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Life Guide-Food Matters

A Simple Guide for Healthy Food
Mende Suresh, Assistant Engineer-TSGENCO

You Have Two Hands

One To Help Yourself
The Second To Help Others
Note Before Reading

 I wrote this document under the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression
mentioned in the Art.19(a) of the Indian Constitution and shared in the public interest.
 I am neither a doctor nor any certified physician. I, in no way, am related to any kind of
scientific medical science nor have I studied such subjects in my graduation. The only
qualification I have to write this document is “I have never been to a doctor since last 15
years!” only just because I eat the food sensibly that which is good for me!
 I am just a human being with keen observation and lot of attention towards my own Food &
Health and how they are related to each other. I also kept an eye on Food & Health of few
other people around. A little bit of reading, study and knowledge is also added to it for
expressing the things in a better way. It is from all this that I wrote this document and I
believe this will be helpful to people. By this document, I, in no way, intend to push any
kind of unscientific methods into practice or inculcate any superstition about the Health.
Therefore, the belief upon the content herein is merely and completely left to the readers.
 The information in this document has been written to the best of my knowledge and
expressive skills. However, none, including I, does held any responsibility for any type of
errors (interpreting/typing), accuracy or facts contained herein. None, including I, give any
written or oral warranty, expressed or implied, about the information herein.

Any type of compliments/feedback/suggestions/doubts are always welcome

Wishing You All The Best For Your Healthy Food

**If you can talk to me directly in person, I can give more clarity about the things in this document
Food! Food! Food! It is one of the basic elements for our survival. It is our energy source. It
is the supply material which built the body that we have today! Food is inevitable pre-requisite for
us to exist here as what we are now! We, as humans, have advanced in every single god damn thing
on the Earth-Technology, Science, Transportation, Communications, Education, Medicine,
Agriculture and all! We consider ourselves to be superiors to the entire creatures we know. And yet
we still do not know what to eat and what not to eat?? Every single tree and animal on this earth
knows what it has to eat but we humans are still struggling to figure out what is good food for us?
Oh my Nature! Isn’t this funny?! We need Ph.Ds for that? We want Specialist Doctors to tell about
our daily food? How funny. How many Ph.D students were there in ancient times? How many
Doctors were there in past times? Didn’t our ancestors live well? Didn’t they live stronger? Just see
your previous generations, you will know it!! They had never known the diseases that we have
today. They never had hospital for every village because there was no need! Today, number of
hospitals is more than number of our homes itself which apparently shows what kind of
development we are moving towards! Ha ha. Today, 60-70% of the diseases are chronic diseases
which means diseases that are born within the body itself-in another words they are self-created
diseases because of some imbalance in the body. One big reason for it is the food we consume!

All the ancient people knew what food to eat! They figured out such food based on two
factors-1) What goes well with the human body 2) Geography. They lived well because of one
major reason-eating proper food. They wanted all the forthcoming humans should live well too and
hence, they carried such knowledge forward through what is called “Culture”. Though, such
knowledge has been distorted because of various reasons through times, still in some parts of the
country, that knowledge is preserved. But, today, we ignore our own culture and adopt other
cultures from other regions. We now make mockery out of our own culture and call our culture a
superstition. In the name of “Secularism” (Secularism actually means respecting everyone and
everything even the differences. It doesn’t mean ignoring what we have and adopting things of
others), we have ignored our own culture-in turn we ignored our own knowledge about the food and
now struggling to figure out the knowledge we lost! Is this really a development-Losing the
knowledge that we have on our own and later struggling to get that back again? Ha ha, I think it is

Leave the cultural knowledge about the food-because anyway we lost such knowledge in many
ways by ignoring. We shall come from the LKG now again. We shall understand what food to eat
based on the same two factors-What goes well with the human body & Geography.
1. See, physically, human body consists of over 70% water and remaining 30% is solids
and gases! Hence, whatever the solid food we take, it must be having 70% of water (at
least closer to that)! Such food will quickly and easily be integrated with our system.
The more deviation from this percentage of water, the more dangerous such food be-
comes! Based on this fact, the following foods are to eat/not to eat;


All the fruits, vegetables, leafy vegetables, cooked rice, soup items, cooked in more water &
less oil-items.


All the fry items, dry items (except dry fruits), roasted items, cooked in more oil & less wa-
ter items, meat (except fish & egg), flour made items.

2. The human life is all about experiencing the Life. A person can experience Life in more
deeper and vast way only when his system is sensitive to Life. System will be 100% sen-
sitive to Life only when his body-Mind, Heart, Sense Organs, Nerve System and other
body parts all work in a balanced way. But there are certain food items that will act only
on nerve system, stimulate it to its peak and make other organs dumb. Due to this, tem-
porarily, relaxation of the body and activeness of the mind is felt. Some feel it like a
stress reliever and get addicted to those items. But actually, what is happening with it is-
it is stimulating the nerve system and making all other organs in the body dumb. Hence,
gradually, such person will lose sensitivity towards the Life and his experience of Life
goes down. Those food items are not to be eaten (may be once in a while just by choice
is okay but a regular consumption or addiction will lead to decreased sensitivity towards
the Life);

Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarette, Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, Masalas, Garlic, Onions, Green
Chillis, Green Pepper, Red Pepper.

3. The human health is all about liveliness and activeness. The more time you are lively
and active, the healthier you are considered to be. For this, as much freshly made food as
possible must be eaten. In this regard, it is not recommended to eat the following foods;
All the packed food items, all the stored food items (except properly made & stored pickles,
properly stored cereals, pulses, millets and other grains), food after 2-3 hours of cooking,
food made out of vegetables that are stored for more than 5-6 hours, too much cooked food,
highly refined food (not in original/raw form), hybrid food.

4. Eat what is available in your locality. Geographically what grows at one place is the
food that is most suitable to eat for the people at that place.

Miscellaneous Points;
1. Eat only when hungry! Eat only until the hunger is satisfied and not beyond that!

2. Eat within 30 minutes of hunger. Delay more than that destroys the body system immensely
in long run. See, you must know that the food is for your body not for you. It is the body
which decides when to eat when not to eat and not you. Because of your own drama of pro-
tocol, waiting for someone, work, that and this, if you delay eating when you are hungry, the
body knows how to get price for that! The body also knows how to make you pay price if
you eat without actually the need!

3. If you can’t get food immediately, just drink some water. Never leave the stomach empty
when hungry.

4. Drink water only when thirsty. Drink just a little more than required so that the body decides
how much to keep and how much to send out (urinate). Don’t drink much water while or
immediately after eating the food.

5. Store all the liquid items either in glass or earthy pots or metal (copper preferred) containers.
Not in plastic ones.

6. Drink honey as a daily intake. It is the best food to consume. Never eat Brinjal curry. It is
the worst food to consume!

7. Try to buy organic food. They are much more natural than others.

8. In the night, eat at least 3-4 hours before going to the bed. If at all to eat, eat all the dry
food/fry food/meat during the lunch.

9. Eat in proportion to the physical activity you do.

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