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Compurrrs d Swucrures Vol. 26. No 6. pp. 101l-1025. 1987 0045.7949187 f3.00 + 0.

0 1987 Perpmon Journals Ltd.
Pnnted m Great Bntam



F. B. LIN,t Z. P. B&ANT,?. J. C. CHERN@ and A. H. MARCHERTAS~

tCcnter for Concrete and Geomaterials, Northwestern University, Tech, 2410, Evanston,
IL 60201, U.S.A.
SDivision of Reactor Analysis and Safety, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue,
Argonne, IL 60439, U.S.A.

(Received 9 December 1986)

Abstract-To facilitate numerical finite element analysis, it is desirable to endow the constitutive model
with normality, associatedness, continuity, convexity and absence of comers. Although these math-
ematical conditions represent only crude approximations of the actual behavior of concrete, it is of interest
to find the best possible constitutive model which meets these conditons. This is one objective of the
present paper. The second objective is to develop a model which permits a simple identification of material
parameters from test data. The material parameters need not be obtained by simultaneous nonlinear
optimization of the fits of all data. Rather, they are obtained in sequence through a precisely defined
procedure which involves solving two systems of linear equations. The model describes not only hardening
but also post-peak softening under various triaxial stress states. The model agrees well with the available
basic test data from monotonic loading tests.

INTRODUCIION of these early models, which was not obvious from

the experimental evidence at the time of their devel-
The last dozen years have seen the development opment, was that the post-peak strain-softening did
of a number of sophisticated constitutive models not lead at very large strain to a complete reduction
for nonlinear hardening and softening response of of the stress to zero (this will be assured by the
concrete[l-151. The present paper develops yet an- present model).
other model, since the existing models still have some Models that consist of a total stress-strain re-
serious shortcomings. The material constants are not lation [6, 181, which should properly be enhanced by
easily identified from the given test data, and in- an additional path-dependent correction, might be
fringements against the basic rules of classical plas- most realistic for monotonic loading, but are discon-
ticity in some of these models may cause certain tinuous upon transitions to unloading. This makes
numerical difficulties in finite element programs. The their use in general-purpose finite element programs
objective of the present model is to eliminate these suspect. On the other hand, the existing models
two shortcomings. following the classical framework of plasticity, which
The endochronic model [ 1,2,4,5], whose first ver- ensures trouble-free numerical application, are quite
sion, published in 1974, was perhaps the first realistic limited in their data fitting capability and generally
nonlinear triaxial model for concrete, requires that do not describe the post-peak softening.
15-20 independent material constants be determined The present paper, which represents a refinement
simultaneously by non-linear optimization of data fits and extension of a previous version by Chem et al.
with a computer program for incremental loading. [19], seeks the best possible model whose material
This task is surmountable but tedious and requires a parameters can be easily identified from test data, and
specialist with a good deal of insight, experience and which at the same time adheres to the basic con-
patience. No doubt this is the main reason why ditions of classical plasticity desired by numerical
applications of this powerful theory have remained analysts: (1) normality rule (for the determination
limited even though its use in small as well as large of the inelastic strain increments from a loading
fmite element programs has been proven workable surface), (2) associatedness, (3) convexity of the load-
[5,16]. Moreover, certain discontinuities in the for- ing surface, (4) continuity and (5) smooth loading
mulation have been perceived as a potential source of surface, i.e. absence of comers.
trouble with convergence, even though such troubles Gratifying though the attainment of these objec-
have not arisen in numerical applications [ 171.Similar tives might be, we must nevertheless keep in mind
comments can be made about the plastic-fracturing that the reality is more demanding. A complete
theory [3] developed in 1977. A further shortcoming description of concrete would certainly require mul-
tiple loading surfaces and deviations from normality,
QVisiting Scholar, Northwestern University; present etc. due to internal friction and microcracking. More-
address: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan over, a constitutive model per se, no matter how
University, Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan. sophisticated, cannot provide a complete description
1012 F. B. LIK et al.



0.6 f;

Fig. 1. Loading surfaces of various properties.

of concrete. As transpires from the latest research on loading surface on the stress tensor u then reduces to
strain localization instabilities due to strain-softening a dependence on the stress invariants. There are three
[20,21], the constitutive model must be combined in independent stress invariants; we will use the mean
some way with a fracture mechanics approach which stress o. (identical to the octahedral normal stress),
captures the nonlocal properties of the material and the octahedral shear stress ro, and the similarity angle
serves to restrict the localization of strain-softening to 6’; they are defined as
a iinite volume. Due to the neglect of these aspects,
which are beyond the scope of the present paper, we -‘I 19 ro=&, 38
cos3e”-+J~)” (1)
cannot expect a very close agreement with all test
results. in which I, = uU = first invariant of stress tensor t7
LOADING SURFACE whose Cartesian components are a,,, Jz = s&2 =
second invariant of the stress deviator sy = uY- Qr,,
As an acceptable approximation, concrete may be J, = sUsRsk,/3= third invaiant of s,,. The lower
assumed to be isotropic. The dependence of the case subscripts refer to Cartesian coordinates x,
normality and sequential IdenIi~~tion 1013

Fig. 2. Ellipseof critical state theory of soils and generation of the present slanted ellipse surface (shaded).

(i = 1,2,3), Einstein’s summation rule is assumed, which was recently adapted for concrete by Zubele-
and 6, = Kronecker’s delta. Angle 6 represents the wicz and Baiant [ 151. The shape of the ellipse,
polar angle in the deviatoric section, measured from however, is not ideal. We need a surface whose
the positive u1 direction, u,, er and ej being the rise towards the peak is closer to a straight line and
principal stresses. Always 0 s i? < n/3 {Fig. l(c)]. which drops after the peak toward zero more rapidly
The loading surface which we plan to formulate than an ellipse. This feature (which was achieved in
must expand at small deformations to describe initial Zubelewicz and Baiant’s work by rotation of the
hardening (as compared to perfect yield), and con- so-called active plane) will be achieved in the present
tract at large deformations to describe progressive model by slanting the ellipse to an egg-shaped surface
damage or softening. In the volumetric cross-section as shown in Fig. 2~.
(oO,~~0) of the principa1 stress space (o,, bzr Us),called The slanting of the ellipse is easily achieved by
the RenduliC plane, the surface must be asymmetric, multiplying the equation for the ellipse by an
since the strength in compression is greater than in equation for an incIined straight line which intersects
tension, and must initially have a positive slope as the the tension axis outside the ellipse, at point 6 in
hydrostatic compression --go is increased, similar to Fig. 2(b). The ellipse, one axis of which lies on the
the Mohr-Couiomb or Drucker-Prager yield criteria. hydrostatic axis, is given by the equation
At high hydrostatic compression -5,, however, the
loading surface must drop to the -a, axis. In con-
nection with the Drucker-Prager yield criterion, this
drop has been described in other works by a separate in which p and q are the nondimensional mean
surface called the cap, which usually forms a comer normal and shear stresses
with the Drucker-Prager surface. However, we want
P = %K* q = %lff (3)
to avoid using a comer because it complicates the
fo~ulation. We avoid it most easily, while still normalized with respect to the uniaxial compression
preserving the basic frictional-dilatant characteristics, strength f:. A, B, C are parameters of the ellipse;
if we formulate the Rendulie section as an eccentric P = -C gives the center of the ellipse, p = -C + A
ellipse [Fig. 2(a)]. Such an ellipse has been widely gives the apices on the p-axis, and B is the semi-axis
used in soil plasticity and has been called the critical of the ellipse in the shear direction q [Fig. 2(b)].
state theory 1221.The critical state is a term used for To slant the ellipse into an egg shape, we multiply
the peak point of the ellipse, for which the normality the right-hand side of eqn (2) with the equation of the
rule indicates zero plastic dilatation and zero plastic straight line, q = A,@, +p), in which [Fig. 2(b)] A,
compaction. This characteristic is quite critical for is the slope of the line and the point p = -B, is the
soil response, but not as critical for concrete or rock. intersection point with the tension axis -p. If the
The ellipse, borrowed from the critical state theory straight line intersected the p-axis between the apices
of soils, provides an attractive simple loading surface, of the ellipse, which would occur for Bt < A - C, the
1014 F. i% LIN et ai,

loading surface would have the shape of a figure of static compression) and results in significant inelastic
eight. To prevent it, we require B, > A - C. Thus. the volume changes which soften or harden the material.
equation of the slanted ellipse has the form The loading surface may be written in the form

q=B{[i -(gy,+p))l~ (4) 00)=&,-r(e,p,t) (8)

m which T will be used as a hardening-softening
parameter. This surface will be assumed to comcide
q = (a* + alp + a,p’ + a,$) (5) with inelastic potential whose normal ytelds the
direction of the inelastic strain increment. In other
in which n = l/2, a, = &,(A’- C’)/a,, a, = (Cz -
words, we assume perfect normality.
A’+ ZB,C)a,, a2 = -(2C + &)a,, and a3 = B2/A2.
(a) Deviatoric section. As is now well documented,
For the sake of generality, one could allow a general
the deviatoric section of a loading surface or potential
exponent n such that 0 c n < 1. Equation (5) is
for concrete as well as geomaterials should have only
equivalent to eqn (4) only if n = l/2, and this value
three rather than six axes of symmetry. For example,
has been used for all data fitting.
the hexagon for the Tresca criterion [Fig. l(d)] should
Note that the slanted ellipse, shown in Fig. 2(c),
be generalized to the irregular hexagon for the
may be also obtained by taking the square root of the
Mohr-Coulomb criterion [Fig. l(e)]. The presence of
positive values of a cubic parabola such that a3 > 0.
corners in the hexagon, however, is inconvenient
Axis p is intersected at three points, which requires
for numerical analysis and a smooth surface is
that 4e.i - a, > 0 [Fig. 2(c)]. This reveals that eqns (4) preferable. Among simpIe surfaces, the circular von
or (5) give a two-branch curve. The second branch is
Mises-ty~ deviatoric section, assumed in the
open. It is shown as the dashed curve in Fig. 2(c) and
Drucker-Prager criterion, is unrealistic for concrete.
is discarded for our purposes. The p-coordinate of
The deviatoric section should have the form of a
the peak point of the slanted ellipse, point 4 in
rounded triangle shown in Fig. I(c), which is closer
Fig. 2(c), is obtained by setting aq/@ = 0, which to a triangle (sharper vertices) at small hydrostatic
yields pressures and closer to a circle for high hydrostatic
pressures. These properties are documented by many
blmarq=Po= -$-q+&). (6) data, the first of which were probably those of
Launay and Gachon [23].
This value is real under the conditon 4cri - a, > 0 The earliest and shortest expression for the roun-
stated before. ded triangular deviatoric section was given simulta-
Equations (4) or (5) do not necessarily yield a neously by Gudehus [24] and Argyris et al. [ZS].
convex curve. Convexity is obtained only if the However, as recently pointed out by Lin and BaZant
p-intercept of the straight line is sufficiently remote [26], this expression does not give a convex curve
from the ellipse apex in Fig. Z(b), or more precisely when the ratio of the radial distances for the tensile
if the ratio 2 6/l 2 IS not too small, i.e. (B, + C)/A is and compression meridians in the deviatoric planes
sufficiently large. Denote by p(,, and ptz, the smallest becomes too small (less than about 0.777), as required
two roots of the cubic polynomial in eqn (5) which for concrete at small hydrostatic pressures. There-
represent the abscissae of the right and left apices of fore, we use a slightly more complicated two-
the slanted ellipse [Fig. 2(c)]. By affinity transfor- parameter formula which was proposed by Willam
mations with regard to axis p and axis q and trans- and Warnke [27] as part of their five-parameter yield
lation in the p direction, one can prove that eqn (5) criterion for concrete failure. This formula guaran-
is convex between ptli and p if and only if the curve tees convexity because for each sector 0 s 9 I 60” in
y = [x(1 -- x)( +c)] n with. :‘=(p the deviatoric section it represents a segment of an
(3)--Pdl(P<2) -Put)
is convex for 0 IX < I. Calculating the limiting ellipse, and these segments are matched so that the
values of c for various n and fitting them with a slope is continuous. In terms of two inde~ndent
polynomial, one can show that the condition of parameters r, and r,, representing the radial distances
convexity is: to the compression meridian (6 = 60”) and to the
tensile meridian (6 = 0), Willam-Wamke’s formula
may be written as:
n 5 0.5: CT0
n = 0.51: c r 0.003 R+(2r,-r,)(2Rcose+5rf-4r,r,)“2
n = 0.6: c r 0.057 de, P, T) = r,
2R cos e + (2r, - r,)* ’
n =0.7: c r 0.145
n = 0.8: c 2 0.260. (7) R = 2(rf - rf) cos e. (9)

The slanted ellipse formulation is needed particu- (b) ~heur-v~~u~tric (Rendulik) sections. Following
larly to describe the inelastic response at large strain, the egg-shaped slanted eihpse defined by eqn (5), the
which consists predominantly of microcracking (at radial distances vary aiong the compression and
high shear stress) or pore collapse (at high hydro- tensile meridians as follows (n = l/2).
Concrete model with normality and sequential tdenttfication 1015

Tensile meridian (0 = 0):

r,= 32 h+a, : +az(‘;?)‘+a,e)‘]’ (10)
J[ where 6;: is the inelastic strain. Equation (12) is
guaranteed to be non-negative because, for hard-
Compression meridian (8 = 60”): ening, Drucker’s postulate is satisfied by our model.
Since Z” approximately coincides with the axial
ineiastic strain 6; = ci -a,/E, we have dZ”/dr =
I$‘(?) = l/H, where function 4(s) may be considered
identical to the plastic strain part of the uniaxial
where ‘I determines the size of the loading surface
compression curve r,/a,, i.e. &a,) = c,(a,) - a,/E;
(initially T = 0.6fi). ~‘(cT,) = d#/do,, and His called the plastic hardening
These equations involve eight parameters
modulus; H = dT/dZ” = da,/dc;. The deviatoric
c(o,...,aJ,80,. . . , /?,. However, only six of them are
hardening rule for the initial inelastic behavior
independent since the two apices of each slanted
may be expressed as dr = H(7, a,,Z”)Q” (for
ellipse meridian on the p-axis must be common to
dP” > 0, 0.6f; 5: T <f;).
both meridians [Fig. l(f)]. This means that the small-
To describe the variation of H, one may assume
est two roots of the cubic polynomial in eqn (10) must
the rising part of the uni-axial compression curve
be the same as for eqn (1 I), while the third and largest
for 0.6f: s a, s;ff to be a quarter-ellipse, i.e.
root may be different. (r - 0.6~~)z/(0,4~~)2 + (AP - 7”)z/A~ = I, in which IC
is substituted for the octahedral shear stress z0 and
GARDENING AND SDFFENING RULES A, = horizontal offset of the peak stress point from
the intial elastic tangent [Fig. I(h)]. Calculating
We must now define the rules for hardening and .H = dr/d5” from this equation, the deviatoric hard-
softening which describe how the loading surface ening rule takes the particular form:
changes due to inelastic strain that has taken
place. To make a simple, sequential identification of A -Z”
P dz”,
material parameters possible, we will assume that the T - 0.6f:
loading surface defined by eqns (8)-( 11) can only
expand or shrink radially. This is called the isotropic
hardening and is described by a variation of par-
ameter T. When plotted as cO/r vs r,/~ or aa/ vs r,/r, Although the elastic limit is considered as 0.6fi in
the loading surface is a single, fixed curve. all the present caiculations, note that by changing it
The isotropic h~de~ng, to be sure, is a simpii- one could control the curvature of the stress-strain
fication. In reality, the loading surface may also diagram at the peak stress point. Another possibility
translate and change its shape. Shape changes (used in most calculations) is to define the curve T@?“)
could be described by a variation of parameters by a set of points on the basis of the uniaxial curve
@Q,u,,..., j12, &. Such a generalization, however, u,(L,), and interpolate between these points.
would not only be too complicated but also offer only By defining the effective plastic strain, eqn (12), we
a limited improvement, since in reality one must can extrapolate from the uniaxial stress-strain curve
expect many simultaneously active loading surfaces, to the stress-strain curve under any multiaxial load-
all of them varying their sizes and shapes. Moreover, ing. The peak points of these curves agree with test
the existing data seem insufficient to determine any resufts quite well because they are based on one
rules for variation of Q, . . . , &. loading surface, eqns (8)-(1 i), which is made to fit
(a) ~effiuf~ric ~ff~~~i~g. In uniaxial compression, the rna~rn~ stress states at various types of multi-
the inelastic strain becomes appreciable at about axial loading. If, however, dp is assumed to be
0.6f:, Therefore, we set the initial value oft as 0.6x, constant for al1 multiaxial loadings, the strains at the
and for the peak stress state we have s =I;. Since the maximum stress state are then found to differ from
loading surface will be calibrated from the peak stress the test data considerably for some multiaxial load-
values for various multiaxial types of test, the value ings. For example, for the proportional triaxial tests
r -f: also indicates the peak stress in other types of of van Mier, the strain at peak was much less than
tests, provided they exhibit a peak point. The vari- he observed, while the peak stress value was predicted
ation of T from 0.61: to/: characterizes the hardening correctly. This experience indicates that the peak
stage of inelastic response, which is known to be point offset hp must be considered as variable.
predominantly deviatoric; see Gerstle er al. [18] and In particular, 4 appears to be a function of the
others [8,28,29]. Therefore we assume the initial similarity angle 8, such that bp is maximum for
hardening to be deviatoric, characterized in terms B = 60” (uniaxial compression) and minimum for
of the effective strain 7, which may be defined 8 = 0 (biaxial compression or uniaxial tension). This
in an invariant manner by the work equality may be described by introducing in eqn (13) the
T d?’ = afi dcl, from which following empirical function:
Ar=A&+((I -a)sin”;f?] (14) states. Therefore we choose a continuous transition
from i, to i,, such that
with nz = 2, and AO,a are positive constants (a < 1),
A0 is the peak stress offset for the uniaxial com-
pression curve [Fig. l(i)] and Ap is the peak offset for
the effective stress-strain curve r (Z“).
(bf Volumetrick~~dg~~~~, After the peak stress, i.e.
Temperature and moisture effects could be intro-
after r has already reached the value ofj;, the loading
duced by means of additional rules for the variation
surface must shrink in order to describe the post-peak
of parameter T.
strain-softening. This means that the value of r must
decrease. However, if there is high hydrostatic com-
passion, no peak exists on the stress-strain curve;
rather, there is continued hardening, i.e. the loading
Lest problems with convergence w5uld be encoun-
surface continues to expand and T grows beyond the
tered in computation, we prefer to adhere to the
value Of& In this case, as well as in the cues with
normality rule even though it is not necessarily
a peak, the value ‘I =ffcorresponds to the critical
applicable to materials that exhibit internal friction
state at which dci vanishes, i.e. the inelastic expan-
and microcracking. Thus, in analogy to classical
sion is zero (which in soil mechanics is called the
plasticity, we assume:
critical state). In the second stage of inelastic behavior,
the softening as well as hardening is dominated
by inelastic volumetric strain ci = ~:~/3. This strain (18)
corresponds to tensile microcracking in the case
of softening, and to pore collapse in the case of
in which C(a) represents the inelastic potential
surfaces, and (di) = d.J if dl > 0 and (dl) = 0 if
When the volumetric inelastic strain co”is negative
dJ s 0. Equation (1s) with dl = fc?F/dcr,) da,
(compressive), i.e. when the current state point is to
(where F = loading surface) was proposed as early as
the right of the peak of slanted ellipse, the pores are
1938 by Melan [30].
closing due to their collapse, So, the material hardens,
Since fulfilment of Drucker’s stability postulate is
i.e. r increases. Experience shows that the following
not a necessary condition for materials with micro-
simple expression may describe this adequately:
craking and friction, the potential G could in genera1
be different from the loading surface F, which would
dr = -l,rdr;; (hardening, 66 I 0) (1%
represent a non-associated normality rule analogous
in which 1, is an empirical parameter; the initial value to the classical non-associated plasticity. Again, how-
is r =f:.Inan integrated form, r = ‘I, exp(-l,c;). ever, it is preferable for computational reasons to
The hardening coefficient A, may be identified on the assume an associated normality rule. Aside from that,
basis of hydrostatic compression data. This hard- no strong experimental evidence seems to require
ening causes an expansion of the slanted elliptic non-associatedness. Therefore, in all calculations
surface, as shown in Fig. 1b. with the present model we assume that G I F.
The softening due to microcracking, which is ac- The total strain increment may now be expressed
companied by inelastic volume expansion, results in as
a decrease of r, manifested by shrinking of the slanted
ellipse as shown in Fig. l(b). This may be approxi-
mateiy described, as data fitting confumed, by the
simple expression; in which d<i represents the elastic strain increment,
and de:, dt$’ and de: are the thermal, shrinkage and
dr = -2,lrci dc{ (softening, de; > 0). (16) creep strains, the formulation of which is beyond
the scope of the present paper. The stress can be
For constant i:, this equation may be integrated as expressed in terms of the elastic strain as oy = C-t;,
T = or exp(--lrr,“‘). It appears that for large enough in which C,, are the elastic mod&. By differen-
luOofthe value of L may be considered as constant, tiation, the incremental elastic relation is
). = li, for tension (crO> 0), and another constant
1 = & (a0 < a) for compression (co < 0). Typically,
1,r 101,.
The transition between hardening and softening in which
defined by eqns (1 +(I 6) is continuous because f5r
de:+0 there is no hardening or softening. The
transition between softening under tension (u. > 0
and ~0”> 0) and softening under compression (a~ c 0
and e; > 0) would be discantinuous if 1 were equal to Here we take into account the fact that in concrete
/i, for all tension states, and & for all compression the elastic moduli generally depend on temperature 7
Concrete model with normality and sequenttal rdentification 1017

Table 1. Basic conditions from which material constants are determined

Material characteristic Stress state P q e r
1, Uniaxiai tensiie strength 01=/;, o2 = 6, = 0 P,C/3 0 rr
2. Uniaxial compression strength (I, = -J& b, = u1= 0 -113 60 rr
3. Biaxial compression strength Ot = (r) = -f:h* Ct = 0 - 2P,, 13 0
4, Hydrostatic elastic Emit 01 = 02= Qs= -j-k PCC oorw I,=::=0
5. Dikancy-free state at tensife meridian aq/ap =o PI r,
6. DiIa~~y-f~ state at compression meridian aqjap =o PC 'c

and pore relative humidity h. We neg&ct any effect of dependent, parameters 1,, AC,A,,,4, and a, standard
microcracking damage on the elastic moduti since compression strength fit and Young’s and shear
microcracking is taken into account in our model moduli E and G from which the tensor C,, is
in terms of the loading surface. If we considered determined. This is nearly as many constants as
damage, dC,, would also depend on dc,,, but this we needed in the previous nonlinear constitutive models
neglect for the sake of simplicity. which give good descriptions of concrete, such as the
To maintain a continuous inelastic deformation, endochronic model, the plastic-fracturing model,
the current stress point must remain on the foading Dafalias’ bounding surface model and others [14].
surface, which requires that F = 0 holds true through After extensive efforts it now seems that trying to
subsequent loading stages. Thus we have for the do with only few material constant is futile as long
inelastic defo~ation the continuity condition as one adheres to the macroscopic approach. A
dF = 0, which may be rewritten as drastic reduction in the number of material constants
might perhaps be possible by means of micro-
mechanic models, such as the microplane model [32],
however, at the price of a considerable increase of
computational work.
The material constants in the present model are
nevertheless easier to identify from test data than
dt =$de;+-&di:“+;dT+$dh. (22)
0 those of previous more sophisticated models giving
good descriptions of concrete. Whife in such previous
The continuity condition, proposed already by models the material parameters had to be determined
Prager, is again not a strict requirement (see, e.g. in essence simultaneously, by con~u~ent optimiz-
[31]), but its violation might cause numerical prob- ation of the fits of many different types of data, our
lems. Note that the first two terms in eqn (22f for dr new model permits that the material constants be
cannot be both non-zero, according to our definition identified from Ihe material experimental character-
of the hardening~oftening rules. istics sequentially, with little difficulty.
To express the proportionality coefficient dl, we
may now substitute eqns (19), (20) and (18) into IDENTIFICATIONOF MATERIALCONSTANTS
eqn (22) and the resulting equation for dlZ, In the
calculations we note that &i/&; = 6,/3. For volu- In Table 1 we propose a set of six basic material
metric hardening or softening we thus obtain: characteristics which are graphically iilustrated in

aG aF a7 4G (23)

Our formulation is now complete. The incremental Fig. 3. They can be directly obtained by measure-
constitutive equation is given by eqn (19) with the ments and suffice for determining material constants
elastic strain satisfying eqns (20)-(21), the inelastic %,**.,~,,Bo,+..,B,. It is useful to define the non-
strain increments given by cqn (18) with the pro- dimensional strength ratios
portionality cocffidmts according to eqn (23), the
loading surface evohttion according to cqns (I 3)+
(i5), (X6), and the hardening-softening ruies given in which f: = uniaxiat tensiIe strength, ffb = biaxial
by qns (lS), (16). The ~nstitutive model involves compression strength and f:. = hydros~tic pressure
a total of 14 inde~ndent constants to be identi- at the elastic limit in hydros~tic compression. This
fied from test data. They comprise parameters state corresponds to the beginning of inelastic volume
Cbf’..,%&J,...18~, among which only six are in- compaction due to pore collapse.
1018 F. B. LIN PI al.

uniaxial conp.

hydr. el. limit

Fig. 3. Basic strength data and characteristic stress states used for identification of the compresslon and
tensile meridians of the loading surface.

The dilatancy-free states in rows 5 and 6 of Knowing all the roots, we may check for convexity
Table 1 are analogous to the critical states in soil of the tensile meridian from eqn (7). We should also
mechanics. The dilatancy-free state at the tensile check that the conditions aj > 0 and 4a: - a, are not
meridian (row 5) may be obtained by running a violated.
biaxial compression test and measuring the volume To determine the compression meridian, we write
change to determine the last point at which the rate the conditions that pf2i and pot as well as the uniaxial
of inelastic volume increase is zero. The dilatancy- compression strength (row 2 of Table 1) must satisfy
free state at the compression meridian (row 6) may be eqn (11) for the compression meridian, and that
determined similarly from a uniaxial compression test the derivative of eqn (11) must vanish for row 6 of
in which the inelastic volume change is measured. Table 1. These conditions furnish the following
The useful property of the characteristics in Table 1 system of four linear algebraic equations for the
is that the states in rows 1, 3, 4 and 5 depend only unknown constants fir,, . . , /3, of the compression
on the tensile meridian, eqn (IO). Substituting the meridian:
stress states from these rows into eqn (10) and its
derivative, we obtain for constants h, . . . , a, of the A+ Pc2A + Pf2)/92 + P:,& = 0

tensile meridian a system of four linear algebraic Bo + Pd, + PtB2 + PbS, = 0

Bcl- $1+ b/92 - $3 = f
I 7
%+jP,,al +fdca2+hdca3=idc BI + 2PJ2 + 3P% = 0. (28)
2 4 2 8 2 3
The roots p(,, and pt2) for the compression mendian
a,+p,a,+pf,a,+pia,=O are the same as for the tensile meridian, but the
root po, may be different. We can calculate it easily
a, + 2p,a2 + 3pfa, = 0. (25)
by dividing the cubic equation b0 + j?,p +
B2p2 + AP’ = 0 by (P -P&P -pt2J. Then we may
The hydrostatic tension apex of the slanted ellipse check for convexity of the compression meridian
could be found as the middle root po) of the cubic from eqn (7).
equation a, + a,p + a2p2 + a,P3 = 0 (which must If the convexity condition, eqn (7), is violated
have three real roots as we know). Calculation of this by the tensile or compression meridian, the data in
root, however, may be simplified by noting that Table 1 must be adjusted. It is quite possible that the
p = ptn = pm is also a root. Thus, dividing this cubic data in Table I have been estimated with an error,
equation by p - pee, we obtain for the smaller and within the expected scatter range these data may
two roots p(,, and pc2, the quadratic equation: be adjusted. To ensure convexity, one may have to
a,p2 + a,p + a, = 0, with move the dilatancy-free state at tensile or com-
pression meridian (row 5 or 6 of Table I) upward, i.e.
a4=a2+a3P,, a,=a,+a2p,+a,pi. (26) increase r, or r,; or increase the value of the biaxial
compression strength (row 3); or move the hydro-
By solving this quadratic equation, static elastic limit to the left (decrease p,); or decrease
uniaxial tensile strength (row l), i.e. decrease p,,. In
practical experience, however, such adjustments were
P(2), Pw = - & [a4 f (ai - 4a,a,)“2]. (27)
never needed.
Concrete model with normality and sequential identification 1019

To identify the remaining material constants, one solve the value of C, which yields
needs to write a computer program which integrates
the present constitutive relation. This may be done
by using for integration of the present constitutive
equation a finite element program with a single finite
element. By simulating with this computer program
These corrections are applied iteratively until the
the hydrostatic compression test and the uniaxial
protrusion of the current stress state outside the
compressive and tensile tests, it is possible to obtain
loading surface meets a given small tolerance.
parameters I.,, & and I, in a trial-and-error manner.
The computational algorithm in the time step
Each of these three parameters may be determined
(Y, t”+‘) may be described’as follows. Suppose all
one at a time independently of the others. which is
quantities are known up to time r”. Given the time
easy to carry out. Parameter A,, may be directly read
step AI and the incremental nodal displacement Au,
from the uniaxial compression curve as the horizontal
we seek u”+’ for each finite element.
offset of the peak point from the straight line con-
necting the point u, = 0.6f: with the origin. Par- 1. Evaluate strain increment At = BAu and elastic
ameter a may be fixed as a = 0.2, although its value stress increment Au’ = D’At. The trial final stress is
may he improved by iterations. u”+‘=u”+Aue.
2. F, = F(u”), F2 = F(u”+ ‘). If F2 I 0, one is still
UNLOADING AND RELOADING in the elastic range or unloading; go to 5.
3. Find y such that F(u”+yAu’) = 0. y can be
The unloading and reloading in the formulation as determined approximately by a linear interpolation
defined so far is elastic. This will be adequate only for as y = -F1/(F2 - F,). Thus, (1 - y)Au’ is the part of
those applications where hysteresis and damage are loading which should be adjusted according to the
unimportant, Inelastic unloading can be added to the loading surface.
present model, but how to do it without losing the 4. Evaluate dl from eqn (23). Then compute Au”
possibility of sequential identification of material caused by the strain increment (1 - y)Ar and find
parameters will require further investigation. The un+’ =un +yAu’+Au”. Then update T and other
most often used approach is a combination of kin- parameters. Then adjust the stress value back to the
ematic and isotropic hardening. But for the present loading surface, i.e. iterate using eqn (29) until
model this approach is undesirable because it would F(u”+‘)=O.
make our present sequential identification procedure 5. Go to Step 1 and start the next finite element.
impossible. A promising choice seems to be the use
of contacting nested surfaces of the type introduced COMPARISON WITH TEST DATA
by Iwan, Mrbz and Prevost because their use would
have no effect on the previous response at loading Various typical test data from the literature have
which we have already formulated satisfactorily. been analyzed with the present model in order to
assess how closely they can be represented. For this
COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION purpose, it has been assumed that the test specimen
is in a homogeneous stress state, even though this
The present constitutive model has been imple- may be questionable for strain-softening. Thus, the
mented at Northwestern University in an explicit response was calculated using a single finite element,
dynamic finite element code. Static tests of concrete either a unit cubic element with six nodes or an
have been simulated with this code using dynamic axisymmetric four-node element of square cross-
relaxation. The calculation proceeds in finite time section, each integrated numerically at one point (the
steps (labeled by superscript n). Due to finiteness of center). In simulating the tests that involve strain-
the step, the current stress point is allowed to pro- softening, the maximum principal strain increments
trude slightly outside the loading surface. This pro- were prescribed for all the loading steps, in order to
trusion is then eliminated in the subsequent iteration ensure a stable post-peak response. The material
by a return to the current loading surface. The parameter values corresponding to these fits are given
method used for the return is the radial return in Appendix B.
method (see e.g. [33]). The stress state d outside the The uniaxial compression data reported by
current loading surface must be corrected to the stress Hognestad et al. [34], van Mier [35] and Kupfer et ul.
% -Au”. After the correction Au”, the loading [28] are matched in Figs 4(a)-(c), as shown by the
surface may be approximated according to the solid lines. The data are shown as the data points or
Taylor series expansion O(& - AS”) = d(h) - the dashed lines. Figure 4(d) shows the fit of the
(aqa6)5w = 0, in which the dot denotes a scalar uniaxial tensile test data by Petersson [36].
product of two vectors and @ = F. It is then assumed Figures S(a) and (b) also show comparisons with
that the correction is in the radial direction, i.e. biaxial compression data reported by Kupfer et al.
Aa” = C&, in which C is a constant to be found. (281. Figures S(c) and (d) show comparisons with
Substituting this into the previous condition we can the standard triaxial compression tests by Balmer
1020 F. B. L~li PI nl


uniaxial compression
ktgnestad et al,


uniaxial compression
t -4

t -3


-I - analysis

0 -0Goi - 0.002 - 0.003 - 0.004 0.002 O.WI 0 -0001 * oLm2 -0.003

Stroin,r, Strain, c,

t 6 &-
uniaxial compression E
Van Nier, 1984 :: E -60

Strain x IO”

Petersson. 1981
600 uniax~a1 tension

0 2 4 6 6 lo I2 14 I6

Strain, c, (xIO-~)

Fig. 4. Fit of uniaxial compression and uniaxial tension data.

Concrete model with normaiity and sequential identification lo21

[37J, and by Kotsovos and Newmann [29]. In these LOCALfWTiON LIMITERS FOR SY’RAIN-SOFXENINC

tests, first a hydrostatic pressure is applied, after

The present model can be applied in the usual finite
which one principal stress is increased further.
element codes only to the extent that no strain-
Figure 5(e) shows comparisons with triaxial tests of
softening takes place. if it does, one must implement
van Mier f35J.
some type of localization limiters @!I), which prevent
Figures 6(a) and (b) show the fits of the voiurn~t~~
focaiization of strain-softening to a zone of vanishing
strain of concrete at uniaxial and biaxial com-
volume and avoid spurious mesh sensitivity and
pression. Figure 6(c) shows the comparison with
hydros~tic impression data 1381. By fitting these incorrect convergence. The simplest device to achieve
this is to impose a lower limit on the element size, as
data, the hardening parameter for hydrostatic com-
pression is determined. is done in the crack band modei 1421. If the mesh
Figures 6(d) and (e) show comparisons with test needs to be refined arbitrarily, one can-introduce the
data from cyclic uniaxial and biaxial tests [39,40]. It concept of nonlocal damage in the manner proposed
is seen that the use of constant elastic moduli in the in [43). This concept means that the parameters of the
present theory yields unloading slopes which are present model which control strain-softening would
much too steep, especially in Fig. 6(d). Improvement have to be expressed from spatial averages of stress
could be achieved only by introducing damage- and strain taken over a certain representative volume
dependent elastic modufi. of the mate&d of characteristic size.
The fits of typical test data which can be obtained
with the present model are generaliy quite satis- INCLUSION
factory, and are as good as those obtained previously,
e.g. with endochronic theory or plastic-fracturing 1. The objective has been to find the best possible
theory, while the identification of the materia1 par- model which has the fotfowing two desirable proper-
ameters is here more strai~tfo~ard. ties:

Kupferet al. 1969

biaxial coqwessicm

Kupfer et ol., 1969

Combined Ten. and Compr.
----- -l/O.103
--- -l/o.204 fhdmum *two

Strain, ( x IO”1

Fig. 5. faf, fb).

1022 F. B. LIN el al.



_ -50
6 -40

Newman 1980

- analysis

-20 0 20 40 60 80

Strain, c,

Van her. 1984

Q/C, = -0.33/-l

b, = 005 0;

0.02 001 0 -001


Fig. 5. Fit of biaxial and triaxial data.

. test
- analysis -10
( b)
v 1
0 -I -2
20 I6 I6 14 12 IO 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4

Volumetric Strain (x10”) Volumetric Strain (alO”)

Fig. 6. (a), (b).

Concrete model with normality and sequential identification 1023


-6 - t; = 7020 pti
-u ---- TEST
. -6-

(dl SINHA. GERSiLE ,T”LlN, 1964
-4 -


0 -2 -4 -6 -8
STRAIN, 4 ( X f8,


z -4
$ -3


-1 -2 -3
STRAIN. 6, tXld3,

Fig. 6. Fit of volumetric strain, hydrostatic and cyclic data.

(i) It satisfies the classical condidons of plasticity (ii) It permits a simple identification of material
theory desired by numerical analysts: (a) normality parameters from the given test data.
(with associativeness), (b) convexity, (c) continuity
with regard to subsequent loading surfaces and (d) 2. These conditions are met by developing a
absence of comers on the loading surface. loading surface model for which: (a) the deviatoric
1024 F B. LIN cl al.

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the U.S. Department of Energy through the Engineering 22. A. Schofield and P. Wroth, Critical State Sod Meckan-
Mechanics Program in the Computational Mechanics its. McGraw-Hill. London (1968).
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Concrete model with normality and sequenttal tdentdication 1025

Report TVBM 1006, Lund Institute of Technology APPENDIX B. BASIC INFORMATION ON TEST DATA AND
37. G. G. Balmer, Shearing strength of concrete under high
1. Hognestad et al., Fig. 4(a), 1341.
triaxial stress-computation of Mohr’s envelope as a
curve. Structural Research Laboratory Report No. SP- p,=O.l. p,,=l.lS, p,,=1.3, p=O.6, I,=200: the
23. Denver. Colorado. 11949). coeffictents for slanted ellipse are cl, = 0.0175, a, = -0.466,
. I

38. S. J. Green and S. R. Swanson, Static constitutive ur = 0.194, a, = 0.433, /Jo= 0.0218, 8, = -0.5806,
relations for concrete. AFWL-TR-72-2, Air Force j+ = 0.2414, /I, = 0.539.
Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base (1973) 2. Kupfer et al., Ag. 4(b), [28]
39. 0. Buyukozturk and T. M. Tseng, Concrete tn biaxial
cyclic compression. J. Sfruc~. Engng Div. ASCE 110, p,=O.l, p&,= 1.15, p,, = 1.35, p = 0.6, 1, = 250,
461-476 (1984). c+,= 0.0170, a, = -0.4501, a2 = 0.1820, a, = 0.3887,
40. B. P. Sinha, K. H. Gerstle and L. G. Tulin, Stress-strain &, = 0.02186, /3, = -0.5786, /Jr = 0.2340. /, = 0.4997.
relations for concrete under cyclic loading. AC1 J. 62, 3. Van Mier, Fig. 4(c), [35]
195-210 (1964).
p,=o.o5, p&,=
- 1.3, p ,- - 1.7, p = 0.6, I, = 200,
41. Z. P. Baiant and T. B. Belytschko. Strain-softening
continuum damage; localization and size effect. Pre-
at, = 0.00844, K,= - 0.4760. 01~ = 0.1709, a3 = 0.2669,
j0 = 0.01064, /I,-0.6003, b2 = 0.2155, A = 0.3367.
prints, 2nd Int. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for En-
gineering Materials, University of Arizona (Edited bv
4. Petersson, Fig. 4(d). 136)
C. DcsaT), pp. I l-33 (1987). -
42. Z. P. Batant and B. H. Oh, Crack band theory for p = 0.60, 1, = 2000; other coefficients are the same as Hog-
fracture of concrete. Mater. Struct. 16, 155-177 (1983). nestad et al.
43. G. Pijaudier-Cabot and Z. P. Baiant. Nonlocal damage
5. Bafmer, Fig. 5(c), [37]
theory. Report No. 86-8/428n, Center for Concrete
and Geomaterials, Northwestern University, Evanston, p = 0.60, 1, = 200,1, = 280; other coefficients are the same
Illinois (1986); AXE J. Engng Mech. 113 (1987) (in as Hognestad et al.
press). 6. Kotsovos and Newman, Fig. 5(d), [29]
p = 0.6, i, = 150,1, = 280; other coefficients are the same as
Hognestad er al.

By chain rule, 7. Green and Swanson, Fig. 6(c), [38]

p = 0.6, 1, = 90; other coefficients are the same as
a-_ afaa0+ afaTo+ d/E (Al) Hognestad et al.
aa, da, aa, a7, aa, aeda,’ 8. Sinha, Gerstle and T&in, Fig. 6(d), [So]
In calculating the derivatives in this expression one needs to p = 0.65, 110; other coefficients
)L2= are the same as
note that Hognestad el al.
da,/da, = 6,/3, &,/da, = s,,/3r, and 9. Buyukozlurk and Tseng, Fig. 6(e), [39]
= svsk,-
$q,. p = 0.65, I., = 220.

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