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Pernyataan Pers Kepala BKPM Thomas Lembong

Dalam rangka transisi perizinan berusaha secara nasional ke Sistem OSS (Online Single
Submission), BKPM hari ini, Jum’at 29 Juni 2018, telah menghentikan segala pemrosesan izin
dan penerbitan izin untuk sementara waktu. Pemrosesan izin dan penerbitan izin akan berjalan
kembali dalam waktu dekat (hemat info dari Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, dalam
hitungan hari) di Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian dengan sistem OSS, setelah sistem
OSS telah resmi di-luncurkan (di-Launching).

Menurut info yang diterima BKPM, Bapak Presiden telah menandatangani Peraturan
Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 24/2018, pada hari Kamis, 21 Juni 2018, di mana PP tersebut
memindahkan hampir keseluruhan wewenang pemrosesan dan penerbitan izin dari BKPM ke
Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian, yang akan memproses dan menerbitkan izin tersebut
melalui sistem OSS.

Sesuai arahan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian dalam Rapat Koordinasi Menteri Koordinator
Perekonomian kemarin, Kamis 28 Juni 2018, BKPM untuk sementara ini akan “tampung dulu”
segala permohonan izin, untuk disalurkan nanti ke OSS setelah OSS telah resmi di-Launching.
Dari informasi yang diterima BKPM, ada beberapa izin yang masih akan diproses dan diterbitkan
di BKPM dan bukan di OSS, bahkan pasca berlakunya PP-24/2018. Namun BKPM sedang dalam
proses memverifikasi persisnya izin-izin mana yang termasuk dalam pengecualian tersebut.

PTSP-BKPM (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu) tetap buka setiap hari kerja seperti biasa, guna
melayani pertanyaan pemohon izin dan investor, dan guna menampung secara sementara,
permohonan-permohonan izin sesuai arahan MenKo Perekonomian. Di samping peranan ini,
PTSP-BKPM juga akan menyiapkan diri untuk mengambil alih pengoperasian Sistem OSS dari
KemenKo Perekonomian kira-kira 5 bulan dari sekarang, sebagaimana telah diterangkan oleh
MenKo Perekonomian dalam pernyataannya kepada media massa dalam beberapa minggu

Pemohon izin, investor dan publik dimohon terus mengikuti akun BKPM di Media Sosial dan
pernyataan BKPM kepada Media, karena khususnya dalam hari-hari berikut, BKPM akan terus
menyiarkan updates dan keterangan lebih lanjut. Atas nama Pemerintah, BKPM tentunya
memohon maaf kepada para investor, atas mendadaknya informasi dan kondisi ini, dan atas
ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi.

Jakarta, 29 Juni 2018


In conjunction with the transition of nation-wide permits and licenses to the OSS System
(Online Single Submission), BKPM today, Friday 29th of June 2018, suspended all processing
and issuance of permits and licenses for the time being. Processing and issuance of permits and
licenses will resume soon at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs in the very near
future (according to information for the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, within
days), after the OSS System has been officially launched.

According to information received by BKPM, President Joko Widodo signed Government

Regulation (GR) Number 24/2018 on Thursday, June 21, 2018, where said GR-24/2018 transfers
virtually all authority to process and issue permits and licenses from BKPM to the Coordinating
Ministry for Economic Affairs to be processed under the OSS System.

In accordance with guidance provided by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in the
Coordinating Meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs yesterday, Thursday
June 28th, 2018, BKPM will “warehouse” on a temporary basis, all incoming applications for
permits and licenses, to be channeled to the OSS System once OSS has been officially launched.
According to information received by BKPM, there are several permits and licenses which will
continue to be processed by BKPM even after GR-24/2018 has come into effect. BKPM is
currently in the process of verifying which permits and license exactly fall under this exception.

The BKPM PTSP (One Stop Shop) will continue to open during working days as normal, in order
to answer any queries from permit applicants and investors, and to “warehouse” any incoming
permit and license applications, in accordance with the Economy Coordinating Minister’s
aforementioned instructions. Aside from this current role, the BKPM One Stop Shop or PTSP will
also be preparing itself to take over the OSS System’s operations approximately 5 months from
now, as has been explained by the Economy Coordinating Minster in a number of his
statements to the media during the last few weeks.

We request that permit and license applicants and investors continue to monitor BKPM’s
official accounts on Social Media and BKPM’s statements to the press, as we will be issuing
further updates and explanations in coming days. On behalf of the Government of Indonesia,
BKPM of course apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the suddenness of this information
and condition.

Jakarta, June 29th,2018


Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:

Ariesta Riendrias Puspasari

Kepala Biro Peraturan, Perundang-undangan, Hubungan Masyarakat dan TU Pimpinan
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.44 Jakarta 12190
Telepon : 021-5269874

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