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Atnial Fibrillation Rate and Rhythm: Whar's on rhe Horizonl

Atdal fibrillation (AF) posss a significant burden in terms of in patients with severe heart failure, rather rhan in atrial fibriliation,
hospitalisation and mortaliry. The disease affecrs almost 400,000 compared with placebo" Patients enrolled were those hospitalised
people in Australia, a {igure that coilld double in the next 2Q years with symptomatic heart failure and severe ieft ventricular systolic
as the popuiation ages. Unfortunately, current medications {or the dysfunction t<35%).
pharmacological reversion of AF are either lneffective or have side
*ffects that fimit rheir use. Treatments have also tended to address The study was prematurely rerminated for excess monality seen in
either rate or rhythm control in AF, rather rhan both of these the dronedarone group. During a median follow-up af 7 months,
important goals. 25 patients in rhe dronedarone group {8.1%} and !2 parientc in th€
placebo graup {3.8%) died {HR; 2.13:95% Cl, |.07-4.25; P=0.03}.
There has been no new drug available for AF in Australia for This excess in mortalicy was predominantly related to worsening of
20_ years. This has creared a c6nsiderable unme( need {or a new heart faiiure.
effecdve and safe treatment. Recently, however, there have been
published data on a new compound, dronedarone, which is a The ATHENA trial
chemical derivativeof amiodarone. These chemical alterations have
inferred a number of key pcints of differentiation from amiadarone The ATHEITIA study was conducted in padenrs with arrial fibrillarion
('Iable l), which although considered effective is underused owing and is the largest antiarrhythmic drug rrial ever conducted, with
to its p.oor tolerability profile. The following summarises key findings a tatal of 4628 patients wirh Ai who had addrtional risk factors
from clinical trials with dronedarone. for death, randomised ro dronedarone (400 mg twice a day) or
placebo. The primary ourcome was rhe first hospiralisation due to
cardiovascular events or dearh.
The EURtDIS and ADONIS trials
At a mean follow-up of 2l^months, the study produced starisrically
These two muhicentre, double-blind. randomised trials were significant results in the primary (Figure l) and the majority of
identical in design iiar a difference in their study locations. EURIDIS its secondary endpoints. A beneficial effect was also' seerr iri ail
was conducted in Furope while ADOlrJlS was conducted in the subgroups regardless of gender. renal failure, cardiovascular disease
United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Argentina. or concurrenr treatmenrs. Sub-analyses of rhe ATHENA dara also
The trials evaluated the efflcacy of dronedarone {400 mg twice showed a srarisrically significant reduction in annual rates of l)
dailyi compared with placebo, with a primary end pJint of srroke;7) stroke or TIA; 3) stroke, ACS or CV dearh; and 4) stroke,
time to firsr recurrenee of atrial fibrillation cr flutter. Both trials ACS or all-cause death.
showed a significant and consistent reduction in {irst recurrence of
atrial fibrillation,/fluner {tURlDl$; p=0.0138: ADONIS; p=0.00 l7) In terms of.adverse events, QT-interval prcrlongation, diarhoea
compared with placebo. Dronedarone also significanrly reduced and reduced creatine excretion were seen more regulariy with
ventricular rate {p<0.0001) and the secondary endpoint af rime dronedarone. The later adverse event is an imporuant consideration
to ali cause ho,spitalisation or death was shown to be significantly as physicians ffia/ stop antihypertensive treatrnent on the
reduced {p=0.0i) versus placebo. presumption thar increased creatinine levels indicare renal failure,
without considerrng normal urea paramerers. This may place rhe
patient at increased risk of cardiovascular evenrs.
This studywas designed to assessthe potential benefitofdronedarone
(400 mg twice daily) in reducing martality and CHF hospiralisarions

Drug Froperries Mortality Benefit in AF Safety Pro{ile

* Highly lipophilic * Not demonstrated* (trend to increased - Pulmonary adverse events
- '/z-life:59 days mortality in AF srudies) * Thyroid adverse events
* 3V"/o iodine by weight "studies were not designed and/ ar powered - Hepatic toxicities
* Numerous drug-to-drug interactions to demonstrate an effect on mortality.
a^-^^-l J^^^,:L-
- LU' I rsdr ucP9srLS
* Optic neuroparhy
- Skin discolouration
* th-life'.24 hours
- Significant risk reduction in CV death - Very low risk of torsade de pointes
* No iodine moiety * Significant risk reduction for * No evidence of amiodarone-like organ
- l'lethane sulfonyl group arrhythmic death toxicity (thyroid, pulmonary hepatic, erc)
reduces lipophilicity * Increased rate of transienr
Gl adverse events

Table l" Key differences between dronedarone and amiodarone


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