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What Middle-Range Theories Are

Robert K. Merton: Consensus and Controversy. by Jon Clark; Celia Modgil; Sohan Modgil;
Puritanism and the Rise of Modern Science: The Merton Thesis. by I. Bernard Cohen; K. E.
Duffin; Stuart Strickland; "After Merton": Protestant and Catholic Science in Seventeenth-
Century Europe. by Rivka Feldhay; Yehuda Elkana; The Focused Interview: A Manual of
Procedures. by Robert K. Merton; Marjorie Fiske; Patricia L. Kendall; L'Ope ...
Review by: Raymond Boudon
Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Jul., 1991), pp. 519-522
Published by: American Sociological Association
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Accessed: 06/09/2013 12:28

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Merton's methodology.The research clearly of attentionto the problem dealt with in The
representsa major advance in technique and Focused Interview.
in developingempiricalgeneralizations.How- Gould's essay has nothing to do with
ever, it is also the major example of a large empirical research, but it is a nicely devel-
body of quantitativeresearch primarilycon- oped argumentin favorof grandtheory.This
cerned with establishingcausal effectswith- is theoryabout theory. Several other essays
out worryingabout what the effects mean. in Robert K. Merton: Consensus and Contro-
The ironyof seeing statusattainmentresearch versy deal with the same theme. None deals
as the mark of progress in the direction withthe excitementof confrontingideas with
proposed by Merton is, of course, thatit was evidence. That is a shame. Perhaps the next
exactly the need to understandhow effects book about Merton will improve on the
come about that motivated the development characterization of Robert K. Merton by
of the focussed interviewand otherempirical making that excitement a more important
analysis by Merton.The main defectof status theme.
attainmentresearch, and of much of the
quantitativelabor market research that has
followed it, is thattheoryformulationis seen Other Literature Cited
as a matterof choosing variables and not as a Knodel, JohnE., Apichat Chamratrithirong, and Nibhon
matter of developing and sustaining an Debavalya. 1987. Thailand's ReproductiveRevolution:
argumentabout why observed relationships Rapid Fertility Decline in a Third World Setting.
come into being. The problem is lack of Madison: Universityof Wisconsin Press.
Merton, Robert K. and Alice S. Rossi. 1957. "Contribu-
attentionto the need of researchto tell a story tions to the Theory of ReferenceGroup Behavior." Pp.
that makes us understand better what we 225-80 in Social Theory and Social Structure, by
observe. In otherwords, the problem is lack Robert K. Merton. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.

What Middle-RangeTheoriesAre
Universitede Paris-Sorbonne
Sociologists oftenuse the word "theory" in Merton had in mind when he coined his
an idiosyncraticfashion. For many of them, famous notion of the "middle-rangetheory"
"theorizing" means, for instance, identifying (MRT). I remember Paul Lazarsfeld once
a given type of social process or of tellingme: "an importantnotion, but I don't
independentvariable as the main one. Thus know how to defineit." I may be wrong,but
"the theory of conflict" advocates in a I thinkthatMRT means two things,which are
nutshell the idea that conflictsrepresentthe both of utmostimportanceand very simple to
most importantaspect of social life. That grasp. A negative one: it means it is hopeless
conflictsare importantis trivial.That theyare and quixotic to tryto determinethe overarch-
the most importantaspect of social processes ing independentvariable that would operate
is at best an empty statement. For other in all social processes, or to determinethe
sociologists, social classes-alternatively, the essential featureof the social structure,or to
"dominant class"-represent the only really find out the two, three, or four couples of
crucial groups in societies. Some sociologists concepts (e.g., Gesellschaft/Gemeinschaftl)
have even spent their lives developing the that would be sufficientto analyze all social
view that any observable social phenomenon phenomena. In other words, I see first in
should be interpretedas the manifestationof Merton's MRT notionthe polite expressionof
the hidden hand of the dominantclass. Let us a severe doubt about the usefulness of a
call this type of theorizingBT (for "broad "theoretical" activitywhich was widespread
range" or-ad libitum-"bad" theorizing). when Mertoncoined it, and which appears as
a permanentfeatureof our sociological field.
Middle-Range Theory
i That such concepts are importantis one thing; that
It has sometimes seemed hard to see what they constitutea key to all social phenomena is another.

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A penetrating British methodologist said with and explain all kinds of heterogeneous
recentlythe same thingin more directterms: phenomena. It is present,forexample, behind
what sociologists call "theory" is oftenwhat Hirschman's "tunnel effect" (1980), which
philosophers would normally consider bad suggeststhatthe sensitivityof social actorsto
philosophy(Pawson 1989). But the notion of the evolution of theirown situationdepends
MRT also has a positive side, which I would on the evolution of other social categories
enunciateplainly: sociologists would be better close to them. Thanks to this model,
off and would gain both in efficiencyand Hirschman explains puzzling observations
respectabilityin the external world if they about the toleranceto inequalitiesin develop-
took the word "theory" in the same sense as ing countries: when two lines of cars stay
do the othersciences, and if they"theorized" bumperto bumperin a tunnel,as soon as the
in the same fashion as do otherscientists. line, say, on the left starts moving, this
That the notionof MRT attemptsto fighta creates expectations in the other line. Those
certain epistemological obscurantismtypical on the rightexpect to move as well. If they
of sociology and thatBT is seen by Mertonas don't, or if theymove less quickly than they
a major obstacle to the advancement of expected, theytendto become more impatient
sociology is clear from what he writes: thanwhen theydid not move at all. The same
"sociology will advance in the degree thatits happens with inequalities, says Hirschman.
major concern is with developing theoriesof Because of this RG mechanism, they can be
the middle range" (Merton 1957, p. 9). In feltmore stronglywhen the absolute situation
other words, substitutingMRT for "theory" of the actors gets better.
(BT) is the main way to give sociology the Obviously, the "tunnel effect" can be
cognitive power a scientific discipline nor- easily related, throughthe mediation of the
mally should aim at. So much forthenegative RGT, to Stouffer'sfamous "relative depriva-
criticalside of the MRT notion. tion" effect,the canonical illustrationof the
As to the positive side: talking about the RGT. The same effect is illustratedby the
"referencegroup theory,"Mertonsays thatit famous analysis in Tocqueville's Ancien
is "one of these theoriesof the middle range Regime, where he explains why discontent
which consolidate otherwise segregated hy- grew in the years before the French Revolu-
potheses and empiricalregularities"(1957, p. tion, at a time where people were becoming
280). In other words, MRT describes effec- betteroff (Boudon 1982).
tively what the other sciences call simply I have elsewhere tried to show that
"theory." As we all know fromour studies in educational inequalities could not be easily
the philosophy and history of the natural understood without introducingRG effects
sciences, a "scientific theory" is a set of (1977, 1990). Educational inequalities are
statementsthat organize a set of hypotheses large and remain so. According to empirical
and relate themto segregatedobservations.If data, theyresultfromthe factthatyoungsters
a "theory" is valid, it "explains" and in other from lower-class families are cognitively
words "consolidates" and federatesempirical handicapped. But they result also from
regularitieswhich on theirside would other- motivational effects. Other things (achieve-
wise appear segregated.This amountsalso to ment, age, and the like) being equal, a
sayingthatmere empiricismis of littleworth. youngster from a lower class feels less
attractedthan a higher-class studentby the
idea of reaching the next stage in the
Reference Group Theory educational race. This motivationalfactor is
by far much more important than the
Reference group theory(RGT) is a good "cultural" one. The effects of the cultural
classical example of a theory in the sense handicap dwindle over the life of a school
Merton advocates. The general idea behind cohortbecause of the overselectionof young-
the RGT is thatmany attitudesand beliefs get stersfromthe lower class, while the motiva-
installedin the minds of social actorsby their tional factor enters repeatedly into action,
taking some persons or groups as a natural generating exponential effects. Now this
reference,given the situation and questions motivation factor is most convincingly ex-
the actors are exposed to. This theoretical plained by the fact that the youngstersand
idea is presentbehindseveral models thatdeal their families judge educational and social

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achievement not in absolute terms, but by after thirtyyears. We have here again an
takingtheirown orientationstatusas a kind of example of a mental instrumentto a large
referencepoint. extent comparable to what the other disci-
These examples show that the RGT can plines call "theory." In the same fashion, the
inspire models that explain various phenom- Darwinian theoryof evolution federates the
ena dealing with educational inequalities explanation of a number of heterogeneous
throughoutthe world (Boudon), tolerance of phenomena in the field of biological evolu-
inequalities in developing countries and tion.
elsewhere (Hirschman), satisfactionand dis-
satisfactionin organizations (Stouffer), and
birth of social movements (Tocqueville). It Subjective Rationality Theory
effectivelyconnects heterogeneousphenom-
ena, as Mertonclaims. It helps, as any theory I will take a final example. Elaboratingon
should, to solve puzzles. It plays a role a notion coined by HerbertSimon (1982), I
similarto the role played, say, by the laws of have triedto develop whatI proposed to call a
motionin physics. These laws can, like RGT Subjective RationalityTheory(SRT) (Boudon
in its field, be applied to heterogeneous 1989a). The SRT startsfrom the idea that,
phenomena (such as refractionor reflection) except in unusually simple cases, a social
and transform puzzles into unpuzzles. actor confrontedwith a decision problem or
with the problem of getting an opinion on
some subject will oftensolve it on thebasis of
The Two-Step Flow Model objectively ungrounded but subjectively
grounded reasons. Thus, the reasons will
Another example of MRT mentioned by appear to the subject as objectively grounded
Merton is Katz and Lazarsfeld's two-step in circumstances he or she perceives as
flow model (TSM) (1955). Against the similarto the situationhe or she is faced with.
currentview, according to which the media I have triedto show thatthisidea can federate
would exert a mechanical influence on the many various findings, phenomena, and
mind of the receivers,the TSM suggests that theories.It is presentbehind Downs' theorem
messages are actively screened and evaluated that the rational voter has to be ideological,
by the receiveralong a varietyof dimensions: behind Spence's "signal theory," behind
interestof the message for the receiver, or Durkheim's and Weber's theory of magic,
credibilityof the source. If the receiver has behind many puzzling findingsabout natural
some doubts about the credibility of the inference processes presented by cognitive
source, he or she will look, for instance, for psychologists, behind bizarre sociological
additional informationcoming from a cheap findings about beliefs (as the fact that
reliable source, if available. Hence the "two believing in supernaturalbeings appears in
steps": a customer will, for example, check many surveys more likely as the level of
an advertisementfora coffeebrandby asking educationincreases), or behindmanyideolog-
a neighbor about it (a cheap information ical beliefs, as Marx, Mannheim, and others
source whose credibilityhe or she is likely to saw in theirbest analyses (Boudon 1989b).
know to some extent). Not only does the SRT federate many
It can be shown that the TSM federatesa findings;it can be shown thatan explanation
number of findingsthat deal not only with along the SRT line is generallypreferableto
consumptionbehavior, but with the adoption othertypes of theories. The case of magic is
of innovations,or the so-called manifestations illuminatingin this respect. Durkheim's and
of "resistanceto change." The TSM replaces Weber's theories can easily be expressed as
the popular mechanical model by a much "the 'primitive' have subjective reasons of
more powerfuland acceptable strategic one. believing in objectively ungrounded causal
The diffusionof rumors,ideas, or innovations relationships,"while Levy-Bruhl's, say, can-
in ruralor industrializedareas and in informal not (Levy-Bruhl explains magical beliefs by
or organized groups, as well as the influence causes, not by reasons). Now, while Levy-
of the media and many other processes, can Bruhl's theoryis discredited,Durkheim's and
be efficientlyexplained by the TSM (Boudon Weber's are considered a solid theory,
1988). For thisreason, it remainsin operation implicitly or explicitly accepted by most

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contemporary works on magical beliefs about the aspects of the social world it is
(Boudon forthcoming;1990). In otherwords, traditionallyconcerned with. Middle-range
the validityof the MRT behind the interpreta- theoryis effectivelythe indispensable means
tion of a social phenomenon is what makes to reach thisgoal, while broad-rangetheoryis
this interpretationstrongor weak. the main source of the thirdculture.
This latterexample shows also thatmiddle-
range theorizingis crucial not only as far as
the progressof sociology itselfis concerned; Other Literature Cited
it can also-as in the natural sciences-
contribute federatingfindings and theories Boudon, Raymond. 1977. Education, Equality and
Social Opportunity.New York: Wiley.
fromvarious disciplines, as fromeconomics,
. 1982. The Unintended Consequences of Social
political theory,cognitive psychology,or the Action. London: Macmillan.
sociological theoryof ideologies. It produces . 1988. "L'acteur social est-il irrational (et si
interdisciplinaritynaturally,so to say. conformiste)qu'on le dit?" Pp. 219-44 in Individu et
justice sociale. Paris: Seuil.
. 1989a. "Subjective Rationalityand the Explana-
tion of Social Behavior." Rationality and Society
Coda 1:173-96.
. 1989b. The Analysis of Ideology. Cambridge:
A brilliant,but strangeand defeatistbook Polity Press.
(Lepenies 1985) recentlytried to show that . 1990a. "Les Causes de linegalite des chances."
sociology should be considered a third Commentaire 51: 533-42.
. 1990b. L'Art de se persuader. Paris: Fayard;
culture,between literatureand science, with-
Cambridge: Polity Press (forthcomingin English).
out raising the obvious question as to why, if . forthcoming."European Sociology: The Identity
a new continent between art and science Lost." In European Sociology at the Turn of the
existed really, we would have had to wait so TwentiethCentury,edited by BirgittaNedelmann and
long to become informedof such big news. Piotr Sztompka. Mainz: Unwin Hyman.
Hirschman, Albert 0. 1980. "The Changing Tolerance
What is true is that many sociological for Income Inequality in the Course of Economic
productscan-effectively and unfortunately- Development." Pp. 39-58 in Essays in Trespassing:
be considered both bad science and bad Economics to Politics and Beyond. Cambridge:
literature.But why should the sociological Cambridge UniversityPress.
Katz, Elihu and Paul Lazarsfeld. 1955. Personal
productsof the bad literature-bad philosophy-
Influence. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
bad history-badscience kind be assumed to Lepenies, Wolf. 1985. Die drei Kulturen. Munich: Carl
define the essence of sociology? As Merton Hanser.
suggests, after Weber and Durkheim, who Merton, Robert K. 1957. Social Theory and Social
agreed on this point, sociology can also be Structure.Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
Pawson, Ray. 1989. Measure for Measures. London:
good science; it can, as well as any other Routledge & Kegan Paul.
scientific discipline, help explain puzzling Simon, HerbertA. 1982. Models of Bounded Rationality.
phenomena and create new solid knowledge Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Merton's Sociologyof Science: The Firstand the Last

Sociologyof Science?
Universityof Bielefeld
Merton the founder of the dance of programsof instructionand centers
sociology of science of research in social studies of science and
technologycan be found in the United States
Even his enemies admit thatMerton is the and Europe, and the status of sociology of
founderof the sociology of science. When he science as an academic subdiscipline is
published his classic Science, Technology, beyond question. To be sure, therewere other
and Society in Seventeenth-Century England books produced on science, technology,and
in 1938, the sociology of science was not a society at the time of Merton's publication,
recognized field. Fiftyyears later, an abun- most notably Bernal's famous The Social

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