ~ a constant c> 0 such that

(i2) (i +~(hX)) ~ c(i +~(h)) (x ~ G, h ~ L)

Let Q=MLRN be as above a psgrp of G with LR as its split component and

write h=hlh R (hl e L l ~ h RcLR). Since G = K M N L R, we have, for x=kmna~

h x = kmnhn-lm-lk -I = kmhn 'm-lk-I (n ' = nh-ln -I )

So writing n"= mn'm -I we see that h x = kmhm-ln"k-l~ and n" e N. By Proposition

9.20, 3 Cl>0 such that l+c(mln0)>_ci(l+c(mi))~/mleMl, n0~N. Hence

(l+~(hX)) = l+~(hmn")_>Cl(l+~(hm))

NOW hm=himhR and we can write hi=Ulh'U 2 where h ' c e x p ( [ i n p), Ul,U2CKM . So

F _> 2 ~(II%11+11"2LI), for %%fin ~, ~2~ IR. .ence ~(h'h~)>_2-~(~(h') +

~(hR), showing that l + ~ ( h m ) _ > i + 2 - ~ ( l + ~ ( h R ) ). This gives, as ~(h)=~(hR),
the relation (12) with e = c I • 2 -~. In view of (6)~ we get

COROLLARY >. ~ an integer q>_0 such that for each integer r>0,

(13) sup Im(h)1%i ( l + ~ h ) ) r J[~G* ~(h x * ) ( l + ~ ( h x * ) ) - ( q + r ) d x * <


THEOREM 6. Let q be as in Theorem 3. Then, for any continuous function on

G with values in V for which

sup(~-l(l+~)qlfls) < ~
for each s s h(V), the integral

(14) Ja* f(hx )d~

exists V h c L', the convergence of the integral being uniform when h varies
over compact subsets of L'. In particular, for any f eC(G : V), 'Ff is well
defined. Moreover, 'Ff lies in ~L'(PI) : V), and the map f ~ 'Ff is contin-
uous from C(G : V) into C(L'(PI) : V), L'(PI) being the subset of L where
'% does not vanish.


Arguing as in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 3 we show that f ~ 'Ff

is a continuous map of C~(G: V) ~nto ~ ( ' L I : C(LR: V)~ C~(G: V) being given
the topology as a subspace of C(G : V). Theorem 6 is now proved in the same way
as Theorem 2.

COROLLARY 7. The invariant measures on the regular eonjugaey classes of G

are tempered.

Using continuity to pass from C~(G : V) to C(G : V), we get

THEOREM 8. The map f ~ 'Ff (f • C(G : V)) has the following properties:

(15) (i) 'Fzf= '~g/l(z)'Ff V z • 8 , f •C(G: V), where '~g/l(Z)=

-61 81
e o ~/l(z)o e

(ii) Let { be an automorphism of G such that {(L)= L and let

gI be defined by (10.14). Then

'F~(h) = gi({){6i_{~i(h) 'El(h) (h ~ L'(PI) )

In partieular~ 'Ff is a class function.

(iii) Let Q=MLRN be a psgrp of G. Then a constant c> 0 such

that V f ~C(G : V)

(h ~ L.'(PI))

3. Behaviour around singular points

We take up the study of the behaviour of 'Ff around an arbitrary point of

L, notations being as in n ° 2. Our aim is to prove the following theorem. SI
is the set of singular imaginary roots of (~c,lc).

THEOREM 9. Let L be an arbitrary 6-stable CSG of G. Denote by L'(SI)

the set of all points h cL such that ~(h)- i ~0 for each singular imaginary
root 8 of (~c,lc). As before, 9 is the subalgebra of ~ generated by (l,I). Then:

(i) for each f sC(G : V)~ 'Ff extends to an element of C(L'(SI) : V).

(ii) Suppose h0 ~ L and that the set Sl(h0) of singular imaginary roots
of (~c,lc) such that ~8(h0)=l is nonempty. Let u s 9 be such
that u B = -u V ~ e Sl(h0) ~ s~ being the Weyl reflexion corresponding
to ~. Then~ given f e C ( G : V)~


(e -81o u° eSl),Ff

extends continuously in a neighbourhood of h0 •

Mote that Theorem 9 leads at once to

THEORIf4 i0. Let ue B be such that u W=_u for all Bc S I. Then, for
any f c C(G : V),

(e-61o U O eSl)'Ff

extends to a continuous function on L. Let mi=%cp Ho~,-~f=l] eP Ha where H a

is the canonical image of ~ and P
is a positive system of roots of (~c,~c).
Then, for any f e C ( G : V),

(e -81 o " ~ i o e61),Ff and (e -81 o~Mo eSI)'Ff

extend to continuous functions on L.

It is enough to prove Theorem 9- For any u e @, write

-51 81
'U = e oUoe

Fix h 0 6 L , h0=h01h0R (h0ieLl,h0ReLR), and let u6fi be such that u ~=-u

VSeSI(h0). Note that Sl(h0)=Sl(h01), and that if h0cL'(Sl), this in-
volves no condition on u. So (i) and (ii) would be proved at once if we show
that for any f e C(G : V), 'u'Ff extends continuously in a neighborhood of h 0-
Let fil and ~R be the subalgebras of @ generated by (i,|i) and (I,|R) re-
spectively. Clearly we can write
u = Eu.v. where, ~'j, vje ~R' uj e@l, and
.] O
u~ B=-[~j V S e Sl(hol ) and 'u=Z'u.v.. Let g. be the f u n c t i o n on M
J J --fn~ 0
which sends m e M to the function h r ~ f ~ 2 ( m h R ; V j ) on L R. Then
g j c C ( M : C ( L R : V)), and for all h=hlh R with hle 'L(PI), hRCLR,

(z8) ('u'rf)(h) =Ej ('u J''~j)(hI)(hR)

The relation (18) makes it clear that it is enough to prove Theorem 9 when
G=°G and L=B is a compact CSG of G. For the rest of the n ° we shall
therefore assume this. PI = P is then a positive system of roots of (gc,bc),
b being the CSA of B.

Ne shall prove Theorem 9 by a descent argument that allows us to use the

theory of the invariant integral on ~, developed in I, Section 3. To obtain
the descent formula that connects 'Ff with the invariant integral on ~ we proceed
as follows.

We fix beB. Let ~ (resp. Gb) be the centralizer of b in ~ (resp.

G). Then bC~ and B °cG~. We shall use the descent technique of Section 2.
Let 7 be an open neighborhood of 0 in center (~) and • >0 any number. De-
fine ~,T=~+($8)(T), Z =bexp ~,~, and G ,T=G[Z T] (el. (2.18));
here, ( ~ ) ( ~ ) denotes the set of all Y e ~ = [8,~] such that ads Y has all
its eigenvalues < • in absolute value. We assume that 7 and T are suffici-
ently small that the results of Theorem 2.18 are valid together with the corollar-
ies; we shall use these without comment.

Let feC~(G7~ T : V). Let ~=G/Gb, x ~ x the natural map of G onto ~.

We choose invariant measures dx and d~ on ~ and Gb respectively such that
dx = dx d~. We then have, with the obvious interpretation,

f ( - l ) ( ~ _l)d¢)d~ (h e B')

where f(x-l)(y)=f(xyx-l)(ycG). Let hj (l<_j<_m) be a complete set of rep-

resentatives for Gb/G ~. Define

(x -l
fx,j(~)=f )(~j) (¢~ G~)

Then fx,j ~ C~(G°c"

o : V) and

(20) j'G f(xhx-l)dx = f~ ( F fx, j( ~h~-l)d ~)dx (h~ B')

- - Gb
The function

(21) gx,j : X ~ fx,j (bexpX) (X c ~,T)

is now an element of Cc(~/, T : V). Hence~ from (20) we get

(22) f(~ b e ~ H~-l)dx = 2 j gx, j (H~)d~) dx

l<_j<_m a~
(B' ~ h = b e x p H,He bN ~7,T )

At this stage we specialize f. We choose a sufficiently small regular

analytic submanifold R~G such that y ~ y is an analytic diffeomorphism of
R onto an open neighborhood R of ~ in ~. Then, for any q0e Cc(R ) and
ge : V)~ there is a uniquely defined element f%g of C : V)
such that supp(f%g)CR[ZT, T] and f%g((bexpx)Y)=~(y)g(X)(ycR,Xe ~/,T).
Moreover, with %g,x varying (x e G), the functions fx span a dense sub-
space of Cc(G/,~ : V). If in the results of the previous paragraph we take


f = f%g, then after a simple Calculation we obtain

(~) f f(~be~-l)d~ = c(~) ~ ! gj(H~)d~


(2~) ga(X)=g(x nj) (x~ ~), c(m) = f~ ~d~

and H lies in bN ~T,~ and is moreover a regular element of ~.

We recall that P is a positive system for (~c,bc). Let 5=~ ~ep~

and Pb the set of roots in P that are roots of (~c,bc). Then, by Lemma
4.11, and with the notation there (except that we have b instead of x and
b instead of a)~ 3 a constant %b =c(b;b~P)~0 such that

(25) ','~(bexp H)= ~ 1 e-8(H)l ja(H)l~l%(be~ H)1½%b(~) (He bm ~y,~)

Observe now that the function
i i
(26) u - x ~ I J ~(x)l~l ~b(b e ~ x)l ~ ix ~ ~7,~)
is well defined and analytic on ~T,~ and is moreover invariant under o
Gb- We
then obtain the following formula which links the invariant integral on G with
that on ~:

(27) 'Ff(bexpH) = T(%b)e -6(H) r, ~ ,~(H)

i S j < _ m Cugj
(H c b (~ ~7,T~H regular in ~)

Here 2/(%b) is the constant c(M)7b-l, and ~!,b is the invariant integral
on ~:

Write b ,T = b~ ~,~. Let S be the set of singular roots of (~c,bc),

and for any h ~ B, let S(h) be the set of singular roots ~ such that
~G(h)=l. Then, as y and T are sufficiently small,

(29) ~P, ~c S(bexpH) ~ = ~ CPb,~(H)=0 (He b )

The results about ~!,b can now be used. Although they have been proved in I,
Section 3 only for scalar functions, the extension to the vector valued situa-
tion is mostly elementary. From (27) and (29) we then conclude first that 'Ff
is of class C° around any point h c b exp b for which S(h) = ~. Moreover,


suppose h 0 = b e x p H , where H 0 c b T' and v c ~ (= the subalgebra of @ generated

0 s T,
by (l,b)) is such that v B = _ v V 8c S(h0). Then, b y (27), for H around H 0 and
regular in ~,

(30) ('v'Ff)(bexpH) : ~/(%b)e -6(H) 2 ¢~g3,1o(H;~(v))

iij<m "

We may conclude from (30) now that 'v'Ff extends continuously around h 0.

T h e se conclusions are valid for all f ~Cc(GT, ~ : V) in view of our re-

mark concerning the functions f%g. Using Theorem 2.25 they are seen to be true
for f ~ Cc(G : V), and by continuity, for f £ C(G : V). Theorem I0 is thus com-
pletely proved.

4. J~mp relations at a semiregular point

In this n° we shall study the discontinuities of the derivatives of 'Ff in

greater detail. We shall assume that G= °G and that B CK is a compact CSG of G.

Fix b cB and let notation be as in n°3. We consider a CSA ! ~ which is

e-stable and write L for the corresponding CSG of G. Choose a positive sys-
tem PI ,I of the imaginary roots of (~c,lc) and an invariant measure dx* on
G/LR= G*. Then the corresponding invariant integral 'Ff,L is well defined on
L' and in fact defines an element of C(L'(PI,I ) : V) for any f ~ C ( G : V). We
fix an element y in the complex adjoint group of ~c such that bY=c !c" Let
P| he a positive system of roots of (~c,[c) such that P[ ~PI,I and P]\P~,I
is stable under complex conjugation; this is possible by Proposition i0 .i. From
that proposition we obtain the formula

~pi (log hR)

(31) 'Pf,~(h) = ~R(h)e ,%l(h) ]~ f(h~ )d~~ (h ~ ~')

V f £ C ( G : V). Let us now define the positive system Pb for (~c;bo) by

(32) Pb = PI o y

Then by Lemma 5.26 ~ a constant 7b ~ 0 such that the following relation is

valid for ~= b and ~= ~ (P~b is the set of roots of (~c,~c) that are in
(33) v~ (b e~ H) = ~/ble-8~ (H) IJ~(~)l~l%(b
l l
e=~ ~)I~P~,b(H) (H~ ~n ~,~)
Here ~. On the other hand if ~ i s a r e a l root i n P[ which i s

not a r o o t of (~C,IC), ( 1 - Q ~ ( b e x p H ) ) = l + e - ~ ( H ) > o because {_&(b)=-i

(since t{_~(h)l =l). Hence


(t~) eR(b expH) = ¢R,b(H) = sgn H ~(H) (H ~ ! D 8T,~~K regular in ~)

~Pl,b,~ real

Thus, f ~C(G : V), and H as above,

(35) 'Ff,L(b expH)

-1 -~,~(~)
= 7b e ¢R,b(H)Ij~(H)I ]Vb(bexpH)l Fp|,b(H) ~ f(b ex~ H)x )dx*
We now proceed exactly as in n ° 3 with f = f%g, but take the additional pre-
caution that the ~j are in K and that the positive system P there is Pb"
Taking (27) and (35) into account we then obtain the following result:

'Ff,B(b exp I-I)= 7(%b)e ~ ,~gj, b(H) (H c bT~ T jregular in ~)
-81 ,I(H')
'Ff,L(b exp H' ) = 7(q),b)e E *~ ,i (H') (H'~ 17,T,regular in ~)
l<j<_~ ~j

We can use these formulae to take a closer look in the neighborhood of a

semiregular point b c B. Recall that b eB is semireffU~ar if [~] is of
dimension 3. Let us assume that b eB above is not only semiregular but that
moreover, the root ~ e Pb such that ~(b) = i is singular; this is equivalent
to requiring that [~,~]~I(2,~). We are then in a position to use I, Theorem
3.30. An application of this theorem to the integrals ~!,b and ~,i that
occur in (36) leads to the main result of this n ° . To formulate it precisely,
we introduce some notation. We denote by b~ the null space of ~ in b.
Then 5~ is the center of ~ and we choose the open neighborhood ~ of 0 in
b~ to be convex, bounded~ and star-like at 0. b+ and b- will denote the
7~ 7 7, T i
convex open subsets of bT~ T whose union is bT, ~ \ 7, and on which (-l)S~ is
> 0 and < 0 respectively. Then, for any ae C(G : V), and any ve~ the de-
rivative V'Fa~ B is C= on bexp b+T~T (resp. bexp b$~T) and extends contin-
uously to CZ(bexp 67~m) (resp. CZ(bexp b~,
T))'7, In particular~

(37) (V'Fa,B)~(b exp H) = lim (V'Fa,B)(b expH) (He 7)

b± ~i~

are well defined and continuous on exp 7- On the other hand,

(38) be~(~ ~)~L'(P%I)

so that 'F extends to a function of class C ~ on h exp I which~ as
a,L 7,T
usual~ will be denoted by the same symbol. We now apply I, Theorem 3.30. As


before~ the reslmlting formula is valid not only for the special type of f we
have been working with, but for all f { C(G : V). We obtain then the following

THEOREM II. Let b cB be such that [~]~gI(2,~) and let notation be

as above. Let 'F.,B and 'F.;L be defined respectively using Pb and PI,I"
Then~ for a suitable choice of y and a nonzero constant c~ we have, V
fcC(a:v), v~, ~7,

(39) ('v'Ff,B)+( b expH) - ('v'Ff,B)-(b exp') = ce(6l#I-Sl)(H)( '(J)'Ff#L)(b exp')

From this we obtain the following result which will play an important role

THEOREM 12. Let B C K be a CSG of G as before and f ~C(G : V) be such

that for any noncompact CSG L of G~ 'F = 0 on L' Then 'F is in C~(B : V).
f,L f,B

Under the hypothesis on f, (39) shows that all the derivatives of 'Ff,B
extend continuously across 'F ~. So
is of class C on b exp b .
f~B ~/,T
Suppose now b is an arbitrary element of B, not necessarily semiregular. If
S+(b) is the set of roots of (~c,bc) which are positive and singular, and b~
is the nullspace in b of ~ ~ S+(b), then the above remark implies that the
function H ~ 'F
(b exp H) (H ~ is of class bT,T) Cco in the neighborhood of
any point of b that belongs to at most one bB, while all its derivatives
~y~ T
are bounded on b . By I, Lemma 3.21, this function is of class Cco on bT, n- •
Going over to a different positive system of (gc,bc) does not cause any diffi-
culty since its effect is to multiply 'F by a C function.

5. The limit formula for f(1)

In this n ° we shall obtain the limit formula which expresses f(1) in

terms of the 'Ff,L. G is now an arbitrary group of class ~.

THEOPd94 I). Let L be a 8-stable CSG of G with CSA [ ; P, a posi-

tive system of roots of (~c,lc); and PI' the set of imaginary roots in P.
We assume that P\ PI is stable under complex conjugation. Let

(40) qG = q ~ = ½ {dim(G/K)-rk(G)+rk(K)]

Then qG is an integer >_0. Define ~fp=%ep H~ and '%=e o'~]pO e 51
where 61=iE ~. Then~ V feC(G:V),
2 C~,~pI


(41) ('~'Ff,L)(1) = 0 (L not fundamental)

If L is fundamental, then ~ a constant c(G) >0 such that

(42) f(l)= (-l)

qGo ( G ) ( ' % 'Ff,L) (Z) ( f 6 C ( a : V))

The constant e(G) is independent of the choice of P and PI as long as

PoP I and P\ PI is stable under complex conjugation. In particular, if
G=°G and L=BCK is a compact CSG, P=PI ~ and (42) is valid with c(G)
independent of the choice of P.

Here we must recall Theorem i0 which guarantees that ~p'Ff~ L extends

continuously to all of L so that (~Yp'Ff,L)(I) is well defined, qG is an
integer > 0 by i, Lemma 8.9.

We proceed as in n ° 3 to descend to the Lie algebra. We write 9~/~T=

+ (~)(7) where T> 0 and ~ is an open neighborhood (convex and starlike
at 0) of 0 in c= center(~). In what follows, they will be sufficiently
small. Let GT, T=exp(9~,T)" As usual~ it is sufficient to consider
f eC:(G ,T : V). For such an f, let g be the function X ~ f(exp X);

g c C:(~7~T : V). Let hj (i_<j <m) be a complete set of representatives for

G/G ° , all chosen from K. If G*= G/LR, then~ defining gj as in (24)~ we get

* l<j<m j (H~)d ~ | ~,y,,r)

By Proposition i0.i~ as c R ( e x p H ) = s g n % ~ p G(H), G real, we get, V H e I 'OgT, T

'Ff,L(expH ) = e-6I(H) n ((e c~(H)/2-e-~(H)/2)/c~(H)) ~ ~ (H)

O~¢P iSj<_m gj,I

= ~ / = det adX (Xe g)

Then j is real and # 0 on ~T; ! as ~"~:q" is connected and j(0)=l, j

is > 0 on ~, • In particular, j2 is a well-defined G-invariant analytic
function on ~T,T. We claim that

(43) 1] ((e El(H)/2 - e~(H)/2)/(~(H)) = j(H) ½ (H6 I ' I"l ~/,~)

TO prove (43) we note that i f ~ is r e a l , (e~ ( E ) / 2 - e ~ ( H ) / 2 ) / ~ ( H ) is > 0;
i f G is neither real nor imaginary, t h i s r a t i o changes i n t o i t s conjugate when


c~ is replaced by (zc°nj; and finally, if we write (z*=-iCz for imaginary (z~

then C~* is real on I and

r~ ((e C~(H)/2- e'~(H)/2)/C~(H)) = [I (2 sin(C~*(H)/2)/C~*(H)) > 0

~eP I C~ePI

if T is sufficiently small. Hence the left side of (43) is > 0. Since it is

unchanged on changing (z to 4, its square in the corresponding product over
all the roots and is j(H). We have thus established (43). Let u : j~. Then

(44) 'Ff,L(expH ) = e -6I(H) ~ ~gj,l(H) (HE l'n~y,T)

-81 61
So, if v e~ is such that v S ~ = - v for all ~ e P i , and 'v=e o vo e

(45) ( Iv E ,~j,~(o~(v))
'Ff'T')(1) = 1 < j <m "

We use I, Theorem 8.11. If L is not fundamental and V=~p, all terms on the
right of (45) are zero. If L is fundamental and ~>0 is the constant appear-
ing in that theorem, as (ugj)(0)=g(O)= f(1) V j, we get

mf(1) = ('Wp'Ff,L)(l)

So, we have (42) with c(G) = (-l)qG(am)-l; since (-1)qo~>0, c(G) is >0.
It also follows from I~ Theorem 8.11 that c(G) is independent of P as
long as P and Pl are related in the manner specified.

6. Cusp forms

Theorem 12 suggests the usefulness of the following definition. Let

f e C ( G : V). Then f is called a cusp form if

(46) ] f(xn)dn = 0
for all x eG and for all psgrps Q=MA N of G with dim(A)>l. The cusp
forms form a closed subspace of C(G : V) denoted by °C(G : V). It is obvious
from (46) that °C(G : V) is stable under left and right translations by elements
of G. If V=C~ we write °C(G) for °C(G : C).

Proposition 14. If U,V~W are three complete locally convex spaces~ and
u~vwu •w is a continuous bilinear map, then

(47) °c(c : u) * c(G : v)~°c(a : w), c(G - u) * °c(a : v) ~°c(G : w)


In particuZar~ °C(G) is a

Since the formal calculations involved in proving (47) are trivial, it is a

question of checking the convergence of the integrals. Define the functions s

on G by (9.35). Then we must prove that

~ Hsl(x-l)~s2(xyn) dxdn< % ~j" Esl(Xny-1)~s2(Y)dydn <~


for some sI > 0 , s2>0. But by Lemma 9.17 and Theorem 9.23, if s 2 and sI - s 2
are > 0 and sufficiently large,

]]~ -sl(X-1)~s2(~n)d~
~ dn
< Co JN ~
~ _s2(Yn)dn < co


. ~ (y)dy dn : * %) (xn)d~ _< c o <


THEORI~M 15. Let V ~ 0. Then, for any f e °C(G : V) and any noncompact 0-
stable CSG L, 'F =0 If °C(G : V ) / 0 , then G has a compact CSG. If
f,L "
f e C(G : V) is ~-finite, then f e °C(G : V). In particular, if there exists a zero
~-finite element of C(G), then G must possess a compact CSG, and such functions
are cusp forms.

We may clearly work with V= C. Let f e °C(G). If L is any noneompact e-

stable CSG, then dim(LR) ~ i and so by assumption, ~(Q) = 0 for any psgrp Q = M L R N .
Hence by (17), 'F = 0. If G does not have a compact CSG, we may choose L
fundamental and (Theorem 13) find f(1) = 0. Replacing f by its translates, we
have f = 0 . Next, let f # 0 be a ~-finite element of C(G). Let Q=MAN be a
psgrp of G with dim(A) E l . Since (zf) (Q) = ~Q(z)f (Q), it is clear that
f(Q) is ~(ml)-finite, mI being as usual the Lie algebra of MI=MA, and ~(ml)
the center of the subalgebra of ~ generated by (l,ml). Hence, for any m e M,
a ~ f(Q)(ma) is an ~-finite element of C(A). It is thus zero. Hence f ( Q ) = 0 .
Replacing f by x ~ f(kx) (k e K) we find that
j f(kman)dn:0 (~K, m~M, a 6 A)

Since G= K M A N, this shows that fQ= 0. So f is a cusp form.

From Theorem 12 we get

THEOREM 16. Suppose that BCK is a CSG of G. Then, for any

fe°C(G: V)~
'F is in C~(B: V). In particular~ if feC(G:V) is ~-finite,
'F lies in C~(B : V).


REMARK. Let G be a group of class ~ and L a e-stable CSG. Then, in

general, for f c C(G : V), 'Ff,L does not have a Ca extension to the whole of
L. If however L is of lwasawa type, then there are no singular imaginary roots
for (~c,|c) and so~ in this case, 'Ff,LC C(L : V). This is notably the case
when G has only one conjugacy class of CSG's, for instance when G is a
complex group.

The main references for this section are Harish-Chandra's papers [7] [9]
[ zo].

13. Tempered invariant ei6endistributions

In this section G is an arbitrary group of class Z. We denote as usual

by D the discriminant of G. Our aim is to obtain a criterion for an invariant
eigendistribution on G to be tempered.

i. Statement of the main theorem

THEOREM i. Let e be an invariant ~-finite distribution on G. The foil-

owing statements are then equivalent:

(i) @ is tempered

(ii) ~ constants C > O, r ~ 0 such that

(i) l@(x)l i CID(x)I-2( I +a(x)) r (x~ G')

(iii) For any 8-stable CSG L, ~ constants C=C L>O, r=r L~O such that
(2) l~(h)l ! CID(h)l-2(l+o(h)) r (h eL')

We prove first that (iii) ~ (ii). In fact; by Proposition 12.4, 3 c>O

such that

i +~(h~) ~c(1 +~(h)) (x~G, h c L )

Hence, V h c L ' , xcG

i i
IG(hX)l = l®(h)l ~ CID(h)l-2(l+o(h)) r ~C c-rlD(hX)l-S(l+o(hX)) r

So (i) is valid on G[L']. We are done since there are only finitely many con-
jugacy classes of CSG's.

2. Sufficiency of the estimate (i) for ® to be tempered

We shall now prove that (ii) ~ ( i ) . First we have

THEOREM 2. an integer r0 ~ 0 such that

i -r 0
(3) IDI - ~ ~ ( l + o ) dx <

It is enough to prove that for any ~-stable CSGL, the integral of

IDI-2 ~ ( l + c ) -r, taken over G[L'], is finite if r is large enough. Let
G * = G / L R. Choose the integer q~O as in Corollary 12.5. Then for any integer
r ~0, we have, using that Corollary,


j. JDI-½ S(l+cr)-(q+r)dx = <' <ID(h)1½ JG* "-(hX*)(l+cr(hX*))-(q+r)dx*)dh

G[L' ]
! const. JL' (l+~Ch)) -r dh <

if r is large enough.

From this we at once get

THEOP~94 ~. Let T be a locally integrable function on G such that for

suitable constants C > 0, r ~0~

(4) IT<x)I _< clD<x)l -~ (l+~(x)) r

for almost all x ~ G. Then, for any f c C(G),

(5) T(f) = j ~(~)f(~)d~

exists; and T(f~T(f)) is a tempered distribution.

As an immediate application of this we obtain the implication (ii) ~ ( i ) .

Furtherj and this is very significant for us in the sequel~ we obtain

THEOREM 4. Assume that G has a compact CSG and let B C K be one of

them. Let B be the set of irreducible characters of B and for each b*~ B*
let ®b* be the invariant eigendistribution on G constructed in Section 5.
Then the %, (b* ~ B*) are all tempered .

iln fact, by (5.54), 9b, is majorized on G' by a constant multiple of


3. Necessity of the estimate (2) for ® to be tempered: a preliminary result

We shall prove that (i) ~ (iii). We proceed in complete analogy with the
corresponding problem on the Lie algebra (cf. especially I~ Lemma 7.5). The key
step in the proof is the following result. Throughout this n ° we fix a 6-stable
CSGL. By roots we mean roots with respect to (~c,lc). We select a positive
system PI of imaginary roots and write ' ~ = ~] Cpl (i- ~_~). Let LI be the

subset of LI where '~ does not vanish. Let

(6) q(hiexp H) = n ~(H) (hI eLi, He IR)

nonimaginary root

We define LR as the set of all hcL R such that q(log h)~0. Let L × = L .
Finally, let ~ be the normalizer of L in G. Obviously L x is ~-invariant.


Proposition ~ • Let L × = LIL

× R.
~ Then L~ is an open ~-invariant subset of
L' Suppose T is an invariant locally integrable function on G[L× ] such that
the corresponding distribution is tempered there. Then we can find an integer
m > 0 such that
_ IDI Z ' / 4 qmT defines a tempered distribution on L w .

The proof of this is somewhat long and requires some preparation. The dis-
tribution T has a tempered extension to G which may be even assumed K-invar-
iant by averaging it over K. Proposition 9.16 now implies that for some integer
n~0 and elements ai~ ~ (lii!r),

Tf d~ i F sup (~-l(z+~)nlaifl)
G[ x] l<i<r G

V f eC~(G[L× ]). Let ~=G/L°; x ~ x the natural map of G onto ~; and h£=h x
(h~L, xcG). For f c C~(G[L×]), let

(7) ~(h) = ,~ f ( h X ~

where dx is an invariant measure on ~. Then ~ is a constant multiple of the

more familiar h ~ ~G* f(hX*)dx*" This shows that ~ ¢ C~(L ~) and is L-invariant.
Let Wo be the finite group [/L ° and for y ~~ let ~0(y) be its image in
W 0. If y ¢~ and s 0 = ~ 0 ( y ), the map x ~ x7 is a well defined analytic dill-_
eomorphism of [ that depends only on So; writing x • sO for the image of x;
we have an action x, s 0 ~ • sO of W0 (from the right) on ~. The natural map

¢ : G x L x ~ G[L × ]

is easily seen to be a covering map and its fibres are the Wo-orbits in_
~ X Lx : ~ ( x , h ) = ~ ( x ' , h ' ) 4~ ~ s e W0 such t h a t x'=x " s, h ' = h s 1. We now
select (~ c Cc(~ ) such that (~ is Wo-invariant and f[ (~dx= i. Then, for
any #eC~(L×)'w~C
s a unique f # C e c ( G [ L * ]) such that f o]T=(~@g where
~= w-IE # ~ being the order of W0 and the sum over s c W 0 . We select a
compact set E C G such that ~msupp(CZ); then

(s) supp(f#) c (supp(~)) z

We therefore have a linear map #~f# of C~(L ~) into C~(G[L×]); it has the
following important property:

(9) ~# = F

Using the estimate for lfTfdxl given earlier, we have the following;


(10) <~ IDIT~d~ ! ~ sup(s-l(l+~)nlaif~l) (~eC~(~'))

l<i<r G

The main point in the proof of Proposition 5 is the estimation of the de-
rivatives ai fB" Let ~ ' c C~(G) be the lift of ~.

(zl) f~(h ~) = ~'(~)~(h) (h e ~', ~ ~ a)

It is clear from (ii) that the estimation of Ia f I involves the differenti~

of the conjugacy map GxL'~G[L']. We write %= (dg)(l,h) (cf. (~.5)).

Proposition 6. For each root ~ let ~=-(i- { ~)-i and let 9 be the
algebra of analytic functions on L' ge ne r a t e d by the ~ . Then~ given
g e~, we can find u. e~, vie ~, ~ i e ~ (l~i~p) such that ~ (= subalgebra
of q generated by (l~I)
(i) d~g(~i)+det(vi)!deg(g) (l <_i <_p.]
(ii) For all h eL';

(12) r ( F ~i(h)(u i ® vi)) = g

This is proved by induction on deg(g). For degree 0 there is nothing
to prove. Let us assume the result for elements of degree < r- i and con-
sider elements of degree r, r>l. For each root ~ let X be a nonzero
vector in the corresponding root space. It is clearly enough to consider ele-
ments g=X(~ I XC~k % ... H t where the Hi are in | and k+t=r If

t = r, then

Fh(1 ® % "'" Hr) : % "'" H r

and there is nothing more to prove. So let t<r. Then g=Xlg' where
deg(g')=r-l. By the induction hypothesis we can find
such that deg(u~)+deg(vj)<r-i V j and

(13) ~h( ~ ~'(h)(u'j

J ® ~])) = g' (hoT')

On the other hand~ by Proposition 3.1; if Ye ~ u eq; ve £~

Fh(Yu ® v) = ( 9 ~-l - Y)~(u ® v) + [Y,rh(~ ® v)]

Hence, for heL', by (13),

rh( EJ ~ i • ,~x0~iu,j
-j" ® ~])) = xlg, + %l(~)[x ,g'I


Now X l g ' = g , q ~ l , ~ { 9 , deg(XzlU;)+deg(v~)_<_r ; while deg([X~zl,g'])<_r-1.

Since the induction hypothesis is applicable to [X<zl,g'], we are through.
Further~ we have the following estimate for functions in ~ on the set L .

LEMMA 7" Let notation be as in Proposition 5. Given f [~, we can find a

constant c=cf>0 and integers m=mf~ m'=m~0 such that, ~ h ~ L ~

<14) lf<h)l ~cl'Z~(h)l -~ (1 +~<h))mlq(h)l -m'

It is enough to do this for the generators of ~. Since I~I = i for any

im~inary root, 3 a constant cl>0 s~eh that I~(h)l!cll'~i(h)l-l~/h~
x w
and all imaginary roots ~. Suppose ~ is not imaginary~ h I eli, hR~ L R. Then

-~(l°ghR) 1
I1 - {_~(hihR) l -m ~ fe -l1-1

so that for constants c2 > 0 , m 2 ~ 0 , with h=hlhR,

I~(h)l ~ c (l+~(h)) lq(h)l-I

We shall now proceed to estimate the laif~l • In view of ($), we have

(l~) sup(~-l<m+~)nlaif~l) = sup ~<h~)-l<l+~<hx))n;%<hhai)l

G hcLX,xcE

Since x varies over a compact set, ~ a constant CI > 0 such that

(16) ~(hX)-l(1 +~(hX)) n _< Cl~(h)-l(1 +~(h)) n (heL×~ x c E)

Further~ we can write a.Xz
= Z l~j~t cij(x)bj (= ~ a), the b. being in
and the c..
ij continuous functions on G. So

f~(hha i) =~eij(x)f ~ (h~bj)
where f# is the function y~f#(xyx-l). Now~ by Proposition 6, we can find

~jk ~ ' Ujk ~-, VjkC£ (l<_k<t ') such that

% ( ~k q0jk(h)(Ujk ® Vjk)) = bj (h ~ L ' , l < j < t )


Consequently, we have the following result; ] ~i~ ~ 9~ ui~ ~ Q~ vi~ ~ ~ and

continuous functions ci~ on 0 such that ~ x ~ E, h e L ×, ~ { C~(L~), ~i'

(17) f~(h~ai ) =Eci~(~)mi~(h)(f ~ o ~)((=,h);~i~ ® ~i~ )

i.e.~ since f~o ~ = ~' ® ~,

f~(hX;a i) = ~ c i ~ ( x ) m i ~ ( h ~ ' ( x ; u i ~ ) ~ ( h ; v i ~ )

So using Lemma 7 and the estimate (16)~ we have proved the following:

LEMMA 8. We can find integers m~m' ~ 0 and elements X, { such that V

~C~(LW]~ xc E, h c L ×, and all
c~ -

~(h~)-l(1 +~(~))nlf~(h~;ai) I
~(h)-l(l+~(h))~r''~(h)l-mlq(h)[-~' ~' r I~(hS;~j)l
J scW 0

We now substitute these estimates in (i0). Since ~H'~q~J~ is a linear

,^-m -rot
bijection of C (L ×) onto itself we can get rid of the factor ~-l,,mi q
above by replacing ~ with E ' ~ q V ~ for a large v; here we must remember that
the derivatives of ~ are majorized by E. This modification leads at once to

LEMMA 9. Let assumptions and notations be as in Proposition 5. Then we

can find an integer w~0 such that IDI~'$$qVT defines a tempered distribu-
tion on Lx .
Except for the additional factor IDI2~ this is just Proposition 5. Hence,
to complete the proof of Proposition 5 it is sufficient to establish the follow-
ing lemma.

LEMMA 1O. Let vc@. Then~ we can find integers m,m'>0 and a constant
c>0 such that for all hcL w

<19) l(IDl-$~-l)(h;v)l
~ c<l+~<h))ml',%<h)l-mlq<h)l-m'
By Proposition 8.3~ we know that the derivatives of ~-i are majorized by
constant multiples of Z-I.
Consequently~ it suffices to prove an estimate of
the form (19) for ~(h)-l{ ]DI-Z(h;v)l . We shall do this on each of the finite
× + + X
number of sets of the form LIL R where LR is a connected component of L R.


Fix L R+ and denote by P

the set of all roots ~ of (gc,lc) such that
@ +
either ~PI or else ~(H)>0VHc I R = l o g L R. P is clearly a positive sys-
tem. Write 6 = [iZ ~6pJ. By formula (10.19) , if FCL I is a finite set such
that L I = F L I0, then we can write

(2o) ID(be~H)l -½ = ¢(b exp H)e -6(H) n 1]c~(bexpH)


where b c F, H c |, b e x p H ~ L', and ~ is a locally constant function with

values in some finite set; of course ~= -(i - ~_(z)-I. We estimate the deriv-
atives of IDI -N using this formula. For the estimates of the derivatives of
the ~ that come in, we use Lemma 7. Also Re 6(H) = 6(HR) , HR being the
projection of H in IR. Hence we get the following result : given v c 9, we
can find c>0, m~m'~0 such that

i -6(log hR)
(~) IIDl- (h;v)l ! c(l+~(h))ml'l~(h)[-mlq(h)l-m'e
M +
V h ~ L~L.. So, in order to obtain an estimate of the form (19) for
~(h)-!l IOL-~(h;v)l, it is enough to prove that

6 (log hR) +
(22) ~=(h)-i _< e (h ~ ~ILR)
We shall now prove (22). We observe that we have a psalgebra q of ~ asso-
ciated with ~R in a natural fashion; |R is its split component and if
q= m + I R + n is its Langlands decomposition,

6(H) = ½ tr(adH)n (He IR)

Now we can choose k cK such that qk is the standard psalgebra ~F (cf.

+ +
Section 6); k will map IR onto aF, IR onto aF, and will take 6 I IR to
O F . But p F = P 0 I aF, a~cCZ(a~), and so, by Proposition 8.17,

pF( ~' ) +
(23) ~(e~H') -z _< e (~'~ ~F)

Conjugating by k and remembering that E(h)=E(hR) , we get (22) from (23).

This proves Lemma i0 and finishes the proof of Proposition 5.

4. Conclusion of the proof of the necessity of (2) for O to be tempered

We apply Proposition 5 to (9. We fix L and use the notation of n°3 above.
Then '9" (el L') is an analytic 9-finite function which has an analytic
extension to L'(R) where L'(R) is the subset of all h c L such that
~(~(h)#l for each real root. Since LILR~L'(R) we have the following re-
sult: let F be a complete set of representatives for L~/L~, and b c F;
.L .5


then we can find distinct elements k.3 c (-1)2I I and exponential polynomials fj
on IR such that

(24) '%(b exp H)e(b exp H) = ~. eXJ(HZ)fj(H~)

+ +
for all Hc I such that H R ~ IR, b e x p H c L ' ; in particular, if H R e IR and
b exp H I 6 L I . On the other hand~ by (i0.19), we can find a locally constant
function on LI whose values are in a finite set such that

ID(bexpH)l ½ = ~(bexpHi)e6(H)'1~(bexpH)
+ (z)
for all H c I s~ch that bexpH IcLI and H R c IR. Writing 8 = 6 I |i and
6 (~): 6 I 'R' we have~ from (24) and (25)~

(26) ID(bexpH)12®(bexpH) : ¢(bexp HI) E e (xj+&(~))(H I) fj(HR)e 6(R)(HR)


H being restricted as before. Now, by Proposition 5, for some integer m>_0,

i x +
' qmlDI2@ is tempered on LIL R. An elementary argument then shows that the

(27) HR 64 q ' (HR)m fj(HR)e (q'(HR) = q(expHR))
define tempered distributions on L R. By I, Lemma 7.6; this i m ~ e s that the
linear functions a©pearing in the exponentials that make upfje 6 - have real
p a r t s ~ 0 on I R. B u t t h e n t h e formu]_a ( 2 6 ) s h o w s t h a t f o r some c > 0 and n ~ 0 ,

I D(b e~ H) I~I e(b e~ H)I_< (Z + II~ll)n
for all He I such that bexpH I eL I and R"
H R c I+ This proves (2) and com-
pletes the proof that (2) is necessary for ® to be tempered.

5. Ei6endistributions with re6ular ei~envalues

For eigendistributions with regular eigenv~lues, the estimate (i) can be

improved. We recall that a homomorphism X :~ C is said to be regular if 3 a
CSA c~ and a regular element k e~ such that

THEOREM ii. Let @ be an invariant distribution on G. Suppose X:~C

is a regular homomorphism such that z @ = X(z)® V z c 8. Then, ® is tempered if
and only if there exists a constant C> 0 such that


(29) Io(~)1 !cID(~)l -~ (v x~a,)

We fix a 6-stable CSGL and prove that for some constant c > 0,
le(h)l ! elD(h)l -~ (h~T,')

We proceed exactly as in n°4. Let '@p= ' /Ap -(@l L). We select a regular k I*
such that

z®= #~/~(~)(x)® (~ ~ 8)

Then, in view of the work of Section 4, we find

(~0) (e-6O vo eS)'®p = v(X)'®p

kv/v ~ £ that are invariant under the Weyl group W(£c,lc). So, instead of (241 we
get the following: ~ constants e s , S e W ( g c , l c ) , such t h a t

(~l) '/&p(bexpH)®(bexpH)e 8(H) =~'c e (sk)(H)


V H~ £ such that bexpHlCL

I, H R ~ IR;
and that moreover,

(32) cs ~ o ~(sXl II)~ (-l)~I I

The relation (26) now becomes

(~) ID(bexpH)12®(bexpH) = E(bexpHi) Z) Cse(Sk)(H)

We argue from t h e t e ~ p e r e d n e s s o f IDI~® on LIL × R
x that Re(s:~)(~')fiO V
H' ~ IR, whenever e s ~ 0 , with the h e l p o f I , Lemma 7 . 6 . But then from (33)
we have

sup ID(h)l{Io(h)l <~

w +
heLlL R

For the theorems discussed here, see Harish-Chandra's paper [ 9 ].

14. Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions

i. Motivation and formulation of the main theorems

We shall now take up the study of the behaviour, at infinity on G, of tem-

pered K-finite eigenfunctions. It is technically convenient to work with T-
spherical functions (cf. Section 7~ n°3) • More precisely, let U be a finite
dimensional vectorspace over C and T = (71,T2) a double representation of K
in U. We write C~(G :U : T) for the vector space of afLl C a maps f :G~U
that are T-spherical, i.e., satisfy f(klXk2)=Tl(kl)f(x)T2(k2) Y~kl,k 2 c K , x c G .
We then define ~(G :U : T) to be the space of all C~ maps f : G~U such that

(i) f is T-spherical
(ii) f is ~-finite
(iii) f satisfies the weak inequality (cf. Section 9, n°l) •

The condition (iii) means that if I'l is a norm on U, then ~ e > O , r>0 such

(i) If(x)I < C ~ ( x ) ( l + o ( x ) ) r (xcG)

We shall choose a Hilbertian structure for U such that T is unitary and write
l'I for the c o r r e s p o n d i ~ norm. The elements of ~(G : U : 7 ) , by Theorem 7.18,
are all analytic on G. The components of f in some basis of U are K-finite,
8-finite and tempered, and the s~ne properties are possessed by each derivative of
these functions. Consequently, for f { G ( G : U : 7) and a,b { ®, afb satisfies
the weak inequality also (Theorem 9.13)- It is also obvious that if g is a
complex-valued K-finite 8-finite function on G, we can choose U,7,f { ~ ( G : U : 7),
and a basis u I .... ,um for U, such that g ( x ) = (f(x),ul) ~ x c G . The central
question of this section is the determination of the asymptoti~ behaviour of the
elements of Q ( G : U : T ) , i.e., the behaviour of f(x) when x ~ ~ if f c C ( G :U :T).
Since G = KCI( A0)K , this clearly reduces to the problem of determining how
f(h) behaves when h eCl(A0) and h ~. Now, when h ~, it is not necessary
that ~(logh) ~ for all the simple roots ~. So we shall have to consider the
case when there is a subset F ~ E such that ~(log h) ~ for every ~ e E \ F.
To the set F is of course attached the standard psgrp PF=M~FNF; and it turns
out that the differential equations satisfied by f may be regarded as ~erturba-
tions of similar differential equations on MIF = M ~ F . It is therefore possible
to approximate f on A 0 by a solution fPF of the (unperturbed) differential
equations on MIF~ the approximation being good as long as h~ in such a way
that ~(log h ) ~ for each ~ e E \ F. Since any psgrp is conjugate to a standard


one, this leads one to associate with each psgrp Q=MA N an element fQ which
may be regarded as an approximation to f in suitable regions going to infinity;
fQ is known as the constant term of f along Q. The determination of the fQ
together with precise estimates for the differences If -fQI give a reasonably
accurate description of the behaviour at infinity of f. This i s the method
used by Ha~ish-Chandra in the case of both the discrete and the continuous spec-
tra [ 6 ] [ 9 ] Ill].

Let US now turn to the precise statements of the main theorems. G(G : U : T)
is as above. If Q=MAN is a psgrp of G, we write ~ for MA and define
the homomorphism dQ:MI~I~ + as in (6.11). We know that ~=KnM=KnM I is a
maximal compact subgroup of N (or MI). Let

Then TM is a double representation of ~ in U. G(M I :U : TM) is thus well

defined. If aeA is a variable element, we say that a~ if

(i) ~(loga)~+~ for each root ~ of Q

(ii) ~ c>0 such that for each root ~ of Q, ~ ( l o g a ) _ > c o ( a ) for all the
a involved.

If Q = G, the symbol a ~* means a varies freely on the split component of G.


THE01KI~I~ i. Let f e G ( G :U : T). Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G. Then ~ a

unique element fQ of G(MA : U : ~M) such that for each m e V~,

(3) lim (dQ(ma)f(ma)- fQ(ma)) = 0

fQ is known as the constant term of f alon~ Q. We write

(4) BQ(H) = i ~ ~(H) (H~ ~).

h a root of Q

THEOREM 2. Let Q0 =MoAoN0 be a minimal psgrp of G contained in Q. As

usualy, let A0 be the set of all aeA 0 with ~(loga) 7 0 V r o o t s R of Q0"

: i~ ~(~) (~e ~0)

~Q(H) ~ a root of Q

Let f ~ G(G • U : ~) and let fQ be the constant term of f along Q. Then

constants C>0, ~>0 and an integer r>_0 such that ~vlhcCl(Ao) ,

(5) ldQ(h)f(h) - fQ(h)l <__C~l.(h)(1 +~(h)) r e-~Q(l°g h)


The next two theorems describe some of the properties of fQ. The property
described in Theorems 4 and 6 is called the transitivity of the constant term.

THEOREM ~. Let f c C ( G :U : T), Q = M A N a psgrp of G, and let fQ be the

constant term of f along Q. Then

(i) (~f)Q = ~Q(z)fQ (z ~8)

(ii) fW(J) = ~1(k)fQ(m)~2(k-1) (m c MA,k ~ K)

We recall here that ~Q is the homomorphism ~/m I of 8 into 8(ml).

Note that zf~C(G:U:T) Vz~8, so that (zf)Q is well defined in (i). The
relation (ii) in (6) is an immediate consequence of Theorem i and so we shall use
it without comment.

Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G. We recall that there is a bijection Q ~ Q

between the set of all psgrps Q of G that are contained in Q, and the set of
all psgrps Q of M (Proposition 6.20). If Q=MA N and are the
respective Langlands decompositions, then by the resuAt cited above,

(7) *Q=QfI~, Q=*QAN, M=M, A=ACI~, A= AA, N=NI~, N= NN

THE01K~M 4. Let f c ~ ( G :U :T) and Q=MAN be a psgrp of G. Let Q be a

psgrp of 0 contained in ~ and *q=qn~. For any a~A, let f~,a(~) =
f~,)(~ ~ ~). Then f~,,~, lies in ~(~" • U • T~) and

2. Uniqueness of the constant term

For proving uniqueness we must show that if g cC(MA : U : ~M) and if for
each m~Nl, g(ma)-0 as a~, then g=0. Write ( m e M I fixed)gm(a)=g(ma ).
If Q=G, gm-=0 by definition. Suppose Q#G. The function gm defines a
tempered distribution on the vector group A and is moreover ~I-finite; here, as
usual, a is the Lie algebra of A and N is the subalgebra of @ generated by
(l,a). So we can find distinct yD. ~ a and polynomials pj on a such that
gm(a) = ~ pj(log a)e~j(l°g (a ~ A)

Let EC a be the nonempty open set where all the roots of Q are > 0 and the
v. take distinct values. Write a t = exp tH, H being an arbitrary element from
E. Then at~ and so gm(at)~0, as t~+~. I~t


gm(at) =~. pj(tH)e (~j(H) distinct for all j)

and it is classical in this case that pj(tH)=0Vj,t. So the pj(H) are all
0, i.e., Pjl E = 0 V j . This proves that all the pj are 0. So gm=0"

3, Consequences of Theorems i and 2. Transitivity of constant term

This depends on the estimate furnished by Theorem 2. We shall show here how
Theorem 4 follows from Theorem 2.

We begin with the following obvious consequence of Theorem i.

Proposition 5. Let C be the split component of G. For any psgrp Q of

G let * Q = Q 0 OG. Then Q =~ M A N and , Q = M ,A N are the Langlands decompositions
of Q and Q respectively, with A= ACp, A=AO°G. For f e G(G :U : T) and
ceCp, let fc(y )=f(yc) (ye°G) • Then fc ~G(°G :U : T) and

(9) (fc)~Q(m) : fQ(mc) m cM A

This done, we come to the proof of Theorem 4. The above proposition takes
care of the ease ~ = G. Hence we may assume that Q~G. Furthermore, let M 1 = MA,
%= QA. Then Qn% is a psgrp of % . So, since f ~ £ G ( ~ 7 :U : T~ ), we
can speak of (f~)*%. Moreover, we also have fQ. We have, by Proposition 5,

Hence, Theorem 4 wou~d follow from

THEOREM 6. Let notation be as above and f ~G(G :U : T). Then

(lz) (f~L%. = fQ

We shall now deduce Theorem 6 from Theorem 2. Both sides of (ii) are elements
of G(M I : U : ~M) where M I =MA. Let u denote their difference. We select a
minimal psgrp Q0 c Q• Clearly there is no loss of generality in assuming that
Q0 is standard. So we may assume that Q=PF' Q = P ~ where F?~Z. We use the
usual notation. We write BF= BPF' dF= dPF' OF= PPF etc. Thus dF(exp H) =
p~(H) ._
e ' ~F(H) = i n f e z \ F ~(H), etc (He aO). Let us also write p (resp *p)
for the ~ attached to (ml~, a0) (resp. (mlF , a0) ) .


First, using Theorem 8.30 to estimate %in (5) we get the following:
~ > 0 , [ > 0 , [>_0 such that V hcCl(Ao),

ld~(h)f(h) - f~(h) f _<~e-*~(l°g h) (i + <~(h))~ e-~(l°g h)

We oan a s o apply+ ~eorem 2 to f~a(% :U:~l). ~ 3 C>0, ~>0, r>0_ sueh

th&t, V h e CI(A0) ,

d~ (h)fth) - (f~)~% (h) < C e -%(1°g h) (j_ + ~(h))r e-~F (l°g h)

Combining the last t~Jo we see that with ~l=min(~,~), ~ C I > 0 , rl_>0 such that

rI -~Z~F(Zog h)
(Z2) IdF(h)f(h) - (f~)*%(h)l _< Cf-%(log h) (i + ~(h)) e

VheCI(Ao). Applying Theorem 2 to f we get, for some C 2 > 0 , ~2>0, r2_>0 ,

r 2 -~2BF(lOg h)
(13) IdF(h)f(h)- fQ(h) l _< C 2 e-%(logh) (l+~(h)) e

VhcCI(Ao). Since u=fQ-(fQ)*QI' we see from (12) and (13) that for suitable
c3>o, ~3>o, r3_>o, V Cl(A~)
(14) lu(h)I < C3 e-*a(logh) (l+g(h)) r3 e -¢3BF(l°gh)

It follows at once from (14) that if h c AO, a ~ AF, then

(15) lim u(ha) = 0

For fixed h~AoJ Uh :a~u(ha ) is a tempered ~F-finite function on A F . We

therefore argue as in n°2 to deduce from (15) that Uh:0. So u=0 on A0,
u=0 on A0 by analytieity, ~u=0 on MI=K~0 ~.

4. Uniform estimates on the "sectors" Ao(F :t)

We continue with the above notation. We fix ~. Given F?Z, we define

~F as before by

~F(H) = min ~(H) (He s0).


For any t > 0 ~ Ao(F :t) is the "sector" defined as

(16) Ao(F: t) = re: a ~ c1(Ao),~F(log a) zt 00(log a)}

Here P0= PQ0" The estimate (5) then yields at once the following.


THEOP~M 7. Let f:G(G:U:T). Fix F ~Z. Then 3 C>0, ~ > 0 , r ~ 0 such

that V h : A ~ ( F :t) (t>O)

(17) If(h) - dPF(h)-ifpF(h)l !C :(h)i+t~(l +a(h)) r

Indeed, ~ F ( l O g h ) : ~tP0(logh ) for hcA:(F it) and ~l(h)dPF(h) -i !

-P0(iog h) ri rI -~P0(log h)
const.e (i +:(h)) f const.E(h)(l +a(h)) and e i~(h) ~t.

THEOR~ 8. Suppose G=°G. Let f eG(G :U : T). Then we can find ~>0
with the following property: given F ~ E, t > 0, 3 C = CF, t >0 such that

(18) If(h)-dPF(h )-ifpF(h)l !C :(h) l+~t (h a A:(F : t))

Moreover, if we write, for any ~ e Z, F6 = Z\ [~}, then 3 tO > 0 such that

(19) C:(A~) = u A~(F~:to)


Since G= °G, e -¢#0 dominates (i +a) r on CI(A~) for any ¢ >0 and any
r ~0. This gives (181 from (17). To prove the second assertion, let S+ be the
subset of CI(A~) of all a such that c(a) = i. If we put

~l= in* max ~(ioga) 72= max D0(log a)

aaS + ~e~ aeS +

Then both 71 and Y2 are >0. Let 0 < t O <71/72 . Suppose now ae S+. If
171 is such that B(loga)= max6,cZ B'(loga) , B(loga)> TI while D0(log a) ~Y2"
Hence B(l~a)>t o 00(loga). Thu~

s+= U A~(Fs i t o)

si~c~ h~A~(F:t) ~ h t = e ~ ( t l o g h ) ~A~(F: t) W t ~ 0 , we get (19).

~. Criterion for square inte~rability

The estimates obtained above lead to the following important characterization

of square integrable eigenfunctions. We work with a fixed minimal psgrp
Q0 =MOAON0 as before.

THEOREM ~. Let f e G ( O :U i T ) , f ~ O . Then the following are equivalent:

(i) f c L2(G : U)(~ L2(G) ® U)

(ii) a=°~ and fSF=0WF~S
(ii:) f~c(a:u) (~c(a)®u)


If these are satisfied by some f ~ 0, then G= °G, G has a compact CSG, f is

a cusp form, fQ=0Vpsgrps Q of G that are / G, and ~ a a>0 such that
for any a,bc@, one can find C=C >0 with

(20) I(afb)(2)l ! c ~(2) l+~ (2 ~ G)

(iii)~(i) obviously. Now assume (ii). Then by (18) and (19), ~ C >0,
~>0 such that If(h) l ! C~(h) l+K~v/hc CI(A~). SO, as G=KC£(A~)K, we get

(~) If(~)l /c~(~) I+~ (2~a)

Since G=°G,
= dominates (i+~
)r on G(A
~) for any ~>0, r ~ 0 . So

sup (~-i(i+~)rlf]) <

for each r~0. Further, by Proposition 9.14, we can find g,g' oCt(G) such that
f=g*f*g' Hence, for a,bc@,

(22) afb = g b * f * a g '

It follows from (22) that if E is a compact subset of G such that E = E -I and

E D supp(g) L] supp(g'), then ~ C'= Ca,
b>0 such that

(23) J(a~o)(x)l ! c, sup ff(r~y')l ~/ xcG)


So from (21) we see that for some C=Ca, b > 0 ,

(24) I(afb)(2)l !C ~(2) l+~ ~/ x~G)

From (24) we argue as before that for each r >0

sup (~-Z(z +~)rlafbl) <

This proves that f e C(G : U) and establishes (20). By Theorem 12.15 we know
that if 3 nonzero f eG(G :U : T) ~ C(G :U), then G=°G, G has a compact CSG,
and f is a cusp form. By (ii) of (6), if we have (ii) above, then fQ= 0 V
psgrps Q / G . In order to complete the proof of Theorem 9, it thus remains to
prove the implication (i) ~ (ii). We fix f 6G(G : U : T), F ~ Z, and assume
f et,2(G :~), f{o.
We claim first that G= °G. Suppose not and that C ~ [i] is the split
component of G. Then, for some y e °G, g : a1~f(ya) is nonzero and lies in
L2(C D : U). Since g is s, tempered exponential pol~ynomial, this is impossible.
Hence G = °G.


For each positive root h of (~,aO) let m(h)=dim(~A). Let

J(h) = n (e h ( l ° g h ) _ e-h(logh))m(h) (he C£(Ao) )

We use the estimate (18) on A+(F:t), t >0 being fixed throughout what follows.
-E0 0
Once again, as G=°G, we use the domination of (i+~) r by e (r_>0, ¢>0)
to obtain ~I+¢eL2(G) for each ¢>0.
Hence, as f eL2(G :U) and as
dx= J(h)dkldhk 2 (X=klhk2,klk 2 e K, he CI(A0))~ we conclude from (18) that

(25) Z% (F t) dF(h)-2j(h)
IfpF(h)12dh < ~

Let c >0 be a fixed positive number and let E be the subset of all
h e A ~ ( F :t) such that ~(logh)~c V~eE; it is then immediate for some cI > 0 ,

J(h) ~ eI dF(h)2 (h e E)

(26) j IfPF(h)12dh<

We shall prove that the relation (26) leads to a contradiction as follows. Let
aF (resp. ~Z\ F ) be the subspace of a0 where the members of F (resp. E\ F)
vanish. Let A F = e x p aF, A E \ F = e x p ~\F. If h I eA~.\F is such that
&(loghl)>c V&eF, then ~ T = T ( h l ) > O with the following property: if h 2 6 A F
is such that &(logh2)>c V~eEkF, and BF(IOgh2)>T P0(logh2), then
hlh 2 c E. So, for almost sdl such bl,

(2n ]A IfPF(hh2lI2dh2 < ~

F(h :~)
where AF(~ : T) i s the subset of AF of a l l h 2 e A F with ~F(lOgh2)>c and
~F(lOgh2) >T p0(!ogh2). Write ghl(h2):fPF(hlh2). Then ghl is a tempered ex-

ponential polynomial on A F. It is clear from the definition of A F ( h : T) that

we can find a compact subset L1 of the unit sphere of ~F' having nonempty in-
terior (in the unit sphere), and a number tl>0 (both depending on ~) such that
HeLl , t>tl~exptHeAF( ~ :T). Since Ighl(.)l 2 is integrable on AF(~ : T),
we see that for almost 8~Ii H e L l , t~t~-ilghl(exptH)
12 is integrable on (tl,m)
(~=dimGF). This contradicts the fact that ghl is a tempered exponential poly-
nomial unless ghl(exptH)=0Vt, H e L 1. By analyticity, ghl=0 on AF~ hence
finally fPF = 0 on E, thence on A0, and finally on ~F = M~F= K~0~" This
proves everything.


6. Constant terms and cusp forms

Theorem 9 establishes a very remarkable connexion between certain eigen-

fUnctions and cusp forms. This is a special case of a much more general result
which associates cusp forms with any element of C(G : U : T). We have

THEORI~M i0. Let G be an arbitrary group of class ~ and let notation be as

above. Let fE~(G:U:7). Assume that f~0 and let ~(f) be the set of all
psgrps Q of G such that fQ#0. Let Q=MAN be an element of ~(f) minimal
with respect to c. Then

(i) for each a~A, f ~ , ~ : m ~ ( F ) (m~M) is a cusp form on F and 3

suoh that #~,7# 0.

(ii) ~ is euspidal, i.e., ~ a 0-stable CSGL of G such that LR=~.

~(f) is certainly nonempty since G e ~(f). Let ~ be a minimal element of

~(f). If Qc~ is a psgrp of G and Q~, then fQ=0 by minimality. Let
*~ = Q0 (~). Then ~ is a psgrp of ~ and we know from Theorem 6 that
(f~)*Ql=fQ=0. So, by (i0),_ (f~,a).Q=0 on i~!VaeA; here *Q=QOF as
Usual. Since every psgrp (~ iv:) of ~ is of the form Q0~ for some psgrp Q
(# ~) of G, and since ~ = o(~), Theorem -3 shows that f~,~ is a cusp form
on ~ V acA. Of course, since f~#0, ~ ae~ for which f~,~#0. Theorem 9
again implies that ~ has a compact CSG. The assertion (ii) now follows from
Proposition 6.23.

7. A consequence of Theorem ~. The case of ei~enfunctions

Let X :~ C be a homomorphism. We write

(28) ~x(a :u : T) : {f :f ~c(Q :u :T), sf = x ( z ) f V z c8}.

We now examine more closely the constant terms fQ for f C~x(G : U : T).

Let Q=MAN be a psgrp of G; ~ = m + ~+n the corresponding psalgebra;

ml=m+ s; %,52,~/, the subalgebras of C~ generated by (l,ml) , (l,m), (l,a) respect-
ively; 8(m), ~(ml) are the centers of 52, ~ ; ~ ( m l ) ~ 8 ( m ) ® ~I.

Select a e-stable CSA I of ~ c o n t a i n i n g a. Let W(ge,|e) denote t h e

corresponding Weyl group. We can then find fc |* such that
(29) X(z) = XA(Z ) = I~B/I(z)(A) (z c 8).

The orbit W(gc,le) " A is uniquely determined. Since the CSA's of gc containing
Sc are conjugate under the centralizer of ~ in ~c ~ it is clear that the subset
W(~ c,lc) • A I s of s does not depend on the choice of I,A. We now have the
c e
following theorem.


THEOP~ ii. Let notation be as above. Suppose f e Cx(G : U : T). Then the
subset E of ac of the restrictions sA Iae (s e W(~c,lc) ) is independent of the choice
of I,A. If E n i s * = ~ , then fQ=0. Suppose E meets is* and i~,...~ih n are the
distinct elements of EO is*. Let P(A) be the algebra of all functions on A of the
form a ~ p(log a) for some polynomial p on s. Then there are elements
fke~(M :U : TM)®P(A ) such that
(30) fQ(ma) = ~ fk(m)e (meM, a e A )

If A is regular, we can find fk 6~(M : U : TM) such that

i~(log a)
(31) fQ(ma) = E fk(m)e (meN, a c A )
In either case the fk are uniquely determined.
We use Theorem 3, notably (i) of (6). As zf= XA(z)f V z ¢ 8, we have

(~2) ~Q(z)fQ= ~/i (z)(A)fQ (~ ~ 8)

We now use the results of the second appendix. For brevity let us write W =
W(gc,lc) and W s for the subgroup of W generated by the ref!exions s
corresponding to the roots ~ of (gc~Ic) that are zero on a, i.e., that are
roots of (m!c,|c). Let J (resp. Js) be the subalgebra of $ of all elements
invariant under W (resp. Ws) , ~ being as usual the subalgebra of @ gener
ated by (l,I). Let ~K be the subspace of ~ consisting of all harmonic ele-
ments (with respect to W), ]}Ks=]~a =]~ A Js' and let uI = I ~ u2~...~mr be a
basis of }K s consisting of homogeneous elements. If JA is the ideal in J
of elements vanishing at A, Js is the direct sum of JsJA and ]~is ; more-
over, we have an r Xr matrix representation u ~ T s ( A : u) of Js such that for
l<j<_r, u e J s,

(33) uuj m ~ 7a(A : u)ij ~. (mod(JaJA))

l<i< r l

Let vicS(ml) be such that bml/i(vi)=ui~ and let

(34) r(A: v) = vs(A: bh/I(v)) t iv e 8(~))

t denoting matrix transpose. Then Fa(A : .) is an r×r matrix representation

of 8(ml). Moreover, it follows from (33) that for l<j<r_
-- , veS(ml),

(35) wj ~ l<i<r~ Fs(A :v)j i v.! (m°d(~(ml)bQ(SA))


(36) 8A = ~I (JA) = fz : z e 8, ~/I ( z )(A) --0 ]


If we use (32) we then obtain the following. Let ® be the column vector with
r components, the jth component being vjfQ. Then

(37) ve =ra(A:v)Sa (v ~ 8(m~))

Since ~ = 8(ml), we get

(3s) ~e a = rQ(A :~)s (He ~)

The differential equations (38) form a linear system and can be solved at
once. Let H~,...,H d be a basis of a. Then

(39) Sa(m~(%) ) = exp(F(%))e (m) (m c M,%s ~d)

where we write, for brevity,

~(%)=exp(tl~+...+tdHd), r(D=tlr~(A:%)+. +tdrJA:H d)

Let bj (i ~ j ~q) be the distinct elements of a*e that are of the form
sAl ac for some s ~ W. Then we know from Section 19, Proposition 3 (of the second
Appendix) that the characteristic polynomial of Fa(A : v) is given by

(40) d e t ( T . l - Ca(A: v ) ) = l < k n < r (T-U(sklA)) (u=~ml/|(v))

where sl=l,s2,...,s r is a complete set of representatives for W/W a. If we

now re s t r i c t our a t t e nt i o n to v = u = H c a we see that there
are projections Ej corresponding to the bj such that EjEj,=Ej,Ej=0 (j~ j'),
I = E l + ...+Eq, and, V H e a,

(41) ra(A:~)= i Z j~Z q bj (H)Ej +N(A:~)

where N(A : -) depends linearly on H, is nilpotent VH, and commutes with

the E.. Taking H=tl~+ ...+tdH d, we get
exp(F(t)) = ( 2 ebj(H)Ej)exp(N(A : H))
Substituting in (39) and taking the first components, we get

= F e~j(H)
fQ(me(t)) l~-j~_q k gJk(m)Pjk(t)

where g ik~ are linear combinations of the derivatives vifQIM and the Pjk are
polynomials in t. We thus obtain

fa(ma) = r e~j(aoga) gj(ma) (m c M,a c A)

I <_ J"<


where gj eC(M :U : TM)®P(A). But for each mcM, a~fQ(ma) is tempered on A.

Hence only those gj will be nonzero for which ~j is pure imaginary on e.
This therefore proves the first assertion of Theorem !i and the representation
Suppose now that A is regular. Then (cf. Section 19, Proposition 2 of the
second Appendix) Fa(A: .) is a semisimple representation. So ~ projections E.
corresponding to bj such that Ej,Ej=EjEj, = 0 (l~j~j'~q),
i = E1 + ... + Eq, and, instead of (41), we have the simpler

(42) Fa(A : H) = l < jE< r (H e ~)


Hence, writing H= t l % + ... +tdHd,

exp F(~) = D ebj(H)E.

l<j<q J

Substitution in (39) gives

fQ(~(!) ) = E ebj(H) gj(m) (m e M)

i <_ 3 "<
where the gj are linear combinations of the vifQIM, hence are in C(M : U : TM)
itself. Thus

fQ(ma) = ~ ebj(loga) gj(m) (mcM,aeA)

i <_J "<
As before, gj = 0 unless Bj e ia*. This gives (~i). The ur~er~ss of the ~ is obvic~s.

8. Square inte~rability of eisenfunctions with real regular ei~envalues.

Square inte~rability of the ®b*,@ for regular b*.

Let X :8~C be a homomorphism. We say that X is real if we can find a

6-stable CSA! of ~ and Ae I* such that

(i) ×(z) = ×A(~) = %/I (z)(A) (z ~ 8)

(ii) A IIIN t is pure imaginary and AIIln ~ is real, where ll= I ~ [~,~].
Let TI=(-I)2(II~ ~ ) + ( I i ~ ~). Then the condition (ii) is equivalent to saying
that AIT is real. Now, if ~ is a root of (Bc,lc) , ~ is real on T. Hence
AIi- is a re&l linear combination of the roots. Since [ is the ]R-linear sub-
space of Ile where all roots of (~c,|c) take real values, it follows that the
above definition is intrinsic, i.e., depends only on X and not on either the
choice of ! or A; moreover,

(44) X A is real ~ A I [ i c is a real linear combination of roots of (~c,lc).


T H E O R ~ 12. Suppose that G has a compact CSG and that X is a real reg-
ular homomorphism of 8 into £. Then all elements of Gx(G : U : T) are cusp
forms and so lie in L2(G : U) together with their derivatives. In particular,
if g is an eigenfunction on G which is K-finite and belongs to the homomorphism
X, then agb s L2(G) for all a,b e @, and in fact g is a cusp form.

We consider f ~(G :U :T) such that zf=X(z)fVz ~8. We may assume that
f~0. Suppose f is not a cusp form. Then we can find a psgrp Q ~ G such
that fQ~ 0, in view of Theorem 9. We now use Theorem i0. Let ~(f) be as in
that theorem and let Q=MA N be an element of ~(f)~Q and minimal with respect
to ~. By Theorem !0, for each a£A, f~,~ : m ~ f ~ ( m [ ) (~c~) is a cusp form on
~, and ~ ~ such that f~,~0; moreover, Q is cuspidal. So we can select
a e-stable CSA~ s~ch that a= ! n D.

We assert first of all that the CSG corresponding to ~ is not compact;

for if this were the case, ~ = {0} which would imply that ~ = G, which is not
possible. In particular, ~ is not fundamental and so (%,~c) must have a
real root, say ~ (I, Proposition 10.15).

Select A~ c such that X(z) = ~/~(z)(A) (z ~ 8)- Then, by Theorem ll,

since f~0, 3 s~W(Gc,~c) such that sAlaci~ . In particular, sAl(~n [$,~] )
is purely imaginary on ~D [~ ~]. On the other hand, as X is real,
sAl(~n [~,G]) has to be also real. Hence sA vanishes identically on a~ [~,G].
But if ~ is the real roob of (~,~c) chosen above and H is its image in ~c'
we know that H c ~ 1 0 ~ where ~l=[O [~,~]. So sA(H ) = 0 i.e.~ (sA,~}=0~
contradicting regularity of A. This proves the first assertion of the theorem.
The others are obvious consequences of this.

Let us now assume that G has a compact CSG and choose one such, say B~
c K. Let b be the corresponding CSA. As in Section 5 we denote by B* the
set of irreducible characters of B and let notation be as in that section.
Then, for each b cB we have constructed an invariant eigendistribution %,
on G. The distribution %* satisfies the differential equations

Here h(b*) =log b* +6, 6

being half the sum of the positive roots of (~e,be),
and log b* being the element of (-1)2b * such that

(~) h*(ex~H) = dim(b*)e (l°gb*)(~) (~ ~)

We are interested in the Fourier coefficients of the %*" In order to de-

fine them we proceed, more generally, as follows. Let g(K) be, as in Section
7, the set of all equivalence classes of irreducible representations of K. For

2h 7

@e ~(K) let ~@ be, as usual, the function k~dim(@)~@(k -I) on K, ~@ being

the oh~acter of ~. ;or f~C~(~) we write (cf. (~.10) ~ l f ~ = ~ : f ~ , ~
being the class contra~redientto @. The map f~@if@2 is continuous, both from

C~(G) to C~(G) and C(G) to C(G). If T is any distribution on G, and

~l,~(~), we p~t

5 % 2 is also a distribution. Moreover, if ~ is tempered, so is 5 % 2, and

If T is the distribution defined by the locally integrable function t~ thenj

for all ~ , @ 2 ~ K,

is well defined for almost all x e G, is a locally integrable function, and ~ t@

is the distribution defined by it. The @lt@2 a r e t h e F o u r i e r coefficients of 1 T2
with respect to the two-sided action of K. We can a l s o d e f i n e the Fourier co-
efficients of a distribution T relative to the right (or left) action only.
Thus we write

(50) %(0 = T(f~) (fcC~(G), f~. = f ~ @ )

As before, T~ is tempered if T is so, and (50) gives T~(f) even for fsC(G).
If T is invariant with respect to K, i.e., if T(~)=T(f)~/kcK (where
~ ( y ) = f(k-lyk),y ¢ G), then it follows easily from the definitions that

(51) % = ~T (~(K), ~ = ~wk~)

If • is the centralizer of K in @, we have, ~ / f c C~(G), @1,@2~ Z(K),

(52) %(~lf~s~2 = ~l(%fq2)~s (%,% ~ .~)

From (52) we get, for any distribution T on G

(53) %(~1%2~2 = ~1(%T%)~2 ( % , % ~ ~)

If ~K is the-centralizer of K in ~, ~ K C ~ , and so (53) is v a l i d V q l , q 2 c

~K" This shows that if T is 8-finite, then for each @c g(K), T@ is ~ K -
finite. The ~sual argument involving elliptic operators shows that T@ is an
analytic function on G. If T is invariant, then T@= @T so that the function


T# is K-finite, i.e., the translates r(kl)f(k2)T @ (kl,k 2 • K ) span a finite

dimensional space. Note that if T is in fact an eigendistribution for 8 be-
longing to the homomorphism X :~ C, T@ has the same property. Finally, if T
is tempered, we can use Theorem 9.13 to conclude that the T@ satisfy the weak
inequality. We have thus obtained

Proposition i~. Suppose T is an invariant B-finite distribution on O.

Then for any @• g(K), T@ is an analytic function which is 8-finite and K-finite;
if T is an eigen distribution for the homomorphism X of ~ into C, the same
is true of T@. If T is tempered, the T@ satisfy the weak inequality.

COROLLARY 14. For any b •B , and a~y ~e ~(K), ®b*,~ is an analytic

function on G which is K-finite~ satisfies the differential equations

and moreover, s a t i s f i e s the weak inequality.

If b*e B* is regUlar in the sense of the definition given in Section 5,
i.e., if Z(b*)=logb*+6 is a regular element of b*, then ~(b*) is a
C 1
regular homomorphism of 8. Moreover, since log b * • (-l)2b it follows that
%X(b*) is also real. Theorem 12 is thus applicable to the %.,#. We have thus
obtained one of the central results of the theory:

THEOIK~ 15. Let G have a compact CSG B C K , and let the distributions
%* (b* e B*) be as in Section 5 • Then, for any regular b* • B* and any
@• g(K), ®b*,~ is a K-finite analytic function on G which is a cusp form. In
p~tie~ar, all the derivatives a(%.,~)b (a,b •~) lie in ~2(~)

9" Proofs of Theorems i-~. The fundamental differential equations and

initial estimates.

The rest of this section (n°s 9, i0, ii) will be devoted to the proofs of
Theorems 1-3, since everything else has been deduced from these.

We start with an f cd(G :U :T). Since, for Q= G, Theorems i-3 are trivial
with fQ=f, we may assume Q~G. We may also assume that f~0. Let

(~) 8 ( f ) = [z :z cB,zf= 0}, 8 ( ~ , f ) =~(~l)~Q(8(f))

8(f) is an ideal in 8 of finite codimension. Now ~Q is an isomorphism of

with ~Q(8), and 8(ml) is a free finite modu2Le over bQ(8).

~ i s the rank of 8(ml ) over ~q(8), and i f n=dim(8/8(f)),

so, i f
dim(S(~l)/S(ml,f)) = ns, where l<ns<~. Let r = n s and let


(56) Vl= l,v2~..-,v r

be chosen in 8(ml) so that they are linearly independent and

(57) 8(5_) = 8 ( ~ , f ) + 2 c • v. (direct sum)

l<j<r J
The natural representation of 8(ml) in 8(~)/8(~f) can thus be regarded as
acting in Ej C. vj, and hence identified with an r×r matrix representation.
We write F for the transpose of this representation. F is also a representa-
tion of 8(ml) of degree r, and if r(v)i j are the matrix entries of r(v)
(v ~8(5_)),
(~8) v~.= ~ v(v)..v. + ~8(rE,f ), l < j < _ r )
O l<i<r Om i qv, j (qv,j -

Let us now introduce V = U ® Cr. We define the double representation 7 of

K in V by setting ? (?I~T2) and ?i(k)=Ti(k)®l. We give Cr its stand-
ard Hilbertian structure. Then V becomes a Hilbert space in a natural manner
since U is a Hilbert space, and 7 is unitary since T is so. We write e.
(l~ j ~r) for the standard basis of Cr (the components of ej are 8jk
(l!k!r)). ~et

(59) ¢(m) = l~j~r~ f(~;vjO dQ) @ ej (mcM1)

Here dQ is the usual homomorphism ~ ]R~. For ~= (~1,~2), ~ i C % , let

(60) ¢(m) = ®(~=;m;~2) (m~_)

Finally, let >(~) be the endomorphism of Cr defined by the matrix F(v) and put

(61) ~(v) = 1 ® F(v) (v~8(5))

Proposition 16. Let vcS(ml), ~I,~26%. Define ~v,j by (58)and let

(62) Yv (m) = l<_j<r

~ f(m;
Nv,j o dQ) ® e j (me~)

Write Yv, N for Yv (N1;m;N2)' Then

(63) v¢ = V(v)¢ + Yv' v ¢ = V(v)¢ + Yv,~

The first relation follows from (58) and (59); the second, on differentiat-
ing the first by ~i and ~2"

We shall now derive the initial estimates for ~ and Yves" First we


Proposition 17. ~ constants c0>0, r 0>_0 such that

(6~) --(m)dQ(m) < cO ~l(m)(l +a(m)) (me MI)

For proving this select a minimal psgrp Q0 =MoAoN0 of G such that Q0~Q.
Let a0=l°gA0" We have~ for constants c0>0~ r0>0_ ~ writing p0 for 0Q0

-D0(log h ' ) r
-~(h') < Coe (~ + ~ ( h ' ) ) 0 (h' e C~(~O))
Suppose h c A 0. Then ~ s e ~ (= Weyl group of (g,~0)) such that h ' = h s Cl(Ao).
Since D0(iogh' ) -D0(logh'S)>0 we have
-pO (log h) r0 -DO (log h) r0
(65) " - ( h ) = ~ ( h ' ) i toe (l+c(h') =C e (l+o(h))

On the other hand, l e t +A0 denote t h e subset of A0 of a l l h such that

c~(logh)>O for a l l positi~Qe roots ~ of (ml,aO). Then M 1 = ~Cl(+A0)~,
Do(l°g n) e*O(log h )
while, for h e A0, e = dQ(h), *P being the p attached to
(h'%)" So, by (65), WhsC~(+AO ),

r r0
~(h)dQ(h ) < c0e-*O(l°gh) (l+~(h)) 0 --<C0HMl(h)(l+a(h))

in view of Proposition 8.17. This gives (641 .

We recall that Z is a Hilbert space for the norm [I" II where Itxll
-~s(x,~x) (Xe~). ~et

(661 ~Q(m/ = II<id(~>)0(~)]l = [l<kd(O(m)11~ll <m ~ ~l>

where the s ~ f f i ~ denotes r e s t r i c t i o n and I1"11 i s the ~ s , ~ operator norm. If

% =MOA0~o is a ~ i n i m ~ psgrp or a co~taine~ in Q, ,,e have Ml= 9 J 0 % a n d
for h ~ A o, as e ( h ) = h -1, ~Q(h)=lbd(h-1),ll. As Ad(k) is ~nita~y for k ~ K ,
we have

(671 cQ(m) = Im(Ad(m-l))nll (me M1)

Proposition 18. Let ~= ('ql~2)~ ~ £ % ~ and ae 9(n)~. Then we can find

bI .....bqe@, ~ .....h c 9(n), such that, V g s Ca(G),

(6s) Ig(h;m;n2a)l <_ ~Q(m) F [g(~Xi;m;hj)f (mcM1)

l_<i,j_< q
Since a d ~ leaves n stable, ~ 8 ( n ) c 8 ( ~ ) ~ . Hence ~2ac 8(n)~J. Select
an orthonormal basis Xt (l!t<q) for @(n) and write 'q2a=~b!+...+Xqbq,
htee. Then ~j=ei hj(mlXi (~e%1 and


g(m 2a) = g(m X bj) =

g a

=~ gij(m)g(Xi;m;bj)

since l~ij(m)I~q(m), we are through when ql = i. For the general case, we

replace g by gql"

Since dim(U) < ~ we know that all derivatives afb (a,b c e) satisfy the
weak inequality. So, given a,bc@, 3 C=Ca, b>0, r=ra~ b ~ 0 such that

(69) I(afb)(x)l ~c~(x)(l+o(x)) r (xcG)

Proposition 19. Set q=(~'q2) 'k~, v~S(~z)- Then, 3 C'=Cv,

' q> 0
and r'=r' >0 such that V m ~ ,

(70) I{q(m)l < C'~l(m)(1 +a(m))r', IYv, q(m)l _<C'SQ(m)~l(m)(1 +~(m))r '

We recall the automorphism ~ # ' = d Q l o ~o dQ of ~ (cf. (6.37)). Then,

writing h(m)=f(m;vj° dQ),

Ih( qm;m; q2) I = dQ(m) I f( q~ ;m; (q2vj) ') I

The estimate for @ q in (70) now follows from (69) and Proposition 17. Let us
now estimate Yv, q" Since qqv,j is an element of ~8(ml,f), it is
enough to estimate h(ql;m;q2) where h is the function m~f(m;~Q(Z)O dQ),
and ~ e ~ , z ~8(f). Since ~Q(Z)O dQ= ~o dQO dQlo ~Q(Z)O dQ, and since
Z-dQlo ~Q(Z)O dQ lies in ~(n)® by Proposition 6.29, we see that ~Q(Z)O dQ =
~o dQO z + dQ~'b where bc £(n)~. Then, as zf=0, we have h(m)=
dQ(m)f(m;~'b). B~t then h(ql;m;q2)=dQ(m)f(N~;m;(q2~)'b ). So, by (69) and
Propositions 17 and 18, ~ c'>0, r'>0 such that

Ih(nm;m;q2) 1 ~ C'~Q(m)~(m)(m +~(m)) r' (m ~ Ml)

This leads to the second estimate in (70).

i0. The function 8

Let oa= aNGI where 91 = [~,B]. If d=dim(°~), then we know that

among the roots of Q there are exactly d simple ones, say $1,...,#d, and
that every root of Q can be written as ml# I+ ...+rod#d where the mj are
integers all ~_ O; the #i are of course linearly independent. Let { ~ .... ,Hd}
be the basis of °a dual to [#l .....~d }' so that #i(Hj)=6ij. We write


6Q(H) = min tBi(H ) (H~ (~)

e(t) = exp(tl~ + ... +tdHd) (t= (tI ..... td) e ]Rd)

We put min(~)=min(t I .... ,td) and ~ for the open subset of ]Rd where min(tD
is > 0. Let h= (k'h2)' ~i c % and let us define, for mcY~, ~e]R d,

(72) q(£) : ®(~l~mL(t)~2), aj,m(~) : ~,~(mt(£))

Note that Hj~(ml) so that, by (62), YHj,~ is well defined. Fm and G.
depend on h hut we are not explicitly displaying this dependence. It is ob-
vious that ¢w/m e MI)

(73) cQ(~(t)) = e -min(~), ~Q(m~(t~) ! cQ(m) e-min(t~ (~ ~)

Taking v= H. (i ! j ! d ) in (63) we then obtain


(74) ~ % = -r(Hj)% + Gj,m

Furthermore, from (70), we get the following

Proposition 20. ~ CI=CI,h>0 , rl=rl,~0 such t h a t V m e M l , ~6S,

r r1
IFm(~)l ! C i % ~ X l +~(m)) i(i+ I~l)
JGj,m(£) I !el ~l(m)(1 +c(h)) EQ(m)(1+ l ! l ) r l e - m i n ( ! )

We now use the results of Section 18, the first Appendix. Since the
are commuting endomorphisms of £r, we can define

°(cr) = ~ ( ~ (cr)~(Hj),b)
l<j<d bei]R

Similarly we can define °V relative to the N(Hj). Then

(76) °V = U ® °(cr) = ( r VT(Hj),~)

i !J ~d ~cim
(cf. (z8.9)). By ~oposition z8.2, a unique element 8 °V such that,
for each t e ~,

(77) lim IFm(tt) - exp(T(t~))eh,ml : 0



(78) Y(!) = tlY(~) + "'" +tdY(~d)


(7~) e(m) = el,m, ® (m) = eh, m (m~M1)

The ~niqueness of the limit in (77) shows that G is ~M-spherical, We now

apply Proposition 18,5 with the following substitutions: p = dim(V), r= s = rl,h,
~=z, A=Cl'~I(m) (l+~(m) rl'h, B=C 1 ,h~Z
= (m) (l+o(m)r2'h~Q(m) , m~ z, ~t~
being arbitrary; Cl,h, rl, h are as in Proposition 20. We get the following
estimate; here L > 0 , 80>0 are independent of ms~, ts~, and h.
rI )rl+2p+l
I~(h 1 ~m~(~)~2)-e~(~(t))O~(m)l <_TCl(l+~Q(m))~l(m)(l~(m)) (l+l~l
(80) •e

leh(m) l < ~ Cl(1 + ~Q(m))~l(m)(Z +a(m)) rl

From (80) we see that the convergence in (77) is uniform as long as m

varies over compact subsets of M I. So all the ® are continuous functions of
m. We assert that O is of class C~ and
® = h2®~l for all h= (~,h2),
hi ¢ ~ . To see this we introduce the projection 8 : V ~ ° V that commutes with
all the ~(Hj) and write °~(H.)=~(H.)I°V. Since the eigenvalues of °~(Hj)
are all purely imaginary, IIexpJ-°~(t)llg=0((i + It lp) by Le~0ma 18.4. Hence we
get from (80) the following estimate: let w~M I be a compact set and hi c ~ ;
then with t° ~ O being fixed, 3 constants e>0, ~>0 such that, V m ~ w ,

(81) ~xp(-°~(t~°))8¢(hl;me(tt°~h2) - ® (m) l <_ca

If gt(m) =exp(-C~(ttf))8@(me(ttf)), gt c C~(MI : V), and our assertion follows

from the completeness of C~(NI : V) under the usual topology, since
h2gt~l)(me(t~°)) = exp(-°~(tto))~¢(hl;me(t~°);h2 ) .

Let us now consider the special case h= v 6 ~(ml). Fixing m e M1 and tf

•n ~ we find from (80) that for suitable constants C l > 0 , ~l>0,
-~i t
l¢(me(ttf);v) - exp(~(ttf))®(m;v)l <_ cle

for all t>O. On the other hand, from the differential equations (63),

= +

From the estimates (70) we have, f o r suitable constants c2>0 , ~2bO,


ITv(me(ttf))l <_ c2e (t>o)
while, for suitable constants c9>0, ~ 3 > 0 ,

I~(v)¢(me(ttf)) - exp(~(ttf))~(v)®(m)l < c3e t>O

Combining all of these and using the uniqueness of the limit in (77), we get

(82) ®(re;v) = Y(v)e(m) (m c MI'V ~ 8(ml) )

If H c a, then H e 8(ml). The differential equations (82) then yield

(83) O(ma) = exp(~(log a)) G(m) (m c MI~ a c A )

Let Us now consider the behaviour of ¢(ma) when acA and a~. Write
°A= exp°a, and let C D be the split component of G. Then A= ° A C ~ OAxC~.
For a c A , let oa and aI be the projections of a on °A and C . From
(80) we then obtain, for fixed m c MI, as soon as all the roots of Q take pos-
itive values at a,

l¢(ma) - exp(Y(logOa))®(mal)[ < c4(i +a(al))r4(l +~(Oa))r4e-~4~Q (iog °a)

where c4>0 , ~4>0, r4>0 are constants independent of a. Since °a and ¢

(= log o C )= are mutually orthogonal, ~(a)>_max(q(al),~(°a)). Moreover,
BQ(log BQ(loga)~ E0a(a) for some ~0>0. So, using (83), we get

(84) lira I®(ma)- e(m~)l = 0 (m~MZ).

Aga ~
We now turn to the question of obtaining estimates that are uniform in % .
The estimates (80) are not good because ~Q can become quite large. We
therefore define

(85) M[ = rm . ' m c % , ~ q ( m ) < l } .

+ +
Clearly Ml is open in ~ and Ml = ~ 7 ~ " Moreover, i f % =%%% is
a minimal psgrp of G contained in Q, it is obvious that
+ +
(86) Ml = %(M[ n c ~ ( % ) ) %

The estimates (80) sine good on M1. To go from to M1 we Use

Proposition 21. We can find a constant c >i with the following property.
If m ~ M I~ there exists an ac °A such that


(i) 8Q(loga)>O and c(a)~c(l+c(m))

(ii) maeMi

Choose a minimal psgrp Q0 =MOAON0 of G, contained in Q. Let +A 0 be

the positive chamber in A0 relative to the roots of (ml~G0)o If ~ eM 1, we
can write m = k l h k 2 where kl,k 2 s ~ , heCl(+A0 ). Let y be the maximum of
1 + 18(1ogh)l as 8 runs over the simple roots in the set of roots of Q.
Choose a e °A such that B(log a) =7 for each of these simple roots B. Cer-
tainly ha e M 1+ and so m a e M E. Now we can find a constant cl > l such that
for all b e °A, ~(b) 2 ~ c ~ E8 8(logb) 2, the sum being over the simple roots of Q.
On the other hand, for such 8, l + 18(logh)l ~l+llBllc(h) so that for some con-
stunt c _ ~ > l independent of h, 7 ~c2(l+c(h)). Hence, with d = dim(°A);
~(a)2!c~d2c~(l+~)) 2. This gives ~(a)!e(l+~(h))=c(l+c(m)) , where
C = C l d c2 •

We can now show that 8 satisfies the weak inequsulity. Taking ~= 1 in

(80) we have~ since ~Q(m) < i for m s MI~

(87) le(m)i2LCl~(ml(l+~(m))
rl (meMO)
Suppose me~. Choose c>1~ a e ° A as in Proposition 21. Then

IO(m)l = le(rlma)l = lexp(-~(log a)) ®(ma) l

We canreplace Y(loga) by °Y(loga) since ®(m')e°V V m ' e M I. As the

°~(Hj) have only pure imaginary eigenvalues, ~ c '> 0 such that

(88) llexp°[(log a')lI<c' (i + (T(a,))r (~v~a'e °A, r = deg(F))

by Lemma 18.4. Hence~ using Proposition 21,

le(m)l s ! c'(i +c)r(1+ (m))rlo(ma)l

Since ma e ~ , we can apply (87) and Proposition 21 again to get the weak
inquality for 8. Combining everything~we have proved the following results.

Proposition 22. For each m e M I, 3 exactly one vector ®(m) s °V such that
for each fixed t e ~,

l@(me(t!) ) - exp(~(tt))@(m)l - 0 (t-+~)

The function ~ is ~M-spherical, of class C , and has the following properties:

(i) o~(M l :v:TH)
(ii) for each me~,


aJim~ ]¢(ma)- e(ma) l = 0

(iii) ®(ma) : exp(°~(log a)) ®(m) = exp(~(log a)) ®(m) (m e MI, a s A)

(iv) ve= Y(v)O (v ~ 8(ml))
Proposition 2~. We can find ~ with 0 < K <i, and, corresponding to each
= (~i'~2)' ~ i ~ ' constants C >0, r ~--
~0 such that

r r
(89) I®(qz;ma;q2) - ®(rbi;ma;~2) I < C -- (m)(1 +cr(m)) q(1 +(:(a~ he -mBQ(l°g a)
- - n-M1
~ / m { CI(M1) , a c CI(A +) where A+ is the positive chamber of A relative to
the roots of Q; i.e., the subset of all asA with ~Q(lOga) >0.

For the estimate (89) , write a as e(t)a I with ~tcO and aI in the
split component C~ of G, and use (80) with ma I in place of m. Since
log°A aaud log Cp +me orthogonal, o(a)>max(o(al),~(e(t)) ). The transition
to Ci(Ml) and CI(A ) is of course by continuity.

ii. Conclusion of proofs of Theorems i-3

We now write

(90) O(m) = g ¢ e (me M1)

l!Oir ®j(m) j
and define

(9l) fQ(m) = ®l(m)

From (ii) of Proposition 22 we then get

lim IdQ(ma)f(ma) - fQ(ma)I = o.


Moreover, as ® ~ ( M I : V: ~M) , it is clear that f Q ~ G ( M I :U : TM). Theorem i

is thus proved.

We shall now prove Theorem 2 as a consequence of Proposition 2 3. We deduce

frcm (89) the following estimate, valid V m c CI(MI), ae CI(A+), { c~, where
~ ' = d Q Io ~o dq as usual:

(9 2) ] dQ(ma)f( ~;~;~)-fQ( ql ;ma; ~2) 1.<_C '~l(m)(l~<~ (m))r ' (l+~(a))r 'e-~Q (l°g a)

where we are writing C ' = C ~r'=r . Let Q0=MoAoN0 be a minimal psgrp of G

contained in Q. We denote by S the set of simple roots of (~, e0) and by F
the subset of S corresponding to Q, so that a is precisely the set of comm-
on zeros of the m~mbers of F. Let b be the set of common zeros of the members


of S\F in a0 ~ [2,~]. Then a0= ~+ b is a direct sum. For any H e a0 we

write H and Hb for the projections of H in a and b respectively; then
H=H +Hb, and ~ a constant c>0 such that

(93) II~olI! cllHll, IIHS}} <_ ellHll (H: %)


(94) H~CZ(%)<=>B(~)_~0VB~S\F, ~(%)>_0Vy~F<=>Ho~Cl(a+), %~C1(%)

We now take m = h ' c CI(Ao) in (92) to get,

(95) l%(h 'a)f(~'~h'a;~)-fQ(l ;h'a;~2)I_~'~Z(~ ')(Z<(h,))r'(l<(a))r'e-~B~(z°~a)

Suppose now heCl(Ao). Let H = l o g h , a = e x p H a , h ' = e x p H b. Then a e C l ( A +)
while h'eCl(Ao) and h=h'a. Using (951, we get

I%(~)f(~;h;~)-f~(%~h~)l _<C'~(h')(~ +~(~')) r'( l + da)) r'e-~B~(z~a)

We now observe that ~ ( h ' ) = ~ (h'a)=~ (~). ~oreover, by (9~),
, ,! ~i, i~ ,
(l+c~(h')) r (l+c~(a)) r <_(l+c) mr (l+c~(h)) mr , while BQ(loga):SQ(lOgh).
We now have the following theorem containing Theorem 2 (when ~= i):

T 0 24. and a sgrpof o. etQ =MOA0.0

be a minimal psgrp of G contained in Q. For ~ e~, let ~'= d o4 o dQ.
Then we can find a ~, with 0 < ~ <I, and, corresponding to each h= (hl,h2),
with ~i e ~ , constants C = C >0 and r = r 7--
>0, such t h a t V h e C l ( A ~ ) ,

JdQ(h)f(h£;h;h~)- fQ(h;h;h2)l ~ C ~ ( h ) ( l + o ( h ) ) r e -m~Q(1Ogh )

It remains only to prove Theorem 3. Since (ii) of (6) is almost trivial,

we need to prove only the first relation. We use Theorem 24. Let z e 8,
~i = i, h2= ~Q(Z). Then we have the above estimate for IdQ(h)f(h;N~) - fQ(h;h2) 1 •
o~ t~e other hand, z= ~+b where b ~ e(~)¢, so t~at f(h;~p=f(h;~)-f(h;b).
Using Proposition 18, we can find co~tants CI>0 , rl~0 such that, V
h ¢ CI(A~),
If(h;b)I i Cle Z(h)(l+o(h)) r

so that, in view of Proposition 17, we have, for suitable constants C2>0,

r2~0 and all h e CI(A~),
-SQ(lOgh) r2
I%(h)f(h;b)l ~ C2e % ( h ) ( 1 +c(h))


Thus, constants C~>0, r~O such that for all h c CI(A~),

ro -~n(logh)
IdQ(h)f(h;z) - r~(h;~Q(z))l ~ C3~l(h)(Z +~(h)) ~e

Replacing h by ha, a e A, we find from the last estimate that

Zim IdQ(ha)(zf)(ha) - (~(z)fQ)(ha)l = 0

for each fixed h ~ CI(Ao). Since zf c~(G :U : m), we find from the definition of
(zf)Q that the difference u = (zf)Q-k~Q(Z)fQ satisfies the limit relation
lira u(ha)=O when a ~ , for each hcCt(Ao). For fixed such h, a~u(ha)
is a tempered ~-finite function on A and so, arguing as in n°2 we find that
u(ha)=0. So u=0 on CI(Ao) , hence =0 on A0 by analyticity, hence =0
on MI by mM-sphericalness. This proves Theorem 3-

As we mentioned at the beginning, we refer to Harish-Chandra's articles

[ 6 ] [ 9 ] [ii ] for the questions treated here. For a condensed treatment
see Varadarajan [ 2 ].

l~. The Discrete Series for G

Everything that is needed for the determination of the discrete series is

now at our disposal. This section is devoted to an exposition of Harish-Chandra's
proof that the characters of the discrete series of G are precisely the distri-
(-i) q sgn "~(b*)~
constructed in Section 5 for regular b~ B ~.

i. Discrete series for a separable unimodular group

In this n ° we define and recall briefly the well k n o w n ~ t s ~ y p r o p e r t i e s a f t l ~

discrete series for a second countable locally compact unimodular group H. We
denote by Z(H) the set of all equivalence classes of irreducible unitary re-
presentations of H. If v is any irreducible unitary representation of H in
some Hilbert space ~(~), and ~,~c~)~ we write

(i) fT:~,¢(x) : f ~(x) = (~(x)~,~) (x~H)

f9,9 is certainly a continuous function of x and ft, = f ~ , 9 where for any

function g on H, ~ ( x ) : g ( x - l ) e°nj. If w cg(H), we write ~* for the
class contragredient to ~.

S~ppose ~ e ~(H). We say that ~ belongs to the discrete series of H if

there is an irreducible subrepresentation of the right regular representation of
H belonging to w. Since H is unimodular, the left and right regular repre-
sentations are equivalent and hence this is the same as requiring that an irre-
ducible subrepresentation of the left regular representation of H belongs to
w. The set of all such ~ is denoted by ~2(H) and is called the discrete
series of H. Using complex conjugation we see that ~2(H) is stable under the
involution ~ ~ w of S(H). If H is compact, S(H) : S2(H ) .

THEOP/94 i. Let m c ~ c ~(H) and let ~(~) be the Hilbert space of F.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) ~ ~ e2(i )
(ii) 3 nonzero 9,¢~(~) such that f 9{L2(H)
(iii) f :~,¢ ~2(H) ~ , , c ~(~).

It is enough to pro~e (ii)~(i), (ii)~(ii~) and (i)~(ii), as (iii)~(ii)

is trivial.
(i)~(ii). We shall in fact prove that if r is the right regular representa-
tion of H and $ is any closed nonzero r-stable subspace of L2(H), ~ nonzero ~,9


in ,~ such that x ~ ( r ( x ) % ? ) is in L2(H). If g,hCCc(H), then x,~l(r(x)g,h)l l i e s

in L2(H); in fact, this function is bounded by the constant llgll Ilhll, and vanishes
outside the compact set (supp(h)) -I • supp(g). Next, let ~ e $, ~ e Cc(H ) and let
f ( y ) = (r(y)~,S) ( y e H ) . Then f is bounded and so f T e L l ( H ) for a l l 7CCc(G ).
Moreover, if 7CCo(H),


L I~(~)11 ~(y) IdY<_II~llsll'l12 (x ~ s)

where 11"112 is the norm in L2(H). 11412~
Hence, if C= Is(~)ld~, then

t~H f(y)~(y)dy _< clWI2 (~< Cc(H))

It follows from this at once that f c L2(H). Now ~ has been arbitrary. So we can
choose ~ such that its orthogonal projection ~ ' on $ is nonzero. 9/t then
(r(y)~,~')= (r(y)~,~) so that we are through.

(ii)~(iii) ~ (ii)~(i). Fix m,~ ~ 0 in ,~(rr) such t h a t f~o,~ ~ L2(H)" We note

that f % ? ~ O (and this, without the assumption of square integrability); indeed,
if f@,~=O, %-~(x)~x,~% zD(w) by irreducibility of 7, ~ ¢ = 0 . Let ~ be the
set of all ~' 6 ~(~) such that f ,,¢ ~L2(H). ~ is a linear subspace of ~(~). If
~'e~ ycH~ then


So ~ is stable under 7. Since ~ contains a nonzero vector, namely

is dense in ~(~). We put

(~) A~, = f , ¢ (e,e~)

and define ~i to be the closure of A[~] in L2(H).

If [~ n ] is a sequence in ~ such that ~ ' ¢ ~(~) and f , ~g in
-- ~n,?
~i' it is immediate that f~',?= g" Hence A is a closed linear transforma-
tion. The relation (2) now becomes

(4) A:(y)~, = r(y)A~' (~' ~ )

If A* is the adjoint of A~ we know from von Neumann's theory of unbounded
linear transformations that A is a closed densely defined transformation from
'~i to ~(Tr), that A~A is a self-adjoint operator in D(v), and that A is
the closure of its restriction to the domain of A*A. From (4) we get at once
the fact that A*A commutes with 7. The same is then true of the spectral
projections of A*A. The irreducibility of v then implies that these


projections are scalars. So A'A= c i for some c s C, and c must be > O.

c cannot be zero as then A would be O. So c>O. But then U=c-2A is an
isometry of ~' onto A[~']. As A is closed, we must have ~'=~(~). At the
same time, A[~'] is closed so that 81=A[~']. U is thus a unitary isomorph-
ism of ~(v) onto ~ intertwining ~ and r, proving that ~ e 82(H). More-
over, we have shown that fg',~ ~ L2(H) ~ ~'s ~(~). Interchanging the roles of
9 and ~ in the above argument, we get fg',~' ~L2(~) V 9 ' , ~ ' ~ ( ~ ) . So
(ii)~(iii) ~so.
Theorem i justifies the name s~uare inte~rable for the representations
s ~ ¢ 82(H).

The rest of the n ° is now devoted to showing that the representations be-
longing to the discrete series possess properties remarkably similar to those of
the representations of compact groups. In particular they satisfy orthogonality
relations, possess a (formal) degree, and their characters can be obtained by in-
tegrating over conjugacy classes; this last property needs to be formulated with
care, as we shall see presently.

THEOREM 2. Let v ¢ ~ ~ 82(H) and let $(~) be the Hilbert space of F.

Then 3 a constant d(~) > 0 such that

(~) ZH I(W~)%*)1% = d(~) -z

for all 9,4 e ~2(G) s u c h that I]911= li*ll = 1. More generally, if 7' e ~'¢ 82(H),
9,*c$(v), 9',*' ¢~(~'), then

• FO if m'lw
(6) ~(~(~)%,)(~'(~)~',* ,)conJdx =

d ( . ) - Z ( % ~ , ) ( , , , ' ) c°nj if Tr= ~r'

Consider a ~c~(~), *~0. The discussion in the preceding proof shows that
the map A : ~f%~ is everywhere defined on ~(~), maps ~) onto a closed
r-stable subspace ~ of L2(H )'i intertwines F and r, and has the property
that for some constant c > O, c-~
is unitary. Clearl~ c may depend on 4-
So we write c = c(~). The unitarity of c-NA gives

(7) I1%,~112 = c(,)1191f 2 (~ ~ ~(~))

On the other hand, ~ a constant a > O such that d(x - l ) = a d x while

fg,w(x-l) =f~,9~x)
t ~conj . Hence, from (7), we get

(s) llf,,9112 = a-lc(,)]/9112 : c(9)11,112


Taking ~ = ~0 to be a unit vector, we get from (8) the relation e(W) =

ac(~0)II4112. In other words, ~ a constant d>0 such that

(9) Hf%411 ~ = d-lll~li21i~ll £ (%4 ~ ~(~))

This proves (5). Obviously d depends on ~ and not on the choice of ~ in

~. We write d=d(~).

Write now, for ~'=~, ~'=~, and %~',4,4'¢~(7),

(zo) z(~,~' : ~',4) =(f~,~,f~, 4,)

From (9) we g ~ t , V m , m ' , 4 , 4 ' e ~(~),

(ll) Iz(~,~' ,4',4)1 ! d-lH~ll I1~'11 114'1/ II<l

For fixed ¢,~', I(-,. :~',4) is a Hermitian bilinear form and the bound (ii)
shows that I(~' :4',~)= (T(4',4)%~') for a unique bounded operator T(4',~)
on $(~). Since I(~,~' :~',4) does not change on replacing ~ and ~' re-
spectively by ~(~)~ and ~(y)~' (y~ ~), it follows that T(~',~) commutes
with ~, hence is a scalar t(~',~) .i. Thus

(12) Z(~,~' : 4 ' , 4 ) = t ( ~ ' , ~ ) ( ~ , ~ ' )

Let ~= ~' be a unit vector; then, fixing ~ we find that t is also a

Hermitian bilinear form. Again, we find from (ii) that t(4'4,) = (S¢',4) for
a unique bounded operator S. As before we find that S= ~l for some scalar ~.
Thus, finally~ I(~,~' :~',4) = ~ " (~,~,)(~,~,)conj V ~ , ~ ' , ~ , ~ ' ¢ ~(~). Comparing
this with (9) we see that ~ = d(~) -I. If ~ ~ ~', the argument proceeds as be-
fore, but now T(4',4) intertwines m and ~', hence must be 0. We have
thus proved (6). The proof of Theorem 2 is complete.

d(~) is called the formal de~ree of ~. When H is compact and dx is

normalized such that 7Hdx = i, d(~) is the actual degree of ~. For noncompact
H, d(~) depends on the choice of dx. Clearly

(13) d(~) = d(~*) (~ ~ e2(~))

The relations (6) are called the ortho6onalit ~ relations for H.

THEORI~M ~. Let ~ e ~ ¢ 82(H ) and let IA(~) be the closed linear span of
aAl the f~:q0,~ ( ~ , 4 ¢ ~ ) ) . Then:
(i) If {%] is an orthonormal basis of ~)' {d(~)2f e e ] is an
7: n' m
orthonormal basis of ~(~).


(ii) Suppose $0 is any r-stable irreducible subspace of L2(H), and ~0 the

class in 82(H ) to which The ~estriction of r to ~0 belongs; then
WO=W<==~ ~0CJA(~), and /A(~o) is the closed linear span af all stm.h9 0 with
w0=~. In particular, IA(w) is stable under r.

(iii) ~(w) is stable under Z (= the left regular representation of H). If

is any Z-stable irreducible subspace of L2(H), and ~i' the class in
82(H)2o which the restriction of Z to ~ belongs, then

(iv) zf ~,~'~2(H) and ~ ' , then ~ ( ~ ) ~ ( ~ ' ) .

(v) Let °L2(H)=~82(H ) tA(w), ® denoting Hilbert space direct sum. Then
°L2(H) is the discrete part of the regular representation of H.

Fix an orthonormal basis of $(7r), say [en], and let A be the closed
i z
linear span of the d(w)2f . It follows from (6) that the d(w)Nf
Tr:em,en ~T:em~en
form an orthonormal basis of A. If ~ and ~ are finite linear combinations of the
e j, fv:~,~ cA. Using (9) and an elementary continuity argument we infer that
IA(w) c A. Hence A=&(w) and we have (i).

The relation (iv) follows from the orthogonality relations (6).

Let ~0 be a closed linear subspace of L2(H), stable and irreducible

under r; let w0 be the class of 82(H) defined by g90. Fix a e~ 0. If E
is the orthogon~ projection T2(H)--%, we ha~e (r(y)a,b)=(r(y)a,~)
b eL2(H). Hence, for any b e L2(H), y~(r(y)a,b) lies in L2(H), and, in fact,
in &(~0). We shall deduce from this that a ¢~(w0). To this end, let
UIOU2m... be a decreasing sequence of compact neighborhoods of the identity
such that Rm Urn= [i]~ and let bm_>0 be an element of Cc(H ) such that
fHbmdX=l and supp(bm)CU m. Write Um(Y):(r(y)a,bm). If VeCc(H ), the
function ( ~ , y ) ~ ( a ( ~ y ) - ~ ( y ) ) b m ( ~ ) ~ ( y ) l i e ~ i n TI ( H x H ) , and so by ~ b i n i ' s

~U l@(x-l)a)(Y) - a(Y) Iv(y)Idy)bm(X)dx

-< (2i

<_ ( sup ll~(~-l)a-all)il~ll


SO, if Sm denotes the sapremum above, then l(Um-a,v) I !SmllVll which shows,
since v is arbitrary, that llUm-all<_sm, As a m ~ 0 , Um~a. As Um¢/A(~0) Vm,
acA(w0). Hence gt0cA(w0). If w=w0' this gives $0~&(w). If w~w0'
A(w) ± &(w0) , so that ~0 ±/A(w). To complete the proof of (ii) it is enough


to exhibit ~(~) as the orthogonal direct sum of irreducibly invariant (under

r) closed subspaces, each defining w. Let Umn = f . Then r(y)Umn =
~:en,e m
f(Y)en,em. An easy continuity argument based on (9) shows that for ~ ¢ ~ F ) ,

f :M~em lies in the closed linear span of the [Umn} n for each fixed m. Hence,
the closed linear span Am(W ) of [Umn]n is stable under r. it is moreover
obvious that the unitary isomorphism of ~(~) onto Am(W ) that takes e to
i n
d(w) ~ Umn intertwines F and r. So Am(W ) is irreducible under r and the
corresponding subrepresentation lies in w. Since ~(w) is the orthogonal di-
rect sum of the ~m(W), we ha~e (ii).
The map f ~fo (f°(x) = f(x-l)) sends r-stable subspaces of L2(H) to ~-
stable ones and vice versa. Moreover, it maps A(w) onto A(~*). The results
of (iii) are now immediate from (ii).

Finally, (v) is obvious from (ii). Theorem 3 is completely proved.

For any Hilbert space ~ we denote by ]bI2(~) the Hilbert space of oper-
ators of the Hilbert-Schmidt class in ~ the norm being the usual Hilbert-
~idt norm,de~oted by lll'lil.
THEOR~M4~ Let ~¢we82(H), and for f ¢Cc(H), let T ,f=d(w)2~(f).
Then T f ¢ 2K (~(~)) and the map f~T ~ extends uniquely to a bounded
linear transformation T (f~T ~) 27'±
of L (H) onto ]~12 ( ~ ) ) . If Ew. is the
orthogonal projection Ln(H)~A(w ), we have

(14) ilJT~,fJrl = lIEw*fll~ llflJ (f~ ~2(H))

In particular, T is 0 on A(w~) ±, and is a unitary isomorphism of A(w*)
onto ~ 2 (~<v)).

As Usual we write Umn= f where [en] is an orthonormal basis of

1 ~:en,em
~(v). Clearly, [d(~)ZUmnc°n3] form an orthonormal basis of A(w*). Now, for
*~ eo~
f ~Cc(n), (~(f)en,em) = (~,~ ). ~enee
- conj.12
I(~(f)en,%)l 2 : ~ l(f,u~ )I = d(w)-lllEw.fil2
m,n m,n

This shows t h a t T f e}K2(~(~)) and lilTs,fill = IIsSII. ~e conclusions of

Theorem 4 now follow since Cc(H ) is dense in L2(H).

Let ~ be the subspace of all f s Cc(H ) such that v(f) is an operator

of trace class ~/ ~ ¢ ~ ¢ 82(H). Clearly

(i~) co(~) * Cc(H ) c


It is obvious that Z is a two-sided ideal of the (convolution) algebra Cc(H ).

Farther~ J is stable under the action of H through its inner automorphisms.
If m s ~ ~ g2(H), then f ~ t r ~(f) is a linear form on J that depends only on
and is invariant under all the inner automorphisms of H. We denote it by ®
and c~ll it the character of ~. Suppose now f ~ Cc(H ). Then ~*~e Z, ~ being
as usual the function x ~ f ( x - l ) c°nj. Moreover, from Theorem 4, we obtain

(16) %(f*~) = ]ll~(f)lll 2 = d(~)-lll%.fll ~

We h&ve thus proved the following theorem.

THEOB]94 ~. We have Cc(H ) * Cc(H ) c ~ and for any f e Cc(H ) and a n y

~ e2(~ ), % ( f * 7 ) ~o. ~et o~ denote the orthngonal proOection ~2(H) -
°L2(H), °L2(H) being the direct sum in the Hilbert space sense of the ~(w)
(~ S ~2(H)). Then, ~ f e Cc(H),

<17) I1°~1@ = ~ d@)%<f~Y)

We refer to (17) as the discrete pe~t of the Plancherel formula for H.

We shall now derive a formula for ~ in terms of integrals of the matrLx

coefficients of w. To motivate this we consider first the case when H is co____m-
pact. Let us normalize dx so that ~H dx = i. If ~ c ~ c 82(H), then
~Hm(Xyx-l)dx is an operator commuting with and so is of the form c(y)l;
taking traces we find c(y)d(~) = ~ ( y ) . From this we obtain immediately the

(iS) .FH f(~r~-l)d~ = d(~)-l%(y)f(1) (f dA(~))

Multiplying by ~ £ C(H) (= space of continuous functions on H) and integrat-

ing over y, we get

(19) .I~ ~(Y)f(~r~-lld~ dy = d@l-lf(l)%(~) (f £~(~1,~ ~ C(~))

We shall now consider the case of an arbitrary H and examine the question
of obtaining an analogue of (19) when ~ c 82(H ). We have in fact the following
theorem; it is adequate for oUr subsequent use.

THEOR]94 6. Let ~ e w e g2(H) and let {e n] be an orthonormal basis of

~v). Let ~,~ be finite linear combinations of the en and let ~ e~ be
such that Dm,nl(~(~)en~em) 1 <~. Then, for f=f :~,~,

(2o) j~ ( j~~ ~e)f(~w-1)dy)d~ = d@)-lf(1)~@)


We may clearly assume that ~ = ej, $ = e i for some fixed i,j. Then

~H ~(y)f(xyx-1)dy : (~(~)~(x-1)ej,m(x-l)ei)

If Urs = f , then ~(x-l)es = E r Urs(X-1)er = E r u sr ,

<x).conj er, so that
~:es,e r

(22) (Tr(~)Tr(x-1)e j ,7T(X-1 )el) = ~ . ).toni Uir ,(x)(TT(~)er,e r ,)

r,r T

the series on the right converging since it is majorized by Er,r,l(F(~)er,er,)[.
Integrating both sides of (22) over x, and using (21), we get (20) since
(Uir,,Ujr)=d(~)-16ij6rr ,=d(~)-lf(1)6rr,, and since Er(~(~)er,er)=%(~). We
are justified in integrating the right side of (22) term by term because

r I(~(~)er,er,)l '[H jr.X.

( )c°nJl luir,(x)ldx
r~r v

S ~ HUjrll IlUir,tP
r~r t

= d(~) -I 2 i(~(~)er,er,)i < ~

r,r T

This proves the theorem.

The order of integration in (20) cannot be reversed because the integral

over x will in general diverge; for instance, for any y such that the cen-
tralizer of y in H is not compact, ~ f(xyx-l)dx will be ~. However, when
H= G is of class ~ and G has a compact CSG, (20) will be absolutely con-
vergent, and Fubini's theorem will yield expressions for ~(~) in terms of
integrals of f over conjUgacy classes.

2. The Discrete Series for G. Statements of the main theorems.

We return to our group G of class ~ and use the usual notation. In

this n ° we shall introduce some notation and formulate the main theorems.

82(G ) denotes the discrete series of G. We choose and fix a Haar measure
dx once for all. For w c 82(G), ~ is the global character of ~, and X W its
infinitesimal character.

THEOP~N 7" G has a discrete series, i.e., 82(G ) is nonempty, if and o ~ y

if there is a c o , act CSG of G.

Assume now that G has a compact CSG and let BCK be one such. b de-
notes the CSA corresponding to B. We select a positive system P of roots
of (~c,bc) once for ~ i and use the notation of Section 5. Thus

(23) 'a= n ( 1 - ~_~), 6 = ~ 1~

~eP ~cP


We denote also by ~ the locally integrable invariant function on G which is

analytic on G' and which defines the distribution ®w" We denote by '@w the
analytic function on B such that

(24) '%(b) = 'A(b)%(b) (b ~ B')

For any b* c B*' (= the set of regular characters of B) we have the in-
variant eigendistributions ®b* on G constructed in Section 5. We write
(cf. Section 5)

(25) ~= H H ~(b%) = sgnd(~(b*)) (b* c ~*')


where k(b*)=logb ~+8 . Finally let

(26) q=7 1 dim(~/K)

q is an integer > 0.

THEOREM 8. For each b% c B ~T , there is associated uniquely a class

~(b*) e 82(G ) such that

(27) %(bD = (-1)q ~(b*)% ~

The map b*~(b*) from B*' into 82(G ) is surjective; and, for bl,b 2 c B •

= ~(b2)<==> ~ s ¢ W(G,B) such t h a t b 2 = s[b 1 ]

THEOREM ? . Let c(G) > 0 be t h e c o n s t a n t such t h a t f(1) = (-1)qc(G) •

('~'Ff,B)(I)Vf ~ C(a). Then the formal degrees d(~(b*)) of the olasses ~(b ~)
are given by

(29) d(~(b*)) = o(O) lW(a,B)id(b*)~(X(b*))l (b* c B*')

where d(b %) i s t h e degree o f b ~. The c o n s t a n t c(G) does n o t depend on t h e
choice of the positive system P.

The i d e a b e h i n d H a r i s h - C h a n d r a ' s proofs o f t h e s e theorems i s as f o l l o w s . Via

the invariant integral harmonic analysis in C(G) is reduced to that in C~(B).
Although there are serious difficulties in carrying out this reduction because
'Ff {C=(B) and because of the presence of the noncompact CSG's, if f is a cusp
form, 'Ff c C~(B) and the invariant integrals over the noncompact CSG's vanish.
Thus the above mentioned reduction is possible. Since the harmonic analysis of
'Ff is governed by the elements of B , the harmonic analysis of f is controlled
by the eb.. Although this entire procedure is formally identical with the class-
ical one of H. Weyl used by him for compact groups, the actual situation is very
much more profound and requires the entire machinery developed earlier.


3. Existence. Proof of Theorem 7

Let G be an arbitrary group of class ~. We write Z and r for the

left and right regular representations of G. For (x~y) e G × G and f c L2(G),
we put k(x,y)f= ~(x)r(y)f. k is clearly a representation of G×G in L2(G).

We recall that a~a t is the antiautomorphism of ® such that Xt= -X V

X c S.

Proposition i0. Let f e C(G). Then f is a differentiable vector for ~,

and for a,beC~, bfatcL2(G) and k ( a ® b ) f = b f a t.

It is enough to prove weak differentiability. This comes down to proving

that for fixed a,b e @ and u e L2(G), the integral

(30) ~G I(a~b)(~z)l [u(x)ldx

converges uniformly when y and z vary over compact subsets of G. If ECG
is compact, and r>0 is any integer~ we can find C >0 such that
-- r

I(a~)(~)l < e ~(x)(1 + ~ ( x ) ) -r (x ~ G,y,z ~ ~)

-- r

Since for r large enough ~(l+~)-r~3(Q), ~(l+~)-rlul~l(G) for r large

enough. This gives the required uniform convergence, in turn allowing Us to per-
form the differentiation formally. The second assertion is now clear.

Proposition ii. Let G be a group of class ~. Then O has a discrete

series if and only if 3 nonzero g e C~(C) • L2(G) which are 8-finite and K-finite.
Such g are cusp forms. If f is in C~(G) OL2(G) and is ~-finite and r(K)-finite,
the smallest closed r-stable subspace of L(G) containing f splits into a finite num-
ber of orthogonal r-stable closed linear spaces on each of which r acts irreduc-
ibly. In particular, such f lie in °L2(O).

Suppose G has a discrete series, ~eweg2(G)' g =f7:%~ where q0,@ are

nonzero K-finite vectors in ~(~). Then g ~0 (cf. proof of Theorem 1), and is
a K-finite eigenfunction for 8. The eigenhomomorphism is the infinitesimal
character of ~; and g e C~(G)~ L2(G). Conversely, let g~ 0 be an element of
C~(G) N L2(G) which is 8-finite and K-finite. We claim first thatj as a dis a
tribution, g is tempered. Indeed, if r>O is so large that H ( l + c ) -r e L2(G),
then E(l+c)-rg e Ll(G), and, for any u e C(G),

~[augdx <_~o I~I Igldx<_II~(l+~)-rglll"sup(~-l(l+~)rlul)o

BRt then g must satisfy the weak inequality together with its K-translates and de-
rivatives. From the as~laptotie theory developed in Section 14 we may conclude
that g 6 C(G)~ and even that g s °C(G) (Theorem 14.9).


We now consider the right regular representation r. By Proposition i0, f

is a differentiable vector for r, is ~-finite and r(K)-finite in L2(G). Let
be the closed linear span of all the r(x)f (x e G). By Corollary 7.15 we
can find r-stable closed linear subspaces $2c~ic~ such that ~2~ ~ and ~2
is maximal with respect to c among the r-stable closed subspaces of ~ that
are ~ ~. Then the orthogonal complement of ~2 in ~ is an irreducible r-
stable closed subspace of ~. On the other hand, by Theorem 7.12, dim(~#) < ~
V#e g(K) while 3 a finite subset FeZ(K) such that feZ#e F##=~F. So there
are only finitely many members in any family of mutually orthogonal nonzero
closed subspaees ~i (i ~ i ~ p ) of ~ which are r-stable and irreducible; for, by
the cyclic generation of ~ by f,
the orthogonal projection of f on ~. is ~ 0
So that ~ n #i / {0]. Choose such a maximal family [~i]i ! i ! P and let ~* be
the orthogonal complement of O i ! i ! P ~i in ~. We assert that ~*= [0].
~ppose ~*/{0] and let f* be the orthogonal projection of f on ~*. By
the eyelicity amgument given above, f*/0. Since f is differentiable, ~-
finite and K-finite, the same is true for f*. So applying to f* the argument
given above for f we conclude that there must exist nonzero closed subspaees of
~* that are irreducible for r. This contradicts the maximality of [~i]l ~ i ~ p "

PROOF OF TKEOP3N 7. We can now prove Theorem 7- If G has a discrete

series, 3 nonzero ~-finite cusp forms on G. So, by Theorem 12.15, G has a
compact CSG. For the converse we consider the Fourier coefficients %. ~
(~e g(K), b*e B* and regular). By Theorem 14.15 they are cusp forms, hence are
in L2(G), while by construction they are K-finite eigenfunctions for ~. Since
they are nonzero for suitable ~ Proposition ii implies that G has a discrete

4. In which it is proved that 7 ~ = ~ ( b . ) for a regular b*.

From now on we assume that G has a compact CSG. We choose one such, say
B~K, and use the notation of n°2. For ~ e g2(G) we recall the closed subspace
~(w) of L2(G) defined in n°l. We write ~0(w) for the linear span of the
f :~)~ (Tew, ~,~e~(~) and are K-finite). By Theorems 9.15 and 14.9, ~0(~) con-
sists of cusp forms. Hence, by Theorem 12.16, for f e~0(~), 'Ff = 'Ff~B lies in
C~(B). From Theorem 12.8 we see that 'Ff is a class function on B:

(31) 'Ff(b'bb '-l) = 'Ff(b) (b,b'~ B)

Thus W(G,B) acts on 'Ff, and from (ii) of Theorem 12.8 we see that

(32) 'F~ = ~(s)~6_s8 'Ff (s ~ w(a,B))


From the standard theory for compact groups we know that 'Ff can be expanded
in terms of the characters of B. We write db for the Haar measure of B,
normalized such that '£B db = i. For b* s B* and v c C~(B), we put

(33) (v,b*) = ~ v(b)b*(b) c°njdb


Then, V class functions vc C~(B),

(34) v : ~ (v,b*)b*;

the series converges in C~(B) absolutely, i.e., if ~ is the subalgebra of @

generated by (l,b), then, for each {{Z,

(35) ~ sup I ( v , b * ) < l <~

b* B

(36) ~v = (v,b)~(logb )

Proposition 12. Let ~ c e2(@. Then, for f sZ&0(w), 'Ff lies in Cm(B).
If {s~ and '{=e 4 o {o e5, then

(37) ,~,Ff r~ ( Ff,b )~( (b))b


the series converging absolutely in C~(B). In particular, if the constant

c(G)>0 is as in Theorem 12.13, then, V ~ s S 2 ( G ) and ~'f c/A0(u0,

(38) f(1) = (-1) q c(@ b*~*' (%,b*)~(~(b*))d(b*)

The relation (37) is immediate from (35) and (36). Let c(G) > 0 be as in
Theorem 12.13 . Then, V ~ , f as above

(39) f(1) : (-1) q c(G)(¥,Ff)(1)

Taking {=~ in (37), we get (38); the sum in (38) is only over B because;
for b * ~ ]\ B* ', "~'(X(b*))= O.
~- -X-T
Proposition i~. Let ~ e Z2(G). Then 3 b £ B such that Xw= XX(b.); i.e.;

(4o) x~0(~) = %/b(~)Clog b* + 8 ) (~ ~ .8)

Suppose not. Let ~ s~ and let ~ be a nonzero K-finite vector in ~7).

We take f=fTr:q),q) in Proposition 12. From ( 3 8 ) we have

(41) f(1)= ( % ~ ) = (-i) q c(G) S ~' ('Ff,b*~(X(b*))d(b*)

b eB


Now, for any z eS, z f = % (z)f, so that 'Fzf=X (z)'Ff. On the other hand,
'Fzf= 'b~/b(Z )'Ff and so, writing g= '~g/b(Z),

~ j~ " .
( Fzf,b ) = ~ ~'Ff b*c°nOdb = JB 'Ff ~tb*c°nSdb

As log b *c°nj = -log b*, ~tb*c°nj = ~t(-log b*)b *e°nj = ~(log b*)b *c°nj . Hence

( Fzf,b ) = 'Z~/b(Z)(log b*)('Ff,b )

In other words,

(42) (Xm(z)- ~(b.)(z))( v Ff,b * ) = 0

Given b EB , we can certainly find ze8 such that X,~(z)~X~fb.~(z ). 8o we

see from (42) that ( Ff,b )= 0. Since b ~B is arbitrary, we see from (41)
that (~,m) = 0, a contradiction.

5- The ortho~onalit~ relations for the ' ~

We shall now establish the orthogonality relations for the '} that play
the same role as the orthogonality relations satisfied by the characters in the
case of compact groups. We recall that db is the Haar measure on B such that
~B db=l.
Proposition 14. Let ~,w' £ g2(G), f c/A0(~'). Then

d( if ~'¢~*
(43) O(f) = ~) -lf (i ) if ~'=~*

Let rg~ and let ~ [(K) be the subset of g(K) consisting of all
st~ch that dim ~ ) ~ > 0. We select an orthonormal basis {e~ m : m ~ N(~)} for
each ~[gTr(K). Here; N(~) is a finite set of cardinality _< c dim(~)2~ e_>l
being a constant. We now use the notation of Theorem 9-15. Let f~ m(X) =
(~(~)e~,m,e~,m) (m~(~)). Then f~,m~C(G), and llf~,ml[2=d(~)
-~. Select
r>_0 such that ~-(l+~)-r~L2(G) ~d q>_0 s~chthat Cl=Z~l~(~)lo(~)-q<~,
c(@) having its usual meaning (el. proof of Theorem 9.15). Then~ for any
~cc(G), @cs (K), m~N(~), and a ~ , IG af~,m~dx=~G f~,m aLdx, and hence

JGf ~,m~ d x I : c(@)-q ~Gf~,m~%g~d~]< d(co)-211E(l+c)-rH2 c(~)-q suj ('--l(l+~)r'gqc~')


o,<lJo t
f ~ , ~ d~ <_ % sup(~-l(l+~)rlaq~l)


where c2>0 is the constant ell[~(l+~)-r]12d(~)-~.This shows that

(~) %(~) : ~ i~ f~,~ dx (~~ c(~))


Take now ~=f where fe~0(~') and ~'{~*. Then ~c°nj=fe°nJe~0(~'* )

and ~'*~. So {f
' O,m' c o n ~ ; = 0 ~ , m . This proves that ~(~):0. To prove
the second relation in (4~) we need only consider the case f = (f)9)conj
where ~=e%,~ and ~:e~l,m I. ~en, by (~)

%(0 = 7' (~O,m,fT:~,,)

-i conj
O~m d(~) (eo,m,e~o,toO)(eo, m,eOl,ml)

d(~)-l(e@i,mi'e~o,m 0 )

The relations (4~) can be transformed into the orthogonality relations
among the '~ if we evaluate the ~0(f) by actual integration. This requires
some preparation.

L~f4MA !~" Let ~ be a class function in C (B), invariant under W(G,B)

and with supp(~)CB'. Then we can find an ~ e C~(G[B']) such that 8(b) =
fG ~ ( x b x - l ) d x V b ~ B. In particular, if u c C~(B ') is a class function invar-
iant under W(G,B),

(4~) JB'
~ u(b)( JG ~(xb~-l)dx)db
= 0 V= c C~( [B' ]) ~ ~ ~ 0

The relation (45) follows easily from the first. To prove the first, let
= center(B). Then the natural map (G/~) xB' ~ G[B' ] is easily seen to be a
covering map; if B is the normalizer of B in G~ B/B is a finite group
that acts from the right on G/B~ and the fibers of the above map are the orbits
of W acting diagonally on (G/B) x B' We put ~= G/B, select an invariant
measure dx on G, and a sC s~ch that . %,dx =i and ~, is W-invariant.
If ~ is as in the lemma, ~ ® ~ factors through to an element of C G[B']);
a suitable multiple of this may be taken to be ~.

LflMMA 16. Let ~ be an irreducible unitary representation of G in a

Hilbert space f). Let g (K) be the set of all ~c g(K) such that dim(.9~) > 0
and let [eo, m :mcN(~)] be an orthonormal basis of ~ (~eg (K)). Then, for
any ~ c Cc(G),


~,m ~',m'

We use the ~sual argument. If we write f(x) = (F(x)e@,m,e@,,m,) then, for

integers q,q'~0, 2qfDq'=c(~)q+q'f, so that

(m(~)e@'m'e@"m') = ~O~(x)f(x)dx = c(@)-(q+q') ~G (aq~aq')f dx

Since If(x)}<_lVxeG, we get

~ I(~(~)e~,m,e~,,m,) t <_( Sr~ I~(~)1 1~(~')I c(~)-( ~+~ '))I1~%~ 'll z

t~,m ~ ' , m ' ~ t~'

The series on the right converges if q and q' are sufficiently large.

L~MMA 17 . For all ~eCc(G[B']),

G[S'] G

~et ~ be the center of ~, ~= 2 / ~ where 2 i s t~e n o r m ~ i z e r of B in

G. We~ite ~=a/~ and ~ for the n a t u r ~ m a p ~XS'~G[B']. Tet x~ be
t h e n a t u r a ~ map G~. We d e n o t e b y d~ the restriction to B of the measure
db, and b y dx the invariant m e a s u r e on ~ ~ch that dx = d x d b . W acts on
from the right and h e n c e we h a v e an a c t i o n of W on ~xB'. The f i b e r s of
are precisely the W-orbits. The action of ~ on GxB' is free.

We select a basis ~ ..... H£, ~ ..... Xq for ~ so that ~ ..... H Z span b

and write X~X for the differential, of the canonical map of G onto ~, at i.
Let ~G (resp. ~B) be the left invariant exterior differential form defining
dx (resp. db) and ~ the exterior differential form on ~ corresponding to
dx. If ~' is the exterior differential form on ~×B' that corresponds to
d~db, a simple calculation shows that w'(~,b)= ID(b)l-Z(0~° d¢)(~,b ). Hence,

j = ] ID(b)l ( ]~~(~(x,b))a~)db
We ~ow recall that I:t = ,~conj. ~oreover, S~ db= [B: ~]-Z, so that

', ~(¢(~,b))d~
]~ ~ = ( {' db)-i j" ~(xbx-1)dx

Since IWI-I[B :B]= [T:B]-I[B :B]= [ ~ : B ] - I = IW(G,B) 1-1, we get (47).

We are now in a position to use Theorem 6.

Proposition 18. Let w c g2(G), f c/A0(~ ). Then


(48) 'Ff = d(~)-if(1)'¢

Fix C~(C[B' ]) and write &(b) : "~G ~(xbx-l)dx(b e B'). By Lemma 16,
the conditions for the applicability of Theorem 6 are satisfied. Hence
(49) ]G ( JG ~(Y)f(xyx-l)dy)dx = d(~)-if(1)<(~)

We now claim that the integral above is absolutely conver@ent. To see this, we
select an integer qh0 such that (cf. Theorem 12.1 and Corollary 12.5)
s~p ID(b)l~ ~(bX)(l+~(b~))-qd~ = C <
beB' G

Now f e C(G) while ~(y) = 0 if y~G[B']; so, writing c = s~po(m-l(i~)qlf[),

? i
ice j I~(y)llD(y)lhy<
proving absolute convergence. Let l(y)= ~G f(xyx-1)dx for y in G[B'].
Then I(b x)=z(b) for beB'~ x e G and so, using (47)~

~(y)f(~-l)dy)dx : [ ~(y)I(y)dy
= lw(a,B)1-1 ~B'
~ 'Ff(b)'h(b)c°n~ ~(b)db

On the other hand,

%(~) = ~ % ( Y b ( Y ) dy W(O'B) I-1 [B' '®~(b)'{(b)C°nJ &(b)db

In view of (49) we get

'ac°nj&db (d(~)-lf(1),~) ,&conJ&db

~B' 'Ff ~ = JB' "

The functions 'Ff'~ c°nJ • and d(~)-if(1)'~w 'Ac°nj are both class functions on
B of class C and invariant under W(G,B). Lemma 15 implies that they coin-
cide on B'; hence they coincide on B. Proposition 18 is proved.

Proposition i~. Let w,~'eg2(G ). Then

(50) ~ ®(, conj ~o ~,

,iB ' ®,) db = [lw(a,~)l ~=~'


We use Propositions 14 and 18. Select f e~O(~ ) with f(1) ~ O. Then

F '%('®~')c°~J~b
= d(~)f(Z)-i ~s' 'Ff ,~eonj®conj
~, db
= d(m)f(1) -1 :] 'Ff'~c°nj%,. db
Now, as f is a cusp form~ its integrals on the eonjugacy classes through points
not in G[B'] are zero. Hence, using (47) ,

%j,.(f) = ,]" %,.(y)f(y)dy = Iw(~,s)1-1 i" 'Ff"~c°nj®w " ,. db

G[B'] °B'
Here we use Theorem 13.2 to assure us that ~,.f l i e s in LI(G[B']). So

J~s '%( '% , )conj db-- d(~)f(1)-llw(a,~)l%,*(f)

Proposition 14 now leads to (50).

6. The matrix It(X) and its unitarity

Let ~ be the set of all homomorphisms ×:8~c suchthat x=x~(b.) for

some regular b e B . For XeZ we define

B*(X) = [b* :b* e B* ' ¥~(b*) = ×~

( ~l )

Moreover we write ~(X) for the vector space of all e C~(B) such that

(i) is a class function and s = ~(s)~8_sSV s eW(G,B)


We note that for X E ~,

(5~) s(×)~s , b ~B(×), s~W(a,s)~s[b*]~s*(x)

Finally~ for b eB we write '@b* for the analytic function on B such that

(54) '®b*(b) = 'J~(b)%.(b) (b ~ B')

Proposition 20. '@ (~e82(G :X)) and '¢b* (b*cB*(X)) belong to ~(X).
Tf ~eC(O and z~=×(z)~Vze8, then ,%c~(X).
Lemma 5.5 shows that '~ and '@b* satisfy (i) of (52~ That they satisfy
(ii) of (52) is immediate from Theorem 4.12 since @ and ®b* are invariant
eigendistributions with respective eigenhomomorphisms Xw,~(b. ) . The last
assertion follows from Theorem 12.8; here we must remember that ~ is a cusp


form and so 'F s C~(B).

If b e B , then b* e B*(X) if and only if X(b*) lies in the W(gc,bc)-

orbit in b~ determined by X. On t h e o t h e r hand, by Frobenius reciprocity,
there are only finitely many b* with a given X(b*). So B*(X) is finite.

(55) b I ..... b r

be a complete system of representatives for the action (cf. (53)) of W(G,B) on

Pro?osition 21. The elements '¢b~ (1 ~ i ~ r ) form a basis f o r 3(X).

Since '@b* is a linear combination of the s[b*] (s e W(G,B)), it is

clear that the '¢b~ are linearly independent. Let ~e ~(X). Since ~ is a
C~ class function, ~t has a Fourier expansion ~= E(~,b*)b ~. The differential
equations for ~ then give

×(z)~ = ~ ~(b*) (®,b*)b* (z eS)

It follows from this that (~,b*) = 0 unless ~(b*) = ×' i.e., unless b*c B*(×).
Thus ~ is a finite sum ~(x)C(b*)b*, the e(b*) being constants. If
seW(G,B), we then have ~(s)~S{ss_6=~. Hence

c(b*)b* = B~r).(× ~(s)e(b*)s[b*]

This implies that c(s[b*])= ~(s)e[b*]. I t i s now immediate t h a t

= C o(b[) '¢b~
l<i <r i

Proposition 22. The ' @ (0~e g2(G : X)) also form a basis of ~(X).

It is clear from the orthogonality relations (50) that the '¢ are linear-
ly independent. S~ppose that the '¢ do not span ~(X). Then we can find an
inva,riant eigendistribution ~ which is a linear combination of the ®b.* such
that the corresponding function '~ is nonzero and orthogons& to all the '¢L0
(c0e~2(G : X)). So ('Ff,'~)=0 VfeA0(~c), (.,-) being the LtsuaA scalar product
with respect to db. I f we now c a l c u ] _ a t e ®eonj(f) and n o t e t h a t the integrals
of f over the conjugaey classes through points not in G[B'] are zero, ~e see
that ®c°nj(f)=const. ('Ff,'¢)=0. On the other hand, let ~'e~2(G ) with
X ,~X, and fslA0(~' ). We claim that ®c°nj(f)=0, or equivaAently,

e(f c°nj) = 0. In fact, feonj e/Ao(W,.) and so ®(zf c°nj) = X ,.(z)@(f c°nj) V z e 8,


while ®(zf c°nj) = (ztS)(f c°nj) = X(zt)®(fc°nj). So to verify our claim it is

enough to prove that X ,. and the homomorphism z~X(z t) are distinct. If we
t~e g~*0(~') to be non~ero, [G~gC°njgdx=~agC°njztgdx which gives us
X,*(z)(g•g)=X,(zt)(g•g) so that X,.(z)=X.(z t) ~ z { 8. Since X ,~X,
our claim is proved.

The distribution @ has therefore the property that ®(f) = 0 ~/ f e~0(~'),

~/~'6 ~2(G). Since the Fourier components f~ (@E ~(K)) lie in a0(~' ) when-
ever fe~0(~'), this gives @(f~)=0 ~/ @e ~(K), f6A0(~'), ~'eg2(G). Thus
@~(f)=0 ~ f ea0(~'), ~'¢82(G), ~e~(K). But we know that ®~ is an element
of L2(G) ~/~ (Theorem 14.15). Hence (~#,f)=0~/#eS(K)• fe&0(m'), ~'{~2(G).
But, for any given ~', &0(w') is a dense subspace of &(~'). So (e~,f)= 0
for all f e °L2(G). ®@ being a 8-finite K-finite function in L2(G) lies in
°L2(G) (Proposition ii). So (O#,O@)=0, i.e., @@=0 V@. This gives ® = 0 ,
a contradiction.

We can now prove the main result of this n ° .

Proposition 2 9 . Fix X C ~ . Them the cardinality of g2(G:~is r, the same as

the cardinaAity of B (X)/W(G,B). Moreover, ~ a unitary matrix ]/(X)=
(awi)(~{C2(G : X), l < i < r ) such that

(%) % = %i %* (~ ~ sp(G : x))

l<i<r 1

Since W(G•B) acts freely on B • each '~b. is a linear combination,
with ~i coefficients, of exactly IW(G,B)I elements
l in B* ', while• for i~j,
'¢~. and '~. involve b*'s from distinct W(G,B)-orbits. Hence• with (.,.)
as the scalar product with respect to db,

(~7) ( '®b*' % * ) = h j Iw(~,~)l

z 3
Propositions 21, 22 and the orthogona&ity r e l a t i o n s (50) now prove that
1~2(a : x)l = r and imply the existence of a u n i t a r y matrix ~ ( × ) = (%i) with

(58) '® w = E a ~l' ® . b. (~2(Q:×))

l<i<r m

Fix WC~2(G :X ) and let ®=~ %<i< r Then ® is an invariant

- -- awl~. *"
eigendistribution for the eigenhomomorphism X. As X is regular, Theorem
13.11~ 3 c > 0 such that ID(~)l~l~(x)l<_c %/xeG'. On the other hand• by (58),
@= 0 on B' while X is an elliptic homomorphism of 8 into C in the sense
of Section 5, n °2. So the uniqueness theorem 5.2 implies O = 0.


7. Inte~rality of]~4(X)

We shall now proceed to prove that the a i are integers. This will lead
to the explicit determination of the £ exactly as in the case of compact groups.

Since K is not necessarily of class N, we introduce the group ~ of all

elements k eK such that Ad(k)I! lies in the complex adjoint group of ~ •
Since Aa(~) ~s eo~eeted (Theorem i.ZT), ~ . K°~Kl=~ a~d ~ is of class
#. Also W(KI,B )~W(K°,B°). We denote by dk the Haar measure of ~ such that
/~dk =i @ Let and P be respectively the sets of compact and noncompact
roots in P. We write

(59) ,~= n (l-~), ,& = n ( 1 - ~ ) , 8 k=½ ~ , ~ k = n

~ePk - n ~ePn - ~epk ~epk
Then we have the following integral formula, as a consequence of Lemma 17~ valid

(60) ~Kl[B,]~dk = IW(K1,B) I-1 " ]B,~N

, conj ( ~Ki~(kbk-i)da)
For the representation theory of ~, the classical theory of H. Weyl carries
over with virtually no modification. We shall describe the results now. Let
B*'(~) be the set of all b*eB* such that ~k(lOgb*+6k) ~0. W(KI,B ) of
course acts in a natural fashion on B , and we write s ~ , b * ~ Slb for this
action. Moreover, if we set s • b * = (Slb*){s6k_6,, Sl,b ~ s I "b* is also an
action of W(~,B) on B* ; B;~( ~ ) is stable un~er it and is even acted upon

Proposition 24. For any b* B*' (K1), ~ e~actly one ela~s ~(b*) ~ ~(~)
whose character coincides on B' with

(61) sgn(~k(lOg b -X-+6k) ) ~ S(Sl)S 1 "b */ Atk ;

# ( b l ) = #(bo) <==>3 s1 e W(K1,B ) such that sI " b 1 = b2; and b * ~ #(b*) maps
B*'~_) o~to ~(~_~. ~rt~ar
(62) di~(#(b*)) = I~(~og b*+ 8k) I/l~Z(~k)l
The proof is essentially the same as in Varadarajan [ ] (cf. Chapter 4).

For @eg(~) we write ¢# for its character and put

(63) ~(h) = ~ ( b ) ~ ( b ) (b ~ B)

L~MMA 25 . S~ppose c is a unitary representation of KI in a Hilbert

space ~ and that n(~) are the multiplicities of the classes ~eg(~) in ~.


Assume that for some constants c>O, r~O, n(@)~c(dim(@))rv#cB(Kl). Then,

for any g e C~(KI ), ~(g) is an operator of trace class; the map
:g~Z~ n(@)~Klg@~dk is a distribution on ~; and tr(~(g))=v(g)
(g ~ c~(~)).
This is proved in the usual manner (cf. Theorem 9.15).

L~vNJ~ 26. Let notation be a s in the previous lemma. Then

(64) t : S~t(B) = D n(#) F q # S d b


is a well defined distribution on B, the series converging absolutely, t is

moreover invariant under the inner automorphisms of B.

We take an orthonormal basis of b with respect to -]B(',"), say

. . . . . H4, and put a=l-(4+...+H2 ). For veiS* let 11~lt2=-zjW~j)2; a
as w e l l as 1111 are W(K~,B)-invariant. For b* e B * , put U ( b * ) = l o g b * + 8 k.
-6k ~ ,6k *
Then, writing "a=e o aO e , we have "a- sI -b =(l+ll~(b*ll 2) (sI .b*).
Hence~ in the notation of Proposition 24~ "aq ~ .~ = (l+ ll~(b*)l12)~,~., By
(62)~ ~ c > 0 , r_>0 such that n(~(b ))<c(l+lllogb If)r. On the other hand, as
b* varies over B*, log b* varies within a lattice in ib*, and to each ele-
ment of this lattice there correspond at most [B : B ° ] elements of b*. Hence
J q>0 such that ~. n(#(b*))(l+ll~(b*)ll2) -q<*. From this we conclude easily
thatV~ oCt(B), and for a suitable constant c>0,

# B - B

t is thus a distribution on B. Its invariance is clear since the q# are in-

Select once for all a spherical G e C c ( G ) with I G ~ d X = l . The natural map
G×B'~G[B'] is proper and submersive and it is clear that given any class func-
tion ~ e Cc(B'), ~ a unique f~ e C~(G[B' ]) such t h a t

(65) f~(bX) = ~(x) ~ ~S(b) (b e B')


the sum being over s e W(G,B). Similarly 3 a unique gB e Cc(KI[B' ]) st~ch that

(66) %(b k) = ~ ~Sl(b) (b ~ B')

the sum being over SlaW(KI~B ). We have~ V b e B ' ) ,

(67) SG f~(xbx-l)dx = ~ ~S(b), [' g~(kbk-l)dk = 2 ~Sl(b)

s ~K! sI

In this discussion we should remember that W(G,B) acts on the classftnctions on B.


Fix ~e~2(G:X ) and let 7<~. Write ~=7<I~ and let n(@) be the
multiplicities of the classes @e Z(KI) in ~. We know that for some constant
c>0, n(~)< c d i m ( ~ ) ~ S ( ~ ) . So, by Lem~a 25, for a ~ g~C~(5), ~(g) is
of trace class and tr(c(g)) = E@ n(@) ~Klg ¢~dk. Let T~=~(g6). Then

% IW(K~,B)1-1 , '~(b)'~(b) c°n~ Sl K~

= m "~(b) ',%(b)°°n~(b) ( ~(kb~-~)dk)d~

~B' JK1
On the other hand,

7T(f~) = 'W(G'B)'-I ]B' '/h(b)';A(b)c°nj ~ ~S(b) ( ]G C~(x)Tr(xbx-l)dx)db

= JB' ''A(b) ''£(b)c°nj 6(b) (]G C~(x)D-(xbx-l)dx)db

= < ~(x)~(x)~m(x-1)dx

where ~'=~ ';An 'tAc°nj

n " Since T~, is of trace class and ~ e Cc(G), this last
integral defines an operator of trace class and its trace is tr(T~,). Hence

® (f~) = tr(T~,)

We now evaluate ~(f~). Clearly, by (67),

e®(f~) = Jw(a,~)f-I ~B, '~(b) '~(b)c°nj %(b) ( D~s(b))dbs

f '¢ 'IAe°nj ~ db
= JB' w

On the other hand, since 'an 'IAc°nj

is invariant under W(KI,B),

tr(T~,) =2@ n(@) j~ g~, *@ dk


= B@ n(e) ~B' '~n '/Ae°nj n@ ~db

So i f t(T)=Z~n(~ ) . ~ T d b ( r e C~(B)), t is a distribution that is invar-

iant under inner automorphisms of B and
,@ ~ ,~conJdb= (,t£ ,~c°nJt)(~ )
W n


V class functions ~ ~ C (B'). Since '¢w' ' Ac°nj, '~n and t are invariant
under the inner automorphisms of B, this result must be valid for arbitrary
e Cc(B' ). Hence, as distributions, we must have

(69) '~ = 'a t on B'

w n

But B is compact and B\ B' is the set where '& vanishes. Hence 3 an
integer r >i such that

(70) '/Ar('¢~- '/Ant ) : 0 on B

This means that V ~ c C~(B),

(71) SB '/Ar'@w#db =~# n(@) JB

[ q@ 'fAr 'an ~db

Proof that the a i are integers. Actually, it is

enough to prove that for some i0, a . is a nonzero integer; for then,
la~I > i, and the unitarity of (awj
~) gives ac0i= +_6ii0 . To prove this we
proceed as follows. In the set B* we introduce a partial orderi1~g < as
fonows: b~b~ if 3 a s= ~ of roots in P such that b l : b 2 t ~. ~ow,

l<i<r s

Among the s[b~] with s eW(G,B) and a i/0 , we choose one, say b~, which
is maximal with respect to <. Now, '~ =i - Z ~_# where only those # which are
sums of elements of P occur in the sum. Moreover, W(G,B) acts freely on
B*'. Hence we can write

(72) 'fAr ' {~ = a ~l. b0 + < j~ < m cJb J'.*

0 i _

where b ' . * ~ b*0 V j . Let us now take ~= ~*conj in (7!).

c~j are constants and
J ~0

It is obvious from the expression (61) for q@gh*] that all but finitely many
k J
terms on the right side of (71) must vanish. The left side reduces to aw. . As
n(v~) are i n t e g e r s and '/Ar '/An is a finite l i n e a r combination of the gljlOwith
integer coefficients, we must have a ~ ~2~. By choice, a w ~ /0. This proves
our assertions.

6. Completeness. Proofs of Theorems 8 and 9"

Since IM(X)= (a i ) is unitary and awi e ~, it is immediate that for each

o~cg2(G : X), ~ a unique i(w), l<_i(~)<_r, such that for some ~(~)=+i,
= ~(~)®b'~(~)
' i and moreover that ~i(~) is a b i j e c t i o n of 82(G: X) with


the set [i .... ,r]. Let us now determine ~(~). For brevity; write i=i(w).

We choose f e~0(~ ) with f ( 1 ) = l Then 'Ff=d(~)-lf(1)'¢ =d(~)-lE(~)'@ , .

• bi
But by Theorem 12.13~ with e(G) having the same significance as there~
f(z) =l = (-1)qe(a) ('~'Ff)(l). So we get (-l)qc(o) (,'~,®b.)(l~(~)-z~(~) : z.
Since ('~'~b~)(1) is easily seen to be }W(G,B)}~(logb~+8)~(b~), we get

(73) = 1

From (73) we get

(74) ~(~) = (-z)q sgn((~(h))

~ ~ =
(-z)q ~(hi)
The assertions of Theorem 8 are now clear.

For Theorem 9 we use (73) to get

(7>) d(~) = c(a)lw(a,B)l

This proves the formula (29). Theorem 9 is proved.

For the elementary theory outlined in n°l see Harish-Chandra [ 3 ], Mackey

[ i ], Borel [ i ], Warner [ i ]. The determination of the discrete series was
first carried out by Harish-Chandra in his great Acta paper [ 9 ]. For a con-
densed account see Varadarajan [2 ].

16. The space of cusp forms

We propose to make a deeper study of the space C(G) ~ °L2(G). One of our
major goals is to prove that this is precisely the space OC(G) of cusp forms and
that the projection L2(G) ~°L2(G) maps C(G) onto °C(G), the pro'e~ti2n bein~
continuous in the topology of C(G). This result of Harish-Chandra foreshadows
his even more general theorem which asserts that the various series of representa-
tions not only provide an orthogonal decomposition of L2(G), but actually a
smooth s~littir~ of C(G) itself.

i. Uniform estimates for matrix coefficients of the discrete series.

Throughout this number and the subsequent ones we assume that G has a com-
pact CSG. We fix one such, say BCK; and use earlier notation (cf. Section 1 9 .
If w { 82(G ) and f ~0(~), then f is a cusp form and we know from Theorem
14. 9 that for each a,b c@, lafb I = 0(~~I+~) at infinity on G, ~>0 being some
positive number. We shall now examine how far this estimate depends on f. Oar
method isessentially the same as that in Section &4; only now, we shall take care
to makethe initial estimates as uniform as possible, so that the final estimates
will have the same uniformity. From this point of view, the derivation of the
~n~form initial estimates is the crucial step; this is done in Propositions 3 and

We write w for the element of..~ defined as follows: if {Zj] is a

basis of ~c' gij = ~(Zi' Zj), and gmj are the entries of the matrix inverse to
(gij), t~en
= ~ giJ Z.Z.
(1) ~ i,j • a

Taking a basis of ~c composed of a basis of a CSA I¢ and root vectors, a

standard calculation shows that

(2) ~/i(~ )(.~) = <,,~>- <81,6t> ( ~ I~)

Here we use the isomorphism of ~c with c
I* provided by ]B to transfer ]B to
a nonsingular symmetric bilinear form (', ") on [c× Ic; and 8~ is half the
sum of the roots in some positive system of (~c,~c). Since ]B is a positive
definite (real) scalar product on ib×ib, (',-) is a positive definite scalar
product on ib*Xib*. We put


We select an orthonormal basis ~,...,X n of ~ with respect to the scalar

product - ~ ( X , ~ Y ) , such that ~,...,X r span~ and Xr+l,...,Xn span D. Then

(4) ~9 = - 4 ..... 4 +X2r+l + "''+X2n

Moreover we put

lies in the centralizer of K in ~ while ~ is in the centralizer of K

We shall work as usual with a double unitary representation T = (TI,~2) of

K in a finite dimensional Hilbert space U whose norm and scalar product are
denoted by I'1 and (',') respectively. We shall however allow U,T tO vary.
We put

(6) lJ~ll= (i + II~1(~)II)(1+ ll%(~)Jl), It~,~ll = II~l](m + tl~ll) (~ ~ ib*)

Let ]L be the lattice logB . ~cib , and for each vs~, there are at
most [h :B °] elements b* c B * with logb * =w. For any regular vcib * we
write (cf. Section 14, n°l)

(7) G(a:u:-O={f:f~a(G:u:-O, zi~=×(z)fVz~S]

Then, by Theorem 14.12, Cv(G : U : T) c C(G : U) and in fact, all elements of
Gv(G : U : m) are cusp forms. I~t then the components of the elements of
Gv(G:U:T) (with respect to some basis of U) are in C(G) n°L2(G), and so,
in view of our determination of the discrete series, Xv= ~ ( b * ) for some b* c B*'
as soon as Cv(a:u:T)~{0}. So

(8) (~v(G :U : ~r)~ {0] =~ Xv=XX(b* ) for some b c B

F~nalmy, for ~ meas~rah!e mnction ~= ~-U, we write Ibl12 for the S<norm
of t~e m = t i o n = ~ b(x)], provided it is mnite.

L~MMA i. ~ constants C>0, s>0 with the following property: for all
U,~ as above, b* cB*', fe~(b, ) (G-U-T), and l<i<n,

(9) ILxifll 2 + Ilfxill 2 _< cll~,X(b )LI Ilfl12

It suffices to consider only the Xif; to get the bounds on fX i we simply

replace f by fo where f°(x) = f(x-l). We write $ for the closed linear
span in L2(G:U) containing all the right translates r(x)f (x ~ G). We know
from Proposition 15.10 that f is differentiable for r. So, if (',') is the

28 5

scalam product in ~, (X_f,Xf)=-(~f,f)>0 ~vj Xe ~. Taking X=Xi, we have,

Ilxiflt ~ < -~ (~f,f) < ((pn-~ -1)f,f)


Since ~f= fT2(~), Ilnfllp<ll~ll IIf!12. Further cc = X~(b.)(~0 ) f = ~L /b(c0 ) ( T k ( b * ) ) f =

(ll~(b*)ll 2- 116112)f ~o that

llxifll~ _<(211~II+ I18112+l + ll~(b*)llP)llfII~

TO get the bounds for llfXill2 we note that f°eGv(G :U :~° ) where To= (TI,T2)O
is the double representation defined by Tl(kl)vT~(k2)= Tl(k2 I) v T2(kl !) (re U)
and v = -l(b*).

Proposition 2. Given a,b e@, ~ constants C.= Caj b >0, s = Sa,b~_0~ with
the following property: for all U,T as above, b c B*', f eGk(b.)(G : U : T),

(10) lla~ll2 < clt~,X(b*)II s Ilfll2

We do t h i s by double i n d u c t i o n on deg(a) and d e g ( b ) . Lemma 1 g i v e s the de-
sired result when deg(a)+deg(b)<l. Let r>l_ and assume the lemma for elements
a,b e@ with deg(a) and deg(b) both _< r. Let ®(r) be the subspace of elements of
f4 of degree _< r and let el, ...~am be a basis of @(r) such that the adjoint repre-
sentation of K in @(r) is unitary in this basis. We define ~ to be the vector
space of m X m matrices V = (v..) with v. e U ~ i , j ; U is a Hilbert space with re-
spect to the scalar product ij lj
(v,~ = i,j
~ (~..,w..)
iJ ~i
(v= (qj), ~= (wij))
We define the double representation ~ = (~I,~2) of K in U as follows: if
~(k) is the matrix of Ad(k)l@ (r) relative to the basis [aI ..... am] , then

~l(kl)(Vij)V2(k2) = ~(kl )c°nj (Tl(k!)viJ2(k2))~(k2)


~(x) = ((ajfai)(x)) l_<i,j<_m (x e G)

Then ~eGk(b. ) (G : U : 7 ) and so, by the preceding lemma,

Ilxi~ll2 + llTxill2 <- clF, X(b*)ll s Ilfql2

C>0~ s_>0 being independent of i, f, T, b . Thus, for lij, k!m, l!i!n,

IlXiajf~ll 2 + llajf%Xill2 _< cll~,x(b*)ll s r

I n o r d e r t o complete the i n d u c t i o n step i t i s t h e r e f o r e enough t o prove the
following result: ~ Cl>0 , rl_>0 such t h a t f o r a l l U,T as above,


(ll) II~i ~ clli~llrl

Using the definition of ~ and the expression for ~ we get~ (Vjk) ~ ,

• conj
(i +Vl(a))(Vjk ) = ~(a)c°nO(vjk ) + (~l(a)Vjk) - 2 ~ ~(Xi) (wl(Xi)Vjk)

and therefore, by Lemma 7.22, we can find c',r'>0 such that for all U,T,

It~l(~)ll S c,ll%(n)lt r'

The estimate for ll~2(~)ll is established similarly, proving (ii) and completing
the induction step.

We are now able to prove the fundamental initial estimates for the matrix
coefficients of the discrete series.

Proposition 3" Given a,be~, 3 C = C a , b > 0 , S = S a , b > 0 with the following

property: for all U,T as above, b e B- , f e~k(b.)(G : U : m),

We use the results of Section 9, n°4. Let ~2(G) be the space considered
there, of all g e C~(G) with ugv e L2(G) ~v~ u,v e~, considered as a Frechet
space with respect to the seminorzs g~ll~vll2 Simil~ly, let ~(G) be the
Frechet space of all g e C~(G) such that llugvll~< ~ ~vi u,v e @, topelogized with
respect to the seminorms g~IIugvll~. By Theorem 9.8, S-182(G) CS~(G) and the
map g~S-ig from 82(G) into ~(G) is continuous. So, we can find ui,v i
(l<i<_m) such that for any g~S~(G),

Ig(x)l ~ ~(x) ~ Iluigviii 2 (~ea)


So, for all u,T, as above, b cB , fc~(b.)(G:U:~),

(14) I(a~)(x)l ~ ~(x) r II~iafbvill2 (x~a)


Proposition 2 now leads to the result.

* -X-T
For any b eB we select a representation Fb. eW(b*) eg2(G), acting in
a Hilbert space ~.. As usual we denote by Eb.,~ the orthogonal projections
For ~l,~2eg(K) we can introduce the space U=U^ ~ of
linear maps L : ~.,~p ~ % * , ~ 1 eqtlipped with the scalar prod[let (L,L') =~r(2'TL)

and the double representation • :(~1,~2) given by ~l(kl)~2(k2):~b.(kl)~TrbJk2).



(x ~ G)


(16) fb.~l,~2~%(b.)(G : ~: ~)

(17) •i(~) = c(~1)l, ~2(~) = c(~2).

We then have the following consequence of Proposition 3.

Proposition 4. Given a,b~@, we can find C=Ca, b>0, s= sa,b ~ 0 with the
following property: for b ~B , ~i,~2 c ~(K), and x ~ G,

(~8) l(afb.,%,~2b)(x)l _< C[e(~l)C(~2)(l + ll~(b*)l12)]s Ilfb~,,~l,,~2112~(~)

We return to the earlier set up involving U,T,f eCv(G : U : T), where v is
such that Xv=~Cb. ] for some bcB We consider a psgrp Q=MAN~G and use
% J

the usual notation. Let

(19) VI = i, V 2 ..... V r

be elements of 8(ml) such that

(direct sum)
We then define V=U®C r and consider it as a HAlbert space~ Cr being regarded
as a HAlbert space in the standard manner. Let {ej] be the standard basis of
Cr. We then write

(21) ®(m) = ~ f(m~vj o dQ) ® e.

l<_j<_r J
Given vcS(ml) 3 unique elements z . .~ such that

(22) wj = l < i < r ~ v i ~Q(Zv:ij ) (l<j<r)


(23) ~v:ij = zv:mj..-dQlo ~Q(Zv:ij)o dQC @(n)@

Hence we have the differential equations

(24) ®(re;v) = (l ®r(v : v))®(m) + Yv(m) (m ~ Mi)

where C(v : .) is the r×r matrix representation of 8(ml) in Cr given by


r(~ :v)i j = ×(%:ji )

Yv(m) = - d Q ( m ) ~• . f ( mj~ v ~ v :mj

..) ® e.

Of course~ for 4e~, ~'=d o 40 dQ.

We n o w estimate ¢(m) and Yv(m) exactly as in Section 14, n°9 . However,

for the derivatives of f we shall use the uniform estimates of Proposition 3.
We then obtain the following (~Q is defined by (14.66)).

Proposition ~. ~ constants C > 0 , Cv > 0 , r_> 0, r v _> 0 with the following

property: for all U,T,v as above and f cGv(G : U : T), and V m e M I,

I ®(m) l S c II~,vllrl!~!12~Ml(m)(1 +~(m)) r

r r

t~(m)t ~C¢1%~11 ~11~112~Q(m)%l(m)(1 +~(m)) v

The discussion in Section 14~ n°10 shows that there is a ® { G ( M I : V:TM)
such that for each m ~MI;

l®(ma)- e(ma) l ~ 0 (a { -)

and that @(m) is the unique vector in °V such that

I¢(me(t~)) - exp(~(t~))®(m)l ~0 (t~+=)

for each te2 (notation as in Section 14, n°10). On the other hand, f is in
C(G) ® U and so, for each Z~0, 3 a constant c~ > 0 (depending on U,m,f) such
that V m e M 1

I¢(m) l < c~ dQ(m)~(m)(l+c(m)) -~

So, by Proposition 14.17, ¢(ma) 4 0 as a~% for each fixed m e M I. Hence


We shall next take a closer look at the representations F(v' : .). These are
of coUrse defined for all v'~ b*. We select a e-stable CSA | containing mI.
Let ~ be the subalgebra of @ generated by (l,I). Let yeG c be such that
Y " Ic= be. We denote by J (resp. Jl) the subalgebra of elements of S invar-
iant under W(~c,lc) (resp. W(mlc,lc) ). We select homogeneous elements ul=l,
u 2 ..... uw (w= IW(~c,ic)l) which form a basis of the space of harmonic elements
in ~, and also assume that Ul,...,u r span the subspace of W(mlc,le)-invariant
harmonic elements while Ur+l,...,uw span s W(mlc,lc)-stable subspace.


Further let /i(vi) = Ui, 1 < i < r . Associated with J' Jl and any ~ c i*c we

have the representations ~'(~ : -) of Jl in Cr (cf. Section 19~ the second

Appendix). It is clear from these remarks that

(26) r(~,: v) = y,(~,o y, ~ / l ( v ) ) (v~8(~))

The results of Section 19 then easily lead to the follo~ing proposition.

Proposition 6. Let sI = I , s2,...,s r be a complete set of representatives

of W(mlc,lc) \W(gc,lc). Then we can select vectors ej(v') (l<
j~r,v'e bC
and regular) with the following properties:

(i) the ej(v') form a basis of Cr for each v'

(ii) the projections Ej(v') : Cr ~ C . e j ( v ' ) are the spectral projections

of the representation F(v' : -), and the eigenvalues of F(v' : v) are
the numbers #ml/i(v)(sj(u'o y)) ( l ~ j ~ r ) , i.e.,

(2'7) F(v' : v ) e j ( v ' ) : ~ m l / i ( v ) ( s j ( V ' o y)) ( t <_ g"<r.

_ .v e 8(ml))

(iii) ~ polynomials Pjkl on b*

c such that the matrix of Ej(v') in the
standard basis of Cr has entries ~(v')-ipjkl(V') ( l ~ k , 4 ~ r ) , for
j = 1,2,...,r.

In particular, the endomorphisms F(v' : v) are all semisimple, and if v'c ib ,

He a, then F(v' :H) has only real eigenvalues, these being (v'oy)(s~.iH)

Proposition 7. C>0, r>0 such that for the operator norms of the pro-
jections Ej(') we have the following estimate : for all b eB ,

(28) ~ li~j(~(b*)ll ~ c(]_ + IF(b*)ll2) r

:]_< j <_r

Moreover, if R is the set of linear functions on a of the form (s)~(b*))o Yl 0

with s e W(@c,bc) , b ~-c B*, then R is a discrete subset of Q*.

Since '~(v')Ej(v') has entries depending polynomially on v', the first


assertion will follow if we show that for some c>0, l~(h(b*))m > o > 0 Vb*eB* ,
i.e., le(~+8)l _ > c > 0 V ~ in the lattice ]L=logB* such that ~ + 8 is regular.
If ~. ( l < i <Z) are the simple roots in P, it is easy to see that 3 an in-
teger m>l and a basis of i¢*, say 71 .... ,%,p (c=center(~)Cb), such that

(29) ic D m.(~i/m) + C ~.Tj

l<i<~ l<j<p


and so it is enough to show that for each ~cP, ~ c(~)>0 such that l(~+mS,~>l
> e(~) for all ~ e Z. 7z.~. such that ~ +m6 is regular. Now (~,~> is ration-
al V ~ c Z. Z~ • ~. So that the set of numbers (~,~) is a finitely generated sub-
1 I
group of ~ and is th~s a discrete subset of JR. The set of numbers (~ +m6,~)
is then discrete aaqd so for some c(c~)> 0, there will be none such in (-c(~),c(¢)
except possibly 0. The second assertion uses a similar argument. Since
sk(b*) e ib*, it is clear that R C s*. Select a basis ~ .... ,Hd of s such
that if ~l,...,Bd are the simple roots of Q, [i(Hj)=6ij. Obviously all the
roots of ([c,lc) take integral values at ~ , . . . , H d. Further, for fixed
seW(~e,bc) , sh(b*) e slr.+s6, and the restrictions of sh(b*) to b~ [[,[]
are, by (29), in the lattice generated by the restrictions to b~ [~,[] of the
~i/m. On the other hand, as G= °G, s [ ~ [[,[] so that y maps Sc into
bc Q [~c,~c ]. It follows from these remarks that if $'=$oy, then RCL'+(6'Ia )
where L' is the lattice in ~ generated by #i/m, ...,~d/m. This shows at
once that R is discrete. Proposition 7 is thus proved.

Let us specialize this discussion to the case when Q is a standard maximal

psgrp. More precisely, let Q0 =MoAoN0 be a minimal psgrp and let us use standard
notation. We fix ~£E (= the set of simple roots of (~,a0)), ~ and define
F = E\ [~]. For the standard psgrp PF = M ~ F N F we have dim(AF) = i (recall that
G=°G); ~F is of course the set of zeros of F. Let H0 ~ QF be s~ch that
~(H0) = i. The differential equations (24) become (with Y= YH0 )

(~o) ±dt ~(m ~xp t~0) = (l ~r(~ : ~0))®(me~ t~0) + ~(me~ t~0)

We have from Proposition 5 the following uniform estimates, valid for a suitable
* -X-.t
pair of constants C > 0 , r>_0, while U,T,b eB , fs~k(b~)(G :U: v) vary
arbitrarily, and meMl, t>_0:

l#(mexp triO) I < cllm,k(b~-)[[rllfll 2 ~-Ml(m)(l+c~(m))r(l+t) r

[~Ho(mex p trio) ] _< oll~,~(b,~)[!rHfll2 %~l(~)(1 + ~))r ,Q(~)(1 +t) r e -t

We use now the uniform est~mtes given in n°4 of Sect_on 15, the first Appendix. By
Propositions 6 and 7, F(v :H0) (~= k(b*)) is semisimple with real eigen values;
its spectral projections are majorized by c'(l+llk(b*)ll2) r' where c'>0, r'_>0
are independent of b ; and its eigen values form a disc.rete subset of ]R when
b varies over B , so that, in particular, there will exist a ~, 0 < a < l ,
such that all the nonzero eigen values of F(k(b*) : H0) will be at least ~ in
absolute value when b*c B Finally, we have seen earlier that @(mexp t H 0 ) - 0
as t ~+~ for each m e M I. We thus obtain the following result from Proposition
6 of S e c t i o n ~ 18; 3 C>0, r>0, and ~ with 0 < ~ <I, having the follow-
ing property: V U , T , b * c B , fc~(b~)(G :U : m), m C M l , t>0,_


(32) dQ(mexptH0) I f ( m exp tH0) I

_< C(1 + ~ Q ( m ) ) ~ ( m ) ( 1 +~(m))r(1 + t)rllT,k(b96)llrllfl12 e-~t

In this estimate we now choose m as follows. Let ~(~) be the null space of
in e0" Then a0 = a(~)+IR .H 0 is a direct sum, and if for H ~ a0 we write
H=H(~)+t~9 where ~(~)e~(~), H~CI(%)~%>_0 and ~(H(~))_>0~/~e~\r~].
Let h e CI~Ao) , H = l o g h and take m = exp H(~) ; t = t . We then obtain easily
the following: for suitable C>0~ r_>0; and all U;T,b ,f, as above~ and all
h e Cl(%) :

(;~) If(h)l <_ ClI~,X(~%IIr;MI2 e-%(logh) (l+o(h)) r e- ~ ( l ° g h )

Let t>0 and let

(34) A~,~(t) = {h: Cl(Ap,~(logh) ~t %(logh)}

Then (33) implies at once the following:

Proposition 8. Let ~eE. Then ~ C>0, r~0 and a ~ with 0 < ~ <I,
having the following property: VU,T,b96 e B 96', f e G k (b96)( G : U : T ) , andVheA ; , t)
(t > 0 being arbitrary),

If(h)l ~ cll~,x(b 96)ll r llfl!2(1 +~(h))%(h) l+~t

This is clearly a uniform analogue of Theorem 14.7. We now Use (14.19) to

get an estimate over all of CI(A~) and hence, by T-sphericalness~ over all of G.
Also, since G = °G, we can majorize (i +~)r by Eg for arbitrarily small ~ >0.
We now have the fundamental result of this n°:

THEORKM 9" There exists a m>0 and; corresponding to arLv given a,be~
96 96~
constants C=Ca,b>0 ~ s= Sa~b>_0~ with the following property: %/g~T~b c B
feSX(b96)(O:U:T ), and all xca,

(36) I(a~)(x)f < c[l~,x(b*)l[rllf112~(~) l+~

I n f a c t t h e p r e c e d i n g d i s c u s s i o n has a l r e a d y t a k e n care o f t h e theorem f o r
a= b =l. The same ~ serves a l s o f o r a r b i t r a r y a~b s @. We proceed by the same
t e c h n i q u e as i n P r o p o s i t i o n 2 t o t a k e care o f t h e d e r i v a t i v e s . The d e t a i l s are
elementary and are therefore omitted.

Using the notation and technique of Proposition 4 we get at once

TH~0R]~M i0. There exists a ~>0 with the following property: corresponding
to any given a ~ b c @ j we can find constants C = C a , b > 0 ~ S=Sa~b>0 such that,
~b*eB , ~l,%e~(K),xcO,



2. The projections °E and E restricted to Schwartz space

We recall (cf. Section 15, n°l) the definitions of °L2(G), &(e) (~e82(G)).
°L2(G) is the orthogonal direct sum of the &(~). We therefore have the ortho-
gonal projections

We shall now prove the remarkable theorem that these define continuous projections
on the Schwartz space itself. More precisely we shall prove

T H E O R ~ ll. C(G) N °L2(G) and C(G) N&(w) (~ c 82(G)) are closed subspaces
of C(G). If f~C(G), °Ef lies in C(G) N°L2(G); E f lies in C(G) N&(w);
and the maps f~°Ef and f ~ E f, are continuous projections of ~(G) onto
C(G) N°L2(G) and O(G) onto C(G) N~(~) respectively. Moreover,

(39) o~= ~ s f (f~c(~))


the series converging absolutely. Finally, for any ~ ~ 82(G ) and any f £ C(G),

To prove Theorem ii we proceed as follows. For each ~ c 82(G ) select a

Tr~ w and let ~(Tr) be the Hilbert space on which ~ acts. Let ~ (K) be the
subset of all ~cS(K) that occur in w and let e ,~,m (mcN(~,~)) be an or-
thonormal basis of ~(Tr)~. We know from Corollary 7.20 that

(41) IN(~,~)I = dim ,~(~)~ < w½ dim(~) 2

Let ZW be the set of all (~9,m) with ~c8 (K), mcN(w,~9). We put
(42) ac0:i,j(x) = d(~)2(Tr(x)e j,e i) (x~G,i,j ~Z )

Clearly, a : i , j ~ °C(G), and for g cL2(G), ~ 8 2 ( G ) ,

(k3) o~ =~ E (g,a . . a .., = F (g,% . . a . .

i,j~Z ~:I,3 ) ~:z,8 E g i,jcZ :1'3) ~:i'0

Theorem ii follows from the more precise Theorem 12 to be stated presently.

Let ~>0 be as in Theorem i0 and let notation be as above. Let L2(G) ~ be

the space of all g e L2(G) which are differentiable vectors for the representation
r ®~ of GXG. From the classical Sobolev estimates it follows that if g c L2(G) ~,
then g~C~(G) and ~b~T.2(C)~a,b~¢. Wep~t


(44) +11 112

Then z ~8 and (of. (2) and (3))

= 1 + II ll 2 (v c ib*)

TH~OPJ~ 12. For any g ~ L2(G) ~, let = (g,atO:l,

. j.)a to:3.,
. j.. Then,
given U,v ~ ~, 3 C>O and an integer m>O such that for all g c T~(G) =,

(46) r r < cllQmzmgnmll2

~c~2(G ) i,jeZ0~ G

In particLtlar~ for every continuous seminorm I "I w on C(G),

(47) v(g) = ~ i ~, j Ig~:i,jl ~ < (g e T,2(a) ~)

and ~ defines a continuous seminorm on C(G). Moreover, °Eg and E g lie in

c(a) for ~l g~T2(a) ~
We shall show first how Theorem 12 leads at once to Theorem ii. If g c C(G),
then g e L2(G) ~ by Proposition 15.10 while all g~:i,j e C(G). Since ~m dom-
inates (l+c) r for any r, (47) follows from (46). This shows that the
series Z Zi,jg~:i, j converges absolutely in C(G), the sum g* lies in C(G),
and that g ~g* is a continuous endomorphism of C(G). Obviously g has to be
°Eg. The argument remains valid even if we sum only i and j, keeping
fixed. Thus

(48) o~=~ F
i,j g~:i,j' E~og:
g~ :i,j'
o~=c s g (g ~ c(o))
all series converging absolutely in C(G). The assertions of Theorem ii concern-
ing °E and Ew have now been proved. Moreover, we have proved that (39) is
true. To prove (40) it is enough to consider the case x=l, since Ew commutes
with r. If f cC(G) is orthogonal to /A(~), the formula (15.44) shows that
~0(f )=0, i.e., •.(f) = 0. As E f=0, we are done i n this case. SL~pp-
ose feA0(~o ). Then (!5.43) shows that ~.(f) = d(~)-if(1). Hence
f(1)= (E f ) ( 1 ) = d ( w ) ~ . ( f ) . On the other hand, the relations (48) show that
C(G) hA(co) i s the closure of &0(w). So, by continuity, we have f(1) =
d(w)~. (f) N/ f e C ( G ) NLA(w). Since Ew is a continuous 2rojection in C(G),
this com#letes the proof of Theorem ii. We note finally that if we take g in
Theorem 12 to be in °L2(G)~, °Eg = g. This leads us to

T}{EOB]KM i~. The space C(G) n°L2(G) (resp. C(G) N/A(~)) is precisely the
subspace of aAl elements of °L2(G) (resp. ;A(~)) that are differentiable for
r®~. A0(w ) is dense in C(G) N/A(w), and the algebraic sum E fA(0~) is dense


in C(G) ~°L2(G), both in the Schwartz space topology.

Proof of Theorem 12. We first use Theorem i0 to estimate a j:i,j(x ). If

i= (~l,ml), j= (@2,m2), then ([(x)e j,e ,i ) is an entry of the matrix of
lb. ~91,~92(x) with respect to the orthonormal bases {ew,~l,m] and [ew,~92,m]

of ~(7r)~91 and ~Tg)# 2 respectively; here b* e B *' is such that ~=~(b*).

In view of the estimate (41) we have, because of the definition of formal degree,

i l f b . , # l , # j l 2 = d ( ~ ) - l l N ( ~ , % ) I I N(~,#2) I _< d(~) -1 w dim(#l)2dim(#2) 2,

So~ Theorem l0 leads to the following estimate: given u,v~®, ~ C=C >0,
s=Su,v>O such that V b eB , i = ( ~ , m l ) , j = (t~2,m2),

(4~) I(ua .i,~v)(x)l _< c[c(#l)C(#2)(z + llx(b*)ll2]s~(~) z÷~

where ~>0 is as in Theorem Z0 and ~=~(b~). Next, we have the following
i emma.-

L ~ 4 A 14. Let gcL2(G) ~. Then for ally ~eC(G), a,b6@,

(50) ~G g(a~b)dx = ~G (atgbt)~ dx

This is clear for ~ £ C:(G) since g lies in Ca(G). The general case is
immediate by continuity because for any veL2(G), ~SGV~dx is a continuous
linear form on C(G).

From this lemma we find, for any integer m>0,

(51) (~mz~m,% :i, j) = [c(,~l)C(~2)(1 + flX(b*)LI 2) ]m(g,%:i, j)

~/o~=co(b*), i = ( t g l , m l ) , j=(~92;m2), z being as in (44). Combining (49) and
(51) we get, as ug~:i,jv= (g,aw:i,j) ua i,jv ,

(52) I(ug~:i,jv)(~)l < c[0(5)c(,~2)(1+ IIx(b*);I 2)]-m+sll~mzmgnmll2~(~) l+~

Vx e G, the other variables being as above. The existence of m>0 satisfying
(46) now follows because for s~fficiently large m,

The remaining assertions of Theorem 12 now follow obviously~ and we have indeed
commented on them already. Theorem 12 is thus completely proved.


~. A finiteness theorem

For a deeper study of the space C(G) N LI(G) we need the following theorem.

THEOPI~4 15. Given # c Z(K), there are only finitely many ~ c 82(G ) such
that ~ occurs in ~. There exists no ~ e g2(G) which contains the trivial
class of K.

Let b* B *' , ~ = ~(b*), and assume that ~ occurs in ~. Let be a

Hilbert space on which a ~ s~ acts and let ~ be a unit vector in ~#. Let
be as in (4) and let

(53) ~ = - ~ . . . . . xr'
2 up=X~+l+ ...+X 2

Then, ~ being a differentiable vector,

- ( ~ , ~ ) =- ~ (x~v,~) = Ilxi ll 2 z 0
r+l<i<n r+l<i<n

On the other hand, ~ q~=~ ~ - ~ . ~ = lll(b*)lll~- I18112~+q~- e(~9)~, by (2),(3), and (5).

(54) llX(b*)ll 2 _< e(#) + 118;I2 -1

Since X(b*) lies in a discrete subset of ib* when b* varies in B* and
since for a given veib* there are at most [B :B °] elements b*cB* with
X(b*)=w, the bound (54) leads to the finiteness of the set of b*eB*' for
which ~(b*) contains ~.

Suppose now that ~ is the trivial class of K. Then c(#) = i and hence
(54) becomes Illogb*+6112<H6112 SUppose TFe~(b*). Let C=ker(Ad). Then
CCK and so t h e r e are nonzero v e c t o r s i n the H i l b e r t space o f Tf l e f t f i x e d by
C. Since C is a normal subgroup, the irreducibility of ~ implies that C
acts trivially and so 7T is a representation of G/C. We may therefore assume
that GcG. Furthermore, the restriction of ~ to G ° splits into a direct
sum of finitely many representations of the discrete series of G ° , and one of
these must contain nonzero vectors left fixed by K °. So we may assume G con-
nected. Finally, replacing G by a suitable covering group we may assume that
GC~ c where ~c is the complex analytic simply connected group of £c"

We consider the inequality llX(b*)lll<llsll2 nder our assumptions B=B ° is

a maximal torus of a compact form of G and so log B* is the lattice of inte-
gral elements of
5 . Replacing
X(b*) e
by sX(b*) for some s E W(£c,Sc), we
may assume <k(b*),~>_> 0 ~ / ~ e P. Actually, as k(b*) is regular, we must have
<X(b*),G>>0VGeP and SO X ( b * ) = # + 6 where (k,~> > 0 V G e P . # is of
course integral and (~,k>+2(#,6> _< 0. As <#,6>>0, we must have #=0. Thus
l(b*) = s6 for some s e W(~c,Se).


Consider the invariant eigendistribution ®6 defined by (5.102). Let

sl = l , s ,...,s be a complete set of ~#r~sentatives for W(G,B) \ ~(%,be) and
let b..2 1
be ther character exp H ~ e(Si6)~H)(H e b) of B. Then

(55) e8 = 2 ~(si)~
l<i<r z
so that
(56) (-1)q sgn'~(6)es : l<i<rZ~ %(b~)

This shows that (-l)qsgn~(6)®~ is the character of the direct sum of the
classes ~(bi). Since the class w(b*) we are considering corresponds to some
s6, it is one of the ~(b~). So the Fourier component of @% corresponding to
the trivial class of K is nonzero. Denote it by ®6'0" From t h e f o r m u l a
(56) it is clear that ®8
e C(G). In particular

(57) lim es,o(~ ) : o


On the other hand, if g~=XI + ...+X , ~®6,O=0; the proof of this is the same as
for (ii.40) and follows from the relation ¢ = w - 2~. The maximum principle for
the second order elliptic operator ~ now gives, in view of (57), that QS,~-*
- 0,
a contradiction. (We could have argued equally well with ~(b.). )

4. The @ a c e of cusp forms

Recall that °C(G) is the space of cusp forms on G. For any C~ class
function u on B, we define its Fourier transform as usual by u(b*) =7Bub*db.

THEQRE~ 16. For any b*e B* and f e °C(G),

(58) %* ~J =
~c°njf~ '~f(b *~°nJ)"
Since the integrals of f on the regular conjugacy classes through points not
in B' are zero,
ebconjr~, -i ~B , conj
. ~j : Iw(~,B)l 'Ff %. db
: Lw(a,B)1-1 ;~ ~(s) - ~ ~conj
'Ff {6_s6(SO ) db

= Iw(a,~)1-1 ~ ~(s) , s -I b.conj

scW(o,B) B
= ~ ( b ~°nj)

THEORE~ 17. we have °C(G) = C(G) n °L2(G). Moreover, left K-finite cusp
forms are 8-finite and the space of K-finite ( t w o - s i d e d ) cusp f'or~S is the
~gehraic direct sum of the a0(~) (~ c ~2(a)).


If geC(G) O°L2(G), we have g=~Zi,jg~;i, j in the notation of Theorem

12, by (48). As the g~:i,j are cusp forms, and as the series is convergent in
C(G), g e°C(G). Suppose g eOC(G). Then °Eg eC(G) n°L2(G)c°C(G), so that, if
f=g-°Eg, then fe°C(G) and °Ef=0. We must prove that f=0. If ~eg2(G),
the fact that f is orthogonal to the matrix coefficients of ~ implies, in view
~conj {~ ~ *'
of (15.44) that e:°nJ(f)=0. So ~b* ~ j = 0 V b * e B This shows, in view of
^ • co

Theorem 16, that 'Ff(b*c°nJ) = 0. Now, for any C function u on B which is

a class function, and any b eB ,

(~9) ('~u) (b*) = ~(-log b* + 8) ~(b*)


('qg'Ff)(1) : ~, d(b*)'~'~P~(b*c°nJ) = ~ d(b*)~g(k(b*))'Fi~(b *c°nj )

b*eB* i b*eB*

Only the terms b* ~ B*' matter in this sum, and these are all zero by Theorem 16.
Hence ('d'Ff)(1)=0. Thus f(1)=0. If x eG, r(x)f satisfies the same assump-
tions, i.e., r(x)fc°C(G) and r(x)f ± °L2(G). Hence f(x)=0. We have thus
proved that °C(G) = C(G) D °L2(G). If f is a cusp form which is left K-finite,
i.e., whose translates from the left by elements of K span a finite dimensional
space, then f e °L2(G), and the projection E f=0 for all but finitely many of
~, by Theorem 15. Hence f lies i n a Sum %~i!~A(~i) ( ~ i e 82(G)) , and i f
it is K-finite, even in %~i~JAo(~i).

THEOP~KM 18. (i) Let FOg(K) be a finite set and F°~F the subspace of all f
in °C(G) such that ~ F ~ f ~ F = f. Then, 3 a finite subset E c Z 2 ( G ) such that

F°CF weE
In particular,
dim(F°CF) <

(ii) Let T be a finite dimensional double representation of K in U. Then

dim(°C(~ : ~ : ~)) <
It is enough to prove the first. The argument at the end of the proof of
Theorem 17 actually proves that for a given F, we can find a finite subset E c g 2 ( G )
such that F°CFC<~eE ~(~). This gives the first result.

THEOP~M 19 . (Discrete part of Plancherel Formula). Let c(G) > 0 be the con-
stant such that f(1)= (-1)qc(d)(~tt'Ff,B)(1)NVfeC(G). Then, k-/fe°C(G),

f(l)=(-z)qc(a) E ,d(b*~(X(b*))®b.(f)

Ilfll~= (-1)%(a) D ,d(b*~(X(b*))%.(f*T)



The constant c(G) does not depend on the choice of the positive system P.

We have, for fe°C(G),f(1)= (-l)qc(G) ('~'Ff)(1). Proceeding as in the proof

of Theorem 17 we find

f(1)= (-1)qc(~) C d(b*)~'(Xr~*~ec°nj~f ~

b*eB* ku 22 b* k /
On the other hand, if t is the number of positive roots of (gc,bc), a simple
calculation shows that

(60) %.
~conj = (-1) t Q
(b.~26)conj ;
* * conj *'
here we must remember that b ~ (b ~28 ) is an involution of B ~ while

So we obtain the first relation. For the second we take f*~ instead of f
where ~(x)=f(x-l) eOnj (x~G).

5. Topology of °C(G)

It is obvious from Theorem 12 that the topology of °C(G) is induced by the

seminorms f~II~mzmf ~mll2 (m~l). This result can be improved considerably with
the help of Theorem 15. We have in fact the following theorem.

THEORH~ 20. Let { e@ be defined by (5). If g c °L2(G), then g lies in

°C(O) if and only if all the derivatives (in the sense of distributions) ~mg {m
(m integer, ~0) lie in L2(G). Furthermore, the topology of °C(G) is already
induced by the seminorms g-if{rag{~I12
We proceed as in the proof of Theorem 12 and define a as in that
theorem. For ge°L2(G), let g~:i,j= (g'a~:i,j)a~:i,j" Now ~ = 2 ~ - w ~ - i and
so~ if i = (#z'%)' J= (%'%)' with ~ = ~(b*),

(62) ~aco:i,j=~Y(#2 :b*)aco:i,j' aco:i,j ~=q/(#l :b*)a~:i,j


(63) y(~= b*) = 2c(~) - 1 - II~(bbll + ][~[r 2

So, if occurs in ~(b ), (5~) implies

y(# :b*) >_c(#)>_l
On the other handj if we recall the classical estimate asserting that for any
lattice in a finite dimensional Euclidean space the number of lattice points in
a ball of radius t is O(t n) for t ~+ ~ where n is the dimension of the
vector space, we can conclude with the help of (64) that the following is true:


a constant c >0 such that

(65) ~ (l+ll~(b*)iI2) s < c °(~)
b*gB*',~ occurs in ~(b*) s

where Z= dim(b).

S~ppose now that ~mg~m~L2(G) for all integral m~_0. If ~Cc(G),

~G (~mg ~ m ) ~ d x = ~ G g ( ~ m ~m)dx (by definition of ~mg ~m); however both sides
define tempered distributions of ~. So this is valid ~ C(G), the integrals
involved converging absolutely. We then get

m *m *m
(66) (gmg~ ,a :i,j)=~(~ I :b )~/(~2 :b ) (g,a~=i,j)

For the a:i, j we have the estimates (49). So, for u,v e¢, using (66), V

(67) I(ug~:~,J)(~)l
<o Y(~l ~ ~)-m~(~2 b~-m[c(~l)°(~2)(1 + IIx(b~)ll2) ]s~(~)l~llmmg mmll2
Here m~l is arhitrar~while C,s do not depend on ~,i,j. Now i= (@l,ml),
j = (@2,m2), where, forl f i x e d
@1,@2~ mI and m2 v a r y ( c f . (41)) over subsets of
cardinality at most wldim(@l)2 and wldim(e )2 respectively. Moreover, £ and
2 i 2
should occur in ~(b ); the set of all (b*,~l,~2) compatible in this sense will
be written ~. Hence

(68) ~ ~ sup(~-(m+~)lu%.i,jvl) _< Cmtl~mg ~ml[e

i,j G

(69) Cm : C w ~ [c(~1)c(~2)(1 + llX(b*)ll 2) ]s%(~1 : b*)-m~/(~2: b*)-mdim(@t)2dim(~2) 2

All assertions of the theorem will be proved if we show that Cm is finite for
some m>0. But dim(@)2=0(c(@) s') for some s' and so, in view of (64)and
(65), this comes down to proving the convergence, for some m>0, of

s+ls' + 7- m

This is clearly the case for m>>l.

The analog~between C (G) for a compact G and °C(G) for arbitrary G,

suggested by Theorem 20, is quite interesting.
For g ~ °C(G) let


]]g!l(m) = ( ~ ]]~rg ~r!l~)~

(70) m= 0,1,2,...

(71) llgll (I) ± "'" ~ ilgl]

(°) ~ IIg]] (m) i . . .
11"II(m) is clearly a Hilbertian norm, and the completion of
°C(G) in it is a
Hilbert space denoted by o~tm). We have, in view of Theorem 20,
(72) OL2(G ) = o~(0) D°~(1) ~ ... D o~(m) ~ ..... °C(G) = A o9(m)
FUrthermore, the monotonicit¥ (71) implies that the canonical injections

(73) ~m,n : o$(m) ~_~ o~(n) (m~n)

are continuous. We are clearly in one of the standard contexts of functional

analysis (of. Gel'fand et. al [ ]). It is usual to call °C(G) nuclear if for
each n, we can find m>n such that ~ is an operator of Hilbert-Schmidt
class. We then have

T H E O P ~ 21. °C(G) is nuclear.

We use earlier notation. In view of the formulae (62) it is clear that the
a are mutually orthogonal in all ~(m). Moreover, for n>_0,

(74) (I]%-i,jll(n))2 = ~ ~(~l :b*)2r~(~2 : b * ) 2 r = B(n) say

• O<r< n ~:i~j

So, if q>0,

(7~) (lla N(n)) 2 = (II~ i,311(n+q))2 B (n) (n+q) -1

' ~:i,j : " " ~o~:i,j(Bo~:i,j)

So, in order to show that &n+q,n is of H-S class for some q_>0 it is suffi-
cient to prove that for some q~0,

(76) ~ ~ B(n) (~(n+q)~ -I <

i,j ~:i,j" ~:i,j"
Now using (64) and the obvious i n e q u a l i t y ~/(~9 : b*)<_2c(@) + H61!2 - 1 <_(2 +/t6112)c(e)
we obtain, w i t h o ' = (n+1)(2+11~112) n,
-B(n+q)~:i,j --> [C(~l)e(~2 )]2(n+q)' B(n)
-~:i,j < c'[o(~1)c(~2)]2n
So we come down to proving that if q>>l,

(77) (b~,~l~%)~ iN(~(b*),~l)l iN(~(b*),~2)l [c(~1)c(~2 ) ]-2q <

This has been done already while proving Theorem 20.

Theorems ii, 15, 17, and 18 are the main results of this Section. They were
obtained by Harish-Chandrai see [ ] [ ].


Theorems ll~ 15~ 17~ and 18 are the main results of this Section. They were
obtained by Harish-Chandra; see [ 9 ] [ l0 ].

17. Determination of c(G,)

The constant e(d) which occurs in the expression (15.29) for the formal de-
gree of the discrete class ~(b*) and in the discrete Planeherel formula given
by Theorem 16.19 has not been explicitly determined so far. In this section we
shall do this after equipping G with a specific Haar measure.

i. Normalization of Haar measures and Lebes~ue measures

Let V be any vector space over ]R of finite dimension m (i < m < =) and
equipped with a positive definite scalar product (., .). Then we write dV for
the Lebesgue measure on V defined as follows: if Vl, ...,vm is an orthonormal
basis of V and tl, ...~tm are the corresponding linear coordinates, then dV=
dt I ... dtm. Since any subspace of V inherits the Hilbert space structure of V,
we thus have canonically defined Lebesgue measures dU for every subspaee UcV.
If U,UI,U 2 are subspaces and U=UI~U 2 is an orthogonal direct sum, then
dU~_dUldU2; more generally, let U=UI+U 2 be a vector space direct sum, and let
be the restriction to U2 of the orthogonal projection on U 3 = U O UI±; then

(1) dU_~dUzdU 3 = {det(~)ldUldU 2

the determinant being computed in orthonormal bases for U2 and U 3.

Let L be a Lie group over ]R and' I its Lie algebra. The elements of I
are regarded as left invariant vector fields on I ; this enables us to identify the
tangent space to L at each of its points with I in a canonical manner. We can
also identify the tangent space to I at each of its points with I itself, us-
ing the vector space structure of I. With these identifications,

-ad X
(2) (d exp)X 1 -e (X e I )
ad X
In particular~ (d eXP)o is the identity. So, if d 'I is a Lebesgue measure on
I, we can associate to d'I a unique Haar measure on L by requiring that the
corresponding exterior form at the identity of L is, up to a sign, the element
of Anl defined by d 'I. If I has a Euclidean structure, it has the Lebesgue
measure dl defined above; the corresponding Haar measure on L will be written
dL. In this ease~ if uCl is an open neighborhood of 0 on which exp is an
analytic diffeomorphism, and U = exp u, then, U is an open neighborhood of 1 in
L~ and ~ / ~ e Ce(U )

u adX /I di(X)


The case when L is compact is interesting. For, when L is compact, we can al-
ways find L-invariant positive definite scalar products on ]. Choosing one such,
we can define the volume v(L) of L by

(4) v(L) = ~L dL
Note that v(L) depends on the choice of dl. But once a positive definite L-
invariant scalar product is chosen on I, we have a well defined volume v(M)
for every closed subgroup M of L.

Let us now consider a group G of class ~. Using oar standard notation we

shall assume that G has a CSG B C K . We regard ~ as a real Hilbert space with
scalar product (X~Y) = - ~ ( X , eY). This gives rise to the Lebesgue measure d~ on
and Lebesgue measures dm on any linear subspace meG. In particular, the
Lebesgue measure dI is well defined on ! and so for any closed subgroup M C K
the volume v(M) is well defined. Further we write dk for the unique Haar
measure on K such that 7Kdk =l. Finally, dG is the Haar measure on G
associated with d~.

We now recall the definition of the standard Haar measure dx on G. Let

P0 =MOAON0 be a minimal psgrp of G, and D0 ~ m 0 + a0+ nO the corresponding
psalgebra. Let % have the usual meaning. Then the standard Haar measure on G
is defined by
2Po(log a)
(5) dx = e dkdadn (x=kan, da=dA0, dn=dN0)

Since the minimal psgrps of G are conjugate under K~ this is independent of

the choice of P0" If d '9 is the Lebesgue measure on ~ corresponding to dx,
it is clear from (5) that

(6) d'~ : ~(K)-Zd~d% d~ o

L~4MA i. Let d = dim(a0), q = ½ dim(G/K). Then

(7) d~ = v ( K ) - I 2q - ~ dG
In view of (6) this reduces to proving that d ~ d a 0 d n 0 = 2 q - ~ d d ~. Let E be
the orthogonal projection ~ p. If ~ is the orthogonal complement of a0 in D,
¢=EIn 0 is a linear isomorphism of no onto ~. Then, by (i) d~d~da0d ~ =
I d e t ( ~ ) l d ~ de0 ano. So we need to v e r i f y that Idet( )l = 2- ( q - ~ d ) . Let ~ ..... Z
be an orthonorms~ b~sis of no . Then EZ i = ~(Z i - eZi) ~ so that

4(EZi,EZj) = 2(Zi,Zj) - 2(zi,ezj) = 28ij ÷ 2 ~ ( z i , z j) = 28ij

since ]B(Z,Z')=OVZ~Z' c n O. Hence Yi=~EZi ( i _< i _

<v) form an orthonormal
basis for ~ and as ~ ( Z i ) = 2-2¥i, det(~) = 2-~/2. On the other hand~ v =
dim(~) - dim(So) = 2q - d.


For any ~>0 let (~g)(~) be the set of all X6~ such that IX I <
for all eigenvalues k of ad X. Let T be a bounded open neighborhood of
in c = center(g), starlike at 0, and symmetric (i.e., T = -T)- Let

(8) ~T,~ = T+ ( $ g ) ( ~ ) , ~7, T = exp ~7,~

Also define

i - e -adX 1
(9) j ( x ) = det ~-~ / (x ~ ~)

L~MMA 2. Suppose T and • are sufficiently small. Then G is open

T, ~
in G and exp : ~T,~ G V~ ~ is an analytic diffeomorphism. Moreover, for such
T, T, j is real, analytic, and > 0 on ~T,T; in particular, j2 has these
properties, a n d ~ f ~ C c ( G T , T) ,

(i0) [ f(x)dG(x) = i f(expX)j(X)dg(X)

"GT, ~ ~T, v

The first assertion is c i e s r. Since exp is an analytic diffeomorphism

on ~T,T, j never vanishes there; as gT,T is connected and j(1) = i, j is
> 0. The r e l a t i o n (1O) follows from (3).

Let us now introduce the following numbers:

(ii) n=dim(~), ~=dim(b), r=½dim(I/b), q=½dim(~/~), t=q+r

Let P be the usue& positive system of roots of (~e,bc) and let Pk (resp. Pn)
he the set of compact (resp. noncompact) roots in P. Put
Let '&=[~ p(l- ~_~) as Usual. Then

L}~@4A 5" Let T,~ be sufficiently small. Then

(13) '~(e~) = e -8(~) ~(~)j(~)½ ( ~ bn %,~)

We ha~e e6(~) ' J A ( e ~ ) = n p(e ~(~/2)- e - : ( ~ / 2 ~ ' ~ b. Write ~= 2i~'

where ~' ~ ~ and observe that if • is sufficiently small, sin ~'(H)/~'(H) is
>0 for I~,(H)I <T. Since e6(H) '&(expH) = ~(H)~(H) where ~=[~ p(Sin~'/~'),
it is enough to check that ~2= j. This is obvious.

For any vector space V we write S(V) for the Schwartz space of V.

L~4MA 4. Let f~S(~). Then


Since (14) is known to be true with some constant in front of the integrals
on the right, it is enough to verify~ t h i s V f ~ C c ( g T , T (b')G), 7,v being
sufficiently small. Define g ~ Cc(GT,~) by

g(e~ x) = f(x)j(x) -1 (x ~ ~v,~)

Then exp(~,mn~0')G)= (exp(b'O ~7,m)) G, while exp(b'n ~7,T ) is a ~-invariant open
subset of B'. So

@q-~ ex~(~,n~,T)
by Lemma 15.17. By Lemma 3 and the fact that db = v(B)-idB, this reduces to

2. Reduction to the Lie al6ebra

For g ¢ ~(q), f ~C(G), let


Note that #g is slightly different from the usual invariant integral on the Lie
algebra, since it is G and not G° that is coming in (15). But the properties

of g~#g are substantially the same as the usual g ~#g ,b; to see this we select
a complete set of representatives Xl=l~x2,...~xm for G/G ° and note that

(16) ~g(H) = l < i < m D ?gXi ,b(H) (He b')


We shall permit ourselves to ass~ for ~g the properties that have been already
established for the #g,b" In particular, for any g ~ S(g), @g lies in S(b')
and B(~)~g extends to a continuous function on all of b.

L~A 5. ~ a constant c(g)>0 such that

(17) ~(o) = (-1)qc(~)(~(~)~g)(O) (Vg ~ s(~))

S~ppose further that c(d) >0 is the constant such that

(18) f(l) = (-1)qc(G)(,~,Ff)(1) (f ~ c(G))

Then c(G)=c(~).
The first assertion is clear from (16) and the theory of the invariant inte-

gral on ~. For the second, let 7,T be sufficientlyz smaJLl, f e Cc(GT, T) , and
let gcCc(gT, T ) be such that g(X)=f(expX)j(X)N(XcgT, m ). Then, by Lemma 3,


VHeb'n ~/,T' 'Ff(expH)= e-6(H)~g(H), so that

f(1) = (-l)qc(G)('L~'Ff)(1) = (-l)qe(G)lim e-6(H)(5(~)~g)(H)

= e(a)o(~)-ig(O) = o(a)c(~)-lf(1)

3" Determination of c(G)

In view of Lemma 5 it is thus a question of determining c(~). We proceed

exactly as in I~ Section 8, n°2. We use the same notation as there. We choose
g c C~b') G) with Sgdz=l and define

(19) f(X) = ~ exp(ifB(X,Y))g(Y)d~(Y) (Xc ~)

Then f e S(~), f(0) =i. Moreover, using (16) and Lemma 8.6 of I we see that
v v

9f,5. = 0 for ~ not conjugate to b and that 9f,b extends to an element of

S(b). Let ~ be the function defined as in Lemma 8.5 of I, and let ¢ (resp.
@b) be the distributions defined by ~ (resp. 91 b) on 9 (resp. b). By the
results of the Appendix to I we have, when ~ 2,

(20) ~[n/2]@g = 8(n)6 , (-l)qDb[Z/2]~ b = S(Z)8 b

where 89 (resp. 6b) is the Dirac measure of ~ (resp. b) located at 0 and

where~ for any integer r>2

(21) e(r) = 4 It/2 Iv[r/2 IF( [r/2 ])

We now argue as in Lemma 8.8 of I. Let cO be the constant in front of the

integrals on the right side of (14). Then

l = f(o) = s(~) -m [ 9(x)(mt+h/2]f)(x)a~(x)

= (-l)t~(n)-le0~b <H)~(~)(D~+[~/21#f)(~)db(H)

where is the element be Diff(bc) constructed in Lemma 8.7 of I for p = [Z/2].


1 = (-l)ts(n)-le0s(Z)(-1)q(D~f)(0)

r(t + [~/2])
= (-1)ts(n)-leo s(Z)(-1)t(-1)q F([~/2]) 2t(~(~Y)~f )(0)

= (2~)-te0c(~)-i


So c(9) = (2~)-tc 0. This requires the assumption Z~2. If £= i, we replace

G by GXT where T is the circle group and come down to the case ~2. Thus
we have proved

L~ 6. c(O)= (2~)-(n-Z)/21W(O,B)l-lv(B)-lv(K)2 -(q-{~).

It remains to evaluate v(K)/v(B). Let ~ be the subgroup of all k ¢K
s~ch that Ad(k)l~ c lies in the complex adjoint group of ! . Then ~ is of
class Z and B c ~. Lemma 6 can be applied to (~,B) to yield

(22) c(Lz) = (2~)-rlw(mz,B)l-lv(B)-iv(~_)

On the other hand, c(~) can be calculated directly by using the function which
is identically one on ~. So

Z = °(~)((e-6k°% o e6k) ' ~ ) ( 1 )

= c(~)(e-6~(~k)9)(0) where 9=e n (1- e -~)
= e(Kl)(e-65(r~1.) ~ c(s)eS6k)(0) ~SPK
= c(%)lW(%,B)t~k(~)

(2~) v(B)'lv(K1) = (2T)r~k(Sk)-i

Now K=KI~ where ~ is the normalizer of B in K and so

(24) [K :KI]= [W(G,B) :W(KI,B)]= [W(G,B) :W(G°,B°)]

This gives

(25) v(B)-i (K) = ( ~ ) ~r( 6 k ) -Z [w(a,B) :w(a°,B°)]

We have thus proved the following theorem.

THEOP/~4 7" Let BCK be a CSG of G and let notation be as usual. Let
dx be the standard Haar measure on G. Fix a positive system P and let

'Ff(b)= '~(b) ~ f(xbx-l)dx (f eC(G),b~B')

Then~ %/f e C(G)~ ~'Ff extends to a continuous function on B and

(26) f(1):(1)q((2)q2qk(k)Iw(oO,BO)l)l(Ff)(1)
where q= i dim(G/K) and d = rsmk(G/K). The formal degrees of the representations
~(b*) corresponding to b*e B*' mare given by

(27) d(~(b*)) = (2~) -q 2- (q-9)(w/~°)d(b*)( t~ (X(b*))l/'~'k (6k))



(281 w = lw(a,B)l, w°= lwCa°,B°)l

Moreover, for any fe°C(G),


For this treatment see H~ish-Chandra [ ll ].

18. A?pendi ~

i. Formuls~ion of the problem

We consider perturbations of a system of linear first order differential

equations, i.e., equations of the form

= FjF+Gj

where F and the Gj are vector-valued functions of t!,...~td, the Fj• are
mutually commuting endomorphisms, and the G. have exponential decay at infinity.
Our problem is to show that, in the presence of suitable assumptions on F, F
can be approximated near infinity by a uniquely determined solution F of the
unperturbed equations

to show moreover that IF- F I has exponential decay, and to obtain as precise
an estimate as possible for IF-F=I.

We write t = (t. , .. for an arbitrary point of JR-; min(t)=min_ ~t ,
= + ... 2t )l- 'td) efine J

= {~ :m i n ( S ) > o]

V is a finite dimensional complex Hilbert space whose norm is denoted by I'l.

F and
G. (i ~ j _<d) are functions, defined and of class ~ on an open neigh-
borhood of CZ(S) with values in V. They satisfy, on ~, the equations

~F i"-'. F + G (1< j<d)

(z) ~t. - j j - - -

where FI~...,F d are mutually commuting endomorphisms of V. We assume that F

and G. admit estimates of the form
IF(~)l ± a(1 + I~1) r ( ~ a)
faj(~)l S B(I+ I%1)s e -~ min(~) (ge a, l ! j ! d )

where A,B > 0, r,s ~ 0~ ~ > 0 are constants.


2. The case of sca&ar f.

In this n ° we assume that the F. are all scalars, i.e., F .= Z.I for some
.£ C; i < j < d. Then F satisfies the equations on ~ given by

5F k.F + G. (l<j<d]
(3) ~t- a J - - "
Furthermore~ if it happens that there are j for which Re(~j) ~0~ we denote by
the minimum of IRe(Aj) I for such j; ~ is then > 0.

Proposition i. Suppose that F and G. admit the estimates (2) and satis-
fy the equations (3)J the k. being complex numbers. Let ~ be defined as
above. Then:

(i) If Re(kj)>0 for some j~ ~ a constant L(s)>0 such that V ~ c ~

IF(~)I < L(s) " B ( I + I~1) s e -8 min(~)

- [min(l,~) ]s+l

(ii) If Re(hj)~0 V j and < 0 for some j, then V £ c fl;

IF(~)l ! (A+B)d(1 + I ~ l ) s + l e-min(~,~)min(%)

(iii) If Re(Zj)=0Vj, then 3 a unique wc V such that for each fixed

IF(u%)- eU(~tl + "'" +kdtd)w I ~ 0 (U~+ ~)

Moreover, a constant L(s : 8 ) > 0 such t h a t V t c ~ ,

IF(tJ - e( k t l + "'" +Zdtd)wl _< d~+ZT(~ : ~)B(1 + I t l )S+le-8 min(~)

In these assertions the constants L depend only on the variables indicated

and not on an~ others; for instance, L(s) _2n(i) is independent dfthe kj,Gj,F,B,r,A.

(i) ~oose p, 1 < p <d ~ith J~e(~)>O. ~e~ Re(~)>_~ We cZaim

that ~ ~ = (~i .... '~/d) such that

(b) (Re(~),~/)=Re(~)71+ . +Re(?~d)~/d >g-

In fact, let 0<6<i, and let 8'>0 be defined by (d-l)6 '2 = 2 8 - 6 2 . We

define ~/j to be 8' for j~p and to be i-6 for j=p. Then (a) is obvious-
ly satisfied. Note that 6' is a function of 6, and ~ 0 + as 6 40+. On the
other hand, as 8~0+,

(Re(A),7) = (i - 5)Re(Ap) + 6' ~ Re(Zj) - Re(Zp) > ~-
~ ~ j~
So we have (b) for sufficiently small 6 >0. Choose and fix such a ~.

Fix te~. Since ~6~ t+tl~6~/~>0. So~ writing G= (G1 ..... Gd) , we

get from (3),

(4) d~(e-U(~'~)F(~+u~)) = (~,~(t +u~))e -u(~'~)

the estimates (2) we see that for ~-+~, l(z,~(t+~))e-~(~'~)J is

O((l+u)Se -8'~) where ~'=B min(~), while e-U(~'~)F(~+u~) is

0((l+~)re-~(Re(~)'%))=o(1). Hence, in%egrating (4) from 0 to ~ we get

;(~) : - f (~,~(t+~))e-~(~'!)d~
0 ~ ~

Hence, as (Re(~),l) > 7, ~nd ~ I!I=~,

IF(~)I _< (~l+ ... +~d) ~ e-~/e m~ IGj(~+uT)lau

0 l~jZd ~
Zd B(~+ l%l)Se-Bmn(% ) ,~ (l+u)Se -~/2 d~
since min(t +uT) > min(t) + ~min(T ) . The integral above is

e~/2--~vSe-VC/2dv <- e~/2JoC°vSe-VC/2dv = ec/2 cs+12s+lF(s +i)

which gives the estimate (i) when c <i~ with L(s) = 2S+le I'/2. If q~l, we

majorize the integral at once by


(I+u) s e -u/2 du : L(s)

(ii) Now Re(%j)<_0~vlj but ~:-(Re(~)+ ...+Re(7~d))>0. So

(5) (Re(~),t) _<- ~, min(~) (t~ ~)

Fix t¢~. Then, for O<a<_l,

d~(e-U(~'~)F(u~)) = e -u(~'~) (~,G(u~))

Integrating this relation from u=0 to u =i we get


(6) F(~) = e ( ~ ' ! ) F ( ~ ) + e (!'~) j

(2) and (5),
le(~'~)F(~)l ! Ae-~ min(!)

The second term on the right side of (6) is majorized, in view of (5), by

B(t I + " ' ' +td)(l + I~1 )s ea t e-U(a+~min (t))du

where a = R e ( ! , ~ ). ~t,

0 < ea J~0 e-(a+b)u dl < max (ea,e -b) (a,b ¢]R).

We then find in view of (5), that it is m~¢jorized in norm by

B(t I + ... +td)(l + 1!I) s max(e-bmin(~),e-Bmin(~ ))

Combining these two and noting that Z~j, we get the estimate (ii).

(iii). NOW Re(hj)__=0 V j. First assume that the k o themselves are all
zero. For any v>O let F(v)=F(v,...,v). Then

± Y(v) : E aj(v. . . . . v)
dv l<j<d

Since E.IG.(v . . . . . v)l is O((l+v)Se -Bv) for v'+~, we see at once that
limv~+~ F(v)=w exists, and that

(7) F(v) : w - f Z.~aj(~ . . . . ,~)du

v j
This gives

IF(v)-wl !Bd s+i ,i'~ (i+u)se-~u d~

Fix ~ e a. We shall estimate F(t) - w. Write v: ntin(t), v= (v ..... v).
Then V+U(t~-V~)¢~ for o < ~ < i . Henc~

IF(~)- F(v)l = I Jo ~ F(Z+u(~'Z))dul

I ~ (t-z,~(Z+u(t-z)))dul

fiB(ti+...+t d) ~ (i+IZ+~(k- v) l)Se -~


Since v<_v+u(tj-v)<_tj we find

IF(~)-F(~)[ ! B d ( l + I~[) s+l e-~min(~)

Combining with the estimate above for ]~(v) -wl, we get, with v=min(~)

IF(t)-wl <_~ds÷~ ,F (±+u) %-Bu du+B d(~+ l~l)S+me-sv



V (l+u)Se-~U du : e-SV -J0 (I+v+T)Se-ST dT

< (l+v)Se-SV Jo (I+T)Se-BT dT

Hence we get the estimate in (iii), with


T(s:S)=~ (l+~)Se -~Td~+1


It is clear that F(u~)~w as u-+co for each t¢~ and that w is uniquely
determined by this requirement.

Sappose now that only the real parts of the h. zero. Put

°r(~) = e-(~tl + "'" +~dtd)r(t), °Gj(t) = e-(~tl + "'" +~dtd)Gj(t)~

The h. being purely imaginary, we have, V t ¢ ~,


I°F(~)I ~ A(I+ Itl) r, I°Gj(~)l ! B(I+ I~1) se -Smin(~)

FUrther we have

!--°F = % (l<j<_d)
St.O 0

We are thus in the case discussed above. The existence and uniqueness of weV
such that for each t ¢ 2,

~ eu(~-h+''" +zdtd)wl
- - 0 (u-+~)
is now immediate. 911rther, the estimate

I °F(t) - w I ! d s+~,< s : B )B(1 ÷ I tl ) s÷l e-e rain<t)

implies the estimate in (iii). Fin~lly~we note that the vector w has the
following representation, valid for arbitrary, but fixed U o > O , (tl,...,td)¢ G:


_u0(~,t ) m -U0(Z,t )
(8) w = e ~ ~ F(Uo~ ) + ~ tj ~ e ~ ~ Gj(u~)du
i S J ~d u0

Indeed, this comes out on integrating from u= u 0 to u=~ the differential


d-'~d ( e - U ( ~ , ~ ) F ( u ~ ) ) = r t. e - U ( ~ ' ~ ) G j ( u t )
l!j!d $

3. The general case

We shall now consider the general case of the equations (i). For any endo-
morphism F of V and any ~¢ £~ we write Vr, b for the subspace of all u c V
such that (F-~.l)ru=0 for some integer r~0. We define

(9) °v = ~ (
l!j!d ~eC,Re~=O Vrj 'b)
It is clear that °V is stable under all the F .. Let

(i0) ° r =F l°v

All eigenv~lues of all the oF. are pure imaginary. We shall now prove

Proposition 2. Dlppose F and G. satisfy the differential equations (1)

and the estimates (2). Let

(ll) E(~) = exp(tl°r I + . . . +td°Fd) (2 ¢ IRd)

Then 3 a vector w e °V such that, for each fixed t s ~,

(12) IF@k) - ~(%)wj - 0 (u-+=)

Let F (~)= E(~)w(~¢]Rd) . Then F~ is anml~rtie, defines a tempered distribution

on ]Rd, and 8 F ~ t j = FjF on ]Rd (i ~ j_< d). Let H be a function of clas~
C I defined on ]Rd with values in V~ such that (a) H defines a tempered dis-

tribution (b) ~H/~tj =F.H

J on m d (l!j!d) (c) ] F @ t~) - H ( u t-) l ~ 0 as
u~+~ for each fixed t ¢~. Then

(l~) ~(~) = %(~) (~ ~m d)

In particular, w is the unique vector in °V satisfying (12).

We settle first the uniqueness. It is obvious that the matrix entries

(in some basis) of exp(tl°F I + ... + td°Fd) a~-e linear combinations of functions
of the form pe b where p is a polynomial in tl~...,t d and b is a linear


function of the form alt I + ... + adt d where the aj are all pure imaginary.
So F~ defines a tempered distribution. It is obviously analytic and satisfies
these differential equations on ]Rd:

(14) b~tF = r ~ (l<j<d)

Let h=H-F . For an arbitrary linear function ~ on V let g=~o h. Then
g is an exponential polynomial, and so; as it is tempered, can be represented as

E s Ps e s where the Ps are polynomials and the ~s are distinct; purely imag-
inary linear functions of tl~...,t d. Choose a ~e S such that the numbers
as=~s(~) are distinct, and let k(u)=g(u~). By assumption, k(u)~O as
U ~ + ~. As
k(u) =EPs(u~)e s

where the a are distinct purely imaginary numbers, it follows classically that
ps(U~) = 0 for all s and all u ¢ JR. The only condition on ~ needed for this
is that ~¢ S and the numbers ~s(~) are distinct. As the set of such ~ is a
nonempty open subset of 9, we find that Ps = 0 V s . So g = 0~ hence h = 0.

We now take up the existence of w. Actually we wish to obtain fairly pre-

cise estimates for IF(~) - E(~)w I . Hence we shall proceed with somewhat greater
care than would be necessary for merely showing that a suitable w exists.

We begin with the following result on the norm of a matrix exponential.

Proposition 9- Let T be an endomorphism of V. Let n = dim(V) and let

be the eigenvalues of T. Put a = m ~ l < _ j < _ n f R e ( a j ) 1 . Let bi'll de-
aI an
note the usual operator norm on the space of endomorphisms of V. Then

IleTli _< nn/2 e 2ha ~" IITII r


In particular~ if all eigenvalues of T are purely imaginary,

IJeTII ~ n n/2 ~ ll~Jrr


Since there exists an orthonormal basis with respect to which the matrix of
T has the upper triangular form~ there is no loss of generality in making the
following assumptions: V = Cn, with the standard Hilbert space structure;
T= D + N where D = diag(al,...,an) and N has zeros on and below the main


Let f(t) = etT, g(t)= e-tDf(t) (t ¢IR). A simple calculation shows that

dg N(t)g(t) g(0) = i
dt =
where N(t)=e -tDNe tD. From this we find first that
g ( t ) = i + J0 N ( t l ) g ( t l ) d t l ( t > O)

Sabstituting for g(tl) in the integral we have

g(t) = l + ~t ft 2~
N(tl)dt I + j N(t I) ( j N(t2)g(t2)dt2)dt I
0 0 0
Proceeding in succession and observing that

N(tl) ... N(tn) = 0

we find that for t>O

g(t) = z + D Ar(t)
whe re

Ar(t) = Z< N(tr)dt I dt

0 <tr<tr_ I ...<tl<t N(tl)N(t2) . . . . . . r

obviously tletDll<e ta (t>0), so that ll~(t)ll<e~tall~ll. Consequently, t~i~

t=1, we find llAr(1)II<e2rall~Ir. ~ow, let us consider the space of endomorph-
isms of V equipped with the Hilbertian structure coming from the HAlbert-
Schmidt norm III "III • We have II" II < III .Ill_<nl/211" II- On the other hand, as D
and N are orthogon~, IItTIII 2= ;ItDIII2+ III ~112. so I1~11<1t1~111< lllwlll < ~/21ITII.
This gives

lisT// = Itf(~)ll ~< ll~DII IJg(l>lr ~< e a (~ ÷ r e2ranr/211TIIr )


Proposition 3 is now clear.

For any ~= (~i ..... ~d ) ~ ~d we define

(15) V(~) : N ( F mjvrj, v )

i < "<d vet,Re(v)

~us v(~) = ° v i ~ our previous n o t a t i o n (of. ( 9 ) ) . mhe V(E) are stable

under each of the f.
(16) V = ~ V(~) (direct sum)


We denote by

(17) Q(Z) : v - v(Z)

the projections defined by the decomposition (16). These commute with the F..
We put

(18) Q = max Ih(~)ll

Let Pj(~) be the restriction of r.O to V(K).~ Then the eigenvalues of

Pj(~) all have ~j for their real parts. Hence, if we write

(19) Fj(~) ~ = Fj(~)- ~jl(~) (l(~)=identity of V(~))

then the Fj(~) ~ are mutually commuting endomorphisms of V(Z) (l~j ~d) with
only p~re imaginary eigenvalues. Note that in what follows, if V'cV is a sub-
space of V and T' is an endomorphism of V', lIT'If denotes the norm of T'
in v,: IIT'll:s~p{IT'vl :v~v', Ivl :z}.
LEIv~A 4. Define I1~11 by
(20) IILll 2 = 2 I}rjll 2

Then, V ~¢~d ~¢~d,

(21) Ile~(tzrz(~)~ + ...+ tdrd(~)×)lt < nn/2c(~)n(1 + I~1 )n


(22) e(~) = o(~-% ..... r d) = (Z+ I~1)(1 +IIQ(~)II)(z+IIJI)

Let m=dim V(Z), T=tzFz(Z)~+ ... +tdrd(~) ~. Then by Proposition 3

ileTii _<m/2 ~ IITItr mnn/2 ~ I1~11r

O<r<m O<r<n


× 2 1/2
IITII ~ I£1( ~ llrj(~) II )

IIFj(~)~it < IIFj(~)II + I~al

On the other hand

llrj(~)ll _< IIr}(~)ll _< IIQ(~)II Ilrjll



ItTH ~ Itl <1~1 ÷ It~(~)llII~ll)

This gives

r ItTI]~ ~ (l+];TIJ) n ~ (m+ I~l)n(l+HQ(~)J[)~(l+II~l)n(l+ I~1) n


Lemma 4 is proved.

Define now,

~(~) = ~(~)~, ~j(~) = ~(~)c~.

These are functions with values in V(~) satisfying the equations

$t. g(~) = Yj(~)g(~) + ~j(~) (15j~d)


~(~)×(t) = e~p(-(tlr1(~)×+ +tdrd(~)×))~(~)(~)

~j(~)~(~) = exp(-(t~r~(~)~+ .+%~d(~)~))~(~)(t)

We now use Lemma 4 to get estimates for ~(Z)× and ~j(Z)×. Thus

I~(~)~(~)I ~ W/211Q(~)IIo(~)nA(~ + l~l)r+n

/,, ,, s+n -8 min(t)

We are now in a position to use Proposition i. Let ~ be given by

(23) o = ~n ( =in J~jJ)

60,V(z)#0 j : ~j{0
There acce 2 cases.

i. ~0, V(~)~0. (i) and (ii) of Proposition 1 yield the following: 3

a constant Ll(s : n : d ) > 0 such that V t¢~,

}~(~)×(t)l <_ ~l(s : n : d)

[m~n(~,~) f+n+~ HQ(~)IIc(~ )n(A + B)(I + Itl)s+~+~e-~in(~'~)~(t)


So, 3 a constant L2(s :n : d ) > O such that V ~e~

L2(s : n : d)
(24) 1~(~)(~) I --<[min(l ,~) ]s+n+l llQ(~)llc(~)2n(A + B)(I + It~[)s+2n+le-min(~ ,~)min(t)

2. i= O. Now, 3 a unique vector w ¢ °V= V(O) such that for each fixed

Moreover, 3 a constant L3(s : n : 8 : d ) > 0 sLlch that VtsO,

[~(O)×(%) -wl <L3(s : n: B : d)IIQ(O)Itc(o)nB(l + It l )s+n+l e-B min(~)

Hence 3 a constant L4(s : n : 8 : d ) > 0 s~ch that V~e~;

(2~) I~(0)(~) - .(k)wl !T4(s : n: ~ : d)IIQ(O)llc(o)2n~(1+ I~I )s+2n+~ e-~ rain(t)

From these estimates it is clear that

I~(~)(~)1 - o (~o>, 17<o)(~) - m(u~)wl - o

for each fixed t e ~, as u ~+~. We have thus proved the existence of w ¢ °V

satisfying (12). Define S=S(F 1 ..... Fd) to be the set of 8.11 i¢]R d such
that V(~) { 0 and let ISI be its cardinality. Then ISI <_n. IAlt

o : (l+.)(l+Q)(i+llr31)

with Q given by (18). Then

(27) c(!) <_c (! s s)

We have the following result.

Proposition ~. Let notationbe as above. Then 3 a constant L(s : n : B : d ) > 0

such that ~' t ¢ [~,

IF(t) - E(~)w I < L( s : n : B : d) Qc2n(A + B) (1 + Jtl )s+2n+le-rain(8,~)min(t)

- - [min(1,c) ]s+n+l

where w is the unique vector of °V satisfying the limit relation (12) (when
there are no ~{O for which V(~)~0, ~ =+m). Moreover,

[wl <l+~(s-n-13-d) Qo2n(A+~ )

- - [min(l,~) ]s+n+l

Finally~ w has the following representation, valid for each Uo_>O , t¢ Q:


w = s(-Uo~)Q(oF(%~)
+ F tj E(-ut)Q(0)Gj(ut)du
l<j<_d u0

and one can replace E(-u~) by exp(-u(tlF I + ... +tdFd) ).

To get the estimate for lwl, let ~O in the estimate for IF(~)-E(~)w I
and use the inequality lwl i IF(£)- ~I + IF(~)I. To obtain (2S), fix u0Z0,
t ¢ ~. Then

E(-u~)Q(O)F(u~) = [ ( o ) X ( u ~ ) etc.
we have

d__ (E(-ut)Q(O)F(u~)) = ~ t E(-ut)Q(0)Gj(ut)

du i i Ji d j ~ ~

Integrate from u=u 0 to u=~, to get (28).

4. A special case

Let us now consider the case d=l, FI = f. F and G are now functions
defined and of class ~ in a neighborhood of [0,~), with values in V, The
differential equations are

(29) dF
d--t =FF+G on [0, ~)

Assume that for suitable constants A>O, B>0, ~>0, r > 0 , s>_0, and all t > 0 ,

(30) IF(t)l _ < A ( l + t ) r , ta(t)[ _< S ( l + t ) S e -~t

The subspaees ~,v (we £) we as before. S(F) is the set of eigenvalues of

F and

Qw : V ~ VF, v

are the projections corresponding to the direct sum decomposition V= Ev VF, v.


(31) Q(F) = max IIQ#[I a(f) = rain I~1

Finally, I8(F)I denotes the number of elements of S(F).

Proposition 6. Let notation be as above. Suppose f is semisimple and

all eigenvalues of F are real. Then ~ a unique element F ¢ VF~ 0 such that
F(t)~F co
as t ~+~. Moreover, we have, for all t>0


(32) IF(t)-<1 <C(s: I~)Q(r)l s(r)l (A + B)(Z +t)S+Ze -~n(B'~(r))t


where C(s : S) is the constant max(l,f0(l+v)Se-BVdv ).

Note that °V=VF~0~ °F=0 in this case. The existence of a unique

F e VF, 0 such that F(t)~F as t -+~ is now clear from Proposition 2. It
remains to derive the estimate (32). We proceed as in the proof of Proposition 5.
For ~e S(F) let F (t) = Q F(t), G (t): Q G(t). Then

(33) dF
dt - ~ FB + G

and we have, for t~O,

(34) IFISt)I _<AQ(F)(I+t) r, Ia (t)l <BQ(r)(z+t)Se -Ist

We rewrite ( ~ ) as

d (e-~tF (t) e-~ta (t)

Case i: ~>0. From (34) we see that e-~tIGB(t)l is integrable

on [0,~) while e-~tF (t) tends to 0 as t ~+~. So integrating (35) from
t to ~ we get, for all t>0,

F (t) = -e ~t ~t e-~G~(u)du


}F (t)l : I f0 e-~VG~(t+v)dvl

<BQ(F)(l+t)Se -Bt ~ ((l+v)Se-BVdv


_< C(s : 8)B Q(F)(1 +t)Se -13t

Case 2: p=0. As before we integrate (35). The integrability of IG0(t)l

on [0, ~) implies that F =limt~ + ~ F0(t ) exists. Integrating (35) from t
to we get

F0(t ) - F =- j G0(t+v)dv
So, for t>O,

IF0(t ) - F J _< C(s : B)BQ(F)(I+t)Se -Bt

Case ~: p < 0. Now we integrate (35) from 0 to t to get


F (t) = ektF (0) + e #t f e-~G (u)du

(~4) we have lektF (0)I < AQ(E)e bt. F~rther the second term on the right
side of the above equation is majorized in norm by
BQ(F)e~t ~0 e-(~+~)U(l+u)Sdu --
< BQ(F)(l+t)st I~1 e-(~+~)tVdv
e~t J0

< BQ(F)(l+t) s+l max(ebt,e -St)

Recalling the definition of o(F) we see that for t ~ 0

IFB(t)I ~ (A+ B)Q(r)(A+t) s+l e -min(~'c(F))t

Thus, for all ~S(E), and all t>0

IF (t)- 8 0F~l _< C(s :~)(A+B)Q(F)(I+t) s+l e -min(B'o(F))t

5 0 being the Kronecker delta. Adding over all the ~ in S(F) we get the
estimate (32).

5. Estimates without polynomial 6rowth assumptions

LEMMA 7" Let notation be as above. Let f,g, be functions on [o,z] with
values in V s~ch that f is of class CI, g is continuous, and

~ f (t) -- g(t) (0_<t<_l)

Suppose ~ L,M>I, a > 0 , B>0 such that

If(t)l<Me at , Ig(t)l <Le-~tlf(t)[ (o<_tiz)

If(t)l _< (2T,)I~ M (o<t<l)

Let m be the integer > 0

_ such that m _< a~ < m + l . We claim that
If(t)l<(2L)WMe (a-v~)t ( 0 < t < l ) for w:0,1 ..... m. Indeed~ for v = 0 this is
trivial; if v<m, we use the estimate If(t)l<If(0)l+~0 Ig(s)Ids and the esti-
mate Ig(s)l <Le-BS(2L)WMe (a-vS)s %o get the Conclusion for (v+l). Integrating
once again, we get, for 0<t<l

If(t)1! I~(0){+ (~)5~ it e(a_(m+l)~)Sds

mt a- (m+l)B<0 and I~(0)I<_~- ~ence If(t)l<_(~)m+~.
Proposition 8. Let F,Gj (l<_j<d) be functions defined and of class CI on
a neighborhood of C£(~), with vaiues in V. Let


~-~'- F = G. (l<j<d)

and suppose that ~ constants L,M~I, a~0, ~ > 0, and an integer s ~0 such
that~eO, l!j~d,

IF(~)I ! Me
a(tl+...+t d)
, los(~)l
iL( 1 + I~l) se -8 min(~) IF(~)I

Then ~ a unique ve V such that F(t~)~v as t ~ + ~ for each t~O. Moreover~

let ~ be fixed with 0 < ~ < ~d and let

Q~ = [~:min(~)>~(t I + ... +td)]

Then 3 a constant C= C(d,a~8,~,s) >0 such that

j 2~(tl+'''+td)

We first fix t c~ and apply Lemma 7 to the functions f(t) = r(t~),

g ( t ) = E t.G.(tt), with a replaced by a(t I + ...+td), B hy ~ ~n(k), and
Hence we get

IF(~)I ~ (2~d(~ + l~l)S+l)~ + ~ (t s c )

So, 3 Cl=Cl(a,8,~)>0 , sI = Sl(S,a,8,~)~0 such that V ~cO

a a
sI --+ 2 -~ rain(t)
IF(~)I ~ C1L~B+lM( l + r~l) , Iaj(%)l!C1 L~s M(Z+ I~1) sl e

From now on we proceed as in the proof of (iii) of Proposition i. Noting that

(~,...,T) eQ~, we find that F(7,...~T)~a limit v as ~+~, and that the
following estimate for IF(t)-v I is valid: 3 C 2=C2(a,B,~,s )>0,
s2= s2(a,8,g,s ) ~ 0 such that
--+2 s2 -~min(t)
IF(~).-V I ~ C2L~8 M(l+ I~1) e ~ (~eQ)

The estimate (36) is now clear.

For the estimate of Proposition 3, see Harish-Chandra [ 6 ], Lemma 60. The

arguments and results of this appendix are quite similar to those in Harish-
Chandra [ 9 ], Lemmas 42 through 63; see also Varadarajan [ 2 ] and Trombi-
Varadarajan [ i ].

19 • Appendix

We shall discuss in this section certain representations that are closely re-
lated to finite reflexion groups. These are representations of the polynomial al-
gebra of the vector spaces on which the reflexion groups act, and their spectral
properties are of very great importance for us.

i. The representations 7;7'

We work in the same context as in I~ Section 4, n°2. Thus F is a real

vector space of diminension d, i < d < ~. W is a finite reflexion group in F.
Fc is the complexification of F and Fc is its dual; W acts naturally on both
Fc and F~ P is the algebra of polyno~als on L !p= ~(w) is the subal-
gebra of W-invariant elements of P. S is the s$~nmetric algebra over Fc, I S the
subalgebra of W-invariant elements of S, and IS the ideal in IS
of elements
without a constant term. If p eP~ we say p is harmonic if ~(uJp=0VueI S.
Let H be the space of harmonic elements of P. Then H is graded and W-stable,
and the map v,u~vu extends to a linear isomorphism of Ip®H with P. We have

(1) dim(X) : lWt = w.

From now on we write I for Ip. For any x e F c~ I x denotes the idea& in I
of all p such that p(x) = 0 • Since P= IH~i®H, PI x = I x H ~ l x ® H . Thus PI x is
an ideal in P with

(2) dim(P/PIx) = w (x c Fc)

We have a representation of P in P/PI x. This representation depends on x and

in order to study this dependence it is convenient to get a realization of all
these representations in a single w-dimensional vector space. We shall use H
for this purpose. Let

(3) uI = 1,u 2 ..... uw

be homogeneous elements in H forming a basis for H. If u e P, 3 unique

qu:ij c I such that

(4) UUj = ~ qu:ij u. (l<j<_w)

l<i< w i

We thus obtain a representation u~(qu:ij)l<i,j_< w of P into the algebra of all

wXw matrices of elements of i. It is clear I rom (4) that

--- 2 qu:ij(x)ui (rood PIx)

(5) ~uj l<i_ <w


So if we put

(6) ~(x : u) = ( q u : i j ( X ) ) l ! i , j i w

then u~#(x : ") is equivalent to the representation of P in P/PI x. We put

(7) ~(x :u) = ~(x : u) t (t =transpose)

Since P is abelian; u~y(x : u) is equally a representation of P of degree w.

We shall now go on to a slightly more general situation. Let W'cW be

a reflexion subgroup of W, i.e., generated by a subset of the set of reflexions
in W. We write I' for the subalgebra of W'-invariant elements of P. Obvious-
ly ICl'. From the relation P= IH~l ®H and the stability of H under W it
follows that if

(8) ~, = i , n ~

then H' is graded and

(9) I' = I H ' ~ I ® H '

No w the representation of W in H is equivalent to the regular representation;

we see therefore that

(10) dim(H') = [W:W'] = r

Further, we see from (9) that for X~Fc~ l'Ix=IxH'~i x®H' so that

(ii) dim(I'/I'ix) = r

We have a representation of I' in I'/I'I • To study the dependence of this

representation and its properties on x we proceed as before. We now choose the
u.! of (3) such that

(12) i = Ul,U2,...,U r

form a basis of H' a~d that Ur+l~...;u w span a subspace of H that is stable
under W'. If u e I'; 3 unique ~:ij e I such that

(13) UUj = l < i~< r qu:ij ui (l<_ J ! r )

Clearly u ~ (qu.ij)l<i,j < r is a representation of i' into the algebra of all

• k - -

r ×r matrices with elements from I. Since

(14) (mod l'Ix)

UUj =-l < iE< r qu:ij(~)ui
it follows that

u~#'(x:u) = (qu:ij(X))l_<i,j<r

is a representation of I' of degree r equivalent to the representation on

l'/I'l . We define


(zG) y'(x :u) = #'(x :u) t


It is obvious from our construction that

(17) ~(~ :u) = (U c I')

Finally we note that if W ' = [l], ~'(x : u) = ~(x : u).

2. Spectr~l decompoisiton of the representations T~q/'

It is enough to study 7' since by taking W' to be [i] we can obtain

results concerning ~/.

For each reflexion ~ EW we choose a nonzero element X

in Fc, real on
F, such that the zeros in F of X form the reflecting hyperplane of ~. We

(18) 7 = I] X , ~' = 1]' X

where the prime indicates that the product is only over the reflections in W'.

(19) SI = i, s2,...,s r

be a complete set of representatives for W'\W. If W ' = {i], (19) gives an

enumeration of W. Finally, x e Fc is called regular if ~(x) ~0. One knows
that x is regulsm if and only if s "x~x for sEW\ [i], i.e., if and only if
the stabilizer at x in W is trivial. This is clearly the same as saying that
l w xl = Fwl If we ite, for aay y E h' PWy the ideal m P all elements
vanishing on the orbit W. y, then dim(P/Pw.y ) = IW. Yl so that

(20) x regUlar <:=>P I x = Pw.x

We now define the r×l column vectors e(x) and ek(x ) ( l < k < r ) as
follows: the jth components e(x)j and ek(x)j are given by

(21) e(x)j=uj(x), ek(x)j=uj(skx), ek(x)=e(skX)

We write T(x) for the r X r matrix whose jk-th element Tjk(X ) is given by

(22) Tjk(X) = Uj(SkX) = ek(x)j

Proposition i. If x E Fc is regular, then T(x) is nonsingular, and the

ek(x ) ( l < k < r ) form a basis of C r.

The two assertions are equivalent of course. Suppose not. Then ~ constants
cj EC, not all zero, such that E.j cjuj(skx)=0 for l<k<r. Write u=Z.j c.u..8


Then uEH' is nonzero, and as it is W'-invariant, u(s'skx)=0Vs'eW', l<k<r,

i.e., u(sx)=0 V s eW. So UePw.x. But, by (20), PW.x and H are linearly
independent. As 0 ~ u e Pw'x N H, we have a contradiction.

Proposition 2. If x c Fc is regular, the matrices T'(x : u) (u e I') are

~Ii semisimple; the vectors ek(x ) are eigenvectors for all of them; and the
corresponding eigenvalues are U(SkX); i.e.,

(23) T'(x :u)ek(x )=u(skx)ek(x ) (lfikfir , u c I ' )

By definition of T'(x :u), we have, by (14) and (15),

(24) ~'(~ : ~)e(x) = ~(x)e(x)

On the other hand, the entries of T'(x : u) are the values at x of elements of
I, so that they are unchanged when x is changed to SkX. Hence we get from (25)
the equation (23) by replacing x with SkX. Proposition 1 combined with (231
then leads to the other assertions.

Proposition 3" For all XCFc, v e P , u e l '

det(T . 1 - y ( x .v))= 1] (T-v(sx)), det(T - l - y ' ( x :u))= i] (T-U(SkX))

seW l<k<r

T being an indeterminate. In particular, when x = 0, T(0 :v)- v(0)l and

~'(0 :[l)-U(0)l are nilpotent.

It is enough to establish these formulae when x is regular; in that case

they follow at once from Proposition 2.

For regular x~ we have

(251 Cr = D C " ek(x ) (direct sum)


Corresponding to this direct sum we have the projections

(26) ~(x) : cr ~ c .%(x)

The ~(x) are the spectral projections for the representation T'(x : "). It is
quite simple to determine the entries of the matrix ~(x). Let T jk be the
entries of the matrix T(X) -I (cf. Proposition i). Thus

(27) Z] TJk(x)&j,(x) = 6jj, (Kronecker delta)


The following proposition is then a matter of simple computation.

Proposition 4. The entries Tjk are in P. The entries TJk are in the
field of rational functions on F and are all defined at every regular point of
F c. Moreover, the entries ~m(X) of ~(x) are given by


(2S) Ek~m(X ) = l<~m(x)uZ(skx ) (Z,m:l,2 .... ,r;x regular)

For applications Proposition 4 is not strong enough. We must know more pre-
cisely the nature of the singularities of the T jk. Our aim now is to prove
-1 -i
Pro2osition 5. (~/~') sk Tki c (I') sk ; in particular, (7/m')SklTki c P,
~T ~P, l ~ i , k ~ r .

The proof of this requires some preparation. In n°3 we shall prove this when
W'= [i]. In n°4 we shall use the results of n°3 to complete the proof of Proposi-
tion 5.

). In which W' is [i 1

Now r = w = Iwl In order not to cause any confusion with the genera& case
we write °T jk and °TJk instead of ~jk and T jk (i ~ j,k ~w). Let p be the
number of reflexions in W.

L~4MA 6. w is an even integer, det(°T) is a nonzero homogeneous element of

P divisible by ~2~w. Each cofactor of the matrix °T is a homogeneous element
of P divisible by ~2Aw-l.

Since W ~ [i], ~ at least one reflexion ~ ~ W; as W contains the sub-

group [i,~], w is even. We have °Tjk(X )=uj(skx ) ( i Z j , k ~ w ) . Right trans-
lation by a reflexion ~W induces a bijection k~k' of (!,2,...,w] such
that k'~kVk. Since

or -i
jk,= sk Uj- ~(s
it follows that k divides °T jk - OT jk'' Hence X2-w~ divides det(°T). As the
different k are mutually prime in P, ~½Wdivides det(°T). We have already
seen that det(°T)/0. Since the uj are homogeneous, so is det(°7 I. The same
argument proves that the cofactors of o~ are divisible in P by ~-i. This
proves the lemma.

On the other hand we have

Proposition 7- ] a constant c/0 such that det(°T) = c~2~w.

Since p = deg(~), we need only show that deg(det(°T)) = pw/2. This reduces
to proving that

(29) deg(uj) : ½ pw
1ZJ 3w

To prove (29) we use the Poincare Series P(H:X) for H (cf. I, Section 4,
n°2) :


(3o) ~(~:x) = dim(%)~


Here X is an indeterminate and H is the stlbspaee of H of homogeneous ele-

ments of degree m. We know that if d=dim(F) and Vl,...,v d are the degrees
of the homogeneous generators of I, then (ef. I, (4.6))
(31) P(H : X) : H (l+X+X2+ ...+X ~ )
On the other hand,

(32) dag(u~) : ~ mdim(~m) : ~ P(~ X)IXl

i <_ 3"<w
_ ~ m >_0

Hence, by I, (4.5),

(33) l < jE_ < w deg(t~j) . l <. iE< .d .Vl~ 2 Vw(V i- l) = ½

COROLI~RY 8. o jk eP for l<j~k<w.

This is immediate from Lemma 6 and Proposition 7.

We have thus proved Proposition 5 when W'= [i]. Before considering the
general case we shall reformulate the above result in a slightly different langu-
age. We intrOduce the quotient field Q of P~ and denote by QW the subfield
of W-invariant elements. We know from Galois theory that Q/QW is a Galois ex-
tension and that the Galois group is precisely W. It is also known that QW is
the quotient field of I. Q is a vector space of order w over QW and if
-1 -1
(34) <u,v> = trQ/ :~(uv)
Q . sew
~ us vs

then (.~ .) is a symmetric W-invariant nonsingular bilinear form on Q x Q , over

the field QW. Let ul~u 2 • ..,uw be the basis of Q over qW dual to
Ul,...,uw, with respect to ('~'). Thus
-i -i
• . s sk
(35) (ul,uj) = ~ (UI) k (Uj) = 8ij
Proposition 9" °T = (t~i)sk ; in particular, ~ u m e P (l<i,k<w).
ki ki -i
For, the OT also satisfy ~ < k < w °T (uj)% = 8ij .

4. The case of 6eneral W'

Now W' is an arbitrary reflexion subgroup of W. The ai ( l < i < w ) are as

in n°l sothat Ul=l~...ju r span H ' = I ' n H , and Ur+l~...;u w span a W'-stable
subspaee of H. If teW', i t ~uj)=Sij
((u) for l<i <r l < j <w. For,


<(ui)t,uj) = <ui,(uj) t-l)

and if j_<r,
this is 8. . since (uj) =uj, while for j>r, this is 0
t-i ij
(= 8i~ ) since uj is a linear combination of Ur+l,...,u w (coefficients being
in QW). Thus
(36) (ui) t = u i (l!iir, tew')
Let QW' be the subfield of Q of all W'-invariant elements. Then QW' is the
field of quotients of I' and (36) shows that ui e QW' for l<i<r.

Proposition i0. We have, for l<i, jJr

s-i s-i
(37) (ui) k (uj) k = iw,[-1 ~ij

By (36), we have, for l<i, j<r

-1 -1 s'~t-1 s-it-1 s;l s-1

= Z~(ui) s (uj) s = E ~ (u i) ~ (~j) k =P'I ~ (u i) ~ (uj) K
sew i <k <r feW' imk<r
Proposition ll. Let w'= IW' I. Then ~ i = w ' ( u i) k (l<i, k < r ) .
For, by (37), the matrix whose ~m-th entry is w'(um) s / (l<~, re<r) is
the inverse of the matrix % in the field Q.

Proposition 12. We have, for l < i , k_<r,

-i -i
(38) (~/~')U i ~ I ' (7/7,)Sk ~ie ( i ' ) sk

The f i r s t of t h e s e i m p l i e s the second in view of P r o p o s i t i o n 11, Now Pro-

position 9 shows that vu i e P for l < i <r. Fix i. Since ui is W'-invariant,
i i
~u is a W'-skew element of P. Hence ~u is of the form 7'v. where v. el'
• l l
But then v. = (~/~')u m e i'
The second of the relations (38) is in fact Proposition 5.

Proposition i~. deg(ui) _< deg(~/~'), l<i<_r.

S~ppose not. Then, for some i e [1,2,...,r], deg(~'ui)>deg(~ ). So, by I,

(4.7) , ~'u i c P I + where I+ is the ideal in I of all elements vanishing at 0.
Hence ~'u i £ I+H and is W'-skew. But if 'H is the subspace of H of all W'-
skew elements, the isomorphism I+H~I+®H shows that 7'u. c I+. 'H. As 'Hc~'P,
we have ~'u. e ~ ' P l + or u. s P l +, a contradiction.
l 1
Finally we have also established in the course of the preceding discussion,
the following proposition:


Proposition 14. The i (l<i<_r) are defined at all regular points of

F c. For the spectral projections ~ and their matrix entries ~n we have the
following formttlae, valid for all regular x, i ~ ~,m,k ~r:

(39) &(x) = E(skx) &~m(X) = E~m(SzX)

Here E is the rxr matrix whose entries are the W'-invariant rationSl functions
E~n given by

(40) E~m = w'umu~

For these results see H&rish-Cha~Idra [ 6 ].


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groups, 63

Bor el
subalgebra, 104

decomposition~ 124

CSG (= Cartan Subgroup)

of a group of class ~, 22
global roots relative to, 22
of compact type, 23
conjugacy of compact (CSG's), 23
conjugacy of, in complex groups, 27
decomposition of, into compact and vector groups~ 40

decomposition, 18
involution, 18

Class i representation, 143

Compact Lie ~roup

differentiable functions on, as a topological space, 142
convergence of Fourier Series on, 142
volume of, 117

Completely invariant open set, 39

characterization of, 39

Constant term
of tempered 8-finite T-spherical function f along a psgrp Q (fQ) : existence,235
transitivity of, 236
uniqueness of, 236
differential equations for, 236
estimates for the difference f- fQ, 257

Cusp forms
on a group of class ~, 222
as a two-sided ideal of C(G), 222
necessity of rk(G) -- rk(K) for existence of cusp forms, 223
sufficiency of rk(G) -- rk(K) for existence of cusp forms, 248
smoothness of invariant integrals of, 223
~-finite functions in Schwartz space as cusp forms, 223
K-finite eigenfunctions for ~ with regular eigenhomomorphisms, as cusp forms, 246
topology of space of cusp forms: equivalence with that induced by the L2-norms
g ,-. IJ ~%~mJl 2, 298
characterization of space of, as C(G) n °L2(G), 296
as forming a nuclear space, 300


of the conjugacy map of a Lie group~ 46

Differential operators
local expressions of, 45
in polar coordinates, 131

Discrete series for a separable unimodular group~ 259

criteria for a representation to belong to discrete series, 259
formal degree of a discrete class, 261-262
orthogonality relations, 261-262
the orthogonal projection on the discrete part of the regularrepresentation~ 265
discrete part of Plancherel formula, 265
characters of discrete classes, as orbital integrals, 265

Discrete series for groups of class

temperedness of characters of discrete classes, 178
statements of main theorems, 266-267
existence of, for groups with compact CSG, 266, 269
regularity of infinitesimal character, 270
orthogonality relations for the " @ , 274
complete determination of discrete~series, 275-282
explicit formula for formal degree of, 282
discrete part of Plancherel formula, 297
determination of the normalization constant in formula for formal degree and
discrete part of Plancherel formula, 307-308
uniform estimates for matrix coefficients of discrete classes~ 291
continuity~ in topology of Schwartz space, of the orthogonal projection on the
discrete part of the regular representation~ 292
finiteness of number of discrete classes containing a given K-class~ 295
absence of the trivial K-class in a discrete class, 295

element of group of class ~, 40
component of a semisimple automorphism of a vectorspace, 41
component of an element, 41
homomorphism of 8, 68
ideal of ~, 68

for differential equations which are perturbations of linear systems~ 309-323
, under polynomial growth initial estimates, 310
__, without polynomial growth initial estimates, 322

Group of class ~, 16
with compact eenter~ 21
split component of~ 21
real algebraic group, as a group of class ~ 17
discriminant of~ 22
rank of, 22

Hair measure
standard~ on a group of class M, ll8
on a Lie group whose Lie algebra has a Hilbertian structure, ll6
of a compact Lie group, ll7
normalized~ of a compact Lie group, ll7


theorem of~ on regularity and local integrability of invariant ~-finite
distributions, 58

of 8 into $(ml) (~/ml,~Q), 52, 119
of 8 into IS(~C ) (k), 52
of ~ (= ~K) into ~0g(~0 ), 150
Invariant differential operators
annihilating all invariant distributions~ 50

Invariant distributions
transfer of, from G to Z, 49
transfer of, from G to ~ 55
inducing of, from M I to G (MI = MA,Q = M A N is a psgrp of G), 123

Invariant-integral of G on C~(G)~ 187

symmetry properties, 190
differential equations for, 190
relation with invariant integral of M I, 192
continuity of the map f ~ "Ff, 196,197
estimate for integrals of derivatives of "Ff in terms of Ll-norms of f on
elliptic set, 191-192

Invariant integral of G on Schwartz space, 210

convergence of, for functions in Schwartz space, 211~ 213
continuity of the map f l- "Ff, on Schwartz space, 211, 213
invariant integral of E(I +c)-r for large r > 0, 210, 212
symmetry properties, 214
differential equations, 214
relation with invariant integral on M I, 214
behaviour around singular points (of CSG's), 214-220
smoothness around points where no singular imaginary root is i, 214
continuity of skew derivatives, 214, 215
descent formula, from G to 8, 217
jump relations at a semiregular point, relating invariant integrals with
respect to two CSG's, 220
smoothness of invariant integrals of cusp forms, 223
smoothness of invariant integrals with respect to an lwasawa CSG~ 224
smoothness of invariant integrals of complex groups, 224

l,nvariant measures on regular conju~acz classes

temperedness of, 214

Invariantopen sets
containing a semisimple element, 38
containing an elliptic element, 43
of class ~(a), 43
characterizations of open sets of class g(G)~ 43

Invariant ~-finite distributionsj 57

Harish-Chandra's theorem on their regularity and local integrability, 58
local structure of~ 57-66
analyticity of, around quasiregular points, 60
behaviour of~ on a CSG, 61, 62

analyticity (of "@p) on A ' ( R ) , 62

continuity of skew derivatives, 62
behaviour (of YA) for different CSG's A, 65
criterion for an invariant 8-finite function (on the regular set) to define an
invariant 8-finite distribution, 59
inducing o f , from Ml to G (MI=MA, Q=MAN a psgrp), 123

Invariants of the Weyl group

the algebra of invariants, 324
representations of the algebra of invariants, 325, 326
spectral analysis of these representations, 326-331

decomposition of an element of a group of class ~, 27

Limit formula
for functions in Schwartz space, 221

Local expression
of a differential operator on G, 45

Local integrability
of IDI-% 59
of invariant 8-finite functions, 59

Maximal compact subgroups

existence of~ in a group of class ~, 21
conjugacy of, in a group of class M, 21

Multiplicities (of irredacible K-classes in representations of G)

Harish-Chandra's theorem on finiteness of K-multiplicities in representations
with a cyclic. K-finite ~-finite vector, 136
bounds for K-multiplicities in such representations, 136
bounds for K-multiplicities in simple representations, 137
bounds for K-multiplicities in strongly simple representations, 140

estimates for integrals on N, 184-185

in complex groups, 27-33
in (real) groups of class #, 33-40
closed and semisimple, 35
structure of, as submanifolds, 39

Parabolic subal~ebra (psal~ebra), 105

reductive components of, 106
the reductive component of, 106
standard, 107
minimal, 108
conjugacy of minimal psalgebras, 108
conjugacy to a standard psalgebra, 108
the split component of, 109
Langlands decomposition of, 109
roots of, i12

Parabolic subgroup (psgrD), 109

correspondir~ to a psalgebraj 109
standard, 109
minimal, 109
conjugacy of minimal psgrps~ 109
conjugacy to a standard psgrp, 109
the reductive component of, ii0
the split component of, iii
the parabolic rank (prk) of, iii
Langlands decomposition of, iii
Weyl group of, 112
roots of, 114
correspondence between psgrps of G contained in Q = M A N and those of M, 114
cuspidal psgrp, 115
associated psgrps, 116
class of, 116
integral formula on coset space of (a psgrp), 118
cuspidsd psgrp attached to a tempered ~@-finite T-spherical function, 242

Principal series
of representations of a group of class ~4, 143

element of a group of class ~, 60

Radial component
of invariant differential operator on the centralizer of a semisimple element:
existence, 48
of element of ~ on the centralizer of a semisimple element, 53
of element of ~ on a CSG: explicit formula, 53
action of, on invariant distributions, 51

character of a compact CSG, 67
element of a group of class ~, 22

of a group of class ~ in a complete locally convex space, 126
weakly analytic vectors for, 126
analytic vectors for, 126
weak analyticity of ~K~-finite vectors, 136
differentiable vectors for~ 127
infinitesimal characters for, 128
simple representations, 128
strongly simple representations, 140
infinitesimal equivalence of, 139
Harish-Chandra's criterion for infinitesimal equivalence of simple
representations, 139
differentiable representations, 128
K-finite vectors for~ 136
~-finite vectors for, 137
correspondence between global and infinitesimal representations, 137
existence of maximal proper closed invariant subspaces~ 138
of class i, 143
double representations (of K), 132
unitary double representations (of K), 132
square integrable, 261


definition and properties~ 144

comparison with log ~, 164

definition and properties, 153

lower bound, 154
differential equations for, 150, 159
upper bound for, 163
integrability of ~2(i +q)'r for large r, 164
integrability of ~(i +c)-r for large r on elliptic set, 208
convergence of invari~nt integral of ~(i +o)-r for large r, 210, 212
integrability of IDI-2~(l+o)-r for large r, 225

Schwartz space
of an open subset of a group of class M, 165
topology and seminorms, 165
the spaces Cp and the LP-norms on them, 166
density of C~(G:V) in cP(G: V), 167
distributions of type p, on an open subset of G, 167
tempered distributions, on an open subset of G, 167
topology of Schwartz space: reduction to left derivatives, 169
topology of ~P: equivalence with the topology defined by LP-norms, 172
convolutions in, 181
as a topologiga~, algebra, under convolution, 181
the map f ~ f[Q) from C(G) to C(MI) (MI = M A , Q = M A N a psgrp); 186

element of a group of class M, 59

element of a group of class M, 26
component of an element, 27

through a semisimple element, 37
through an elliptic element, 42

Spherical functions, 145

elementary, 145, 146
uniqueness of elementary spherical function corresponding to a homomorphism
of ~(=~K), 145
as a convolution algebra, 145
commutativity of convolution of, 145
spherical transforms of, 149
the transform f ~ fA0 ( G = K A o N 0 an lwasawa decomposition), 148

Strom~ inequslit~
for functions defined on open subsets of G (bi-invariant under K), 165

T-spherical functions, 132

bounds for dimension of spaces of T-spherical ~-finite functions, 132

existence and unqieuness theorem for the ~ . (statement) when b* is regular, 68

uniqueness, on sets of class g(G), 69

construction, for regular b*, around an elliptic point~ 72

construction, for regular b*, on all of G, 70-73
formula for~ on connected acceptable groups, 75
uniform majoration of all ~ . (b* regular), 74
construction, for singular--b*, 76-86
formulae on noncompact CSG's, 91
the distributions ®* , 92
the distributions __®~,g; 93
boundedness of ®~,g on compact CSG, 95
estimates for __®~,g on arbitrary CSG, i01
temperedness of ®b*' 227

temperedness of~ 248

weak inequality for, 2L8
square integrability of, for regular b*, 248
as cusp formsj for regular b*, 248

,Tempered distributions
on an open subset of G, 167
criteria for positive Borel measures to be tempered, 173
defined by functions satisfying weak inequality, 172
continuity in topology induced by left derivatives, under K-invariance, 179

Tempered invariant distributions

Inducing of, from M I to G (MI = N A ~ Q = M A N a psgrp)j 186
temperedness of invariant measures on regular conjugaey classes, 214
temperedness of the invariant measures v L for an arbitrary CSG L, 209
temperedness of the restriction of Haar measure to elliptic set, 209
criterion for temperedness of an invariant locally integrable function in terms
of its restrictions to CSG's, 227

Tempered inva~-iant Q-finite distributions, 225-255

temperedness of characters of representations with square integrable matrix
coefficients, ~178
_~ r
majoration by IDI 2<1+~) as a necessary and sufficient condition for an
invariant .q-finite distribution to be tempered~ 225, 252
majoration by IDI-~ as a necessary and sufficient condition for an invariant
eigendistribution with regular eigenhomomorphism to be tempered, 232-233
temperedness of the distributions Gb* , 226

Tempered .~-finite T-spherical functions

weak inequality for, 176
asymptotic behaviour, 234-258
constant term fQ along a psgrp Q, 235-236
criteria for square integrability, 239
as cusp forms, when square integrable, 239
square integrability of, when they are eigenfunctions for ~ with real regular
eigen homomorphisms, 246
cuspidal psgrp attached to, 242

Unipot ent
element of a group of class ~ 26
component of an element, 27


of a compact Lie group~ 117

Weak inequality
for functions defined on open subsets of G that are bi-invariant under K~ 165
for matrix coefficients of representations with tempered characters, 178
for tempered K-finite ~-finite functions, 176
for the Fourier coefficients of the in~ariant measures VL, 199
for the Fourier coefficients of the restriction of Haar measure to the
elliptic set~ 199
for ® b * ~ (b~'~ arbitrary)~ 248




16 ~, G, G ° , GI, C, C ° , G c, ~, c, '~i' £c

z7 m[a ], M[a ]
18 b[a], s[a~], b[#,a], s[13,a.], ~, ~, ~(~--~+~)
~9 K, K °

2O °A ~ °G


22 :~, Ir.rl, D(-_ DG), G'

24 w(o,s)
26 10g X (for unipotent X) , Xs, x (for x ~ o)

29 ~(L) (~ a conneoted oomplex s.~. group), V(x)

3~ ~ Gx, ~, ~, Z

34 q~ Vx, ~Z

36 ~7,T ; Z ~ GT~T
4o HI' ~R (for a CSa~G), ~I' ~R
41 x e, x h (x a s.s • element ~ G), ~[#~s]; Z[#~s ], G (x)

43 e(G)

45 a~, f~, f ( ~ ; ~ ) , f(~;~),



5o /~(~)

52 ~/~), ~ ~/~ , 8 , S~' ?'

55 j , T (z~8)

56 T

57 J
f, fg, t Z, t


6O A'(R) (~or a CSGAcG), A', ~p, "ap
6~ • @p

6~ ~p; ~p
65 YA
68 Qb* (for regular b*)
sCb )
e(b) (_ ~(b)
7~ .ZOO
74 e , ~, s(~), ~ b ~]
80 e(b,r) e(b,r)

85 %. (for arbitrary b*)

9S ~*(~), e g, D L (o~. ~ s o p . 198)

9~ e~,g
95 wi( ~e' ao)
104 ZX~ ~, A +

105 ml~ n (associated with a pssAgebra q)

107 z (ms+), miF, nF, ~F, ~F (Fez), ml0 = m 0 + ~0 ~ n0, ~0
109 MI, N (corresponding to the psgrp Q)~ PF
ii0 ~%F~ ~F (oo~espo~di~ to the psg~'p PF)' ~ (~ o ~ ) , ~ (~ ex~ 0)
(associated with the psgrp Q)
iii aQ(x), n(x)~ HQ(x)
i13 Fe
116 d|, dL, v(L)
117 ~, ~a(--~), ~n(--~)


119 ~Q


127 v~

128 X
132 c~(o.u:<), F(x:~)
135 ~(K), ~ , ~ , s~, v~ (~ ~ s(K)), v°
136 8K
138 ~, ~ (O~(K)), ~F' ~ ' ~ ' vF (F ~ e(K))
141 U, e(~)


145 e (~ K), X(~)(0), x~r)(0)


148 fA0 (f { Ic(G)) , ~(h) (h eA0)


150 ~o' J (--&o)

~/% (~ ~o)' ~F

~ ' JF (= ~<F), %(~) (. ~ ~o)
157 ~F(~) (" ~ JF)' ~o' ~ ' %' mF' r~(v) (~ ~ ~ )
J(h) (h ~ A0)
165 C(U), C(U : V), Zs : a,b : r' kia,b : r
166 cP(u) cP(u: v)
~s : a,~b : r ~
170 ~(~), ~(o)
180 Zs (s ~ m)
186 f(Q) (f eC(G : V)), ~(Q) (as a tempered distribution when ~ is tempered)
187 IA+~ "IAPl (='/~kl)~ "Ff
188 ~p

198 DL~ vL
199 VL,o~ l B
2O7 ~G (= Casimir of G)
214 Si(h 0 )
2]-5 "IV
22O qQ (= q~), "%, %
221 e(G)
222 °C(G • V), °C(a)
234 G(G : U : "~)

235 ~M' fQ (f cC(c~ : u : ~), Q = MAN a psgrp of a), ~Q

236 f~,7

259 f~. e,¢, ~2(~)

262 ~(~) (o~ ~ %(~))
265 °E, % (wE~2(H)), °L2(H)
266 %, % (~ ~ % ( a ) )
267 "%, ( ~ % ( 0 ) , ~, ~(b ), q, ~(b*)
269 %(~)
275 B*(x), %(a :x), ~, "®b*' ~(x)
277 ~(x)
• %, "/%, 5k, ,~, ~(b*)
279 t(~ ~ t(~))
283 w

284 ~, ~, ~ (G:U:~)


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