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Star’s Edge International

Personal Integrity Course

These pages includes all six steps of the Avatar Personal
Integrity Course. This mini-course is a powerful awareness
booster; try it for yourself.

Follow the steps beginning on page 2 and allow yourself

to be truly honest about what you find. You can expect
improved well-being, insights into attacks and
disagreements, and a freeing of creative energy.

© Copyright 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved.

Attention Educators:
Contact Star’s Edge, Inc., 237 N. Westmonte Drive, Altamonte Springs,
Florida, 32714, (407-788-3090) for permission and requirements for
copying these materials.

Avatar®, ReSurfacing®, Thoughtstorm® and Star’s Edge International® are registered service marks of Star’s Edge Inc.
Enlightened Planetary Civilization, EPC, EJP, CHP, and Love Precious Humanity are service marks licensed to Star’s Edge Inc.
Avatar® Personal Integrity Course

To become completely honest with yourself and take ownership of
your own experiences. Honesty with yourself leads to compassion for

Improved well-being, insights into attacks and disagreements, a
freeing of creative energy.

Complete the checklist below.

1 Read: A Private Talk on Honesty pp 1-4 _________

2 Read: Becoming Real pp 4-5 _________

3 Read: Enlightened Justice Procedure pp 5-10 _________

4 Do Exercise: Self-Deception Signals p 11 _________

5 Do Exercise: Walk For Atonement p 12 _________

6 Do Exercise : Compassion Exercise p 13 _________


© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved


What did you set out to do? __________________________________________________________________________


What did you actually do? ___________________________________________________________________________


What actually happened? ____________________________________________________________________________


❑ Mission Accomplished ❑ Mission Incomplete ❑ Actions Inappropriate

Personal Integrity
avatar mini-course by Harry Palmer
Personal Responsibility
It seems easier to defend actions than to honestly
examine them. We are quicker to attack than to admit.
Admissions require courage!

When we summon the courage to take ownership of

our experiences, to see them just as they are, to feel
them, we will recover the blueprints of our lives. We
will face our fears and find the transparent beliefs that
create them. Becoming more honest with ourselves
means introducing more honesty into the collective
consciousness of the world, and this lays a foundation
upon which an enlightened planetary civilization can
be built.

STEP 1: A Private Talk On Honesty

From Living Deliberately by Harry Palmer

The ancient Greek philosopher rather than an actual experience of

Diogenes is said to have wandered what is present.
the streets of Athens with a lantern Dishonest displays of so-called
looking for an honest person. “honest” feelings are often
Since Diogenes’ most remarkable intended to deceive, manipulate or
teachings have become known as to camouflage hidden agendas, for
the Cynic school of philosophy,* I example, Your distrust hurts me
assume that his wanderings were deeply. Treating others dishonestly
in vain. invariably results in a lowering of
Honesty is a very delicate sub- respect for them. Friends we have
ject to talk about. In most circles, discarded, we have first deceived.
no one would ever be so tactless as The same applies to the respect we
to even bring it up. Pirates, crimi- have for ourselves and our lost
nals, swindlers and con artists selves. Dishonesty is at the root of
proclaim their honesty most asserted self-importance.
loudly. No wonder it has become a We seem able to lie easily about
subject that tends to besmirch the our own honesty. Some part of us
speaker at its mere mention. automatically insists that we are
So I am aware that I am walking honest without even inspecting
on the thin ice of the holier-than- what we are doing or saying.
thou, but this is an important sub- Catch children in the act and more
ject. Without self-honesty, a person than likely the first words out of
will substitute rationalized think- their mouths will be, “I didn’t do
ing for his or her genuine feelings. it!”
With such, the question, “What do It seems easier to defend actions Harry Palmer, author of
you feel?” will evoke intellectual than to honestly examine them. the Avatar materials
speculation (What should I feel?)
• continues

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 1

Personal Integrity

A Private Talk On Honesty continued

We are quicker to attack than to So, do we have the courage to difficult, or painful, instead of
admit. Admissions require face what we fear? This is life’s withdrawing from it
courage! most severe test – failure leads to
Being honest is really a question unawareness. n. not equal to
of courage – courage enough to Unawareness arising from fear is what is required or considered
face what we fear. This gets lost in why people are dishonest. The sufficient
the smoke screen of deceptions belief responsible for the fear may
that is used to justify dishonesty. be lost in confusion or hidden in pre.tend vt. an effort to experi-
Whenever we accept that there is the shame of humiliation. The ence or display something dif-
good reason to be dishonest – invitation is to avoid, to forget, to ferent from what one feels or
hardship, desperation, depression, go stupid, and the urge to be right believes (in regard to self, others
ignorance, victimhood, etc. – we further sanctions our ignorance. or events)
increase the evidence for fearing What a breath of fresh air to face
what we are avoiding. And what a dishonest act and say, “I did it Deliberate pretending is an acting
is it? Only this: Fear is a BELIEF because I was afraid. Period!” That skill and shouldn’t be confused with
in our inadequacy to deal with is the first step toward discovering compulsive pretending-motivated-by-
something. And that belief pre- the hidden fear. What a relief! fear, which is a specialized form of
cedes any evidence of failure we There is no longer a need to strug- dishonesty that masks one’s inten-
have collected. gle to change the world or circum- tions. The following observations
stances or anybody apply to compulsive pretending.
else. You can work on Compulsive pretending soaks
yourself. You need only up one’s attention and consumes
The harsh judgments you to gather your courage creative energies. Compulsive
make about others are about and look for a BELIEF pretending destroys motivation
the same things you resist you have about your and displaces intuition. Compul-
recognizing in yourself. own inadequacy. At the sive pretending reduces one’s abil-
bottom of every dis- ity to operate harmoniously in the
honest act, there is at world. Compulsive pretending
least one. creates an internal stress that seeks
Here is a remarkable an outlet. Sometimes the result is
observation that has disease, sometimes violence.
profound implications Eventually, compulsive pretense
for the future of the deadens the ability to deal hon-
world: As people handle estly with others or to be honest
their transparent and with oneself. Every time one is
hidden beliefs, they reminded (or accused) of pretend-
become naturally more ing, the response is to become
honest. defensive and critical. Eventually
one loses touch with his or her
cour.age n. the attitude genuine feelings. Pretenders create
of facing and dealing false identities that are staged,
with anything recog- egocentric and insensitive.
nized as dangerous,
• continues

* The Cynics believe that right actions (courage) and right

thinking (self-honesty) are the only things of value. They
believe that independence of worldly needs and pleasures
brings liberation. They believe that right actions and right
thinking are the only things that can save one from wasted
lifetimes spent in material pursuits.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 2

Personal Integrity

A Private Talk On Honesty continued

Pretenders criticize, gossip about the antisocial, criminal minds, selves become the fugitives of
and covertly attack people whose sinners, etc., are the compilations society. They punish themselves
honesty reminds them of their of pretenders. (It is a sensible wis- indirectly by putting their trust in
own pretenses; eventually this dom to view the accuser with the people who are least likely to
becomes a compulsive behavior some suspicion.) return it. Then they parade the fact
pattern. They assume that every- People who cannot trust them- that they have been betrayed. This
eases their own burden. In place of
personal integrity, they rely on the
Pretending is imagination without faith. Creating grand absolution of sin: Everybody
is imagination with faith. People who believe in does it! Their personal lives are a
their pretenses create them for real. • continues

one else is also pretending, so their

attacks specialize in exposé.
Pretenders are good people
frightened into bad actions. They Honesty is a path that
operate on hidden agendas. To leads to happiness.
lessen their sense of guilt, they Becoming honest is an
project onto others identities that act of self renewal.
deserve to be cheated, swindled,
robbed, lied about, deceived or
defrauded in some way. Most of
the definitive catalogs describing

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 3

Personal Integrity
A Private Talk On Honesty continued
whirlpool of bad relationships and esty – even when it means expos- synergetic result. Networking and
failed projects. In the end, pretense ing ourselves to the criticism and new opportunities present them-
strengthens the fear it was meant judgments of pretenders. selves. Relationships develop that
to conceal. Honesty is a path that leads to are rewarding and provide a mea-
happiness. Becoming honest is an sure of security that no amount of
• • • • act of self renewal. money, power or fame can pro-
vide. Valid trust arises.
You have done and can do no wrong When we summon the courage
I do not share. to take ownership of our experi-
As disagreeable as it may be to ences, to see them just as they are,
contemplate, the dishonesty I
encounter in the world is a reflec-
to feel them, we will recover the
blueprints of our lives. We will
Some Key
tion of my own pretense. Pretend- face our fears and find the trans- Questions:
ing that I am honest and that oth- parent beliefs that create them.
ers are not doesn’t work. That is Becoming more honest with our- Do my words and actions
the trap that awaits those who will selves means introducing more
not assume ownership for the honesty into the collective con- add to the collective honesty in
world’s dishonesty. sciousness of the world, and this the world or to the collective
We are all dishonest as long as lays a foundation upon which an
we do not compassionately work enlightened planetary civilization dishonesty?
to correct the collective dishonesty can be built.
of the world. How? Punishments The result of living honestly is
Would I like living in a world
and threats of exposure are poor feeling and sharing – compassion
answers. A better answer is for and empathy. There is a joy in where everyone is as honest as
each of us, in our personal lives willingly integrating with the con- I am?
and our dealings with others, to sciousness of others. Attention and
set a courageous example of hon- creative energies combine with a

STEP 2: Becoming Real honest having a sense of honor; having

From ReSurfacing® by Harry Palmer honorable feelings, motives or principles;
free from deceit or hypocrisy; true,
candid, upright, or just in speech and
We are each born with a spark of What determines if our spark of action; fair in dealing or sincere in
divinity. When this spark glows divinity glows brightly, sharing its utterance; worthy to be trusted
brightly, we experience our best light and blessing with other
and noblest aspects. We cooperate divine sparks, or fades to black? integrate to bring together into a whole
and are real for each other. This Honesty. Honesty is the measure of
condition occurs instinctively dur- our willingness for others to know integrity unimpaired condition, whole-
ing times of crisis, but it can also our actions, our thoughts, our feel- ness, entireness, purity, completeness
be deliberately created to accom- ings, and our intentions. Anything
plish great works. that reduces this willingness sepa- dishonest having or exercising a
On the other hand, when the rates us further from source. disposition to deceive, cheat, or defraud
spark disappears we feel separa- When we are dishonest, we pro-
tion, and the egoistic and rapa- ject onto those around us the disintegrate to separate into component
cious aspects of our nature appear. actions, thoughts, feelings, and parts; reduce to fragments; break up or
Custom and pretense replace real- intentions that we are reluctant to destroy the cohesion of, as souls are
ness in our relationships. Conflicts, express. They, the others, become disintegrated by a loss of honor
quarrels, fear, and mistrust become the cheaters, swindlers, robbers,
commonplace. liars, or cowards that we will not honor respect blended with some degree
of reverence; esteem due to worth
• continues

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 4

Personal Integrity
Becoming Real continued
admit in ourselves. We deny the
worst by projecting it into the The ability to accept and honor a trust, without
world where some broken soul, enforcement or supervision, builds self-esteem.
desperate for any attention, acts
out our secret. Then we point an
fering we create for ourselves by begin to live deliberately. Freeing
accusing finger and wash our
being dishonest. If the world could the attention fixed on our secrets
hands of responsibility. We project
only see. empowers us to direct change and
onto the world our secret dishon-
But there is hope. If we drop the reshape lives. Habits and addic-
esty, and it returns to us in the
pretense and become really hon- tions that held us powerless
actions of strangers. Self-deception
est, something divine within us become manageable; illnesses and
is the source of social decay in the
begins to awaken and grow. Bal- upsets are healed; trusting rela-
world. Crime and violence have
ance is restored by a sincere effort tionships can be established – just
their beginnings in a denial of
to repair the damage that was by becoming honest.
done. We cease to deceive and
To protect our dishonesties from
discovery, we shut ourselves off
from the connection we have with
other beings. Of course, we shut The solution is to begin to practice self-honesty from where I am.
ourselves off from source as well.
In place of honesty, there is pre-
tense and identity. The door is I will exert my best efforts to become less deceitful, to be more fair in
closed. The cosmic gauge that my dealings, more sincere in my speech, more deserving of trust and
measures wasted lifetimes creeps MORE FORGIVING.
upward, but our innermost
thoughts are safe. At such a cost! I can steer my own ship. I must! For if I am not master of my
Imprisoned by our own secrets course, I will never live in a world that reflects real integrity.
and numb to the pain we cause,
we join the line of broken souls. No one else can make the world honest.
No amount of punishment or
humiliation is worse than the suf-

STEP 3: Enlightened Justice Procedure by Harry Palmer

The bamboo and the oak tree show the devastation. Every palm, it starts out flexible and then
employ two different strategies to palmetto, and oak tree had been hardens over time.
survive. The strategy of the oak is leveled, but the camera showed one What is it that hardens conscious-
to grow very solid and strong to small clump of bamboo that had ness into inflexible viewpoints? Some
withstand the force of the wind. The survived. The oak trees, even with people will say it is the suffering
strategy of the bamboo is to stay their massive strength, didn’t sur- caused by the world. But no matter
flexible and bend before the force of vive. The bamboo did. The flexible how much you change the world, it
the wind. The wind, in this analogy, strength survived; the inflexible does not make your consciousness
is really a symbol for the forces of strength perished. It is a lesson. any more flexible. So what is it that
change. The oak uses its solidity to In a world where things are leads to inflexible viewpoints? Two
resist change. The bamboo uses its changing rapidly, flexibility is a things: Transgressions-Kept-Secret
flexibility to bend with change. better survival strategy than force. and hidden agendas.
A few years ago, a great hurricane Individual consciousness can take Transgressions-Kept-Secret1 are the
blew across southern Florida – Hur- on either the qualities of the oak or damaging actions and non-actions
ricane Andrew. Trees were uprooted. the qualities of the bamboo. It can that you would rather certain people
Houses were blown down. The news be empty and flexible, or it can be
cameras panned over the area to solid and unbending. In most cases, • continues

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 5

Personal Integrity

Enlightened Justice Procedure continued

not find out. A transgression is an commit or repeat a transgression. are going to have to commit a second
instance of breaking a law, or break- There is little, if any, shame involved transgression of lying to explain the
ing an agreement, or violating a in a hidden agenda. To the contrary, first transgression.
social standard, or violating your there is often what could even be Do you want to know what causes
the amount of Transgressions-Kept-
Secret in a society to rise? Because
It is how you handle a transgression that is important, the society becomes focused on,
“Why did you do it?” So you open
not why you did it. the door to Why-Therapies2.
The increase in hidden agendas,
own values. It is damaging some- called a criminal pride. The major on the other hand, is a symptom of
thing you have agreed to protect. difference between Transgressions- media and educational systems that
Examples of TKS are robbing a bank, Kept-Secret and hidden agendas is are focused on indoctrination rather
cheating on your marriage partner, that in the latter, there is only a slow than on enlightenment. The root
spray painting graffiti on a public recognition of the damaging actions. cause of a hidden agenda is always
building, or acting in a manner that Hidden agendas are often concealed some form of social indoctrination
is contrary to your own conscience. behind pseudo-righteous identities that condones selfish, intolerant, or
There are lots of possible transgres- pretending humanitarian motives. irresponsible behavior.
sions and, until you achieve saint- Here are the principle elements Are you ready for some relief? I
hood, it is expected that you will that lead to an inflexibility of view- don’t care what you did or why you
commit transgressions occasionally point, to a hardening of conscious- did it. Just fix it, and let’s get on
– if only by accident. When your ness, to what one Wizard so aptly with it.
transgression is not kept secret, it described as zombie-consciousness. Which brings me to the most
is called a mistake. How can they be healed? important point. If you block out
If someone tells you that they have everything else I’ve said, remember
not committed any transgressions,
realize you are talking to either a
Transgressions- this: It is how you handle a trans-
gression that is important, not
saint or a liar. Human beings make
mistakes. They are supposed to.
Kept-Secret why you did it.
The wrong way to handle a trans-
That’s how they learn. Human (TKS – pronounced “ticks”) gression is to hide it, or to justify it,
knowledge is the product of mis- When a person commits a trans- or to deny it. These are the actions
takes. It is only when the mistakes gression, the first question they are (hiding, justifying and denial) that
are hidden or become intentional often asked is: “Why did you do it? harden consciousness into an inflexi-
(as in a hidden agenda) that they Why? Why? Why?” This is a totally ble identity. Hardened conscious-
lead to inflexible viewpoints. irrelevant question. Nobody can ness projects a reality that can be
A hidden agenda is really a strat- answer it truthfully. You are asking viewed only in one way. Listen to
egy someone has for committing, or them to make up an explanation for these primaries3. Would you make
continuing to commit, a selfishly why they are not source. Lie to me. them? “I don’t know anything about
motivated transgression. It is an I want to hear it. it.” “I didn’t do it.” “They made
intentionally damaging action. This The explanation won’t change me do it.”
is the phenomenon that moralists anything. The explanation won’t Creating these beliefs is like pour-
call evil, or that the Buddhist would teach anybody anything. And the ing concrete into your mind.
say is a karma-incurring act. explanation, no matter how good it
A Transgression-Kept-Secret is sounds, won’t prevent them from • continues
kept secret because of shame or fear doing it again. You might as well
of disapproval or punishment. A answer “Why?” with, “Because
hidden agenda is kept secret my mother conceived.”
Do you know the biggest reason 2
Why-Therapies are concerned with explana-
because the person intends to tions of why one acts in a certain way. They
why I think you keep your transgres-
are word-lessons that eventually drown one’s
sions secret? You are afraid that
free will in some predetermined drama of
someone is going to ask you, “Why causes and effects.
If you’ve ever overheard a Star’s Edge Trainer did you do it?”
refer to someone as having ticks, they weren’t
referring to the blood-sucking insects. They And you don’t really, honestly 3
primary: a creation or communication
were using the acronym TKS (pronounced have a clue. So if you are asked, you invested with sufficient intention and effort to
ticks) for Transgressions-Kept-Secret. create reality.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 6

Personal Integrity

So now you know who

hardened your conscious-
ness. You did – with the
primaries that you made to
keep your transgressions a
secret. “I’m never going to
tell!” Forever is a long time
to install a limitation on
your freedom of expression.
If you hide, justify, or
deny a transgression, you
seldom learn anything use-
ful, but handling transgres-
sions can lead to the most
important world-lessons of
life – courage, discretion,
tolerance, compassion and
forgiveness, i.e., wisdom.
The lessons you learn from
handling a transgression
frequently motivate genuine and relaxed. In this stillness you Once you experience the power of
humanitarian endeavors. intuitively know the direction in freedom that comes from completely
which your happiness and contin- handling the self-disempowering
Four Steps To Handle ued growth lay. And even if it aspects of a Transgression-Kept-
means leaving your comfort zone, Secret, you will never hide one
A Transgression this is the direction in which you again. If you would not intentionally
1) Sincere repentance – You should steer. cripple your body with heavy shack-
are sorry for the act (not sorry just These are the steps of an enlight- les, why would you cripple your
because the act was found out) and ened justice procedure. They can mind with fears of being found out?
will do your best not to do it again.
2) Confession – It doesn’t matter These are the steps of an enlightened justice procedure.
who you speak the words to; the
confession is really the action of They can apply only to people who desire to restore
taking responsibility. It is returning their own personal integrity. You can’t legitimately force
to source and dropping all the justi-
fication. “I did it.” them onto another. They are a gift of opportunity.
3) Amends or atonement – To
make amends is a personal sacrifice
to repair or make up for a transgres- apply only to people who desire to The steps are easy: 1) I’m really
sion. The person who has to be satis- restore their own personal integrity. sorry. 2) No excuses, I did it. 3) I’m
fied and feel that the sacrifice is You can’t legitimately force them going to make it my number-one
equal to the damage done is YOU. If onto another. They are a gift of priority to repair the damage that
there is a disagreement as to what opportunity. Whether or not they my actions have caused. 4) I will,
fair amends might be, consult a should be done, and how they are hereafter, responsibly follow the
neutral party. If amends are under- done, is determined by a person’s guidance of my own intuition.
taken to restore your status in a own sense of what is honorable. An often-asked question: I know
group, the adopted codes of the When done sincerely, they restore it’s best to make up the damage I
group or the general expectations of a happy life. have done to the person I have
the members must be satisfied. You notice that punishment does done it to, but what if the person
4) Realignment with your own not enter the picture. Honest people has died?
intuition – When the pressures of – people who are sincere about their The answer: You can still make it
justifying viewpoints and protecting own spiritual development and up by performing a genuine human-
identities (how you have to be) are enlightenment – do not require itarian service. Assist others. All life
sufficiently reduced, you grow quiet punishment to correct their
transgressions. • continues

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 7

Basic Integrity
Attention Management

Enlightened Justice Procedure continued

is connected. Your own intuition their intentions should be frankly a fixed identity. The mother says
will tell you when your debt is paid. and openly questioned by the something, and your friend is very
People who mistake or can’t recog- group. critical. “Oh, Mom, that’s just your
opinion. I hate it when you talk
like that.”
This uncompromising self-honesty has the effect of trans- Notice the spontaneous primaries
that your friend is making: “That’s
forming a solid world that was being viewed critically just your opinion,” and, “I hate it
into a flexible world of possibility. when you talk like that.” Can you
imagine the experiences these pri-
maries would create?
nize their own intuitive guidance A person’s hidden agendas will What your friend really means to
have not completed steps 1, 2, and 3. resolve only when they are com- say is, “Go away, Mom. Your pres-
Their spiritual growth is self-limited. pletely capable of handling their ence is robbing me of my freedom to
Transgressions-Kept-Secret. be honest.” But even this near-truth
Hidden Agendas If you discover that you have a
hidden agenda, the best thing you
is a self-disempowering viewpoint,
because he is placing the source of
Hidden agendas range from a can do is to openly and honestly his freedom to be honest in Mom’s
desire to fulfill selfish interests at the align it with the purpose, means, universe.
expense of others to mean-spirited and values of the group’s stated When you criticize someone else
evil that intentionally causes misery agenda. This requires some discus- for how you feel, you’re handing
to others. sion, possibly some compromises, them your source. You are letting
For the most part, the more and enough mental flexibility to them make your primaries. When
destructive the hidden agenda, the predict broader consequences and you feel you have to keep a trans-
more likely the person lacks the see all viewpoints. Differences in gression secret from someone, you’re
necessary sense of honor to self- viewpoints, purposes, and goals are handing them your source.4
correct. They justify their actions destructive to a group only when So if your friend’s mother doesn’t
and leave people in confusion. They they are hidden. Diversity can actu- leave the room, your friend will.
are difficult to understand, because ally strengthen a group, but it must Why? Because it is uncomfortable to
there is so much that they are not be a matter of common knowledge, be around people with whom you
saying. What they say and what rather than a hidden influence. are afraid to be honest. It appears
they do may be completely opposite. that they steal your source, but the
Anytime an individual, or espe-
cially a group, undertakes some- Consequences truth is that you give it to them.
The more Transgressions-Kept-
thing, they must have a means of
identifying and restraining the non-
Of Behavior Secret a person has, the less flexible
their consciousness becomes, the
aligned person with a hidden Have you ever been with a friend, fewer options they can consider.
agenda. Otherwise the enterprise and both of you are chattering away Secrets harden consciousness into a
is likely to be sabotaged. Many about all sorts of stuff? Both of you
company failures can be traced to are flexible. You can share secrets • continues
a single person who was operating and talk about transgressions, and
with a hidden agenda. there is understanding and honesty.
When you are responsible for No hypercritical judgments. Very 4
The corollary here is if someone blames you for
similar to the atmosphere of realness the way they are feeling, just accept the blame.
steering a group endeavor, the It makes you more powerful and them less
wrong way to handle a person with that is found on The Professional powerful. If they keep blaming you for how they
a hidden agenda is to tolerate them. Course. feel, turn them into your slave. (That last part
This is one of the few times in life Suddenly your friend’s mother is a joke.)
when tolerance leads to a worsened walks into the room.
situation. People with hidden agen- Your friend has a lot of Transgres- 5
secondary: 1. an unintended creation that is
sions-Kept-Secret from Mommy. triggered by the creation one intends 2. an
das should be confronted and given effort or intention concerned with how a pri-
a brief opportunity to align; other- (Don’t we all?) What happens? mary is, was, or will be received 3. an effort to
wise they should be invited to leave. Suddenly the conversation becomes monitor or modify the origin point or receipt
If they are unwilling to leave, their very guarded. Your friend switches point of a communication 4. something that is
intentions and the consequences of from a flexible consciousness into there other than what is knowingly being
created 5. an unaligned effort

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 8

Personal Integrity

Enlightened Justice Procedure continued

pseudo-righteous identity with fixed

opinions and beliefs. And these
beliefs seldom create an experience
that a person would prefer. This fixed
identity creates an ego to protect it
and make it right. Once this happens,
a person begins to lose the ability to
explore all but a very limited scope
of consciousness. Remembering
actual events becomes painful, so they
create a false past. They imagine and
project rather than remember. Then
they wonder where all the secon-
daries5 are coming from.
A person with TKS has trouble
suspending judgment. This will
create areas in their life that will
not respond to the CHP6. They are
unwilling to fully experience certain
creations, unable to label them with-
out judgment. In place of discreation,
they resist – like oak trees – wait-
ing for death to blow them over. To
quote from ReSurfacing®: “No
amount of punishment or humilia- Avatar is a path to
tion is worse than the suffering truth that doesn’t
we create for ourselves by being begin with a lie.
TKS rob people of their freedom,
because they are not free to be com-
pletely honest with others. They fear then they decide to keep it a secret. or Avatar, or Harry Palmer becomes
the consequences of punishment, That is a stupid decision. Do you an asserted fixed opinion that creates
embarrassment, and rejection. So have any idea how much effort it an inflexible area of consciousness.
they give their source away. And it takes to keep a secret from 50,000 They cannot comfortably explore or
all began with the decision to hide aware Avatars? integrate their experiences into the
their transgressions rather than to Second, keeping the secret makes rest of their life. They justify their
treat them as mistakes, fix them, them feel uncomfortable around own lack of loyalty and commitment
and learn from them. other Masters and Avatars. So they by saying how awful Avatar people
separate from the network. The are, or how mean Harry is, or how
Looking Beneath Transgression-Kept-Secret has been
conveniently forgotten. They are
unfair Star’s Edge is, e.g., “The only
thing they care about is money,” or,
The Criticism concealing from themselves the real “Why are they trying to keep every-
reason that is motivating their thing so secret?” or, “They’re just
Let me describe a scenario that
departure. And as they misunder- trying to run everybody’s life.”
has repeated itself dozens of times
stand their own motivation, their Remarkably, the criticism is almost
with Masters. First they commit a
life begins a downward spiral. (This always a camouflaged confession
transgression that violates their
is a further insight into Living of their own TKS.
alignment with Star’s Edge, and
Deliberately Chapter Eleven, “A The logic behind the criticism is
Private Talk On Honesty.”) this: If they can reduce the status
Third, they make up lots of good and importance of Star’s Edge, the
reasons and explanations for their damage of their transgression is less
CHP: Creation Handling Procedure, an departure, but none of them has significant. It is a much less signifi-
advanced exercise from the Avatar materials
that describes the operation of awareness in the anything to do with the TKS. The cant transgression to steal a dollar
universe. ex-Master’s opinion of Star’s Edge,
• continues

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 9

Personal Integrity
Enlightened Justice Procedure continued
from another thief than it is to steal
a dollar from a saint. So they create
Here Comes The Sun
the belief that Star’s Edge is really The goal in handling Transgres-
a dishonest organization, and thus sions-Kept-Secret is to become com-
their sin is minimized. In fact, if pletely honest with yourself.8 This
Star’s Edge failed, folded up, and means to become flexible about the
disappeared completely, they would rightness or wrongness of your own
feel quite happy and satisfied. They opinions and beliefs. This uncom-
can’t just walk away and appreciate promising self-honesty has the effect
the experience. The TKS motivate of transforming a solid world that
them to separate and criticize. The was being viewed critically into a
majority of these people love feuds flexible world of possibility. It’s
and vendettas and will readily rally good to be free of TKS.
to the support of anyone who is
critical of Star’s Edge (or any other
target of their criticism). And under-
neath it all is this hardened con- The fault was not that Adam and
sciousness, fixed and pseudo-right- Eve committed a transgression by
eous viewpoint created by the eating an apple from the tree of
Transgression-Kept-Secret. In the knowledge. The fault was they tried
worst cases, this pseudo-righteous to hide it.
viewpoint becomes so fixed that its When God showed up and asked
motives become a hidden agenda who ate his apple, Adam pointed his
that justifies all manner of lies, finger at Eve. Eve pointed her finger
deception, and destruction. at the snake. The snake would have
Whenever you see someone engag- blamed the rat, but it didn’t have a
ing in unhelpful or unrequested finger to point. So the poor snake had
criticism against anyone or anything, to take the blame. But God wasn’t
realize that they are engaging in a fooled. He punished them all.
campaign to minimize their own What do you think would have
sins. happened if Adam had stepped
One, two, three. Transgression- forth and said, “God, I’m sorry I
Kept-Secret. Separate. Criticize. One, ate your apple. I did it, and it’s my
two, three. It’s a demonstrable pat- responsibility. I will make it my
tern of human nature. Understand number-one priority to make it up
this pattern, and you will not only to you by tending your garden and
sort out the mysteries of human raising my children to praise your
behavior, you will gain an insight name.”
into the decay of whole societies. Because Adam didn’t say it, we all
If you ever run into any of these have to keep saying it to each other.
critical ex-Masters, steer their atten- “God, I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry.
tion away from their criticisms into God, I’m sorry.”
a discussion of their own transgres-
sions against the target of their criti-
cism. “What did you do?” You will
be amazed at how easy it is to sal- 7
In a few cases, instead of the miracle, you may
vage most of them. A few minutes of get an emotional blow-up and psychotic break.
tears and embarrassed confession, Just recognize that responsibility has a poiso-
and suddenly their life comes back nous effect on a few.
on track. They’re free. Flexible again.
It is quite the miracle.7 8
Learning how to fully handle Transgressions-
Inspiring someone is awakening Kept-Secret is an early assignment of The
Wizard Course. Essentially it consists of the
a viewpoint that realizes that four steps described in this article along with
something that seemed impossible discreates of the pain and embarrassment of
can actually be done. exposure.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 10

Personal Integrity

STEP 4: Self-Deception Signals

From ReSurfacing® by Harry Palmer

To learn to recognize the signals of self-deception.

Insights, improved well-being, recovery of self-determinism.

On a separate piece of paper:

A. List three errors that you frequently observe in others.

B. List three actions you engage in (or have engaged in) principally to
persuade another to believe certain things about you.

C. List three conflicts in which you are involved. Truth, should you ever
wonder, is an align-
D. List three people (or groups, organizations, countries, etc.) you feel ment between what
have abandoned you. you are creating and
E. List three experiences that seem to happen repeatedly in your life. what you are experi-

A lie is an attempt to
experience something
QUESTIONS: other than what you
The following questions are for contemplation or group discussion. are creating.

A. Are there times you refuse to recognize these errors in yourself? Truth is the viewpoint
of source.
B. What beliefs are causing you to doubt these things about yourself?
A lie is basically an
C. What beliefs are responsible for creating the circumstances of these entertainment device.

D. What beliefs keep you from forgiving?

E. What belief would someone have to have to create these experiences?

Here’s a wake-up call:
Try creating right now
exactly what you are
experiencing right

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 11

Personal Integrity

STEP 5: Walk For Atonement

From ReSurfacing® by Harry Palmer

This is a miraculous process. It works best up a mountain trail, a path SOLO

through the woods, or up several flights of stairs. It can be done any-
where as long as each step is deliberate and accompanied by the pre-
scribed confession. It can be done regarding your life in general or
regarding a specific situation or regarding a specific person.

To relieve upsets and suffering.

Relief from hostilities, upsets, and victimhood. New life.

1. To begin your exercise, you will need to pick a direction and a destina-
tion. atonement the
reconciliation of a
2. With each step toward your destination, whisper an action you have defined, contained, or
done or a thought or an intention you have had that was motivated by limited consciousness
fear or anger. (Include any act you are reluctant to express or for with its source
which you feel guilt, any act for which you have a justifying belief or
for which you feel a need to explain. Also include any non-actions bless to confer well-
when you really should have acted.) being or prosperity
3. At your destination, contemplate spans of time. upon

4. For each step you take on your return, think of someone and whisper pretending resisting
the blessing, “May you be happy and well.” what you really
5. Release all thoughts and events to the past, and experience the sights,
sounds, and sensations of the present moment with appreciation.

For self-abasement or self-abnegation:
• Use self-criticisms for instruction 2 and “I am happy and well” for
instruction 4.
• Follow this exercise with criticism of others for instruction 2 and
“okay” to something for instruction 4.

For being worried or troubled:

• Use imagine something worse (than the worry or trouble) for instruc-
tion 2 and “I am grateful for ______” for instruction 4.

For any period of time right before you made (or are about to make) a major
change in your life:
• Use something you were trying to keep secret for instruction 2 and
something you could reveal for instruction 4.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 12

Personal Integrity

STEP 6: Compassion Exercise

From ReSurfacing® by Harry Palmer

Honesty with yourself leads to compassion for others. SOLO

To increase the amount of compassion in the world.

A personal sense of peace.

This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (air-
ports, malls, parks, beaches, etc.). It should be done on strangers,
unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the
same person.

Step 1 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: “Just like

me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life.” Love is an expression
of the willingness to
Step 2 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: “Just like
me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.” create space in which

Step 3 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: “Just like something is allowed
me, this person has known sadness, loneliness, and to change.

Step 4 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: “Just like

me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs.”

Step 5 With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: “Just like

me, this person is learning about life.”

1. To be done by couples and family members to increase under-
standing of each other.
2. To be done on old enemies and antagonists still present in your
3. To be done on other life forms.

The mission of Avatar in the world is to catalyze the integration of belief systems.
When we perceive that the only difference between us is our beliefs and that
beliefs can be created or discreated with ease, the right and wrong game will
wind down, a co-create game will unfold, and world peace will ensue.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 13

Your Next Step
Read Living Deliberately and ReSurfacing® by Harry Palmer
When you are ready to explore the inner workings of your own consciousness and become familiar with
the creation that you regard as self, we recommend reading the books Living Deliberately and
ReSurfacing® as the first step.
Living Deliberately is about the discovery and development of the
Avatar® materials. Avatar is a powerful and effective self-evolve-
ment, self-development, self-empowerment course that is delivered
in 66 countries and has been translated into 19 languages.

ReSurfacing® refers to the action of disentangling yourself from old

creations and rising back into awareness. The ReSurfacing workbook
is an Avatar guide for exploring the inner workings of your own con-

Introductory Special for new readers: For a limited time, you can buy the
$25.00USD book Living Deliberately, its companion workbook, ReSurfacing®, the Ten Actions
booklet, a full-year subscription to the Avatar Journal, and the audiotape How To Create
Magic In Your Life – a $55.00USD value – for only $25.00USD.

If you are not completely satisfied, you may return the two books for a full refund and keep the rest as our gift to you.

To order the Avatar Power Package, please contact any Avatar Master or call the Star’s Edge 24-hour order
line at 800-589-3767. Be sure to leave your name, address, telephone number, and credit card information.

You can also purchase these items from the Star’s Edge online bookstore at:

Get a Free Issue of the Avatar Journal

Receive a free Avatar Journal by visiting online at: or you can
contact Star’s Edge International.

Contact an Avatar Master

Avatar Masters will answer any questions or concerns you may have, including when and where you can take
The Avatar Course. There are a number of ways to contact an Avatar Master.

•For a current schedule and contact information about the International Avatar Courses, please
visit the online Avatar Course schedule page at:

• To locate an Avatar Master near you, please visit the online Find a Local Master page at:

• Or look through the directory listing and ads in the Avatar Journal. Receive a free Avatar Journal
by visiting online at:

• Contact Star’s Edge International.

Register for The Avatar Course

Complete and return the registration form for the course of your choice. Your Avatar Master will provide
you with the necessary form and information.

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 14

Who is Harry Palmer?
Writer, teacher, lecturer, scientist, pro- Today, few who fair-mindedly study
grammer, environmentalist, businessman, Harry Palmer’s work can doubt the
spiritual leader, explorer – Harry Palmer is profound effect that his writings are
truly a Renaissance man. For more than 30 having on the collective consciousness
years, Harry has played a prominent role of the world.
in the consciousness-evolvement field. His
bestseller, Living Deliberately (currently
available in 19 languages), describing his
personal discovery of enlightenment,
launched the highly regarded worldwide
workshop called The Avatar Course. His
lofty aim, to contribute to the creation of
an enlightened planetary civilization, has
been adopted by tens of thousands.
Palmer’s underlying purpose is to teach
people effective techniques for improving
their lives according to their own self-
generated blueprint.

Would you like to be free of old restraints that make you unhappy?

Would you like to align your beliefs with the goals you want to accomplish?

Would you like to feel more secure about your ability to conduct your own life?

Would you like to experience a higher, wiser, more peaceful expression of self?

Would you like to be able to rise above the sorrows and struggles of the world and
see them for what they really are?

Would you like to experience the state of consciousness traditionally described as


Avatar is for you.

If you feel an alignment toward the goal of creating an

enlightened planetary civilization and would like to have
an Avatar Master contact you, send your name, address,
and telephone number to:

Avatar Network Consultant

Star’s Edge International
237 North Westmonte Drive
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714

tel: 407-788-3090 or 800-589-3767

fax: 407-788-1052

© 2003 by Harry Palmer. All rights reserved. 15

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