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1. Ans. B. 8. Ans. A.
262.5×4.5=1181.25 Here, 1.3636 ≈ 1.36
1181.25×5.5=6496.875 And 1.222 ≈ 1.2
2. Ans. D.
3. Ans. B.
The pattern of the series can be judged by the 9. Ans. D.
logical sequence given below: 1124.99% of 1501 – 1265.01% of 399 = ?
46+52 = 46+25 = 71 => 1125 * 15 – 1265*4
71+73 = 71+343 = 414 => 16875 – 5060 = 11815
414+92 = 414+81 = 495 10. Ans. D.
495+113 = 495+1331 = 1826 (2432 + 1587 + 1415) ÷ 1378 = ?
1826+132 = 1826+169 = 1995 => 5434 ÷ 1378
4. Ans. E. => 4
The pattern of the series can be judged by the 11. Ans. D.
logical sequence given below: Let the population of village B=x
Dual series x * 45/100 * 20/100=36
114 102 90 78 and 75 63 51 39 x=36*100*100/45*20=400
-12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 hence, option D.
12. Ans. A.
5. Ans. C.
Let the population of village D=x
The series is
Let the population of village E=2x
90 + 4.5= 94.5
Operative account in village D=x *40/100 * (100-
94.5 + 9= 103.5
103.5 + 18= 121.5
6. Ans. D. =8x/25
Substituting (?) with “x” Operative account in village E=2x*55/100*(100-
(3895-1993-1900) × 350×x=31000+500 40)/100
2×350×x=31500 =2x*55/100*60/100
700×x=31500 =33x/50
According to the question,
=8x/25 *50/33x
x=45 =16/33
7. Ans. B. Hence, option A.
13. Ans. B.
162+192- ×800
Let the population of village C=x
x * 35/100 * (100-80)/100=56
256+361- ×800
x * 35/100 * 20/100=56
617-240 x=800
377 hence, option B.


14. Ans. C.
Required percentage= (70-30)*100/30 = = 70.41%
= 70%
Hence, option C.
15. Ans. D. 20. Ans. D.
Required percentage= (1*0.50 + 2*0.45 + 4*0.35) let speed of C be x’ km/hr and
* 100/1+2+4 Speed of D be y’ km/h
=2.80 * 100/7=40% Now, 12y-11x=12.5
Hence, option D. $ 7x-5y=3.25
16. Ans. B. On Solving we got get x = 3.5 km/hr and y=4.25
Average age of the whole class km/hr
21. Ans. A.
Let tap C will empty the tank in 't' minutes
Here, X = 30, Y = 60 and Total time to fill tank =
50 minutes
C can empty the full tank in = 50 Minutes
= (1/30 + 1/60 – 1/t) = 1/50
1/30 + 1/60 – 1/50 = 1/t
T = 100/3 minutes
= 33.33 minutes
22. Ans. A.
17. Ans. D. Let the salary of Rohan be x
Expenditure on rent= x*20/100= x/5
SI = = Rs 12150 Remaining= x-x/5= 4x/5
Expenditure on food= 4x/5 * 30/100= 6x/25
Expenditure of travelling= x*20/100= x/5
CI = 16200[(1+25%) – 1] Remaining salary
CI = Rs 15440.625 = x- (x/5 + 6x/25 + x/5)
Required difference = 15440.625 – 12150 = Rs = x-16x/25
3290.625 = 9x/25
Hence Option D is correct So,
18. Ans. A. 9x/25= 36000
Investments of Kundan x= 36000*25/9
= 40000+50000+60000+70000 (as 10000 is x= Rs 100000
added every year)
23. Ans. C.
= 220000
Investment of Chandan
= 85000*2 = 170000 × ×salary=22950
Ratio of investments
= 220000:170000 Therefore Total salary= =Rs.85000
= 22:17
Kundan’s share = 195000*22/39 = 110000 24. Ans. C.
19. Ans. A. (?) = 2916 + (44)2 + (33)2 – 2(2376 + 1782) +
Ravi →75 marks 2(44 × 33)
Sohan →75 – 10 = 65 Using formula: (a – b – c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab –
Akash →65 + 45 = 110 2ac + 2bc
Rakesh →110 – 25 = 85 Here, a = √2916, b = 44 and c = 33
Rupender →85 + 34 = 119 ⇒ (?) = (54 - 44 - 33)2
Maximum marks ⇒ (?) = (-23)2
= 119 + 50 = 169 ⇒ (?) = 529
Required answer


25. Ans. E. Sum=22+24+26+28=100

55 % of 560 – 28% of ? = 308 – 28% of ? = 229.6 Hence, option B.
28% of ? = 308 – 229.6 = 78.4 32. Ans. C.
? =78.4 × 100/28 = 280 Let ‘X’ be the tenth place digit then
26. Ans. E. The unit place digit be ‘2X+1’.
183 – (7568 ÷ ?) = 11 The number is ’10X+(2X+1)’
183 – 11 = (7568 ÷ ?) ⇒172 = 7568 ÷ ? ⇒ ? = According to the question, we have
? = 44
Hence option E is correct
27. Ans. E.
410 × 64 ÷ 256 = 49 Or,
4? × 16 = 49 So, tenth place digit = 3 and unit place digit =
⇒ 4? = 49 ÷ 16 = 49 ÷ 42 = 47 2x3+1 = 7
⇒ ?=7 Required number = 37
Hence option E is correct 33. Ans. C.
28. Ans. A. Total Machine = 30
(5994 ÷ 18) × (468 ÷ 18) = 333 × 26 =8658 Total amount of machine
Hence option A is correct = 30 × 30 = 9000
29. Ans. A. Total profit = 150 × 30 = 4500
Shortcut:- Amount spent on repairs
Change in profit% on CP is equal to change in SP = (9000 – 4500 – 2000) = 2500 Rs
(6- 2.4)% of CP = Rs.9 34. Ans. B.
Total marks obtained by Mithun in Sanskrit, Science
CP = × 100 = Rs. 250 and Social Science = 68 × 3 = 204
Corrected total = 204 – 72 + 81 = 213
30. Ans. C.
Required Percentage
Total interest received = 4800
Rate = 4800/60000* 100= 8%
By the rule of allegation,
5 12
8 Hence Option B is correct
Ratio= 12-8:8-5 35. Ans. C.
Ratio= 4:3 ∴ Total age of 39 persons = (39 × 15) years = 585
Investment in scheme B= 3/7* 60000= Rs 25714 years.
31. Ans. B. ∴ Average age of 40 persons = 15 years 3 months
Let the four consecutive odd numbers are, x, x+2,
x+4 and x+6
x+x+2+x+4+x+6=120 ∴ Total age of 40 persons
So the odd numbers are-27,29,31,33 ∴ Age of the teacher = (610 – 585) years = 25
Then smallest even number will be=33-11=22 years.
Then the even numbers=22, 24, 26 and 28


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