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Oral manifestations of Crohn’s disease: A case


Article in Sanamed · January 2016

DOI: 10.5937/sanamed1503205M


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M. Muhvić Urek
University of Rijeka


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DOI: 10.5937/sanamed1503205M
UDK: 616.34-002-06; 616.31
2015; 10(3): 205–208 ID: 219463948
ISSN-1452-662X Case report


1 2 3
Muhvic Urek Miranda, Mijandrusic Sincic Brankica, Braut Alen
Department of Oral Medicine, Dental Clinic, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dental Clinic, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia

Primljen/Received 28. 08. 2015. god. Prihva}en/Accepted 09. 10. 2015. god.

Abstract: Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflamma- another case of patient suffering from CD who had oral
tory bowel disease still with unknown etiology. In manifestations. The prevalence rate of oral manifesta-
0.5–20% of patients, extra intestinal lesions in the oral tions is estimated to be between 0.5 to 20% (5, 10, 11),
cavity can be presented in forms of orofacial granulo- although some studies mention up to 80% (12, 13).
matosis, cobblestone and corrugated oral mucosa, mu- They include orofacial granulomatosis, cobblestone
cosal tags, deep linear ulcerations with hyperplastic and corrugated oral mucosa, mucosal tags, deep linear
folds, pyostomatits vegetans, aphthous ulcers, angular ulcerations with hyperplastic folds, pyostomatitis ve-
cheilitis, labial/facial edema and gingival erythema/ede- getans, aphthous ulcers, angular cheilitis, labial/facial
ma. We describe a case of a 28-year-old male who was edema and gingival erythema/edema (10, 14, 15). Pre-
presented with oral lesions of Crohn’s disease and treat- sence of cobblestone mucosa and mucosal tags are
ment procedure. The patient was candidate for biologic highly suggestive to CD (16).
treatment so dental procedures and preparation of the There is a male predilection and the oral outbreaks
patient for treatment are described. Good communica- often start in young ages (17). Up to 60% of patients
tion and cooperation between the patient’s doctor and with CD may present oral manifestations years before
dentist are important for successful treatment. the appearance of intestinal disease (5, 17). Oral mani-
Key words: Crohn´s disease; inflammatory bowel festations are unpleasant bitter, disagreeable, displeas-
disease; oral manifestation. ing, and distasteful for the patients; restrict their nutri-
tion and oral hygiene.
INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to present a case of patient
with oral manifestation of CD and treatment procedure.
Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory
granulomatous disease with primary intestinal invol-
vement but it may involve any part of bowel system
from mouth to anus (1, 2). A 28-years-old male patient was referred to the
The etiology of disease is still unknown but gene- Department of Oral medicine at the Dental clinic Rije-
tic factor, environmental factors and immune response ka due to pain in the mouth. Oral complains and lesions
in the bowel wall seems to be main causes of CD (3, 4). have been presented for 10 days.
The disease is characterized by phases of exacer- The patient medical history revealed that he has
bation and remission, with the symptoms of diarrhea, been suffering from CD for five years. He has been su-
stomach pain, weight loss and elevated body tempera- bjected to resection of terminal ileum and sigmoid co-
ture (1, 5). One third of patients can exhibit extra intes- lon in 2010. Post-surgical remission was maintained
tinal manifestations of the disease (6). The most frequ- with azathioprine therapy for four years. Two months
ent manifestations affect the joints, skin, eyes and he- after stopping the azathioprine therapy, (four months
patobiliary system. Changes in the oral cavity, blood prior of arrival in our clinic) the disease became active
vessels, heart, lungs and genitourinary and endocrine and the infliximab was recommended. During the pe-
system have been also described (6, 7). riod of patient’s preparation for infliximab therapy the
Oral lesions of CD were first described in 1969 by patient was referred to the Oral medicine Dental Office
Dyer at al (8). In the same year Dudeney (9) reported for treating lesions in the oral cavity and excluding oral
206 Muhvic Urek Miranda, Mijandrusic Sincic Brankica, Braut Alen

foci of infection. He has never before experienced oral

lesions since he was diagnosed with CD.
Clinical exam revealed erythema and inflamma-
tion with white to yellow small pustules on the right
buccal mucosa, what was recognized as pyostomatitis
vegetans. Furthermore, in the lower right quadrant on
the vestibular gingiva and in the fornix a thickened, in-
flamed and cobblestone oral mucosa with ulcerations
was presented (Figure 1). Under local anesthesia (2%
lidocaine) an incision biopsy of the altered mucosa and
gingiva was performed. Swabs were taken from the
oral mucosa for the microbiological analysis.
Patient was prescribed a topical antiseptic therapy
(0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution three times per
day), corticosteroid (0.05% betamethasone ointment Figure 2. Clinical appearance at second recall.
three times per day), and systemic corticosteroid (pred- There was no oral lesions. The site of gingival
nisolone 30 mg) with proton pump inhibitor. biopsy is visible
On recall visit after seven days the sutures were Topical therapy was stopped while the systemic pred-
removed. Clinically the erosions were epithelized and nisolone therapy remained and it was gradually tapered
the inflammation diminished. The patient continued down under gastroenterology specialist supervision.
the prescribed therapy for additional 7 days. The bi- Patient was instructed to come for consult after one
opsy of the buccal lesion revealed: dense lymphoma month, when there was no oral lesions presented.
histiocytic inflammatory cell infiltration in the vicinity After routine preparation for biologic (anti-TNF)
of the basal membrane. In the gingiva sample histi- therapy (screening for tuberculosis and viruses), inflixi-
ocytic granulomas were presented, that all together in- mab induction therapy was administered by which the
dicated the presence of Crohn’s disease. remission of Cohn’s diseases was achieved. Infliximab
Patient’s dental status was taken, vitality tests we- maintenance therapy was continued by re-administra-
re performed, and the panoramic radiogram was ana- tion every eight weeks. Now, he is in stable remission.
lyzed. No pathological changes were found on the te-
eth or on the surrounding bone. Microbiological results DISCUSSION
were negative and from the dental point of view the pa-
tient was eligible to start the biologic therapy. We presented the case of a patient who developed
On the second recall after 14 days the oral mucosa oral manifestations of CD in the phase of reactivation
was normal without pathological changes (Figure 2). of the disease, after interrupting of maintenance azathi-
oprine therapy during four years.
Although, in the mouth of patients with CD a vast
variety of specific and nonspecific lesions can be pre-
sented, in our case the pyostomatitis vegetans, cobble-
stone mucosa and ulcerations were observed. In the lit-
erature it is reported that the oral lesions can appear eit-
her before, coincide, or after the onset of symptoms
and lesions in the gastrointestinal system (17–21). The
severity of oral lesions can indicate the activity level of
chronic inflammatory processes in the intestine (22).
Oral lesion can be managed by topical corticoste-
roids such as triamcinolone acetonide and betametha-
sone (23). The topical application of corticosteroids
sometimes is not sufficient and a systematic adminis-
tration of corticosteroids is needed (e.g. prednisolone)
Figure 1. Clinical appearance at time of first (23, 24). Some authors state that the topical application
presentation. White to yellow small pustules of corticosteroids is not sufficient, and treatment must
on the inflamed buccal mucosa and cobblestone start from the beginning with systemic corticosteroid
lesions with ulcerations on the vestibular gingiva therapy (25). In the presented case, it was decided to
and in the fornix start simultaneously with topical and systemic cortico-

steroid therapy what resulted in healing of oral lesions. foci have to be eliminated. The presence of oral foci
After 14 days the topical therapy was halted, while the due to immunosuppressive action of the biologic ther-
systemic corticosteroid was gradually tapered down. apy can lead to distant focal infections that can jeopar-
Administration of medium high and high doses of dize the patient’s health and life. Therefore, the dental
systematic corticosteroids results on disappearance of exam was performed and the foci of oral origin were
lesions, however the lowering of dosage or stopping the excluded in our patient.
treatment can result in exacerbation of the lesions (26).
For the modern therapy it is unacceptable to keep the pa-
tient in remission with corticosteroids due to numerous
side effects. The azathioprine therapy that was adminis- In the presented case the findings in the oral cavity
tered for 4 years after withdrawal brought the patient to were manifestations of the primary disease and the pa-
acute disease exacerbation including oral lesions. The tient was treated for the primary disease (with cortico-
anti-TNF therapy was the choice for our patient. steroids, and subsequently anti-TNF biologic medica-
However, the initiation of biologic therapy requi- tion). Since the patient was candidate for biologic ther-
res strict preparation procedures including detection of apy the foci of oral origin were excluded. For the suc-
manifest and hidden potential focal infections (27). cessful treatment of extra intestinal/oral lesions of
The preparation includes exam of oral cavity and teeth Cohn’s disease good communication between gastro-
(27). Patient have to present restored teeth, healthy pe- enterology specialist and the dentist/oral medicine spe-
riodontal tissue and oral mucosa, and the possible oral cialist is essential.



1 2 3
Muhvic Urek Miranda, Mijandrusic Sincic Brankica, Braut Alen
Department of Oral Medicine, Dental Clinic, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dental Clinic, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia

Kronova bolest je hroni~na zapaljenska bolest cre- san je slu~aj 28-godi{njeg pacijenta koji je razvio oralne
va jo{ uvek nepoznate etiologije. U 0,5–20% pacijenata lezije u sklopu Kronove bolesti i postupak le~enja. Paci-
mogu se javiti ekstraintestinalne lezije u usnoj duplji u jent je bio kandidat za biolo{ko le~enje te je u radu opi-
obliku orofacijalne granulomatoze, kaldrmaste i talasa- san stomatolo{ki postupak pripreme pacijenta za le~e-
ste oralne sluznice, sluzni~kih nabora, dubokih linearnih nje. Za uspe{no le~enje bitna je dobra komunikacija i sa-
ulceracija s hiperplasti~nim naborima, piostomatitis ve- radnja izme|u pacijentovog doktora i stomatologa.
getansa, aftoznih ulceracija, angularnog heilitisa, otoka Klju~ne re~i: Kronova bolest; Oralne manifesta-
usana i lica te crvenila i otoka gingive. U ovom radu opi- cije; zapaljenska bolest creva.

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Correspondence to /Autor za korespondenciju

Miranda Muhvi}-Urek, PhD, DMD
Department of Oral Medicine
Dental Clinic, University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia
Kre{imirova 40,
Rijeka HR-51000, Croatia,
Tel: ++38551345634;
Fax: ++38551345630;
Emal: miranda_umª

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