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Ightiarudin, Putra Ardi. 2018. Description of the Risk Factor of Pregnant Women
Hb Level (Workers and Non-workers) who Perform Antenatal Examination
at Puskesmas. Final Assignment, Diploma 4 Program Occupational
Health and Safety, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Supervisors : 1), dan 2) .

Most of anemia in pregnancy is caused by iron deficiency and acute

bleeding. Anemia in pregnancy that is not handled properly can cause maternal
or fetal death. Anemia counts one-fifth of maternal death in worldwide. Anemia in
pregnancy is affected by several factors, the example is work. This study amis to
detemine the description of risk factor of pregnant women’s Hb level (workers
and and not non-workers) who perform antenatal examination in Puskesmas.
This study used descriptive survey research method by discriptive analysis the
distribution of low Hb level frequency based on internal factors (age, nutritional
status, parity, gestasional age, gestasional distance, infection, level of education,
employement status, family planning, and marital status, antenatal examination,
adequacy of iron tablet health insurance), and eksternal factors (sosio-economic).
Data were collected using secondary data source and using data collection
technique dan data documentary technique on 580 respondents then analyzed
with SPSS version 23 and Microsoft Excel 2016. The result showed 280
respondent were pregnant women who are workers a nd 300 respondents were
pregnant women who are non-workers. From the data obtioned result that
unemployed pregnant woman (20.9%) who expereinced anemia, fewer than
working pregnant woman (23,1%). The conclusion of this study is pregnant
woman who work more velnerable to naemia than not working pregnant woman.
Based on this study pregnant woman can improve its role as educator and care
giver to provide understanding pregnant womat to anemia and advocacy in
pregnant woman

Keywords :Hb Levels, Pregnant Woman, Workers and Non-workers

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