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Jalan BathinAlam, SungaiAlam, Bengkalis, Riau 28711
Telepon: (0766) 7008877, Faximile (0766) 8001000
Laman: http.://


Prodi : Administrasi Bisnis Internasional Hari : Kamis
Semester :2A&B Tanggal : 12 April 2017
NamaDosen : Hutomo Atman Maulana, M.Si Waktu : 150 Menit
Mata Kuliah : Statistik Bisnis SifatUjian : Closed Book,
Cheat Sheet 1 page,
Z- Table 2 page
Petunjuk Pengerjaan:
 Bacalah dengan teliti sebelum menjawab soal-soal di bawah ini
 Soal boleh dijawab tidak berurutan
 Poin jawaban benar tertera pada masing-masing soal
 Setiap jawaban ditulis dengan menggunakan pena/ballpoint
 Bekerjalah dengan tenang dan jujur

1. ABee Mart has 3 locations in Bengkalis Regency. Daily sales (in hundreds of dollars)
from a random sample of 10 weekdays from each of the 3 locations are given in the
following table:
Table ABee Mart Sales (in $100s)
Bengkalis 6 8 10 12 14 9 11 7 13 11
Sei. Pakning 1 19 2 18 11 10 3 17 4 17
Mandau 2 3 25 20 22 19 25 20 22 26
a. Calculate mean, median, mode, and variance for the sales from one location only!
b. Plot the sales by using a box-and-whisker plot! (10)
2. Suppose that a real estate agent, Peniti Bross, has 5 contacts, and she believes that for
each contact the probability of making a sale is 0,40.
a. Find the probablity that she makes at most 1 sale! (10)
b. Graph the probabilty and cumulative distribution function (pdf and cdf)! (20)
3. A contractor is uncertain of the precise total costs for either materials or labor for a
project. In addition, the total line of credit for financing the project is $260.000, and the
contractor wants to know the probability that total costs exceed $260.000. It is believed
that material costs can be represented by a normally distributed random variable with
mean $100.000 and standard deviation $10.000. Labor costs are $1.500 a day, and the
number of days needed to complete the project can be represented by a normally
distributed random variable with mean 80 and standard deviation 12. Assuming that
material and labor costs are independent.
a. What are the mean and standard deviation of the total project cost (materials plus
labor)? (20)
b. What is the probability that the total project cost is greater than $260.000? (20)

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