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Magoon. L. B, and W. G. Dow, eds.

, 1994, The petroleum

system-from source to trap: AAPG Memoir 60.

Chapter 14

Preservation, Degradation, and

Destruction of Trapped Oil
Philippe Blanc
Jacques Connan
Elf Aquitaine
Pall Ccdex, France

Petroleum is a fragile fluid, a part of which is likely to be destroyed or lost to the atmosphere.
The moment crude oil separates from bitumen in the source rock, it begins to undergo composi-
tional changes that continue throughout migration and accumulation. The processes and factors
influencing oil composition in an accumulation take effect before, during, and after entrapment.
The primary factors influencing oil composition before entrapment are source rock characteristics,
primary migration, and secondary migration. The main factors influencing oil composition during
entrapment are pressure and temperature, as they establish the conditions under which secondary
alteration processes take place. After entrapment, secondary alteration processes influencing oil
composition are the effect of thermal maturation, physical and biological degradation, gravity
segregation, dysmigration (separation-migration), and deasphalting. These alteration processes can
increase the API gravity and gas-oil ratio of the oil, but generally decrease the API gravity.
Knowledge of the conditions and mechanisms of degradation are needed to understand the
nature and distribution of oil shows and to carry out oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations.
Considerable progress hasbeenmade in understanding secondary alteration processes, but more is
expected as the more poorly understood macromolecular and polar fractions are investigated.
Presently, molecular chemistry is a useful tool that can recognize incipient biodegradation. detect
oil gravity segregation, and discriminate a pyrobitumen from a precipitated asphaltene, whereas
bulk analyses are currently inaccurate.

preseroed petroleum. TIle longer a petroleum accumulation

exists in nature, the more likely the original chemical
Petroleum is a fragile mixture of oil and gas that is composition should be altered or degraded by physico-
difficult to preserve. It is easily degradable by destruction chemical or biological processes. These processes include
or loss to the atmosphere of an unknown amount of it. increase or decrease in burial depth (temperature
The critical moment oil separates from bitumen in the change), flushing by meteoric water, and bacterial
source rock, it undergoes compositional changes during activity. The complete destruction of a petroleum accu-
migration and accumulation. Except for changes in the mulation is usually caused by erosion.
oil and gas mix that occurs in response to pressure and Petroleum is a complex mixture of liquid and gaseous
temperature variations during petroleum migration, fluids of mainly organic compounds whose proportions
most degradation and destructive processes occur in the may depend on the PVT conditions in the trap. These
reservoir rock within the trap. Generally, oil and gas that fluids are usually described by bulk properties, such as
first comes to the trap is defined as normal. By this we API gravity, percent sulfur, GOR, and viscosity.
mean a petroleum accumulation whose composition is Although these bulk properties are of limited interpre-
commonly associated with a particular kerogen type and tive value in shallower reservoirs, they do provide guide-
whose chemical composition at a molecular level shows lines for fluids in deeper reservoirs. For instance, the API
little sign of alteration. The API gravity for such oil accu- gravity of a series of oils tends to increase with burial
mulations can range from 25 to 40° API, while the gas-oil depth. However, the composition of petroleum depends
ratio (GOR) is generally 100-200 m 3jm3 (500-1000 upon such complex phenomena that bulk parameters
ft 3 jbbl). This oil is generally considered to be the (physical and chemical) are unable to describe

238 Blanc and Connan

adequately the subtle shift in molecular composition that that is, an accumulated oil is worth studying regardless
occurs when an oil passes through various levels of of its economic worth because of the information it may
degradation. contain. Therefore, the preserved oil is synonymous with
Generally, oil in reservoir rocks and bitumen from the normal oil, which in itself is difficult to define. The
source rocks have many similarities in their composition. normal oil shows no signs of being degraded or altered.
Both are composed of hydrocarbons (including Normal oils are different depending on the composition
naphtheno-aromatics and organo-sulfur species) and of their source rock. The GOR also varies for the same
polar compounds (rich in nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen reason. From a molecular point of view, this oil will
atoms), the latter being divided into asphaltenes (macro- never be completely preserved or remain normal since
molecular fraction insoluble in light alkanes) and resins minor modifications are always occurring. At a
(more soluble but very polar). The main differences molecular level, cases are encountered in which some of
between accumulated oil and bitumen are created the biological markers are degraded whereas others are
during primary migration (expulsion) and secondary preserved. The challenge to the investigator is to
migration. For instance, polar compounds are depleted determine the nature and extent of this oil degradation
in accumulated oil because these components are so as to carry out better oil-source rock correlations and
strongly sorbed within the source rock matrix and within more accurately reconstruct the accumulation history of
the kerogen. Such a phenomenon is well documented the petroleum system.
from natural cases as well as from experimental studies The main factors influencing oil composition before,
(Connan et al., 1991;Lewan, Chapter 11, this volume). during, and after being trapped in the reservoir rock are
The molecular composition of oil is much less affected outlined in Figure 14.1 (Blanc and Connan, 1993). The
during migration than are the bulk parameters, even primary factors influencing oil composition before
though previous studies have shown that different trapping are source rock characteristics and primary and
molecules could exhibit differences in "retention times" secondary migration conditions. Oil composition is influ-
during migration within a petroleum system (Seifert and enced to some extent by the nature of the source
Moldowan, 1981; Zhao-An and Philp, 1987). In general, (organic) material and by the paleoenvironmental condi-
the original biological marker fingerprint of a source rock tions in which it was deposited. Both factors lead to
is preserved sufficiently in migrated oils to allow its use different types of kerogen that behave differently during
as a tool to assess oil-source rock correlations (Curiale, catagenesis. In addition, several other agents (geologic,
Chapter 15, this volume), unless (1) the oil is a mixture physical, and chemical) are at work to affect oil composi-
from more than one source rock, (2) the migrating oil tion significantly during primary and secondary
becomes contaminated by extracting biological markers migration. These three primary factors affect oil composi-
from thermally immature organic matter before accumu- tion before it enters the trap.
lating, or (3) the oil undergoes secondary alteration, such The main factors influencing oil composition in the
as biodegradation. reservoir rock are pressure and temperature. Both
Hence, depending on the analytical approach, the pressure and temperature, which increase or decrease
preservation or degradation of petroleum can be demon- with an increase or decrease in burial depth, affect the
strated using different parameters, either physical or GOR at the time of accumulation. Otherwise, the PVT
chemical, bulk or molecular. Some of these parameters conditions in the reservoir establish the conditions under
are modified during petroleum degradation. This which secondary alteration processes take place.
chapter provides a review of the major processes likely to Secondary alterations influencing oil composition
influence oil composition after it is trapped. Diagnostic after it accumulates in the trap are discussed relative to
tools developed to detect this degradation are empha- five different processes (Figure 14.1). These processes are
sized. thermal maturation, physical and biological degradation,
gravity segregation, dysmigration, and deasphalting.
They are discussed relative to the main agent causing
OIL PRESERVATION OR them as well as the products, API gravity, and relative
DEGRADATION change in depth of the fluids. Their alteration effects,
though clearly identified, are sometimes difficult to
Assuming that a given accumulated oil will be recognize unequivocally because they can lead to similar
"preserved" indefinitely makes little sense, for petroleum kinds of degradation products.
is a mixture of compounds that is not in a state of equilib-
rium. It is likely that, over geologic time, this mixture will Thermal Maturation
undergo significant physical and chemical changes. The
longer the time, the more likely the changes. Here again, Thermal maturation of oil, or oilcracking, is a process
assessment of preservation depends upon the criteria that sometimes occurs in the trap because temperature
adopted. From an economic point of view, petroleum increases when the trapped oil is buried deeper. Hence,
quality deteriorates if it is affected greatly by alteration oil cracking reactions within the reservoir rock favor the
processes: preseroed petroleum is an appropriate term for a formation of light hydrocarbons, the depletion of poly-
fluid that is of economic interest when a prospect evalua- cyclic biomarkers, an increase in GOR, a decrease in
tion is carried out. However, investigations of the specific gravity (increase in API gravity), and a decrease
petroleum system are done without regard to economics, in sulfur content. An oil expelled from a source rock that
14. Preservation, Degradation, and Destruction of Trapped Oil 239



CHARACTERISTICS maturation ---<Ilghl 0. . . . gas
------------- ,--';;';"'''':;'';''''';'':';''''';''--.1

ellllun 01_ - - . pyrobltumen

l. ~1ypt(~J.l-SJII water washing conventional

e ~ron...1IIcondltlonl

ellllulttroIlOUrce racIl biodegradation'" hea':rol

oxidation eXInt-heavy 011
evaporatio~ to
gravity --"""light 011
• TlmIng 01 gBIlII'I1Ion IIICl Ujluislon segregation 'heavy 011

.. ~htOII
avy 011

L;;.;..=-_ _---.,.. deasphaltin~htoll

<II "'sotld residue

Figure 14.1. Schematic representation of the main factors and processes influencing oil composition. Arrows inclined
upward indicate an increase; arrows inclined downward, a decrease.

is experiencing increasing levels of thermal maturity also it is thermally cracked have been reviewed by Horsfield et
shows similar compositional changes. Consequently, it al. (1991): a mean value of 150°C is often given, but
often becomes difficult to separate the thermally cracked regional studies have produced values ranging from
oil in the reservoir rock from the high API gravity oil about 93-104 °C in western Canada, 138°C in Powder
caused by expulsion from a mature source rock. However, basin, 150°C in Niger delta and Norway, 158°C in Italy,
the thermal evolution of oil in a reservoir rock induces a and up to 175-204°C in California. Closed-system
disproportionation reaction that leads to the formation of
pyrolysis and kinetic modeling by Horsfield et al. (1991)
gaseous and light hydrocarbons on one side and a black
solid residue on the other side. This solid residue, often showed that the onset of gas generation from an oil
called pyrobitumen, is therefore a diagnostic indicator acquired from the Norwegian North Sea Central Graben
enabling the recognition of thermal cracking of the might occur between 160° and 190°C. These conclusions
original oil. A well-known example illustrating that agree with the observation that liquid hydrocarbons can
feature occurs in Rainbow reefs, Canada, where gas and occur in fields where reservoir rocks are hot (165°C).
high API gravity oil are associated with pyrobitumen However, the existence of liquid fluids in deep hot rocks
(Evanset al., 1971; Baileyet al., 1974; Rogers et al. 1974). can also be accounted for by a retardation effect of high
Pyrobitumens are highly dehydrogenated structures pressure on the evolution of organic matter or overpres-
that show a low hydrogen index (HI is -80 mg HC/ g suring within a reservoir (Price, 1982;Coffe and Villey,
TOC) and a very high Tmax (>460 0C) with a reflectivitythat 1984; Domine, 1991; Connan et al., 1991; Blanc and
ranges between 1.5 and 2.5% Ro (}. Connan, personal Connan, 1992a).
communication, 1991). Their dehydrogenated character,
Although well accepted on the basis of various obser-
coupled with their insolubility in CHClJ, allow their easy
differentiation from asphaltene-like material that may vations in oil systems, it should be mentioned that the
have been precipitated in the reservoir rock through a process of thermal decomposition of petroleum ultimately
different process (e.g., gas injection resulting in natural yielding methane and pyrobitumen has recently been
deasphalting). disputed on the basis of both kinetic (Mango, 1991) and
The upper temperature limits for oil occurrence before thermodynamic (Helgeson et al., 1991) considerations.
240 Blanc and Connan

Water Washing-Biodegradation and consumption of hydrocarbons also depends on the

Oxidation-Evaporation oxic-anoxic conditions of the active water adjacent to the
oil and on the nutrients in the water. When nutrients
Biodegradation is the microbial oxidation of crude oil, (nitrogen and phosphorus) are depleted, biodegradation
and it usually takes place at a shallow depth where the preferentially starts with aromatics, and alkanes are
oil is in contact with flowing water, whereas water unchanged. Under more favorable conditions (i.e., a
washing applies to the removal of the more water-soluble medium rich in oxygen and nutrients), both alkanes and
compounds. Although these phenomena are unrelated, aromatics are attacked simultaneously (Fedorak et al.,
they frequently occur simultaneously because both 1983). In addition, it has been demonstrated conclusively
processes require contact with flowing meteoric water. that anaerobic biodegradation of alkanes is possible with
However, petroleum geochemistry techniques are a strain of sulfur-reducing bacteria (Bailey et al., 1973;
currently unable to selectively recognize the diagnostic ZoBell, 1973; Connan and Orgeval, 1976; Aeckersberg et
effects of each type of alteration whenever they are al., 1991). However, this form of biodegradation has
extensive or even modest. limited effects on oil properties as a whole. The most
The process of water washing alone is poorly dOQ1- effective biodegradation proceeds through aerobic
mented since bacterial degradation generally obscures its pathways.
effects. Based on solubilities of hydrocarbons, simulation A more extreme form of degradation occurs through
experiments, and field examples, water washing has evaporation (inspissation) and oxidation of oil at the
been shown to be particularly effective in the low boiling surface (Figure 14.1). Usually the oil degrades from an
range of hydrocarbons, thus causing a decrease in API extra-heavy oil to solid bitumen (Connan, 1988). If
gravity. Aromatics (especially benzene and toluene) are oxidation and erosion continues, all remnants of the oil
the most soluble compounds, followed by light alkanes field are removed or destroyed.
and then naphthenes (Connan, 1984; Palmer, 1984;
Lafargue and Barker, 1988). However, one should Gravity Segregation
remember that benzene, toluene, and xylene concentra-
tions are also source rock dependent. Molecular changes Although API gravity of oils should increase step by
due to water washing without biodegradation have been step with greater burial depth, a reverse situation has
tentatively proposed. They are 0) a decrease in the been observed in some reservoirs (Evans et al., 1971;
amount of aromatics and n-alkanes while naphthenes are Price, 1980; Ungerer et al., 1984) which cannot be attrib-
unaltered, (2) a partial removal of C15+ aromatics while uted to thermal maturity differences of the oil or source
C 15+ alkanes are unaffected, and (3) a decrease in sulfur- rock. In fact, this reverse phenomenon is poorly under-
bearing aromatics (especially dibenzothiophene) while stood, and two explanations can be proposed: (l) either a
the C 15-C20 saturate fraction remains unchanged gravity segregation is occurring, with oil becoming
(Lafargue and Barker, 1988). Recently, phenols have been heavier with increasing depth by a simple gravity
proposed as sensitive indicators for water washing process (larger molecules settling toward the bottom of
(Ioppolo et al., 1991). the oil column), or (2) an "inverted gravity" phenom-
A review of the conditions under which biodegrada- enon is occurring that involves lower pressure and a
tion occurs and the important changes in the physical higher quantity of gas at the top of the reservoir than at
and chemical properties of crude oil has been given by the bottom. Silverman (965) had previously described a
Connan (984). Generally, biodegradation affects both similar phenomenon called a retrograde condensation
physical and chemical parameters. In particular, process (see also Tissot, 1988), in which a liquid phase
biodegradation induces a decrease in the GOR, light separates from a single phase system of gas when the
hydrocarbon content, and API gravity, whereas it pressure is reduced.
increases the viscosity, optical activity, and heteroatomic This decrease in API gravity with depth in a continous
(especially sulfur) content of the oil. These features are oil column should be ascribed to gravity segregation if
due to the consumption of specific molecules by aerobic other possible causes can be definitively ruled out. For
bacteria, which results in the formation of oxidized instance, the more deeply buried oil fields should be
compounds (the latter likely to be attacked subsequently checked for incipient biodegradation to show that a
by anaerobic strains). Because of the depletion in alkanes definite interaction with bacteria-containing waters does
and aromatics, there is a relative increase in concentra- not increase with depth of burial. If all molecular proper-
tion of polar compounds, which is why bulk chemical ties are similar in both the conventional oils and the
composition of the oil fraction is affected by biodegrada- heavy oils, then the downward compositional changes
tion. that generate heavier and heavier oils should be
The effects of biodegradation are also recorded at a explained by gravity segregation within the oil column.
molecular level. Both field observations and laboratory Gravity segregation explains the increase in specific
experiments have contributed information about the gravity (decrease in API gravity) in the Vic Bilh oil field
sequence in which alkanes and aromatics have been in the Aquitaine basin (Figure 14.2). A vertical sequence
removed. Among saturated hydrocarbons, for instance, of oil samples was obtained from two wells drilled
normal alkanes are consumed by bacteria first, followed through upper Kimmeridgian-Portlandian (Upper
by isoprenoids, regular steranes, diasteranes, hopanes, Jurassic) and Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) reservoir
and neohopanes, in that order. Moreover, bacterial rocks. Six oil samples were recovered from weill: three
14. Preservation, Degradation, and Destruction of Trapped Oil 241

Some compositional changes within accumulated oil
can be related to the efficiency of the seal rock. A seal
rock over an accumulation that provides a perfect seal
will prevent any compositional change in the trapped oil
due to leakage. However, most hydrocarbon traps leak
to some extent. This leakage is linked to the geologic
conditions that formed the trap. Sometimes these condi-
tions are related to tectonic events that cause movement
along a major fault that traps hydrocarbons. In this case,
a dysmigration phenomenon may occur where significant
losses of the lightest hydrocarbons from oil can take
place in a two-step process (described by Silverman,
1965, as a "separation-migration" process). First, the
+ P;2431.2481m pressure release due to faulting converts the single phase
ASPlW.TElES fluid system to a two-phase system where a gas cap
forms above the oil. Second, this gas is lost through the
leak along with light oil and migrates to shallower traps
where temperature or pressure drops can induce the
previously discussed retrograde condensation. A new
pool can be formed that contains a fluid with a high API
gravity. This is in contrast to the low API gravity oil left
behind in the original pool which, based on its molecular
composition, will have a level of thermal maturity that is
similar to the high API gravity oil. Therefore, significant
differences in chemical composition and distinctive
physical characteristics of the two respective oil accumu-
lations will be recorded.
VOLATILE FRACTION (%CRUCE) An example of dysmigration has been found in the
10 20 30 Lagrave area in the Aquitaine basin. Here, an oil field
• W,111 • W,1I2
that has an Upper Cretaceous reservoir rock contains a
5 : Drill 111mII" number P: Production .." fairly light crude oil (45' API), whereas the heavy
• }8ARREMIAN C }upper KNMERIDOIAN to PORTLANDIAN residual oil corresponding to the original oil accumula-
tion has been found much deeper in a Barremian (Lower
Cretaceous) reservoir rock of a nearby field. These
Figure 14.2. Occurrence of a possible gravity segregation upward-migrating hydrocarbon fluids accumulated in a
phenomenon in two wells of the Vic Bilh oil field (south- shallower trap; the result is a shallow accumulation of
western France) on the basis of the evolution of bulk para- high quality oil.
meters with depth: (a) oil composition and (b) API gravity When no trap exists at a shallower depth above a
and volatile content. Biological marker data are needed to deeper accumulation that leaks, oil shows are found
provide an adequate explanation for this change in bulk
within the sedimentary rock column above the deeper
parameters (see Blanc and Connan, 19928).
accumulation. In the Emeraude area offshore of the
Congo in Africa, there is a good example of intense
drill-stern test samples from the Barremian (solid leakage through the seal rock of deeper accumulations.
squares) and two production samples and one drill-stern Oil shows have been detected in the sedimentary rock far
test sample from the Upper Jurassic (open squares). above the oil accumulation. Studies reveal that the
Although the relative proportion of alkanes and degree of biodegradation of these oil shows increases as
aromatics remained constant, the API gravity decreased the shows approach the sea floor. Large amounts of gas
with depth, coinddent with a corresponding increase in bubbles are recorded on the sea floor just above the
polar compounds (resins and asphaltenes) for these six Emeraude oil field (Connan and Coustau, 1987).
oil samples (Figure 14.2A). In addition, the volatile
fraction of the crude oil also decreased with a decrease in Deasphalting
API gravity (Figure 14.2B). On the basis of the molecular
chemistry of these oils, it is concluded that they were Oils and condensates in traps are usually associated
expelled from the same source rock at the same level of with gas. This gas can originate from the thermal
thermal maturity. Therefore, this progressive enrichment maturity of a source rock as well as from secondary alter-
in polar compounds associated with a decrease in API ation processes affecting oil already in the reservoir rock.
gravity with depth leads to the conclusion that this Gas content depends on numerous parameters, such as
phenomenon is most likely related to gravity segregation kerogen type, hydrocarbon availability (oil or gas) at the
(see Blancand Connan, 1993). time of pool formation, reservoir pressure, reservoir
242 Blanc and Connan

temperature, trap efficiency, and secondary alteration 1982; Connan and Coustau, 1987). This approach
processes. includes tools such as molecular and isotopic geochem-
The postaccumulation introduction of gas into an oil istry, both of which provide complementary information
field can lead to chemical changes because the influx of that shows more potential for investigating degradation
gaseous hydrocarbons decreases the average molecular than do the bulk properties of oil. For instance, it would
weight of the pooled mixture. Hence, what the organic be impossible to evaluate a biodegraded oil occurrence
chemist does in the laboratory when precipitating exclusively by considering bulk properties because a
asphaltenes from an oil by adjunction of n-heptane, for heavy oil, for example, can result from various factors or
instance, is also naturally undertaken in the oil field phenomena, including kerogen type, level of thermal
when gas moves up through the oil column. This natural maturity, water washing, gravity segregation, and
deasphalting can be triggered by external gas injection,as dysmigration. In contrast, since biological markers are
a result of secondary migration, or by oil cracking within sensitive to bacterial consumption, they are likely to give
the reservoir rock (Evans, et a1., 1971; Bailey et a1., 1974; key indications, not only on the occurrence of the
Rogers et al., 1974). This process therefore leads to the biodegradation itself but also on the extent of the alter-
formation of a light oil on one hand and a solid residue ation processes.Hence, classifications of biodegraded oils
containing asphaltenes on the other (Speight, 1984; are proposed in relation to their level of biodegradation:
Speight et al., 1985). This process of deasphalting is incipient, minor, moderate, extensive, and severe or extreme
thought by Dahl and Speers (1986) to explain the occur- (Seifert and Moldowan, 1979; Goodwin et al., 1983;
rence of a tar mat in the Oseberg oil field in the Volkman et al., 1983; Connan, 1984; Peters and
Norwegian North Sea. Moldowan, 1991; Cassani and Eglinton, 1991).
The criteria used to determine this level of biodegra-
dation is based on the presence or absence of compound
RECOGNIZING classes.Moreover, while severe biodegradation is usually
relatively easy to recognize because aromatics and
alkanes are strongly altered, incipient biodegradation
The preservation, degradation, and destruction of may be questionable. Incipient biodegradation can be
petroleum is usually viewed from present-day. defined as degradation of n-alkyl chain--eontaining struc-
However, the petroleum system study requires the tures (n-alkanes, iso- and anteiso-alkanes, alkylbenzenes,
investigator to describe oil and gas accumulations at the and methylalkylbenzenes). In such a case, this degrada-
time they formed. Whenever a degraded oil is encoun- tion is likely to be mistaken for a token of immaturity
tered at the surface or in the subsurface, one must ask at since some n-alkanes can still remain. The identification
what time this degradation process commenced and of incipient biodegradation will depend on the ability of
what type of paleodegradation occurred. Figure 14.1 the geochemist to find suitable diagnostic information for
emphasizes that most degradation processes lead to the appraisal. This significant information, which is hidden
formation of heavy or extra-heavy oils up to solid in the gas chromatograms of the saturated and aromatic
bitumens. Therefore, these various processes are difficult hydrocarbon fractions, may be obvious in the isolated
to disentangle, especially because they are interrelated monoaromatic fraction.
and continuous and take place successively. Most of the Such an approach has been adopted to identify
time, examination of bulk parameters of the degraded oil incipient biodegradation in the Pecorade oil field from
only leads to conflicting interpretations. An increase in the Aquitaine basin (southwestern France). The heavy
the API gravity, for instance, is usually thought to (low API gravity) oil recovered from the Albian reservoir
correlate positively with an increase in depth since rock in the Pecorade field is a normal oil with respect to
pooled fluids become lighter, that is, the average hydro- alkanes and aromatics, as the n-alkanes are still present
carbon molecule becomes smaller with increasing and the aromatics still contain naphthalenes and benzo-
thermal maturity. However, other phenomena are likely and dibenzothiophenes (Figure 14.4A). Comparison of
to interfere, especially at shallow depths. For example, the monoaromatic fraction from the normal (medium
when oil migrates updip a long distance from the source API gravity) oil and the heavy oil recovered from the
rock, it may become heavier because lighter hydrocar- Pecorade well enables us to reach a definitive conclusion
bons can be lost before the oil accumulates. In addition, about the extent of the degradation (Figure 14.4B). Alkyl-
secondary alteration processes can act on the oil within benzenes, well represented in the normal oils from the
the reservoir rock to lower its API gravity. This influence Pecorade field, have been completely removed from the
of various phenomena on the API gravity of oils is illus- heavy oil. The lack of alkylbenzenes that are readily
trated in Figure 14.3. This figure shows the evolution of degradable structures in this oil provides proof that this
API gravity of oils from the North Sea as a function of heavy oil is a residual fluid that resulted from attack by
depth. Although a general trend is observed (oils bacteria (Blanc and Connan, 1993).
increase in API gravity when the reservoir rock depth Specific biological markers are also resistant to
increases), the correlation is not perfect due to the bacterial activity and are therefore of great help in
existence of other processes than simply a lightening of assessing the level of biodegradation. Examples are
oils under increasing temperature. gammacerane, 18a(H),21 ~(H)-30-norneohopane or
To better understand the degradation of oil, a multi- 17a(H),21~(H)-25-norhopane (Blanc and Connan, 1992b).
disciplinary approach should be undertaken (Blanc et al., The use of gammacerane in this manner has been docu-
14. Preseroation, Degradation, and Destruction of Trapped Oil 243

20 25 30 35 40 45 50
·1000 °API
Important migration and

J . --- ,-
poorpreservation of oils.
(degraded oil)

• •
Important migration and

- • - •
• • ....
•• goodpreservation
• ~ ·
of oifs
(HC slightly degraded)

·2500 •
• I• ••• •

• • <11 0 •• • •
• goodpreserva
• •• • •
• Limited mig"etion with
tion of oils
(HCslightly or not degraded)
topoi I •
I •• •
• I •• •
•• • •

No migration or migration
within theoil windo w
• PERMIAN within the oil window

Figure 14.3. The change in API gravity of oils with reservoir depth for samples from the North Sea. (After F. Issard, personal
communication, 1991.)

mented in the case of Syrian oil seepages. In this series of (paleo)biodegraded oils. Paleobiodegradation indicators
surface samples, different levels of biodegradation can be are not restricted to 25-norhopanes, and other biological
assessed using the gammacerane-hopane ratio because marker compounds should be considered. For instance,
gammacerane is more resistant than hopane to biodegra- secohopanes and hexahydrobenzohopanes can be used
dation (Blancand Connan, 1992b). This ratio is calculated as paleobiodegradation indicators in evaporitic carbon-
easily on the mlz 191 mass fragmentogram. This example ates (Chosson et al., 1992).
is illustrated in Figure 14.5, which shows the following Oil-oil correlations among oils that show levels of
sequence of biodegradation: sample 170 > sample 169 > biodegradation from incipient to severe can also be
sample 168. This result is confirmed by the prominence evaluated by probing the macromolecular entities
of diasteranes (rearranged steranes) among the steranes (geopolymers) such as the asphaltenes and resins to find
in sample 170 im]: 217 mass fragmentogram on Figure the unaltered biological markers. Indeed, these geopoly-
14.5). Diasteranes are in fact believed to be more bacteri- mers can offer an efficient protection for covalently
ally resistant than the regular steranes (e.g., Seifert et al., bound molecular structures from secondary alterations
1984). such as biodegradation. These unaltered biological
Particular attention should be paid to 25-norhopanes markers are most likely released by pyrolytic degrada-
(usually called demethylated hopanes and easily tion (Cassani and Eglinton, 1986; Jones et al., 1987;
observed on the m]z 177 mass fragmentogram) because Connan, 1993) or chemical degradation (Chappe et al.,
they are particularly useful in biodegradation studies. 1980;Blanc and Albrecht, 1990;Trifilieffet al., 1992).
First detected by Reed (1977) in a weathered, oil-impreg- A more systematic investigation of the molecular
nated sandstone from Utah, their presence in an oil has content of geopolymers and solid bitumens (Curiale,
been subsequently regarded as indicative of extensive 1986) seems to possess considerable geochemical
biodegradation (e.g., Seifert and Moldowan, 1979). potential for the future. These types of analyses will
Although some controversy still exists concerning their provide information making it possible to differentiate,
origin, geochemists now consider them as key indicators for example, pyrobiturnen resulting from intense thermal
of paleobiodegradation in instances where the oil does cracking of oil and precipitated asphaltene formed
not otherwise appear biodegraded (Philp, 1983;Volkman through natural deasphalting by gas migration. Selective
et al., 1983; Blanc and Connan, 1991, 1992b). Therefore, chemical degradations appear to be the key techniques to
25-norhopanes provide the geochemist with a possible document this problem (see Rullkotter and Michaelis,
tool for an oil-source rock correlation even in the case of 1990,for a review).
244 Blanc and Connan

(a) ~ ~ III

I1500-1560m I
~u o FPO
i: C: ~~/
CrS iii
~~ ~

l'l ~ t
c.> N

8-1O"AP,1 I I ' ! I
E!: FlO

50 100

........ l-MDBT
0 ~~ /

I2477-2485m I

" 0

::: ~
to 50

N ~

't. o• N

C C ~



50 100


I2671-2790m I FPO

7' 2o-2~AP"'" "

to 50 100

. I,~b~' J
N ~
U N ~

" t:te c<t:f N

N go

0 50 100

Figure 14.4. Gas chromatograms of (a) C15+ alkanes and C 15+ aromatics and (b) C 15+ mono-, dl-, and polyaromatics of heavy
and conventional oils from the Pecorade 26 well (Aquitaine basin, southwestern France). C15+ aromatics have been analyzed
using a dual detector (FlO for carbon, FPO for sulfur). In part (b), incipient biodegradation has been diagnosed from the lack
of alkylbenzenes in monoaromatics of the heavy oil.

As already mentioned, such techniques have been

successfully applied to identify coal, kerogen, or asp hal-
tene moieties. The released molecular entities could Among the factors influencing petroleum composi-
provide information complementary to that provided by tion, secondary alteration processes that occur after oil
the "free" molecular components. Unlike the free compo- entrapment are most important, as they can lead to
nents, the "bound" components are likely to avoid (or considerable changes in both the composition and
undergo to a less extent) secondary alteration, migration, quality of the oil. Knowledge of conditions and mecha-
and thermal maturation processes. These bound biolog- nisms of degradation processes are needed for petroleum
ical markers or structural subunits of the macromolecular exploration, not only for economic reasons but also
entities (Blancand Albrecht, 1991) could therefore be used because multidisciplinary approaches must be
for oil correlation or thermal maturation studies. They developed to improve already established techniques
may also be more discriminant than "mobile" and to create new techniques. The investigation of the
compounds in characterizing and differentiating partic- detailed molecular pattern of organic natural substances
ular geopolymers at a molecular level (Blancet al., 1991). (gaseous, liquid, and solid) has great potential. Research
Finally, this type of analysis could prove useful in to date indicates that information relevant to oil explo-
understanding how oxygen is incorporated into ration and exploitation is hidden in oil fractions presently
degraded oil samples on the surface. The preferential not routinely studied. These fractions generally consist of
quenching of particular classes of molecules could even polar compounds and macromolecular entities.
be highlighted, as has been observed recently for higher Presently, molecular chemistry is a useful tool that is able
plant triterpenes in high-sulfur crudes (Adam et al., 1991). to recognize incipient biodegradation, to detect oil
It is therefore likely that geochemical interpretations gravity segregation, and likely to discriminate a pyrobi-
based only on the free and apolar biological markers are tumen from a precipitated asphaltene, whereas bulk
incomplete or erroneous (Kohnen et al., 1991). analyses are currently inaccurate.
14. Preservation, Degradation, and Destructionof Trapped Oil 245

HEAVY OIL 1500-1560 m PRODUCTION OIL 2671-2790 m

Ill' ,"
It .J
I <oIL ..I, Ll1.1

o 50 100 MINUTES 150 0 100 MINUTES 150


o 100 MINUTES 150

• •



Figure 14.4 (continUed)

Acknowledgments We are indebted to 1. B. Magoon, J. A. Blanc, Ph., and J. Connan, 1991,Paleobiodegradation and
Curiale, J. T. Smith, and P. van de Kamp, who greatly paleoenvironmental assessments using demethylated
improved ourmanuscript. hopanes, in D. A. C. Manning, ed., Organic geochemistry,.
Advances and applications in energy and the natural envi-
ronment: Manchester and New York, Manchester Univer-
sity Press, p. 346-348.
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