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Critical Literacy Framework

Book: El reino de la geometría by: Alma Flor Ada

Phase 1: Descriptive
Who: Who is in the book? Who do you think the book is mainly about?
When: When does the story take place? Do you think it really happen?
Why: Why did Rose come up with a plan?
Where: Where does the story take place? How do you know?

Phase 2: Personal Interpretative

Text to Self Strategy:
Have you ever felt like the main character or Rose feels?
How did reading the book make you feel? Why?

Phase 3: Critical/Multicultural
What is something else Rose could have done?
Is what the king did right? Why or why not?
Who were the ones that were affected by the king’s decision?
What do you think would have happened if a king of some other shape made the same
decision? Would this be right?

Write a note to the shapes affected including Rose with words of encouragement.
Write a letter to the king against his decision and provide reasons why he should
change his mind.
Write an alternative solution to the problem and provide reasons for it.

Phase 4: Transformative
Change the Point of View:
Is treating other differently or unfairly ever right?
Should you treat others as inferior? Why?
What are some things you can practice or do to change or influence people who feel
they are better than others and treat others unfairly?

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