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RAGING BULL draft by Paul Schrader Chartoff-Winkler United Artists A BOXER: “one that engages in the sport of boxing" -- Webster's definition "a man who gets paid to beat people up" -- my definition INT. "JAKE LAMOTTA'S" - BACKSTAGE (1956) - NIGHT JAKE LAMOTTA, wearing a tux, is shadow-boxing. We are unsure where he is he moves in and out of the shadows. 45, he's overweight and out of shape, but the balis Se RE-Pece-Sttil-pop-Up-and-toen-ITRe they were on canvas and his tiny fists still jerk forward with short bursts of light. Jake is anxious. Nervous. Hot. He begins to talk. He is rehearsing a nightclub monologue. JAKE Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's a trill to be standing here talking to you wonderful people. In fact, it's a trill to be standing! I haven't seen so many people since my last fight at Madison Square Garden. After that fight, a reporter asked me, ‘Jake, where do you go from here?' I said, 'To a hospital!’ I fought one hundred and seven professional bouts and still none of them bums figured out how to fight me -- they kept hitting me in the head! And that's why I here tonight. (starts to sing) ‘when the fighter's not engaged in his employment, his employment, Although he was Champ and quite the rage, He must go somewhere else to seek employment, seek employment. But a Fighter's life is not a bowl of cherries, Still I'd rather have an egg than a fist upon my face... That's Entertainment! ' cur TO: INT, CLEVELAND ARMORY (1941) - NIGHT Bam! Jimmy Reeves, a fast, black middleweight, jabs Yatlonte 20 years old, in the face. Jake staggers ‘orwart % (CONTINUED)

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