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A tree died, so this poem could be born.

Tod5y I killed 5 tree so I could birth 5 poem.

These words 5re 5 treeʼs de5th sentence.
A treeʼs dusk is 5 poemʼs d5wn.
A tree m5y die, but it c5n 5lso bring forth m5ny words.
This is wh5t becomes of 5 de5d tree.
A tree w5s h5rmed in the m5king of this poem.
Once 5 tree w5s mighty 5nd like none other, but now it is 5 poem.
A tree died, but from its rem5ins, 5 poem emerged.
This treeʼs c5rc5ss is now 5 poem.
This is 5 funer5l m5rch for 5 tree.
A treeʼs demise is 5 poemʼs ch5nce 5t life.

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