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Subject : English

Class : 4 Cekap
Enrolment : /33
Level : Intermediate
Date/Day : 03/09/2014 Wednesday
Time : 12.30 p.m.-1.30 p.m.
Theme : World of Knowledge (Unit 13: Work Hard, Work Smart)
Topic : Tools and Us
Focused Skill(s) : Writing
Integrated Skill (s) : Speaking

Content Standard Learning Standard

3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary 3.2.1 Able to transfer information with
schooling, pupils will be able to write using guidance to complete:
appropriate language form and style for a (a) linear texts
range of purposes.

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with
schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce guidance
words and speak confidently with the
correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
1. Answer four out of five questions correctly based on the picture.
2. Write an essay based on the picture given correctly.

Educational Emphases:
1. Multiple intelligences: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Verbal-linguistic
2. Thinking skills: Critical and creative thinking skills, making association.
3. Moral value: We should cooperate with each other in a group activity
Language Content :-
Vocabulary: broom, mop, bucket, brush, spray, sponge

Teaching Aids : manila cards, word cards, pictures

Stage/Time Content Teaching -Learning Rationale Remarks/T

Activity eaching
Set Induction Picture puzzle 1. Teacher holds a
(6 minutes) (People gotong parts of a picture -To arouse
royong) puzzle. students’ interest
-To introduce the
Questions and 2. Teacher calls five topic of the day
answers students at random
Q1: What can you to complete the
see from the picture puzzle.
picture? 3. Once they have
A1: Some people
completed, teacher
are doing gotong
royong. asks what they can
Q2: Where the see from the picture.
gotong royong took 4. Teacher asks
place? several related
A2: At the school questions based on
the picture.
5. Students answer
what can they could
see from the picture.
Presentation WH questions 1. Teacher displays a -To elicit Manila
(10 minutes) Q1: What event was picture of pupils responses from Card
this? cleaning a classroom. pupils and check
Q2: Where was this 2. To get the students their
held? on what the picture is understanding.
Q3: When did this all about, teacher -To improve on
happen? asks the students their pronunciation
Q4: Who was there? using 5WHs and 1H
Q5: What did they questions.
do? 3. Teacher explains
on how to write a
picture composition.
4. Teacher drills the
students on how to
use correct sentence
form thus write an
Practice Group Work : 1. Teacher shows To prepare Drawing
(20 minutes) Write an essay another picture students for the paper.
using guided related to gotong writing activity.
keywords. royong.
2. Teacher divides the
Picture composition students into six
3. Teacher distributes
a piece of drawing
paper to each group.
4. Students are
required to write an
essay based on the
5. Teacher walks
around the class to
guide the students
Production Presentation of their 1. Students are -To enhance their
(18 minutes) work required to present speaking skill.
their work in front of
the class. -To promote
2. Teacher discuss critical and
with the students creative thinking
about their story. skills among
Closure Poison box game to 17. Teacher To summarize the
(6 minutes) call on the students conducts poison box topic
Moral Value: game in order to call To assess
We should students
cooperate with each upon a student to understanding of
other in a group sum up what they the topic
activity. have learnt today. .
18. Teacher
highlights the moral
value of the lesson.

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