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ROGER Vol. 71
organic solvents. It was recrystallized from water con- the ester purified by distillation a t 0.1 mm. pressure,
taining a few drops of methanol. The crystallization was %*OD 1.4595. The infrared spectrum contained all the
very slow and had to be induced by scratching. After absorption bands characteristic of dihydrosenecic acid di-
another recrystallization from the same solvent, the prod- methyl ester, but there were a few extraneous absorptions
uct melted a t 113" (cor.), which could be accounted for only by impurities.
Anal. Calcd. for C19H3105N:C, 64.57; H , 8.84. Anal. Calcd. for C I Z H ~ ~C,
O ~58.55;
: H, 9.01. Found:
Found: C, 64.39; H, 8.79. C, 58.71; H, 8.84.
Hydrolysis of Tetrahydrosenecionine.-A solution of Summary
0.13 g. of tetrahydrosenecionine in 2 ml. of water was
hydrolyzed by refluxing with 0.25 mg. of barium hydroxide 1. The alkaloid isolated from Senecio cineraria
octahydrate for one hour. The acid and basic portions in this Laboratory from seeds obtained from Hol-
were isolated by the usual procedure. land has been shown to be senecionine.
Acid Portion.-A yield of 60 mg. of the crude acid was 2. On hydrolysis with baryta senecionine gives
obtained. The crystallization proved difficult and the
acid was therefore lactonized to the more easily crystallized one molecule of retronecine and one molecule of a
senecic acid lactone which was purified by two recrystalli- dibasic acid C10H1606, senecic acid.
zations from benzene. The product, m. p. 155-156" 3. Senecic acid was easily lactonized to a crys-
(cor.), was identical with that obtained by direct hydroly- talline lactonic monobasic acid, C10HI404,senecic
sis of senecionine, followed by lactonization.
Hydrogenolysis of Senecionine (Platinum Oxide Cata- acid lactone, reported by previous investigators as
lyst).-A solution of 0.2 g. of senecionine in 15 ml. of ab- the necic acid from senecionine.
solute ethanol was hydrogenated in the presence of 0.2 g. 4. On reduction with hydrogen in the presence
of platinum oxide catalyst. The first two mole equiva- of Raney nickel, senecionine absorbs two moles of
lents of hydrogen were taken up in less than thirty min-
utes, after which the reduction slowed down considerably. hydrogen to form tetrahydrosenecionine which has
The total volume of hydrogen absorbed after a further the properties of an amino acid and yields on hy-
period of ten hours was 39 ml. (N. T. P.), the volume re- drolysis retronecanol and senecic acid. The
quired by theory for three mole equivalents being 40.1 ml. methyl ester of this compound was also charac-
After filtering off the catalyst, the solvent was removed
in zlucuo, leaving 200 mg. of a glassy transparent mass, terized. In the presence of platinum oxide cata-
which could be reduced t o a powder. The product was lyst, senecionine absorbs three moles of hydrogen,
extremely hygroscopic and was easily soluble in water and yielding an amorphous product, which gives on
ethanol, but insoluble in all non-polar solvents. At- hydrolysis retronecanol and dihydrosenecic acid.
tempts to crystallize this material or the product obtained
from it by the action of diazomethane were unsuccessful. 5 . Senecionine is therefore a cyclic diester from
A solution of 0.35 g. of this reduction product was hy- one molecule of retronecine and one molecule of a
drolyzed by refluxing in 8 ml. of water with 1 g. of barium dibasic acid, each of the two hydroxyls in retrone-
hydroxide octahydrate for one hour. The acid portion cine being involved in ester formation.
isolated in the usual way was a colorless oil. The yield
was 0.18 g. This was methylated by diazomethane and ILLISOIS
11, 1949



Senecio Alkaloids: The Alkaloids of Senecio Douglasii, Cartharnoides, Eremophilus,

Ampullaceus and Parksii

In a previous communication,' the isolation of All these alkaloids gave infrared spectra which
two alkaloids, designated as a- and 6-longilobine were essentially identical with that of the total
from Senecio longilobus by application of a chroma- alkaloid from Senecio longilobus before separation
tographic procedure, was described. The P- into its constituents. A sample of senecionine
longilobine fractions from the chromatograms from Senecio vulgaris,2 kindly supplied by Dr.
were contaminated with another alkaloid, which R. H. F. Manske, also gave the same infrared spec-
was not isolated in a pure condition but tenta- trum. The slight differences among these spectra
tively identified as riddelliine on the basis of its were such as would be expected when the propor-
infrared spectrum. tions of the components of a mixture were varied.
In the course of work carried out in this labora- The infrared spectra were not changed in any way
tory over a period of years, several Senecio alka- by repeated crystallization. I t was evident that
loids had been isolated. Of these, the alkaloids these alkaloids were mixtures which could not be
from Senecio douglasii, carthamoides, eremophilus separated into the components by mere crystalli-
and ampullaceus had specific rotations ranging zation procedures. I t was considered that the
from -86 to -109' and melting points ranging chromatographic method applied successfully in
from 212 to 218'. The analytical values on these the isolation of a- and /3-longilobine could profit-
alkaloids corresponded roughly to the molecular ably be extended to these other alkaloids. As a
formula Cp,H2306N,but satisfactory values were result of this work, i t has been established that in
not obtained, even after repeated crystallization. addition to varying amounts of the three alkaloids
J O U R N A L , 71, 1180 (1049).
(1) Adams and Govindachari, THIS (2) Manske, C47t. J . Res., 14B. 8 (1936).
June, 1949 SENECIO

present in Senecio longilobus, all these alkaloids skeleton, a-longinecic acid (ClOH1406) with two
have a fourth component closely associated with double bonds and one hydroxyl, senecic acid
a-longilobine, which has been positively identified (C10H1605) with one double bond and one hy-
as senecionine. droxyl, riddellic acid (ClOH1406) with two double
In identifying the components of the mixture bonds and two hydroxyls and 8-longinecic acid
of alkaloids encountered in this investigation, es- (CloH&) with one double bond and two hy-
pecially when complete separation by chromatog- droxyls. Moreover, the acids containing two
raphy proved difficult, extensive use has been double bonds have one of these in conjugation
made of infrared spectra. The strong absorption with a carboxyl, the other being in an isolated
bands of CY- and P-longilobine, senecionine and position in the molecule. I n the acids containing
riddelliine were common to more than one of only one double bond, this bond is in conjugation
these due to the presence in all four of a retrone- with one of the carboxyl groups.
cine moiety and of carbonyl linkages. I t was, The Alkaloids of Senecio Doug1asii.-When
therefore, necessary to use comparatively weak the alkaloidal fraction from Senecio douglasii was
bands for identification. The characteristic submitted to repeated crystallization from eth-
bands used were a t 992 ern.-' and 902 ern.-' anol, there was very little difference in specific
for a-longilobine, 1055 cm.-l for 0-longilobine, rotation and melting point from the fifth to the
757 cm.-' for senecionine and 1120 cm.-l for seventeenth crystallization, although the analysis
riddelliine. The hydroxyl band a t 3590 cm.-l corresponded more closely to the empirical
was common to both P-longilobine and riddelliine. formula CI8H2&,N. The infrared spectrum of the
From Senecio douglasii, the presence of senecio- product recrystallized seventeen times still showed
nine was detectable only in the a-longilobine frac- the strong absorption band a t 1055 ern.-' charac-
tion and not in the total alkaloid, while from teristic of P-longilobine (C18&60&) and also the
Senecio carthamoides, eremophilus, ampullaceus hydroxyl band a t 3590 cm. -l which is common to
and vulgaris, the total alkaloids all showed the P-longilobine and to riddelliine.3aab On hydrolysis
characteristic senecionine absorption a t 757 cm. -l. the alkaloid furnished an impure acid, which after
The riddelliine bands were not noticeable in any a tedious crystallization procedure furnished a
of the total alkaloids but only in the fractions small amount of acid melting a t 145' (C10H1606).
eluted from the alumina after removal of the main The total alkaloid from Senecio douglasii was
a-longilobine fraction. On the basis of the easily separated into two fractions corresponding
chromatographic separation of constituents and to a- and P-longilobine on passing a chloroform
infrared data on the original alkaloids and the frac- solution through an alumina column and de-
tions, the estimated composition of the alkaloids veloping and eluting with chlorofornl containing
from Senecio longilobus, douglasii, carthumoides, ethanol. The portion recovered from the filtrate
evemophilus and ampullaceus are given in Table I. was found to consist mainly of a-longilobine as-
TABLE I sociated with some amount of another alkaloid
a-Longilobine @-Longilobine with a lower specific rotation. The amount of
Source fraction % fraction yo this component was too small to make its isola-
S. longilobus 60 . . 40 (some riddelliine) tion feasible. It is very likely from examination
S. douglasii 35 . . 65 (some riddelliine)
S. carlhanzoides 90 (some senecionine) nil . . of infrared spectra that this component is senecio-
S. eremophilus 80 (some senecionine) 20 (some riddelliine) nine. By repeated chromatographic fractiona-
S. ampullaceus 70 (some senecionine) 20 . . tion, involving the rejection of certain early fil-
It is noteworthy that the difference in molecular trates rich in senecionine, it was possible to isolate
structure of the pair a-lorigilobine (C18H2305N) a-longilobine in an optically pure condition, iden-
and senecionine (Cl*H25O5N)consists in two car- tical in melting point and specific rotation, and
bon-carbon double bonds in the acid moiety of the yielding the same necic acid as the product from
first and only one in the latter. Exactly the Senecio longilobus.
same difference exists in the second pair, rid- The alumina column was divided arbitrarily
delliine (C18H2306N) and @-longilobine (C18H25- into three sections and the adsorbed materials
06N). Although the chromatographic separation isolated by elution with N acetic acid followed by
of the individuals in these pairs proved difficult, basification and extraction with chloroform. The
the isolation of one pair from the other was simple lower third of the column thus yielded almost
due to the greater adsorption affinity for alumina pure 6-longilobine, which was purified by further
of riddelliine and @-longilobineover a-longilobine chromatographic fractionation. P-Longilobine
and senecionine. Apparently the additional was obtained in optically pure condition, identical
hydroxyl group in the former pair causes this dif- in melting point and specific rotation and yielding
ference. These four alkaloids have the same basic the same neck acid as the product from Senecio
moiety, retronecine. Since they are very similar longilobus. The material recovered from the top
to each other in properties and appear together third of the column had a specific rotation of ap-
in several species of Senecio, it is probable that proximately -65 to -70". Examination of the
they are closely related structurally. The dibasic (3) (a) Manske, Can. J . Res., 17B, 1 (1939): (b) Adams, Hamlin,
acid moieties in each probably have the same Jelinek and Phillips, THISJOURNAL, 64, 2760 (1942).

infrared spectrum revealed that i t was composed tions with a higher specific rotation than the start-
essentially of P-longilobine. Hydrolysis of this ing material were isolated only in trace amounts.
fraction gave P-longinecic acid. The higher Since examination of the infrared spectra of the
specific rotation of this fraction appeared to be various fractions from such a chromatogram
caused by contamination with riddelliine ( [ a ] ~showed that only a-longilobine and senecionine
-109'). The infrared spectrum of an artificial were present and gave no evidence of structural
mixture of pure P-longilobine and pure riddelliine change or decomposition, the facts are difficult
simulated the infrared spectrum of this fraction to explain. The presence of P-longilobine in the
very closely. crude alkaloid from S. erernophilus was established
The Alkaloids of Senecio Carthamoides.-On by its actual isolation in optically pure condition
passing the alkaloid from Senecio carthamoides by the usual procedure. The product was iden-
in chloroform solution and developing with tical in every respect with that isolated from S.
chloroform, the early fractions in the filtrate longilobus and gave the same necic acid, m. p.
contained a low-rotating component, which was 146' on hydrolysis.
closely followed by the main a-longilobine frac- The Alkaloids of Senecio Ampullaceus.-The
tion. By introducing the material in benzene- alkaloidal fraction from Senecio ampullaceus was
chloroform mixture (80-20) and developing with isolated in low yield (0.025%) and a total of 0.5
large volumes of the same solvent mixture, gradu- g. was available. On hydrolysis with baryta,
ally increasing the chloroform content, the low- this material furnished retronecine and a n acid
rotating component was isolated in a pure condi- which could not be purified. The crude alkaloid
tion, and identified as senecionine by comparison was passed in chloroform solution through
with an authentic specimen. The isolation of a- an alumina column and continuously washed with
longilobine, in its optically pure form, proved to be chloroform. The main fraction passing into the
exceedingly difficult because of its persistent asso- filtrate had a specific rotation of - loo', giving an
ciation with senecionine. The purest a-longilo- infrared spectrum essentially identical with that
bine that could be obtained in fair quantity to of a-longilobine associated with some senecionine.
permit further examination had a specific rota- Further purification was not undertaken because
tion of -115', ten degrees lower than that of of the proved difficulty of separation of such a
pure a-longilobine. However, there was little mixture and lack of material. On continuing the
doubt from the evidence of infrared spectra, elution with chloroform containing 15% ethanol,
analytical data, melting point determinations and another component was recovered from the fil-
melting points of mixtures of the alkaloid and its trate. This material had a specific rotation of
methiodide with authentic specimens and hy- -44.4'. It melted a t 205' and a mixture with
drolysis to an acid C10H1406 identical with a- pure P-longilobine melted a t the same tempera-
longinecic acid that it was essentially pure a- ture. Its analysis corresponded to the formula
longilobine. ClsHzs06N. Its infrared spectrum was identical
When the chromatographic column was de- with that of P-longilobine, except that there were
veloped and eluted by chloroform followed by a few additional absorptions which did not corre-
chloroform containing one per cent. ethanol, in- spond to those of riddelliine and may be due to
stead of in benzene-chloroform mixtures employed another component.
for the isolation of senecionine (Table 111))ap- The Alkaloids of Senecio Parksii.-An ex-
proximately 10% of the material was left ad- amination of the infrared spectrum of the crude
sorbed on the alumina. This material had a alkaloid from Senecio parksii showed that i t
specific rotation of -96'. Examination of the was mainly composed of riddelliine, associated
infrared spectrum revealed that it was an impure with some P-longilobine. The infrared spectrum
mixture of a-longilobine and senecionine. No was not changed in any way even after repeated
P-longilobine or riddelliine could be detected. crystallization of the product. There was an addi-
The Alkaloids of Senecio Eremophi1us.-The tional absorption a t 1094 cm.-', which was not
crude alkaloid from Senecio erernophilus be- present in the spectra of riddelliine or P-longilobine
haved on chromatography essentially in the and must be ascribed to a third component.
same way as that from Senecio carthamoides as The Alkaloids of Senecio Vulgaris.-The in-
far as the a-longilobine and senecionine fractions frared spectrum of the sample from Senecio
were concerned. Senecionine was present in vulgaris, made available to US by Dr. R. H. F.
significant amounts and was isolated in a pure Manske, showed that it was mainly composed of
condition. It was not possible to isolate a- a-longilobine with appreciable amounts of sene-
longilobine in its optically pure form as i t was cionine. The low value for carbon obtained by
always associated with some senecionine, in spite Manske suggests that p-longilobine or riddelliine
of repeated fractional chromatography. When the may also be present. Because of the small
fractions corresponding to a-longilobine with amount of material a t our disposal, no separation
specific rotations of approximately - 100' were experiments were undertaken.
passed again through alumina columns, the early The authors are grateful to Dr. R. H. F. Manske
filtrates always contained senecionine, but frac- for supplying a specimen of the alkaloid from
June, 1949 SENECIO

Senecio vulgaris and to Mrs. J. L. Johnson for filtrate, leaving 8-longilobine and riddelliine on the
determination and interpretation of infrared alumina. The difficulties encountered in obtaining op-
tically pure a-longilobine have been described in the intro-
spectra. ductory part under the discussion on the individual alka-
Experimental loids from the several sources. In spite of numerous trials,
no solvent or solvent combination could be discovered
Extraction of the Alkaloids.-The coarsely ground plant which would resolve senecionine and a-longilobine into
material (entire plant) was extracted with 95% ethanol widely separated zones on the adsorbent column. There
in a Soxhlet for forty-eight hours. The alkaloidal fraction was always an intermediate zone containing both these
was isolated by the procedure described for r i d d e l l i i ~ ~ e .components.
~~ The process of isolation of the two com-
The yield of the alkaloidal fraction, once crystallized from ponents in a pure condition was therefore very tedious,
ethanol, is presented in Table 11. involving repeated fractional chromatography.
Senecionine was isolated in appreciable amounts, from
TABLE I1 the total alkaloid of Senecio carthamoides, by developing
Source Yield, %
' and eluting with benzene-chloroform mixtures, with in-
S. douglasii 0.12 creasing proportions of chloroform as the chromatogram
S. carthamoides .52 progressed. The procedure is illustrated in Table 111.
S. eremophdus .18 If the column was developed by chloroform alone, the
recovery of pure senecionine from one operation was
S. ampullaceus .025 comparatively low. The steps involved in the isola-
S. parksii .19 tion of the other alkaloids from the different sources
5 g. of the total alkaloid from .S. cauthamoideP
Alumina column 40 cm. X 3 cm. (350 g. alumina)
Developed by benzene-CHCla mixture
Benzene-CHCla (40:60)
I36 1. 2.6 I1. I
2.71. 500 ml.
500 ml. 500 ml.
1000 mi. 500rnl.
1500 ml. 500 ml.
1000 ml. 1000 ml.
Benzene- Benzene- Benzene- 0.018 g. 0.056 g. 0.035 g. 0.117 g. 0.05 g. 0.1485 g. 0.05 g. 0.092 g. 0.089 g.
CHCli CHCla CHCli (-50') (-51.8') (-48.3') (-49.8') (-52') (-52') (-52') (-52') (-52.8')
(60:40) (40:60) I lb
Nil Trace

Contd. from above

2 0 6 ml. 1000 ml. 1000 ml. 1000 ml. 1000 ml. 500 ml. 1000 ml. 1500 ml. 500 ml.
0.091g. 0 . l O g . 0.117g. 0.136g. 0.136g. 0.04g. 0.09g. 0 . 1 4 5 g . 0.048g.
(-55') (-58') (-65.6') (-67') (-73.4') (-77.5') (-79.4') (-70') (-85.4')

Contd. from above

2 0 0 ml. 50b ml
0.163 g. 0 , 0 8 5 g.
I060 ml. [CHCla-EtOH(l%)]
2 . 2 g.
Residue eluted with
(-92") (-95.4') (-103') N-acetic acid, basified
and extracted with CHCh
a Figures in parentheses indicate specific rotation. These fractions were combined and recrystallized from ethanol,
m. p. 238'. 0.0248 g. made up to 1 ml. in CHCls gave a -1.32' a t 28"; 1, 1; [ a I 2 8-53.3'.

M. P.,
OC. [cr]*'D

.Analyses, %-
- N
Senecio douglasii" 216-217 - 103 (5 rexl.) Calcd. for C ~ H ~ J O ~ N
64.86 6.91 4.20
Found 63.71 7.02 4.55
- 107 (17 rexl.) Found 64.50 7.39 4.34
Senecio carthumoidesb 220-221 - 109 Found 64.82 7.54 4.28
Senecio eremophilusb 2 17-2 19 - 94 Found 65.12 7.67 4.36
Senecio ampullaceus 212 - 86 Found 64.76 7.30 ..
Senecio vulgaris2 222 - 92.8 Found 63.04 7.20 4.26
Senecio parksii 210 - 90 Calcd. for C18H2306N 61.92 6.64 4.01
Found 62.81 6.98 4.46
a Adams and Mueller, unpublished work. * Adams and Phillips, unpublished work.
Se aration of the Constituents of Senecio Douglasii, are not presented due t o considerations of space, but
Cortfamoides, Eremophilus and Ampullaceus.-The alka- the relevant analytical data are summarized in Tables
loids were introduced in chloroform solution onto the v-VIII.
alumina columns without the preliminary treatment with The data on the alkaloids as extracted from the plants
alumina employed1 in the case of the alkaloid from Senecio are given in Table IV.
longilobus. The chromatographic fractionation procedure
has been described a t length in the previous communica- Hydrolysis of a- and P-Longilobine from the
tion.' All the alkaloids contained varying amounts Different Sources.-The hydrolysis was effected
of senecionine, which preceded the main a-longilobine frac- by the usual procedure' and the necine and necic
tion into the filtrate. By washing first with chloroform
and then with chloroform containing 1% ethanol, sene- acid portions were isolated. The melting points
cionine and 0-longilobine were eluted completely into the and analytical data of a- and i3-longinecic acids

TABLEV obtained from the several sources are presented in

~-LONGILOBINE Tables X and XI.
M . P..
M . p., Mix- -Found,b %-
Source 'C. turesa [ a ] ~ C H N
S. longilobus 217-218 .., -125.2 65.12 7.16 4 . 4 0
M. p., ' C . --Found,C %-
S.douglasii 217 217 -125.2 64.79 7.03 4.23
Source M. p., O C . Mixturesa C H
S.carthamoides 215-216 215 -115 64.96 7 . 0 0 4 . 4 4
S. eremoghilus 215 215 -101 64.40 7.39 .. S. longilobus 115 ... 56.16 6.34
S.ampullaceus 217-218 217-218 -100 64.91 7 . 1 7 4.41 S. douglasii 115 115 56.17 6.56
Melting points of mixtures with pure a-longilobine, S. carthamoides 115 115 56.02 6.78
from Senecio longilobus. All melting points are corrected. S. eremophilush 117-118 116 56.20 7.18
Calcd. for C18H230jN: C, 64.86; H, 6.91; N, 4.20.
Melting point determination of mixture with pure 01-
TABLEVI longinecic acid from S. longilobus. Infrared spectrum
METHIODIDE showed definite presence of senecic acida4 Calcd. for
CioHiaOs: C, 56.08; H, 6.54.
M. P . ,
O C .
M . p., Mix- -Found,b %-
Source OC. tures" C H N TABLEXI
S. longilobus 240 . . . 47.92 5.64 3.17 P-LONGINECIC
S. douglasii 240 240 48.17 5.68 2.93 M . p., "C. --Found,b %--
S. carthamoides 238 238 47.68 5.82 .. Source M. p., OC. Mixture' C H
S. eremophilus 236 236 48.48 5.73 3.09 S. longilobus 146 ... 51.68 7.00
S. ampullaceus 235 235 48.32 5.93 3.02 S. douglasii 146 146 52.03 6.95
Melting point of mixture with pure a-longilobine
(I S. eremophilus 146 146 51.74 7.32
methiodide from S . longilobus. * Calcd. for C18H230jN' Melting point determination of mixtures with pure 8-
CHaI: C, 48.0; H, 5.48; N, 2.95. longinecic acid from S. longilobus. Calcd. for CloHleOe:
TABLEVI1 C, 51.8; HI 6.95.
p-LONGILOBINE Hydrolysis of Senecionine from S. curfhurnoides.-
M,. P.. The hydrolysis was effected by the usual procedureoand the
M. p . ,
Mix- -Found,) %- dibasic senecic acid4 was isolated, melting a t 141 This .
Source "C. tures' [ a ] ~ C H N was converted to senecic acid lactone by the procedure
p r e p u s l y described and submitted for analysis, m. p .
S. douglasii
207-208 2 8
61.61 7 . 3 5 4 . 1 2
61.60 7 . 3 1 4.1; 154 . Melting point of Fixture with authentic sample of
senecic acid lactone, 151 .
S. evemophilus 207-208 207-208 -49.6 6 1 , 3 0 7 , 3 9 4.05
S. amgullaceus 205 203 -44.4 61.93 7 . 5 3 .. Calcd. for CloHl404: C, 60.59; H, i . 1 2 . Found: C,
Melting point of mixture with pure p-longilobine from 60.69; H, 7.21.
Senecio Zongilobus. Calcd. for C18H2j06N: C, 61.5; H,
7.12; Pi, 3.98. Summary
TABLEVI11 The alkaloids isolated from Senecio douglasii,
METHIODIDE carthamoides, eremophilus and ampullaceus were
Af. p., mixtures which could not be separated into their
. p.,
Mix- -Found,b %-
pure components by fractional crystallization pro-
Source C. turesa C H X cedures. By employing a chromatographic frac-
S. longilobus 256 46.02 5.93 2.81 tionation procedure, with alumina as the ad-
S. douglasii 256 256 46.44 5.89 2.72 sorbent, these alkaloids have been shown to be
S. eremophilus 256 256 46.34 5.71 . . mixtures of some or all of the four alkaloids, a-
S. ampullaceus 254-256 254-256 46.67 5.76 .. longilobine (C18H2305N) , p-longilobine, (C18H25-
Melting points of mixture with pure p-longilobine OsN), senecionine (C18H&N) and riddelliine
methiodide from S . longilobus. Calcd. for ClsHnsOeN. (C&&06N). The identity of the components has
CHjI: C, 46.25; H, 5.68; N, 2.85. been established by actual isolation in optically
TABLEIX pure condition and when this proved difficult, by
infrared spectra. Further proof has been fur-
SENECIOSINE nished by hydrolysis of these components to the
M p.,
O C . corresponding necic acids and comparison with
M. p., Mix- -Found,C %- authentic specimens.
Source cC. turesa [a]., C H N
S. cavthamoidesb 238 237-238 -53.3 64.51 7.51 4.27 The alkaloid isolated by klanske from Senecio
S.cvcmophilus 236 236 -51.7 64.38 7 . 6 8 vulgaris is probably composed mainly of CY-
Melting point determination of mixture with authentic longilobine and senecionine, with some p-longilo-
sample of senecionine from S . cineraria4 (m. p. 236"). bine or riddelliine. The alkaloid isolated from
* The methiodide melted a t 249". Calcd. for ClsHzjOsri, Senecio parksii is probably a mixture of rid-
CH31: C, 47.80; H, 5.91; N, 2.94. Found: C, 47.88; delliine and @-longilobine. The evidence in these
H, 6.10; N, 2.95. Calcd. for C18H260jN: C, 64.48;
H, 7.52; N, 4.17. two cases is based entirely on infrared spectra.
(4) Adams and Govindachari. THISJ O U K N A L , 71, 1953 (1949). URBANA, ILLINOIS RECEIVED
MARCH25, 1949

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