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Written by:
Raden Mas Abadi

Animal Science and Industry Study Program




Praise to Allah SWT, The Lord who has mercy and guidance to the
author can finished this practical fieldwork report.

The author would deeply say thank to:

1. Prof. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA. As The Dean of Animal Science Faculty,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
2. Nafiatul Umami, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D as the advisor from Gadjah Mada
University to Miyazaki University
3. Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D as the advisor of practical
fieldwork who has given the direction and guidance until the author could
finished this practical fieldwork,
4. Dr. Ikuo Kobayashi, as Associated Professor during the practical
fieldwork who has guidance and support,
5. Dr. Ishigaki Genki, as Assistant Professor who has given support,
6. Masami Tsuchiya, Koichiro Hemi, Yamashita, Yasuhiro Udatsu, Kenji
Nomura, Tsuruhara, Honda, Seiichi Kagehigashi, Konomi Kawano,
Tomoyo Sana, and the other employer who have helped in the field,
7. Madya Mukhlis as my parent who are always giving all motivation and
full spport to the author,
8. Gangga Murcita, Radiptya Rahageng, Hidayat Romadhoni as a partner
during practical fieldwork,
9. Taishe, Masataka Yoshida, Shougo, Syotsuke Ryuhei for team work
and togetherness during in Sumiyoshi Station,
10. Orya san, Miyu san, Sinya san, Suzuki Shizuru san, Destyamas
Nirwana, Luthfi Afiff, Dzulfiqar Muhammad, Swastian Ganicka, Rahmat

Rianto, who have helped the author and the others who cannot be
11. Special thanks to Yogi Sidik and Yoshida Ayano who give the author
motivate to get next program study.
The author recognizes that the practical fieldwork report is still far from
the perfectness. Therefore, the author expects criticism and suggestion
for developing the report. Hopefully, the report can be useful for students
and society and general.

Yogyakarta, 2016



COVER ................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................. ii
PREFACE .............................................................................................. iii
LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................... v
CONTENT OF TABLE .......................................................................... vii
CONTENT OF PICTURE ..................................................................... viii
APPENDIX LIST .................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1
Background.................................................................................... 1
Objective ........................................................................................ 3
Benefits .......................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II. COMPANY OVERVIEW .................................................. 4
History of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station ........................ 4
Geographic of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station ................ 5
Company Mission .......................................................................... 5
Business Activities ........................................................................ 5
Facilities and Infrastructures ........................................................ 6
Layout ............................................................................................. 7
Human Resources and Structure Organization .......................... 8
Livestock ...................................................................................... 10
Winter Cow Management ................................................... 10
Feeding Management ......................................................... 11
Winter Feedstuff ................................................................. 12
Wagyu cattle ....................................................................... 13
Dairy cattle .......................................................................... 14
Standard Milking Procedure and Milking Production ...... 14
Calf Treatment ............................................................................. 16
Dehorning and Disbudding ................................................ 16
Castration ............................................................................ 17
Ear tag and Nose tag .......................................................... 18
Handling .............................................................................. 19
Reproduction Control ......................................................... 20
Cage Cleaning ..................................................................... 21

Animal health............................................................................... 21
Biosecurity.......................................................................... 21
Waste Management of Cattle ...................................................... 26
Manure Collection In Livestock Operations with
digesters ............................................................................ 27
Transport and transfer manure systems ........................ 29
Processing of Waste ......................................................... 29
Engineering Sowing Compost ......................................... 32
Waste production of Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science
Station ................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER IV. DISCUSSION ............................................................... 39
Shortage of compost ................................................................... 39
Liquid Waste Treatment .............................................................. 41
Compost quality improvement ................................................... 42
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................. 45
CONCLUSION .............................................................................. 45
SUGGESTION............................................................................... 45
REFERENCE ................................................................................ 46
APPENDIX .................................................................................... 48


Table Page
1. Facilities and Infrastructure ......................................................... 6
2. Researchers list .......................................................................... 9
3. Employee .................................................................................... 9
4. Livestock population .................................................................. 10
5. Compost data nutrients of Sumiyoshi Livestock Station ............ 38
6. Some properties of cow feces and maize stalks ....................... 44


Picture Page
1. Layout of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station ........................... 7
2. Structure organization of company .............................................. 8
3. Daily feeding .............................................................................. 12
4. Wagyu beef cattle ...................................................................... 13
5. Meat grade ................................................................................ 14
6. Dehorning using a wire .............................................................. 17
7. Ear tag and Nose tag ................................................................. 18
8. Knotting rope ............................................................................. 19
9. Knotting to unbalance the cattle ................................................ 20
10. Ovaries Check ........................................................................... 21
11. Sterilization room ....................................................................... 22
12. Cleaner for a pair of shoes ....................................................... 23
13. Disinfectant for pair of a shoes ................................................. 23
14. Waste product .......................................................................... 26
15. Compost storage and Processing ............................................. 27
16. Scraping overview .................................................................... 38
17. Scraper truck ............................................................................ 29
18. Drilling preparation.................................................................... 30
19. Final processing of compost ..................................................... 31
20. Land cultivating ......................................................................... 33
21. Fertilizer truck ........................................................................... 34
22. Grassland condition .................................................................. 34
23. Seeds for winter ........................................................................ 35
24. Desktop manager ..................................................................... 35
25. Fertilizer .................................................................................... 36

Appendix Page
1. Assesment form of practical field work ...................................... 48
2. Activities of practical field work .................................................. 49


Japan is actually a small country in respect to geographic siza. It is so
mountainous that only 15% is under cultivation, where intensive rice production
has been practiced. There are 2.8 million reproductive cows; of which 2 million
are dairy cows and the remaining 0.8 million beef cows. The major beef breed
is Japanese Black which consists of 0.75 million reproductive cows. Around the
2nd century, cattle migrated from North China via the Korean peninsula to the
Wester half of Japan. This cattle movement was accompanied by the
introduction of rice cultivation. Therefore , in the Western half of Japan rice
cultivation spread widely together with cattle so that more draft cattle were
reared in the Wester half of Japan than in the east. These are historical and
geographical reasons why the Western half, especially fice prefectures in the
Chugoku regions, Hyogo, Tottori, Okayama, Shimane, and Hiroshima, have
traditionally formed the major breeding units of Japanese Black cattle.
Livestock is very closed related to the waste. As the animal industry has
expanded in Japan and the scale of farms has grown, a vast amount of animal
wastes is being produced. The management of these wastes has become a
serious problem. The legal constraints on environmental pollution have
become stricter. Animal wastes should be utilized in agriculture, and recycled
as a valuable resource. Wastewater, which is difficult to use for agricultural
purposes, should be treated properly to prevent environmental pollution.
Composting is an effective method of utilizing solid wastes. The technology for
making compost from waste materials is well developed and practical.
However, quality control for compost has not yet been attained, and there are
no rapid methods of estimating compost quality. The development of low-cost

techniques which remove most of the nitrogen and phosphorus from
animal wastewater is yet to be achieved.
Cesspool is crucial in the farm. The first goal of any waste management
system is to maximize the economic benefit from the cesspool resource and
maintain acceptable environmental standards. To be practical, the system must
also be affordable and suitable for the operation. If wastes are not properly
handled they can pollute surface and groundwater and contribute to air
. Over 20 percent of the nation’s fed cattle are finished each year in the
Japan High Plains. Each animal that is fed produces approximately one dry ton
of collectible manure per year per head of feedlot capacity. Given the amount
of cropland in crop production on the High Plains, there is a potential demand
for all manure produced. Loehr (2001) adverse environmental quality problems
attributed to agricultural operation include: excessive nutrients from lands used
for crop production or waste disposal that unbalance natural ecological
systems and increase eutrophication; microorganisms in waste discharges that
may impair the use of surface waters for recreational use; impurities in ground-
water from land disposal of wastes; contaminants that complicate water
treatment; depletion of dissolved oxygen in surface waters causing fish kills
and septic conditions; and odors from concentrated waste storage and land
The primary focus of cattle waste management is manure. While
manure is an important component, farm waste in a livestock operation can
also include waste forage, dead stock, silage effluent and milkhouse waste.
Edward (2003) Management that puts into practice the principles reduce the
amount of waste product generated, reuse the waste product on a farm or
provide it others to use, recycle the product either on farm, such as with land
application of manure, recover methane gas from manure waste.

The practical fieldwork is aimed to determine the waste management in
the cattle farm system and to be directy involved in management processes.
The others purpose not only knowing the technology is used on the farm, but
also knowing the problems that occur in the waste management of cattle at
Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki Japan.

The advantage of this practical is improving the knowledge and skill in
the process waste management of cattle. The students get more experience
about cattle in overseas. The students get more information about the use of
technology from abroad.


History of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station

In 1924 Japan did not have a university in his country, Sumiyoshi
Livestock and Science Station is established at 1930 older than University of
Miyazaki itself then they called it Higher school of Agriculture and Forestry. In
1930, Japan established seven national universities. In 1931 Japan opened
registration for animal science and veterinary for residents, but in 1933 for the
registration of foreign nationals newly opened, there are so many students after
graduate they come to this University to get a job. At the same time after the
second World War, Japan runs into a poor country, the government sending all
of the students to South America to continue their lives, their work in the farm
after graduate and train from the higher school of agriculture.
These farm closed in 1945 due to the WorldWar II. Then the construction
of the university continued in 1949 by launching the first faculty that the Faculty
of Agriculture.
In 1966 the development of this area was started with the construction
of the dairy farms building, milking parlor and milking processing site. In 1968,
this farm built stables for dairy cows. After passing a year there is barn built
near the stables. In 1970 new barn and the other facilities have been
constructed such as fertilizer storage sheds and garage for storing and
repairing tractor and it’s located beside the fattening room. In 1979 the
construction of building following by adding administrative office, stable for calf
and heifers, building to do some Artificial Insemination and Reproduction
check. This farm buying dairy cows from the famous farm in Japan, Kowai farm
Company that only produce dairy cow complete with the cow certificate and
established from 1891. This corporation is the biggest private farm in Japan
that success built a farm and combines with agriculture system until now.

This farm built a Dormitory for student and teacher who were doing
practice, research or internship programs in the farm. Sumiyoshi Livestock
Science Station always develop their Facilities, in 2005 the construction
continued with building stable for fattening beef cattle and also slurry shelters
used for fertilizing the whole farm area.

Geographic of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station

Miyazaki is part of Kyushu island, The comprehensive of Kyushu island
is 596,68 km² in wide. The station located in the northeast of Miyazaki City, 25
km away from University of Miyazaki (Kibana). This farm address is in Oaza
Shimanouchi 10100-1 Miyazaki, Miyazaki city, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.This
facility now covers 50,4 ha, including 39,6 ha of cultivated land, within 5,898m²
of buildings. Miyazaki has four season on it there are summer, winter, spring,
and rain seasons. The lowest temperature on Winter is -2ºC with 20% of
humidity, on summer the highest temperature is reaching to 40ºC.

Company Mission
Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station has a mission to be accomplished,
i.e, has a farm-based education and environmentally friendly in Japan. The
current Japanese government has reduced the university’s farm because it
takes the best farm as a center of science development. The result of the
reduction of farm-based education is currently available in three areas, namely
Hiroshima (University of Hiroshima), Tochigi (Utsonomiya University) and
Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station (University of Miyazaki).

Business Activities
These farms produce fresh milk , meats also bacon, they sold with
another corporation that has a bond work with this farm. The milk also sold to

Miyazaki University. Usually, people who live near the farm are ordered this
milk directly to the farm.
A cup of milk contain 500 ml fresh milk, the price is 100 JPY for a cup of
milk. This farm is also selling a meat but it depends on the quality after
slaughtering at. Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station earned an incomes
35.000.000 JPY/year.

Facilities and Infrastructures

Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station has facilities listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Facilities and Infrastructures

Name Unit Capacity

Administrative office 1 16 persons
Fattening room 1 110 heads
Breeding room 1 60 heads
Dairy cattle room 1 30 heads
Calf room 1 6 heads
Heifer room 1 20 heads
Research house 1 15 heads
Garage 1 15 tractors
Equipment warehouse storage 1 -
Fertilizer warehouse storage 1 150 ton
Feed warehouse 2 100 ton
Compost warehouse 1 12.000 litters
Slurry shelter 1 -
Tractor 15 2 persons
Dumping truck 1 -
Feed mill 1 5 ton
Insemination room 20 persons
Milking processing room 1 3 – 4 persons
Milk processing house 6 4 persons
Silo 3 90 ton
Ranch 5 -
Disinfectant room 1 2 persons
Dormitory 1 32 persons
Parking site 1 20 cars
Toilet 3 6 persons
Pig’s room 1 200 heads


The function of the layout is to arrange them neatly distinguished

location of the wokplace and the role of the room. Each functional group stands
together in a work area and support for multiple product teams. Sumiyoshi
Livestock Science Station shown in the Picture 1.

L Q4 P4



F Q3
E P3

Q2 P2

Picture 1. Layout of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station

Based layout on the picture above, this is the explanation:
A. Administration Office K. Breeding’s room
B. Student Dormitory N. Feed warehouse
C. Vehicle Biosecurity Disinfectant O. Silo
D. Milk processing room P1. Grazing land 1
E. Fattening’s room P2. Grazing land 2
F. Fertilizer warehouse and tractor garage P3. Grazing land 3
G. Dairy cattle’s room P4. Grazing land 4
H. Milking House Q1. Grass land 1

Human Resources and Structure of Organization
This company has 16 workers active in it, but in 2014 the company had
31 workers, this reduces the company’s workforce to gain efficiencies in
managing the company. There are two types of employers, permanent employs
and temporary employs. Every year this farm provide a dormitory for a student
who will do a research with many kind of concentration that were assigned from
the University of Miyazaki, this year is provide for 4 students they come from
Miyazaki, Hiroshima, Okinawa, and Kumamoto. The student will do some
training basically they will work for another farmer after they graduate.
Structure organization of company shown in the Picture 2

Dean faculty of Agriculture

University of Miyazaki

Head of Field Science Centre

Head of Sumiyoshi Livestock

Science Station

Administrative Staff Technician Internship and Research

Dairy Cattle Beef Cattle Pasture Pig

Breeding Fattening Calf

Picture 2. Structure organization of company

Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station is under the management of the
Field Science Centre, University of Miyazaki. The Dean Faculty of Agriculture
is Professor Hirohiko Kagawa. The head person of Field Science Station is Aya
Nishiwaki and the head of Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station is Professor
Kiichi Fukuyama (Picture 2).

Table 2. Researcher list

Name Title Position
Kiichi Professor Animal Science Head of Sumiyoshi
Fukuyama Livestock Science Station
Ikuo Associate Veterninary -
Kobayashi Professor Science
Genki Assistant Grassland Grassland Researcher
Ishigaki Professor Science

Those are the structure organization of researcher shown in Table 2,

structure organization of employer in Table 3.

Table 3. Employee
Name Position
Seiichi Kagehigashi Field Technician (Machines)
Kenji Nomura Milk Professor
Yasuhiro Udatsu Miliking Parlour
Koichiro Henmi Artificial Insemination Professor
Tsuru Hara Dairy Cows
Honda Field Technisian (Machines)
Yamashita Fattening Cattle
Masami Tsuchiya Pig’s Maintenance
Eiko Kurogi Pig’s Maintenance
Tomoyo Sana Administrator
Makoto Yamamoto Administrator
Konomi Kawano Administrator

Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station develop farm business covering
beef and milk produce and also will be developing maintenance of pigs.
Livestock population is shown below in Table 5.

Table 5. Livestock population

F M Total
Cattle Breed Status Total
Friesian Holstein Reproduction 17 13 - - 17 13 30
Jersey Reproduction 3 1 - - 3 1 4
Friesian Holstein Fattening - - - 1 - 1 1
Parent stock (FH x Fattening - 1 - 1 - 2 2
Wagyu Reproduction 53 13 - - 53 13 66
Wagyu Fattening 7 26 6 42 13 68 81
Total 80 54 6 44 86 98 184
A = Adult, more than 24 months old
Y = Young, less than 24 months old
F = Female
M= Male

Winter Cow Management

Winter season is upon beef cattle producers in Japan. Winter feeding
management is critical as winter feed costs are the single largest expense in a
cow/calf operation. A winter feeding program will vary for each operation
depending on the quality of forage being fed, cost and availability of winter feed
supplements, animal type (mature cow, replacement heifer or back-grounded
calves)body condition of that animal and calving date, if applicable. In
Sumiyoshi Livestock Station, a large percent of winter feeding last trimester of
gestation and a portion of the first stages of lactation in spring calving herds.

To choose a winterfeeding program that is the most viable for your operation,
know what type of animal you are feeding, stage of pregnancy (if the animal is
in production), body condition, available feed resources and feed prices. For
example, dry cows require feed lower in quality than nursing cows and young
females require feed higher in quality than mature cows.

Feeding Management
Feeding given twice daily, that are in the morning and evening. Feeding
in the morning carried out on 9 AM and for the evening is head on 3 PM. Feed
proportion that given for beef cattle is different with the calves and dairies cattle,
for beef cattle, feed given proportions which can improve the quality of meat in
the form of corn and Barney. However, for calves that are still in growth, are
given the forage in a high proportion in order to stimulate the growth of rumen.
Another with dairy cows, feed that given are which can improve the quality of
milk primarily on the quality of protein. The proportion of each type of feed on
livestock growth will be different on every week.
The way of feeding for dairy cow using a truck loader, in winter, dairy
cattle are given feed corn silage with additional Barney and dried corn on a
certain cattles. Feeding to calves and beef cattle are by mixing the feeding,
they mixed Barney, Corn, Bran, Special Bran, Soybean, Shochu, Calcium, and
mixpowder, sometimes the beef cattle are given an additional seaweed silage.

Picture 3. Daily feeding

There are table for feeding proportion for the cattle, the left one is
proportion for the morning feeding and the right picture is for evening feeding,
the proportion is different each room and every day can be added feeding
proportion it is dependent to the formula of feeding.

Winter feedstuff
Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station has a huge pasture land for about
40% from their own total area. Therefore, this farm can provide the forages
stock by themself. There are so many kind of forages that they planted at their
pasture land such as tropical grass, temperate grass, Bahia grass, and corn (to
make corn silage). Corn that they planted was different with corn that will be
Wagyu feedstuff. For further corn silage will be feedstuff for dairy cattle at winter
season. For other season dairy cattle will grazing without given corn silage
anymore. The tropical grass this farm develop such as Rhodes grass (primary),
Guinea grass and Sudan grass (secondary). There are many kinds temperate
grass planted of this farm such as Italian grass and oat. Bahia grass used to
be grazing for dairy cattle. Rhodes grass used to be Hay as the main forage for
Wagyu cattle. The hay was chosen for the cattle because it will increase feed
intake than the fresh one.

Wagyu cattle
Wagyu is Japanese beef cattle breed. In Japan there are four breeds
that are considered Wagyu and those are the Japanese Black (the dominant
Wagyu exported to U.S), Japanese Brown (in the U.S referred to as Red
Wagyu), Japanese Polled and Japanese Shorthorn. There are no Japanese
Polled or Shorthorn being breed outside Japan. Wagyu strains were isolated
according to prefecture (state) and breeds imported for crossing were not the
same in each prefecture. Wagyu become favorites beef because the unique

taste and tenderness of highly marbled Wagyu beef makes for an unrivalled
eating experience. In Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station There are 150
Wagyu Cattle. There is picture for Wagyu beef cattle as shown in Picture 4.

Picture 4. Wagyu beef cattle

Wagyu beef has 5 stages of different levels, judging from the quality of
the meat and the marbling in the meat. Not only that, but Wagyu beef can be
seen from several aspects, which includes the color of flesh, flesh thickness,
and thickness of marbling. The checking phase carried out by the
slaughterhouse that has been trusted.

Picture 5. Meat Grades

Grade of marbling is dependent of his marbling level, this slaughtered
house has a Standard assessment of the grade of marbling meat. Grading
done by means of monitoring on the meat that has been separated by his

Dairy cattle
Dairy Cattle is a breed cattle that has an ability to produce large
quantities of milk. There are 34 Dairy Cows in Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science
Station and defined become two breeds, Friesian Holstein and Jersey. Friesian
Holstein, breed of large dairy cattle. The characteristic of the cow is large size
with black and white spotted markings. The other of dairy cattle is Jersey cattle,
small breed of dairy that popular for the high butterfat content of it’s milk.

Standard milking procedure and milking production

The dairy cattle in Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station producing about
20 until 30 liters per day. Japanese milking ways to prevent the mastitis are
provide a low stress environment for cows. Udder preparations that wet both
udder surfaces and teats had the highest standard plate count in milk compared
with methods that wet teats only. Physical action of cleaning teats with a dry
towel lowered bacterial count compared with preparations wetting both udder
surfaces and teats. Methods resulting in lowest bacterial counts were the use
of water hose, wet towel, or premilking disinfectant teat dip followed by drying
with paper towels. Counts of coliform and Staphylococcus sp. followed similar
trends. In most comparisons, addition of udder wash sanitizer was of marginal
or no benefit. Standard plate count of teat rinses after udder preparation
confirmed the benefit of cleaning and drying teats. Physical manipulation of
teats during cleaning was essential for lowering sediment in milk. Drying of
teats with a paper towel for at least 10 s after dipping with a 1% iodophor
disinfectant dip was essential for reducing iodine residue. Both premilking and

postmilking disinfectant teat dipping with a 1% iodophor teat dip caused higher
iodine residue in milk than premilking disinfectant dip with subsequent drying.
A .5% iodophor teat dip contributed less iodine in milk than a 1% iodophor teat
dip. Premilking udder preparation affects bacterial count, sediment, and iodine
residue in milk. A consistent operating routine is essential to animal well being,
teat health, physicology of cow to produce and let-down milk, and for healthy
milk harvest by the milking machine, because of this cow, technician, and
machine factors, consistent milking routine is also an essential component for
mastitis prevention.
To herd cows into the milking house, just open the housing for milking
and draw a feed at feed bucket. The cow will enter the milking house by itself
the cage close it to make the technician easy to do the milking. The process
gently but firmly removing three to four stream of milk from each teat before
milking. Before milking, are required to use the equipment and clean clothes.
Strip cups for milking should be cleaned and sanitized after milking. The cow
should free from problems.
Wash teats with an udder were solution or dipping teats in an efficient
disinfectant product. It is important to cover the teat from bacteria. Disinfectant
or water dripping from udders will increase the risk of bacteria being transfered
to teats. Farmer suggested having a cleaned their personal equipment when
doing milking process.
Dry teats completely with an individual towel or maybe roll tissue. The
teat must be dried with towel or roll tissue should be free from bacteria.. Adjust
unit as necessary for proper alignment. Attention to slipping teat cups. The
majority of new mastitis infection causes by liner slips occur near the end of
cow milking.
Important of hygiene, in additional keep the teat dry and clean from hair
or anything still can make it dirty. Good management dictated that the persons
milking must be constantly alert to conditions that may spread mastitis

organism for a cow to another cow. Correcting management such conditions
assist in the production of high quality milk from the healthy udder. Check the
milk before continue the milking. If there are problems in one teat use a smaller
bucket and if there are two or more can use a big bucket. All buckets should
be always in a clean condition. Selection is done strictly. Open the cage again
after finish milking and the cow will throughout from milking housing. Good milk
will be processing in the next step and bad quality will be through away, not
use for consumption. Clean the milking machine by using water, disinfectant
acid and alkali detergent.
Good milk will process to the next step. This farm use ultra-high
temperature for pasteurisation about 120ºC until 130ºC just only 2 until 3
second or 75ºC for 50 second. Milking doing twice in the morning at 8:30 and
evening at 5:30. They are using HTST ( High Temperature Short Time) with 85
⁰ C - 95 ⁰ C for 1 till 2 minutes.

Calf treatment
Dehorning and disbudding
Dehorning is the process of removing the fully grown horns of livestock.
Dehorning is almost done in every calf on this farm, sometimes budding was
done for every calf. Many types of dehorning equipment that used on this farm.
The procedure of dehorning first tied the cow then cut directly with deforming
scissors or deforming saw carefully. Take hot iron into the horn to prevent the
extensive network of antlers grow again. Finally the processes finish after
spraying a butadiene. This is one of how to dehorning using a wire as shown
in Picture 6.

Picture 6. Dehorning using a wire

Disbudding is a different process with a similar result like dehorning, it

cauterizes and thus destroys horn buds before they have grown into horns.
Disbudding commonly performed early in an animal’s life. Disbudding doing by
using hot iron or chemist solution. Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station
more priority to use hot iron for budding because prevents some pollution. The
purpose of dehorning and budding is to prevent the cattle fight and injure the

Steer is male cow which castration in six months until one-year-old.
Castration of a steer is the process of removal or destruction of the testicles. A
steer is a castrated male calf raised for beef. The reason for castration is to
stop the male hormones and cement, prevent mating and reproduction after
the age of puberty and decrease aggressiveness. Castration is probably the
most common procedure carried out on cattle across the world. Castration
involves the removal or destruction of testes or testicles and is carried out to
stop the production of male hormones.

The equipment for castration are a scalpel, sterilize string, butadiene.
The procedure of castration, first tied the cow that will castrate. It does when
the cow 5 months old. The goal of castration is to prevent fighting because of
testosterone not produce anymore. Increase the meat marbling so the meat
texture will be good, and cannot make the heifers pregnant which is living in
the same cage. The procedure of castration is,
1. Ring up of testis
2. Make the blood stop
3. Testis was stopped from operation and come down

The other methods are taking the testis. Tie the cow and inject the anastecy
after that doing immediately and carefully. Ripped the skin with a scalpel and
push the testis too comes down then sprat dipping and cut the link layer. Testis
canal tied with hygienic thread. Cut the testis and check the blood not go out.
Spray the dipping again.
Ear tag and nose tag
Ear tag is a plastic or metal object used to identification of livestock.
Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station have two number of identification
and barcode type that use to the identification of the cattle. There are farm
number identification and national number identification and each barcode to
analyze about the cattle recording. Ear tag for calf as shown in Picture 7.

Picture 7. Ear tag and nose tag

Nose tags made from strong plastic and had a ring shape. Many kinds
of the color, but this farm used yellow for beef cattle and blue for dairy cattle.
The purpose of nose tag is making easier to handling the cattle.

Experienced and competent cattle handlers know how their actions can
affect cattle behavior. They use that knowledge to get cattle to do what they
want, quietly, efficiently and safely. Understanding cattle behavior is important
in reducing the risk of injury to the handler, the animal, and other people who
may be in nearby. Cattle have minds of their own, a huge weight advantage
and the ability to move surprisingly fast. It takes skill and practice to handle
them safely. Farmer report some injury each year, mostly as a result of being
kicked or crushed. A number receive serious injuries such as broken bones,
and there have been fatalities involving cattle. Using tried and proven cattle
handling skills will help the farmer and the farming industry reduce these
injuries. Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station used the rope to handle the
cattle. This is the procedure how to rope cattle without nose tag as shown in
Picture 8.

Picture 8. Knotting rope

This technique is easier to handling the cattle and make the catle go
down fast and efficiently. A farmer can do it by themselves. Pull the rope after

tied the cattle. Japanese farmers require a treatment, to laying down the cattle
by using rope they doing some action as shown in Picture 9.

Picture 9. Knotting to unbalance the cattle

Student who practicing field work in this farm is allowed to tied the cattle,
student need to learn how to create a lasso from this rope, tied the rope, use
the rope, and catch the cattle from our rope that we make.

Reproduction control
Reproduction control is very important to do by checking the ovaries
condition. In 75 days after parturition it will check about cattle estrus, if estrus
not found, the hormone will need injection. It checks after 4 days. Check the
ovary and euthery condition before fertilization. Check the diameter of the
follicle and it will be normal <14mm, if the diameter 18 mm biggest than normal
it’s not good, hard to pregnant. If its’s all good then doing fertilization . For
cement this farm buy from government.
After 30 days, pregnancy test by palpation trans-rectal to prevent
abortus and use USG was done. In 30 days farmer can detect there is an
embryo or not. Sometimes the embryo can detected after 60 days and also can
detect the type of sex. Identify fetus by check the feed canal of the fetus, if
under the tail it’s expect growth to be female, and if abdominal around the
stomach it’s expect to be a male.

Picture 10. Ultrasonography ovaries check

Cage Cleaning
Cleaning of manure is done once a week, The cleaning is using a truck
loader and taken to shelters waste. After all the waste transported to the
shelters, they sprinkled many lime in order to the bacteria in the cage is not
growing fast, then they replace the bedding with the new one. Sumiyoshi’s farm
is using a sawdust for their cattle’s bedding.

Animal Health

Biosecurity is the key to succed the health of dairy farming. To maitain
and to keep the cattle always stay in a health condition in the farm, Shumiyoshi
field applied strict biosecurity on it’s farm. One of the biosecurity policy in not
permited worker or people enter the farm, they have to wait whitin 4 days to
enter the farm, this policy is applied to prevent the disease to spread and infect
in the Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station. Other policy of this farm is to

prevent the citizen to enter the farm because it may become the reason of
spreading disease which can harm the cattle.
There are four area in Sumiyoshi field, first area is used for office worker
which contain administration room and laboratory, second area is cattle farm
and grassland, third area is used to raised pig and the last is milking processing
building. The first step of the biosecurity program which applied in Sumiyoshi
Livestock Science Station is every worker have to change the cloth with the
clean one and suit up their body with cattle pack (wear pack). Before enter the
farm worker have to sterilized their body with sterilizer machine which located
in the office building. This machine is used to spray disinfectant gas to the body
in a few second, after this step was done worker is allowed to enter the farm.
Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station have a strict biosecurity.
There are two areas, just for worker area and for the citizen area, Japanese
government suggests about that, but it hard to create in practice farm. In that
station there are three ways to entrance. First door for a student that will go to
the field, the second door used for the worker and the last one for everyone
that open 24 hours. A student who will go to field and use the first door. The
student should change their clothe with a new one. Pick some pair of shoes.
Every shoe must be cleaned after using. The student should be entrance
biosecurity room before went to the farm area.
Student will be spray with disinfectant in a minute. Student who passes
this process already is allowed to entering the field. Biosecurity room machine
as shown in Picture 11.

Picture 11. Sterilization room
A student can do an observation along they work on the farm with the
clean condition. There is any SOP before entering every cattle’s room, every
people must do the washing shoes with lime that mixed with water.

Picture 12. Cleaner for a pair of shoes

Picture 13. Disinfectant for pair of shoes

Farm in Japan never give permission for the visitor who wear dirty
shoes, it causes some disease. It can bring some bacteria, virus, or organism
that can cause the disease from the outside the farm through inside. For foreign
visitor should wear all the equipment from the farm and change all the clothes,
shoes, shocks etc, with the new one. Everybody should be away again their
shoes from dirt after all the activities in the farm. All equipment should be come
back like the first. To enter the cage a bucket of water to one scoop of calcium
dioxide Ca(OH)2 solution and plunge the shoes.
To keep the farm clean not only doing biosecurity for the visitor. This
farm also keep the cage from a bird that sometime take the cattle feed, of
course it can make some disease that brought from the immigration birds. In
the other side of this farm develop research about insect to prevent the insect
come to the cage and it can make some skin disease in cattle’ body.
They are used to be prepared the biosecurity because things happened
on past time that this farm has been contained a FMD (Foot Mouth Disease).
Foot and mouth disease is caused by strains of seven immunologically
distinct serotypes of virus and consequently, recovery from infection with a
strain of one serotype does not provide protection against strains of the other
six serotypes. In many of the FMD endemic regions, more than one serotype
may circulate, creating waves of infection as different serotypes enter, infect
the susceptible animals and then move on to reappear a few years later as a
new susceptible population becomes established. Alternatively, one serotype
may persist in a region and rarely appear clinically, producing only mild
infection in the young stock as they lose their material antibody. Clinical disease
may then only be seen when a new serotype is introduced.

Practical Fieldwork Activity was done in Sumiyoshi Livestock Science
Station, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. It last from 21 st
February until 28th March 2016. Activities during the practical Fieldwork are
familiarization about farm condition, biosecurity, feed mixing and standard
feeding based the standardization from government, feeding procedure, feed
intake recording, feed saving, milking using parlour system, milk production,
calf treatment, dehorning and budding, castration, reproduction control,
handling, cleaning the cattle’s and pig’s room, artificial insemination, blood
sampling, knot training, weighing cattles and piglets, rectal palpation, check the
slaughtered house, making a compost and spreading the compost.
There are two types of waste product in Sumiyoshi Livestock Science
Station, solid waste and liquid waste. Solid waste which is obtained from the
cattle is food scraps, cattle’s feces, and bedding dust. Liquid waste which is
obtained are water that use for cleaning the room, and cattle’s urine.
As the animal livestock has expanded in Japan and the scale of farms
has grown, a vast amount of animal wastes is being produced. The
management of these wastes has become a serious problem. The legal
constraints on environmental pollution have become stricter. Animal wastes
should be utilized in agriculture, and recycled as a valuable resource.
Wastewater, which is difficult to use for agricultural purposes, should be treated
properly to prevent environmental pollution. Composting is an effective method
of utilizing solid wastes. The technology for making compost from waste
materials is well developed and practical. However, quality control for compost
has not yet been attained, and there are no rapid methods of estimating
compost quality. The development of low-cost techniques which remove most
of the nitrogen and phosphorus from animal wastewater is yet to be achieved.

Waste management of cattle
Due to economic development, industrialization and increasing the
population of animals, problems related to the expanded consumption and
depletion of resources, and the increased output of close-ranging types of
waste are becoming more serious than ever.
There is a word in Japan: Mottainai. It encompasses the practice of
treasuring and using all things as long as possible. While economies continue
to grow, this spirit of Mottainai restrained the generation of waste and motivated
the development of technology for reuse, recycling and effective use through
heat recovery.
As Japan's landmass is limited and finding landfill disposal sites is
difficult, we have developed a system to collect and transport waste, process
it through intermediary treatment by incineration and other methods, and then
dispose it in landfills in a sanitary manner, in order to prevent environmental
pollution in the areas surrounding densely populated cities.
Japanese people hope to create a material-recycle society that
generates as little waste as possible and recycles and reuses wastes as
resources, and hope that the most advanced technologies and systems based
on our experience and achievement may assist to preserve the environment
and recycle resources on a farm industries level.

Picture 14. Waste product

After separating the liquids and solids waste, the manure can be
obtained for unrecognizable structure, and it can use to making compost. The
water content of manure is about 60% until 70%. Manure is organic matter,
mostly derived from animal feces except in the case of green manure, which
can be used as organic fertilizier in agriculture. Manures contribute to the
fertility of the soil by adding organic matter and nutrients, such as nitrogen, that
is trapped by bacteria in the soil. Manure stored to compost storage that is near
from manure storage.

Picture 15. Compost Storage and Processing

Manure collection in Livestock operations with digesters

Manure collection systems are influenced by many factors on a livestock
operation. Management style, bedding type, topography and manure
application methods dictate the design and ultimate success of a manure
collection system. Traditional collection systems have evolved based primarily
on animal comfort and increase labor efficiency, with long term storage and
land application being the only ultimate use of collected manure.

Means of the collection is using a tractor and skid loader bucket. manure
product collected from fattening rooms, calve rooms, swine rooms, dairy
rooms, heifer rooms, and breeding rooms. Usually collected from calve rooms
is every 5 days, replace it for a new bedding and dumped the old one, at
Fattening and Dairy rooms they replace for a new bedding once every 2 weeks,
but at Swine rooms, they clean it once every week. This farm has no order to
count how much their can get the manure every replacing and cleaning
process. They just dumped it to the manure storage and can stay for 2 months
long for separating from liquid and solid waste. The purpose for the dump to
manure storage is they have the order to make compost from manure that can
use for their grassland.

Picture 16. Scraping overview

The load bucket scrapper is moving from side-to-side they scarping from
inside to the outside (to the green box), all cattle has been tied up or moving to
the 1 room to avoid they are running away or accidentally hit by the truck.
In this farm they used a scraping systems. Scraping systems do not use
any additional liquid for manure collection. Manure is collected as close to as
excreted solids concetration as possible, typically above 10% total solids,
depending on the amount of bedding and the amount of water used in cow

cooling. The collection is accomplished by mechanical means using an
automatic alley scraper, skid loader bucket scraper.

Transport and transfer manure systems

As further manure processing gains acceptance on livestock facilities, a
centralized processing location often appears as the most attractive solution
for multiple site locations. Advantages are numerous for both the producer of
manure as well as the operator of the manure processing location. A major cost
obstruction to a centralized plant is the expense of transferring manure or feed
stock from individual locations, and returning effluent to utilize existing waste
storage facilities.
There is three common method to transfer manure;
 Trucks over the road
 High volume, intermediate tractor transfer
 Low volume, continuous skid loader bucket transfer

Using semi truck or tractors and manure skid loader bucket is the most
common way today to transfer manure from one location to another.

Picture 17. Scraper truck

Processing of waste
In composting, many types of nonpathogenic microorganisms transform
complex organic materials into simpler compunds through the decomposition
processes of mineralization and humification. When a compost pile is correctly
constructed and managed, the activity of these decomposer microorganisms
generates heat sufficient to kill pathogenic microorganisms. If the right
conditions are not present for the decomposition activity ti generate heat, the
process may not result in sanitization.
Composting is completed when the pile no longer generates heat and
the original organic materials are no longer recognizable. The composting
process has then reached an endpoint and is more or less biologically stable.
Finished compost is not a good substrate for growth pathogens, but if it has
been recontaminated with fresh manure, it may act as a carrier for pathogens.
After the manure store to the manure storage, all of the materials mixed
in (Bedding dust, feces and food scraps). Making a compost in this farm usually
can be done in 1 months, and the machines work 15 hours per day with a drill.

Picture 18. Drill preparation

The drill contain an oxygen to create an aeration process, also the floor
of the storage they can exhaling the oxygen. Purpose using a drill was to
prevalent the heat and kill the pathogens that contain in fresh feces.

Picture 19. Final processing of compost

Oxygen supply. Decomposition occurring during composting is primarily the

result of aerobic microorganisms perfroming biological oxidation reactions, so
an adequate air supply is required. The increase temperatures resulting from
such reactions in a compost pile cannot occur unless sufficient oxygen is
available. In the absence of oxygen, anaerobic microorganisms are favored,
and their activities do not cause heat to be generated to the extent needed for
sanitation. Therefore, compost piles should be prevented from becoming too
wet and should be turned to improve aeration.
Microbial competition and antagonism. The number of indigenous
(native, or natural) microorganisms involved in composting is enormous. By
contrast, the population of pathogenic microbes in a compost pile is usually
numerically small. When the condition of composting mentioned in the
proceeding paragraphs is ideal for decomposer microorganisms. By their sheer
numbers, the decomposers can effectively compete for food sources, starving
out the pathogens. Pathogens also can come under direct attack and be
consumed by certain decomposer.

After treatment, this material is called biosolids. Biosolids will contain an
inorganic material, plant nutrients, trace elements, organic compounds, and
pathogens. The organic nature of biosolids, along with plant nutrients and
several trace elements, which are micronutrients for plants, makes it a valuable
resource for the land application. However, high concentrations of several trace
elements, toxic organic compounds, and pathogens can preclude the beneficial
use of biosolids.

Engineering sowing compost

Composting of sewage sludge is one of the most suitable solutions for
managing and recycling such waste. With the aim to decrease ocean disposal
and increase recycling, composting of sewage sludge and its application to
reclaimed soil in landfills were studied, including measurements of various
parameters for composting and feasibility study. Sewage sludge compost
improved soil characteristics such as moisture, organic matter, N content, and
respiration. It also improved soil porosity and bulk density. The leaf biomass
and tree physiological parameters such as the chlorophyll contents and
photosynthesis rates increased after the compost treatments. Recycling
sewage sludge compost as fertilizer will generate economic profits. Therefore,
the use of sewage sludge compost as a soil conditioner in landfills would be an
efficient and cost-effective method to restore the fertility of the reclaimed soil
and an environment-friendly solution for disposal problems.
According to another aspect, the invention relates to a land cultivating
machine comprising a mobile chassis having a frame; and means on the frame
for moving a predetermined amount of soil from the ground, cultivating the soil
and replacing it in the ground comprising: (a) means for picking up straw ahead
of the machine and cutting the straw for subsequent use; means for making a
cut of predetermined depth and width to remove crusted or dried soil and to
transfer the removed soil to areas on either side of the area to be treated; at

least a pair of tapered discs mounted for rotation on said frame; said discs
being pivotally mounted on trailing arms from said frame for vertical movement;
a shoe for guiding soil cut from the ground by the discs into the confines of the
machine; means for removing soil adhering to the surfaces of the discs and
directing such soil into the confines of the machine; a tilling device for breaking
down soil and mixing additives therewith and for directing said soil into a mixing
chamber; means in the mixing chamber for crushing rocks therein, mixing
additives with the soil and directing the soil in packing density into the trench
from which the soil was removed; means for applying seed onto the top of the
trench and covering the seeded soil with mulch.

Picture 20. Land cultivating

After cultivating treatment, they load the compost into spreading bucket
that connected with a truck and has intermediate volume, it can load 500Kg
once hauled. Means to spreading the compost are bucket from the spreading
compost has a chain drive on it, it move backward and helped by a propeller at
the end of the bucket.
The tractors have a automatic and manual transmission with 8 gears on
the clutch, be equipped with 2 accelerate clutch which has symbol turtle (for
slower) and rabbit (for faster), the air conditioner is available in this truck it can
reduce from the hot weather.

Picture 21. Fertilizer Truck

Means using a tractor is running following the line, and work for 7 days
a week to spreading by using just 2 tractors. Compost spreading first to
recovered or fixing the structure of the land so everything that contains on soil
The land has an area about 7ha, but usually they use the half area for
winter and spring season and the other side is for summer and rainy season. It
can regain soil quality by doing swapping plants, every year this farm swapping
the plants with other side.

Picture 22. Grassland condition

This grassland used to plant the food for feeding cattle, in each season
they plant a different species of plant to adjust the endurance of theplant for
feeding. An interval of one week after spreading compost treatment, they

spreading the seeds. This season Sumiyoshi Livestock’s grassland will plant a
Corn seeds and a Sorghum seeds. According to their needs, both of plants are
needed for spring and summer season in case the Corn cannot grow with good
quality in the summer season. Means of spreading the seeds is using desktop
manager, by using hydraulic oil to activate hydraulic system that connected
with a truck

Picture 23. Seeds for winter

After seeds spreading treatment, the land need to dressed with urea and
fertilizer. Since the formation of both gases in soils is primarily through
nitrification and denitrification, the gas emission rates can drastically increase
with elevated inputs of nitrogen.

Picture 24. Desktop manager

Hence, increased consumption of N fertilizer to aid global food
production may result in greater amounts of emissions of these two gases and
thereby probably promote global warming and cause other environmental
problems. The use of controlled-release fertilizers, as well as improved fertilizer
placements, has been expected to be useful mitigation practices.
By applying controlled-release fertilizers to match the N fertilizer release
with plant N uptake throughout the whole growing season or by using improved
application methods such as banding to enhance the plant uptake of fertilizer
N, any gaseous loss event would be small because of the decreased

Picture 25. Fertilizer

Urea and the fertilizer is obtained from the company who create this
items and this farm is buying from that company. In intensive horticulture
environments, best results are attained when fertilizers and pesticides are
carefully delivered to the soil or growing plants. Many growers choose to utilize
blended high analysis water-soluble fertilizers and fungicides. These fertilizers
and fungicides are marketed as liquids or solids, which are dissolved or diluted,
to prepare concentrated stock solutions; these fertilizer/fungicide solutions may
again then be diluted by irrigation water using proportional or injection devices.

In agriculture most excellent results are also achieved when fertilizers
and pesticides are carefully delivered to the soil or growing plants. Many
growers choose to utilize blended high analysis water-soluble fertilizers and
fungicides. These fertilizers and fungicides are marketed either as solids or
liquids; the fertilizers and/or fungicides are dissolved in spray tanks for foliar
applications, or are used to prepare concentrated stock solutions for ground
It is also desired that a fertilizer and fungicide formulations have good
long-term stability as stock solutions so as not to form precipitates, which can
clog spray rigs, proportioners, and irrigation lines. This has been a limitation
with water-soluble fertilizer and fungicide formulations commercially available.
Mineral salts are important nutrients which are called for in many plant
nutrition formulations, but mineral salts cannot be used together with the
conventional phosphorus sources. For instance, ammonium and potassium
phosphates in solution alter the pH and do not allow adequate solubility to
mineral salt ions, giving rise to precipitation of the mineral salts in the stock
solution which clog equipment.

Waste production of Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station

Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station have one outdoor waste

shelter is located near the new enclosure. Outdoor shelter waste location is
near a new enclosure at the side next to the East. The size of the outdoor
shelter this is quite large with a length of 450 m3 and that of compost storage is
300m3. Step taken is to do dredging then moved to place the compost
processing, but it is still less effective as it only reduced slightly from the total
waste that accommodated.
Total of 3,320 kg of Urea (46% of nitrogen) were spread to grassland
(21.5 ha) and 920 kg to pasture (16.2 ha) in 2014. The amount of Compound

fertilizer (14% of nitrogen, phosphoric acid 12%, potassium 10%) were 10,360
kg into grassland (21.5 ha) and 3,720 kg into pasture (16.2 ha)
in 2014.
Water pollution has not been confirmed with tests of water quality from
well water in this farm. There must be no pollution with the soil and groundwater
because the amount of compost and fertilizer is not much to the area.
Concerning to waste processing, our main issue is how to prevent complaint
from neighboring local residents on the smell of manure. Therefore, they pay
attention to the direction of the wind at the time of stirring or dispersion of the
compost. In order to reduce the smell, we also try to spread compost on a rainy
day and try to cover the soil by plowing as soon as possible.
Table 6. Compost data nutrients of Sumiyoshi Livestock Station
Compost Materials Nutrients
Nutrients TN TC C/N
(%DM) (%DM) ratio
Case 1 Manure vs. Sawdust 25 : 1.8 20.9 11.6
Case 2 Manure vs. Rhode 2: 2.6 30.3 11.7
Grass residue 1

Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Carbon (TC), and C/N ratios during
composting of manure and sawdust could be used as suitable indicators for the
evolution of the compost stability and maturity. The TN was the major factor
influencing the stability of compost, while the initial C/N ratio mainly influenced
the maturity of the final compost. The TC can affect the quality of compost but
not significantly. To economically treat the increasing quantities of cow manure,
composting with an TN of 1.8% DM and a C/N ratio of 11.6 is recommended
with an TC ranging from 20.9%.


Waste management in Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station it came

from rooms sanitation and scraping the manure, but on this farm there are
several issues that are related to the handling of waste that is not optimal yet,
these farms do not have enough manure to be processed into compost in order
to meet the needs of a very broad grassland, wastewater treatment, and quality
improvement for implanted to the grassland, so that the required tips to
overcome the impact of which is still posed by the waste products.

Shortages of compost
In Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station waste product generated
comes from the animals they kept, approximately they owned about 150 heads.
This company uses the waste product to their grassland which has an area of
7ha. Waste that generated is not sufficient for their grassland, so they
cooperate with the animals zoo to get more compost.
Phoenix’s zoo is a name of the zoo. The zoo is located in the area of
Sumiyoshi, and it is near to the farm. By using a car it can reach from 8 minutes
until 10 minutes and the distances is about 2.3 Km away from the farm. There
are hundreds of kinds of animals. However, the zoo has problems with the
handling of waste, so Sumiyoshi Livestock Science Station and Phoenix Zoo
cooperate with each other. The zoo bought waste processing machine to
processed their waste product and become compost.
Compost that they made are from mixed waste (Carnivorous and
Herbivorous). They used the machine that can produce air for aeration and the
heat for killing the pathogens simultaneously. Means to operate the machine
during the storage and treatment of manure, and from manure deposited on
pasture. The term ‘manure’ is used here collectively to include both dung and

urine (i.e., the solids and the liquids) produced by the zoo. The emissions
associated with the burning of dung for fuel are to be reported under Volume 2
(Energy), or under Volume 5 (Waste) if burned without energy recovery. The
decomposition of manure under anaerobic conditions (i.e., in the absence of
oxygen), during storage and treatment, produces CH4. These conditions occur
most readily when large numbers of animals are managed in a confined area
(e.g., dairy farms, beef feedlots, and swine and poultry farms), and where
manure is disposed of in liquid-based systems. Emissions of CH4 related to
manure handling and storage are reported under ‘Manure Management.
The main factors affecting CH4 emissions are the amount of manure
produced and the portion of the manure that decomposes anaerobically. The
former depends on the rate of waste production per animal and the number of
animals, and the latter on how the manure is managed. When manure is stored
or treated as a liquid (e.g., in lagoons, ponds, tanks, or pits), it decomposes
anaerobically and can produce a significant quantity of CH4. The temperature
and the retention time of the storage unit greatly affect the amount of methane
produced. When manure is handled as a solid (e.g., in stacks or piles) or when
it is deposited on pastures and rangelands, it tends to decompose under more
aerobic conditions and less CH4 is produced .
The zoo can produce 50-60 tons a year of manure, and they processing
the manure 2 till 3 times a year, they stored to farm freely and use another way
to get to grassland, because the farm does not give granted permission to bring
from the front gate, there is many carriers of pathogens from the zoo that bring
along with the compost truck.

Liquid Waste Treatment
Waste management in these company only process the waste into
compost (the solids one only), but in manure storage there are pooled liquid
waste coming from piles of manure that has long kept. The liquid waste can be
processed into fertilizer and can overcome the problem of shortage of materials
to make compost.
Liquid organic fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer is readily soluble solution
containing one or more carrier elements needed by plants. The advantages of
the liquid fertilizer are to provide nutrients according to plant needs. Also, the
gift can be more evenly and sensitivity can be adjusted according to the need
of plant. However, if the review is based on the source of the materials used,
the fertilizer can be divided into organic and inorganic fertilizer (Fitria, 2008).
Inorganic fertilizer is fertilizers derived from minerals that have been altered
through the production process, so that a chemical compound that is easily
absorbed by plants.
According to Hadisuwito,2007. Processing of waste liquid needs bio-
activator to overhaul requires organic material in the process fermentation.
Chemical parameter analysis of organic liquid fertilizer quality include pH,
organic-C, total N, total P, and total K. Bio-activator in composting, in this case,
is using EM4 (Effective Microorganism).
The results obtained from this liquid fertilizer due to the addition of EM4
to improve the quality of the liquid waste. This is due to differences in the
composition of the mixed material that affects the nutrient content of organic.
EM4 liquid additions, serves as a bio-activator capable remodel organic
compounds and content of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) in the
livestock industry wastewater.
Liquid waste is very possible contained pathogenic bacteria such as
Salmonella sp. moreover E. coli O157:H7. This was due to the resulting animal
urine mixed with feces is the main source of the pathogenic bacteria.

Salmonella sp infection in humans occurs through food or the other words are
Food Borne Disease that causes inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore it is
necessary to check the pathogenic bacteria in liquid fertilizer before use. To
identify bacterial pathogens required isolation period and incubation that will be
identified in the media NA (Nutrient Agar) (Oxoid Ltd., Basingstoke, United
Kingdom) and EMBA (Eosin Methylene Blue Agar) for the tested chemical
(Barrow and Feltham, 1993).

Compost quality improvement

The amount of cow waste generated in Sumiyoshi Livestock and
Science Station has increased dramatically with the rapid development of cow
farms. These wastes can cause hygiene hazards, odor pollution, and ground
and surface water pollution from the leaching of pollutants, if not properly
treated. Also, increased use of animal waste has brought hygienic aspects into
focus, particularly the need to significantly reduce pathogen content. Manure
composting involves the breakdown of complex and simple organic materials
by aerobic microorganisms (Novinscak et al, 2007).
On the other hand, agricultural wastes in Sumiyoshi Livestock Science
Station are considered a big problem facing farmers and officials. The amount
of these wastes is about 30 tons annually. These amounts of crop residues are
burnt in several governorates. It is environmentally undesirable and is practiced
by the farmer. Bulking agents are always required to modify the properties of
animal manure during composting because of the high moisture contents, low
C/N ratio and high density of animal manure. The maize straw is rich in carbon
and has a low density and low moisture content, making it suitable for use as
a bulking agent during composting (Kumar et al, 2010).
As an agricultural country, Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station
needs large amounts of organic fertilizers to improve crop yields and quality,
and maintain or increase the nutrient status of soil and improve its structure.

Fresh cow feces are a valuable resource for organic fertilizers because of their
high organic matter and nutrient content. However, fresh cow waste is
unsuitable for direct land application because of the unstable organic matter,
pathogens, weed seeds and the difficulties associated with preservation and
transportation. Composting is an effective and economical method for the
treatment of animal manure before land application, in which pathogens and
weed seeds are destroyed and the highly heterogeneous solid state organic
matter is transformed into more stable and mature humic substance by the
activity of bacteria, epiphytes and actinomycetes (Badawi and Tantawi, 2004).
Also, stable and mature compost can be applied to soil as an organic
amendment to improve plant growth and soil fertility, as well as enhancing the
function of soil for carbon sequestration. However, the application of unstable
and immature compost would fix nitrogen in the soil and restrict plant growth
by competing for oxygen in the rhizosphere and releasing toxic substances
(Bernal et al, 2009).
The initial carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio is one of the most important
factors influencing compost quality. In general, initial C/N ratios of 25–30 are
considered ideal for composting (Kumar et al, 2010). However, recently some
researchers have successfully carried out composting at lower initial C/N ratios
(Ogunwande et al, 2008). Composting at lower initial C/N ratios can increase
the amount of manure treated, but can also increase the loss of nitrogen as
ammonia gas. During composting, the moisture content (MC) is important for
transporting the dissolved nutrients required for the physiological and metabolic
activities of microorganisms. The optimum MC depends on the specific
physicochemical properties and biological features of the materials being
composted (Liang et al, 2003).
The interaction of these factors on composting has recently been
studied by some researchers. The optimum MC was 60% during the
composting of green waste and food waste at a low C/N ratio (19.6) (Kumar et

al, 2010), while moreover, the optimum conditions for the composting of poultry
manure with wheat straw were an initial MC of 70% and an AR of 0.54 L min-1
kg-1 OM (Petric and Selimbašic, 2008). Although several researchers have
studied the effects of AR, C/N ratio and MC on the quality of compost, they
have focused on one or two influential factors, with few studies designed to
address the interaction and order of preference for different factors impacting
the composting process. Therefore, an orthogonal test was used to investigate
the main factors affecting the stability and maturity of composted cow manure
and maize stalks; AR (0.22, 0.44 and 0.66 L kg-1 DM min1, DM: dry matter);
C/N ratio (16, 19 and 22) and MC (60%, 65% and 70%).
Table 7. Some properties of cow feces and maize stalks
Materials Moisture content TOC TN C/N TEC
(%) (gkg-1) (gkg-1) (-) (gkg-1)

Cow feces 70.52 (1.5)c 353 26.50 13.32 180.5

(5.82) (0.06) (6.63)
Maize 8.33 (0.01) 425 10.30 41.26 209.7
stalks (8.30) (0.12) (7.42)
(Petric and Selimbašic, 2008)

Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Elemental Carbon (TEC), Total

Nitrogen (TN), Aeration rates (AR), moisture contents (MC) and C/N ratios
during composting of maize stalks and cow feces could be used as suitable
indicators for the evolution of the compost stability and maturity. The AR was
the major factor influencing the stability of compost, while the initial C/N ratio
mainly influenced the maturity of the final compost. The MC can affect the
quality of compost but not significantly. To economically treat the increasing
quantities of cow manure, composting with an AR of 0.44 L kg-1 DM min-1 and
a C/N ratio of 19 is recommended with an MC ranging from 60% to 70%.


Bases on fieldwork activities that have been implemented on Sumiyoshi
Livestock and Science Station field, it can be seen that waste management
processor still has shortcomings such as has not optimally waste treatment as
well as the unavailability of treatment of wastewater in order to cover the
shortage of compostable material, but systematically handling of waste in
Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station is already good just need to be

Advice that can be given in order to optimize the handling of waste
management in Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station, such as:
1. Sumiyoshi Livestock and Science Station should provide the
processing of liquid waste in the form of ponds that liquid waste flowing
not polluting the environment, especially on the river
2. Special attention for the quality of compost that will be implemented on
grassland to improve quality of soil area under cultivation and improve
crop quality


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