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The Research: Sources of Information: Libecourse

In 2006, a landmark study, School Librar-

ies and Student Achievement in Ontario, Canadian Coalition for School Libraries Elementary School
was released. Colorado State Library

Your School
The study was led by Queen’s University
educational researcher, Dr. Donald Klinger Tucson Unified K-12 Teacher Librarian Cadre
and was based on Ontario data: Grade 3 and

Surrey School District 36 Job Description Hand-
6 EQAO data and People for Education Track-
ing Reports for the same schools. book

Ontario School Library Association

The study demonstrates similar results to
numerous international studies which show
the positive relationship between profession-
ally staffed school libraries and student BC Coalition for School Libraries
achievement. does_n.htm


s k:
 The presence of a teacher-librarian was the s May A profes-
single strongest predictor of reading enjoy- Parent s t a ff ed by a
l libra r y ate
e schoo h adequ
ment for both Grade 3 and 6 students. 1. Is th ra rian wit
ache r- lib st ents
 Schools with teacher-librarians could be sional te e t o w ork with
expected to have reading enjoyment scores ible tim
and flex
that were 8 percentile points higher than chers? s
and tea student
lib r a ry open to c h ool?
l after s
 Reading enjoyment is strongly and posi- e schoo ch and
2. Is th a t lu n
tively linked to student achievement. chool, ning
before s for lear
 Schools with professionally-trained school nn u a l budget
is the a
library staff could be expected to have 3. What
reading achievement scores that were ap- materia
ls? school
a te r ia ls in the
proximately 5.5 percentile points higher ning m atch for
he lear good m
than average in Grade 6 EQAO results. 4. Are t t a n d a
 Schools without trained library staff tend to library c nments
h ild ’s assig
have lower achievement on Grade 3 and 6 you r c ork with
EQAO reading tests, both in terms of aver- h e r- li b rarian w
the teac learn?
age achievement and attaining Level 3 or 5. Does
to assis
t s t ud ents to
’s re-
K EY to ment,
o f t he
et part elp
t Ach
 Eastern and Northern regions of the prov- e intern rarian h
6. Is th acher-lib
ince are particularly disadvantaged due to
? Does
th e te
t use of
t he
d e n
lower staffing levels. sources
m a ke the bes Stu , acy,
s to
in g te r
web? Read tio nal Li
Infor c ess!
By Eugene Yue S u c
Some facts you From the HANDBOOK—
should know: Job Description of your
Studies have shown that schools with well-stocked school’s teacher-
libraries, managed by qualified teacher-librarians librarian:
working with teaching staff, achieve standardized
A Teacher-Librarian collaborates with all school staff
test scores that tend to be 15-20% higher than in and:
schools without a library and library teaching pro-
a) promotes the role of the Teacher-Librarian and
gramme. the School Library Resource Centre Program as
integral components in the development of life-
Your teacher-librarian manages the school library,
long learners.
but she also works closely with classroom teachers,
b) promotes the School Library as the literacy cen-
selecting learning materials for the school, as well
tre of the school.
as providing instruction on research skills, note-
c) promotes the role of the School Library program
taking, organizing data, footnotes/endnotes, etc.
in improving the student learning.
Your teacher-librarian is trained as a teachers, as d) uses the Co-operative Planning and Teaching
well as in library organization, and in curriculum Model to develop, implement and evaluate re-
coordination with teaching staff to ensure that the What you can do source-based units.

research portions of all learning units are well e) assists students and staff with the development
planned and properly taught. as the Principal: of skills needed to enable the learner to locate,
analyze, evaluate and apply information from a
In relation to public libraries, your school library is Get to know the resources and layout of the school variety of media.
more accessible, more frequently visited by your library. f) develops and implements strategies which pro-
students, and has a better collection specifically mote literature appreciation
Encourage collaboration between classroom teach-
tailored to the curriculum needs of your students. g) develops and implements routines and proce-
ers and the school librarian through scheduling.
dures which ensure the effective operation of the
Even though students are familiar with surfing the
Include your teacher librarian in professional de- School Library and the effective use of library
internet on their own, your school library program resources and services.
velopment incentives.
provides them with guidance on how to use online
h) provides recommendations to the school princi-
resources effectively and critically, and in combina- Support your teacher-librarian in providing an open
pal regarding development and maintenance of
tion with other sources of information such as ency- and accessible library for staff and students.
the library collection and library budget.
clopaedias, periodicals, subscription databases, etc Include information and details about the school i) plans and administers School Library budgets.
library media centre program in the school news-
j) develops and monitors the library collection by
letter. setting priorities and establishing procedures for
the evaluation and selection of library resources.
Utilize your teacher-librarian’s expertise in devel-
oping or maintaining your school-wide literacy pro- k) plans for the effective use of School Library cleri-
gram. cal and technical staff.

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