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Myasthenia gravis
(1) 主述:ptosis, double vision and limbs weakness aggravated in the late afternoon but better after rest in recent 2 months
(2) Aminoglycoside antibiotics (-mycin) will most probably exacerbate the symptoms
(3) 診斷依據:Clinical history、pyridostigmine(tensilon) test、Repetitive nerve stimulation(RST)、Chest CT(thymoma)
(4) 分類:
1 Group I:ocular muscle only
2 Group IIA:mild generalized weakness
3 Group IIB:moderate generalized weakness 且有輕微呼吸衰竭
4 Group III:acute fulminating-可能是急性發作
5 Group IV:severe upon mild or moderate at onset
2. Myasthenic Syndrome,Lamvert-Eaton Syndrome,LEMS
(1) Weakness:proximal > Distal;legs > arms,多從 legs 開始,少在眼睛
(2) Clinical symptoms:Ataxia、areflexia、autonomic dysfunction、Proximal muscle weakness
(3) Impairement of the presynaptic function:同 Botulism、Hemicholinium、Calcium blocking agent
3. Brain abscess
(1) 細菌(staphylococcus) is the most common pathogen
(2) 免疫缺乏的病人:弓漿蟲、Cryptococcus、TB、Aerobic G(-) bacteria→Virus encephalitis 不會造成 Brain abscess
(3) 可能的症狀:頭痛、發燒、噁心嘔吐、局部神經學症狀、視乳突水腫、脖子僵硬、意識改變、痙攣
(4) 從哪裡跑過來?
1 Otitis media、Mastoiditis、Dental infection、Frontoethmoidal and sphenoidal sinusitis、Head wound or neurosurgery
2 遠方:Bacterial endocarditis、Congenital heart disease、Lung abscess, empyema, bronchiectases
(5) 治療:能引流就引流(drain),輔助以抗生素
4. 頭痛
(1) 原發性頭痛與次發性頭痛最大的差別:次發性頭痛是有明確病因(Underline),病人常常描述是第一次出現這種痛法
(2) Migraine:
1 年輕女性多,重複發作,月經不規則與頭痛相關,喝酒和運動(physical activities)會惡化 Migraine
(3) Tension type headache
1 喝酒和運動可能減輕疼痛,壓力會誘發疼痛
(4) Cluster headache
1 男生多,眼眶周圍、痛哭流涕(lacrimation, rhinorrhea)、夜晚痛醒、運動也會惡化
(5) SAH
1 Sudden onset、explosive and thumderclap-like headache、located at the occipital area (Pcom aneurysm rupture)
5. Pain
(1) Entrapment syndrome
1 正中神經壓迫(carpal tunnel syndrome)
2 尺神經壓迫(tardive ulnar palsy)、橈神經壓迫
3 腳踝有 tarsal tunnel syndrome:Posterior tibial neuralgia
(2) Central mechanism:midbrain 的 PAG matter 和脊髓的 Dorsal horn
(3) 痛覺傳遞物質:週邊 Bradykinin、Prostagladin;中樞 Substance P(central sensitization、central pain、慢性疼痛有關)
(4) Neuropathic pain:Tingling、Burning、Numbness、蟻爬感
1 PNS:Diabetic polyneuropathy、Herpes zoster(Dorsal root ganglia)
2 CNS:Thalamic pain
6. Movement disorder
(1) Chorea:
1 flow of movement from one body part to another (more affecting distal part)
2 Cannot be predicted:irregularly timed, non-repetitive, randomly distributed, and abrupt in nature.
(2) Dystonia:
1 Family history (+)
2 sustained muscle contractions with abnormal twisting and tremor of body parts
3 sensory and motor tricks:眼肌痙攣症(blepharospasm)、嘴巴亂動(Orolinguomandibular dyskinesia)、斜頸症
(Cervical dystonia)、寫字痙攣症(Writer’s cramp)、聲音講不出來(spasmodis dysphonia)。
4 DYT1: leg onset→exon 5 GAG deletion
5 DYT5(Segawa’s disease): dopa-responsive dystonia
6 DYT11: myoclonus-dystonia
7 DYT16: young-onset dystonia-parkinsonism
(3) Parkinsonism
1 SCNA mutation:PARK4 family,gain of function、Lewy body in the substantia nigra、More rapid
progression 、Higher prevalence of dementia, psychiatric and autonomic disturbance
2 LRRK2 mutation:PARK8 family,similar to typical late-onset PD、onset at 58 y/o, asymmetrical onset、L-DOPA
responsive、no dementia or autonomic dysfunction
3 Parkin mutation:PARK2 family,Autosomal recessive、relative benign course
7. Peripheral neuropathy and myopathy
(1) Denervated muscle 會出現 Muscle grouping、angulation、target formation
(2) DMD:最常見也是最嚴重的 muscular dystrophy;缺乏 dystrophin;遺傳模式為 XLR;Highest CK level(上萬)
(3) Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy:Emerin gene defect、rigid spine(抬頭挺胸)、elbow contracture、Heart disease(Conduction
(4) Myotonic dystrophy:AD(CTG repeat)、anitcipation、delayed open hand、Percussion myotonia (thenar m. and tongue)
(5) Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy:Facial palsy、Scapular wining、Popeye’s arm(proximal part atrophy)→凸肚子站姿
(6) Ocularpharyngeal muscular dystrophy:占星者之姿,有明顯的抬頭紋(ptosis and dysphagia)
(7) 導致智商受損的 Muscular dystrophy:DMD、Myotonic dystrophy、Congenital muscular dystrophy(Fukuyama or non-
fukuyama)→智商仍 OK 的只剩下 Becker Muscular Dystrophy
(8) Central core myopathy:
1 RYR1 gene mutation(Chr 19q13.1)→Ca2+ over-release→Malignant hyperthermia
2 Low oxidative enzyme activities
(9) Prognosis in nerve regeneration:Neruapraxia > Axonotmesis > Neurotmesis (worst)
(10) Immune-mediated neuropathy:Guillain-Barre syndrome
8. Spinal cord disease:
(1) Brown-Sequard syndrome:同側運動及本體感覺(震動)喪失、對側痛溫覺喪失
(2) Syringomyelia:Sacral sparing、Sensory dissociation、Paraplegia、Quadriplegia
(3) Dermatome:Nipple(T4)、Umbilicus(T10)、Inguinal canal(T12)、Knee(L4)
9. Encephalopathy:
(1) Wernicke’s encephalopathy:最重要為 Ophthalmoplegia、Thiamine treatment、Mortality rate is 17%
(2) Uremic encephalopathy:
1 Clinical features:Twitch-convulsive syndrome
2 Conscious disturbance
3 EEG shows triphasic waves
10. Seizure and Epilepsy:
(1) Epileptic phenomenon:
1 Motor symptoms:肌肉無力
2 Sensory symptoms:觸痛覺或特殊感覺(味聽視覺)異常
3 Autonomic symptoms:goose skin、palpitation、sweating、flushing
4 Psychic symptoms:Panic and running(恐懼)、Laughing and talking(愉悅)
(2) 會誘發 seizure 的藥物:Antidepressants、antipsychotics、analgesics(cocaine)、Local anesthetic、General
anesthetic 、antibiotics(penicillin、ampicillin、isoniazid)、antineoplastics、bronchodilators、sympathomimetics
(3) 會誘發 seizure 的抗癲癇藥物:Carbamazepine、Phenytoin、Lamotrigine
(4) 不會誘發 seizure 的抗癲癇藥物:Ethosuximide、Valproate
(5) Epileptic focus:Neuronal hyperactivity→Neuronal deformity(Broken dendrite)→Decreased neuron number→Gliosis
(6) Aura→partial seizure→focal cortical lesIon and focal onset→Carbamazepine and phenytoin
11. Brain tumor
(1) 不會造成 cluster headache(屬於原發性頭痛,沒有明顯的原因下才能診斷)
12. Dementia 失智症
(1) Alzheimer’s disease
1 病理特徵:senile plaques(Most specific) and neurofibrillary tangles scattered throughout the cortex
2 臨床特徵:Amnesia、aphasia、apraxia、agnosia、functional impairement,很少出現幻覺或妄想(DLB 特色)
3 65 歲以上人口中導致痴呆的最常見原因, prevalence rate 約 1.5%,每增加四歲約增加兩倍,80 歲時可以達
到 30%。
4 Late onset AD (sporadic):apoE4 in chromosome 19
5 最終診斷靠的是屍體解剖(autopsy)才能確立
6 危險因子:年齡、基因、唐氏症(known) > Head trauma、Female、Vascular disease(possible)
7 可能的保護因子:estrogen、NSAID、education
8 台灣常見藥物:Tacrine、Donepenzil、Rivastigmine、Galantamine (沒有 Mematine)
(2) CJD:myoclonus、amnesia、characteristic EEG(periodic discharges in temporal area)、Histology(status spongiosus)
(3) DLB:frequent falls、syncope、visual hallucination、early dementia、Parkinsonism + (rigidity, masked face and slow motion)
(4) FTD:平均 62 歲發病(<AD)、人格改變→出現暴力傾向、出現 Primitive reflex (frontal lobe)、病理切片會看見 Pick’s body
13. What time needs CSF study:
(1) Meningoencephalitis
(2) SAH:Xanthochromia
(3) Meningocarcinomatosis
(4) Demyelinating disease:AIDP 有 albumino-cytological dissociateon
14. Meningitis:
(1) Bacteria:Neutrophil >1000、High protein、Low sugar(CSF/Plasma<0.4)
(2) Virus:Normal sugar
1 HSV:侵犯 temporal lobe 造成失憶(amnesia)、癲癇(periodic sharp wave complexes)
2 JE(日本腦炎):盛行於夏天(5-10 月)、Myelopathy + Chorea / Ballism (Cortex+thalamus+basal ganglia)、死亡率
可到 1/3
(3) TB:Longer course(few weeks to months)
1 Complication:Obstructive hydrocephalus、Lumbar-sacral arachnoiditis、Occlusive vasculitis(easily stroke)、Thick
exudates that is especially abundant at the brain base、Tuberculoma
(4) Fungus:Immunocompromised patient(自體免疫、化療病人、AIDS)
1 鴿糞(Cryptococcal)→肺部→血液→CNS
2 臨床表現:severe IICP、Obstructive Hydrocephalus
3 Complication:severe headache, nausea and vomiting、personality change、visual or acoustic impairement、body
weight loss with poor appetite→不會出現腦內出血
(5) Eosinophilic meningitis:
1 致病原:Coccidioidal meningitis、Angiostrongylus cantonensis
2 臨床表徵:Excruciating headache(緊箍咒:frontal→bitemporal→occipital)、Ophthalmoplegia、Blurred
vision 、Facial palsy
15. Multiple sclerosis:
(1) Lhermitte’s sign:An electrical sensation radiating down the spine or into the legs on briskly flexing the neck forward
(2) Uhthoff’s phenomenon:熱和運動會加劇症狀
(3) Internuclear ophthalmoplegia:MLF 受損
1 同時向左側看時→右眼不能往左看 + 左眼有 coarse nystagmus
2 同時往右側看時→左眼不能往右看 + 右眼有 coarse nystagmus
(4) Lab:oligoclonal band in the CSF (IgG index > 1.7)
(5) 15-50yr、女生大於男生兩倍、北歐國家多(北緯 40 度以上,溫帶)
(6) 典型症狀:Intermittent paresthsia and numbness、Monocular blurred vision、ataxic gait
16. 睡眠醫學
(1) VLPO induces sleep;Suprachiamatic nucleus is the master clock (負責清醒)
(2) REM:Ach in LDT (laterodorsal tegmental nucleus) & PPT ( pedunculopontine)
(3) Awake:Monoamine in the brain stem and caudal hypothalamus
(4) 失眠期間定義為大於一個月
(5) Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)的治療黃金原則為 Nasal CPAP 正壓氧呼吸治療
(6) Restless Leg Syndrome:有不舒服的感覺所以一直動,(夜晚)休息的時候變嚴重,與缺鐵性貧血(IDA)相關
(7) Periodic limb movement disorder:睡著之後只有四肢(腳>手)亂動、小孩(>5times/hr)、大人(>15times/hr)
(8) REM sleep behavior disorder = REM w/o atonia (EMG≠0):由伴侶給的 History 跟 Polysomnography 來診斷
(9) Narcolepsy:DDx with syncope
1 特色為 Cataplex:Brief episodes of sudden bilateral loss of muscle tone;其他如 Sleep paralysis(鬼壓床)、
Hypnopompic( 睡後) or Hypnagogic(睡前) hallucination
2 Sleep study:Maintence of wakefulness test、Multiple sleep latency test(白天關暗暗<5 分鐘睡著→確診;<8 分鐘
(10) Dyssomnia:睡太多或睡太少→Narcolepsy、PLMD、RLS
(11) Parasomnia:合併怪異行為
1 REM:sleep paralysis、Nightmares、RBD
2 Non-REM:Sleep talking/walking/terrors、Nocturnal leg cramps
17. Vertigo
(1) Peripheral vertigo:episodic, monodirectional nystagmus(fast phase 朝正常耳),可能存在聽力喪失或耳鳴,休息會緩解
1 有哪些疾病?BPPV、Meniere’s disease、Vestibular neuritis
2 Meniere’s diesase:Endolymphatic hydrops→眩暈、單側耳鳴及低頻聽力喪失(triad)→病人抱怨耳朵漲漲的、NE
出現 Rotatory-horizontal nystagmus beating toward the affected ear (can be abolished by visual fixation)→不管幾歲都可
(2) Central vertigo:persistent, multidirectional nystagmus, with other CN sign(56789,10 都在附近),嚴重跌倒,藥物效果不好
18. Stroke evaluation
(1) Diagnosis:
1 Onset:acute or sudden
2 Focal neurological deficits
3 Syncope can result from global ischemia、cardiac arrest、sinus arrest→Do not belong to stroke syndrome
4 Isolated symptoms like dizziness、vertigo、tinnitus、facial palsy、incontinence、amnesia is not due to stroke
(2) Most diagnostic for cerebral embolism:Source of emboli
(3) ICA/ophthalmic a. stroke:Monoocular amaurosis fugax (黑矇症)
(4) Major risk factors:age > 65yr、HTN、DM、Heart disease(AF, valvular heart disease)、Previous TIA or stroke
(5) Minor risk factors:dyslipidemia、alcohol、smoking、physical inactivity
19. Conscious disturbance:
(1) Metabolic disorders:delirium→general weakness→asterixis (myoclonus or tremor)
20. ANS dysfunction
(1) Valsalva maneuver:
1 Phase 1: Increased intrathoracic pressure
2 Phase 2: reduce venous return (HR increase):
a. Early: reduced cardiac output with BP drop (胸內
b. Late: increased peripheral resistance preventing
further BP drop(交感神經興奮)
3 Phase 3: fall in intrathoracic pressure
4 Phase 4: increased venous return with high peripheral
(2) 症狀:Orthostatic hypotension、Supine hypertension、Postexercise
hypotension、Postpradial hypotension、Heat-exposure hypotension
(3) MSA:Central type
1 影響 IML 和 Onuf’s nucleus(Onuf’s nucleus 是控制 Ext. anal sphincter 和 Ext. urethal sphincter 的運動神經核,
位於 Spinal cord 的 Anterior horn。)
2 周邊自主神經纖維的 catecholamine 濃度是在正常範圍內
3 給予 NE 後對於血壓提升的效果不大
(4) Pure autonomic failure (PAF):peripheral type
1 影響的是交感神經節後神經元
2 不會出現 CNS impairment 的症狀,如 Parkinsonism,Pyramidal sign。
3 躺著時候 NE 很低,突然站起來後 NE 也沒有提高,對於 NE 的血壓反應很顯著
4 PAF 的 Prognosis 較 MSA 為佳,Life span 與一般人差不多。
(5) DM autonomic neuropathy:
1 主犯週邊自主神經,如 Vagus n.、Splanchnic n.
2 最重要症狀是 hypoglycemia unawareness→交感失去提升血糖的能力→Hypoglycemic conscious impairement

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