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Matthew J. Williamson* and Lawrence T. Dauer†

with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in

AbstractVThe use of unconventional or novel radionuclides for
positron emission tomography (PET) is becoming more preva-
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 35, sec-
lent in both nuclear medicine diagnosis and therapy. Many of tion 75 (10 CFR 35.75), or similar reference in agreement
these radionuclides are produced in cyclotrons or are further states. 10 CFR 35.75(a) authorizes a licensee to release
eluted from generators. Although half-lives from many of these from its control any individual who has been administered
unconventional PET radionuclides are considered relatively
short (minutes to hours, but some are days) and the intent of
byproduct material if the total effective dose equivalent to
their use is often as a diagnostic imaging agent, patient release any other individual from exposure to the released indi-
criteria and patient radiation safety instruction regulatory re- vidual is not likely to exceed 5 mSv. It requires a licensee
quirements are based on estimated dose to a member of the to provide the released individual, or the individual’s parent
public. This paper reviews a method referenced routinely for
patient release criteria as found in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
or guardian, with instructions, including written instruc-
Commission guidance, estimates fundamental quantities used tions, on actions recommended to maintain doses to other
in the method, compares estimated quantities with the published individuals as low as reasonably achievable if the total
literature, and calculates release and patient radiation safety effective dose equivalent to any other individual is likely to
instruction criteria for several novel PET radionuclides used in
nuclear medicine. It should be recognized that some quantities
exceed 1 mSv (USNRC 2013). In the U.S., regulatory
of novel PET radionuclides in use today reach the threshold for guidance is issued to facilitate compliance with radiation
patient safety instruction using conservative model procedures protection regulations. The current U.S. guidance docu-
for patient release. ment for medical licensees is NUREG 1556 Volume 9,
Health Phys. 106(3):341Y352; 2014
Revision 2. Appendix U of this guidance document con-
Key words: exposure, radiation; medical radiation; nuclear tains a model procedure for release of patients adminis-
medicine; positron emission tomography tered radioactive materials (USNRC 2007). The model for
patient release is based on an estimated dose to a member
of the public using the gamma constant of the nuclide, an
INTRODUCTION occupancy factor based on half-life, and a distance from
the patient of 1 m. This model does not account for bio-
PATIENT RELEASE criteria after administration of radioactive logical distribution or removal of the pharmaceutical, self-
materials are based on an estimated dose to a member of attenuation from the patient, or any other parameters that
the public. The International Commission on Radiation might be specific to the patient or the scenario. Situational
Protection (ICRP) recommends that the public dose limit specific information may be used to better estimate the
of 1 mSv per year should be applied to infants, children, dose to a member of the public and is recommended as a
and casual visitors and furthers a dose constraint of 5 mSv more accurate estimate of the potential dose to a member of
per episode for relatives, visitors, and caregivers (ICRP the public (Culver and Dworkin 1992; Al-Haj et al. 2007).
2004). The U.S. regulation on patient release originates Zanzonico et al. (2000) provide a mechanism for specific
*Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
scenarios of public interaction with patients released from
Center, New York, NY; †Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan- licensee control, which is further reviewed by the NCRP
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. (Zanzonico et al. 2000; NCRP 2007). Licensees may offer
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
For correspondence contact: Matthew Williamson, Department of a mechanism of compliance with patient release and in-
Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York struction regulations by simply committing to the model
Avenue, New York, NY 10021, or email at procedures contained in the NUREG. Some suggest that
(Manuscript accepted 30 May 2013)
0017-9078/14/0 the assumptions in the regulatory guidance are antiquated
Copyright * 2014 Health Physics Society and therefore recommend an extra-conservative approach
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0b013e31829efbc4 to patient release (North et al. 2001; Parthasarathy and 341

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342 Health Physics March 2014, Volume 106, Number 3

Crawford 2002). While others recognize that the current accuracy acceptable in these situations, and to facilitate
guidance is conservative in its assumptions (DeSantis the interpolation or extrapolation of the specifications in
and Chabot 2001; Rutar et al. 2001; Siegel et al. 2007; this report, the simplifications noted above have been de-
Willegaignon et al. 2007; Stabin et al. 2009; de Carvalho liberately employed’’ (NCRP 1970). It is recognized that this
et al. 2011), licensees often employ its fundamentals when model is simplistic and contains many uncertainties. For
developing procedures for patient release. The American example, NCRP Report No. 37 does not include occupancy
Thyroid Association recommends periodic reviews of factors, but it does recognize that exposures may not occur
programs and protocols regarding patient release and ra- for the entire 24 h in a day. The NCRP included activity at
diation safety instruction while focusing on sound medical discharge and exposure rates at 1 m from the patient for
practice and adherence to regulations (Sisson et al. 2011). several radionuclides as an estimate for dose to a member
The use of unconventional or novel radionuclides for of the public. It is recommended that exposure rate rather
positron emission tomography (PET) is becoming more than activity be used as the mechanism for estimating dose
prevalent in both nuclear medicine diagnosis and therapy to the public. This report was progressive as compared to
(Holland et al. 2010). The basis for patient release and previous recommendations on patient release, which were
radiation safety instruction is rooted in an estimated dose limited to an estimated residual amount of radioactivity in
to a member of the public. Assumptions in regulatory the patient regardless of the nuclide.
guidance are used often to demonstrate compliance with The NRC published for comment the rulemaking for
patient release requirements. The guidance for patient re- patient release in the Federal Register in 1985 (USNRC
lease and radiation safety instruction is reviewed and ex- 1985). Patient release was proposed initially as only an ex-
tended toward novel PET radionuclides. posure rate criterion of 6 mR hj1 at 1 m from a patient
administered a radiopharmaceutical or permanent implant,
Historical basis as discovered in an earlier notice of proposed rulemaking
Siegel traces the history of the 30-mCi patient release issued by the NRC and the Federal Register notice. Using
rule to the 1950s (Siegel 2000). Recommendations from eqn (1) Ethe gamma constant in NCRP 37, time to infinity,
the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) included hospi- and solving for D(t)^, the estimated dose at 1 m from a patient
talization of patients with greater than 30 mCi of any is 1.67 R. The NRC further assumed an occupancy factor
nuclide. Siegel notes that hardened regulation was limited of 8 h dj1 or one-third. Multiplying 1.67 R by one-third
to recommendations in licensing guidance and radioactive yields an estimated exposure of 0.556 R, which is greater
material license conditions. A review of historical licenses than 0.5 R. It is probable that the exposure rate release limit
at this institution dating to 1963 confirms such license ultimately expressed in the final rule was reduced to 5 mR hj1
conditions: ‘‘Patients receiving more than 30 millicuries of at 1 m from the patient due to its resultant estimated ex-
unsealed gamma sources shall remain hospitalized until posure of 0.464 mR (i.e., G 0.5R), using the same meth-
the activity is less than 30 millicuries.’’ odology found in NCRP 37. When the final rule was
In 1970, the National Council on Radiation Protection published in the Federal Register, the 30 mCi residual ac-
(NCRP) Report Number 37 recommended measures and tivity limit was incorporated based on current licensing
procedures for minimizing unnecessary irradiation with practice and the recommendations of the NCRP. However,
regard for individuals caring for or associating with pa- using the NCRP 37 guidance, 30 mCi of 131I estimates an
tients who have received therapeutic doses of radioactive exposure of 0.612 R, in excess of 0.5 R. NCRP 37
materials (or millicurie range) for diagnostic purposes. The suggested a residual activity for 131I of 8 mCi, resulting in
report states the maximum permissible dose to those not an exposure of 0.5 R for an occupancy factor of 1. An
exposed occupationally as 500 mrem per year (NCRP occupancy factor of one-third increases the residual activity
1970). In order to estimate exposure for a given radionu- remaining in the patient to 24 mCi, less than the 30 mCi
clide over a period of time, eqn (1) was presented: proposed by the NRC.
34:6GQ0 T ð1  ej0:693t=T Þ The NRC codified release of patients administered
DðtÞ ¼ : ð1Þ radiopharmaceuticals in 10 CFR 35.75 with the release
limits of 5 mR hj1 at 1 m from the patient or when the
Eqn (1) employs the gamma constant (G) for a particular activity remaining in the patient is less than 30 mCi, re-
radionuclide in units of R cm2 (mCi h)j1, administered gardless of the administered radionuclide in 1987 (USNRC
activity (Q0) in millicuries (mCi), exposure time (t) in days, 1987) and was echoed in the patient release recommen-
the physical half-life (T ) in days, distance (r) from the point dations of NRC Regulatory Guide (Reg. Guide) 10.8 Re-
of interest in centimeters, and the conversion factor of vision 2 (USNRC 1987; Siegel 2000). Although the NCRP
24 h dj1 multiplied by the total integration of decay (1.44). provided recommendations for patient release related to
The NCRP states, ‘‘In accordance with the degree of various radionuclides in their report issued in 1970, the

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Activity thresholds and PET c M. J. WILLIAMSON AND L. T. DAUER 343

NRC continued with a single activity threshold regardless and the ICRP. Other organizations are progressive in
of the radionuclide. their recommendations. The European Atomic Energy
Carol Marcus initiated a change in thinking while Community (EURATOM) is an international organiza-
petitioning the NRC regarding the member-of-the-public tion under the European Commission that offers publica-
dose limit (1 mSv) offered in the revised 10 CFR 20 and its tions and standards on radiation protection. The European
application to the release of patients, ultimately leading to Commission published a set of radiation safety standards in
the idea of a dose limit for patient release rather than the 1996 to include public dose limits. They specifically ex-
activity and dose rate limit (USNRC 1990). In 1997, the cluded individuals knowingly and willingly helping in the
NRC changed the patient release rule (USNRC 1997a) and support and comfort of patients undergoing medical diag-
issued NUREG 1492 (USNRC 1997b) and Reg. Guide 8.39 nosis or treatment from the 1 mSv public annual dose limit
(USNRC 1997c), offering mechanisms to comply with the (EUR 1996). The European Commission document per-
dose-based release criterion of 5 mSv to a member of the mits exceeding the 1 mSv public limit for 1 y, provided the
public. An additional dose-based criterion of 1 mSv was average effective dose over five consecutive years does not
provided as a threshold for providing patients with radiation exceed 1 mSv yj1.
safety instruction. The European Commission later published radiation
Eqns (2) and (3) (from NUREG 1492 and Reg Guide protection guidance following 131I therapy. The recom-
8.39) are used to estimate a dose to infinity based on the mendations mimic those published prior for members of
gamma constant (G) and administered activity (Q0). These the public and continue to exclude persons knowingly and
equations contain slight modifications from the equation in willingly caring for patients undergoing medical diagnosis
NCRP Report No. 37. Eqn (2) is used for radionuclides or treatment from the public dose limit (EUR 1998). They
with a physical half-life greater than 1 d and assumes an refer to this population as family and close friends. It is
occupancy factor of 0.25. Eqn (3) is used for radionuclides recommended that persons not caring for the patient be
with a physical half-life greater than 1 d and assumes an considered third persons (members of the public), and a
occupancy factor of 1: 0.3 mSv upper dose limit is recommended. The 1 mSv
34:6GQ0 T p ð0:25Þ limit is interpreted as a cumulative limit, and it is sug-
DðVÞ ¼ ð2Þ gested that the third person may encounter other manmade
ð100 cmÞ2 exposures during the year. This European Commission
document also presents dose constraints for members of
34:6GQ0 T p the public for different age groups. For the developing
DðVÞ ¼ : ð3Þ
ð100 cmÞ2 fetus and all children, a dose constraint of 1 mSv is pre-
sented. The dose constraint for adults up to about 60-y old
NUREG 1492 and Reg. Guide 8.39 used eqns (2) and (3) is 3 mSv. For those over 60-y old, the dose constraint is
for radionuclides encountered routinely in nuclear medi- 15 mSv (EUR 1997).
cine procedures to develop activity and dose rate release IAEA Safety Report Series, Report No. 40, Applying
criteria (5 mSv) and thresholds for patient radiation safety Radiation Safety Standards in Nuclear Medicine, is in line
instruction (1 mSv). These are guidance for the licensee in with the European Commission public limits; i.e., a public
determining (1) when the licensee may authorize the re- dose limit of 1 mSv yj1 (IAEA 2005). Report No. 40 also
lease of a patient who has been administered radiophar- permits public exposures above the limit; up to 5 mSv yj1
maceutical or permanent implants containing radioactive for special circumstances provided the average dose over
material and (2) when instructions to the patient are re- five consecutive years does not exceed 1 mSv yj1. This
quired by 10 CFR 35.75(b). report does not address caregivers and family members.
Eqns (2) and (3) may be rewritten, solving for activity IAEA Report No. 63, Release of Patients after Radionuclide
(Q0) and where D(V) is set to equal the dose-based Therapy, restates the public dose limits and permission to
thresholds of 10 CFR 35.75, for radiation safety instruc- exceed the limits and the average not to exceed 1 mSv over
tion to a patient or patient release; i.e., 1 mSv and 5 mSv, as 5 y, but it does not address specifically the 5 mSv maximum
demonstrated in eqn (4), respectively. Occupancy is rep- for the year (IAEA 2009). The report also states that there
resented by T and is based on the half-life. Occupancy (T ) are no comforter and carer dose limits. The IAEA offers
is either 1 or 0.25, as noted in eqns (2) and (3): dose constraints for the comforter and carer population
ð1 mSv or 5 mSvÞð100 cmÞ2 adjusted for age; 1 mSv per episode for pregnant women
Q0 ¼ : ð4Þ and children up to 10-y-old, 3 mSv per episode for children
34:6GT p ðT Þ
older than10 y to adults up to 60 y, and 15 mSv for adults
International recommendations on patient release stem older than 60 y. Report No. 63 also presents the dose con-
from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) straint of 0.3 mSv per episode to third parties.

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344 Health Physics March 2014, Volume 106, Number 3

METHODS The exposure rate constants were recalculated again

for the radionuclides in NUREG 1492, using the photon
In 2005, NRC guidance for medical licensees and energy and abundance from ICRP 107 decay tables (ICRP
patient release was consolidated into NUREG 1556 Vol. 9, 2009) that used the derived men. As in NUREG 1492,
revised in 2008. For this study, prior to calculating release photons with energies less than 11.3 keV were not included
criteria and thresholds for radiation safety instruction for in the exposure rate calculation.
novel PET radionuclides, the method offered in NUREG Smith and Stabin recently published exposure rate
1556 Vol. 9 Rev. 2 Appendix U was verified. The methods constants, as this current work was in progress (Smith and
include: the estimation of the linear energy absorption Stabin 2012). They tabulate exposure rate constants for
coefficient in air (men); the comparison of published men over 1,000 radionuclides based on ICRP 107 decay schemes.
data with estimated data; the estimation of exposure rate A photon energy threshold of 15 keV and an abundance
constants (previously referred to as gamma constant) based threshold of 0.0001 were used in their calculation of the
on men, radionuclide decay schemes, and additional as- exposure rate constant. Using the Smith and Stabin energy
sumptions; the comparison of these exposure rate constants and abundance threshold values, exposure rate constants
with published literature; and the calculation of release were estimated in this work for the radionuclides in NUREG
criteria and thresholds for radiation safety instruction for 1492 based on the derived men in air and ICRP 107 decay
novel PET radionuclides. tables. The calculated exposure rate constants are compared
The radionuclides presented in Appendix U were in- in NUREG 1492, NUREG 1556 Vol. 9 Rev. 2, and Smith
troduced in NCRP Report No. 37 and further evaluated in and Stabin (2012).
NUREG 1492. When not referenced from other sources, Exposure rate constants are calculated for a listing of
exposure rate constants listed in NUREG 1492 were derived novel radionuclides presented by Holland et al. (2010)
empirically based on the photon energy, the photon abun- using ICRP 107 decay schemes, the derived men, and en-
dance, and the linear energy absorption coefficient in air ergy and abundance thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001,
(men) for the energy of interest (USNRC 1997b). Many re- respectively. These are compared to the exposure rate
sources derive and list exposure rate constants, and they constants presented by Smith and Stabin (2012). The es-
vary. In the interest of this model verification, the method timated novel radionuclide exposure rate constants from
presented in current regulatory guidance and basis docu- this work, the half-lives listed in ICRP 107, and the oc-
ments was used to determine the exposure rate constant. cupancy factor based on the half-life were used to estimate
The men data from NUREG 1492 were estimated from patient release criteria and patient radiation safety in-
the Radiological Health Handbook (USDHEW 1970) as struction thresholds using eqn (4), the ultimate result of
referenced in NUREG 1492, which is based on data compiled this work.
in the Engineering Compendium on Radiation Shielding
(Jaeger 1968). The men is frequently tabulated with large
intervals between energies. These large gaps in the tabulated
data, combined with a non-linear function with variation in Table 1 presents the men in air based on a direct visual
slope, can lead to differences in reported exposure rate interpretation of the log-log graph of men found on page
constants. In order to better interpret the function, the men 135 of the Radiological Health Handbook (USDHEW
graph was scanned from the Radiological Health Handbook 1970), converted to PDF and plotted on 3 feet X 4 feet
(RHH) (USDHEW 1970) into a portable document format paper. The error reported for these data is the reading error.
(PDF) and printed on a 3 feet X 4 feet sheet of paper. The The reading error is estimated as plus or minus half the
generated men are compared with available data. lowest division on that section of the graph (Bakke 2009).
NUREG 1492 presented several radionuclides, their Results are reported to the first figure in the error. Fig. 1
photon energies, and energy abundances used in calcu- was generated using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft\ Office
lating the exposure rate constant. This work recalculates Excel\ 2007) and the data from Table 1.
the exposure rate constants in NUREG 1497 using the de- Table 2 compares the estimated men in air from Table 1
rived men and the photon energy and abundances given in the to published values (ICRU 1970; Shleien et al. 1998; NBS
NUREG. A VLOOKUP formula was used in Microsoft\ Handbook 1964). The ratio of the estimated men in air from
Excel 2007 to facilitate the correlation of photon energy Table 1 to the published work is offered. Data columns are
and linear energy absorption coefficients in air. It is noted labeled, and the column labels are used to describe the ratio
that NUREG 1492 used a photon energy threshold of of this work against the published values.
11.3 keV as employed in NCRP Report No. 41. The basis Fig. 2 shows the exposure rate constants for the nine
for the 11.3 keV photon energy threshold is referenced radionuclides that were presented with decay schemes and
as private communication (NCRP 1974). linear energy-absorption coefficients in NUREG 1492.

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Activity thresholds and PET c M. J. WILLIAMSON AND L. T. DAUER 345

Table 1. Derived men in air from 3 feet x 4 feet copy of page 135 of the Radiological Health Handbook (1970)

MeV men (mj1) Error (mj1) MeV men (mj1) Error (mj1) MeV men (mj1) Error (mj1) MeV men (mj1) Error (mj1)
0.01 0.58 T 0.01 0.066 0.00360 T 0.00005 0.36 0.00380 T 0.00005 0.79 0.00370 T 0.00005
0.011 0.43 T 0.01 0.068 0.00350 T 0.00005 0.37 0.00380 T 0.00005 0.8 0.00370 T 0.00005
0.012 0.330 T 0.005 0.07 0.00345 T 0.00005 0.38 0.00385 T 0.00005 0.81 0.00370 T 0.00005
0.013 0.260 T 0.005 0.072 0.00340 T 0.00005 0.39 0.00385 T 0.00005 0.82 0.00370 T 0.00005
0.014 0.200 T 0.005 0.074 0.00330 T 0.00005 0.4 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.83 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.015 0.160 T 0.005 0.076 0.00325 T 0.00005 0.41 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.84 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.016 0.130 T 0.005 0.078 0.00325 T 0.00005 0.42 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.85 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.017 0.110 T 0.005 0.08 0.00320 T 0.00005 0.43 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.86 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.018 0.090 T 0.001 0.082 0.00315 T 0.00005 0.44 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.87 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.019 0.076 T 0.001 0.084 0.00315 T 0.00005 0.45 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.88 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.02 0.062 T 0.001 0.086 0.00310 T 0.00005 0.46 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.89 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.021 0.058 T 0.001 0.088 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.47 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.9 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.022 0.048 T 0.001 0.09 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.48 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.91 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.023 0.041 T 0.001 0.092 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.49 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.92 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.024 0.0390 T 0.0005 0.094 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.5 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.93 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.025 0.0330 T 0.0005 0.096 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.51 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.94 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.026 0.0300 T 0.0005 0.098 0.00300 T 0.00005 0.52 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.95 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.027 0.0270 T 0.0005 0.1 0.00300 T 0.00005 0.53 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.96 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.028 0.0240 T 0.0005 0.11 0.00305 T 0.00005 0.54 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.97 0.00365 T 0.00005
0.029 0.0215 T 0.0005 0.12 0.00310 T 0.00005 0.55 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.98 0.00360 T 0.00005
0.03 0.0195 T 0.0005 0.13 0.00315 T 0.00005 0.56 0.00390 T 0.00005 0.99 0.00360 T 0.00005
0.031 0.0170 T 0.0005 0.14 0.00320 T 0.00005 0.57 0.00390 T 0.00005 1 0.00355 T 0.00005
0.032 0.0155 T 0.0005 0.15 0.00325 T 0.00005 0.58 0.00390 T 0.00005 1.1 0.00350 T 0.00005
0.033 0.0145 T 0.0005 0.16 0.00330 T 0.00005 0.59 0.00390 T 0.00005 1.2 0.00345 T 0.00005
0.034 0.0135 T 0.0005 0.17 0.00335 T 0.00005 0.6 0.00385 T 0.00005 1.25 0.00345 T 0.00005
0.035 0.0125 T 0.0005 0.18 0.00340 T 0.00005 0.61 0.00380 T 0.00005 1.3 0.00340 T 0.00005
0.036 0.0115 T 0.0005 0.19 0.00345 T 0.00005 0.62 0.00380 T 0.00005 1.4 0.00330 T 0.00005
0.037 0.0105 T 0.0005 0.2 0.00350 T 0.00005 0.63 0.00380 T 0.00005 1.5 0.00325 T 0.00005
0.038 0.0098 T 0.0001 0.21 0.00350 T 0.00005 0.64 0.00380 T 0.00005 1.6 0.00320 T 0.00005
0.039 0.0092 T 0.0001 0.22 0.00350 T 0.00005 0.65 0.00380 T 0.00005 1.7 0.00315 T 0.00005
0.04 0.0086 T 0.0001 0.23 0.00360 T 0.00005 0.66 0.00375 T 0.00005 1.8 0.00315 T 0.00005
0.042 0.0078 T 0.0001 0.24 0.00360 T 0.00005 0.67 0.00375 T 0.00005 1.9 0.00310 T 0.00005
0.044 0.0070 T 0.0001 0.25 0.00360 T 0.00005 0.68 0.00375 T 0.00005 2 0.00305 T 0.00005
0.046 0.0062 T 0.0001 0.26 0.00365 T 0.00005 0.69 0.00375 T 0.00005 2.1 0.00300 T 0.00005
0.048 0.0056 T 0.0001 0.27 0.00365 T 0.00005 0.7 0.00375 T 0.00005 2.2 0.00295 T 0.00005
0.05 0.0051 T 0.0001 0.28 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.71 0.00375 T 0.00005 2.3 0.00290 T 0.00005
0.052 0.0049 T 0.0001 0.29 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.72 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.4 0.00285 T 0.00005
0.054 0.0046 T 0.0001 0.3 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.73 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.5 0.00280 T 0.00005
0.056 0.0043 T 0.0001 0.31 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.74 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.6 0.00275 T 0.00005
0.058 0.0042 T 0.0001 0.32 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.75 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.7 0.00275 T 0.00005
0.06 0.0040 T 0.0001 0.33 0.00375 T 0.00005 0.76 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.8 0.00270 T 0.00005
0.062 0.00385 T 0.00005 0.34 0.00375 T 0.00005 0.77 0.00370 T 0.00005 2.9 0.00270 T 0.00005
0.064 0.00370 T 0.00005 0.35 0.00380 T 0.00005 0.78 0.00370 T 0.00005 3 0.00265 T 0.00005

The figure compares the various exposure rate constants:

(1) NUREG 1492; (2) NUREG 1492, men from Table 1, and
the 11.3 keV photon threshold; (3) ICRP 107 decay schemes,
men from Table 1, and the 11.3 keV photon threshold; (4)
Smith and Stabin exposure rate constants; and (5) ICRP 107
decay schemes, men from Table 1, and energy and abundance
thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001, respectively.
Table 3 presents published exposure rate constants
from NUREG 1492, NUREG 1556 Vol. 9 Rev. 2., Smith
and Stabin (2012), and this work using the ICRP 107
decay schemes; men from Table 1; and energy and abun-
dance thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001, respectively. The
calculated exposure rate constants are compared to the
NUREG 1492, NUREG 1556 Vol. 9 Rev. 2, and Smith
and Stabin (2012) values as ratios. Exposure rate constants
are maintained in the units (i.e., R mCi hj1 at 1 cm), since Fig. 1. Linear energy absorption (men) coefficients in air derived
they were initially presented in that format. from Table 1.

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346 Health Physics March 2014, Volume 106, Number 3

Table 2. Comparison of men values from ICRU Report 17 (1970) [A], Shleien et al. (1998 [B]), NBS Handbook No. 85
(1964 [C]), and Table 1 (this work) [D].
ICRU Report Shleien et al. NBS Handbook
17 (1970) (1998) No. 85 (1964) Table 1 (this work)
mj1 Ratio mj1 Ratio mj1 Ratio mj1
MeV [A] [D]:[A] [B] [D]:[B] [C] [D]:[C] [D]
0.01 0.5934 0.98 0.6131 0.95 0.6025 0.96 0.58
0.015 0.1642 0.97 0.1725 0.93 0.1668 0.96 0.160
0.02 0.0652 0.95 0.0697 0.89 0.0667 0.93 0.062
0.03 0.0181 1.08 0.0199 0.98 0.0190 1.03 0.0195
0.04 0.0080 1.07 0.0088 0.97 0.0083 1.04 0.0086
0.05 0.0049 1.04 0.0053 0.96 0.0050 1.03 0.0051
0.06 0.0037 1.08 0.0039 1.02 0.0038 1.06 0.0040
0.08 0.0030 1.07 0.0031 1.03 0.0031 1.05 0.00320
0.1 0.0030 1.01 0.0030 1.00 0.0030 1.00 0.00300
0.15 0.0032 1.02 0.0032 1.01 0.0032 1.00 0.00325
0.2 not listed not listed 0.0035 1.01 0.0035 1.01 0.00350
0.3 not listed not listed 0.0037 1.00 0.0037 0.99 0.00370
0.4 not listed not listed 0.0038 1.02 0.0038 1.02 0.00390
0.5 not listed not listed 0.0038 1.02 0.0038 1.02 0.00390
0.6 not listed not listed 0.0038 1.01 0.0038 1.01 0.00385
0.8 not listed not listed 0.0037 0.99 0.0037 0.98 0.00370
1 not listed not listed 0.0036 0.98 0.0036 0.98 0.00355
1.25 not listed not listed 0.0034 1.00 not listed not listed 0.00345
1.5 not listed not listed 0.0033 0.99 0.0033 0.99 0.00325
2 not listed not listed 0.0030 1.01 0.0030 1.01 0.00305
3 not listed not listed 0.0027 1.00 0.0027 1.00 0.00265

Exposure rate constants are calculated for a listing of Stabin (2012). Data are maintained in U.S. units (R mCi hj1
novel radionuclides presented by Holland et al. (2010) at 1 cm) as presented by Smith and Stabin and previous
using ICRP 107 decay schemes, the derived men, and en- regulatory guidance documents.
ergy and abundance thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001, The estimated novel radionuclide exposure rate con-
respectively. These data are presented in Table 4. They are stants from this work, the half-lives listed in ICRP 107,
compared to the exposure rate constants by Smith and and the occupancy factor based on the halfYlives were used

Fig. 2. Exposure rate comparison using men interpolation: (1) NUREG 1492; (2) NUREG 1492 assumptions and men (Table 1); (3) ICRP 107
decay schemes, men (Table 1), and 11.3 keV threshold; (4) Smith and Stabin; (5) ICRP 107 decay schemes, men (Table 1), and 15 keV and 0.0001
abundance thresholds.

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Activity thresholds and PET c M. J. WILLIAMSON AND L. T. DAUER 347

Table 3. Exposure rate constant comparison among NUREG 1492 (1997c)[A], NUREG 1556 Vol 9. Rev. 2 Appendix U
Table U.5 (2007) [B], Smith and Stabin (2012) [C], and this work [D].a
Exposure Rate Constant (R/mCi-h at 1 cm)
NUREG 1492 NUREG 1556
(1997c) Ratio Vol 9 Rev. 2 (2007) Ratio Smith and Stabin (2012) Ratio This work
Radionuclide [A] [D]:[A] [B] [D]:[B] [C] [D]:[C] [D]
Ag-111 0.15 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.15
Au-198 2.3 1.00 2.3 1.00 2.3 1.00 2.3
Cr-51 0.16 1.10 0.16 1.10 0.178 0.99 0.176
Cu-64 1.2 0.89 1.2 0.89 1.05 1.02 1.07
Cu-67 0.58 0.99 0.58 0.99 0.574 1.00 0.575
Ga-67 0.753 1.07 0.753 1.07 0.803 1.00 0.803
I-123 1.61 1.03 1.61 1.03 1.78 0.93 1.66
I-125 1.42 1.09 1.42 1.09 1.75 0.89 1.55
I-125 implant 1.11 1.40 1.11 1.40 1.75 0.89 1.55
I-131 2.2 1.00 2.2 1.00 2.2 1.00 2.2
In-111 3.21 1.00 3.21 1.00 3.46 0.93 3.22
Ir-192 implant 4.59 1.01 4.59 1.01 4.60 1.00 4.62
P-32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pd-103 implant 1.48 0.95 0.86 1.63 1.41 0.99 1.40
Re-186 0.2 0.52 0.2 0.52 0.103 1.00 0.103
Re-188 0.26 1.22 0.26 1.22 0.316 1.00 0.316
Sc-47 0.56 0.95 0.56 0.95 0.534 0.99 0.530
Se-75 2.6 0.78 2 1.02 2.03 1.00 2.03
Sm-153 0.425 1.15 0.425 1.15 0.481 1.01 0.488
Sn-117m 1.48 1.01 1.48 1.01 1.69 0.88 1.49
Sr-89 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tc-99m 0.756 1.03 0.756 1.03 0.795 0.97 0.775
Tl-201 0.447 1.01 0.447 1.01 0.450 1.00 0.450
Y-90 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Yb-169 1.83 1.06 1.83 1.06 1.94 1.00 1.94
Data are presented in [R/mCi-h at 1 cm] consistent with NUREG 1492 (1997c), NUREG 1556 Vol 9. Rev. 2 (2007), and Smith and
Stabin (2012).

to estimate patient release criteria and patient radiation lower energy interactions that could lead to variations when
safety instruction thresholds using eqn (4). Results are calculating exposure rate constants. The absorption curve
contained in Tables 5 and 6. Data are offered in both U.S. was re-created in Microsoft\ Office Excel\ 2007 and is
and system international (SI) units to maintain consistency presented in Fig. 1.
with Tables U.1 and U.2 of Appendix U of NUREG 1556 Table 2 compares this estimated men in air to the
Vol. 9 Rev 2. ICRU (1970), the RHH (1998), and NBS Handbook
(1964) and provides a ratio as a matter of comparison.
DISCUSSION These current estimated data agree within the largest
deviation of 0.89 or a difference of approximately 11%
Exposure rate constants are available from a variety when compared to published resources. In addition, this
of sources and may differ substantially, as presented in study offers a tabulated interpretation of men in incre-
Fig. 2. Use of exposure rate constants in estimating radi- ments of 1 keV from 10 keV-40 keV, 2 keV increments
ation dose to members of the public for patient release from 40 keV-100 keV, 10 keV increments from 100 keV-1
requires a consistent methodology. Derivation of the ex- MeV, and 0.1 MeV increments from 1 MeV-3 MeV.
posure rate constant is based on the men in air for the en- This study reviews the nine radionuclides listed in
ergy of interest, the abundance of that energy, and the NUREG 1492 and presents two exposure rate constants
density of air. This work reviews the basis for calculat- from different sources of data (NUREG 1492 and Smith
ing these exposure rate constants similar to the method- and Stabin). Exposure rate constants were calculated using
ology offered in U.S. regulatory guidance. three methods: 1) using the decay schemes from NUREG
Table 1 presents the men in air based on a direct visual 1492, men from Table 1, and the 11.3 keV photon thresh-
interpretation of the log log graph of men found on page 135 old; 2) using the decay schemes in ICRP 107, men from
of the Radiological Health Handbook (USDHEW 1970). Table 1, and the 11.3 keV photon threshold; and 3) using
Often, the men in air is listed with generous increments in the decay schemes in ICRP 107, men from Table 1, and
energy. The plotted curve indicates a substantial slope for energy and abundance thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001,

Copyright © 2014 Health Physics Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
348 Health Physics March 2014, Volume 106, Number 3

Table 4. Exposure rate constant comparison for novel PET 89 photons are listed in ICRP 107 (including decay of
radionuclides from Smith and Stabin (2012) and this work.a the progeny nuclide, Rhenium-103m), 29 are used to
Exposure rate constant calculate the gamma constant with the 11.3 keV threshold,
(R/mCi-h at 1 cm) and only 16 are used after the energy threshold is raised to
Smith and Stabin This Ratio 15 keV and photons with an abundance less than 0.0001
Radionuclide (2012) [A] work [B] [B]:[A] are omitted. Although the number of photons using ICRP
Generator Mn-52m 12.8 12.8 1.00 107 data is greater than those in NUREG 1492, the
produced Cu-62 5.78 5.9 1.02 abundance of some photons presented in NUREG 1492 is
Ga-68 5.43 5.5 1.02
Rb-82 6.33 6.4 1.01 greater than those contained in ICRP 107 and therefore
In-110m 9.08 9.1 1.00 lead to the higher estimated exposure rate constant. The
Sb-118 4.85 4.9 1.00 103
I-122 5.65 5.7 1.01
Pd exposure rate constant presented in NUREG 1492
Cyclotron C-11 5.86 6 1.02 takes into account the attenuation of photons within the
produced N-13 5.86 6 1.02 implant capsule; however, the exposure rate constant
O-15 5.86 6 1.02
F-18 5.68 5.8 1.02 continues to be greater than the others estimated. Based on
Cl-34m 10 10.2 1.02 estimation of the exposure rate constant using the NUREG
K-38 15.5 15.7 1.01
Ti-45 5 5.1 1.02
1492 decay energies and abundances, the current men and
Mn-51 5.73 5.8 1.02 the 11.3 keV energy threshold, this comparison confirms
Mn-52 18.4 18.2 0.99 the NUREG 1492 value to be higher than ICRP decay
Fe-52 4.12 4.2 1.01
Co-55 11 11 1.00 schemes. This method does not consider attenuation or
Cu-60 19.8 19.9 1.00 buildup in a source capsule.
Cu-61 4.68 4.7 1.01 Ytterbium-169 (169Yb) exposure rate constants from
Cu-64 1.05 1.1 1.02
Ga-66 11.6 11.8 1.02 NUREG 1492 are less than those calculated using ICRP
As-70 22.5 22.5 1.00 decay schemes. NUREG 1492 lists 15 photon energies
As-71 3.13 3.2 1.01
As-74 4.33 4.4 1.02 for 169Yb. ICRP 107 lists 126 photon energies, of which
Br-75 6.77 6.9 1.01 84 meet the photon threshold of 11.3 keV and 35 meet
Br-76 14 14.1 1.01 the 15 keV and 0.0001 abundance thresholds. The sum of
Rb-82m 16 15.9 1.00
Y-86 18.9 18.9 1.00 the contributions of the additional photons listed in ICRP
Zr-89 6.59 6.6 1.00 107 contributes to the higher exposure rate constant.
Nb-90 21.9 22 1.01
Tc-94m 11.1 11.1 1.00
Tellurium-201 (201Tl) exposure rate constant com-
I-120 13.7 13.8 1.01 parisons are similar, except when the exposure rate con-
I-124 6.59 6.6 1.00 stant is derived using ICRP 107 decay schemes combined
Data are presented in [R/mCi-h at 1 cm] consistent with NUREG 1492 with the photon energy threshold of 11.3 keV used in
(1997c), NUREG 1556 Vol 9, Rev. 2 (2007), and Smith and Stabin (2012).
NUREG 1492. NUREG 1492 lists seven photon decay
energies. The greatest contributor to energy in air is a
71 keV photon with an abundance of 0.47. ICRP 107 lists
respectively. It is noted that regulatory guidance expo- 70 photons for 201Tl, 55 of which exceed the 11.3 keV
sure rate constants for 103Pd, 125I, and 192Ir presented in threshold, and 16 photons with the 15 keV energy and
NUREG 1492 take into consideration capsule attenua- 0.0001 abundance thresholds. The 39 photons from
tion for sources used routinely in interstitial implants. 11.3Y15 keV contribute significantly to elevate the expo-
The regulatory guidance duly notes these sources as sure rate constant using ICRP 107 decay schemes. These
‘‘implant’ within their tables. The current study does not photons were not listed in NUREG 1492. These energies
include a model for encapsulated sources. are then omitted with the higher energy threshold of
Fig. 2 shows good agreement when comparing the 15 keV, bringing the exposure rate constant in line with
various iterations of exposure rate constants with several the other methods.
radionuclides: 111Ag, 67Ga, 153Sm, and 99mTc. This sug- Smith and Stabin (2012) exposure rate constants for
gests concurrence between the decay energies and abun- I and 117Sn are greater than estimated in NUREG 1492
dances listed in NUREG 1492 and ICRP 107 and good and greater than the results of the methods described here.
agreement among the men used by NUREG 1492, Smith Comparing the method using ICRP 107 decay schemes,
and Stabin, and Table 1. men from Table 1, and the same energy and abundance
Palladium-103 (103Pd) and 169Yb data appear to di- thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001, respectively, the current
verge when the decay schemes of ICRP 107 are used. results are approximately 11.5% lower for 125I and 117Sn.
For 103Pd, seven photon energies are used in the calcula- The only variable that cannot be compared is the men in
tion of the exposure rate constant in NUREG 1492. While air. Smith and Stabin (2012) use a log-log interpolation

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Activity thresholds and PET c M. J. WILLIAMSON AND L. T. DAUER 349

Table 5. Patient release criteria for novel PET radionuclides.

Activity at or
below which Dose rate at 1 m at or
patients may be below which patients
Exposure rate released may be released
constant Half-life
Radionuclide Tp (d) (R/mCi-h at 1 cm) factor (GBq) (mCi) (mSv hj1) (mrem hj1)
Generator Mn-52m 1.47  10j2 12.8 1 28.53 771 9.86 986
produced Cu-62 6.72  10j3 5.9 1 135.56 3,664 21.51 2,151
Ga-68 4.70  10j2 5.5 1 20.62 557 3.07 307
Rb-82 8.84  10j4 6.4 1 942.69 25,478 163.47 1,6347
In-110m 4.80  10j2 9.1 1 12.28 332 3.01 301
Sb-118 2.50  10j3 4.9 1 439.22 11,871 57.80 5,780
I-122 2.52  10j3 5.7 1 371.28 10,034 57.33 5,733
Cyclotron C-11 1.42  10j2 6 1 63.14 1,706 10.16 1,016
produced N-13 6.92  10j3 6 1 129.65 3,504 20.87 2,087
O-15 1.41  10j3 6 1 633.82 17,130 102.14 10,214
F-18 7.64  10j2 5.8 1 12.12 328 1.89 189
Cl-34m 6.08  10j1 10.2 1 0.87 23 0.24 24
K-38 5.30  10j3 15.7 1 64.30 1,738 27.25 2,725
Ti-45 1.28  10j1 5.1 1 8.20 222 1.13 113
Mn-51 3.22  10j2 5.8 1 28.51 770 4.48 448
Mn-52 5.59 18.2 0.25 0.21 6 0.10 10
Fe-52 3.45  10j1 4.2 1 3.72 101 0.42 42
Co-55 7.30  10j1 11 1 0.66 18 0.20 20
Cu-60 1.65  10j2 19.9 1 16.33 441 8.78 878
Cu-61 1.39  10j1 4.7 1 8.13 220 1.04 104
Cu-64 5.29  10j1 1.1 1 9.43 255 0.27 27
Ga-66 3.95  10j1 11.8 1 1.14 31 0.37 37
As-70 2.72 22.5 0.25 0.35 9 0.21 21
As-71 1.08 3.2 0.25 6.24 169 0.53 53
As-74 1.78  10+1 4.4 0.25 0.27 7 0.03 3
Br-75 6.72  10j2 6.9 1 11.62 314 2.15 215
Br-76 6.75  10j1 14.1 1 0.56 15 0.21 21
Rb-82m 2.70  10j1 15.9 1 1.24 34 0.54 54
Y-86 6.14  10j1 18.9 1 0.46 12 0.24 24
Zr-89 3.27 6.6 0.25 1.00 27 0.18 18
Nb-90 6.08  10j1 22 1 0.40 11 0.24 24
Tc-94m 3.61  10j2 11.1 1 13.33 360 4.00 400
I-120 5.67  10j2 13.8 1 6.83 185 2.55 255
I-124 4.18 6.6 0.25 0.78 21 0.14 14

of the data as compared to the authors’ visual interpretation The exposure rate constant data appear to agree with
of the linear energy absorption curve as listed in Table 1. some explainable discrepancies. Based on these comparisons
Estimated exposure rate constants from NUREG and the fact that the authors’ novel PET radionuclides are not
1492, NUREG 1556 Vol. 9. Rev. 2 Appendix U, Smith contained in source capsules, the current model is verified and
and Stabin (2012), and the current work using ICRP 107 considered appropriate for generation of exposure rate con-
decay schemes, men in air from Table 1 and the energy and stants for novel PET radionuclides and further estimating
abundance thresholds of 15 keV and 0.0001, respectively, release criteria and thresholds for patient instruction.
are presented in Table 3. Notable variations in exposure This method (ICRP 107 decay schemes, men from
rate constants were discussed in the preceding paragraphs. Table 1, and the energy and abundance thresholds of
NUREG 1556 Vol. 9. Rev. 2 Appendix U data are similar 15 keV and 0.0001, respectively) is used to generate the
to NUREG 1492 with the exception of 103Pd. NUREG exposure rate constants for novel PET radionuclides as
1556 Vol. 9. Rev. 2 Appendix U uses an ‘‘apparent’’ ac- listed by Holland et al. (2010). These exposure rate con-
tivity for 103Pd, and NUREG 1492 takes into consideration stants compare favorably to Smith and Stabin (2012) with
attenuation by the source capsule. Although one might a ratio of 1.02 or a variation of 2% or less (see Table 4).
assume that these values should be similar, they are not, The current exposure rate constants for novel PET
and the NUREG 1492 value compares favorably to Smith radionuclides are entered into the patient release model
and Stabin and this workVboth of which do not consider (eqn 4) to develop activities and dose rate thresholds for
attenuation by any source capsule. NUREG 1556 Vol 9. patient release and instruction. Results of activity and
Rev. 2 Appendix U takes into consideration attenuation dose rate are presented in Table 5 for patient release and
from the source capsule with 125I as well, impacting the Table 6 for patient instruction in a similar format (U.S.
exposure rate constant to a lesser extent. and SI units) as found in NUREG 1556 Vol. 9 Rev. 2

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350 Health Physics March 2014, Volume 106, Number 3

Table 6. Patient radiation safety instruction criteria for novel PET radionuclides.

Activity above Dose rate at 1 m

which above which
instructions instructions
Exposure rate are required are required
constant Half-life
Radionuclide Tp (d) (R/mCi-h @ 1 cm) factor (GBq) (mCi) (mSv hj1) (mrem hj1)
Generator Mn-52m 1.47  10j2 12.8 1 5.71 154 1.97 197
produced Cu-62 6.72  10j3 5.9 1 27.11 733 4.30 430
Ga-68 4.70  10j2 5.5 1 4.12 111 0.61 61
Rb-82 8.84  10j4 6.4 1 188.54 5,096 32.69 3,269
In-110m 4.80  10j2 9.1 1 2.46 66 0.60 60
Sb-118 2.50  10j3 4.9 1 87.84 2,374 11.56 1,156
I-122 2.52  10j3 5.7 1 74.26 2,007 11.47 1,147
Cyclotron C-11 1.42  10j2 6 1 12.63 341 2.03 203
produced N-13 6.92  10j3 6 1 25.93 701 4.17 417
O-15 1.41  10j3 6 1 126.76 3,426 20.43 2,043
F-18 7.64  10j2 5.8 1 2.42 66 0.38 38
Cl-34m 6.08  10j1 10.2 1 0.17 5 0.05 5
K-38 5.30  10j3 15.7 1 12.86 348 5.45 545
Ti-45 1.28  10j1 5.1 1 1.64 44 0.23 23
Mn-51 3.22  10j2 5.8 1 5.70 154 0.90 90
Mn-52 5.59 18.2 0.25 0.04 1 0.02 2
Fe-52 3.45  10j1 4.2 1 0.74 20 0.08 8
Co-55 7.30  10j1 11 1 0.13 4 0.04 4
Cu-60 1.65  10j2 19.9 1 3.27 88 1.76 176
Cu-61 1.39  10j1 4.7 1 1.63 44 0.21 21
Cu-64 5.29  10j1 1.1 1 1.89 51 0.05 5
Ga-66 3.95  10j1 11.8 1 0.23 6 0.07 7
As-70 2.72 22.5 0.25 0.07 2 0.04 4
As-71 1.08 3.2 0.25 1.25 34 0.11 11
As-74 1.78  10+1 4.4 0.25 0.05 1 0.01 1
Br-75 6.72  10j2 6.9 1 2.32 63 0.43 43
Br-76 6.75  10j1 14.1 1 0.11 3 0.04 4
Rb-82m 2.70  10j1 15.9 1 0.25 7 0.11 11
Y-86 6.14  10j1 18.9 1 0.09 2 0.05 5
Zr-89 3.27 6.6 0.25 0.20 5 0.04 4
Nb-90 6.08  10j1 22 1 0.08 2 0.05 5
Tc-94m 3.61  10j2 11.1 1 2.67 72 0.80 80
I-120 5.67  10j2 13.8 1 1.37 37 0.51 51
I-124 4.18 6.6 0.25 0.16 4 0.03 3

Appendix U. As in the NUREG, it is assumed that 1 R is for additional manmade exposures to third party populations
equal to 10 mSv (1 rem). and offers a dose constraint of 0.3 mSv per episode for
third party members of the public. The 0.3-mSv dose
CONCLUSION constraint is not used as a criterion for threshold for pa-
tient instruction, but it is achieved easily by modifying
The ICRP states that for most diagnostic nuclear the dose based threshold of eqn (4).
medicine procedures, precautions for the public are rarely NUREG 1556 Vol. 9. Rev. 2. Appendix U offers a
required (ICRP 2004). They also recognized that the lit- conservative mechanism for demonstrating compliance
erature has indicated that models used for patient release with the concept of estimating dose to a member of the
are overly conservative. However, patient release is based public. When considering novel PET radionuclides in this
on dose to a member of the public, and the ICRP further model, several radionuclides demonstrate low activities
states that young children, infants, and visitors who are and dose rates for which patient instruction could be re-
not engaged in direct care or comforting should be treated quired, particularly for licensees who commit to the model
as members of the public and subject to the 1 mSv per year procedures in this guidance.
dose limit. The international radiation protection com- It is recognized that the model routinely used for
munity publishes similar public dose limits as the NRC. patient release employs conservative parameters. For ex-
However, the European Commission and IAEA specifi- ample, the model employs the point source exposure rate
cally exempt caregivers from the public dose limits, whereas constant negating any absorption in tissue, whereas appli-
the NRC regulation imposes an upper limit of 5 mSv. cation of correction factors for geometry provide a better
Also, the EURATOM and IAEA recognize the potential estimation of exposure rate (Willegaignon et al. 2006, 2007).

Copyright © 2014 Health Physics Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Activity thresholds and PET c M. J. WILLIAMSON AND L. T. DAUER 351

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