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Bob’s Guide to Sophomore classes

This guide is for reference on how to do certain things, in the 4 ‘problem’ areas

Sr. Wood..........................................................................................................................1
AP Euro................................................................................................................................1
AP Bio..................................................................................................................................3

Sr. Wood
Vocab Studying and search for your vocab

La Catrina 8-14 Vocab

Ways to get more points:

• Anuncios- go on CNN during lunch or at home so you know what to do. This is a
great source of extra credit
• Participation- You may be loosing points due to participation, when Wood asks a
question (like how to conjugate a verb on the homework) volunteer to answer it.
Easy way to get 5/5 on Participation

AP Euro
If you find that your sleep is getting cut down, take less notes. Either:
• Write a small sentence or two about a paragraph after you read it
• Don’t take notes and just read
• Don’t do the reading
All three ways have been proven to give you good grades on tests and reading quizzes (if
you know how to do them)

Reading quizzes, how to get an 8

If you know what you’re talking about:
• On the quiz, basically just make a list of facts you know
• Don’t worry if you finish early, when your done saying what you got to say, just
finish. It makes it seem like you know what you are doing.
• Don’t repeat yourself much, it then sounds like your bsing it
• If you use ‘keywords’ (which you should), make sure you have the definition
• Outside information not in the book helps
An example of an 8 reading quiz (‘key words’ boldened)
Third Tri RQ5 Bob Chen
After WWII, there was an immediate labor shortage in western Europe, leading to
the migration of Islamic ‘guest workers’ and forming a new Islamic population
in France and England. This lead to current social tensions as people accused
Muslim workers as taking jobs

Secondly, due to decolonization, many people of the former colonies came back
to the home country

Thirdly, due to German nationalist concerns, forced migration of Germans to

Germany was done by countries so that someone like Hitler could no longer say
“we want the sudentenland as there are lots of Germans”, as there now were no
germans in the sudentenland

Fouthly, Stalin shifted entire ethnic groups such as turning Danzing from German
to Polish

Lastly, more middle class people started immigration to the US as opposed to

mostly lower class workers

If you haven’t done the reading and don’t know what your talking about
• Tyson knows if your not answering the question
• Try to relate what you know about the country to other countries that you know
of. IE, facist Italy sounds a lot like Nazi Germany, let’s assume their
developments are about the same
• Make the most of any knowledge you do know and face the question straight on,
don’t hide

• Notice, lots of broken links
• Tyson grades it based off of your presentation, so show him stuff like and, rather than

Certain extra credit provides an obscene amount of points. IE, 3rd tri optional second
movie got Brian 20 points for an extremely bad movie with 2 pictures.

I would get the Barrins review book, this is because Tyson gets some of his MC
questions from the book and also from the 9th edition book.
AP Bio
Bad Grade? Do extra credit labs

Make sure you cite your bibs like this1 or you’ll lose 40 points like me

1 MLA bib

Also, make sure you have a title page and 3 cites


1. Takes waaay too much time
2. Too much detail
3. No need, you have extra credit when you bomb the kidney exam
The Campbell book is very well written, you read it and Remember, there is no need to
take notes.

I would get the cliffnotes review book. This is because many of the study guides and
assignments aren’t really patterned off of the real book, but rather the cliffnotes book

NEVER slack off, try to get Rocarek as a teacher, she’s the easiest

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