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Assignment meeting 13 D4 Elektronika

Name: Abu Yazid Bustomi Class:3 D4 Elektronika A NRP:1110151010

A. Write the correct words in the blanks.

satisfied hospitals injured minister
truck service pills receive

1. The Royal Flying Doctors is a special medical organization. It is a SERVICE that helps sick people
in the Outback of Australia.
2. Reverend Flynn was a MINISTER in his church.
3. Flynn drove a TRUCK around the Outback and saw many sick people die.
4. He wanted to build HOSPITAL to help the sick.
5. Flynn had nurses to help him, but he was not SATISFIED. He needed doctors, too.
6. People went to the hospital for different reasons. Some were INJURED, and some were sick.
7. Flynn needed a radio to send and RECEIVE messages.
8. The first-aid kits have bandages and different kinds of PILLS.

got in touch with had an accident
first aid kit came up with

1. In the past, when a person in the Outback HAD AN ACCIDENT, there wasn’t a doctor to call.
2. Flynn heard about an engineer and GOT IN TOUCH WITH him. Flynn talked to him about
making a special radio.
3. Flynn always CAME UP WITH new ideas to improve the Service.
4. It is important to have a FIRST AID KID at home to help when someone gets sick or injured.

B. All the statements below are true. Some of them are stated directly in the audio, others can be
inferred, or guessed, from it. Write S for each stated fact. Write I for each inference.
1. __I__ Today people use all types of technology to get in touch with the Service.
2. __S__ The Service is still very useful and helps thousands of people every year,
3. __I__ People who know little English can use the first-aid kit.
4. __S__ Everything in the kit has numbers on it, so it is easy to use.
5. __I__ It is very expensive to operate the Service.

C. Which sentences are True, which ones are False.

1. ___T__ Flynn traveled for his church all over Australia.
2. ___T__ Flynn’s first idea was to build hospitals.
3. ___F__ Flynn made a radio that could send and receive messages.
4. ___T__ Each first-aid kit has the same things in it.
5. ___F__ Everything in the kit has a letter of the alphabet on it.
6. ___T__ Today the Flying Doctor Service has 22 hospitals.

D. Answer these questions referring to your own experiences.

1. Would a service like the Royal Flying Doctors work well in your hometown?
2. What medical services do people need that your hometown does not have?

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