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Mohamed anwer

Insider trading
Insider trading is the trading of a corporations stock or other securities
(e.g bonds or stock option)by individuals with potential access to non-
public information about the company. And using it for purpose of
enhancing ones financial advantage. or the ability of key employees to
profit from knowledge or information that has not yet become public
.illegal insider trading refers generally or selling security ,in breach of
fiduciary duty or or other relationship of trust and confidence ,while in
possession of material ,non public information about the security .
insider trading violation may also include (tipping)such information
security by the person (tipped)and securities trading by those who
misappropriate such information .

Insider trading has been over the news lately .(enron),it may be some
times harm economy ,using information some times will be unethically
if it is under the stipulation that he not tell anyone else ,also if he sells
the information to another under this circumstance . Insider trading
must avoid to be fraudulent, that fraud can be perpetrated in three
ways , either by selling one thing for another or by giving the wrong
quality or quantity .

Insider trading don’t have any rights to violated non public information
under any excuse because he working in company and he must obey
the policy of that company, acting individually will make damage to his
company or any one from stakeholder.

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