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KINGS… and peasants

« Les signes et les symboles gouvernent le

monde, pas les lois ni les mots »

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not laws

nor words.”

~ Confucius

Chapitre 0

Chapitre 0,0 ~ An Intro of Sorts

You don’t know me… and I likely do not know you… but if
you should decide to take this walk with me… I think that we
might agree that there is something really wrong with the world
we live in today. Actually, something has always been wrong
with it… we have just learned to accept everything as it is…
generation upon generation… believing that we are in
possession of something that we like to call ‘freedom'… as this
is what we have always been TOLD that we possessed... but
why is it that WE must be told ?
What IS ‘freedom’ ? How do we define ‘freedom’ ? Are
WE really free ? Is it something that innately belongs to us… or
is it something that is granted ? On this note… if it IS something
that is bestowed upon us… jotted down on a sheet of paper
somewhere, it can surely be taken away, just as easily as
striking a match to said piece of paper.
Freedom to me is a certain courage to follow dreams,
without the causing of ill-will on others. We could say that it is

KINGS… and peasants
being able to be or do whatever one wants to be or do, but
THIS has the potential of imprisoning other persons... as THE
OTHERS have always done with us… and still doing… simply
BECAUSE it has always been done… and YOU and I are
unable to even see it… as we have never known anything else.
So… what makes ME an authority on anything that has
happened or is transpiring today ? I am not… I have no
authority… just a few trivial credentials that may be coveted by
some… and demeaned by others… but what I DO know, is that
WE, as most of the whole of society, simply accept the way
things are, and for what they have become… all too easily.
I have an MBA, also known as, a Master of Business
Administration. What does THAT mean ? I don’t really know. It
is just a piece of paper that was supposed to make me more
marketable… making it possible for me to get one of those
more ‘prestigious’ positions in management… driving an un-
named company to its success.
I have pondered my own business many a time… the
idea of retiring by selling-out to another company someday…
but as I studied abroad… as I learned the rules… as I saw how
corrupt and inhumane business actually was and is… my taste
for it changed… finding it rather, for lack of a better word…
disgusting. ‘Business is just business’ as THEY might say…
but business only exploits… and usually those taken advantage
of BY business are the ones most trusting of it… as if supposed
regular people like YOU and/or I, having worked their way up,
are holding those higher positions of power within these

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corporate conglomerations… doing the world good with their
politics and their commerce… but THEY are NOT made up of
the same types of people as WE… THEY were never peasants.
The only people that we have come to be familiar with as being
like YOU and/or ME… do NOT sit in any of those seats.
Small business and family business, are one thing… but
the corporations that we see driving the world today are
completely something else… something different… as just
about EVERYTHING now has come to be considered a
corporation… treated as an individual rather than an
organization… but it does not live and breathe as we do… and
it possesses nothing of the likes of a person whom I would ever
care to meet.
I have chosen to write these things out here… to
illustrate… to conclude… as I have many other projects I would
like to have the chance to finish before I die… but THIS one
keeps getting in my way. It is always at the moment that I think
I have said everything there IS to say… that something else
seems to find me. It is much like a tempest that never seems to
let up… rains becoming rivers… bringing everything discarded
in their rage. To be frank, I am fed up with having this mess in
my head… there will be no sequel to follow… and my intent is
to throw this all out there into the winds… and just let it go.
0,1 What is it that we REALLY know about ANYthing ?
It was sometime at the beginning of 2010… I had just
returned from India… a business trip for school… studying
business models abroad. I was in Mumbai… which used to be

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called Bombay for a time… the British name for it after it had
been conquered… occupied… colonized… or whatever. I know
this because a monument was placed there… an archway to
remind us of it, complete with an inscription that read :

MCMXI” [1911].
Upon my return to France, on this one particular day, I
spent all of my time during class typing on the
keys of my Blackberry Bold. A sudden idea had
flooded my thoughts… one in which I did not
wish to forget… and I felt that nothing could be
quite so as important as this... my epiphany.
On a side note, which will make more sense later, the
blackberry logo here uses 7 ‘blackberries’… but one might also
notice, that this logo is made up of 3-1/2 ‘B’s in their abstract.

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Logos are ALWAYS designed for a specific reason… and
though they ‘sometimes’ seem to be related to the wares that a
corporation sells… they often have hidden, more esoteric
meanings associated to them.
Something had changed in me in India, after all I had
seen and done. I began to see things differently as I had seen
with my own eyes that the L’Oreal Paris brand was being
manufactured there… something that made no sense, as I
would think that if nothing else, the ‘Paris’ line would, at the very
least, still be being produced in France.
I witnessed first-hand, the automobile assembly line of
‘Tata’… how every third or fourth car was
actually a Fiat. Emblems, color, and a few of the
other ‘finishing touches’ were the only things that made them
unique… everything else for the particular make and model that
I saw… one in which I cannot remember… were equivalent.
The Tata logo, uses the Greek ‘TAU’… which
pretty much looks like this : ‘T’ and/or this ‘t’.
Perhaps you have seen these crosses before ?
Yes… we find them everywhere… where ever
the many sects of Christianity reside. The word ‘Fiat’, is an
order passed down by someone with ‘power’, such as that of a
king passing down his royal decree.
I ate at an Indian McDonald’s only once while I was
there… which was somewhat of an expected shock… as there
was no beef on the menu. As most already know, cows are
held with high regard there… but this is NOT just in India.

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It is a bit of an older expression in English
to say ‘holy cow !’, when something is
unbelievable. In France it is still very common
to say ‘oh la vache !’, in which ‘vache’
translated means ‘cow’… used in pretty much the same context.
‘Vachement’ literally translated would be ‘cowly’… which is not
really an English word at all, but in most contexts in French, it is
to say ‘really’, among the many other like or more colorful ways
of using the word.
There is another English expression referenced to as
‘taking the bull by the horns’. There is bull-fighting in Spain,
longhorns in Texas, and the ‘golden calf’ of the
old testament of Judeo-Christianity. Of course
there is also the ‘bull-market’ of Wallstreet… when everything is
going just dandy ! It is of the star constellation of ‘TAUrus’,
astrologically, that all of these cow terms were born… or
perhaps, it was that the bovine had so much
importance attached to it, that it earned its
place in the naming of the constellations of the
night sky. The list goes on and on really… all
the way back to the civilization of Sumer, when Gugalanna was
the name of the ‘Great Bull of the Heavens’.
The word ‘logos’ originated from Greek. It is actually a
difficult word to define in just words. A crude translation would
be the word ‘logic’ but this does not really construe the true
meaning. The theology of Christianity would define it as ‘THE
word’. Some theologians would go further and say that it is to

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say ‘the word of God’… and further still… the
Christ. As one might now note, corporations
place high regard in their creation of a
protected, registered, and trademarked logo,
which prompts us to question what said corporations are
actually making implication to… with their ‘words of God’.
‘Logos’ is essentially a defining of a philosophy in a word,
a phrase, or as just a symbol. Keep in mind though… it is
usually only in English that a company ‘logo’ is
called so. In French, for example, the way we
use the word ‘logo’ in English, is the same way
that the French would more commonly use the
word ‘marque’... but ‘marque’ does not come from Greek… as
French is a Latin-rooted language.
What we know of the American Empire of today, really
has not a lot of history that can be traced… so to find its history
and influence is to travel back to the countries that originally
conquered it… namely Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands,
France, and Britain… Britain being the most domineering in
influence, as English became the primary language of
function… though many would disagree with this today…
moaning as they perform the most cumbersome
of tasks… having to ‘press 1’ for English. It is
amusing to me… those that get so irritated
today as Spanish gains momentum in the U.S.
Perhaps the Native Americans had their own agitations with the
countries that I have just listed… as it was the natives of then,

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that were prodded to learn the many uninvited foreign tongues.
So how about a little joke : What does one call a person
that speaks 3 languages ? Trilingual, right ? What do we call a
person whom speaks 2 languages ? Bilingual, yes ! Now…
what should one call a person that only speaks one language ?
American !
So much for the so-called melting-pot project… the nation
of immigrants. It would seem that America has no more
vacancies in the land that our ancestors stole… and the idea of
now barricading its borders, is to build a cage around
ourselves… so how will WE get out when it is all finished ?
Empires have typically imploded through the ages… as at the
moment they seem to be the most invincible… is always to be
the moment in which they fall.
The ancient Greek influence likely came into being in the
U.S. via these countries a few 100 years ago.
One can see examples of revived Greek
architecture in most, if not all, the state capitols
within the United States… the most notorious of
them being built in Washington DC. We will also find the use of
Greek among all of those secret societies known as fraternities
or sororities… with their ‘bourgeoisie’ Greek-lettered titles... 'Phi
Beta Kappa' is just one example ; The Greek
representation of the letter 'i' here.
The NEW World, as it were… seems to
have copied everything from the OLD one. The
George Washington Masonic National Memorial built in 1922…

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a semi-Greek building, has the logo of American freemasonry
where the front lawn was supposed to have been… which faces
an easterly direction… so that one is able to look all the way to
the end of ‘King’ Street while looking in the direction that the
square points.
The ‘founders’, as were many of the early principles of
America, were for the most part, built upon concepts of
freemasonry. Freemasonry, in a nutshell, is just another
fraternity… one that could be defined as a religion in the sense
that there are symbols, traditions,
repetitions, as well as, potential
rewards and/or consequences… and
their 'prophet' was called Hyrum Abiff...
but a fraternity is just a network of
persons that help each other out, as
they all shared in some kind of
dumbfounding or humiliating initiation
process… forever binding them
together in brotherhood. It would
seem that freemasonry was meant to be one of the first steps in
becoming a SOMEBODY, at least it used to be this way… and
although the club of freemasonry seems to have less influence
today than it has had in the past… THAT past was actually
quite recent… so we should assume that the organization will
be making another grand entrance at some point… as it has
NOT disappeared… it is just a very large ‘beehive’ in its more
dormant state.

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In the days of old, free-masons were actually stone-
masons… and free they were among peasants… they were of
the 1st class of serfs… as they were free to
leave the land that they worked… to shape
noble stone elsewhere… a very important
knowledge that royalty did not, and still does
not, seem to possess… to build, to construct, and to create. It
is said that they created the temple of Solomon… the reason
we will always seem to find the pillars of Jachin and Boaz as
they were so-named… which were nothing more than the
symbols of duality… represented by Gemini… the twins… just
another constellation in the sky. They are the symbols of said
temple, which we may also be enticed to assume as the
Kabalistic number of 11 ; representative of the magician.
The frat-house is more rooted in symbolism today than
anything else… and I am not sure that its
descendants and/or recruits are even capable
of building ANYthing anymore… just the
drawing of their trestle boards, which to me,
mostly resemble that of two-dimensional thinking. The
knowledge is passed down… but without the know-how. The
most prized among principles taught in freemasonry though, is
that of keeping something a secret amongst
themselves, a requirement that is willed or
enforced in any sort of ‘privileged’ knowledge…
a kind of job-security, if you will. But… to keep
secrets is to remain silent… and if THIS should fail, lies become

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a necessity in hiding truths. It is indeed interesting how much
the Acura logo, that first appeared in 1986, resembles a
compass so... ‘accurately’. I suspect it was influenced by
As we will soon see… whether we think we know
anything about this little club of millions or not, we are not quite
as unaware as we thought we were… and their shaping of the
world that we are now all living in today, still has some
significance, in that, we are still bound by all of the like symbols
that rule over us.
Culture and Language are curious things… I will be
pointing out more peculiarities of the French language…
therefore, you will note French quotes and a number of French
words that I will make clearer throughout. This is not really a
lesson in French… but rather to say that 40% of English IS
French… but as it would turn out, we often use these words in
the wrong context as we slaughter their pronunciations. For
example, the word ‘rendez-vous’ in French is understood to be
‘rendezvous’ in English, but it is not exactly used in the same
way. In English, a rendezvous can be a meeting-point for a
group… but it is often also associated with that of a love affair.
In French, however, ‘rendez-vous’ is better translated as an
‘appointment’… so to have a ‘rendezvous’ with a doctor…
means something much different than having a ‘rendez-vous’
with a doctor. A rendezvous in English is better translated as
‘aventure’ in French… a close resemblance to ‘adventure’ in
English… but in English, most would not apply the same

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meaning to the word.
We will often find that the meanings of French words that
have been ‘Englishized’, are meanings that WE only THOUGHT
we knew… but we do the same in English… as we correct
everyone in their speaking or in their spelling… as regretfully,
language is really the only way we ever seem to assess the
intelligence of another.
English is actually considered to be a Germanic
language… though its tones are not as hard-sounding as
German often seems to be to the native English-speaking ears.
Most Europeans are able to communicate in another tongue…
something that has lost its finesse in the United States… but
yes… the second language most often spoken in European
countries just happens to be English. But for us to NOT learn
something about another language AND its culture… how can
we ever know the whole story about anything ? It is THIS that
keeps us one-sided in much of our thinking and our views…
and much of the rest of the world is not what American-
television says it to be.
We seem to define truth anymore as what the media has
to preach… or anything else set before us in our ‘mainstream’.
‘They say that…’ if our hair or our clothes get wet outside in the
cold rain… we might catch a cold. One can still be reminded of
this today by family and peers, when going outside into the
elements. This is just a very simple and petty example of what I
am trying to convey… because it is true that one might GET
cold… but to CATCH a cold is a ridiculous assumption…

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passed down orally as if by tradition. Catching a cold is to
receive some kind of contagion… somehow from someone
else. What is referenced as ‘cold and flu season’… is indeed
when the weather has become colder… but the reason we are
prone to these things in the colder months, is that we are simply
indoors much more… exposed to more people, in enclosed
places, in closer proximities, of possible carriers of these
illnesses, that we wish not catch… from the carriers whom
contracted them from someone else. Sometimes… with just a
little ‘common sense’ and a run-on sentence… the truth can
somehow suddenly appear.
When we say that : ‘THEY say that we should wear sun-
block if we are going to be in the sun for more than 30 minutes‘,
or ‘THEY say that we should get a flu-shot every year’, or
‘THEY say that we should choose diet soft-drinks over the more
regular versions’… whom is it that we are referring to ? Who are
THEY… and how did THEY come to know so much about
EVERYTHING ?!! In these few examples… THEY seem to be
concerned about our health and well-being… right ? But… all
these ‘THEY-SAYs’ that I have just mentioned, have to do
mostly with the creations of pharmaceutical companies…
approved by governmental entities.
I like to think of myself as rather a ‘skeptical enthusiast’
when it comes to the ‘THEY’… as I believe there is always
SOME truth in everything ; it is just that I do not believe that the
ones ordained to tell us the truth, to be very credible IN telling
the truth. As it would happen… THEY… have always made

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their fortunes in fictions and lies.
When we heed to the corporate sponsored media,
government speakers, sermons of clergy, and even scripts
voiced from television broadcasts and film… we are subjected
to the belief systems of the ‘THEY’. We SHOULD be
researching what was REALLY said… as to what we were just
subjected to… as these things are usually based on just the
broaching of any and every possible subject. There is NO plan,
no proof, nor a solution that is ever really presented… just
empty deals that will never be honored… not by anyone !
Personally, I find when these message-senders try to draw our
attention to an issue
that THEY wish of us
to be focused… the
masses most often will
see it as a truth… and
we might hear about it
from someone else the next day… but we should focus more on
what WAS or what was NOT, being said… what is not in the
foreground… which cue should prompt us to look elsewhere…
so that we might be able to see what is OUT-of-focus in the
same still.
Having just made a pictorial subtlety in politics… here we
are, having just 'celebrated' the anniversary of yet another
presidential election in the United States. Personally, I thought
it would be Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton this time… raising my
hand up at an angle with a ‘Heil Hillary !’ chant. After all…

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voting in the U.S. was first a right for white males… then to
black males… THEN to women… seemed to me that it was
becoming the pattern for the presidency as well… and I had
been saying this for years. I was SO very WRONG… and in my
humility, I found that I was by no means a fortune-teller ;
François Hollande had even endorsed her ; the then président
of France !
Interesting thing though, back in June of 2008, that many
people only vaguely remember… when Obama and Hillary
disappeared from the radar for a bit… might have even been for
the whole weekend from the 6th to the 8th, I am not really
certain… they were just gone… stranding the press on a plane
for Chicago, as it took off without an Obama to question ; their
little ‘rendez-vous’… or was it a rendezvous ?
Coincidentally, the annual ‘Bilderberg’ meeting, as it has
been so-called since 1954, was being held that weekend in
Chantilly, Virginia… about 30 minutes by limo from DC. On the
7th, Hillary bowed out of the race… and endorsed Obama.
Obama returned the favor not long after, making her Secretary
of State. Must have been quite a weekend !!!
It is no secret that politicians lie… this is THEIR job… at
least as far as what they have to say to US goes. Some are
better liars than others… some are better at hiding lies in public
speaking… and the rest are the ones that simply lie by
omission… and a lie that accompanies a truth… cancels out the
truth… leaving us with all that is untrue… just as multiplying a
positive number with a negative number will always equal a

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negative number… so we can pretty much assume that if
THEIR mouths are open, that there is not a lot of truth being
uttered from their lips… just bits of pieces of irrelevancy ; and if
they are closed, they are probably holding something back that
SHOULD be said… but won’t be.
It is REALLY time to forget everything that you and I have
ever been told… forget the laws put on us… forget the idea that
you and me can effect any of the change that Barry Soetoro,
stage-named as ‘Barack Hussein Obama II’ promised…
because he was NOT one of us… he never was, nor will he
ever be… just like all or nearly all of the U.S. presidents that
preceded him … just like all of the ones whom will have already
been selected to succeed him. Obama’s CHANGE boat sailed
without us a decade
ago… and the WE he
meant in his ‘yes-we-
can’ chants, were with
regard to his fellow-
politicians, corporations,
and so-called elitists… NOT the ‘WE’ in our ‘we-the-people’.
Something seems to have gone terribly wrong… we need to
find out where THEY hid the reset button on all of this… a
reboot is long overdue !
We are but spectators in the political circus… full of asses
and mammoths. Our relationships with figures on television
have always been one-sided… as we only THINK we know
actors, politicians, and other ‘celebrities’ intimately… while WE

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are nothing but ‘the unknowns’ to THEM… and many of us
voted for the supposed ‘lesser of two evils’… as it is the
‘patriotic’ thing to do… because we have THAT right… but it did
not matter… the future for the 45th president was, and has,
already been written… and by chance, 1/3 of the 45
presidents… have been freemasons… but ANYONE can be
president, right ?!
0,2 You have felt it, haven’t you ?
You’ve seen its workings in motion ? It is ‘conformity’ that
guides and shapes OUR lives as a whole. We simply accept
that the world has always been the way we see it now… and
that it will continue to remain being so… in which it does… but
THIS is just how it is… for YOU and ME anyway.
It is a very strange world that we live in. Maybe it has just
become more noticeable as all of these ‘technologies’ have
connected us with everything. We THINK that we are more
informed… we don’t notice how we are more like each other…
grazing with our herd… watching our televisions… hearing all of
the stories, the speculations, and the unbelievable… or maybe
it is that we have actually become more DIS-connected... as we
only do what everyone else is doing.
In the U.S., we have become a society of ‘touch less’…
we have become infiltrated by anti-bacterial
soap, anti-depressants, and anti-real sugar…
things that we have understood will benefit our lives in some
way via the corporations’ word-of-mouth… but they don’t… and
they won’t.

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Conformity is a dream-killer… the responsibilities that
come with it not being our own. We have an unseen mould for
what we have all heard called the ‘societal norm’, and though
there are still some that refuse to fit themselves into it, we are
always tethered by its cords.
Some of this is our OWN fault… like being addicted to
drugs… but like drugs… there is usually someone to push it on
us in the beginning. Remember sitting around the television
when we were young ? Our parents were the ‘pushers’ of it…
though they didn’t have any idea that
that’s what they were doing at the
time… and our children became
another generation of pushers. The
idea of sharing time with family
became sitting around a lighted box of
pictures and sound… which has
ALSO become the trusted babysitter
of our today when parents are away…
the same place that we most often get
our THEY-SAYs to repeat to the rest of US… no real thought
behind all of the claims… just the repeat… and if it was said on
television… it MUST be true, right ?!!
“Hey, wait a minute ! This is grass ! We’ve been
eating grass !” ~ Gary Larsen
Today we have television, Facebook, Twitter, shopping, ipads,
laptops, mobile phones, video games… then of course there
are bills, taxes, groceries, laundry, dishes, financial worry,

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taking out the garbage, and holidays… holy days... or holly days
spent outside more for the benefit of capitalism, than sharing
quality time with family and/or friends. We have all of these
technological finds… but WE STILL really have NO IDEA what
is going on.
Think about it… how many times does a friend or family
member receive a 'short message service' (SMS) or ‘text’ during
a dinner conversation ? How many ‘family’ nights are spent
eating dinner ‘together’ in front of a television set ? It would
seem that no one has our complete attention anymore… nor do
we give ours in-turn.
Technology, as I have always thought, was something
that was supposed to make our lives easier… keep us on
task… keep us connected to those closest to us… and free up
our time. Yet… the world is more complicated than it has ever
been… full of distractions and trivial things to do with OUR
lives… our feeble existence.
You see… OUR lives have been engineered to be full of
diversions… waiting tables and working for Walmart… we are
too distracted trying to survive
on the wages that have been
unnoticeably reduced over the
years… too occupied watching
for the lucky lady who will win ‘The Bachelor’ on American
Broadcasting Company (ABC), magically curing her love and
financial ills… in which it should not be so surprising that
DISNEY has owned ABC since 1995 ! The Disney Disease is

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something contracted very young… off into the sunset… with
that ‘happily-ever-after’ feeling… that lasts FOREVER !
Hmmm… happen to notice the rate of divorce… AFTER the-
happily-ever-after ? We are too busy to worry about our OWN
lives as we are more interested in our being entertained by the
dramas of celebrities than anything else… and the nobility have
us exactly where they want us to be… doing nothing, going no
where, with a stagnant thought deep in the back of our minds
that, from time to time, will tell us that we can CHOOSE our own
paths… but the nobles, due to the training provided us, know
that we never will.
There must always be something to occupy our time ! It
doesn’t matter what it is or if we enjoy it or not… just that our
time is all scheduled out. If we have no time… how can we
possibly know what is REALLY happening in the world around
US ? This is the REAL point.
0,3 My eclectic mind
There are things that I must say... questions I must
pose… my reasoning to explain… and whether anyone should
believe in my words is not really relevant… just the
ponderances in thought, are all that I really hope to provoke…
as WE simply do not THINK enough.
I will be covering many other subjects in this book… they
may seem to be isolated occurrences, but my belief is that they
are somehow all interrelated. I do not claim to know
everything… perhaps you will conclude that I know nothing…
perhaps I do not… but life is all too short, and I would need

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more than just my own to make all of the links and connections
between the ‘knowns’ and the ‘unknowns’… and rank higher
than just a serf trying to uncover the REAL workings of history…
or even the histories being written for US in OUR today.
I want to spark a bit of skepticism… no… I want to set the
fields of lies ablaze… as the world we THINK we have been
living in, is not the world that we actually live in at all. Put
another way, THIS is a book that explores many of those things
that WE are not SUPPOSED to be talking about. Some things
may have changed by the time one should happen to come
across this compilation… I am not sure to what extent… but the
story will still be the same… and still moving in the same
direction that it has always been.
We hardly notice… but we often repeat everything as
truth from those we have given authority to…
and logos of authority are everywhere that we
go… and everywhere that we are. Century 21,
founded by Arthur E Bartlett, a freemason, was
30 years early with this logo, that got going in 1971… a
company dealing in real estate. I was always
confused by this… the 1900s was the 20th
century… so this and a few other corporations
were looking forward to something WE do not
really know anything about yet.
Rue 21 was founded in 1976… French for ‘21st Street’.
The company, before being sold in 2013 to a British corporation
for a measly 1,1 billion USD… WAS American. America has a

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love for French words… French doors, French vanilla, French
fries, French toast… sounds SO exotic ! In France though…
they are just doors… just vanilla… fries were actually originally
a Belgian tradition… and French toast is actually called ‘pain
perdu’… or ‘lost bread’… the bread that has dried out… which
is a difficult find in the U.S… as natamycin, an antibiotic, is
added to industrial-dough to prevent its 'spoilage'... for weeks !
Agenda 21… or as the fine print would
read, ‘The United Nations [UN] Programme of
Action from Rio’, was roughly founded in 1993
when that OTHER Clinton signed it in on our
behalf… but don’t worry about this one for now… I will touch on
it again. We just seem to like the number 21… playing
Blackjack is also known as ’21’… and while we are growing up
in the U.S… we long to be 21… when 18 is good enough just
about everywhere else. Perhaps we will only know something
more about all of this after a 21-gun salute ?
News Corp, founded in 1979, owns 20th Century Fox,
which was founded in 1935… now using the NEW name of 21st
Century Fox founded in 2013… yeah… THAT all makes sense.
BUT… here we are some years
later, only ever seeing the 20th
Century Fox Logo ! How hard is
it really, to update logos these
days ? It is a long time to still be seemingly stuck in the last
century, isn't it ? But hey… these few logos are really nothing…
I just used them to take up space… which, like corporations…

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Chapitre 0
THAT is all that they ever really do. Anyway... the NEW
WORLD of Disney is pursuing the 21st century fox logo now.
This is the logo for News Corp… it is the kind of logo that
should raise some concern. I like to call it a ‘global logo’… it is
a representation of the New World Order
(NWO), Zion, The Global Empire, the United
Nations (UN)… World Trade Organization
(WTO), Totalitarianism… whatever one would
like to call it these days. It is the merging of everything… the
global monopoly… THE ‘hostile takeover’. When a corporation
has a logo of the like… it is pretty much guaranteed that it will
still be around when we are no longer.
Corporations are to maintain unlimited growth… but how
is this possible ? It is NOT. Everything has an
end… it is a law of nature, that everything must
die. This is the logo for AT&T… selling its cable
services for a bargain-priced, I don’t know,
100… 200 USD per month ? AT&T also ALMOST bought-out T-
mobile some years ago… which is probable that it will happen
eventually… as it would be much easier to make a decision
regarding our communication companies… when there will be
only ONE to choose from. Speaking of,
DirecTV became its subsidiary on 24 july 2015,
for 48.5 billion USD, with the blessing of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) ! Communication
expenses used to be much more economical… and television
signals used to be free ! Cable services were optional... with no

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commercials… and now we can pay to see them all !
Do we even know how the world works ? Do we have any
idea of how much propaganda we submit
ourselves to every single day ? The Smith–Mundt
Act of 1948 was ‘officially’ banned in 2013, due to
Obama having 'supposedly' signed it out on 29
december 2012... which means, that it is no longer prohibited to
broadcast propaganda domestically… THAT propaganda,
which was meant for foreign audiences abroad. I do not
suppose that Trump will be un-banning it any time soon…
whether or not it was ever really something that was enforced in
the first place... the art of DISinformation.
What do we really know of the World Wars, the Titanic, or
even United Flight 93 ? Well… we know exactly what the
hierarchy thought we should know… we Americans are either
the ‘good guys’ or the vengeant victims. Films portray this to us
all of the time… Americans are always portrayed as the ones
saving the world… or they are the ones suiting-up to get even…
and THEN saving the world.
Hollywood has been rewriting history for quite some time
now… and we quote from films loosely based on history as if
they were fact. For example : what happens if one should fire a
gun after it has been submersed in water ? It surprises me how
many people believe it will not work… and there are still some
that believe it will only squirt water ! We are prone to believe
just about anything we hear or see… even if our only reference
was shown to us via an animation during our childhood.

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Chapitre 0
America’s only business has been that of the productions
of the silver screen… and bombs for well over one hundred
years now… illusion and chaos. THAT is all WE really know.
In English we use the word ‘history’… to cover all of those
things that REALLY happened in the past… but it is most often
just based on the perspective of the writer… and/or the
winner… the piecing together of these moving pictures… which
vary, depending on which view it was seen from. The word
‘l’histoire’ in French CAN mean the same thing… but… it is
more commonly used in place of the English word for ‘story’…
which makes the word ‘history’ debatable… as we MUST know
in which context it was used. Movies and their ‘based on a true
story’ credits… leave a lot to be questioned. History, as English
natives use the word, is always being lost… and archeological
finds are a proof of ‘history’, but are still based mostly on
speculation… making them just ‘stories’.
0,4 ‘Mon histoire’ :
I was raised as a bit of a ‘military brat’, having a father in
the Air Force… living in Spangdalem, Germany when I was a
child… and later living in Martinshöhe, and Ramstein, Germany
when I was a teen.
I am not one to speak of myself so much… usually not
until I am asked. I have done nothing great with my life… I
have nothing to really brag about aside of my travels. Other
than this, I am really nothing special, so how should I describe
ME ? Well… there are some that have used the word
‘interesting’… but I have yet to determine if this is in a GOOD

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way or a BAD way. In my dealings with others, I am often the
one watching and listening at first… I could say that this is the
way that I THINK I am… but knowing one’s self is more of a
riddle than this. But… do not misunderstand… I can really
talk… A LOT !
I failed to mention prior, that I received my ‘international’
MBA in 2011… in France. I have had unique fortunes in my life,
having also been to Belgium, England, Spain, India, South
Africa, and Turkey… with layovers in a few other countries
along the way. However… though I have been to many U.S.
states, most of my life was endured in Utah… which culture
simply cannot be compared to any of the places that I have ever
been… and as has been pointed out to me by the French…
Americans are puritan… and THIS is something that I am
unwilling to accept in myself. I have lived abroad for 13 years of
my life… THIS is where I received my REAL education.
I have always traveled… even if that travel was or is, only
in my own head. I have always had an inquisitive mind… ask
anyone, and they might tell you that I ask too many questions…
likely to their annoyance. It is just that I have always had an
innate curiosity in the knowing of the WHYs and the WHAT IFs
that underlay a structure or even a behavior… always the
perceived need to find an explanation… to separate fact from
fiction. To be honest, I guess I cannot really explain it. Perhaps
it is just buried in my obsession to understand what I simply fail
to understand.
Since India, I have been haunted and plagued with

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Chapitre 0
reoccurring confirmations in my thinking, as I have sought and
researched for a truth that was never taught to us… collecting
information through the years… and now finally able to put it all
down into my own words… something I should have done long
ago… but simply lacked in my knowledge of the subject-matter
that I was trying to assimilate.
This has been my ongoing inner debate for some years
now… about the attributes of peasants and kings… and how
these roles have never REALLY changed. It is the same today
as it was yesterday... a select few are the kings of nations, while
the vast majority of US are 'the people'… the people that really
don't matter in the world’s schemes of things… whatever they
may be. So… let this be all that I will say about me for the now.
0,5 The LAST book you will EVER NEED
I would like to be able to say this, but I have found that
this will just simply not be the case… rather it is a very small
piece of a beginning… a beginning to something that has a
questionable end. These pages are mostly composed of words
of those whom I consider and/or have considered to be wise, of
my own philosophies, and other strange things… those of which
I hope will build and bring a certain curiosity back to our fore…
a rediscovery of our forgotten critical faculties… and the
promoting of our unlearning of everything that we THOUGHT
we had ever learned.
In many books, we will find an about-the-author sort of
thing, typically found on the dust jacket of a hardbound book
that has been self-written by the author in the third-person… the

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piece that we are supposed to be impressed by credentials and
say ‘wow’ or ‘uh-huh’ as we read on. Personally, I have always
found these descriptions to be rather boring…
they all seem to be done in the same way,
finding myself asking how what had been said
about them made them an authority on the
subject of their writings. I don’t really care about which
university the author went to… nor do I care about their written
work being a ‘New York Times Bestseller’ ! Really though, these
paragraphs read like a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or résumé…
attempting to 'stand-out' among the so many that have been
composed in the same old way. I detest standardized sales
presentations that are presented in their usual ‘how-we-are-
leading-the-industry’ formats.
I will be using a different approach in MY about-the-
author summary… and rather than address it as a sales pitch or
a ‘tooting my own horn’ sort of thing… it will be more about
giving you an idea of MY experiences that have led me, or
otherwise influenced, my conclusions… as it is our experience
and how it relates to what we have been given genetically, that
sum up whom we are as individuals… but you are free to make
any conclusions for yourself.
Throughout this work you will see the word ‘L’entracte’
placed at the beginning of random paragraphs… it is French for
the word ‘intermission’… ending the section with the word 'Fin'.
These will be excerpts of a more personal nature… but you are
more than welcome to consider them as optional reading.

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Chapitre 0
Life experience is what makes us who we are… 'public'
education is rather just a chore… and our experiences in THIS
are present within us only because we were there. Our ways of
assimilating information do not change so much… not unless
we have had some kind of trying event to test us along the way.
For example… if our house suddenly caught fire, what would
we do ? We could say that we would do ‘this and/or that’, but
we really wouldn’t know unless we were actually put in said
sudden situation… only the experience can give us a true sense
of the knowing.
I am just one of the ‘US’ that I will be referring to
throughout this work… so think of this as rather a book of
philosophy of sorts… a challenge to beliefs and the search for
the truth that I like to think we are all seeking. In other words…
inquiries and impositions of all of the things that we are not
supposed to be questioning, or otherwise have an opinion… the
stuff of REAL dialogue between persons, and the exchanging of
free thoughts and assertions, rather than the regurgitation of
someone else’s mind through our mouths.
0,6 About MY grammar…
I AM an American, though you have probably already
noted that I don’t really follow the ‘rules’ of English grammar.
The reason being, is that it has been influenced having lived
abroad, and for a number of years… my observations of
America have been made from afar.
Among other things, I use a space before most
punctuation marks… it is the way it is done in the French

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language, and I have also discovered it in older British texts. It
will probably look rather strange to you at first… as it did for
me… but I am a victim of habit, and I am unwilling to take the
time to change it back to the ‘American’ way… as it has become
unnoticeable to me when punctuation is against the end of the
word that it so tightly follows. But since I am self-writing, self-
publishing, AND self-editing… I feel that I can approach this
however it is that I want ! Besides… who makes up all of these
petty rules anyway ?!!
On the internet, double hard-returns have replaced the
indenting of paragraphs, since the computer became a
mainstay… and quite recently, handwriting is not to be
something taught in American schools furthermore.
Language evolves… if you disagree, look up an old video
from the middle of the last century and you will notice a different
sound. Read a book written a hundred years ago and you will
see that word choices have changed. In America, the letter ‘Z’
commonly now replaces the letter ‘S’ usage in British English.
Words like : ‘recognize’ versus ‘recognise’ is one such
example… which would make both spellings acceptable, no ?
There is ‘color’ versus ‘colour’ and pronunciation differences
attributable to different accents… but even accents change over
time. Go back 500 years and you can read some Shakespeare,
in whom, I personally find difficult to understand everything that
he had to say anyway, which is something that the King James
Version (KJV) of the Christian bible will also attest… as it is the
same older version of English.

~ 30 ~
Chapitre 0
I find intonation to be important, as English is a ‘singing’
language, in which I use capitalization for the words I am trying
to emphasize… but THIS habit came via many years of internet
usage, as options to italicize always required an extra step…
and smart-phones have not always included it… making my
adaptation a habit.
So… try to go easy on any corrective judgments… except
in the case I have made spelling errors… in which I will happily
blame my 'public' education for making me look idiotic ! BUT…
it really won’t matter a hundred years from now anyway.
I thought about getting a publisher, but publishers only
publish what they think THEY will capitalize on… but since I do
not expect an audience of the masses… I cannot expect those
that publish for profit and propaganda to even consider the
subject content that I have selected to be worth much to THEM.
Finally, an interesting quote from Les Chroniques de
Jehan Froissart written in 1395 AD... the Middle Ages :
“It is the custom in England, as with other
countries, for the nobility to have great power over
the common people, whom are serfs. This means
that they are bound by law and custom to plough
the field of their masters, harvest the corn, gather it
into barns, and thresh and winnow the grain ; they
must also mow and carry home the hay, cut and
collect wood, and perform all manner of tasks of
this kind.” ~ Jehan Froissart.
What could we suppose to be different than the lives ‘the

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people’ lived some 800 years ago ? Seems to me, that we are
still bound by law and accustomed to serve the nobility…
though ‘nobility’ is not the word we really use in our today.
I submit to YOU now… that WE are not living within a
republic... nor a democracy... but rather a modern day version
of feudalism, and that nothing has changed for 1000s of years.
We must open our eyes. There are some that will
question… and there are those that just accept… and still
others that refuse to believe that the unbelievable really DOES
happen. If you are among the latter two that I have just
mentioned… this book is probably not for you… and you may
wish to consider lighter, more mainstream reading, such as the
‘National Enquirer, ‘People (magazine)’, ‘The New York Times’,
or any other tabloid you would care to submerse yourself in.
Democracy is just an ideology… but it is really just
another farce in our today, and as the Merovingian so
graciously put it as played by Lambert Wilson in the Matrix
Reloaded :
“Choice is an illusion… created between those
WITH power… and those withOUT.”
Now… about all of the logos that I have placed in this
chapter ? Well… the most common of logos are in our faces
everyday… but for the most part, they go unnoticed. In THIS
chapter, I have utilized a few of the many corporate ‘signatures’
in use today… which are simply archaic symbols that have
been adorned for 1000s of years… those of which I will make
reference to in the chapters to follow. But as we will see, the

~ 32 ~
Chapitre 0
large corporations help other large corporations… which
corporations are using a version of the same group of logos…
symbols that are rooted in Egyptology, Freemasonry, Astrology,
and other ancient belief systems. We will be looking at more of
these throughout this work… and upon finishing this read, you
will see what I see… as all of these will become visible in your
everyday… making you as mad as I have become.
I would now personally like to dedicate this book to
YOU… and to all of the peasants of the world that I know, have
known, and still have yet to know… and to the so many
peasants I have never met, nor will I ever meet… and the so
many peasants, that I fear I shall never see again.
I will not be speaking at, to, of, or toward anyone else. As
for the rest… the privileged and the twisted… that considerably
smaller number that self-appointed themselves as being ‘un peu
spécial’… the ones whom are NOT found among US… I will be
writing mostly about THEM… likely behind their backs as none
of this will really concern them as we will later see… and I think
it also likely that they wouldn’t really be interested in what I have
to say anyway.
This is just ME… trying to make sense of the world… in a
world that doesn’t make any sense. EVERYTHING is tied
together… a nexus... and appearances of else can indeed be
deceiving. This is the world according to me… your fellow
peasant… a pleasure to have crossed your path on this winding

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KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 1,0 ~ Our Feeble Existence

En bref :
In the chapter afore, we saw versions of the following
symbols in the logos and glyphs that I have presented thus far :
the symbol of the number Seven… the Tau,... the Compass
and Square of freemasonry, the Two Pillars… the Black Sun
of 'abc'… known as Rahu in India... the number 21, which can
also be interpreted as being 3 times 7 OR 7 times 3... a couple
of 'Global' logos... a reference to Saturn as used by DirecTV...
and in which said chapter happened to end on page 33.
Yeah… we’ll get to all of that... but the Dove, that we saw,
which in spite of what MOST will surmise, is NOT a symbol of
peace, but rather, the symbol of sacrifice.
This is the sacrificial dove of the 'Neptune
Society' of which offers cremation services upon
one's death... it is a publicly-traded company,
with 70 percent of its interests controlled by
'Service Corporation International' since 2011... and everyone

~ 34 ~
Chapitre 1
should know that EVERYTHING is for sale in the U.S !!!
"And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled,
for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb
of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young
pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto
the priest" ~ Leviticus 12:6 (KJV)
THIS is the REAL astrological symbol for Neptune... or
the Greek Poseidon, if one might prefer... the
god of the sea... in which today,
we may simply know him from
Detective Comics (DC) as Aqua-man.
1,1 So now… what is it that YOU do for a living ?
Perhaps you have heard this question many times
before… always someone asking to find out if OUR job is better
than theirs… or hoping inside for their own ego’s sake, that it is
worse. But here… there is no need to feel compelled to
embellish an answer. I could have just as easily asked to know
for which logo you answer to.
Do you wear a uniform to work… perhaps embroidered
with a corporate name that is visible to all ? If you should wear a
suit that didn’t cost 1000s, it is STILL just a
uniform… complete with a slipknot around the
neck. Maybe you just wear a security-type
badge that symbolizes the position that you play
on your ‘team’… those of which, are really not so unlike the
purpose that cattle tags serve for ranchers.

~ 35 ~
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‘Team’… is a now corporate word… a corporate word
that I have grown to despise… because for me, ‘teams’ were
meant for entertainment and for play. Perhaps I have it all
wrong… there ARE dog ‘teams’ and ‘teams’ of horses as well…
just another word for ‘workers’, I suppose. Feel free to call me
somewhat old-fashioned now, if you would like.
Maybe you work for one of those grand
Fortune 500 companies… the kind with all of
the perks… like Dell Inc USED to be considered
until 2014… putting in 40-70 hours per week.
Enron was another ‘Fortune 500’ company at one time, which is
now remembered only in its infamy… the
company with ‘endless possibilities’ that actually
DID have an end. Its shady accounting
practices were 'discovered' at the end of 2001.
Enron was founded in 1985, having at one point, employed
some 21,000. Those 1000s lost their jobs, their health
insurance, their savings, their 401K plans, their pensions… and
their stock options were virtually worth nothing overnight… all
just before Christmas of that year… sent home with a 4500-
dollar severance package… and after all of THAT, this
corporation would not cease to exist until 2007.
Maybe you work in retail or in the service industry… or
another company of the like… with scheduled hours that no one
really wants to work. You might have no ‘benefits’ and have to
deal with people, whom are just other peasants that treat you
like dirt… because you are one of THOSE people, one of the

~ 36 ~
Chapitre 1
ones that couldn’t land a REAL job… absent-mindedly
assuming that it is your ONLY job. But… ends just don’t meet
this way… it might just be your OTHER job… and you too are
actually putting in 40-70 hours per week.
Try not to forget that we will all be rewarded for all of our
hard work when we are finally able to retire at 80 years of age…
that being IF we manage not to get laid-off, fired, disabled, or
what have you.
There IS no ‘job-security’ anymore… IF there ever was
such a thing… business acquisitions, mergers, relocations, and
the fact that all of those departments known as ‘HUMAN
Resources' (HR) are simply handling US as ‘WE the
commodity’. Everything has changed and it is now an
employers’ market, if it was ever really the contrary… because it
has always been this way. It is just that now, corporations are
able to rent these 'resources' at bargain prices… and that would
be the buying of YOU and I… the renting… the leasing… the
required assimilation of being an expendable asset of a
corporate ‘team’.
How many days, weeks, months, and years have we
done this now ? OUR days have been structured for us by our
employers to be based on 40-hour weeks, being paid hourly…
‘overtime’ allowed if the corporation should so condone it ; OR
salaried, at whatever the company deems to be considered as
‘working hard enough’… when 8 hours of work may become 16
hours... but the DAY will be paid the same.
Day after day… “everybody’s working for the weekend”

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KINGS… and peasants
(Loverboy ~ 1981) and “every day is exactly the same” (Nine
Inch Nails ~ 2005)… but we never stop to wonder why it is this
way… conditioned to believe that we are not doing our part in
society if we are not working a ‘job’… in which most everyone
knows, stands for ‘just over broke’… which ‘JOB’, is more often
than not… NOT what we ever hoped to be doing at the age we
have now become.
We get up in the morning, most likely with the aid of an
alarm clock… frantically pouncing on the snooze button just one
more time to be sure. We do our morning routines and then we
get into our cars. We may actually spend an hour in the traffic
of the rush-hour to GET to our jobs, where we will likely be for
at least the next 8.5 hours… working for someone else ; 'public'
transit may serve the same purpose… but much more time is
generally needed to achieve the same 8.5-hour goal.
In Europe… it is much the same… but there is a
difference in how it is approached. For example, in France, with
the first contracted year of employment in such a company,
comes five weeks of paid vacation… most of which will be taken
in August... the month in which the whole country seems to
close down. Americans might be conditioned to believe that
this is just plain laziness… but in fact, it is more that the French
work for their respective companies to live… they are not ‘living’
to be working for them. Seems we Americans may have it a
little backwards... our 'job' is simply NOT who we are.
Maybe we like what we do for someone else… maybe we
don’t… but to take pride in making money for someone else

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Chapitre 1
really makes no sense… and if we should happen to enjoy what
we do… chances are, we could easily do it for ourselves… if
only we were afforded the means in which to do so.
Have you asked to take any of those ‘vacation’ days
lately… the ones that you might have ‘accrued’… working for
someone else ? In the U.S., it is one week after the first year,
two weeks after the second… three weeks after five…
something like that anyway. Don’t you just feel a little bit guilty
every time you ask to use them, or take just one by force under
the guise of calling-in a sick-day ?
Many employers in the United States require a note from
the doctor’s office anymore… but it is really just an authorization
slip. It is funny how we have to ask for permission to partake in
having a little free-time for ourselves. Was this not one of the
perks behind our reasoning when we sold ourselves to the job ?
Still… a damned day-off can only be taken if it is approved !
Have you ever been written-up ? Perhaps for being late,
calling in sick without producing a slip, making a mistake, or not
meeting a deadline ? It is high school all over again !
Maybe while we are ‘en route’ to or fro, people in those
OTHER cars will do something that irritates us… prompting us
to honk at them or give them the ‘you’re number one’ sign with
our middle fingers. We hate everyone out there… but we
forget… these are other people just like you and I. They are no
better off… no worse… and there is no reason for us to think
that it is we whom own the road. We have no idea what is
going on in THEIR lives… which lives are essentially… just the

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same as ours… and they are all angry to be there too.
Upon arriving back to our homes, we might be greeted by
someone… or not. We might talk about our day… whether we
want to… or not. Maybe we will have a simple
dinner inside… maybe we will go out to be waited
on. Afterwards, there might be yard work, taking out the trash,
and cleaning up our residence with our preferred corporate
Bissell Incorporated was founded in 1883 by Melville
Bissell. Today the Chairman and CEO is Mark Bissell. To be
honest… this one just LOOKS suspicious to
me… as I can find none of the usual
characteristics for a fingerprint left behind
announcing its being in THE club… just a very
successful family business… perhaps the American dream
really used to exist ! Still, the ‘i’ is lower-cased, as is the double-
lower-cased ‘LL’ at the end, while the rest of the letters are
capitalized. So now there is an ‘eye’ in the name, as well as
two towers… or perhaps it is just the Roman numeral for ‘2’…
which is the symbol of Gemini of the zodiac once again.
Whether or not we really do ANYTHING when
we get 'home', the television WILL come on as it does
EVERY evening… and we will zone-out in front of it
like a zombie with our mouths open until we are tired
enough to go to bed… wanting a little ‘mindless’ entertainment
to close our day… even though we are already living mindlessly

~ 40 ~
Chapitre 1
Maybe we’ll watch a nice drama-packed
episode of ‘Big Brother’, in care
of the Columbia Broadcasting
System (CBS)… or whatever could be deemed
as our ‘favorite show’ for the moment… because the life of
someone else is always more interesting than our own… even if
it is only in fiction… and in the morrow, we will
do it all again… because THIS is just what we
are ‘supposed’ to do. Perhaps we will just do as
we were taught to do, and report one of our
neighbors tonight !
The all-seeing eye or ‘eye of providence’, will often be
incorporated into logos of all sorts, which is known by many
names, such as the ‘eye of Horus’, the ‘eye of Ra’, and
Mormons know it simply as, the ‘eye of God’… which in
context… all convey the same.
1,2 We are FREE… to call IT freedom
So… here WE are… following the footsteps painted in
yellow on the floor, walking on the paths that our parents
walked, the same ones that our teachers and our authority
figures all prodded us to follow in some way or another… and
now, just as they did, go to these mostly stupid and demeaning
jobs to pay the bills… the bills that keep coming in every
month… all of which we were taught to do from our youth.
The FIRST bill that we worry about, AFTER our taxes
have ALREADY been collected, is the rent or mortgage
payment. We have to live SOMEWHERE… cannot build our

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own dwellings with our own hands anymore, now can we ?
Perhaps the reason we canNOT is because we might not be
able to build them to the shoddy standards that have been
enforced in the building codes of our today… which are a far cry
from how American homes USED to be constructed.
My observations, as of late, have made me wonder about
the construction that has amazingly taken place in the U.S.
these last decades, in the sense that homes are built now in a
matter of a couple of months… mostly made of wood… and will
probably not last much longer than the loans taken out to pay
for them ; even the 'newer' apartment complexes are built of
wood these days... using only the best of cheap materials on
the market !
Is there a reason for this ? I do not know… but it makes
me think that houses and whole subdivisions
built with siding and/or brick, basically glued to
the outside of 2-by-4s… I’m sorry… 1.5-by-3.5s,
have not been meant to be here for very long.
Buying a house today is really just a gamble... and construction
in the U.S. was once something prided in… when ‘made in the
U.S.A.’ still held some prestige… but in THIS… it is no more ;
'assembled' or 'designed' in America will just have to do. This
was the building for SunTrust Mortgage located in Tampa
Florida… it was sold in 2015... which was NOT made of wood.
The French have their complaints toward construction of
housing as well, and many would agree that they are not built
as they ought to be... but they are still built of brick and/or

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concrete... and if it is made cheaply... cinder-blocks will be used
as the short-cut... which newer construction is STILL more solid
than what is happening in the U.S.
The bridge known as 'le viaduc de millau' built from 2001
to 2004... was constructed by 'Eiffage', a VERY
large French infrastructure construction
company... in which I can only assume must be
the biggest in France... using a cube here...
another symbol of Saturn. We will find that the logos of the
esoteric, very often
cross the international
divide. 'La Pyramide
du Louvre' was also a
project built by this
company... per the
specifications and design of Chinese-American, Leoh Ming Pei.
Among the most common of symbols that we see
everyday… on the road, and the endless advertising campaigns
that we must all endure, are pyramids, which are often
insinuated with triangles, deltas,
capstones, and of the like ;
which may also include color
schemes, as prismatic light
through a prism, severs the white light into the colors of a
rainbow ; this from Pink Floyd's ~ 'the dark side of the moon'.
A mortgage might sound to be a good solution… we have
all been told at some point, that paying rent is just throwing our

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money away… but is it really ? We are required to have home-
owner’s insurance to mind our ‘investment’… our supposed
greatest asset. Perhaps we should take out a policy from
Heritage Insurance… THEIR logo seems
trustworthy ! Most, in the U.S., will get a 30-year
mortgage, but if we should finish paying for the
house upon the 30th year… provided we were
not tricked into buying into a second-mortgage along the way…
we will have paid at least 2-1/2 times of the original price of the
house… and likely by then, it will not really be worth what we
paid into it for all of those years, as 60% of the total amount
went to the 'interest' that did not have OUR interests in mind.
THEY could have at least kissed us first !
Peter Fioretti founded Mountain Real Estate Group LLC
in 1993… he is also the CEO. The company is
basically an investment and development firm,
providing private capital and asset management... been a while
since I have seen a pyramid-shaped mountain.
I see no reason to incorporate here, the newer 40-year
mortgages now offered in the U.S… but I DO find it to be an
indicator as to the direction we are heading in ; with our cradle-
to-grave debt… in which THAT place would be… no where.
Hmmm… ‘mortgage’… a strange word. In French, ‘mort’
means ‘death’… and ‘gage’ means to ‘pledge’ or ‘promise’…
‘mortgage’ is NOT even a French word, though seemingly so-
rooted. What are the banks REALLY selling to us here ?
A ‘death-pledge’ comes with many other expenses that

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are usually left unconsidered upon the actual ‘purchasing’ of a
home. A new home, or NEW home to US, will require us to pay
taxes for services like heat, via electricity or natural gas
companies. The water, sewer, and garbage are usually taxed
by the city concerned, which varies from city to city, county to
county, and state to state, depending on where the house is
situated. Of course… a home is just not a home anymore
without a television to fill it with noise… so we will pay tax on
the cable that connects us. Electricity is also needed to power
said ‘entertainment center’… which power needs MAY be
supplied by a nuclear plant… but still MOSTLY comes from the
burning of good-old-fashioned coal ! Either way, we are at the
mercy of the 'federal energy cartel'.
So… about that ‘home-owners’ insurance we bought…
via the 'option' of having it all rolled up into one convenient
mortgage payment ? What a strange idea… insuring something
that WE do NOT own. We will also be required to pay property
tax on the hypothetical value of the whole property every year,
to include the land or lot that it is on. This will not just be for
that little piece that we kind-of-sort-of own… but the ENTIRE
property… whether we actually own any of it or not ; an annual
duty, which will go on and on… until the 'home-owner' opts to
pay the annual duty elsewhere, on a different piece of land.
Even if THAT piece of land has only a refrigerator box on it…
there will still be a duty… which ‘statement’ is sent to ‘our home’
as a surprise… something that was completely forgotten…
about 11 months before ! No problem, WE can have OUR

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money held in ANOTHER account called an 'escrow' so that the
authorities that be, can get THEIR money on time !
It is ALWAYS that some other entity is to hold the money
FOR us. Perhaps if one could just keep all of the premiums
paid out to these ‘accounts’… maintaining them in a shoebox
under the bed… then medical, dental, damages, repairs, and
other incidents, that we have relied on other entities to manage,
could easily be paid for up front… but most often, WE do not
have this option. Government ‘requests’ that we are insured…
but REQUESTED is just another word for REQUIRED when it
comes to government anymore.
So… WHOM is it that owns all of the land and its
complementary resources : the water, the gas, the coal, the
plutonium, et cetera ? HOW did the REAL owners acquire ALL
of the deeds ?
On top of all these used-to-be optional charges, WE will
pay for the repairs… the costs to landscape…
we may paint it... replace appliances… re-pave
the driveway… buy a new roof… et cetera… via
Ace Hardware or Leroy Merlin... buying such
brandnames as Troybilt to get the job done... all while the BANK
owns it… and it is NOT realistic to think we will
stay in a house for 30 years in this day and age.
No matter the way taken… it is WE whom are the losers of the
property that was never ours !
If we rent these days, we might often be inclined or
prodded, to ‘invest’ in renter’s insurance. Most often, it is just a

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silly idea… as apartment complexes are
generally obliged to fix everything that goes
wrong inside the apartment anyway… replacing
appliances, repairing the plumbing, correcting
faults in electrical circuitry… none of which the renter is
responsible… and property tax for the renter is simply hidden in
the rent passed down by the ‘propriétaire’… which still makes
for a much simpler life… and why should we choose to live the
only one that we have with so much
complication ? Living the ‘American dream’, as it
is so-called, should not keep us awake all through the night. Oh
yes... and Ashley Furniture may supply us our furnishings for
where ever or how ever we decide we should live.
So now… how about our automobiles… everyone wants
a NEW car, right ? As it would happen, it is the largest liability
most of us have in our
possession... and often we have
more than just the one. The
only REAL value attached to it,
is its means of getting us from one place to another reliably. If it
cannot do THIS… what is it really worth ? Cars have become
disposable anymore ; expensive… but disposable. Financing
now, is just what we do to attain one… what WE were taught to
do… and as most WILL finance, there will ALSO be interest
attached to these car payments… the dividends of which do not
come back to US.
Some will lease a car for a set number of years to avoid

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higher payments… but the driver is still responsible, just as if it
were owned. Today, car-loans
are much longer than they ever
used to be… I recently read that
there is such a thing as a 97-
month auto-loan now… THAT is 8+ years ! You probably
recognized the logo for the Dodge Ram which is owned by
Chrysler… it is the symbol for Aries… the god of war, ruled by
mars. Though there have been a number of
changes since... here is one of the former, but
more familiar of Chrysler insignias. Perhaps
important to note here, or perhaps not... Walter
Percy Chrysler was a freemason.
Before contemplating the buying of a NEW car, consider
this for a moment. A gentleman by the name of Vincent Lewis

made available many pictures of car graveyards some years

ago that could be found around the world on, a

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website that is now invalid. I found this one to be the most
convincing as there are no parking lines and no possible way to
have parked in the middle and expect to get out before a day’s
end. It also seems to have been a runway, that obviously can
no longer support the landings of any planes. It is in places like
these that the prior-year’s cars are stashed to bring in the
newest makes and models… newer ones cost more, you know !
What can we suppose happens to THESE vehicles after they
have been displayed for some time like this ?
I don’t get to use the mathematics that I learned in school
so much… so let us make a little story problem : If Jane Inc can
sell a new-car (A) for 50,000 and John Inc can sell a one-year-
old-car (B) for 25,000… how many more cars would John Inc
have to sell to match Jane Inc’s 1 billion in annual sales ?
Not much of a mathematical story problem, I know… my
apologies, but to be clear, Car B has depreciated… not only
because it has done nothing but collect the exhaust dust as
other cars were being parked
next to it for the last year or so,
but also upon the glamorous
entrance of Car A… with its more
fashionable design, environmental friendliness, built-in coffee-
maker, and its shiny new curb appeal for the Jones’ across the
street. Automobiles get cheaper to build every year… and I am
not even sure how much of them are actually even assembled
anymore by human hands… but more is charged for their
perceived market value. Not only have the cars become

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cheaper to build, but the new year’s ‘inflation tax’ increased !
The people that are assigned to work with us within these
over-producing corporations… are people just like YOU and
ME… just trying to make a living… but don’t think for one
moment that these corporations give a damn about US…
because they don’t !
If you should happen to choose to buy a ‘quality’ used-
car, here is a little secret that you may not know… buying cars
from Budget or Enterprise, among many others,
is not exactly what it would
seem to be… so don’t allow
yourself to believe, for any length of time, that
these vehicles were once part of their rental fleets. THESE
companies will never tell you that the used cars they are selling,
were cars that these companies bought at auctions.
L’entracte 1 (the Car)
I got into a 4-year lease on a nice looking, comfortable,
fun to drive, Mercury Sable many years ago… from the Hertz
chain in Utah. Strange and miscellaneous
things started going wrong with it after a year or
so. ‘Sable’ is French for ‘sand’, by the way. I
later took it to a good friend of mine whom
worked for a dealership where he had his mechanics take a
look at it one afternoon. He later informed me that there was
over-spray on the under-carriage, and that the airbags had
been deployed… the car, had at some point, been totaled !
I looked up the 'vehicle identification number' (VIN)…

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having to pay for information that SHOULD have been
disclosed to me.
The car had started out in Hawaii… then it showed up in
California a couple of years later… then Idaho, where it stayed
for 6 months… and then finally Utah… which to me, was a lot of
places for it to have been owned in its then 3-year life. It was
likely in Idaho though, when the ‘salvage title’ had become a
‘clean’ one… et voila ! The title had been laundered !
The last repair made before the lease ended was due to
a missing part that was supposed to keep the rear shocks from
going up through the wheel-well ; on the right side, said part
was just missing… not because it fell out… but because it was
lost or forgotten when the car had been reassembled ! Fin 1
Of course, car insurance comes in with
this lease or purchase, because it is the law…
and said law dictates that we make insurance
payments to private insurance companies ! So
in this… MOST of us are paying to insure a lender’s property
once again. This is the logo for Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Company making use of the great-falcon sigil ; insurance
companies are just banks ! One must question this
arrangement... was it the state that imposed these laws... or
was it by the will of the insurance corporations.
WE are taught to frown on those that do not have
insurance... just as we have been taught to frown on people that
may not be paying their taxes. But really… what business is it
of ours ? It is NOT due to these persons that WE are always

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paying out more… it is by cause of these banks, insurance
companies, et cetera ; allowed to operate by the grace of
government, that we even have to pay into any of
these things at all ! A warranty, by the way, is just
'date-stamped' insurance ; State Farm here, with its 'trinity' logo.
Conveniently, the FIRST of ‘vehicle license and
registration' taxes, can initially be attached to the auto-loan to
eliminate any buyer-concern… as well as, sales tax, that will be
added to the base percentage, of which interest will be charged
until the end of the loan… so essentially, this is just ‘interest ON
tax’... or ‘taxed tax'… however looked upon… for another
property that WE pay tax for… whether we own said property
outright or not.
The cars on the market are very over-priced these days…
and I still can’t get my head around that 97-month loan thing ! A
driving license requires that we pay a tax referred to as a
‘renewal’… which condition must be met to register a car… but
before one can register it, there must be proof that the
‘premiums’ to those PRIVATE insurance companies are all paid
up. We will continue to renew the ‘vehicle license and
registration’ annually until the car is paid off. Wait a minute…
THESE taxes NEVER stop !
We very seldom have a choice anymore. One might
drive 20, or maybe even 30 years without incident... paying
‘premiums’ monthly or annually in vain. The moment a person
HAS an accident, IF one ever does, premiums will go up... but
they increased to cover what was paid-out to repair or replace

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the vehicle... that the bank probably still mostly owns ! Of
course, the 'premiums' never really decrease… no matter what
these companies have to say about it !
Eventually, we will get into another car… a nicer car…
starting all over… as to keep the whole process going… and
often… never even owning the car we had
before… as most of us will trade it in for the
next one… while the dealers play with all of the
numbers to make it LOOK like we got
something out of the swindle. Most will know THIS logo… it is
ALSO a representation of the trinity… which we will almost
always find as an element of religion… even all the way back to
ancient Egypt.
Sooner or later we may have to pay a tax called a ‘toll’ on
some road, bridge, or tunnel somewhere… a ‘fine’ at a parking
meter… or a ‘ticket’ for speeding… which is easily doubled-up if
the seatbelt was not in the authorized position that these private
insurance companies lobbied for in years past… and depending
on the severity of the violation, there might be court ‘fines’ all of
which are taxes for just doing something in the wrong way !
Cintra is a company that invests in infrastructures,
namely toll roads and parking lots. The word ‘cintra’
is Spanish for the ‘curve of an arch’…
and in this logo, Saturn is referenced
with its 'golden rings'. Cintra was spun off from
‘ferrovial’, Spanish for ‘railroad’, back in 1998… but it was
reacquired by... 'ferrovial', at the end of 2009… which logo

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doesn’t really look like a railroad track at all !
What is interesting though, is that this company operates
many toll roads globally… including the investing in leased
roads in the United States starting back in 1999… some of
which you may have heard of, such as : the Indiana Toll road,
the North Tarrant Express in Dallas/Fort Worth, the Texas State
Highway (SH) 130, and the Chicago Skyway. Whether or not
these two companies are operating separately or in unison is
irrelevant… but perhaps one might like to know that these two
companies are BOTH headquartered in Madrid, Spain… so
where could one suppose all of the tolls go that we pay to use
said roads ? Perhaps it was the Clinton administration that
started selling pieces of the U.S. back to Spain ?
Opting for making payments on a house loan and/or a
car, always seems like a good deal at the time… due to our
THINKING that we can afford the payments, but it is something
we should avoid at all costs… BECAUSE it costs. When either
of these two properties are paid off... they are OURS right ?
NO… not really… if they can be taxed again and then again...
they are NOT ours… which makes these two fundamental
cases liabilities ; not assets.
There is no point in buying an extended warranty for a
car… OR a house... it is as useless as paying for the insurance
that rental car companies want to sell us just before we walk out
of the door... which are just ploys to take more away from us, a
supposed 'value-added service' based only on a fear of what
COULD happen should we not.

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There is more money to pay every time the postal truck
comes around, isn’t there. How is it that WE are paying ALL of
the taxes for properties that do not belong to us ?!! While we
are paying for all of these things… the BANKS continue to own
them. And how about all the endless paperwork we do in the
over-rated and time-consuming processes in acquiring them ?
Disclaimers, liabilities, waivers, responsibilities… blah blah
blah… and none of it ever gets any easier… as if the only
reason for all of it is so that we WON’T understand any of it…
and aside of all of this… who really has the time to deal with it…
WE are ALWAYS working for someone else.
There is gas for the car, groceries, clothing, appointments
of all sorts, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera…
WHEN does it EVER END ?!! Well… it doesn’t.
This is just how it is for the ‘working class’… the peasants… it
was designed to be difficult… even though it is WE whom keep
things moving. WE are the consumers… WE keep the
businesses IN business… buying from them AND working for
them… and ALL of these businesses take advantage of our
position in our respective class within the business world… in
which WE happen to be at the bottom of.
The Croix de Lorraine, formerly known as the cross of
Anjou... or even just the doubled-cross, was used by the
Knights Templar... another kind of 'secret society', also known
as the 'order of the temple of Solomon'... which order began as
early as 1118 AD... 'supposedly' answering only to the pope...
but why would 'Christians' be so interested in a 'Hebrew' relic of

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stone, that had already been destroyed twice ? Treasure ! The
Latin inscription here reads: "Non nobis Domine,
non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam." Meaning:
'Not to us Lord, not to us, but to thy name give
the glory.'
Exxon is a petroleum company ; FXX is a cable and
'satellite' channel owned, for the moment, by 21st Century Fox ;
Bérangère Claire, is a clothing
company ; and most in the U.S.
will be familiar with the
processed-food symbol for the
National Biscuit Company... an American company that, not so
long ago, took up residence in Mexico... realizing reduced costs
in labor-force under the direction of CEO Irene
Blecker Rosenfeld... whom has a net-worth of
80 million... why should she care about the jobs that were lost in
the U.S. ? SHE obviously did not.
Business is in the business… of business… or maybe
even just ‘busy-ness’… anything that WE will spend money on
whether it has any real value or not. Business is in business for
its own sake… and it does not concern itself with what it can
give… only what it can take.
The lists for what WE can and will be taxed for goes on
and on. There are taxes in place for our LEISURE… so we’re
taxed for having fun ! Why do we need to register recreational
vehicles ? Why is there a ‘fee’ for fishing and/or hunting
licenses ? Both hunting and fishing could easily be among the

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food taxes… but we already know that we are taxed to eat !
There are taxes for even digging up clams in the mud flats of
some coastal states... as one could be cited for theft with a
1000-dollar fine, 2 years in jail or both... so WHOM is it that
owns the tidal sand flats ?
And then there are the dreadful ‘sin’ taxes… on cigarettes
and liquor, and another ‘fee’ for a marriage license, which is just
a tax to copulate… making it all official so that estate taxes can
be collected from the survivor… in which, these days, the
survivor only inherits the debt of the deceased. Any ‘license’
one can attain… put very simply, is just a permission slip from
the state… ‘official’ approval.
Inflation is a hidden tax. Costs go up... but we are paid
less. For example... let us say you or me should get a raise... a
5% increase in pay… woohoo ! It might be all that is needed to
push us into the dreaded 'higher tax bracket', but let us let this
be beside the point. Let us now say that inflation went up 6%
during the year in question... so we are actually able to buy less
than we could the year before. But what if we only get a 5%
raise every 2 years ? I have heard it as being called a 'merit
raise' or a 'cost of living' increase... but WE are still losing…
imaginary money is created all of the time in this way… which
only becomes worth something in the pockets of the ‘money-
changers’… whom cannot be found among US.
In the U.S., it used to be much more commonplace for
medical and dental insurance ‘premiums’, to be split between
an employer and its personnel, divided out as a percentage.

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The ‘rates’ of these taxes go up supposedly according to usage
by the taxed group… as 20% of the employees are typically
using 80% of the benefits. But… rates go up no matter what…
they can only go down, for a bit, if the benefits are cut in some
way, or if the employer should happen to increase its
contribution… which doesn’t really ever happen. These
employers are more likely to skip-town first... as profit is all that
matters to a corporation.
There is life insurance, maybe from ‘Protective Life
Insurance Company’ with their well thought-out
and original logo here ! Accident insurance…
insurance available for just about anything one
can think of really… if one is willing to pay the
‘premiums’… in which we have simply become the chips being
waged against an insurance carrier’s hand… paying THEIR
taxes before paying for the food that goes on our tables.
I am certain that there are plenty more nuisance charges
that I have failed to list… a few new ones may have just been
created in the last few minutes !
Remember those jobs that we
were promised a future with ?
The ones that if we ‘worked
hard’ that we would retire from ?
They do not exist. Some workers are let go before they even
reach 60 years of age… no retirement will follow. Some have
now been retired for 10 or more years… but their former
companies forgot what any of these go-getter employees did for

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them… dumping them off of their company sponsored
retirement plans to be taken care of by Social Security and by
Medicare… government programs that seem to resemble
corporations… made up of more PRIVATE companies that
were awarded governmental contracts. The ‘caduceus’ here,
by the way, is a Greek hermetic symbol of 'Hermes'… Mercury
would be the Roman equivalent. Astrologically, Mercury rules
Gemini, as we have already seen , but also Virgo... the virgin.
Retirement is a pipe dream… the ONLY way to retire for
YOU and I is to have already paid-off the house and the car
before we reach the mandatory age in accepting our socialistic
grants that we were forced to pay into for the whole of our
lives… which for some, to benefit fully, they
must be 65… for others, that age is 67… it will
probably be raised to 70 in the next wave… the
advantage of this for THEM being... that more of
us will certainly be dead before then.
Peasants cannot retire… well we CAN, but that
‘retirement’ will not be enough… the debt incurred for methods
of making money… financing the many cars to get us to the
places TO make money… with insurances that were likely
never used, et cetera… ruled out most of what could have been
'saved'… and many of the jobs out there anymore do not pay
enough for even the fundamentals… let alone a means to retire.
So… does all of this sound familiar ? Of course it does…
and the only reason I know all of this, is that I am just like YOU.
I am afraid that it is only going to get worse from here. We have

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to change what we are doing. We are running in the hamster
wheel… blissfully unaware that we are really getting no where…
which is exactly how we are supposed to be… intermittent
entertainment for those whom watch us run in vain… seeing us
as we are… ignorant to the fact that anything else exists… with
eyes closed tightly, hoping it will be different when we decide to
finally take a peek.
L’entracte 2 (J.O.B.)
As for me, I fell off of the conveyer belt somewhere in my
30s… perhaps I should say that it was more that I was pushed
off of it. I worked a full-time job with overtime for 8 years… in
purchasing and network administration. It was a 30-minute
commute in the early morning… and about 60 minutes in the
late afternoon… when one morning at about 10H00, I was
called into the office. I was ALWAYS summoned to the office
for one reason or another… my hands were in many things…
but when I got in there… there were a few other faces that I was
to join. Mentally I realized that it was the week before
Thanksgiving… only THEN did I know what this particular
meeting was about… and THIS meeting was a week earlier
than it had been the year before.
“I don’t really know how to tell you guys this, but…
TODAY is YOUR last day !”
It was quite a shock for me… I was shaking inside…
slowly becoming aware that I would not be coming into work the
next day… just like that !
The company that I had worked for had been bought out

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3 years prior by International Telephone and
Telegraph (ITT) Industries… I had thought it
opportune as ITT offered many opportunities to
relocate, move up, and even the possibility of
moving back overseas.
I came to the conclusion the year before, that lay-offs are
a lot like having babies. It doesn’t matter if one has a child in
january or december, the baby can be claimed on taxes as
having said baby for the whole year. I think lay-offs generally
work the same way… in whatever way the corporation can
benefit most… perhaps letting employees go at the end of the
year, allows a company to write-off everything that was paid
out… for the workforce that is now no longer employed.
I had an associate degree that I
had worked for before the buy-
out… that had taken me 3-1/2
years to complete while working
full-time plus. But it wasn’t enough to be considered for the
positions that I thought I had wanted. However, ITT WAS
willing to pay for more of my schooling via the University of
Phoenix… founded by John Glen Sperling in 1976, whose net-
worth reached 1.7 billion upon his death. The university has
now been publicly traded since 1994. The holding company is
still Apollo Education Group, which had also been founded by
John in 1973… which logo is represented by a portal or
‘gateway’... seemingly also to be made up of 16 sickles to me...
another symbol of Saturn... and '16' is a perfect square number.

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I took full advantage… not knowing what I know now,
attempting to rectify my educative credentials. I had been
attending said school for about 8 months… but my lay-off did
not afford me to be able to continue. My family was already in
debt like everyone else’s… and now I suddenly had no job.
Though I never doubted the credibility of ITT, aside of it
being just too big. I found out much later that it had HAD
investments in Focke-Wulf, once upon a time,
which time was during WWII. Focke-Wulf
manufactured fighter planes that sported
swastikas on their tails… yeah… these planes
were used against the forces of the United States. You see…
large corporations do not need to follow mandates of any sort…
their rules, are of their own making… and they can buy-out
anyone to go along with their agendas. Capitalistic government
seems to resemble the mafia in many ways.
Note that the ITT logo reflects it as being ‘iTT’… perhaps
it was the original 'i'-something-or-other logo ?
The phoenix as you already may know…
is a mythical bird that is reborn of its own
ashes… but generically, it is just a falcon… and
though it IS a fitting name for the city that is
located in Arizona… it is still just another symbol making
reference to Egypt… but at the time, Sumer had not been
discovered yet… otherwise it might have been a reference to
Sumer… as Egypt had yet to make its rise.
After dropping out of the school, unable to continue due

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Chapitre 1
to lack of funds, I took a sabbatical… I thought and I thought. I
was creative after all… surely I could think of something to do
with the rest of my life. Well… what did I do ? I started oil-
painting in the basement… even though I knew nothing of
marketing to be able to make a living of it. I don’t think I was
half bad… considering that I AM shade blind… I
was diagnosed as so when I was 21… suddenly
discovering that I did not see what most
everyone else could see… unable to see the
digit presented to me on 8 out of the 15 pseudo-isochromatic
testing plates that I had been shown. Do YOU see a number
here ? Well... I do not !
I will admit that I haIf-assed applied for jobs that I didn’t
want while collecting a severance package and unemployment.
I was angry that I had invested almost a decade working with
really nothing to show for it… all those years spent without
anything left for my own pursuits… no time… no energy… in
which I had no desire to repeat… and now… I had to find a way
to start again.
My sabbatical took too long… my ex-wife was tired of me
before I finally settled for another job that paid me less after
over a year of being unemployed… and we were separated 3
months later… divorced sometime after the chime of 10 years...
ending our 12-year couple.
I bought a little house at the end of that year… a fixer-
upper… little by little it was coming together.
I stayed at the next company, an insurance firm, until I

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was again laid-off… after almost 3-1/2 years. I actually knew it
was coming that day… a thick kind of feeling in the air… and
not being able to sleep the night before. It might have been the
only time in my life that I have ever predicted the future. THAT
was in mid-2007… during the ‘great mortgage crisis’, another
one of those ploys engineered to make the rich even richer.
By then though, I was buried in debt… I had taken a
second mortgage out trying to whittle my way back out of what I
had incurred. An old cliché… “when one door closes, another
one opens”… and within just a few months, a door opened that I
did NOT foresee. What does one do “when the going gets
tough” ? The tough file bankruptcy and move to France ! Fin 2
I am always surprised to see that we are the same as we
have been for quite some time… gloating of our technological
advances in building, agriculture, horticulture, electricity,
transportation, medicine, nuclear power, space exploration, and
our own evolution… but WE have NOT evolved. WE… as in
the ‘YOU and the I’ have done nothing… and if by chance we
did… our invents were bought or stolen from us by a
corporation… via patenting or copyrighting, in which corporation
will decide if it will be of use, hidden, or produced, to benefit just
the few. It all depends on whether or not said invent will make
money for a corporation… whether it should ever reach the
masses… or not.
Just to be clear, when I use the word ‘corporation’, as I
often use the word in place of profanity, I am not speaking of
small family businesses or of the joint ventures of my fellow

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serfs. When I refer to corporations… they are usually, most
notably, the ones gambled upon at the casino called
WallStreet… making money for the THEM we know nothing
of… which stock prices go up and down based on one of the
inventions I mentioned having been stolen… a buy-out or a sell-
off… a CEO reassignment… or lay-offs that result in people like
YOU and ME having to start all over… getting another
WallStreet manipulated job, where WE can all be thoroughly
screwed around with… again !
1,3 A penny saved… is a penny returned
Money is today’s symbol of power… or even today’s
symbol of freedom. Power has many faces... but as peasants,
we receive power in the form of paper notes or an array of
limited points on a computerized system somewhere... and
divided out amongst each of us, does not amount to much... a
bit like the crumbs of a cake really… just enough to know what
it tastes like… wishing we could have just a little more.
Somehow though... with all of the world’s monetary power
against us, we tend to just buy more symbols with the money
we DO… but really DO NOT have… an expensive house, a
nice car, and name-branded clothes, which we have been
trained to do well… out-doing every generation before us.
Wealth is divided a bit unevenly… but you have probably
figured this out already. Michael I Norton and Dan Ariely
surveyed 5,522 ‘regular’ Americans how they thought wealth
was distributed in the U.S. The American perspective was
more favorable than the actual. The actual distribution of

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wealth in the U.S., is that the bottom 80% is sharing 7% of the
nation’s wealth, which would mean, that the top 20% is splitting
up amongst themselves, 93% of said wealth.
Narrowing it down a bit further, 1% of Americans control
40% of the nation’s wealth… approaching half ! Now… I am not
a mathematician, but wouldn’t that mean, conversely, that 99%
of US, as in YOU and ME, are splitting up the other 60% ?
Roughly, a population of 320 million people, minus 1%, roughly
equates to 317 million people, divvying up the other said 60%.
The gap between peasant classes is only growing.
The fact of the matter is… is that gold has always been
stolen. The crusades of Catholicism… insider trading on Wall
Street… the infamous Fort Knox that has been empty for quite
some time… which is perhaps still only guarded for the sake of
appearances… an illusion of wealth for the rest of us… a few
more ‘created’ guard-jobs to add to the ‘government-fixed-
everything-with-stimuli’ tally. Oh yeah… and the gold that
disappeared from the vaults of the twin towers, of which only
230 million was ever recovered, this according to Rudolph
Giuliani on 1 november 2001, which was nothing to be proud of,
as it was a petty percent of the 166.77 BILLION in USD that
was vaulted under those grounds. 1 november is ‘toussaint’ in
French… all-saints day in English… in which Halloween is more
recognized in the U.S. of the night before. Rudy, him
supposedly being Catholic and all, was supposed to be at
church that day !
On friday, 25 september 2009 in regards to Domestic

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Monetary Policy, Ron Paul posed the question :
“During the crisis or anytime that you are aware
of… has the federal reserve or treasury participated
in any gold-swaps arrangements ?”
The answer that he got was :
“Uh… WE don’t… the Federal Reserve… does not
own any gold at all, WE have not owned gold since
1934. Um… so WE have not engaged in any gold
swaps.” ~ Scott G Alvarez, federal reserve general
Ben Shalom Bernanke was every bit as bad at
explaining... absolutely NOTHING.
The Federal Reserve (FED)... is NOT american, NOT a
reserve, and has NEVER been federal ! The FED entity was
incorporated in delaware... one of the '13' original colonies.
Well then… what backs all of this funny-money that has
been in circulation since then ? Faith… I suppose. Perhaps the
currency is now all backed by the petro-dollar ? Funny… THAT
would mean that it is backed by the ‘black gold’ that has been,
and still is, being stolen today, at more than just the proverbial
gunpoint. Perhaps we should just say it as it REALLY is… the
blood-standard is currently what is backing the dollar now… the
blood of soldiers and innocents for the sake of ‘securing’ the
corporate interests in ‘black gold’… that is still flowing from the
wells of OTHER countries.
At this moment, gold is worth about 1300 USD per
ounce… which hasn't really changed much in the last few

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years... but I would argue that it is worth nothing anymore. As
for me, I cannot see it on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, nor can
I find a place for it other than exchanging it for the ‘monopoly’
money to provide myself of these things… but not all of it can
be bought. One can eat it, but it doesn’t have much in the way
of nutritional value. It reacts with almost nothing… so it is not
useful in making much. It no longer represents the U.S. fiat
money system, as it is no longer used
to back the paper notes we trade every
single day… nor the points in a
computer. There is a perceived value
for gold… but mostly… it is just used
for jewelry, the beautification of art in
all of its forms, some dental
applications, and to trade it for cash…
which is again still only made of paper
and ‘junk’ metal anymore… which
probably has more value than gold to us, as one could at least
burn all of the paper to keep warm for a couple of minutes if it
were ever necessary. We’ve all heard about Maslow though,
haven’t we… probably learned a bit about HIM in school at
some point... as Abraham Harold Maslow was a freemason !
Surprised ?
In 1923, when hyperinflation peaked in Weimer
Germany... it was actually cheaper to wallpaper the house with
Deutsch marks than to buy wallpaper ; building towers with
stacks of cash was less expensive than buying toys ; and

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burning currency to heat the house, was more economical than
buying wood and/or coal. It is an inevitability that every
economy is doomed to collapse... the distribution of wealth
always falls into the hands of a few... as if by design.
Today, money is backed only by
debt… and for every dollar, euro, yen,
or what have you, that is deposited...
10 are loaned out at interest. I am just
using '10' because this is what is
actually ALLOWED with fractional
banking... but it is likely much, MUCH
more… and probable that it is at
whatever rate THEY want it to be…
which must be the same principle that
is applied to the taxes that YOU and I pay… and none of this
will EVER be paid back… it will just be erased by another
currency that is yet to be invented.
‘Special’ presidents get their faces on the money !
Andrew Jackson, most
known for ‘killing the
banks’… got his head
on the 20-dollar ‘IOU’
(I owe you) of today.
One would think that
he would have NEVER been on the money if he REALLY killed
the banks… unless it was killing the banks for the sake of
clearing the way for the ‘federal’ central banks.

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He slaughtered, or was responsible for the slaughter, of
more American Indians than can be counted… known as ‘sharp
knife’ by the Creeks… and ‘Jackson old and fierce’ by the
Cherokee. He owned 161 slaves upon his death. He was also
just another on the infamous list of freemasons… perhaps THIS
is the only reason we find him in our wallets from time to time.
Another familiar name and face that created some
adversity toward the atrocities of central banking :
“These capitalists generally act harmoniously and
in concert, to fleece the people.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
In 1862 Abraham Lincoln had 450 million ‘government
issued’ green-backs
printed… not to be
confused with the
currency of the U.S. of
today. This measure
was taken after he had
refused a loan from the Rothschild bankers… whom were
actually supporting the South. However, THEY were still willing
to finance Lincoln’s noble causes anyway… for somewhere in
the neighborhood of 24% to 36% interest… as THEY are
always happy to fund both sides. Perhaps it is that Jackson
and Lincoln were worthy adversaries to the banking system of
then, and the currency reflects the banksters’ conquests ? Or
were these two simply doing as they were instructed to do by
the REAL powers of the day ?
Lincoln respected freemasonry… but was NOT actually

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known to be a freemason. Perhaps he was initiated secretly
into the society of secrets ? Monuments, the 5-
dollar bill, and the copper-electroplated-zinc
penny still memorialize HIM ! WE mostly
remember him as being THE slave-freer… but it
would be well over 100 years before the descendants of slaves
would be treated as human beings. Actually… I think it is still a
work in progress in many parts of the U.S.
Then there was the Franklin D Roosevelt heist, called the
‘Emergency Banking Relief Act’… when on 5
april 1933 he ordered all gold coins, bullion, and
certificates, to be turned in to ‘approved’ banks
by the 1st of May of that year… 'May Day'…
sounding like 'm'aider', meaning 'help me' in French. also
known as ‘dance-around-the-maypole day’… or be fined up to
10,000 USD, imprisoned for up to 10 years, or both… effectively
criminalizing the possession of gold. One has to wonder which
banks were approved at this point. No… not really… the banks
were member banks of the federal reserve system… which has
‘not owned gold since 1934’… so where the hell did it all go ?!!
Of course, Roosevelt only got himself on the American dime…
even after being president for 12 years, dying shortly after he
had won himself a 4th term ! Maybe he was just too eager to
please the established order of things to get his face on
something bigger… or maybe it was an inside joke that his
freemasonic brothers pulled after his death ?
So… let us visit the 1950s for a moment. It is funny in a

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way, because though the mortgage rate today is always touting
the lowest interest percentages SINCE the 1950s… let us say
4%… we fail to comprehend that 4% on a 50,000-dollar house
is quite different than 4% on a 200,000-dollar house… as a
major part of the interest is paid up front… and due to the
inflation that has been engineered just since the 50s alone,
comparing apples to apples, the houses might be worth the
same side by side, had they just not been built in different
locations… which may simply only be on opposing sides of the
proverbial tracks.
Homes were much cheaper to buy back in the 50s… I
say this, because it used to be that a family could get into one
with only ONE income… maybe even into a home made of
REAL brick and/or REAL stone.
Perhaps it is part of the Agenda 21 plan that the UN
came up with… headquartered in New York ? Maps of the
United States and many other countries around the world have
already been drawn up. A little FYI (for your information)… if
you should happen to live in a U.S. ‘red’ zone… I think you will
be moving sometime before the half of THIS century (See viii in
the last pages).. For contrast… this is just one of many maps
that have been drawn up for France (xii) as well.
Not to worry… all of the fore-mentioned annual taxes still
apply… whether we have paid in-full or not. You see… WE
canNOT own land… if we REALLY could own it, we would not
need to pay tax on it, so in this case, tax can only be
synonymous with… well… a ‘lot-rent’ ! Ask anyone whom has

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ever had to move due to a highway, that now passes through
where their residence USED to be, if they really owned the land
or not. They were compensated of course… but was the
amount received really fair ? Who can really put a price-tag on
the memories that were all suddenly torn down ?
The average family income in the early 50s in the U.S.
was 3,300 USD… yes… per year. The average house was
7,354 USD… and the average car was 1,510 USD. IF we use
the now typical 40-hour workweek as a reference, the average
hourly wage back then was 1.59 USD. The average annual
wage today-ish is 51,017 USD making the average hourly rate
24.53 USD. Comparing the average house today of 188,900
USD and adding the average car of 31,252 USD into that… just
humor me here… I am not considering any length of loaned
time to acquire these two possessions… as I am just comparing
income against these two ‘assets’. As it would turn out, wages
did not rise, they actually fell in comparison to the cars and the
houses… of which both went up. Of course, it was typical to
buy a house with a 30-year mortgage in the 50s… the decade
they became popular… but a car-loan was never more than 3
We should be more concerned with the total amount we
will pay versus the monthly payments we can afford. At any
rate, to buy the house AND the car at faced-value with an
income of 3,300 USD per annum in the early 50s, we would
have to be earning 81,960.92 USD per annum OR 39.40 USD
per hour today. If you are making this much, say ‘amun-ra’ !

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Hmmm… is that the sound of chirping crickets that I hear ?
1,4 Consumption and OUR condition
I have some questions to ask of you… how many times
have you moved ? How many houses have you had ? How
many cars have you driven ? How many more will there be ?
How many jobs did you have in order to acquire it all… and how
much of your money did you lose in the grand process ?
We often justify a ‘need’ behind our ‘desire to have’. We
NEEDED a bigger house… we NEEDED a better car… and for
a little while, we were made happy by our latest of purchases…
until we became aware of another desire that was ‘needed’.
This kind of happiness is superficial… it does not last…
because we really own nothing, drowning in the mire of buyers-
remorse… knowing only for certain, that we will always be
paying SOMEBODY back.
Conformity, it would seem, is an expensive arrangement.
How much of our lives will be wasted on HAVING possessions
rather than BEING in possession of our OWN incarnations ? It
would just seem to me that our existence should mean more
than just living paycheck to paycheck, to yet another
paycheck… acquiring ‘shit’ that we thought we needed, but that
probably added no real value to the whom that we really are.
Who are we ? We were born and we are growing old…
materialistically, we came into this world with nothing… we will
leave this world in the same way… with nothing.
No one really says that one can be or do whatever one
wants to be or do anymore… well, they say it… but most often

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we are confronted by those that think we should integrate into
the system… because that is what the rest of US have always
done… and their self-perceived successes, is what we should
be aspiring to… which success, is measured only by the
material… the mostly useless collection of relics we have
accumulated over time.
How is it that we came to think that any of our material
wares ever really mattered ? In the end… our lives will be
summed up by a bunch of... ‘sh-tuff’ that we left behind for our
heirs to sort through… most of which were dictated to us as
having been a NEED via the never-ending advertising
campaigns of some corporation summoning us to strip away our
own humanity… convincing us that we had an absolute need…
to sell our lives to THEM… piece by piece.
There must be more to life than the conveyor belt our
lives have been set upon… our birth, our education, our working
for a company, our paying bills, our retiring, and our dying… all
of which have a price-tag affixed… even after we are already
The easiest way to imprison a person, as with any
animal, is to provide the illusion that it IS free. We have
invisible bars that we dare not ignore… a lot like that buried
electric wire around a yard to keep a dog in its place… once the
boundaries are learned, it matters not if the wire is charged.
WE… as in YOU and I… WE are NOT free… we are
OWNED… and we wear our blinders like ‘teams’ of horses…
but it is so that we cannot see whom it is holding the reigns.

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‘Consumption’ used to be the more common name for
tuberculosis… a contagious disease that normally affects the
lungs and is passed from person to person… which is
potentially fatal. However, from here on out, when I refer to it
throughout this work, I will be referring to the ‘consumption’
relative to our buying and acquiring… as this is more
contagious than tuberculosis in itself… and I believe it to be a
malady of significance in our world… as it seems to be
incurable… and there is no vaccine to counter its effects.
How can we recognize persons with consumption then,
as to not infect ourselves ? How do we know that we don’t have
it already ? Well… we OR they have other names, habits,
hobbies, and credit cards in hand. We know them as
consumers, as buyers, purchasers, customers, and finally, the
most common of them all… when the disease is in its final
stages… ‘shoppers’... those of whom buy and then advertize to
their friends what they bought... as they sell it to them withOUT
even a commission... and the acquaintance, in-turn, goes out to
pick 'one' up.

~ 76 ~
Chapitre 2

Chapitre 2,0 ~ Feudalisme

En Bref :
In the last chapter we saw Neptune... and the letter ‘E’ as
being a logo... E is the fifth letter of the Latin alphabet… making
reference to the number 5, which can also be represented by a
pentagon, pentagram, pentacle, pentecost... all of which are
related, and 'formula 409, which numbers add up to 13
We also saw the pyramid of Bissell, the eye of
providence… or better said as the EYE of Ra… one of the two
eyes of the Great Falcon in which the right eye is the sun (Ra),
and the left is the moon (Horus), or possibly even a reference to
the Black Sun… as the sun god Horus lost an
eye battling with his brother Seth. Horus was
the day… Seth was the night… and Horus is
where we get the English words: Hours,
Horizon, Horizontal, and even Horus-scope ; and Seth whom
was the Sun-Seth... and the Darkness. It is worth noting that
'Seth' sounds the same as 'Set' in French… the ‘th’ sound does

~ 77 ~
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not exist in this version of the Latin language… and ‘h’ is never
pronounced audibly.
We saw more pyramids, including Suntrust Mortgage...
the pyramid of Giza and the music of Pink Floyd, Mountain Real
Estate, Ace Hardware, Leroy Merlin, Ashley furniture, Protective
Life Insurance... and the pyramid of Maslow.
We saw the hexagram of troy-bilt... and the cube of
Eiffage as symbols of Saturn. The 'sand' manufactured by
Mercury under Ford Motors... but of which sand, is actually also
a Saturn reference... as in 'the sands of time' or the 'hour-
We also saw the twin-pillars of 'Heritage Insurance...
Aries the Ram of Dodge… and also the Mars reference of
Volvo. We saw Mercury, and the Caduceus that can be traced
all the way back to Sumer made up of wings, serpents, and a
rod all of which are astrological. There was also the
pentagram of Chrysler... an 'eagle', and other examples of
falcons... and the 'H' of Honda... the 8th letter of the Latin
Alphabet... and '8' IS the hour-glass. There was the falcon of
Nationwide, the trinity of State Farm, and Cintra's Rings of
Saturn were shown doubling as the 'streets of gold'.
The Trinity… coming from Tri-Unity… or the concept of
the 3 of Mercedes... La Croix de Lorraine of Exxon et cetera.
On page 59, the 'M'-ish glyph for 'Virgo the virgin'
includes what seems to resemble the christian fish... and 'Mary'
just happens to begin with the letter 'M'... as does Mithra, and
Maya... all virgin mothers. There was the gateway, arch, or

~ 78 ~
Chapitre 2
stargate... representative of the 'gate of the gods'.
Finally, the last page of the chapter ended on page 76.
Union 76 here, supposedly making reference to
1776... with 76 also having been its 'octane'
rating back in 1932. 7 and 6 equate to 13,
which has always been the point in making use
of this number. For the moment, Union 76 is currently owned
by Phillips 66, originally founded by Frank Phillips whom later
became a freemason of the Scottish rite.
2,1 Freedom is REALLY Fee-dom
The consequences related to us working for a 'logo', of
course, is that 'great nuisance fee' that came to be known as
income tax. The more we work, or the more we make, the more
we will pay. We are always given the impression that OUR
paying of taxes via THEIR withholding of said taxes, that our
contributions are going to better the roads or go to work for US
in some way or another. We seem to be fond of saying 'I'm a
taxpayer’... as if it is some kind of political privilege. How have
we been taught to be proud of being a taxpayer though... as if
we were doing something noble by our own
choice ? It is something deducted from our
paychecks, and added before leaving a store…
and we really have NOT a say... and the
'withholding' of tax did not 'officially' begin until 1 july 1943.
Taxes in MY book, are monies that are essentially taken
away… for nothing. WE get NOTHING for them… and tax has
many names to be sure… as banks call it interest… insurance

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companies call it a premium… the law calls it a fine… and
economists call it inflation. Uncle Sam has a 5-pointed star on
his mad-hatter hat… but the 5-pointed star is usually a
representation of Isis… the goddess of Egypt ; Mister Sam
here, is also another personified rendition of Baphomet.
Basically… though automatic deductions vary from state
to state... gross-income, less federal tax on our labors, less
state tax on our labors, less medicare tax, less social security
tax… will result in our net-income. As for the 401K... we can
pay the tax later... 'tax deferred' until we are drawing from it...
which rates will have certainly increased by THAT time.
Every April in the U.S., we are ‘supposed’ to revisit the
theft on our tax return, an often
procrastinated task because
WE just HATE to DO IT ! If we
did not opt to have enough
taken out, we will owe at the end of the year... if we are late, we
will be penalized. If we opt to have too much withheld, the only
benefit is the saving of money we likely would have NOT saved
had we not... but we won't earn any interest out of the deal… it
is quite the one-sided arrangement. The Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) version of the scales here… which are supposed
to be balanced, as an astrological reference to Libra… but as it
is the IRS that we are speaking of… WE know that THESE
scales are tipped in the clutches of THIS great falcon, with its
olive branch of SEVEN leaves. But... taxes have already been
collected… so why the forms... why the headaches ?!! Just take

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Chapitre 2
it and leave US out of it because WE do not have a choice in
the matter anyway ! IRS publication 6209... or the 1040 form is
restitution to the crown... because WE in the U.S. are still just a
British colony !
We could think we would have done our duty as a
‘taxpayer’ by this point… but there is more tax to pay with the
net-income that we only THOUGHT we still had left… paying
more taxes with that which has already been taxed !
INCOME tax was never ‘constitutional’ in the United
States… but the government lets the corporate mob continue to
take it from us anyway, which idea was originally formulated
with the ‘revenue act’ of 1861 ; then on 1 july 1862, when the
IRS was originally founded ; a few MORE adjustments were
made in 1864… which were all finally rescinded in 1873. This
emergency AND temporary taxation was to finance the civil war,
from 1861 to 1865… so I suppose the revenue expected was
actually 3-fold what it should have been, having prolonged 'war-
time' taxation for those 8 bonus years. Abraham Lincoln had
nothing to do with the 8-year extension clause though… he was
already dead... killed on a 'good friday'.
Whom was it that had the REAL power to keep it all in
play ? I might also mention that 1 to 3% was typically all that the
peasants were required to pay toward these efforts… much
more palatable than the percentages of today, wouldn’t you
agree ?
Some 40 years later, on 4 march of 1913, Woodrow
Wilson became president. On 8 april 1913, the 17th

~ 81 ~
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amendment was signed into law ensuring... well... a theoretical
‘popular vote’ for senators, combating corruption, in which it did
no such thing. On 3 october 1913, Woody also signed into law
the new and improved ‘revenue act’, or the 16th amendment,
that was supposedly ‘ratified’ on 3 february 1913… just before
William Howard Taft stepped down... conveniently just before
Woody's watch would begin... something that NO ONE seems
to be able to prove ever took place… and to this day, cannot be
proven, nor will any government official validate the claim...
when the 1 to 3% tax on income for peasants was reinstated…
forever… all except for the '1 to 3%' part… and ‘congress’ again
had the right to impose federal income tax… to be collected for
just about anything and everything. Finally, on 23 december
1913, Woody went ahead and signed the Federal Reserve Act
too, thereby making it law that an elite cartel would run the
banking show from then on… also forever… something that
obviously was motivated by some sense of urgency… as it just
could not wait for the holidays of said year to be over.
As it would turn out, THIS was the deal made with the
‘federal reserve’ which
was never ‘federal’ at
all... it is, and has
always been, just a
private company... a
company outsourced
to print and control the flow of the currency, of which perceived
value was, and has always been, virtually created out of

~ 82 ~
Chapitre 2
In celebration, Wilbur G Kurtz Senior was commissioned
to render this infamous painting in 1923, 10 years later, by the
‘federal reserve’ bank of Atlanta, which is also known as district
6 of the 12 ‘official’ divisions of the ‘Fed’ that are all still in place
today. This 10-year commemorative gift for Woodrow… must
have been for selling out all of the rest of US… to THEM !
As many of us probably already know, the U.S.
government is in debt some trillions of dollars… and as of this
writing in 2018, the national debt quite recently exceeded 21
trillion. How can this possibly be ?!! The IRS collected 3.27
TRILLION in 2016 and 3.6 trillion for 2017. Obviously congress
has been doing something wrong !
The system has been broken since its inception… and
the government pays for its debts with loans granted by Federal
Reserve Inc... at interest. The tax collected from YOU and ME
is the collateral that secures these loans… ‘the deal with the
devil’, so to speak. YOU and ME were sold-out a long time
ago… before WE were even ever born !!! Despite our political
figures promoting the lowering of taxes at seemingly EVERY
kind of election… taxes are NEVER lowered... just raised,
reassigned, or renamed.
We all intrinsically know that the IRS does NOT
appreciate cash-flow that is passed under-the-table… which is
the only tax-free income that really exists. But… if adherence to
the constitution that defined the U.S. was ever REALLY intact…
there might not even BE an IRS.

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KINGS… and peasants
All of this started to take shape in 1910, somewhere on
Jekyll Island… where some of the most affluent men of the
time, whom controlled 1/6th of the WORLD’s wealth, formed
their little ‘federal’ club… quite aware of the fact that the life of
'the peasant'… has ALWAYS been… to pay ALL of the tax !
2,2 Family Feudalism
In the history of this world, there have always been rulers
of countries and continents. One of the common attributes that
were carried by THE ONES, was that of divine birthright. Kings
ruled... their sons ruled... and THEIR sons ruled.
Kings had different titles such as : emperors, monarchs,
or pharaohs, among a few others. Virtually though, they were
untouchable… only vulnerable by other kings. They controlled
the armies, the religions, the
currencies, and the laws… all of which
the peasants were required to abide
by as to avoid the punishments that
enforced them. This is the oldest
‘pyramid scheme’ in the world… and
the oldest of corporate ladders. So…
now let me ask of you… WHAT has
really changed ? Well… if you were to
ask ME… aside of the faces and the
fashions… absolutely nothing ! At the bottom, there is, and
always has been… ‘les paysans’, which could be translated as
‘peasants’, ‘countrymen’, ‘farmers’, or ‘those that occupy and
work the land’… which are all rather synonymous here.

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Somehow, in one form or another, we the peasants, are always
sided against each other. We hold our different positions under
a king’s rule. We are the police that enforce the laws passed
down by the kings ; among us are the teachers whom teach us
all of what is NEEDED of us to know ; we are also the doctors ;
the lawyers; et cetera... but we are still JUST the peasants…
and like that of kings… it is our hereditary title.
There are very few born of peasants... that have ever
been or ever will be… recognized in some way or fashion by the
nobility. Though there are the gifted among us, we are seldom
ever seen. It might be said that the big-named actors,
politicians, or even the president of the United States, rose from
us… but this is a false belief for the better part… as those fore-
mentioned belong to a kind of clique... above the law as it
applies to US. These entertainers, public servants, and
‘leaders’, are not really meant to serve and appease us… but
rather, they are the servants of a king.
So who are these kings ? They did not rise from
peasants, as the world has never worked this way. Kingship
follows bloodlines, it always has... and the nobility has generally
favored the biddings of these kings, as they are fed well, have
everything THEY need, and will bite not the hands that feed
their gluttony... and it is the KING’s will, of which, will ALWAYS
be done. Generically, this order, or food-chain, if you would
rather, is known better today as having been feudalism.
Feudalism is one of the many forms of government that
have existed, and in my belief is still alive and well, most

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commonly known of the medieval times, which is often referred
to as the timeframe between the end of the 5th, to the end of
the 15th centuries. More specifically, from the years 476 AD,
when the Western Roman Empire fell, to 1492 AD, which
marked the end of what was also known as the middle ages.
The year 1492… if you are by chance American, you might
know this year as being the year that Christopher Columbus
‘discovered’ America. It must have been repeated to us over
and again to be able to recall a specific year of over 500 years
ago. But… Chris was not the first to discover it… in fact, he
never even made it to what is known as North America today.
All of the peoples in our world of today can be
represented within one of these 4 basic categories : Kings,
Barons, Knights, and Peasants. Now… I have chosen to use
these basic English titles… but they are equivalent to many
others… maybe not exactly… but I am trying to keep the
concept as simple as possible. Besides, government is
complicated enough on OUR end anyway, wouldn’t you also
agree ?
Titles have changed over time… and it doesn’t matter
much to you nor I… because OUR lineage is of the peasants…
and though we try to understand the politics behind it all… it
was never meant for US to understand.
These are the pieces of chess, a game of strategy that
has existed for 100s of years. Using the game as a rendering
of feudalism, the King and Queen could be understood as
ruling, supposedly, together. In the REAL feudal world, a King

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was pretty much synonymous with the Queen in most respects,
because if one died the other would inherit all of the power until
their offspring, their ‘male’ heir, became of age.
In Chess, the pieces have point values, at least this is
how I learned the game. Not counting the king on the far left…
the next piece is the queen worth 5 points, the bishop,
respectively, is worth 3,
the knight 2, the rook 4,
and the pawn of course,
is worth only 1 point.
See the bishop… the
one with the silly-looking
hat ? Nevermind that
right now… we will cover THAT symbol in a latter chapter.
In French the same game is called : Échecs. The names
and translations of the pieces in the same order as I listed them
in English are : le roi (king), la dame (lady), le fou (fool,
madman, lunatic, maniac, or just crazy), le cavalier (rider), la
tour (tower), et le pion (pawn). The ‘bishop’ in French was
probably meant to be more like a 'jester'… but translated as it
is, makes me smile… as obviously there was a difference in
views regarding the naming of this particular piece. England
used a ‘holy man’ while France used ‘an entertainer’ which is
really the only difference between the two versions. I find this
strange as there is only the ‘English’ channel that flows between
them, segregating the two countries… funny how a country
must stake its claim on everything and anything that it

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KINGS… and peasants
conquers. No one ever refers to it as the ‘French’ channel…
not even the French… whom just call it 'La Manche'.
One might also note that the word ‘peon’ in English is
related to the French word ‘pion’, which translates as a laborer,
unskilled worker, debtor, poor person, messenger, attendant, or
foot soldier… all words that are synonymous with ‘peasant’
once again. I first heard this word when I was in my teenage
years… in which I assumed it to be spelled as ‘pee-on’…
probably still synonymous with the intended meaning.
Basically feudalism in the past worked like this : The King
granted land and title to the Barons… the Barons granted land
to the Knights… the Knights granted land to the peasants, or
serfs… but… it was really not free… but rather a kind of
bargain… like the arrangement between a renter and a
‘landlord’… in which today, we give money that we worked for…
for the apartment that is owned by someone else.
Free serfs or freemen, could actually leave the land, the
rest could not. Serfs worked the lands and they paid ALL of the
taxes. The serfs worked the land for themselves to be able to
pay for their duties, maybe 10% to 25% of their harvest and/or
livestock… and any ware or service that they could provide the
knight. Free serfs included the blacksmiths, stone masons,
carpenters, or even the best of cooks, which the knight used for
himself, paid for his keep to the Baron, as well as the promise to
provide for the Baron’s protection ; the contracted building of
city walls, and the offering up of military services by providing
the ‘foot soldiers’ or pawns, via the medieval ‘draft’.

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The Barons, in-turn, used their cyclical acquired
resources for himself and for paying his share to the King,
thereby swearing allegiance to the King by providing the gold,
the building of castles, fortresses, and churches, as well as
knights and armies.
Oh yes… and peasants also paid 10% to the clergy,
which for me, would fit into the Baron category as well… as
religion had great influence over the commoners for the kings of
old… whom kept their clergy close… a kind of peasant-control
sort of thing. So… serfs paid between 20% to 35%… to be able
to work the land they lived on… which was just a rent that
included the fields they worked, their dwelling places, and even
their clothes… they did not have any claim to the land, but
rather, belonged to it… just like renters of apartments are sold
to new owners upon property acquisition. It was also priority to
provide for their lords BEFORE providing for themselves and
their families... in which a central church, provided by the
hierarchy, guided 'spiritual' understanding in the midst of it all.
WE, the peasants, are paid money today… but what difference
would it make if our employers made our mortgage payments,
paid our utility bills, or maybe even provided us our means of
transportation to and fro instead ? It would make it less
complicated… for US anyway. Employers are allowed to
deduct money out of our paychecks for medicare, social
security, federal and state taxes, a 401K, and even a Health
Savings Account (HSA). So why not take the mortgage, car
payment, and respective insurances out as well ? Probably

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because it might resemble that dreaded ‘communism’… a word
that most of us have heard all of our lives… and quite possibly
because we might also see that
there was really nothing left for
US. Not to worry now... the
symbols of the gavel, sickle,
and star of Isis in favor of the newer flag of Russia was changed
to red, white, and blue... so it must be that it is one of the 'good
guys' now... flying the colors of FEE-dom !
How about the gasoline for all of the trips we made for the
employer to WORK for the employer… ahhh… it is not THEIR
fault that we drive big beasts for vehicles and live so far away,
right ? The company can decide to change locations whenever
it wants… facilitating layoffs without actually having to lay-off…
as not EVERYone will follow the company to its 'dream'
location… especially when it should move abroad ! All of these
OTHER details have been left up to us… I suppose the reason
is so that we do not notice that our freedoms have been
infringed upon… if there has ever been such a thing for US…
and if we should happen to get into debt along the way… the
corporations are not at fault… though they are more than happy
to hold on to our 401K and other such investment plans to
reinvest at the discretion of said corporations.
Corporations are essentially plantations… slaves have
always worked the plantations. The exchange has never really
been about money… rather it is the trade to have a place to
live, food to eat, and transport to get us to the fields… we STILL

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work the lands of the lords… it may not be so directly, but our
services are always serving someone above us… and
businesses are generally catering to other businesses… NOT
peasants, even if it sometimes may seem so.
The flag of the African National Congress (ANC) would
SEEM that it came up with its OWN color scheme... black the
color of the people, green the color of the land...
yellow the color of gold... which as everyone
knows, is ALWAYS stolen. BUT... black is the
opposite of white, green is the opposite of red...
and yellow is the opposite of blue... still referencing red, white,
and blue. To test this... if one should stare at the center of this
flag, for just a moment or so... looking at a blank wall
immediately following this length of time... one would be able to
see the opposite colors !
I may ‘ruffle a few feathers’ now in saying this… but while
the central church collected THEIR tax of 10%… peasants of
the past were required to work the lands of said church for
free… in their FREE time… while being worried about their
OWN farms in providing for their lords AND themselves.
Now… I am not trying to insinuate that one should not
exercise generosity toward our fellow serfs… but the church
was simply an early form of a corporation at the time… what did
it actually give back to the people ? Well… it often brought wars
to the people, or the people to the wars… the same can still be
said of most, if not all, churches of today.
The King made the law… the Barons made a few of their

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own… the Knights added a couple more to the list… and the
peasants were required to accept it all as the ‘law of the land’…
along with their paying ALL of the tax.
Today, new laws are made and passed everyday… some
make sense… some really don’t… and some are not even
communicated to us. In our today, our ‘elected’ rulers are
selected… not elected. They don’t know us… they don’t care
about us… because they are not the same as us… because it is
usually bloodlines that put them in-line to be the ‘leaders’ over
OUR world… and contrary to mystic popular belief, it was never
determined by a god… unless it was that THAT god was made
in the image of powerful men and not vice versa… as we have
always been told.
2,3 We the Peasants...
Now is the point at which I can hopefully say that this all
starts to get very interesting. Let me redefine feudalism with the
‘professions’ that better fit the modern day… starting at the
bottom… as this is what YOU and I are all most familiar with.
For the better part, peasants are slaves… but let us work our
way up on this three-tiered ‘class’… starting with the 3rd tier.
I have divided this grouping into these three ‘modern’
categories… as it seems this has always been the number that
divided us in our history… the ‘concept of the 3’… and until only
about 21 years ago, divided us still… when the British Empire
'supposedly' ceased to exist in 1997.
3rd Class
The lowest class of serfs are made up of poverty. These

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might be the people that work for the gas station, Walmart, call-
centers… or waiting tables. These are the jobs that most will
work first, once out of high school… sometimes at the same
time as attending a university… having goals to aspire to be a
1st class serf. What is sad to me is seeing supposed retired
folk now working in places like these. They may have had a
middle class job most of their lives, when one day a closed-door
meeting resulted in another door opening... escorting them out.
Look around, and you will notice that ‘the people’ are
starting to get it… as many are returning to school during mid-
life… seeking to not fall back down to the 3rd class… that
everyone is really only a very brief conversation and a slip of
paper away from.
There is still one more grouping for 'slaves' that we often
forget while living in the ‘western world’… and that would be the
peasants in those so-called ‘third-world’ countries that we pay
no mind to… those whom are making our clothes, our children’s
toys, building our furniture… just name it. Just because sweat-
shops are not usually found in the U.S. or E.U. anymore, does
NOT mean they no longer exist !
I cannot find a replica of the ‘Tour Eiffel’ that was actually
MADE in France. I find it a little frustrating… we buy souvenirs
to show where we have been, but they were made in China,
Indonesia, or Bangladesh… everywhere that we did NOT go.
Would not we rather just pick up a rock from the actual country,
than to buy a ‘souvenir’ from a different country, via the country
we visited ?

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KINGS… and peasants
If an employee working for a western corporation situated
in a ‘developing’ country, earns less than a dollar for an 8 to 20-
hour workday, without 'benefits'… can the one REALLY be
considered an 'employee' of said company ? International and
publicly-traded corporations… THESE are the slave-owners of
today... and THEY own ALL of US !
2nd Class… sometimes referred to as the ‘middle’ class…
or ‘economy’ class if one would prefer.
As for the ‘regular’ serfs… these are those that may have
worked their way up a corporate ladder, or gotten into a big
company because of educational credentials… and yes, though
we deny it… WHERE we get these ‘credentials’ IS much more
important than our grade point average (GPA) ! Middle serfs
followed their parents and the teachings of the societal-norm…
they got a job that they hated with the promise
of ‘working up’ to better pay and more benefits.
It is an out-dated model that hasn’t really
applied for decades. They work what used to
be the 9 to 5 job… the job with perks and insurance benefits…
and accrued time off... but taking lunch is on their OWN time
now. This would also be inclusive of those working for the
government, such as : higher level positions at the IRS,
commissioned officers in the military, or for the State, to name
just a few.
Speaking of government jobs, the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) is another one at this level… where
there may actually be a retirement plan involved… possibly

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even with medical benefits for life. But… the DHS is an agency
that, in my opinion, has been out-of-control since its inception…
rewarded for their ‘ratting’ the rest of us out. But hey… we have
been telling-on each other since grade-school… and these
types of organizations today instill a sense of fear into our fellow
citizens… which is only likely to change progressively, as there
WILL BE more invading of our superficial ‘rights’ to follow.
Remember those snitches from our youth… they were
probably recruited into state-sponsored
agencies such as these… as they were gifted in
their inability to not mind their own damned
business… essentially they were bred to do this
when they were young… persons being fulfilled in the watching
of someone else having to pay the proverbial fiddler… with
unwarranted vengeance.
I have yet to have a pleasant experience in dealing with
my fellow serfs working within the DHS entity. If you are
employed among them… I understand that you are just ‘doing
your job’… you probably took the job just because you really
needed the money… and that you are now only doing what you
are told so that you can KEEP said job. But why do you have to
be such asses about it ? Is THIS written somewhere in your
official job description as well ?!!
Dear DHS : I have many French acquaintances that have
visited ‘the States’ since the DHS was implemented… WHY did
you finger-print them... WHY did you take photographs of their
eyes ? THEY were not even among YOUR black-listed ! YOU

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would have been received in France with much more welcome
than you showed them… which, frankly, is an embarrassment
for ME. Oh... and please STOP leaving your STUPID lovenotes
in MY bag !!! To those of you whom are American... you
probably never knew anything about this, did you.
Is it JUST me that finds THIS disturbing ? Is this not a
kind of prejudice… much like the ‘special-treatment’ that those
of Arabic descent must endure these days ? I really do not
The DHS logo has all of the usual ‘American’ symbols…
13 arrows, 13 olive leaves, and 13 olive seeds. The shield
displays a mountain shaped just like a delta, wavy-lines
representing the sea… implying ‘maritime law’, and 22 stars
that supposedly represent the 22 entities that were merged to
produce the DHS... even though we already have a few
hundred agencies too many. The head of the falcon is turned to
its right as to show its left eye… just as the IRS logo does... and
if one should look at the symbol here with a bit more distance…
it may also appear to resemble an owl.
1st class
Free serfs might be the people that own small insurance
firms or some other small business, salespeople-for-hire, and
as our doctors, our professors, our lawyers, or anyone of the
like. By ‘serf’ standards, they tend to be paid well. They may
have people working for them… doing the things that they don’t
really want to do… convinced that somehow they are above all
of the rest of us… and we reward them with our envy. But…

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these 'careers' stop here… there is really not a lot of space for
promotion… that is, unless, the one is of a 'certain type'.
I have seen doctors put in many hours, trying to see all of
the patients that the insurance giants have dictated that they
must see in an hour… in order that they may be paid by the
insurance carriers. I have seen owners of small businesses
being the first to arrive, and the last to leave the workplace…
just trying to stay on top of everything that is required of them to
be compliant with the laws and regulations set upon them, all
while running their businesses.
As for the master salespeople… the only real promotion
that they can receive is to move on to another company… to
sell more profitable things.
Anymore, it seems as though the big house and the
sporty car have become the means in which to measure
success. But what did they REALLY want to do with their
lives… while they were chasing the money ? They did not care
where the money came from… only that they had it… but these
peasants are just like YOU and ME… and there debt to income
ratio is likely very similar to our own... just bigger numbers.
These are just a few examples of what a ‘free’ serf is…
and the rest of us often aspire to be like them. These are the
REAL white-collared jobs… but they have the same worries and
concerns as all of our class does… always worried about not
having enough, as well as never being able to ascertain if they
have succeeded in their own eyes. These are people that have
access to enough money to buy the misery that the rest of US

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would all prefer. They can reach what WE would accept as
millionaire status… but in ‘my book’, in THIS age, they are not
REALLY millionaires, until they are approaching, let us say
maybe, 15 million in net-worth… inflation you know… and
believe it or not… they can still fall all the way down to the
bottom of our peasant ladder.
Often we hear, that the rich are getting taxed more than
US… which IS true… but it is the first class serfs whom are
getting taxed more that the government is REALLY referring to,
whenever the word ‘rich’ is implied… and the numbers whom
are broken within just a few years after reaching the ‘magical’
age of 65, when retirees are suddenly not feeling so well… their
‘fortune’ gets piddled away on healthcare… ‘nickeled-and-
dimed’… and as it would happen, the faced-amounts on the
loose-change paid-out has been adjusted rather drastically
since the good ol’ days. The 2017 to 2018 tax bracket for the
'rich' peasants making 418,400 USD or more per year, will be
39.6% for this year's go-around.
I am not sure what happened… but we were all brought
into an illusion… an illusion that we like to call ‘the free world’.
So… how did we end up in our respective classes ? We
could suppose that it was due to our not going to a university
that dictated where we are now, right ?
No… YOU and I did everything that WE thought that we
were supposed to do… that which was expected of YOU and
I… that which we were TAUGHT to do... and our education left
us without knowing in which direction to go. The only difference

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between free-serfs and the rest of US, was that they were
afforded different means… having access to monetary
resources that were afforded them… different opportunities via
relationships that they had the know-how to cultivate, which
mind you, is NOT something that is EVER taught in 'public'
2,4 Education
So… let us go back to what we were groomed to become
due to OUR education… OUR indoctrination… without OUR
being aware… OUR brain-laundering.
“The strength of good radio programming… lies in
creating the right mix of entertainment, enjoyment,
instruction, education, and politics.” ~ Joseph
Goebbels, German politician and Reich Minister of
Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
Would you suppose this has changed ? Joseph was
appointed to christen all of the propaganda before it reached
the masses… and abroad... and he happened to be VERY good
at it. What is propaganda ? Well… it is usually anything having
to do with everything… BUT the truth.
I will address the basic layout of the government of the
United States in a latter chapter… but as I am addressing our
lives as we live them among our peasant realm, we must look
for the root of our ‘conditioning’… in accepting our lives as they
are… in which would be partly due to our early education…
what we were taught in our youth… namely in school.
The Department of Education… is a clever organization.

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In the U.S., without a high school diploma, one cannot go to a
college or a university. Without a ‘higher’ education, one cannot
usually expect to have a ‘good’ job. One can have a GED
certificate (good enough diploma)... but somehow most of us
look down on this, as if this piece of paper really
makes a difference… as if we were somehow
even trained to shun those whom possess
them… conditioned to think ourselves superior
to those that didn’t get the REAL diploma. What we don’t
realize though… is that WE are the ones that have been BRED
to be LED.
The objective of schooling is really to implement
conformity... like training a dog to behave. We are trained to
rollover, play dead, and beg as the master commands. Surely,
our lives were meant to have more meaning than that of the
simple amusement of THE others.
What happens when a dog does not act as the master
ordered ? It is either punished or not rewarded. We have
always set ourselves apart from the animals… they are lower
than US. But… WHAT IF… we ARE the animals… and we just
never knew it. It is probably best that we have all been
domesticated… which domestication, is OUR captivity...
receiving a treat from time to time when we ’heel' as instructed.
As long as a dog is not dependent on a master… it IS
free… but dogs ARE dependent… they choose to be for the
sake of pleasing their masters… they have been conditioned to
be dependent on us, and to have little loyalty to their own… just

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as WE have been. WE the peasants are lower than the nobility.
WE are dependants… we depend on money, a job to provide it,
Medicaid and/or Medicare, Social Security, insurance for our
health… we now find and pay for our FOOD and WATER from
the hands of corporations ! Of course, there is also welfare…
food stamps that can only buy food that the STATE determines
to have nutritional value… and we are taught also to look down
on the persons whom possess them.
Think about it for a moment… what is it that is taught in
the school system that was actually designed for the partaking
of us peasants ? Just about everything really… all the way
down to our ‘prejudicisms’ ; it is WE whom are controlled.
First, we must ‘work hard’ for the good grades. The
system MAY grant a scholarship for 4.0 students… so WE can
go directly into the universities without delay. Good grades are
praised and rewarded… average grades and below are not…
and sometimes even penalized for. It is not just the system, nor
the teachers that do as they are told to reinforce this… but also
parents and peers. You see… we, the peasants, are looking
out for each other now… keeping each other in-line
perpetually… and we set ourselves above others in the attempt
to believe we are somehow superior… but in the economical
sense… we might just come from a family that is only a couple
of paychecks ahead… which is rather minute on the grand
scale of things.
It is no secret… something that has always been peculiar,
but the ‘C’ students in universities, are usually the ones

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providing the ‘A’ students the jobs… even though they were
ridiculed for being stupid or having a low ‘Intellectual Quotient’
(IQ) back in their days of high school… but… they knew what
they wanted… and didn’t really care to be competing with
others within the system… those ‘C’ students were often
working jobs while they were going to school… having no time
to make the ‘A’s.
Being book-smart is very different than being street-
smart… and more often than not, what we do is not really
relevant… but rather… it is in whom we know.
I would like to find a history book from my school days
and contrast it to the history books of today... or possibly even
go back one hundred years to see what was studied of history
then. I remember words like 'carpetbaggers' (tax-collectors),
and bits and pieces of the American civil war... but nothing of
world history was ever really discussed. America's story is
small... almost trivial to what has happened throughout the rest
of the world... not to say it is un-important. But… to ask an
American where Paris is, for example, most will point to the
middle of France… if they even know where France is !
More popular today is the middle-east... but most
Americans would not be able to show anyone where it is. Not
knowing much about Kazakhstan is one thing... though
immigrants came from many lands, most of American ancestry
is tied to Europe... as it was an extension of many of these
countries during what was so-called ‘the age of discovery’... yet,
Americans are kept naïve... knowing virtually nothing about the

~ 102 ~
Chapitre 2
real history or of how it all came into being.
Going out on a limb here... these ‘American’ histories are
written to emphasize the freedoms in American culture... but
what IS American culture ? The 4th of July ? Thanksgiving ? It
is almost as if we Americans are not supposed to know of
anything or of anywhere else… EXCEPT of that which is North
America. Imperial attitudes come about in this way… arrogance
in thinking that America is the only ‘free’ country on earth…
which it simply is not... still ALL of OUR 'freedoms' have limits.
Now… I may offend by suggesting this, but I have
concluded that EVERY American should live out of the country
for, at the very least, a few fun-filled years. Not as a tourist, not
with other Americans, but rather living as integrated among the
natives of the country of choice… and if the one should still
think that the United States should be called home, then so be
it… but it SHOULD be required before we are blindly allowed to
chant how America is the greatest country on earth… or how it
is that America is the ‘only’ country that is free… when it is that
we know of nothing else. The world does not end at the
borders of the U.S… we should really have something to
contrast to the American way of life… before we have earned
any right to mock the rest… and what we see of the world on
television DOES NOT count as being credible experience.
If you would like to see something interesting and
somewhat frightening at the same time… go to an elementary
school and watch the show in the cafeteria during the lunch-
'hour'. The students will be lined up against a wall, after which

~ 103 ~
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they will pick up their ‘disposable’ trays and utensils. They will
take their food, pay, and be seated in the same order that they
were lined up in… you might remember this from YOUR
youth… though the food is mostly brought in now, rather than
prepared in the kitchens, and the material waste, much more
School cafeterias that make their own food are very
difficult to find anymore… now mostly catered by an outside
source… bringing in apples that do not brown so easily, pizza
from a corporation, lowfat or even skimmed milk as SOMEONE
thought that fat can make one fat… and all of the 'dishes' are
thrown away on the way out. The whole process looks rather
like a mini-army… learning to behave in an authoritative setting.
In school we were never to be late, as if being late for
school was going to create havoc for the rest of our lives. And
believe it or not, after high-school is finished… no one ever
remembers all of the ‘tardies’ we had. By the way, ‘tard’ means
‘late’ in French, so I guess it might translate as ‘laties’.
Anymore, being late falls under ‘citizenship’ in American high
school… one may be held back if their citizenship is not
satisfactory, because if one has unsatisfactory marks these
days, they might not qualify to graduate. No matter… a lot of
American schools can arrange for the students to pay fees to
erase their ‘negative’ history... a tax. If one has the resources,
one CAN graduate anyway. Ahhh… must have something to
do with the no-child-left-behind act that Bush junior signed into
the works ! So… what was the point of going to school in the

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first place ?!!
We also needed to be ‘excused’ for absences… whether
it was for being sick or going on a vacation. We were also
trained in these things for 12 years… to make sure it all stuck.
To be honest… I don’t remember that much of what I learned in
school… my favorite subjects in elementary school were
lunchtime and recess… but recess disappeared at secondary
school... and going outside was reserved for gym class or the
lunch fraction of an hour.
It is a rather robotic existence, isn’t it ? A lot like ants or
bees… the tedious trek to our ‘job’ and all the have-to-dos in-
between. One can see it every day on the way to work… rush-
hour… bumper-to-bumper… searching for parking-places…
reaching our various destinations, so-named as our places of
employment… running all of the races just like we have been
trained to do. In which one should take note, that John D
Rockefeller AND Henry Ford were billionaires... both of whom...
never finished school.
Education for US… IS a corporation… a garbage-in-
garbage-out kind of corporation. There has been a global book-
burning… trying to forget all of the truths of human history…
and to hide all of the lies. We have been taught that what is
white is really black, and what is black is really white… we don’t
even know the hue anymore... buried in the shades of gray.
Why does the school system want everyone to know the
same things ? THIS is not who WE are ! Some are simply better
at some things as though they were born to do them. Athletes,

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for example… the physical competition is their passion…
possibly even the dream of the fame that could come with it.
They are clever in their plans and plays… strategic… but
stereotypically speaking, not always the brightest
intellectually… but we are all geared differently… why should
we not just be allowed to accept it as THIS ?
How about musicians… what use does the musically
inclined really have for a basketball in their lives ? Why would
we ask them to put one in their hands for the sake of a
curriculum ?
On the most fundamental level, men have greater
physical strength then do women… of course there are always
exceptions, but in saying so, should I now be marked as a
chauvinist ? Am I being biased in some way ? No… this is just
the way it is. What we often forget, is that we, as offspring,
came from a man and a woman… it is a law of nature, and each
has their part in the process of the whole… both for the survival
of said offspring… both with the same goal… but a difference in
method. A woman can breast-feed her young… another simple
law of nature as men cannot do it, with tongue in cheek... yet.
We all have different roles… some are more suited than others
for the tasks, but none the superior… nor inferior.
Why is it we cannot accept a person as they are ? We do
not need to be of the same intellect, we do not need to be of the
same religion, we do not need to be of the same physical
stature... and we do not need to be of the same color ! What
one lacks, there will always be another whom possesses…

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which if we are to be dependent, OUR dependencies SHOULD
be in EACH OTHER… not dictated and put in place by a
system that demands us to see ourselves as always one better
than the other.
We have been set up to believe that the law is that of
‘competition’… like animals… dogs fighting for the scraps… but
animals act on greed… and on survival. OUR sense of
‘cooperation’ has all but disappeared. The nobility on the other
hand, COoperate. And though they may sometimes seem to be
competing, it is all just a ruse to fire us up… keeping us from
uniting… keeping us believing that WE are the same as THEY
are… but WE are NOT.
L’entracte 3 (Education)
As for me, my mind is creative… and my logic is often
disturbed by the things I wasn’t meant to understand. I hated
math, though I respected it… even though math in school was
barely enough to be able to figure out our own damned taxes !
I hated social studies AND history… perhaps the
teachers in these subjects were simply of a different mind than
me… or just boring due to HIS or HER conditioning. I think
teachers become teachers… to TEACH… but the curriculum
anymore has been dictated to them… and they are not able to
teach what they wanted to teach… they are not able to teach
what they think is important to know… the REAL world is not
allowed to exist in the classroom.
I failed the first semester of junior English in High
School… and with much humility, repeated it during my senior

~ 107 ~
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year… I SO hated being forced to read the English of old, and
my disdain for not liking to read uninteresting things did not
serve me very well.
Later, I would come to enjoy deciphering poetry of any
kind… and whether I am good at it or not… I was always writing
SOMETHING down… but not necessarily what I was
SUPPOSED to be writing.
I had to take remedial English during my first year at
university… my scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT),
as it had been called since 1926, wouldn’t allow me to avoid it.
I never did well on those ‘reading comprehension’ tests…
I think the idea is rather a joke… because we tend to register
only what is interesting to us… and I found none of the
scholastically assigned reading to be of much
use, nor was I able to absorb the content…
unable to focus as the clock was ticking. Tests
really only show how well we can take a test
under duress. Looking back… I probably should have learned
to cheat more than I did… what difference would it have made ?
The cheaters had more time to do what they wanted to do… got
the good grades… pleased their parents and teachers… and
ended up with all of the scholarships. I flunked computers in
high school too… it is funny how I ended up in network
administration more than once. It was only when the 'graphical
user interface' (GUI) came into being that I was able to
understand information systems. I am creative… a picture-
person… a ‘right-brainer’… but it is conformity and obedience

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that are what is sought out in the world of our today… and I
happen to struggle with both of these. Fin 3
The old logo for 'gateway' computers, eventually ended
up in the hands of acer in 2007, which for
awhile, used a different font for the 'E' in the
name... as to draw our attention to the peculiarity.
We have all heard the idiom ‘survival of the fittest’ ?
Herbert Spencer coined this phrase based on Darwinism… but
to be honest… I never thought much of Darwin… I could not
buy into the Darwinian suppositions that were thrown at me in
biology class.
The ancients have proven that they did not lack any
intelligence… and I would say that it is TODAY that we are the
stupidest of all of our ancestral mothers and fathers. We are so
proud of our technological advances… but they are only ‘toys’
and in a sense we have been regressed by them… becoming
the apes we THOUGHT we originally spawned from… with
theories that some great divide separated us from those apes…
we evolved… while the rest of the apes did not. I ask the
question… if we were once the same as the apes… with the
same genetic make-up… why would it be that WE evolved and
the other apes did not metamorphose as equivocally… even if it
was only in a different way ?
Charles Robert Darwin could have only been here to
steer us away from what and where it was that we actually
came from… not that ANYONE really knows… perhaps just
steering us away from the collective-consciousness that Carl

~ 109 ~
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Gustav Jung made reference to… but that we were never
supposed to be a part of unless it benefited the establishment…
that certain secrecy that infected our rulers long ago… that
everyone… especially us peasants, should be left solely to our
own devices… which devices have been limited in what we are
allowed to know.
I CAN, however, buy into ‘survival of the shrewdest’… or
‘survival of the luckiest’, perhaps... but I understand ‘survival of
the fittest’ to be more in-line with ‘the strong preying upon the
weak’… power over the powerless ; the oppressors versus the
oppressed… but there should be no pride in this. Anyway…
Darwin was a Freemason… of the 33rd degree… but you
probably could have guessed had I not told you. But… where is
it that we learned of Darwin ? School.
The famed astrologer, Sigmund Freud would have had us
believe that our dreams were symbolic… perhaps they are…
but his symbolism often dictated that a stick in a dream was a
phallic symbol… most often having to do with the act of sex.
We remember him… because we were taught of him from our
history and psychology books… whose doctrines were
preached to us when we were considered mature enough to
handle them.
Whom writes our history ? It is NOT written by peasants.
Our first established personal beliefs were of what freemasons
believed and believe… and our lessons were of paying tribute
to the freemasons’ versions. In other words… the historical
figures that we are most often taught of were freemasons. So…

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what made their accomplishments greater than ours ? Whether
there was any merit to any of Freud’s views is irrelevant… that
he was also among the brothers of freemasonry… is. You
see… a stick could REALLY just be a stick after all. Hmmm… I
should not neglect to mention that Jung was ALSO a
Remember having to read the literature of Samuel L
Clemens in English class ? Of course you do… Mark Twain was
his pen-name… a freemason ! Did you read the time machine
by HG Wells… guess what ? HE was a freemason too !
The Saturday morning cartoons of old were proxy
freemasons… as Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Barney Rubble,
Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, and Sylvester the Cat all shared the
voice of Mel Blanc… a freemason !
You remember the songs and stories of Davy Crockett in
elementary school ? Yup… he was a freemason too ! It DOES
make one wonder who the hell is writing all of these books now,
doesn’t it ! But… rest assured, the writers of history are not of
YOU nor I.
Some are mechanically inclined, why then, would they
really need to practice spelling ? Some are artistic… whom
need only a choice in mediums to use in their pursuits. Still,
there are others that love to cook… preferring to be associated
with delicacies and the sensations of the senses, which
humanities class may have no meaning for. WE are NOT all
the same. How is it we should all be treated AS the same ? Is
THIS what was meant with the all-men-are-created-equal thing

~ 111 ~
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that Thomas Jefferson first penned in 1776 ? Hmmm… I
thought it was supposed to mean something else.
I guess my point is… is that we should be educating
ourselves… seeking the knowledge of that which WE are
interested in… which method is more likely to produce persons
that are good at what they do… love what they do… mastering
every aspect of whatever THAT may be. But… THIS is not
what the establishment seeks or wants from us… nor for us.
2,5 Who are WE ?
The truth is, is that there are many other facets of our
upbringing that bring into motion our belief systems, our morals,
and our fitting into the societal puzzle of normalcy. We begin by
accepting the ‘truths’ given to us by our care-givers… of whom
are often NOT from either of our parents anymore, as it should
be… something that the Rockefeller 'Foundation' dealt with
when it funded the Women’s Liberation movement of the 60s.
Don’t take me wrong… I am not a sexist by any
means, BUT… what I have found, is that a lot of
the organizations that we choose to support,
were put into motion with ulterior utility… a kind
of propaganda that we believed… or were manipulated into
believing. This button reads as :
“Women’s Liberation ~ vote socialist workers in ’70”.
Socialist ? This symbol is the 'iron fist' encircled by the symbol
used in astrology to represent Venus. Today, however, women
STILL don’t tend to make as much as men do, though it is that
they may very well be doing the exact same job... and doing it

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better. I got a few points for that one, didn't I !
According to the late Aaron Russo, there were two
primary reasons to fund the Women’s Lib movement. One was
so that the better-halves of the population could be taxed as
well ; and the other was to get children into schools at a
younger age for the purpose of "indoctrinating the kids how
to think." Perhaps he really meant ‘WHAT to think’.
What was gained was more than what was gambled
upon… BOTH parents are generally working now… and what
ONE parent could do monetarily before… now takes TWO. And
just think… more jobs were created ! Babysitters, day-care
centers, and kindergarten teachers… lest we forget all of the
latch-keyed kids in need of REAL guidance, now receiving said
guidance… from the state ! Men and women USED to work
together. Anymore though, it has become a kind of
competition… and new prejudices between the sexes arose in
the decades that followed. It seems we are forever trained to
be one against the other… whomever that OTHER may be.
As I am still on the topic of OUR education, or perhaps
just that of OUR conformity, let us have a look at an American
custom that has been around awhile…
‘The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States’ was first
written in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy. Daniel Sharp Ford,
the producer of ‘The Youth’s Companion’ magazine, had hired
him to work with his nephew, by marriage, James Bailey Upham
for the promoting of Nationalism. Through these efforts,
American Flags were sold to thousands of schools across the

~ 113 ~
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nation. Along with a 'how-to' in the performing of the Bellamy
salute, which pledge originally read like this :
“I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which
it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice
for all.”
In 1923 it was changed to read like this :
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States, and
to the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.”
By 1924 it read like this :
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one
nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
On June 14, 1954… Flag Day, Dwight D Eisenhower signed
into law that the ‘pledge’ would be recited everyday by children
in the school system as this :
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one
nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
Now… why my seeming tangent with the pledge of
allegiance ? I do not know about YOU, but I grew up reciting
this every 'moon-day' morning at school, and like everyone
else… never actually knew why. But something that may now
also be noticed here, is that the word ‘REPUBLIC’ is in every
version. The U.S.A. was founded as a Constitutional Republic !
It was a nice idea... for a minute ; it may have even just worked.

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Here, we can see American children pledging their
allegiance. losing ourselves in ritual and tradition.

Oh... wait a minute... THAT wasn't the picture that I was

looking for ! Ah... here it is ! HERE we have American children
pledging their allegiance !

In the case you were wondering, the Bellamy salute was

finally done away with in the ‘United States’ on December 22,

~ 115 ~
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1942… when placing the ‘right hand over the heart’ replaced
the gesture. But… World War II began in 1939 ! Congress HAS
always been a little slow. Did Nazi Germany steal this gesture
from the U.S.A. ? It is peculiar, isn’t it ? For the first 2-3 years
of World War II, Americans and Nazis were using the same
arm-hand gesture while at school !
Italy had adopted it around 1923… Nazis in 1926… which
means that Americans, Germans, AND Italians were saluting in
this fashion for 16 YEARS, in unison !!! What the hell was
going on ?!! This salute also happens to be part of the finale
when a freemason gets initiated. Some of you might not like
this, but it was a symbol of Fascism in Italy… Fascism in
Germany… perhaps it was that America was Fascist also until
1942, at which point, it just stopped ? Nah… America had
freedom the whole time !!!
I remember being in a cub-scout uniform at school,
'privileged' in saluting it differently… I wonder
now, if at a young age, as young serfs… we are
simply manicured to be subservient. Of course,
the whole Scouting thing was a product of Great
Britain in 1908 by Lieutenant General Robert SS Baden-
Powell… whom was… a freemason ! Funny… I thought
scouting was just an all-American thing to be doing.
The French Fleur de Lys here, which in English, is either
a Lily or a Lotus… are names that only differ in meaning from
the west to the east. It is interesting that the Boy Scouts of
America are one of the affiliations that use this symbol… is it

~ 116 ~
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not ?
These flowers... the BLUE ones... contain aporphine... a
psychoactive alkaloid... the ancient
Egyptians often made reference to
them in their hieroglyphs... which
must have been important. 'La
prieuré de sion', founded in France in 1956 by Pierre Plantard,
uses a very similar symbol.
As to whether or not the Nazis copied the salute that
American children were pledging with… actually, I think it not
really the case… even though
Americans WERE doing it first.
However, I think it is more likely that
the salute was intended to be of a
'global' nature all along… but of course
Americans were made quite unaware
as to ALL of the happenings in
Germany at the time… as it would still
be a few years yet, that television
would reach the masses. What did
Americans ever do with all of their time before television ?!!
Here it reads as :
“May our glorious flag and this ‘lucky star’ guide
you and keep you wherever you are.” ~ patent
All that I can surmise of this poster, is that it was after 24
june 1912 and prior 3 january 1959… the year that the 48 stars

~ 117 ~
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became 49. The 49 and 50-star change-the-flag executive
orders were passed under Presidents William Howard Taft and
Dwight D Eisenhower, respectively… both of whom were what ?
YES ! Freemasons !
Thomas Paine, in his Origin of Free-Masonry essay,
published in 1818, wrote about a few peculiarities in
freemasonic tradition. Masonic lodges are ALWAYS situated
east and west, with the only reason being that “all churches and
chapels are, or ought to be so.”
Among the many questions that the 'master mason' will
ask of the 'entered apprentice', reveals to us that the Master
stands in the east… because the sun rises in the east, and
upon opening the lodge, the Master will put his right hand on his
left breast. Upon close of business, the Wardens will stand in
the west… because the sun sets in the west, while placing HIS
right hand on his left breast.
Sounds a little strange in a familiar sort of way, doesn’t
it… as it sounds to be the same way we face the American flag
in all of our pledging today !
Woops… I almost forgot to mention : Bellamy and Upham
were brothers of Freemasonry as well… one freemasonic
symbolic sign… simply replaced another.
This is the flag that represents the American peasants…
with its now 50 stars that supposedly represent the 50 states…
and the 13 stripes supposing to be representative of the original
13 colonies… because somehow, after a couple of hundred
years, we are still stuck on THAT. Since there ARE 13 stripes,

~ 118 ~
Chapitre 2
the ratio for each would be 1/13 of the height. The union would
be 7/13 in height and 2/5 of the total width…
and when it is to be folded ‘correctly’… folding it
in half lengthwise, and then in half again…
followed by the 13 'traditional' triangle folds... it becomes the
Delta that will be displayed in a 90°x45°x45° triangular box.
I remember being told in elementary school that the 13
stripes were kept
because the flag could
not support 50… but
you know… pin-stripes
have been around
quite awhile… it could
have been done… the technology existed… it just wasn’t.
Now… THIS may just be coincidence… but observing the
union, one will count 9 horizontal rows of stars… and 11 vertical
ones... 9 and 11... numbers which did not add up this way until
4 july 1960 when the 50th star had actually been added.
The American flag created for the peasants was of
freemasonic design… incorporating all of its rituals … all the
way down to the white gloves that fold it.

~ 119 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 3,0 ~ Consumption... OUR Disease

En bref :
In chapter 2, we touched on the 5-pointed star of Isis...
the astrological symbol of Libra... which like Taurus is also
ruled by Venus... looked at a few of the peculiarities associated
with the FED... this seal being representative of
the district of Chicago... or the seventh district
of the 12. THIS great falcon has 13 feathers
on each wing... and 12 more encircling the
shield of 13 stripes, but only 12 stars. Its left eye is facing us
once again... with 4 olive leaves and 4 oak leaves underneath.
The symbol recognized as being communist was made-
up of 3 elements : a gavel, as a symbol of authority ; the sickle
or scythe, as a symbol of time, referencing Saturn ; and a five-
pointed star. The two pillars used for the rank
of 'captain'... and 3 steps above it, we will find
the rank known as a 'full-bird' colonel in terms of military rank...
using the great falcon here.

~ 120 ~
Chapitre 3
Red, white and blue... the colors of fee-dom as a bit of a joke...
but feel free to take a look at how
many flags use only THESE three
colors. The tree of life, is another
concept that dates back to Sumer.
The ancient Egyptians had a
similar symbol, for that of
eternal life... which was
known as an ankh. The tree
of life should not be mistaken with the
'tree of knowledge' though, as the
'department of education' misled us in the last chapter... as it is
rather a concept unique to judeo-christianity. Biblically, the tree
of life was a symbol of immortality of which has
22 paths in the tradition of the Kabbalah... just
like the DHS ! The dollar-tree stores inc
rendition of the 'tree of life' here.
We also saw the gateway in a cow-patterned cube... the
clenched fist and the symbol of Venus. We also saw 'le fleur
de lys', and the swastika as being a 'lucky star'... which may
very well be the oldest symbol in the world... and then finally,
the flag of American peasantry... and in which chapter ended on
the fitting page number of 119.
And if perhaps, I was not clear in the last chapter...
Peasants are... or rather WE are : the slaves, serfs, servants,
villeins, villagers, THE people, the ‘working’ class, the
commoners, the taxpayers, the citizens law-abiding, farmers,

~ 121 ~
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the poor, the poverty stricken and the patriots… all of which are
other synonyms to what I have thus far mentioned… but more
specifically… YOU and ME.
The Byzantine Empire or Eastern Roman Empire, for
example, was based on ‘Class’… government officials had sons
that went on to become government officials, while the children
of slaves went on to be slaves. Our lots in life have mostly to
do with whom we know… and like it or not… from whom and/or
where we were born.
3,1 OUR hijacked minds
I must apologize in advance now... so just close your
eyes if you should see a 'bad' word... I do not believe that
'offensive' words should be 'bleeped' out... they are JUST
words... words that WE were taught to be bad when we learned
If I were to say 'putain de fait chier de merde', an English
speaker would not be offended at all ! If one were to translate
the words into their literal sense or even in 'google translate',
one may STILL not be offended, as the meaning is lost when it
crosses over to English... losing the context... and the context is
what is important.
WE live in a world that we know nothing of. MOST of us
have lived only virtually since we were born… we have had
television in our homes for around 70 years… which may have
started out as being a good thing, but corporations of all sorts
perverted it… turning it into the biggest waste of life’s precious
time in human history… having been capitalized on, of course.

~ 122 ~
Chapitre 3
There was our first television set, a 'Cathode Ray Tube'
(CRT) which was possibly just in black and white... then we had
2, or even 3 of these TVs… having at least one of them in
color… but THAT wasn’t enough… we wanted a bigger screen,
so we got a projection TV... but THAT took up too much space
so we got a 'Liquid Crystal Display' (LCD) or plasma big-
screened TV… NOW… everyone is after the 'High Definition'
(HD) TV or even the 3-Dimensional (3D) TV !
While everyone still only had a CRT... betamax (BETA)
systems came into being... then the 'video home system' (VHS),
'digital versatile disc' (DVD), blu-ray (BD)... and now there are
MP4s among the many other file types... purchased via the use
of a remote.
As for music, we had 'long-play' records (LPs) reel-to-
reel, 8-track tapes, cassette tapes, compact discs (CDs)... and
MP3s have replaced all of these, now stored on 'universal serial
bus' (USB) keys... and WE have BOUGHT them ALL !
Still... there is something to be said about the perfect
'imperfection' of the static sound in the background of an old
record player ; imperfectly PERFECT.
So now let us look at advertising via our MAIN moving-
billboard that is typically located in our living rooms. In the 60s,
a one-hour 'Star Trek' episode, courtesy of Eugene Wesley
Roddenberry, was about 51 minutes long… which allowed for 9
minutes of corporate-sponsored interruptive crap. It is often
sited that Gene was a 33° freemason of the Scottish Rite... but I
have found no real evidence to support this claim. At present,

~ 123 ~
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one-hour shows have been reduced to 39 minutes, leaving now
about 21 minutes for these advertising campaigns. Children are
used to advertise on a corporation’s behalf as well… as they
relay to their parents the things that they saw, that they may
wish to have... that were advertised to them while their parents
were out.
TV does not keep us more informed... and people that
watch x-amount of hours of it, believe everything the
government says... what the NEWS may say... what the
'experts' talk about... but the REAL purpose of THEIR
televisions having been placed in OUR homes are to convince
US to buy all of THEIR useless and piddly things.
We have knowledge of things but have no idea where
that knowledge came from… victims of propaganda… of
DISinformation. Truth is more difficult to find than are lies… the
problem is in the not knowing how to decipher which are
which… and where the lies actually begin. We don’t trust
ourselves enough… which trust has been placed in others…
OTHERS of whom we have seen only on the television.
As another freemason once said :
“The trouble with men today is that they simply do
not think” ~ Doctor Albert Schweitzer
I feel that humanity, for the better part, is mostly good.
MOST would not kill someone else... MOST do not find
pleasure in being the cause of another's pain. MOST people
will willingly give of themselves to help another that they feel is
in need… but THIS is an aspect of ourselves that is fading

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Chapitre 3
away. Who stops on the freeway to help us with that flat tire ?
Who gives us a lift to the next town ? Who opens their front
door and invites a stranger in ? We watch ‘the NEWS’ too
much, ladies and gentlemen… and though bad things happen…
it really doesn’t happen as much as the news seems to claim it
does… which they would seem to be trying, and succeeding, to
convince us, that these things WILL happen to us with the first
extension of our trust. The media sells us fear…
not truth… and many of the advertisements that
we endure are fabricated to sell us something for our 'security',
accompanied with an it-could-happen-to-YOU scenario. The
las Vegas SUN... a newspaper as seen using only 11 rays of
the sun here.
On the evening news... WE may hear of the shootings of
black persons by white cops... THIS is what the evening news is
selling… and I will admit that, it REALLY looks BAD ! Often
there is a 'certain type' of person that becomes a police officer.
Whatever the case may be, we must ask ourselves… if it was
THIS certain type of person whom SEEKS the position in
enforcement of law… or is it that it is THIS certain type of
person that is sought-out to enforce the law ? Certainly with a
U.S. population of over 320 million people there are OTHER
atrocious things that are happening… but in this case, dividing
our ethnicity and keeping us divided is what we must buy… as
to 'conquer' is not possible without the division of US.
Subliminal education is conscious and unconscious… we
don’t actually have to be mentally present to absorb it. I heard

~ 125 ~
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a story once… whether fact or fiction, I do not really know…
about Coca-cola… how a single movie frame was flashed as a
subliminal advertisement back in the 50s. It was said that
Coca-cola's sales increased by a 'significant' percentage... but I
do not think this was really the case.
L'entracte 4 (subliminal)
I worked in a movie theatre when I was younger, when
reels were still being used. I still see the two ovals or circles
flash by at the upper right-hand side of the screen of some older
films, and from time to time on a DVD ; the first one to get the
projectionist’s attention ; and the other to switch the reel…
which is always at a moment when the scene changes. Fin 4
But since this ploy was in the 50s, I simply cannot fathom
anyone NOT noticing an entire frame for a Coca-cola ad…
filling the screen for a fraction of a second… as I would think
that most everyone would have seen it… and if it WAS seen or
noticed, it could NOT have been subliminal.
The Movie Fight Club of 1999 played with this sort of
thing. Throughout the film, one can see the
character, Tyler Durden, as played by Brad Pitt,
flashed for just one frame at seemingly random
points. Obviously the effect was used to show
the duplicity that was taking place within ‘the narrator’ character
without him really knowing, as played by Edward Norton.
The swastika here, is a coca-cola-branded bottle opener
from the 1920s... which came out about the same time that the
company began to be traded publicly.

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Coca-cola was founded by John Stith Pemberton, a
freemason, whom was bought out by Asa Griggs Candler in
1888. Asa would later become Mayor of Atlanta from 1916 to
1919... and would sell the company for 25 million.
Still, Coca-cola, among others, seem to like to toy with
the 'subliminal' ploy from time to time… which makes me
wonder if there could still be something to it.
Some familiar brands... like McDonald’s, originally
founded by Ray Kroc, having bought the franchise from the
McDonald brothers, which has been publicly traded since
1965... happens to sponsor a series called 'The Iron Chef' on
the 'food network', but due to 'technical error', "McDonald's ~ I'm
loving it" may interrupt for 1/30 of a second when watching.
From 1939 to 1942, 40 square blocks of Mississippi river-
front property... prime real-estate... of which no one was
inclined to let it go... was condemned and
leveled by the government for the purpose of
building a monument... which came to be known
as the Jefferson National Expansion
'Memorial'... I am uncertain if Jefferson would have approved.
The MacDonald Construction Company was awarded
the contract to build the Gateway Arch, a 'catenary curve' of
Saint Louis in 1962... to fill THAT space... a 'memorial' ? Today
it represents a gateway, stargate, or even a teleporter, and
possesses no ‘magical’ properties... just an idea, or theory,
The 'Golden Gate' bridge is situated north to south...
which basically construes the same idea... as the sunrise and

~ 127 ~
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sunset will be in a roughly perpendicular line to it... which takes
us back to the credit of old freemasonry.
China's 'ring of life' completed in 2013,
looking through the hollow from THIS
perspective, we would be looking north-
northwest... but again, it is a gateway, or portal.
Incidentally, the French word for ‘door’ is ‘porte’… so a
passport, put simply, is just a door-pass. From the continental
U.S... the door-pass is required when traveling to Canada or
Mexico anymore... but is the door-pass to let us go... or is it that
NOT possessing one is to keep us in ?
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), was founded by Colonel
Harland David Sanders, a freemason... with his
secret '11' herbs and spices. KFC has been an
international corporation for a number of years
now... which abbreviation may remind us of 'The
Knights of Columbus', a catholic brotherhood, which symbol
incorporates the use of a shield, sword, anchor,
and fasci. KFC's 'so good' campaign may show
up for a frame on SKY Sports News (SSN)...
attempting to cater to the hunger pangs of
sports enthusiasts as they sit on their virtual sidelines... eating.
Burger King began in about 1957, founded by
David Edgerton and James McLamore It was
acquired by Pillsbury in 1967, which was
acquired by General Mills in 2001... which is the
eldest of the three.

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General Mills uses more 'genetically
modified organisms' (GMOs), in its 'food'
processing nowadays, having taken over much of
what used to be able to be considered as REAL
food. The original founder was Cadwallader Colden Washburn,
whom would later become the governor of Wisconsin from 1872
to 1874... having a bit of cash can get one into politics if one
should be so inclined.
So... if General mills owns, Pillsbury, and Pillsbury owns
Burger King... what could we suppose the ingredients are made
up of ? Perhaps the big 'G' is just a shorter acronym for GMO...
and it just so happens that GMOs... ALWAYS roll DOWN hill !!!
Burger King had an 'interesting' advert not so long ago...
it seems to have had doubled-
meanings with every element
portrayed in it. Subliminal ? I
don't think so. The last Burger
King logo-change was in 1998... the words 'burger king' are
over-laid across the sun (buns are not usually so shiny)...
around it is wrapped the Ouroboros... usually symbolized with a
serpent eating its own tail... a symbol of the infinite cycle of
death... and of rebirth.
Swensen’s Ice Cream was founded by Earle Swensen in
1948, which was supposedly bought out by International
Franchise Corp (IFC) of Markham, Ontario... now owned by
Aaron Serruya... whom bought it from Coolbrands International
Inc... which was CO-founded by... Aaron Serruya in 1986. In

~ 129 ~
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2005, IFC acquired Yogen Früz, which was founded by Michael
AND... Aaron Serruya in 1986... I am not sure of
what Simon's contributions are... their brother,
but I suspect, however, that their un-exhaustive
list of acquisitions are owned and operated by
Serruya Private Equity (SPE), which Dynastic family logo is
shown here... I don't know, I just have a feeling. Perhaps you
should take a look for yourself at all of the franchises that the
Serruya brothers own. All I was seeking to find was whether or
not Swensen was affiliated with any of the usual symbols.
SWENSEN's ice cream had a 'subliminal'
ad that aired in Thailand. An ice cream scoop,
scooped out what seemed to be strawberry ice
cream from the top of the television screen to
the bottom... the negative space remaining in the ice cream
revealed THIS on the screen. Made ME want to go out and get
some Swensen's. ! Hey... I'm just a MAN !
Wendy’s, founded by freemason Dave Thomas, went
public in 1976... the year of the bicentennial.
The logo changed fairly recently... now Wendy's
collar reads as 'MoM'. So perhaps Wendy's is
simply insinuating that it is like what MOM used
to make' ? Not really a big deal here... and not subliminal.
The CEO of intel has been Brian Matthew Krzanich since
2013, a company that has also dabbled in unseen motivators.
Well... I cannot really say that it could be categorized as being
so clever. The rather distasteful ad to follow reads as this :

~ 130 ~
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"Multiply computing performance and maximize the
power of your employees". The words read well, but what
was depicted in the ad was
completely asinine... 6 black
male athletes suited up to run a
marathon... crouched down at
the feet of 1 white BOSS-man.
“We think of ourselves as an Israeli company as
much as a U.S. company.” ~ Brian Krzanich, 15
march 2017 at a press conference in Jerusalem... while
presenting intel's intent to buy
MobilEYE... a company aimed at making
our 'driving experience' autonomous. So... does he say
this in every country he visits ?
One can already see enough advertising for companies
like these on the TV and in movie theaters… even just as
'props' that are slipped in… like a cereal brand
box on the kitchen table, a mobile phone brand
to an actor's ear, like the ouroboros of Vodafone
here… or even a specific vehicle-make
speeding through a cityscape... even if it is being driven by the
bad-guy !
We will also still pay roaming taxes on
mobile telephone services from companies like
Sprint. Leave the country for any length of time
and these taxed usages become quite
significant. You might not like this, but in France, services paid

~ 131 ~
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for, INCLUDE calling other countries without additional costs
attached… even calls to the U.S. via 'local area network' (LAN)
lines and/or mobile. Telephone companies of the U.S… I am
sorry to say… are NOT ‘leading THIS industry’ in any way...
except in capital !
Forrest and Leroy Raffel, Jewish brothers, founded Arby's
in 1964 which is now owned by Roark Capital
Group... and Wendy's. The logo is a phallic symbol...
remove the 'Arby's' and we are left with just the
circumcised ten-gallon cowboy hat.
Corporations advertise everywhere and in any medium…
they do not need to participate in hidden catalysts… they are in
our faces everywhere we go ! If we look around our ‘humble’
abodes… corporate brand names surround us… it would not be
this way if the corporations did not know what they were doing.
Why could it be so important to influence what we are thinking
about ? Is it really all about sales or is it really about something
else ? Or could it just be the proverbial stoning of two birds with
only one joint ! Yes… I know that the idiom doesn’t really go like
this… but we must somehow already be doped-up with all of
THEIR drugs to be so willing to accept all of the conditioning
that we are subjected to... and still remain so unaware.
3,2 The Imaginary
There are some that would even say that Disney includes
phallic imagery in films made for children… though some are
more convincing than others… I think it simply a game ; at least
it started out this way, to see what could go unnoticed… again...

~ 132 ~
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not subliminal.
We tend to make out faces, animals, and other such
shapes within the patterns of walls, clouds, rocks, and just
about anything really… but this is our imagination trying to
establish a familiarity with what is otherwise random. I made
that up just now… I’m really not a psychoanalyst… it just
seemed to make sense.
After watching the introductory lamp
jumping on the ‘i’… and then becoming THE
‘i’… one might be able notice that in almost
every Disney/Pixar film, the number : ‘A113’ will
show up, at least once, during the duration of the presentation.
Nothing scary here though, at least I don’t think so… nothing
subliminal… it is just the number of a classroom at the
California Institute of Art… created by Walt Disney himself in
1961… a signature between animators that attended there.
BUT… one can also find it coming from animations
and films of Marvel Studios, Paramount, Warner
Brothers… AND Fox, including the Simpsons. Did
EVERY animator who is any animator go to THIS
school ?!! So many universities… so many classrooms… so this
particular number may just be an easy find.
I am not saying that subliminal thought cannot be
influenced… but it is not as simple as flashing a picture… as if
this were the case, one might doodle A113 in notebooks at
school… or incorporate it in graffiti-art on the boxcars of some
train somewhere… with no conscious apparent reason. Still…

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maybe this is just related to the private club known simply as
Club 33 located WITHIN Disneyland at : 1313
South Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim, California
92802. If 'A' is represented as just the first letter
of the alphabet… ‘A113’ would become ‘1113’…
1+1+1=3… or 3=3. Perhaps it is referencing the 33° of
freemasonry… Walt Disney WAS a freemason,
after all. Disneyworld is 30,500 acres... about
47 square miles... where... in the Animal Kingdom, one can also
find the Tree of Life !
I do not believe in the subliminal idea of back-masking
either, which is playing a recording backwards… to reveal those
‘satanic’ messages that have been so-called. I do not believe
this concept to be subliminal at all… as one would have to
understand the language forwards AND backwards at the same
time to even remotely have any effect.
Listening to the English language backwards, makes it
sound as if it is mostly gibberish… but one can hear words that
COULD be interpreted as English words from the back-masked
sounds. BUT… a native English speaker could probably play
any language backwards and be able to make out English
words… these are the sounds we are looking for… they are
what we are familiar with… not so unlike the making out of
faces within inanimate objects.
This is almost as if to say, that a French hypnotist could
hypnotize a native English speaker even though the English
speaker may have no familiarity of the French language…

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words or connections of words might be reminiscent of English
to the English native… but the meaning would be lost.
Back-masking would and/or could only be able to be
understood while playing the speech or music in reverse…
which may or may not have been intentional… but subliminal ?
NO !
3,3 Control of the Masses
If we are to speak of REAL ‘mind control’, Hypnotism
would be another story all together… the power of suggestion…
but it is something that must be consented… at least for the
now. The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) had what was
called the 'Mandarin Kandadate' (MK-Ultra)
project beginning in 1953, which was
supposedly halted in 1973... or just renamed as
Monarch (MMC) known more familiarly was
attempting to 'perfect' the perfect concussion... or simply, the
CIA mind control program... the plan to make everyone helpless
But you know… if hypnotism IS a sort of mind-
programming… then television has become the hypnotist… and
most Americans consent to HOURS of THIS every single day.
What do you think ? Can we honestly say that television really
does not affect us, or that we think it educates our children in a
GOOD way ? WE are peasants... and we teach our children to
be... peasants. Members of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) are simply the 'Creators of Invisible Affairs'.
Have you ever started feeling bad… having one of your
worst days imaginable ? Perhaps it lasts for a few days or even

~ 135 ~
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weeks… an overall feeling of blue ?
Someone once told me, that there is always a song
playing in our heads. Yes… it could even be a song heard from
a film... or on the television.
L’entracte 5 (music)
Sometimes, I find a sad song playing in mine, seemingly
repeating by itself. I do not know what triggers it... I have no
copy and I never hear it on the radio anymore... but in a
contemplative moment of silence or even upon being
awakened... I might find it playing there, though I did not
remember making the request. It has played on and off since
1989 ! I HATE this song ! I NEVER liked it THIS song !
When I become aware that it is there, I change it to a
song that is a bit more upbeat… which surprisingly, can make
all of the difference with regard to the despair that I had seemed
to be falling into. Fin 5
Our subconscious mind is automatic, and the things that
reside in it were placed there due to repetitions long ago. Music
can control our general mood… and as you are probably
already aware, our mood can affect everything else. THIS kind
of process is what is TRULY subliminal… because we often
cannot find the source.
The music industry, namely radio stations, play songs
over and over… and over and again. What kinds of songs are
they wanting us to hear ? It is not necessarily
the promoting of thought… but the induction of
feeling… which poses another inquisition… how does the music

~ 136 ~
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industry want us to feel ? Over a third of the population in the
U.S., that listen to the radio… are listening to media owned and
operated by iHeart Media Incorporated.
In much the same way that commercials will always
interrupt the NBC television broadcast of ‘The
Big Fat Loser’... at the point where the ‘biggest
loser’ was about to be announced... radio stations, with THEIR
tedious advertisements seem to be bombarded on every radio
station at the same time... and chains of happier-go-lucky songs
will be broken by these ads with a more I-am-so-miserable tune.
When you should have bad days as we all do on
occasion… listen. What IS the song playing in
YOUR head ? YOU can change it if you do not
like how you are feeling... this is what the twin-
pillar pause button is for !
If someone had the power to control our thoughts… how
helpless could we actually be made to be ? Here is the fun
part… it IS happening to US … I am not sure for how long it has
been happening… but it HAS been happening… whether we
want to admit it or not. Not in subliminal messages that I have
mentioned afore… but in messages that reach our
subconscious via our individual seas of emotion.
Ahhh… you don’t listen to music much ?
Prefer rather to stay 'informed' and listen to ‘the
news’, do you ? Well… we are only told what is
wanted of us to know from the NEWS. A sad
truth… nearly ALL, if not all, of the news radio stations listened

~ 137 ~
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to in the U.S. are owned by none other than… the Columbia
Broadcasting System (CBS) under the name CBSRadio…
though the name is a bit different, I would be willing to bet that it
is the SAME company… I don’t know… I am just having that
feeling again !
Watching or listening to the news is no different. Often
the ‘news’ is delivered in an emotionally charged, and rather
biased in its delivery, in accounting for what is understood to be
headlined 'news stories’. However, these stories lack in real
components of the reality. Our favorite newscasters are all
reading from the same teleprompters ! And did you also happen
to know, that the newscasters that are broadcasting ‘live’ from
who-knows-where, are standing in front of one of those damned
'green or blue-screens', the ones that the cinema uses to add
some of their 'special' effects ? The technique is called chroma-
keying. The weatherman or weatherwoman uses a version of
this… why would not the ‘live’ news reporters be using them as
well ? It can give us the impression that it is night outside in the
backdrop… maybe on a high floor overlooking the city that they
are supposedly broadcasting from… but it is just a studio… and
who knows… it might even just be in an undisclosed basement
I found some of the ‘live’ reporting from the Paris
bombings of Friday, 13 november 2015 that killed ‘130’ people,
which was the last number that I heard. The male reporter was
speaking as he was shielded between the bumpers of two
paralleled-parked cars. I am not sure if many Americans are

~ 138 ~
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aware of this fact, but parallel parking in France... especially in
Paris... is very tight. When I say ‘tight’, I mean that one, or even
BOTH bumpers, may actually be touching other bumpers… and
there is no law in France against this... and it looks just so when
suddenly a young woman appeared running from the middle of
the street behind him, escaping between the same parallel-
parked cars… she didn’t even bump him… and he didn’t even
notice her… as if she was a ghost almost passing through him.
Ahhh... the media... it becomes increasingly more difficult
to gauge which pieces are propaganda and which bits are even
fact anymore... media companies, as well as many other
industry types, are shared by fewer hands than they ever used
to be.
The Times Mirror Company founded in 1884... was
bought-out on 13 june 2000 by
Tribune Company... becoming
Tribune Media ; Chesapeake
Television, was originally
founded on 11 april 1971, through and up to 1985, when it
changed its name to Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBG)
SBG is now in the works as of 2018, in acquiring Tribune
Media... a 3.9 billion-dollar deal. The days seem to be
numbered when media will ALL be coming from
the same source.
In a nutshell, Riverdeep, which logo used
16 circles, 12 squares, and 9 triangles, totaling
37 pieces of 'confetti', bought-out Houghton Mifflin in 2006,

~ 139 ~
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becoming Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep Group, The number 37 is
a hexagonal-centered number... it is ALSO a star-number...
which star is a hexagram.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, a book
publisher… using the rings of Saturn, was
acquired by Houghton Mifflin, becoming
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2007... with some
of its other assets being sold to Pearson in 2008... an
'education' company that is headquartered in London.
Knight Ridder was once the second-largest newspaper
publishers in the U.S., which
used to use a 'K', which is the
11th letter of the alphabet... and an 'R' which is
the 9th letter from the end of the alphabet... 11 and 9. KR was
bought-out by the McClatchy Company using THIS logo.
EW Scripps... with its motto being 'give light and the
people will find their own way'... Hmmm... it MAY have used to
have been this way... but we are
now just wandering in the dark.
EW Scripps is now Scripps
Networks Interactive (SNI)...
which sponsors : HGTV ; DIY Network ; Food Network ; and the
Travel Channel... and what is now known as 'Scripps Health',
was more or less, founded by the same family... EB Scripps...
was EW Scripps' sister.
The point however, is still the same… FEAR is what the
news is selling, which is also rooted within the peoples that the

~ 140 ~
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media wants for us to fear… which justifies the U.S. military
having been over there in the middle-east for God knows how
long. How can we really know what is going on
when truth is always hidden in a swamp of
propaganda ?! It is too bad so many people
now spend 1000s of dollars per year on
something so time-consuming and mind-polluting as television.
The 'G' of freemason founder Frank E Gannett here... or is it the
'G' of freemasonry of which he was affiliated... hard to tell.
The cinema does this very well today… getting inside our
heads and hearts with films that move us in some way… as to
the common ground of what touches us all. This might be
through a drama, a mystery, an epic, a chick-flick, or even what
THEY like to call a 'family' film.
You might remember the film Titanic from 1997, that was
brought to the big screen by James Cameron. Obviously we
have some of these things lacking in our lives… WE have an
addiction for entertainment, even if it is a torture having not lived
certain things for ourselves. Industries of all sorts capitalize on
this one facet of what makes us human. Anything that pulls the
proverbial heart-strings can add to corporate pocket-books.
Loss and desire, pain and suffering, desperation and
confusion… all of which made this film memorable in the minds
of its viewers. I am sure that you might even remember the
words by-heart of the theme song as sung by Céline Dion…
lyrics speaking of hopeless love… carefully written within a
score that sounds of anguish.

~ 141 ~
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This was just a movie though… entertainment… an
addition to the memorialization of the catastrophic event
occurring between that of the devices of men… and the devices
of nature... but one should be wary in accepting 'movie gospel'.
Some of us might get the facts confused with the fiction…
confusing the REAL tragedy of the event with a romance that
only COULD HAVE occurred… which should not be taken as a
documentary as there were many hidden ‘details’ that we were
never alluded to… like the fact that John Pierpont Morgan was
supposed to board the great ship… but had decided to stay in
Europe just a bit longer on the day of departure… to recover
from an ‘illness’. He felt much better upon being the seen the
day... after having some bed-rest… with his mistress.
There were 50 or so others, that for whatever their
reasons, opted NOT take part in the MAIDEN voyage... the
'pendaison de crémaillère' (house-warming-party), of the largest
ship in the water of the day... names such as Milton S Hershey
(Hershey Chocolate Company), whom paid his first-class
deposit, but never showed up… having departed three days in
Lord William James Pirrie was also too sick to travel on
the Titanic that day… I guess something was going around.
Lord Pirrie was the chairman of Harland and
Wolff… the shipbuilding company in Belfast
Ireland that had built the skyscraper of the
sea… which company had also been contracted
by the White Star Line… under the 'holding company' known as

~ 142 ~
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International Mercantile Marine Company (IMM), which was,
‘coincidentally’,owned and operated by one JP Morgan… oh…
and company.
John Jacob Astor IV, the richest guest onboard, was
obviously not opted-in on the ‘opt-out’ plan, neither was Isidor
Straus, nor Benjamin Guggenheim.
We were also not told that the RMS Titanic was actually
the Olympic… a sister ship that was not an exact replica… but it
was close enough. The Olympic had been struck by another
ship in 1911, which was the second time in 3 months, and
among the repairs needed to be sea-worthy again… was the
bend in the keel that could not be corrected… resulting in a list
to port. In common terms, the boat was bent… and would
always be veering slightly to the left.
Futility, a book by Morgan Robertson written in 1898, in
which here it reads : Le Naufrage Du Titan, translated
as 'the Shipwreck of the Titan', was about an
'unsinkable ship that was 800 feet long, having had
only 24 lifeboats... which struck an iceberg on the
starboard side, going 25 nauts, sinking in the month of april in
the north atlantic, 460 miles from Newfoundland... in which only
13 passengers and crew survived.
Perhaps JP Morgan had picked himself up a copy when
his Olympic became a derelict.
Insurance paid for the damages the first time… but
considered it as a total loss on the second. Perhaps you can
smell a little bit of motive here ? In this picture, one can note

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that a couple of letters
have fallen off of the
‘Titanic’ since its
rediscovery on 1
september of 1985.
Hmmm… I don’t recall
an ‘M’ and/or a ‘P’ being in the word T-I-T-A-N-I-C… do YOU ?
It seems that many of the well-to-dos may have been
informed that the 'Titanic' would NOT be coming back ! Could it
have also have been that competition or even opposition might
have played a role for those others that did not have the
foresight in NOT stepping aboard ? Maybe it was all just a
coincidence… as sometimes, I can take things too far. This is
the JPMorgan Chase logo… a square inside an
octagon. It seems a bit strange to me that we
are still obliged ‘to pay’ tribute to the likes of
this… ‘philanthropist’… even in our today. Oh…
and JPMorgan Chase and Company also made
a bribe to… the ‘Hillary for America’ campaign
of 2016. Among her other 'bribers' were
Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, Citigroup Inc,
Bank of America, Microsoft Corp, and even Harvard University,
at which university she never attended.
She also had a 'proper' logo... the two pillars... and as
clever as she can be, somehow STILL lost the presidential bid
to Trump... a man having made his fortunes in the sale of junk
bonds, corporate bankruptcies, laying-off, devalued stock

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options, and promising to pay contracted-peasants without any
real intent. He will claim that he mastered 'the art of the deal'...
but what he never seemed to equate, is that a con does not a
deal make.
‘Make America Great Again’ was the slogan for Trump.
To be honest, THAT part
sounded promising ! But… here
is a campaign button from
1980... of almost 40 years ago,
with Reagan, the actor… and what’s-his-name… which said :
‘Let’s Make America Great Again’.
"Remember... we're competing in a rigged
election... this is a rigged election folks." ~
'president' Donald Trump, 18 october 2016... makes one
wonder if he was actually telling the truth... knowing it
was actually 'rigged' in HIS favor.
Many in the U.S. seem to be concerned with Trump's
affiliations with Russia... but this will certainly be the least of our
worries before his 8-year term is done !
3,4 The Corporate Kingdom
Back in the early 90s, I used to think that big companies
could crash… I actually had an opinion that said companies
could reach a size that was no longer manageable… and that
THIS would allow for NEW companies to be born… giving the
rest of US a chance to be employed in their growing… or the
ability to build something better than what existed before on our
own. I think that I was wrong… it never happened… the bigger

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corporations… as there is ALWAYS something bigger, bought
out all of the smaller companies… and I still wait for the ever
bigger corporate giants to fall for our sake. These corporations
never lose… NEVER ! Why you ask ? Because the law as WE
have come to know it does not apply to THEM !
We could say that there is a big
monster at large… and it is YOU
and I whom have fed it. Take for example
Walmart… the biggest retail store of its kind in the world, selling
brands like 'sunbeam', surpassing its closest global competitors
in sales by triple. WHAT ?!! Yes… I said triple. What was so
bad about the ‘mom-n-pop-shops’ that WE were so anxious to
get rid of by way of ‘passing the buck’, so to speak, to such an
entity ? Those humble small businesses had the best customer
service one could ever have asked for… the owners might have
even known us by name. They didn’t stock EVERYTHING…
they couldn’t, but those business’ gave back to the communities
they resided… not the vacuum that these atrocities are allowed
to be today.
In France, there is Carrefour... which means cross-
roads... selling everything that
Walmart might... but if we
should look at a cross-roads
from above... it resembles a
pyramid... please excuse the crudity of my model.
Corporations do whatever it takes to keep their stocks
rising in value on the stock-market, be it outsourcing labors to

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another country, downsizing, or even the use of slave labor…
THAT is all that it is really about. Peasants more often than not,
cannot afford to be playing these games… a grander version of
Vegas is all that it is… and WE cannot rely on the same slot
machine to keep paying-out. If it were a card game, the dealer
would be switched out at some point… no favorites… just
business… and there is really no difference in the corporate
world between good and bad business… just as long as it
possesses its cunning.
The mob runs Wall Street… godfathers are still in charge.
We think we know everything, but how can we really know what
happens behind the high walls of THEIR sanctuaries… and the
media, owned by those in power, send their media messengers
out to give us bits and pieces of nothing..
Maybe it is not because of this… but rather the wages
going down so much as to allow larger and supposedly cheaper
stores to take over. Walmart failed in Germany… honestly, I
smiled about this when I heard about it... Walmart was unable
to figure out what the Germans wanted.
If we were to take ‘the people’ out of the whole
equation… perhaps we would see that ‘the democracy’ that is
always referred to… IS indeed based on a majority rule… but
THAT majority is of the CORPORATE majority. An election is
just another sporting event… the red team versus the blue…
republicans versus the democrats… and in the industry, it is not
uncommon to engage in ‘match-fixing’. The vote of ‘the
peasants’ does not really count for anything… unless the

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peasants should have a billion or so invested in lobbying, in
which WE could no longer be considered peasants. ‘Lobbying’
is just another word for bribing… and I am sure that it has never
been otherwise.
Walmart, like so many other monopolies, settle and are
still settling, in places where small business once thrived… and
we, as the customers, sold them out to Walmart & Co in favor of
‘falling prices’. Businesses, such as this one, promote a
business model that flourishes best when the patrons are made
up of greed… a symptom of OUR having consumption.
How many times have YOU personally walked into a
Walmart and bought only the couple of things that you actually
were needing from there ? Did you answer ‘none’ ? Most people
come out of there having bought up the store because there
were just so many ‘deals’ that couldn’t be passed up… ‘saving’
a lot of money… but they spent many times more than what
they intended ! Where is the ‘savings’ in that ?!
All of those low-quality purchases made up of mostly
plastic and particle board… that we will buy again ten more
times in our lifetimes, simply because they were MADE to be
disposable. The money WE ‘saved’ may have very well been
because some kid in a perceived third-world country made it for
us without much to gain. Yes, I DID say that... I assure you…
slave labor is still big business… it is quite alive and well… but
we won’t be informed of THIS on the evening news… the news
cameras will always be looking the other way.
How many slaves did it take to fill our homes with things

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we didn’t need, don’t like anymore, or never even use ?
Then there is the food that was supplied by the lowest
bidders… those being genetically modified or pumped full of
hormones. We may 'save' for now... but we will pay again
later... in whatever form that our demise may take... be it
material loss or OUR medical decline.
Apparently, as we saw during the Obama
administration... MANY banks and many other 'preferred'
corporations can simply be just ‘too-big-to fail’ ! Corporations
have become empires in themselves… doing whatever THEY
damned-well please... and are consecrated by government !
General Motors (GM) would be first-in-line for the
‘bailouts’ of 2009… and the U.S. Treasury
Department seemed to have been in cahoots
with them… as GM has not paid federal tax
since 2008 ! REALLY ? ‘Too-big-to-fail’ ? By
december of that year, 34,000 GM employees had been laid-off.
Many years before, in 1914, Pierre S duPont had invested 25
million into GM stock that became worth 7-fold his initial
investment in just a year’s time. Doing the math, his 25 million
became 175 million… just like magic ! 1914 was also the year
that WWI began... the same year that fluoride was added to
toothpaste... and the same year that the 12 reserve banks of
the 12 districts of the 'Federal Reserve', opened for looting the
people... old tricks are still the best tricks.
Chevrolet was named after co-founder
Louis Joseph Chevrolet, a Swiss auto-racer. In 1917, the

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company merged with General Motors in which now survives
only as a brand-name. The logo is just another adaptation of
the sun-disc.
GM… in which ‘G’ is the 7th letter, and ‘M’ the F… was
the first company to begin extending credit to peasants for the
purpose of acquiring a vehicle in 1919… when paying via
installments really got going. I am unable to assess the original
durations of these loans, nor the interest rates charged… but
the ‘roaring 20s', as they were so-called, because everyone
SEEMED to have money… was just a façade… the money was,
for most of the peasants, granted… but on credit. My, my, we
have come such a long way since then ! THIS corporation was
probably one of the irresponsibles, for the monetary plague that
ensued. Consumption spread quickly upon the onset of
‘consumer’ credit. General Motors Acceptance Corporation
(GMAC)… well… it was just as easy to say that the ‘G’ was for
GLOBAL… as its offers for credit toward durable goods at that
time, were being offered abroad as well... now only called Ally
In 1931, Holden of Australia, with its lion,
became a subsidiary of GM... in which the
latest of news are proposals to produce military
vehicles... fun stuff... but what for ?!!
During the Great War to end all wars for the SECOND
time or WWII…which duration was from 1939 to 1945, GM was
working both sides, just as Ford and Chrysler did… then I
guess… just sat back and watched the big show ! Opel was a

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subsidiary of GM… Opel manufactured the ‘Blitz’ for the third
Reich… which is much
less conspicuous then
having to ship them all
over-seas from the
docks of the United
Maybach with its 3 Ms was absorbed by Mercedes-Benz
and discontinued in 2012... as are many makes
and models are... now owned by Daimler AG...
after spinning off the 'chrysler' part of
DaimlerChrysler AG.
Charles Erwin Wilson was the president of GM from 1941
to 1946, and CEO from 1946 to 1953 ; he would be Secretary of
Defense under Eisenhower from 1953 to 1957
"For years, I thought, what was good for our
country was good for General Motors and vice
versa. The difference did not exist... our company
is too big... It goes with the welfare of our country."
~ Charles Erwin Wilson
GM or GLOBAL Motors, will live… the corporate bailouts
occurring in 2009 showed peasant tax-dollars hard at work. It is
the strangest of food chains… peasants pay
the tax… the tax goes to the government…
the government passes it on to failing
corporations… of which will restructure and
finally lay-off the ‘taxpayers’. Was this good business ? Bad

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business ? Smart business ? No... it is just the taking of MORE
from the poor ; putting it all into the hands of the already rich !!!
Oldsmobile was acquired by GM in 2004 ; Pontiac was
acquired by GM in 2008... appears to be that any American
automobile in the U.S. that one can buy, lease, rent, et cetera...
are ALL under GM !
Charles would receive his freemasonic 33° from the
'Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite' (AASR), in 1954 while
holding that office. Chuck would also go on to become a
'Shriner' and member of the 'Murat Shrine
Temple'... of which affiliation is more formally
known as the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of
the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AEAONMS)...
which had been 'installed' in North America as early as 1872.
There happens to be 33 vertebrae in the human spine... the
'back-bone' of anything and everything... and 33° Fahrenheit is
the temperature that ice begins to melt, per Daniel Gabriel
Fahrenheit... I cannot be certain if HE was a freemason... but
the proverbial SHOE does fit.
Standard Oil, founded in 1870, by John Davison
Rockefeller, William Avery Rockefeller, and John Davison
Rockefeller Junior, had been
watching the big show too... which
would later become ExxonMobil, BP,
and Chevron, using the torch of
enlightenment as a logo, having been providing fuels and fuel-
additives to IG Farben, a German chemical and pharmaceutical

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company... using an 'i' and a 'G' in what looks to have been a
beaker... which would later be broken up into AGFA, BASF,
Bayer, and Sanofi.
What is more curiously interesting, is that one of the 7
directors of the Union Banking Corp of New York... better stated
as one of the key Deutsche Mark (DM) laundering facilities...
was Prescott Bush... we will often find the Bushes either
supporting Rockefeller ideals... or under their employ. Prescott
would later 'serve' as a senator from 1952 to 1963.
The Club of Rome was founded in
1968... David Rockefeller was among the 3
founders... the aim ? To solve the world's
problems... hmmm... what has been SOLVED
since then ? One might think the logo's center point would be
Rome with a title like THAT... looks to ME to be in France... or
in the 'English' channel ; it missed the point, I think.
EX-businessmen, economists, heads of state,
'scientists'... and any other friends such as these may find
themselves coming out of retirement for whatever the Club of
Rome agenda is.
A bit off of the subject, but not... whom could we suppose
built the castles of the kings of old ? Kings ? Of course not, they
were built by the hands of peasants… stone-masons… who
were often FREE peasants, but peasants nonetheless ! Here is
a tougher one : Whom could we suppose builds them in our
today ? Corporations... headed by already affluent men OR
women... with their expendable legions of serfs. Perhaps you

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have seen before, this rather eerie photograph of the last
century ? As I have
said before, it is the
PEASANTS who keep
business going…
peasants work the
lands and pay all of
the taxes… and during the great depression, people were
inclined to do just about anything to have a sense of some kind
of ‘job-security’.
These were peasants eating their lunch on the skeleton
of the Empire State Building that commence d in 1929 while
building for… John J Raskob, one of the 13
founders of the American order of the Knights
of Malta… and ‘Monsieur’ Pierre S duPont…
during the great depression. There were still a
select FEW that were making a lot of money... just not any of
US ! The Maltese cross here, is the sigil of these knights... or
what used to be known as the Knights of Saint John of
Jerusalem... founded in 1099.
John J Raskob was also the vice president and chairman
of finance for GM from 1918 to 1928, while still working for 'du
pont'… French for ‘from the bridge’ in the case you wanted to
know. The DuPont brand name goes back to 1802, when the
‘bread and butter’ of DuPont ‘compagnie’ was gunpowder and
explosives. So… due to the ‘caliber’ of the family, I think it quite
probable that DuPont was producing for World War I efforts at

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the time (1914-1918)… for all sides.
Ford was famous for bringing about the
production of the model T... another version of
the Tau. Ford-Werke would produce tracked
vehicles and rocket turbines beginning in 1939...
we will find TOO often that it is the same party that funds both
sides of a battle… it is difficult to lose a chess game by one’s
In 2012, Ford paid about 3.4% in federal tax… which is
difficult to imagine having a tax rate like THAT ! Ford had laid-
off 15,912 by the end of 2010... since the 2007 'recession' had
begun. Here, an older logo... the wings of the
great-falcon integrated with yet another delta.
NEW Chrysler was pretty much all sucked up by Fiat… of
which has been using a version of the winged-sundisc for a
number of years now. Perhaps we should
wonder if OLD Chrysler ever paid back the
government loans as was stated… or whether or not the
corporation paid the taxes that were owed ? OLD/NEW Chrysler
laid-off 12,000 in 2008. Yeah… the U.S. government was in
control, calling all of
the shots on the
restructuring plans for
these 3 too-big-to-fails.
Whatever. The U.S.
government seems to
have always been at the mercy of the corporations… and said

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government simply does as it is told... or rewarded to keep a lid
on it.
The Winged-sundisc, is typically a circle or shield
adorned with wings or the resemblance of wings ; it was NOT a
flying craft... just a symbol of the sun as it passes through the
sky. This one being Sumerian… a symbol that predated the
versions found in ancient Egypt. We should also note that the
beard and hair of THIS sun-god 'tightly' resembles what we
might call corn-rows today... the first civilization of the 'known'
world... was black.
In the tradition of the winged-sundisc... the U.S. military
quickly made use of it when flight became more
weaponized... this version has marked
corporate planes of the U.S. since at least as far back as 1941.
The U.S. has secured a 1.5 trillion-dollar contract with Lockheed
Martin to supply F-35s to the U.S. military at a bargain cost of
about 94 million each... THIS contract was made under Trumps
watch. So we could surmise that we shall be seeing many
more of them in the sky quite soon... it is THIS year, 2018,
when full production is scheduled to begin. Ahhh... jet noise the
sound of imperialism.
WE might buy a good coat when the weather becomes
cold... WE may even buy new snow-tires... maybe a cord of
wood for the fireplace... but what kind of storm is predicted as
coming, when the government writes a 1.5 trillion-dollar check
to be cashed in 2018 ?!!
Before there was Airforce One, the 'sacred cow' or

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douglas VC-54C of 1944-45 was the official presidential plane...
the TAUrus... where on 18 september 1947, the National
Security Act was signed by Truman... when the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) was born.
The great depression did not just happen... it was
engineered… as was the latest recession, in which peasants
certainly lost. WE are in the heap at the bottom... and the
nobility always win in one way or another... as THEY are on
THEIR side... and WE... have never HAD a side... WE are
simply the collateral to be utilized as it suits THEM.
3,5 The Governing
So... where IS our government ? What DOES it ever
REALLY do ? Nothing ! Unless we could consider its creating of
sideshows designed to distract.
"Together we can make America WORK again." ~
Bill Clinton Campaign ad of october 1992... pfff !
‘Wrongdoings’ or rumors that come out, like the Monica
Lewinski thing in the ‘oral’ office back in 1998… these are the
stories that are supposed to come out of Washington DC… they
are for our entertainment, another 'look-over-there' diversion to
keep us among the unknowing… which during THAT time, most
Americans were intently watching Clinton lie about his little fling
all under oath… as if it were a Big Brother episode ! Everyone
was watching the so-called ‘scandal’… mostly concerned that
he should have been removed from office… but how did
something so commonplace end up in the center of our focus ?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy did it… no one seemed to think

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much about THAT… perhaps if one of US could ever REALLY
be president, we would find that having an adventure of some
sort was actually in the job-description ! IF only the WHITE-
house walls could talk !
Still, the question remains… what is it that was REALLY
going on ? What was REALLY happening that we didn’t see or
didn’t know about ? I would suspect that it had to do with the
goings-on of Kosovo… perhaps there was something we were
not supposed to see ? Could it have been something about
those peoples that the U.S. was busy ‘liberating’ at the time ?
Though Clinton was not removed from office… he WAS
impeached… but later acquitted. Now we are hearing chants of
impeaching Trump... but before we should bite the baited
hook... know this. NEVER has a U.S. president EVER been
removed from office by means of impeachment !

One more too-big-to-fail... but not really in the same

boat... is a corporation that instead of whining for bail-out

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bonuses... has been, and IS... silently acquiring information
technological firms, including their respective cloud
technologies. International Business
Machines (IBM) profited on keeping track of all
of the numbers. What numbers you ask ? Hold on... I'm getting
to that !
IBM was originally founded by freemason Thomas J
Watson in 1911 as Computing Tabulating Recording Company
(CTR), the result of a merge of three other companies. IBM’s
machines were being used to record those goings on with the
prisoners of war... within the concentration camps of WWII !
How could this be defined ? Passively pro-active ?
'Philanthropy' ? Not really sure what the point was. Were there
not German companies that could have or should have been
handling this on their own ?
“The material was tabulated, the machines were
set, and of course the punch cards, by the millions,
had to be printed... and they were printed
exclusively by IBM... and the profits were recovered
just after the war.” ~ Edwin Black
IBM was ALSO contracted by the U.S. government... in
printing these punch cards for the Japanese internment camps
within 'the land of the free' ! I would say that the IBM name must
have been officially cleared... joining the nazi-no-more club !
IBM was, and is still, headquartered in New York... the
'The Empire State'. Does anyone REALLY know how it came to
be the ‘Empire State’ ? Maybe it is just a way to say that it is

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where all the emperors live or lived ? I don’t know… I was never
a very good student. Perhaps this knowledge is just something
that I did not retain... as in school, the word 'empire' was only
ever used in the past-tense. Still... the Empire State Building
was so-named because New York had already been going by
said nickname.
An Illinois newspaper deemed New York as “the Rome
of America, the Empire City of the New World” in 1836.
Hmmm… what exactly was THAT supposed to mean ? It is not
really something to be proud of... as it was actually... that All
roads... were LEAVING Rome !
From 1951 to 1963, THIS title must have been made
official as the ‘The Empire State’ license plate
appeared for the duration of these 12 years. I
don’t know if there is a correlation, but John F
Kennedy’s assassination took place at the end
of said 12-year run. Years later, in 1984, the ‘Liberty’ plate
design would be displayed for the next 14 years, until the end of
2000. The ‘Empire State’ plate came back in January of 2001…
I don’t think I have to explain the events of THAT year… at
least, not yet… but the ‘Empire State’ plate has been running
ever since. SOMEONE obviously liked it better… Liberty
versus the Empire… though the two cannot really coexist.
John Joseph Fitz Gerald was a Turf Writer whom was the
first to popularize the term : ‘The Big Apple’ in the 1920s. He
had actually heard the term from a few black stable hands while
in New Orleans… whom probably never received their credit.

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The ‘Big Apple’ well… my take on it, is that it would be in
reference to the
‘forbidden fruit of the
tree of knowledge’...
the judeo-christianity
tree aforementioned,
but since it was
African-Americans that first used the term for New York, as their
horses would be racing… the ‘big apple’ may have simply just
been the prize… horses love apples you know. At any rate…
the term must have been very important, because now even the
Apple Inc ‘apple’ floats in a glass cube on 5th avenue. Oh
yes… who could we suppose built THAT ? Peasants.
As we learned in school, George Washington did not lie
to his father when he was asked whom
it was that had chopped down his
favorite cherry tree. THIS was what
was important for us to learn in the
first-grade… and no one ever told us
that he wore an apron in his free
time… and no one ever told us that he
was the owner of more than 300
slaves. The print in this freemasonic
depiction reads as :
“The fatherhood of god… the brotherhood of man”.
As anyone can see… WE never know anything that is not
a tainted truth… only those things that are of triviality and

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“The red-coats are coming… the red-coats are
coming !” WE remember whom it was that yelled in the night
with these words, right ? You guessed it ! The freemason
known as Paul Revere !
What we were
NEVER taught though,
was that the founding
forefathers of the U.S.
founded said republic
on principles and
values that were once found in Rome. Before Rome became
an empire, it WAS a republic. You see… Rome actually fell
from within. The riches of the Roman Empire were won by
invading other countries… which SHOULD sound familiar as
the ‘New World’ Empire has been doing much of the same for
centuries. Toward the end of the Roman empire, Rome
declared war on everyone... which is exactly what the UNITED
STATES INC has been doing... for quite a number of years,
now. WAR has ALWAYS been more profitable than peace.
After conquering them… anything of value became the
spoils of Rome… gold, food, and prisoners of war, whom
became slaves… slaves to be used as was pleased… one does
not need a lot of imagination here. How many black people do
you know with the sir-names of 'Washington', 'Jefferson',
'Jackson', 'Johnson', et cetera ?
Peasants became soldiers, which took them away from

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their farms. Taxes were high and like today, farming wasn’t
quite enough to make the ends meet.
Joining the ranks of soldiers offered a way to pay taxes
and counter inflation. But whom could possibly run the farms
while they were away fighting for the empire ? Slaves. Who
provided the entertainment in the Coliseum ? Slaves. Whom
was it that tapped the rivers and springs, building the famous
arcades that brought all of the water into the city via its
aqueducts ? I think you get the idea.
At one point in the history of Rome, there were an
estimated 16,000,000 slaves… 1/3 of Rome’s then population !
As long as the empire conquered… pillaging those places for
anything of value… the war machine was profitable… and the
empire thrived. But what happens when there is no one left to
conquer ? What happens when resources to bring all of these
things about are spread too thin ? What happens when
government spends all of its time frivolously making laws, rules,
and deals ? Corruption happens… and corruption will most
certainly bring with it… decay.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be
because we destroyed ourselves.” ~ Abraham
Perhaps Abraham Lincoln knew this of Rome… he WAS
the FIRST ‘republican’ president, after all... but this has been
every empire's story... and though it is said that 'history' repeats
itself... no one ever really learns anything from it.

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In actuality, no ‘great’ nation has ever been born without
slavery in some shape, form, or fashion. Any country or
otherwise, ever considered ‘civilized’, has been built on the
bloody-lashed-backs of slaves… it is the UN-civilized nations
that lack this so-called order and hierarchy… or that certain
‘order of things’… well… let us just say it… set into motion by
the WHITE rulers of the world !
I think this international paranoia has got to stop…
because what is happening is REALLY happening from within…
and no matter how we look at it… our fellow serfs around the
world should NOT be our enemies, domestic nor abroad… no
matter what the governments and media have to say about it !
How can we be against peasants in other countries of
whom we know really nothing of ? Oh yes… the NEWS ! The
news simply shapes our believing in THEIR news 'stories' ; how
THEY want for us to 'believe' them… but the journalism of today
is dictated to the reporters... by the THEY !
Speaking of Media companies... AOL still exists…
sometimes even referred to as America Online,
though that name was retired in 2006. The CEO
since 2009 has been Tim Armstrong. AOL was
founded in May of 1985 as Quantum Computer
Services by : Marc Seriff, Steve Case, and Jim Kimsey who was
then the CEO, whom also retired in 1991. In 2000, Aol
Incorporated merged with Time Warner owning 55%. In 2009,
the letters ‘Aol’ followed by a dot, was spun off. From what I
have found on Tim Armstrong… he seems to be one of the

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more promising of dictators for the Corporatocracy of the near
Remember this shot ? All of the joys shared among all, as
U.S. peasant soldiers
were ordered to pull
down the statue of
Saddam Hussein…
symbolically freeing all
of those people…
saving them from a 'tyrant'… a tyrant that, by the way, the U.S.
had blessed in the early 80s. It seems as though there were
many more people present on the news footage that we were
shown, doesn’t it ? Am I just remembering it all wrong ?
America has no REAL enemies… at least it didn’t until
the U.S. government started invading sovereign countries... or
was it the corporations that invaded… difficult to differentiate
between the two
anymore... but this
actually goes back
further than one might
think. I think the U.S.
is making all of its
enemies up now… pushing the kid down to take his lunch-
money… stealing the purse from the old-lady… throwing rocks
at the neighbors’ windows… and these kinds of behaviors tend
to upset most… but the U.S. government likes to call these
sorts of things… ‘liberation’. Then again, perhaps America is

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just the thug that is contracted to police the rest of the world...
Donald Rumsfeld shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein here...
Don's posture here looks to be rather stand-offish... pussy.
WHAT IF another country and/or government proposed to
‘liberate’ the U.S. ? Do you think we would be giving thanks to
said country as our cities were being bombed ? Probably not…
U.S. citizens would be fighting back… would you not agree ?
Perhaps I am wrong… perhaps we would just sit there and take
it... too busy watching the game on our surround-sound
televisions, comfortably sunken into the sofa that we have sat
on for the last 4 hours. We like to think that WE are the ‘good
guys’… but as the U.S. ‘liberates’ foreign countries, we are not
really seen as so... and IF we ARE the 'good guys', why are we
so fond of pre-emptive 'liberating'.
There is something out there… something much bigger,
turning us one against another… and it is happening on a grand
scale. What it is, I do not really know… as I am just a peasant
among the billions.
Empires have something in common though… they have
ALWAYS gone away. How is it that one could dare to think that
America will incur a different result ?
According to Sir John Bagot Glubb Pasha, in his
composition called : The Fate of Empires and Search for
Survival published in 1978, empires share a rather common
pattern in their rise… AND their fall.
First, there is the conquest… often dictated by a deity or
relative to some other religious crusade…. then there is

~ 166 ~
Chapitre 3
commerce, the possessing of something of perceived value to
gain and attain something else of value. Affluence will then
follow… and at the top
of the climb of
imperialism are the
pursuits of the
intellectual, of which
advances that some
may call evolutions are what are prided in most, such as of the
sciences… but the same peak begins to decline with a certain
pacification… talking and ideas that no longer carry with them
any action… and when debate and argument no longer allow
for any real agreement… and what was once united becomes
segregated. Then comes the decadence, which is usually the
decline of religions and morality... or should we say… a lack of
faith in them. The decline is surprisingly marked when the
‘master race’ of the empire offers its sympathies to ‘the people’
via welfare, educational grants, free healthcare, and the like.
The collapse tends to be by cause of a military defeat… while
the dominant ethnicity of the empire has been wrapped up in
frivolities… believing that they will ALWAYS be the rulers.
To fill in the blanks... the ‘conquest’ of America ensued
during the age of discovery… by mostly the countries that I
made reference to in the introduction… the foes were tribal…
gunpowder versus bows and arrows… and the crusade was
christianity… later instituting a ‘freedom of religion’ clause.
‘Commerce’ began with sugar and tobacco beginning in

~ 167 ~
KINGS… and peasants
about 1600… but the only machines used were those bound in
slavery… WHOM were also traded just as easily… and
‘affluence’ naturally followed as America catered to the
newfound tastes of the other side of the world.
Intellectualism in America was most alive from the early
1700s to the early 1800s... when it was said that…
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property” ~ James
When we speak of decadence in America… we could
surmise that it pertains to our today… which might be true… but
the early christianity of America was much more brutal… many
American Indians were forced to convert… they were simply
hung if they did not… and native-american children learned of
christianity while being required to integrate within ‘ordained’
schools… while under the rule of the NEW ‘master race’… the
conquerors of all of their used-to-be-lands… which I think
qualifies it as the phase of decadence, as having already
happened within the American Empire. In 'modern' times...
American Indians were the first to be enslaved in 1495... under
Columbus ; exported to Spain.
A kind of incomplete penitence serves as the decline…
as somehow the natives became the immigrants… given back
the worst of all of their own lands… that has continued to this
day… known only as Indian ‘reservations’. The sects of
christianity that took over the Americas, killed, maimed, raped,
pillaged, and enslaved these peoples… and these so-called
religions could not accept anything that white MEN had deemed

~ 168 ~
Chapitre 3
as being against the christian god… as their christian god
obviously sanctified corporatism for hundreds of years.
Now… here we are… at the gate of the collapse... and I
have every confidence that PRESIDENT Trump will be the one
to get the job DONE !
Glubb Pasha, whom was also knighted KCB by queen
Elisabeth II of England in 1956, contrasted many empires in his
thesis… and what he noted was that the empires he listed only
had an estimated life of about 250 years.
The American Empire controls MOST of the known
world… THIS is what an empire does… and it is difficult to
pinpoint when this actually began. I do not know exactly when
the U.S. became an empire, so let us just use the infamous
freemasonic year of 1776… contrasting it to THIS year of
2018… which makes the American empire about 240 years-old.
So… how much time is left… 10 years maybe ? America,
however, would have to be conquered first… perhaps it will be
conquered by the United Nations, founded in 1945, as it is so-
called, in which its predecessor was known as the League of
Nations, founded 10 january 1920, during Woodrow's watch,
that is to become the NEWer world empire. The
founding of the UN was NEVER about peace...
as the founders were affiliated with the same
groups that supported and financed nazi
Germany. One would THINK that if the UN was REALLY about
peace, that the construction of the Berlin Wall would have NOT
commenced on 13 august 1961... some years AFTER WWII,

~ 169 ~
KINGS… and peasants
under the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR). Seems
that a 'republik' anymore, always has a border to keep US in.
America is finished... it is just that no one really knows about it
yet... blissfully unaware of all of the happenings in the world
considering America to be so free... so rich... and the patriotism
still thrives on… on the NOT knowing of anything else. But...
THIS time, the ripple of the fall will be felt by serfs all the way
around the world. EVERY empire in history, that has ever been
or ever was… collapsed.
Perhaps ‘Amerika’ is the continuation of what Nazi
Germany became. There were more
than 1600 exempt Nazis, that we know
of, that ended up being smuggled into
the United States… why would THIS
be ? Well… the 'Operation Paperclip'
Project arranged for nazi rocket
scientists, engineers, technicians, et
cetera, also to include 'doctors' from
the concentration camps, in 1945… to
integrate and immigrate into
the U.S... an initiative that Allen Welch Dulles was
the 'chief recruiter' of, under the 'Office of Strategic
Services' (OSS)... whom would later head the CIA.
The Washington Dulles Airport, by the way, was named
after his brother, John Foster Dulles, a knight of Malta. This is
the OSS symbol... a spade-headed Fachi. It was a rather
clever idea through the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

~ 170 ~
Chapitre 3
program… under freemason President Harry S Truman.
America only had bombs during WWII… many, MANY bombs…
but the Nazis had rockets, which is the WHY behind how
America now has many, MANY rockets.
Just for fun now… google’s mail icon is the freemasonic
apron… what does this say about the google
founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin ? I don’t
really know… I could not find them to have any freemasonic
ties… but… they ARE both Jewish-Americans... and to quote
another jewish immigrant that arrived in New York on 23 july
1846… a rabbi from Bohemia :
"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history,
degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are
Jewish from beginning to end." ~ Dr Isaac Mayer
Weis, 3 august 1866.
We could put this in ANOTHER way quoting a different
author :
"All true dogmatic religions come from the
Kabbalah and lead back to it ; all that is scientific
and great in the religious dream of all the
illuminated, such as Bachme, Swedenborg, Saint
Martin, and others similar, is borrowed from the
Kabbalah. All the Masonic associations owe their
secrets and symbols to it." ~ A Study in American
Freemasonry by Arthur Pruess 1908.

~ 171 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 4,0 ~ Blasphemy... Heresy... or Treason

En bref :
In the last chapter we saw the swastika, as well as the
Saint Louis arch and the Ring of Life of China. The shield,
sword, anchor, and fasci used in the KofC logo... the
Ouroboros wrapping itself around the sun of Burger King...
and the logo of pillsbury making use of the
number 96, an octagonal or star-number.
General mills uses only the letter 'G'. We also
saw the 'E' in 'intel' being lower than the rest of
the word... drawing our attentions to it... but which logo has
changed... now its emphasis to the 'i' as so many other
corporations seem to favor... with its rings of Saturn, as seen
here. We visited the 'M' of mobilEYE, the ouroboros of
vodafone, the 'golden wing' of Sprint that signifies the number
'5', circumcision, the 'i' of Disney/Pixar and club 33 or A113, as
well as Disney's tree of life... and also the great falcon of the
CIA. There was the 'i' in 'iHeart'... and the nbc network using

~ 172 ~
Chapitre 4
only 6 of the 7 colors when white light is split into the colors of a
rainbow... in which violet is the color NOT used. We saw the
twin pillars of the pause button. We saw the eye of cbs
again... The TAU of Times Mirror Company AND Tribune
company... Riverdeep representing a hexagon or hexagram,
the rings of Saturn of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Knight
Ridder's KR... which was bought out by a pyramid company,
the ILLUMINATED LIGHT of Scripps, the 'G' of Gannett, the
octagonal jpmorganchase logo... the pillars of Hillary...
walmart's six-pointed star... which sells Sunbeam appliances,
the crossroads that look like a pyramid. GM's 'G' and 'M'... The
lion of Holden... the sigil used for the Shriners which misleads
us with its seemingly Arabic title. The torch of
enlightenment... and the 'i' and 'G' cohorts of represented
torch... the Maltese cross... Ford's great falcon AND Tau...
the winged sun-disc of Chrysler... and IBM which also starred
in Kubrick's 2001 : A Space Odyssey of 1968... as HAL... in
which the letters H-A-L are the letters positioned just before the
respective letters of I-B-M. We visited apples and empires...
and the google apron that resembles an 'M'... which is the 13th
letter of the latin alphabet... and finally, the 5-pointed-star of
the League of Nations... the star of Isis.
Here is another ouroboros... of which one will
find circling on our computers and on the
internet... because THEY could not figure out
anything different to use when we are waiting.
The chapter also ended on page 171... nothing really special...

~ 173 ~
KINGS… and peasants
just toying with a little game THEY seem to like to play :
1+7+1=9... gematria. A woman is pregnant for about 9
months... Beethoven wrote 9 symphonies... and 'i' is the 9th
letter of the Latin alphabet... and cloud 9 is when everything is
just perfect !
4,1 The Organized of Spiritualities
I should NOT have to walk on egg shells with the next
subject, nor should I have to be so cautious in explaining the
meaning of the final words of the last chapter... as it would
seem as though NO ONE is allowed to talk about it... the
'elephant' that is now in the room.
I have spoken of freemasons, revealed some of their
names... but if the club of freemasonry IS a Jewish institution...
we must also be free to delve into the concept of Judaism... or
the Jewish club. I left out Patrick W Turner's name completely
on page 42, in regards to HIS affiliation with Suntrust Mortgage,
whom is a Jew. I also did NOT mention before, that Nabisco's
CEO, Irene Blecker Rosenfeld on page 56 is ALSO Jewish.
Now... I cannot pin everything only on one religion...
therefore, I must condemn them all... and I will happily do so, as
religions, are in fact, all created equal.
Here is a word, ready ? Anti-semitism... there... I said it.
The term mostly seems to have come into the mainstream
sometime after World War II. We all know of it as being
somewhat of a BAD word... and today it is used more as a
political weapon than an empathetic acknowledgement.
BUT... ‘anti-semitic’… well… ‘semitic’ is a language

~ 174 ~
Chapitre 4
classification… of those that speak Syro-Arab languages…
Hebrew, Syriac, Ge'ez, and Arabic, which are all categorized
among these… a word never intended to be applied to one
specific group of people… just languages, and how they relate
to another. With this context in mind… it would be like saying
‘anti-Latinic’ as having a prejudice toward Italians… but Latin
languages encompass the tongues of other languages as
well… Italian, French, and Spanish among these… languages
that have similarities… and similar roots. ‘Anti-semitic’ is just
one of those more confusing ‘politically correct’ terms... or
should we just call it the ‘politically assigned’.
Abba Garima, a monk, arrived in Ethiopia from
Constantinople in 494 AD... and as legend would have it, he
was able to copy the gospels in a day because God delayed the
sun from setting. He translated 81 books from Greek into
Ge’ez, an ancient southern Semitic language... of which origin
was Eritrea... a city lying along the Red Sea... north of Ethiopia.
A legend is a kind of propaganda. Before the invent of
the telephone... word-of -mouth was the only way to relay
information... the proverbial grapevine... in which something is
always lost in the 'hearsay'.
Now... I am NOT a 'holocaust denier'... I just think that the
tellers of stories are skewed when it comes to the facts.
It is always confirmed that 6 million Jews were the victims
of the holocaust ; it was what we were told in school… it is still
the number recited today… almost 80 years later, but whom it is
that reminds us of the rounded 6,000,000 holocaust number ? It

~ 175 ~
KINGS… and peasants
is recited by those that claim to be Jewish... BUT... there is
ALWAYS a 'but'.
In the Talmud, Gittin 58a, there were 16,000,000 children
whom were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the
Romans... and in another account, Gittin 57b... 4,000,000,000
jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Wait... 4
billion ?!! THIS would be well over half of today's world
population !!! So... what WAS the REAL story ? On page 163, it
was noted that the Romans had 16,000,000 slaves... was this
coincidental ? How do we unravel the lies when we have no real
truths to reference ?
What we will almost always find... are a bunch lawyers
making up all of the rules as THEY see fit !
AshkenNAZI Jews or AshkenNAZIm (plural) were those
that would settle along the Rhine river of Germany.
The U.S. of A… now gladly assists and supports any
agendas needing attention that Israel puts before it… Israel is
America's only TRUE ally. Perhaps it was in penitence that
Hanukkah was added to the American calendar ? Based on the
cycles of the moon, which for 2017, the 8 days of Hanukkah
were from 12 to 20 december ; THIS year, 2018, it will be from
2 to 10 december... which honestly, we SHOULD be using the
Sun's 12 solar months AND the moon's 13 lunar months ; the
Chinese as do many other cultures, also consider both. In the
U.S. the calendar is solar... noting only the phases of the moon.
Judaism... works more or less like any other religious group
does... and we could even say that it is not a religion but rather

~ 176 ~
Chapitre 4
a people. They are identified as being Jewish just as Christians
and Muslims are identified as being Christians and Muslims.
But what we will find to be the same, is that they are peasants
simply worshipping their god just as they were taught to do.
The Jewish MAY be anti-goyim (anyone whom is NOT
Jewish)... in which I myself take no offense... just 'sticks and
stones' ! Still... among these three organizations, WE are
actually ALL Jewish... something that we never really knew. It
would also seem that Jews have ALL of the money... but I will
rephrase... 'ZIONIST' Jews have all of the money.
All I can see in ‘political correctness’ are persons
changing words and phrases to, in a sense, hide what it is they
are truly saying. While I am broaching the '6,000,000' subject,
the jews were NOT the only targets during WWII… Jehovah’s
witnesses, homosexuals, communists, and gypsies were
among the segregations on those punch cards... which had
more to do with eugenics than anything else. We should ask
IBM what the REAL numbers were... THEY should know !!!
L’entracte 6 (religion)
So... now let us just throw it all out there, shall we ?! I
should perhaps mention now, that I was born and raised in The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the
Mormon Church, and known from the inside as ‘the Restored
Church’ or even ‘the True Church’. I went as far as to graduate
from Mormon seminary… I had even thought about doing time
as a missionary… for a moment… but THAT thought had posed
many questions in my mind and I was unable to see myself

~ 177 ~
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making this sort of sacrifice in the prime of my life. I was 19…
suddenly questioning all of my beliefs… wondering WHY I held
the belief systems that I did… asking myself if they were mine
or if they were put in my head by someone else. As the old
adage goes : It is best to ‘get them while they are young’…
wouldn’t you agree ? Mormonism would teach how strange the
traditions of Jewry are or were... never pointing the proverbial
finger to itself.. TRADITION is ALWAYS strange to the
We come into this world trusting only those whom we
came into the world to… the first of those to show us what life
was all about... teaching us of the things that they were taught.
MY religious education was a little special... themes that I
was taught about were of immortality, of one day becoming a
god in the after-life, which were actually pretty stories, if one
should just stop to imagine.
On a stranger note, I was tasked to memorize the 13
Mormon 'Articles of Faith', when I was maybe 8 or 9 years-old…
and one of the more repetitive lessons learned while in
SUNday-school was often that of the 12 tribes of Israel... I never
really understood the reason behind the 'WHY'... in which the
10th of the 13 ‘articles’, read as follows :
“We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the
restoration of the Ten Tribes ; that Zion (the New
Jerusalem) will be built upon this the American
continent ; that Christ will reign personally upon the
earth ; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive

~ 178 ~
Chapitre 4
its paradisiacal glory.” ~ Joseph Smith
To clear this up just a little bit, 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel
were, or are still... lost. The only ones that the 'true church'
believes to be in existence are the tribes of Joseph and Judah.
Incidentally, Judaism, has the 13 'principles of faith' of
'Zion' for mormons is to come AFTER the judgment... and
the belief is that there will be SOME that will not actually die, but
rather be quickened just before 'THE Millennium'. Zion would
usher in a 1000 years of peace... as 'Satan' would be 'cast out'
during the whole of that time.
Mormons pay tithes... let us just call it another tax...
paying 10% on ones gross-income... in which church has also
been coined as 'fire-insurance'... as the full-tithe payer will not
'burn' at the 'second-coming' of the Christian demi-god.
The age of, 19 by the way, is the age when boys are sent
out to proselyte... another word for 'to sell'. In THIS case, the
product is religion... doing so as missionaries. 19 solar years,
coincide with our 235 lunar months... every 19 years is the
nearest point at which the Solar and Lunar calendars will
ALMOST match... though this is NOT what Mormons preach.
Zionism has become a word that is rather commonplace
these last years... and seems to resemble that of a political
party. Theodor Herzl is cited for the founding of the Zionist
movement of 1897… so I can only conclude that the Mormons
adopted the idea sometime AFTER that... as Mormonism was
founded in 1830... some decades before.

~ 179 ~
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Zionism is essentially communism… in which The
Communist Manifesto was published in 1848... which is often
considered to be a Marxist ideal... that SEEMED to be a nice
idea… it just doesn’t really work. Sadly, there will ALWAYS be
SOMEONE whom desires MORE ! Maybe it is just a part of
human nature… that enough is just never enough... though I
would still like to believe that we are not so petty ; One should
know, that Karl Marx was a Jew.
The Mormon religion, or ‘cult’, as the French would also
attest... was something that was never to be challenged, just
accepted. I was the firmest in my convictions while living in
Germany as a military brat. Though I wasn’t the best example,
the people I associated with within the religion all rowed the
same boat… living abroad… comrades living within a different
culture. Though some actually portrayed the kind of person I
wanted to be… I found most to be the sort to take it upon
themselves to ‘save’ me… judgments passed to keep me and
anyone else that needed it, on the path… a kind of emotional
control, designed to make sure that a Mormon will not be going
to the hell that MEN created.
When I returned to Utah at the age of 20, revisiting the
center of it all, as it were, I no longer felt it was where I
belonged… I had even noticed that Mormons of Utah had a
peculiar way of speaking that I had long forgotten about… an
American English with its OWN dialect... in which frankly, I
detested the sound of. The beliefs I had HAD virtually since
birth, stuck with me for quite some time after that… but I dared

~ 180 ~
Chapitre 4
to question them… I had grown tired of being afraid to die... and
looking in from the outside, it was painted for me a very different
There are many like me out there… and I cannot say I
regret my religious education… but like any learning
experience, there comes a time when the institution will let us
go. I am not against this church, nor do I argue in its behalf…
however, I do find it strange… as I find many things in the world
to be so. Many that stray from it, are prone to attack it, and
MANY of THOSE, will eventually turn back to it, as the beliefs
were planted in them at such a young age, that they feel that it
is the component that has been missing in their happiness... but
I am content in myself… I have not the need to prove whether I
am wrong or right in this… I was no longer learning anything
new… so I simply left it behind.
It may sound silly, but I often found that the ideology of
religion resembled the make-believe of Santa Claus... how
firmly I believed that he could fly with his sleigh pulled by
reindeer, while his red triangular hat... somewhat reminiscent of
a Phrygian cap, blew in the cold night air, magically getting to
every house in the world in a single night. I believed that if a
house didn’t have a chimney, that he somehow made use of the
furnace ducts instead. But what I had also noticed… was that
he liked some kids more than others… seemed the ones whose
parents had nicer cars or bigger houses got NEW bikes or just a
lot more stuff. I thought I was a pretty good kid… I didn’t really
notice these things until much later… and I was always happy

~ 181 ~
KINGS… and peasants
with what I received. After all… it was all supposed to be about
the spirit of giving… not the receiving. 'Sanctus Nicolaus' in
Latin… or just 'Nicolas de Myre' in French... was born in Myre
on 15 march 270 AD and died 6 december 343... was a
'catholic saint' that is celebrated on 6 december of every year.
Rudolph the 9th reindeer was invented in 1939 courtesy
of Aaron Montgomery Ward… a contracted business deal to sell
coloring books on the company's behalf… in the interest of
producing its own product. Off of the subject a bit, why did
THEY think that the 8 reindeer should be 9 ? The 9th also
possessing a red ‘beacon of light’ as the sleigh traveled on the
3rd day after the solstice of winter… the rebirth of the sun.
Incidentally, something most people don’t really know
today, is that Coca-cola was the entity that changed Santa’s
uniform to red… it was green before that… like an elf or gnome
might wear… something I have learned from the folklore of the
At Christmas time, growing up for the majority of my
childhood in Utah, a nativity scene always
adorned SOMEONE’s house. Yes... though
Mormons are considered to be a cult in many
parts of the world… the Mormonist belief is still
mainly centered around the man THEY call
Jesus ; right alongside of Charles Taze
Russell's Jehovah’s Witnesses, whom is now
resting in Pennsylvania near his 7-foot pyramid
memorial ; and Lafayette Ronald Hubbard's Scientology,

~ 182 ~
Chapitre 4
incorporated in 1954, whom also seemed to adore his deltas.
Some celebrities advertise it… but it is NOT really THAT new in
a sense… because the same old symbols are used as with any
other… crusade. Dues that are paid to a church though… well,
they are tax deductible !
After I ‘fell away’ from this church over time, I found very
often that my questions could not, nor could ever be, answered
by religion alone… at least the religion that I was brought up in.
It seemed to me that all religions carried with them certain truths
as well as other things seemingly more mystical. I personally
find it strange though, that the greater rewards of Christianity
and Islam, can only be granted after death… basically paid for
by the suffering in THIS life. I think that we spend the rest of
our lives 'undoing' most of what we were taught... and it takes a
bit of time to find OUR OWN truths... IF ever we finally realize
that something is out of place.
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not
the angels of heaven, but my Father only." ~
Matthew 24:36 (KJV)
It is a strange piece… Christians take it to mean, or were
taught it to mean... that Jesus will be coming again... so BE
GOOD ! Not so long ago, I realized, quite suddenly, that these
words had nothing to do with the 'return' of Jesus... but rather
having to do with our inevitable and certain death... when the
reaper comes… and the 'father' as being just the 'Father of
Time'… a reference to Saturn. But... before we are able to
analyze the religion that we grew up in... we must come to the

~ 183 ~
KINGS… and peasants
realization that a saviour will never come... this belief is simply
something that the hierarchy made up to give us some kind of
comfort... as we watched over the fields of our masters... and it
falls into the supernatural... as we look into the sky... waiting for
the said saviour to glide down to us from the clouds. Fin 6
As I have already preached in chapters prior… we are
victims of our ‘education’ in many ways, methods, and forms…
but in questioning how our peasant class came to be, these
enquiries OR inquiries must also include our education in
What is religion ? Well... it is essentially a philosophy that
'tries' to make sense of where WE came from… a belief in the
unseen… a faith that something or someone is above us. We
receive our beliefs from partaking of a perceived knowledge that
brought kings to be… as THEY ruled by ‘divine rite’… which
poses the question : WHAT or WHOM bestowed THAT 'right' to
THEM ? It is a question that religion is supposed to be able to
address... but the fact is... is that NONE of US know if our souls
go anywhere... or if the lights just go out.
You may not like all of what I have to say now… but if we
are to truly see the world for what it has become… for what it
truly is... we must also place religion under suspect... which is
intimately more personal for most... a belief that if challenged
will be defended quite forcefully... so much so... that it is
frowned upon and discouraged to even speak of religion while
at our workplaces ; nothing of THIS matter... nor of politics.
THIS pyramid or triangle is in the Catholic Church of

~ 184 ~
Chapitre 4
Saint Charles... or 'Karlskirche' in Vienna, Austria... completed
in 1737. The 'Hebrew' characters translate to YHWH or
Yahweh if one would rather... the Jewish deity.
I can really only base my findings and opinions of
religious views on what I have learned and have observed of
Christianity… my knowledge is rather limited to this. I am not
really here to put down
religion, but rather to
point out the oddities
that even the best of
scholars do not seem
to be able to ever
explain ~ other than, 'it is just like this !' Religion today, breeds
more conditioning, and MORE prejudices... only useful in the
hands of the established order.
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church was a
freemason… along with MOST of the Mormon pioneers that
made the trek that ended up settling them in Utah. Here is what
Mormons would call the ‘Eye of
God’… it would seem that the
common attribute of the gods of
today, and the gods of
yesterday… only ever like to show us one eye, in which has
been called by so many other names. There are 28 rays of sun
surrounding this 'eye'... and 28 is a 'triangular' number... so...
the eye is in the 'center' of an imaginary delta.
At the top of the Mormon church there is a 'prophet' and

~ 185 ~
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HIS 12 apostles, presidency of the 'seventy', and
a slew of other 'general authorities'... all of which
are all men... not made up of just any men... but
men of whom the majority were rather
successful in business. John Willard Marriott Senior was once
among them... and with whatever 'services' that the Marriott
provides being his legacy... which would include the bars and
Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution (ZCMI), was
founded 9 october
1868 by Brigham
Young… a 'prophet'
and a freemason…
using the standard
masonic insignia with
13 layers topped-off with an eye… which could have just as
easily been used to adorn the one dollar bill ! ZCMI would later
become Meier & Frank for a spit… which stores would all later
be owned and operated by the May Department
Stores Company (MDS). Federated Department
Stores Inc bought out MDS… and merged with
RH Macy & Company, originally
founded in 1858… forming what is now just
Macy’s Inc. So… a freemasonic company, ended up in the
hands of another freemasonic company… as Rowland Hussey
Macy was ALSO a freemason. The Bloomingdale brothers,
Joseph and Lyman, were Jewish, using the pointed-oval in their

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Chapitre 4
name... which has been owned by Macy's via the 'Federated'
holding company for quite some time now.
The beehive is also found on the Bank of America
building in Baltimore, Maryland, once known as the Baltimore
Trust Company building… a building that was
completed in 1929, and for the most part,
closed about the same time. Baltimore Trust
Company… which was just another bank, was
founded by another freemason known as John Gillis Townsend
Junior. He was a banker, which gave him the right credentials
to eventually join the ranks of U.S. senators in 1929 until 1941.
As for the Bank of America… Amadeo Pietro Giannini
was the founder of the Bank of Italy in 1904. In 1911, Orra
Eugene Monnette, ANOTHER freemason,
founded Citizens Bank and Trust Company,
which would be renamed in 1923 as The Bank of America. In
1929, Amadeo merged his Bank of Italy with Orra’s Bank of
America… all consolidated under the same name.
I cannot find any information as to whether Amadeo was
officially a freemason… but he DID work with a freemason
known as Walt Elias Disney… helping to
finance the production of Snow White and the
SEVEN dwarves of 1937... which clip here,
shows a staircase adorned with owls, a treasure
chest, shovel, and a pick-axe... and Snow White, of course,
would die after biting into an apple... all symbols of which your-
friendly-neighborhood freemasons might know something more

~ 187 ~
KINGS… and peasants
about. The affiliates of this organization that
remain obscure to the rest of us… as with most
'brotherhoods', help their comrades rise above
the status-quo of the rest of US, and their
numbers are now of millions.
One might note by the few names I have so far
mentioned, is that we ALL know something of them whether in
fact or in fiction… our education in school made sure of it… as
the history that is taught tends to only remember those of
masonic affluence to recite to the rest of us.
4,2 THE Ten Commandments
In speaking of... I have always thought that the ten
commandments had some peculiarities of their own. The King
James version (KJV) of the bible... the official mormon version,
lists them as follows :
1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that
is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the
earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the
iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation of them that hate me ; And shewing
mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in
vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his

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name in vain.
Commandments 1-3 really demonstrate that the biblical
god is egotistical… and the requirement to kneel seems to be of
utmost importance as they all have something to do with this.
Would God really be so me, Me, ME… AND jealous ? This
seems more like the attitude a king might have. Still… as for no
‘graven’ images, or any likenesses of anything that is in heaven
above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth’… well… antiquity and the modern day are full
of these kinds of things, as you will see in my later
illustrations… but like me… perhaps never noticed.
This is the astrological symbol of Saturn. Other symbols
pertaining to Saturn are the sickle, cube, and
ring, which are the most common symbols of
Saturn today… the cube, being a hexagram
when balanced on one of its six corners. Very
often it will just be symbolized with some kind of
‘swooshy’ thing... like Nike uses, for example.
This symbol clearly makes use of a cross…
which is a symbol most notably being tied to
Christianity and also that of execution… but
what do I really know ; Old Rome was also
known as Saturnia.
4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six
days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work : But the
seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,

~ 189 ~
KINGS… and peasants
thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that is within thy gates : For in six days the Lord
made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and
rested the seventh day : wherefore the Lord blessed the
sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Commandment 4 considers the 'Sabbath' day… but
under the guise of Christianity, this would be SUN-day…
somewhere in history it was changed. The Sabbath is noted
here to be the 7th day… but the 7th day is Saturday… or
SATURN-day… and Saturn was the Roman equivalent to the
Greek god known as Kronos. Kronos was also a god of
mythology… he was blood thirsty and demanded sacrifices...
not so unlike the god of the Old Testament of the bible.
5 Honour thy father and thy mother : that thy days
may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth
Commandment 5… all I can say is that it is a nice
gesture… but parents can also be considered authoritative
figures… and it tends to be a master and apprentice
relationship, which at some point, the apprentice will become
the master. Honor toward our parents should just be a given…
but it also works both ways.
6 Thou shalt not kill.
Commandment 6 is quite plain. We must assume that it
is meant to mean that we will not kill each other. With this in
mind, I am not sure what was meant in Genesis 1:26 :
“And God said, let us make man in our image, after

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our likeness : and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
However, I CAN conclude from this, that PEOPLE were
not considered part of the dominion project… as in persons
having dominion over OTHER persons.
I have seen the word ‘kill’ replaced with ‘murder’ in some
biblical versions… but I suppose if someone like a general or
other military or religious figure should tell a subordinate to
‘kill’… then it can’t really be considered murder ; just a duty.
What do YOU think ? I hope this is the case… because MOST
wars have been fought in the name of a god… and all of these
gods have apparently given a lot of orders to take life… perhaps
they were just ‘revelations’ ? This biblical god seems to have
been quite clear on this point. Well… THEY were ; as Genesis
states “let US make man in OUR image”… we must conclude
that there was more than one present… perhaps the Christian
god is schizophrenic ?
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Commandment 7 addresses adultery… all right… now we see
that a person CAN become someone else’s possession.
Stepping out on someone is not a nice thing to do… but I would
say that it is worse to tell the other that it happened. Yes…
perhaps I am backwards on this. THIS commandment instills
guilt in the perpetrator… and to rid themselves of the guilt, very
often it is confessed to the innocent party… whom has to live

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KINGS… and peasants
with the knowing, and over all, feelings of betrayal, let alone,
their asking of all the questions that they really would rather not
know the answers to. I have seen a lot of things in my years…
but the punishment should be for the perpetrator, NOT the
bystander. I do not believe that when such a thing happens that
the victim should pay the price for the other freeing themselves
of their own guilt. Either leave, because you likely do not want
to be there anyway… or live with the guilt… because the old
adage is certainly true… ‘what they don’t know, won’t hurt
them’… and if you really love the other… DO NOT hurt them.
And if it is unavoidable… choose to use the lesser blade.
Still... let us just face it... adultery here was really pointed
at women... marriage was more about status, wealth, and
alliances of the political... it was the game of royalty.
8 Thou shalt not steal.
Commandment 8 has to do with stealing… which is also
not very nice… especially when it is something of sentimental
significance to another. I would have to say corporations and
governments, however, steal all of the time… but it has been
either written into law or simply called sales, which makes it
acceptable. It became the ‘law of the land’… in which it is THIS
that makes it different. If we apply this ‘commandment’ just to
us peasants… which is probably what was intended when MEN
of power wrote it… the kings don’t want us stealing from THEM.
9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy
Commandment 9 is about slander or malice toward

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another human being... it is lies against another or of which
might actually be a truth. It is what is often simply known as
gossip today… and gossip is a poison. It hurts others when
their backs are turned… and rumors born of it that get out can
cut deeper still.
10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou
shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant,
nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing
that is thy neighbour's.
Finally, Commandment 10 is about desire… but I have
always been a little put off that the wording didn’t include
another’s husband… which gives me the impression that this
was written by a group of MEN that agreed with each other as
to what really pissed them off. It also reinforces the concept
that possession IS the law… which is here, inclusive of persons
once again.
We were taught that Moses was the deliverer of these
stone documents... that it was the judeo-christianic god that had
penned them personally... in which the Qur'an also makes note
of... but... the ten commandments were inspired from the
'Papyrus of Ani' written somewhere between 1500 BC and 1350
BC... or so it is said... which is more commonly known as the
Egyptian 'Book of the Dead' ; the Qu'ran also acknowledges the
12 tribes of Israel.
To summarize the judeo-christianic version of the
commandments… the 'biblical' god is egocentric, jealous,
possessive, and wants us not to take, or even think about

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taking, someone else’s life, wife, or their stuff !
A little tangent… yes… I use BC versus the new BCE and
AD versus the newer CE… I don’t really care to be ‘politically
correct’ ! It was the Roman Caesars that fashioned the
calendars of today anyway… so unless we are going to rename
ALL of the months and whatever else too… let us just leave it
be ! There are plenty of other things to be concerned about that
weigh a bit more than using the ‘politically assigned’ !

This mosaic was taken from a synagogue wall in

Jerusalem. It is a representation of the twelve tribes of Israel as
noted in Genesis 49 of the King James Version of the bible...
one of the 5 books that make up the original Jewish Torah.
Starting from left to right, of which tribal names are read right to
left, the tribes were :
1  (Asher)
2  (Dan)
3  (Judah)

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5  (Joseph ~ Ephraim and Manasseh)
6  (Naphtali)
7  (Issachar)
8  (Simeon)
10  (Gad)
 (Zebulun) and...
12  (Levi)
Now… riddle me this… why were there 12 ? After I
declared my churchy-days as having been over, I thought it
might just be that the 12 tribes were some kind of astrological
equivalent, but I could only make out a few as possibly being
so. The number 12 always seems to equal 13… and if the
Joseph split is considered here… NOT counting Joseph as just
one tribe but rather two... it actually does... but... I never
claimed myself to be a religious scholar.
In MY thinking… I have concluded that there are five
major ‘organized’ religions, but six major flavors of the human
race… so I must also include here the Indigenous Traditional
Religions, which I will just term as ‘Tribal’ for the sake of
simplicity, for they were mostly word-of-mouth ‘mythologies’ that
were very real to the peoples of then… predating ANY and
EVERY ‘organized’ religion.
Hinduism 2300 BC ~ India
Buddhism 6 BC ~ Northern India
Judaism ? AD ~ SAID to have come out of the near east.

~ 195 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Christianity ? AD ~ Europe
Islam 622 AD ~ Arabian Peninsula
Tribal UNKNOWN BC ~ Most notably those of Africa, the
original Americas, and those of Australia, New Zealand, and
almost countless others… with the basic flavors I mentioned as
being : Indian, Arabic, Asian, White, Black, and Native
Virtually everyone of today belong to one of these
ethnicities… but it is only MOSTLY… because a majority of us
have all been mixed in some way… and whole ethnic groups
have been born from being stirred into the pot… of their 'free
will'... or by force.
These religious organizations are, of course, subdivided
into many others, as well as, more dispersed around the
world… but conversely, they can also be merged even further
as Buddhism came out of Hinduism ; Christianity and Islam are
both descendants of Judaism… of which are Abrahamic
religious belief systems. Christianity and Islam were corporate
spin-offs. Now… IF ‘Yahweh’ is the god of Judaism… and the
god of Christianity is called Jehovah… and the god of Islam is
known as Allah… and these religions are all considered
monotheistic hereditarily… then it stands to reason that these
denominations are all paying homage to the same god, does it
not ? But... Judaism, Christianity, AND Islam, all believe that
they are right... so they are not so different. As it would turn
out, THIS god also happens to be a big fan of circumcision.
Mass circumcision in the U.S. began as early as 1914...

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'doctor' Abraham Leo Wobarst whom was Jewish, could have
very well been its founder... putting into practice a Jewish
tradition... the mark of Jewish club membership.
"RELIGION has actually convinced people... that
there is an invisible man... living in the sky... who
watches everything you do... every minute of every
day... and the invisible man has a special list : of 10
things he does NOT want you to do... and if you do
any of these ten things he has a special place full
of fire and smoke and burning and torture and
anguish where he will send YOU to live... and suffer
and burn and choke and scream and cry forever
and ever 'til the end of time... but... HE LOVES
YOU... he loves you. He loves YOU and he NEEDS
MONEY ! He always needs money ! He's all-
powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise...
somehow... just can't handle money !" ~ George
In the world today, there are roughly 2 billion Christians,
1.5 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus, less than 0.5 billion
Buddhists, and about 15 million Jews… but it is only the
Christians and the Muslims that believe that it will be the Jesus,
of the new testament, that is going to float out of the sky and
send all the ‘bad-guys’ to their 'deserved' perditions ; and
rewarding the 'good-guys'… all of this, after the judgment, of
course. I suppose the world will need to be flattened out for this
first, so that everyone will be able to see… maybe Pangaea

~ 197 ~
KINGS… and peasants
would be reassembled prior to ? The idea worked so much
better when the world was flat. The Jewish still await their
Zionist Jews... or just Zionists, if it should sound less
threatening, does not include the peasants of Jewry... because
a 'Zionist' has another synonym that we all already know... and
THAT would be a 'capitalist'. 'Zion' is supposedly the 'kingdom
of God'... but YOU nor I possess the 'golden ticket' to pass
through its golden gate.
What about AFRICA ? What religion was originally
theirs… before they were enslaved by so many nations ? It
must have been a peaceful one… because it just doesn’t seem
to be in their nature to be so violent. They were taken quite
easily from their homes and taken and sold to… where ever.
While in bondage in the United States… they did not reproach
the white masters so much… as to escape and be caught came
with inhuman punishments for all to see. Oppression is created
by instilling fear... and as always… a few can rule the many,
based on primitive, animal-like approaches. Scourgings, for
example, silenced the lips of those whom would TRY... whom
would be made the example for those that thought or otherwise
wished to do the same.
The 1769 version of the 1611 KJV bible has 39 books in
the old testament ; 27 books in the new... 66 in total. But
strangely, Ethiopia... an AFRICAN country, has in its
possession the oldest and most complete version of the bible ;
46 books in the old testament ; 35 books in the new... for a total

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of 81 books ! the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, is rumored
to possess the ark of the Covenant, thereby also being called
the Chapel of the Ark..... ALSO in Ethiopia.
None of this mattered to the churches of Christianity
though... as slavery was condoned by the Christian god.
"44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which
thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are
round about you ; of them shall ye buy bondmen and
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do
sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their
families that are with you, which they begat in your
land : and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your
children after you, to inherit them for a possession ; they
shall be your bondmen for ever : but over your brethren the
children of Israel [Jews], ye shall not rule one over another
with rigour." ~ Leviticus 25:44-46 (KJV)
In the U.S., slaves were taxed as property, which implies
government consent from the very beginning.
So… let us attempt to simplify our list of religious
denominations, adding into it a
couple of other factors that went
unnoticed. Hinduism 2300 BC...
which came out of India ; and
Judaism, and where it came from is really anyone's guess.
Ahhh yes... Israel right ? Well, it depends on whom it is that is

~ 199 ~
KINGS… and peasants
telling the story.
According to the bible of judeo-christianity, the Israelites
wound up in what is now only referred to as ancient Egypt... due
to famine in the land of Canaan where Israel now resides... they
would be enslaved for 400 maybe 430 years... depending on
which account one should read ; the supposed Canaan of
1200-1020 bc
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy
seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs,
and shall serve them ; and they shall afflict them four
hundred years ;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I
judge : and afterward shall they come out with great
15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace ; thou
shalt be buried in a good old age.
16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither
again : for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
~ Genesis 15:13-16 (KJV)
I can only suspect that 'hither' was referring again to
Canaan... where Israel is still.
So... here is how Egyptians may have looked back then...
as it was some thousands of years ago... in which here we see,
from left to right, Nefertari, with her double-uraeus headdress,
whose husband was Ramesses II of whom ruled Egypt from
1279 to 1213 BC ; and Isis... with her sun-disc braced by bull-
horns. Actually, aside of the garb... Egyptians still look about

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the same today... dark hair... and skin tones that are
somewhere in the middle of white and
black. Egypt is in Africa, and like
many other countries, share the
Mediterranean sea with today's Israel.
So... as the Hebrew god had
promised, the Israelites went far
away... serving the ancient Egyptians.
But... something strange happened
while the Hebrews were in Egypt...
when they returned to the 'hither' as
was promised them. Somewhere between then, and 14 may
1948, when the State of Israel was officially stolen and declared
as belonging to the 'Israelites'... they no longer spoke Hebrew. I
would suspect that they would have been speaking ancient
Egyptian by the end of their stay... as residing 400 years in ANY
country would result in acquiring the dominant tongue of said
country, sooner or later.
Hebrew, as a spoken language was dead... and ancient
Hebrew characters only scantily exist... though it is often made
to seem relative to old Phoenician script, in which, a grand
stretch of the imagination is required to actually link the two...
but how does one pronounce a word without having been able
to hear it spoken ? The word 'cat' in English, for example... what
sounds would the letters represent if one had never heard the
word ?! In French the same word is 'chat', but it is pronounced
like 'shaw', using basic phonetic English pronunciation.

~ 201 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Language, as I have said before... evolves. No problem
though... 'Hebrew' would be completely revived before 1921...
'inspired' by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda... which is something that has
NEVER been done... NOR has ever had reason to be.
Another peculiarity is that when the Israelites returned to
the 'promised land' after having endured the servitude of
ancient Egyptian times... is that the Israelites no longer looked
like Israelites upon their arrival. Hebrews... the CHOSEN
people... USED to be black... and they spoke Hebrew... and the
Hebrews are widely believed to have come from Canaan... and
were known biblically as being Israelites.
The Jewish are white... and they speak Yiddish... and the

Jewish originated from Khazaria of old Europe, an area north of,

and across the Black sea... from what is called Turkey today...
and are now known as Israelis.
The prime minister of Israel, for the moment, is Benyamin
Netanyahou... whom is 'white'... of whom supposedly speaks

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Hebrew... but Hebrew and Yiddish use virtually the same
'alefbet'. What is certain though... is that 'revived' Hebrew could
sound nothing like the Hebrew of old... as the characters surely
could not have been assigned their original sounds. The prime
minister, by the way, in which I cannot assess if he has an
accent in Yiddish... speaks English with a perfect American
accent... having lived in the U.S. for many years in his youth. If
HE were to pronounce the word 'little', it would sound like
'liddle'... replacing the 't' sound with that of 'd'... something quite
unique to all of the dialects of American English. Perhaps this
would explain why Israel somehow became the ONLY ally to
the United States.
Today... Palestine is more Israel than it is Palestinian...
Of 5.7 million 'Jews' in Israel, 3 million are Russian, 1 million
may actually be Hebrew... and 4.7 million are WHITE Jews...
Khazars... which must be faux.
4,3 Only in Parable
Apparently the Earth was created on a Sunday, October
23, 4004 BC… this according to the bishop of the Church of
Ireland, James Ussher, from 1625 to 1656, using the
'genealogies' of the bible... likely using the KJV of 1611.
WHAT IF it all goes back much further than this as
Darwin fantasized as being about 200,000 years ? WHAT IF it
doesn’t go very far back at all ? I am not certain how far the
human race can be traced back… I am not a historian… I just
know that it is most convenient to say roughly 4000 BC…
because Christianity would state that a day for the Christian god

~ 203 ~
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is equal to a 1000 years… or so I was taught… which is
something that I never figured out. It is a common Christianic
belief that the ‘second coming of the 'messiah’ should be any
day now... the day of judgment... and IF James Ussher was
right... his 4004 BC to 2018 AD, would put us at about 6022
years... or 6.022 christian god-DAYS... so we could suppose
that the SEVENTH day began 22 years ago... in 1996. The
'apocalypse' seems to be running a little late.
In my research and observations, there is something that
still troubles me, and that is the Christian belief in the certainty
that ‘Jesus’ is going to come again and save all of us peasants.
It is a nice thought… but for Christianity, it makes everyone else
in the world resemble Satanists of some sort... as if one is NOT
a Christian... then the one MUST BE a Satanist. I would attest
that Satanism is simply everything considered opposite of
Christianity… but within the same dogma. One cannot really
exist without the other. How would one really know 'happiness'
if one has never known 'despair' ? Angels versus demons, right
versus wrong, belief versus disbelief, holy versus sin... et
Islam, and Judaism have their ‘bad' sides as well… which
are known as Sufism and Kabbalism, respectively. Of these,
are simply the mystical sides… the hidden polarities that we are
taught not to talk about… but one really cannot exist without the
other… male and female… black and white… right and wrong…
good and bad… love and fear… light and darkness. THIS is
simply the principle of duality... and there is some hocus-pocus

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on both sides of every religion. Regular Muslims... and regular
Jews... are in the same class as regular Christians.
For me, Christianity is a scary thing… as there is
apparently a surprise appointment in store for the judging of us
all ! Wait… in FRONT of EVERYONE ?!! Sounds like it might
have been a 3rd-grader that made all of this up. To publicly
ridicule another human-being for all to see is not love-based…
and the idea that our families, our friends, our colleagues, AND
our enemies will all know everything that we have ever done
upon our judgment… THIS ALONE was designed to instill a
sense of fear within the ‘believers’. Is this really the kind of god
that one would want to spend an eternity playing harps and
blowing trumpets with... FOREVER ?!! Sounds like hell to me !
A rendering of Jesus here, which can be found in the
Coptic museum in Cairo, Egypt...
dating back to about 600 AD.
Christianity is a club too ! A club, that
for whatever reason, was designed to
proclaim everyone else as being
amiss ; Islam is its twin... and
Judaism their parent... all of which
taught ALL of US wrong. There is a
LITTLE bit of truth in every religion…
but I am afraid that it has been mixed
with mankind’s perceived need to dominate, control,
manipulate, and even despise all else... as it is THEY that make
all of the rules... and THEY happen to like that the many sects

~ 205 ~
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of Christianity and the many sects of Islam and EVEN the many
sects of Judaism have become so vast... and still yet remain so
divided... which is just another anti-unity ploy to keep peasants
one against another.
"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it ? That’s
what it is to be a slave. ~ Roy Batty, as played by
Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner of 1982.
It was white 'Christian' people that enslaved peoples from
Africa and the Americas… there were even schools for the
native Americans to remedy this… because the Christian god
was superior… at least that is how it looked… as at least 20
million native Americans died as the WHITE god had ordered.
Seems that monotheism is, by its own very nature… cruel.
Many black slaves in the Americas would on occasion
catch 'drapetomania'... also known as 'runaway slave syndrome'

as diagnosed by the quack doctor Samuel A Cartwright...

whose prescriptions were that of 'whipping the devil out of

~ 206 ~
Chapitre 4
them'... and/or amputating both of their big toes.
The REAL violence in the world... seems to have always
been brought about due to the adding of the white spice… the
supremacists… the ORIGINAL Christianity. The American
Indian suffered the same… from all parts of the Americas… and
the Mexican race was spawned of these injustices… not by
Native Africans, Native Americans, and all of the many
indigenous peoples of other lands and islands... used to believe
quite similarly as any other religion. Call their beliefs pagan if
you would like… as they did not stem from Judaism’s ONE-god
thing, but they DID believe in some kind of deity… some kind of
funeral procession… being accompanied by ancestors that had
moved on… spirits taking other forms… good souls and bad
souls… you name it, and it was probably there ; the dances of
Africans for and to the 'great mother'… ‘she’ being our earth...
rearrange the letters just a bit... and 'earth' become 'heart'... but
everything seems to have gotten all screwed up in just the last
few centuries.
Adam and Eve… the supposed first man and woman.
Adam was created first… and Eve was created from one of
Adam's ribs, as biblical 'history' would have it. Genetically this
is NOT possible… Eve would have just been a clone of Adam…
which would have also made the clone a male. Putting that
aside, as the story goes, Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel.
Adam and Eve would have been identical twins, less the male
and female anatomical differences just noted. I am not certain if

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procreation with duplicated genetics could actually occur
between human-beings… at least not in the ‘old-fashioned’ way.
Again… let us say that it can. Cain kills Abel… the first
murder… so a lot happened after Adam and Eve were cast out
of the Garden of Eden… and Cain was never to return. Was
Cain just a problem-child… was this just a case of bad-
parenting ? Men, though some still seem to believe it to be
true... are not missing a rib !
In SOME bible versions we will find the name of Lilith,
whom was made quite the same way as Adam was... from the
dust of the ground. Eve is believed to be Adam's SECOND
wife, according to the following versions of the bible :
Amplified Bible (AMP), Common English Bible (CEB),
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB), Darby Bible (DBY), International
Standard Version bible (ISV), Lexham English Bible (LEB), The
Message Bible (MSG), New American Bible Revised Edition
(NABRE), New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV), New
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Bible (NRSVCE),
and the Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB).
To make it all the MORE confusing, there are many other
versions of the bible, such as :
American King James Version bible (AKJV), American
Standard Version bible (ASV), Douay-Rheims bible (DR+LV),
Easy to Read Version bible (ERV), English Standard Version
bible (ESV), New American Standard bible (NASB), New
International Version bible (NIV), God's Word Bible (GWB),
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), Jewish Publication

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Society of America Version (JPS Tanakh 1917), Jubilee bible
2000 (JUB), King James bible (KJV), New King James bible
(NKJV), King James 2000 bible (KJV 2000), Online Bible (NET),
New Heart English Bible (NHEB), New Living Translation bible
(NLT), Webster's Bible Translation (WBT), Word English Bible
(WEB), Young's Literal Translation bible (YLT)... the list goes
on... and to compare all of these versions by verse often yields
a different meaning.
There were only two sets of stone tablets dedicated to the
10 commandments... the ones that Moses broke when he threw
them out of anger... a godly thing to do... and the ones that
were re-copied for posterity when his god replaced them.
How many versions of the bible are there now ?!! Were
they ALL 'inspired' works ?
Adam and Eve had Seth… another boy. In my debates
with Mormons as I was fading away, I asked where the rest of
us came from. I was told that Adam and Eve lived 900 plus
years… they had LOTS of children… and that the genetics were
not tainted back then. This is all fine and good… I get it… but
this does not change the fact that they would have all been
siblings and actually know it… and the young males having had
to approach the young females saying something like : “hey
there… my, my, my… YOU are looking mighty GOOD in that fig
leaf !” I don’t know… seems the story is flawed… always the
riddle from whence we came... and to where we are going.
Something that I really struggled with is that Mormons believe
that black people were the result of the curse of Cain. I

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wondered though… if HE was cast out of God’s presence…
how could he have spawned the entire
black ethnicity… all alone ? It wouldn’t
be until the end of the 1970’s when
Mormons allowed black people to
observe the same 'rites' as the white
people did in the Mormon church…
this was brought into play when the
Mormon god ‘revealed’ it to Spencer
Woolley Kimball, the Mormon prophet
of the time. You see… the Mormon
god was a white supremacist at the beginning… from 6 April
1830, all the way through to 8 June 1978 ! It has been said that
the Mormon church was about to lose its tax exemption status
because it discriminated… but this may have been mostly due
to 'racist' demonstrations taking place at Brigham Young
University (BYU) in the early 70s. Still... the Mormon god taught
white supremacy, as has many other forms of Christendom.
THIS is Christianity... Jesus is almost always depicted as a
white man, brown hair, and very often as having blue eyes.
THIS version is NOT a version that the Mormons would use…
just a little bit too… roman-catholic.
His virgin mother, of course... is also illustrated as having
been white. So… what of the Christian god ? If Jesus were
white, born from a white mother, then we must assume that the
father, the Christian god of the day, must have ALSO been
white… right ? An ‘immaculate conception’ ? This god did not

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even touch her ? WE are so gullible… never stopping to
consider what ‘might have happened’, what
‘could have happened’, versus ‘what REALLY
happened’… because these are all the same to
US… WE are not able to tell the difference.
Mary is just another in a long line of virgin mothers… and here
in this stained glass window… she is encased in a golden-
outlined-pinkish pointed-oval with the rays of the sun emulating
from behind her head.
I have often wondered if Christianity began when it was
said to have begun… the writers of history tend to do so as if
they have written it from the future. However…
IF Jesus WERE real… he would have HAD to
have been white… but white for only ONE
reason… because the dominant populace of
christianity WAS white. Incidentally, this is one of the more
common depictions used in Mormonism… never a halo… never
an obvious sun showing behind his head... and WHITE.
It is never really described in the bible what Jesus would
have even looked like. Mormons
would say that him and the
Mormon god would be like that
of identical twins… yeah… I
don’t get it either. But whom would Jesus be modeled after in
resemblance if no one had any idea ? How about a king ?
Edward I of England seems to have looked a bit like him… or
maybe it is that Jesus looked like Edward I, whom reigned from

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november 1272 to july 1307. King Edward I, by the way,
required that Khazars wore some kind of identifying badge for
those of 7-years and older... after having banned usury.
Sounds a bit familiar, no ? Of course it does... because during
the Hitler administration, it was enforced very much the same
King Edward II had a more striking
resemblance… with his blue eyes being very
apparent… and his seemingly lighter-brownish
hair… reigning from july 1307 to january 1327.
Taking into account the fashions of the time, Edward I must
have worn longer hair than did his son... or maybe it was just
the style of the day.
And finally there was king Edward III… whom ruled for 50
years from january 1327 to june 1377… 95 years of being ruled
by ‘Edward’s ! Edward III here... his beard a bit longer… his
hair shorter than his grandfather's. Fashions, as
do tongues, change over time... and I do NOT
know what was fashionable during the time that
Jesus supposedly lived.
Ahhh… but who really cares, right ? It is not so
important… but… there WERE also all of those bloody
crusades during those darker times… which allowed organized
religion to just leave a bad taste in my mouth. You see… the
‘holy’ books were not written by a god OR ‘God’… they were
written by men… and likely by men that hungered for power and
control or were already in possession of it.

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The kings of old had ceremonial book burnings from time
to time… and yet, another such example of history repeating
itself was played out in Berlin, on the eve of 10 may 1933 ; the
burning of works and ideas, simply because they were
considered to be un-German. It has happened before and it
has happened since then in many other countries… knowledge
up in smoke as to what may and may not have been true or
real… all hidden and forgotten… again.
Christians also refer to Jesus as a Saviour… without
considering this figure as having to have been a demi-god…
much as mythology did, which we all can easily accept as
always having been mythical… yet somehow we still believe
that a man was crucified, which actually WAS a very common
form of execution in the Rome of those days ; but then escaped
3 days of death, and floated up into the sky. I would think that
this would be really big news… but the books of Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and Acts (Acts was also supposedly written by Luke)
were not written until VERY roughly 60 AD. The book of John,
the actual ‘eye-witnessed’ account, was not written until maybe
70 or even 80 AD… whom was also said to have written the
book of revelations when he was 92 years of age. Hmmm…
maybe THAT explains why it was written so… ‘differently’.
Personally, I find it rather difficult to tell a story that happened
two weeks ago… maybe people had better recall back then…
and it was acceptable to put such 'important' matters off for a
few decades. Oh… and by the way… Mormons believe that
Jesus was in the Americas during those three days while he

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was SUPPOSED to be in the tomb… I could have it wrong…
but it COULD have happened, right ? Also, from the ages of 12
to 30, Jesus was just missing in action… and most Christians
believe that he died at the age of 33. Hmmm… 33… there it is
again... the highest degree attainable in the tradition of
The Book of Mormon will tell you about it… along with
stories of swords, chariots, and gold. What is amusing though,
is that there was NEVER a single metallic artifact ever found or
recovered in the Americas until AFTER Europeans had arrived.
Metal is quite an easy find now… but nothing made of metal
has ever been found in north America, at least, that predated
the New World Crusades of ‘Columbus’. Joseph Smith found
the 'golden plates' that would become the Book of Mormon... on
the property that he lived... by chance.
Another freemasonic symbol, is the black and white
checkered pattern as found in the 'Grand Prix'…
which translated from French could easily be
the ‘Great Price’... and as mormonism was
founded on principles of freemasonry, one of its
religious books is called 'The Pearl of Great Price'.
Even the Mormon under-garments are symbolic... an 'L'
marks the right breast ; 'V' marks the left breast ; a horizontal
line marks the naval ; and another horizontal line marks the
right knee... a square, a compass ; a disembowelment symbol
should one ever disclose the 'endowments', 'covenants', OR
'secrets' of the temple, and a ruler or 'architectural scale',

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respectively. Mormons actually believe in this.... and mormon
propaganda will state that if one is living righteously, these
'garments' will protect them... by even fire... though they are
only made of cotton or nylon.
Then there is the bread and wine of Christianity… the
bread symbolizing the body and the wine symbolic of blood,
though Mormons use water because alcohol is BAD. Still…
these symbols just seem to be cannibalistic to me… vampiric...
or perhaps just Wiccan, but I don’t really know. In the Old
Testament it was sacrificial animals on an altar… and on
another such occasion Abraham almost offered up his son
Isaac, when at the last moment, HIS god had a change of heart,
an I-AM-just-messing-with-you moment. No one thinks it
strange that this is the book sworn upon in courts ? Is this really
the best we’ve got ?
Noah… another strange story… almost portrays the
Adam and Eve thing all over again… because NO ONE
survived the wrath of his god but HIS family. He sent a dove 3
different times at one point, but another account says he sent a
raven ; they happen to look a bit different, so I do not
understand the confusion. I can accept that 40 days and 40
nights may have been just a way to say ‘a very long time’… but
2 of each animal versus 7… the 'unclean' animals were for
sacrifice... or was it the 'clean' ones... I forget. At any rate...
animal sacrifice was still THAT important when the ‘whole world’
was sinking ?!! Noah's ark must have had an altar... but I would
think that it would have posed a grave fire-hazard !

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How many people were actually there that lived to tell the
tale anyway ?!! Well…
I guess there were
only 8, and they were
all ‘in a relationship’ so
only 4 couples… the
men all being blood-
related. The human race had to start all over again ! This
might be a strange question, but what color was THEIR skin ? I
can only assume that they shared the same color. Not long
after that though… the tower of Babylon was built… which
‘logically’ explained away different skin tones and different
languages… and all of these stories were taking place in just
the first book of the Old Testament of the bible… known as
This is the European Union (EU) parliament building
standing in Strasbourg France... Babylon ?
Adam, the first man, whom lived to be 930 years old...
Methuselah, the son of Enoch living to be 969 years, was
Noah's grandfather... and Noah apparently lived to be 950
years old !
I am thinking that these numbers are not as they appear
to be... perhaps the writers wanted to make the past more
distant... easier to believe tales that happened long ago.
4,4 Biblically speaking
The KJV version of the bible is very widely used… 47
'scholars' were employed in its production... and we have seen

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that there is more than just one version of it. Still, it was written
in the common English of the time… rather Shakespearian, if
you were to ask me... but it is the version that I know... that I
was taught.
Mormons will speak this way in prayer as though it is a
more respectful way of addressing their god…
THIS is what WE were taught... just as Latin is
often used in Catholicism. Language evolves ;
English has changed also… and like Latin did,
will fade away and become something else with some time. I
don’t really know if King James actually had altruistic intent in
mind while endeavoring on his infamous 'English translation
project'… but who WAS King James ? HE certainly did not look
like JESUS !
King James was known as King James VI in Scotland…
as he became the successor of the throne of England in 1603
when Queen Elisabeth I died after HER 45 years of rule…
thereby, also becoming King James I of England. I suppose I
should mention here, that King James was a cousin of Queen
Elisabeth I… which by now, should not really be of any surprise.
It is also said that King James (I and VI) preferred male
company. I mean no disrespect here… but how does THIS fit
into the Christian mainstream teachings of the modern day ?
Was ‘Eve’ just a mere mistranslation of ‘Evan’ ? Seriously
though, Christianity has quite bluntly preached homosexuality to
be taboo in its nature… a perversion. Homosexuals often found
themselves placed into the concentration camps of WWII !

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Imagine… how many of King James’ translators may have
actually known of his real sexual orientation. Perhaps everyone
knew, unwilling to submit to a gay ruler. The King James
translation commenced in 1604, the year after he took the
throne, but curiously… adhered to the endorsement of
heterosexual preference. This was not the first English bible,
and it certainly will not be the last. A majority of the King
James' translations were from the works of William Tyndale, a
gifted linguist... whom had been executed for heresy and
burned at the stake under the rule of King Henry VIII in 1536…
some 70 years before the rule of King James.
King James (I and VI) had children, of course… a king
must leave behind his legacy. WHAT IF… this was all just a
campaign of politics sort of move… giving to the serfs of
England, that bit of persuasion they needed to allow themselves
to be ruled by the King of Scotland... as if peasants ever had
any choice ? He had reigned for 22 years upon his death.
Language is a peculiar thing. Latin, is another dead
language that is actually still alive, but geographically divided
into French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian... the
descendents of it, for the most part, can still interpret the
meaning of Latin words. I wonder, as old Latin is being recited
in catholic churches if the pronunciation is as it was… as it
seems it is always pronounced using English phonetics in film…
which cannot possibly be right as what are known to be the
romantic languages were the REAL spawns of it… NOT
English. English was just the language of the ‘angels’... a

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Germanic language... in which the word 'angel' would be 'engel'
in German.
The anglosphere consists of Australia, Britain, most of
Canada, New Zealand, and the United States ; the English-
speaking countries... apparently, now there is
even a logo for it !
HEBREW... if it ever really existed, died in
about 300 AD, and there were no languages
that descended from it... the reason I question if it ever was.
The first bible in French was translated from 'Hebrew',
Aramaic, and Greek, by Pierre Robert Olivétan which is very
much the same story as was produced under King James I and
VI of England, but some decades in advance... around 1533 to
1535... la Bible d’Olivétan.
Zionists can be Christian, Muslim OR Jew... or even,
none of the above... the breed of capitalists IS a religion in itself.
Here is a scripture altered by my own interpretation :
“Blessed are the meek [greedy] : for they shall
inherit the earth” ~ Matthew 5:5
Perhaps this was a prophesy that we failed to
understand. Religions are superstitious… drink this… eat
that… do good... or bad things will come... it is these beliefs that
WE were taught... the propaganda of the zionists.
Abraham had 3 wives... the first being Sarah whom could
not give Abraham a child, whom permitted Abraham to 'hook up'
with her servant Hagar and also marry HER. Sometime much
later Sarah DID have a child... Isaac. Abraham would send

~ 219 ~
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Hagar away with her son Ishmael... and after Sarah died,
Abraham married Ketura a concubine, whom gave him 6 sons.
Abraham is the father of Judaism... which spawned Christianity
AND Islam.
Polygamy... or having more than one wife, was
acceptable ; Polyandry... or having more than one husband,
was not.
There is another 'secret' society know as the Jesuits… a
roman-catholic order... a word that apparently means ‘followers
of Jesus’. Looking at the word though, I could easily
mistranslate. Remove the ‘t’, or the 'cross', and the word
becomes 'jesuis'… or 'je suis'… meaning ‘I AM’, using French
as a reference to its ancestral tongue of Latin. “I am THAT I
am” was recited to Moses from a shrub… so we could suppose
then that ‘I AM’ must be an equivalent to ‘God’, right ?
Dissecting the word in another way… ‘Jesuits’, less the ‘i’,
which sounds like ‘eye’ in English, AND 'the cross', would just
leave ‘Jesus’. So which came first… Jesus or the Jesuits ?
The Jesuit order was established on 21 september 1540... so I
would conclude that 'christianity' came first... but my BEST
guess, is that Christianity did not REALLY get going until at
least 325 AD... and Judaism could not have begun much earlier
than this... which was not really a religious move... but rather a
political one... in Rome.
Anyway… I am not sure if this really means anything… it
is just something I noticed being familiar with French. I can’t
help think now though, how Pope Benedict XVI… retired in

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2013, after serving since 2005. Did this not seem strange ?
This was a first in 600 years, to walk away and
simply resign... the popes have always died while
holding the title... a king was a king until his
death... I do not remember any occurrence when
a king retired. The then pope made his announcement on
february 11th… and stepped down on the 28th of the same
month. Pope Francis I succeeded him 13 days later on 13
March 2013. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit to become a
pope… which I find even stranger still. The French 'jésuites'
logo here makes use of the astrological symbol of Saturn... the
'i' is a larger font with a 'swooshy thing' encircling the sigil... and
a 6-pointed star that looks to be semi-right-side-up or upside-
down... floating above the upside-down 'S'. Christian ? I don't
think so.
The Jesuits, by the way, in 1838, helped to fund
Georgetown University located in Washington DC... said 'funds'
were acquired by means of selling 272 pieces of 'property'... all
of which were men, women... AND children.
There are always vows associated with
the societies of secrets… and there are always
rituals, words to speak, as well as physical
action and gesture… but I find it to be that the
Jesuit Order has the most vivid and concise version of them all.
WE can speak of 'radical Islam'... as the media might call it, but
no one pays any attention to 'radical Christianity'... nor 'radical
Jewry'... nor even just the radical of radicals ! This is just a

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piece of the 'Jesuit Oath'… of which I found to be the most
‘enlightening’ of the order. Could we suppose that this was an
'inspired' work of catholicism ? Being a bit 'creepy' here, would
gravely be understated ! THIS order was established 15 august
1534 in Paris, France... founded by Ignace de Loyola, François
Xavier, et Pierre Favre.
“… I do further promise and declare that I will,
when opportunity presents, make and wage
relentless war, secretly and openly, against all
heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed
to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole
earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor
condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay,
strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics;
rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women,
and crush their infants' heads against the walls in
order to annihilate their execrable race. That when
the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use
the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the
steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless
of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the
persons, whatever may be their condition in life,
either public or private, as I at any time may be
directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or
Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of
the Society of Jesus.”
The mother of Christianity and Islam, better known as

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Zionist Judaism, owned and operated 95% of the ships that
exploited the slave trade in the U.S. after
founding the 'Vereenigde Oosterische
Compagnie' or the 'Dutch East India
Company'... which, by the way, was 'publically-
It requires very little in deductive logic as to which
countries condoned and permitted the use and abuse of black
slaves for pleasure and/or profit. The largest
black population outside of Africa resides in
Brazil... the next being the United States of
America... then Columbia... Haiti... and the
Dominican Republic to cap off the top-5 list... which flag of fee-
dom is shown here.
Of these countries, black slaves worked the plantations of
tobacco, coffee, sugar, rice, and cotton... they were muleteers,
cattle-hands, dairy-farmers, black-smiths, weavers, clothes-
washers, carpenters, butchers, cooks, gold-miners, diamond-
miners, pearl-divers, and personal-servants ; chattel slaves
have no rights, no pay, and no control of their own being... and
as 'property', this would include that of sexual-servitude. Today,
Most of US are simply the debt-slaves, under the contract or
consensual-slaves, or work a JOB in voluntary-servitude.
The laws of WHITE Christianity served only the whims of
the WHITE. Not long after Christianity began, the infamous
crusades would take hold… Christians converted non-
Christians to Christianity by force… and by fear. To my

~ 223 ~
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knowledge, this isn’t happening so much anymore, but it WAS
for at least a 1000 years… in the New World too… which is why
I refer to it as the ‘Crusades of Columbus’. Despite there even
being a holiday set for him… I see no reason to celebrate this
man… if one could dare consider him a man… NONE at ALL.
He is just another holiday declared by the banks that is of no
benefit to US... which was established in October of 1929…
about two weeks before THE Black Tuesday. In French
'Tuesday' is 'mardi' or mars-day... 'tuer' is the French verb for 'to
kill'... tues-day is 'kill-day'... rather fitting for the big stock market
crash of 1929, would you not say ? It is a tribute to the god of
Islam is a younger religion than is Christianity… and like
its older Christian sister, it too had taken part in forced
conversions to Islam… and according to what we are allowed to
know from the media, it is still happening today… but this is
THEIR propaganda. Judaism dabbled in forced conversions
for a time as well… just not nearly to the extent that its offspring
did. It is not difficult to assess whom have been the victims of
such conversions… it was of mostly Buddhists and Hindus
whom were converted to Islam. It begs us to ponder… if OUR
ancestors were among those forced into one of these
religions… or the forcers. Either way, religious beliefs were
likely just passed down to us… and as children, we believe just
about anything our parents have or had to say.
Today, we can look at Islam, via the corporate media that
is piped in to us regularly, and judge that they are wrong... but

~ 224 ~
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the media shows us only the violence THEY want us to see ;
propaganda. I wonder… how many of the 2 billion Christians
today are descendants of those that kissed the sword, or the
ring of a ‘holy’ man… that they might be spared.
An Avatar or teacher, is a concept of Hinduism... the
descent of a deity on earth during the darker times... like
Vishnu, a solar deity.
Indra of India OR Indra of Thibet (Tibet), was known as
the King of the gods in 725 BC. It is funny that
this logo actually belongs to a Spanish
company... of which has 39 dots... but 39 is
equal to 3x13... and to add a bit of complexity to
the number, it is the same to say 3+5+7+11+13... prime
numbers that have been incorporated in this composition
I have not the knowledge to explain Hinduism nor
Buddhism... but I intend to learn more about them... as
Christianity has failed me... it has failed us all... and since
Christianity and Islam were spawns of Judaism... concepts built
upon a common concept... then it is Judaism that has failed... or
succeeded, however one would like to look at it. Christians and
Muslims are proxy Jews as these sects of Judaism were pre-
ordained as being such. It seems that we are all Jewish...
whether we want to be or not... even though the non-jews are
just goyim... or a 'goy', which is the singular... anyone who is
NOT a jew ; the heathens... the biblical gentiles... the beasts.
Jews are not really to blame though... any more or less
than Christians or Muslims are to blame... in the realm of

~ 225 ~
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peasants, most are simply just living out their lives... Jews
praying at their west wall or Wailing Wall, as they face the east,
where the temple of Solomon is believed to have existed... but
was destroyed in 587 BC by Nebuchadnezzar II ; the second
was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans... and it has been
'talked' about to build a 3rd version of the temple for their god...
the 3rd time will be the charm, huh ?
Christians partaking of their communion while facing the
altar that is positioned at the east side of the
Basilica... and Muslims praying in the direction
of their Mecca... all customs that peasants
remain oblivious in practicing. Whom was it
that decided that there needed to be a hierarchy in a church… it
became another kind of business… as if none of us were
worthy enough to address our deity for ourselves. Our tithes
that fed yet another corporation… which have made
'unspecified' investments historically... but one 'specifically' was
in the trading of slaves.
Frankly, I get so tired of hearing how ‘Jesus is Saviour’
when observations are made about the evils of this world…
because this is just a story that has been told for centuries
before… a retelling of the 'retell', of the Egyptian goddess Isis
and her divine son Horus. I am NOT sorry to say… that NO
ONE needs a middleman to speak with his or her god... and it is
only the hierarchy in these organizations that benefit by OUR
believing THEY speak the truth.
You may have guessed by now, but I am very fond of

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quotes that strike a chord in me. Some years ago, I watched
Interstellar… a film of 2014, that was suggested to me that I
watched, twice by two different persons in a week’s time… so I
thought I should take a look… I suppose it is that I believe in
signs in this way. Everything is always a question of
coincidence or providence… but I am not really a believer in
coincidences nor random occurrences… but rather an æthereal
catalyst that puts things into motion… putting us in the right
place at just the right time… and the discovering of answers to
questions that we were not even aware of our looking for.
In the film… as the astronauts traveled to the portal to
other worlds that had been discovered, Mars was referenced on
the way, but Jupiter (Zeus) was never even mentioned… just
Saturn… where the 'wormhole' or 'gateway' had been placed.
Amelia shares in dialogue with what was left of her crew :
Cooper : She's in love with Wolf Edmunds
Romilly : is that true ?
Brand : Yes... and that makes me want to follow my
heart. But maybe we’ve spent too long trying to figure this
all out with theory.
Cooper : You're a scientist Brand !.
Brand : So listen to me ! When I say that love isn't
something we invented ; its observable, powerful, it has
to mean something.
Cooper : Love has meaning. Yes… socio-utility, socio-
bonding, child-rearing…
Brand : We love people whom have died ! Where’s the

~ 227 ~
KINGS… and peasants
socio-utility in THAT !
Cooper : None.
Brand : Maybe it means something more, something we
can’t YET understand, maybe it’s some evidence, some
artifact of a higher dimension that we can’t consciously
perceive. I’m drawn across the universe to someone I
haven’t seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead.
Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving, that
transcends the dimensions of time and space… maybe
we SHOULD trust that, even if we can’t understand it yet.
~ Interstellar 2014, produced by Christopher Nolan.
To try to add some perspective… why might we
experience the fear-based emotion of ‘jealousy’ ? Because we
‘fear’ losing someone or something, in which acting on it may
cause us to do something even more stupid… something else
also based on fear. On the contrary, giving a couple of euros to
someone on the street of whom seems to be in need is a
gesture of ‘compassion’ or 'kindness'… love-based emotions.
Fear-based emotions are usually selfish… while love-based
emotions are self-less
Most religions are attached to mostly the fear. The judeo-
christian bible says that we should ‘fear’ the Christian god… in
court one swears on the bible… as to fear to say a lie. Despite
what is always told to us, religion does not usually make us
better people… it only makes us afraid… and the guilt we feel
due to our religious conditioning, is an emotion… based on fear.
L'entracte 7 (GOD)

~ 228 ~
Chapitre 4
Quite simply, I DO believe in a god. I cannot say if this
deity would be male, female, hermaphroditic, or even plural. I
cannot say if this god would even be in a form recognizable to
our feeble eyes or understanding. Perhaps ‘God’ is made of
energy, maybe just of intelligence… but in MY heart… I believe
that this god would be made of omnipotent love... THIS is all
that I can really conclude.… and this is where it stops for me.
MY god is of love… and love cannot also possess with it,
wrath… which love’s TRUE opposite would be that of fear…
and my understanding of what is right and/or wrong… is that
one harms another… and the other does not. It is always either
a love-based emotion that motivates us… or an emotion
brought on by our fear.
I would like to see all of the Abrahamic religions of the
world start over again from this point... which I would suppose
would remove the Abrahamic part... which perhaps was the
point when the denominations became abominations. You
see… MY god couldn’t have had anything to do with any of this
or that... again… only men of power.
To define Paganism… a pagan is anyone that can NOT
be categorized as being Jewish, Christian, or Muslim… simple,
right ? Oh yeah… and paganism is supposedly a BAD thing…
at least this is what I have always heard. Hinduism apparently
has 300 million gods to choose from... which would also qualify
it has being pagan... perhaps it should be given another look...
because the god of Judah... also the god of christianity AND
Islam, seems to favor the 'sheikhs'; not the meek.

~ 229 ~
KINGS… and peasants
It is a difficult concept… to leave the club of religious
views that were never ours… passed down generation upon
generation... and I fail to see what is so important about an
‘organized’ religion… especially with its history of killing,
maiming, and the torturing of those that look, act, and believe
differently than ourselves... with the only reason being... that
someone else told us to do so… someone that was NOT a god.
'There need not be a middle-man in OUR spiritual
quests… there need not be a church… the solace and peace
that we find in connecting with… the infinite, if you would
rather… OUR unique connection. THIS is what spirituality is
really all about… not ritualistic words or pseudo blood thirst. It
is the peace that one finds in singing… in dancing… in
praying… and those quiet contemplative moments that reveal
what was only meant for US… when WE needed said moment.
MY god does NOT judge, MY god does NOT punish…
MY god does not require me to fear OR to kneel… THAT is the
job for 'humanity'… IF I may call it as such. Fin 7
Now… I would like to show you something known as the
Fibonacci Number, the Golden Ratio, the God Number, or even
the Fingerprint of God. If one were to look down from an
airplane, it is quite easy to notice where people have been.
Human beings operate mostly in straight lines. Perhaps you
have heard of PI, which is represented by the number 3.1415…
OR 355/113... a never-ending number that we all struggled in
using during algebra class... in calculating the circumference of
a circle.

~ 230 ~
Chapitre 4
There is another number called PHI, which multiplier
would be 1.618… another irrational number, which is known as
the Golden Mean. What is interesting here, is that if the
sequence is estimated,
then the numbers will
become a pattern : 1,
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,
34… each number
multiplied by 1.618
roughly equates to the nearest whole number. We can look at it
differently as 1/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21, et cetera… as
fractions have always been more accurate than the decimal
system. The first thing that probably comes to mind here, is
perhaps the shell of a snail, but it doesn’t stop here… the spiral
of pinecones, sunflowers, whirlpools, and hurricanes follow this
pattern... as if they must.
One can also find this ratio in the bible… encoded in
things that I am not sure ever really existed… but the numbers
must have been important enough for the writers to have
included them.
ƒ Noah’s ark was 50 cubits x 300 cubits x 30 cubits high…
3/5 ratio.
ƒ The Ark of the Covenant was 2.5 cubits x 1.5 cubits x 1.5
cubits high… 3/5 ratio.
ƒ The Altar of Exodus was 5 cubits x 5 cubits x 3 cubits
high… 3/5 ratio.
ƒ The Temple of Solomon was 20 cubits x 60 cubits x 30

~ 231 ~
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cubits high… 2/3 ratio.
WE were never alluded to these peculiarities in our
biblical studies, were we ?
The unit of measurement is irrelevant… the ratio is all
that really matters in this. The Greeks used this ratio in their
famous Parthenon… and a deck of cards is the same… making
use of a 2/3 ratio.
The most classic of automobiles were designed using the
golden ratio... and the most dominant of company logos, adhere
to the golden-mean.
YOU follow this pattern… yes… YOU. Look at one of
your fingers starting at the tip. If you were to multiply the length
of the tip (from the tip to the middle of the first knuckle) by
1.618, it would equal the length of the next segment (knuckle
center to knuckle center). Multiply THAT length by 1.618 and it
will equal the NEXT segment of your finger. The human body
has the 'Fingerprint of God' all over it. The great artists have
known of this for some time… the 'Mona Lise', probably the
most famous of paintings, follows this ratio perfectly… and
MANY corporations use it to design their logos… as it is THIS
ratio that we find the most beautiful. In fact… this ratio has
even been used to shape YOUR credit card… the short side is
2/3 of the long side. Perhaps if it was not this shape, we might
use it a little less ? Financial institutions prefer that we use it…
and they prefer that we use it a lot !
Something about those corporate and financial
institutions though… is that they have enslaved us… WE all

~ 232 ~
Chapitre 4
wear the shackles of slavery… and WE have let this happen.
THEY are wrong (refer to my definition of right and wrong on
page 229… because THEY have been and are using THEIR
powers to harm us… and even consciously aware of what
THEY have been doing… ‘buy now, pay later’… ‘no payments
for 6 months !’ This is not out of love… this is not intended to
benefit US… this is about business, power, money, and
greed… and our whole world is becoming a world empire…
complete with world armies and laws.
Doctor Stephen Marquardt discovered this ratio in the
human face… he
designed these facial
templates based on
PHI. The mask is
cross-cultural and
and based on his findings, the closer one’s face fits this ‘beauty’
mask… the more beautiful the face appears to be to us…
something that seems to have been hard-wired into us. Oh…
and just in the case that I was not clear… this ratio also
happens to be blind to color, religion, politics, and sexual
orientation !
I do not believe in organized religion. We have lost the
meaning of love… and what is of the spiritual... taught to cling to
whatever implications that religious institutions prod us follow.
RELIGION should NOT be confused with spirituality... THESE
are simply not the same.

~ 233 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 5,0 ~ The Dawn

En Bref :
In chapter 4 we saw a couple more pyramids as they
related to religion... a few more eyes associated with the
same... more symbols of freemasonry that found their way into
the many films of Disney... a number of scriptural texts in which
I hope to have proven to be mostly works of the fictional... the
major religions that are predominantly participated in ; Islam
uses a symbol of Saturn... the cube...
while Muslims walk around it in
Saturnic-ringed fashion in a counter-
clockwise motion. The cross of
christianity can be made up of 6 squares... an 'unfolded' cube.
The cross in a circle is the astrological symbol for the earth. We
also saw some of the 'corporate' endeavors blessed and
consecrated by those in 'righteous' authority... a pointed-oval
example... the number 12 ... and the 'order' of the Jesuits... the
Fibonacci number... and STILL we know nothing as to how it all

~ 234 ~
Chapitre 5
got started. The chapter ended on page 233... which digits
added together equal 8.
5,1 THE Immaculate conception
Somewhere along the way, our ancestors
got the idea that their gods mixed with human
beings... perhaps it was this concept alone, that
brought the first king of the known world to be...
a fantastic tale that all of the serfs believed to be true.
Christianity followed suit over time... and 'as it is written'...
the Christian god would also intermingle.
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise : When
as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they
came together, she was found with child of the Holy
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not
willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put
her away privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the
angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying,
Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee
Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the
Holy Ghost.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his
name JESUS : for he shall save his people from their
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

~ 235 ~
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23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring
forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is, God with us.
24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel
of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife :
25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her
firstborn son : and he called his name JESUS. ~ Matthew
1:18-25 (KJV)
The word ‘immaculate’ originated from Latin, meaning
‘clean’, ‘pure’, or undefiled... virginity in other words. The word
did not make its way into English until the 1400s. I think it more
as another word for 'magic' in this case. Think about it... a
ghost sent from the Christian god... whom would also send an
angel to explain it all to Joseph in a dream. WE believe just
about ANYTHING that the hierarchy of the clergy claim !
‘Parthenogenesis’ comes from two Greek words,
‘parthenos’ and ‘genesis’, which compounded means ‘virgin
creation’. The word is typically used to describe the
phenomenon, when an animal propagates its own without
mating… something that can be found commonly among birds
lizards, sharks, snakes and MANY insects.
BUT... this does not, nor has it ever happened… among
human beings... WE are of a species that happens to need
TWO to be able to conceive... a man and a woman... even if the
medium is only that of a test-tube.
5,2 The roots of which were planted long ago
If we were able to go back as far as we could... to the

~ 236 ~
Chapitre 5
beginning of time… and look up into the night
sky, with nothing else to do at night, we might
have drawn pictures up above… created stories
and legends... and plotted sky-maps of
constellations in which we could use should we decide to travel
by night.
There are many elements involved in what is KNOWN of
OUR education... the things that most of us willingly accept.
Many will look at religion as a facet of life… and possibly even
place it above all aspects in importance... and in Christianity...
the more significant of aspects is the concept of the 'immaculate
conception'... and that there is only ONE god.
Words change in their sound and spelling as they cross
language barriers, so essentially, a word or phrase in another
language is synonymous for the same word or phrase in
English… in which, one might not recognize the words until they
are learned. The names that we are called by usually carry
virtually the same spelling though the sounds may vary
language to language. Here are some synonyms of what we
consider to be the same in the western world :
God in English is ‘God’
God in French is ‘Dieu’
God in German is ‘Gott’
God in Spanish is ‘Dios’
God in Latin is ‘Deus’
It is easy to note here, which languages are related... the
Germanic versus the Latinic.

~ 237 ~
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Dynamics have changed, and women are competing with
men and vice versa, in which I must say, it shouldn't be a
competition at all. A woman is one half, a man is one half...
female and male... which exists in the animal kingdom all the
way down to the world of insects... but if one REALLY looks at
it, if one actually had to be dominant... it would be a woman or a
group of women. A lion and his pride... better said as the pride
and its lion... the pride works together, hunting, raising the cubs,
feeding all... the male lion sits around until the pride is
threatened... pissing on everything to mark his turf.
Men have failed and succeeded many times... but it is
usually, at least in part, due by cause of a woman... because of
his strength or weakness residing often within her. We will find
this dynamic within the couples of gays and lesbians as well...
one always seems to be more masculine or feminine than the
other... something that I never quite understood. The more
masculine of the two will have more masculine mannerisms...
the flamboyant man will act more like a women... one cannot
really say this is due to upbringing, can they ?
'Homophobic' has become the common term for those
whom are afraid of gay people. I cannot say that anyone is
really ‘afraid’ of homosexuals… the ones I have known have, for
the most part, seemed rather peaceful… but high in drama. I
heard once that 10% of the world’s population is homosexual…
but let us just suppose it is a mere 1%. The world population is
sitting right about 7,125,000,000 today… of which might make
up about 71,250,000 gays. Frankly, I don’t really care. Take

~ 238 ~
Chapitre 5
religion out of the equation and a lot more of us would not even
concern ourselves with this. Homosexuality
has been around for millennia… the only
difference today, is that it seems more in the
open now… even flying a different flag... a
rainbow, but just like many other logos exclude 'indigo'... which
might suggest that it was the government that put this flag into
being... this one being popular since 1979. However, I can find
no reason how this really concerns ME. Live and let live.
This is not the first time a group has been oppressed by
another for the sake of something ridiculous. After 11
september 2001, persons of Arabic descent were under-fire. In
June of 2012 there was the gay rights versus Chick-fil-A being
against 'same-sex-marriage' controversy. There are FAR more
important things that we should concern ourselves with... whom
a person should choose to love is NOT one of them.
In the U.S., as of 30 september 2016, 437,500 children
were in the foster care system... more commonly known as
group homes... but which original term was an orphanage...
which are of the same. The numbers living in these settings
have only increased. So... for the record, I am FOR children
being raised by gays and lesbians… it is more important for
them to have parents than no one. It is HIGHLY likely that
homosexuals came from heterosexual families… I think the
child in question would be whomever they are ; whomever it is
that they are going to be… and this too, should just be

~ 239 ~
KINGS… and peasants
When I was younger, I remember always being taught
that America was the ‘melting pot’ of the world. There is even a
sonnet that was written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 that you
might be familiar with entitled : ‘The New Colossus’.
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land ;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome ; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp !" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door !”
Emma seems to have had a very different idea than is
lived in the U.S. of today. She was interested in Jewish unity...
and the creation of a homeland in Palestine... or 'Zion', if one
would prefer. Interestingly, she was a Jew from a family that
HAD money. In this poem then... what is it that she was
actually writing about ? She likely did not even know the 'tired
and the poor'... and she may not have even known what her
father even did for a living.
Moses Lazarus, Emma's father, was partnered with

~ 240 ~
Chapitre 5
Bradish Johnson which company became known as 'Johnson
and Lazarus' whom owned sugar plantations in Louisiana... and
of course distilleries in New York... in which the largest of the
buildings took up 2 blocks... coincidentally located between the
9th and 11th avenues near the Hudson river... of which I hope
was just by chance.
Bradish was one of the directors of Chemical bank...
which latest of logos is shown here... kind of
'square', isn't it. Moses 'retired' from the 'sugar
business' in 1865... the year AFTER slavery in
Louisiana was 'officially' declared as abolished.
In 1858 having been in business together since about 1850,
their collaborations brought to us 'swill milk'... from their
distillery/dairies. Organic waste from the distilleries was fed to
old and ill dairy cows... which milk, in-turn, was cut with water,
eggs, starch, flour, molasses, and whatever else... oh... and
'plaster of Paris' to give it that 'farm-fresh' color and
Logos are also Sigils... something that, for some, would
be inclined to believe as having 'magical power'.
Now, we seem to find that it is okay to work for the U.S.,
but only as long as we are living somewhere else. The Chinese
have been working for America as well as MANY other
countries for quite a while. Need proof ? All right... just try to
find something in your home that was NOT made in China ! The
twins referenced to in the sonnet were of New York City and

~ 241 ~
KINGS… and peasants
If it is OUR dream is to work for a large American
company… it might be time to
consider looking to the so-called
third-world… because the jobs that
we once took so much pride in...
well… they will NEVER be coming
back... and THEY will always be
raising THEIR costs while selling US
lowered quality.
You know… we don’t really
think about it much… but how would
such a strange representational
figure come to be the symbol of ‘liberty’ ? I have an idea…
because the powers that be, really have no imagination…
always copying someONE or someTHING else… and I would
attest that aside of the actual
construction of it, that there was no
real creativity required for THIS one
Though no one really knows
what the original looked like… The
OLD Colossus was
erected on the isle of
Rhodes... in Greece in
about 280 BC. In the
U.S., Rhode Island is not REALLY an island... just another
Greek reference.

~ 242 ~
Chapitre 5
This rendition, is the Colossus of Rome… better known
as the Colossus of Nero, as it was fashioned after the likeness
of HIM, somewhere during the second half of the 1st century.
With a rather questionable reputation, Nero would reign as the
emperor of Rome from 54 AD to 68 AD. The colossus was
actually moved around 128 AD to accompany the coliseum.
The 'peace' sign, by the way, was also known as the cross of
Helios was the Greek name for the sun-god ; Soli the
name in Rome… but still symbols of
something that I don’t really know or
understand in their entirely. The OLD
Colossus was a representation of
Helios... where we get the term
'heliocentric'... which word defines our
rotating around the sun. If we should
look at ‘Lady Liberty’ just a bit closer,
HER face resembles more of the
attributes of a man… a thick neck,
rather flat-chested… quite androgynous to me… which makes
me wonder why a statue so large might have been so important
to ship and raise in the Harbor of the 'twin' cities. The Statue of
Liberty faces south-east, and a much smaller version of itself in
Paris, France… from where this ‘gift’ was sent, is facing the
south-west… and though I am uncertain if this poses any
significance, the fact so many likenesses of the pagan sun-god
in sculpture, even in our modern day, makes it seem all the

~ 243 ~
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more strange.
A symbol that one will notice at the site of ‘Liberty
Enlightening the World’ monument… also
contains the SEVENth letter of the alphabet on
the cornerstone of the pedestal… have you
seen it ? In the case that you didn’t know by
now, this is the most recognized symbol of freemasonry. It just
so happens, that Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the French
sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, was himself a ‘franc-maçon’,
the French equivalent of what English speakers have come to
know as a ‘freemason'. Some might say that the ‘G’ stands for
‘God’… or the ‘Great Architect’. But since it is an international
affiliation, then it is obvious to me that it should be able to be
translated into other languages. In French, the word for ‘god’ is
‘dieu’, so ‘G’ by itself would not unify it as being international.
‘Great Architect’ translates easily enough into the Latin and
Anglo-Saxon languages… but the symbol does not use ‘GA’…
just ‘G’… so I believe this to also be false. ‘G’ here must simply
be for ‘geometry’, as the symbol’s compass and square would
insist… and it was geometry that brought the unionized club of
masons to being in the first place… which later included other
Freemasonry is not a religion… but its traditions mirror a
lot of those found in Christianity and Islam, as if the source was
the same ; which again, BOTH were spawned from Judaism
According to Thomas Paine, it was actually the
freemasons that built king Solomon's temple, also pointing out

~ 244 ~
Chapitre 5
in the bible that the Jewish did not have the know-how to build
ANYthing. Churches. as a general rule. are always facing
east… and Christian burials place the body into the grave with
the feet toWARD the east, so as to enable the dead to face the
east if they were to sit up… to where the sun rises every
Freemasons face the east with their right hand over their
heart upon the opening of a lodge. Oh… you have done this
before ? When reciting the pledge of allegiance, you say ?
’The OLD Colossus and the NEW both bear seven spikes
on their heads... but why seven ? We CAN conclude that these
spikes are simply the rays of the sun, shining
from behind. More interesting, is that the statue
of 'liberty' is positioned atop of an eleven-
pointed star... 7 and 11... sounds vaguely
familiar, doesn't it ? Would I be wrong to assume that these two
are related in the esoteric sense ? Nah… saying ‘seven-eleven’
just sounds ‘cool’, right ? just a corporate expression ? After
all… one of 7-Eleven’s older mantras was chanted as this : “At
7-Eleven, freedom’s waitin’, for you.”
All right... so let's go THERE for just a moment... you
remember september 11, 2001 right ? Of course
you do... but as I stated some pages back,
'september' was one of the months that were
never renamed... september USED to be 'the
7th' month... and 'the 7th' is 'le septième' in French. Perhaps it
is just a coincidence.

~ 245 ~
KINGS… and peasants
5,3 The Number SEVEN
Let us take the number 7 a bit further, shall we ? Because
I submit to you that it means more than the
simplicity of its faced-value. The number 7 can
refer to so many things… perhaps you have
heard of some of these… by no means all-
ƒ ‘to sail the SEVEN seas’
ƒ ‘SEVEN continents
ƒ ’the state of being in ‘SEVENth heaven
ƒ ’‘the SEVEN wonders of the world
ƒ ’‘to break a mirror will bring SEVEN years of bad luck’
ƒ and then there is the SEVEN-year itch
ƒ ‘the SEVENth day adventists’
ƒ ‘a beast having SEVEN heads’
ƒ ‘the SEVEN feasts of the lord’
ƒ ‘rested on the SEVENth day’
ƒ ‘SEVEN days to load the ark’
ƒ 'SEVEN virtues of the soul'
ƒ Solomon's temple built in SEVEN years’
SEVEN candles of the Jewish Menorah...
which will often include the 12 symbols of the tribes of
Israel. Israel is a word with certain assimilation. ‘Is’
being short for Isis, ‘Ra’ being the name of the Egyptian sun-

~ 246 ~
Chapitre 5
god, and El being the god of Saturn.
ƒ Jack Daniel’s old no. SEVEN
ƒ Seagram’s SEVEN
ƒ SEVEN-up
ƒ Double ‘O’ SEVEN (007)
ƒ Windows SEVEN
ƒ And the SEVEN dwarves of Disney
Subaru’s logo hasn’t changed much over the years… it is
still made up of SEVEN stars…
SIX actually… one of the SEVEN
sisters of the constellation of Pleiades got lost… as the story
would go. It apparently depends on where one is looking
from… or that the seventh sister was seduced by Orion and
became mortal… no longer being counted. Actually though…
I’m really not an astronomer… and ‘Subaru’ is just another
name for this constellation.
Oh... and don’t forget… as it seems to be the corporate
'magic' number... something unwritten that we have all
somehow been prompted to do : we are all ‘supposed’ to be
saving our ridiculous amounts of corporate paperwork in our
filing cabinets for SEVEN years !!!
The number SEVEN, obviously comes after the number
six… but there was never a Microsoft Windows SIX and I can’t
remember if there were ever only SIX known seas… but there
were SEVEN astronauts of the supposed space shuttle
missions… just as there were SEVEN castaways on Gilligan’s

~ 247 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Island !
You and I do not come up with these names or
situations… they are passed down to us without any history or
explanation as to what they really imply. Maybe it is the reason
behind the number SEVEN often being realized as a ‘lucky’
number... but where did we get THAT ?
WE grew up not knowing what we wanted to do with our
lives… starting with that aged-old question : ‘What is it that you
want to be when you grow up ?’ The answer was usually a
dreamy one… something seen on television… and these
visions of grandeur were silently silenced when tasked to
conform to something that always seemed to be referred to as
the ‘REAL world… having already made fictionally grand career
plans like being an astronaut or a millionaire… but there was
NO ONE ever there that could show us how to do it… our
parents, our teachers, and anyone else we could look up to…
didn’t know how either… as they were all punching time-clocks
when they got to work.
Speaking of space... Nasa seems not to have much in the
way of 'imagination'... Nasa named the space shuttles... after
other ships of the sea that must have been important or
otherwise revered :
Enterprise ~ The first HMS Enterprise or L'entreprise
(1705) was a French ship that was captured the same year.
Nasa's enterprise was the one that was launched in 1976 from
a Boeing 747.
Columbia ~ The first SS Columbia (1894) collided with a

~ 248 ~
Chapitre 5
French fishing boat... and was sold to Spain in 1912... acquired
by the French Navy... and was sunk in 1918. Nasa's Columbia
would disintegrate upon re-entry 1 february 2003.
Challenger ~ The first HMS 'Challenger' (1806) was
captured by the French in 1811 ; Nasa'a Challenger blew up in
Discovery ~ The first HMS 'Discovery' (1789) was a
British Naval ship. Nasa's Discovery's final mission was 9
march 2011.
Atlantis ~ The first RV Atlantis was a research vessel
(1931). Nasa's Atlantis' last 'mission' was 21 july 2011.
Endeavour ~ The first HMS Endeavour (1764)... which
was also featured in the 2nd and 3rd installment of Pirates of
the Caribbean ; would reach Australia and New Zealand for...
'exploration'. Nasa's Endeavor's last flight was 1 june 2011.
THEY could not think of any other names ? There are
many MANY others that would carry these names... seems the
establishment cannot think of anything else !
“A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavour for the
Discovery of Atlantis… and all Challengers shall be
destroyed.” ~ William 'Bill' Cooper 1997
WE will NEVER be astronauts... WE are not allowed...
and NOW... the re-supply launch site for the ISS is in
Kazakhstan... WE are no longer able to see what is REALLY
The torch of enlightenment implies illumination or the
light-bearer… ‘Lucifer’, if one would rather… but Venus is what

~ 249 ~
KINGS… and peasants
is being referenced to here… the ruler of Taurus and Libra.
Venus… IS the morning-star, the bringer of the light... of which
announces the sunrise of every morning. Some might say that
Lucifer is Satan or the 'de vil' or 'of the vile'... but THIS would
mean that hell would be in the sky somewhere, would it not ?
Something that happens without requiring our intervention,
however, are the SEVEN colors
of a rainbow : red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet ; and If one were to
reassemble these colors, the result would be that of white light,
though the rainbows drawn today now only seem to have '6'.
There are SEVEN notes in the musical scale… Do, Re,
Mi, Fa, So, La Ti, with the octave being made by another ‘Do’…
C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and ‘C’ respectively.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla
This one brings me to another rather vexing point of
which occurred back in 1953 The International Standards
Organization (ISO) changed the frequency of ‘La’ (A) to be
tuned to 440 Hz. It is rather strange, because since antiquity…
‘La’ or ‘A’, has ALWAYS been tuned to 432 Hz ! One might not
hear much of a difference… but there is. This frequency was
based upon nature or to what some might agree to be a 'god
number'… which according to gematria is actually the number
9. Adding the numbers of the frequency together as 4+3+2 will

~ 250 ~
Chapitre 5
equal the number 9. The newer frequency, 4+4+0 equals 8…
which is a number that is representative of Saturn. This
phenomena is known as Cymatics.
The pattern on the left is ‘A’ tuned to 432 Hz being
passed through water… the one
on the right is 440 Hz. 432 Hz
looks to me to resemble the sun,
while the 440 Hz resembles a
hexagon… or even a cube with a bit of imagination. We already
spoke of Saturn though, didn’t we... a cube or hexagon being a
symbol of Saturn ? The number '8' is the symbol of the hour
glass... time... a symbol of Saturn.
THEY say that this is a picture of the north pole of Saturn
that was taken on 14 june 2013 using the 'wide-
angle' camera of the Cassini spacecraft ! See
all of the stars ? Wait... where ARE the stars ?
One more item of interest is that every
cell in our body has been replaced every SEVEN years, or so it
is said… the cycle of our own regeneration.
We are what, 55-70% water ? Frequencies must affect us
too... we are just made to be unaware of them. My question :
why would it be, after 1000s of years, would there be a need,
desire, or reason to change an already well-
established 'standard' ? I can only assume there
was a purpose… which purpose was not meant
for us commoner-types to understand... but it
raised my curiosity whether or not a symbol should emulate its

~ 251 ~
KINGS… and peasants
own frequency of a sort... Walmart uses a cube... at least this is
what I have always seen since the logo changed.
The Earth itself has a frequency known today as the
Schumann Resonance at 7.83 Hz… 7+8+3 equals 18, reducing
it further as 1+8, equals 9. We feel our best at this frequency…
a frequency that was discovered, not invented, by Winfried Otto
Schumann… whom worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base... having been one of the many nazis brought into the U.S.
during 'operation paperclip'.
Everyday disturbances around us may be disrupting the
nature of its flow... the pulse of the earth. Mobile phones
operate in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) or 470 to 890 MHz
range along with 'on-the-air' television, wireless fidelity (wi-fi),
and bluetooth… probably has no affect on us, right ?
Microwaves typically run at 2450 MHz which can excite and
heat polar molecules… but personally, I don’t like the taste of
the food when cooked in this way. There are even microwave
weapons now that can be used for crowd control… let us hope
that we never learn what it feels like to be among those ants,
those that lost their lives under the brilliant white dot that
touched them from beneath the lens of a magnifying glass,
when we were torturing them in our younger years !
The predator's first flight was in 1994... a drone ; the
global hawk's first flight was in 1998 ; another drone... and the
reaper's first flight was in 2001. 'UN-manned' flight began as far
back as 1898... remote technologies invented by Nikola Tesla,
of course ! The technology used for smart bombs was a Tesla

~ 252 ~
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patent as well. It's a shame really... that all of Tesla's work was
weaponized after his death... but the free energy that he
promised the world... THAT was never to be developed.
The constellation of Aquila… somehow became a part of
civilization starting with the first of civilizations, that we know
of... that of the ancient Sumerians… dating back somewhere
between 4000 and 3000 BC. No one seems to know where

they migrated from… nor to where they went… just as many

‘civilizations’ have done before ours.
The centuries that I just made note of are based on
ancient forms of writing... not the biblical… and of their
technologies that were left evident for us. The ancient
Sumerians were either the ‘cavemen’ of our perceived history…
OR... they just suddenly showed up building, writing, and
creating art one day… which would be anyone’s guess as to
how they were just suddenly standing there... knowing how to
do all that they could do. Perhaps it was THIS that would be

~ 253 ~
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the precursor to the Adam and Eve story of Christendom… and
no bright lights to subdue the
night sky. The old version of
the television… would have
been to stare at a fire and look
up at the stars… philosophize, theorize, personify, imagine ; the
game of connecting the dots, and all of the stories of greatness
that may or may not have taken place in the dawn of humanity.
The ancients were star-gazers. Astronomy and astrology were
one in the same. Aquila in Latin means Eagle… and it would
seem that the most notorious of civilizations somehow saw, with
some minor differences, virtually the same thing. However… IF
the Sumerians were the first of civilizations, it could have easily
been passed on… in which we still place much regard for this
symbol… even in our today. This is not
exclusive to just the United States of America
though… as the more infamous eagle of Nazi
Germany… which could have easily also
inspired the 'federal' eagle of Germany seen here… as the
swastika just HAD to go.
The Great-Falcon is a theme, which may be in the form
of an eagle, phoenix, or virtually any other bird-of-prey… which
is most often a representation of Horus… but more the merging
of Horus and Ra among the Egyptian sun-gods... birds of prey
of which used to be categorized as being in the order of
falconiformes... also included hawks, falcons, and vultures.
But... eagles, hawks, and vultures were moved to the NEW

~ 254 ~
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order of accipitriformes in about 2006... but they all still look
alike to me... and are still symbols of the 'great-falcon' in MY
book... call them what you will... I am not much of an
Yemen ALSO uses a version of the 'great falcon'… with
the colors : red, white, and black... probably to
be changed to red, white and BLUE,
somewhere in the future. Saudi Arabia is likely still bombing
Yemen as I write... with a 350-billion-dollar,10-year weapons
deal... from their United States weapons supplier... and U.S.
troops are 'serving'... well... I am not certain... but I am quite
sure that THEY don't even know what they are doing there
Indonesia uses the great falcon as well.
Is it that these countries are just copying other
countries… is it perhaps that there was some
kind of international bird-of-pray drawing
competition ? Or is it that these countries all answer to the
same ruler.
Rome has had many versions of the great falcon in its
span of about 2000 years, of which 'aquila' seems here to be
strangely reminiscent to the source of what became the nazi
version prior. 'SPQR' is an acronym for :
senatus populus que romanus... but I would
prefer the more modern term of 'the people'...
'son pazzi questi romani !' which in English,
would be simply : 'these Romans are crazy !'

~ 255 ~
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Egypt also adorns its flag with the symbol of the great
falcon... using again the colors of red, white, and
black... so again I must ask... what the hell is
going on ?! Egypt's president 'EL-Sisi'... as
pronounced in English ('EL' being the god of
Saturn... and 'Sisi' in English is 'Isis' spelled backwards) is
working for 'democracy' in Egypt. Not so many months ago, in
the 'oral' office, he met with the American president, which
meeting was said the following :
"We're building up our military to a level that... will
be the highest, probably the highest, that we've
ever had, uh plane orders, ship orders, aircraft
carrier orders, uh, we are rejuvenating are military
to the highest level, I think in these times, probably
more than ever before, or certainly almost more
than ever before, that's what we need, and I just
want to say to you mister president [Sisi] that you
have a great friend and ally in the United States,
and in me." ~ Donald Trump, 3 april 2017.
The symbols of 'Eagles' are generally representations of
that of heraldry… but this is a bird of prey that flies silently down
to the ground, picking up, and crushing its prey within its
talons... the perfect ambush. A falcon is predatorial. So... what
does this say about the coats of arms, seals,
flags, et cetera that use a bird of prey ? Do
make note here... these falcons are ALL facing to our left, so
that only the LEFT eye is to be seen... the eye of Horus.

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OTHER corporations make use of it as well. the great-
falcon of 'Eagle Freight System'
(EFS) here. These symbols of
heraldry differ from OUR
assigned symbols… WE actually do not share in the same
marks as those positioned above... rather, we were issued
serial numbers... a paper card that makes use of the two pillars
of the fictional temple of Solomon once again. So... who are
OUR owners ? The French version of this is similar but made
of plastic ; includes a photo, and had incorporated that 'new
chip technology' at least 10 years ago.
An honest question here… were the peasants of the past
educated way back when ? Could they read ? My guess is that
it was usually not the case… and it is probably safe to say…
almost never. Even in the last century not everyone learned to
read… not that they were unwilling… it
was just that their work did not really
require it.
Here are a couple of Sumerian
reliefs… I cannot even begin to
speculate as to what they mean… I
am not an archeologist… but the eagle
or falcon implication is apparent… a
personified deity as so many other
ancient cultures created. Is it a
reference to the constellation of Aquila... and if so… why ?
Since the Sumerians are thought to be the first ‘recorded’ of

~ 257 ~
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civilizations, could they have been referring to what they
believed to be the dwelling place of their deity ? Or could it be
more far-fetched than this… referring to where they actually
came from ? How DID they get there ?
If someone were to find a woman’s purse of today, a
1000 years from now… how would the findings inside be
identified, if centuries from now, no one carried a purse ?
At one time, the Fertile Crescent was better known as
Mesopotamia... in the area where the
black Hebrews originated. First, it was
the Sumerians that settled there, as
already noted. These were the first
people to actually have a form of
writing… perhaps it is THIS alone that
we determine whether it was a
'civilization' or not… so it is likely that it
goes back much further than this. The
Sumerians are credited for being the
originators of the wheel and making use of irrigation.
2300 BC brought the Akkadians and Sargon became the
first known emperor… an empire that lasted 100 years. Though
you may not know the story of Sargon, you have probably heard
tales of him. His mother abandoned him in a cradle made with
reeds to a river in Mesopotamia. Luckily, he was found and
adopted by... Sumerians. Oh… you heard a story like this
before ? Sounds a bit like the story of Moses, does it ?
Centuries would pass before the mother of Moses would do the

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very same thing. I don’t know… maybe it was a common way
to put children up for adoption back in those days.
Around about 1800 BC, the Babylonians made their
presence known. Hammurabi put his code of 282 laws into
place with punishments to follow if they were not abided by…
which he based on social class. As one might guess, the
severity of the punishment was far worse for those considered
to be at the bottom of the hierarchy... the peasants.
1700 to 1200 BC Kassites and Hittites. Kassites attacked
Babylon a couple of times... but would 'peacefully' end up
working as agriculturalists within the city.
In 1595 BC the Hattians of Hattusha… of what is now
modern day Turkey, marched almost a thousand miles…
conquered Babylon… and then marched home. Not long after,
the Hattians disappeared… their empire having crumbled from
the INSIDE... which seems to be a common end for empires.
For me, this is where the history ends and the bible
begins... when the bible refers to the Hattians as being Hittites
of Canaan... and when the Sumerians became Chaldeans.
The Assyrians were of history AND of the judeo-
christianic theologies. Everything seems to get a bit shady in
the REAL histories from here... and the wars lead us to the
Hittites in the bible... where we find ourselves again in the book
of Genesis.
1200 to 600 BC the Assyrians had become the mightiest
of armies, those of whom in 675 BC marched over a 1000 miles
just to conquer Egypt… which conquest took less than a

~ 259 ~
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month's time. Assyrians were the masters of taking walled-
cities. But... according to the bible, would soon after, also
'attempt' to conquer Jerusalem... the dwelling place of the
'Habirus'... but would somehow... fail. This would also be about
the time when the 12 tribes of Israel would be 'scattered'... and I
hate to say it... but if they have not been found by now... they
are never going to be found !
Cuneiform was the written language of the day and for
quite some time, all of the civilizations of Mesopotamia made
use of it... hmmm... except for Israel. Thousands upon
thousands of cuneiform tablets have been found... ancient
Egypt has a similar story... but the Hebrew language... seems to
have never been written down in its 'antiquity'... passed down
as if only by oral-tradition... when the past can be whatever one
would like it to be.
530 BC Phoenicians... a seafaring people... that
seemingly stuck to the Mediterranean sea while trading with
Egypt, Greece, Italy, Sicily, and Spain... which wares were the
trading of lumber, slaves, oh... and indigo-dyed fabrics made
from sea-snails... which must have been expensive for the
'fashionable' at the time. The Phoenician
alphabet would greatly influence the Latin
alphabet that is used today in a number of
languages. Symbolic of yet another more
'mythical' bird of prey... the phoenix... or 'fire-bird', which is said
to have been a symbol of the rising sun.
Astrologically speaking, Scorpio is the sign of

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transformation and of regeneration... and at some point, Scorpio
replaced the phoenix in western astrology. When we reach the
end of the constellation of Scorpio... the sun,
from the northern perspective, of which 90% of
the world's population call home... stops moving
south for 3 days upon the onset of the winter
solstice... before moving toward the north once again ; death
and rebirth.
In the southern hemi-sphere, it would be opposite… as
there, the winter solstice is not until about June 21st !
Meanwhile, in Europe, the music festival is being celebrated in
the streets beginning on this day... as the son has stopped
again... for another 3 days.
Rome made the bible cut as well... but the reason is
simply because much of the bible was... composed there.
The Roman Empire began in 753 BC and fell in 476 AD
which is now just a little city in modern day Italy. The rest
began in 395 AD lasting until about 1453 AD ; now known as
Istanbul in modern day Turkey ; the east and the west empires
were 'united' for only 81 years.
Josephus was born in 37 AD... and was
supposedly freed from slavery in 69 AD... in
which I would be willing to bet that he was 33
years of age at that time.
The Flavian Roman imperial dynasty reigned for 27 years
in total… from 69 until 96 AD ; Vespasian for the first 10 years
and then his sons Titus and Domitian in-turn, invented

~ 261 ~
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Christianity. Sounds absurd, does it ? Josephus was a scribe,
later to be adopted as Flavius Josephus… whom would have
had to have been an 'enslaved' Jew... NOT a HEBREW...
reformed by imperialism and then set free... but he was WHITE
like most Romans of the empire were. Most of his writings were
originally in Greek, therefore, he must have been well versed,
with an ability to charm the ladies within that tongue ; as his 4th
wife WAS Greek.
Rome changed the world… and a bigger part of said
change was the birth of Christianity. I have already pointed out
that the gospels were not written until well after ‘the event’… but
the years coincide… Rome was the father of Christianity…
politically motivated and christened by the Caesars… placed
before the peasants… the dumb and the poor.
5,4 Meanwhile...
On the other side of the world in
mesoamerica, beginning around 1800
BC and finally expiring when Chris
'Colombe’ landed, where the Mayans
also had revered an eagle…
representing both the sun and the
moon. In this depiction… in which the
eagle is eating a heart. The Mayan
long-count calendar was also based
on a cyclical 26,000 years, 25,765
years to be more precise… or was it 25,827 years ? One would
think that today we would know the actual numbers associated

~ 262 ~
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with the procession of equinoxes by now... yet.... NASA just
discovered this in 2016 ! The Mayans calculated this a few
thousand years ago... we will stick with the 26,000 number... but
as I said before... we are the stupidest of all generations that
preceded us. The Mayans believed that the day of the creation
was 13 august 3114 bc... which date is a date calculated by the
Gregorian calendar of 1582 that we have been using for quite
awhile now... under Pope Gregory XIII (13).
Just keep the 26,000 number in mind for a second… this
number will come up again.
Quetzalcoatl was the god of the Toltecs... a snake with
feathers and wings... the medicare logo !
The Aztecs had a concept of the 5 suns... cycles of
creation and destruction... the 5th sun... which a well known
Wachowski film made reference to :
Architect : YOU are HERE because Zion is about to be
destroyed... its every living inhabitant terminated... its
entire existence eradicated.
Neo : Bullshit !
Architect : Denial is the most predictable of all human
responses... but... rest assured... this will be the 6th time
we have destroyed it... and we have become exceedingly
efficient at it." ~ The Matrix Reloaded of 2003.
It is Interesting how a 6th time was mentioned... in the
film... the 5th sun had already come and gone in THAT world.
The Wachowskis for me are the Stanley Kubrick of our
time... and like HE did... buried many truths within the 'fiction'

~ 263 ~
KINGS… and peasants
that they direct and produce... attentive to all of the details that
we seem to miss in our
'everyday'. This is the
'black sun' as
referenced in the
Matrix... but also the
6th sun of the Aztec
calendar... the 6th sun began in 2012... and it is MY belief, that
it also marked the beginning of the age of Aquarius.
As most of us in the western world know, which would
include most of Europe, having been raised within Christianic
principles… Jesus was supposedly born around 4 BC… funny,
because I always thought it would have been 0 BC or... 0 AD...
but the '0' is not counted... even though it was included in 1000
AD AND 2000 AD. Perhaps the manger story was not told until
Jesus was maybe 4 years-old ? Awkward... bearing gifts to a 4-
year-old... in swaddling clothes... STILL living in a stable. I
don’t recall his life having been anything significant when he
was 4… and nothing in the bible will tell us that the calendars
were reset 4 years after his birth. Trifles, I know. We were
taught that he was born on the 25th of December… a product of
'magical conception' in Bethlehem, also known as the ‘house of
bread’… and that Mary was still technically a virgin... AFTER
she had HAD her son... of course ; Bethlehem was in the sky !
In Astrology, Virgo represents the Virgin. The house of
Virgo, coincidentally, has also been known to be the ‘house of
bread’... roughly august 23 to september 22... of which the

~ 264 ~
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exact time fluctuates... but still representative of the time of the
‘Wise-men’ in that day would have known of the
constellations… and they also would have known well of the
star in the east… seeing it every night as the
brightest star in the sky ! We know it today as
‘Sirius’, the dog-star. Now we have an idea as
to why ‘xm’ Sirius 'satellite' radio decided to use
a dog as a logo… always references to the archaic of 'dogmas'.
D-O-G in English, spelled backwards, is G-O-D. The dog-star is
also representative of Isis… whom was the mother of Horus.
BUT... Venus rises before the sun does about 2.5 hours in
advance... perhaps they were following THIS one.
December 25th also happens to reside in the
constellation of Capricorn… the goat… and the
symbol of the goat is found in many places…
the satanic bible, written in 1969 by Anton
Szandor LaVey, is one such place. Saturn is
the ruler of the astrological constellation of Capricorn.
‘Chronos’, using the roman spelling, was the Greek equivalent
of Rome's Saturn.
Éliphas Lévi fashioned his 'baphomet' with the head of a
goat in 1861… a book of which he called : Dogme et Rituel de
la Haute Magie. Pan was the Greek god of chaos, of the wild...
and of sex... half man, half goat... he played a pan flute.
Most of 'Pan Am' was bought out by Delta Airlines in
1991... Peter Pan could fly, refused to grow up, and could also

~ 265 ~
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play the flute. 'Panic' is also a word that is derived from his
No real reason to get freaked
out here… this is simply a concoction
incorporating all of the symbols that
corporations are using today. There is
the torch of enlightenment, the
concept of ‘as above, so below’,
duality wrapped up in one
hermaphroditic figure, the twisted
serpents that the medical industry
uses, the sun and the moon... but the
only one I really find to be questionable, is the hand gesture that
resembles what the roman-catholic pope tends to use... the
catholic Jesus is also often depicted as making this sign. There
might be more here that I do not see… but I am not really much
of an occultist.
5,5 As above, so below... as in heaven, so in hell
The number 12 is another symbol that figures prominently
in the religious sense… as well as a few other things that seem
not to have anything to do with religion.
There were 12 tribes of Israel, 12 sons of Jacob, 12
judges of Israel, 12 great patriarchs, 12 prophets in the old
testament, 12 kings of Israel, and 12 princes of Israel.
To go even further and perhaps too far, there are 12
months in a year, 12 inches in an 'imperial' foot, 12 hours in a
day, 12 hours in a night, 12 eggs in a dozen, 12 days of

~ 266 ~
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Christmas, 12 astrological signs, 12 astrological houses, and
Jesus had 12 disciples. Were our 12 years of school fashioned
after the same ? Ahhh… but wait… if we count kindergarten in
this, we were in school for 13 years. If we count Jesus among
his apostles we also have 13… and a baker’s dozen is 13.
So… are we looking at the 12 or are we looking the 13 ?!! So
confusing was all of this made to be.
Perhaps you will remember the film TROY of 2004...
which was based loosely on the Iliad of Homer. In the movie,
12 days of funeral games were agreed upon by Achilles and
Priam... in order that they may mourn their dead. The Iliad was
written in roughly 750 BC in ancient Greek... translated to be
read in many languages... FROM Greek... just like the 'new'
testament of the bible was !
5,6 The Miraculous
As Christianity would teach us, Jesus healed a blind man,
walked on water, turned water into wine… and was dead for 3
days, which would have been December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th,
at which time, the southern cross (croix) can be seen… above
the rising sun… lined up with Sirius which is in line with Orion’s
belt… which were also called the 3 kings. Some churches still
use a cross in a circle… or the cross of the zodiac. By the
way… what age was Jesus when he started preaching ? Oh
yes… he was 12 ! Hmmm… I wonder what happened when he
turned 13 !
Jesus was 'resurrected'… he was the king of kings… the
son of God... the light of the world... the alpha and omega... the

~ 267 ~
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lamb of God... and the 'Christos' of the Greeks.
The 'crown of thorns' was a representation of the rays of
the sun... nothing more… just another pagan symbol, like the
Statue of Liberty. The ‘king of the ages’ as put in the Book of
Revelations 15 (RSV 1971 and NIV 1984) … which other bible
versions might say the ‘king of nations’ (NIV 2010) or even the
‘king of saints’ (KJV) ; 'ages', 'nations', and 'saints'... opinions
varied greatly when these 'translations' were produced.
We can only trust that the Greek scholars translated the
'ancient' Greek for us in the correct contexts. I can only assume
that the translations were made from written texts… so this was
the identifying of words by their spellings.
5,7 The Clock of the Sky
The precession of the equinoxes which takes about
26,000 years to complete.... that which phenomenon is noted
on cuneiform tablets… writing that was created by the ancient
Sumerians... it is probably safe to say that the ancients knew of
this many a millennia ago. So imagine for a moment, the north
pole as actually having a pole standing perpendicularly out of
that exact point. The earth has a bit of a wobble… and the
invisible north 'pole' draws an imaginary circle as it does so. It
is a rather slow wobble though… again, about 26,000 years to
draw the circle ; perhaps it is that Polaris is wobbling over the
pole of which we cannot see ?
There are approximately 2150 years in an age… dividing
that circle into 12 parts… and somehow the ancients calculated
it as so. BUT… 26,000 divides rounder if we were to divide it by

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13… which would make an age a nice even 2000 years.
Perhaps there is a missing house of the zodiac that we were
made unaware ? Well… according to 'fox news' sometime in
2011, there was… at least someone wanted there to be… the
sign of Ophiuchus, Greek for the ‘serpent bearer’. It lies
between Scorpio and Sagittarius… but this causes a bit of
havoc in the system of western astrology because to consider it,
there would have to be some shifting… stealing some days
from the neighboring sun signs… or a complete restructuring of
the astrological map from the roughly 30.4° houses to just over
28.0° houses. Astrology is based on seasons though… each
season begins at the summer and winter solstices, and the
spring and fall equinoxes… this is all that the map in the sky
can announce... represented by Aries the ram for the spring
equinox, Cancer the crab at the summer solstice, Libra the
scales for the start of the fall or autumn, and Capricorn the goat
for the solstice of winter... the 4 'cardinal' signs of the zodiac.
At the beginning of 1929 an archeological dig uncovered
a mosaic from about
520 AD. In the center
of THIS depiction of an
astrological wheel, is a
rendition of Helios, the
sun god. I should
probably also mention that said mosaic was found on what was
once the floor of a synagogue. The first time I ever saw this, at
first glance, I deduced that it was Jesus in the center, but Jesus

~ 269 ~
KINGS… and peasants
is not usually a prominent figure in THIS version of religion. We
often fail to see symbols… such as the ‘crown of thorns’
supposedly placed on the head of Jesus… if it really happened,
I do not know… but it could have simply been a tribute to the
'rays of the sun' that Helios was always adorned… or of the
MANY other sun gods of antiquity. Christianity is a copy... it is a
duplicate of what is now only referred to as paganism.
So… here we are back to the bible. Kabbalism is NOT
Satanism… but it IS the mystical part of
Judaism. Each word meaning something…
codes to learn and understand. The bible has
SOME facts within it… but there are many parts
that are actually just stories... allegories. The story of Moses
was just a tale… some of it could have happened… but it was a
story having to do with the beginning of the age of Taurus the
bull, from MAYBE 4300 to 2150 BC… making use of the
precession of the equinoxes. The peoples of Moses were
worshipping a golden calf… was this not just a reference to the
dawning of the age of Taurus ? Venus is the ruler of Taurus.
2150 BC to 0 BC/AD… rams horns were blown, or of
what is called a shofar… but this was the
marking of the age of Aries the Ram. Perhaps
it was of Mars… the god of war ? In astrology, Mars is the ruler
of Aries.
In 1 to 2150 AD… a story about 5 loaves of bread and 2
fish that fed 5000 people. Two of the apostles were brothers
and also fishermen… this was a reference to the age of Pisces !

~ 270 ~
Chapitre 5
Finally, we arrive at Aquarius the water bearer beginning in
2150 AD lasting until 4300 AD. BUT... since THEY still cannot
decipher the calendars of old, we are stuck with the 2150 or the
Age of Aquarius.
If we consider the number of ages to be 13, then it would
be 4000 to 2000 BC, 2000 BC to 0 BC/AD, or whatever, 0 to
2000 AD, and 2000 to 4000 AD, respectively. Wait... should we
also be considering the 4 BC when Jesus was SUPPOSED to
have been born ?
“And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are
entered into the city, there shall a man meet you,
bearing a pitcher of water ; follow him into the
house where he entereth in.” ~ Luke 22:10 (KJV)
It makes sense that Aquarius would be next… the
procession of the ages move backwards
through the Zodiac. I have simply guessed
using a bunch of numbers just now… I may not
be so accurate… no one knows when time
began for us… NO ONE… so is it POSSIBLE, that the age of
Aquarius really began in 2012 ? The year that everyone was
freaking out about the calendar of the Mayans was supposed
have been running out of time ?
5,8 Everything Happens in the Same Way on the Same Day
The feast of ‘dies natalis solis invicti’, or the ‘anniversaire’
of the unconquered sun, was celebrated on 25 December…
noted as far back as the Julian calendar of 45 BC.
Now here are some ‘coincidences’ to consider : in about

~ 271 ~
KINGS… and peasants
500 BC, the Greek Dionysus was born of a virgin on the 25th of
December whom changed water into wine, and also known as
the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, and would be
In about 1200 to 900 BC, Krishna of India was born of a
virgin whom could lift mountains, be in 16,108 places at once,
something of a power that would have been very useful when
one should have 16,108 wives ! He raised the dead, and made
the sun rise and fall at will. He was resurrected and the star in
the east just happened to be there again !
From about 1200 to 600 BC… Mithra (Mitra) of Persia
was born of a virgin on the 25th of December, had 12 disciples,
raised the dead, cured the lame, and cast out demons ! He was
dead for 3 days, and was then resurrected. He was also
worshipped on SUN-day... and raised after 3 days
At about the same time in about 1170 BC
Attis (Atys)… another Greek/Roman god, but
whom was actually from Phrygia, which is in
modern-day Turkey, was born of a virgin on the
25th of December… was crucified, lay dead for 3 days and was
raised after 3 days. He did not produce any 'other' miracles that
I was able to attribute to him.
Finally… way back when… in Egypt around 3000 BC,
there was Horus… who was born of the virgin Isis… well… sort
of a virgin, on the 25th of December… of course... there was a
star in the East, Sirius the dog star… which happens to
represent Isis… was adorned by 3 kings, which is STILL known

~ 272 ~
Chapitre 5
as the Belt of Orion… was a teacher when he was only 12
years of age… baptized and started his ministry at 30… had 12
followers, could heal the afflicted, walk on water, was known as
the Lamb of God… the light… and was crucified… laying dead
for 3 days… and then resurrected.
It would seem that abstinence is not the best form of birth
control after all… virgins kept having children whether they
intended it or not. But really… the only REAL riddle here, is
how the story was repeated again and again from Egypt to
Greece… to Persia to India… then back to Greece.
There are really many more tales of these kinds of
stories… some parallel others quite succinctly, while others
really seem to be out-there. Consider THIS one now from
around 1938 AD :
Kal-El, of Krypton, to my knowledge, was NOT born of a
virgin… but he COULD perform feats that amazed the
multitudes. He was faster than a speeding bullet, more
powerful than a locomotive, had the ability to leap tall buildings
in a single bound, and he stood for truth and justice. It was the
yellow sun that gave him his power. He lives on… though no
one has seen him in awhile… this man-of-steel walks among us
in disguise… but he will be back when it is that we are in need
of saving. Does this not seem just as odd ? This god was
designed by Joseph Shuster and written in by Jerome Siegel,
whom were both born Jewish. Capricorn the goat, is ruled by
Saturn in astrology… Capricorn and 25 december are
correlated. The symbol of the ‘S’ may simply be symbolic of

~ 273 ~
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Saturn. Oh... and superman was 33.
I guess my point in adding this one is… is that if we had
never heard the story before, would we have believed it ?
Maybe if a 100 people told us that they saw him… or knew
someone else that did ? Maybe not in THIS day and age…
because WE can see right through fiction… WE know what is
real and what is not… right ? I like to think so anyway. But what
if the evening news showed us a reel of a man flying around
over a cityscape ? The news stations always tell us the truth,
right… and seeing is believing ? As reputable as they all are ?
Of course THEY would ! But keep in mind
though, that there are only 6 media companies
that control 90% of all the media in the United
States... controlled by zionists. but THIS figure
was the estimate of 2012 ! 'S' here is for SATURN-MAN.
Ahhh... but there were others whom were crucified :
Crite of Chaldea, 1200 BC... raised after 3 days ;
Thammuz Syria, 1160 BC : Hesus or Eros 834 BC ; Bali of
Orissa, 725 BC ; Iao of Nepaul (Nepal), 622 BC ; Buddha Sakia
(Muni) of India, 600 BC ; Alcestos of Euripides, 600 BC ;
Quezalcoatl of Mexico, 587 BC of the Mayans... raised after 3
days ; Wittoba of the Bilingonese, 552 BC ; Prometheus or
Æschylus of Caucasus, 547 BC... raised after 3 days ; Quirinus
of Rome, 506 BC... also raised after 3 days. These aside of
Superman all according to The World's Sixteen Crucified
Saviours ~ Kersey Graves, 1875.
So… where was I… oh yes. One might think that since

~ 274 ~
Chapitre 5
the Old Testament was written in Hebrew… that the followers of
Jesus, especially the EYE-witnessed accounts in the New
Testament, that it would have also been written in Hebrew… but
the Jewish do not take responsibility for putting into script the
New Testament. Why ? Well, why should they ? The New
Testament… was written in Greek, with just a hint of Aramaic…
imagine that ! So… maybe it came from Rome during the time
of Diocletian… no… it was he whom banned Christianity…
froze prices, split the empire into the East and the West,
proclaimed himself to be the son of Jupiter, and quietly retired.
It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the
north, and three looking toward the west, and three
looking toward the south, and three looking toward
the east : and the sea was set above upon them, and
all their hinder parts were inward. ~ 1 Kings 25 (KJV)
Mormons baptize 12 to 18-year-old
proxies in their temples ; for and in behalf of the
dead... using the description in the bible as it
was 'revealed' that the brazen sea that
accompanied the temple of solomon was used for baptism...
which would be mimicked as a baptismal font throughout all of
the mormon temples. The brazen sea was 5 cubits high (7.5
feet or 2.3 meters) 30 cubits in perimeter (45 feet or 13.7
meters), 10 cubits across the top (15 feet or 4.6 meters)... and a
cubit is about (18 inches or 45.72 cm... feel free to double-
check my numbers.
'To baptize' means 'to bury' in Greek... it is adhered to in

~ 275 ~
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many sects of christianity... as to be 'born again'.
Oh... but just so you know... it is not necessary to join the
mormon church... though baptism IS required to be a
'member'... but if you are NOT a mormon before you die... you
WILL be in the after-life !
Still... NO church is baptizing 'correctly' anymore... now
only symbolic to what it used to be... which was gasping for air
while drowning... giving the baptizee a REAL sense of being
'born-again'... surviving the 'near-death' experience of the
ritual... an initiation, which would change ANYONE. It is certain
that there were many a Christian that died in THIS way.
Constantine moved the capitol to what is now Istanbul,
calling it Constantinople.
He supposedly was a convert to Christianity… a move
that I think was him doing his job as an emperor… an attempt to
unite his NEW empire.

L’entracte 8 (Istanbul)

~ 276 ~
Chapitre 5
In mid-2010, while in school, I visited Istanbul along with
my French colleagues for the purpose of 'corporate' study…
which I found to be a little boring and again rather exploiting.
I tried sheep brains for an appetizer one evening… not
my favorite… but edible. The city was interesting… a true
melting pot… as the exchange of the sounds of Muslim chants
from the Mosques seemed to echo from the Christian bells of
the Cathedrals. But the most interesting and beautiful thing I
witnessed there, were of the 1000s of peasants… of Muslims,
Christians, and our little entourage… all of us having drinks and
engaged in dancing in the streets together… and we did not
even know their language. Fin 8
The city of Rome was sacked by Alaric I, a Visigoth in
410 AD… which probably marked the beginning of the end.
The official fall of the Western Roman Empire, which was in 476
AD, in which Romulus was the last emperor… a fitting end as
Romulus was the name of the first emperor as well.
The East became the Byzantine Empire… where Paganism
was banned… and Christianity allowed to flourish.
Constantinople, the last remnant of the old Roman Empire fell in
1453. WHAT IF… Christianity was just an anomaly… of what
has come to be known as medieval times ? Christianity is really
about SUFFERING... in which there is PLENTY of in this
world... in which we need NOT any more martyrs.
What began as a 'cult' which supposedly came out of
Judea, which had ALSO been under Roman rule… as was the
case of about anywhere that encircled the Mediterranean...

~ 277 ~
KINGS… and peasants
grew into Christianity… which is just another mythology... and
still a cult. It is interesting to note that the Western Roman
Empire blamed its fall on its forsaking of their pagan gods in
favor of Christianity. Often this is something that Christians do
as well… as though the Christian god is always either punishing
or testing a Christian’s faith. In a sense, there is unity now
within Christendom and in Islam… but it would also seem as if
these two global religious empires have now been poised to be
one against the other… a sort of sibling-rivalry. In the Roman
Catholic Church, religious ceremonies very much resemble
those of an old Roman Imperial Court. I am sorry… the pope
just seems to me... to be just another man… another man that
has been given authority... by other men. I see nothing of
divinity in him… only that of power… the power once wielded by
the Caesars of Rome… now hidden in Papacy.
Is it really of any surprise that so many of the world’s
'saviours' have been born of virgins, et cetera ?
How is it that we can believe that the story of
Jesus would have stemmed from anything
different ? Does it not make sense that antiquity
would be so inclined to worship the sun… the giver of light and
life ? The sun of British Petroleum (BP) here... perhaps you
have heard about it ? The Deep Water Horizon had an oil spill
on 20 april 2010 in the gulf of Mexico... Deepwater was a film of
2016 about the corporation... one would think that the gulf
would be for the taking of the U.S. or even of Mexico... but the
largest oil-spill in U.S. waters was owned by a British company !

~ 278 ~
Chapitre 5
The Deep Water Horizon rig under 'Transocean', is a Swiss
company ! Halliburton was supposed to pay 1.1 billion in
damages a company that also made its damning evidence
Consider Easter for a moment… which comes always on
a SUN-day… around the spring equinox that marks the
beginning of spring. Christians supposedly waved palm
branches ahead of the ‘messiah‘ as they escorted him into
Jerusalem… a practice still recognized today as being ‘Palm
Sunday’… the week before Easter.
Easter is celebrated with bunnies, chicks, and eggs…
symbols of fertility… in which I fail to see the
significance of a branch of a palm in all of this.
Some Christians have SUNrise service on
Easter... which is similar to the time of year for
the Jewish passover... or the 1st full moon nearest the spring.
Venus was the of Roman goddess of fertility, love, and
warfare ; Ishtar was the Babylonian/Akkadian version of Venus ;
Sham El-Nessim was the Egyptian version of Ishtar ; and
Inanna was the original Sumerian version.
Easter is a pagan festival, in honor of the fertility
goddess in which there are many, depending on
the peoples that sponsored them. The KJV
bible will call her the screech-owl... whom was Lilith.
Imagine a life without any electricity… some may not
have to imagine… but after surviving the cold… conquering the
darkness of winter… would we not welcome the spring in

~ 279 ~
KINGS… and peasants
celebration ? How easily we forget our ancestry… when food
and shelter could only be provided by the seeds we sewed…
and cycles of the moon reminded us of when to plant and when
to harvest. Spring would have been a big deal… not just
another day on a calendar. LENT is based on the last full moon
of winter... and the Ramadan of Islam is also based on the
cycles of the moon.
The 'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (PETA),
for whatever reason, uses a fertility symbol... and the 'E' is of a
different font. PETA is just
another corporation... and in
2016 received almost 66 million
in contributions... and due to the
logo alone... I doubt the sincerity of its CEO. The word 'Kosher'
has not the same aim... let us just call it jewish 'ritual
slaughter'... which is NOT the 'ethical' treatment of animals...
but rather the 'religious' treatment... which is not really the same
thing at all. To expect ANY corporation to be humane... is to
close our eyes and make-believe that the corporate world really
gives a shit.
At the half way point, between the winter solstice and the
spring equinox... or 2 february, while Americans are wondering
if the 'groundhog' saw his/her shadow or not, 'Chandeleur' is
celebrated in France... the day that everyone is eating 'les
crêpes'. Though many do not know this... THIS day
commemorates the circumcision of Jesus... which would seem
to add some symbolic meaning as to why les crêpes are so thin.

~ 280 ~
Chapitre 5
5,9 The Astrological
You may not be a believer in astrology… but what is
funny about this disbelief is that you probably know your
astrological sun sign. That aside… astrology dates back
thousands of years. In this day and age, one can hardly
imagine not having a television, radio, microwave… or even a
light to turn on at will. Thousands of years ago… it just got
dark… a fire or maybe some kind of candle or oil lamp was all
there was after the sun had set. We can only really get a feel
for this anymore by going camping… I don’t mean the kind of
camping where one has a motor-home or trailer in tow… in
which all of the above mentioned are brought along… but
camping with maybe just a tent at best… even though we are
still tempted to use those flashlights and other tokens of
'modern' technology. Surely you have seen, at some point, the
stars without city lights interfering with the view ?
With this in mind, on a clear night and every night, clear
or not… the sky was what was watched… and conversation,
including the exchange of stories and ideas, were the evening’s
entertainment. If people did this every night… one would
probably notice that everything 'up there is moving… and after a
year, everything would ALMOST be in the same place it was
the year before.
As human beings, we like to say that time exists… we
cannot imagine something timeless… as our existence on our
earth is finite… as all life as we know it is… but it continues…
and it is my belief that everything happens… and that we are all

~ 281 ~
KINGS… and peasants
here… for a reason.
Constellations move around us. At some point, for
whatever the reason, the modern day calendar was adjusted :
september, october, november, and december are actually all
representative of the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months,
respectively. I think it is safe to assume, that since the
constellation or astrological sun-sign of Aries is always
referenced as the first of the signs… it must have originally
BEEN first. Aries begins on the spring equinox… which today is
around the 21st of march, the exact time changes every year,
and is reset every 4 years due to the leap year that adjusts for
the estimated 365.25 days it takes for a solar-year to complete
a cycle. Since Aries is 1st… then an original year must have
begun in the Spring… which makes perfect sense, no ? Aries is
the god of war… march was named after Mars… Mars is the
ruler of Aries. See the table to follow :
Zodiac Ruler Symbol Element Modality
Aries Mars Ram Fire Cardinal
Taurus Venus Bull Earth Fixed
Gemini Mercury Twins Air Mutable
Cancer Moon Crab Water Cardinal
Leo Sun Lion Fire Fixed
Virgo Mercury/Chiron Virgin Earth Mutable
Libra Venus Scales Air Cardinal
Scorpio Mars/Pluto Scorpion Water Fixed
Sagittarius Jupiter Centaur Fire Mutable
Capricorn Saturn Goat Earth Cardinal
Aquarius Uranus Water Bearer Air Fixed
Pisces Jupiter/Neptune Fish Water Mutable

Now… this is not a lesson in astrology, but if we go by the

~ 282 ~
Chapitre 5
‘as above, so below’ wisdom 1-3 each represent the Spring ; 4-
6, the Summer ; 7-9, the Fall or Autumn ; and 10-12 the
Winter… then it would seem that the heavenly bodies would be
a reflection of ourselves and our reflection would be seen in
those heavenly bodies. Astrology is not an exact science…
more of a religion than the 'science fiction' of which we were all
taught. The newspaper horoscopes go by using the sun-sign
alone… but it is just a scratch as to what it is all really about, as
everyone was born with each 'plane-net' or ‘wandering star’ in a
certain position… a picture of each of us in the sky. Maybe you
think that I am speaking of nonsensical things ?
Perhaps… but so are the corporations of today.
I already mentioned my MERCURY 'lemon' in
chapter 1... most will know that Ford makes a
TAURUS which is a reference to Venus, which is still a popular
vehicle in the U.S. There was also SATURN...
as in the automotive company... that GM
acquired and wiped it out. A very popular video
game console... which I am not actually sure if it
is still around was known as the Sega Saturn. On this note,
some may feel so compelled to watch the
Saturn Awards, in which Nominees of these
awards honor films of Science Fiction, Fantasy,
and Horror... this 'award' is also given for the
many like series of television. Perhaps the bible will even be
nominated some day
It would just seem to me that we were all just suddenly

~ 283 ~
KINGS… and peasants
here… dropped off… delivered… because of all the other
animals, though we are similar in many ways… WE… are
different. How so ? Because as human beings, we are
wretched in our ways… all of the intelligence we possess
cannot stop us from taking our own kind’s lives for the sake of
gain… even gain that is imaginary. Many animals can tolerate
each other in the wild… at least the ones that are of the prey…
but WE cannot even tolerate those within our own species…
simply stated, because WE don’t LIKE those KINDS of
PEOPLE ! In a sense, we are a lot like cats… because like cats,
we actually can kill for the mere fun of it. Aside of THIS animal
and US… killing is for survival alone, whether it be for food, or
for defense.
It is rather funny really… animals are truly free except for
the ones that we imprison… no one expects anything from
them… they just live their lives as they feel they are supposed
to live them… no alarm clocks… no one to disappoint… in the
wild they live as they want to live… as they were born to live…
and in balance with the earth. Human beings capture animals
for food, for entertainment, for study, as pets, and as slaves…
but human beings are capable of doing all of this with OTHER
human beings just as well.

~ 284 ~
Chapitre 6

Chapitre 6,0 ~ The Knight Club

En Bref :
In chapter 5, we saw the great falcon... some signs of
the astrological, and added to what we know of religion of the
past. We looked at Isis as being Sirius or the dog-star... and
that since the inception of religion... the theological always
seems to be a copy of another. Easter, groundhog's day...
solstices and equinoxes... more Saturn references, this one
founded in 2000... and
our addiction for
Helios-worship... finally
ending with the
number SEVEN and
the symbol of Fascism.
The chapter ended on page 284... in which 2+8+4=14 and
I am not really exposing anything here… there may not
be anything within these pages that you do not already know…

~ 285 ~
KINGS… and peasants
even if it is only intrinsically… but OUR world is different than
THEIR world… there is nothing secret here… just unsaid...
everything is just the way it has always been… which is what I
hope to be able to show you in my own twisted way of thinking.
6,1 Net-worth.
If we could step above our peasant realm, we would find
the KNIGHTS of today. Unlike peasants… knights CAN
actually OWN land… and IF they should pay any sort of tax on
it, the percentage would be very small in comparison to US…
so IF they pay anything, it is more like paying their dues for their
membership, than the owing of any real burden.
As we already know, income is rather variable for you
and I… we might get a raise, bonus, or dividend of some sort…
but in OUR case… THESE are what will usually go to pay the
debt we have accumulated ; to one day own a target asset…
which is a much more fragile arrangement when something that
is unexpected should come upon us.
Before moving further here… as I have already made
mention of net-worth before, I feel it is important now to first
define what ‘net-worth’ actually is. It is rather simple really…
easily calculated using a basic equation : Assets minus Debts
equate to our net-worth. Easy to remember, right ?
So… if one were to buy a house for 250,000 and a car for
50,000… WE could say that we have 300,000 in net-worth…
this, only IF, we have already paid for the both of them in full...
which is not something that is realistically attainable among 'we
the commoners'... WE will need to get a loan to finance OUR

~ 286 ~
Chapitre 6
'American dream'.
On a 30-year mortgage loan… after having lived in said
house for about 23 years… we might be able to finally say that
we own 50% of the house or 125,000 of it… as most of the
interest on a mortgage is paid on the front end of the loan. At
about 23 years, half of the payment is on the principal ; the
other half is still going to the interest.
The car loan is a bit different… cars have usually
depreciated by 50% after only 2-3 years… hopefully we did not
opt for one of those 97-month loans I mentioned earlier.
So let us say that we are at the 23-year mark… the house
is still in pretty good shape, so MAYBE the house is now worth
350,000... which is hypothetical, as it cannot really be known
until the house is sold... at which point we will start all over. Of
course there is also an 'equity' loan... a collateral loan on the
imaginary value of the house ; these USED to just be referred to
as having a 'second-mortgage'.
How many vehicles will we have had in those 23 years ?
Let us be optimistic and say that we have had only 3 vehicles
by that time… which at 50,000 each, we have spent 150,000…
but let us say that we can sell that last one for 5,000.
We have paid thus far, 125,000 for the house and our last
vehicle at 50,000 is now only worth 5,000.
Considering nothing else, our net-worth would now be
130,000... BUT... we still have 7 years left to pay out. 125,000
divided by 23 years is roughly 5,435 per year... and as applied
to the 7 years that remain, we would owe 38,045 in debt... and

~ 287 ~
KINGS… and peasants
that last car may be on its last leg.
23 years seems an expensive arrangement, doesn’t it...
Asset Debt Net-worth where did all of the
REST of the invested
House 125,000 38,045 86,955 monies go ?!! Perhaps
we should hold on to
Car 5,000 5,000
that old car a while
Total 130,000 38,045 91,955
longer... but THAT's
not going happen... as it is having the APPEARANCE of being
prosperous that is more important to us... because we worry too
much about what other people might think.
So... do YOU have any money ? Neither do I. What DO
you have ? Do YOU know why WE never have money ?
Because we are peasants, serfs, et cetera, et cetera ; WE are
the slaves. There are masters of money out there…
manipulators of it. If one of US had invented the car, wouldn’t
that one be a master of auto-mechanics ? BANKS have been at
their 'trade' for a very long time.
As I have laid out prior… there are basically 3 degrees of
peasants… but there are also 3 degrees of the ‘nobility’, a term
I use generically, when referring to knights, barons, or kings…
being more specific when I arrive to them categorically.
In the days of today, however, we could simply divide
nobility and peasants, into the rich and/or famous ; and the poor
and/or unknown.
So... let me try to put you in the shoes of royalty now… if
just for one moment… though I really cannot fathom it… I only

~ 288 ~
Chapitre 6
have my imagination to paint this picture… difficult to see when
one has never lived it… and just like YOU, I have not.
As for all of US down HERE… WE know VERY well how
difficult our lives are made to be as commoners, so let us try for
a moment to imagine the life we live to be different. It might be
a bit of a stretch for most of us… as what many of US often
think about, is what we could do with a million dollars if we
could ever have it… even though today, THAT million dollars
might only have half the considered value it did just 25 years
ago, as it could have made 4-5% interest for us in a regular
savings account back then… and living off the interest alone
would have been a comfortable living for us serfs… but try to
find a rate like THAT anymore. We are finding more and more,
that the banks are charging us monthly fees for them to hold it
for us… what ever happened to the interest that they returned
to US for letting THEM borrow it ?
I would like now to make THIS little contrast before
climbing the ladder of nobility. So for now… try to forget about
everything you and I have lived and learned. Imagine having
been a child of incredible wealth for a moment. Imagine not
having a babysitter when your parents were out… as a nanny,
maid, or other caregiver may have served to provide these
parental duties when they were away.
Imagine materialistically having everything that you could
have wanted. Imagine your world without a church. Perhaps it
was only on Sunday that you saw your parents or shared in
other family-like activities. Imagine growing up... never

~ 289 ~
KINGS… and peasants
experiencing real hunger or thirst... never experiencing the bitter
cold or blistering heat... and someone always being there to
protect you from these elements. Imagine your adolescent
friends... having lived very much the same as you did... every
need, every want, and every desire, as was granted you.
Imagine going to the most prestigious of schools... learning
about REAL history, the sciences that REALLY mattered,
mathematics that had a use, another language or more, and of
the arts in all of their forms.
Imagine having never needed to work a REAL job... and
you having had all the time in the world to pursue the things that
interested YOU. Everything was taken care of.
Maybe you THINK you have known people like this.
They had the best car, the best clothes, the best house... the
best of everything. A common English word we would use is
that the child of wealth was 'spoiled' and sometimes... when it
had gone to their heads... spoiled-rotten. Often, when a person
has been given everything... they somehow believe that they
are above the rest of us... snobbish, stuck-up, and conceited…
looking down on those being less fortunate. Only like-minded
persons were allowed into their world... and their parents
REALLY had an opinion about the kids they should be hanging
out with.
Though this happens on many levels of society, the
bottom line is… is that the poor are acquainted with the poor...
and the rich only know the rich. Only poor persons can relate to
the poor... having shared in their life experiences… their

~ 290 ~
Chapitre 6
struggles... as the rich are the only ones that can really
understand the rich. WE… as in YOU and I… WE are JUST
6,2 Government gobbledegook
Being as I am an American serf, I have taken notice of
the many of whom believe today, that the U.S. constitution is
not really being adhered to. Surely it must be... it was the very
principle that the government of
the United States of America
was founded on… but what has
happened ? Well… for one
thing, that piece of paper that was written to govern US… it
never really had anything to do with the nobility. As I said in
chapter 2, the ‘stars and stripes’ flag of the United States was
designed to be the flag of the commoners… it is ONLY the flag
for ‘the citizens’. The presidential seal is for the president…
and even the senate has a different
representation for THEM than WE
do… which the senate includes a
‘Santa’ hat, better known as the
Phrygian cap… and two Fascis
crisscrossed at the bottom. Fascism
would also include patriotism,
nationalism, AND republicanism.
Now… I am not a politician…
so politics is not my strongest subject.
I have never officially identified with any political party, so I have

~ 291 ~
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usually always considered myself to be an ‘independent’.
Anymore though, as I am with regard to religion… I don’t assign
myself to any… I consider myself a ‘none’ now. So don’t worry,
I am not going to attempt to change your political views… and
though you might think that I am going to be writing all about
politicians here… this chapter will not conclude in the same way
it began. What I have found is that a straight politician doesn’t
really do as well monetarily as one might suspect… if only I
could find a straight one to make reference to. Let us just start
here… it is as good of a place as any.
“I will promise you this… that if we have not gotten
our troops out by the time I am president, it is the
first thing I will do, I will get our troops home, we
will bring an end to this war… you can take THAT
to the bank !” ~ Barrack Obama, 27 october 2007.
Promises, promises… at least it sounded like promises to
me. Obama said that HE would end the conflict in Iraq and
bring soldiers home within 6 months… but then it became a
year… then ‘next year’…and on and on... until HIS term ended.
The really fun part though… is that during the Obama
presidency, wars were also waged on Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria… at least as far as it is that
WE know.
"We're going to lead by shutting down
Guantanamo, and restoring Habeas Corpus in THIS
country..." ~ Obama 15 november 2007
Guantanamo is still open... all 45 square miles of it ; just a

~ 292 ~
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mile shy of the space occupied by Disney World.
Trump has now resumed... and now 10 years later… we
STILL have troops in Iraq... and Trump has no intention to close
It is interesting that political affiliates have their own logos
now… just like corporations do. The Obama mark was
supposed to be a rising sun… which in 2008,
was something everyone was looking for after
the Bush junior fiasco, but I think it was a
misleading logo… a lie like any other corporate
campaign. In truth, maybe we just ‘assumed’ it was a rising
sun… obviously it must have been setting… because darkness
only followed after him… after he already had his Nobel Peace
Prize tucked safely under his arm... awarded on friday, 9
october 2009. Um... for WHAT ?!!
Oh wait… Henry Kissinger (Harvard club) received it in
1973… perhaps it has just become an award of the KNIGHT
club... with his now net-worth of 22 million.
The Vietnamese politician Le Duc Tho, was awarded the
1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with then US Secretary of State,
but was also the ONLY person whom has ever declined the
Nobel Peace Prize. 58,000 american soldiers died in Vietnam ;
3 million Vietnamese alongside them... serfs versus serfs.
They were both presented the Prize for negotiating the
Vietnam peace accord. Le Doc Tho said that he was not in a
position to accept the Prize, citing the situation in Vietnam as
his reason... seems honest.

~ 293 ~
KINGS… and peasants
The vietnam war was 'officially' over in 1975. NEXT ?!!
As a result of the Indonesian invasion AND
occupation, some 200,000 people died here. That's
1/3 of the population or proportionally more than
were killed in Cambodia under Pol Pot. They were
killed resisting the invasion ; they were murdered
without reason ; they died in concentration camps ;
and they starved. Perhaps 'genocide' is too often
used these days, but by any standards that's
what's happened here... and it happened mostly
beyond the reach of the TV camera and the satellite
dish, and with the connivence and complicity of
western governments ; the same governments that
were prepared to go to war against Saddam
Hussein, but were not prepared in almost parallel
circumstances to stop a rapacious invader that had
broken every provision in the United Nation's
charter and have defied no less than 10 United
Nation's sanctioning resolutions, calling on it to
withdraw from East Timor. "We should keep our
heads down" said a British ambassador to
Indonesia, "and let matters take their course."
Letting matters take their course, the governments
of Britain, the United States, Australia, and others
supplied the means by which the regime in Jakarta
has bled East Timor. Death of a Nation : The Timor
Conspiracy 1994 ~ John Pilger.

~ 294 ~
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Indonesia, by the way, attacked, invaded, and occupied
East Timor on 7 december 1975... under the Suharto regime, a
genocide or culling, if one would rather... supported via at least,
200 multi-role 'Hawks' that the British supplied... and the U.S.
provided : food, uniforms, ammunition, F-16s (fighting 'falcons'),
et cetera... to the cause. Timorese lives were lost... and buried
in mass graves... or shot by executioners as they fell from the
cliffs into the sea.
I suppose that it was a coincidence that President Gerald
Ford just happened to be leaving Indonesia on the very same
day !
As the killings increased in East Timor... the American
arms shipments doubled... or was it the other way around.
Perhaps Kissinger remembers the exactness of the order ? The
oil reserves would end up in Australia... I am not certain if the
U.S. got its cut... but it is likely so.
"Indonesia constitutes, by far, the greatest prize in
the southeast Asian area." ~ Richard Nixon, 1967.
Some OTHER nobel PEACE prizes went to :
Jewish Freemason Sir Winston Churchill (prime minister of UK)
Sir Alexander Fleming (discoverer of penicillin)
Freemason Frank Billings Kellogg (politician, lawyer)
Freemason Rudyard Kipling (writer, novelist)
Freemason George Marshall (general)
Freemason Theodore Roosevelt (U.S. president)
William Butler Yeats (poet)
George Bernard Shaw (playwright, critic)

~ 295 ~
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Luigi Pirandello (writer)
Eugene Gladstone O'Neill (playwright)
Samuel Beckett (novelist, playwright, poet)
Dario Fo (playwright, actor, director)
Harold Pinter (playwright, screenwriter, actor)
Naquib Mahfoux (novelist)
Mohammad Abdus Salam (theoretical physicist)
Anouar El-sadat (president of Egypt)
Yasser Arafat (president of the Palestinian national authority)
Mohamed El-baradei (diplomat)
Ahmed Zewail (chemist)
Shirin Ebadi (lawyer, human rights activist)
Oh... and Jewish Fritz Haber (chemical weapons)...
namely mustard gas... LOVELY.
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite... he
would also produce cannons and sell many
arms... because THIS is just what
'philanthropists' do in their free time... peace
and war have never really shared the same space. It might be
that the PEACE prize was meant to mean something else.
The president of the United States, only takes home
400,000 USD per year… everyone below this position in
government should obviously be making less… in theory. It is a
rather known concept that politicians have a retirement plan and
health benefits... even AFTER serving just one term in
government. But… in Obama's case, he not only had a
retirement AND health plan that would follow him out when he

~ 296 ~
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FINALLY left office, but by 2015, he had somehow acquired a
net-worth of 12.2 million USD ! He must have been REALLY
good with his money to have been able to pay off his debts and
still have an excess in assets of 12.2 million… his net-worth in
2007 was a just a measly 1.3 million ; serving 8 years got him
3.2 million... and stepping down at the beginning of 2017... he
would be worth 40 million. Is there a 'presidential bonus' that
we were never made aware of ?
We like to blame the president when things go wrong for
us… but a president is NOT a king… and he does NOT rule a
monarchy. Let us have a short look at the hierarchy of the U.S.
government… a refresher, of which very little of this was ever
addressed during our 13-year duration of our indoctrinated
On the governmental payroll, there is the Executive
Branch that consists of the
President, the Vice President,
the Executive Office, and the
Cabinet, which is divided into
the following departments : Agriculture, Commerce, Defense,
Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland
Security, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Justice,
Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs.
Incidentally, about 4,000,000 persons work in THIS branch of
government alone. Government employees are not allowed to
unionize… which should not be so, but it is… look at the
brotherhood during the Bush Junior administration… many of

~ 297 ~
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them served Bush senior… family friends ? Seems like unions
are only allowed at the TOP levels ! Perhaps if peasants were
allowed to unify within government… we would be too tempted
to take back OUR republic ?! Unions are broken all of the
time… and these 'leaders' have a price that they will willingly
accept... but WE know that we are FREE... because on the
dome of the Columbia building in
DC... 'Freedom' has stood atop since
1863... or Libertas using Latin again...
that we were never taught in school.
Examples of total government
control would just be those of
socialism, communism, fascism, et
cetera… but it would seem to me
now… that the U.S. is moving more in
this direction… and it has been so for
many years. You see… the U.S. Government has become the
largest employer of serfs in the country… but it is my belief that
they look for a 'certain type' of person to fill these positions. I
will say THIS though… government is too big in France as well.
Someone once told me that 40% of the
employed in France were working for the
French government… which, coincidentally,
was ALSO founded as a Constitutional
Republic. One may take notice here though… that there is no
department dedicated for the ‘Federal Reserve’, which
organization has its own ‘Federal Reserve Police‘, with the

~ 298 ~
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motto : ‘protecting the nation’s economy’ installed in 2001,
which does not seem to be working so well ; the
World Bank’, with its motto : ‘working for a world
free of poverty’, was put into motion in 1944, in
which one might think, would have been
enough time to eradicate it unless, that is, that poverty is just
another word for ‘poor people’, of which, would obviously take a
bit more time ; nor the ‘International Monetary Fund’ (IMF) with
the ‘unofficial’ motto, as stated by Stanley Fischer, First Deputy
Managing Director, on 26 july 2000, was :
‘complacency must be avoided’. ALL of these,
are headquartered in Washington DC ! Do they
all fit into the ‘treasury’ department somewhere ?
OUR Social Serial numbers... are provided to US by the UN...
via the IMF.
The welfare state with the usual trappings of :
Government price controls, Government fixed
minimum wages, Government subsidies,
Government relief for the poor, and Government
pensions… was tried out in ancient Babylon,
ancient Greece and Rome, and Mussolini’s Italy,
and Hitler’s Germany and in ALL communist
countries. America was founded as a constitutional
republic to safeguard the liberties of the people
against a tyranny of democracy or a one-man
dictatorship.” ~ Howard Drummond ‘Dan’ Smoot
Report, 28 june 1965, entitled : ‘America’s Promise’.

~ 299 ~
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The only example of NO government control that comes
to mind is anarchy, which is generally brought about by some
form of revolution… but in history, this has always just been a
transition to reach for something better than was had before…
and the illusion of something better always comes along… but
years later, it becomes realized that it was all for the worse.
There will, nor can there ever be, peace until OUR political
rulers are reassigned... THEY are not doing much of anything
anyway... and MOST politicians could easily be tried for
treason... but THAT's never going to happen either !
La Liberté guidant le peuple, par Eugène Delacroix, can
be found airbrushed on the outside of some of the cars of the

Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) ; a train

company. She has on her head the phrygian cap ; the French
have 'Freedom' TOO... but she is just called Liberté... but I
must admit that the French version is a bit more 'revealing' than
the American version of her... just a bit sexier than the puritan

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version on the Capitol of DC.
The Legislative Branch consists of a Congress made up
of the Senate and House of Representatives, which is made up
of 100 Senators and 435 Representatives… supposedly
representing the individual states… as WE 'elected' the already
pre-selected, to speak in our stead… at least we THINK we did.
One can look up the net-worth of politicians… but though
they may have a net-worth of
1,000,000 USD plus… though
they may seem to be rich in
OUR standards… this is just the
lower end of the nobility. As for US… WE could NEVER pull
off being a governor, nor a senator… the odds would severely
be against us as we would likely be struck by lightning first. So
to become the president of the United States is really an
impossibility… despite it ever being said that ANYONE could be
president… because WE simply canNOT.
It seems to get more interesting when one’s net-worth
gets well into the millions… obviously they didn’t take the
government jobs for the money… but rather to have a say…
and their money allows their voice to be heard just a bit clearer
than most. A Mayor might only make 200,000 or so… but there
are perks and incentives that go unseen that are worth more
than their salaries.
Take Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York City
from 2002 to 2013… founder of Bloomberg LP… a
‘philanthropist’ with his net-worth of over 31 billion. Well… my

~ 301 ~
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question is this : should he really have been elected as Mayor ?
Was he REALLY elected ? Perhaps the election was just
bought. Someone with this much monetary power, does not
belong in the politics that govern US… as again… he could not
have been in it for the salary… he must have had some other
reason… some other agenda… something he wanted to
influence or change. I am quite certain that it was nothing
toward the benefit of YOU nor I… because the queen of
England approved… as she would knight him KBE on 6 october
The senate is supposed to be chosen by ‘the people’…
representative OF ‘the people’ ! Is a billionaire really a clear
representation of US ? ‘Mister Smith’ might be… but ol’ Mike
here… not by any stretch. A republic is/WAS a form of
government that vows or VOWED to protect the rights of the
people, limited by the law and not by the majority, as
democracy would have it. ‘The PEOPLE’ are supposed to be
the ones whom elect the legislators that levy the taxes… not to
be taxed except by the representatives that ‘the people’ chose
for themselves. Those representing US… have had some big
names in the past… politicians like Bloomberg, Rockefeller, and
now there is Trump. So... HOW are the super-rich in any way a
valid representation of US ? Pollutions... woops... I MEANT
politicians... what does a politician REALLY do for US ???
I have come to look at senators as being a kind of jury as
there are ONLY 100. For the most part, it has always been
MOSTLY 50/50. Perhaps you are thinking that I am speaking of

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the political parties here ? No, I am not. Jurors, as history has
shown, can be bought. Just ONE juror in a jury is all it takes to
change the outcome of a verdict. I am sorry to say… the
money and the power are all that really matters in politics
today… democrats or republicans, McDonald’s or Burger King,
white or wheat, whole or skim, none of which really benefit any
of US today. “Choose your poison” is the expression that
comes to MY mind… as the choices to choose from, are all only
equal in their toxicity. As for which party ? Money makes it so
that one cannot differentiate between the two anyway.
There is also, of course, the Judicial Branch that consists
of the Supreme Court, Lower Courts, Special Courts, and Court
Support Organizations… but
this is a lawyer’s game to play
and I really know nothing of law,
aside of the fact that there are
simply too many laws to consider in being ‘law-abiding’… and
the police that enforce the law are just like you and me… at the
bottom of the heap… commoners with a badge AND/OR a
uniform… another example of serfs keeping other serfs in-line.
Just as 'embarrassment' may also enforce... made to be afraid
of being judged or mocked for HAVING an opinion… part of
what keeps us in check with our views, beliefs, et cetera.
We ALL live in a box… and to think outside of the safety
of our little box will surely bring us ridicule... but to live as others
wish us to live... is not really a life at all.
There is always a hierarchy… the perceived order of

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things… it is something that affects us all… every government
has it in place… and it is usually corrupt or WILL be if given the
time it needs. You know what ? Screw it... THEY are ALL
corrupt ! Today, in America, politics is just another corporation
and many countries have followed suit… perhaps it is even that
the U.S. has followed… I cannot really say where it all began.
Now… let us look at one example of a Knight in MY book.
Obama Bin Laden… shit, sorry, I meant Barack Hussein
Obama. Ahhh come now… you’ve switched them around too,
just admit it ! Well… I never voted for him. Why ? Because I
saw him as just a salesman… smooth with everything he said
and how he said it.
When Barack made his debut… his performance… I
thought him to be gifted in his delivery… he was able to
energize people into supporting his fictional causes, which is
the very reason I did NOT vote for him… a strange way of
looking at it, I know. The ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ brand,
well… it is with great pleasure for me to say that I voted for Ron
Paul that year… as he was the only one that made any sense to
me and was still considered a politician… my apologies that he
got in anyway… and as many Americans can finally see now…
it was all candy-coated promises. It all sounded good to me
also… but too good. To be honest… it frightened me a bit. I
have come to realize since then, that the greatest of
salespersons are, more often than not, sociopaths. Think about
THAT for a moment. How far is it that anyone can really trust a
salesperson anyway, especially when it comes to the ones that

~ 304 ~
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are REALLY good at it ? They first identify what they have in
common with us… they use this knowledge to befriend us…
they fake a sense that they empathize with us… bring us up in
some way… all the way to the sale. But… it was only about the
sale… the hunt… and very seldom will you ever find one that
feels any remorse for selling you something that you didn’t
really want to buy, but rather boasting of the conquest.
Sociopaths also make the best of con-artists… because they
actually lack compassion, though they may seem to show it.
The election that followed… I chose to vote for ‘none of
the above’… because as time went on, I knew Obama would
win again, and that the rest was all for the big show… and what
a show it was !
The birth certificate that was produced was a joke... layer
on layer... I could have faked it better than THAT ! Maybe it was
all just a side show... the magician's trick to bring ones focus to
the trivial. I don't really care if he was born in Kenya... that his
grandmother had died shortly after she announced it... but this
happened to be the
ONLY job in the U.S.,
that always required
that the candidate be
born in country... and
also have resided in
the country for a required number of years... at least it WAS…
until 21 february 1871, when the District of Columbia Organic
Act was signed into law by President Hiram Ulysses S Grant…

~ 305 ~
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in which I should add here, that Grant was NEVER a
freemason… but his father and his two brothers WERE. Grant
intended to petition but never managed to get around to it
before his death. 21 february 1871 was when the United States
government was incorporated... it has been UNITED STATES,
INC since then... becoming just another corporation... and none
of US ever knew. The only purpose of a corporation is that of
being profitable. As a corporation, it can appoint any president
it wishes... and WE have seen this at least a 1000 times before,
among the corporate giants that surround us... so it should not
be so shocking that Trump is the Corporate Executive Officer
(CEO) now.
Columbia is supposedly another name for the United
States of America… but no one seems to know why. Other
words strikingly related are ‘Columbus’, ‘columbine’, and
‘colombe’, which is French for ‘dove’. UNITED.STATES, INC is
the corporation of sacrifice.
You might remember the 2012 re-selection of Barack
Hussein Obama, versus Willard Mitt Romney ? They share a
distant relative. Apparently, they are both descendants of King
Edward I of England, also known as King Longshanks… the
very king that was portrayed in Braveheart. 'Willard' Mitt
Romney was also named after... John 'Willard' Marriott having
been that these two Mormon family names were rather close.
We should remember that Trump had his OWN show in
2004 called The Apprentice... which put him into the lime-light
for those that did not know whom he was... of which year, Bush

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junior was up against Kerry for his second term... another
'bones-man' from the 'Yale club'... just like Bush.
We should also remember that it was Trump whom
challenged Obama’s 2nd term in 2012 with
regard to the legitimacy of Obama's birth
certificate... which SHOULD have at least been
doctored from scratch rather than in photoshop
or the like… and the Department of Health SHOULD have had
plenty of this kind of 'official' paper to work with in doing so !
In fact… none of this was necessary to prove… one only
needs to be born in the country to be president of the country…
but Obama was not the president of a country… he was the
acting president of a corporation… and a CEO does not need to
be born within a corporation to be selected president of it.
We should consider all of that happenings of 2012 to
have just been an audition of sorts for Trump... EVERYONE
would already know whom he was by 2016 !
Washington DC is a city-state… OUR corporate
headquarters... and it is as though it does not exist within the
borders of the U.S. London and the Vatican are also city-
states... and these three have their own version of
government... within their respective governments.
Today, I think that even if Romney COULD have won in
2012, the agenda would have been exactly the same… whether
it be republican or democrat matters not… they were both
essentially from the same clod of dirt.
I am quite certain now, that Trump was 'selected' to be

~ 307 ~
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president in advance... he WAS in Dresden Germany in june of
2016... where the annual Bilderberg meeting was taking place.
Hmmm… the wars in Iraq seem to have been declared as
ended many times… 1991 desert-storm… 1998 desert-fox…
2001 desert-badger, one that we never even heard about,
which involved planes buzzing around Baghdad like flies…
providing the temptation and inclination for said capitol to
'smack' them out of the air… in which the predicted retaliation
did NOT occur ! In 2003 ‘Operation’ Iraqi-Freedom, ‘officially’
ending on May-Day in 2011… and TODAY… WE are STILL
there ! WE ARE… not to be confused with the nobility… THEY
are all out playing golf somewhere while WE die for THEIR
causes. I am starting to think that Iraq will become a U.S. state
before Puerto Rico even does ! And since 9 may 2008, when
Obama said he had visited ‘57’ of the states… then THAT
would make a grand total of 58 states ! Right ?
Do YOU remember consenting to sack Iraq all of these
times ? Was there a vote that we missed ? Interesting thing
about Iraq… is that if religion was correct in assuming there was
a garden of eden… it would be somewhere surrounded by the
borders of THE Iraq of the modern day… and within those same
borders, Sumer and Babylon. There must be a king
somewhere that wants all of this for himself. Should we not be
voting for the wars that we wage ? In a republic, this WOULD
have been the case... but a corporation, as I have said prior,
has not the need to answer to anyone... WE can disagree with
THEIR agendas... but kicking in the TV screen is not going to

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change a damned thing.
“I just got this memo from the Secretary of
Defense’s office. We’re going to attack and
destroy the governments in seven countries in five
years. We’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re
going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,
Sudan, and Iran” ~ General Wesley Clark 3 october
2007, Commonwealth Club of California… quoting a
conversation he 'claimed' to have had with an ‘unnamed’
officer from the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, taking place
within a 2-month time frame after 11 september 2001.
Obama was, and had always been, JUST a voice…
which is all he was meant to be in the club of government… and
even the best of us bought his pitch… just as we were
supposed to do. The citizens of the U.S. were duped… AGAIN.
The “change that you can believe in” was just the color of his
skin, though he is really just another white-guy through and
through… and what was meant by his “yes we can !”… probably
had more to do with continuing where little Bush had left off
than we know. But hey… he was probably, by far, the best
teleprompter-reader there has ever been ! TRUMP may need
some more tutoring in this aspect of his NEWest of jobs...
perhaps with Vladimir Putin... whom speaks quite well
withOUT one.
`I remember another gifted speaker of the last hundred
years that had this unique ability as well… to sell something
with passion and vision but whom also lacked in any honest

~ 309 ~
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conviction. HIS name was Adolf Hitler… and history has made
him out to be a bad man… what will history have to say about
Obama ? Trump ? Hard to say just yet… history is subjective…
and 'History' is always edited... and we watch history disappear
into a history that never happened... biased to the whims of
kings, and how our children and THEIR children should be
made to believe it to have been… of what may or may not have
occurred, when the millennium began to take its new shape.
It will ALWAYS be WE whom must obey the laws of the
land... which laws were created for US to follow... but more for
the betterment and the ‘security’ of those whom put them into
being ; 'security' is to keep US away ; keeping THEM safe !
It was not just Iraq that was on the list when Obama took
the reins from Bush… but Libya 2011... which Reagan had
already done on 14 april 1986... but there was also Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and Syria... AGAIN !
Obviously this didn’t get finished under Bush junior… but
“YES we CAN !” said Obama.
Something that EVERYONE should know though... is that
Iran has NOT attacked ANYONE since 1798 ! Perhaps it is
OUR government whom ARE the REAL terrorists ? Remember
the 'weapons of mass destruction' THEY couldn't find in Iraq ?
They could NOT be found because they were all used up in the
80s... against Iran... when UNITED STATES INC backed,
supported, and 'indirectly' supplied arms... of which were likely
branded with a 'Made in USA' sticker !
THIS one to follow... was NEVER an actor... he was just

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rich due to having old-money.
“THIS, is an historic moment. We have in this past
year, made GREAT progress in ending the long era
of conflict and cold war. We have before us the
opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future
generations, a NEW WORLD order. A world where
the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs
the conduct of nations. When we are successful,
and we will be, we have a real chance at this New
World Order, an order in which a credible United
Nations can use its peace-keeping role to fulfill the
promise and vision of the UN's founders.
~ George HW Bush (senior), 11 September 1991
Now, I could be like everyone else, participating in the
illusion that we got to choose… and I could blame Obama for
how messed up the economy, foreign relations, the health
system, taxes, and anything else that politics pretends to rule,
but… sadly… I cannot... and to put it simply, Obama was just
not really the man to blame. CEOs ALL answer to SOMEONE
or SOMETHING... so either he told America the truth and was
just not able to deliver, OR… someone else had been calling
the shots, and HIS job, was simply to be the ‘Public Relations
Specialist’ (PR) which PR may also just stand for PRopaganda !
Politics, as I have prior mentioned, is one of the few
lateral moves that one can make from a career in acting… and
CEOs tend to slide into politics just as easily.
Was it just a coincidence that he said this exactly 10

~ 311 ~
KINGS… and peasants
years before THE 911… the 911 that happened on Bush
Junior’s watch when he was sitting in the chair ? Interestingly
enough, ground was also broken for the pentagon on 11
September 1941… 60 years before THE 911.
"Either you are with us... or you are with the
terrorists" ~ dubya 21 september 2001
What is ‘terrorism’ ? My definition would be any person or
group OR COUNTRY, that promotes fear in controlling others.
If we are no longer going outside… no longer living a life… then
it IS working.
We ALREADY have a ONE world government... the 'new
world order' as it was put. I am not sure of the reason... I do not
really know the 'WHY'... and YOU and I will NOT benefit within
this utopia that THEY want for the world.
I have always wondered if HW Bush was behind the
reason that Reagan got shot in the first place. Maybe he was
just anxious to take the REAL seat ! Seems we see a lot of
cannibalistic tendencies in the winning of political gain.
"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us
never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories
concerning the attacks of september the 11th,
malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away
from the terrorists themselves, away from the
guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the
cause of terror." ~ George Dubya Bush, 10 november
2001 speaking at the UN Headquarters... which looks a
lot like the monolith in Kubrick's 2001 : A Space

~ 312 ~
Chapitre 6
Odyssey,, a production of 1968.
So... what IS a conspiracy theory or theorist ? Politically,
the term is meant to silence
dialogue… to keep people from
expressing a view. I have chosen not
to support this label… instead, let us
see it more as questions of
coincidence… because there are
strange things happening all around
the world… and you and I are not
privy to them… no matter our belief
system… no matter our sexual
orientation… no matter of which color of skin we ‘bare’.
Freemason John Hinckley Junior shot Reagan... Scott
Hinckly, John's brother, was a friend of Neil Bush... son of
George HW Bush ~ my own paraphrasion of ABC's Stephen
Geer reporting on 31 march 1981.
The theory of there being a conspiracy is just not a true
statement. The REAL theory is… that we are not supposed to
know… not because it is hidden… but because it has been
deemed that WE have not the NEED to know.
To try and put this into some kind of context… let us
admit that parents often lie to their children… like the first time a
child asks where babies come from… which was a stork or
something just as absurd. The objective is to silence that kid
from asking questions like THAT ! Some might reason that the
child is too young to know of adult things… having faith that

~ 313 ~
KINGS… and peasants
they can address it at some later time. It is simple to ignore it,
because they won’t really get it anyway. Is THIS a conspiracy ?
How about we put this into a work situation. Your boss
knows there will be lay-offs soon… do you think he or she is
going to tell you ? If you are in-the-know, one might… don’t
worry though… whatever happens, it will be for the betterment
of the company… though your superiors might actually care
about you on a personal level, the company does not really give
a damn. You go to work one day as usual and find out without
warning that it was YOUR head on the proverbial chopping
block. Was THIS a conspiracy ? No… this was just a really bad
In these two examples… we DO eventually figure out
where babies come from, whether our parents told us or not.
We DO seem to lose our jobs… we just find out it is lost only
when it is finally expressed to us… which was something
actually in the works for a while before we got that last
paycheck upon leaving the premises. My point is… there was
no secret plan in either case… it just made it easier for them
that WE did NOT know… and though it may touch us in one
way or another, it doesn’t concern us… at least in the eyes of
those with power or authority.
On a smaller, more comprehensible scale, it is much like
all those closed-door meetings and long lunches that our
bosses were having before we were laid-off or even fired... but
that happened mostly behind our backs. We probably knew
SOMETHING was going on… we just didn’t know for certain if it

~ 314 ~
Chapitre 6
pertained to US.
6,3 How the world REALLY works
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our
enemy. But when you're inside, you look around,
what do you see ? Businessmen, teachers,
lawyers, carpenters… the very minds of the people
we are trying to save. But until we do, these people
are still a part of THAT system and that makes
them our enemy. You have to understand ; most of
these people are not ready to be unplugged. And
many of them are so inured, so hopelessly
dependent on the system… that they will fight to
protect it.” ~ Morpheus, as played by Laurence
Fishburne... The Matrix film of 1999.
The cinema offers many clues about the world we
REALLY live in... IF we are paying a
attention, while THEY are dazzling us
with THEIR light-shows… references
to many topics that parallel real events
and attitudes... and much like our
places of employment, there are some
that just have a need to advertise that
they know something that another
does not… because they are in-the-
know because of their affiliations...
WANTING to tell us but their lips were sworn to the secret...
eventually slipping up having to spill all of the rest ; YOU and I

~ 315 ~
KINGS… and peasants
know the type.
More curious… a glimpse of Neo’s passport was revealed
in the movie, as played by Keanu Reeves… a photocopy that
agent Smith, as played by Hugo Weaving, had put on the table
while interrogating him. The expiration date on this 'fictional'
passport read as 11 SEP/SEP 01. Strange… because the film
was released 2 years prior. Perhaps we will even see one of
THESE actors on ‘Capitoline’ Hill someday... everybody who is
ANYBODY can be president... which WE are NOT.
Incidentally, Morpheus was the name of the Greek god of
dreams… also the son of Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep.
There are many other mythological and biblical
references in these three films. Lana and Lilly Wachowski,
formerly known as the Wachowski brothers were the writers and
directors of the Matrix trilogy. They are now living their lives as
the ‘nieces’ of Laurence Luckinbill, their mother’s brother…
whom married Lucie Arnaz., which made Lucille
Ball, Laurence’s mother-in-law. I am not sure
how the Wachowskis ended up working with
Joel Silver of Silver Pictures, in getting the film
produced, which logo is looking down on an unfinished
pyramid… and in-turn distributed by Warner Brothers... but
seeing as they already had a viable in… almost anyone could
have predicted their destiny... well... perhaps not the
transsexual part.... but THEY had time... something peasants
do NOT have... working those REAL jobs... always too tired to
chase the dreams that were only afforded THEM.

~ 316 ~
Chapitre 6
In Toronto... we can find the logo of Mtv,
positioned above the
freemasonic grand lodge of
Canada. Is the 'M' actually NOT for Music ; but
rather for Masons ? Just the 13th letter of the Latin alphabet
once again ? Comedy Central is a subsidiary of Mtv... with its 2
C's... of which is the 3rd letter of the alphabet...
or 'CC' referencing the number '33'. ABOVE
the Mtv studio is the compass and square logo, in which we
have already seen... just more of the same. The corner stone
reads as :
"This cornerstone is laid to commemorate the
original stone set by the grand master of the grand
lodge of Canada AD 1917... re-dedicated by CTV AD
Coincidentally, Star Trek, was originally a
Desilu Production… created by Gene
Roddenberry… and before
there was Captain Kirk, The
pilot episode incorporated Captain Pike. The ‘eye in the sky’
floating around in space along with its two pillars... in which
'The Next Generation' would later make the symbolism more
blatant with our beloved NCC-1701-D. It is difficult to keep
track of, but CBS Paramount Television ended up with Desilu
as a subsidiary… later spinning it all off… as Viacom. How is
THAT for connections ?!
Even a little city like Round Rock, Texas uses a compass

~ 317 ~
KINGS… and peasants
for its logo, which was founded in 1848 by the freemasons of
Lodge 227. Do freemasons still
wield influence ? I would be
willing to bet that they do ! The
memorial for Albert Pike stands
in Washington DC... which would include the double-headed
eagle of freemasonry... likely where we get the expression of
being 'two-faced'... or even that of double-dealing.
"Visible nature is described as the four quarters of
the world, and the four corners of the earth. There
are four, says the old Jewish saying, which take
the first place in this world : man, among the
creatures ; the eagle among birds ; the ox among
cattle ; and the lion among wild beasts.' ~ Morals
and Dogma by Albert Pike 1871
The 'man' in this quote is the water-bearer or Aquarius ;
The 'eagle' was replaced by 'Scorpio' ; 'the ox' is 'Taurus' ; and
the lion is 'Leo'. These are the 'fixed' signs of the zodiac
according to a freemason based on Judaism.
He is often cited as being one of the
founders of Jewish Freemasonry that organized
the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). K is the 11th letter of
the alphabet... 11+11+11=33 ; founded 24 december 1865...
'MARY' christmas !
Paramount, founded in 1912, by Adolphe Zukor, Jesse
Lasky, and William Wadsworth Hodkinson, using a rather
'pyramidy' mountain... using 22 stars... or 2x11... in which I took

~ 318 ~
Chapitre 6
the 'liberty' of filling in the OTHER 11 that were missing from the
circle... 3x11 is STILL 33. Zukor was a freemason ; Lasky and
Wadsworth were both born Jewish.'V' is the 5th
letter counting backwards in the Latin alphabet...
using Roman numerals, 'V' is the number 5...
and in film, whenever a telephone number is
recited, the prefix is always '555'.
And you will just LOVE this one... Josef
Ganz, a Jew, was acknowledged as having put
into motion, the process of making the first
Volkswagen prototype. Volkswagen, of which
logo is written 'VW', mimics three Vs... using 'vav', 'the 6th letter
of the 'alefbet' of 'revived' Hebrew... or '', which can also be
used as a numeric equivalent... which number would be that of
666... if one should really be so inclined to believe in such
The late Leonard Nimoy was born Jewish. He recalled
attending a Jewish benediction with his father, grand-father, and
brother. His father told him not to look when the chanting
began... but the sounds that he heard prompted him to take a
peek, noticing the shin signs, even though he had been forbade
just prior to.
Vulcan was the Roman god of fire and
metallurgy... 'Spock', often used his 'vulcan'
greeting hand gesture that implied the letter
'shin' of revived hebrew... of which some years later, Star Trek
would adopt the 'live long and prosper' Jewish symbol, which

~ 319 ~
KINGS… and peasants
symbol was also representative of Shechinah, which is the
feminine aspect of God... whom, was created to live amongst
Leonard Nimoy had a net-worth of 45 million upon his
death. William Shatner is also Jewish... with a net-worth of 100
million.... but these are just examples of 'regular' jews... jews
whom are just the knights of show-business.
"Why you are not supposed to look, is... the legend
is, that during that 'benediction', the Shechinah
comes into the sanctuary to bless the
congregation. And you don't want to see that,
because it's so powerful that you could really get...
be seriously injured or it could be fatal, so that's
why you protect yourself by hiding your eyes ;
don't look.." ~ Leonard Nimoy interviewed by Christa
Whitney of the Yiddish Book Center, 15 october 2013.
In the first 'Indiana Jones' film... Raiders of the Lost Ark...
when the 'ark' was being opened... Indiana, as played by
Harrison Ford said :
"Marion, don't look at it... shut your eyes Marion,
don't look at it no matter what happens !"... and
from the 'ark of the covenant' came a female figure... that killed
everyone that looked upon her. Shechinah... was the deity in
the box ; though her name was undisclosed in the film. The
films were all devoted to some kind spiritual artifacts... like what
the Knights Templar were searching for in the 'promised' land.
Steven Speilberg is Jewish... with a net-worth of 3.6 billion

~ 320 ~
Chapitre 6
USD... thereby making himself to be NOT our 'regular-
knighted'Jew... but a Zionist one.
There is not a lot of
fiction today that hasn’t
already been told or
sold… as it is only the
bending of a
perception that we
believe to know, or THINK we know to be real. REAL
imagination would go far beyond logic and boundaries… we
must always relate to, or personify what we cannot understand ;
religion is also much like this.
So... let us THINK about it… does one really just meet a
very well-to-do person and get famous ? Get Rich ? At the very
least, it might take a week, or even two, depending on the
person, to build some kind of rapport with someone… and even
THEN it is usually a superficial one… one of which, one or the
other, or both, know it to be. Most of us know whether we like a
person or not in less than a day… the trick is figuring out how
much the other person REALLY appreciates us in return.
There is often a cost to travel in the ‘somebody’ circle.
An open-secret comes out in the expression ‘sleeping one’s
way to the top’… which is often a literal statement. A woman
adhering to the principles of women’s lib might be construed as
the black widow whom eats her victim when she has gotten her
way… men might do the same with a lesser result… which is
usually tied to money, wealth and the bestowing of gifts... but

~ 321 ~
KINGS… and peasants
something is always traded for power, or what is deemed by the
seeker as being power.
The women's liberation movement, in a sense, took over
the control of our children and handed it over to 'public'
educators... and anyone else that was NOT the parent...
replacing the mother of the household as she was now out
working too.
Of course economy played a role in this... but was it
engineered to be this way ?
Anyone can see, that the children of today have virtually
no direction... they don't know what they want to do with their
lives as everything was given to them, which
has come to be of a certain 'entitlement' ; each
generation getting progressively more so. I am
not saying that women belong in the home... I
am just saying that A PARENT should be in the home... and
there should be no shame in THIS. Instead... both parents are
often working... and single parents have not a lot of choice in
working or staying home. What do we do with all of this ?
BabyFirst tv... providing 24-hour-7-days-per-week
'programming'... rather disturbing... never too early to start with
the hypnotist in the living room... whatever happened to reading
a book to them ?! Here also is the logo... red, orange, yellow,
green, NO BLUE, indigo, and PINK ? THAT is not a rainbow
color !
Kinder Care would provide a 'solution', founded by Perry
Mendel in 1969. It was a new concept based on meeting the

~ 322 ~
Chapitre 6
demand of mothers going back to work… a for-profit kind of
nursery school that promoted education of children from the
ages of 6 weeks to 12 years old. The company went 'public' in
1972. Perry Mendel brought on Richard Grassgreen for his
financial expertise. By 1987, KinderCare was reporting 900
million in revenues, but by 1988, the company was 620 million
in debt ! Michael Robert Milken of Drexel Burnham Lambert
Incorporated (founded in 1935) stepped into their picture…
advising them that they should ‘diversify’. Perry retired at the
beginning of 1990 having to pay 500,000 annually for 10 years.
Grassgreen resigned the same year that the Milken hearings
began. Though Perry and Richard didn’t know it, Michael
Milken was known as the ‘junk bond king’ and
would soon be serving only 2 years of a 10-
year sentence by 1989, but I cannot be sure if
he ever served a day. KinderCare would file
bankruptcy by 1990. By the way, Michael Milken’s net-worth as
of january 2018 was about 3.7 billion USD… this is usually how
these stories go… when a ‘philanthropist’ edits the books.
KinderCare is now a subsidiary of Knowledge Universe under
the direction of CEO Tom Wyatt. As for the logo… I am not sure
when it was put into use… but it IS interesting… a standard
floating capstone over an unfinished pyramid.
At the bottom of royalty… the knights must sell something
for their fame, fortune, or whatever it is that they are wanting…
the selling of their soul in a sense… a deal that can always be
altered further by their buyer.

~ 323 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Proximo : What do you want ? Hmm ? Girl ? Boy ?
Maximus : You sent for me ?
Proximo : Yes I did. You’re good Spaniard, but you’re
not THAT good…. you could be magnificent !
Maximus : I’m required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.
Proximo : That’s enough for the provinces, but not for
Rome. The young emperor has arranged a series of
spectacles to commemorate his father, Marcus Aurelius.
I find that amusing, since it was Marcus Aurelius, the
wise, the all-knowing Marcus Aurelius that closed us
down. ~ Gladiator, 2000.
So... a hypothetical question for the straight men or
women out there… respectively of course... what would be your
price for a one-nighter with another man or another woman ?
100,000... 1,000,000 USD ? Fame ? Fortune ? Prestige ?
Power ? This does not have to be just for gain in some sense…
as it could also be an exchange NOT to have something taken
away from you.
Yes… in the workplace, this would be considered a kind
of ‘sexual harassment’… and stepping it up a notch could easily
become blackmail... but the working class is typically not
'shooting for the stars', as they are too busy making money for
someone else. A major corporate player, however… the music
industry… film… or even the National Football League (NFL)…
there is something to pay for and/or something to lose.
Who came up with the idea that the National Basketball
Association (NBA) should slap each other on the ass when

~ 324 ~
Chapitre 6
coming back in from the court ? Football would be one thing…
protective pads are all about… but the members of the NBA
wear thin 'satiny' shorts… not sure I get what they are really
doing… most of what we used to associate with the ‘macho’
athletes, would just punch someone in the arm or smack
someone on the back… maybe just some adapted version of a
high-five… but I am thinking that the players of the NBA, as also
for the rest, did NOT invent this adaptation... and let us just
acknowledge it... blacks CAN jump... typically better... so
perhaps the ass-slapping was invented by some white pervert...
targeting blacks for this ritual.
Using 2012 numbers, almost 80% of the NBA were
black... the NFL of the same year consisted of 66%... which
numbers are likely to be about the same today.
L’entracte 9 (the dumb)
I worked with a guy once, whom I never really cared for…
a white-supremacist in his own right… with all of the slurs he
could say. One day, he was ranting about the NBA and how
badly they had played the night before. I told him that I didn’t
understand… how it was that he could sit and watch basketball
24/7, and be so open about hating black people so much. His
response shocked me… not something so easy to do. He
watched these matches between athletes because, in HIS
words: “WE bred them that way !”
I always thought him to be an idiot. We are all of the
HUMAN race… THAT is ALL. Fin 9
6,4 the Societies of Secrets

~ 325 ~
KINGS… and peasants
We know about Freemasonry... the zionists... and of the
jesuits... just bits really. But what about the publicly-traded
corporations... THEY seem to have all of the marks of being a
secret society as well.
The peasants that work for THEM really do not know so
much... and the CEO is seldom ever present. Only the
privileged benefit on the 'trading of the insiders'... which is
supposedly illegal... and though there is often a scandal that
comes about with the CEO... as with the case of Martha Stewart
in 2004... well she never served any time for it... and as of today
her net-worth is 970 million.
ALL TRADING via the stock-market IS an INSIDE job...
WE are not in the know... and if we ever could be... our
punishment would be a very different one. NO ONE, especially
anyone that has half a billion USD laying around... will EVER be
prosecuted for ANYthing... and to see a CEO of a corporate
giant in hand-cuffs... is all just about the show... and THEY will
be sleeping soundly when they get home.
The Bilderberg Group ~ had its first KNOWN meeting on
29 may 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel, Oosterbeek, Netherlands.
Meetings have been known to occur annually at undisclosed
locations around the world since
then. What... you don't think
that billionaires get together and
discuss what THEY would like to
see happen in the world ? Hmmm.
Zionist Jew George Soros is worth 8 Billion... having a

~ 326 ~
Chapitre 6
laugh with his buddy Barrack here. John McCain, only worth 21
million, seems to be keen at wanting to suck up to him as
well... though Soros is not even a politician !
Warren Buffet is worth 77.7 billion...
smiling behind Hillary Clinton's back here...
while SHE is laughing at anything and
everything... she is only worth 45 million.
Carl Icahn is worth 16,5 billion... looks like the first lady is
taking a selfie with him, her husband... and
herself here... Trump would likely send it out on
a TWEET later that evening ; Trump is worth 3.1
Barrack again, this time hanging out with Heinz Alfred
Kissinger... whom was the national security
advisor and secretary of state with both the
Nixon and Ford presidencies... he still seems to
appreciate his political reunions... perhaps the
longest running of politicians, withOUT actually having to be a
politician... how quaint.
Bill Gates, with his 'perma-bed-head',
is worth 88.9 billion... here with
Kissinger AND Michael Bloomberg (I
do not know whom the Indian-looking
fellow is). WE see them only via the media... and rest assured,
WE do not know any of THEM at all ! THEY are in a club of
THEIR OWN making. THESE are NOT what WE would ever
know as NORMAL people !

~ 327 ~
KINGS… and peasants
There is another world entirely that most of tradition does
not or cannot see... and that is the catering to the more
‘perverse’ desires of the OTHERS… orgies, sadomasochism,
and dreadfully… the abuse of children. In 2014, the top five
'incorporated' countries that had the highest rates of child
prostitution were : Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, the United States,
and Canada. We hear the word 'pimp' and think of some
mangy figure lurking about in the shadows for his percentage.
Some will go very far to get what they want… and where
inconceivable amounts of money or power is… the more
abnormal we will find them to be… and others willing to cross
what used to be in-crossable lines are willing to do more than
they thought… selling themselves for even more, to be able to
live in the limelight, red-light or even the purple-light that drives
"So you see Mercer, every man has a price he will
willingly accept, even for what he hopes, never to
sell." ~ Lord Cutler Beckett, as played by Tom
Hollander, Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest.
If one has something to gain… there must be a sacrifice
in THIS order of things… a sacrifice of themselves or a sacrifice
of another. Celebrities are not immune to this, in fact, one
cannot BE a celebrity without a ritual... a hazing... and many
suffer from depression, not from the fame or the fortune... but
by what they did TO attain the fame and fortune.
During his LAST concert, he would express some
grievances of his own :

~ 328 ~
Chapitre 6
"... in the last 30 years I'm not really friends with
anybody that's a billionaire or that owns a
business that is worth more than all of us put
together, and doesn't give a shit what happens to
us... so that's what THIS song is about... it was
about people... small groups of people... with lots
of money who don't give a shit about me and they
don't give a shit about you, this is called Beyond
the Wheel".
Chris Cornell of soundgarden, temple of the dog (Isis),
and audioslave, died thursday 18 may 2017 in
Détroit, MI, at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
hotel, room 1136... which, by the way, happens
to equal 11... or even just 11-9.
The MGM was founded on these three names : Marcus
Loew, in which I can only suspect was a spelling-change from
'Löwe'... the German word for 'Lion' in English... whom
purchased Metro Pictures
Corporation ; Goldwyn was
born Szmeul Gelbfisz ; and
Mayer was born Lazar Meir...
all of whom were Jewish. Leo the lion is astrological... ruled by
the sun ; and coincidentally, ALSO the symbol used to
represent the tribe of judah.
Chris Cornell would leave the stage at about 23H15...
meeting with his fans until the mini-bus picked the band up at
23H25 heading for the MGM... just half a mile away. His body

~ 329 ~
KINGS… and peasants
was discovered on the floor in the bathroom at 0H05. This 6'2"
man supposedly, using a red exercise rubber band with black
handles at both ends... noosed it and hung himself over the
bathroom door... doing so by throwing the band over the door
and closing it... but a man at his height, would still have his feet
firmly touching the floor... which must have been difficult to do...
as he had trauma to the back of his head, and had broken 9 ribs
in the process. of doing so.
I have trouble in believing the 'official' story... I think that
he could have had some uninvited help... of one or two men...
pulling the rubber band over the door FOR him ; suspending
him, as the door was forced closed with him still behind it.
Beyond the Wheel
"Far beyond the road, between your house and home
There is a churning storm, of hailing burning bones
Tiny baby cries, little, tiny pawn
In the profit gain, tiny baby grows
Mother, who's your man, is he doing what he can
To make a proper home, by overturning other stones
Father, mighty man, loves his little boys
Shows them how to kill, to save his precious stones
Far beyond the wheel, it steers your life around
We're driving flesh and blood, deep into the ground"
Chester Bennington, frontman of Linkin Park died
Tuesday 20 july 2017... on Chris' birthday... but would instead
use a belt in doing very much the same thing ; hanging himself
over a door. Chris Cornell was the god-father of Chester's

~ 330 ~
Chapitre 6
kids... but... these two men were both owned by Warner
Brothers (WB)
The 4 'Warner' brothers were Harry Morris
Warner ; born Hirsz Mojesz Wonsal, Abraham
Wonsal, Samuel Louis Wonsal, whom was born
Szmuel Wonsal, and Jacob Leonard Wonsal... all of Jewish
decent ; zionists.
So... now WE can try this at home... put a belt around
your neck... take the rest and throw it over the door... now slam
the door shut ! No cheating ! No stools or chairs to stand on !
Now... where are YOUR feet ? They will still be planted on the
Both of these artists were 'suicided'... meaning that it was
an 'assisted' suicide... meaning it was meant to LOOK like a
suicide. They were both signed with WB... but were both
involved in attempting to shine a light on the pedophilia rings in
the U.S... involvement of the elites... the politicians... anyone
with money that likes to participate in these sorts of things.
But... WB made them... and WB would break them...
Celebrities... when signing their contracts... are signing their
ransom... and most of them are owned just like the rest of us.
You know what I am sick of ? Zionist Banks... the pain-in-
the-ass passwords that we must all establish to get into
systems anymore. Questions like ‘who was your best-friend in
high school, et cetera. My personal belief, is that these
answers to the questions posed, are added to the ‘great
database in the cloud’… a sense of security for US… but I think

~ 331 ~
KINGS… and peasants
it is more for THEM. 2001 remember… the year it became
acceptable to survey us all… when the U.S. government
officially declared its club-members as free to censor and stalk
its citizens… in order to be made to feel safe… and to go get all
of those ‘bad guys’ ? I think that it was just brought out into the
open… it has probably been done since the very first means of
being able to do so.
But... it is always repeated that it is all 'for OUR security'...
and to be frank... I don't know what the hell these people are
talking about !
As for me... I would dare to go to ANY country... I would
LOVE to see Iran ! The Iranians I have met are friendly,
generous, and kind ! The NEWS was wrong.
Some banks will even measure our height at the door via
THEIR cameras recording us on the way in or out.
French bank accounts are a bit interesting in the sense that the
French Franc is still shown in these accounts. It was explained
to me that a very small cup of coffee from a machine used to
cost about 30 'centimes' before the Euro was put into circulation
on 1 january 1999. Today that same cup of coffee is about a
Euro and 20 cents. Almost 20 years have passed... and 1 EUR
is now equal to about 6,56 Francs (FRF)... and one EUR for the
moment, is about 1.20 USD. WHERE did the rest of the
MONEY GO ?!! In about 2007, rumors on CNBC was that U.S.
government intended to create the 'Amero'... the consolidation
of the currencies of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. It has not
happened... YET... but the U.S. government would NOT be the

~ 332 ~
Chapitre 6
ones running the show... it would be the international
banksters... followed by some kind of economic catastrophe, of
course. .. something bigger than the recession of 2007. There
is really no such thing as an economy within a capitalistic
society... as the trade is never fair... as there are always trade
secrets to uncover.
L'histoire du franc-maçons : La Grande Orient de France,
having been formed on 24 june 1773 is the oldest, and the
largest in continental Europe after having transformed the
Grande Lodge of France of 1728. In 2010, gender was no
longer insisted in having to be male. In 1877, the obliged
prerequisite of having a belief in a god, and the concept of an
immortal soul was waved... of which the Anglo-Saxon versions
have still required since at least 1929. American freemasonry is
still tied to England... though its REAL roots originated in
An old French film from 1943 called Forces Occultes,
gives us a picture of what the initiation ceremony of
freemasonry entails. I am more likely to trust older sources of
propaganda than rely on the sources available of today… even
if it was over 70 years ago.
« C’est par la sagesse, que l’on peul conduire les
hommes »
“Only through wisdom can we lead men”
Waiting for the new initiate, called Avenel, his new
awaiting brothers hold their right hands over their hearts as
instructed by the master mason.

~ 333 ~
KINGS… and peasants
At noon, they chant in unison, clapping twice,
immediately followed
by a Belamy salute
being drawn, while
saying, “liberté !” Two
more claps, another
Belamy salute, saying,
“égalité !” Two last claps, then one more Belamy salute while
saying “fraternité !” These words are still used in the French
‘Republique’ of today.
Everyone rests again with their right hands ending up
back over their hearts while someone goes to fetch the initiate
for his initiation ‘party’… the initiate has been writing his
‘philosophical testament’ in a room adorned with
skeletons and skulls, referenced as the ‘Office of
Reflection’… six-pointed stars are also prominent
in the room... the seal of Solomon... as there was
NEVER a star of David.
Returning to the meeting, 8 knocks are heard at the door, in
which the audience of the initiate, arms themselves with swords
before the initiate enters. Two masons escort him in one at
each arm while the initiate is blindfolded, his right pant leg is cut
off at the knee, his left arm exposed to his shoulder, his shirt is
unbuttoned to expose his chest, and then he is ‘directed’ by his
escorts into a bowing stance.
A sword is suddenly held with the point to the heart of the
initiate… the master says that the sword is always ready to

~ 334 ~
Chapitre 6
punish perjury… a symbol of remorse that pierces the heart if
one should betray the society.
The first duty is absolute secrecy of all goings-on within
freemasonry. The initiate drinks from the ‘Libation Cup’… then
his right hand covers his heart.
Swearing to reveal nothing and not go back on his
word… he is given another cup… as the master raises his
voice” drink Drink DRINK !” The master states that the bitter
drink is a symbol of bitterness and remorse which remains in
the heart… and perjury which will burn the lips. Incidentally, the
bottle that the bitter drink was poured from was marked ‘FIEL’…
which in English, would be ‘gall’ or ‘bile’.
The initiate is taken around the room… to his ‘first
voyage’ a short walk on a teeter-totter which has protruding
stones embedded into it… a symbol of human life, while the
noise from others stomping and clanking their swords represent
the passions that influence it. The obstacle also representing
the difficulties that man faces and unable to solve without his
fellow man.
He is led to his second voyage… his left hand dipped in
water… represents spirit being reborn into Masonic life… as the
heart must be clear like pure water.
And the third voyage… passing through the flames… as
a torch was waved near his face… which ended his symbolic
test. The master mason says that the Masonic order may ask
him to fight until the last drop of blood to defend it and his

~ 335 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Finally, the initiate receives 'the light' at the 3rd tap of the
gavel… he is unblindfolded… but now… everyone else is
masked with their right hands over their hearts… pointing
swords to the newly initiated with their left… the sword meaning
that all will come to his aid if he respects and observes Masonic
laws. But… if the oath is betrayed… vengeance of the brothers
will not be escapable from anywhere around the world… as the
brothers have also all sworn to punish perjury.
The handshake that will open all doors is 2 taps and then
a 3rd tap with the thumb while shaking hands.
The epilogue at the end of the film states that its content
came from authentic Masonic documents, in particular, the
initiation ceremony which was still being practiced in French
lodges in 1939... and likely... still the same today.
Avenel was the character initiated in this film… but after
some time, he started feeling as though he did not belong. This
is the exchange between Avenel and the ‘worshipful’ master
mason :
Avenel : I wanted to talk to you about freemasonry
Master : Of course. sit down, I’m listening.
Avenel : Well, you were the one who presented me, I
owe you an explanation… I have decided to resign.
Master : you seem to be disappointed by masonry.
Avenel : Worse… shocked !
Master : Why ? Confess to me. You wouldn’t be the first
mason to confide in me. What did we do to you ?
Avenel : Well nothing to me personally, but I find the

~ 336 ~
Chapitre 6
masons to be rotten with social climbers
Worshipful Master : I agree with you.
Avenel : I didn’t force you to say that.
Master : Do you think I am stupid ?
Avenel : Well, I don’t understand. So many virtues
proclaimed on the outside, so many mysteries inside in
order to cover up your little tricks, the hunger of its
cliques, I expected to find devoted men if not superior,
instead I met beggars for tobacconists, or for honors, or
rogues who are looking to use me to escape their prison
sentences ! Apart from them, sloganeers, those ignorant
of everything, who don’t know the history of their country,
nothing of world history, nothing of politics, nothing of
philosophy, NOTHING ! Empty brains, but with petty
ambitions and flapping tongues… and THESE people
govern FRANCE !
The worshipful master mason then ends up telling Avenel
more as he leads him into monologue :
What is masonry ? Groups of men who are united from
the four corners of the earth, wrapping the world in a
network of unbreakable links. There are 50,000 of us in
France ; 500,000 in England ; 3,000,000 in America… it
is not many, but it is a huge number, because we form a
united front for one cause. We spread everywhere ; we
have control everywhere. Here [France], 300
parliamentarians are masons. In England the king is part
of our order… in the USA the president is at the 32nd

~ 337 ~
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level. There is not a country where we do not have our
secret supporters. Our men, our banks, our devoted
groups, and that’s nothing !
Avenel would be shot at the end of the film... and France
would enter the war... which would be orchestrated, in part, by
'les francs-maçons'.
Incidentally, in 1939… King George VI was king of
England and Franklin D Roosevelt was the American President.
Another like society is 'The Order of the
Skull and Bones' which was founded in 1832 at
the Yale club in New Haven Connecticut ; a
fraternity. I have heard a few things… hearsay
really… but what I have understood is that it is full of its OWN
rituals, though having more grotesqueries involved in enforcing
the keeping of the secrets of said order. The only REAL
difference between these two societies of secrets, are that
'bones-men' are usually from well-to-do family names already.
Only 15 are 'tapped on the shoulder' per year… but their goals
are more in-line with power-grabbing ; the Yale club itself was
founded in 1701.
Bush, Bush, and BUSH… were all members of the Skull
and Bones… Prescott, HW, AND Dubya.
William Huntington Russell was the founder ; Attorney
General Alphonso Taft was the cofounder, President William
Howard Taft's father... which was later incorporated as Russell
Trust Association (RTA) on 13 march 1856… as a tax-EXEMPT
‘brotherhood of death’.

~ 338 ~
Chapitre 6
John Forbes Kerry... the bonesman that went up against
Dubya in 2004... went to Antarctica in november of 2016... I
guess this is just what 'secretaries of state' do now-a-days. Ask
HIM why, and he might just say something similar to what he
did on 'Meet the Press with Tim Russert in 2004 :
Russert to Bush junior : "You were both in Skull and
Bones, the secret society.
Bush junior : It's so secret we can't talk about it.
Russert to Kerry : You were both a member of skull and
bones, a secret society at Yale, what does THAT tell us.
Kerry : "Uh... not much cuz it’s a secret."
Ahhh... so now we SEE how governmental transparency
REALLY works.
Kerry has since resigned... as of 2017 and at THIS
moment... there IS no Secretary of State ! Politicians keep their
jobs for a very long time ! The president is one of the shortest of
durations...and the president controls nothing. Kerry was a
senator from 1985, appointed as Secretary of State in 2013
under Obama ; 32 years in political duration.... all the way back
to Reagan.
6,5 the Pointed-Oval
Sonny Bono was a recording artist, producer, and singer
who became a mayor and then a congressman…
again, a lateral move. His net-worth was 15 million
upon his death... Sonny didn’t even graduate from
high school. He worked for Phil Spector. Phil knew
Lester Sill who became Phil’s partner at Philles Records. Lester

~ 339 ~
KINGS… and peasants
knew Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller whom wrote and produced
many songs, including for the ‘King’ of Rock‘n’Roll himself, Elvis
Presley… another knight. Phil also knew Lee Hazlewood whom
knew Nancy Sinatra… Frank Sinatra’s daughter. It is not so
surprising that Phil Spector was a millionaire before he turned
21. Today he is worth 100 million… of course, he is in prison
now… not sure if or when he will return. Phil produced for the
Beatles, John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ and of course the ‘Sonny and
Cher’ act, from 1963 to 1975. Sonny was also named the
godfather of Anthony Kiedis ; frontman of the 'Red Hot Chili
In 2003, Lana Clarkson was found dead of a gunshot
wound through her mouth at the home of Phil Spector. He was
charged with murder in 2009, found guilty and sentenced to
serve 19 to life, whom is now 78. Think about this now... if YOU
were about 63, with 100 million to retire on... would YOU make
a choice like THIS ? He married Rachelle Short in 2006... whom
was NOT a 'gold-digger' at the time... but which fortune has
since dwindled to about 35 million... Phil has filed for a divorce.
MasterCard, was first conceived in
1966 under Interbank Card
Association (ICA)... originally using an
EYE. It was known as 'master
charge' until 1979, which had been acquired by ICA in 1969,
having also used a pointed-oval as its logo ever since… where
the 'interlocked' circles meet.
In my thinking, KNIGHTS are : the Actors, Musicians,

~ 340 ~
Chapitre 6
MOST Politicians, and anyone else one might consider to be a
'celebrity'. KNIGHTS are the Lords, and the Landlords.
Celebrities stick together for the most part… they
associate with their own. They look ‘pretty’ for us serfs… and
we are entertained by their lives… but none of them were ever
one of us… and the very few, if any, that MAY have actually
rose from us, have no desire to come back down TO us. I will
speak more about Knights in a while though… because I have
other interesting things to show you. For example, Bono… of
the band known as U2 is not only affiliated with the Bohemian
Club, but was also knighted by Queen Elisabeth II on 29 March
2007. She is the Queen of the United Kingdom… which
excludes the part of Ireland where Bono came from… which is
part of the Republic of Ireland. She is just a ceremonial figure
though, right ? Right. Those actually knighted by the Queen…
are the Barons in my comparison… and we will be seeing more
of them. Ireland, uses the euro now... but this was not always
You see… WE are not really a part of any of this… it
goes on and on but we have no say… because our republic
does not answer to us… but is rather dictating over US.
Obama signed in the National Defense Authorization
Act (NDAA) of 2012... on 31 december 2011 ; to be searched
without a warrant is permissible, arrest for any 'belligerent' act,
negates habeas corpus, and the detainment of Americans...
without the need for a trial... indefinitely !
Does this only vex ME ? The 'Federal Emergency

~ 341 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Management Agency' (FEMA), contracted Haliburton… to
construct holding camps in the case that a 'national emergency'
should ever be declared. All of those concentration camps of
Nazi Germany must have had a similar clause… as this was
exactly what happened in THOSE camps. Think about THAT !
Haliburton has been building or has already built, fema
camps to house up to 50,000,000 americans… and to those
that think we will never be detained or robbed of our ‘rights’…
reflect back to when Franklin
Roosevelt was president… and
how on HIS watch… by 1943,
110,000 Japanese-Americans
had been rounded-up in the continental United States into
internment camps… as they were supposed threats… after
Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen. Still… 267,000 Japanese
were living in Hawaii at the time… one-third of the then
American-Japanese population… guess FDR forgot about
THAT… too busy grabbing land and possessions from those
Japanese on the mainland.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was an actor that later became a
governor… I guess he is acting again… seems to have been a
lateral move... back and then forth. Most of us know that he
came from Austria. His father, Gustav, applied to join the Nazi
party as well as the ‘Sturmabteilung’ (SA). I know that you
might now be thinking that his father must have been a 'bad
man'… but it was likely more about what WE like to call
‘patriotism’, which to me is actually just another prejudicism…

~ 342 ~
Chapitre 6
against those that do not share in our isolated nationalism…
just countries profiling other countries.
Patriotism is basically a pride in ones homeland. I
actually don’t really see the point when I see an American flag
go by. Who is going to see it ? Another American ? It is not like
a couple of high schools rallying for their upcoming football
game… running around creating havoc while wearing school
colors… unless flying the flag is just to rub it in with the persons
that are still TRYING to immigrate… wanting and waiting to join
in the festival.
"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." ~ Oscar Wilde
Nazis did it too… except they had France, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Austria, and
Switzerland in their neighborhood to flaunt their flags to… which
they did quite openly ; German national pride.
Let us not forget our OWN ugly American history… the
slaughter of most of the persons whose land our ancestors stole
it from… of the millions ! The import of Africans to work for
virtually nothing… fed like horses or dogs… and likely not
treated quite as well as THEY even were. Of course, I have
mentioned nothing of the abuse that ensued against these
entire peoples, atrocities almost free of judgment as they were
deemed as property ; NOT people. Really… what do we
Americans have to be proud of as far as patriotism is
concerned… aside of creating a certain tyranny in a land that
we hijacked ? As it stands now… we are out there getting
involved in everyone else’s business… and somehow it is THIS

~ 343 ~
KINGS… and peasants
that has become patriotism. In THIS sense, patriotism looks a
lot like racism… the only difference being that it is based on the
color of one’s… flag. I see stolen land that was not actually
stolen by US... OUR government does NOT share stolen land...
we cannot own it... WE are peasants.
In the U.S. it is a duty revered in ‘serving’
one’s country. The fun part here is that
prejudicisms are something that must be
taught… we are NOT born with them.
This is the insignia for the SA… the ‘S’ here is made using a
kind of lightning bolt zigzag with an
arrow-headed point… the ‘A’ requires
a bit more imagination… the part that
crosses the ‘A’ looks to me like it was
trying to incorporate a compass in the
mix. All right… I admit that I don’t
even know what it means. YOU try !
Other than the fact that he Arnold
Schwarzenegger arrived from Austria,
WE really don’t know much about him.
It is difficult to find much information about knights. But… like
Ronald Reagan, another actor that became a politician, Arnold
is/was also a member of the Bohemian Club. The Bohemian
Club was founded in 1872 in San Francisco, California… which
is also affiliated with the Bohemian Grove… where 'rituals' are
held in front of a giant owl in the woods… by invitation only…
sounds like a good time, doesn’t it ! Richard Nixon happened to

~ 344 ~
Chapitre 6
be a member too… you know… the Watergate president.
Well… we all kind of know how THAT all turned out. This is the
owl that stands in the center of the pentagon.
The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to
time... it is the most faggoty god-damned thing you
could ever imagine ~ Richard 'tricky-dicky' Nixon
Hmmm... so what WERE his reasons for his attending if it
was that he really felt THAT way ?
Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to incorporate Trains of
Great Velocity (TGVs) in California... which never happened...
he was JUST a governor.
Le train à grande Vitesse (TGV) is a marvel.... the French
have been using it
since the 70's. The
speed record was
recorded as 574.8
km/h (357.2 mph) on 3
april 2007... which of
course has a lot to do with the quality of the tracks... typically it
travels at about 150 mph. THIS is something that the U.S. will
never do... 'sustainability' is reserved for the airlines.
2,092 miles is the shortest distance from the east coast to
the west coast in the U.S. of A. To have TGVs in the U.S with
the proper tracks... the trip from east to west or west to east,
would be less than 6 hours. Instead... Americans fly... typically
using 2 to 3 planes... which is an all-day rather tiring affair... and

~ 345 ~
KINGS… and peasants
of course costs much, MUCH more.
California is still a mess... it gets messier still. Go
ahead... plan a trip to California from ANYwhere... driving or
flying... it is NOT the most pleasant of commutes. WE will be
exhausted either way ; the TGV, by the way, always has a bar
car to relax !
6,6 the Owl People
Clint Eastwood is STILL an actor and director that
became the mayor of
the city of Carmel-by-
the-Sea from 1986
until 1988. He would
also endorse Mitt
Romney in 2012 and
has HIS affiliation with the Bohemian Club. He has a net-worth
today of 375 million. Clint is Abraham Lincoln’s 6th cousin 5
times removed… and Mitt Romney is Abraham Lincoln’s 11th
cousin 3 times removed… just happenstance that he would
endorse the Mormonic Romney ? Probably was just voting for
the ‘republican’ half… as about half of the population does.
The owl is the symbol of wisdom, Athena of Greece or
Minerva of Rome, and the ability to
see in the dark. As I have already
suggested, the NEW WORLD… is
just a reflection of the OLD. This is
the HBO logo as it SHOULD be... which is an owl... and the
belly is the symbol for the sun.

~ 346 ~
Chapitre 6
OTHER names that we can find in the Bohemian Club,
just to name a few of its members, past, present, or both, as I
am unsure if it is a lifetime club or not… are, were, or still are,
named as follows :
Alan Greenspan Henry Kissinger
Bill Clinton Herbert Hoover
Bono of U2 Jeb Bush
Colin Powell John Edgar Hoover
David Rockefeller Malcolm Forbes
Dick Cheney Neil Armstrong
Dwight Eisenhower Newt Gingrich
George HW Bush Prince Philip
George W Bush Tony Blair
Gerald Ford II Walter Cronkite
Harry Truman William Casey
Have you heard any of these names before ? There IS
more… I just chose to place here the
names that I myself have heard
something about… there are also
other ‘clubs’ that they may or may not
be affiliated with… freemasonry being
among them. Hmmm… a lot of the
names I have just mentioned here
have been known to hang out at the
Capitol Hill club… the ‘hill’ that never
was. Anyone can see that there has
been considerable time and effort exerted since 1793 within the

~ 347 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Washington District of Columbia… an owl was, must have and
still must be… a rather important symbol, would you not agree ?
The 'head' of THIS one, by the way, was so positioned in
Washington DC, as so the center of the head lays on a very
specific direction… due east. Ahhh… but things like THIS were
only common 200+ years ago… just a few ‘weirdoes’ dabbling
in what they knew of mythology ? It is on the one-dollar bill...
with a more 'weaving-spiders-come-not-here' motif... where it is
said that 'mock' sacrifices are made at the foot
of this owl made of stone in California… a nice
piece of land not far from the sea... that neither
YOU nor I are allowed to go. But... a sacrifice is
just not really a sacrifice without… sacrificing, is it ? We blame
‘sickos’ for all of the children that go missing every year… and
we are trained to believe that these sickos only reside among
US... the peasants... but perhaps it is the nobility that are the
cause of their disappearances from OUR world... THEY could
get away with it... as WE have no reason to participate in this
'hexennacht' stuff ; OURS comes from a church.
I am not sure if you remember ? It was
a hosting website, most notably known for making it very easy
for commoners to download movies to their
personal computers. It was shut down in
January of 2012. After which, a simple picture
replaced the webpage that was once there. In
looking at it… I thought it must have been some kind of joke…
the eagle, assuming that THAT was what it was supposed to

~ 348 ~
Chapitre 6
be, looked like it had an over-sized beak like a cartoon... was
someone trying to be funny ? Then I looked again… the beak
belonged to an owl. The duck-bird had its wings extended… a
sun or the like shining from behind. But… if one looks at the
blackened feathers of where the duck-bird’s shoulders might
be… they become the black eyes of an owl… and the golden
sunrays above become the crown’s feathers. It made better
sense this way… an owl is generally known as an icon of
‘wisdom’… it was the all-knowing owl that ratted this particular
website out... protecting THEIR corporations !
What business is it to the government that intellectual
property be protected ? Does not the government have more
important things to be concerned about then the protection of
the ‘monopolique’ corporations ? No… not really.
Then there is THIS one with a twist, a publicly-traded
company known as ‘tripadvisor’ ; never really
figured out why the eyes were different colors…
a wanna-be Target logo ? The eye of providence ? The
alchemic symbol of the Sun ? Perhaps the designer was color
blind when it was conceived ?
The Sun symbol of 'Tide'
laundry detergent is really no
different... owned by Proctor
and Gamble... the older of its logos here... with 13 stars, of
course. The reason for 'Soap operas' being called so,
beginning many a decade ago, was that 'Soap' infomercials
were the only companies willing to sponsor them...

~ 349 ~
KINGS… and peasants
advertisements that were focused on the 'mother' of the
household... when she was actually able to stay at home.
Then there is the Hooters owl that has been
around for over 30 years, which logo was changed in
2013. This logo has always incorporated two eyes
that, very obviously, are supposed to be the 'perky'
breasts of a woman… just as the old one did… but the new logo
adds one more element that was not in the logo of before, that
usually goes unnoticed… the use of a pointed-oval for the wing.
I am not sure if the designers at Sky Design MEANT to do
this… if they were TOLD to do this… it just got my attention
because the right eye of the owl 'protrudes', as it should,
considering the obvious ‘rack’ appearance, but as an eye, it
should not be forward of the top of the wing… and many logos
today incorporate this symbol… or it could just be me looking
for something obscure... and turned upside-down... it might
resemble something else.
Hooters is owned and operated by Chanticleer Holdings
Inc, in which the word that it originated came from the French
word ‘chantecler’… which
probably came from a French
play written by Edmond Eugène
Alexis Rostand, produced in
1910. The symbol is found in France everywhere one should
go… ‘le coq gaulois’, or ‘the gallic rooster’… making reference
to the gauls whom were the earlier inhabitants of France.
In 1991, an animation of ‘chantecler’ was created… the

~ 350 ~
Chapitre 6
sun rose every morning due to his crowing “cocorico !”, of
whose antagonist, coincidentally, was an owl. I may have it all
wrong though… maybe it was just named after a variety of
apple… ‘une pomme chantecler’, which in English, is better
known as ‘a golden-delicious’ apple.
Chanticleer Holdings seems to have made sure that the
‘T’ or Tau, ended up on the center of the rooster… even though
it is the ‘i’ that is actually the center letter in its logo. In
1991, an animation of ‘chantecler’ was created… the sun rose
every morning due to his crowing “cocorico !”, of whose
antagonist, coincidentally, was an owl. I may have it all wrong
though… maybe it was just named after a variety of apple…
‘une pomme chantecler’, which in English, is better known as ‘a
golden-delicious’ apple.
The economic ills we suffer have come upon us
over several decades. They will not go away in
days, weeks, or months, but they WILL go away.
They will go away because we as Americans have
the capacity now, as we've had in the past, to do
whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and
greatest bastion of freedom. In this present crisis,
government is not the solution to our problem ;
government IS the problem. ~ Ronald Reagan,
inaugural address 20 january 1981... almost 40 years
ago... which could easily be inserted in our today... as it is
still applicable... and still... NOTHING ever changes !

~ 351 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 7,0 ~ Eye in the Sky

En Bref :
We looked at net-worth in the last chapter... touched on a
few segments of government, realizing that it is just a big
corporation that does NOT serve US. The FED uses a great
falcon... the world bank uses a global logo... and the IMF uses
an adaptation of a global logo, but as displayed on a blue
shield... and the logo for FEMA sports a delta. We also saw an
unfinished pyramid, Star Trek's eye-in-the-sky... the letter 'V'...
covered a couple of clubs... pointed-ovals... another 'H'... the
significance of an owl... and the TAU of hooters via its holding
company. The chapter ended on page 351... and 3+5-1=7
7,1 minding OUR Ps and OUR Qs
Something that technology has NOW brought to US… is
a constant and a never-ending surveillance. We are always
being watched.
If one were to ask ME… the surveillance should be
pointed at our government and its officials… NOT at US... so

~ 352 ~
Chapitre 7
that we might see all of the parties THEY have with the social
security funds that WE paid into... and on the CEOs of the
companies we buy from, invest in… et cetera. The only
surveillance that WE get, is the media coverage that THEY own
and can easily control… as THEY are the media.
Something the Obama administration did, was to deliver
cell phones to those 'in need'. Sounds like a nice thing to do…
but one must also question why this came about. Why would
government care if peasants have a cell phone or not ? So we
could keep in better touch with our families ? So we could order
pizza more conveniently ? No, a home phone could do all of
this. The only thing that comes to mind for me is having the
means to track us. Just about everyone in the western world
has a mobile phone these days… because if one cannot afford
it, it can be subsidized. Awww… that was thoughtful of the U.S.
government to watch out for us wasn’t it ? So nice that THEY
would even think to include the Global Positioning System
(GPS) in the ‘on’ position… so that we will never find ourselves
lost ! It was a trade off… it was not REALLY a free phone…
now the government will always know where WE are ! Privacy ?
Were you hiding something ? Government property ? Oh, how
everyone loves the word FREE… this is what FREE-DUMB is !
When it comes to government and/or corporations, NOTHING is
FREE… WE will always be the ones to pay in one form or
another… whether it be in the currency of the realm or our
servitude TO the realm.
Police may get upset on occasion when being filmed… as

~ 353 ~
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their own cameras roll from their cars ! A new attitude… a new
word… a new acceptance that has been created for this : ‘if-
The National Security Agency (NSA), has now claimed
residence in Bluffdale, Utah, which has a sign now posted on
the government site reading as :
"Welcome to the Utah Data Center ~ if you have
nothing to hide you have nothing to fear."
Everyone has something to hide… EVERYONE ! It does
not even have to be against the law anymore… ‘privacy’ is
simply to be a forgotten word.
Cameras... they are everywhere now. I heard once that
England had over a billion cameras surveying... surveying US
the peasants.
Compass bank here with its12 rays of
sun. Whom would YOU suppose owns IT ?
The sickness is also spreading in the
U.S... at intersections, on toll roads, places of
employment, et cetera... a practice of which seemed to have
started out in banks... and then the retail sector. Why ? It made
some sense in banking because it was too difficult to identify
the thieves before… not that it wasn’t just… as banks steal from
serfs all of the time. Still, usually the bank heists can only
succeed using intimidation tactics... and limiting time. It is about
impossible now... not a lot of money in the vaults, armored
shipments, or in the tills anymore.

~ 354 ~
Chapitre 7
shared banking symbol triangle here for co-op
shared branches... or co-op ATMs... the sharing
of convenience frees, accounts, and OUR
information !
Money has become just an array of 1s and 0s stored on a
computer somewhere... and we have all been taught to use
passwords for OUR 'security'. It USED to be that we could use
the same password for EVERYthing… then we had to add a
number… then a special character... now the big thing is to
choose from a list... those 'security questions'... but again it is
for THEM... … our 'mother's maiden name', our 'best friend in
high school', 'the street we grew up on'... THESE are all
identifiers for THEM... whomever the THEM may be... NOT to
protect us from 'identity theft', but to add to the great database
in the 'cloud'... as WE are being cased, tracked, and traced...
WITHOUT our knowledge or consent. It is WE whom are the
ones catering to this ‘transparency’ while THEY and/or THEM
seem to be locking everything else down.
We USED to have some options… in creating money
from thin-air. Check-kiting for one, used to be something we
could get a little cash-flow from… but now it will only get US a
fraud conviction… but the banks are essentially doing this all of
the time… they like to call it ‘credit’. It is not so common of a
practice these days as most have a credit card of some sort…
but either way, one is spending money that they don’t really
have, the only difference though, is that it is now on the banks’
terms… and THEY collect the interest that accrues on us all day

~ 355 ~
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long, collecting THEIR ‘tax’ while WE are unable to reimburse
our accounts.
In the form of a credit card, banks can charge from 0%,
which is usually just for an introductory period, all the way up to
79.9%, compounding tax on purchases. I hate to say that it is
‘usury’, but THAT is exactly what IT is… which is a crime, if the
interest that a lender charges exceeds the maximum of which
the state will allow. So… the state must be in on this… OR it is
that the banks are actually running the state !
Money laundering is illegal too… something that is
usually used as a method of trading out currency that has been
acquired by illegal means or schemes. It is something that
becomes more difficult to do as time has moved on… It is not a
gamble to say, that today, most money is exchanged
electronically… just points on a computer. Vending machines
have been able to recognize a dollar as being a dollar bill for
decades… I am quite confident that the cash ‘assets’ held in
bank vaults are completely traceable in more than one fashion,
because the banks do not want anyone else cutting in on
THEIR action… and THEIR laundering now has become
controlled in a different way… why wash the money when one
has the means to just print more ?!!
In the retail sector, cameras became popular because of
retail-theft… though not so much in small businesses. At first,
these cameras were rather expensive... and it seemed that the
amount of shoplifting that occurred could not have possibly
validated the costs in using them. It used to be that someone

~ 356 ~
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was hired to monitor the stores as an undercover
patron... in which I am not sure if this is still the
case anymore or anywhere. Walmart as my
favorite example... have you ever noticed how
many cameras are in THAT place ?
L'entracte 10 (facial recognition)
I stopped being so involved with Facebook just some
years ago. I was selecting friends once to tag in
a couple of photos, the Facebook database
gave me pictures of ‘friends’ that I could choose
from. It occurred to me at THAT moment, that
the social network site was using facial recognition… verifying if
THIS was indeed the person I wanted to select. I immediately
looked up how to disable this ‘feature’ of guised convenience...
and turned it off ! perhaps it is still there running in the
background. A couple of months later, Facebook became a
publicly-traded company after Goldman Sachs invested 500
million into it. But what about Facebook’s motto : ‘it’s free and it
always will be’ ? Oh it IS free… to you and me… we ‘freely’ fill
in Facebook’s database and identify our friends to be used
‘freely’ in those facial recognition programs. I am guessing that
it is about every 6 months or so that facebook is refreshed
and/or updated... at which point, we must disable all of these
features that we DID NOT want, all over again. Fin 10
It more in the open now... and facebook intends to take it
even further ; fairly recently proposing that other 'services' will
require these features enabled to participate in.

~ 357 ~
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"Out of the 50 richest people in the world, about a
quarter or 25% are Jewish, and of the top 10 richest
Jews in the world, eight are from the U.S., while
two are from Russia." ~ Forbes Israel 2013.
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, now has a net-worth of
about 73 billion… one counted among the white-American-
Jewish population of only 0.2%. Not all jews are rich... but it IS
striking how much this 0.2% control.
Jews seem to have all of the money these days. WHAT
is HE SELLING and to WHOM is he SELLING it TO ?!!
Lloyd Craig Blankfein with his net-worth of 1.1 billion... is
the CEO of Goldman Sachs... also born Jewish.
I cannot conclude the following as being Jewish,
Freemasonic or otherwise... but when one is a billionaire... it is
likely they are among the zionists.
ƒ Rupert Murdoch has a net-worth of 15,3 billion, owner of
21st Century Fox and News Corp
ƒ John C Malone has a net-worth of 8 billion, now chairman
of Liberty Media
ƒ Sir Richard Branson has a net-worth of 5 billion, founder
of the Virgin Group... the SIR means he was knighted by
the Queen.
ƒ Ross Perot has a net-worth of 4,1 billion, Investor
ƒ Oprah Winfrey has a net-worth of 2,7 billion, talk-show
ƒ Vince McMahon has a net-worth of 1,72 billion, CEO of
World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Inc

~ 358 ~
Chapitre 7
In speaking of names that have money… one topic of
education that seems to have been neglected in the 'system'
that we were raised in... that actually SHOULD be uniform
curriculum in every school, is that of finance… but OUR
education does not condone the learning of it as important.
WHO teaches us about MONEY ?!! Sex education
somehow made the grade… probably because the puritan
belief system made parents gun-shy (excuse my pun) in talking
about the ‘birds and the bees’ with their children ! Should
children really be learning about finance from their parents,
when they themselves have been in debt since their graduating
of high school ? No ! They have had ‘consumption’ since then.
The lives that we were promised in our early youth, at
least as to what are parents had in mind for us, was that we
might one day go to a university, work for a large firm with good
benefits and retire with a pension to sustain us for the rest of
our lives
Should one take monetary advice from someone that has
none ? Does it make any sense to take seriously, health and/or
dietary tips from someone of whom is obese ?
In the world of today, money can make or break us… yet
there is no class offered on this aspect until university, and
usually by then, offered only as an ‘elective’… which education
was likely already bought with the aid of a student-loan and its
‘low interest rate’… a loan that is non-negotiable… as one has
no means of walking away from it… and no alternative but to
pay in full. No one ever teaches us how to do our taxes either !

~ 359 ~
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nor did we ever learn to be even reasonably frugal !
An education system that does not care to teach us, must
only be condoning our failure… and if the education system is a
department that is regulated by government… all while the
corporations have been DE-regulated… whom does said
government cater to ? The game has been rigged… and in no
way in OUR favor. The system now, however, HAS started
teaching students about managing… their credit ! What ?! Is
the legacy that is to be left behind for our children and our
children's children only to be that of owing from birth ? Perhaps
it has ALWAYS been so.
WHAT IF… stores like Walmart and sites like facebook,
were providing the means to add to this Big Book of Faces…
just these two companies alone could create a facial recognition
database with extreme accuracy in recognizing specific facial
points. Now include the banks, the Automated Teller Machines
(ATMs), maybe even the drive-thru at your favorite 'to-go'
place… hard to tell how many times we have been
photographed or recorded in any given day.
"It's a big club… and you ain't in it ! You and I are
NOT in the big club !" ~ George Carlin… may he be
resting in peace.
We have already seen SOME of the BIG CLUB... how
about we look at the ‘all-seeing eye' that we pass around on a
dollar bill almost every day. Since this eye appears to be a right
eye… and the pyramid in which it floats over is something of
antiquity… we must go back to the beginning… at least as far

~ 360 ~
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back to the beginning as we are allowed to go… or know.
This is the eye of ‘Amun’-Ra... in which we have all seen
it before. Ahhh… you probably recognize this word as…
‘Amen’. We have always been told that to say it
means that one agrees with what was just being
said. It is said at the end of Christian prayers or
even in agreement with someone’s wise words.
It is said by Muslims in the same way using a long ‘e’ sound…
and since these two religions, as I have already mentioned
came from Judaism… the Jews of course use ‘Amen’ as well. It
is said so much though… that no one even thinks about what it
really means anymore. It does bring to question the whom we
have actually been praying to, or through, does it not ?
Here is a name that one can easily recognize when hearing it in
these respective tongues: Amen in English is : Amen in French,
Amen in Italian, Amen in German, Amén in Spanish, and Amen
in Yiddish. 'Amen'-Ra was the sun god of Egyptian antiquity.
Roi is french for king... sounding very much like 'Ra'
Often one might notice another though…
the eye of Horus. I don’t think most can
differentiate anymore between the two… and
perhaps it has even been forgotten as to which
one was which, I do not really know… but I am sure SOMEONE
does. I believe the two to be separate… but inseparable at the
same time… the eye of Ra was the sun… and the eye of Horus
was the moon… and together they became the great-falcon of
the sky. Different versions of the same stories are always

~ 361 ~
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apparent… so with THIS in mind… let me first illustrate where
the right eye has been used… the eye of Amun-Ra.
Using the company’s own words : “Endemol is
a world leading creator, producer, and
distributor of multi-platform entertainment
with operations in over 30 countries.”
THEY are headquartered in the
Netherlands and are currently controlled by
Apollo Global Management, LLC, which is an
'American' private equity firm. So… APOLLO,
the Greek name for Ra… god of the sun, light, and knowledge,
also controls Endemol. English phonetics here, in thinking of
how this word sounds… it might resemble ‘end-them-all’… I
wonder of its implication.
The symbol of the sun makes reference to
any one of the sun-gods of mythology, the
chariot in the sky, and many other such names.
This patch was commemorative of the Apollo 13
mission… which I suppose is the reason that THIS sun has only
13 rays of light.
American Express has always been fond of Apollo too,
even though there was nothing ‘American’ about HIM. The
Apollo program of NASA that we are all familiar
with... flaunted 11 'manned' missions ; Apollo 13
being the favorite. The astroNOTs were
knights... 'NASA' though, is in a different
category of the BIG CLUB... which we are coming to. Amex

~ 362 ~
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acquired Lehman brothers in 1984... and spun it off IN 1994.
Seen this one ? It is Time Warner Cable, a subsidiary of
Time Warner Inc… whom, by their own words, WAS “a global
leader in media and entertainment with
businesses in television networks and film
and TV entertainment, [which] uses its
industry-leading operating scale and
brands to create, package, and deliver high-quality content
worldwide on a multi-platform basis.” Makes me want to
yawn… all these corporations that chant of being a ‘global
leader’… just SHUT UP ! Apparently it recently
merged with Charter Communications and Bright
House Networks... and has become Spectrum...
unable to design anything else but a delta for its NEW
logo. 'Spectrum' is likely making reference to the spectrum of
THE light.
Here is one of the many sects of Christianity at work…
1Iam Seventh-day Adventist Church. “The Unknown God ~ A
Fresh Look at God and Your Sense of
Spirituality.” Wait… which unknown god are
we addressing here ? Just to be clear, the ‘1Iam’ is not a typo…
it IS the number ONE followed by ‘I AM’. I guess THIS god is
also bluish.
Blue Eye Technology… “Technical
Solutions through Innovation”… founded in
2009… I can see this company going places…
all it really takes is selling out to the right persons… we’ll just

~ 363 ~
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have to wait and see. Get it ? Wait and SEE ? Nevermind.
I was disappointed when I first realized this one… I have
always loved Adobe products. Adobe Photoshop 5, 6, and 7,
shown here, respectively. Clearly, 6.0
and 7.0 made use of the sun in the
these pictures ; 5.0 and 7.0 both
incorporated a ring of Saturn ; and
version 6.0 used a five-pointed star…
but the right eye is
ever present... the
EYE of Amun-Ra...
being one of the many
names given to the sun-god. Adobe
also plays with the ‘A’ like most companies like to do when
there is an ‘A’ in its name, which resembles again a delta, as
well as a few other details embedded within these pictures used
in association with the products of the company.
Musicians are not exempt… I do not know whom designs
the logos for singers… and I
never particularly cared for the
voice of this one… which is
using the right eye... but he was
affiliated with Columbia Records… so perhaps THEY designed
this for him ? It doesn’t really matter though… Sony owns it all
now. Hmmm... maybe it is that Sony is really pronounced as
SUN-ny ? Moving on… how about the eye of Horus…. or the
left eye.

~ 364 ~
Chapitre 7
Bet you didn’t see THIS one coming… probably don’t
have to tell you that it is the logo for Taco Bell.
But look at it again. There was a movie in 1993
called Demolition Man… predictive of the future
of 2032. Sylvester Stallone’s character was
offered to be taken to THE Taco Bell. It seemed amusing, and
as if to be a joke, but Sandra Bullock’s character chimed-in
explaining that Taco Bell was the only victor of the ‘Franchise
Wars’… and that EVERYTHING was Taco Bell. Out of all the
Mexican food joints there are, I actually find THIS one to be the
most distasteful… the bigger chains give up
quality and over-all value to health over time…
for more profit. So… I will hope that the movie
was not an accurate prediction of our future.
Later, 'Pizza Hut' would be dubbed over the words 'Taco Bell' in
speaking AND in logos... for foreign
audiences. Pizza Hut is a global
company, Taco Bell is NOT. Pizza
Hut now uses the Ouroboros.
How about this one ? Icon
Productions was founded by Mel
Gibson and Bruce Davey in 1989 and
is headquartered in Santa Monica,
California. Among the more notable
productions were Immortal Beloved in
1994, Braveheart in 1995, the Passion of the Christ in 2004,
and Apocalypto in 2006.

~ 365 ~
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Paramount Pictures, now a Viacom company, brought us
Æonflux, which was just a
movie, right ? Seemed as
though this film was mostly about the 'Venus
Project' and the 'science' of genetic engineering
in order to prolong human existence… a certain state of
immortality via reincarnation. At one point, her left eye does
something a bit freaky, so that she could see microscopic
particles in water. The film was about a population that had
cloned themselves to survive. The Logo here is a pyramid…
the eye is a left eye… and Æon is just another word for an 'age'.
The movie came out in 2005… foreshadowing an unnamed
pathogenic virus that wiped-out 99% of the world's population in
Also, for those who might remember THIS classic… 'The
Six-Million-Dollar Man' of 1974, had bionic legs,
a bionic right arm… and a bionic EYE… his left
eye. Humans merging with machines is a
theme that does not seem to go way. A movie
remake should be making an appearance in 2019... but will be
called the Six-BILLION-Dollar Man. It seems that 1974 versus
2019... that inflation tax went up 1000% in just 45 years !
On to the uni-eyes then… as I cannot ascertain which
eye it is suppose to be… starting with One can
see that the ‘eye’ is on top of the ’I’. The second one is one I
noticed on July 4th 2014… the eye is still there, but as it was a
‘World Cup’ year, a soccer ball was strategically positioned to

~ 366 ~
Chapitre 7
show the triangular shaped pattern on the ball. As if THIS were
not enough… I could
only count 13 'pieces'
of stars on this
‘patriotic’ font. But one
more thing that you
might not realize… is
that is multinational… they root for BOTH teams
during the world cup… and depending on the country that one
happens to be logging-in from… based on our Internet Protocol
(IP) address… the logo presented to us will be reflective of
THAT country’s patriotism.
What about on television… and in other
movies ? The ‘what’ behind those that
‘entertain’ US ?! Just about EVERY moving and
revolving billboard that I have ever seen in
France has THIS logo on the bottom of it. I am
sure that you recognize it… but what is it doing
in France ? CBS owns ALL of the mechanically
rotating billboards too ? CBS promotes the advertising to cater
to our consumption... like a prescription... 'buy THIS, and we will
all feel better, look prettier, and
be more in fashion.' CBS
Corporation owns more than
any of us can imagine… just go to where
they will be happy to show off their ‘portfolio’. But just to name
a few, CBS owns : Showtime, the CW, of which is a joint

~ 367 ~
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venture between CBS and Warner Brothers... with a joint logo,
in which it would also seem, to resemble very much the Arabic
word for Allah... and "CBS EcoMedia’s mission is to harness
the power of advertising to effect positive social change."
What ?! Sounds like brainwashing to me ! How 'bout YOU ? We
have already helped to enslave our fellow peasants because we
refuse to stop buying stupid shit !
The BIG CLUB companies own ALL of
the media… ALL of the entertainment, ALL of
the news, and ALL of the rest of the
propaganda machine. Should we like to learn
how to invest in the mess ? WE can go and figure it all out at
'investopedia' With an 'i' in what resembles the old Pepsi logo !
The Lord of the Rings stories were originally just books…
but where do you suppose JRR Tolkien could
have gotten an idea
such as this ? How
about the Two Towers
? Well… via Freemasonry of course !
To be honest, I am not sure if he WAS
one… but he obviously knew
SOMETHING about it... something
that WE did NOT.
This is the advertising poster for
a silent German film from 1927, which
portrayed a very clear division of the Elite class as opposed to
the class of the peasants. In the film, set in the year 2026,

~ 368 ~
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there were many symbols and situations… including the use of
the ‘hidden hand’ of freemasonry being among them.
Notable portraits with the hidden-hand can be found of
Stalin, Washington, Napoleon, Marx,
Mozart, and of course, Rothschild, to
name just a few... which will all have
one of their hands tucked into the front
of their coats... a 'high-five'... to others
in their Club... but better said as being
the 'hidden-five'. Aleister Crowley was
a freemason, as well as Winston
Churchill... among many others that I
have already mentioned or have yet to
Look at the podium here… was it supposed to be
something that children would find amusing ? The eye looking
up at Spongebob ? ‘Bob l’eponge’ can be found on
Nickelodeon, which along with ITS version of the EYE, also
makes use of pyramids and a bolt of lightning. The 'O' of
Overstock here, with revenues of 1.8 billion. Do you ever feel
as though it is YOU whom is
being watched ? On top of all of
THIS… Apple seems to have
come up with the use of an ‘i’ in
everything that THEY do : EYE-phone, EYE-pod, EYE-pad,
EYE-tunes, EYE-mac, EYE-movie ! I think there is still a lot
more ! Is it possible that Apple owns these other ‘i’ words too ?

~ 369 ~
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Like EYE-Max or EYE-Robot ? Perhaps it even owns EYE-Hop
? EYE-am-so-sick-of-this-shit ! Apple phones, even those
owned by Apple employees are not exempt of random
advertizing to interrupt whatever one happens to be doing with
their EYE-phone !
La Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen
1789 : All about the
human rights for the
French here… literally
translated, it says :
“Declaration of the
rights of man and of
the citizens”… catchy
isn’t it ? Separating
‘man’ and 'citizens' like
that ? Seems like the
nobility versus the
peasants to me !
But… here we also
have the silly floating
pyramid again... and
look ! Another one of
those Phrygian ‘Santa’
hats ! Just like the one on the seal of the U.S. Senate ! Weird !
I have not figured out which EYE is supposed to matter in
the music industry… is it that the one that is covered that we
are supposed to be looking at, or is it the one that CAN be

~ 370 ~
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seen ? 'Lady Gaga' CAN actually sing while
playing the piano… unlike many of the
corporate sponsored ‘artists’ are able to do
today… a REAL show girl… so I am not sure I
understand her position in wanting to play the hidden-EYE
game… maybe it is just what knights do… but I don’t know
her… I am too lowly of a peasant to ever form a REAL opinion
of her.
The band U2 USED to be a really good group… singing
of rebellion and 'bloody sundays'.
Bono had a net-worth of 700 million as
of 2017… he was in a bicycle accident
on 16 november 2014.
I saw an interview with him
speaking about working with Bill
Gates… but honestly, I thought after all
of his poetry in song, that he might be
more equipped in articulating what he
was trying to speak of... or about. I
guess that I just expected more.
Bono actually does not belong in this chapter… he
moved up from being a knight to a baron… which is not
necessarily having to do with
his money... though it DOES
help. He was knighted 'Knight
Commander of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire' (KBE) by the Queen of

~ 371 ~
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England on 29 march 2007… which has taken him as far as he
can really go. It is interesting that one of the injuries he
sustained crashing his bike, was a fractured eye-socket… I
wonder if it was the eye he is covering here.
Michael Jackson apparently WANTED to be knighted by
the queen... it just never happened. We will find that these
pictures taken of 'celebrities' are really just a 'dime-a-dozen'...
seems SOMEone is telling them to do this for their 'image' for
whatever the reason... just
another esoteric symbol that
that has become a corporate
one. Rihanna here... with her
hidden-eye... and her performing her 'other duties as assigned',
things that she was tasked to do... and also Eminem or M and
M, which of course is also just like saying 13 and 13.
Sometimes… I think corporations would rather not
expend a lot of thought on a
logo… and just copy some other
company… like Pinkerton
Security here. I have seen a
logo a lot like this before somewhere… actually, I’ve seen it
everywhere ! Or is it that maybe… this one is just owned by
CBS too !
Perhaps it is that I am delving too deep
into all of this... maybe it was Pop-EYE that was
the original founder of the hidden-eye pose !
As we already know, television occupies far too much

~ 372 ~
Chapitre 7
OUR time, but this is not just due to our watching a TV series...
it might just be a 3 to 4-hour American football game... but
many video games are played on the TV as well... which are all
psychologically engineered to be addictive… offering some kind
of 'virtual' reward at some point for the sake of our playing ‘just
a little longer’... of which MOST video games of our day are
designed to be played solo… or online... which is STILL just
solo... as we will play them all alone. Cryengine uses another
version of the ‘eye’, which is a gaming engine
created by Crytek… you know, in order to be
able to play these kinds of games. Music motivates us to
move... the television directs for us to sit down. If WE could just
turn it off for a month... we would have much more time to do
the things that we have always wanted to do !
7,2 MORE Saturn Symbols
So… here he IS ! The god of Saturday ! He is the ruler of
Nissan, which means 'industry' or even 'holding
company'... built in Japan, Mexico, and the U.S.
of A., which enterprise originally began in 1933.
William Edward Boeing, attended a Swiss
boarding school and also Yale... he had already had a fortune
that he inherited from his father... a magnate in
the timber business... likely the reason that
Boeing was headquartered in Seattle... but
which moved to Chicago in 2001. Actually, it is
more of a global company... presently producing in over 60
countries... I suppose the U.S. is too small to support this many

~ 373 ~
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facilities and jobs for the populace of the U.S.
Windows Internet Explorer… the worst internet browser
there ever was, as the only use it really ever
had was to enable us to download another
browser. There are still many companies that
won’t allow the use of their sites without the
'explorer virus'… well... mostly just within the U.S. government.
7,3 Save-the-'plane-net' Development
All that I remember, is that one day, sometime after Al
Gore had lost to Bush junior, Al had started talking about global
warming. Suddenly, it seemed that EVERYONE became
interested in saving the 'plane-net'... when THEIR global
warming declared war on US ! Al Gore OWNs a small mansion
in Nashville Tennessee with 22 rooms.... REALLY... do you
think he cares about 'saving' the 'plane-net' ?
“During my service in the United States Congress, I
took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the
initiative in moving forward a whole range of
initiatives that have proven to be important to our
country's economic growth and environmental
protection, improvements in our educational
system.” ~ Al Gore March 9, 1999 on Wolf Blitzer’s
Late Edition… brought to us by Cable News Network
Remember that ? Idiot ! An idiot with a net-worth of 300
million, but an idiot nonetheless. So… what did HE do
exactly… sign a few pieces of paper that put these things in

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motion ? The internet ? Economic growth ? Environmental
protection ? Education improvements ? Take a look around !
No… he has no credibility for me whatsoever… and 18+ years
later, all of THAT has all gotten worse ! His father, Senator
Albert Gore senior must have been very proud !
But... like Bono... Al was knighted KBE by the queen of
England on friday 16 July 2004, which makes him a Baron as
well. I guess John Kerry has taken over the job with his net-
worth of... 200 million... I am certain it will increase !
I’m sorry… politicians are in the business of lies… so I
am not sure how misters Gore and Kerry have ever had any
credit in being the spokesmen for a subject such as 'global
warming'. I guess just like presidents... ANYONE can be an
'environmental tsar' too ! The earth does not need OUR
invention nor our intervention... unless it is to do away with all of
the clowns in government !
Before I go further, I want to show you something that
most have never even heard about… known as the North
Pacific Gyre, also known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch…
ever heard of it ? Charles J Moore is credited for having
discovered it in 1997.
It is estimated to fill a space now twice the size of Texas
OR thrice the size of Spain… it has been guessed to have
doubled in size in just the last 10 years.
Now… due to the deemed ‘sustainable development
agenda’, ordered by the UN Club… we are beginning to be
taxed for our ‘carbon footprint’… we breathe out CO2 for the

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whole of our lives… so in a sense… WE will be paying to be
allowed to breathe someday ! Corporations are only
‘developing’ a means to make THEIR PROFITS ‘sustainable’…
they now have permission to charge more for the same things
on the grounds that is NOT ‘sustainable. THIS has nothing to
do with saving the 'plane-net' for future generations… unless
these sales pitches were really only about the future
generations of the elite.
We should be more concerned with our PLASTIC
footprint… which footprint has been conveniently blamed on
US… not the corporations… they are exempt from any of the
responsibility, whether we agree with it or not.... THEIR
2 million plastic bottles are used in the U.S. ALONE…
Keep in mind that plastic IS a petroleum product… oh

yes… the petroleum companies are doing JUST fine… don’t

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worry about them ! According to, if one were
to fill any plastic bottle one third of the way up with oil (33%),
this would be representative of the amount of oil needed to
make that one plastic bottle… all inclusive : the oil used in its
manufacture, shipping, and storage of said bottle. Hmmm…
and all this time I thought we were facing and oil SHORTAGE !
I believe in the ‘green’ movement… as long as the ‘green’
is not synonymous with the dollar… and as long
as corporations are not at the helm with their
logos like 'Ace Environmental' here. The Corporatocracy has a
much different idea how to proceed in true environmentalism
than do I. An electric car… seems like a good idea, right ? No
CO2 emissions, very low noise pollution, but eventually it will be
thrown away… that very large rechargeable plastic battery has
to go somewhere. The answer was supposedly recycling… but I
am quite certain that less than 5% of the world’s plastic is
actually being recycled… and the increased production of
plastic goods for the sake of the ‘green’ movement, correlates
to the reduction of this optimistic percentage.
Ahhh… but the story gets worse. Not only is there a gyre
in the North Pacific, but also in the South Pacific… oh… and the
North Atlantic and the South Atlantic… oh… and just one
more… swirling around in the Indian ocean. This picture is of
the one in the North Pacific… Beautiful isn’t it ? See all of the
pretty colors ?
Solar panels… another good idea, right ? What are they
made of ? Plastic… and still with only 10% efficiency… and

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NOT guaranteed to last more than 30 years ; AND… if they are
not part of a network… there will be a big rechargeable plastic
battery somewhere in the midst here too… again… it all has to
go somewhere. What are the chances that these batteries were
actually made of recycled plastic ? Probably close to zero…
there is no money in recycling plastic… and since there are SO
many types… it was never meant to be very practical either.
Note this logo… not only is it making use
of the number 3, but makes an outline of a
‘cute’ little triangle in the middle… wow… such
imagination ! Where could these people have
possibly come from ?!!
Everything degrades over time. Does anyone here
remember when everything was glass ? Glass is just sand…
can’t be much more ecologically sound than THAT. Wood IS
biodegradable… and metals oxidize. These things are truly
recyclable… they can be used again, they can be used as
something else, and if left to waste, will actually go away, with
or without our intervention in a relatively short amount of time…
it is just a basic law of nature.
Plastic ? Everyone has seen what happens to it. Those
plastic playground toys losing their color… then cracking… and
then breaking ? The slides that will give way... and pinch our
asses as we to make our way down !
The vinyl dashboard and/or the seats of a car ? Vinyl is
just another name given to plastic… sounds more space-aged, I
guess. Plastic is ultraviolet sensitive… meaning exposure to

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ultraviolet will break its bonds… becoming SMALLER pieces
of… plastic. Plastic becomes brittle over time… and its
usefulness is rather short-lived. Disposable this-and-thats
following us wherever we go… packaging, toiletries, micro-fiber,
acrylic, and polyester, which are made of what ? Plastic !
Technological companies are profiting too… how many
mobile phones have we bought or have we yet to buy ?
Computers ? Big-screen TVs ? Other electronics with a
perceived expiration date ? The plastic market is a pandemic !
The process of actually making plastic disappear
environmentally is roughly 500 years. Still another use for
plastic is always being discovered ! THIS is NOT
‘SUSTAINABLE’. I am SO sick of the bullshit that pours out of
the mouths of the Knights of Politics ! Our government is NOT
sustainable... there IS no continual growth, everything must
die... it is the law !
I am not saying that plastic doesn’t have its uses.
Hospitals for example... without it there, we would almost be
going back to the dark-ages. What else could replace the
plastic tubing used for transfusions and such ? Today... we find
plastic on everything made to be disposable... it is NOT
Meanwhile... tax breaks are granted to corporations that
are building solar panels and electric cars… but I think it should
be THEY who should be responsible for the lifecycle of their
own shit… because taxing or even fining US for its disposal is
just not fair !

~ 379 ~
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Plastic is at least 50% of what WE throw away... ALL that
DAMNED PACKAGING ! I have no idea where it really goes
after that. The little 'recycle' symbol that companies put on their
products is usually just a reminder for US... it doesn't mean that
THEY THEMSELVES used recycled materials... THIS is not
THEIR concern... it is cheaper for THEM, by far, to use new
materials instead.
Here’s another example… those new and improved
screw-in light bulbs… you know… the ones that we have been
forced and cornered in replacing our old incandescent with ? I
remember when they first came out… they were guaranteed for
5 years… I have yet to see one even get passed the first year.
So… these new-and-improved ones use less electricity… nice.
BUT… they use a fluorescent tubes which have a flicker that
some of us can detect. Those prone to migraines ; the
flickering light of a fluorescent or the intensity of a ‘light emitting
diode’ (LED), are among the common triggers of those whom
endure 'sick-headaches'.
We’re finding LEDs on the newer cars… I cannot stand
waiting at the stoplight behind a blinking signal light of one of
these 'environmentally friendly' cars in front of me… it's just too
much !
How much energy is being saved by changing the lights
out in a car… a car generates and stores its OWN electricity…
storing it in the rechargeable battery… what difference does it
make ? NO ONE else but the driver and passengers are
benefiting from THAT energy… so I fail to see the point in this,

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aside of increases in sales for some corporation somewhere...
we MUST stay in fashion with our cars !
There is a ‘small’ amount of mercury that is used in
florescent-lighting… and warning labels always advise not
breaking the glass. The bulb comes attached to a ballast…
which means that it emits electromagnetism… possibly even a
small amount of radiation. And guess what… the ballast is
made of plastic… sooner or later… THAT too will end up in the
What kind of lighting was, and is still, being used in
schools ? How about where we are employed ? The places that
we shop ? Pretty much… every commercial building that we
walk into uses florescent lighting because it is cheaper… but
perhaps WE are the ones whom will pay for it health-wise…
whether it is now or in the future.
The old incandescents were made of glass… which can
be broken down into sand, metal… which naturally corrodes…
and well… that is about it. Throw it out on the street and it will
have returned to the earth before the year is out. The new-and-
improved fluorescents are at least twice the cost… and I would
still argue that the incandescents were more environmentally
sound. This move was about selling light bulbs… business as
usual… and I would bet that those everyones who are anyones
do not subject their own beings to this type of light.
The older 'outdated' light bulbs... lasted far longer than
most anything that we use today... the filaments within were
thicker. For example, in Livermore, California, Fire Station 6, as

~ 381 ~
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of 2018, has a light bulb in the station that has burned for 116
years ! Some of these NEWER technologies, have no benefit.
Nuclear power replaced a lot of the coal burning
generators… which was supposedly significantly cheaper due
to its efficiency than its coal sisters were… but I am certain WE
pay the same. Still… the waste is said to be difficult to get rid
of… or so we were told ; buried and forgotten… can’t do much
with it except make ‘dirty’ bombs and ‘bunker busters’ to launch
into the backyards of other countries. THIS is how THESE
corporations… recycle. Their waste often becomes something
else… and often it is found among the additives in OUR food
and OUR water. The CEOs of the publicly-traded, the
establishment’s politicians, the rest of the nobility… THEY are
not the ones that have to consume it... it is WE !
I think it something that we need to worry about now. I
lived in Europe during the Chernobyl melt-
down… seemed it was taken rather seriously
back then… the whole place was buried, and to
this day the ground and surroundings are a
wasteland. Today there is Fukushima… and it is still bleeding
into the Pacific. Forgot about the Fukushima incident of 11
march 2011 did we ? NOTHING has really been done about
it… and it is still leaking. The ‘news’ stations broadcasted to us
that it happened… but we cannot seem to remember when the
catastrophe was remedied... because it never was !
Japan already had its story with 'radiation' with Nagasaki
and Hiroshima, which, incidentally, WWII had already been

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declared as over when those two bombs were dropped only
three days apart… almost makes it seem like some kind of field-
test or study… maybe even a ‘crush-the-competition’ thing ; the
greatest flaw of humanity IS competition... the prize is of power
wonder if it might also be coincidental that the reactors of
Fukushima were General Electric designs.
General Electric (GE) is not responsible
though… they made sure of THAT with all the
legal loopholes they knew… avoiding any
liability if ever anything should go wrong. I cannot say for sure if
they had a say in where the Fukushima reactors were placed…
how could it have been concluded that the reactors would be
tsunami resilient or not ? Well… maybe since Japan may have
well been the first to discover tsunamis… it might have been
prudent NOT to build them there in the first place. Still… GE is
one of those magic companies… and scandal after scandal, as
of today, they STILL seem not to have to pay
any tax in the US. Perhaps GE couldn’t afford
to pay the tax… and THAT was the reason why
it was bailed-out with the 139 billion it received
in november of 2011 ? Concerning Fukushima... 7 years later :
There have been no deaths or cases of radiation
sickness from the nuclear accident, but over
100,000 people were evacuated from their homes to
ensure this. Government nervousness delays the
return of many. ~ the World Nuclear Association,
october 2017.

~ 383 ~
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WOW ! Well how about THAT ! Must just be another one of
those land-grabs !
Galen Hulet Winsor was a nuclear expert... having had 30
plus years of hands-on experience with nuclear reactors. He
used to swim in the reactor cooling pools... lectured across the
country as he licked uranium dioxide out of the palm of his own
bare-hand... as it was not soluble in water, and already existing
in nature. He had even designed a reactor. He died, of
course... on 19 july 2008... at the ripe old-age of 82 years... not
so bad considering his pass-times.
A nuclear power plant does NOT share the same concept
of a nuclear bomb at all... it is just the most efficient way to boil
water... and STEAM is still the major source in generating
electricity. It has never been what we thought it to be.
Nikola Tesla had OTHER ideas for the future of
electricity… but JP Morgan made sure that he
died a penniless man. Though I am not sure if
he would have ever developed an expensive
self-driving electric car... as Tesla's goal was to
offer the world energy WITHOUT cost. But… there was no
money in THAT… which wasn’t what JP Morgan was all about.
Tesla worked for freemason Thomas Edison for a short while…
Edison invented the 'electric chair' to prove to the world that
Tesla's Alternating Current (AC) was dangerous as compared
to HIS Direct Current (DC). Which contest was between Edison
and Morgan versus Rockefeller, Tesla, and Westinghouse. AC
won of course… as it is standard all over the world today. What

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was lost though, is that today, 1/3 of the world's population
cannot turn on a switch to light up their home at will. It seems
that greed is what keeps us from progressing in nature’s
intended way… and countless lives are wasted for the sake of
corporate profit and/or gain. Parts of Westinghouse would be
sold to Schindler group, shown here, in 1988... and would finally
be dissolved in 1999. But NOT before Viacom, CBS
Corporation, Toshiba, Northrop Grumman, Siemens AG, and
many others would squabble for what was now theirs.
Let us go back to the ‘green movement’ combatting the
warming of the 'plane-net’ and the pitter-patter of our ‘carbon
footprints’… it is ALL a LIE. This is not to say it is not a good
idea… we probably should have been more in harmony with our
earth a long time ago… but said greed has unbalanced the
equation. As it would turn out… carbon levels always go up… it
is a natural cycle. If dinosaurs had lived through it… and had
not been invented by Edward Drinker Cope and Othneil Charles
Marsh, they might have been able to tell us… that carbon levels
were very high when they met
their extinction… but not for the
reason we were told.
Consistent higher carbon levels
happen to appear before the onset of an ice age. It’s a good
thing that all of the ‘important’ people have had mountains
tunneled out and such for the sake of 'nuclear' attack… THIS
might be the only way to survive a bout with the extended cold.
I doubt many of us peasants will receive a golden ticket to

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attend the tour. WHAT IF… this was what was intended all
Not even the religions seem to account for dinosaurs...
but this is because these two 'scientists' basically 'invented'
them... I would really love to see a REAL dinosaur bone... will
we EVER see anything but the plaster versions ! Though I am
not a paleontologist... their methods of blowing up their own
digs with dynamite... just to keep the other from its discovery...
does not sound much like paleontology to ME ! this is how
fierce the competition was... Paleontology ? I don't think so. If
they were willing to destroy them... there must not have been
anything worth seeing in the first place. One might think that
humans would have stumbled on the bones of dinosaurs long
before the 1800s... 'bones' of humans are typically gone within
50 years depending on the conditions... and to my knowledge...
NO one ever mummified a dinosaur !
Please... find for me, a REAL petrified dinosaur bone that
is not just a tooth or a trilobite !
7,4 Another word... 'sustainable'
If corporations didn’t use all the paper needed for
shipping boxes, bills, and the junk mail that goes out to EVERY
residence on a daily basis… would not the human race be using
less of THESE resources ?
No matter… we get our paper from the countries we
never hear about anyway… places like Indonesia !
Even Schools require of EVERYONE the same
materials… but if allowed to be unique, would not much of these

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materials be spared ?

Supposedly, we are moving away from this with the aid of

information technology (IT)… but really, it seems we use even
more paper than we did before the ‘information age’ came into
being. But… if we ever SHOULD get away from all of the
printing that THEY now partake in… we will still, for a long time
to come, be trying to figure out what to do with all of the
‘disposable’ plastic parts and circuitry that replaced this
biodegradable medium… which will take a bit longer to go away
on its own.
These days we hear the words : ‘sustainable
development’… I am thinking that this word must only apply to
business… ‘sustainable’ in the sense that the corporation can
keep going and going until everything is gone !
When I was first told what particle-board was… the
sawdust swept up and made into something else… It seemed
we were practicing what the indigenous always did… wasting

~ 387 ~
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nothing' and nothing went to waste’… but years went by… and I
realized how much is actually made of this stuff… it occurred to
me that the corporations that now provide this, probably
possess machines that
can grind a entire tree
at one time. I looked it
up… I think I may have
been right. As this
photo would illustrate,
courtesy of National Geographic, the amount swept up off of the
floor, may have used to have been… a forest. IKEA needs 1%
of the world’s wood per year to make all of that
furniture... furniture that will break apart once
we move it across the room. But THIS is JUST
IKEA. Sustainable ? How is it that one
company could have been granted access to so much of OUR
world’s wood ?!!
Now… let me use a little of what might just be my skewed
logic here. Particle board is heavy, isn’t it. A majority of it is
made up of pine and spruce… which are wood varieties that are
rather light in weight. Ask any carpenter, and they might tell
you that pine is one of the easiest of woods to work with… it
can be cut, shaped, sanded, et cetera without the effort required
of harder woods. So let us imagine a simple chair, made the
old-fashioned way, out of pine that was cut. Now… let us grind
that chair down to sawdust and make a NEW chair with the
sawdust of the OLD chair. We will find that we don’t have

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enough to rebuild it… the sawdust takes up a lot less space
though the weight SHOULD remain the same. Particle-board is
denser than the pine that made it… meaning it would take more
wood to build the same chair… I would guess that at least 3
times the wood is used to make up the 'cheap' furniture, which
is NOT so cheap for the environment. Most will argue that it is
the glue that makes it so heavy… which glues are most often
formaldehyde-based… which never seems to be quite
enough… so PLASTIC ‘stickers’, made to look like wood grain,
may be stuck on all sides to hold it all together.
Animals use only what they need… everything they leave
behind is environmentally sound. Surely with all of this
'advanced' intelligence being on our side, we cannot be THIS
stupid !
IKEA now also has a location in Danville Virginia,
obviously recognizing that not only will Americans buy cheaply
made furniture again and again, but the cost to ship such weight
has been reduced via staying within the borders of the
continent… IF it were actually being brought in from somewhere
else… but the cost of our consumption will still be the same.
Here is the BIG question that no one seems to know the
answer to : where does all that wood come from ?!! You know
what the opposite of PROgress is ? It is CONgress… as it is
‘CONgress’ that helps these corporations put lids on what is not
supposed to be seen… at least until enough money has been
made or stolen, and the corporation has to be scrapped…
usually bought out by another that will keep its spirit alive.

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Mayer Amschel Rothschild… the only trillionaire ever
known or UNknown in this world… in which
today, half of the world’s currency is in the
hands of one name... the 'House' of
Rothschild... HALF being about 500 trillion
Mayer Amshel Rothschild was a Khazar or white-jew,
whom was into banking... CENTRAL banking... in which his
'career' began in about 1760... which goal seems to have been
that of ruling the world... with his 5 sons.
1st son ~ Amshel Mayer von Rothschild, infamous for
having said in 1838 :
“Permit me to issue and control the money of the
nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, and established the
Rothschild Central Bank of Frankfurt.
2nd son ~ Salomon Mayer von Rothschild founded the
Rothschild Central Bank of Vienna, in Austria.
3rd son ~ Nathan Mayer Rothschild ~ founder of the
Rothschild Central Bank of London, England, of which bank
financed the army of the Duke of Wellington against Napoléon
4th son ~ Freiherr (or Baron) Kalman (Karl) Mayer von
Rothschild ~ founded the Rothschild Central Bank of Naples,
5th son ~ Jacob 'James' de Rothschild ~ founded the
Rothschild Central Bank of Paris, France... financing the army

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of Napoléon Charles Bonaparte... AT Waterloo.
As one can see, two brothers were financing the efforts of
two different sides... and for centuries now, it has been this
way... bankers profit whether the war is won or lost.
Their MOTHER was quoted in 1849 as saying... and
REALLY think about THIS now :
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be
none." ~ Gutle Schnapper Rothschild
Going back to the 4th son for just a moment, whom
fathered a child with Maria Anna Schicklgruber, whom was NOT
his wife... but his house-maid... oops. HER son would be called
Alois Schicklgruber.
About 5 years later, Marie Anna would marry Johann
Georg Hiedler. In German, the second vowel 'does the
talking'... so the sound of 'Hiedler' would be more like 'Heedler'
using English phonetics once again. The spelling changed
somewhere when Johann Georg was about 39 years of age...
becoming 'Hitler'... having ALMOST the same sound ! His wife,
Klara Pölzl Hitler, was Alois' first-cousin once-removed. Only 2
of their 6 children survived into adulthood... Paula, a girl... and a
boy more familiarly known today... as having been Adolf... Adolf
Hitler... so put simply, Baron Kalman (Karl) Mayer von
Rothschild was Hitler's grandfather.
7,5 GOOD business… is an oxymoron… and FREE trade…
is not FAIR trade.
I have come to this conclusion… GOOD business is
really just a one-sided deal. It is a game of strategy that is a lot

~ 391 ~
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like chess… always more ways than one to look at it... in which
one un-thought-out move will cost the game. In Poker, there is
an element of deceit… a trick that must be discovered before it
is too late. These elements are also found in ‘love and war’ and
as the cliché would go… ‘all is fair’. Essentially, the better liar
wins… the most sociopathic of the players will take all... the
master of deceit is declared the winner.
As peasants, we are supposed to believe that the
government is protecting us from corporate atrocities that have
affected OR effected OR infected the economy… but don’t
forget… government is ALSO a corporation… WE are its goods
and services and WILL be used and traded as needed... and
WE are the ones to be deceived.
Goods made in China, OR other countries of what our
government might deem as the 3rd world... made for ALMOST
nothing... are shipped to 'consuming' countries and sold to
warehouses like Walmart... purchased for a 100 times the cost
of producing them... RE-invested into Chinese companies, not
for raised wages, but for more supply... OUR 'voluntary' slavery.
Can you answer me this ? How is it that the U.S. has over
20 Trillion in public debt ? PUBLIC ? This is NOT the PUBLICs
fault. Well… it IS but it ISN’T. The word ‘Public’ in the U.S. has
been understood by YOU and I to be representative of ‘The
People’ ; meaning US… which it SIMPLY is NOT.
In France, when the word ‘la publique’ is referred to… it
has no doubled meaning. The term is REALLY making
reference to 'The State', or in other words, of the governmental

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administrations and their multiple names. Now you should
know the answers to the following questions :
Whom does a ‘public’ servant serve ? Where does
‘public’ debt originate ? Who is educating our children in ‘public’
schools ?
Hmmm… makes one wonder where the word ‘RE-public’
came from.
To make something 'official' is to be authorized by the
state. WE may see tag-lines like : for 'official use only' or
'confidential' or even something as being 'unlawful'.
The police are ‘public’ servants, which means they are
protecting US… right ? No… they are the servants of the state.
The Military… do they serve us ? No… G.I. stands for
‘Government Issue’… they are the property, hence owned by
the U.S. government… of whom are routinely leased out for
corporate gain… protecting the corporations that have vested
interest in government. MOST... even still believe that The
Department of Homeland Security is for OUR benefit… to keep
US safe… but it is really to protect the few of THEM… from the
many… which would be US.
Speaking for myself, I had nothing to do with the ‘public’
debt ! I worked my jobs… income taxes were collected… got
into some personal debt like everyone else… but the affiliated
corporations would still rather have China’s children work for
next to nothing, rather than keep what was once the richest
economy in the world above the water. THIS is the Patriotism
we refer to when proclaiming to be ‘patriotic’ ! OUR children are

~ 393 ~
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not working for slave wages… at least not just yet.
You see ? ALL is fair in love, war… AND business !
7,6 THEIR Apathy
“On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for
everyone drops to zero. I was a recall coordinator.
My job was to apply ‘the formula’. A new car built
by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60
mph. The rear-differential locks up. The car
crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside.
Now, should we initiate a recall ? Take the
number of vehicles in the field (A), multiply it by the
probable rate of failure (B), then multiply the result
by the average out-of-court settlement (C).
A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the
cost of a recall… we don’t do one.” ~ Fight Club... a
film of 1999, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk
So how do we serfs not get caught up in the middle of all
of this corporatocracy ? How do we live a full life free of
corporate bullshit dumping on us whenever we move ? We stop
selling ourselves to THEM by NOT buying into their shit ! THEY
do not CARE about YOU or ME ! We are lab rats, we are the
hands that work in THEIR fields to feed THEM. To THEM, we
are the expendabilities, and the only thing that really matters to
THEM is whether or not there are enough people to support
them via the money WE earned… by laboring for these very
companies as their 'laborers'. If WE were to take the money out
of this complex equation... all we are doing is essentially

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working for THEM to be able to own all the shit that THEY made
with OUR hands.
I remember Dodge Durango having a recall for their 2000
model back in about 2004. The recall was to fix a defective
part… sending letters to bring owners, renters, leasers…
whatever one would like to call US… an invitation to go in and
get the issue addressed free of charge. I guess the front
wheels were falling off while being driven around. It DOES
make one wonder how many wheels actually fell off during
those few years.
The bottom line here, is that it is THEIR greed which has
been waged against OUR lives.
Stanley Meyer, one of our fellow peasants, invented a
way to use hydrogen in a combustion engine... he had a dune
buggy that ran on hydrogen. He later created a spark plug
replacement that would split water within combustion cylinders
into hydrogen and oxygen... hydrogen burns... oxygen aids in
the burning. The exhaust ? Non-toxic. Stanley patented his
inventions... and Stanley died. He was only 57... sipping
cranberry juice at a local restaurant on 21 march 1998...
grabbing his own neck as he ran outside to throw-up... "they
poisoned me !" were his last words.
I have heard many other stories of people that have
harnessed the power of hydrogen for similar purposes... running
a lawn-mower with it, is another such example. There are
brilliant mechanics among US whom could probably figure out
how to duplicate the concept.

~ 395 ~
KINGS… and peasants
It is not about 'sustainable' or 'renewable energy'... but
rather about the energy provided by petroleum companies, the
solar farms, et cetera... in which corporate interests are only
about the bottom line... THEIR profit !
The government has enough patents from the peasants
already... DON'T give them any more ! Inventors often seem to
just disappear without first getting the creation into the hands of
those whom could carry the legacy on.
If YOU have an invention... share it with the rest of US !
WHAT IF all of US stopped going to the fuel pump and used the
water spigot instead ? How would the petroleum companies or
the 'anti-environmentally sound corporations' be able to profit on
us then ?!!

~ 396 ~
Chapitre 8

Chapitre 8,0 ~ Barons making everything Barren

En Bref :
In the last chapter, we saw the six-pointed star AGAIN...
the eye of Amun-Ra, the eye of Horus... the apple in our
eyes... some MORE pyramids... and a few celebrities doing
their EYE-thing as they were 'encouraged' to do.
A few more symbols of Saturn... some environmental
elements that we never really knew about due to profit being all
that matters... GE, which is the 'G' of freemasonry and the 'E'
once again... the 7th and the 5th letters respectively... which
would equal 12. We saw that IKEA caters to our 'consumption'
with its OWN consumption. Truths apparent in some films and
of television's series, the Rothschild Dynasty... and the origin of
Hitler. The chapter ended on page 396... 3x9-6=21 and 2+1 is
equals 3... the number of the trinity.
8,1 OUR Society
So now... imagine yourself to be born into such richness
100,000-fold or exponentially more. Before you would have

~ 397 ~
KINGS… and peasants
reached the magic age of 21, you would have been to all the
continents of the world... all the countries of interest. You would
have had tasted everything exotic... smelled everything
beautiful... and for the whole of your life, looked upon by
everyone… those whom were always looking up.
Your picture of the world would be so very different.
EVERYONE would have been poor to you... everyone would
pay homage to you… and in YOUR world... all the everyone-
elses, would have simply taken up space... ruined the view...
uneducated... unintelligent… unclean… and treated as though
they might have infected you.
Imagine having been able to have lived life as YOU
wanted to live it. The Police would not have arrested you
because they knew who you were... and if they didn't know…
there would have been someone there whom would have
'enlightened' them.
Imagine money never having been an object... simply
because it was not... you might have even known the people in
charge of printing it.
Imagine all THAT power... the laws that never applied to
you because you might have helped to create them... but it
would have been, of course, that THOSE laws were made to
benefit YOU. If you wanted more power… power of which is
money today, you lobbied to raise taxes. If you wanted more
control, you created a war. If you wanted more friends, you
could have easily rented them… but it would have been likely
that your friends were of affluence anyway. If you were

~ 398 ~
Chapitre 8
searching for the fountain of youth, you could test your methods
on the rats, because rats were below you… the poorest of
people… whom must still pay homage to YOU.
“How shall a new environment be programmed ? It
all happened so slowly that… most men failed to
realize that anything had happened at all.” ~ THX
1388, a film by George Lucas, 11 march 1971
As WE wander throughout our days… running our
errands, going to work, going to church, going to school, and
going to the bank, we are bombarded by advertising campaigns
everywhere that we go. We hardly notice these everyday
places… driving to them on auto-pilot… sometimes not
remembering we even did it… face it... our
subconscious minds were at the wheel.
Valvaline uses red and blue... USING indigo for its triangle.
But… autographs, signatures, and other tokens of
‘philanthropists’ are what is in our foreground that we cannot
even see… as we look for the bargains, savings, and
conveniences to survive in THEIR world. Why can WE not see
all of the logos and such that use a triangle or even a sun
reference to get our attention ? Because WE are not REALLY
paying attention.
We have to go to the grocery store to pick up something for
dinner… where there is more
variety but less choice as the
corporations reduce the quantities or raise the costs. We may
stop by 'Sunshine bank' for some 'petty'-cash... in which we

~ 399 ~
KINGS… and peasants
forgot closes early every 4th tuesday for some unknown made-
up reason... we will just have to stop at 'Goldenwest credit
union' instead ; figure we will get some gas on the way so that
we won’t have to worry about it before work the next day… so
we stop at the pump at 'Citgo'.
After dinner, we might be in the mood to find something
that we can do to better our homes… we’ll seek
some inspiration on 'HGTV' or
something. Welp… no time left
now to start a renovation project like THAT…
guess it will have to wait until tomorrow... putting it off... UNTIL
'tomorrow'… and then our favorite sport of 'channel surfing'
officially begins… the history channel anyone ?
Anything on 'nickelodeon' ? Celebrities HAVE
time… work, time off, more work… and then
THEIR job MAY actually take them places...
WHILE at work ! Which is the only difference between OUR
world and THEIRS... which is quite significant. Do WE Ever
notice what is flashed at our children while they are being
entertained by the
programs MADE for
‘children’. It would be
years before I would
ever notice this… the
symbol standing out
the most being the eye in a triangle, with rays of SOMETHING
encircling the top of it… just like on the dollar bill… So is this all

~ 400 ~
Chapitre 8
about money… or is there something else ? Wait a minute… is
that the same lightning bolt that Hitler’s SA used, the one also
found on Harry Potter’s forehead ? The reversing of a symbol
does not constitute using one’s imagination !
Les Schtroumpfs… better known to the
English-speaking world as the 'Smurfs'… is a
franchise that started in 1958 by 'Peyo' a
pseudonyme de Pierre Culliford. Papa-smurf
here, whom was the wisest of the blue bunch,
wearing his phrygian cap. The smurfs lived in
red and white mushroom houses... which
mushroom is a psychedelic ; the probable
cause as to why all of the smurfs just SEEM to be blue !
A favorite 'family' video game, that was so popular it was
remade again and again, was known as Mario
brothers... and when Mario jumped on a red and
white mushroom... he was made to be BIG...
YES... our children were all learning about the
mind altering drugs !
To be ENTERTAINED in the 'corporate' way... is really to
be doing nothing else.
The entertainment industry, as we already know, makes
use of symbols as well. Columbia Pictures
Industries Incorporated, for example. This
pyramid is one of the older ones, but these
logos don’t change so much over time as they
either want to keep the same message or simply lack the

~ 401 ~
KINGS… and peasants
imagination to come up with something new. Isn’t this just a
depiction of the Statue of Liberty ? Is she or is she NOT just
another representation of the goddess called
Columbia ? Another name for the sun god ?
Counting the steps, I think WE could bet here,
that there are 2 more behind the ‘black’ sun.
Hmmm… maybe it should be THIS pyramid on the dollar bill…
much less intimidating than the cyclops-look.
The logo of George Lucas is an 'eye'... just look again.
He would bring to us Star Wars... with the Death-Star,
'triangular' Star Destroyers, and the Millennium 'Falcon'.
Here... the 'tête' from the film Oblivion of 2013
Ohhh… so clever are these companies and
corporations… so imaginative with their
concocts… but our ignorance and our naivety
compel us to believe that it is all just ‘business
as usual’. But… there seems to be something else driving it
all… something reminiscent of a cult… the reason behind our
‘living the dream’… because it IS a dream… a dream that WE
were not privy to share in.
Corporations are among the Barons of today, not
necessarily including the CEOs of these corporations, but very
often so.
8,2 Corporations
It starts to get a little weird here. Mathematically, delta is
a difference or a change. 'Delta Air Service' was originally
founded by Collett Everman Woolman whom established the

~ 402 ~
Chapitre 8
‘Delta difference’ when the company was founded on 30 may
1924. A triangle is also a prominent symbol of freemasonry
which has been around a bit longer… CE
Woolman just happened to have been... a
freemason. The ‘delta’ adorns the tails of these
planes… now the great fleet known as 'Delta
Airlines'. The triangle signifies deity. Hmmm… here we go
again… ‘Logos’ is equal to the ‘word OF a god’ and ‘Delta’ is
equal TO a god. I was told long ago, that Delta Airlines would
never go under… that the ‘government’ of the United States
would never let it. Could it be that it is the bearing of this
triangle-ish symbol that keeps it in the sky ? An affiliation within
an abomination of something much bigger ? Delta would
receive a bail-out 'package' in 2001. The Harvard-Club CEO at
the time was Leo F Mullin, whom stepped down in 2003...
leaving behind his rising labor costs, executive pay disputes,
employee wage-cuts, and peasant layoffs... just the usual 'stuff'
with a publicly-traded company... and just like GM... Delta
Airlines WILL live.
Symbols… they are all around us, sometimes hidden and
sometimes not... It’s a game ! I cannot make many
conclusions… but rather only
assumptions. All I am really
trying to point out here… is that
everything has been, and still
seems to be… just a little weird. This is the great seal of the
United States of America… it used to be something that could

~ 403 ~
KINGS… and peasants
we worn like a pendant… the front was an ‘eagle’ with its 13
stars arranged above the eagle as a 6-pointed star or 'seal of
solomon' ; and on the back, an unfinished pyramid, which
floating-capstone would be centered with said 6-pointed star of
the reverse. No one ever really knew about the OTHER side
until about 1935… well… at least none of the
peasants did… though it was supposedly
originally designed all the way back in 1782...
the year that François-Henri Comte de Virieu, a
Franc-maçon, held a Masonic Congress in Wilhelmsbad
located in Hanau, Germany... held in secret, of course.
The words 'Annuit Coeptis' over the pyramid, which is in
Latin… a dead language… only words on paper today… but like
‘google translate’… words don’t always translate in context. For
example : In French, one of the descendants of Latin, someone
might say ‘ça caille !’ Literally, it means ‘this/that quail’… yes,
the little bird. But, in context, it is a way to say ‘it’s REALLY
cold’. So how do we know what a word in another language
really means ? In English, for example, an older expression is :
‘it’s a racket’… which CAN mean ‘that something is a kind of
scam’, but this meaning was from the 1920s in
the U.S… and not a lot of people understand its
context anymore... though ‘Racketeering’ became the word for
the crime ; adidas here, but you probably knew this already.
‘Annuit Coeptis’ was probably meant to mean ‘he/she/it
winks’ or ‘he/she/it approves’… I can only assume that the
he/she/it makes reference to a deity… a god. The question

~ 404 ~
Chapitre 8
remains to be answered… I am not even sure if it CAN be
answered. A look at human history would say there are many,
MANY gods that have been worshipped… so which one could
THIS possibly be ?
Some might say that it is the ‘eye of providence’
overlooking something unfinished… but how could it possibly be
finished when there is a freaky eyeball hovering
over it… who could possibly work ‘under’ these
conditions ! Humor aside though, it shines
brightly in the sky, and as we will soon see or
have already seen, this is a symbol that is not just used on
American currency, nor is it limited to only being used in
Novus Ordo Seclorum, 'Nouvel ordre des siècles' in
French, 'le siècle' is a century, which could be understood to
also mean an age or world... so it simply means 'New
century/age/ world Order'… perhaps this is the referring to the
Age of Aquarius as coined by the 1967 ‘Hair’ broadway musical.
An age is ABOUT 2150 years as already referenced to on page
268… which could have been in 2012, with all of the
propaganda promoting
that the world was
going to end… maybe
it was simply THIS that
was in-line with ‘the
end’ of the Mayan
calendar… ‘the end of the WORLD’ could have just been meant

~ 405 ~
KINGS… and peasants
to mean the end of the ‘age’. The age of Pisces would have
preceded it… for the approximate 2150 years before... and in
France of that year pictures such as this one were in many of
the circulating newspapers, accompanied with 'Bonne fin du
monde !'... or 'Happy End of the World'.
Quoting the lyrics from this famous song of 1967, the
one that many of us can still sing in our head today :
When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius, Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation, Aquarius, Aquarius
When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius,
Let the sun shine, Let the sunshine in, The sun shine in.....

~ 406 ~
Chapitre 8
As anyone can see, there are references to astrology in
this tune. I have dabbled in astrology myself, just as many
others have, so I know a LITTLE bit about it . The moon in the
seventh house for example… well… the seventh house is the
house of relationships. If a person is born with the moon in the
seventh house, it might mean this person partakes in
relationships for the mere sake of emotional support.
Have you marveled at the moon... does it not seem to be
a bit transparent ? To see it crescented during the day... blue
sky is all that is seen... crescented during the night... the almost
blackness colors it. WHY would this BE ?
Jupiter aligning with mars might mean that Jupiter is
‘conjunct’ Mars… which in a personal
astrological chart would denote more
energy getting things done.
To say ‘the dawning of Aquarius’
would be to say that the age of Pisces
was almost over. The sign of Pisces is
usually represented by two fish… the
glyph resembles an ‘H’. Many a
Christian may be familiar with a biblical
story about Jesus taking ‘two fish’ and
feeding 5000 people… Jesus marked the beginning of the age
of Pisces, and for over 2000 years, Christianity has been on the
earth… or so it is said. But wait… what is THIS picture here ?
Well… this would be Dagon… the Babylonian fish god. It
seems as though I have seen this before though. Perhaps this

~ 407 ~
KINGS… and peasants
version of Dagon was relief-sculpted in ‘the dawning’ of the age
of Pisces, since the Babylonian period would have taken place
roughly around 4000 years ago. I fail
to see the reasoning as to holding
tightly to the theme of an age. A very
old expression in the U.S. was to say
what sounded like 'dog-gone'... or
even 'dog-gonnit' but, I think that the
reference was of Dagon.
23 Then the lords of the
Philistines gathered them
together for to offer a great
sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for
they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy
into our hand.
24 And when the people saw him, they praised their
god: for they said, Our god hath delivered into our
hands our enemy, and the destroyer of our country,
which slew many of us. ~ judges 16:23-24 (KJV)
As anyone can see, costumes during the age of Pisces
did not change so much. The pope of the roman-
catholic church wears a symbolic head of a fish on HIS
head… which is the funny hat I told you about while
showing chess pieces in chapter 2. One could only be
a bishop… a ‘madman’ to wear something like THAT !
ICHTHYS is an adopted Christian symbol which came from the
Greek spelling of ... meaning fish.

~ 408 ~
Chapitre 8
The age of Pisces was a couple of millennia of fishermen
and fish-people ! As for the Jesus-fish illustrated here with
Greek symbols… because we just love to use Greek and Latin
at church and frat-parties ! As it would happen… it
very closely resembles another symbol
of fertility when positioned in the
vertical. Look at it again… but this time, think from the
gutter of your mind… of the anatomy of a female. You’ll get it !
No ? HERE is also the 'Hooters wing from chapter 6
turned upside-down... do you get it now ? All right...
LAST chance ! THIS is the logo of Candlewood
Suites ! WHAT might a couple be doing THERE ?
We could say that it is, for all intents and purposes... 'the holy of
holies'... the 'temple'...
heaven on earth.
Now... one can easily
understand why Dairy-
queen uses the logo
that IT does... another
symbol of fertility. Sometimes the pope might just wear one of
these hats…. I suppose it is dependent on his mood ? For
comfort ? A coy way to hide his patterned-baldness ? But… why
would HE be praying at the wailing wall ? Doesn't he have his
very OWN church ? There are many other symbols in the
world… but these symbols are mostly used by corporations…
and it is THIS symbol on the back of the dollar bill… well… we
see this one the most, never really pausing to think about it as

~ 409 ~
KINGS… and peasants
we pass the piece of cotton-linen paper around, which used to
be made with just hemp.
Seems from time to time though, the pope gets his
religions confused... just as
Obama did... as well as
Trump... and many other
political figures eventually bow
to this wall. Seems it is not just the freemasons that are
answering to the Jews... but Amerika as well.
Mercy Gate church is a Christian church... making
reference to the Golden Gate of Jerusalem... or
the eastern gate of the temple mount... that was
walled off some hundreds of years ago. THIS
pointed-oval includes the womb as well.
Floating Capstone… basically here… it is a triangle with
an eye in it... just everyday stuff. THIS triangle is an
Isosceles/Scalene… meaning two sides are the same length.
Pardon my cliché… but the size doesn’t really matter. Using
the same angles will always form the same triangle and remain
proportionate. A triangle always equals 180° degrees. Just for
reference… if the angles of said triangle are 60°x60°x60° it can
only be an equilateral triangle… the angles being the same will
dictate the sides as all being the same. A right triangle has on
angle that is 90°… the other two angles will vary but still equal
180°, if the three angles are added together. The bottom two
angles of this floating triangle on the dollar are both 66.5°.
So… 66.5° times 2 equals 133°… 180° minus 133° equals

~ 410 ~
Chapitre 8
47°… which is the remaining angle... and just for fun, 1+3+3=7
and 4+7=11. Go ahead... sing the 7-11 song now !
All-seeing eye… a right eye… I THINK. ; with rays of
light coming out of it, or a shiny object behind it. The sun
maybe ? Sunshine ? Remember the Aquarius song ?
13 layers of stone, which I really have no idea WHAT it
means ! On the one dollar bill there are also 13
arrows, 13 stars that also make up the 6-pointed
star that we are rather familiar with… most often
dubbed as the ‘Star of David’, the 'Seal of
Solomon'... but more likely the 'Symbol of Rothschild'. 13 olive
leaves… hmmm… were the 13 original colonies really that big
of a deal ?!! Let us not forget the 13 stripes on the flag, the 13
‘original’ stars, and just the fact that one can fold this flag into
13 triangles. No… the ‘13’ must be for something else !!! At
one point, the American flag had the number ‘76’ along with the
stars… 7+6 is13. Hmmm. Even The old annoying default ring-
tone for Nokia phones was composed of 13 tones.
So… in the U.S., we are ALL familiar with
this one by now… right ? Right ?!! This one is
rather easy to spot. Let’s go back to the first
dollar that bore this symbol. The pyramid was
added to the dollar in 1935 with Franklin D Roosevelt’s
approval… it was the other side of the ‘great seal’ originally
designed in 1782. Now… we can look at its faced-value… it is
the ‘code’ of arms of the U.S., which is an unfinished pyramid
with the eye of providence above it overseeing its completion…

~ 411 ~
KINGS… and peasants
and the 13 rows or steps made of bricked stone representing
the 13 original colonies… AGAIN ! But really… why use a
pyramid at all ? Pyramids exist in many different parts of the
world, left behind by the ancients… but this doesn’t seem to fit
the ‘new’ order of the ages… simply because it is one of the
world’s oldest grand structures.
Taking it a bit further… the most famous of pyramids are
in Egypt… Egypt is in Africa… should ‘the great seal’ not only
be something new… but also something
somewhat related to America ? Let’s see…
there’s the Grand Canyon… which is old but
actually IN the U.S. There’s the Great Lakes…
which are old too… but still in the U.S. How about something
Native American… like the American Indians and all the totems
they had before the slaughter of their entire peoples ? Ahhh…
maybe we wish not to remember THAT part… maybe that is the
reason we don’t draw attention to Indian Chiefs or Teepees.
Hmmm… a teepee is rather pyramid-shaped… I mean, since
we just HAD to have a pyramid shape… why didn’t we use
THAT on ‘the great seal’… or even a 'floating' teepee with an
eye painted on it. We did not have a say in this though… and
for whatever reason, a pyramid just had to be used. Perhaps
the only reason it was used was to make reference to
knowledge… old knowledge to be more precise… and THAT
knowledge is kept secret for whatever the reason… only privy
to the BIG CLUB !
How about we list some of the corporations that I assume

~ 412 ~
Chapitre 8
to have official memberships… by no means is this list
Does THIS look familiar at all ? This is the Logo used by
Fidelity Investments, also known
as Fidelity Management and
Research (FMR) LLC… which is
now a multinational ‘financial
services’ company. It was founded by Edward C Johnson II in
1946. The CEO is Edward Johnson III, whose net-worth is 7.5
billion USD, and the President is HIS daughter, Abigail P
Johnson. Maybe I should also mention that they all went to
Harvard… which is a BIG CLUB in and of itself. Harvard uses a
red shield or ‘rothschild’ for its logo. ‘Veritas’… another Latin
word, or ‘vérité’ in French… which means ‘truth’. Ahhh… truth.
Here is a 'truth'... Harvard has in its possession, a few books
that were bound with leather... tanned of human skin ! What
was THAT all about ?!!
The Hanover Insurance Group
was founded in 1852 according
to its site at Until
1958, it was known as Hanover
Fire Insurance Company… using a more… ‘patriotic’ logo … for
now it is just a part of the Hanover story. I really cannot tell you
where the company came from aside of being headquartered in
Worcester, Massachusetts, nor whom the original founder
actually was, whom got it all started in Manhattan, New York.
The CEO, since 2003 has been Frederick H Eppinger Junior…

~ 413 ~
KINGS… and peasants
whose compensation in 2015 was 4,334,185 USD. On 5 july
2011, Hanover Insurance Group bought out Chaucer Holdings,
a London Firm, for 474 Million USD.
OneBeacon insurance group here.
insurance companies ARE banks... and
typically when the word 'group' is used... it is a
'foundation' with which subsidiaries will rank
underneath... so it is still just a bank... premiums are collected
instead of interest... but these are virtually the same.
Consumer Value Stores (CVS) plans to acquire AETNA
in 2018 for 69 billion.
Anthem bought Wellpoint Inc for almost 21 billion
dropping the Wellpoint name in 2014. Anthem
also attempted to buy CIGNA corp and its 'tree
of life' for 54 billion in 2017... which was
supposedly 'blocked' by the supreme court... but
it is the trend now to consolidate these monopolies... the ONE
WORLD trust. Will it happen... I am not sure just yet... but there
is a problem when government allows monopolistic corporate
empires to thrive.
Aetna acquired Coventry in 2013 for 5,7 billion… and in
2017, set out to buy Humana Inc. which was ALSO 'blocked' by
the U.S. supreme court.
Still... Freedom of choice has eroded much in these last
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is, for
the most part administered by United Healthcare... which is not

~ 414 ~
Chapitre 8
at all as it used to be when it was founded in
1958 by Ethel Percy Andrus. Farmers insurance
uses a 'rothschild'... or red shield.... most
notable for 'providing 'auto 'insurance. 11
beams of light come from it or from behind it.
Regency Mortgage Corporation was
founded in 1996. The founder and president is
Quentin Keefe and the vice president is
Maureen Lemay. Regency Mortgage
Corporation, shortly thereafter, became a 'mortgage banking'
company offering residential and commercial lending services ;
underwriting and closing are all taken care of in-house. Though
Regency is still considered a small business… I think WE can
foresee it going some place. Though I am uncertain where this
logo came from. This ‘shoe just seems to fit’ the pyramid
theme. You may have also already noted… it is a rising or
setting sun as well, purposefully made with 11 rays of the sun.
Regency is a strange word for a company… a regent is
an appointed person or group
that acts in the stead of a
monarch or king… as a type of
proxy, when the ‘anointed’ is
unable or unqualified to rule. The Regency Hotel and Regent
Airways, which looks more like a dove than a falcon, are two
such examples. There is also a Regent University, and
Regence BlueCrossBlueShield. Whom should we suppose
these companies are acting on behalf of ?

~ 415 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Ambarella Incorporated was founded in 2004 having
gone public in 2012. Ambarella is developing
low-powered, high-definition video compression
and image processing. Ambarella’s
products are used in a variety of high-
definition cameras, 25% of which are
made by GoPro, including security IP
cameras, sports cameras, wearable
cameras, and automotive video
camera recorders. The Founders are :
Les Kohn, John Ju, Fermi Wang, and
Didier LeGall… Fermi Wang is the
CEO, but I would have to say that the
whole executive committee contains a
lot of impressive resumes. I thought the group rather motley,
but now I am wondering if they were actually put together by
their investors… like music investors have created and
produced so many of the performers of today… like the all-boy
or all-girl groups… whom dance and sing, but don’t play
instruments nor write the music they chant… a quick cash deal.
So… Ambarella has been brought to us by mostly these three
companies… which should be interesting to see what kinds of
things are developed for OUR leisure or for OUR surveillance…
maybe in a few years it will have an eye on the middle of the
logo ?
International companies, like Walden International here,
seem to be going for the global icon… couldn’t think of anything

~ 416 ~
Chapitre 8
else, I guess. One can also note here, that the ‘i’ in the word
‘capital’ of Benchmark Capital, has been dotted… with a
triangle… so clever are THEY.
This next one is a bit tricky. ISIS here is
a clever acronym… 'Integrated Security
Identification System'… but this ‘acronym’ is
actually a name… 'Isis'… which is the name of
the ancient Egyptian goddess of health, love, and marriage. I
have heard many versions… but basically, as the story would
go… Osirus, or Thulis of Egypt, in about 1700 BC. Osirus was
raised from the dead after 3 days... HE was Isis' lover AND her
brother, whom was killed and cut into 14 pieces by Seth, THEIR
brother. Isis put the pieces back together and resurrected him
with a golden phallus, as this was the only part of him she could
not find. He was alive long enough to bear her a son and died
again… becoming the mother of Horus. This story is not so
unlike the Christian version of Mary and Jesus… as the
conception had the quality of being immaculate. Like the
pyramid… Isis is an Egyptian reference. Here, the ‘i’ is dotted
with… a triangle… again ! And if THIS wasn’t enough… is
pronounced in English as ‘eye’… this is an eye inside of a
pyramid… just like the floating capstone of the ‘Great Seal’.
Wait a minute… are the British copying U.S. symbols... or is it
the other way around.
In March of 2014, according to Reuters, the ‘royal’ mint
intended to begin circulating a new 1-pound coin making use of
some new 'ISIS' technology in the preventing of counterfeiting

~ 417 ~
KINGS… and peasants
for 2017... which DID happen... and the old coin became tender
no more on 15 october 2017. This is not really a company… it
is a system of implementing some new controls. When the
economy of today needs money… the banks just print more…
backed by nothing. The banks counterfeit money all of the
time… and they are unwilling to share that paper and metal
enterprise with serfs… it is against the law to counterfeit… at
least… it is for US. The eye in a triangle is on the American
dollar… and the British affiliates an eye in a triangle
implementing controls on THEIR currency… maybe it is just a
bank thing that the U.S. and the U.K. happen to share, or
worse, happen to be regulated by… even though it is that it
should be the other way around... countries or governments
should be the ones regulating the banks… no ?
8,3 Corporate Energy
This is the mark of the Southern
Company. One can see it accompanying
Georgia Power, Alabama Power, Mississippi
Power, as well as Gulf Power ! Yup… Southern
Company owns them all ! It seems that all of the world’s power
is to be controlled by fewer and fewer hands as well.
PacifiCorp is over Rocky Mountain Power, also serving
Utah, Wyoming, and parts of
Idaho... Oregon, northern
California, and parts of
Washington. Atmos Energy
with its 'A', bought-out Trans Louisiana gas in 1988... Western

~ 418 ~
Chapitre 8
Kentucky Gas Company in 1989... Greeley Gas in 1993...
United Cities Gas in 1999... Mississippi Valley Gas in 2001...
and finally the TXU's pipeline and distribution channels, with its
SEVEN rays of sun in 2004. Yeah... Clinton
was to break monopolies when HE was
president... at least this is what I remember...
but corporate monopolies make all of the
rules… and politicians are easily bought. So... remind me...
how many choices do WE have if we should live in any of
THESE selected locations ?
The People’s State Bank of American
Fork was established 5 february 1913. It would
later be renamed in the 60s as the Bank of
American Fork, which logo is shown here. A
fork, by the way, is a reference to Neptune, the god of the sea.
When we speak of 'plane-nets'... we are actually
speaking of the gods of antiquity... before we knew them as
'plane-nets' they were just known as the wondering stars.
The Salt Lake Telephone Employees Credit Union was
founded in 1934, which was renamed in 1984 as Mountain
America Credit Union, after merging with Postal Workers Credit
Union. In 1988 it merged with Utah State Credit Union,
obviously altogether preferring the falcon-pyramid logo as THIS
did not change.
As one can plainly see here, this one comes with a
twist… in which being American, one would assume it is an
eagle, with its right eye to us, the bird of ‘patriotism’… a symbol

~ 419 ~
KINGS… and peasants
that US serfs have come to attribute to being
representative of freedom…
which it is simply not. Also here,
the Austin telco federal credit union triangle and
'trinity'... a symbol that seems to be quite standard for a bank.
You see... WE misunderstand... 'freedom' is never free in the
world of today… 'freedom' is bought, not granted.
America First Credit Union was founded in 1939. Here
you will note another… eagle ? Looks to be a
falcon to me… even if it might
be called an eagle. Notice it is
looking to the left… thereby exposing only the
right eye again... the eye of Ra. How about another one just
like it… USAA founded in 1922… obviously one of the survivors
of the Great Depression… in fact, the employee count, as well
as its clientele doubled from 1931 to 1940. This logo, which still
looks like a falcon to me, is facing to its left as well !
Provident National Corporation (PNC) bank founded in
1982. Symbols, as far as I can
tell, don’t seem to have a set
business ‘genre’ specifically
assigned to them… but rather a
specific group of symbols to use marking the 'BIG club'. Many
symbols are composed of more than one as seen prior… and
some are just spelled out. Again… this is something that has
not been hidden… and as time goes on and logos change to a
‘new look’… it is becoming more blatantly thrown in our faces…

~ 420 ~
Chapitre 8
but since it is so commonplace now… we don’t even notice
these corporations shaking their fascist fists at us.
Here is another financial institution, Discover Card… an
example of spelling the
word out. The letter ‘O’
has always been a
different color… maybe
it is used to draw our
attention to it ? Often
words will have a letter or two, designed to draw our eye to it as
being significant… in which we can interpret it a different way.
DIS-COVER or DISC-OVER… this is the sun… a reference to
the sun god known by many names… that has been
worshipped for thousands of years. In this example seems to
show what resembles a black hole behind it…
an interesting ‘twist’ as it is said that a black
hole is a star that has collapsed… and not even
light can escape it. Verspieren here… a French
Bank made up of 15 'blocks'... 15 is also a triangular number.
can waste our time with film,
television, gaming, 'science',
history, music, videos… just all
of the trivial aspects of these things, really. And don’t forget
about the ‘shop’ button… where WE can buy some stupid shit !
Regions Financial founded in 1971... just another bank

~ 421 ~
KINGS… and peasants
among all of those publicly-traded. Here is another example in
which I know nothing about the company at all. Sometimes,
INSTEAD of drawing or designing a pyramidian logo… it will
just be spelled out. I guess one could say it is clever… but one
might be surprised at how many companies have used this
word in their logos. Maybe 'whatculture' uses this company for
what it will be shipping to our homes ?
So… are you beginning to pick up what I
am putting down here ? I would try to explain categorically, but I
have found this to be a difficult task… it has been like
answering that question of logic on an IQ test.
Rephrased : If some pyramids have capstones, and some
capstones have eyeballs, then some pyramids definitely have
A) True
B) False
In the case that you wanted to know… the statement here
would be false… because ‘definitely’ is too absolute when using
the word ‘some’.
It is hard to know which are which… all we have are
logos that seem related to some but not necessarily to others…
but which belong to a rather small group that has limits in their
creativity. Moving on… let us continue on with the obvious
Mitsubishi Motors was founded in 1970. Today the CEO
is Osamu Masuko. The origin of Mitsubishi actually goes back

~ 422 ~
Chapitre 8
to 1870 when Yataro Iwasaki, the original founder, started using
three very old ships in a shipping company. Mitsubishi's
automotive started in 1917, when the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding
Company produced the Mitsubishi Model A,
Japan's first production automobile. The Model
A was a hand-built sedan, but it was not able to
compete with the productions in mass that
Europe and the U.S. were manufacturing with at that time, and
was discontinued in 1921.
I am not going to attempt to decipher or decode the
automobile industry too much. Automotive companies change
hands all of the time. I will just say though… that it is an
industry that has forgotten and simply does not care much
about the ‘Made in such-and-such-a-country’ pride label… the
money to be made is essentially ALL that matters… which is
true of any corporation, especially the ones that are traded
publicly… which, I suppose, is just the way it is.
Cars that are built today will not last long… and they are
higher maintenance than they ever used to be with parts that
actually expire… computers in cars, for example, how many
computers have YOU had over the last 20 years ? The
computers in cars are temperamental… useful and useless at
the same time. Computer parts are built by machines… and the
parts are cheaper to make than they are to service… and
quickly outdated. As I recall, the first circuit boards used in cars
began in 1983…therefore, I might deduce that NONE of the
cars of today or dating back to THAT year will ever be

~ 423 ~
KINGS… and peasants
considered ‘classics’. Computer chips are something a
mechanic cannot fix… just replace… which is dependent on
whether a manufacturer is still producing said chips.
L'entracte 11 (IT)
My first car was a 6-year-old '83 Chevy Citation... I drove
it for about 2 years. After about a year, I found that if I was
going less than 45 miles per hour (mph), it would stall... and if I
drove more than 45 mph, it would flood. I used a broken pencil
to hold the carburetor open until I could afford to get it fixed...
which took me a few months. The diagnosis was the ONE and
ONLY faulty computer board. At the second year, the
'automatic' transmission started slipping while in the reverse
gear... I parked on hills, that I could roll back out of, when
necessary. The symptom started showing up in forward gears
as well... and the estimated cost to fix it was about 750 USD,
which I did not have... and I ended up selling it to an auto-
wrecker for 85 USD. Fin 11
Plastic of course, is another 'consumable'… plastic gears
for electric windows, plastic headlights that lose their clarity…
and even all of those ‘cool’ rubberized coated surfaces in cars
that deteriorated over the last 10 years or so… becoming sticky
with no real solution but to scrape it all off... but just so you
know, 'rubbing alcohol' will clean it up to a point of making it
tolerable to the touch... no need to buy another car just yet.
Speaking of cars, put one of the NEWer ‘16 Mustangs in
a chicken fight with a ‘66 Mustang… and actually let them
collide… well… I would bet on the ‘66 hands-down… and the

~ 424 ~
Chapitre 8
‘66 would probably even still be reparable… and may even still
be operational in the sense that it might be able to be driven
away instead of towed.
I think technology is moving too fast… maybe it is
pushed to be moving too fast without stopping to think about
whether we SHOULD be moving it this fast or not. Somewhere
it seems that we regressed in this process… making it all about
sales more than anything else… instead of something that will
last... which does not seem to be in-line with the 'sustainable
development' thing now, does it ?
Infinity, a subsidiary of Nissan, was founded in 1989. I
always thought the logo looked like a pair of
scuba goggles… but I have seen since then,
that I may have been mistaken. It is either a pyramid with a ring
of Saturn... or it is a two-dimensional pacman heading straight
for us !
Caterpillar Incorporated was founded in 1925. The CEO
today is Douglas R Oberhelman as of 2010 who has been with
Caterpillar since 1975. The company was originated by
Benjamin Leroy Holt. In 1892, Holt Manufacturing Company
was incorporated. Benjamin Leroy Holt died at the close of
1920. In April of 1925, the CL Best Tractor Company and Holt
Manufacturing Company merged to form the
Caterpillar Tractor Company. Clarence Leo
Best remained chairman of the board of
Caterpillar until his death in 1951. HH Fair then
became the CEO, at which point, the company began its

~ 425 ~
KINGS… and peasants
multinational occupation.
Caterpillar Inc was caught dumping train parts into the
ocean in 2013. Haliburton has been also been known to dump
into the oceans... which is NOT really 'responsible'… some
might say to vote to stop occurrences such as these… but it is
futile… the sense any of US can make a difference… maybe in
the days of old, I don’t know… but not today.
You know… I always wondered what happens to the
legacy of companies such as these. Benjamin Holt was an
inventor and a mechanical genius… and it was more or less a
family business. There is recorded history of the company,
yes… but who owns it now ? Shareholders ? Wallstreet maybe,
where companies go to thrive or die ? Because, for a while…
tills get skimmed… and the company is sold off and/or merged
into something else. If the CEO was not the ORIGINAL founder
of the company… how can the CEO have the best interests OF
the company in mind, while at the same time, concentrating on
how much their own pockets are filling up ?
I have never figured out the damned crop circle thing…
but if the phenomena are
caused by 'aliens', then I guess
they too have the same idea.
They even included 33 rays of
light here ! They KNEW one of the numbers of freemasonry !
Personally though… I think this might just be HAARP
technology at work… who knows what THEY are capable of
doing by now ! What is HAARP you ask ? HAARP stands for

~ 426 ~
Chapitre 8
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, which is just
a little ionospheric research project. The U.S.
Air Force and a few other governmental
affiliates fund it… oh… wait a minute… who is
funding THEM ? Oh yes… that would be ‘WE
the peasants’… or maybe just that counterfeit money THEY
make... and WE will just pick up the tab ? peasants pay ALL of
the tax… I hope that you didn’t forget ! Too bad the laws we
abide by do not enable us to know anything about what we
contributed to.
HAARP technology is based on Nikola Tesla’s work…
most of his ideas and patents magically disappeared after he
died… I guess they were found. I have heard that this
technology can also
even alter the
weather… but I am not
a scientist, so I can
make no conclusions.
In Gakona, Alaska
though, there is a grid composed of 360 antennae capable of
producing millions of watts of electricity… super-heating the
ionosphere or maybe even bouncing frequencies off of it. There
are similar grids such as this in Vasilsursk, Russia ; Tromso,
Norway ; and Arecibo, Puerto Rico. At any rate, I am not sure
how… or if this benefits US or not… especially if it is just being
used as an etch-a-sketch from the sky. Really… why would
aliens from outer-space waste their time drawing stupid shit like

~ 427 ~
KINGS… and peasants
this ?!!
8,4 Barons ARE…
BARONS are : Presidents, Vice Presidents, Popes, Priests,
Bishops, Clergy, CEOs of the corporate giants, and for all
intents and purposes, the Senate, House of Representatives,
Parliaments of the world, Aristocrats, and finally the major
corporations themselves… as THEY are considered as
persons, after all.
THESE people pretty much get to do whatever they
want... freely. Barack H Obama was making 400,000 USD
annually. What do YOU think ? I think this is just what was
written on paper. Let’s go back to Dick Cheney’s reign making
230,700 USD. 2001 was when the raises happened… when
there was NO ONE doing their jobs ! Before 2001, the
‘president', Bush junior, was being paid 200,000 USD. I don’t
know what Dick was making before… but the increases were
likely correlated ; countering inflation is a hard work !
Before Dick became the Vice President, he was the CEO
of Haliburton. Wait… wasn’t Haliburton rewarded the contracts
in rebuilding the Iraq of 2003 ? Was it not Haliburton that was
the only company allowed to bid on said 'rebuilding' ?
Interesting. It is a convenient position to be vice president of
the United States and ALSO own stock in Haliburton, a
company that specializes in oilfield services, already well
positioned in the global oilfield. The ‘things that make ya go
hmmm’. I think that it is safe to say that all of the while, he was
collecting the dividends from his Haliburton stock.

~ 428 ~
Chapitre 8
David J Lesar was the CEO of Haliburton from 2000 to
2017… after DICK left. According to in 2006…
LESAR's 5-year compensation total was 58.87 million USD.
and according to the Wall Street Journal in 2010, in just THAT
year, Lesar received 14.9 million USD ! Is this some kind of a
joke ?
I see the gap between the poor and the middle class
moving closer together… there is almost no difference to see…
OUR debt to income ratios are the same… always something to
pay for… for the sake of survival… and the goods and services
bought become liabilities... exorbitant amounts of money with
really nothing to gain.
NO… I don’t think good ol' Dick would be the kind of man
that would have taken a dock in pay like THAT, when he
became the vice… there must have been compensation that we
were just not informed about… because the government raise
he got in 2001 was chump-change to him.
As I have already said, these kinds of things are
happening all around the world. Nicolas Sarkozy… the
president of France from 2007-2012 (5-year terms) got a raise
in 2008. He went from making 101,448 euros to 240,000 euros
per year. You know… he had a nickname while he was in
office… maybe just a coincidence, but he was known as :
l’americain !
8,5 The POWER of the Presidents
The authority given to the presidents was NOT given to
them by 'the people. The presidents of Mount Rushmore... in

~ 429 ~
KINGS… and peasants
order of their appearance were :
ƒ George Washington (1st) whom received an honorary
degree at Harvard... putting HIM into the Harvard club...
in which 'honorary' here, would simply mean, that he
never attended. On 18 september 1793, the cornerstone
of the Capitol was laid by George Washington. Corn,
wine, and oil were used to consecrate it... and anymore,
'time capsules'... may accompany said stone... to be
opened at a much later date... practices that parallel the
rituals of freemasonry.
ƒ Thomas Jefferson (3rd)
ƒ Theodore Roosevelt (26th)
ƒ Abraham Lincoln (16th)
Gutzon Borglum, born in 1867, was the sculptor of the
mount... a child of Mormon polygamy... and also a freemason.
The following list are the memorializations of today as we
pay tribute via OUR consumption... trading fiat currencies like
the tokens of Las Vegas, that have no REAL 'monetary value'.
ƒ Freemason George Washington (1st) 1-dollar bill ; 25-
cent coin
ƒ Thomas Jefferson (3rd) 2-dollar bill ; 5-cent coin
ƒ Freemason James Madison (4th) discontinued 5000-
dollar bill
ƒ Freemason Andrew Jackson (7th) 20-dollar bill
ƒ ALMOST Freemason Abraham Lincoln (16th) 5-dollar bill
and the 1-cent coin
ƒ Ulysses S Grant (18th) 50-dollar bill

~ 430 ~
Chapitre 8
ƒ Grover Cleveland (22nd) discontinued 1000-dollar bill
ƒ Freemason William McKinley (25th) 500-dollar bill
ƒ Woodrow Wilson (28th) discontinued100,000-dollar bill
ƒ Freemason Franklin Roosevelt (32nd) 10-cent coin
ƒ Alexander Hamilton NEVER president 10-dollar bill
ƒ Benjamin Franklin NEVER president 100-dollar bill
ƒ Salmon P chase NEVER president discontinued 10,000-
dollar bill (treasury secretary under Lincoln)
ƒ Susan B Anthony NEVER president 1-dollar coin
(woman's suffrage, or right to vote)
ƒ Sacagawea NEVER president 1-dollar coin (lewis and
clark expedition)
Freemasonic Presidents NOT found on the money include :
ƒ Freemason James Monroe (5th)
ƒ Freemason James Polk (11th)
ƒ Freemason James Buchanan (15th)
ƒ Freemason Andrew Johnson (17th)
ƒ Freemason James Garfield (20th)
ƒ Freemason Theodore Roosevelt (26th)
ƒ Freemason Howard Taft (27th)
ƒ Freemason Warren Harding (29th)
ƒ Freemason Harry Truman (33rd)
ƒ Freemason Gerald Ford (38th)
Then, of course, there are the Blood Presidents
President John Adams had a son named John Quincy Adams
whom would also be President. President William Henry
Harrison had a grandson named Benjamin Harrison that would

~ 431 ~
KINGS… and peasants
be president too ! Oh yes... and Franklin Roosevelt and
Theodore Roosevelt, were 5th cousins. Ahhh... but ANYONE
can be president of the United States though, right ? RIGHT.
8,6 Abracadabra... and they just disappear
Edward Moore ‘Ted’ Kennedy supposedly drove his car
off an unrailed bridge on Chappaquiddick on 18 july 1969, an
island close to Martha's Vineyard. As the story would go, the
car went into the water, Kennedy swam free, and his
passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned in the overturned
vehicle. Kennedy left the scene and waited nine hours before
he reported the incident, later pleading guilty to leaving the
scene of the accident.
5 years later, Nixon, off the record, said on tape :
"if you could get Kennedy in it too, I’d be a little
more pleased”... “There comes Chappaquiddick
with a vengeance.”... “I mean if Kennedy knew the
bear trap he was walking into… “It’s never dull, is
“Never.” (unknown responder) ~ on or about 8 july
Not a lot of 'accidents' happen while climbing up the
political ladder... and by THAT time, John and Robert Kennedy
had both been assassinated. Ted was a second-term senator...
which made it a virtual impossibility that he could have lost his
job over it... and he kept it until the day that he died on 25
august 2009. Senators, if one should ever take notice... are
made up of a 'certain type'... Mary was buried quickly the day

~ 432 ~
Chapitre 8
after... a sure indication that the story was flawed. It is quite
likely that she was dead already... suffocated before she had a
chance to drown. Ted Kennedy was knighted KBE 4 march
2009 by the Queen of England... but I cannot be certain that he
ever 'formally' received it... having gone through all of the
barbaric remedies of having a tumor in the brain.
Everyone already knows how JFK was assassinated on
22 november 1963. BUT... Lee Oswald never fired a shot, and
the 'authorities' knew exactly where he would be.
Robert F Kennedy was assassinated 5 june 1968… after
having already won the democratic presidential primary election
in California.
JFK Junior was flying a Piper Saratoga plane 16 july
1999. His passengers were Carolyn Bessette Kennedy (wife)
and Lauren Bessette (sister-in-law). They all died in the Atlantic
off of... Martha’s Vineyard. The purpose of JFK Junior's flight,
was to announce that he was going to run in the senate race…
for the seat that Hillary Clinton was after. Everything could
have been so different now, had THAT just been the case... but
WE will NEVER know if it was just coincidental... or foul play.
The bodies of the three were found on 21 july and all of
their ashes were scattered at sea on 22 july. Like his father...
the circumstances of his death had many holes that WE will
never know. Carolyn, by the way, was pregnant.
8,7 The RICH and THEIR 'Philanthropy'
Bill Gates, another on the long list of ‘philanthropists’ has
been heavily investing in Africa for a number of years now... in a

~ 433 ~
KINGS… and peasants
vaccine for Malaria… as if he really gives a damn. A few years
ago, Billy said there had been ‘great success with the trials’.
TRIALS ? Last time I checked, a TRIAL was a kind of test… so
there has been great success with the TESTS. Bono, frontman
of the band U2, has been pairing up with this ‘philanthropist’ as
of late… I guess Bono has become a ‘philanthropist’ too. This
little unpredicted pairing between a computer
geek and a rock-star resembles white
supremacy to me… and all of THIS is just really
lies built upon fractional truths... a ruse !
It is funny… do you think that Billdo Gates works any
harder than the rest of us ? Do you think he is any smarter than
the rest of us ? Of course not… he just had, and still has, a
more unique list of connections than WE do. It is interesting
that the definition of a
‘philanthropist’ is
someone whom loves
humanity… so they
give back to those that
made them rich… the
funny part is… is THEY give back how THEY choose to give
back… creating a ‘foundation’ in THEIR name that
encompasses THEIR agenda in 'giving back'. Software sales
begets the practice of pharmaceutical TESTS… seems a bit of
a mismatch in talents, does it not ? Bill is into the concept of
eugenics... a common pursuit that philanthropists like to
participate in... so one should 'just say NO to vaccines' when

~ 434 ~
Chapitre 8
philanthropists are the ones endorsing them !
"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's
headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great
job on vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health
services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to
15%." ~ Bill Gates, 12 february 2010 speaking on
'Technology, Entertainment, and Design' (TED).
It is interesting that the now so-called ‘elite’ seem to already be
bound by blood. Notable 8th cousins of Willy Gates are and
were : Katharine Hepburn (actress), Orson Welles (actor,
director, writer, and producer), and Pat Robertson (evangelist
and founder of Regent University)… so it would seem that
William Henry Gates III was destined for stardom. Incidentally,
anyone can note that there are a
lot of kings of history that were
named ‘William’ or ‘Henry’…
which for HIM, is all just part of
being a 'third' in possessing the same name, which may be just
me looking too deep into a another probable 'coincidence'…
but… Queen Elisabeth II IS his 13th cousin twice removed.
Maybe this means nothing… nothing at all.
Perhaps I should also mention that Obama is : Dick
Cheney's 8th cousin, Brad Pitt's 9th cousin, and Dubya's 13th
Abraham Lincoln was : Tom Hanks' 4th cousin 4-times
removed, Dubya’s 7th cousin 5-times removed, Brad Pitt's 8th
cousin 5-times removed, Meryl Streep's 9th cousin 5-times

~ 435 ~
KINGS… and peasants
removed, and Shelton Jackson ‘Spike’ Lee's10th cousin 6-times
Oh... and Marilyn Monroe was Dubya’s 9th cousin 3-
times removed.
Are you seeing what I am seeing ? One has to wonder if
they are all playing for the same team… because blood IS still
thicker than water. Sure... we could easily reason that
everyone in the U.S is related... which is not really the point.
Are YOU and actor ? Are YOU a politician ? Are YOU among
any of THE celebrities ? Neither am I.
The music industry too… do you think the bands think of
and/or create their own
message for their albums
anymore ? Have they ever ? I
think most often now, that it is
whipped-up by the entities that promote them… of which
promotions have guidelines to adhere to. Most people might
have at least heard of THIS group… Earth, Wind, and Fire…
but astrologically, it is missing the element of ‘water’. I find it
truly amazing how a nation as young as the ‘U’ ‘S’ of ‘A’. could
be so intrigued by Egyptology. Maybe it should adopt a new
name, like the ‘U’ ‘S’ of ‘E’. ? Because it would just seem as
though that THIS is what she wants to be ;
THAT or the NEW Israel !
To me… pyramids represent some great
feats… there was much knowledge and know-
how happening in those times. But let me make an honest

~ 436 ~
Chapitre 8
statement here… if aliens from outer-space were NOT
responsible for these impressive structures, who was ?
Pharaohs ? Kings ? No… I don’t think that they were willing to
get their golden robes dirty… so it must have all been built on
the backs of slaves... NOT Aliens. Slaves back in those days
were the spoils of war. Slavery has been of the world from the
beginning… it is in the bible… it is in REAL history… it is in
OUR today. It would seem based on this alone… pyramids are
really just the symbol… of how just a few… can rule the many.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king"
~ Minority Report 2002.
This film also portrayed the three pre-cogs... those of
whom could see the future before it happened... the 'trinity'... a
female and two males as the trinity is ALWAYS arranged in this
way. The year was 2054, which added together is 11. The
hotel room door that Anderton would open, was 1109... which
would be 11... or 119 if one would prefer.
Oh... and if you should be checking now for
answers... the end-all-be-all-of-debunking websites... the
'illuminating snake', as we seem to need an
'authority' in matters of fact, as we are not able
to assess them for ourselves... perhaps one should just invest
in a Ouija board instead of trusting in the snake, as most often,
we will only find conflicting perspectives... conveniently also
agreeing with all aspects of the established order ; like THIS
one... with the sun, and the moon. AND the Greek God of PAN !
David Mikkelson one of the founders of the site was

~ 437 ~
KINGS… and peasants
accused of fraud in july of 2017. In the same month he started
a GoFundMe account
shooting for 500,000
USD... which is now
up to more than
800,000 USD. His
NEW goal is now
shooting for 2,000,000 it would seem that snopes is going to
survive afterall. What did we learn from HIM ? Well...
honeymoons and prostitutes can be put on the expense
account ! Perhaps we can fact-check THAT on SNOPES !

~ 438 ~
Chapitre 9

Chapitre 9,0 ~ Barons Too... the Corporate

En Bref :
In the last chapter we saw a lot of pyramids... the age of
Aquarius, versus, the age of Pisces... and the pointed-oval
and what it really implies. We saw the great falcon and its ties
to banks... Haarp, and the many 'royal subjects' that have been
knighted. We touched on 'philanthropy' of the rich... which is
not really philanthropy at all... and the chapter ended on page
438 or 4x3+8 is 20 and 2+0=2... the number for duality.
9,1 More about Money
I came across a very revealing quote that makes all of
what I have been talking about seem all the more clear…
“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the
money of gentlemen, barter is the money of
peasants ~ but debt is the money of slaves.” ~
Norm Franz, Author of Money and Wealth in the New
Think about THAT for a moment. Let me ask you

~ 439 ~
KINGS… and peasants
quietly… what currency are YOU trading ? It is quite easy to
figure out. Again, just subtract your total debt (including
interest) from your assets. If the difference is in the positive…
then I congratulate you in all sincerity ! However, if it should be
in the negative… well… you know which currency you are
using… and you know which class YOU and I have all been
sharing in.
Some will try to remedy their situation by gambling in a
casino... but this is a psychological game... getting a small
reward that simply goes back into the machine. Chances of
winning the lottery are against us… and I am still not convinced
that the winners are not really actors, to encourage the rest of
us to keep at it. Money will not buy happiness… but we
peasants are always trying to buy the misery we would prefer.
A roulette wheel, by the way, with the numbers 1 through
36... all add up to 666... but none of US worry about this
number while we are gambling, do we.
Appearances, as they say, can be deceiving… and
though one might have a large house and a fancy car… WE are
made to be the prisoners by our own possessions… and if
possession is 9/10ths of the law… WHOM or WHAT… REALLY
owns US ? Keep in mind, that it was designed this way… it is
not ALL our fault… we were never taught how to play the
game… and our parents didn’t really know there WAS a
game… so how could they have taught us how to play it ? The
rules of 'the game' are always being altered.
‘Transparency’ is a word that the U.S. government

~ 440 ~
Chapitre 9
throws around a lot. We are made to believe that THAT
transparency is to say that the government makes it possible
that we may know what is going on. Honestly, I have not seen
it. It would seem that the ’transparency’... that the government
is always speaking of… has more to do with US… the
transparency of the peasants.
9,2 The FOOD of 'the food and drug administration'

These two food group charts were put out by the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) from about 1943 to
1956… Perhaps you have seen them before ?
Group 7 in these charts included ‘fortified’ margarine,
which I would disagree with… it tastes NOTHING like butter and
since the word ‘fortified’ has been added in this grouping… it
would seem to me that it cannot possibly have any nutritional
value before said fortification… and besides that... most insects
won’t even eat it !
I am happy to see that ice cream was defined in the chart

~ 441 ~
KINGS… and peasants
though. Mmm… ICE CREAM ! It is really too bad now that if
one wishes NOT to consume high-fructose-
corn-syrup… one will have to read at least 20
labels in finding ice cream with just good ol’
fashioned sugar… a seemingly increasingly
more difficult find in the U.S. Baskin-Robbins is no different
with their 13-R Logo... 'R' is the 18th letter of the alphabet, the
9th if we could count backwards... either way it represents a 9
or 13+9 or 1+3+9=13, Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins were both
The Basic 4 Food-Group chart as it was from 1956 to
1992… this is the one that I remember… I was glad to see that

someone was able to categorize them for me… I thought ice

cream was a vegetable until this chart revealed otherwise.
Maybe it is just a coincidence, but it would eventually
become a food 'pyramid' ! THIS one was from 1992 to about
2005. I suppose it is an easy way to diagram it... Maslow's

~ 442 ~
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hierarchy of needs followed suit as well as many other business
models... I have just
realized, that it is the
bottom two tiers of
Maslow's hierarchy of
needs on page 68 that
will mostly require
financing today of some sort… the basic idea is that the ones
above cannot be attained without the ones below first being
How can we as serfs rise to where we want to be, when
the climb must first begin with currency, most of which WE will
have to take on loan ? We have been being sold water from
corporations, the most basic element of life, in plastic bottles…
But... I still don't understand how the hierarchy of food
changed. When I was youngER, it was just a circle... and not
so many years ago it became a pyramid... not that anyone was
really paying attention anyway. At any rate, the food groupings
would make a lot more sense if it were REAL food… difficult to
come by in the U.S. anymore.
L'entracte 12 (food)
As for me, I do not count calories. Who really cares ! I
eat for the pleasure… and I never really liked math, so doing
math before eating, really holds no appeal for me. Besides,
looking at the history of American culture… well… I might be
wrong, but it seems that people started counting their caloric

~ 443 ~
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intake in the late 70s to early 80s. Before that… Americans
were basically the same size as everyone else in the world.
The 80s also brought artificial sweeteners and high-fructose-
corn-syrup, so sugar was not to be found in American soft
drinks from that point. Coca-cola still has sugar in France and
Germany… it is the same in Mexico… why does one have to go
to a foreign country to have a REAL Coca-cola when it was
invented in the U.S. ?!! One CAN still find it in the U.S. usually
located in the IMPORT section of some grocery stores now…
I found rather early in life, that tomatoes and orange juice
were a problem for me ; a stomach-crampy feeling with
tomatoes, and just nauseated after drinking orange juice. I
remember being a bit startled the first time I saw a tomato salad
served in a French household. I wasn't sure how to approach
it... thinking that it would be rude to deny it. I ate it hesitantly...
but then I noticed after some hours had passed, the sharp ache
never came. I have never turned it down since... because it is
delicious. And orange juice is SO good ! BUT... visiting the
U.S., my 'allergies' were re-instated... tomatoes caused the
cramps, and orange juice nauseated me. The French are very
particular about their food... and I realized that the food in U.S.
was tainted in comparison. Fin 12
Oh… maybe you didn’t know ! In about
1985, there was Coca-cola… a recipe, that
was... since 1892, had never been altered,
aside of the amount of cocaine and the quantities it was sold in.

~ 444 ~
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As some may remember, Bill Cosby became the spokesman
for the then 'New Coke'… and also the then 'Coca-cola Classic'.
New Coke was a planned failure as the Coca-cola company
knew that people might notice a difference in taste during the
transition… THEY actually did not WANT us to like it ! In just a
few short months, REAL Coca-cola could not be found on a
grocery shelf anywhere... and when this happened Bill Cosby
announced that Coca-cola would be coming back... but the
THEY were going to call it Coca-cola classic from then on.
You see… Coca-cola and Coca-cola Classic are NOT the
same product… the latter has no REAL sugar. Coca-cola
Classic does not exist in the countries I just mentioned… and I
am sure that these are not the only cases. The U.S. was the
experimental group… and now for approximately 40 years…
high-fructose-corn-syrup, from GMO corn, I might add… can be
found in just about everything ! Have a look for yourself.
Since around that time... Americans have had a BIG
problem… that being size and weight in contrast to the rest of
the world… and Type 2 Diabetes seems to be almost as
common as the flu. I exaggerate… but we have to consider that
Saccharin (sweet-n-low) and Aspartame (nutra-sweet)
increased in their popularity around the same time that high-
fructose-corn-syrup did… all conjured up in a laboratory
somewhere. Aspartame, by the way, is the product made with
the blessing of Donald Rumsfeld saying at some point that :
“it’s good for ya !“... HE does not have to DRINK IT ! He was
the CEO of GD Searle from 1977 to 1985, where it was

~ 445 ~
KINGS… and peasants
invented... which was merged with Monsanto IN 1985.
Aspartame is made with a bit of help from the Escherichia coli
bacteria. It is the waste product from what is also otherwise
known as E-coli... Mmm… good stuff !
I have HEARD tales that Bill Gates owns at least 500,000
shares of Monsanto stock... no need to quote me on this... as I
do not even know how this number got into my head.
The Saccharin invent of 1878 was originally made from
coal tar... I do not know if this is still the case... but likely.
Cyclamate was banned in the U.S. in 1969... which
seems to be legal about everywhere else. In Canada,
Cyclamate IS 'sweet'n low'... as it is 'Saccharin' that is the
chemical forbidden there.
Years later… sucralose (splenda) came into the scene,
the claim being it was made from sugar… but it was just as
easy to have said that it was made from chlorine ; and Stevia
the newest of the low calorie sweeteners… well… I dare not
know how it is made… I just know that the processing includes
making use of acetone, methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile, and
isopropanol… sounds yummy ! The Stevia that is sold in the
U.S. is synthetic… patents cannot be granted for something that
already exists in nature… but if one can synthesize it with the
aid of… a few chemicals left-over by the waste of refineries and
such… that just makes everything dandy !
There are many others such as : Acesulfame-K (equal),
Alitame, Neotame, Xylitol, Sorbitol, the list goes on... but if it is
something that cannot be produced withOUT a 'chemistry set'

~ 446 ~
Chapitre 9
we were probably NEVER meant to consume it.
Sugar… well… it has always just been called sugar and
is also known as sucrose… or sometimes even… TABLE sugar.
Sugar comes from sugar-cane... processed via machines...
using centrifuges and water, and THAT is about it.
I would argue that none of these synthesized artificial
additives are broken down in our bodies in quite the same way
as 'traditional' sugar. The corporations will put capital gain
above our health every time !
This chart that was used from 2005 to about 2011…
made no sense to me
at all. I guess that we
were all supposed to
run up the stairs and
jump off of the other
side of the... well...
another pyramid. Woohoo !
Like the calorie-counting before breakfast, it requires a lot
of work as one must need squint at the chemical ingredients to
determine which group is being eaten from… all while
accessing ‘’ on our phones in the morning to
figure out the servings we are ingesting ! Whatever.
Finally the latest of food charts presented
from the USDA has been used since 2011…
much simpler, much more direct… and
frankly… just as stupid ! Well… now we know
how we are supposed to arrange the stuff on our plates.

~ 447 ~
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Reminds me of how a pre-school might serve lunch.
There are many other variations to these… but I would
attest that the kingdom where most Americans
reside, is not really concerned about the health
of its subjects. Seems diabetes is running more
rampant than ever before… but this is just my
observation. So… government has a place at our dining-room
tables. WHAT IF this has always been just a sales pitch… a
means to up the sales of genetically modified grains and
hormone-pumped livestock… or maybe it was just a ploy to
keep all of the REAL ice cream for themselves ! Swanson
Health Products here... using the tree of life.
Vitamin supplements were supposedly concoctions made
to improve our health, as well as other pharmaceutical wonders.
Animals seem to get their vitamins withOUT the child-proofed
The RTS,S vaccine of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was
funded by the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' (Mosquirix)
for the Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP) by
the World Health Organization (WHO).
What is in American food ? From what I have seen, not a
lot of ‘food’ these days. If it were, the ingredients might look
more like a recipe than always being a list of chemicals written
in fine-print… and fine-print as everyone knows,
is printed for the intent that no one will ever
bother to read it. Fritos and Lay's became FritoLay... making
use of the sun on its logo.

~ 448 ~
Chapitre 9
These next 2 examples may be a little boring, but
informative... so consider for just a moment, the ouroboros of
Jell-O sugar free fat free chocolate fudge pudding, owned by
Kraft-Heinz since 2015... a publicly traded company.
Ingredients : modified cornstarch, cocoa processed with
alkali, maltodextrin, tetrasodium pyrophosphate and disodium
phosphate (for thickening). Less than 2% of natural and artificial
flavor, salt, soy lecithin, calcium sulfate, xanthan gum, mono
and diglycerides (prevents foaming), aspartame and
acesulfame potassium (sweeteners), red 40, yellow 5, blue 2,
artificial color, BHA (preservative) phenylketonurics : contains
phenylalanine, contains soy.
ƒ Modified Cornstarch from GMO corn is 'modified' using
sulfuric acid
ƒ Cocoa processed with alkali, is just the Dutch process of
about 200 years.. not really a big deal
ƒ maltodextrin... which is ACTUALLY a sugar... with a
higher glycemic index THAN sugar... again made with
GMO corn
ƒ The chemical 'tetrasodium pyrophosphate' is used as an
emulsifier... but it is interesting to look it up on its Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) under which 'hazard'
statements reads as : 'harmful if swallowed' AND 'causes
serious eye damage'.
ƒ disodium phosphate is another emulsifier but seems not
to have many detriments.
ƒ The less than 2% part... is always something very

~ 449 ~
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misleading. Here... we must wonder... if the flavor is
artificial... how is it a 'flavor' ? Or is it that it is a 'naturally'
FAKE flavor ?
ƒ Then there is 'salt'... but wait... why did it need more salt
when tetrasodium pyrophosphate AND disodium
phosphate are also BOTH salts ?
ƒ soy lecithin is made from GMO soy... another emulsifier
ƒ calcium sulfate is 'gypsum'... of which the walls of our
houses or apartments are typically made of.
ƒ xanthan gum is ANOTHER emulsifier... which is created
in much the same way as aspartame... but instead of
using E-coli, is the waste product of Bacterium
Xanthomonas Campestris
ƒ Monoglycerides and diglycerides are usually found
together in 'food'... they are ALSO emulsifiers.. in which
here 'prevent foaming'... I guess NON-foods have a
tendency to foam !
ƒ acesulfame potassium will often be found with
aspartame... in order to mask the bitter aftertaste of it.
ƒ Red 40 is derived from petroleum distillates OR coal tar
ƒ Yellow 5 is tartrazine made from... coal tar
ƒ Blue 2 indigotine is made from aniline, produced from
benzene... and formaldehyde to produce N-
phenylglycine... add some sodamide, a bit of sodium and
potassium hydroxides... with a bit of ammonia pressure,
et voila ! Food grade blue 2 !
ƒ The BHA preservative is Butylated Hydroxyanisole...

~ 450 ~
Chapitre 9
anything with oil in it will make use of BHA... or
sometimes butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to keep the
oils from going rancid
ƒ The last part is a warning for the phenylketonurics or
those that have phenylketonuria (PKU) a genetic disease
infecting 1 out of 15,000. Aspartame contains
phenylalanine, which in these cases... could cause
mental incapacities or brain damage... which is
supposedly 200 times as sweet as sugar... LESS is
MORE in that 2% !
But really, think about this now... should ANYONE be
consuming ANY of this crap ?
Perhaps we need to get back to milk, non-GMO corn
starch, table sugar, table salt, cocoa, butter... and if it is not stiff
enough... add a bit of gelatin... a lot less to read... and we could
know what the ingredients REALLY were ! Food is getting cut
just like drugs on the street ! When did jell-o become so
complex ? Now... how about an almost every day over-the-
counter drug :
ƒ Pfizer's Advil Migraine, is a pain reliever for those that are
prone to have sick-headaches... in this case, the dose is
200mg, wrapped up in brown oval
solubilized ibuprofen capsules, a 'pain
reliever', which is a Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID)... full of side-effects and 'inactive' ingredients :
ƒ D&C yellow 10 (made from petroleum or coal tar),
ƒ FD&C red 40 (made in the same way that red 40 was

~ 451 ~
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produced for Jell-O pudding ;
ƒ GELATIN... that was NOT even in the jell-o pudding !
ƒ light mineral oil,
ƒ pharmaceutical ink (commonly just called INK),
ƒ polyethylene glycol (PEG), in which polyethylene by itself
is a plastic... that black garbage bag that we raked our
leaves into ; and glycol is an alcohol... but put the two
together and it becomes a laxative OR an anti-freeze ;
ƒ potassium hydroxide or caustic potash, in which its
MSDS notes it as having carcinogenic effects !
ƒ Purified water (which SHOULD pose no threat),
ƒ sorbitan (an emulsifier made with dehydrated sorbitol,
and sorbitol is a sugar alcohol).
ƒ NSAIDs raise the risk of having a heart-attack or stroke...
EXCEPT for the one called aspirin... which lessons it.
You know... whiskey would probably relieve that
headache ! Somewhere it became 'unfashionable' to carry a
flask around just in case... but we CAN carry a bottle of
miscellaneous unknowns that complicate, more than eradicate,
our temporary conditions. Alcohol has been here longer than
WE have... when the first 'apple' fell from a tree and fermented !
OUR trust in corporations has been misplaced.
One of the more recent additions to the ingredients of
many 'food products these days is underneath the ingredient
credits... 'Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering'. What IS
the figure in percentage of which we can associate to being
'partially' ? 50% ? 90% ? What a pain in the ass ! Read YOUR

~ 452 ~
Chapitre 9
labels, ladies and gentleman... 'natural' and 'artificial' are
synonyms at the FDA !
Pfizer, by the way... also brought us Depo-provera... 'birth
control' that is pushed on the poor... and also in the poorest of
countries... with many 'side-effects' of which for some, might
just be that of sterility.
Do YOU remember prohibition ? Well…
most of us won’t… but at one point in American
history... it was prohibited to drink alcohol. This
seal is for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives... quite the mix of contraband, no ?
The Volstead Act, or amendment 18 of the corporate
constitution... went into effect at midnight 17 january 1920...
only months before Woodrow Wilson’s reign would FINALLY be
at its end... when NO ONE could have a drink... at least not
legally. But… business boomed anyway… there was still much
demand to be met. 13 years later, it would FINALLY be
repealed on 5 december 1933 on president Herbert Hoover's
watch... when UTAH, of all states, became the 36th state to
ratify amendment 21. Incidentally, Herbert Hoover was also
president during the depression years... but he was already rich
due to his mining operations... giving his salary to charity while
he was in office... seems we have been here before.
Once something is made to be illegal… it becomes a
‘criminal’ activity. Alcohol is part of EVERY culture... and it has
been this way for 1000s of years. How is it that we can believe
we are free, when even our history reflects that we are not ?

~ 453 ~
KINGS… and peasants
In MOST states of the U.S., one must still be 21 to
partake of alcohol... which hasn’t always been so. Many U.S.
states even have 'no-tolerance' laws in place... meaning if one
had a glass of wine at a restaurant, one should wait it out... as
the fine for our detection might equate to be a month's salary.
The sting operations in place by police, while stalking the
local bars… is a lot like fishing for trout at a trout farm... where it
is guaranteed to catch a few fish. A quota can be reached
much faster than casting out in a river somewhere for a whole
day. But this is about creating revenue for the state… collecting
those ‘sin’ taxes… and zero tolerance opens it up to suspect
and fine anyone. Not only are we all suspected of terrorism
now… we are ALSO all alcoholics ! The police are enforcing the
law… appointed by government… they are peasants that have
been given the ‘authority’… to hunt other peasants.
The RICH actually had choice during prohibition… I’m
certain they were repeating customers ! Again… the halving of
money seems to determine how much freedom one is granted.
It would seem that the powers that be, can make a law to
forbid something… get rich by participating in the ‘illegal’ selling
of the forbidden… then legalize it again once the monopoly has
been established. People like Al Capone did very well for
themselves during those 13 years.
Hmmm... 21. Interesting that an American can die for
their country (or corporation), but still be too young to decide for
themselves, even though they are considered as an adult for
EVERYTHING else by 18. But if they could/should/would like to

~ 454 ~
Chapitre 9
have beer with a friend... there might be a punishment if they
should be caught. Drinking too much at ANY age… the
consequence is the feeling of ill… but the one could also be
punished for crossing outside of the boundaries of their own
yard in many parts of the U.S… but this is just how ‘freedom
We could think of it like speeding... if THEY raised the
speed limit from 55 to 75 would you go 75... most of us would...
it would be the law. The fun part about this though, is that the
speed limit is lowered at some point afterwards... maybe for
environmental reasons ? Too dangerous ? Probably not... this is
more likely also about revenue... otherwise there would be an
announcement somewhere... but just like the costs of staple-
goods are raised without us realizing... via directly raising the
costs or reducing the quantity sold in the packages… laws are
amended without us knowing... because WE don't make the
laws... and these laws that I speak of do not apply to the
It is just like when we questioned a parent why they got to
do something that we were told we could not. It may have been
for a silly reason : 'because I said so', 'because I'm the adult', or
what have you. The law only makes sense to the lawmakers...
enforcing something that THEY prefer that others do not do. A
dog must use the toilet outside... this is the law... and laws have
punishments... NOT to be confused with consequences. A
punishment is of someone else's doing... a consequence is
brought on by ourselves; ‘punishments’ for doing or NOT doing

~ 455 ~
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something we were supposed to, or NOT supposed to do…
rules made by THAT someone else ; consequences for our not
complying with our OWN morals… even if they were also put on
us by someone else… which is usually due to making a
mistake. Authoritative language is often used to make them
seem as though they are one in the same.
‘Ignorance to the law is no excuse’ ? How about
negligence… because I refuse to spend MY end of days
reading and re-reading the laws put upon me that can change in
a 'blink of an eye', without warning or consideration. There are
bankers, financiers, insurance CEOs, et cetera, et cetera that
do it all… and STILL have no need to conform. As I have said,
the more clout one possesses, the less people see… THEY
created the rules… they are not required to follow them. BUT…
if EVERYONE were allowed to use their own critical minds…
there might not be so much competition at the top… maybe
even a certain morality that doesn’t usually exist... UP THERE.
Down HERE though... WE have Drug Screens !
I have often wondered why it is so important that
employers, at least in the U.S., test for drug use. Sure, we
could reason that it is for the safety of the rest of us… but the
employer doesn’t really care about such things, as it is WE
whom are the commodity.
The war on drugs was declared by Richard Nixon in
1971… blacks and hippies were the villains of the decade. The
Reagan administration furthered it by making it a criminal act
and NOT just a health issue as it had been categorized before.

~ 456 ~
Chapitre 9
The Clinton administration incarcerated more drug users
than had ever been… strange how it was mostly those of black
In the U.S., I am certain there are hidden profits in drug-
testing… the reason the testing was probably originally put into
play… and it is mostly the most demeaning of jobs that require
this prerequisite. The employer is expected to pay the fee… but
there is likely a tax exemption or some other kick-back for them
at the end of the fiscal year for their compliance. Perhaps this
is the only reason it is done. But based on these shit-jobs… the
target now seems to be made up of the poor... 3rd class
Now… don’t get me wrong… I am not saying that drugs
are ALL okay… everything in moderation and the use of some
common sense. Alcohol, for example, is actually something
that most can partake of every day, if they so desire… nothing
wrong with a nice Bordeaux to nurse at dinner time. However…
if you are waking up in the morning pouring whiskey over your
cornflakes, you just MIGHT have a problem. I don’t find there to
be any real issue with getting tanked from time to time… but it
should be kept social… it has never really been the best of
ideas to get obliviated all by oneself.
Nikola Tesla, the only REAL genius, of the last century...
drank whiskey every day... he claimed that one might live to be
150 years of age due to the benefits of it. HE only lived to be
86 years-old... but what fascinates me... are the people that live
and are living to be 110+, whom tend to drink the 'hard-stuff'

~ 457 ~
KINGS… and peasants
everyday... while they smoke their cigarettes or cigars ; the very
vices that we have all been told will kill us early.
Some would have us believe that marijuana is not
addictive… but I think everything has its addictive properties…
We are all addicted to SOMETHING ; we get addicted to the
way that something feels. Everyone needs a coping
mechanism of some sort... a means to relax. Marijuana seems
to be quite harmless… but if you are smoking it every day… to
put you in the mood to do something that you probably won’t
have the motivation to do afterwards anyway… again, you just
MIGHT have a problem. Oh yes… but this is illegal in most
states of the U.S. today… also the easiest to spot on drug tests
as it stays in the system for 30 days or more… longer than
anything else does... and the second-hand smoke from this can
cause the results of even the innocent bystanders to be shown
as guilty. It is somewhat amusing… and somewhat ridiculous...
that a plant should be made to be illegal… does this not seem a
little strange ? We can touch a tree... a flower... but THAT plant
over THERE... no No NO !!!
‘Spice’, a synthetic marijuana, is by far, more of a health-
hazard than ‘mary-jane’… but to get and keep the shit-jobs,
many have made a bad choice using this as a drug-screen-
passing alternative.
L’entracte 13 (drug testing)
Sometimes employers will enforce random drugs
screens. Years ago, I worked at a place where it 'was said' that
cocaine was found on the premises… the entire swing shift was

~ 458 ~
Chapitre 9
sent out for immediate drug testing. I assumed at the time that
the intent was to find the culprit… but… 1/3 of the swing-shifted
staff were dismissed that day… a nifty little trick to let people go
without any fault on the part of the company… no
unemployment, no severance, just released overhead during a
period of lull. Fin 13
There are of course many other drugs… now along side
of the ‘safer’ prescription drugs... creating the NEW drug war…
and the doctors have become the 'authorized dealers'.
‘Prescriptive’ drugs, as are illicit ones, are every bit as
dangerous, habit-forming, lethal, and detrimental to our health…
but it is all about the money that can be made for the dealers…
as well as for the distributors… the corporations… and/or the
kingpins. Besides this, they are much easier to hide or explain
on drug tests. It might surprise you, but incentives are given to
doctors for even the
free samples they give
One can lose
their job having
smoked some hashish
over the weekend... but hyrdromorphone IS excusable.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), prescription drugs kill more people, namely
teenagers, than do the illicit ! Perhaps it is because we can trust
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)… after all, they were
the ones that consecrated said drugs for our taking !

~ 459 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Teens today, learned from their parents and their parents’
parents… that all one has to do is to take a pill and everything
will be all right. Do we even know what is in the depths of our
medicine cabinets ? Teen-proofed caps, by the way, do not
I am really unsure if these ‘sanctified’ drugs serve much
of a purpose these days… aside of curing the mostly make-
believe ailments, and making money for the pharmaceutical
companies, what problems do they really solve ?
Isis Pharmaceuticals… fairly recently started calling
themselves Ionis, so the logo
changed accordingly to better
go with the NEW name ! I guess
they no longer wanted to be
confused with THE ‘Isis’… that ONE group... which logo did not
change so much. I think ISIS might be said like this in Arabic :
… but don’t quote me… blame google if I wrote it out
wrong. Oh… and read it right-to-left… otherwise it might come
out as Sisi !
I think the people that became doctors did so originally for
the sake of altruism… I COULD be wrong... of whom are only to
be found in the peasant realm… but doctors learned more in
school about drugs than they did about preventative solutions…
and there is not a lot of cash-flow when we are actually well.
Insurance companies and the paychecks from them that
the doctors have come to depend on have altered the general
attitude. For example, seeing 10 or so patients per hour was

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probably not originally the doctor’s idea… but if they do not,
they could lose the blessings of the insurance carriers’… which
seems to be more about giving the patients some drugs and
sending them on their way. We, the peasants are the petri-
dishes of our world as well !
One might find cellulose in the 'recipes' of corporations…
something that is used as an ingredient for its ‘anti-clumping’
properties… it is actually wood pulp… yup…
WE’ve been eating wood ! Maybe it is swept up
off of the same floor as the particle board
supposedly was ? Wait a minute ! Look at this !
What is the USDA telling us… was it not organic before ?! It is
actually FOOD now ? Probably not… even if it is 100%
certifiably organic, wood pulp could still be added to the
Parmesan cheese that you sprinkle your spaghetti and/or pizza
with. ‘Organic’ is just a term so that we will pay more at the
register for what should have been organic already. When the
word ‘organic’ is used, as long as the food is at least 95%
organic… it is labeled as so... but that other 5%... is an awfully
large margin... far too much leeway is given to the corporations.
WHAT IF that 5% is made up of hormones, antibiotics, or those
mystery 'artificial flavors'… residues from pesticides, herbicides,
preservatives, GMOs ? Wood pulp is organic though, right ?
Silicon-dioxide is sometimes substituted, which can also
often be used in place of wood pulp… which is another word for
sand… like what one might find on the beach. Not to worry, it is
usually in the part where it says : ‘contains less than 2% of the

~ 461 ~
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following ingredients’ section. So… it SHOULDn’t contain more
than 2% dirt.
If that is not a enough, let's just mix food and drugs
together and call it the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…
because THAT just makes sense. We will
assign it to the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services… which has also brought us
medi-CARE, medic-AID, and medi-CAL... and
as many of us have become aware, drugs and food are the
same in our today anyway !
Note the trade-marked 'great falcon' logo flying across the
sun... or the moon… the pyramid-shaped ‘Alpha’ with a triangle
in the center. As a general rule, if something is ‘FDA approved’,
I make it a point to steer clear of it… perhaps YOU should too.
9,3 The DRUGS of 'the food and drug administration'
Seniors on Medicare might attest to their lives not being
so viable after 65 years of age. I have met many that take
MANY drugs… it is what the doctor told them to do… the new
‘apple of the day keeping the doctor away’ comes in pill-form
now… only it does not REALLY keep the doctor away anymore.
People are insured… just like things... OUR appraised
value lessens at age 65... when MOST of us
will NOT be allowed to work. If you have ever
studied insurance via subscribing to it, you
might note how complicated the whole system
really is. Doctors prescribe things that they know nothing of…
they were simply told it was better than what used to be used…

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they have no time to really research it anymore… remember,
they are just ‘free’ peasants. Paragon Healthcare Inc here.
I mean no offense… I mean no disrespect to my elders…
they are those with all of life’s knowledge, but in which, THEIR
generations were built on trust. A doctor, at
some point, told them all, that they needed a
‘medication’, to ward off ailments of any sort. It
began with ‘take two of these and call me in the
morning’, referring to aspirin, which was Bayer’s original name
when medical manufacturing and marketing of it began in 1899.
It used to be simply an extract of the bark of a willow tree…
which can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt !
Aspirin has been synthesized for over 100 years now…
as patents cannot apply to something that naturally exists.
Still, it was also a time when a handshake was a
contract… but somewhere, the ‘personal’ handshake was lost to
a corporate one. Later an annual flu vaccine while aspirin was
still used to prevent a stroke or a heart-attack… somehow led to
a pill for anxiety, a pill for blood pressure, a pill for high-
cholesterol, and a pill for thyroid disease. Aspirin to Tylenol,
Tylenol to Ibuprofen, and ‘Coumadin’ (Warfarin generic)
replaced the ‘natural’ anti-coagulant properties of aspirin… with
a bit more expense… and ‘Eliquis’, complements of Bristol-
Myers Squibb… with significantly more cost… and as it is
trademarked, the company owns all of the rights in producing it,
so a generic will not be available for quite some time. Anti-
depressants, anti-inflammatories, pills for pain… the most

~ 463 ~
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addictive of them all… and our elders conditioned us in-turn, to
believe that it was all okay.
Finally, the ‘medicines’ to counter the side-effects caused
by the last addition to OUR regimen… ‘take this for that’… and
‘that for this’… one pill, due to its undesired effects becomes 10
pills… remedied only by off-setting each pill’s side-effects with
something else.
Most of what is 'preventative' IS covered... like cavities...
but the little pit the dentist might find that one did not notice any
pain for, will be drilled out to allow a mechanical fit of the
amalgam (a mix) filling made up of mercury, silver, tin, copper,
which recipe may also include zinc, indium, and/or palladium.
With this type of 'filling' as it IS mechanical, the seam around
the filling will be prone to more decay... a larger filling will
replace it. Later, a crown will replace THAT, possibly with a
root-canal. Implants are the REAL technological ingenuity...
but we will be lucky to have ANY insurance company
condone any of THAT.
Oh... but the fluoride will be completely covered... but IF it
really worked as the dentists were told that it did while in
school... then perhaps we would not be such repetitive
customers ! Aborigines have no tooth-decay, nor the many
remote tribes of Africa, nor do the Indians of Canada... seems
the industrial revolution may be the culprit. Still... from time to
time, we might bump into someone among our own cultures,
that have grown up without ever having a cavity to fill. We
should perhaps think twice before asking the dentist for the

~ 464 ~
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costly advice and free fluoride... then we could rule-out
insurance AND dental treatments altogether... if we only knew
the 'secrets' of the indigenous.
Phoenix Group Corp, a company in Dallas has owned
HomeCare dimensions since
2002... 13 rays of the sun, once
again... Phoenix Group Holdings is based out of London,
England... with revenues of 7.5 billion GBP... a corporation like
THIS will be taking care of US when we are dying... when the
last of our net-worth falls into the coffers of these more
'humanitarian' corporations.
Freemason president Lyndon Baines Johnson, you
know... the one that was so anxious to assume the seat of JFK
when he was shot dead... signed into law the Medicare act of
30 july 1965… and by 1966, Medicare had all been put into the
hands of PRIVATE insurance companies, today known as the
'Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS)... in other
words, government contractors have been administering the
medicare show ever since... Knights serving under the Barons.
Today, Medicare pays ONLY about 80% of 'approved'
medical related expenses… meaning one will most likely need a
supplemental plan to cover the other 20% of outstanding
balances. For most of us peasants, the 'premiums' or taxes to
off-set the deficits incurred, will be deducted from our social
security checks. It seems that we will all be FORCED to take
MEDICARE at some point or another.

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What I find interesting, is that WE have ALL paid into
Social Security AND Medicare since we received our very first
paychecks... there SHOULD be enough in the pot to sustain us
all... but with ANY and EVERY governmental mandate... the tills
will always be skimmed upon receipt.
OUR house SHOULD be paid for… the car SHOULD be
paid for… all that is left to pay for, are our groceries, leisure,
car insurance, home-owners insurance, property tax, utilities,
and our resting places. If a Social Security check is roughly 700
USD on average… what is left ? As serfs of the manor… we will
all pass on before our debts our paid… and any legacies
passed on to our children will be taxed as estate gains for them.
Other Property Taxes that could apply based on
circumstances : Capital Gains Tax, Estate Tax, Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense Tax (tax on the money), Luxury Taxes, ‘Other’
Property Taxes (tax we don’t even know what it was for), Real
Estate Tax, Septic Permit Tax, and Service Charge Tax, Utility
Taxes, County Taxes… how can we really keep track of all of
this ?!!
Medicare part A is all that we get free of charge... this is
what will cover hospital care, skilled nursing facilities, hospices,
and home health services.
Medicare part B covers medically necessary or
preventive services ; Medicare part D is the prescription drug
plan in which both of these ‘premiums’ can be deducted from
our social security checks.
Medicare part C is an ‘advantage’ plan which MAY or

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may NOT have drug coverage integrated… but if one is sickly,
having part C will not end so well for US.
Depending on our health when we reach the point at
which we finally get to live OUR lives… if we suspect our health
to be failing… it is best to have part A, B, D, and a Medicare
supplement… plan F being the most expensive but the most
comprehensive. We will just have to see how it all goes when
we get there !
And just one more thing… we must also consider all
those out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses and maximums... like co-
pays AND deductibles. Most of us will be completely wiped-out
before the end of our 'retirements'.
The tooth fairy was one of the first steps in our accepting
of capitalism for what it is... the granting of our consent in giving
a piece of ourselves for capital gain.
As for Dentistry, though it has advanced much over the
years... it is an 'option' that will likely have to be paid
individually... out-of-pocket... as medicare will cover VERY little
as far as dentistry is concerned... and even dentures will need
to last longer than what they needed to last BEFORE medicare.
'Capitalisme' does not work for peasants... just the VERY
rich... and medicare insurance, as ANY insurance company
does, picks and chooses what will be covered and what will not.
As human beings, WE are omnivores... we were never
meant to be exclusively vegetarian... otherwise, we would have
teeth that continually grow like rodent's teeth do. Our teeth
resemble a dog's teeth... a carnivore... sometimes eating grass

~ 467 ~
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to throw-up. We trick them to eat meat-flavored corn... this is
why our dogs are even fat !
9,5 Something else... what should we call IT ?
It was maybe 25 years ago… a new drug on the market
called Fen-Phen, that produced amazing weight-loss results...
which was likely gained due to the food we were eating. Seems
to me now, like a situation where a problem is created and then
the creators remedy it with a solution. In short, all of the FDA-
approved food was making people fat… but a new FDA-
approved drug could help people lose the weight. It didn’t last
long… a side-effect of Fen-Phen was that it caused heart-valve
damage and was pulled from the market, much like a recall for
the auto industry. You see… there would not have been a
recall had the percentage of those persons been lower… so this
shows it was likely an epidemic. We are the serfs… this makes
us the laboratory animals to perform tests on… and human
subjects are best for this… which makes for better control
groups and more accurate hypotheses.
I remember hearing on CNN, as stock market tickers
moved across the bottom of the screen... about a blood-
pressure medicine that had been on the market for maybe a
year. Suddenly 'doctors' were prescribing it for their
hypertension patients because the doctors were TOLD it
worked better than the one that had been used for the 50+
years prior. Coincidentally, it was twice the cost. That was
maybe 15 years ago… I am sure that something has replaced
it by now !

~ 468 ~
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I have come to the conclusion that IF it is not the food
that is making us fat... then it must be the television. I have
become much more aware of American culture as I have seen
other cultures... I have seen what some other cultures do and
do NOT do.
For the most part... Americans watch too much television.
Surround-sound systems and furniture arranged around the TV
as if to be the center of focus in the room. IF they should go
outside, they are usually going out for the purpose of eating...
and if they don't, they are having something delivered... and if it
is NOT this... they are microwaving something that came in a
box. It is sad to say, but most Americans have forgotten how to
cook. They may have the most state-of-the-art kitchens... but
there is no REAL cooking going on in there.
L'entracte 14 (food)
Comparing to France... most of the kitchens are
surprisingly small... but the food that comes out of those small
kitchens is absolutely amazing... and everyone knows how to
cook with more than just a microwave... which, incidentally, is
seldom ever used. I saw the same thing in Germany… but an
interesting dynamic of many European countries, is that the
dining room is a rather large room in comparison TO the
kitchen… this is where socializing takes place… and during the
summer months they are often found eating together outside…
TALKING… not huddled around the one holding the TV remote.
Oh... and just for the sake of trivia, a French dip sandwich does
not exist in France. The 'au jus', which simply means 'with

~ 469 ~
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juice'... just like 'au lait' would mean 'with milk'... is actually just
something the French do... dipping anything into everything. A
film of 2008 called Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, based on the
culture and dialect of northern France... shows Antoine, played
by Dany Boon, dipping a piece of maroille cheese in his coffee
at breakfast. Fin 14
While I am thinking about it, while we are eating out at a
restaurant... there is something else that Europe does
differently. 'Tipping' is not mandatory ! My views on this topic
have been altered... as this seems to ME to be all very twisted.
Personally... I don't think that ‘the people’ should be responsible
for directly paying a CORPORATION's employees. It has
somehow become an unspoken law in the U.S. to tip... which
allows the COMPANIES to skate by with paying virtually
nothing... which amount has evidently never increased in
relation to the minimum wage set in the states of the supposed
united. 20+ years ago... food servers made 2.13 USD per
hour… which was exactly half of the 4.26 USD minimum at the
time. 19 states in the U.S. of A. still allow this rate… in 26
states, companies pay under 3 USD. 20+ years ago… a 10%
tip was acceptable… then 15%… then 20%. I recently read an
article why one should pay 25% gratuity… the argument was
based on the wages just being too low. BUT… it is the
companies that have been enabled to pay next to nothing for
their inside-sales employees or staff… we should be blaming
the companies… and the states that allow this to continue.
When did it become OUR responsibility to pay these salaries ?

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These people are wearing uniforms advertising company
names and logos… perhaps it is the corporations’ OWN
marketing division that should pay them their FULL wages ! The
Apple of Applebees here.
If NO ONE tipped... then the EMPLOYER might be
required to pay THEIR OWN employees... as it SHOULD be...
because these companies would lose business without having
servers to service THEIR clients... NO ONE would work THIS
kind of job with THIS compensation alone… perhaps I should
NOT assume that ‘no one’ would. Peasants in the U.S. of the
past, used to be paid more than those of today… we take
anything that we can get nowadays.
George Dubya Bush, you know... the
stupid one of some years ago... said once, that
‘Amerka’ was a ‘service country’... something like
this anyway ; seems to be so. which prompts
me to ask : in service of whom ? What other jobs are available
now for the likes of us peasants ? Well… about the same as
they have always been. We serve other peasants… and the
companies that we work for take all of the money. Cons run the
world ! Look around... what kinds of businesses does one ever
really see ? Eating establishments, shopping malls, movie
theatres, amusement parks, and a bunch of other unnamed
companies that have out-sourced their entire
business operation to other businesses for profit.
Telemarketing centers take all of the companies' calls... or
make all of the calls on behalf of said businesses… whom are

~ 471 ~
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paid Walmart-wages with sometimes a possible commission...
commissions that, like gratuity, tax must be paid on.
Servers are a restaurant company's sales force... why is
it then, that ‘the people’ have become obligated to pay their
commissions ?
‘Gratuit’ in French means ‘free’, hence, ‘gratuity’ is a gift...
Ahhh... the ambiguity of these 'politically correct' terms. THEY
should think twice before using French as an equivalent to the
politically correct ! Servers shouldn't be paying tax at all... they
receive gifts, not wages. Maybe my knowledge of the tax code
is incorrect, but as I recall, a gift is not taxable up to a certain
amount… and if it is… and because WE have accepted that
corporations are allowed to do this as we blindly pay these gifts
guised as ‘wages’… we should probably do away with
Christmas, birthdays, and all of those other gift-giving
occasions… because if gifts can be taxed… in which they were
already taxed at the store… taxes will probably be coming for
the latter mentioned gift-giving opportunities as well.
9,6 Back to um... FOOD ?
So… what IS on the American table ? Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs), brought to us by Monsanto ! Rice,
soy, sugar beets, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, salmon, peas,
alfalfa, honey, and cotton are among the more common items
that have been tampered with.
On 15 May 1987, George HW Bush with his white coat
labeled with a Monsanto insignia and 'vice-president-bush'

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embroidered name-tag, toured Monsanto’s Headquarters.
Monsanto had been having
some difficulty with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
(USDA) in getting their
herbicide-resistant plants tested for the first time on a farm in
Illinois… against herbicides that the company itself had created.
Sympathizing with Monsanto’s frustrations, VICE president
Bush said :
“Call me, we’re in the ‘dereg’ business, maybe we
can help.” ~ George HW Bush, 15 may 1987.
He would be President of the United States the following
year… what OTHER hazardous corporations were deregulated
during his 4-year term ? No matter… Junior Bush would tie up
any loose ends when he would ALSO be president… the U.S.
presidency is a kind of family business anyway !
I know… they are only modifying a couple of things.
Right ? Monsanto though, was founded in 1901… and whatever
they have been doing, they have been at for a very long time.
Since 1999, pigs have been ‘modified’, splicing genes
from mice and E-coli bacteria… not sure what
the point would be on THAT ! Of course… we
will not read anything about this on the labels…
which SHOULD make us wonder what it is that
the department of agriculture is really inspecting ; where to put
the THEIR stamp ? What the hell have we been eating ?!!
Roundup is another product in the Monsanto portfolio. I

~ 473 ~
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know you probably don’t eat alfalfa much… but all kinds of
livestock do. Not so unrecently,
alfalfa was genetically modified
to be Roundup proofed… it is
now immune to the chemical that
Monsanto created ! What this means, is that now… THEY can
just spray roundup from planes over the alfalfa fields to kill
everything BUT the Alfalfa. Of course… this is fed to
livestock… and I suppose since it is treated with chemicals that
likely permeate the ‘vegetation’… washing it is probably
optional. I don’t know… would you suppose it is all washed
before feeding it to cattle ? Yeah… that was MY guess too.
So… let’s follow the Roundup : It is produced in a
chemical plant of some sort… it is sprayed into the air by
plane… it contaminates the soil preventing anything else from
growing there… the Roundup-frosted alfalfa is eaten by the
cows… the cattle go to the slaughter house… end up where
ever Walmart, or the like, buys its butchered meat… packaged
in plastic… and cooked on the barbeque grill. So... Did those
chemicals get LOST in the process ? Did they get cooked out ?
Maybe it adds to the flavor ? I am not a scientist or anything…
but I would speculate NOT. That ONE alfalfa meal was not the
ONLY food that all of the livestock ever partook of… they ate
alfalfa for the whole of their lives.
It is really impossible to know where Monsanto’s dirty
hands have been. We could probably say ALL processed foods
in one form or another, but that probably isn’t even the half of it ;

~ 474 ~
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This is rapidly becoming a pandemic.
Though France does not import American beef, OTHER
countries considered as Anglo-Saxon do, such as Germany and
Belgium. It is finding its way little by little to the tables abroad…
and I am finding Europeans… even the French, dressed up in
what Americans refer to as the ‘French paradox’… are now
taking weight that they never used to before.
Americans are the biggest I have ever seen them. The
U.S. would argue that 40% of Americans are considered to be
obese. On the French scale of what defines obesity, Americans
are 60% obese. I wear a large shirt in France… if I want to buy
a shirt in the U.S, I have to buy a medium. Even sizes have
been altered in the U.S… deluding 'the people' in believing that
they are not as fat as they look. “Do I look fat in this dress,
honey ?” Best NOT to tell her the truth gentlemen !
Perhaps if we did not buy from places like Walmart, we
would not be fat enough to need those self-propelled handi-
capped carts anymore ? All of those carts are out on the floor
somewhere… I never see a REAL handi-capped person riding
on one… and seldom do I ever see the elderly taking one for a
spin... just fat people… with a basket full of chips and cake !
Don’t worry… Monsanto wasn’t stupid… there are
reserves of unpatented and untainted seeds at the Svalbard
Global Seed Vault that ‘officially’ opened on 26 February 2008,
on a frozen island between Norway and the North Pole… just in
case something irreversible should ever happen… you know…
because GMOs tend to take over the natural and such… maybe

~ 475 ~
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it is for THIS reason that genetically modified seeds are NOT
ALLOWED to be stored in said vault ? A few of the usual

‘foundations’ have stepped up to invest in the project, such as

the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller
Foundation, Syngenta, AND Monsanto !
Monsanto also has a genetically engineered a hormone
called ‘recombinant bovine somatotropin’ (rBST). One can find
labels on milk, among other dairy products, that have NOT been
treated with rBST… accompanied by another label that reads
something like this :
“The FDA has determined there is no significant
difference between milk from rBST-treated cows
and non-rBST-treated cows.” Case in point… WHY
would THEY use it at all ?
Another lovely Monsanto creation was Agent Orange.
What do you suppose happened to all of the reserves of that
stuff… did it just get bought back from the government, diluted,

~ 476 ~
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and then just renamed as ‘Roundup’ ? Did it all get used up on
the poorer of countries we declared war on ? It is really
disgusting… gassing the ‘enemy’ to promote a slow and painful
death… knowing full well that our own will also be.
I had the opportunity once to speak to a veteran of
Vietnam... one of US. Agent Orange had
disabled him after only having been on
Temporary Duty (TDY) for 6 weeks in about
September of 1976. He told me that his eyes
swelled up and that he was unable to walk.
I know that you are probably not asking me… but I will tell
you my thoughts on this anyway. What is a company that can
sterilize and ‘defol’ foliage doing engineering OUR food ! Not
exactly the best of farmers working over there… not farmers at
all… and I would bet that the CEOs of these companies have
made all of the money necessary from US… as to allow THEM
to avoid the bogs that THEY created.
In 2015, military retirement was changed… military
retirees are now losing 20% of their promised retirement…
ahhh… America’s prided soldiers. Obama, the then 'acting'
president... 'supported' it. I suppose if the military actually
served a country, their retirement may have been spared… or
even raised… but OUR military has been serving the interests
of private corporations for a very long time… and sharing the
wealth has never been a corporation’s strongest of suits. I am
sorry for this… for the most part, the military is made up of good
people… those that are just 'doing their job'… but soldiers have

~ 477 ~
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always been made up of peasants… ‘pions’ like the rest of us.
The logo of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
(PBGC) here. Why do we do all of this ? Should
we REALLY trust in THIS Corporation founded
in 1974 ? It is a U.S. Government Agency... one should
probably find another solution... government entities seem to be
changing their minds annually ! As of the end of 2016, this
'insurance' program had a deficit of 58,8 billion USD... so there
is no money in THIS account either !
So… will it really be old age that we become ill by… or
will it be by the poverty due to all of the drugs we bought… as
we try to buy more time, while at the same time, being forced
into medicare ?!!
The ‘Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization’ Act (MMA) was signed into law in 2003 under
Dubya Bush... THANKS DUMBya !!! This paved the way for
prescription drug plans to be added as a Medicare ‘option’ on 1
january 2006… with a late enrollment penalty fee permanently
attached, should we not have opted-in at the start.
There will be ‘preventative’ services… just like we may
have now... but WHAT can really be prevented… unless it is
prevented via 'medication' ?
Preventative healthcare provided by Medicare are things
like cancer screens… just so that we know that we MIGHT have
it. Mammograms, for example are used to detect breast cancer
early… but ponder THIS for a moment... WHAT IF these
mammograms using x-rays (radiation) are actually contributing

~ 478 ~
Chapitre 9
to the cancer.
To THIS day, 'Did he or she smoke ?' is the first question
anyone will ask when someone died, is dying, or diagnosed with
having cancer.
When someone is in an auto-accident, someone ELSE
will ask if he or she was wearing a seatbelt... followed by... 'he
or she was lucky that they were wearing it... it could have been
a lot worse !'... another saved by insurance lobbying !
I met an older woman whom had HAD open-heart
surgery, maybe 8 years prior to our speaking. The doctor
wanted to do a cardiogram, as he did every year… she had just
switched her Medicare plan, which NEW plan, did NOT cover
THIS procedure. What WAS covered, was the doctor’s
stethoscope… probably not the best way of following up after a
bout of major surgery, even if it HAD been awhile since it was
originally performed. A cardiogram is probably a loss to the
insurance carrier… THEY probably didn’t want to waste it on
someone fast approaching 80. Again… insurance companies
are only in it for the money… the older we get. There is more
money to be made in the prescribing of drugs, chemotherapy,
and radiation… then there is in a cardiogram that only gives one
some peace of mind.
A 'medicare advantage' plan may offer
'free' membership in a 'Silver Sneakers'
program, where one might go hang out at
Gold’s Gym... which logo looks like a 'golden'
chip from a casino... but it will not really be free... the HMO or

~ 479 ~
KINGS… and peasants
PPO may have a 1000-dollar deductible and a 4000-dollar 'out-
of-pocket' (OOP) maximum per year... and always increasing.
This is the logo of University of Utah Health Plans
‘healthy advantage’... just more of the same
stuff... snakes and wings as usual. Medicare is
just another insurance company... operating more
like a bank does, than having any altruistic
motive, and in all of these industries... it is only SALES that are
rewarded… NOT compassion.
Insurance jurisdictions are often by county, not
necessarily by state... so it is simply where one resides that
dictates the 'equal opportunity', of the insurance company...
copays will be present in ONE county but not necessarily in
another, which county-line may just be around the block... and if
one should REALLY want to change 'the plan'... it may be
necessary to find a 'legitimate' reason to relocate.
One is charged separately for Emergency Room (ER)
visits, separately for the Ambulance, and if hospitalized, the
days in which one can stay are limited by rules that were all
made up by the Barons of the insurance plan.
Insurance… for the peasants… consist of complicated
procedures… copays, deductibles, premiums, 80/20 rule… and
on and on… too many details to mention or understand... but
the REAL question is how it is, that medical insurance became
attached to our work places ? Many employers do not even
offer a 'benefits' plan... no matter... the 'affordable health care
act' is now policed by the IRS ! WE can pay with the money that

~ 480 ~
Chapitre 9
WE do NOT really have !
Pharmacies have a 'preferred' status with
the insurance giants... supposedly they save the
'patients' some of the costs in pharmaceutical
expenses... but THEIR 'preferred' accomplices
can be changed almost at will... or year to year ; however it
suits THEM. The 'preferred' pharmacy that was just 2 miles
away, may become 20... to realize the 'savings' granted by the
particular insurance 'bank'... so the savings is not usually
realized without taking OUR time, distance, and convenience
into account... the 'preferred' are often more expensive than
OUR preferred places... but at the neighborhood non-preferred
just down the road… the people there may actually know us by
name. Still... we should consider NOT taking what we were told
we NEEDED... the human body can surprise us by finding a
way to repair itself.
9,7 So... Where to Buy ?!!
One morning, quite by happenstance… I heard on a radio
show that Walmart, Target, Kmart, and Khol’s were all founded
in 1962. Finding this a bit interesting, I looked them all up.
THESE companies all began ruling the retail sector over 50
years ago now… 50 years of enslaving abroad… closing and
nixing domestic family businesses… buying up all the good
land… and cashing in on the value of OUR buying something
for virtually nothing… oh… AND becoming politicians !
Walmart was founded by Sam Walton, whom I thought to
be a freemason, though I have never found any real proof. He

~ 481 ~
KINGS… and peasants
died in 1992 at the age of 74. He was awarded
the Presidential Medal of Freedom, originally
a Harry S Truman 'advent', by George HW Bush
the month before. This award represents :
"an especially meritorious contribution to the
security or national interests of the United States,
world peace, cultural or other significant public or
private endeavors." ~ Executive Order 11085, signed
February 22, 1960 ; Federal Register 28 FR 1759,
February 26, 1963.
Hmmm… security or national interests ? World peace ?
How so ? Public or private... remember what I said about the
word ‘public’. YOU and I have no idea ! For the moment, Carl
Douglas McMillon is President and CEO of Walmart, sometimes
also a 'preferred' pharmacy, with a total compensation of 22.4
million USD in 2017. CEOs of corporate giants are Barons...
and I would bet THIS one is playing golf with the rest of his
criminal friends after signing a few directives before breakfast...
just in time for tee-off !
In 1962 Target, now known as Target Corporation,
founded by a freemason known as George Draper Dayton.
Mark Dayton, George’s great-grandson, is
presently the 40th governor of Minnesota and
was a senator from 2001 to 2007… which
campaign he funded himself with 12 million
USD, that he just happened to have had laying around. He
knew George W Bush while at Yale, and was even married to a

~ 482 ~
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Brian C Cornell is the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer with a total compensation of 28 million USD in 2014.
In November of 2013… months before the ‘cyber’ attack
that compromised the 'security' of personal information of about
40 million credit cards… 'supposedly' by a 'Russian' hacker.
Target Corporation had HAD a system installed for just such an
attack… by a company called FireEYE. Funny how Target did
not seem to have any issues until the system was ‘upgraded’,
don’t you think ?
On 10 january 2014 Target announced that it had been
breached... waiting to make us aware of it until AFTER the 2013
holiday season was over ; affecting 41 million
17 april 2014, Michaels fessed up, having
had 2 breaches adding up to 3 million credit
On 20 august 2014 UPS was compromised... offering
'identity protection' to the affected.
On 8 september, Home Depot would announce that 56
million credit cards were breached with the same 'malware' that
had caused the breach at Target ! Perhaps FireEYE WAS the
malware !
By 6 november 2014... Target stated that the breach
may have affected as many as 110,000,000... or about 1/3 of
the U.S. population.
ANTHEM had a data breach 4 february 2015, affecting 80

~ 483 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Million people supposedly also including CEO Joseph R
Swedish. His is OWN total compensation in 2016 would be 16.5
One must wonder the reason behind the creating of
PANIC as far as the protection of our 'identity' is concerned.
Perhaps these breaches are about crashing
stock... another way to cheapen the buy-up for
the super-rich ?
Target actually USED to use a more
target-looking logo… but now it has been reduced to the
astrological or alchemist symbol that is used to represent the
sun. The Target dog wears this symbol on its eye… ALWAYS
on the LEFT eye. I propose that a dog is used for the purpose
of incorporating Sirius, the Dog-Star as we already saw… as
being a symbol of Isis. Oh… you have heard about the
goddess called Isis ? As of late… ISIS has also become the
abbreviation of the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham. I am
thinking that this was just a name given to the affiliation by
English-speaking natives… as it may NOT be said or spelled in
Arabic quite the same way. Perhaps Obama would have known
this... as it was on HIS watch, that the acronym began.
Target is ALSO a 'preferred' pharmacy for
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, sometimes
; meaning Anthem Blue Cross would ‘prefer’
that one goes to Target for prescriptions…
which may or may not be less expensive than another…
corporations just like to help each other out like that.

~ 484 ~
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Kmart was founded by Sebastian Spering Kresge…
another freemason ; he also created The
Kresge Foundation. The SS Kresge (SSK)
Corporation became Kmart Corporation, which
bought Sears Holdings Corporation, in which
Kmart and Sears are now operated under. Essentially… it is
ALL Kmart now... oh... and sometimes a 'preferred' pharmacy.
Edward S Lampert is the CEO with a total compensation of 3,5
million in 2016. Sears and Kmart will be closing about 100
stores very soon... and just so one knows... Allstate is ALSO
owned by Sears.
Maxwell Kohl founded Kohl’s Corporation in 1962…
which he sold in 1972 to Brown & Williamson…
an American tobacco company which merged
with RJ Reynolds in 2004, now better known as
Reynolds American Inc. Herbert H Kohl,
Maxwell’s son, received his MBA in 1958... from the Harvard
Club... and was a senator from 2007 to 2013. Today HE has a
net-worth of 630 million.
The chairman, president, and CEO is now Kevin Mansell,
whose total compensation for 2016 was 8.4 million USD and
some change... he is to retire in may of 2018.
ALL of these are 'publicly traded'
companies now... and these few from 1962, that
I have listed here, use minimal imagery… logos
today seem to be much more clear. Walmart
uses an abstract 'whatever' in its design… it used to just be a 5-

~ 485 ~
KINGS… and peasants
pointed star between 'wal' and 'mart' until 2008, which is still just
another symbol that is widely used today.
The letter ‘K’ is the 11th letter of the alphabet… but these
2 'K' words were simply representative of surnames… and only
COULD have later been adapted to fit into today’s schemes.
There are many other countries that have become the
slaves of the west… most of them can be discovered at any of
the retail outlets I just mentioned… all one has to do is read the
made-in-dot-dot-dot label… and most Americans buying these
goods do not even know where these countries are !
Believe it or not… the finest of cotton still mostly comes
from Africa… picked by the hands… NOT machines… but the
HANDS of African natives whom are paid almost nothing. Does
this not seem like it has always been ?
I spoke to an older gent a couple of years ago… there is
a lot of wisdom to be found among the aged. He said that
pharmaceutical corporations, as with other corporations have
an unspoken ‘greed clause’… the deal will always be altered in
favor of the corporation after the contract has been signed.
The polio vaccine seemed to be a godsend… it happened
in their generation… antibiotics were the same. The doctors of
then, were the heroes… and shaking hands was of gracious
thanks… they trusted their doctor… they trusted medicine… but
those decades are long gone.
I am just guessing, but I think that it is between the ages
of 45 and up that is prime for prescribing drugs… money,

~ 486 ~
Chapitre 9
money, money… in which most will be on said drugs for the rest
of their lives… as there is really no money to 'invest' in US when
WE are actually well.
Apixaban tablets, or Eliquis, came out in Europe in 2012
which turns out to be a better alternative for
blood anticoagulation than Coumadin (warfarin
sodium). It is used to ward off heart attacks and
strokes, due to blood clots that tend to form in
veins and arteries of mostly the aged. Both are made by
Bristol-Myers Squibb with its 6-pionted star. Something that
doctors fail to mention, is that Coumadin can make one feel
The company also produces Glucophage (metformin
hydrochloride) which is used to control blood-sugar levels in
Type-2 diabetics.
Lovenox, produced in 2003 by Sanofi
Aventis, is another blood-thinner, that instead of
swallowing it, is injected into the abdomen.
Medicare will cover most of the costs associated
with Coumadin… maybe half of the costs of Eliquis… but
whatever, if any, is covered by Medicare for Lovenox, still
leaves most patients with having to pay over 100 USD… per
shot ! The 'sign of the dove' here, once again.
Pfizer, most notably makes Viagra
(sildenafil) and Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA).
Pfizer almost merged with Allergan's 'eye' in
2016. Perhaps it was all just a temporary setback… maybe it

~ 487 ~
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was just a stock market game in order to be able to play with all
of the numbers. Pfizer stock went up… Allergan stock went
down… ‘business as usual'... but pharmaceutical companies
are all about the same anyway... the kingpins of our drugs !
Actavis had already bought Allergan in 2013… so Pfizer
would have essentially acquired it all… including
a new 12.5% tax rate in Ireland versus the 35%
rate in the U.S. which purchase would have made it the biggest
pharmaceutical company in the world… which is JUST what
It is interesting that Pharma CEOs tend to become the
directors for the FDA... it is faster and more convenient to get
drugs passed if one already has a connection on the
inside !
These corporations all work together. Anthem
Inc… despite the confusion that it operates among, is
one of the largest of medical insurance corporations in the
U.S… second only to United Healthcare (UHC), which logo is
also coincidentally a shield... a BLUE shield.
The concept of the three OR Tricare... insurance offered
to the military... is administered BY UHC... you see... the
government REALLY doesn't do much for
veterans of the armed forces... a private
company was appointed even in THIS ! Oh... but UHC... gives
gift cards for the retail stores that THEY sponsor ! Nice !
Shopping must be good for OUR health ! But.. once our
veterans reach 65... those on Tricare will be moved to

~ 488 ~
Chapitre 9
Affiliated WITH Anthem are : EMPIRE blue cross and
blue shield… HORIZON blue
cross and blue shield, and
ANTHEM blue cross and blue
shield… those of which may only
be accompanied by JUST a blue cross or JUST a blue shield,
which may affect the health benefits offered in the areas
dominated. There are other divisions, but these are the ones
that I found to be the most interesting… benefits are not only
based on these divisions… but segregated into the zip-codes
we reside in as well.
‘Empire’ is once again associated with the ‘Empire’ state
known as New York : ‘Horizon‘ is a word that comes from the
Egyptian sun-god, Horus.; and an ‘Anthem’ is simply a song of
war... a war-cry, in a sense. We will find that anthems are
about the acts of picking up arms, a military conquest, or some
glory of the past.
'Dies iræ' is a Latin hymn or ‘anthem’ that came about in
the 13th century AD. In French it is ‘jour de colère’, which in
English translates literally as… 'the day of anger... or the day of
9,9 OUR health
Perhaps you might remember the early 90s in the U.S.
when smoking became, for the most part, outlawed. Similarly,
France also had bans on smoking put into place in 2008... but
of which was handled quite differently.

~ 489 ~
KINGS… and peasants
15 (health)
Awnings were added to the fronts of many restaurants... heat-
lamps placed within, during the colder months... so technically,
the smoking section IS outside. Les toilettes are, of course, to
be inside the building which may be on the 2nd or 3rd floor...
but what is strange, is that the inside of the 'resto' will be
virtually empty.
There will not be anyone to be surprised if one should
have this vice... and instead of the French asking someone if
they ever plan to quit, they might rather just say that the
someone smokes TOO much'. Fin
In the U.S., at least, insurance rates are ‘slightly’ higher
for smokers versus non… actually this number
is that smokers will pay 100% and nons will pay
70%... and we were all told that it is because of
THEM that our premiums for our medical
insurances were rising… so… it was a favor to US, right ?
Considering our health and well-being ? YES… insurance
companies CARE about US... as they bet on OUR lives.... but
even in THIS, the reasons and excuses given us are rather
"Tobacco kills more people than aids, crack,
heroine, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire,
suicide, murder... combined." ~ a radio ad
broadcasted out of Austin... courtesy of the Health and Human
Services Department... AGAIN.

~ 490 ~
Chapitre 9
There is actually a small paradox with the smoking of
cigarettes… and though it MAY be a
health risk… which EVERYthing
seems to be these days… there very
well may be points added to the IQ of
someone who DOES smoke. Here is the pyramid of Marlboro...
and one may notice that the 'L' and the 'B' both reach higher
than the rest of the letters do... these are the twin pillars of
freemasonry once again.
All of this was just another something to be prejudice of.
Yes… it can be annoying if the smell bothers another… and
cigarette butts on the ground are indeed unattractive… but
some take everything to the extreme, when told by 'the experts'
whom have no name, that second-hand smoke inhaled even
just ONE time WILL cause the other harm. It is said that in Los
Angeles, that everyone smokes a pack per day whether they
smoke or not… but this is due to pollution… the smog caused
by inversions… the millions of cars on the roads… the
refineries… all of those things that no one seems to think about
while breathing in the fumes that we are nose-blinded to.
BUT... when the 80-year old lady, whom has smoked since she
was 9 years of age, lights-up next to us… we are offended that
she would even dare to endanger our lives in this way.
Jeanne Calment... was French... a woman that died when
she was ALMOST 122-1/2 years of age.... she drank Port wine
every day, started smoking when she was 21... and quit
smoking when she was 117... saying something to the effect

~ 491 ~
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'that it just wasn't very good for anyone.' She could tell a story
that was 100 years old in vivid detail... seeing the tour Eiffel
being built and even meeting Van Gogh. WHO quits smoking at
117 ?!! SHE still holds the 'official' record of longevity. Luck ?
Genetics ? Lifestyle ? Chocolate ? She never took medicine,
accept the occasional aspirin.
So... when applying for medical and life insurances… the
question may be asked : ‘have you EVER smoked ?’ It is best to
lie to the corporations about THIS… as they are ‘fishing’ for the
means to be able to charge US more for their ‘services’…
labeling as 'a smoker' for the rest of our lives, due to those 3
puffs we tried when we were 17 ! These companies share all
this information about us. WE may think it unethical to lie… but
corporations have no qualms about it when it comes to making
a profit. Besides, there are SOME benefits, such as warding off
osteoporosis, lowered risk of Parkinson's disease, lower
obesity, lowered mortality rate after having had a heart-attack,
quicker reflexes, and faster cognition and function. So... we can
do what WE want to do... or we can do what THEY prefer that
we NOT do. It is interesting how many artists, actors, and
writers whom smoke... even ex-president Obama has not
wanted to quit... which may explain why he was so much more
intelligible than that little Bush guy !
Electronic cigarettes that smell a bit more pleasant… but
of which can still NOT be used on an airplane, for whatever
reason, have become the 'safer' alternative. The ‘juice’ that E-
cigs, if one should read the label, contains vegetable glycerin,

~ 492 ~
Chapitre 9
propylene glycol, that can be made with glycerin OR
petroleum… oh… and it’ MAY contain Nicotine.
But... The vegetable glycerin typically comes
from palm, soy, or coconut oil… all of which, are
likely to be GMO versions. Propylene glycol is
an ingredient that can be found in anti-freeze… and there MAY
be nicotine extract… which seems to me, to be the least
harmful of the mix. BUT... the nicotine for this smoking
alternative is being supplied less and less from tobacco… and
more and more by the synthetic... or Tobacco Free Nicotine
(TFN)... and as anyone can see... the 'G' of freemasonry is the
symbol for the 'New Generation' of labs.
If one should submit a change of address to the United
States Postal Service (USPS),
one will easily realize an almost
instant slew of random
advertisements that did NOT fill
the mailbox before. The USPS sells addresses TO insurance
companies and else... in which we might discover that Bill
Leavell is the president of Globe Life and Accident Insurance
Company... and NOT to 'leave your family buried in debt'.
For contrast... 'la poste' in France uses something
similar... mail is delivered under the 'great falcon'
logo... in which I should mention as having FAR
less inclination to send junk mail than in the U.S.
Some years from now, when these companies have all
made enough money… we will at some point be told, perhaps

~ 493 ~
KINGS… and peasants
via a 'recall', that there are dangers associated with the smoking
alternative of vaping... engineered in a lab.
Acadia Insurance... just ONE of the WR Berkley
Companies, with the corporation
called by the same name, is also
the holding company, which is into
commercial insurance business in
the U.S. and abroad... with revenues of 7.65 billion as of
2016.... a 'pyramid' company under an 'owl' company.
9,10 Pharmaceutical RECALLS
The interesting thing about drugs, is that they are only
legal if the dealers have been licensed to sell them. These
drugs are CONTROLLED substances… but not illegal. Having
a license for ANYTHING is about having been granted the
permission in advance… or otherwise having 'paid the fee'.
Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies make the
rules in this arena… and in the U.S., the FDA always approves
everything that these companies want to pass… at least until
the number of deaths caused by their potions and chemical
remedies have caused enough alarm… this, of course, is only
AFTER their monetary goals have been attained.
Oh yeah… pharmaceutical companies have recalls too…
Redux (Dexfenfluramine) was better known as
"Fen-Phen " when it was prescribed with
Phentermine, produced by Wyeth-Ayerst, an
‘appetite suppressant’ on the market for about a
year (from 1996 to 15 September 1997). I knew a couple of

~ 494 ~
Chapitre 9
people taking it… quite content with their results. But… “30% of
patients that were prescribed the drug had abnormal
echocardiograms ; 33 cases of rare valvular disease in women;
66 additional reports of heart-valve disease”.
‘Vioxx’ (rofecoxib) an NSAID, was made
by Merck, a ‘pain reliever’ on the market for 5
years and 4 months (may 20, 1999 to
september. 30, 2004), which “increased the risk
of heart attack and stroke ; linked to about 27,785 heart attacks
or sudden cardiac deaths between may 20, 1999 and 2003”…
funny they waited until 2004 to recall it. Vioxx was prescribed to
more than 20 million people. and medication that killed 57,000
before it was recalled… that might give you an idea about how
much they could have lost had they not… but a billion USD, is
not so bad when the profit was 3-4 times the loss. Both of
these drugs were FDA approved of course !
How many die per year taking illegal drugs versus
pharma drugs ?
In an interview with 'Doctor' Edward Shorter, circa 2005,
a medical historian, interviewing 'Doctor' Maurice Hilleman,
whom was the vice president of Merck from 1957 to 1984 said :
"I brought African greens [monkeys] in ; I didn't
know we were importing AIDS virus at the time."
He also said that :
"there were 40 different viruses in these vaccines
anyway that we were inactivating."
Doc Hillemen worked for Bristol-Myers Squibb before

~ 495 ~
KINGS… and peasants
working for Merck, in which he would retire from... and head the
Merck Institute for Vaccinology for 20 more years.
He also admitted that :
"yellow fever vaccine had leukemia virus in it... you
know, this was in the days of very crude science."
"But, anyway, we knew it [SV40] was in our seed-
stock for making a vaccine... that virus, you see, is
[that] 1 in 10,000 particles, is not inactivated by
The competition with other pharmaceutical companies
dictated more risks to be taken. Many vaccines were live
experiments of their own… and among many other 'impurities',
were also contaminated with what Hilleman referred to as
SV40… which is the cancer virus… hard to put a recall on
In speaking of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS) 'Doctor' Robert Gallo was the one that supposedly made
the link between Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) being
the cause of AIDS... whom tended to come across as being
rather arrogant and smug. When AIDS reached San Francisco,
California, there were TWO 'types' of men that were vulnerable
to the disease... black men... whom were receiving shots for
sickle-cell anemia... and gay men... whom were receiving trial
Hepatitis B vaccinations... somewhere around the 70s and 80s.
Now... I mean know offense here... none whatsoever... but if
someone were to be a white-supremacist male... WHOM would

~ 496 ~
Chapitre 9
be targeted as the undesirables of the day ? Blacks and gays.
AIDS would show up in New York first... then in
California... and then Africa some years later at just about the
same time.
AIDS in California and New York would eventually fall out
of the headlines in the 'United' States... but in Africa, it was
allowed to spread... which as most everyone knows, is mostly
populated by blacks... and there is no link between HIV and
AIDS. AIDS was to be a bio-weapon, nothing less. about 15%
of South Africa has AIDS.
Corporations’ sole purpose is to be profitable… for the
shareholders, which are not usually investments made by
peasants as the gambles are so risky in the Vegas known as
Wallstreet. Profitability is for the shareholders, for the CEOs…
and anyone else that gets a piece of the pie… but WE, the
commoners… just supply the revenue via our labors… the
401K plan to hope to retire on... and the veins in our arms for
OUR inoculations.
Lung cancer is generally detected with the aid of
Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan… in which a single
scan is 150 to 1100 times the radiation of an
x-ray… meeting the annual limit for both
natural and artificial radiation sources. So
was the cancer due to our routine smoking
or routine CAT scans ? The American lung association is
represented by the ‘croix de lorraine’… or double-cross, the
American Cancer Society is represented by two snakes… which

~ 497 ~
KINGS… and peasants
is just the usual pagan medical symbolism… and the American
heart association makes use of the torch of enlightenment, and
yet somehow... THESE are the symbols of
which WE trust with OUR lives.
Everyone is always so concerned about
the CURE for cancer… that they forget to
discover the cause. The ‘cures’ are brutal…
chemo and radiation 'therapies'… in which the afflicted will feel
worse than they ever have, for the year of ‘treatments’ that will
follow. It is funny really… I have always heard that chemicals
and radiation WERE the cause of cancer… oh… and smoking,
to include second-hand smoke as being the number 1 cause of
all of it !
Call these ‘cures’ what you will… but these more
expensive ‘prescriptions’ that are performed in hospital
settings… in which no one seems to really know
the outcome… all of the tests, the screenings,
and the drugs… with nothing ever addressed
about our obesity… which really just
complicates everything as we were just not designed to carry so
much weight… and doctors prescribe virtually nothing for this...
nothing 'preventative'. The heart must work harder, joints are
stressed, and the onset of type 2 diabetes has mostly to do with
our weight. The American Diabetes Association uses a
pyramid/delta for ITS logo… which must somehow all be related
to the rest !
Oh… and the World Health Organization (WHO)… which

~ 498 ~
Chapitre 9
uses the same map as the UN, with its single
serpent this time... but neither of them really
care about any of US anyway... only in
In speaking of health and our cures supplied by our witch-
doctors... an acquaintance of mine... in his 70's whom loves his
golf game... told me about an acquaintance of HIS, a fellow
golfer, whom had HAD a routine physical not so long ago...
ALSO in his 70's. The doctor was rather amazed at what he
found... as this particular gentleman had a heart by-pass. Not
in the 'customary surgical' sense... but rather by the necessity of
his own body. The obstruction was by-passed on its own...
creating a network of other arteries and veins to feed his heart.
We should not underestimate our own body's abilities to
heal itself... if it is NOT our time to go... it is just NOT OUR
Perhaps it is that doctors perform their procedures a bit
too early... maybe we should accept the 'natural' healing before
we interrupt the body's plan in 'fixing' the problem... before we
submit to being double-crossed by the banks of insurance.
The doubled-cross symbols, as already seen on pages
55-56 of the Knights Templar, originally called the Poor Knights
of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, was a military order that
was organized in 1118, and they guarded the holiest of all relics
held by the Church. The Knights Templar flew the double-cross
on their flags and wore it on their uniforms. According to Jordan
Maxwell, these crosses represented that of EASTERN

~ 499 ~
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The Knights Templar flew the double-cross on their flags
and wore it on their uniforms. According to Jordan Maxwell,
these crosses represented that of EASTERN freemasonry.
The knights templar were granted the use of this symbol
by the Patriarch of Jerusalem some centuries ago... which, by
the way, is also found in the York and Scottish rites of
The banks of today were, for the most part, influenced by,
shall we say, the 'Bank of the Knights Templar... when gold
WAS used as a currency. Gold was heavy though... so it was
stowed with a 'gold-handler' for safe-keeping... especially when
making trips to the 'promised' land.
Some kind of token was given to show how much gold
one had in deposits... redeemable for all the gold that had been
stored with the handler. At first, the 'bankers' minded the gold
for a fee... what was noticed though, was that it was very
seldom that anyone ever came to retrieve their entire deposit...
1 in a 100 maybe ? The swindlers thought up a scheme. What
if they loaned out 10% of the gold at interest... not only would
they be collecting fees, but would also be collecting interest to
invest in buying up land. THEY became very rich men… THIS
was the most honest of banking systems that there has ever
been ! When nuisance fees came to be. THIS is what GOOD
business is.
On 4 july 1197, came the battle of Hattin... when MOST
of the Knight's templar would be wiped out. Freemasons, of

~ 500 ~
Chapitre 9
course, like to trace their lineage to them... as
THEY were the force to be reckoned with of the
day. The last of them would be executed in
France on friday, 13 october 1307... under King
Philippe IV... but many would escape... to Switzerland... and
most everyone knows something of what a Swiss bank account
is ! The stealing of wealth goes back pretty far actually... THEY
owned lands... THEY owned gold... and THEY were also very
much feared ; the Swiss flag here.
I find it interesting that the first Convention de Genève or
Geneva convention was held in Switzerland in 1864... the
bombing of hospitals, granaries, and water supplies', is actually
against said convention... yet we will find the U.S. 'accidentally'
doing this much of the time... no hospital care... no means of
making food... and no water... there are worse ways to die in
war than just a bullet... Amerika may actually see this at home
one day... but to frank, I think that the civil war was bloody
enough !

~ 501 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 10,0 ~ Kings

En Bref :
The symbols we visited or RE-visited in the last chapter,
were... the two pyramids of food, the great-falcon of the FDA,
the 11 leaves of Monsanto, the 44-starred USDA seal, which is
a multiple of 11, the 'Round-up' rings of Saturn, The 6-pointed
star inside a 5-pointed star of the Presidential Medal of
'Freedom'. The sun symbol of Target, the eye of FireEye, the
letter 'K' as being the 11th letter of the alphabet, the 6-pointed
star of Bristol-Myers Squibb, the dove of Sanofi Aventis, the
eye of Allergan, the blue cross and blue shield, the letter 'G',
the cross of lorraine, serpents, the torch, and the delta of
diabetes. The chapter ended on page 501, which equals 6....
anyone remember 501 levi's jeans ? Just checking.
10,1 Living within the Monarchy
I am afraid that I am just unable to fathom what the life of
a king would entail... unable to imagine wearing their
'fashionable' shoes.

~ 502 ~
Chapitre 10
So... did you ever see the movie Braveheart ? I am not
sure how true to life the story was, but the tactics, punishments,
and laws were certainly commonplace for a King to rule
effectively, as instilling fear can keep MOST people in-line.
In the film… King Edward I, put a law into effect that he referred
to as ‘prima nocte’ in Latin, or ‘first night’… that any peasant-
woman that wedded must first be shared with one of the king’s
nobles as It was the king’s campaign to BREED the Scots out.
We see this enacted in the film… no one agrees to the law
when a Noble comes for the newly-wedded wife… knives are
unsheathed… lives threatened… and then she kisses her
husband ‘good-bye’ just before she goes. Religiously speaking,
would this NOT be considered adultery ?
The character William Wallace wanted a simple life… but
when King Edward I pushed him too far without reason, he
broke the rules… rebelled against a tyranny. Unlike others,
however, he had been taught 'to think' in his youth. In the film,
King Edward I tried to suppress him… tried to bribe him… but
Wallace would not relent until his country was released from the
King’s rule. I am not sure if this ever really happened though.
The Royal Bank of Scotland seems to have its doubts as
well... as on 18 september 2014, 55% would vote ‘no’ on
Scotland’s Independence Referendum Act of 2013. Welp… so
much for that. This can only mean that the age of countries
being able to declare their sovereign independence is now
officially over… seems that all of the countries and lands are
coming back together again… the European Union, for

~ 503 ~
KINGS… and peasants
example, is using the
same currency,
conveniently called the
euro. I thought that
Scotland would start
trading its OWN
currency. I guess THIS will just have to do… some other time
perhaps… though not very likely.
Later in the film, the wedded husband would get a chance
to take his vengeance… but it would be well after the revolt had
already begun for the Scots.
William Wallace married in secret, not willing to share his
bride. The knight appointed in charge of the manor cuts his
secret wife’s throat, just after saying that :
“An assault on one of the king’s soldiers [knights]
is the same as an assault on the King himself.”
This was just a story though… it was actually not so
accurate with the characters of history. William Wallace never
met Princess Isabella, King Edward I died a couple of years
after Wallace was executed… King Edward II did not marry
Isabella until well after Wallace’s death… and it is also not
certain that Wallace EVER married.
Nonetheless, any of the events seen in this film COULD
have happened in those times… but Hollywood is in the
business of making money… not telling truths… and it is
because of THIS, that our perceptions of history have been

~ 504 ~
Chapitre 10
The American revolution broke out on 19 April 1775…
ending with the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The history of the U.S.
of A. will ALWAYS claim that the Americans won their
independence. A 'treaty', by the way, is just another word for
'making a deal'. BUT... the war was actually won by the Crown.
“But there is another and greater distinction for
which no truly natural or religious reason can be
assigned, and that is, the distinction of men into
KINGS and SUBJECTS. Male and female are the
distinctions of nature, good and bad the
distinctions of heaven ; but how a race of men
came into the world so exalted above the rest, and
distinguished like some new species, is worth
enquiring into, and whether they are the means of
happiness or of misery to mankind.” ~ Thomas
Paine… from ‘Common Sense’ published on 10 january
Obelisks… are often interpreted as
‘phalli’, but I tend to think that they
represent a single ray of sun.
The now PRIVATE Corporate
City-state of London... with only about
9000 residents, and its
OWN flag... and its
'RING of power'
composed of the
Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Oppenheimers, and the

~ 505 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Schiffs... which is a city-state just as is
Washington DC... also with its OWN flag and an
obelisk to complement the trinity... hence the 3
stars on said flag. The British commonweatlh...
52 FORMER territories of the 'ex'-British empire, is now
remembered as just the 'commonwealth of nations'... but if they
are the 'former', why included them at all ?
SIR William James Erasmus, a freemason, paid to have
the obelisk moved from Heliopolis,
Egypt to the City of London, which was
erected on 12 september 1878 on the
river Thames, on the embankment of
Victoria... accompanied with the
freemasonic 'cornerstone' rituals. It
MUST have been important to
SOMEONE... it stands
68 feet high (20,7
mètres), weighing 180
tons... and 6 men having lost their lives at sea
during its transit.
King George III would maintain his sovereign authority
over the U.S., and also retain his 'right' to receive payment for
his 'business venture' in colonizing the U.S., which would pass
on to the next monarch and then the next. AMERICANS are
STILL paying this debt to the monarchy… taxes collected by the
IRS. As it stands now, 67% percent of all income taxes
collected in the U.S., go directly to the City of London... an area

~ 506 ~
Chapitre 10
of only 1.12 square miles.
Washington DC WAS a square 100 miles before 1847,
now at 68.34 square miles, and not
quite as square-shaped as it was
before, with around 681,000 residents.
The Obelisk of DC was built from 1848
to 1884, though it is not monolithic, it
stands 555+ feet (169 mètres) tall...
and even referenced to in movies with
the '555' prefix number, when the
recitation of telephone numbers are
made use of in hollywood. It stands
'erect' in the middle of a pointed-oval.
WE could say that the City of London is the Financial
power of the world ; the 'District of Columbia' being, let us say,
the 'Militarical' power... so what would be YOUR guess as to
what the OTHER star might represent
on the flag of DC ? Give up ? The
answer is the Vatican, populated with
only 800 residents... ALSO with its
own flag... specializing in the sin-
business... paving our way to heaven
with its sin-tax ! The
Obelisk of 'Saint-
Pierre' (Saint Peter's
Square), in Vatican
City stands 25.5 mètres (84 feet) tall, and weighing in at 350

~ 507 ~
KINGS… and peasants
tons, which also originally came from Heliopolis... as Caligula,
whom was also known as Gaius-Julius-Caesar-Augustus-
Germanicus, moved the obelisk to Rome in 37 AD where it was
forgotten, which would be raised again much later at the
Vatican in 1586. It is also interesting to note that there are 12
other obelisks in Italy... the one in the Vatican makes it 13. Just
a reminder, an obelisk is a pagan symbol... and THIS one
stands at the center of all of 'christianity'.
There are many other obelisks that were moved to
different locations, such as THIS one, that now stands in the
'Empire' state of New York, also originally coming from
Heliopolis, Egypt, which height is about 70 feet (21 mètres) and
aged about 3500 years. Heliopolis in English is the ‘city of the
sun’ and Helios was the sun god of
ancient Greece. Héliopolis was the
name given to what used to be 'Lunu'
or 'Annu' in Egypt or ‘the place of
pillars'. The ancient
egyptian city of 'ON'...
the now abbreviated logo of 'old navy'
here. This obelisk was erected in
Central Park on 22 february 1881. It is
the sister of the one standing in
London, as 2 obelisks or pillars adorned the 'gateways' of
Egyptian temples. William H Vanderbilt, whom I guess to have
been a freemason, contributed to the project... as taking an
obelisk from the antiquity of Egypt is a 'philanthropic' pursuit

~ 508 ~
Chapitre 10
indeed !
L'Obélisque de Louxor was 'erected' in 1836 under King Louis
Philippe, standing 23 mètres (75 feet) high and weighing 230
tonnes (250 short tons) from the
'Palais de Thèbes' aged at about 3300
years old... likely making it the oldest
relic in Paris ! The obelisk in the city of
London is called 'Cleopatra's Needle';
the one in New York it is called
'Cleopatra's Needle' ; and the one in
Paris is known as l'aiguille de
Cléopâtre... though NONE of them
had anything to do with Cleopatra.
Though I denied it ... speculating that obelisks were a single ray
of sun... it IS possible that it was a pagan phallic symbol back in
the day... which gives 'Cleopatra's Needle' a bit of a different
connotation, doesn't it. It is said that Cleopatra had twins... or
was this just a reference to the twin pillars.
So... let us look at THESE now… what do you see ? This
was the currency used at some point during the
time of the Roman Empire… more specifically,
Gaius Julius Caesar, reigning from about 49 BC
to 44 BC… ending at his assassination. He set
into motion the Julian Calendar in 45 BC… that would be used
until 1582… when the Gregorian Calendar via Pope Gregory
XIII would replace it. Perhaps it was that Julius was a 'good'
Caesar… as when a leader actually shows compassion toward

~ 509 ~
KINGS… and peasants
those whom they rule, seem to share a common theme... THAT
being that they get killed by someone on the INSIDE.
Gaius Octavius… whom would come to be known as
Caesar Augustus ruled from 27
BC to 14 AD. July was named
after Julius… and the month of
August is the eighth month on
the calendar of today… perhaps this is the reason it was named
for Augustus… but the prefix ‘oct’ is representative of the
number eight ; OCTOBER is actually the 8th month.
Most might be more familiar with THIS name though…
Emperor Marcus Aurelius, as also portrayed by
the late Richard Harris in the movie 'Gladiator'
of 2000. Commodus, by the way, was his
'adopted' son… just as Augustus, was Julius’,
with the exception of Julius also being Augustus’ maternal
It is actually a rather common find… to pay tribute to
empires with emperors’ faces riddling the currency of the day.
Constantine proclaimed that he was the 13th apostle in
his imperial cult, in which, SUN-days would be a holiday for
worship. His 'clergy', would need not pay any tax as to not be
distracted from their 'divine' work... whom also
had slaves. Well-to-do converts received gifts of
wealth and honors... and the clergy would
remain in their seats until their deaths. Really
though, it was Rome as usual. The West had paganism and

~ 510 ~
Chapitre 10
rich senators ; the East had monotheism and rich cardinals...
call them what you will... the result will ALWAYS be the same.
"for the rich ought to support the needs of this
world, the poor be maintained by the wealth of the
churches" ~ Constantine
L'entracte 15 (money) : When I was 'a LITTLE' younger while
living in Utah, from time to time I would come
across a Canadian quarter… somehow it would
be in the change that I received. I remember
though, thinking it was rather ‘neat’ but also
quite useless… it was similar in size to that of a U.S. quarter,
but it wouldn’t work in
any of the vending
machines of the time !
The queen couldn't
even buy me coke ! It
was also at a time
when EVERYTHNG seemed to have been in Hong Kong. Fin
So what did THIS mean ? I don’t really know… but if
Canada is indeed
made up of sovereign
states… why does the
currency have to have
Queen Elisabeth’s face
on it ? I thought the
British Empire officially ended in 1997… when the city of Hong

~ 511 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Kong was released back into China’s own capable hands. Why
was it called a ‘dollar’ in Hong Kong though ? I thought that the
'dollar' was just the name on American currency. Somewhat
resembles the look and feel of THE American dollar, doesn’t it ?
Now take a look at these : Australia was, in part, just
another land-grab.
The British conquered
the indigenous just as
they had in the
Americas, which were
both rather easy to
invade. Eventually, mostly British convicts would be the settlers
of the Australian continent... also an endeavor that was
sponsored by King George III... officially landing on 7 february
Fiji would be
conquered as well...
signed over by the
Ratu Epenisa Seru
Cakobau on 10
october 1874... fearing
and American invasion. Fiji would NOT be 'independent' again
until 96 years had passed.
The British empire would reach New Zealand on 22
january 1840, and by 6 february 1840... a 'treaty' was signed by
the Mori chiefs... when the 'colonization' of New Zealand was
officially under way. The indigenous would fight many wars for

~ 512 ~
Chapitre 10
many years to come, during the islands' occupation... which
'occupation' never had
an end. Today, 'white'
people make up about
75 percent of New
Zealand's population
now... it is a bit rude for
those that CLAIM to be just 'explorers'... to cease the land
belonging to the indigenous... it is 'invasion' that is often hidden
under THIS word.
Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)
founded 3 march 1865, received a bailout of
3.5 billion USD in 2008, from its AIG
counterparty... of course the British pound is always worth more
than any other currency in the world... based on the exchange
rate... which would have made this figure significantly lower in
Queen Elisabeth was on the paper notes of India, and
parts of Africa... and only the gods really know where else her
face showed up.
There is even Lake
'Victoria' in Uganda of
Africa... named after
Queen Vicki at 1°S
The 'United' Kingdom. made up of England, Scotland,
Wales, and the north-eastern part of Ireland, is considered to be

~ 513 ~
KINGS… and peasants
part of the European Union, yet the U.K. did NOT change over
to the Euro. Why would this be ? No… I would REALLY like to
know !
Being as that it is the United Kingdom… wouldn’t this in
some sense, say that she is still the queen of it all ?
Canada would also be considered in THAT Kingdom.
Perhaps the reason was, that England did not change to the
Euro… was because she wouldn’t have been able to have her
face on it ? There is also a bit of a mix, as I thought the U.S.
was the only one that used dollars… so she is not only
representing pounds… but dollars too ? Why not have
considered pounds in those other countries ?
Obviously, the Monarchy is alive and well… and the next
King will be another ‘Charles’, or another ‘William’, or even a
‘Henry’… depending on how everything all works out when the
queen finally passes on. She will be 92 on 21 april 2018. I
guess even if money cannot buy happiness… it CAN buy more
You are probably familiar with the Union
Jack ? Just in case… here is
what it looks like… but just so
you know, the Union Jack is the commoners’
flag… the Queen does not fly the same flag. THIS ONE is
HERS… and anyone else of royalty is going to be flying
something like this. This is because it is a city-
state… it is a government within a government,
if you will. The rules do not apply to the ‘Royal Family’… whose

~ 514 ~
Chapitre 10
power came from the Christian god... I THINK ! On the other
hand, perhaps it is that THAT power came from the Jewish god.
Meanwhile, the District of Columbia is also where the
main Marriner S Eccles or Federal Reserve Board Building is
located… funny how government and banking seem to always
be found in bed together… or maybe it the other way around.
Republics have been taken over by monarchies before…
are we all a part of the same pie ? Christianity IS, after all, the
religious division in most of the countries in question… originally
being a ‘white’ people division of Judaism... wait... today's
JEWS are white TOO !
As it would happen, MY santa claus is still white… and he
is usually depicted as white in the places that white supremacy
has ruled for some time. Am I wrong ? Something that I have
found very common in America, is that most Americans think
that Spanish people… as in Spanish speakers from Spain…
look like Mexicans... but they are actually, mostly, a white
race… a Latin race… just thought I would clear that up ; MOST
Americans are naïve to this fact… a minor observation that is
not taught in the American school system.
Queen Elisabeth II cannot possibly rule it all though…
perhaps she is, for the moment, just the Queen of the Kings ?
I have seen some speculation about their being 13
bloodlines that have always ruled… I am not sure of how true
this holds… but there is likely something to it as it has always
been this way. It may be just a coincidence that Dubya Bush is
a distant relative of the Queen. His father, Noble Bush the

~ 515 ~
KINGS… and peasants
1st… oh… I’m sorry… he was only KNIGHTED... having
received said 'knightship' by his own 13th cousin. Nepotism ?
Blood IS still thicker than water.
So… Whom was it that gave the kings their power ?
Hmmm… how about we do the ‘Christian’ thing and consult the
bible on this one :
1 Peter 2:13-17 King James Version (KJV)
13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for
the Lord's sake : whether it be to the king, as
supreme ;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by
him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the
praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye
may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men :
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of
maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God.
Honour the king.
What was that ? Yeah… I am not so clear on this either…
let us take a look at another one, shall we ?
Romans 13:1-7 (KJV)
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God : the powers that be
are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth
the ordinance of God : and they that resist shall

~ 516 ~
Chapitre 10
receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the
evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do
that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the
same :
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if
thou do that which is evil, be afraid ; for he beareth
not the sword in vain : for he is the minister of God, a
revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for
wrath, but also for conscience sake.
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also : for they are
God's ministers, attending continually upon this very
7 Render therefore to all their dues : tribute to whom
tribute is due ; custom to whom custom ; fear to
whom fear ; honour to whom honour.
Wow… so the kings received their power from the
Christian god ! Well okay ! NOW we know ! Submit…
succumb… surrender ! Got it !
Essentially, this would mean that the 'movie' version of
King Longshanks was right all along… and peasants must just
accept the justices that only SEEM unjust.
KINGS are : Queen Elisabeth II (House of Windsor),
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (her spouse)… the kings of
THIS realm… more notably of the Anglo-Saxon/Latin division.
They are the Monarchs, Emperors, Caesars, Pharaohs, Czars...

~ 517 ~
KINGS… and peasants
and Bankers... and often the ones referred to as holding the title
of... 'philanthropists'.

Here is the Duke and Duchess of Windsor meeting with

German leader Adolf Hitler in Munich. They look genuinely
pleased to see him, don't they ? 'Dictation' is an interesting
word... 'dictating' is the speaking of words to be written, typed,
or recorded by other means... usually by a SECRETary. A
dictator is one whom, usually with the support of others, has
obtained power by force. The 'Führer' actually did what
Abraham Lincoln did... had money printed debt-free, rather than
pay the 'usury' interest that the banks ALWAYS enforce.
A still of footage from 1933, appearing on the front page
of The Sun (newspaper) on 18 july 2015, shows a young Queen
performing a Nazi salute with her family at Balmoral Castle in
Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
No… it is not REALLY that big of a deal. As children we
take the lead of our parents… until it is that we can hopefully be

~ 518 ~
Chapitre 10
allowed to choose our own way. It is the same thing as waving
American flags to show our patriotism… perhaps one might
disagree here… but some of it just sticks… and some of it is

passed down to the generations that will follow.

WHAT IF... the bloodlines are simply due to these
families sharing and possessing RH Negative BLOOD... of
which only about 1.88% of the WORLD's population have in
common. The highest concentration of RH- blood is found in
Spain and Brazil at 4.88% ; the lowest in Taiwan and the
Philippines, averaging only at about 0.07% ; in the U.S. and
Canada, this number is about 3.75%.
Dwight D Eisenhower (born 14 october 1890 and dying
28 march 1969) was the 34th of presidents... he was the FIRST
president known to have had RH negative blood... and every
president after him are known to have, or have had. RH- blood.
THIS does not seem to be THAT big of a deal... BUT... if
a man whom is RH+ should mate with a woman whom is RH-...

~ 519 ~
KINGS… and peasants
there will very likely be complications with the pregnancy. If it is
the second+ pregnancy, without medical intervention... a
RhoGAM shot... subsequent miscarriages are probable.
EVERY animal can mate with its own kind... but in the
human case... we are divided... as an RH- woman's body will
repel the unborn as being something foreign... allergic to her
own offspring. WHERE is it that THIS blood type came from ?
10,2 Nobility and Knightings
As I said before, speaking of the nobility,
knights become Barons when they are officially
knighted by the queen. There seems to be
quite the number that have been knighted by
queen Elisabeth II with regard to the following knighthoods :
GBE ~ Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
GCB ~ Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order
of the Bath
KBE or DBE ~ Knight Commander or Dame Commander
of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
KCB ~ Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath
CBE ~ Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire
OBE ~ Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British
MBE ~ Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British
CH ~ Order of the Companions of Honour

~ 520 ~
Chapitre 10
Kt ~ Knight Bachelor
(UK) Henry Irving was the first actor to ever be knighted
on 18 july 1895 by Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle.
(UK) Sir Laurence Olivier : Kt in 1947 by King George
VI (actor/ director)
(UK) Michael Redgrave : CBE 1959 by Queen Elisabeth
II (actor/director)
(UK) Sir Alec Guinness Alec de Cuffe : was knighted
CBE in 1959 by Queen Elisabeth II (the original Obi-Wen
Kenobi of Star Wars)… he WAS English after all. He described
religion as being “…so much rubbish, a wicked scheme of the
'establishment' to keep the working man in his place.” Somehow
though… before the end of his life, he would become a catholic.
(UK) Sir Richard Attenborough : CBE 1967 Kt 1976 by
Queen Elisabeth II (actor/director/producer)
(UK) Sir Charlie Chaplin : KBE Mercury-day 4 march
1975 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor, director, composer,
screenwriter, producer)
(UK) Sir Ian McKellen : CBE 1979 and CH 1991 by
Queen Elisabeth II (actor)
(UK) Sir Alfred Hitchcock : KBE Mars-day 1 january
1980 by Queen Elisabeth II (director/producer)
(Ireland) Bob Geldof : KBE Mars-day 10 june 1986 by
Queen Elisabeth II (musician)
(UK) Sir George Martin : Kt in 1996 by Queen Elisabeth
II (Beatles producer)
(UK) Sir Paul McCartney : CBE Mars-day 11 march

~ 521 ~
KINGS… and peasants
1997 by Queen Elisabeth II (musician)
(UK) Sir Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild : GBE
Mars-day 30 december 1997 by Queen Elisabeth II (Banker)
(UK) Sir Elton John : CBE Thors-day 24 february 1998
by Queen Elisabeth II (musician)
(UK) Sir Michael Gambon : CBE 24 Thors-day february
1998 by Prince Charles (actor)
(UK) Sir Roger Moore : CBE 1999 KBE Thors-day 9
october 2003 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor)
(UK) Sir Michael Caine : CBE 2000 by Queen Elisabeth
II (actor)
(Scotland) Sir Thomas Sean Connery : KBE Thors-day
5 july 2000 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor)
(UK) Sir Ben Kingsley : Kt 2002 by Queen Elisabeth II
(UK) Sir Mick Jagger : MBE Venus-day 12 december
2003 by Prime Minister Tony Blair. (musician)
(UK) Sir Tom Jones : OBE Mercury-day 29 march 2006
by Queen Elisabeth II (singer)
(UK) Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie : Kt Mercury-day 25
june 2008 by Queen Elisabeth II (author)
(UK) Sir Patrick Stewart : OBE Thors-day 31 december
2009 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor)
(New Zealand) Sir Jeremiah "Jerry" Mateparae : GNZM
QSO KStJ Venus-day 20 may 2011 by Queen Elisabeth II
(Governor-General of New Zealand) Knight or Dame Grand
Companion, Queen's Service Order, the Order of Saint John,

~ 522 ~
Chapitre 10
(UK) Sir Bruce Joseph Forsyth-Johnson : CBE
Mercury-day 12 october 2011 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor,
comedian, singer, dancer, and screenwriter)
(UK) Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh : CBE Venus-day 9
november 2012 by Queen Elisabeth II (actor director producer,
and screenwriter)
(UK) Sir Bradley Marc Wiggins : CBE Venus-day 10
december 2013 by Queen Elisabeth II (professional cyclist)
10,3 Across the 'English' Channel and down into France...
we can find more names that have
become 'les chevaliers' (knights) in L’ordre
national de la Légion d’honneur... OR in L’ordre
des Arts et des Lettres... which came into being
in 1802... established by Napoleon Bonaparte.
Jerry Lewis : 1966 by French Président Charles de
Gaulle (comedian/actor/producer/director)
Clint Eastwood : 1994 by French Président Nicolas
Sarkozy (actor/director/fimmaker)
Charles Robert Redford Jr : 2010 by Président Nicolas
Sarkozy (actor, director, producer)
Robert De Niro : 2012 by Président Nicolas Sarkozy
(actor, director, producer)
One will notice here that most of the names I have thus
far mentioned are our entertainers... much like
being nominated for an Oscar in the U.S., which
is rather benign and does not really affect US at all... these are

~ 523 ~
KINGS… and peasants
or were, those that dazzled us... which is not really the same as
the list of the King or Queen.
In the UK system, Persons whom are NOT citizens of the
United Kingdom, can only be awarded an ‘honorary’
knighthood, under which, they are not permitted to be called
'Sir', or 'Dame'. This is where it begins to get a little more
interesting. A few Americans whom have been accorded this
‘honour’ as sorted by year here, the CERTAIN TYPE are or
were :
Dwight David Eisenhower : GCB on Saturn-day 12 june
1943 by King George VI (General/US
President). He was president of the United
States serving 2 4-year terms from 20 january
1953 to 20 january 1961. It begs to question…
WHOM was he serving when he took the seat ? The U.S.A. or
was it really that he was serving the King ?
Douglas Elton Ullman Fairbanks Jr : KBE in 1949 by
King George VI (Actor/Naval Officer)
John Edgar Hoover : KBE in 1950 by King George VI
(FBI Director) while he was the director of the Gestapo…
oh… I meant the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Sidney Poitier : KBE 1974 by Queen Elisabeth II
Ronald Reagan : GCB on Mercury-day 14 june 1989 by
Queen Elisabeth II (Actor/US President) 5 months after his 2
presidential terms from 1981 to 1989
Herbert Norman Swarzkopf Jr : KCB in 1991 by Queen

~ 524 ~
Chapitre 10
Elisabeth II (4-star General, U.S. Army)
Colin Luther Powell : KCB on Thors-day 30 september
1993 by Queen Elisabeth II (Secretary of State and retired 4-
star General, U.S. Army) I ask again the question… was he
serving dubya or the queen ?
George Herbert Walker Bush Senior : GCB on Mars-
day 30 november 1993 by Queen Elisabeth II... 10 months after
being released of his presidential title (U.S. President)
Heinz ‘Henry’ Alfred Kissinger : KBE on Mars-day, 20
june 1995 by Queen Elisabeth II (Geman-American Politician)
migrated in 1938
Andreas ‘André’ Ludwig Priwin ‘Previn’ : KBE in 1996
by Queen Elisabeth II (German-American conductor, composer,
and pianist) migrated in 1939
Leslie Townes ‘Bob’ Hope : KBE on Moon-day 18 may
1998 by Queen Elisabeth II (British-American Comedian, actor,
singer, dancer, and author) migrated in 1908
Steven Allan Spielberg : KBE on Moon-day 29 january
2001 by Queen Elisabeth II (Director, producer, and
William Franklin ‘Billy’ Graham : KBE on Thors-day 6
december 2001 by Queen Elisabeth II (Christian Evangelist)
Rudolph Giuliani : KBE on Mercury-day 13 february
2002 by Queen Elisabeth II (Mayor of New York)
Alan Greenspan : KBE on Thors-day 26 september
2002 by Queen Elisabeth II (Federal Reserve Chairman)
William Henry ‘Bill’ Gates III : KBE on Mercury-day 2

~ 525 ~
KINGS… and peasants
march 2005 by Queen Elisabeth II (Microsoft)
Angelina Jolie : DCMG was made an honorary dame ~
the female equivalent of knighthood on Venus-day 10 october
2014 by Queen Elisabeth II
As you may have noticed, most of THESE are political
figures... and I only have one question about these so-called
'honorary' knighthoods, and that is : FOR WHAT ?!! There are
a lot of names just mentioned of persons that I completely
despise with regard to their recognitions and
accomplishments… others that I have admired over the years in
their cinematic portrayals and work… and still others that I
would probably despise if I just knew a little more about them.
I tend to think that when SHE has knighted someone…
then perhaps they are in what I labeled as my BARON list…
those that get to do whatever they want… in any case… those
whom are above being ‘subjects’ never pay… which sounds
misleading because they spend a lot for anything and
everything… but the money was free… WE paid it… in one way
or another WE ALWAYS pay for it !
Then there are these… whom I respect the most…
another short list of those that refused said title of honor… or
better even… returned it.
James Watson : REFUSED CBE and KCB in 1963…
best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure
of DNA in 1953 with Francis Crick (Nobel prize winning
scientists) Neither one of them were knighted.
CS Lewis : REFUSED CBE in 1952

~ 526 ~
Chapitre 10
David Bowie : REFUSED CBE in 2000 AND 2003 on the
grounds that he ‘did not really know what it was for’ !
John Lennon : sent his back in 1969 with a note signed
‘with love, Sir John of Bag’ !
On mars-day, 6 november 1980, it was announced that
Ronald Reagan was to be president… his inauguration would
be 20 January 1981. John Lennon was assassinated on 8
December 1980… about 6 weeks before.
The whole ordeal was strange… Mark David Chapman
was calmly sitting waiting for the police… apparently holding the
book entitled ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by JD Salinger. He
simply obeyed and complied as he was arrested… like a
I have my opinions, but I cannot explain… perhaps he
was hypnotized in taking a life… whether it is possible I do not
really know.
But there was motive behind the murder of John
Lennon… as it was probably the first time in all of American
history… that ONE man, possessed more power over ‘the
people’… than the president of the United States could ever
dream to wield. It must have been imperative to remove John
Lennon… BEFORE Reagan and his vice Bush, could effectively
get back to 'business as usual'.
John Lennon was a knight by his own right… it could
have only been Barons that had him killed… regardless of the

~ 527 ~
KINGS… and peasants
method used… but when knights step out of line, as HE did
quite frequently… they are either executed or ruined.
Nelson Mandela was among the Knights of Malta... or
more formally, The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint
John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta... which organization
happens to answer to the Jesuits.
'Nelson' Rolihlahla Mandela... was given the name
'Nelson' at school... one of the duties that school-teachers were
tasked to do, was to give an 'English' name to each student.
South Africa was ruled by whites... all while under the crown.
This is the cell on Robben Island that Nelson Mandela

spent many a year... the trip from Capetown by boat is about 45

minutes today ; a prison within a prison. Although it may not
look like much, I am sure that it provided much time for
contemplation. Mandela was a 'political' prisoner... and in the
modern day, he might have been called a terrorist... or even a
communist... but he rebelled against apartheid... which got him

~ 528 ~
Chapitre 10
hard-time in prison in 1964 ; breaking rocks in the lime quarries.
This reminds me another story of the U.S... Rosa Parks was a
seamstress and on 1 december 1955, at about 42 years of
age... she violated the segregation 'laws', by refusing to give
her seat up to a white man... one must wonder what kind of a
man would adamantly insist on taking a seat from a WOMAN !
Apartheid was just a part of life for blacks in America.
Black slaves built the Capitol building in DC... and NO one even
thanked them for it.
The term : 'Developing Countries'… is a crock. Africa
and its many countries is one of the continents now being
targeted for ‘development’. ‘Development’, in MY view, is the
politically correct term for ‘looting’.
South Africa was a Dutch colony... then in 1795 became
a British colony... a Dutch colony again in 1803... and again a
British colony in 1806. Apartheid South Africa began under
British rule, and Africa is full of diamonds and gold... among its
many other resources... which are most often controlled by
L'entracte 16 (township)
I ate at a restaurant in the downtown... it was the first time
that I ever ate ostrich... and crocodile, which I would
recommend to anyone that should ever go there.
I played a game of pool, while drinking a beer in a
township in South Africa. In American terms, a township would
be considered 'the slums'. I only wished I had HAD more time...
to stay in the township hotel !

~ 529 ~
KINGS… and peasants
South African blacks were segregated by a pencil stuck in
their hair ; the gauge in which would determine which township
they would reside in. The pencil gauge determined how 'black'
a person was and Apartheid would not end until 1994... IF it
ever really ended. To be 'coloured' was to be a 'mulatto' using
American terminology.... which in South Africa would be
segregated as well. THIS is what white rulers brought to the
land. Fin 16
The continent is now occupied by UNITED STATES
INC... but WE were NOT in the loop of the need-to-knows.
Afrikaans is the dominant language in South Africa... perhaps I
should say 'the common' language... spawned by the Dutch.
There are still many MANY tongues spoken in Africa. The
Dutch can still understand Afrikaans... and the Afrikaans can
still be understood by the speakers of Dutch.
“But now, when the Pentagon and the
administration has had some pressure on them,
you know, instead of having 100 people there,
they’re admitting we have 6,000 people in Africa,
and they even put the number on ; they say ‘we
have some military in 53 of the 54 countries IN
Africa.’ That’s pretty expensive.” ~ Ron Paul, 24
october 2017
The 'Gold Coast' of Africa... in which gold has ALWAYS
been stolen... is known as Ghana today. Gold was pillaged,
mostly by the British... and it is likely that 'black' gold were
originally black slaves... as THIS is where many of them came

~ 530 ~
Chapitre 10
from. It would not be until 1957 that Ghana would win its
independence... but what IS that ? British and Dutch fortresses
are all that memorialize the captivity of the slaves that resided
there... waiting for their LAST day... the last time that they would
ever see their home again.
You know.... WE are not getting anywhere... it is the
same today as it has always been... the few whom control the
"The struggle between the people and the hatred
amongst them is being nurtured by very specific
interested parties. It is a small, rootless,
international clique that is turning the people
against each other, that does not want them to
have peace. It is the people who are at home both
no where and everywhere, who do not have
anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but
who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow,
Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or
Vienna or London and who feel at home
everywhere. They are the only ones who can be
addressed as international elements, because they
conduct their business everywhere, but the people
cannot follow them. The people are bounded to its
soil, bounded to its fatherland, bounded to the
possibilities of life that the state, the nation offers."
~ Adolf Hitler 1933.
We could easily 'assume' that Adolf was speaking of the

~ 531 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Jews here... but he was REALLY speaking of the Zionists... the
Rothschild bankers... the REAL rulers of the world. Ahhh...
don't believe Hitler... how about one closer to home then :
"It requires a change in outlook, a change in
tactics, a change in missions ~ by the government,
by the people, by every businessman or labor
leader, and by every newspaper. For we are
opposed around the world by a monolithic and
ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert
means for expanding its sphere of influence ~ on
infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free
choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by
day. It is a system which has conscripted vast
human and material resources into the building of
a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that
combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific, and political operations." ~
John Fitzgerald Kennedy... The President and the Press :
Address before the American Newspaper Publishers
Association, 27 april 1961.
On 4 June 1963 Kennedy signed executive order 11110
empowering the U.S. to issue its OWN currency... no longer
having to go through the Rothschild Federal Reserve ; less than
6 months later he would be dead... remember the story of
Lincoln ? 11110 was rescinded by LBJ, quite on cue.
Jackie Onassis was Jewish... Oliver Stone whom

~ 532 ~
Chapitre 10
directed the film called JFK in 1991... was ALSO jewish.
Aristotle Onassis was worth 500 million upon his death in 1975.
Anyone can see that the this chart appears to be a little
weird. Aside of the value of gold doubling in 1933… from 1913
until about 1971, the price of gold was rather stable. The gold
standard actually ceased in the United States in 1973 when it
was about 35 USD per ounce. Only 7 years later, it was worth

about 600 USD. It was sometime in about 1974, that 1 USD

traded for about four deutsch marks (DM)… just wanted to
throw that in for the sake of comparison. At the end of 2007,
several years after the EUR had been established… while the
‘housing bubble’ was popping, 1 EUR traded for ALMOST 2
USD… but these numbers don’t really reflect on this graph… I
had hoped to find a correlation.
Counterfeit money can obviously buy a lot more than
gold-backed money can… as Lincoln could have attested if he

~ 533 ~
KINGS… and peasants
were still here. In 2012, gold was said to be worth about 1650
USD per ounce, but dropped sharply soon after. It would seem
that SOMEONE had been playing with the system AGAIN ! If
anything, this has only proven how deflated the U.S. dollar has
become… making gold look like a fickle commodity… one in
which used to be stable backing for the U.S. and other global
currencies. On the foreshown graph… 2001 marks the USD’s
strongest point in at least 16 years… which was also around the
same time that the Euro was being put into place in the
European Union. The Euro was set with the U.S. dollar at a 1
to 1 ratio, and for a short time after, maybe 3 to 6 months, the
U.S. dollar was worth more. Ever since then, however, the
USD has never exceeded the EUR exchange rate. The Age of
independence is over... ending with the age of country unions
WHAT IF Gold was purposely inflated… TO crash ?
Anyone whom invested in gold when it was 1650 USD per
ounce… lost. What is gold REALLY worth anyway ? What
could YOU do with it if you had an ounce of it laying around ?

~ 534 ~
Chapitre 11

Chapitre 11,0 ~ the Weird and in~between

En Bref :
In the last chapter we looked at a bit of the monarchy
from OUR world... city-states... and where OUR taxes are
actually going... ending on page 534 OR 12.
11,1 Secrets, Controls, Lies, and Sacrifice
So... here is a name some might know… Paul Warfield
Tibbets Junior. Who was he you might ask ? He was the one to
fly the B-29 Bomber known as the 'Enola Gay' on 6 August
1945… Hiroshima. The reason purportedly… was for the
greater good… at least this is how ‘American’ history has
perceived it… repeating the same thing that has been repeated
to us for almost 80 years now… that the ‘fat man’ bomb saved
millions of lives. I wonder if this principle was thought up by
freemasons… whom Paul happened to hold secret affiliation.
The cost was of the 80,000 lives that ended instantly that day…
and another 112,020… whose eyes faded away slowly… due to
residual ‘nuclear’ complications. It was not the bombing of a

~ 535 ~
KINGS… and peasants
military base… it was the bombing of an entire city… a city that
had not been touched during the war, as if to save the best for

last… the finale. The targets were peasants just like YOU and
ME… while eating breakfast… not to exclude women NOR
children. Of course 3 days later… like the 3-day death of the
sun that occurs during every solstice of winter… the sequel
would be shown to the peasants of Nagasaki. More people…
innocents’… people just like YOU and ME. One can comb
through all of the archived pictures of ‘little boy’, but there was
no crater to be found. Of course this is easily dismissed by
explaining 'the bomb' detonated at 580 meters above the
ground (1,900 feet), but it does not explain why it looked more
like it had been a raid. It is also said that there was no radiation
due to altitude… but THAT was CERTAINLY not how it was
explained to ME in school ! I am not an expert on this sort of
thing… but personally, I think it was firebombed repeatedly, just
like Hamburg Germany was by the British… carried out by

~ 536 ~
Chapitre 11
Winston Churchill... which was again a city... of people just like
YOU and ME. It would not be until 1951 when an 'atomic'
explosion would ever be witnessed by troops... 6 years after
WWII had ended... funny... Whom was it that had witnessed it
before on 16 july 1945 in New Mexico ? Great explosions ARE
possible... dynamite, tnt, hydrogen, nitro glycerin, et cetera...
but how do we know that nuclear bombs are a reality ? Because
we heard in school... and the 'Cold War' encouraged us to be
Nuclear weapons do NOT exist... even though we have
always been told that they did. I say this simply because we
have footage of nuclear bombs exploding... where only the
structures and vehicles go away... but the camera rolling in
close proximity is atomic-weapon-proofed ! THEY will say that
the FIRST 'atomic bomb' called the 'Trinity' tested on 16
july1945... had the power of 20,000 tons of TNT... perhaps this
is because... it WAS TNT !
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA)... in which we are slowly discovering, that the acronym
may actually be for 'Not Applicable Staged Activities'.
L'entracte 17 (space)
Since my early youth, I dreamed of space... aside of star
trek and star wars... my favorite space shows were battlestar
galactica... and a movie called the Black Hole. I built replicas
out of legos or cardboard... and of another animation called
Battle of the Planets. I used to imagine that I was an alien...
and that the lights of a plane in the night sky was a spaceship

~ 537 ~
KINGS… and peasants
coming to pick me up.
I even eye-witnessed the space shuttle columbia piggy-
backed on a 747 on a flight line... and much later in life... I
would be utterly disappointed... when I realized that it was all
just a joke... every bit as fictional as the shows that I watched. ..
I may have watching a little too much TV ! Fin 17
"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond... uh the
problem is we don't have the technology to do that
anymore... we used to... but we uh destroyed that
technology and uh it's a painful process to build it
back again... but going to mars should be... uh one
of the next series of steps that humans do ; the
first step should be going back to the moon for a
number of technical uh reasons and exploration
reasons... and then after that, mars, maybe high
orbit in uh venus atmosphere maybe going to
Europa. There's all kinds of targets to go to, places
of interest in our solar system. The... the only limit
to human future is in our own imaginations."
Donald R Pettit PHD... another AstroNOT on 21
september 2016.
The logo for NASA uses the ouroboros...
or the snake chasing its own tail... and also
what looks to be the forked- tongue of a snake...
s term that was used for the 'white-man' by the
Iroquois American Indians... used for when one says one thing,
but of whom actually is meaning another. The tactics of the

~ 538 ~
Chapitre 11
French were to call a peace gathering... but would then slay or
capture the indians... which is what the 'thanksgiving'
celebration was really all about. In the 3rd grade of primary
school, we were never told how the party ended. On 26
december 1941, Congress passed the 'Thanksgiving' law to be
forever more, the 4th thursday of november... to be followed by
a BLACK friday.
Yes... we ALL thought that we went to the moon... we
also all saw the space shuttle doors open as it orbited the
earth... and now there is the International Space Station (ISS)
I so wish that NASA had stopped when they were
ahead... when WE believed in the same fantasy. Perhaps the
internet should be blamed... I had no copies of the pictures or
films of before... always something to make me feel more stupid
in ever believing in the one-step-for-man-one-giant-leap-for-
mankind thing... as looking back to the moon landings...
something I overlooked since childhood... that there were
NEVER any stars in any of the REAL films or stills taken from
the lunar missions... and the ISS is no different. On almost any
given night, one can see the stars, but when nasa 'orbits' the
earth... none of the stars can be seen... as if they all just
disappear at some magical-altitude.
The soyuz tennisball on a string must begin to float about
the same point... as for a second, 'gravity' is obviously present...
and in a split-other, it is suddenly not.
WE have been fools... movies and television conditioned
us to believe that we COULD go into space.

~ 539 ~
KINGS… and peasants
WE might say that WE have advanced, or that WE used
to do it THIS way, or WE are even going to the moon ! But No…
THEY are ! But... ANYONE can be astroNOT right ?
You don't have to agree with me with what is to follow...
but it would be easier.
Apollo 11 made it all the way to the moon... leaving on 16
july 1969 at 9H32 eastern time... with armstrong stepping down
the ladder on july 20 1969 at 23H56... taking only about 4 days.
The astronauts camped out for 21.5 hours during which time,
Richard Nixon would give them an AT&T call from the white
house. They would leave the moon at 13H54 on 21 july 1969,
splashing down on 24 july 1969 at 12H50... taking only 3 days
to return. Neil Armstrong NEVER submitted to an on-camera
interview... he seldom ever spoke about it... once even saying
that he never saw any stars from the moon.
"It only takes 8 minutes from the time of launch
from Earth to arriving in space. But, to get to the
actual space station, here on the ISS, it takes about
3 days." ~ Tracy Caldwell Dyson. Obviously nasa only
employs those that are of a 'certain type'.
Models of the solar system, as we are shown them to
be... are NEVER to scale when using THEIR impossible
numbers that THEY insist that
they are. The sizes of the
'plane-nets' are maintained...
but their distances are not...
always giving US the impression that everything is closer

~ 540 ~
Chapitre 11
together than they are. On page 539, the earth is shown at the
bottom left corner of the text... at the top right, is the moon,
scaled at 238,900 miles (384 472 km) away. Arm & Hammer
here... or ARM-STRONG.
Lyman Strong Spitzer junior was a 'bones-man'... he
dreamed up what
would later become
known as the Hubble
Space Telescope...
later to be named after
Edwin Powell Hubble...
whom was a freemason. It has apparently been 'up there' for
about 28 years now... truly amazing how long the rechargeable
batteries have lasted on THAT thing... and it still looks brand-
new ! It travels at an altitude of 340 miles (547 km) at about
283.2 mph (455.4 km/h)... so... about 100 miles higher than the
ISS... where there are STILL no stars !
Apollo 11 1969 : freemason Armstrong, freemason Aldrin,
and Michael Collins
Apollo 12 1969 : Conrad, Bean, and Gordan
Apollo 13 1970 : Lovell, Swigert, and Haise
Apollo 14 1971 : Shepard, freemason Mitchell, and
Apollo 15 1971 : Scott, freemason Irwin, and Worden
Apollo 16 1972 : Young, Duke, and Mattingly
Apollo 17 1972 : Cernan, Schmitt, and Evans
So... like 4 out of the 12 astronauts that 'walked' on the

~ 541 ~
KINGS… and peasants
moon were freemasons ?
The ISS is supposedly 254 miles away... It would seem

that space technology has NOT improved ! Neal Armstrong

here, with his buddy Stanley Kubrick... vacationing on the black
sands of Hawaii. The hill in the background seems to closely
resemble the hill on the lunar surface, doesn't it ?
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat earth
society !" ~ Barrack H Obama, a speech he gave at
Georgetown University addressing climate change and
energy policy on 25 june 2013.
Politicians are all for
THEIR capitalistic
endeavors... and this
was a dismissal. Must
have hit pretty close to
the mark to get him all
riled up like that ! Sooo... just what DID WE have time for ex-

~ 542 ~
Chapitre 11
mister president ? Down here we just survive... oh... and we can
watch the International Space Station on our TVs... a bunch of
jokers reside at Capitaline Hill AND at Nasa ! And though the
idea of a flat earth is rather antique... which idea 'surfaced' long
before any of us ever arrived... and as it is something that in just
the last few years has revived the spark of curiosity... well... the
politicians will just not have it ! And do YOU know what ? THEY
already know ! THEY know... because they have the money to
know !
It is a bit like the concept of death... do we go anywhere
when we die ? What if the light just goes out ?
NO ONE... knows for sure... NO ONE ! so how
could anyone ever be able to prove it ? Heaven
and hell... are here on earth... what may or may
not come after, is anyone's guess.
The logo for the UN is nearly identical in proportion to
Gleason's 'new standard map of the world' of 1892... WHY
would the UN use it ? The UN is among the many 'secret
societies' of our day... go ahead... see if THEY will explain THIS
to any of US. If we should take the time, we will count 33
sections in THIS map... sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it ? The
line from the top to the bottom of the UN logo... happens to be
the 'prime meridian.
Look at the date 9 11 2001 or rather day 11 9 2001...
2+0+0+1=3 and 1+1=2... and remember that the 9th month is
actually the 7th month... so we should use 7 instead
Kubrick's Shining of 1980 emphasized 'room '237'... did

~ 543 ~
KINGS… and peasants
he know the future ? HE lived at Childwickbury
Manor in Hertfordshire, England... odd that he
would make it a point to include an Apollo 11
sweater for 'Danny' to wear, whom was also
called 'Doc'.
The apple rainbow only used 6 of the seven colors... and
in the wrong order; lacking 'indigo'... the same
colors as nbc. The cost of the first apple
computer or Apple Computer I in 1976 was
priced at 666.66 USD
666 is an interesting number... the seal of Solomon... or
the seal of Rothschild... or the star of David... whatever WE
should call it... has 6 points... 6 triangles... and a 6-sided
hexagram. 666 is just a representation of the flag of Israel !
As it is today... the earth is rotating counter-clockwise at
about 1037 mph (1 669 km/h) at the equator... if we were able
to look down from the north. We CAN'T feel it because WE are
moving WITH it... or so it said... so what happens if we jump a
couple of feet ? 1037 mph divided by 60 is 17.28 miles per
minute, divided by 60 again, would be 0.288 miles per second...
jump on the trampoline just a little too high at the equator, and
one may end up 1/3 of a mile from where the one started
jumping ! You see ? The numbers just never add up.
According to the Guinness book of world records, Andy
Green was the first to break the speed record in the Black Rock
desert of Nevada in 1997... in a car fitted with jet engines. He
got up to 768 mph (1 236 km/h)... breaking the sound barrier on

~ 544 ~
Chapitre 11
the ground. So... the earth at the equator is rotating faster than
the speed of sound ! But... WE can't feel it !
The earth also rotates counter-clockwise around the sun
at 67,000 mph (107 000 km/h). BUT... Polaris, the north star,
supposedly 433.8 'light' years away... remains stationary over
the north pole !
Aristotle believed in a geocentric system... the earth
being the center of our universe. He was an astrologer for all
intents and purposes... the five elements as being earth, water,
air, fire... and that of the æther.
Caudius Ptolemy also believed in a geocentric system...
whom Bartolomeu Velho, a Portuguese cosmographer and
cartographer illustrated as still being so in 1568. The earth was
in the center... then
the moon, mercury,
venus, the sun, mars,
jupiter, saturn... and
the last element being
that of the firmament.
This still, comes from Gods of Egypt, a film produced by
'Thunder Road Pictures' in 2016.
"It seemed a flat disk with an upturned edge" ~ Doctor
Auguste Piccard 1931 after his balloon flight of about 16 miles
high... his record was 23 miles... of which today, commercial
planes do not even fly this at this altitude.
Nicolaus Copernicus claimed that the system was
Heliocentric... everything revolving around helios. The center

~ 545 ~
KINGS… and peasants
became the sun, then mercury, venus, then earth with the moon
moving around it ; mars, jupiter, and then saturn.
It has remained this way, at least since his death, on 24
may 1543. Aristarchus (310 to 230 BC), was actually the
known first to come up with THIS one though... whom
calculated that the sun was only 19 times further, therefore 19
times bigger... than the moon. 19 was a magical age if one
should remember from page 179.
Much later, Uranus would be discovered on13 march
1781 ; Neptune would be discovered on 23 september 1846 ;
and pluto on 18 february 1930.
Antarctica is still a riddle... supposedly, the entire U.S.
could fit in Antarctica with plenty of room to spare... but NO
ONE really seems to know what goes on out there... um...
except for John Kerry, when he was promoting his 'climate
change agenda' !
It is interesting that the seasoned captains had trouble in
calculating longitude ;
latitude was easy...
latitude can be
remembered as a
'ladder' the imaginary
horizontal lines of the
earth from south to north that go east to west ; longitude
represents the lines going north to south, usually beginning with
the 'prime meridian' that goes through london, England.
In 1730, Captain John Harrison designed a marine

~ 546 ~
Chapitre 11
chronometer... as longitude was always difficult to calculate...
considering the earth as a sphere ; longitudinal lines widened
south of the equator which should have converged at said point.
Nasa calculates the circumference at the equator as
being 24,900 miles (40,070 km).
In 1774 Captain James Cook circumnavigated the 'globe'
at 71°10 S longitude for over 3 years in the southern oceans...
having traveled over 60,000 miles (96 560 km), before giving
In 1823 Captain James Weddell would reach 74°15 S
1838 Charles Wilkes was almost always 20 miles east in
less than 18 hours of where the ship should have been.
In 1841, Captain Sir James Clark Ross added 12 to 16
miles every day up to about 29 miles... the Ross ice shelf was
named after him, and Mount Erebus, an active volcano was
named after his HMS Erebus.... on 'Ross island' named after
him. He would be knighted in 1844.
Erebus sounds a LOT like, Airbus, doesn't it ? Airbus is
the plane of choice that AirFrance typically uses in its fleet.
It would seem that the distance between southern
longitudes actually get wider when traveling in the southern
'hemisphere'. Today GPS is used... but for some reason, naval
ships can still NOT avoid collisions.
Today... NASA believes that the sun got a lot bigger since
then... now 93,000,000 millions away and 109 earths in
diameter The moon is 238,900 miles away now.... yet the sun

~ 547 ~
KINGS… and peasants
and the moon appear to be exactly the same size... and follow
ALMOST the same path... a DNA-like pattern... not that it really
The moon is a Satellite... and now THEY supposedly
have many satellites in space to broadcast THEIR television
signals... the strange thing is, is that all of the satellite dishes, in
the northern hemisphere, ALL point south ! The first one that
was ever launched was Sputnik 1, 'officially' beginning the
space-race of 4 october 1957.
Vanguard 1 was launched in 1958... supposedly still up
there... even solar-powered, but communications with it were
lost in 1964... and THEY think that it is still up there somewhere
despite its being missing in action for over 50 years !
The Syncom 1 satellite, manufactured via Hughs Space
and Communications, was launched on 14 february 1963 via
NASA... which was lost.
Syncom 2 was launched 26 july1963, which supposedly
broadcasted the first of television transmissions using a
geocentric satellite.
Relay 1, would broadcast television from the U.S. to
Japan on 22 november 1963... the same day that JFK would
die... it must be difficult to make this stuff up !
Syncom 3 was launched on 19 august 1964... the THIRD
of the series of geosynchronous communication satellites.
The SpaceX studios, founded by Elon Musk with his net-
worth of 20 billion USD, quite recently launched a TESLA
automobile into space on 'Falcon' Heavy... on 6 february 2018.

~ 548 ~
Chapitre 11
The booster rockets, after sending 'starman' to space, came
back down to the launch pad landing perfectly on their 'aft'.
This was one of the stupidest events that I think I have
ever watched... seems that it is becoming more difficult to prove
that the Earth is round !
How many satellites are there up there anyway ? ONE...
and it is called the moon !
Aside of the ONE... have YOU ever seen a satellite ?
Look one up... they are ALWAYS made with computer-
generated imagery (CGI) ! Sure... rockets go up... and what
goes up, MUST always come down' ! We all learned THIS one
truth in our youth, did we not ?!!
Mobile phones are triangulated off of cell-towers... it is
virtually the same thing when we use Geo-Positioning
'Satellites' (GPS)... all technology of Nikola Tesla... bouncing
signals off of the Ionosphere... NOT satellites... otherwise, those
remote places that drop our calls and internet connections
would ALWAYS be available ! Antennas and towers are what is
responsible... NOT satellites.
Not so long ago... a compass told us in which direction to
go... magnetic north has ALWAYS pointed north... true north is
NOT magnetic north... which is also called geographical north
or even geodetic north... aiming us to the 'geographic' north
pole... which is about 1200 miles NORTH of the magnetic
NORTH pole ! The difference between the two is called
magnetic declination, which will be represented on an Isogonic
chart... the agonic line will be where true north lines up with

~ 549 ~
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magnetic north... considering the 'crooked' magnetic line ; and
grid north will be on that map. Wait... what direction would we
be going in now ?
Magnetic north would probably get us to the north pole
just fine.... but WE cannot GO to the north pole anyway... WE
are not allowed !
The 'prime meridian' was determined to be the vertical
version of the equator... at 0° longitude... or the Greenwich
Meridian... where now there is a green laser pointing north to
mark the 'prime' meridian. Greenwich mean time (GMT), by the
way, is what ALL of the world's time zones are calculated by...
zulu time... which is also known as military time... decided on 1
october 1884 ; THIS is what the 21st president Chester A Arthur
thought was important after replacing the assassinated James
A Garfield ; the world's time begins in the city-state known as
Samuel Rowbotham as early as 1838, actually
experimented... something that is hard to find among the
scientists of our today... whom just write up equations with
impossible numbers. THIS is what Science is SUPPOSED to
be... standing in the Bedford canal in England, which is 20 miles
in length, having measured 6 miles at its straightest point...
using a telescope while a boat traveled away from him.
Considering the curvature of the earth, the boat would
disappear from view at this distance... but he was still able to
see the boat 5 miles away... again with a telescope.
Rowbotham 'experimented' with many other scenarios of the

~ 550 ~
Chapitre 11
like... knowing that a body of water always equalizes itself to be
Perhaps this is stupid question... but what do WE use to
assess if something is level or not ? That's right... we use a
good, old-fashioned level... watching a bubble center itself in
water... water without movement, current, et cetera, is level until
otherwise disturbed. A laser level will yield the same result.
This experiment was replicated on 25 june 2016 by a
curious group... calling themselves 'the flat earth group'... using
a kayak and a digital Nikon finepix P900 camera... the result
was the same.
WE don't even know everything there is to know about
our earth... but we know absolutely NOTHING of space !
The Surya Siddhanta mentions Mount Meru which
according to, the diameter of the earth is 8000 miles... NASA
says that it is 7917.5 miles... NASA must have a copy of this
Mount Meru, or Sumeru, is the center of all the physical,
metaphysical, and spiritual universes which lie in the middle of
the Earth... so where would THIS be exactly ?
"The Sun along with all the 'plane-nets' circle the
mountain". Would this be the north pole... as polaris IS in the
center while everything else circles around it ?
The earth is a merri-go-round... and the Karman line of
the 'atmo-sphere' is only 62 miles (100 km) up... but... there is
NO WHERE above this line that we are able to go.
In another way, if WE were placed in the center of a

~ 551 ~
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fenced thousand-acre plot, how long would it take us to figure
out that there was barbed-wire actually keeping us in ?
Within the first 5 minutes of the start of The Truman
Show… a movie from
1998… a light falls
from the sky which is
really the first point at
which we realize that
there are strange
happenings in Seahaven, and that Truman actually lives within
a closed-system. The light that falls is marked as Sirius (9
canis major)… the great ‘dog’… or ‘god’ star… often just
referred to as the star of Isis or 'le grand chien' in French ; the
great dog.
James Van Allen 'discovered'... the 'Van Allen' radiation
belts in 1958... degrees in Fahrenheit reach 4000° (2204° C) !
2000° F (1093° C) is all that is needed to melt glass... glass was
used in the 'Apollo' missions from 1961 to 1975... THAT and
crinkled golden-foil ! must have been a special tinted glass that
we never knew existed... now forgotten as to how to make it !
We supposedly have pictures of all of the 'plane-nets'...
but no one has seen a picture of the dark side of the moon...
which should be much easier.... as it is so much closer...
shouldn't it ? Yes, it is dark... but the moon MUST be between
the earth and the sun at some point... right ? THAT should light
the back side up... a satellite SHOULD be able to zip in, get a
shot, and then zip out, right ? No ? Oh... man-made satellites

~ 552 ~
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are not real !
The moon cycle is 28 days... which, coincidentally, is
about the same as the menstrual cycle of a woman. Mercury
takes 88 days to travel the path ; Venus 224.5 days ; earth
365.25 days ; Mars 1 year and 322 days ; Jupiter 12 years ;
Saturn 29.5 years ; Uranus for 84 years ; then Neptune at 166
years ; and finally Pluto at 248 years.
These are estimates... the moon rotates around US... but
we somehow still believe that the rest of the 'plane-nets',
including OUR earth, revolve around the sun... but this was due
mostly to the theory of Nicolaus Copernicus... having NOT the
means to prove his theory as being a fact, except for a piece of
paper ; the 'virtual' paper we have today... yields the same
These figures are actually the estimates for the time it
takes for these 'plane-nets' to rotate around the
earth... we can USUALLY observe them...
weather permitting... all of which have a
retrograde motion integrated... meaning that,
they appear to move in a backwards motion periodically. This is
the symbol for a 'plane-net' when it is IN retrograde motion...
yeah... WE have seen it before... it is on the bottle of pills more
commonly recognized as a 'prescription'. The 'plane-nets' have
a backwards motion when in retrograde...of which no one
seems to really know why or explain ; and when Mercury is in
retrograde... it is often interpreted that everything in general... in
OUR lives... is going to go to crap for the few weeks to follow.

~ 553 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Perhaps we should think twice before taking those
prescriptions... which resembles a bad omen.
The sphinx of Egypt is a calendar... it faces the
constellations that we are in... the 'plane-nets' are the
'wandering' stars. We have all seen the 'plane-netary' models
of elliptical counter-clockwise rotations as perceived by looking
down on the north pole... but why would the other wandering
stars NOT disappear behind our own sun ?
Looking at the Saturn cycle of 29.5 years... the earth
would have gone around the sun 30 times before Saturn had
gone around it even once. Sooner or later... Saturn would not
be able to be seen from the earth, disappearing annually from
our perspective for some amount of time... would it not ? Yet...
we can ALWAYS see Saturn... just as we can always see the
other wandering stars !
Another picture that nasa 'approved' is THIS one... Venus
circling around the front of the sun from OUR
perspective... and transiting for 224.5 days... it
SHOULD disappear from our view for awhile...
Venus may be in front of the sun, while earth
lags behind it... or vice verse. BUT... as if by magic, Venus will
rise in the east... before the sun does... as it has done for
millennia... rain or shine, EVERY morning... announcing the rise
of sun.
The dark side of the moon has never been seen... by
ANY of US... we ONLY see the one side whether half or
cresented... THIS is a fact... and I begin to wonder if it is the

~ 554 ~
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same with ALL of the astral bodies... perhaps
we ONLY see one side of the sun... and
perhaps we ONLY see, one side of each
'wandering star'. I am fed up with nasa CGI
imagery... it is time to be allowed to see the REAL !
Astronomy was founded on astrology... and
EVERYTHING, as it ALWAYS has, revolves around US !
OUR earth is a closed system... everything that goes up MUST
come down.
Astronomy simply removed the metaphysical part of
astrology... the rest is virtually the same. The durations of
transits now includes our supposed going around the sun at
93,000,000 miles away... THIS is why everything must be
calculated as moving faster and having to be much further.
The 'United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs'
(unoosa) uses a the same version of the UN's flat-earth map...
the UN is in charge of space now !
Which brings us to the ISS satellite... nevermind... ISS
stands for the IMAGINARY SIDE SHOW. We will NEVER see
the astroNOTS doing anything... accept for the gulping of water
while on a zero-G plane... and a lot of back-flips while being
broadcasted on talk-shows. They ARE getting better with their
effects though... looks more like Hollywood at every interview !
Apollo 11 (sun god) left for the moon on 16 july 1969 and
returned on 24 july 1969... duration of 8 days, 3 hours, 18
minutes, and 35 seconds... somehow passing through the Van
Allen belts without any... 'complication'

~ 555 ~
KINGS… and peasants
The Karman line begins at 62 miles (100 km)... the Earth
IS OUR 'Universe'... and there is NO where else WE can go !
It is interesting that we think that people don’t kill each
other anymore… perhaps it is the cinema that desensitized us
to this… making it as all make-believe in our minds… projecting
on us all of what is NOT real… upon the REAL.
For peasants… our taste for killing has been numbed…
we just don’t like it… aside of the big screen… or the video
game… and the occasional psychopath we hear about on 'the
As our fellow peasants return from the wars of the
nobility, many have been changed in some way… diagnosed
with things like ‘post traumatic stress disorder’ (PTSD), limbs no
longer present, chronic health impairment… could be anything
really… but only those whom have fought in wars have really
any capacity to understand it… but to the nobility… THEY just
dangle the strings to make the soldiers dance about… detached
from any self-consequence… physical, mental, emotional,
spiritual, or otherwise.
Television is today’s Roman Coliseum… as long as we
have our entertainments ; we will simply accept our lives as
they are… while little by little… our freedoms are stripped away
behind the scenes.
What if I told you… this had all already begun… it is as if
Armageddon, the second-coming, the millennium, the
apocalypse, the end of the world… whatEVER you may have
imagined... has already been engineered and put into motion.

~ 556 ~
Chapitre 11
Perhaps the ‘wars and rumors of wars’ have been for practice…
like target-shooting and drills… just to see if it can be done
effectively… and just maybe, the holy books that were written
by MEN were not really the prophesies to come… but rather the
wished atrocities dictated by MEN… and then in THEIR making
of them come to pass.
Astana, the Capitol of Kazakhstan would seem to be the
NEW headquarters of freemasonry. From the west to east : the
Khan Shatyr entertainment center is situated within a circle ;
then Lovers Park, which is also in a circle ; then
buildings arranged in a circle, which would
include a branch of the Eurasian Bank... three
circles in a line... the Trinity. Continuing east,
we will find the Bayterek Tower... resembling a Torch in the
middle of a sundisc shaped garden, including golden ratio
forms. Continuing on the same vector, we will find the 2 golden
pillars... leading us to the Presidential Palace, which has the
Ichim River passing through its backyard. On the other side of
the river, we can walk the path of the great-falcon, sidewalks
that converge and lead us underneath the 'Palace of Peace and
Reconciliation' ; a pyramid standing 62 m (203-1/2 feet) high.
Behind the pyramid, we will find the Kasakh Eli
Monument... which is an obelisk... after which we will find
Millennium Park.
Gone with the Wind, a now classic film about the civil
war, written by Margaret Mitchell was published in 1936... the
film adaptation of the same name came out on 15 december

~ 557 ~
KINGS… and peasants
1939, produced by David O Selznick... directed by George
Cukor, and then Victor Fleming. It was a propaganda film
based on happenings of the civil war. It would not only fuel the
different-colored prejudices between the black and the white...
but also bring the concept of war back into the lime-light... just
in time... as WWII had already begun in september of that year ;
the names here mentioned, bringing the story to the big
screen... were all born Jewish.
Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941… where the Japanese
killed 2,335 uniformed personnel… and 68 civilians… the target
was a military one… and military intelligence failed on the side
of the U.S. miserably, as all of the ships were all grouped
together… bait for the purpose of getting America into the war…
which president Franklin Roosevelt knew about at least 3 days
in advance. Perhaps there were doves flying over Hawaii that
day… because the sacrifices to enter the war and make some
profit… was US.
Could our OWN government slaughter us on the streets
of Manhattan ? Well… THEY are NOT of US… they think
differently than US… and the government is a secret society in
and of itself… so a melancholic ‘yes’… would have to be my
answer to this question.
It is WE whom are eating all of the shitty food…
government officials have the clout in not having to eat the
same things that the corporations pass down to US.
Stop me if you have heard THIS one ! Back in the year of
1910... there was a secret meeting at Jekyll Island... I say

~ 558 ~
Chapitre 11
‘secret’ because no one seems to know much about what
happened there... mostly just speculation. But the men that
attended said meeting were well-to-do men... was it just for the
fun of it ? Was it about getting away from their wives for a few
days ? Just a ‘good ol’ boys club’ ? They were men of
affluence… and as they used false names for said outing… one
could conclude, that they did not want anyone to know what
they were up to or where they really were... but... we know at
least a few :
Paul M Warburg (partner of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co.)
Henry P Davison (partner of JP Morgan and Co.)
Frank A Vanderlip (National City Bank president)
Arthur Shelton (Aldrich’s secretary - Harvard)
'Doctor' Abraham Piatt Andrew (politician, assistant
secretary of the Treasury)
Benjamin Strong, Junior (for consultation, VP of the
Bankers Trust Company)
John Davison Rockefeller (Standard Oil)
JP Morgan… whom created and engineered the panic of
Senator Nelson W Aldrich, whose daughter was married
to John D Rockefeller Junior...
The Vreeland Act of 1908... was THEIR response to the
'panic' of 1907.
Woodrow Wilson whom WOULD be 'selected' in 1912...
and his inauguration would be on 4 march 1913. Perhaps THIS
was the first 'bilderberg' meeting... when INCOME tax was

~ 559 ~
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being put into place… something that we had been protected
against in the U.S. Constitution… which is no more... and it has
been this way for WELL over a century. We were born into
believing this is just how it had always been. Incidentally… the
very same thing happened in France in 1914 within the French
‘republique’. The same thing happened in Britain in 1842… so
it has most certainly happened elsewhere. 1842… then 1913,
then 1914. Did France just copy the United States… did the
United States follow the lead of Britain or whatever was in-
between ? Since multiple countries were doing the same to their
peasants… was it a government ploy ? No… it had to do with
the nobility growing their riches. The Federal Reserve (FED) in
the U.S. is a private company… it controls the government…
and the U.S. government has really no say in what the FED
does… except for the fact that said ‘government’ is indebted TO
the FED. Is FEDERAL really a word for government or is it
reminiscent of ‘FEDERACY’… as it IS often referenced as being
the ‘federal government’.
You see, a 'republic' is difficult to keep as Benjamin
Franklin so simply implied. There are a lot of checks and
balances between the people and the government that have to
be adhered to for it to thrive as a republic. Benjamin Franklin
though, perhaps knew this… he was an esquire… so he was
never American by technicality… esquires served the king of
England… yet his face is still on the 100-dollar bill. 'Fais ce
que tu voudras'... OR 'Do what thou wilt' was the motto of the
Hellfire club... of which Benjamin Franklin was affiliated with...

~ 560 ~
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founded in London in 1718.
That tenuous connection was precisely the role to
be played by August Belmont in the United States,
and the anti-Semitism he found there was
undoubtedly the reason he changed his name from
Schoenberg to Belmont upon landing in New York
in 1837. [...] It was not long, however, before the
Belmont-Rothschild connection became common
knowledge, and the ploy ceased to be effective.
August Belmont came to New York in 1837 as the
financial agent of the Rothschilds. He funneled
vast amounts of capital into American investments,
often without anyone knowing whose money he
was spending. The purpose of concealment was to
blunt the growing anti-Rothschild resentment that
was then prevalent in Europe as well as America.
When his affiliation became commonly known his
usefulness came to an end and he was replaced by
J.P. Morgan. ~ The Creature From Jekyll Island by G
Edward Griffin
The senate or parliament is supposed to be
representative of the people, but most, if not all, were all bought
out a long time ago… and the heirs that followed them, inherited
it all as an entitlement… they have not had the interests of ‘the
people’ in mind for a VERY long time… if ever. If someone
were to drop the proverbial ball... it would end up becoming a
democracy... and a democracy usually ends up as an

~ 561 ~
KINGS… and peasants
oligarchy... which could also be called a monarchy, as a true
monarchy does NOT really exist... because there are always
'advisors'. I like to call them nobles, as they do not speak for
US… but are rather commanded by THEIR ‘Excellency’.
In general, all serfs simply do as they are told within the
feudalist hierarchy… kings, however, MAY simply choose to do
as they are ADVISED.
I know... WE thought it was a democracy all of this time...
learned it in school... heard it on the television... but democracy
is ‘majority rule’, which in the past, has resulted in tyranny every
The word ‘democracy’ cannot be found in the constitution,
the bill of rights, nor even the preamble of the United States...
The US was founded as a constitutional republic... so for these
people like Dubya having thrown this word around for so many
years, shows a lack of understanding of politics at even the
most basic of levels… one should expect more from a now
former president of the United States... as the ‘pledge of
allegiance’ states it as this : "... and to the republic for which
it stands..." but no one really hears it in school anymore… a
word that has long been ignored as it became an incantation…
that no one pauses to think about or understand… so how can it
be understood that everyone or anyone even knows ?
The 2nd Amendment… having to do with the right to bear
arms, was placed there so the militia would have a control to
keep the government in check. SOMEONE knew that this
might be a last resort… so wrote it in to make sure that THAT

~ 562 ~
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last resort was there. Maybe you have seen what has been
happening for the last decade or so… the abolishment of
‘number two’, which NEVER read as : ‘the right to bear arms…
IF we had a conceal-carry permit’… IF we were of age… IF we
had not a criminal record (drugs, theft, et cetera)… but has
ALWAYS only ever read as THIS :
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
~ James Madison
These laws being created for OUR security seem to
resemble ‘infringements’ to me. Now… the US government is
cracking down with our being on record for having a firearm…
leaving many without the right to buy one via legal means…
because if the peasant population of the U.S. ever organized…
aiming those guns at Washington ‘District of Columbia’… odds
might be 100,000+ to 1… but fear has kept our serfdom in
check... as WE are not so fond of 'altercation'… and WE have
unwavering faith that the NEXT 4 years will be better... as
another 4 years pass... and then again... and some may even
say that they will NOT be voting for Trump in 2020... but... THIS
will change NOTHING... as NOTHING ever really changes
within the aristocracy, the hierarchy, the rulers, that WE keep
voting for... the THEY that we know nothing of !
WE do NOT know anything about THESE sorts... they
are NOT our friends... they are NOT our acquaintances... and
as a non-governmental official once said :

~ 563 ~
KINGS… and peasants
“For more than a century ideological extremists at
either end of the political spectrum have seized
upon well-publicized incidents such as my
encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller
family for the inordinate influence they claim we
wield over American political and economic
institutions. Some even believe we are part of a
secret cabal working against the best interests of
the United States, characterizing my family and me
as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others
around the world to build a more integrated global
political and economic structure ~ one world, if you
will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am
proud of it.”
~ David Rockefeller 2002
The twin towers were made possible by David
Rockefeller… which construction began in 1966. a
‘coincidence’ that was a little bit on the eerie side was
Rockefeller's picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine in
1967 as the towers were being built. His analog watch read
10H45… but… when it is 45 minutes after the hour, where is
the ‘big hand’ pointing ? You are right... at the '9' ! Now…
where is the ‘little hand’ when it is approaching 11H00 ? I find
this to be rather sad… I don’t want the same politics as another
country… I happen to like the going to other countries and
experiencing the culture as it is lived in THOSE countries… I
happen to like cultural diversity.

~ 564 ~
Chapitre 11
The idea of creating a one-world government might make
us ONE society… which benefits WHOM exactly ? Then we
could have a one-
world army… but
whom would the army
be fighting ? Like to
take a guess ? Well…
they would be the one-
world police force…
peasants that protect
the world-kingdom
from peasants that
demonstrate their
Off of the
subject, just a bit...
David Rockefeller
proposed in 1968
under Lyndon B
Johnson... to dial '911' in case of an emergency... when
American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) was
controlled by Rockefeller. It would be used ON 911 at the
Rockefeller Complex what was called the World Trade Center.
It must have been somewhere in the year 2005… I was at
work… checking my email as I did first every morning. An
address that I didn’t recognize with a link to a youtube video… I

~ 565 ~
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don’t remember what the subject was… just something about
‘no plane’. Curiously… I watched the video. Like many others,
I had concluded in my mind that the whole nine-one-one thing
had happened as was reported. Out of fear, I bought a gun… a
Beretta 9mm… afraid of terrorists… afraid of riots… afraid that
something else would happen. I disagreed with ‘Dubya’ Bush
and his ‘administration’… attacking and then televising the
‘shock and awe’ campaign in Iraq of 21 march 2003… on the
spring solstice... the day of the god of war ! it just seemed to
me that the job in Afghanistan should be finished first. Besides
the fact that it looked like a ‘father and son’ affair… “he DID
‘trah’ ta kill ‘mah’ dahd”, as Dubya put it. Politics had become
a family business… maybe it always had been… but this is
really beside the point… a point I hope to make clearer soon.
In the video, the hole in the pentagon, before the floors
above it collapsed, was about 16 feet (4,87 meters) in diameter.
Why WAS there only ONE hole ?!!
A Boeing 757 aluminum fuselage, measures 12’4” (3,6
meters) in diameter. Okay… rings E, D, and C of the
pentagon… were penetrated by a carbon-nosed aluminum
fuselage. The wings must have folded against the sides of the
plane, including the engines… and the tail must have folded
down on impact… really… this is the only way to explain how it
fit so snuggly into the holes it left through the 6 walls of steel-
reinforced concrete… because there was virtually no wreckage
left outside… and it took 30 minutes for the floors to collapse
following the 757-223 burrowing through the three rings of the

~ 566 ~
Chapitre 11
pentagon. Seems like the Pratt and Whitney engines (maybe
they were Rolls-Royce… I don’t really know or care) would have
had a better chance of getting through… each measuring about
8’3” (2,5 meters) in diameter constructed of titanium-steel alloy,
and direct thrust behind them… which the distance between
these engines, center-to-center, should have been 49’11” (16,3
m)… so roughly, 16’9” (5,1 meters) from the center of the 16-
foot (4,87 m) hole in the pentagon would have left at least an
8’3” (2,5 m) hole on each side. BUT… the supposed plane
'supposedly' came in at an angle… which would have caused
these distances to be further apart, that I have just ‘supposed’.
Oh but yes… the wings must have folded against the sides of
the plane, engines included… as so to explain why there were
no other holes made by the 'supposed' engines... none of which
remained visible in the pentagon's yard.
At any rate… the video disturbed me a bit… and later the
pentagon released footage of a security camera… in which all I
could make out was an explosion that was caused by the
‘nothing’ I saw in the frame before.
I started to question EVERYTHING at this point…
wondering why we couldn’t get straight answers… why all the
camera footage from the many cameras nearby were
confiscated and never to be seen again… why eye-witnesses
all had different stories… and why the pentagon started its
clean-up project the same day... still something of a
conundrum… but like the assassination of John F Kennedy…
we will probably never know all of the answers… the ‘what’

~ 567 ~
KINGS… and peasants
behind what REALLY happened. I have formed my own
opinions and conclusions… but still, a great deal of speculation
surround events such as these. But… a by-the-way question :
Does anyone know why the rest of the numerous surveillance
films in the area… the ones that the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) collected from anywhere that was in view of
the pentagon… the REAL evidence that would never resurface
again ? It could only have been because there was ‘nothing’ in
any of them… ‘nothing’ that WE were meant to see… and there
was NO plane THERE !!!
Six months before the ‘attack’, the World Trade Center
(WTC) complex changed hands from the Port Authority of New
York City (NYC) to one Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate
investor. He had only put out 14 million USD of his own money
in securing the 99-year lease. The rest of the money was
provided by a financial conglomerate called the Blackstone
Group, a Wallstreet private equity firm.
The senior chairman and co-founder of the Blackstone
group (since 1985) has been Peter G Peterson,
with his net-worth being 2 billion USD, a 33°
Freemason… whom was the chairman and Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of Lehman Brothers (from 1973 to 1984), and
former Secretary of Commerce under Richard Nixon (from 1972
to 1973), and a chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), from 1985 to 2007. He and fellow ‘philanthropist’ David
Rockefeller were also dear friends.
Oh yes… and you know about the Medicare, Medicaid,

~ 568 ~
Chapitre 11
and Social Security ‘entitlement’ programs ? You know… the
ones we have been forced to pay into, via withholdings of our
gross income ? Well Pete would like to see heavy cutbacks in
said ‘entitlements’ before he kicks the proverbial bucket ! Fine.
Just give me back what I put into it… without my consent… and
I will gladly NOT participate when I become of age… the age in
which WE will be forced to sign up anyway, whether it is that
WE want to do it or not.
Of course prescriptions will be another matter entirely…
the rest of our money will have to go to those ‘licit’ drugs in the
end… and due to all of the chemicals that we have been
subjected to for the whole of our lives, we will have been
brought ailments that have not even a name yet !
The first episode of season 9 of ‘The Simpsons’ aired on
21 september 1997, in
which contained this
rather peculiar scene.
Matt Groening is the
creator of the
animated sitcom… a
Freemason in his free time, so THIS was just pure chance, I am
sure. Maybe THEY have all always been just good buddies ?
You DID catch that didn’t you ? THIS was in ’97… 4 years
before you-know-what !
11,3 So… on with the rest of 9-1-1
Years later, I watched the Long Kiss Goodnight for a
second time with Gina Davis and Samuel L Jackson… a

~ 569 ~
KINGS… and peasants
dialogue stood out that I really didn’t pay much attention to
when I had first seen the film in 1996… the year of its release.
Leland Perkins : I’m gonna miss you major. You ought
ready to have stayed dead, you don't know the rules of
the GAME anymore.
Charlie : Tell me about it… eight years ago, THIS guy
was on the hit-list !
Leland Perkins : Budget cuts, dear… Congress blinded
us overseas. I was forced to turn to any eyes and ears I
could find, even if that meant recruiting the quote-unquote
‘BAD guys’ here.
Charlie : Budget cuts, is THAT what this is about ?
Operation Honeymoon. Fuck me ! You're running a fund-
raiser !
Mitch : Fund-raiser ?
Leland Perkins : 1993... World Trade Center bombing,
remember ? During the trial, one of the bombers claimed
the CIA had advanced knowledge. The diplomat who
issued the terrorists' visa was CIA. It's not unthinkable
they paved the way for the bombing, purely to justify a
budget increase.
Mitch : You're telling me that you're gonna FAKE some
terrorist thing, just to scare some money out of
Leland Perkins : Well, unfortunately, Mr. Hennessey, I
have no idea how to fake killing 4,000 people… so we're
just gonna have to do it for real. Oh… blame it on the

~ 570 ~
Chapitre 11
Muslims, naturally. Then I get my funding.
Doing the math… 1996 was 5 years prior 2001. Yeah…
All of us saw what happened that dreadful day…. it was always
said it was like a ‘NEW Pearl Harbor’… but where did THAT
come from ? Well… Franklin D Roosevelt knew that the
Japanese were coming a few days in advance… HE was the
one that failed to let his generals know about it… but now the
fault could be forever placed on the generals.
Americans didn’t want anything to do with the 2nd World
War… BUT… Americans WOULD support it if there was
reason to do so… and Pearl Harbor opened that door. So if 9-
1-1 WAS a NEW Pearl Harbor… it was because someone knew
about it in advance to promote an agenda… THAT is ALL.
I don’t have to verse anyone reading this book about
what happened that day… we all watched the replays over and
again… and Bush got his permission to go to Afghanistan… not
that WE were given a choice. Those nasty Taliban people…
despite some of what we deemed as cruelty… incidences fed to
us by the media, mind you… were also burning their own opium
fields 'en masse'… media clips that we never saw. Now
Afghanistan produces at least 80% of the world’s opium
production as opposed to the 20% of before. The whole thing
had nothing to do with how they treated their women… just the
fattening of the pocket-books of unknown corporate interests in
Iraq…. well…. Saddam Hussein had begun to trade his
country’s oil for Euros instead of the USD… the euro is worth

~ 571 ~
KINGS… and peasants
more… couldn’t have THAT now ! This photo opportunity was
taken in Baghdad, 20
December 1983…
when Saddam was
doing as he was bade
to do. The media
would acknowledge
that he was hung on 30 december 2006... many years later.
Muammar Ghadaffi was attempting to bring back the gold
standard in HIS country… yes… I admit he was a strange-one
and rather full of himself… but he was also only going to accept
his gold Dinar for HIS country’s oil… trading something of
perceived value for something else of value… what a concept !
Perhaps this is what
he was talking over
with Barrack Hussein
Obama ? This picture
was taken in Italy in
july of 2009 at the G8
summit. Muammar Ghadaffi would be dead on 20 octobre
2011... just 2 years later.
The G6 OR 'group of 6', formed in 1975... France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US.
The G7 OR 'group of 7', formed in 1976, which was the
G6 : plus Canada.
The G8 OR 'group of 8' was formed in 1997 which was
the G7 : plus Russia.

~ 572 ~
Chapitre 11
The G8+5 OR 'group of 13' began in 2005, which was the
G8 : plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa.
The G20 OR 'group of 20' founded in 1999, was
somehow the G13 : plus Argentina, Australia, Indonesia, Saudi
Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, and the European Union... which
union actually already encompasses : France, Germany, Italy,
and the UK.
It is not really an institution... it is just another Global
secret club... talking the Global talk... trying to walk the Global
walk... and WE will not hear much about it... as THEY will speak
of : Global economic growth, Global international trade, Global
financial market regulation, Global sustainable development,
Global supply chains... Global climate change, Global
employment, Global immigration, Global Health.
Sponsored, guested, or invited... whom regularly sit in on
these club meetings are : the International Labour Organization
(ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Financial
Stability Board (FSB), the World Bank (WB), the World trade
Organization (WTO) the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), the UN, and the World Health
Organization (WHO).
The Atlantic Council 'invented' in 1961 "Working
Together to secure the Future" looks a LOT like the G20
Summit... do YOU remember 'working together'... with THEM ?!!
There is a globalization that has taken place in the world
without our really being informed about it. The NEW WORLD

~ 573 ~
KINGS… and peasants
ORDER so often coined today, is that of a world empire… it is a
WORLD tyranny that is coming for us… and there is no freedom
for US in THAT world… just a global version of what we are
living today.
Why does one need a passport to go to another country ?
Who is it that makes all of the rules… as if WE are not allowed
to integrate to the places that WE were 'destined' to be ? Each
country is a prison, in a sense, and we MUST go back home as
to make new our vows of nationalism… our being a ‘patriot’ to a
land only due to it being the place from where we were born.
An illegal alien... WHAT is THAT in NATION of immigrants ?
'WHO' could we suppose is going to benefit from all of
this 'talking' ?
So what was the 9-1-1 conspiracy really ? Well… I will
throw in MY 2 cents here, for whatever it is worth.
I believe that the REAL 'conspiracy'… was that some guy
standing 6‘6” (1,98 meters) was the mastermind behind it all.
He planned all of what
happened that day, while
moving cave to cave for a
couple of years… with his
kidney-dialysis machine and a laptop… a laptop that had some
kind of SUPER wireless fidelity (WiFi), allowing the signal to go
through cave walls and entire mountain ranges. I don’t know
about YOU, but I still can’t get completely reliable service
accessing the internet from my telephone in even slightly
remote locations just out of town… and/or basements… let

~ 574 ~
Chapitre 11
alone, being able to take a call. I want whatever OSAMA was
using almost 20 years ago !!! Comcast's 'xfinity' ? 'Finit' is
French for 'to finish' or 'to end'... XY are the chromosomes that
make up a MAN... how should WE interpret THIS corporate
message ? I am just assuming that Osama had a wifi
connection… but it is every bit as plausible that he had ‘cat 5’ or
a ‘fiber optic’ cable installed in said cave... or maybe he even
had a satellite dish ! NONE of these options could have been
true at the time... unless it had been that these luxuries were
provided him via 'Al CIAda'. LG's 'Life's Good'
is more like a mantra.... the Korean 'lucky'
company merged with the South Korean
Goldstar Company... becoming lucky-goldstar.
"Today, at my direction, the United States launched
a targeted operation against that compound in
Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans
carried out the operation with extraordinary
courage and capability. No Americans were
harmed. They took care to avoid civilian
casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin
Laden and took custody of his body." ~ Barrack
Hussein Obama, 1 may 2011... May-day... or labour day
in Europe... which would have been 2 may in Pakistan.
It was all a lie. It was already done... and OBAMA'S job
was to take ownership of it, that was all ! Whatever !
Maybe Obama forgot about the kidney dialysis thing, or
was expecting US to. People just don’t tend to live very long on

~ 575 ~
KINGS… and peasants
dialysis… and even though he COULD have had one of those
SUPER DIALYSIS machines that he could carry on his back…
the solar-powered kind… I think he was dead already…
probably as far back as 2003... in which the teleprompter may
have omitted this minor detail.
According to OUR media… the number ONE ‘most
wanted’ man in the
world, whom evaded
capture for 11 years…
was shot point blank
and thrown out to sea
without even so much
as a picture. Oh yeah… the ONLY picture they produced for
the satisfaction of all of US ? One live-guy, plus one already
dead-guy, equals one photo-chopped living-dead-guy... and as
we might recall... birth certificates can be altered in much the
same way !
Flight 93... another propaganda film that I have never
watched... nor will I... and if one has not figured out by now that
it was just a show... well, I really don't know what else I can say.
The hole left in the ground was 10 feet (3,05 meters)
deep and about 20 feet (6,1 meters) across... and nothing that
resembles a plane was to be found ; no luggage... no
suitcases... no seats... no wings... no tail... no engines... and no
bodies... and NO ONE... not any of US, I should say, even saw
what REALLY happened... everyone was looking the other
way... at Manhattan, the REAL 'Manhattan project', via our

~ 576 ~
Chapitre 11
televisions... and in Pennsylvania... which just looked like a
crater left from an explosive to me.

Because of 9-1-1, the department of Homeland Security

was put into place to feel-us-all-up before we travel. I
remember Russia when it was communist, known as the USSR
or CCCP… I knew people that went there during my stay when
my step-father was stationed in Germany… an 'accompanied
tour of duty'. Friends of mine said it was a lot like… what I have
now seen in the U.S… and 9-1-1 made it okay to label each and
every one of us as a terrorist… and we are labeled again and
“A man who gives up his freedom for security,
deserves neither” ~ Benjamin Franklin
Well… “if you are not doing anything wrong, then you
have nothing to worry about” is how people will admit to their
compliance. NO !!! A truly FREE society would never submit to

~ 577 ~
KINGS… and peasants
We have given it all away ! This is NOT what a ‘free’
country does !!! So… let us say that the 9-1-1
thing was true… just as it was stated… faced-
value… ‘officially’ as stated. Do you really think
that 5 ‘terrorists’ could EVER take over a plane
today ? Nope… the passengers since then have all been
thoroughly 'briefed'… those 5 ‘terrorists’ would be fed to the
passengers for lunch and enjoyed with much drink… really they
wouldn’t have a chance unless there were only 5 passengers
on the plane… and you and I both know that the airlines
overbook for maximum profit… so no one is going to ever see
THAT happen again. September 11 was a TUES-day. AA flt-
11 was designated to hit the north pillar ; UA flt-
175 hit the south pillar ; AA flt-77 was for
pentagon ; and UA flt-93, a Pennsylvania
clearing. The Airlines bail-outs totaled 15
billion. and many more thousands of serfs... would lose their
If only the other 3 ‘black’ boxes had been recovered from
‘ground-zero’… in which each plane had stowed two. They are
bright-orange, by the way… shouldn’t have been so hard to
identify once they were found… and they would have been
sending locator signals to be detected by those with said
‘locators’. What I find REALLY incredible… is that a hijacker’s
passport was found where the buildings had been turned into
dust… by chance it was an FBI agent that discovered it. Thank
God ! I guess it flew out of the hijacker’s pocket, was vacuumed

~ 578 ~
Chapitre 11
out of one of the plane windows in the midst of a fireball
engulfing the plane as it struck… glided down the remainder of
the 110-storied building before the collapse… and landed on
the ground without a mark. Probably time to consider making
all of the black boxes of the future out of THAT stuff…
American-passport-blue was also apparently easier to spot in
the big mess !!!
Too many people made money on the stock markets
‘betting’ against the airlines involved that day. Silverstein
cashed in… and for a short time, Dubya had more support than
any president in history… for a minute. Mayor Rudolph William
Louis Giuliani III wrote a book about ‘leadership’… funny how
he wasn’t found in his personal bunker located in building 7…
he probably knew that Building 7 was just the incinerator for
anything that might have been important… which would not
have been the place to be… and anybody who was ANYBODY
at the time probably knew it.
It is interesting that within any group of persons, that
there is always a leader… the ‘leader of the pack’, if you will. It
is a natural order of things… psychological or otherwise. For
US, this order starts with our education… where our social
order really began. As children, we are just pack animals with a
will to survive… trying to fit in with the ‘cool’ kids… but the ‘cool’
kids don’t really even know how they became ‘cool’… they were
put on their pedestals by way of their peers via their looks, their
style of dress, their being ‘in’ with teachers… they were
appointed, chosen, favored… but they did NOT proclaim their

~ 579 ~
KINGS… and peasants
title for themselves. Leaders are NOT self-appointed… they are
The 'terrorists' would have wanted as much damage as
possible... toppling the buildings on to other buildings would
have made it even MORE chaotic that it was... which might
have been even MORE impolite... but they were thoughtful and
considerate terrorists in their calculations... bringing the
buildings down into their own footprints. What kind of terrorist
would care to attempt to even spare anything around the trade
towers ? Well... a group of 'terrorists' from the INSIDE...
choreographed by THEM... the ones in the know.
David Rockefeller finally died not long after he had a 7th
heart-transplant... at 101 years of age. I cannot say that I miss
him... he had a net-worth of 3.3 billion upon his death.
“I remember getting a call from the fire department
commander… telling me that they were not sure
that they were going to be able to contain the fire. I
said, you know, we’ve had so such terrible loss of
life… maybe the smartest thing to do is… is pull it.
Uhhh… and they made that decision to pull… and
then we watched the building collapse.”
~ Larry Silverstein, a Sionist Jew, PBS documentary
airing in september 2002 with net-worth of 4 billion in
It is supposed that WE elect our Government 'leaders' but
since WE did NOT... THEY are selected from THEIR clique.
THEY are on THEIR side... but in contrast... THEY are NOT

~ 580 ~
Chapitre 11
leaders... in the dynamic of leaders, they canNOT appoint
Silverstein said ‘pull it’, which was him saying ‘light it up’
in controlled demolition lingo… and then suddenly… all the
books were burned ! It was a lucky break for the Pentagon too,
as just the day before, Rumsfeld had misplaced the pentagon
pocketbook !
“According to some estimates, we cannot
track 2,3 trillion dollars in transactions.”
~ Donald Rumsfeld 10 september 2001
How long could we suppose it would have taken to
survey building 7, plan an implosion, AND set all of the charges
necessary to bring it down into its own footprint on command ?
Well, I guess it took less than 9 hours… considering the cue to
begin, would have had to have been the first plane hitting the
north tower between 8H45 and 8H50 (8:45a and 8:50a), as at
17H20 (5:20p) it was detonated flawlessly… taking only 6
seconds to collapse… free-fall velocity, 10 floors per second.
This has happened in the past... this will happen again.. this is
happening now... so this should not be a warning for just
Americans alone... but for the entire world... as we live in a
world of magicians... never knowing what THEY are up to.
Dubya's alibi was to be in an elementary class room in
Florida... learning how to read… he said he saw the first plane
hit on television… which must have been a transmission from
one of those special government TVs installed in the limo that
we peasants paid for long ago… because NO ONE in the world

~ 581 ~
KINGS… and peasants
saw the first plane hit… BUT him !
These are not leaders… these are tyrants… much like
pimps are for prostitutes… but like the pimp… they are only the
ones doing the business… selling the wares… offering beatings
in the dark of an alley to those that did not pay.
Everyone has witnessed and partaken of the awe that a
good magician can conjure, no ? Of course ! Everyone knows
the whole show is going to be based on tricks, props, and
illusions... and we know there is a secret, as we try to figure out
the trick that fooled us… with our eyes wide-open.
Making objects and people disappear is mostly a matter
of making us look the other way. Con-artists, thieves, liars,
among other masters of deceit, have used these tricks for
centuries... though not quite as amazing as the performing
Well... it might be amazing... but the audience in these
cases quickly become the victims. "Look over there !", a child
might say... as they practice their pranks that they were taught...
their youthful amusements ; and oh how young we learn...
taking that piece of candy as we directed another’s attention
elsewhere... and the victim willingly turned his/her back to us...
allowing for that slight of our hand. Sometimes with age... we
improve on these skills... in whatever form they may take... in
which, from time to time, WE may still indulge in that 'sleight of
hand', that we call a 'joke'... some better at it than others.
NO ONE seems to remember THS story... as if erased to
be forgotten...

~ 582 ~
Chapitre 11
an incident about an Army Air Corps bomber pilot,
Lieutenant Colonel William Smith, flying a B-25... flew into the
79th floor of the 102-
floor Empire State
Building on a Saturday
morning on 28 july
1945... hmmm... were
skyscrapers just built a
bit better back then ?
because as far I know,
the Empire State
building still stands...
but... I am not really
sure what the Bomber
was doing flying
around New York City
in the first place... in
the fog. It was a
significantly smaller
plane, yes... but the twin towers were designed to withstand
multiple 706s... AND their respective fuel capacities... the
biggest passenger liners of the day.
The military is soldiered by our fellow peasants… those
whom are dubbed public servants are now only serving
corporations, and the governments that keep them in business
against all of humanity. The U.S. is now over 21 trillion in
national debt… and frankly… I had nothing to do with it… why

~ 583 ~
KINGS… and peasants
should I have to pay for it ? I made NONE of the decisions ! I
am certain that it is the same for YOU ! Afghanistan is still
occupied... Yemen is occupied... Syria is occupied... Africa is
occupied... we can probably just pull out a map, close our eyes,
and point blindly, and where our finger lands... is occupied too !
This picture depicts an American ‘unknown soldier’…
patrolling one of the many poppy fields in Afghanistan… doesn’t
look to be quite as
glorious as the fields
did in 1939… kevlar-
man replaced the tin-
man ! The crop was
nearly wiped-out by the
Taliban in 2001… but now produces well over 2000 times the
amount it did in that year… probably due to the fields now being
under new management... American management. I suppose
that it is just the NEW WORLD WAR on drugs.
“The means of defense against foreign danger
historically have become the instruments of
tyranny at home.” ~ James Madison : the fourth
president of the United States, from 4 march 1809 to 4
march 1817.
I wonder if THEY should happen to use
'Mayflower shipping'... such a nice name...
though, the original also carried slaves. This is
the iron cross... that adorned the a sail of the
Mayflower... one will find it in Nazi Germany as well... perhaps

~ 584 ~
Chapitre 11
THIS is why it was called the MAY-flower... poppies have 4 to 6
Street dealers do NOT have a license… which is the only
reason that selling or producing illicit drugs… including the
natural, is illegal in the corporation of the UNITED STATES...
can't have drug 'trade secrets' getting out while moonlighting
now, CAN WE !
A little story now... that WE never heard about : The
Chagos Islands,
Diego Garcia, being
the largest of them...
were once Créole
populations... blacks
whom speak French.
The Americans wanted the island of Diego Garcia 'swept
and sanitized' which commenced in 1961... rear-admiral
Grantham of the U.S. Navy was tasked... as the island had
been SOLD !
In early 1971, 'Sir' Bruce Greatbatch KCVO, CMG, MBE
ordered all the dogs of Diego Garcia, killed, gassed with the
exhaust fumes of U.S military vehicles... or just by incineration.
Those whom did not leave, which island had been
populated since at least the 1700s, would be shipped via he SS
Nordvæa to Seychelles... held until they could be shipped to the
docks of Mauritius... the 'Créole relocation project' was
completed in 1975.
'The people' that had been born in Diego Garcia would be

~ 585 ~
KINGS… and peasants
tricked in signing their rights away with a thumb print on an
ENGLISH document in 1983... of whom did NOT speak or read
In november of 2000, the high court of London,
determined that expulsion of the islanders had been deemed
'illegal'... whatever THIS word might entail... and for many of
them, it had been over 30 years since they had seen their
home... and still... the people will be forever denied in ever
returning to their mother-land... not even to mourn their own
dead... all under what we might call 'Royal Decree'.
"The United States utilizes an important military
facility located on Diego Garcia pursuant to an
agreement with Her Majesty's Government.
Because of the vital role the facility plays,
including in the Global War on Terrorism, tight
control is maintained over its security." ~ United
States Department of State... 30 october 2002... a
documentary called Stealing a Nation ~ by John Pilger
THIS is the biggest American base outside of UNITED
STATES INC. The lease of it was renewed... extended to
expire on 20 december 2036... which 'lease' was granted by the
City of London Corporation.
Dubya Bush often made reference to ‘our democracy’…
'our democracy... in his stumbling-English kind of way. Perhaps
Dubya knew something that we did not ? Maybe he just
repeated it over and again so that we would not think it
otherwise ? Still, the words to the flag poem do not really sink in

~ 586 ~
Chapitre 11
for the rest of US either. Ask anyone you wish, which form of
government the U.S. has in place… MOST will still say that it is
a democracy... which is majority rule... but the U.S. was
ACTUALLY founded as a Constitutional Republic... but
honestly, I do not think that anyone really knows what it has
really become... but I will hint : Capitalism... IS Fascism.

~ 587 ~
KINGS… and peasants

Chapitre 12,0 ~ The End

En Bref :
In the chapter before, we did not see so many symbols...
Anyway... we should know them all by heart by now.
We addressed rather, of the elite behind the symbols and
the peculiarities that we never thought of or saw before. THIS
is the FINAL chapter... after which... all that we will be able to
do, will be to watch for what happens next. The chapter ended
on page 587... 5x8-7=33... we will just leave it at THAT.
There are no prophesies except for the predictions of
things to come... but those whom write them, plan them,
produce them, are the ones whom know the future... but not of
the exactness as to how it will all play out. It is an endeavor
that is engineered. Speaking for myself here... I canNOT
predict the future until tomorrow.
We must learn to create our futures, rather than always
trying to predict them. "WE become what WE think about" ~
Èarl Nightingale. circa 1950.

~ 588 ~
Chapitre 12
12,1 prophesy
The ALMOST perfecting of Radio Frequency
IDentification (RFID) is among us... silently. Do you think that
micro-chipping at birth will become popular… or that maybe we
would consent for and in behalf of our adolescents ? Do you
think we will one day all accept this… for OUR ‘security’ or for
OUR protection ?
We accepted a Social Serial number… we accept to pay
the Internal Revenue Service every year… we accept having a
‘driving’ license… though we are ONLY operating a machine...
and we are badged at work for ‘security’… You see… we
ALREADY accept these controls that THEY put upon US !
The still Christians might refer it as being the 'mark of the
beast' as was preached :
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and
poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name. ~ Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)
On 22 march,
1980, a monument
was erected in
Elberton, Georgia...
two days after the
vernal equinox, which
was on 20 march of that year ; it has come to be known only as

~ 589 ~
KINGS… and peasants
the Georgia Guide-Stones. No one really knows who financed
the project in 1979, 'RC Christian' used a fake name... a
pseudonym. But... since the number of the month precedes the
day of the month within the American dating system… perhaps
we could simply write it as '322'. Do you happen to remember
THIS number ? No ? It is the number for the Skull and Bones
club of Yale.
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become
as one of us, to know good and evil : and now, lest he
put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life,
and eat, and live for ever ~ Gen-ISIS 3:22 (KJV)
A christian extremist maybe ? The month of march in
French is 'mars'… and this equinox marks the beginning of
aries in astrology… aries is ruled by mars… the god of war.
The message written on these granite tablets is quite clear. In
English, one of the few languages inscribed, is listed some
‘guidelines’ as follows… obviously the author may have been
somewhat of a novice eugenicist… perhaps YOU might agree :
Maintenez l'humanité en dessous de 500 000 000 [500
millions d'individus] en perpétuel équilibre avec la
Guidez la reproduction sagement en améliorant
l'aptitude et la diversité

~ 590 ~
Chapitre 12
Unifiez l'humanité avec une nouvelle langue vivante
Dirigez la passion, la foi, la tradition et toute chose par
l'usage de la raison et de la modération
Protégez les peuples et les nations par des lois
équitables et des tribunaux justes
Laissez toutes les nations se gouverner librement, et
réglez les conflits internationaux devant un tribunal
Évitez les lois tatillonnes et les officiels inutiles
Équilibrez droits individuels et devoirs sociaux
Privilégiez vérité - beauté - amour - recherche de
l'harmonie avec l'infini
Ne soyez pas un cancer à la surface de la Terre.

~ 591 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Laissez de l'espace à la nature. Laissez de l'espace à la
I have yet to figure out why no one has ran this
monument down yet... now surveilled by cameras. These 10
lines are written in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, Hindi,
Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. Around the edge of the square,
one will find Babylonian, Classical Greek, Cuneiform, Egyptian
Hieroglyphics, and Sanskrit. Hmmm… no French... the reason
why I included it within the English.
There is a time capsule buried '6-feet-under'... the date
that it is to be opened... is 'blank'.
It all kind of falls in-line with what David Rockefeller was
proud of on page 564, doesn’t it ?
“Let these be guide stones to an Age of Reason” is also
inscribed at the site. The age of reason ? Are we speaking
about the Age of Aquarius again ? The age of Aquarius is
actually the age that CHRISTIAN-ic sects make reference to
when speaking of Sion and/or Zion.
This piece, is NOT art... and if you or I were to erect or
were able to finance and erect something like this... we would
be cited... as WE do NOT own the land to do so.
I don’t want the world to speak only one language… and
even though English seems to be taking over, I happen to like
making a fool of myself in another.
FAIR laws and JUST courts ? THIS would be a magic
trick I would be interested in seeing !
Petty laws and useless officials… I didn’t put them in

~ 592 ~
Chapitre 12
place !
As for being ‘a cancer’ on the earth and leaving room for
nature… THIS is not OUR doing in the FIRST place… we are
just the slaves that made it all happen for the kings, nobles, and
knights… THEIR biddings. Getting rid of the corporations that
we inadvertently gave our lives to for virtually no return… THIS
would be a good start ! The cancers ARE the corporations !
My struggle still lies with the 500,000,000 thing… it is
offensive to me... as I have already stated, there are
7,125,000,000+ people on the 'plane-net'… we are just a little
bit above the ‘ideal’ number, are we not ? Whom do you
suppose will remedy this ? Whom will be the ONE whom
decides ? Will there be another great flood ?
I personally believe that there is plenty of space for
EVERYone… even us slaves. The thing is, robots have taken
over a lot of the labors WE used to perform… 3-D printing, for
one, will take over building… and the only thing that seems to
need replacing is what we do in the service industry... but
computers and robots are beginning to take over in even THIS
case now. WE the Peasants built the robots that replaced US.
Again… how could the population of the entire world be
reduced ? Disease ? Warfare ? A human-rendered ‘natural
disaster’ ? Perhaps it has already begun... beginning with the
hands of the FDA !
12,2 Population
In 1915… that number was about 1.8 billion… a 100
years later in 2015, the global population grew by 5.2 billion,

~ 593 ~
KINGS… and peasants
which would equate that the global population grew 3.89 times
in just 100 years, in which, looking at it another way, the global
population of 100 years prior, was only 25.7% of what it was in
What does this mean ? I don’t really know. Maybe we
couldn’t count as well as we can today… maybe the global
population has been roughly the same as it has always been. I
can hardly believe that the census counts could have been so
accurate in 1915, at least not as much as they have the
potential of being today. There are billions of us… but when I
say US, I mean the US, as in we whom are considered to be
the ‘working class’… all of US that reside under the ruling EL-
Today, some may agree with THEM that the world is
over-populated… which is an idea that those persons have had
implanted in their head at some point, without really knowing
how it got there.
This is really just a man-made fabrication... propaganda...
which has more to do with eugenics than anything else. MEN
make laws... the laws of what we interpret to be the laws of a
god or gods... are not something that can be changed... they
have ALWAYS existed.
The Trans-pacific partnership (TPP), which consists of
'free trade' between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S. and
Vietnam... 12 countries... for the sake of the profit of
multinational corporations... it was supposed to be ratified by

~ 594 ~
Chapitre 12
february 2018... another club that will not be for the benefit of
YOU nor I. It did NOT happen according to schedule...
apparently Trump pulled the UNITED STATES Corporation out
of it... and the rest of the party is now referred to as CPTPP or
simply just the TPP-11.
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a
pharmacological method of making people love
their servitude, and producing dictatorship without
tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless
concentration camp for entire societies, so that
people will in fact have their liberties taken away
from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they
will be distracted from any desire to rebel by
propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing
enhanced by pharmacological methods ; and this
seems to be the final revolution” ~ Aldous Huxley,
Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
It sounds to be... that THIS is where are TODAY !
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) founded on 16 november 1945, where
the '17' sustainable Development Goals are : No
poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-
being, quality education, gender equality, clean
water and sanitation, affordable and clean
energy, decent work and economic growth ; industry, innovation
and infrastructure ; reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and
communities, responsible consumption and production, climate

~ 595 ~
KINGS… and peasants
action, life below water, life on land ; peace, justice and strong
institutions ; and partnerships for the goals. Unesco was
founded over 72 YEARS AGO ! Seems as though they have
started from, and are STILL at the BOTTOM of THEIR list ! The
world government of the United Nations seems to procrastinate
a bit, wouldn't YOU say ?
"Still another and quite different type of borderline
subject is that of eugenics. It has been on the
borderline between the scientific and the
unscientific, constantly in danger of becoming a
pseudo-science based on preconceived political
ideas or on assumptions of racial or class
superiority and inferiority. It is, however, essential
that eugenics should be brought entirely within the
borders of science, for as already indicated, in the
not very remote future the problem of improving
the average quality of human beings is likely to
become urgent ; and this can only be
accomplished by applying the findings of a truly
scientific eugenics." Unesco its purpose and its
philosophy ~ Julian Huxley 1946... preparatory
commission of the united nations educational, scientific
and cultural organisation. Aldous and Julian Huxley were
brothers... a British family.
The concept of Eugenics came into being by Sir Francis
Galton, whom was knighted in 1909 by King Edward VII.
Francis was the cousin of Charles Darwin.

~ 596 ~
Chapitre 12
Let us say that the world IS over-populated for a moment.
IF it were up to YOU or ME… how would WE go about reducing
it ? As for me… I would do nothing… but the ‘philanthropists’
seem to have been working on the project for quite awhile…
which ‘philanthropists’ have most of the power AND the money
already... with the ability to bring it all about.
"Inheritance is to blame for much of crime, poverty,
and misery." ~ The Black Stork a silent propaganda
film of 1917... running for about 10 years.
"For the salvation of our race and the health and
happiness of every individual, we must stop at its
source the pollution of the blood stream of the
nation by passing sane eugenic laws that would
prevent marriages among the unfit." ~ quoted from
the same.
So now… if YOU or ME were a king and/or a queen… a
ruler of everyone… one whom wished to rule the WHOLE
world… how could we fathom the kind of greed that has been
found at the top of the ant hill for 1000s of years ? We are not
even able to comprehend what it means… to have already been
born into the ownership or entitlement of the kingdom.
If one were to desire to depopulate the world, I suppose
the oligarchy’s first consideration would be that of creating a
disease… one that would kill quickly. Sure, the quickest of
ways might be to 'nuke' the whole world… ordering the push of
the ‘red button’… but THIS would be to the detriment of THEM
as well… and if it WERE me, I wouldn’t want to live

~ 597 ~
KINGS… and peasants
underground, for any length of time, waiting to know if it was
safe to come out… I would want to enjoy the world’s wonders.
One would have to be a special kind of sort… one
capable of killing… like the god of the
old testament, drowning the whole
world except for one family and a
bunch of animals… wait… was this not
the first act of animal cruelty ? Maybe
one like Clovis, that later killed in the
name of HIS god… founded by his
christian conversion and baptism.
Yes… one would have to be special in
a certain sort of way… a sociopath or
psychopath… where guilt would not haunt… and compassion
not exist. ONE would have to either be able to control the
waters to flood… or possess an army to kill the masses…
armies of peasants that were thoroughly trained to do exactly
what they were told to do.
The ONE would still need some people whom could build
the machines… until the machines could build machines… and
hold on to enough of the most submissive of human subjects, to
maintain them… to leave behind enough heirs to teach, in
maintaining said machines. One would not need so many
hands… just the know-how in practical application.
Perhaps one could depopulate the earth by using food
that had been poisoned in some way… like a nice, sweet, aged,
and vintaged GMO… so that people would simply not live as

~ 598 ~
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long. Also… it would be best to keep them poor so they would
never have the power to rise up and take away what was built in
the names of the kings.
As for the races of people… It would be silly to not keep
them all… but only samples of them… to maintain their
cultures… to procreate when necessary… so at least the ONE
may have things to entertain him or herself.
The ONES would probably keep all of the best food for
themselves… and would never go without the delicacies found
throughout the world… and since the ONE would be THE ruler,
the ONE could come and go as he or she pleased… eating
here or there… staying anywhere… living out their days without
disruption… heaven on earth... for THEM.
The Nobility lives very much like this already… any other
way would be a compromise… something that the nobility are
unable and unwilling to do.
Perhaps one would even experiment on the 'rats'… the
quest for the ‘holy’ grail to maintain youth, or to strive to live on
Maybe a catastrophic event would take care of the
depopulating… because the one couldn’t possibly be blamed
for an ‘act of a god’… like the hurricane named Katrina of
‘Nouvelles Orleans’… or a seismic earthquake in Haiti… using
HAARP technologies that most of US would have never known
existed... all of the discoveries of Nikola Tesla, that disappeared
many a year ago... but we already KNOW that his patents were
confiscated immediately upon his death.

~ 599 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Maybe a plague would break-out of misfortune… like
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), or an Auto Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS)… but THESE would require a few extra
expendable people… to clean up the mess that would be left
behind... AIDS AND EVD were concocted in a laboratory... at
just about the same time... and Ebola infects the western
regions of Africa... WHOM could one assume the targets of
these diseases to be ? Malaria... well, Bill Gates has been
'helping' Africans out with THIS problem... the solution being
vaccines and mosquito nets !
I like to think that there is a difference between leading…
and controlling… but those that are REALLY in power do not
seem to see it as so.
12,3 The Darkness
Truthfully and heart-felt… considering everything we
witnessed and endured of the 20th century, I cannot see how
we will make it through this, the 21st century… the one that we
have been in for 2 decades approaching.
Do you believe that there will be a World War III ? Don’t
worry… most people do… it is in our mindset… we have been
programmed to believe it will come. How ? By a system that
has formed our beliefs.
Take, for example, Christianity… using the bible as a
reference, the book of revelations will speak all about it…
teaching us to wait for it… and Christian minds keep it in their
thoughts in much of what they do…. the second-coming of the
Christian demi-god. WHAT IF… those in power NEED us to

~ 600 ~
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think this way to make sure it all comes about ? Though the
beliefs in Christianity and Islam are a copy of a copy of a
copy… the one thing that seems to be different than all of the
rest of the copies… is that a ‘saviour’ was prophesized to
return. I cannot find any further reference, when a demi-god of
the past promised to one-day return. Being raised from the
dead was rather common in all of the other myths… as well as
crucifixion... but to return one day… no.
If we are speaking of the SUN... it rises everyday... THE
son has a completely different context.
In German 'son' is 'sohn'... and 'sun' is 'sonne'... the
German words look alike... but do not sound alike ; the English
words for these two examples, both sound the same.
Then there is the propaganda that we willingly subject
ourselves to… more specifically in film. Movies like
Armageddon, where a comet threatens the earth… the
saviours, coincidentally being related to 'Big Oil' ; World War Z,
when zombies run rampant… basically a plague ; and War of
the Worlds… when aliens come to conquer all of US. As you
already know… there are many MANY more… seems to be the
favorite of topics… and we should ask ourselves WHY we seem
to WANT IT !
Spirituality and religion... are NOT the same. It is a
following of our hearts… and nothing nor anyone should be in
our minds so much as to keep OUR heads in conflict with OUR
hearts... as the heart will always know in which direction it
wants to go. The heart 'wants what it wants'... and the head

~ 601 ~
KINGS… and peasants
must always be trained and retrained to take the heart where it
wants to go.
There IS something, however, to be said about
spirituality… and as was defined in the Star Wars films :
"Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy
surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are
we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force
around you ; here, between you, me, the tree, the
rock, everywhere, yes… even between the land and
the ship." ~ Yoda
There are some religious zealots that will say that
animals do not possess a spirit... but if this is the case... then
neither do WE. The Church of Christ may preach this in
regards to a 'soul' or 'Sol'... is the sun... the light and the life.
Spirit resembles 'esprit' in French... of which meaning is 'mind'.
Ponder on the expression... when a thought comes from
'out of the clear blue sky'... think about what it implies... these
are the thoughts that came from no where... or everywhere.
THESE are the thoughts that we SHOULD be listening to... but
it is a 'feeling' ; not necessarily a thought.
Perfect moments of the unexplained... soulmate meetings
of 'good vibes'... auras of those that become our angels.
Have you ever ALMOST been in a car accident… but
somehow managed to escape the calamity without knowing
how you avoided it ? WHAT is THAT ?
Having thoughts of someone... seems to make the
telephone ring… or prompt us to make that call, only to be

~ 602 ~
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interrupted by THAT someone knocking at our door.
Sudden thoughts of ANOTHER someone that we may
have lost touch with... receiving word quite by happenstance,
that the person had died only the day before. Coincidence ?
How about a Mother’s intuition… the knowing that her
child is in some kind of danger... or otherwise up to no-good ?
What about the energy at a concert that riles us up… at the
moment we become crazy like everyone else ? Or even that
reciprocal feeling of falling in love on that first sight.
How about the finding of that something that we haven’t
seen in a decade, that we had stopped searching for years
prior, after concluding that it must be forever gone.
It is these kinds of moments… an answer comes to our
realization that we somehow overlooked the rhyme or the
reason for… seeing only the big picture… having never noticed
any of the little dots that made it all up. Most everyone has
reflected on their own life at some point… attempting to make
sense of the timing of everything that led to another… events
that seemingly changed our course… as if the path had been
charted for us many years in advance.
Sometimes the things that we thought we were looking
for… cannot be found until WE are ready for them to find US...
everything is a matter of timing... at just the exact moment when
we are ready to accept that which beckons us.
There is really no getting ready for ANYTHING... one just
does it... or does it not.
There is really only one way for each of us to live… there

~ 603 ~
KINGS… and peasants
is no correct or incorrect way, as long as it is in tune with whom
WE are… and those whom would challenge OUR law… the law
in which WE dictated for ourselves... as to OUR perception and
OUR choices that we made… really have no place IN our
lives… because if one is not building us up… they are holding
us down… down to where they are… weighting us down to
keep us grounded… when we should be doing whatever it is
that completes us... but also encouraging the aspirations of
others. One can never succeed while simultaneously wishing
the failure of another.
Most of us will have a favorite color, a favorite food, even
a favorite season… isn’t it the same with EVERYTHING ? But...
WE are not allowed to be individuals... and our heads are pulled
from the clouds by ONLY those that simply conform ; We have
become the prisoners AND the guards in our serf society…
guarding everything and everyone we love along with US in our
prison. We know what we are interested in when we are very
young… all of which should be encouraged whether an
'authority' figure thinks it useful or not. A personal pursuit… to
most anyone else, is JUST a hobby… and our heads are often
pulled down from out of the clouds by those whom forgot HOW
to dream.
Time is only a perception... time goes very fast when we
celebrate with those whom we affiliate. Conversely, at our
jobs... time goes by at a much slower rate... especially if we do
not love what we do.
Time moves... and it can stand still... and sometimes it is

~ 604 ~
Chapitre 12
even lost altogether... there is NO time in the mind... yesterday
is gone… tomorrow never comes… TODAY is all that we will
ever have... and WE are just not here for very long.
We are all connected in some-way or another… a
consciousness that binds us all together. Sadly though… we
are always pushed to disconnect from this great mind… as that
which unifies us in love… can also unify us in fear. It would
seem to me that spirituality can only be decoded by our
emotional state, which is mutable in its interpretation. Often, we
do not know the WHY behind our feeling a certain way… we
can only feel the emotion.
John Lennon had an idea until it was snuffed out… “give
peace a chance”, he would often say. It is within our REASON
that can bring our hearts to peace… it is really the only part of
us that separates us from the animals… WE can decide NOT to
cause another pain… WE can choose NOT to kill like the cats…
the only other creature that, like us… can kill for the mere
amusement of it.
Joyeux Noël... a French film of 2005, 'based on a true
story' when the French, the Germans and the Scottish
celebrated Christmas together on the front lines in 1914... which
was actually NOT the only case. I am not selling anything
here... but the film was more of an experience... and if YOU
have not seen it, I would suggest watching it first in its original
form... English, French, and German are all used to create a
true sense of how it might have felt to NOT understand
EVERYthing... as it was lived by the soldiers. These were

~ 605 ~
KINGS… and peasants
peasants... fraternizing with the 'enemy' that the nobility of each
made them all out to be.
Racism... well, simply put, is someone whom believes his
or her descent to be above one or all of the rest. This is
USUALLY based on ethnicity or rather the color of one's skin. It
is something that is taught... but in THIS story, it was
nationalities... of latin, and Anglo-Saxon descent... but what we
must learn to understand is that... people are just people... and
WE are peasants.
Perhaps we learned some of these prejudicisms from our
'Equal Opportunity Employers', something that is
‘REQUESTED’ by them, wishing to label themselves as fair...
please check one.
__Black/African American
__Prefer not to say
__Other, please specify_________
The idea behind this is supposedly to match the
demographic of the area… relative to the district, city, or state.
So… if the populated area in question is made up of 13%
‘oompa-loompas’… then the ratio of ‘oompa-loompas’ in the
company’s employ, should also be pretty close to 13%.
It is always said that THIS step is optional… that we may
refuse to answer the questionnaire… but at the interview, the
interviewer will fill it in upon said meeting.
I am not sure how important this really is… but it would

~ 606 ~
Chapitre 12
just seem that corporations are still profiling us on the color of
our skin. How can we be evolving if we cannot even get passed
something as petty as THIS ? It should not even be a factor…
but corporations still condone it… and if the corporations are
allowed to profile… the government must be allowing it as well.
WE have NOT evolved… we make fun of others less
fortunate than ourselves… we curse others that have more or
even less than we do. We can pity an animal dying in pain, but
we cannot let are elders go with their dignity… even if they
should wish it... conditioned by illegality and what we were
taught in a church.
We used to play pretend, give each other different
names… we would build a rocket ship and then
we’d fly it far away… used to dream of outer space
but now they’re laughing at our face… saying,
“wake up, you need to make money !" ~ Twenty-
One Pilots (2015).
We believe that the world goes around only for OUR
benefit… each of us thinking that it revolves for the self.
Compassion for animals is to put them out of their misery... but
compassion for humans beings, is to make sure that they stay
alive... because WE are selfish in our letting someone else go.
It is WE whom are the imbalance in this world…
EVERYTHING ELSE is in sync with our world but US… or so it
is that we think… but THIS is really on the heads of
corporations… and by supporting THEM, we are guilty by our

~ 607 ~
KINGS… and peasants
Consumption, as we have been told… ‘stimulates’ the
economy… but this kind of growth is like the blaze that
consumes a forest… and in much the same way, will in time,
extinguish itself. It is NOT ‘sustainable’… it can never be
infinite… and too much of it is already gone.
As with any tyranny of history… comes revolution… paid
for in full with the blood of peasants. There could only be
success in revolution if it was unanimously in order... and
withOUT THEIR funding of the project. The mistake of the past
have always been, that the revolutions were fed on the
promotion of violence. It is ONLY through our REASON that we
could ever get what WE want from a system that has never
worked except for the benefit of those in power… whom are
NOT to be found among US. Not as a revolt… not a
revolution... but a 'renaissance', which in French is 'a rebirth'...
an about-face change in buying, acquiring, et cetera... the
boycott of everything that WE do not NEED... and damnit... turn
off THAT TV !
A REAL conversation should not start with what we saw
on TV the night before... WE don't even NEED a TV anymore.
Surely, conversations ABOUT TV are NOT what we are living
for ! Entertainers used to be the jesters or the clowns... but they
somehow became the gods of OUR modern day ! We want to
hear the gossip of celebrities... people that do not even know
that WE exist !
A Revolution is to make new arrangements ; an
Insurrection is to no longer allow ourselves to be arranged...

~ 608 ~
Chapitre 12
but to arrange ourselves, no longer in support of the
WE have already heard from the mainstream as to what
an 'insurgent' is... it is the rebels that the U.S. has been trying to
silence in OTHER countries !
12,4 The REAL power...
Why do insurance companies have so much control over
our well-being ? Because WE gave it to them. How can grocery
outlets charge so much for our food ? Because WE let them.
HOW could it ever be possible to have a WWIII ? Because WE
will fight for THEM. WE must fight for US now… NOT THEM ! It
is the peasants of the world that are our siblings in the 'Global'
Empire… NOT the Nobility. Rebellion... is the first sign of
sanity, yet, it is as if we pray for armageddon, living in our
«Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus
Und vor Paris steht Mickey Mouse
We're all living in Amerika ~ Amerika by Rammstein
Amerika ist wunderbar»
(Reise, Reise 2004)
"The music is coming from the Whitehouse
And in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse
We're all living in Amerika
Amerika is wonderful"
~ Amerika by Rammstein (Reise, Reise 2004)
These few melodic lines illustrate a simple point... and IF
you should ever hear the song… German is a hard language in

~ 609 ~
KINGS… and peasants
sound for most… but music is universal… and this song sounds
of ‘agitation’.
There is a sense of irony here in that WE were ALMOST
all living in Nazi Germany… that Germans descending from
Germans of THAT era, are now singing of their projecting that
Amerika has become what Germany USED to be.
War simply accelerates state socialism... which is
communism, zionism, bolshevism, et cetera... an authoritarian
existence that we seem to always be fighting... but that always
falls back into its place. Wars are not fought to be won... they
are fought to last as long as possible !
We are not listening to a god OR to ourselves... and YOU
nor I benefit... except for our name, that might be engraved on a
granite slab in Washington DC... the final 'lay-off' via a
The world’s resources are abundant and in balance for
the entire population. If this were NOT the case, our 'Great
Mother' would clean house on her own… the nobility seems to
think it is up to THEM now… as it is THEM that still believe they
are entitled to divine right… and THEY know now that there are
simply too many of us to rule.
We have been told that our world is running out of
resources and have understood it to be EVERYONE's fault...
but mostly it is in interpreted to be OUR fault… but the fault
REALLY belongs with the corporations.
We live in world of consumption... and ALL of us our
guilty of consuming the world… we spread the disease… but

~ 610 ~
Chapitre 12
whom was it that put the virus into motion ? CORPORATIONS !
Corporations are in control of our food, if we can really
call it that… and the chemicals that ‘enhance’ our water.
Corporations have hijacked farming, rain forests, oil, and gas…
and we work for, or pay for these ‘services’ that already belong
to ALL of us… but were NOT ours to sell. Corporations control
the lands that we occupy... ordained by the governments that
do NOT serve us… but rather bind US for THEIR servitude…
and protect only the incorporated’s interests.
What kind of government saves the banks from sinking,
based on a ‘too-big-to-fail’ concept ? They were NOT too big,
obviously… it was their turn to die… but the government
borrowed to pay them off… and in such matters, the collateral
has always been… YOU and I.
Oh yeah... and Verizon got a 1.5 billion USD bailout in
2008... as did GE Capital with 139 billion...
Caterpillar got 56 billion... and Harley-Davidson
received 2.3 billion ! McDonald's received 203 million, Goldman
Sachs took 24 billion... all according to Christopher Whalen... an
investment 'banker'. In october 2010, 17% of Americans were
unemployed ! THIS is the business of OUR today ! 'Can you
hear me NOW' ?!!
Oh... and 700 billion went to Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac... America's finest of financial instructions.
Whether or not one uses drugs for the medicinal or the
recreational, is actually not the biggest of problems that society
faces in the present ; no... it is actually the 'FOOD' that is being

~ 611 ~
KINGS… and peasants
processed by mostly the U.S. corporations.
The national debt ceiling is always being raised… but
somehow WE are the ones blamed for it… and it is NOT our
responsibility. The 'government closure' of 2013… did you
happen to know THEY even reached out and closed the
memorial at Normandie ? NORMANDIE !!! These politicians
have no honor… and their respect for fallen peasants is null.
How long will we be doing this… how long will we be
feeding the insatiable beast that only takes from us… never to
give anything back without a price-tag affixed ? Until we all die
perhaps ? When will enough be enough ? Only when WE say it
is enough… when WE decide it is enough… when WE have
had ENOUGH !
In the U.S., ‘WE’ waste 1/3 of the WORLD’s food every
day… while the beautiful peoples of the countries in the 3rd-
worlds starve. The giant restaurant chains and grocery
warehouses don’t really worry about this though… just the
bottom line… the profit… the contributions that we can each
give in ONE lifetime.
Vaccines are peddled to the same countries almost free
of charge… as well as unconsented birth control under the
guise of inoculation… and any of the debts incurred are paid by
the food that they send to the ‘westerly’ side of the world… to
be wasted. This is how the 3rd world pays their debts to the
empire… the empire that conquered them in the dark without
their knowing… correction… without ‘the people’ knowing.
Corporate oil spills contaminating the seas… they will just

~ 612 ~
Chapitre 12
move THEIR drills to another place. Refineries polluting the
skies… exchanging their unused ‘carbon credits’ with their
compatriots… as one may produce less than another… but the
total pollution will still be the same.
WE work for these companies… and the companies are
not held responsible because they wear knee-pads under some
elite official’s desk !
On the evening news… the tornado cost was millions in
damages… the hurricane cost was billions… the stock market
had a bad day… and the richest of thieves sit in their Jacuzzis
having cigars and orgies… and the smoke from their domination
will not stop until there is REALLY nothing left… nothing left for
US... in a world that was once also OURS.
More importantly though… as capitalism is all that seems
to matter anymore… is that tornados are considered ‘acts of
God’ by most insurance companies… and often these
companies will find a way to exclude these things from any
coverage anyway… even if it is just hidden in the fine print ! We
never learned about the insurance predators in school though,
DID we… THESE things we must learn about on our own.
If there was NO demand… there could be no market. Is
there any reason any country should have to buy a plate set
from another country… souvenir perhaps… but not mainstay
furniture et cetera… countries are fully capable of creating their
own… with their OWN charms… factories lack this kind of
I DO believe that there is a depopulation project in the

~ 613 ~
KINGS… and peasants
our midst… but it likely would not be caused by nuclear
means… because there are none.... though the nuclear FEAR
will still be sold to US.
"A total world population of 250-300 million people,
a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
~ Ted Turner 1996 Audubon magazine... whom has a
networth of 2.2 billion USD. 'Philanthropists' often speak
of depopulation.
The negative impact of population growth on all of
our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly
evident ~ David Rockefeller, tuesday 13 september
1994... after having accepted 'the medal of the business
council for the United Nations presented him by Mayor
Rudolph William Louis Giuliani KBE... whom became
mayor of NYC on 1 january1994... yeah... the same
year... stepping down on 31 december 2001.
There is someone or some persons whom claim to own
this world… WE only know them as ‘THEY’.
THEY are here to profit on OUR lives… until WE die.
THEY are the ones that must go ! WE cannot even claim the oil
or the water rights that may be under OUR own front yard...
because it is NOT ours ! Wars are about destroying the
peasants... the culling of the 'undesirables'... joining the military
encourages this... but not so many chose this avenue to be a
hero... or memorialized... they just wanted a way to support
themselves and their families.
Poverty may be the REAL killer... and YOU and I sink

~ 614 ~
Chapitre 12
further into this every day.
To those that claim themselves to be patriots… THERE
ARE NO PATRIOTS in the U.S… otherwise, the militia would
be taking the country back from those 'OWNERS' whom might
even claim THEY were the ‘divinely' appointed’.... as this is how
it has ALWAYS been.
"What country can preserve its liberties if their
rulers are not warned from time to time that their
people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them
take arms." ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James
Madison, 20 december 1787.
At the beginning of 2018 it was said that the world
population was up to 7.6 billion... but this is NOT like the U.S.
debt clock, reaching up to infinity... people die... and whomever
the dumb-asses are, whom are imagining these numbers... at
the UN, I think... are failing to factor in this 'petit', but rather
important variable.
THEY will try to convince us… after some kind of event…
just as 911 ushered in the DHS and wire-tapping ! We must be
vigilante... and if WE don't like what WE have been getting, WE
MUST change what it is that WE have been doing.
Governments aiding and abetting the corporations with
military control et cetera... THEY are the problem and to be
bold... piracy is anti-establishment. If there were ever to be a
NEW revolution versus the NEW world order… it would have to
be equivalent to the NEW war… which is debt.
In most cases, Fascism comes into power after a nation

~ 615 ~
KINGS… and peasants
has suffered an economic collapse, a military defeat, or some
other disaster. The fascist part wins massive support by
promising to revive the economy and restore national pride…
but… personal liberties become much more limited. Imagine
having a curfew !
12,5 Politics is just a WASTE of OUR time !
I would like to see 100% of the U.S. population NOT
vote… 100% ! I would be curious if someone is elected
anyway… an experiment… because all we ever get are those
last TWO to choose from in the end ; three choices in the 90’s.
Would we have no president ? The same president ? Or would
one of the usual TWO still be chosen by some sort of default
that we were not aware of ? Clinton was ONE of the 3 choices
in the 90s... but according to Cathy O'brian... Clinton was
'selected' as far back as 1984 !
How can we break the corporations ? How do we escape
'the masters' scourge. THEY control everything ! A strike ? A
walk-out ? Faith ?
Wasted oil, wasted food, wasted water, wasted air,
wasted plutonium, and wasted lives... THEY waste it ALL !
Though I disagree with revolution… because it is what
THEY seem to want to provoke… it would seem that this is
where it will eventually end up… but I wonder if a revolution has
really ever been won.
It is a difficult concept to grasp… so let us try to look at a
revolution as a company.
Something I actually respect and admire in France, as in

~ 616 ~
Chapitre 12
a number of other European countries, is that the ‘strike’ still
exists… in the US, one does not hear of them so much
anymore… seems most unions have been bought or infiltrated
in some way… as if the 'leaders' of them have sold out.
It is difficult to unionize where those most likely to disobey
and rally others are those that are not hired in the first place…
instead, the employees hired are much the same… having
opinions only kept to themselves… getting up every day
because everyone else is doing it… careful not to rock the
proverbial boat.
We are taught anymore to scoff at strikes… accepting
them as intrusions on our lives and society… but the purpose of
them, quite bluntly, was to not let the workers get screwed by
their respective companies… which works well if the population
is armed with the know-how that the company needs… but if
the skills and such required can easily be found somewhere
else, even if it means relocating to another country, the
corporation just gets up and leaves… and often, protected by
their friends in government. The ‘strike’ (revolt) ends, the
company winning and even profiting by paying lower wages
abroad. Almost everyone is laid-off, and others secretly
bargained with… 'trust' and monetary power are NOT
compatible… anyone and everyone CAN be bought... or
Then there is the more invasive background investigation,
which has its own fees associated to companies… 'cooperating'
with the government, the IRS, creditors, past employers,

~ 617 ~
KINGS… and peasants
facebook, and any other entity waiting and willing to give up
information about US. Some employers even ‘request’ finger-
printing… in which there is no chance at that new job unless the
applicant should comply... which are simply measures put into
place to protect the corporations.
Let us think about this for a second… companies are
basing our employment on our conformity… are they not ? They
want to know what ‘sins’ we have partaken in… the lines we
have crossed... all of which is to make certain that we are law-
abiding, tax-paying, church-going, good-standing citizens… the
citizen whom obeys, complies, and does exactly what he or she
is are told.
How about that shoplifting charge from 20 years ago ?
The perspective employer will want to know THAT too ! Why ?
Because WE broke a rule… WE have a tendency to disobey. Is
all of this REALLY just for the employer ?
WHAT IF our drug-tests, background checks, and IRS
audits were all created for the gate-keeping aspect… a way to
keep the persons whom do not follow… from rising up the
chain… as they now tend to get the lowest paying jobs without
benefits, partially due to a past that didn’t demonstrate
Some of the 'rules', that Americans must live by, are not
controls set in other countries in the first place. For example,
there is no pre-employment drug-testing in France, nor are
there random drug screens ! At least not yet.
IF what one does over the weekend is not hurting

~ 618 ~
Chapitre 12
anyone... what does it matter ?
"You know what THEY want ? They want
people who are just smart enough to run the
machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb
enough to passively accept all of these
increasingly shittier jobs, with the lower pay, the
longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of
overtime, and the vanishing pension that
disappears the minute you go to collect it... and
NOW, their comin' for your social security money...
they want your fuckin' retirement money, they want
it back, so they can give to THEIR criminal friends
on wallstreet. and you know somethin', THEY'll get
it, THEY'll get it all from you sooner or later
because they OWN this fuckin' place... it's a big
club... and YOU ain't IN it. YOU and I are NOT in the
big club !" ~ George Carlin
All of THEIR symbols, all of THEIR political attitudes
toward US… THEY know it is too late for us to do anything
about it… the reason why they throw it in our faces. More
languages are about to disappear… customs forgotten… and
entire peoples will fade away… for WHAT ?!!
Working for a corporation is not really about us enjoying
our jobs… the priority set by a corporation is in making money,
with whatever means are necessary. Security measures are in
place… NOT for OUR protection… but for the security of the

~ 619 ~
KINGS… and peasants
corporations we work for ! The password protection, the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) violations,
the surveillance, et cetera… these are all for the security of the
company… which measures are essentially protecting THEM
from US !
WE are governed by a 'ruthless clique'.... just as Hitler
and JFK insinuated we were governed under, many years ago.
“You let one ant stand up to us, and they all might
stand up ! Those puny little ants out-number us a
hundred to one… and if they ever figure that out,
there goes our way of life ! It's not about food ! It's
about keeping those ants in-line.” ~ A Bugs Life
1998 ; ‘Hopper’ as voiced by Kevin Spacey.
Incidentally, a colony of ants always has a queen…
warriors to mate with and protect her… and a ‘working class’
that does everything else… and SOME ant ‘peasants’ even put
their dead into a crypt at the bottom of their nest. It is a most
efficient way to colonize… but only methodical… uncreative…
at least for the workers. If one should be so compelled to take a
look around our society… it is easy to know from which class of
ant WE fit into.
Then there is this environmental 'production' going on…
and WE can be fined if we were to throw an apple core out of
the car window… something natural and biodegradable.
Corporations sell us water in plastic bottles… labeled with a
‘recycle’ symbol… which is all the responsibility they will EVER
take in releasing that ‘harmless’ plastic bottle into nature.

~ 620 ~
Chapitre 12
Toxic waste… sludge… waste for the landfill… there is
really no end… it is perpetual… and it will never stop… until WE
say STOP !!! Corporations are the addicts… WE are the proxy
addicts... and they will only stop when there is nothing left…
and WE will be the ones that will suffer through THEIR
withdrawal... when and if we ever choose not to be the victims
of our ‘consumption’ any longer … admit we are all addicts and
begin to find the cure for OUR disease.
The world is full of people whom call themselves the
leaders of humanity… but what is it that compels us to follow in
the steps of THEIR stupidity.
Was the so-called TRUTH MOVEMENT really about
instigating a revolution for the sake of NOT letting it get out of
control, or is it something that has been put into motion to divide
us in our reasoning ? THEY could have been the ones to direct
us in ideas such as this... even though THEY were not invited to
OUR party !
The employees of the East India Company... a
corporation, reigning from 1600 to 1858, WERE the original
pirates... but the REAL pirates found that they could profit as
well ; why trade what had always been traded
when one could take the proverbial 'boat-load' ?
It was mentioned via George Lucas and
Steven Spielberg's collaboration in a rather
classic franchise... of which None of us were really listening :
Indiana Jones to Chattar Lal : Captain Blumburtt was
just telling me something of the interesting history of the

~ 621 ~
KINGS… and peasants
palace ; the importance it played in the mutiny.
Chattar Lal : "It seems the British NEVER forget the
mutiny of 1857." Indiana Jones : Temple of Doom 1984.
'Mutiny' is a strange word to use... the British 'colonized'
or 'occupied' India for quite some time... The British company
ruled 1/3 of the world at one point... perhaps it is still the same
today. The corporate rule of India began in 1757, but on 10
May 1857, Indian soldiers under British rule, would become
annoyed by THEIR occupation. 15 august 1947 would be the
date of India's Independence... a land that belonged to India,
long before the East India Company would conquer it.
“In order to effect a timely halt to deteriorating
conditions, and to ensure the common good, a
state of emergency is declared to these territories
by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, dually appointed
representative of his majesty the KING. By decree,
according to martial law, the following statutes are
temporarily suspended :
Right to assembly… suspended.
Right to Habeas Corpus… suspended.
Right to legal counsel… suspended.
Right to verdict by a jury of peers… suspended.
By decree, all persons found guilty of piracy, or
aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating
with a person convicted of piracy, shall be
sentenced to hang by the neck until dead.” ~ At
World’s End, the 3rd film of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'

~ 622 ~
Chapitre 12
Today's India has its own currency again... but of which is
still devalued... as 1,000,000 INR is about 15,500 USD.
If we wait long enough, we will all be millionaires due to inflation
eventually… the Rupee of India is one such example of this...
the USD will fair no better.
We lock murderers up because they canNOT change...
but the church can go on while we are believing that it CAN
change.... just as we believe that Politicians and Corporations
can... but THEY canNOT... and they WILL not !
12,6 Secrets
So now that I have ranted… I will share my trivial
formatting secrets with YOU ! Things that MAY have been
difficult to notice. I am not one to hide what I know… unless it is
something that could harm another... of which I will use much
Upon my ending, I am not tied to any club, fraternity,
group, religion, or foundation... though I DID use many of the
‘tricks of THEIR trade’ in this compilation.
I used a 13-sized Arial or ARIES font... It would SEEM
that there are 12 chapters, but it is quite easy to forget that I
began with chapter 0… which would make this number 13.
I have used the Fibonacci Number, or 'golden rations', if
you would rather, as closely as I have been able throughout this
work ; all of the pictures SHOULD be relational to the golden
rectangles which are made up of the bodies of text, which
include the chapter headings within ; another golden rectangle,
which theme carries all the way down to the square pictures,

~ 623 ~
KINGS… and peasants
formatted to be relational divisions of said rectangles.
SO... DO tell me… what did you think ? How did it look ?
How did it feel ?
I have lower-cased the ‘E’ in my pen name... and in the
case that you wanted to know, the song that I referenced on
page 136, was ‘Don’t Close Your Eyes’ by Kix, 1988.
Oh... and THIS chapter ends on page 624... but I began
with page '0'... which means that there are 625 pages... and
6+2+5= 13
I declared this work as being finished on friday, 13 april
2018... venus-day... though it is a work that, to me... can never
really be finished ; the sequels of OUR tomorrow have already
been written for US... but WE do not know of THAT which was
I challenge YOU to find a different story than I just have ;
as nothing is what it really seems to be. We should be looking
around from time to time... taking it all in... looking up, breathing
in, breathing out... and enjoying the sun on our faces.
WE are of the billions... the billions of whom REALLY
matter !
My dear fellow peasants whether gay or straight, black or
white, male or female... WE ARE ALL that is left of what
humanity SHOULD look like... let US not be afraid to recreate it
in the world of the mad.
Love... is the answer... love is all that WE need... LOVE is
our REAL god... and the gods are of Love. Be FREE !

~ 624 ~

Bibliography, Works Cited, et Cetera

Barrow, Ian, The East India Company : 1600~1858 A short
History with Documents ~ Hackett publishing : ISBN

Dubay, Eric, The Atlantean Conspiracy ~ Abebooks 2012 :

ISBN 9781435735255

Farrakhan, Louis The Secret Relationship Between Blacks

and Jews ~ Nation of Islam 1991 : ISBN 9780963687708

Foner, Philip S, The Complete Writings of Thomas Paine ~

Chicago, New York : Belford, Clarke, february 1984, first
published in 1885 : ISBN : 978999333098

Fox, Loren, Enron : The Rise and Fall 1st edition ~ John
Wiley & Sons, december 22 2003 : ISBN 978-0471432203

KINGS… and peasants
Froissart, Jehan Les Chroniques de Jehan Froissart ~
Presses Universitaires de France 1395 : ISBN
Glubb, Sir John Bagot The fate of empires and Search for
survival ~ Abebooks 1 april 1978 : ISBN 9780851581279

Graves, Kersey The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors :

Christianity before Christ ~ Peter Eckler Publishing 1875 :
ISBN 9781930097735

Griffin, G Edward, The Creature From Jekyll Island ~ Amer

Media1994 : ISBN 9780912986166

Hitchcock, Andrew Carrington, The Synagogue of Satan ~

Rivercrest Publishing,19 may 2007 : ISBN 9781930004450

Litvinoff, Barnet The Burning Bush : Antisemitism and

World History ~ HarperCollins 27 april 1989 : ISBN

O'brian, Cathy ; Phillips, Mark Trance : Formation of

America ~ Reality Marketing, september 1995 : ISBN

Pike, Albert Morals and Dogma : of the Ancient and

Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry ~ Andesite Press
2015, first published in 1872 : ISBN 9781298530752

~ ii ~
Pruess, Arthur, A Study in American Freemasonry
1908, B Herder 3rd edition 1914 : ISBN : 9781523366347
Reuchlin, Abelard The true authorship of the New
Testament ~ AbeBooks 1986 : ISBN 9780930808020

Smoot, Dan The Invisible Government ~ self-published

1962 : ISBN 9781603121477

Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In by Ragni, Gerome ; Rado,

James ; MacDermot, Galt from The age of Aquarius by The
5th Dimension, McCoo, Marilyn ; LaRue, Florence ;
McLemore, LaMonte ; Davis Junior, Billy ; Townson, Ron
produced by Howe, Bones ; march1969 Vinyl

Snowden, Edward James Everything You Know about the

Constitution is Wrong ~ CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 7 september 2013 : ISBN

Stansell, Kimberly D, The Original Lie : The Holy Soul ~

Lulu Press inc, 1816, ISBN 9781387127719

Suvin, Darko, In Leviathan's Belly : Essays for a Counter-

Revolutionary Time ~ Borgo Press, 7 november 2012 : ISBN
9781434445193 (vietnam)

Whiston, William Translation The Works of Flavius

~ iii ~
KINGS… and peasants
Josephus ~ Abebooks 1987 : ISBN 9781565637801
The Black Stork, Leopold Wharton, Theodore Wharton,
released in 1917.

Metropolis, Freitz Lang, Parufamet, 1927

Gone with the Wind, Victor Fleming, Loew's Inc, 1939

Forces Occultes, Jean Mamy, Nova films, 1943

THX 1388, George Lucas, Warner Brothers, 1971

Star Wars, George Lucas, JJ Abrams, Dave Fioni, Ran

Johnson, Richard Marquand, Irvin Kershner, Rod Howard,
20th Century Fox, Lucasfilm,1977-1983

Raiders of the Lost Ark, Steven Spielberg, Paramount

Pictures, 1981

JFK, Oliver Stone, Warner Brothers, 1991

Demolition Man, Marco Brambilla, Warner Brothers, 1993

Braveheart, Mel Gibson, Icon Productions, 1995

The Long Kiss Goodnight, Renny Harlin, New Line


~ iv ~
Titanic, James Cameron, 20th Century Fox, Paramount
Pictures, Lightstorm Entertainment, 1997

The Truman Show, Peter Weir, Paramount Pictures a

Viacom Company, 1998

Armageddon, Michael Bay, Touchstone Pictures, Buena

Vista Pictures now owned by Disney, 1998

Fight Club, David Fincher, 20th Century Fox, 1999

Gladiator, Ridley Scott, DreamWorks SKG, Universal

Studios, 2000

The Matrix, Lana and Lilly Wachowski, Silver Pictures

Productions, 1999 and 2003

Minority Report, Steven Spielberg, 20th Century Fox,

DreamWorks SKG, 2002

The Corporation : Documentary, University of British

Columbia ~ Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Written by Joel
Bakan, 2003

Pirates of the Caribbean, Gore Verbinski, Rob Marshall,

Joachim Ronning, Espen Sandberg, The Walt Disney

KINGS… and peasants
Company, Walt Disney Pictures, Jerry Brudkheimer Films,
Second Mate Productions, 2003-2017

Troy, Wolfgang Petersen, Warner Brothers, Fox-Warner,

Warner Sogefilms SA, 2004

Joyeux Noël, Christian Carion, UGC Fox, 2005

Æon Flux, Karyn Kusama, Paramount Pictures, 2005

War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg, Paramount Pictures,

DreamWorks SKG, 2005

Zeitgeist : The Movie ~ Peter Joseph, 2007

Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Dany Boon, Pathé, Alternative

Films, CLMC Multimedia, Paradiso Entertainment, 2008

Wealth Inequality in America, Politizane (youtube handle),


World War Z, Marc Forster, B&H Film, Finnkino, Interfilm,

Paramount Pictures, 2013

Oblivion, Joseph Kosinski, B&H film, Dar Films, Finnkino,

Interfilm, Solar Entertainment, 2013

~ vi ~
Interstellar, Christopher Nolan, Warner Brothers,
Paramount Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Syncopy Films,

Deepwater, Peter Berg, LionsGate,Summit Entertainment,

SND 2016

Gods of Egypt, Alex Proyas, LionsGate, 2016

~ vii ~
KINGS… and peasants

Taken from : The United Nations Convention on Biological
Diversity, Article 8a-e ; United Nations Global Biodiversity
Assessment, Section ; US Man and the Biosphere
Strategic Plan, UN/US Heritage Corridor Program, 'The

Wildlands Project', WildEarth, 1992.

Stranger almost than the 'Manuscript found in a copper
Cylinder' is the copy of a map which came across seas to

~ viii ~
Honolulu from a Buddhist Temple in the mountains of central
Japan. It is a map of the world made 1000 years ago. Dr
Kobayashi, the well-known Japanese physician and surgeon of
Honolulu, has received a copy of the map, which he believes to
have been made by Chinese priests ten centuries ago.
The map is drawn on the principle of the Mercator
Projection showing the North Pole as the center of a circle in
which are the continents of North and South America, Europe,
Africa, Asia, and Australia.
"The map was found by my brother in a Japanese temple
in the mountains of Japan", said Dr Kobayashi. "It has been
hidden from the Japanese government in modern times just as
it was in ancient times, for in olden days such a map would
have been destroyed by the authorities. According to a letter
the original map was brought from China by a Buddhist priest
and concealed in this temple.
"Ten years ago my brother was a consumptive. Although
I was a physician he did not wish to be treated with medicines.
He decided to go into the mountains and attempt a cure by
himself. For ten years he has remained there and used his will
power to effect a cure. During his stay there he found this
map. He evolved from it a theory of the flatness of the earth,
despite all modern facts showing it to be a sphere. This theory
has been his one aim in life. He is an artist and in order to
demonstrate his theory he made beautiful drawings,
picturesque and attractive to the eye, in which mechanical,
astronomical, and engineering methods are shown.

~ ix ~
KINGS… and peasants
"My brother goes back to the days of Columbus and
Amerigo Vespucci who, he says, sailed for a new country
believing that by sailing directly in one general direction they

would ultimately come to the place.

"We moderns know that a vessel sailing from a port and
going continually in a general easterly manner will arrive at the
same place. The vessel, of course, goes around the globe. My
brother's theory is that one sails about a vast plane as one
would sail around the edges of a bowl."
The illustrations accompanying the map are beautiful of

Japanese art. No more attractive book of geography has ever
been compiled. It is a mass of cherry blossoms, Fujiyamas,
beautiful blue seas dotted with the sails of junks and sampans.
There are landscapes and seascapes and bizarre pictures of
Japanese men, designed along ol-time styles. But in every
sheet of such pictures the engineering lines are brought out in a
way that does not mar the picture. With the next matter
explaining each page, the geography should be easily
Dr Kobayashi now has all the original sheets, scores of
them, and these he will return to Japan to his brother, who
intends to have them put in the hands of publishers. It will be
one of the most novel publications of the period.
The original map of which a copy drawn by Dr
Kobayashi's brother, and of which the accompanying cut is a
tracing, the worm-eaten and barely holds together. The above
map with all the continents and even the Hawaiian Islands
shown, was evidently not made by the priest who traced the
original lines.~ Hawaiian Gazette,11 january 1907.

~ xi ~
KINGS… and peasants

~ xii ~

~ xiii ~
KINGS… and peasants

~ xiv ~

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