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Tabel 1.1.3. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi Menurut Provinsi

Table Area of Irrigated Wetland by Province, 2008- 2012
Provinsi/ Growth
Province 2012 over 2011
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012a)

1 Aceh 218.106 239.888 201.230 212.585 170.265,84 -19,91

2 Sumatera Utara 275.776 286.481 289.524 289.662 202.287,76 -30,16
3 Sumatera Barat 182.189 184.125 184.316 186.956 163.031,23 -12,80
4 Riau 16.290 13.426 10.854 11.764 7.000,55 -40,49
5 Kepulauan Riau 79 146 293 274 784,64 186,36
6 Jambi 33.839 34.421 34.040 36.295 8.446,27 -76,73
7 Sumatera Selatan 97.072 101.339 102.037 106.023 167.541,30 58,02
8 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 2.595 3.175 2.995 4.105 4.061,97 -1,05
9 Bengkulu 63.114 64.031 66.290 66.839 53.965,69 -19,26
10 Lampung 180.499 182.114 184.091 192.136 138.095,03 -28,13
11 DKI Jakarta 1.156 1.184 1.223 1.223 1.103,17 -9,80
12 Jawa Barat 762.594 759.499 755.956 755.275 673.990,99 -10,76
13 Banten 108.317 111.084 108.884 107.750 156.930,00 45,64
14 Jawa Tengah 691.034 689.383 699.661 693.441 902.312,63 30,12
15 DI Yogyakarta 46.590 46.547 46.477 46.213 40.907,06 -11,48
16 Jawa Timur 874.133 879.958 879.618 876.835 910.532,74 3,84
17 Bali 80.393 78.683 81.040 79.759 79.232,34 -0,66
18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 196.266 200.361 201.010 201.904 167.968,35 -16,81
19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 86.728 101.752 106.544 107.054 63.520,75 -40,66
20 Kalimantan Barat 83.568 93.190 103.255 93.914 36.750,81 -60,87
21 Kalimantan Tengah 58.186 59.706 58.861 69.040 59.802,48 -13,38
22 Kalimantan Selatan 52.284 51.292 47.622 44.470 46.571,85 4,73
23 Kalimantan Timur 23.897 25.492 24.340 25.287 6.640,68 -73,74
24 Sulawesi Utara 50.129 50.130 42.553 46.406 44.311,89 -4,51
25 Gorontalo 20.857 20.666 22.015 22.883 25.465,98 11,29
26 Sulawesi Tengah 120.223 121.805 125.674 126.866 40.432,07 -68,13
27 Sulawesi Selatan 351.729 353.973 358.085 360.896 172.514,65 -52,20
28 Sulawesi Barat 31.183 33.071 34.101 32.004 21.188,94 -33,79
29 Sulawesi Tenggara 64.757 68.598 69.603 73.486 29.350,68 -60,06
30 Maluku 11.461 11.281 11.451 14.085 12.375,44 -12,14
31 Maluku Utara 10.515 6.744 8.118 7.408 5.777,48 -22,01
32 Papua 27.196 25.720 25.945 25.944 2.273,61 -91,24
33 Papua Barat 5.721 5.842 5.422 5.390 2.147,05 -60,17

Indonesia 4.828.476 4.905.107 4.893.128 4.924.172 4.417.581,92 -10,29

Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik

Source : BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Keterangan : Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)
Note : Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia
(wetland mapping results) for the island of Java and Madura (wetland mapping results)

Statistik Pertanian, 2013 9

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