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Engineering Structures in Expansive Soils

Estruturas de Engenharia em Solos Expansivos

Robert L. Lytton

ABSTRACT: The design of engineering semi-arid to wet or drier than semi-arid.

structures on expansive soils must be based Steady state and transient solutions for suction
upon a rational analysis of the movements and change and the controlling levels of the suction
stresses they must withstand during their at the top and bottom of the moisture active
expected service life. Measured suction zone are presented. Vertical movement and
profiles can be used to determine the depth of lateral pressure can be determined from these
the moisture active zone. The lateral moisture predicted changes of suction. Downhill creep
active zone may be determined in two different can be measured with viscoelastic properties of
ways depending upon whether the climate is the soil.

RESUMO: O clculo de estruturas de mudanca de suco e os nveis de controle da

engenharia em solos expansivos deve ser suco no topo e fundo da zona de humidade
realizado com base em anlise racional dos ativa so apresentados. Movimento vertical e
movimentos e tenses a que estaro sujeitas presso lateral podem ser determinados a partir
durante a vida til. Perfis de suco podem das mudanas em suco previstas. Downhill
ser utilizados para determinar a profundidade creep pode ser medido a partir das
da zona ativa de humidade dependendo se o propriedades viscoelsticas do solo.
clima  de semi-rido a hmido ou mais seco.
Solues steady state e transientes da

1. INTRODUCTION structures (piers, root barriers, moisture

barriers). Each of these have their own
The properties of expansive soils achieve performance criterion which in every case
economic importance when they affect the should be the objective of the analysis to
performance of engineering structures that are predict and design to accommodate.
founded on them. The engineering structures
which are considered in this paper include the
following: foundations (slabs, mat 2. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
foundations, and pier and beam), pavements
(highway and airport), retaining walls, The performance criteria for each of the
pipelines, canals, slopes, moisture barriers, engineering structures listed above are as
landfill covers and liners, rehabilitation follows:
Engineering Structurea Performance Criteria
Foundations - slab : Differential movement: vertical and lateral and allowable stresses
mat : Differential movement and allowable stresses
pier : Total vertical and lateral movement; lateral pressure; allowable stresses
Pavements - Highway : Roughness spectrum, International Roughness Index
Airport : Roughness spectrum, Pilot and Passenger acceleration
Retaining Walls Lateral pressure and movement, allowable stresses
Pipelines Roughness spectrum, allowable stress, fatigue criteria, corrosion
Slopes Downhill movement, shallow slope failure, slope stability
Canals Combination of the performance criteria of retaining walls, pipelines, and slopes;
thermal and shrinkage cracking; permeability of the cracks and joints
Moisture Barriers Reduction of the movement of water in the soil and of total vertical movement
Land Fill Covers and Liners Moisture and leachate transmission (including the effects of cracks)
Rehabilitation Structures - Piers : same as piers (above)
Moisture Barriers : same as moisture barriers (above)
Root Barriers : same as moisture barriers but also to exclude roots
Design of these structures should always active zone. The depth of the moisture active
involve the prediction of the movement of the zone is dictated principally by the presence of
moisture and of the expansive soil that have a soil broken into clods and peds, which in turn
direct relation to the performance criteria. is principally done by vegetation. In the upper
These criteria, in turn, should be met over the 0.6 - 1.0 m, this disintegration of the soil into
expected life of the structure which, in most small blocks is assisted by evaporation and
cases, exceeds twenty years. This paper shrinkage and burrowing animals. The wilting
addresses the soil, climatic, and site conditions point of most plants is around 3100 kPa or in
that have a major impact upon soil and terms of the Gibbs Free energy of the soil
moisture movement and the design-and- moisture it is 3.16 x 106 mm (5.5 on a log scale
performance criteria. These include problem to the base 10). One should not expect, and
site conditions and how to recognize them; normally does not see in the field, a moisture
some methods of predicting the movement of active zone that extends into soil with a suction
expansive soils under many of these conditions level higher than those noted above.
for use in design; and finally some design The roots of a tree within the moisture active
criteria including seasonal and long-term zone can subject the soil to extreme variations
effects of the local climate and the effects of of suction ranging from very wet (31 KPa or
the activities of the occupants of the engineered 3.5 on the mm - log scale) to the wilting point
structures. (3100 kPa or 5.5 on the mm - log scale). This,
together with the crack fabric in the soil, which
provides lessened lateral restraint, allows the
3. PROBLEM SITE CONDITIONS soil to expand and contract large amounts both
vertically and horizontally. Nearby
The design of engineered structures on engineering structures, or those beneath which
expansive soils is a challenge in any condition roots intrude, will be affected by this
but in the absence of the problem site movement. The movement of the soil for a
conditions of vegetation, drainage, and slopes, distance of 0.3 m to 3.0 m from the root zone
the prediction of movement and design to will be affected by the seasonal fluctuation of
accommodate it seems almost simple. suction in the root zone. When a tree is pulled
out of the ground or cut down to make way for
3.1 Vegetation new construction, it is usually done in the
warm and dry construction season when the
The effect of vegetation on expansive soil tree has increased the suction in its root zone to
movement is dictated primarily by two features a level near the wilting point. When a structure
of the vegetation below ground level: the is placed over the location where the tree was,
depth and extent of the root zone and the cracks and the suction in the root zone returns closer
in the soil that are generated by the growing to its equilibrium value, the soil in the root
roots. No vegetation can survive beyond the zone heaves, causing large differential
wilting point and so one should not expect to movements in the overlying structure.
see the cracks in the soil that are generated by Effective countermeasures to this include
roots to penetrate into soil with total suction injecting water into the root zone to lower its
levels above the wilting point. The roots will suction level, and monitoring the suction level
break the soil up into small blocks (clods or achieved to assure that the expected heave has
peds) and water travels much more easily in the been neutralized.
cracks between these small blocks. In fact, the
soil zone in which these small blocks of soil are 3.2 Drainage
found and in which water travels relatively
more easily, both in liquid and vapor form, is The drainage around any engineering
the moisture active zone. The soil zone in structure should always be “positive,” that is,
which movement occurs is always more all water falling near the structure should drain,
shallow than this and is called the movement or be channeled away from it. If it is allowed
to stand, the water will percolate into the the covered area. This lowers the suction in the
system of cracks in the moisture active zone. entire soil column above the water table and
The suction will decrease as the water can result in an extensive heave pattern. The
percolates downward in accordance with depth to which the upward movement occurs is
diffusion laws, and will be limited by the governed principally by the amount of suction
boundary suction at the surface. The wettest change that has occurred. Except in the
this suction has been found in the field is capillary fringe immediately above such a
around 31 KPa (3160 mm or 3.5 on the log mm permanent water table, the suction will never
scale). It takes consistent ponding of water for drop below 31 kPa (3.5 on the log - mm scale).
a period of several months to permit the suction
to change to this lower level down to a depth of 3.3 Slopes
2.5 m. Poor drainage that ponds water for no
more than a day after a rainfall and then Slopes can be either natural or compacted
evaporates, or lawn watering, which has a fill, the latter being from less than 1 m to well
similar effect, will induce an oscillatory pattern over 30 m deep. The soils in such slopes obey
of suction with depth, typically centered around the same laws that govern the fluctuation of
the long-term equilibrium suction level for that suction in soils on flat sites. The only
site. Lawn watering does not and cannot cause difference in movement that occurs in slopes is
a shift in this long-term equilibrium suction. If that the normal heaving and shrinkage, both
there is a shallow moisture active zone, below vertical and lateral, is superimposed upon a
which there is a layer of intact soil with a downhill creep due to gravity. If the fill is
suction level at or above the wilting point, poorly compacted, there will be an additional
water will accumulate on top of that intact soil compression of the fill as the soil adjusts and
layer (called a “clay pan”) and lower the densifies.
suction in the soil above the intact layer. A Vegetation on the slopes will open cracks
“shallow” moisture active zone is one in which during dry weather that fill with water when
an annual change of suction greater than 0.2 on rain or irrigation watering flows down the
the log - mm suction scale occurs above the top slope. The water runs into the cracks, soaking
of the intact, high suction soil layer. Such into the sides of the cracks, especially at or
shallow zones are up to 6 m thick, but are more near the bottom of the cracks, lowering the
frequently less than 3 m thick. The water that suction and strength of the Soil. The wetter
accumulates on top of the intact layer will and weaker zones are shallow, less than 2 m
penetrate that layer only very slowly, in generally, and can result in shallow slope
accordance with Gardner’s law of hydraulic failures if the suction drops low enough in the
conductivity (see Lytton, 1994). Water intact soil along the bottom of the zone and
accumulating above this intact, high suction water fills the cracks to a height above a point
layer will form an intermittent perched water of incipient failure sufficient to cause the
table with a total suction level around 31 kPa effective stress to reach zero. The pattern of
(3.5 on the log - mm scale). This shallow cracks is principally orthogonal, one set
moisture active zone with an intermittent parallel with the strike of the slope and the
perched water table should not be confused other set pointing downhill in the direction of
with the case of a deep permanent water table the dip.
in residual soils such as are found in South Water ponding at the top of the slope can
Africa. Such a water table will form an feed water into the gallery of cracks in the
equilibrium suction profile with the long-term slope and cause these shallow slope failures.
climate in its location, centered upon a steady- Intercepting this water and draining away from
state efflux of moisture. If a building or other the slope is usually a simple matter that can
extensive ground cover is placed on such a site, reduce or eliminate the occurrence of shallow
the long-term efflux is interrupted and water slope failure.
begins to accumulate above the permanent Regardless of whether there is a danger of
water table, mounding up beneath the center of this shallow slope failure, compression of
poorly compacted fill and downhill creep will wet soils. The moisture stresses are
certainly occur. The rate of creep is increased characterized by a surface tension, T, the water
with larger slope angles and less stiffness of the
soil. The latter is governed largely by its
suction level, and its water content at that
ua ua
suction level. The higher the water content, the
faster will be the rate of creep. Thus, the finer-
grained soils will be particularly vulnerable.
This discussion of problem site conditions
has been narrative. In the next section of this
paper, some of the physical principals and 
equations that can be used to predict these ua
r r
movements of soil and moisture will be -u   -u
presented. ua
rw ua
ua F ua
In this section of the paper, the following Figure 1. Free Body Diagram
will be presented and discussed:
1. The relation between total stress and being in tension with a stress of ua-uw, a contact
moisture stress force between spheres of N, and a total stress
2. A constitutive equation for volume change of  acting at the midplane of the sphere. The
3. The relation between the edge moisture surface tension force, T, has a wetting angle, ,
variation distance and the Thornthwalte which can be, but is typically not zero. The
moisture index point of contact between the surface tension
4. A catalog of active suction profiles from a force and the surface of the sphere is at an
wide variety of sites angle, . The equation of vertical equilibrium
5. Transient suction changes due both to of the sphere is:
cyclic and steady suction at the boundary N
  ( u a ) 
 rw
( u a u )
T s rw
6. Trees 4r 2 4 r 2r r

7. Drainage (1)
8. Slopes where ’ = the “effective” stress
The presentation cannot be exhaustive , ua, uw = total stress, air pressure and
because of the broad scope of these subjects, stress in the water
but several of the more useful concepts will be Ts = surface tension
discussed. r, rw = radii of the sphere and of the
water film
4.2 Relation Between Total Stress and and the equation of vertical equilibrium of the
Moisture Stress water film is:
( 1 c o s ) ( 1 s i n )
T s ( 1 s i n )  r ( u a u w )
cos 
Two spheres in contact held together by
films of water which wet both of the spheres
has formed the basis for a relation between with a wetting angle, , of zero degrees the
total stress, , and moisture stress, uw, in the equation relating the effective stress, ’
presence of an air pressure, ua. Figure 1 (=N/4r2), to the total stress (-ua) and the
illustrates a free body diagram of these stresses moisture stress (ua-uw) uses a collection of
acting upon a sphere, of radius r, with air terms known historically as the -factor
pressure acting all around it. This is  1 cos 
characteristic of moist to dry soils, but not very 2 cos
with a non-zero wetting angle, the equation for ,h= corresponding changes in
the -factor is: mean principal stress and
 
sin2 ( ) 2cos
 
2sin( )sincos2 
cos2 suction
4 
cos2 ( ) The effect of osmotic suction components in
the water will alter the surface tension and the
The following table shows the relation between wetting angle and thus, necessarily, will alter
the central angle,  and the -factor for wetting the relation between total stress and moisture
angles of zero degrees and 20 degrees. stress. Now that surface chemistry methods
are able to measure surface energies and
Central -factor -factor wetting and dewetting angles, (Good and Van
Angle, Oss, 1992) it is possible to explore the relation
 =0 =20 between total stress, matric suction, and
0 0 0 osmotic suction. Such an exploration will
30 0.244 0.234 provide interesting and useful results. It will
45 0.650 0.671 show the separate effect of matric and osmotic
52.34 1.000 1.127 suction, wetting and dewetting, on shear
60 1.571 2.385 strength and volume change characteristics of
an expansive soil. A study using the free body
The -factor does not reach 1.0 until a central diagram of a sphere acted upon by water films
angle of 52.34. Beyond 45, all of the will give valuable qualitative insight into these
sphere’s surfaces are covered with water films relations.
and the free-body conditions illustrated in
Figure 1 are no longer valid. These -factor 4.2 Constitutive Equation of Volume
results for soils with non-spherical particles Change
obviously must be modified. However, these
results closely parallel the use of the The heave and shrinkage of expansive soil in
volumetric water content instead of the - a profile follows a large strain volume change
factor for moist soils by Lamborn (1986), who function which has limits, as explained in
uses the principals of reversible Lytton (1995). Subsequent correspondence
thermodynamics to arrive at that result. As the with Juarez-Badillo, whose work was referred
soils become wetter, there is a transition zone to in that paper suggested some revisions to the
from a value nearly equal to the volumetric model proposed, as illustrated below in Figure
water content, , to a value of 1.0. The 2.
transition occurs between the suction values of
V o ( w e t) m a x im u m v o lu m e
+310kPa (4.5 on the log - mm scale) and +10
kPa (3.0 on the log - mm scale). This is
V d (d ry ) W a ter
discussed in more detail in Lytton (1995). A ir

Thus it is appropriate to state that a change V s (s o l id )

of suction, h, has the same effect upon volume

change and shear strength as an equivalent T o ta l s t r e s s  0 0

change of mean principal stress, , in S u c ti o n 0 0 

accordance with the relation:

Figure 2. Natural Limiting Volumes in Unsaturated
 f 
h Soils and Corresponding Stress States.
(5) The suggestion was that some mechanical
where  = the volumetric water stress, s, is required to reduce the volume of
content the soil to the volume of the solids. In the
f = a function of volumetric water previous paper (Lytton, 1995) it was assumed
content which varies from 1.0 that an infinite stress was required. Using
at a suction level of -310 kPa Juarez-Badillo’s approach to determining a
to a value of 1/ at a suction constitutive volume-total stress-suction surface
level of 10 kPa
produces the following relation at a small total in the soil and transferring it to the water. The
stress of I as suction changes work the water does is to decrease the volume

 of the soil. This exchange of potential energy
V aVa h h
between the soil volume and stress state and
Vh 

 the water volume and the suction state is an
1 a h h

(6) energy balance which explains the relations

The volume change between Vh at a stress between heave and shrinkage, lateral confining
level of I and Vs at a stress level of sis pressure increases and decreases and the
corresponding decreases and increases in
s  
Vh bVs suction. In swelling, as in shrinking, the net
i change of energy is zero as summarized in the
V following relation:
s  
1 b Vh f d
h V d 0
i h 

(7) (8)
where  = the level of mean principal If the level of mean principal stress is high
stress corresponding to the enough, no volume change takes place.
volume, V. Instead, a decrease of suction results in an
s = the level of mean principal increase of lateral confining pressure and of the
stress required to compress the mean principal stress, . It is for this reason
soil to a volume equal to the that the depth of moisture active zone is always
volume of solids, Vs deeper than the depth of the movement active
i = the level of mean principal zone. The depth at which volume change
stress above which the soil becomes possible depends mainly upon how
volume begins to decrease; much suction changes, the magnitude of the
measured values of i are volumetric water content, , and the function,
around 7 - 10 kPa f, and the relative sizes of the coefficients h
V = the column of a soil at zero and .
suction and under a confining Methods of measuring or estimating the
mean principal stress of , coefficients h and  are given by McKeen
which is greater than i. (1981) and Lytton (1994), among others
h = the positive value of suction The mean principal stress, , increases as
a, b = coefficients to be determined the suction decreases and the soil attempts to
from the measured volume— swell against its confining pressure. The mean
suction –mean principal stress principal stress is given by
surface 1 2 K o
h, = coefficient for the volume (z)  t z surcharge pressure
change due to a change of (9)
mean principal stress, where t = the total unit weight of the soil
respectively. z = the depth below the surface
There is an interaction between the suction and Ko = the “at rest” lateral earth
the mean principal stress at a point in a soil pressure coefficient. It is “at
mass below the surface. As suction level rest” according to common
decreases, the Helmholtz free energy stored in usage as long as the total
the water is released and is able to do work. stress is not changing.
The work that it does is to increase the In an expansive soil, the value of Ko is a
potential energy stored in the surrounding soil, nearly static value only when the soil is in a
and correspondingly to increase the volume steady-state suction condition and neither
and the confining pressure. When the suction swelling nor shrinking is taking place. In all
increases, the surrounding confining pressure other conditions, the value of Ko changes and
decreases, releasing the potential energy stored depends upon whether there are cracks in the
soil, and if they are opened or closed, and if the Ko = 2-3 Passive earth pressure, or
soil is shrinking or swelling. Using small maximum lateral pressure
strain theory, the following expressing can Thus, the exchange of potential energy
approximate the current value of Ko. between the water phase and the soil mass is
r 2r one that involves an interaction between the
3 i hi he 1 two, whether the soil mass is expanding or
Ko  3(1 f)

2 v h hd 2 (10) contracting. The Ko-value should not be
regarded as a constant even under steady state
where r = the ratio of (h/), the volume moisture and stress conditions because of the
change coefficients for suction ability of these soils, which are highly
and mean principal stress, viscoelastic, to relax under constant stress
respectively conditions, A more extended discussion of the
f = the fraction of the total volume lateral earth pressure coefficient is found in
change, v/v, that is directed Lytton (1995).
hi, h = the initial and current levels of 4.3 Relation Between Edge Moisture
total suction (mm) Variation Distance and Thornthwaite
he, hd = the equilibrium and most Moisture Index
recent dry suction. (This term
estimates the shrinkage In 1994, a series of graphs of edge moisture
cracking that must be closed variation distance plotted versus the
when the soil is wetting. The Thornthwaite moisture Index was presented for
term involving he and hd both the edge drying and edge wetting
should not be used if the soil conditions (Lytton 1994). These graphs were
is drying. (Measured in mm) intended to be used in the design of pavements
v = the vertical total stress and foundations on expansive soils. There
including overburden and were seven curves shown on each graph, one
surcharge for each of several different soil types,
i = as noted before, the mean differentiated by their unsaturated diffusivity
principal stress level above ranging between 3.9 x 10-2 mm2/sec and 7.8 x
which volume change takes 10-1 mm2/sec. The points on the curves were
place. computed using a pair of finite element
Thus, the values of Ko and f are not programs coupled to compute transient suction
independent of one another. Common values change and non-linear elastic response (Gay.
of f and Ko that are used in practice and the 1993). Severe climatic boundary conditions
conditions to which they apply are as follows were imposed. For edge drying, the soil
f = 0.5 soil is drying profile was initially very wet for the climate
f = 0.8 soil is wetting and severe drying condition was imposed. For
These values have been back-calculated from edge wetting, the soil profile was initially very
field observations by McKeen (1981). dry for the climate and a severe wetting
Ko = 0 0 soil is dry and cracked condition was imposed on the soil beside the
Ko = 1/3 soil is dry and cracks are opening covered area. Nine different climatic zones
Ko = ½ cracks are closed and suction is in ranging from a Thornthwaite Moisture Index
a steady state condition (TMI) of -46.5 to +26.8 were used . Weather
Ko = /3 cracks are closed and soil is data used to calculate the TMI in each location
wetting spanned 50 years. The two graphs are repeated
Ko = 1 soil suction is at or below its below.
climatic equilibrium value and
the soil is wetting. Soil is in a
hydrostatic stress condition
Edge Moisture Variation Distance,


3.3 Soil No.1 It may seem puzzling at first why the edge
3 3
2 moisture variation distances begin to drop
2.4 downward at Thornthwaite Moisture Index
2.1 values more negative than -10. This is

explained by the lower hydraulic
1.2 conductivities in soils in the drier climates.
0.9 5 However, it is known that pavements and
0.6 foundations experience severe distress due to
6, 7
0 expansive clay subgrade movements in arid
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 and semi-arid areas characterized by
Thornthwaite Moisture Index Thornthwaite Moisture Indexes more negative
Figure 3. Edge Drying than -10. Aside from the obvious conditions in
which poor drainage forms continuous ponds
Soil No. Diffusion Coefficient
mm2/sec and high water tables (shallower than 10 m),
1 7.8 x 10-1 there is damage of a cumulative nature done by
2 5.8 x 10-1 the wet-and-dry cycling that occurs in these
3 3.9 x 10-1 climates. The suction amplitudes are recorded
4 1.9 x 10-1 in the log10mm scale. This means that the
5 8.0 x 10-2
amplitude is half of the difference between the
6 5.8 x 10-2
7 3.9 x 10-2 maximum and minimum total suctions on the
log mm scale.
Edge Moisture Variation Distance,


Thornthwaite Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil
Soil No.1 Moisture No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7
2.7 Index
2.4 2
-46.5 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.09
2.1 -40.0 0.36 0.32 0.27 0.20 0.15 0.14 0.12
3 -35.0 0.52 0.45 0.38 0.28 0.21 0.19 0.18

1.8 -30.0 0.74 0.64 0.54 0.40 0.30 0.28 0.25

1.5 -25.00 1.13 1.00 0.85 0.67 0.54 0.51 0.49
1.2 -21.3 1.40 1.24 1.06 0.84 0.68 0.65 0.62
4 -11.3 1.84 1.63 1.40 1.10 0.91 0.87 0.83
0.9 14.8 1.62 1.56 1.33 1.05 0.86 0.82 0.79
0.6 26.8 1.62 1.56 1.33 1.05 0.86 0.82 0.79
5, 6, 7
0.3 Figure . Suction Amplitude [log mm Total Suction]
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 The edge moisture variation distance used in
Thornthwaite Moisture Index
the design of foundations and pavements in the
Figure 4. Edge Wetting.
climatic zones more negative than -10 is
The unsaturated diffusivity coefficients computed with the oscillating suction transient
make use of the approach adopted by P. W. equation proposed by Mitchell (1980).
Mitchell (1980) to describe unsaturated flow of n n
water in the cracked, moisture active zone. u (x, t)  ue  uo exp x cos 2 n t x
 
When the soil is at or near its equilibrium
suction value, the Mitchell hydraulic
conductivity is the same as that predicted by where ue = the equilibrium value of
the Gardner relation (Gardner, 1958) for intact, suction expressed on the log
uncracked soils. However as the soil dries to mm suction scale
suction levels that are over a decade from uo = the log10mm suction
equilibrium, Mitchell’s relation shows a higher amplitude
hydraulic conductivity than does the Gardner x = the horizontal distance from
relation, thus in some measure accounting for the edge of the covered
the higher conductivity of the cracked soil. area
n = the number of suction cycles
4.3.1 Edge Moisture Variation Distance in per second (1 year = 31.5 x
Drier Climates 106 seconds)
t = time in seconds in dealing with moisture flow, and measured in
 = the unsaturated soil diffusion mm. The non-SI pF-scale was very useful, as
coefficient (ranges between well, in keeping the numerical values of the
10-3 and 10-1 mm2/sec) suction within a range that can be grasped
The edge moisture variation distance within readily. Thus, it is proposed that this very
which the total cyclic change of log10mm total useful log scale of suction be transferred into
suction is no more than 0.2. The equation is the SI-units as the log10 mm scale with the
given above can be used to solve for the edge symbol pG, with the p standing for the
moisture variation distance, em, and the result logarithm and G standing for the Gibbs free
is as follows energy. The corresponding scales will be as
 2uo
em  103 ln 7 8 10 6
n 0.2
6 7 10 5
where em= the edge moisture variation
distance in m. 5 6 10 4
Methods of estimating the diffusion
4 5 1000
coefficient from the Atterberg limits, and
percent of the soil passing the 64 m and 2 m 3 100
sizes are found in Lytton (1994).
2 3 10
4.4 Active Soil Profiles
1 2 1
Old pF Scale New pG Scale KPa Scale
It is beginning to become apparent that Log10(suction, cm) Log10(suction,mm)
design practice can be made, if not simpler,
then more rational and reliable by classifying Along the log10mm (pG) scale these are
profiles and suction patterns. Water flow in several important marks for classifying soil
the field occurs in the cracks in the soil and in profiles. They are as follows
the intact clods and peds between the cracks.
It occurs in liquid and vapor form as well.. In Moisture Condition log10mm (pG)
all such conditions, moisture will and must Field Capacity 3.0
always move along a negative energy gradient Clay Wet Limit 3.5
and thus the energy expression of suction is Wilting Point 5.5
most useful in both classifying profiles and Air Dry 7.0
predicting water movement. The symbols h,
The suction measured in the field will never be
hm, and hs for the energy expression of total,
found outside the range. Several examples of
matric, and osmotic suction in the g -mm/g
these will be used as illustrations. Some
form has the mnemonic value of standing for
general principles must be noted first.
“head” or “energy head.” This energy
1. It is total suction, h, that governs the
potential, a Gibbs free energy, is inherently
flow of water in the soil.
negative. Using suction expressed as a
2. No clay soil will be found in the field
negative head, the usual flow equations do not
wetter than pG 3.5.
need to be rewritten since flow will always
3. No soil in the field will be drier than pG
occur from a less negative to a more negative
5.5 if the suction is controlled by
head. If suction were expressed as a positive
stress as is convenient when dealing with shear
4. No soil in the field will be drier than pG
strength and volume change, flow would occur
7.0 if the suction is controlled by
from a lower to a higher suction. It is for this
surface evaporation.
reason that the energy expression of suction,
5. Any soil in the field with a suction level
which is inherently a negative number, the
above the wilting point (pG = 5.5)
mnemonic symbols h, hm, and hs are preferred
cannot be penetrated by the roots of
vegetation and must be presumed to be 1. The depth of the moisture active zone
intact, that is, not broken into small and the beginning of the moisture
blocks, clods, or peds as is done by inactive zone. The Mitchell hydraulic
roots. Soils at such levels of suction conductivity relation may be used in the
may have high osmotic suctions or have moisture active zone whereas the
been cemented by diagenetic bonding. Gardner relation must be used in the
6. Soils at or near the surface within moisture inactive zone.
suction ranges of pG 3.5 to 5.5 (or 7.0 in 2. The governing suction levels in the soil
the upper 1.0m)form the moisture active profile: at the bottom of the moisture
zone. In this zone, most of the moisture active zone, and at the surface, the
moves in the cracks in the soil and use maximum and minimum values
of the Mitchell form of hydraulic Having determined these two, it is then
conductivity is appropriate. possible to predict the changes of suction that
7. Soils deeper than 1.0 m with suction will occur in the future to control the vertical
levels greater than pG 5.5 are in a and horizontal movements and pressures in the
moisture inactive zone. The soil may be soil profile. In order to demonstrate the
presumed to be intact and that water principles of suction profile classification,
flows through the intact soil governed several suction profiles measured in various
by the Gardner form of hydraulic locations in Texas and Louisiana will be used
conductivity. Occasionally in such as illustrations.
soils, fissures, or seams will be found
that carry moisture. These features 4.4.1 Depth of the Moisture Active Zone
transmit water very slowly and can be
identified in a suction profile by a Several clues are available in the suction
horizontal v-shape, the suction profile to indicate the depth of the moisture
increasing away from the seam, both active zone, as follows:
above and below it. Contraction and 1. The first point at which the total suction
expansion of the soil in such a zone can does not vary more than 0.08 log10mm
occur but only if large enough suction suction units per meter with depth. The
changes occur to overcome the suction level at which this occurs is the
confining pressures. Suction changes equilibrium suction level.
occur so slowly in these soils that 2. a permanent water table or one that is
expansion in such high suction soil will changing its elevation steadily over a
affect the performance of an engineering multiple-year period
structure built upon it only very slowly 3. a distance 0.6m below the deepest
8. Corresponding graphs of total and recorded root fiber
osmotic suction (the latter determined The first point at which the log10 mm suction
by the difference between total and begins to be consistently at or above the
matric suction) will help to confirm the wilting point of vegetation. This point
identification of a moisture inactive occurs where the log10mm suction level is
zone due to high osmotic suctions. 5.5. This indicates the presence of
Cementation may permit large values of cemented, intact soils or
matric suction at or above the wilting
point. It is a good idea to confirm the
existence of such an inactive zone by
computing the hydraulic conductivity
using Gardner’s relation.

1. soils with high osmotic suction which

In classifying soil profiles using measured would discourage penetration by roots.
suction values, the objective is to identify Cemented soils may have high matric
suction values while an high osmotic The total suction, which had been at or slightly
suctions will have the osmotic suction above the wilting point down to that point,
nearly as large as the total suction. began below that point to reduce dramatically.
2. The point where the matric suction is The moisture active zone is where moisture
the same as or within 0.1 log10 mm can move quickly in and out of the soil in the
suction units of the total suction an the cracks formed principally by vegetation. Roots
total suction has become nearly constant can fracture the soil approximately 0.6 m
with depth, changing no more than 0.08 beyond or deeper than the location of the root
log10 mm suction units with depth. fiber. The soil moisture beyond that point is
The first criterion is illustrated in Figure 4 influenced by changes of suction in the root
6 zone but at the slower rate for intact soil
Depth of the Moisture Active Zone
Wilting Point of Vegetation
governed by Gardner’s relation.

6 Depth of the Moisture Active Zone

5 Total Suction


Wilting Point Ma
tion for Vegetation tric
l Suc Equilibrium Suction for Suc
Tota tion
Non-Cemented Soils*

Deepest Recorded Root Fiber

4 Matric Suction
Equilibrium Suction for Non-Cemented Soils*
Wet Total Suction Limit for Clay

3 Wet Suction Limit for Clay
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
* From Epirical Relation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index with equilibrium
suction (Russam and Coleman, 1961) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4. Suction Profile with Depth Illustrating the DEPTH, m
* From Empirical Relation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index with equilibrium
Point where Suction Becomes Constant with Depth. suction (Russam and Coleman, 1961)

Figure 6. Suction Profile in a Tree Root Zone in

The second criterion is illustrated in Figure Summer
5, which is a set of suction measurements made
in and around a swamp in Louisiana. The The fourth criterion is illustrated in Figure 7,
location of the water table was inferred by a suction profile showing a cemented soil
projecting the total suction in mm downward which roots cannot penetrate below a depth of
on a 1:1 slope until it reached the wet limit of 0.8 m. The inference that it is a cemented soil
suction in clay of 3162 mm (pG = 3.5 or - comes both from the boring log comments on
31kPa). the soil being “very stiff” and from the high
level of matric suction, nearly equaling the
Depth of the Moisture Active Zone
total suction. The soil at this level of suction

Wilting Point for Vegetation and higher cannot support vegetation and will
Inferred Water Table

5 not be cracked by it. The soil is intact and

marks the limit of the moisture active zone.
Frequently, rainwater falling on the ground
Equilibrium Suction* Inferred Total
Suction Prof
surface will percolate down to the top of the
Wet Total Suction
Limit for Clay high suction layer and will accumulate there,
forming an intermittent perched water table.
0 1 2 3 4 5
The soil in the moisture active zone can, and
DEPTH, m usually does, undergo large
* From Empirical Thornthwaite Moisture Index Relation with equilibrium
suction (Russam and Coleman, 1961)

Figure 5. Suction Profile with Depth Illustrating the

Inferred Presence of a Water Table.

The third criterion is illustrated in Figure 6

which was measured in the root zone of a large changes of suction between its established wet
oak tree in Texas during a hot, dry summer. and dry limits, and consequently large and
The deepest recorded root fiber was at 4.3 m. rapid shrinking and swelling.
6 6
Depth of the Moisture Active Zone
Total Suction
Wilting Point Wilting Point of Vegetation

of Vegetation


Matric Suction

5 5
al S


S uc
Equilibrium Suction for Non-Cemented Soils* tal

Equilibrium Suction for Non-Cemented Soils*

Matric S


Wet Total Suction Limit for Clay

Wet Total Suction Limit for Clay

Depth of the

Moisture Active Zone

3 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5
* From Empirical Relation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index with equilibrium suction
* From Empirical Relation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index (Russam and Coleman, 1961)
(Russam and Coleman, 1961)
Figure 7. Suction Profile Showing a Cemented Soil Figure 9. Suction Profile Showing the Total and Matric
Layer. Suction Values Converging.

Figure 8 shows a profile of a soil with a high The increasing matric suction indicates an
osmotic suction level but one that is not high increase of cementation of the soil, while the
enough to prevent the penetration of roots. small suction gradients indicate a low level of
The soil had high concentrations of soluble vertical moisture velocity. Together, these
sulfates and underlay a pavement that had criteria indicate the bottom of the zone in
experienced repeated episodes of repeated which water will move at a quickened pace
distress. Consequently, although the borings over that in an intact soil.. This criterion is
were carried to a depth of 4.4 m, it did not based principally upon a maximum rate of
reach the bottom of the moisture active zone. vertical flow criterion according to which
water is permitted to flow vertically upward or
6 downward at a rate no greater than 100 mm/yr

Depth of the Moisture Active Zone

Wilting Point for Vegetation using the Mitchell hydraulic conductivity
cti on relation.
5 Tota
l Su Osm
S ucti In cases where two or more criteria appear
on Equilibrium Suction for
Non-Cemented Soils*
to apply, the more conservative one should be



It is noted that the equilibrium value of soil


Wet Total Suction Limit for Clay


suction as determined by the empirical relation

3 with the Thornthwaite Moisture Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 developed by Russam and Coleman (1961) is
*From Empirical Relation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index with equilibrium suction
shown on each of the graphs in Figures 4
(Russan and Coleman, 1961)
through 9. Although some of the suction
Figure 8. Suction Profile Showing High Osmotic values at the bottom of the moisture active
zone are close to the suction value derived
Figure 9 illustrates the fifth criterion. The from the Russan and Coleman graph, notably in
total suction at a depth of 3.4 m had nearly Figures 4 and 5, it is commonly observed that
reached the equilibrium suction criterion (0.08 the empirical relation does not match the
log10 mm suction per m) when the matric observed equilibrium suction well. This
suction arrived at the same value. The total statement does not call into question the value
suction is not high enough to exclude the roots of the empirical relation. Instead, it
of vegetation. emphasizes the need to determine the
equilibrium suction on a more fundamental
basis which includes the desorption suction-
s  r
dry 
water content characteristic curve of the soil on 1
1  h dry B
any given site. Such a relationship was A (15)
developed by D. A. Gay (Gay, 1993). The
desorption characteristic curve for a soil is The two most common driest suction values
given by found at the ground surface are when it is
1 controlled by the wilting point of vegetation (+
s m
h  A B 3100 kPa or -3.16 x 105 mm or pG of 5.5) or by
m r evaporation from the soil surface (+9.8 x 104
(13) kPa or -107 mm or pG of 7.0). The values of
where s = saturated volumetric water s, r, A, and B define the soil-water
content characteristic curve. The Thornthwaite
r = residual volumetric water Moisture Index defines the long-term climate
content and the controlling dry suction defines the
m = the mean volumetric water shape of the curve especially in the negative
content in a particular climate Thornthwaite Index Range. The available
A, B = coefficients which define the moisture depth, dam, may be taken as 300 mm
soil-water characteristic curve or it may be estimated from the amount of
The mean volumetric content in a given water stored in the soil between the wettest and
climate, m from the following equation is driest steady state suction profiles with depth.
substituted into the above equation to give the Typical values of s, r, A, and B used in
suction-vs-Thornthwaite Moisture Index generating clay soil-water characteristic curves
relation in closed form. with substantial amounts of fine clay content
fc dry are
m   dry
dam d1 s = 0.50
1 

r = 0.04
T A = 475 if h  is expressed in mm.
T1 B = 0.50
(14) These values, with a controlling dry suction
where dan = the available moisture stored of +9.8 x 104 kPa ( or -107 mm or a pG of 7)
in the soil profile. This is will produce larger values of equilibrium
normally taken as 300 mm for suction than can be determined with the
most clay soil profiles. empirical relation due to Russam and Coleman
d1 = 0.4949 dam + 0.305 (1961). These larger values are closer to the
 = 0.0393 dam + 1.357 suction values that are observed at depth in
T1 = 0.00627 dam + 59.536 Figures 4, 6, 8, and 9. Use of the above
T = the Thornthwaite Moisture equations together with simple methods of
Index + 60 estimating the desorptive soil-water
fc = the volumetric water content at characteristic curve will make the
the field capacity moisture determination of an equilibrium suction at
condition corresponding to a depth a routine matter. It will also make the
suction of (-9.8 k Pa or pG of task of identifying those suction profiles which
3.0 or - 1000 mm) are controlled by a high water table, or a high
fc = 0.88 s approximately for clay osmotic suction or a cemented soil a more
soils reliable one.
dry = the volumetric water content at
the controlling suction 4.5 Transient Cases
condition at the ground
surface, hdry As explained in previous references (Lytton
1992, 1994), design of most engineering
structures should be based upon a change of
(1980). The value of  ranges
between 10-1 and 10-3 mm2/s.
The constant evaporation case is
suction between two suction profiles which z
u(z, t)  ue(z)  ua ue(z) erfc
represent a steady state of flow. The Post- 2  t
Tensioning Institute design procedure (1980, x
1996) is based upon an edge drying (center lift)  ua ue(z) exp rz  r 2
t erfc r 
2  t
and an edge heaving (edge lift) differential
movement. The edge drying movement occurs (17)
between an equilibrium suction profile (vertical where u(z,t) = the logarithm of the total
velocity is zero) and a profile beneath a suction in mm at depth, z, and
covered area with steady upward flow, time, t.
controlled by a vegetative suction (+3160 kPa, ue(z) = the equilibrium logarithm of
-105.5 mm, or pG 5.5) or an evaporative suction suction in mm at depth, mm.
(9.8 x 104 kPa, - 107mm, or pG 7.0) at the ua = the logarithm of the suction in
surface. The edge wetting movement occurs mm in the air above the soil.
between an equilibrium suction profile and a r = the film coefficient of vapor
profile with steady downward flow which is transfer. This was found
controlled by a surface suction at the wet limit experimentally by Mitchell
for suction ( +31 kPa, -103.5 mm, pG 3.5). (1980) to be 0.054 mm-1.
There are specific cases in which transient Another case of practical interest to design is
rather than steady state suction profiles will the change of suction beneath a covered area
prove to be useful for design purposes. One of immediately after construction. The transient
these is the equation for the variation of suction equation for this case is
with depth caused by a cyclic suction at the 
surface. That equation was developed by )U 
u(z,t) ue( 
n 1 2n1 2 2
Mitchell (1980) and has been presented earlier.
This equation and variations of it can reliably
(2n1)z (2n1)2 2 
predict the effects of lawn watering and cos exp 
2 2
seasonal rainfall and drying. 4
Other transient cases represent the extreme
where ue(l) = the logarithm of the
cases of constant ponding and constant
equilibrium suction in mm at
evaporation or transpiration. These cases are
the depth of the moisture
rarely seen in the field and should be used
active zone.
sparingly. They, too, were developed by
l = the depth of the moisture
Mitchell (1980). The solution for the ponding
active zone in mm.
case is
u = the change of the
z logarithm of suction in mm
u(z,t)  uo  ue (z) uo erfc
2 
t from the bottom of the
(16) moisture active zone to the top
where u(z,t) = the logarithm of the total of it at the time of
suction in mm at the depth, z construction.
in mm, and at time, t in With a rising permanent water table, l will
seconds. decrease with time.
ue(z) = the equilibrium logarithm of These three cases will apply to most of the
suction in mm at depth, z. transient cases encountered in design.
uo = the constant logarithm of
suction in mm at the surface 4.6 Trees
 = the unsaturated diffusivity in
mm2/s, as defined by Mitchell
u(x, z), v(x, z) = the horizontal and vertical
The equations presented above provide a
E,  = the Youngs modulus and
means of estimating the suction within the
Poisson’s ratio
moisture active zone because they make use of
the Mitchell formulation of hydraulic
p = 3ax2 + 2bxz + cz2
conductivity, which includes, in an
q = 3ax2 + 2bxz + cx2 + 6dxz
approximate way, the effects of the smaller
r = bx2 + 2cxz + 3dz2
cracks in the soil in assisting the transmission
s = 6axz + bz2 + 2cxz + 3dz2.
of water.
Referring to Figure 10, the coefficients a, b, c,
The actual suction within a tree root zone
and d are further defined as:
changes rapidly with the seasons varying from
nearly the wet limit of suction (+31 kPa, -103.5
mm, or pG 3.5) to the wilting point (+3100
kPa, -105.5 mm, or pG 5.5). Thus trees can
engender both heave and shrinkage at the edge
of a foundation or pavement. Another major  
problem created by trees is when they are cut
t +u
down or removed prior to construction, leaving
their root zones beneath the covered area. +v
Because of construction normally proceeds
during warm and dry weather, the severed tree
root zone is at or approaching the wilting point.
The suction beneath the covered area then
approaches its equilibrium value, wetting up Figure 10. Sign Conventions for Love’s Solution for an Elastic Wedge
the tree root zone and causing heave. t tan tan 
a  
4.7 Drainage 6 (tan  tan 

b  t 6 a (tan tan )
The effects of poor drainage may be 4
represented for design purposes by using either
the ponding transient condition or a steady c  3 a t a n  t a n 

state representation throughout the depth of the tan 2 

d  t  6 a ( 3 t a n   t a n )
affected area of a suction level at the wet limit. 12
Setting the angle  to equal ( + /2) gives a
4.8 Slopes
slope with a slope angle of (/2 - ). Making
use of the viscoelastic correspondence principle
In his Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Terzaghi
and of Schapery’s approximate inverse LaPlace
(1963) used an elastic solution presented by
transform (Schapery, 1962, 1965) gives the
A. E. H. Love (1927) to represent the stress
equation for down hill creep displacements of
state in an earth dam. The solution was for the
these soils. The equations are as follows:
stresses, strains, and displacements in an elastic
wedge acting under its own weight. The
solutions for displacements, translated to use
elastic material properties that are more
familiar are as follows:
(1 ) (1 2)
u(x, z)   p q

(1  ) (1 2 )
(x, z)   r  s
g  sin  c os 

(x, z, t) 
 n  sin 2 cos 2 

E  E1  (1
m) (2t) m (22)
(1  ) p  (1) q 2 The values of E, E1, and m depend upon the
level of suction in the soil and can be measured
simply in a relaxation modulus test on the soil.
(x, z, t)   Typical values of m, the exponent are between
E  E1  (1m) (2t)m
0.10 and 0.50. The exponent can never be
(1  ) r  (12) s above 1.0. The displacement of the slope in the
where downhill direction is given by
E, E1, m = the coefficients and exponent w(t)  u(x, z, t) sin  v(x, z, t) cos 
of the power law relaxation Downhill creep has caused serious problems
modulus of the soil to foundations and pavements and these
 (1 - m) = the Gamma function with the equations provide a relatively straight forward
argument (1 - m). way of estimating the down hill movement
 = the Poison’s ratio which is prior to construction. The equations are set up
assumed to be constant so that the origin does not move. Thus it
The slope as defined here is illustrated in should be set at the bottom of the slope and the
Figure 11. displacements calculated for values of x and z
which are both negative. An example of such
calculations is shown in Figure 12.
Downhill Movement, mm 30
10 20 30

Surface Downhill Movement, mm

+ x

 90 -  2 20
Depth Normal to Slope, m

 4
2 yr

5 yr

u 10
+ 6
+ z v 7
Figure 11. Configuration for the Downhill Displacement of a Slope 0
with a Slope Angle of (90-)o. 5 10 15
10 Time, years

For this special case, the coefficients a, b, c, Figure 12. Typical Computed Downhill Creep Movements.
and d are as follows: Soil Properties used in making these computation were measured in the
laboratory and are as follows: E=37 kPa; E1=3.8 x 105 kPa-(s)m;
t g2 m=0.24; =0.4; t=18 kN/m3
6 n3

b 1
4 n3
The performance of engineering structures
t g2
can be predicted using one or another of the
c  methods outlined in the previous section of this
2 n3
paper. The design criteria that should be met
t g by these
d  2 sin 2 3 c os 2  1
12 3

 tan 2

structures can be compared with the predicted accordance with the expected service life. The
performance to determine whether the design following table shows the risk level and
being considered is adequate. If it is not corresponding return period that can be
adequate, another alternative is explored in the selected for design.
same way. This is the design process, one that In the case of the PTI design procedure,
has not, in general, been used in the design of these risk levels, as defined by the Gumbel
engineering structures on unsaturated soils distribution, can be used to interpolate design
because the predictive methods were either values of em between the 10-year chart in the
unavailable or unverified with actual PTI manual (10 percent risk) and the 50-year
performance. chart in the paper by Lytton (1994) (2 percent
All engineering structures on unsaturated risk).
soils, are subject to the variations of suction at The equation relating the em-values for the
the soil surface due to weather, evaporation, 10-year and 50-year return periods to the
vegetation drainage, and watering patterns. In design emvalue for another return period is
designing these structures, recognition must be given by
taken of the length of the time these structures zr 
must be in service, and of the severity of the em  e m  (e m em )
r 10 50 10
z50 z10
weather patterns that may occur during the
expected life of the structure. The return The zr scores are computed from the Gumbel
period in hydrologic events is appropriate to cumulative probability distribution curve.
use in estimating the design criteria for  

foundations and pavements on these 1 Zr
1   e
unsaturated soils. r
As an example of this, the edge moisture (25)
variation distance em, that is used in the design where r = the return period in years
of slabs-on-ground can be estimated using the , = the scale and shape factors for
em-versus-Thornthwaite Moisture Index (TMI) the Gumbel distribution
chart that was published with the Post- Assuming that both  and  equal 1.0 in
Tensioning Institute design manual (First Equation (25), and that the 10-year and 50-year
Edition, 1980: Second Edition, 1996). These em-values are 1.37 m and 2.44 m respectively,
em-values were derived by back calculation the following table gives typical values of em
from slabs which were performing successfully for a range of return periods.
in San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston. None of
the slabs were more than 10 years old at the Return
time. It can be argued that the design values of Period,
em represent a 10-year return period. On the Years Risk, % Zr em, m
other hand, another set of em-versus TMI charts 100 1.0 99.5 3.77
were presented by Lytton (1994). These charts 80 1.25 79.5 3.24
were developed by finite element simulation 50 2.0 49.5 2.44
using suction conditions inferred from weather 40 2.5 39.5 2.17
data that covered up to 50 years. The finite 25 4.0 24.5 1.77
element program, a coupled non-linear elastic 20 5.0 19.5 1.64
and unsaturated diffusion transient flow 10 10.0 9.49 1.37
program, had been calibrated to several years 5 20.0 4.48 1.24
of field observations beside and beneath 2 50.0 1.44 1.16
pavements. It can be argued that these charts
represent a 50-year return period. The use of
the Gumbel probability density function, which
is commonly used to represent the probability
of weather events, may be used to establish the
risk level that is desired for design in
the appropriate wet and dry limits of suction
applied as the controlling boundary conditions.
These steady state solutions are easier to
The underlined em-values were used to
compute and being envelope values, are
construct the table of risk scores and em-values
generally more useful in design than the
for other risk levels. The value of  will
transient results. The steady state computations
change to meet the probability patterns of local
are based upon a steady velocity of moisture
drought and rainfall occurrences. This
flow both into or out of the soil, flowing
illustrates how these two sets of design charts
between the steady suction at the base of the
may be used to account for return periods in
moisture active zone and the controlling wet
weather events. A common design period for
and dry limit suction values at the surface.
residential and pavement construction is 20
The obvious exception to this general
years (5 percent risk). Similar procedures can
approach is the steady accumulation of water
be established for the other types of
mounding above a permanent water table and
engineering structures.
below an extended covered area, a condition
Design requires a reasonable estimate of the
that is common in residual soils, and is
maximum movements or pressures that can be
commonly encountered in South Africa. In
expected during the expected service life of the
such cases, the controlling suction is at the
engineering structure. In some cases, such as
with vertical membranes that are used as water table (around +31 kPa or -103.5 mm or
moisture barriers or root barriers, the maximum pG 3.5) and is at a rising elevation. At the
movements or pressures that are exerted by an surface, the controlling boundary condition is
active soil can be reduced dramatically if the zero flow beneath an impervious boundary.
vertical membrane is extended deeply enough. The solution to the changing suction and
A membrane depth of 1.25 m has been found to movement patterns is transient and should not
be a minimum practical depth to assure at least be based upon the erroneous assumption that
a 50 percent reduction in differential the accumulating water above the permanent
movements, when the source of the moisture or water table is somehow changing the
drying influence is at or near the ground Thornthwaite Moisture Index. The solution to
surface (vegetation and drainage). In this transient problem is provided earlier in this
pavements, the annual total movement in any paper (Equation 18) and is due to Mitchell
given wheel path has been found by field (1980).
observations to result in an accumulation of
roughness in that wheel path over time.
Vertical barriers assist in reducing the rate of 6. NEEDED RESEARCH
roughness increase in all wheel paths but their
effectiveness depends upon how deep they are There is beginning to be a broad-scale
relative to the depth of the moisture active recognition that there are serious questions in
zone. It has been found that a vertical the analysis and design of engineering
membrane (not an injected slurry) should be as structures on unsaturated soils that can only be
deep as the moisture active zone until that zone answered with equally serious research.
becomes deeper than 2.5 meters. Vertical Practitioners, analysts, and designers should
membranes deeper than that will continue to be encourage the needed research and welcome
more effective with increasing depth, but the the results as they are brought out. One of the
increase will be at a diminishing rate. reasons that such research would have been
Design does not need to be based upon premature earlier is that previously there has
precise transient solutions to the unsaturated not been a reasonably well-defined framework
moisture flow and movement problems within which to systematically answer the
although these solutions give the clearest questions. The international conferences on
understanding of what must be designed expansive soils and
against. Instead, the transient solutions are
always bounded by steady state envelopes with
hydrologists. If so, this information needs to
be made available to designers in practice.
Finally, nondestructive or small aperture
testing instruments need to be developed to
permit more rapid and precise determinations
unsaturated soils since 1965 have contributed in the field of these important characteristics of
much to the formulation of this framework. unsaturated soils: the components of suction,
Briefly listed here are some of the subjects water content and unit weight, and the density
that fit within that framework and the questions of the crack fabric, the stiffness and
that need definitive answers. The subjects are viscoelastic properties of these soils.
volume change, shear strength, lateral earth
pressure, hydraulic conductivity, effects of
viscoelastic properties of soils and particularly 7. CONCLUSIONS
the effects of composition and compaction
upon these properties, and the effects of The culmination of successful research is the
weather return periods upon risk and reliability formulation of a sound mechanics framework
of engineering structures built on or in these for the behavior of unsaturated soils in the
unsaturated soils. field, laboratory and field, instruments to
Volume change behavior of unsaturated soils measure the relevant properties, an accurate
needs to establish when the large strain and the understanding of and an ability to use with
small strain formulation should be used and confidence the important relationships by
how to account for the formation and presence designers and practitioners, rational design
of cracks in the soil mass. The effects of the criteria that are attuned to this overall
change of osmotic suction needs to be explored framework, and finally, successful application
systematically. Shear strength research needs of these to achieve predictable performance at
to establish the mechanics basis for its relation desired levels of reliability. Measured by this
to both matric and osmotic suction and the description, we have more to do in many areas
effects of cracks in the soil on shear strength. of unsaturated soil testing, analysis, and design.
This is particularly the case with the case of The importance of the problems that are
shallow slope failures in which the encountered by engineering structures on
transmission and storage of low suction water unsaturated soils in all climates, and the need
by cracks is a known major contributor. for rational and achievable design criteria and
Lateral earth pressure formulations must be for methods of accurately predicting future
developed to account for the cracks, the performance are becoming clearer with time
transient suction in soil masses, and the effect and experience. Conferences such as this will
of the viscoelastic mature of the soil on the assist greatly in moving toward the culmination
lateral earth pressure coefficient. Hydraulic described above.
conductivity formulations need to be made to
account for the effects of distributed cracks in
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