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Policy and Practice

The knowledge-value chain: a conceptual framework for

knowledge translation in health
Réjean Landry,a Nabil Amara,a Ariel Pablos-Mendes,b Ramesh Shademani,b & Irving Gold c

Abstract This article briefly discusses knowledge translation and lists the problems associated with it. Then it uses knowledge-
management literature to develop and propose a knowledge-value chain framework in order to provide an integrated conceptual
model of knowledge management and application in public health organizations. The knowledge-value chain is a non-linear concept
and is based on the management of five dyadic capabilities: mapping and acquisition, creation and destruction, integration and
sharing/transfer, replication and protection, and performance and innovation.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2006;84:597-602.

Voir page 601 le résumé en français. En la página 601 figura un resumen en español. .602 ‫ميكن االطالع عىل امللخص بالعربية يف صفحة‬

Introduction unprecedented global investments in interactive process that depends on hum-

health research have generated a vast man beings and their context. The transf-
The golden era of modern research,
pool of knowledge that is underused and fer of knowledge from one community
which started after the Second World
not translated rapidly enough into new or organizational unit to another usually
War, was a period during which research
or improved health policies, products, faces five problems: knowledge access,
findings outside strategic government
services and outcomes. KT comes at knowledge incompleteness, knowledge
projects were published 1 and passive
a time when the gap between what is asymmetry, knowledge valuation and
diffusion followed. The 1970s saw the
known and what gets done (the know– knowledge incompatibility (Box 1).5–8
birth of evidence-based medicine, which
used a “push strategy” of both active do gap) is highlighted by shortfalls in
dissemination of practice guidelines and equity (for example, as underscored by The knowledge-value chain
education for their local interpretation the Millennium Development Goals) 3
Knowledge management studies tend to
and adaptation; technology assessment and quality (resulting in the developm-
adopt the organization as their focus of
also emerged at a time when private ment of the patient safety movement) attention, thus looking at how organiz-
industry took over most of the research in health services. However, there is a zational characteristics affect the translat-
and development of products. At the limited interpretation of KT as a linear tion and implementation of knowledge
time, conceptual frameworks derived transaction between research “produce- in the solving of public health problems.
from the social theory of the diffusion ers” and “users” who trade knowledge as The management literature considers
of innovation included those of research a commodity. Knowledge can be created knowledge to be the resource with the
transfer and research utilization; the priv- without science and KT is not research: highest strategic value for organizations.
vate sector developed value-chain models it moves from responding to curiosity For public health organizations, such as
and marketing strategies. The success of to focusing on purpose and problem WHO, the capability to acquire, create,
evidence-based medicine, however, plat- solving. It is defined as “the synthesis, share and apply knowledge represents
teaued in the 1990s and the new millenn- exchange and application of knowledge their most significant capability in terms
nium dawned bringing fresh thinking to by relevant stakeholders to accelerate the of solving public health problems. Two
this old frontier. In Canada, for example, benefits of global and local innovation characteristics arise from such a perspect-
as the institutions were reorganized or in strengthening health systems and tive on knowledge and organizations.
created, the term “knowledge translat- improving people’s health”.4 More conc- The first characteristic is related to the
tion” was coined and it emphasized cretely, KT is about creating, transferring process of knowledge application. The
models of linkage and exchange.2 and transforming knowledge from one second characteristic is related to the
The concept of knowledge translat- social or organizational unit to another aim of knowledge application, which
tion (KT) is developing at a time when in a value-creating chain: it is a complex is to create value for organizations.

Department of Management, Faculty of Business, Laval University, Québec City, Canada G1K 7P4.
Department of Knowledge Management and Sharing, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Correspondence to Ramesh Shademani
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Ref. No. 06-031724
(Submitted: 7 April 2006 – Final revised version received: 2 June 2006 – Accepted: 5 June 2006 )

Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2006, 84 (8) 597

Special Theme – Knowledge Translation in Global Health
The knowledge-value chain Réjean Landry et al.

These two characteristics suggest that health professions, policy-makers and are the outputs and outcomes; and (4)
knowledge should be managed and managers of public health organizations knowledge creates future opportunities
used as a resource that adds value to the rely on the use of complementary types — using knowledge improves learning
activities undertaken in the production of knowledge in a context where explicit which, in turn, creates opportunities for
and delivery processes of public health research knowledge does not usually future action and interventions.
organizations. In management literat- dominate. The lesson that can be derived Conversely, knowledge also carries
ture, this idea of value creation is often from examining the different types of value-decreasing characteristics that
approached through the concept of a knowledge used is that sound decisions public health officials need to consider:
knowledge-value chain. The arguments and professional practices must be based (1) knowledge assets are more difficult
that follow describe the framework on multiple types and pieces of knowle- to manage than tangible assets such as
presented in Fig. 1 (the arrows linking edge that bring complementary contrib- medical equipment; (2) investments in
the components of the chain indicate butions to problem solving.10 Explicit knowledge assets aimed at developing
the non-linear nature of the knowledge- and tacit knowledge are especially imp- or improving public health programmes
value chain). portant with respect to knowing how to and interventions are risky due to their
In this paper, the concept of a perform a particular task, solve problems role in the early stages of innovation; (3)
knowledge-value chain is developed in and manage change in unique, complex knowledge assets are difficult to measure;
three stages. First, we look at what the or uncertain circumstances. Additionally, and (4) valuing knowledge assets is diffic-
word “knowledge” could mean for public organizations are necessary to provide cult. These last two characteristics mean
health organizations. Second, we cons- the infrastructure in which individuals that collecting solid evidence on knowle-
sider the value characteristics of knowle- can coordinate the integration of their edge investment and returns from investm-
edge. Third, we review the five dyadic specialized knowledge in order to solve ments in public health programmes and
capabilities supporting the concept of a problems. interventions is usually not easy.
knowledge-value chain in public health
organizations. What are the value charact- From knowledge to the
teristics of knowledge? knowledge-value chain
What does knowledge Knowledge is information whose By defining knowledge as the capacity to
mean for public health certainty is context-dependent and that act, we postulate that the combined use
organizations? gives individuals and organizations the of knowledge and other resources gives
capacity to act. Knowledge is the result organizations their capabilities for act-
Knowledge constitutes an intangible tion. There is no consensus with respect
resource that takes multivariate forms. of a series of three successive transform-
mations. to the critical capabilities required to
Blumentritt & Johnston have reviewed manage knowledge productively.11 In
the most frequently cited typologies of 1. From reality to data: This transform-
mation allows individuals and organ- public health, five dyadic capabilities app-
knowledge.9 Their review shows that pear to be of critical importance: (1) the
there is an overlap between typologies. nizations to develop instruments to
represent, collect, record, and store capabilities of mapping and acquisition
Clearly, there is no consensus about the complement each other; (2) creation is
level of analysis at which knowledge is discrete facts about reality.
2. From data to information (also partly associated with destruction; (3)
a valid concept. For the sake of this pap- integration is dependent on sharing
per it is useful to categorize knowledge called “know-what”): This transf-
and transfer; (4) replication is related
according to its articulability and its formation allows individuals and
to protection; and (5) performance ass-
holders. Articulability refers to the differe- organizations to process and organize
sessment is linked with innovation.
entiation between explicit (or codified) data in order to create a message, such
Knowledge creation is the capability that
knowledge and tacit knowledge. Explicit as by producing reports.
has received the most attention from the
knowledge is knowledge that can be cons- 3. From information to knowledge
research community. The other capab-
sciously understood and articulated, for (also called “know-how”): This bilities are less well documented but the
example, in the form of scientific articles, transformation allows individuals management literature has something to
books, guidelines and electronic records. and organizations to interpret inform- say about all of them.
It includes explanatory knowledge and mation in order to derive an action. From an organizational perspective,
explicit propositions. Tacit knowledge is the interdependence of such dyadic cap-
knowledge that the knowledge holder is Knowledge carries characteristics pabilities generates a knowledge-value
not aware of. For instance, the knowle- that increase or decrease its value. In the chain that moves from knowledge
edge holder may know how to ride a field of public health, one can associate mapping and acquisition up to the
bicycle but could articulate this know- four value-increasing characteristics production and delivery of new or imp-
how only with great effort. with knowledge: (1) the deployment proved public health programmes and
When addressing issues related to of knowledge is possible at the same interventions delivering added value
knowledge application, technical experts time in multiple sites around the world; for people. 12–14 The mission, vision,
have the inclination to depend almost (2) knowledge increases in value when goals and strategies of a public health
exclusively on explicit knowledge. The used by multiple knowledge holders; organization or social enterprise drive
realm of biotechnology research and (3) knowledge brings increasing returns the knowledge-value chain. The higher
evidence-based medicine is dominated (instead of diminishing returns as tang- the knowledge performance related to
by the intensive use of explicit knowle- gible assets may) — the more we use dyadic capabilities, the higher the value
edge. By comparison, practitioners in the it, the better we use it and the better generated (Fig. 1).

598 Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2006, 84 (8)

Special Theme – Knowledge Translation in Global Health
Réjean Landry et al. The knowledge-value chain

Knowledge mapping and Box 1. Knowledge translation problems

The internal knowledge mapping in Knowledge access
a public health organization allows it At its root, KT is often pre-empted by basic access to key information and expertise. This applies
to learn what it knows. It refers to the both to the ability to learn of the existence of knowledge and the ability to retrieve it in a timely
and usable form. The end results are wasted opportunities and reinventing of wheels. The sheer
understanding and self-awareness that volume of information available is itself a challenge, as are the digital divide and the exclusionary
an organization has with respect to its nature of expensive intellectual property. Indexes, search engines, expertise locators and social
knowledge resources and their limitat- networks are making it much easier today, as are various public and private efforts to facilitate
tions.15 Internal knowledge is especially affordable access to premier information and know-how.
important because it is unique, specific Knowledge incompleteness
to the organization, tacit and therefore When the attributes of the knowledge in a given transfer transaction are not completely specified,
difficult to reproduce by knowledge knowledge incompleteness happens. Research knowledge represents abstract principles dealing
holders located outside the organization. with fundamental relations between causes and effects. There might be a gap between these
On the other hand, external knowledge abstract principles and their concrete application in new or improved products and services.
acquisition refers to a capability for ext- Proof that abstract principles work is frequently not provided to the recipients of knowledge
ternal awareness, more specifically to the transfer. The probability that recipients of knowledge transfer receive usable technical solutions
decreases as research knowledge becomes more complex.
capacity for identifying and acquiring
knowledge from external sources and Knowledge asymmetry
making it suitable for subsequent use by Knowledge asymmetry occurs when knowledge “users” know more about the problems that
the organization. Knowledge mapping need solving and knowledge “producers” know more about the solutions. There exists a cognitive
and acquisition involve many specific distance between the sources of a given knowledge transaction and its targets. Knowledge users
may be sceptical about the multiple solutions offered, while knowledge producers might feel
capacities — for example, locating, acc- undervalued. The development of trust between users and producers can go a long way towards
cessing, valuing and filtering pertinent facilitating KT; this trust may pass through intermediaries or entrepreneurs who find a timely
knowledge; extracting, collecting, dist- angle to turn a given asymmetry into a worthy challenge and gradient of opportunity.
tilling, refining, interpreting, packagi-
Knowledge valuation
ing and transforming the captured
This is a central issue in knowledge exchange and technology transfer. People exchange
knowledge into usable knowledge; and knowledge when the value gained by the parties is greater than the costs involved. In addition
transferring the usable knowledge within to the cases of information encoded in patents or embedded in technologies and devices traded
the organization for subsequent use in on the private market, it is usually difficult to put an overall value on knowledge because it is
problem solving.11 External knowledge often intangible, largely uncodified or spread over groups of people. Importantly, valuation brings
may provide new ideas and contexts for up issues of trading intellectual and financial capital or some other utilitarian currency. Often,
benchmarking internal knowledge; this however, social capital is involved to facilitate knowledge transactions more efficiently.
type of knowledge is more explicit and Knowledge incompatibility
more costly to acquire but it is easily Knowledge incompatibility arises when knowledge producers or intermediaries attempt to
available from other similar public health transfer to organizations or communities knowledge that is not compatible with their mission,
organizations. historical context, values, skills, resources and prior investments in technologies. The contributions
Based on the results of the knowle- of languages and dialects to knowledge incompatibility grow as the limits of geographical borders
and distances fall in the era of information and communication technology.
edge mapping and acquisition diagnost-
tic, one could attempt to look into the
knowledge gap that may exist between
what a public health organization has a public health professional is exposed to other mapping and acquisition modes
to know to implement its mandate and information when he or she has no spec- are more likely to rely on identifying and
what it currently knows. This assessment cific public health informational needs acquiring ideas, information and knowle-
may lead to one of three conclusions: (1) in mind. Undirected viewing is an inf- edge through informal networks.
the organization faces a situation where formal strategy that can be useful for the
there is an internal knowledge gap if it early detection of emerging problems. Knowledge creation and
does not know enough to implement In conditioned viewing, a public health destruction
its public health mandate; (2) the organ- professional directs his or her viewing The size of internal and external knowle-
nization has an external knowledge gap on information regarding selected publ- edge gaps influences knowledge-creation
if it knows less than what other public lic health topics or issues. During the efforts. The knowledge-creation capab-
health organizations know in order to informal search process, a public health bility refers to the capacity to combine
implement similar mandates; (3) the professional looks for information that knowledge (tacit, explicit, individual
organization has no knowledge gap if it will improve his or her understanding of and collective, internal and external)
knows enough to implement its mandate a specific public health issue. Finally, in a in order to develop new knowledge.17,18
or if it knows more than other public formal search a public health professional Knowledge creation is usually associated
health organizations know in order to engages in a systematic search for ideas, with research and development activities.
implement similar mandates. information and knowledge about a spec- However, it should also be understood
Knowledge mapping and acquisit- cific public health issue. This last mode to include activities such as solving a
tion may rely on one of four organizat- includes conducting systematic reviews public health problem, devising a public
tional modes: undirected viewing, cond- and external surveys as well as training health promotion strategy, discovering a
ditioned viewing, informal search and and hiring employees (in order to bring pattern, developing a public health prog-
formal search.16 In undirected viewing, knowledge into the organization). The gramme or intervention, or conducting

Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2006, 84 (8) 599

Special Theme – Knowledge Translation in Global Health
The knowledge-value chain Réjean Landry et al.

monitoring and evaluation activities. Fig. 1. The knowledge-value chain

Only individuals can create knowledge.
Organizations support and amplify the
knowledge created by individuals.13 Management of physical resources
We know little about the knowle-
edge-destruction capability, which is the Management of human resources
capacity to eliminate pieces of knowledge
Management of financial resources
or disentangle the interconnectedness of
pieces of knowledge.19 Two examples of Knowledge management
knowledge that are frequently targeted

Strategic level
Strategy formulation Strategy implementation
for destruction include professional Strategies
behaviour based on experience and
organizational routines.20 Knowledge
destruction frequently paves the way
for knowledge creation and innovation. level

or spending on restructuring and re- TRANSFER
engineering shows how difficult it is to
abandon old knowledge. The literature
on evidence-based medicine also shows Research Sharing IP
Tools Intelligence and Absorption
to what extent it is difficult to destroy development
tools tools
Tactical level

old knowledge and replace it with the

implementation of new knowledge (for Formal and Push
Informal— informal Commu- Pull Best practice
example, replacing old clinical guidelines Tactics
systematic research nities of net- mation— performance
and prac- working
with new). development tice exploitation

Knowledge integration and a

IP = intellectual property. WHO 06.111
Knowledge integration is the capacity to
transform a public health organization’s health organization. By contrast, sharing Knowledge replication and
knowledge resources (tacit, explicit, implies person-to-person interactions protection
individual, organizational, internal, during which one individual converts his The knowledge that has been shared
external) into actionable knowledge by or her (individual and often tacit) knowle- or transferred provides a template or
taking into account the organization’s edge into a form that can be understood a guideline for decisions and actions.
strengths, weaknesses and opportunities by other members in the organization.23 Knowledge replication is the capacity to
as well as threats to the organization.13 Knowledge sharing provides the mechan- identify the attributes of the knowledge
Over time, public health organizations nism to transform individual knowledge that are replicable, how these attributes
develop more or less explicit processes into organizational knowledge that can can be recreated, and the characteristics
to synthesize the internal knowledge be redeployed to create value and solve of the contexts in which they can be repl-
accumulated and to integrate it with problems at the organizational level. licated successfully.28 Replicating temp-
knowledge acquired from other organiz- Knowledge sharing is a social process plates and guidelines is never easy. There
zations or other external sources (such that may lead to the emergence of comm- are always significant differences between
as scientific publications or clinical munities of practice.24 In public health, the attributes of the knowledge and
guidelines). Organizations integrate such communities exist at the local, reg- the context of the action and decisions
the knowledge accumulated over time, gional, national and international levels. described in the templates and guidel-
developing and delivering programmes, Knowledge transfer complements lines, and a real public health context.
interventions and services using knowle- knowledge sharing. Like Ipe,21 we ass- Moreover, the knowledge that is shared
edge from external sources. sociate sharing with an exchange of and transferred is never provided with
Integrating disjointed pieces of raw knowledge between individuals and “how-to” manuals appropriate to fit all
knowledge into actionable knowledge we associate transfer with the exchange local conditions. The many idiosyncratic
is necessary but not sufficient to solve of knowledge between organizations features of the local context in which
public health problems; knowledge or departments or divisions within public health organizations operate make
must also be shared and transferred. organizations. The literature has ident- the precise replication of templates and
Knowledge sharing refers to the capacity tified many factors that contribute to guidelines difficult, if not impossible.
to make available pertinent knowledge the successful sharing and transfer of Knowledge replication must be guided
to others within an organization, a prog- knowledge: the type of knowledge, the by the attributes of the local context of
gramme, a project or an intervention.21 formal and informal mechanisms linking actions and decisions, especially with
Knowledge sharing is more demanding the sources and recipients of knowledge respect to public health.
than knowledge reporting.22 Reporting that provide opportunities to share and The capacity to replicate knowledge
involves disseminating information exchange, and organizational factors, improves the efficacy and efficiency of
through codified formats (such as an IT which include the culture of the work public health programmes and intervent-
system) to target groups within a public environment.21,25–27 tions. However, knowledge replication

600 Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2006, 84 (8)

Special Theme – Knowledge Translation in Global Health
Réjean Landry et al. The knowledge-value chain

is limited by many legal mechanisms of 3. final beneficiaries of knowledge Conclusions

knowledge protection, such as patents, translation — the extent to which
Any knowledge-management strategy
copyrights, trademarks and confident- evidence-based policy decisions and should address these five perspectives and
tiality agreements. Public health organ- evidence-based professional practices formulate objectives and success factors
nizations aim to facilitate knowledge are translated into new or improved for each perspective. However, each public
replication in a context in which the products and services and superior health organization or community will arr-
biomedical industry frequently places public health outcomes; rive at its own particular trade-offs between
the emphasis on knowledge protection 4. internal organizational process — the five perspectives in order to achieve its
(patent protection). to provide an account of the activit- strategic knowledge-translation goals.29
ties and processes that public health The learning and innovation perspective is
Knowledge performance and organizations must develop and excel likely to be the primary driver in achieving
innovation at to achieve a milieu of superior superior outcomes for the final beneficiaries
The assessment of knowledge perform- knowledge creation, sharing, transfer of knowledge application. Such a pers-
mance is the capacity to assess to what and replication for evidence-based spective is supported by improved policy
extent the replication of knowledge del- policy decisions and evidence-based and managerial processes which, in turn,
livers the desired outputs and outcomes. professional practices and to achieve contribute to enhancing evidence-based
Assessments are usually undertaken for superior outcomes for the final bene- decision-making and evidence-based prof-
one or a combination of perspectives fessional practice. As a result, the enhanced
eficiaries of knowledge application.
that aim to balance the financial and use of evidence contributes to achieving
non-financial outputs and outcomes.29–31 superior outcomes for the final beneficiar-
The performance-assessment capabili-
These perspectives assess: ries of knowledge translation, which in
ity is oriented towards the short term.
1. value for money — the public health return, generate value for money invested
benefits arising from investments in It should always be complemented by
in knowledge and, through a feedback
the creation, sharing and application an innovation capability that is more
process, enhance learning and product and
of knowledge; future-oriented. The innovation capab-
service innovation and development. O
2. knowledge users — the extent to bility is the capacity to develop a better
which public health policy decisions, understanding of the knowledge applic- Funding: Réjean Landry and Nabil
community enterprises and professiona- cation process to enhance the future use Amara acknowledge the financial supp-
al practices are based on sound evidence of research evidence and other sources port of the Canadian Health Services
and the extent to which evidence-based of knowledge in the development and Research Foundation and Canadian
policy decisions and evidence-based improvement of products and services Institutes of Health Research for the
professional practices contribute to and to achieve superior outcomes for preparation of this paper.
the development of new products and the final beneficiaries of knowledge
services or improve them; translation. Competing interests: none declared.

La chaîne de valeur des connaissances : un cadre conceptuel pour la mise en pratique des connaissances
en santé
L’article présente brièvement la mise en pratique des connaissances mise en pratique des connaissances dans les organismes de santé
et recense les difficultés que rencontre cette opération. Il utilise publique. Ce modèle est non linéaire et repose sur l’organisation
ensuite la littérature disponible sur la gestion des connaissances de cinq couples d’activités : cartographie et acquisition, création
pour développer et proposer un cadre du type chaîne de valeur, et destruction, intégration et partage/transfert, reproduction et
visant à fournir un modèle conceptuel intégré de la gestion et de la protection, et performances et innovation.

La cadena de revalorización de los conocimientos: un marco conceptual para la traslación de
conocimientos en materia de salud
En este artículo se analiza brevemente la traslación de conocimientos organizaciones de salud pública. La cadena de revalorización de
y se enumeran los problemas asociados. A continuación se hace uso los conocimientos es un concepto no lineal, basado en la gestión
de las publicaciones existentes sobre la gestión de los conocimientos de cinco capacidades binarias: mapeo y adquisición, creación y
para desarrollar y proponer un sistema de cadena de revalorización destrucción, integración e intercambio/transferencia, replicación
de los conocimientos con miras a ofrecer un modelo conceptual y protección, y desempeño e innovación.
integrado de gestión y aplicación de los conocimientos en las

Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2006, 84 (8) 601

Special Theme – Knowledge Translation in Global Health
The knowledge-value chain Réjean Landry et al.

‫ إطار عمل مفاهيمي‬:‫سلسلة املعارف وال ِقيَم‬
‫لرتجمة املعارف الصحية إىل عمل‬
‫املعارف وال ِقيَم مفهوم غري خطِّ ي يستند عىل إدارة خمسة من القدرات‬ ‫يلخص هذا املقال ترجمة املعارف إىل عمل ويعرض قامئة باملشكالت التي‬
‫ والتكامل‬،‫ وهي رسم الخرائط واكتسابها والخلق واإلتالف‬،‫الديناميكية‬ ‫ ثم يستفيد من النرشيات حول إدارة املعارف إلعداد واقرتاح إطار‬،‫تصاحبها‬
.‫ والنسخ والحامية واألداء واالبتكار‬،‫والتقاسم والنقل‬ ‫ إن سلسلة‬.‫عمل سلسلة املعارف وال ِقيَم وتطبيقها يف تنظيم الصحة العمومية‬

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