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Thoughts of mine

By Jagadish

Indians who follow religion are wise in INDIA

Religion teaches how to handle science in INDIA

Religious texts teach mannerisms and teachings of life in INDIA

Law can easily be promoted and used if marriages are proper in INDIA

Educational institutions can easily identify flaws in students and rectify them in INDIA

Politicians get a clear-cut idea of how to handle crisis when doctrine is followed in INDIA

World opinions can be kept secure without confusion by international leaders in INDIA and ABROAD

Aliens can be given insights into world scenario nation to nation differentiation in INDIAN background

Operating system functionality and rules and regulations can easily be governed in INDIA

Knowledge of science can easily be imparted and differentiation in them are easily maneuvered in INDIA

Marriages and doctrine of marriage manual can easily be imparted to children at young age so that

AIDS type of diseases can be controlled and manipulation can easily be checked in INDIA

Child confusion regarding the world and its behavior is easily explainable if knowledge of religion is

known to parents and grandparents in INDIA


Thought of the day

Knowledge sustenance in INDA easily can be got if knowledge of religion is kept pure in INDIA

Read was America founded as a Christian nation by john fea


Final authoritative body in INDIA for everything is Supreme Court

People write many things in INDIA as knowledge

Politicians determine everything and develop everything

Students study and implement management theories on everything

Teacher study and teach everything which they know

Actors act on everything which they come across

Institutions groom up public on everything to gain wealth

Banking sector groom up everything relating to financial health and wealth

Writer write everything pertaining to what they are capable off

But rule of the country is if there is objection from court on yours everything is curtailed by them

Thought of the day

Without law there is no entrepreneurship or say in matters of nation

Thought is not governance in INDIA

What is the policy

Where did you picked it up from?

Who is beneficiary of these

Why should I implement it?

What would happen

Why should I take responsibility on it?

Who is designing my biography on said issues raised

Why is opposition unhappy

Who is to be blamed after me

Would nation benefit from it

If not, who would it blame

What is my history pages literature to draft from?

Questions questions questions

Whiling away on questions is also not governance it is first step

This is the answer

This is the literature I have to pick from

These are the people i should look out for

These are my helpers if i am in trouble

These are the public beneficiaries who would be vigilant

These are the issues I have solved

Answers is also not governance this is second step

Research is done on said answers

Coming to conclusions

Coming to knowledge

Where to find out

How much to debate

Research is also not governance it is third step

In my life I learnt so many things that ask me any question on anything pertaining to country I should be
able to debate with public, media and give them thousand ways to do the same task and confuse their
mind that they should be scared to implement the task , responsibility

They should raise the question of who is capable and why he is asked to take the task

How much knowledge flows in while doing the task

How much of information has flowed in for future generations to record it to copy paste and do phd on
task taken up so that information flow is fool proof for future generations to be happy and prosperous
that we know

We know we know we know and confident to take it up without shedding responsibility

Fear should be removed, not completion of task, fear of task if removed, knowledge of task is complete

If students say some decision was taken up, someone got benefited, we don't know why it is done

Such tasks are removed from implementation

These are done, but nobody knows nor gives a hint about why they were taken up

You have to register it, give a scrutiny about it, explain, never be irresponsible towards explanation
when future generation look forward to it
This is called as governance where knowledge, fear and implementation are done with confidence by
next generation through reference and there is pool of writers wishing to write on it with enthusiasm
trying to impress the next generation by being integral part of future projects of country to be taken up
with zeal and huge database of knowledge foundation to be wealthy

Read Peter f Drucker books to know how to manage things

Thought of the day

Fear is to be removed when you do governance in INDIA

why ???


Protection of religion is protection of food in INDIA through hotel management courses

Religion has taught me what to eat and what not to

Every religion in India has some customs and based upon which recipes are made and distributed

Get together of women and sharing under pot lunch is a symbol of solidarity in society

People by being aloof and not coming together or fear of criticism have lost custom of making food

Go to the YouTube and see what tradition the chef cooks have still continued for us to celebrate

We lost complete knowledge which was passed on since ages have vanished is relished by me through

Indian lost tradition can be revived if women take themselves seriously and join food classes or hotel
management and get knowledge regarding our past

Non-veg by nature has become or going to become genetic under the policy of non-acceptance of food
today is acceptance of food tomorrow syndrome
It has happened in past regarding vehicles, it might happen even now in non-veg

Go to past and relish past food and continue your religion and follow religious doctrines by comparing
past with present

Chefs are needed by our country to revive past with present

Given a choice I would marry anyone who is good at reviving past with present cooking and relish food
of vegan and die happily with religious beliefs is my self knowledge

Thought of the day

How can religion of yours protect the food which is in crisis in 21st century


Service industry and event management are the two which should be groomed up in INDIA

Land of cultural history

Land of food of vegan

Land of religious beliefs

Land of olden customs and traditions

Land where animals are respected even now

Land where olden generation are even now remembered

Land where get together and celebrations aren't forgotten

Land where Lucy has yet to take birth

Land where women work the maximum to keep family health intact

Land where chefs are mostly males also and women are fighting equally
Land where maximum vegan food is grown and eaten

Land where maximum veg food has gone outside for countries to relish diversified food of health

Land where medicines are grown in the form of tree worships and passed out medicinal properties

Land where Ayurveda is born

Thought of the day

Groom up types of veg food in the house and see health rejuvenating wealth through women in INDIA


Lack of trees lack of oxygen in INDIA (Research Paper)

Trees are removed in India because they saturate our water which is flowing in

Knowledge which I knew when I was in childhood

Trees breathe oxygen out in daylight and

Trees breathe carbon dioxide out in night


it is advised by many that oxygen content in earth is regulated by trees

The more you have trees the more circulation of air

Trees produce clouds and are source of rains in India

Farmers are gaining in knowledge that rains destroy crops

First crops are destroyed with excess water and then lack of water would destroy crops

More the trees more the rainfall specially seen in Kerala

It is so because of roots which remove water from earth and make it pure through rainfall

Rainfall has 5% Impurities source of water to drink for mankind to exist on earth

Pollution is increasing because there is no control over air which was regulated with trees

Animals are getting killed or are dead because of lack of trees in the country to flourish

Trees are source of food for herbivorous like human beings to live on earth

Fruits which are rich source of vitamin c is got through trees including food groceries for human

Organized retail stores to exist and expand need trees source of vegetation for families to live without
famine to come to them

Diseases have increased in earth because fruits keep doctor away and trees regulate heat on earth

Thought of the day

Afforestation brings in clouds into picture which is source of water in the form of ponds


Purpose of life of human being form is to serve others in INDIA

By sharing knowledge of self with others

Original works

The longer your lifespan the more world benefits

World has never benefited with humans having lifespan of 25 years

It has always benefited from those who had longer life span say 80+

The more you live in this world the more intelligent you become

The more your front-end lobes and back end lobes develop

Physical fitness plays a dominant role without which you can't know yourself

For knowing yourself and contribute self-works you should be physically fit

Illness will not make you contribute or get knowledge for world to save from itself

Implosion is part and parcel of mankind and constellation

To keep it from it safe is entropy game played by human beings





Thought of the day

Entropy and art of continuation of human race is goal of mankind according to me

How to live in 21st century according to me in INDIA

Gain knowledge of how to live longer life span

God hates those who have longer life span

They are considered to be most well-read because they knew that everyone is temporary

Their knowledge, their wealth, their houses, their incomes, their dues all are temporary

Through Strauss theory everything we create would change, has to change would change

Your contributions would be invalid, your beliefs, your contradictions, your insight into life all are
temporary beliefs which you are proud off is nothing and has no meaning to next generation

Your inventions, your discoveries, your boldness in presenting them, your hard work to look outside you
to be proud off and to boast is useless when you look at people who are bothered about theirs, their
wealth, their comforts, their lifestyles, their children welfare is utmost to them

Who are you

You do something, I change it

You create something, I like to make upgradations to it

You discover something, I like to use it better than your knowledge

You master something, I like to manipulate it

You do any activity, I wouldn’t stick to it

This is next generation, we are better, you may be better than previous generation but not surpass us

We are the next generation

Moral of the story of above as per my observation and opinion if you want to know
Family of mine is to be intact, marriage to happen, have children, gain insight into how to handle my
money without losing it, persevere through others by making institutions ally for benefits to self and to
certain extent wife and child which are dependent on you

If you live long lifespan, it would show you doors of those people who were wise in manner of giving
knowledge to next generation of living the life span without resentment to self and wise enough to
discard things which never gave them finance in life to see them through through hard ships

It is money which you get, you remove diseases of your loved ones which ultimately comes to
attachments and detachments, people are meant to criticize you, it is so because they are to support
their family members, if they affirm yours they would never be paid for their work

Man made money, money made man run

Money and to manage it and live lavishly with imports and exports and good governance by government
to keep public family and self-family rich is goal which I like to see from INDIA

Thought of the day

At the end of day are you eating your food or begging for your food with or without diseases to family


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