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Pendakian Carstensz

Touareg adventure service

Pegunungan Tengah adalah tulang punggung dari pulau Papua. Kawasan pegunungan ini
membentang ribuan kilometer disepanjang pulau dengan puncak-puncaknya yang tinggi
menjulang hingga lebih dari 4.000 meter diatas permukaan laut. Salah satu puncak
tertingginya adalah Carstensz Pyramid yang baru didaki pertama kali pada tahun 1962.
Kawasan pegunungan yang masih memiliki glacier ini masuk kedalam wilayah Taman
Nasional Lorentz yang merupakan taman nasional terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Sejak tahun
1999, Taman Nasional Lorentz telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu situs warisan dunia oleh

Touareg Adventure mengajak anda untuk mendaki puncak gunung tersulit ini sekaligus
menikmati sensasi berada di atap Nusantara sebagai salah satu dari “7 summits of
Indonesia” selain gunung Kerinci, Semeru, Bukit Raya, Rinjani, Latimojong dan Binaiya.
Carstensz Pyramid yang merupakan puncak tertinggi benua Australia-Oceania ini juga
merupakan “7 puncak tertinggi dunia” bersama Mount Everest (Asia), Kilimanjaro
(Afrika), Elbrus (Eropa), Aconcagua (Amerika Selatan), Mc Kinley (Amerika Utara), dan
Vinson Massif (Antartika).

Pendakian Carstensz Pyramid CALL

(5 peserta dan kelipatannya)

Fasilitas :

1. Tiket Pesawat Timika / Nabire – Sugapa PP

2. Transportasi antar jemput dari Bandara Sugapa – Suanggama
3. Penginapan di Nabire / Timika 2N
4. Penginapan di Sugapa / Ilaga 1N
5. Penginapan homestay di Suanggama 1N
6. Pendampingan program pra pendakian
7. Makan sesuai itinerary
8. Certified guide, chef, dan porter untuk tim
9. Porter pribadi, maksimum 18 kg per orang
10. Seluruh perizinan termasuk dari POLRI
11. Perlengkapan Camping (tenda, matras, alat makan)
12. Perlengkapan Climbing (harness, carabiners, jumar, prusik, figure 8)
13. Perlengkapan masak
14. Telepon satelit untuk emergency dan SMS
15. Dokumentasi
16. Kaos exclusive Touareg Adventure

Excluded :

1. Tiket penerbangan menuju dan dari Timika / Nabire

2. Biaya kelebihan bagasi
3. Pengeluaran pribadi
4. Travel Insurance termasuk biaya Evakuasi
5. Biaya-biaya yang timbul karena pulang dari gunung diluar jadwal yang telah ditentukan
akibat sakit atau masalah lainnya, penundaan perjalanan akibat suatu force majeure,
evakuasi porter local maupun karena penundaan, pembatalan atau perubahan jadwal
6. Makan diluar itinerary
7. Tips

Itinerary :

Day 1 : Jakarta – Nabire (D)

Seluruh peserta dijemput di bandara dan langsung menuju penginapan.

Saat makan malam sekalian perkenalan, briefing dan pengecekan perlengkapan.

Day 2 : Nabire – Sugapa – Suanggama (B/L/D)

Setelah sarapan diantar ke bandara untuk terbang dengan pesawat charter ke Bandara
Bilogai Sugapa.
Dijemput dengan motor dan diantar langsung menuju homestay di desa Suanggama.

Day 3 : Suanggama – Camp 2 (B/L/D)

Mulai trekking menuju Camp 2 Inda Tsiga.

Day 4 : Camp 2 – Camp 3 (B/L/D)

Trekking ke Camp 3

Day 5 : Camp 3 – Camp 4 (B/L/D)

Trekking ke Camp 4 Ebay.

Day 6 : Camp 4 – Camp 5 Nasidome (B/L/D)

Trekking ke Camp 5 Nasidome.

Day 7 : Camp 5 – New Zealand Pass – Danau-danau Basecamp (B/L/D)

Trekking ke Basecamp Danau-Danau.

Day 8 : Aklimatisasi (B/L/D)

Aklimatisasi dan persiapan untuk summit attack.

Day 9 : Summit Attack (B/L/D)

Dini hari Pk 02.00 bangun untuk memulai pendakian malam hari. Setelah mencapai puncak
Carstensz, kembali ke basecamp.

Day 10 : Spare Day 1 (B/L/D)

Alternatif summit attack menuju East Glacier Peak atau waktu luang 1 hari untuk
kemungkinan cuaca buruk atau hal tak terduga.

Day 11 : Spare Day 2 (B/L/D)

Waktu luang 1 hari untuk kemungkinan cuaca buruk atau hal tak terduga.

Day 12 : Danau-danau – Nasidome (B/L/D)

Turun kembali melewati New Zealand Pass. Camp di Nasidome.

Day 13 : Nasidome – Ebay – Inda Tsiga (B/L/D)

Turun kembali melewati Camp Ebay hingga Camp Inda Tsiga.

Day 14 : Inda Tsiga – Camp 1 (B/L/D)

Turun kembali hingga Camp I Riverside.

Day 15 : Camp 1 – Suanggama – Sugapa (B/L/D)

Turun kembali hingga Desa Suanggama. Setelah beristirahat sejenak, kita akan diantar
menuju Sugapa dengan motor trail. Bermalam di Sugapa.
Day 16 : Sugapa – Nabire (B/L/D)

Charter flight Sugapa – Nabire. Bermalam di Nabire.

Day 17 : Nabire – Jakarta (B)

Flight Nabire – Jakarta. Trip berakhir.


1. Tanyakan informasi kuota atau ketersediaan seat ke nomor 08158913334 SMS/WA

2. Kirim SMS/WA/BBM pendaftaran dengan format :
Nama Trip
– Nama :
– No Hp :
– No KTP :
– Domisili :
– Meeting Point :
– Email :
atau dengan mengirim foto/scan KTP/SIM ke alamat email :

Subject : Nama Trip

Isi Email : Nama
Meeting Point

1. Pembayaran Down Payment (DP) sebesar Rp. 15.000.000 ke rekening Bank Mandiri
no. 1150005862034 an. HARYONO
2. Bukti pembayaran harap dikirimkan melalui SMS/WA/BBM/Email
3. Peserta akan dinyatakan fix ikut apabila sudah melunasi pembayaran
4. Pembayaran tidak dapat dikembalikan namun dapat digantikan
1. Minimal pendaftaran peserta trip adalah 1 orang
2. OPEN TRIP akan berjalan jika terkumpul kuota peserta minimal sesuai dengan ketentuan
masing-masing trip yang telah dipublikasikan (gabungan dari beberapa rombongan
maupun personal) kecuali paket PRIVATE TRIP.
3. Jika kuota tidak terpenuhi maka pilihannya trip dibatalkan atau trip tetap berjalan dengan
penyesuaian harga (sesuai kesepakatan kedua belah pihak)
4. Pendaftaran, pindah jadwal, upgrade atau koreksi pendaftaran dapat dilakukan via
SMS/WA/BBM/Email yang tercatat dan kita akui serta kita konfirmasi.
5. Batas usia peserta minimal 1 tahun dan maksimal 65 tahun dalam kondisi sehat
6. Usia peserta dibawah 2 tahun membayar 50% dari biaya paket dan 2th ke atas dikenakan
biaya penuh
7. Peserta tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit yang membahayakan diri sendiri atau orang
8. Pembatalan acara pada hari H oleh pihak Touareg Adventure dengan pertimbangan
kondisi alam yang kurang bersahabat dan dirasa membahayakan keselamatan,
pengembalian biaya trip dilakukan sesuai kesepakatan kedua belah pihak
9. Pembatalan acara sebelum hari H oleh pihak Touareg Adventure jika dirasa
membahayakan keselamatan peserta dengan pertimbangan kondisi di lapangan (banjir/
tanah longsor/ gempa/ tsunami) yang mengakibatkan trip tidak mungkin dilaksanakan,
biaya trip akan dikembalikan 100%
10. Apabila terjadi perubahan harga dikarenakan berbagai hal dan telah dipertimbangkan oleh
Touareg Adventure (cont: kenaikan harga BBM, tiket masuk, dll), peserta akan
diberitahukan terlebih dahulu untuk diteruskan atau refund (maksimal 7 hari setelah
pemberitahuan, bila tidak ada konfirmasi berarti dianggap setuju)
11. Khusus untuk trip yang biayanya termasuk tiket, baik Kereta/ Pesawat/ Bus/ Kapal PP,
ketentuan pada poin 9 tidak berlaku, pengembalian biaya tiket PP akan mengikuti
kebijakan dimasing-masing perusahaan penyedia jasa transportasi.
12. Biaya ekstra atau kerugian lainnya karena keterlambatan kepulangan yang disebabkan
adanya gangguan, baik transportasi, cuaca, kerusuhan dan kejadian force majeur lainnya
menjadi tanggungan peserta
13. Peserta yang terlambat datang di meeting point yang disepakati yang menyebabkan
tertinggal trip, maka tiket/ biaya trip menjadi hangus
14. DP dianggap hangus apabila sampai batas waktu pelunasan (H-7) belum melunasi
seluruh biaya trip
15. Foto dokumentasi dari Touareg Adventure hak publikasi dan komersil menjadi milik
Touareg Adventure peserta hanya memiliki copy file tanpa hak komersil
16. Itinerary sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah menyesuaikan situasi dan kondisi pada saat trip
17. Perjalanan bersifat personal, pihak Touareg Adventure tidak bertanggung jawab apabila
terjadi sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan dan diluar kemampuan pihak Touareg Adventure
18. Pemesan/ peserta dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan di atas

1. Seluruh peserta dalam kondisi sehat ketika mengikuti kegiatan selama wisata
2. Seluruh peserta wajib mematuhi aturan yang berlaku di setiap destinasi yang dituju
3. Seluruh Peserta wajib menjaga dan mematuhi norma yang ada di masyarakat sekitar
destinasi yang dituju
4. Seluruh peserta dilarang membawa minuman keras, obat-obatan terlarang dan narkotika
seperti diatur dalam Undang-Undang yang berlaku di Indonesia
5. Seluruh Peserta dilarang membawa senjata api, atupun benda-benda yang bisa
membahayakan keselamatan diri sendiri dan orang lain
6. Seluruh peserta wajib menjaga barang-barang yang menjadi fasilitas dari kami, Seluruh
peserta wajib mematuhi arahan yang diberikan secara lisan oleh guide/tour leader atau
crew yang bertugas
7. Touareg Adventure berhak menghentikan kegiatan wisata jika dirasa kondisi cuaca dan
hal lainnya yang tidak memungkinkan demi keselamatan semua peserta
8. Peserta dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan di atas

1. Crew kami berhak menegur peserta jika diketahui peserta melanggar aturan dan norma
yang berlaku di setiap destinasi yang dituju
2. Crew kami berhak melarang peserta ikut kegiatan wisata jika diketahui tidak dalam kondisi
3. Crew kami berhak mengeluarkan dan memulangkan peserta dari rombongan jika dirasa
mengganggu keamanan dan kenyamanan Crew kami ataupun peserta lain
4. Crew kami akan membawa ke pihak yang berwajib jika diketahui peserta membawa
minuman keras, obat-obatan terlarang dan narkotika dan benda benda terlarang lainnya
5. Jika ada salah satu peserta menghilangkan atau merusakkan alat-alat dan fasilitas yang
diberikan (misal alat snorkling), peserta tersebut wajib menggantinya sesuai nominal
6. Pemesan/ peserta dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan di atas

* FORCE MAJEURE : Force Majeure yang dimaksud dalam ketentuan ini adalah suatu
keadaan memaksa di luar batas kemampuan kedua belah pihak yang dapat mengganggu
bahkan menggagalkan terlaksananya kegiatan, seperti bencana alam, peperangan,
pemogokan, sabotase, pemberontakan masyarakat, blokade, kebijaksanaan Pemerintah
khususnya yang disebabkan karena keadaan di luar kemampuan manusia.

Selain trip ini, kamu juga bisa memilih waktu, tanggal, destinasi, dan fasilitas sesuai
keinginan sendiri atau grup kamu. Hubungi kami untuk pendaftaran dan informasi lebih

Pantau timeline Twitter @touaregadventur atau Fanpage

Adventure Serviceuntuk promo trip ter-update.

Info lebih detail, pertanyaan, itinerary, dan booking trip, Call 0812 981 555 34
atau Whatsapp 0815 891 33 34

Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) 4884 m (16023 ft)

We have been operating on Carstensz Pyramid since 2005. All expeditions we organized successfully reached the summit.

Program and schedule of our climbing expeditions

We offer both options of reaching the summit of Carstensz Pyramid – trekking trips and helicopter trips. The
trip dates can be altered according to the interest of our clients. Our prices depend on the number of
trekkers. The more participants on an expedition the smaller price! As far as we know, we are the only one to
offer this advantage.

We offer group discounts!

We organize 1 expedition per month. If you are interesting in climbing Carstensz pyramid with us, please inform us which
month is good for you. We will let you know an order date of taking place of expedition. It is necessary to enter to
expedition 3 month before starting because of permits processing. It is possible to try to enter 1 month before starting but
we cannot guarantee that we have got free places for you. That?s why is better to enter 3 months before… Thank you.

You can order extra date of expedition for a bigger group (5 and more climbers). In last year we carried out
two expeditions to Carstensz pyramid to order – out of written dates. Contact us please

Carstensz Pyramid climbing – program of TREKKING

Trekking is cheaper, nicer and better for your health, but longer. The expedition takes 13 days.

Day 1: We meet at the airport in Jakarta two hour before deparatre to Papua. It ussually would be at 21 a. m. local time.

Day 2: Obtain the rest of the permits at Papua, replenish our food supplies, and pack our luggage for the expedition. All the
unnecessary things are left in the hotel safe.

Day 3: Leave with a small missionary plane for trekking starting point of our journey to the Carstensz Pyramid. We hire
porters, get the necessary permits for the porters, our permits are checked and verified by radio in Jayapura and in Jakarta.
All this takes usually one day.
Day 4 – 6: Only three days trekking to the Carstensz Pyramid Base Camp – a difficult, but beautiful journey during which
we gradually and perfectly acclimatize.

Day 7 – 8: We have 2 climbing days to do the ascent summit of Carstensz Pyramid.

Day 9 – 10: Only two days trekking back to starting point.

Day 11: The flight by small missionary plain back to the town to hotel. We pack our things, souvenirs and prepare for
departure to home.

Day 12: Our reserve and safety day. You can shopping and looking for souvenirs, or earlier depart, if it is possible.

Day 13: A departure to Jakarta, and probably a night spent in Jakarta. Unfortunately, flights from Papua don't usually have
a connection on the same day.

Included in the price:

 All necessary permits and permits fees

 A small charter, the flight with missionary plane to Airstrip in mountanis – starting point for trekking and flight back,
(all transport)

 the transportation in non-remote areas (in civilized areas),

 1 porter for each climber which can take bag 15 kg, maximum.

 An English speaking guide

 the base-camp fee

 All accommodation on the trekking and Base Camp

 Food, drinks on the trekkning and in Base camp

 Camping equipment

 Group climbing equipment – ropes etc.

 Welcome and farewell dinner

 information materials

Not included in the price:

 The price of your flight from home to Jakarta and back

 The flight from Jakarta to Papua and back – participiants of Expedition will pay it on the place according to the
achal price
 Accident, or helth rescue or evacuation fee (15.000USD or more) – we recommend get good helth insurence –

 Health insurence. We recommend you the membership in Alpenverein club Where they have the evacuation to the
hospitál about 25.000 eur per person – 30.000 USD

 Personal climbing equipments – participants must have his own personal climbing equipements

 Personal expenses (laundry, phone calls, hotel s minibar),

 Indonesia entry visa

 all facultative (optional) programs

AA will book accommodation – clients will pay themselves (because of possible discrepancies in expenditures for room
service and minibar) AA will book air tickets Jakarta – Papua and back. Clients will pay them in local

currency – Indonesian rupees – the exact sum according to the receipt.

Reservation on our contact page

Carstensz Pyramid climbing – program of HELICOPTER

The helicopter trip is more dangerous because of the danger of mountain sickness. It is also more expensive, but physically
easier and shorter. The expedition takes 14 days.

Day 1: We meet at the airport in Jakarta two hour before deparatre to Papua. It ussually would be at 21 a. m. local time.

Day 2: Obtain the rest of the permits at Papua, replenish our food supplies, and pack our luggage for the expedition. All the
unnecessary things are left in the hotel safe .

Day 3: A flight to the place where the helicopter for Carstensz Pyramid departs from. Our permits are checked, and radioed
in to verify them in Jayapura and in Jakarta. This all usually takes one day.

Day 4: We depart by helicopter to the Zebra Whal, and we spend the night at the height of 3200 m (10499 ft).

Day 5: Acclimatizing ascent to the Base Camp in Lake Valley 3800m (12467 ft) and a crossing of mountain crest at
approximately 4000 m (13123 ft) to the Yellow Valley. We bring all the necessary equipment, examine the wall of the
Carstensz Pyramid, and then return to Camp in Zebra Whal.

Day 6: The ascent to the BC in Lake Valley, and a night's lodging there at the height of 3800m (12467 ft).
Day 7 – 12: We have five climbing days to do the ascent. If we manage to reach the summit of Carstensz Pyramid in
the first day, we can try to surmount other summits in the area. Nga Pulu with a glacier on the summit, also called Middle
Peak, trek to Carstensz Glacier. The schedule is rich. If someone is interested, they can take their skis with them and go
skiing on the equator. Sometimes the heli trip can be short and mostly it is not necessary full 5 climbing days. In this case,
you could either go home six days earlier (think about that when you buy your ticket to avoid paying unnecessary high
charge when rebooking it), or we will organize a facultative program for you: a visit to the Baliem Valley, villages and
ceremonies of the legendary Dani tribe, pig roasting, a salty lake, a sacred cave, and of course a visit to Wamena – the
entrance gate to the Jayawijaya Mountains. Finally, it is possible to go snorkeling or scuba diving directly on Papua or on
Island Biak.(Dani tribe and all facultative program is not in price.)

Day 13: Departure with a helicopter.

Day 14: A departure to Jakarta, and probably a night spent in Jakarta. Unfortunately, flights from Papua don?t usually have
a connection on the same day.

Included in the price: All necessary permits, the charter helicopter to the base camp and to the Zebra Wall and back, the
transportation in non-remote areas (in civilized areas), the base-camp fee, an English speaking guide.

Not included in the price: The price of your flight from your home to Jakarta and back, the flight from Jakarta to Papua
and back, health insurance, all accommodation, food, drinks, airport tax (total for 6 domestic return flights, overweight on
all flights, any expenses due to the flight delay or cancellation, personal climbing and camping equipments, personal
expenses (laundry, phone calls, hotel s minibar), evacuation or rescue, Indonesia re-entry visa (USD 25,–/ person – visa on
arrival), all facultative (optional) programs, any next expenses unusual things which was not possible calculate to the price,
any next expenses which are not mentioned include price.

AA will provide camping equipment and food for the stay in remote areas – for extra fee.

AA will book accommodation – clients will pay themselves (because of possible discrepancies in expenditures for room
service and minibar)

AA will book air tickets Jakarta – Papua and back. Clients will pay them in local currency – Indonesian rupees – the exact
sum according to the receipt.

Reservations and further information:

Please see our contact page
Contact us for Carstensz Pyramid climbing
We specialize not only on Carstensz Pyramid climbing expeditions, but also on climbing peaks from the Seven Summits
project. You can contact us also for climbing Mount Everest, Aconcagua, Denali / Mc. Kinley, Mount Vinson, Kilimanjaro,
Elbrus and Kosciusko. We can organize such expeditions as well.

Reservation and further information:

Cell phone EU: office +420 606 711 712 winter GMT +0, summer GMT+1; direct +46 702095038


Expedition & Montaineering

Rozdrojovice DS 10/3
664 34 Kuřim
Czech Republic
European Union


Papua Trekking
Expedition & Montaineering

Rozdrojovice DS 10/3
664 34 Kuřim
Czech Republic
European Union

By doing trekking access to carstensz base camp, we suggest you should prepare by doing the
exercises: physical, technical climbing (jumar and rapell), and mental.

With trekking you will pass through all the heavy terrain, such as: up and down hills, crossing the
river, walking on fallen trees, tree bridges, on roots, mud, every rainy day, snow, and wind. and also
daily trips take 7-8 hours.

Expedition with trekking; 6 days trekking, 2 days acclimation and summit, and 4 days return trekking
with same track.

We prepare all camping supplies during expeditions, such as: sleeping tents, dining tents, dining
tables, chairs, and cooks.

DEPARTURE/RETURN Denpasar – Bali, Indonesia


DEPARTURE TIME Please arrive by 17:00 PM for a prompt departure at 18:00 PM.

RETURN TIME Approximately 6:30 PM.

EQUIPMENT / GEAR More details please visit this page

INCLUDED All required permits in Jakarta and Papua

Airport transfers in Jakarta/Bali and Timika or Nabire

Accommodation based on twin share in Bali (1 night per arrival/before leaving to Tim

Domestic flights (Bali/Jakarta – Timika/Nabire -return)

Chartered flight Timika-Ilaga OR Nabire-Sugapa & return

Meals as per the itinerary (B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D: Dinner)

Camping gears (sharing dome tent, kitchen equipment, dining tent,serving table, chairs

Experienced mountain guide, cook & field asisstant

Satellite Phone for group daily report

Fixed rope on Carstensz Pyramid wall

Camping, dining, and cooking equipment (incl. cutlery)

Porters up to 17kgs per client


Overweight on all flights

Personal climbing and camping equipments

Extra food and beverages

Personal expenses (laundry, phone call, hotel’s minibar)

Evacuation or rescue cost (but we provide helicopter for emergency)

Any expenses due to the flight delay or cancel

Indonesia Re-entry Visa USD 35/pax – VISA ON ARRIVAL

Denny +6281340798030
Day 1 > Arrival in Denpasar/Bali
Transfer to a hotel near the airport. Bali is well worth a visit, not least because of its charming
atmosphere, sunny weather and sandy beaches. We’ll enjoy the place and explore some of its many
sights. Overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 2 > Flight To Timika/Papua
Shortly after midnight flight to Timika/Papua with Garuda Indonesia

A 3-hour flight will bring us to Timika, a small but nevertheless important city. It is the supply point
of the Grasberg Mine. This makes it the workplace of many people, which is why Garuda Indonesia
offer direct flights to Timika. Here, we’ll make last preparations for the expedition. Overnight stay at
a hotel.

Day 3 > Flight Timika (80m)–Sugapa (2244m)–Suanggama
We’ll fly across the seemingly impenetrable Papuan rainforest, which gives us the change to inspect
it from above and take in its vastness – we’ll explore it on foot soon enough! Upon landing on the
bumpy runway, we are sure to be greeted by many curious spectators. We’ll continue as soon as
possible, on the back seat of a motorcycle. During the first stretch up to the bridge, which 2011 was
still in construction, we might well be stopped by local landowners demanding payment for crossing
their land. After some discussing and besoothing, however, we should be able to continue on our
way. The end of our adventurous drive is our camp in Suanggama. Flight time: 1h; driving time: 1 h.

Day 4 > Suanggama (2018m)–Salt Factory camp (2380m)
From Suanggama, the last village, we’ll descend down to the river. More or less following the course
of the river, we are at times high above it, at times very close to it. We’ll pass a house (Salt Factory)
at a small bridge, from where on we’ll continue for another 2 hours to our camp site in the middle of
the jungle. Chances for rain are very high, after all, we are in the deepest rainforest. Thus, good
preparation and planning at Suanggama are very important. Ascent: 970 m/ descent: 660 m; distance:
15.50 km; hiking time: 6-8 hrs.
Day 5 > Salt Factory camp (2380m)–Indisaga camp (3230m)
This will be the most strenuous of all our trekking days! Our path still leads through the rainforest,
sometimes over, sometimes under the large rootes, around mud parches, then again straight through
the next one – a proper jungle! Swinging through it on vines might be less exhausting… After the
Salt Factory camp, our path first ascends steeply, the goes up, down and steeply up again, until we
reach a small camp (Blind’s camp). Though it may seem as if the Indisaga camp were closeby as
well, that’s sadly not true! We’ll be climbing through the steep rainforest for another 2-3 hours. At
3200m, just shortly before our camp, the rainforest suddenly ends. A large clearing follows, which is
where we’ll set up our camp. Ascent: 1115 m/ descent: 275 m; distance: 17.00 km; hiking time: 8-10

Day 6 > Indisaga camp (3230m)–Ebay camp (3584 m)
The first hour of our trek will lead through light, open forest to the next plane and finally up to the
ridge, which separates the first valley from “our” valley, where part of our route will lead through.
Following the ridge for 2-3 hours, we’ll reach our penultimate camp after a short descent. Ascent:
760m/ descent: 420m; distance: 11.01km; hiking time: 6-7 hrs.

Day 7 > Ebay camp (3584m)–Nasidome (3734m)
We’ll descend into the beautiful valley. The wild landscape here will take us back millions of years,
to a time when ancient beasts roamed the vast forests… Reaching the riverbank, we’ll cross the river
on a natural stone bridge. On top of the next ridge, we’ll meet up with the other route option (via
Illaga). We’ll wade through swampland and shortly reach the last camp before base camp and the
New Zealand pass. Ascent: 780m/ descent: 630m; distance: 13.00km; hiking time: 6-7 hrs.

Day 8 > Nasidome (3734m)–New Zealand pass–Base Camp
The most difficult part of this section is the New Zealand pass (you could use the plural form here,
since it is actually several passes following each other). There’s a 50 metre long climbing passage
which may be quite difficult on a rainy day. Once we’ll have mastered it, we’ll descend to the base
camp at the foot of the Carstensz Pyramid. Ascent: 920m/ descent: 350m; distance: 8.64km; hiking
time: 6-7 hrs.

Day 9 > Ascent of the Carstensz Pyramid (4884m)
Early morning after breakfast (approximately 02.00 am) start to wall carstensz pyramid, and let’s
dance on carstensz wall. The climbing track has been fixed ropes from bottom to the top, you just put
the jummer tool and push the jummer to add step up.
You will pass the bridge cable (previously tyrolian). Arriving at the top is usually at 9 or 10 am
(please enjoy the natural scenery from the top of carstensz pyramid and do not forget to capture

Day 13-14 > Hike back from base camp–Illaga or Supaga
We will take the same way as on the walk in. Knowing it already, we should be quicker on the
journey back so that we can save one day.

Day 14 > Flight Illaga or Sugapa–Nabire or Timika–Denpasar
Today, we’ll fly via Timika back to Bali. We’ll be brought to our hotel, where we can relax, drinking
a toast to our hard but wonderful travel. Overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 15 > Flight back
We’ll enjoy a few last hours in Bali in the morning before leaving for the airport in the late

Day 16-17- Reserve day for bad weather or delayed flight etc.



Mt. Carstensz Pyramid

4884 m, West Papua

Carstensz Pyramid or Mt. Newang Kawi (local name mountain) is the highest mountain in Australia
and Oceania and it's an amazing mountain magnificent of the famous Seven summits project (7
summits of 7 tallest mountains on 7 continents). Carstensz Pyramid is situated in West Papua. It lies
in New Guinea, which is the world’s second largest island.

Height : 4,884 m (16023 ft)

Locality : West Papua, Indonesia
Coordinates : S 04°04.733 - E 137°09.572
It was visited by many ascents, mainly by those collecting the Seven Summits. In 1992, Budi
Cahyono and Adi Seno (Indonesia Climbers) have successfully opened up new climbing route at
North Face Cartstensz Pyramid (directly to the top which was later known as Norman Edwin
Road). Budi Cahyono have successfully guided international teams to the top of the mountain.

The Carstensz glacier has retreated 1,446 feet in the last twenty-five years. The Meren glacier
retreated even further (2,384 feet). Yet the melting of these giant ice tongues have “ birth” to those
beautiful turquoise colored lakes Morrow admired so much. Furthermore, it is the spring of life for
many species in the jungle below.

The name Carstensz Mountain is actually not quite appropriate. In fact The Carstensz Pyramid is a
part of Sudirman Range same with Nggapulu Peak (4,862 meter), the Sunday or Sudirman Peak
(4,870 meter) and the East Carstensz Top (4,775 meter). There are other peaks in the region, all
above 4,600 meter, which form the Jayawijaya range. Jan Cartensz, The Dutch sailor, has seen both
ranges and he had discovered the middle peaks of third largest island in the world.

Norman Edwin Route / Adiseno and Budi Cahyono.

Northface Carstensz Piramyde. Photo by Budi of Carstensz Journey
We have several options of expedition itinerary.

The itinerary depends on the mean of transportation (using helicopter or

trekking) and number of climbers in one trip.

Option A. By Helicopter
Day 1 Joining at Timika City, Papua
Day 2 Rest / Prepare
Day 3 Climbers and guide go to base camp by helicopter (4,000 meters)
- Trekking acclimatization to Zebra Wall
Day 4 Trekking to Nggapulu Peak (4,862 meter).
Day 5 Rest
Day 6 Climbing Mt. Carstensz Pyramid (4,884 meter).
Day 7 Spare day
Day 8 Over night at Timika city - celebration dinner
Day 9 Going to Biak and fly directly to Jakarta or Bali

Option B. Trekking

Day 1 Joining at Bali or Jakarta

Day 2 Going to Timika City and stay over night
Day 3 rest / Prepare
Day 4 Going to Sugapa/Ilaga
Day 5 Porter arrangement
Day 6 Start trekking to base camp (5 days)
Day 10 Arriving at base camp
Day 11 Climbing Snow Mountain in Equator Line, Mt. Nggapulu
Day 12 Rest / Prepare summit day
Day 13 Climbing Mt Carstensz Pyramid
Day 14 Spare day
Day 15 Trekking to Ilaga/Sugapa Village. (5 days of trekking)
Day 20 Arriving at Ilaga or Sugapa village
Day 21 Going to Timika City and stay overnight - celebration dinner
Day 22 Flying to Jakarta or Bali

Team Composition

We provide one skillfull and experience guide for every 5 team members. For 6 members or more,
we provide 2 (two) experience guides.

Guide Composition
# 4 – 5 climbers : 1 climbing guide
# 6 – 10 climbers : 2 climbing guides

To climb the Carstensz Pyramid, you need the following specialist equipments :
• Harness
• Helmet
• 4 x tape slings
• 4 x screw gate carabiners
• Descender / abseil devices
• 4 x Prussik loops
• Alpine mountaineering boots suitable for
rock climbing

To climb Nggapulu, you need more equipments as follow :

• Ice axe
• Crampons
Our Service Includes :

• All local transportation in Papua and all access to base

camp by helicopter.
• Hotel at all city in Papua as stated in the above (included : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
• Free baggage for local flight (max 20 kgs/pax).
• Porter to carry all climbers equipments.
• Royalty fees and all permits from Indonesian Goverment.
• Climbing gears (rope, sling, carabiner, chock Friend).
• All camping facilities and meal during the expedition
• All transport to and from Mt. Carstensz Pyramid
• Climbing guide and cook team.
• Tent

Our Service Not Includes :

• Return Domestic flight from Bali or Jakarta to Papua

• Excess baggage
• International flight to Bali or Jakarta
• Hotel at Bali or Jakarta
• All meal during your stay in Bali or Jakarta
• Medical Insurance or any kind of insurances
•Personal climbing equipments, clothing and sleeping equipments
• Airport tax in Bali or Jakarta
• Bar bills, laundry, extra meals and phone calls
• Visa's fee for entering Indonesia
• Optional trips other than stated in this trip
• Rescue and Evacuation

"Tyrolean" rope traverse normal route. Jagged Globe – Carstensz Journey . Photo by Budi of carstensz
Cost Expedition :
By Helicopter – Please Contact
Joining at Papua/ Timika City

By Trekking – 9700 USD /Pax

Joining at Papua/ Timika City

Special arrangement for trip to climbing Carstensz :

Climbing new route direct to the top from north face Mt. Carstensz :
• 1 person : USD 30,500
• 2 persons : USD 27,500
Payment Method :

• Deposit of 10 % from total cost (3 months before expedition date),

completed with curriculum vitae, copy of passport , 8 photograph (3X4)
• Deposit of 40 % from total cost (1 month before expedition date)
• Settlement of 50 % total cost when meet at Indonesia

For further information please contact :

Carstensz Journey
E-mail : -

Office :
Jl.Anggrek Nelimurni 2C no.62
Jakarta 11480 –Indonesia

Further Information
Jungle Marathon Indonesia 2018
Mobile phone : +62 812 8661 1962 / Race director / Budcay

115.000.000 rupiah/person

Carstensz Pyramid Program-Trekking In and Out

Day 1: Jakarta/Bali
Upon arrival at the International Airport, you will be pick up by our guide and drive you to the hotel.
Briefing and gear check then welcome dinner from us.

Day 2-3: Jakarta/Bali–Nabire
In the afternoon or night, we will fly to Nabire. We will arrive at Nabire the next day, also in the
afternoon. Upon arrival, we will go to the hotel. Stay overnight

Day 4: Nabire–Sugapa-Suwanggama
Fly to Bilogay Airport using a chartered flight that takes about 45 minutes. Arriving at Bilogay, we
continue to Suwanggama Village by motorcycle. The last village we meet on the way to Base Camp.
Stay overnight here.

Day 5: Suwanggama–Dibasiga (2,350m)
We start early in the morning. It will take 6.5 hours to the first camp, Dibasiga. From Suwanggama,
the trek will go down to Yabu River. Then follow the river upstream. On the way, we’ll pass a small
pool contain of salt water. There’s a factory there that produce the salt from this pool. It’s unique that
there’s a source of salt on the mountain. The trek will be vey muddy all the way to the Base Camp.
Day 6: Dibasiga–Estasiga (3,235m)
The distance to the next camp will be further today. It will take 9.5 hours to Estasiga. Start early in
the morning. We will cross the river a couple of time today. The terrain will change from lower
mountain forest to the upper mountain forest. Before that, we will pass a small meadow with a lot of
beautiful orchid flower. Then, go inside the forest again. The trek will become very gnarly all the
way up until we meet another meadow, Estasiga. Set a camp here.

Day 7: Estasiga–Ebai (3,600m)
From today, we will walk on the meadow. The trek will go up until 3,800 m, and then going down
again until 3,600 m. It will take 8 hours today. From here, we could already see the Great Mountain
Range of Puncak Jaya with the snowcap and it’s magnificent north face.

Day 8: Ebai-Nasidome (3,800m)
We will continue going down from Ebai until the Kemabu River. Cross it and then going all the way
up again to Nasidome. There’s a little lake there. It will take another 7-8 hours walking today. On the
way, we will also pass a unique rock formation

Day 9: Nasidome–Carstensz Base Camp (4,250m)
The trek starts uphill, passing a ridge to Lake Larson. It will take 2 hours to Lake Larson from
Nasidome. And then continue to the New Zealand Pass. We start entering the mountain range, into
the rocky terrain and finally arrive lake valley, Carstensz Base Camp. It takes 4 more hours to Base
Camp from Lake Larson.
Day 10: Carstensz Basecamp
Acclimatization day. You can rest and relax. And prepare for summit attack.

Day 11: Carstensz Base Camp–Summit–Carstensz Base Camp
Summit Day. We will start at 2AM. First we walk pass through middle ridge to the Yellow Valley
until the foot of the face. And then we start climbing using ropes that already been fixed. Arriving at
Summit Ridge, we have to cross a gap with Tyrolean Traverse. Continue walking for an hour and
finally reach the summit. Then go back to Carstensz Base Camp.

Day 12: Spare days
Spare day for anticipation of bad weather or other major constraints. Or we can use it to climb Ngga
Pulu / Puncak Jaya.

Day 13: Carstensz Base Camp–Nasidome
Trekking back to Nasidome. Stay overnight there.

Day 14: Nasidome-Endasugapa
Trekking back to Endasugapa, just before Estasiga. Stay overnight there.
Day 15: Endasugapa-Dibasiga
Trekking back to Dibasiga. Stay overnight

Day 16: Dibasiga–Suwanggama
Trekking back to Suwanggama, stay overnight.

Day 17: Suwanggama–Nabire
Use motorcycle from Suwanggama to Sugapa airstrip. Fly to Nabire. Stay overnight in hotel.

Day 18: Nabire–Bali/Jakarta
Fly to Bali/Jakarta. End of expedition

MINIMUM 4 Person

DEPARTURE Bandara Jakarta/Bali pukul 10.00

RETURN TIME Bandara Jakarta/Bali pukul 18.00

THINGS TO Topi, sepatu, sandal, kacamata, sunblock, obat-obatan pribadi, kamera dan perlengkapannya, pow
BRING Tas (Bodypack/daypack/backpack)

Domestic flights Bali/Jakarta-Nabire and return

INCLUDED Airport transfer at Bali/Jakarta and Nabire
Meals, transportation, and accommodation at Nabire
Chartered flight to Sugapa Village
Land transportation (motorcycle) to Suwanggama Village
Accommodations at Suwanggama Village.
Guides, Cook, and Porters.
Travel permit from Indonesian Police Department
Meals on the mountain.
One night hotel (twin share) at Bali/Jakarta, before and after the climb.
18 kg allowed for personal equipment.
Tents, cooking stove, and utensils
Welcome Dinner
Indonesian Tax
International flight to Jakarta round trip
NOT Excess baggage for domestic flight
INCLUDED Alcoholic beverages, laundry, telephone and other personal expense
Personal travel Insurance
Personal clothing and climbing equipment
Emergency Evacuation by Helicopter
Indonesian visa
Tips guide

No Name Amt

1 Alpine climbing harness 1

2 Locking carabiners 3

3 Ascender 1

4 1,5 meters of 7mm Prusik/Acessory cord 2

5 Figure of 8 (Rappel/belay device) 1

6 Climbing helmet 1

7 Rubber boots (trekking only) 1

8 Gaiters 1
9 Wool or Synthetic socks 3

10 Liner socks 3

11 Trekking boots 1

12 Lightweight long underwear (amount based on preferences) 2-3

13 Synthetic short underwear (amount based on preferences) 2-3

14 Mediumweight long underwear (amount based on preferences) 2-3

15 Trekking pants 2

16 Soft Shell Jacket 1

17 Soft Shell pants 1

18 Hard Shell Jacket w/ hood 1

19 Hard Shell pants 1

20 Insulated jacket/ lightweight down jacket 1

21 Insulated synthetic pants 1

22 Baseball cap 1

23 Balaclava 1

24 Bandana or Buff (amount based on preferences) 2-3

25 Sunglasses 1

26 Lightweight synthetic liner gloves 1

27 Sof Shell gloves 1

28 Leather garden gloves or rappel gloves 1

29 Alpine backpack min 35lt 1

30 Sleeping bag at least -10°C 1

31 Self-Inflating pad 1

32 Closed-cell foam pad 1

33 Headlamp with spare batteries 1

34 Trekking poles 1

35 Sunscreen, SPF 40 or better 1

36 Lipscreen, SPF 30 1

37 1 Litre water bottle or water bladder 2

38 Insect repellent 1

39 Toiletry bag 1

40 Large Duffel Bag 1

41 First aid kit and special medications (if any) 1

42 Camera 1

+62 856 259 7899 (Whatsapp/SMS) | +62 813 2922 8505 (Call Only)

8am - 8pm
Training for climb Carstensz

Climbing Carstensz Pyramid, the highest peak in Oceania (16,023ft / 4,884 m), requires
familiarity with scrambling and rock climbing skills (including rappelling and jumaring) and
comfort with exposure on routes up to 5.8. In addition to climbing skills, you need strength
endurance and strong cardiovascular conditioning. Just because you exercise regularly (four to
six times per week) does not mean you have the conditioning needed to reach the summit of
the Carstensz Pyramid. Plenty of people who have the endurance to run a marathon fail to
summit high-altitude peaks. Pure cardiovascular fitness is simply not enough. This trip requires
stamina necessary to trek 4-5 successive days each way to reach the launching point for a
summit climb. You should build conditioning necessary to ascend two to three,000 feet of
elevation on successive days carrying up to 40 pounds.
Prioritize your training efforts in the following way, assuming that you are in good health and
injury- free:

1. Climbing conditioning – pack-loaded uphill hiking, walking, and stair climbing

2. Strength training for the lower body and core
3. Cardiovascular training, including both aerobic and anaerobic workouts without pack weight
4. Flexibility training

Most people will need to train specifically for their climb of the Carstensz Pyramid for at least
three to four months. During your training, you will need to progressively ramp up your hike
time, distance and elevation gain (at roughly 10% per week) to safely and effectively build your
trekking-specific conditioning. Trying to rush this will increase the risk of experiencing some
sort of training injury and not being ready for your trip. Below are more details of how to
incorporate these four priorities into your program.
Hike along outdoor trails, gradually increasing your pack weight until you are comfortable
carrying a 40-pound pack. If you live where it is relatively flat, go up and down stairs or train
on an inclined treadmill or stairmaster. Use whatever varied surface terrain (i.e. gravel beds,
sand dunes, river banks) you have access to. A reasonable goal would be to ascend 3,000 feet
carrying an average pack of 40 pounds in a 3 hour period, or roughly 1,500 vertical feet per
hour. A good training option for pack weight is to carry water in gallon containers or collapsible
jugs, so you can dump water at the top as needed, to lighten the load for the descent.

In early season, start with a hike that gains up to 2000 elevation over 5-7 miles round trip, and
carry a 20-pound pack; each hike try adding three to five pounds until you are comfortable with
a 40-pound pack, then begin increasing the total elevation gain and mileage. When you can
gain 3,000 feet with a 40-pound pack, start decreasing rest breaks and increasing speed on
each conditioning workout. A month from your climb, you should be comfortable hiking on
successive days with a 40-pound pack on one of those outings.

Two training techniques that will be useful for high-altitude trekking are 1) interval training and
2) back to back training (discussed in more detail in “Putting it all together” below.) To include
interval training, find a steep hill or sets of stairs that will allow you to climb steadily for several
minutes. Push as hard as you can going up, then recover coming down, and repeat for
anywhere from 20-45 minutes depending on how close to your climb you are. Gradually add
weight to your pack (no more than 10% per week) until you can carry 40 pounds the entire time.

If possible, participate in as many hikes at altitude as you possibly can to learn how your body
reacts above 13,000 feet elevation. If you have access to a climbing gym, try to include 1-2
weekly climbing sessions working on building strength and endurance in your core, forearms,
calves and legs.

Be sure to include at least 5-10 minutes of targeted stretching following every workout,
specifically for the hamstrings, glutes, hips, calves, forearms, lower back and quadriceps. If you
have any areas of concern early season, add emphasis to making sure you have normal range of
motion about all your joints. This will become even more important as you add weight and
distance to your conditioners.
Training with free weights, bands, a backpack, bodyweight exercises, or gym machines will help
you build overall strength, particularly in the core (lower back and abdominals), upper back and
shoulders, and legs. Developing strength in your upper back and shoulders will help you with
such tasks as carrying your pack and climbing rock. The calves, fingers and forearms are all
heavily involved in vertical ascending, and hip, core and quad strength endurance is required
for descents.

Training primarily with free weights will give you the functional, trekking-specific strength that
will help you most in the mountains. Free weight-training requires that you balance the weights
as you would your own body, weighted with a pack, in three-dimensional space. When starting
any strength conditioning program, complete two full-body strength workouts a week for 30-
45 minutes each, focusing on compound exercises such as squats, lunges, step-ups, dips,
pull-ups, rows, dead lifts, bench presses, pushups, and overhead presses. A well-designed gym
climbing program can replace one of these suggested workouts weekly.

In the beginning phase of strength conditioning, focus on building a foundation for harder
workouts; to that end, keep the weight light enough to concentrate on good form and complete
2 sets of each exercise for 8-10 repetitions. As you continue to train, you will shift focus to
building strength (generally lower reps 5-8 with heavier weight). four to six weeks before your
climb, shift your training to focus on strength endurance (higher reps 10-15 with light weight)
to turn the newly gained strength into greater strength endurance. Each training phase should
vary the weight used, repetitions completed, number of sets, and rest intervals. Regardless of
training phase, always be sure you maintain proper form in order to prevent injury or strain.

Include spinal-loading aerobic training options three to five times a week. Appropriate options
include trail running, walking on an inclined treadmill, doing stair stepping or step mill training,
jogging, working on an elliptical machine, walking up and down hills, or participating in step
aerobic classes. While biking, rowing and swimming are aerobic options for the earliest stages
of training, be sure as you get closer to your trip that you include activities suggested above
that load the spine and legs the same way that trekking will.

When first beginning a cardiovascular training program, begin with three weekly workouts of 30
minutes of sustained activity at a moderate intensity, and build to 4-5 aerobic sessions of
sustained effort for at least 45-60 minutes. Be sure to include a 5-10 minute gentle warm-up
before working at your target heart rate for the day (for most workouts, choose a level of
exertion that allows you to connect a few words together in a phrase, but leaves you feeling
comfortably tired at the end of the workout), and cool down with 5-10 minutes of appropriate
stretching of the muscles you use most in your activity, including lower back, calves,
hamstrings, hips and quadriceps.
Roughly a month before your climb, you should be at the conditioning level where you are
comfortable hiking on consecutive weekend days, what is referred to as Back-to-Back training.
This involves hiking with your target climb pack weight (40 pounds) on the first day for at least
3,500 gain, and a somewhat lighter pack (30 pounds) for greater mileage on the second day to
simulate your approach and summit days of your trip. This will not only be helpful physically
but also prepare you psychologically for the challenge of repeat high-effort days without any
recovery days in between. A sample week of training a month prior to your climb might look
like the chart below, in an effort to help you build as much stamina as possible. Be sure to
include at least one recovery day per week and listen closely to your body. Take the final week
to taper or gradually reduce intensity and volume of training so that by the time you leave for
your trip you are well rested and physically and psychologically up to the challenge.

You can find additional training resources at for the following:

 Training Articles
 Training Books and DVDs
 Customized Online Mountaineering Specific Training
Puncak Jaya Wijaya

Puncak Jaya Wijaya atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Piramida Carstensz,
begitulah para pendaki dari seluruh dunia menyebutnya. Memiliki ketinggian
4.844 diatas laut dan memiliki salju abadi menjadikan Puncak Jaya Wijaya
menjadi salah satu destinasi dan tantangan bagi para pendaki seluruh dunia
untuk mencoba menaklukannya. Fakta uniknya Puncak Jaya Wijaya yang
berada di Indonesia merupakan wilayah yang di lewati garis khatulistiwa, yang
berarti mempunyai musim tropis dan tidak memungkinkan adanya salju. Tapi
itulah salah satu keajaiban dan keatraktifan Puncak Jaya Wijaya, salah satu
dari 7 gunung tertinggin di dunia.

Puncak Jaya Wijaya atau Piramida Carstensz terletak di Papua, Indonesia.

Nama Cartenz sendiri diambil dari seorang penjelajah Belanda yang melihat
fenomena aneh di sepanjang garis khatulistiwa yang tidak mungkin terjadi,
yaitu turunnya es alami. Jan Carstensz, pada tahun 1623, melihat gunung
yang begitu unik di daerah tropis nusantara, gunung yang tertutup salju dan
langsung saja menamainnya dengan nama belakangnya. Namun seiring
berkembangnya jaman, banyak penjelajah yang menemukan gletser – gletser
lain atau penuruan salju es di daerah tropis yang membuat anggapan bahwa
daerah yang dilewati garis khatulistiwa tidak turun salju dapat terbantahkan.
Adapun lokasi turunnya salju abadi tersebut adalah di Glacier Meren dan
Puncak Trikora yang terekspos antara tahun 1939, 1962 dan 1994 hingga
tahun 2000.

Begitu mendengar 7 gunung tertinggi, para pendaki mana yang tidak

tertantang untuk menaklukannya. Menjerit sekeras – kerasnya di puncak
tertinggi, merasakan kemenangan karena telah berhasil menaklukan salah
satu gunung tertinggi dengan usahannya sendiri. Terlebih di Puncak Jaya
Wijaya medannya sangat sulit, dibutuhkan teknik khusus untuk berhasil
menaklukan gunung ini dan hanya pendaki – pendaki profesional saja yang
diizinkan untuk mendaki Gunung Jaya Wijaya. Karena puncak tertinggi antara
Himalaya dan Andes ini memiliki tiga titik pendakian tersulit dari lima titik

Orang pertama yang menaklukan Puncak Jaya Wijaya adalah Heinrich

Harrer, bersama tiga temannya Huizinga, Kippax dan Temple. Heinrich Harrer
memutuskan untuk menaklukan Puncak Jaya Wijaya setelah kembali dari
tibet tahun 1950, dia kembali dari tibet setelah 12 tahun mengeskplorasi
daerah tersebut dan berhasil membuat maha karya yaitu sebuah buku yang
sangat terkenal berjudul “7 Tahun di Tibet”. Pada tahun 1962 Heinrich Harrer
melakukan perjalanannya ke Papua, Indonesia dan berhasil untuk pertama
kalinya menjadi penakluk Puncak Jaya Wijaya.

Mendaki Gunung yang menakjubkan satu ini memang membutuhkan biaya

yang tidak sedikit. Jadi untuk anda yang berniat mendaki gunung ini maka
disarankan dari sekarang untuk menabung uang agar perjalanan anda kesini
menjadi lancar. Rincian biaya mendaki ke Puncak Jaya Wijaya untuk turis
mancanegara sekira USD 10 ribu sampai USD 11 ribu. Sementara itu, untuk
wisatawan domestik biayanya mulai Rp 30 juta, tergantung dari paket yang
anda minati.

Latihan Fisik dan Mental

Mendaki Gunung Jaya Wijaya bukanlah perkara mudah. Medan yang berat
membuat tubuh seringkali ingin menyerah dengan sendirinya. Jika sudah
begitu biasanya tanpa sadar kita akan terserah penyakit yang biasa diderita
para pendaki, yaitu Hypothermia. Terlebih jika anda sudah melewati
ketinggian 4000 mdpl di Gunung Jaya Wijaya, tubuh akan sangat drop,
karena dari situlah dimulai turunnya salju es yang menyelimuti Puncak Jaya
Wijaya selama bertahun – tahun lamanya. Jadi jika anda yang tertantang
untuk menaklukan atau sekedar melihat keajaiban dari Gunung Jaya Wijaya
maka cobalah untuk memulai latihan fisik dan mental atau kalau perlu
menyewa trainer yang berpengalaman.

Surat Izin Mendaki (SIMAKSI)

Sulitnya perizinan untuk mendaki Puncak Jaya Wijaya ini kerap memunculkan
ungkapan satir: ”lebih sulit mengurus izinnya daripada mendaki gunungnya”.
Begitu banyak persyaratan dan surat izin yang harus dilampirkan membuat
geram para pendaki, yang tidak jarang membuat para pendaki membatalkan
niat mereka untuk mendaki Puncak Jaya Wijaya. Jadi jika anda yang ingin
mendaki Puncak Jaya Wijaya harus bersabar dalam mengurus surat izinnya.

Alternatif lain jika anda mempunya budget lebih dan tidak sabar untuk
mengurus surat izin sendiri, yaitu dengan menyewa operator. Sehingga anda
hanya tinggal menunggu dan biar semua izin diurus oleh operator, karena
mereka sudah berpengalaman dan mempunyai banyak koneksi maka
pengurusan surat izin ini menjadi mudah dan cepat. Salah satu operator yang
biasa menangani pendakian ke Gunung Jaya Wijaya adalah Adventure
Indonesia, Indonesia Trekking dan Rakata Adventure. Paket yang ditawarkan
cukup beragam dan biasanya mendapatkan fasilitas berupa tenda, makanan,
porter, transportasi, pemandu, kemanan, serta bermalam di homestay setelah

Mempersiapkan Alat – Alat Mendaki Gunung Es

Alat – Alat mendaki ibarat hidup seorang pendaki, jika alatnya hilang atau
tidak lengkap maka kemungkinan para pendaki untuk bertahan di alam yang
keras menjadi tipis. Jadi disarankan untuk mempersiapkan peralatan mendaki
yang lengkap dan baik, agar tidak terjadi kerusakan saat mendaki. Dan harus
diperhatikan juga bahwa alat – alat mendaki gunung es berbeda dengan alat
– alat mendaki gunung biasa, jadi cari tahu alat pendakian apa yang bagus
dan cocok untuk pendakian gunung es dan persiapkan diri anda secara
matang. Biasanya toko outdoor yang besar menyiapkan semua kebutuhan
peralatan tersebut atau jika anda tidak ingin repot, anda bisa menyewa jasa
operator untuk menyiapkan semua kebutuhan alat anda.

Jalur Pendakian

Memilih jalur pendakian adalah syarat utama keberhasilan seorang pendaki,

karena tidak bisa dipungkiri kalau berbeda jalur pendakian maka berbeda pula
kesulitan yang akan ditempuh. Ada beberapa jalur pendakian menuju Puncak
Jaya Wijaya, namun saat ini jalur pendakian yang paling ideal dan sering
dilewati para pendaki adalah melalui Sugapa kemudian Ugimba dan terakhir
Puncak jaya Wijaya. Selain menjadi jalur yang paling aman, jalur Sugapa juga
menyimpan banyak panorama yang menarik untuk dilihat. Contohnya seperti
Sungai Kemabu yang memiliki wisata arung jeram, Sungai Nabu dengan
aliran terbalik ke arah Gunung Jaya Wijaya. Bahkan ada sungai yang memiliki
bau harum serta menjadi sumber garam di atas gunung. Ada pula air terjun
dan padang golf di Putigapa.

Apa saja transportasi menuju Puncak Jaya Wijaya?

Biasanya para pendaki yang ingin mendaki Puncak Jaya Wijaya

menggunakan jasa operator yang khusus melayani pendakian ke Puncak
Jaya Wijaya. Karena perjalanan dengan operator atau pemandu profesional
lebih aman dan sangat dianjurkan

Nabire adalah kota yang paling dekat dengan jalur pendakian, jadi biasanya
para pendaki berkumpul dulu di Bali kemudian terbang ke Timika, Papua dan
terakhir Nabire.
Jika anda dari Jakarta atau Denpasar, anda bisa menggunakan maskapai
Garuda Indonesia, Kartika, dan Merpati yang memiliki penerbangan ke
Papua. Biasanya, mereka transit di Makassar sebelum ke Sorong, Timika,
atau Biak, dan sampai di Jayapura.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai