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Guidebook in Air Conditioning Design and Analysis

3. A dryer is to deliver 1,000 kg/hr of palay with a final moisture content of

1 0 % . T h e i n i t i al mo i s t u r e c o nt e nt i n t he f e e d i s 1 5 % at a t mo s p h e r i c
condition with 32°C DB and 21°C WB. The dryer is maintained at 45°C,
while the relative humidity of the hot humid air from the dryer is 80%. If
t he steam pressur e supplied t o t he heater i s 2 Mpaa, deter mi ne:
a) the amount of palay supplied to the dryer in kg/hr and the temperature
of the hot humid ai r from the dr yer i n ° C
b) the mass flow rate of air supplied to the dryer, in m 3 /hr
c) the heat capacity of the heater in kW
d) the steam supplied to the heater in kg/hr. (ME Board Problem, October

4 . A d r ye r i s t o d el i ve r 0 . 3 0 kg/ s o f c a ss a va w i t h 2% mo i s t ur e a n d 20%
moisture in the feed. Determine the mass of air required if the change in
humidity ratio is 0.0165 kg/kg d.a.

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